This is the endgame schedule for March 2019 Iteration.
- End game master: @weinand / Zurich
- End game buddy: @octref / Redmond
- 03/25 Code freeze for the endgame
- 03/29 Endgame done
- 04/04 Expected release date (this may change)
Note: The
build needs to be in the wild for 24 hours before we can enter the last phase of the endgame.
Monday 03/25
- Code freeze at 5pm PTEnsure we have a green build on all platforms at 5pm PTAll test items contain test meta data by 5pm PT and sufficiently comprehensive test descriptions by 8am CETUpdate your availability for testing here -
Tuesday 03/26
- Test plan items assigned (using
- Run the tool multiple times to balance load if test items come in later and assignments are already made
All closed feature-requests either have a verification-needed or on-testplan tagTest build starts at 7am CETTest plan ready by 8am CETTesting
Wednesday 03/27
- TestingRemind team members to assign issues that they intend to fix to the current milestoneFixing (self-assigned, milestone assigned)
Thursday 03/28
- Fixing (scrutiny sets in - major bugs only - to be discussed in stand-up meeting, labeled as
)Run OSS tool and pass list of changed OSS usage ( to @isidorn for verification @weinand
Friday 03/29
- Pause scheduled
builds @weinand - Satellite modules/npm packages ready, version updated, smoke tested
- vscode @bpasero
- yo generator @aeschli
- vsce @joaomoreno
- node debug @weinand
- node debug2 @roblourens
- node debugadapter node @weinand
- debug-adapter-protocol @weinand
- All issues verified
- Fixing (only critical bugs - no string changes)
- Smoketest (⚠️ MUST run with
argument ⚠️ )- Windows - @dbaeumer
- OS X - @alexandrudima
- Linux - @aeschli
- All release notes updated
- release notes are collected in a file named
in this repo directory. ⚠️We are now doing release notes via Git LFS. Please read what this means here:⚠️
- Acknowledge pull requests in release notes. We acknowledge PRs from outside the team. Use the thankyou tool to generate the initial contents of the section. owner
- vscode @weinand
- vscode-node-debug @weinand
- vscode-node-debug2 @roblourens
- vscode-debugadapter-node @weinand
- debug-adapter-protocol @weinand
- vscode-languageserver-node @dbaeumer
- language-server-protocol @dbaeumer
- vscode-textmate @alexandrudima
- vscode-loader @alexandrudima
- vscode-generator-code @aeschli
- vscode-vsce @joaomoreno
- vscode-docs @gregvanl
- vscode-css-languageservice @aeschli
- vscode-json-languageservice @aeschli
- vscode-html-languageservice @aeschli
- jsonc-parser @aeschli
- vscode-jscs @chrisdias
- vscode-tslint @egamma
- vscode-eslint @dbaeumer
- vscode-jshint @RMacfarlane
- vscode-recipes @auchenberg
- localization @shawndon
- vscode-github-issues-prs @chrmarti
- inno-updater @joaomoreno
- Review pull requests acknowledgements with
. @weinand - Acknowledge issue trackers from the community @chrmarti
- Add notable fixes to the release notes all
- When done fixing/verifying and there are changes since last build at the end of day PT
- Trigger new insider build and publish it manually @weinand
Monday - Wednesday
Note: The
build needs to be in the wild for 24 hours before we can enter the last phase of the endgame.
- Build stable for all platforms @weinandSanity check of installable bits
- Windows
- signed installer 32-bit @roblourens
- signed installer 64-bit @octref
- signed user installer 32-bit @roblourens
- signed user installer 64-bit @octref
- zip 32-bit @roblourens
- zip 64-bit @octref
- OS X - @octref
- Linux
- deb package 32-bit @RMacfarlane
- deb package 64-bit @sbatten
- rpm package 64-bit @RMacfarlane
- rpm package 32-bit @RMacfarlane
- archive 32-bit @RMacfarlane
- archive 64-bit @RMacfarlane
Publish website @gregvanlPublish Localization language pack @shawndonPublish to stable @weinandPublish@types/vscode@<x.y>
@octrefPublish rpm to repository manually @RMacfarlaneEnable scheduledinsider
builds @weinandTwitter announcement @auchenberg
dzienisz commentedon Apr 4, 2019
What is happening with the last two releases, both were delayed?
weinand commentedon Apr 4, 2019
@dzienisz no, we are always shipping the release in the week after the endgame.
You can always find the expected release date in the first comment of the endgame (above).
weinand commentedon Apr 4, 2019
March released shipped!
dzienisz commentedon Apr 5, 2019
@weinand thanks for the answer!