This plan captures our work in March. This is a 4-week iteration. We will ship in late March.
- March 20, 2023: Endgame begins
- March 24, 2023: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked here.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
⬛ | a large work item, larger than one iteration |
- Dynamically update the terminal accessible buffer vscode#172582 @meganroggeAdd symbol provider for terminal accessible buffer vscode#174079 @meganroggeCommand palette placeholder text accessibility vscode#166920 @TylerLeonhardt
- Refine updated built-in themes vscode#164924 @daviddossett🏃 Explore improvements to the extensions list vscode#151599 @esonnino
- 🏃 Explore surfacing the remote experiences on the welcome page vscode#173396 @bhavyaus🏃 Introduce an experimental modal welcome for web experiences vscode#171190 @bhavyaus @joyceerhl @daviddossettMake it easier to get sharing links vscode#175676 @joyceerhlImprove rendering of command palette when it is scrollable vscode#173851 @TylerLeonhardtFix delay when opening the accounts menu vscode#111398 @TylerLeonhardt🏃 Explore support for multiple GitHub accounts vscode#127967 @TylerLeonhardtLogging is slow in web vscode#172336 @sandy081
Code Editor
- Add keyboard navigation to Sticky Scroll vscode#169107 @aiday-marAllow configuring Sticky Scroll data provider vscode#162904 @aiday-marPolish and enable async tokenization vscode#176499 @hedietShow markers at the top of editor hovers vscode#73120 @aiday-marScroll editor hovers using arrow keys vscode#69836 @aiday-mar🏃 Make editor hovers resizeable vscode#14165 @aiday-marMonaco Editor issue grooming @hediet
Notebook Editor
- 🏃 Polish and enable scrollable notebook outputs vscode-jupyter#4406 @amunger💪 Align closing behavior of the Interactive Window with Untitled Files vscode#172974 @amungerEnable find in output by default vscode#174969 @rebornix🏃 Explore how to stop hanging network request from preventing the opening of notebooks vscode#166860 @mjbvzIntroduce global search options for open notebooks vscode#164926 @andreamahIntroduce
event to support run or format on save vscode#157844, vscode#130799 @rebornix
Jupyter Notebooks
- Contributions to the vscode-jupyter extension vscode-jupyter#12994 team
WebAssembly Runtime Support
- 🔴 Translate core utils to WASM/WASI @connor4312
- Contributions to the python extension vscode-python#20796 @brettcannon team
Python WebAssembly Runtime Support
- 🏃 ⬛ How do users find packages that work in CPython WASI? issue; @brettcannon
- 🏃 Automatic type acquisition on the web vscode#172887 @mjbvz🏃 Project-wide IntelliSense on the web vscode#170920 @mjbvz🏃 TypeScript 5.1 move to existing file support typescript#29988 @mjbvz🏃 TypeScript 5.1 jsx mirror cursor support typescript#51832 @mjbvz
Source Control
- Git - Deprecate Repository.refs property to improve performance vscode#170838 @lszomoru
- ReviewZoneWidget makes duplicate calls to show() + hide() vscode#174263 @alexr00
- None.
- Finalize static preloads notebook contribution vscode#163511 @mjbvz🏃 Explore support for extensions to provide additional data to the issue reporter vscode#46726 @TylerLeonhardt
- Improve user experience when installing an extension fails with signature verification vscode#173685 @sandy081Support extension recommendation based on regex matching file contents vscode#176768 @sandy081
Extension Contributions
- Improvements to the Remote extensions vscode-remote-release#8139 @eleanorjboyd @chrmarti @aeschli @joyceerhl @connor4312✋ 🏃 Add Team Reviewers to Pull Request vscode-pull-request-github#1126 @alexr00Make it very obvious when the rate limit has been hit vscode-pull-request-github#4546 @alexr00Have a setting for enabling auto merge by default vscode-pull-request-github#4308 @alexr00Allow me to checkout a PR in from the GHPRI PR view vscode-pull-request-github#4500 @alexr00 @joyceerhl💪 Respect git's pullBeforeCheckout setting for githubPullRequests.postCreate vscode-pull-request-github#4450 @alexr00
- Defer eager activation events till initial events have settled vscode#171135 @joyceerhl✋ ⬛ PGO for VSCode Desktop vscode#170931 @deepak1556🏃 UI stalls and freezes when searching single whitespace vscode#171436 @andreamah
- Electron Upgrades-WG roll champion (03/13 - 03/20) @deepak1556💪 Orca can't be stopped in native dialogs vscode#121811 @deepak1556💪 Right Click acting abnormal vscode#113175 @deepak1556
- Review and update Terminal Basics (git bash setup from verbatims) vscode-docs#6108 @gregvanl
- ⚫ Add support for running macros vscode#871 @ulugbekna⚫ Add support for recording macros vscode#4490 @ulugbekna🔴 UX to alert users of a slow remote connection @bpasero🔴 Sandboxing: Investigate increased extension host crash rate in stable @bpasero @deepak1556 @digitaraldExplore smart global search for notebooks in the workspace vscode#173726 @andreamahGit Status Updates Are Blocking vscode#168453 @lszomoruSCM - Add document property to expose the text document vscode#171504 @lszomoruOpening should not require a browser reload to update web extensions vscode#174682 @sandy081🔴 Explore improvements on how to manage accounts @esonnino🔴 Publish ProtoPie interactive components file for VS Code extensions @esonnino🔴 💪 Investigate slow stacks reported to telemetry, ramp up the experiment @jriekenImproving the developer experience for the CLI within the vscode repo vscode#171515 @aeschli @connor4312
abhijit-chikane commentedon Mar 6, 2023
Looks like vscode roadmap hasn't updated. Would love to see what's in the vscode roadmap.
zm-cttae commentedon Mar 7, 2023
#174286 - would it help this PR go On Deck if I wrote full testing plan? Would be quite similar to #143636 to be honest
EDIT: I see
label is up now so we're not getting the feature tested until April, but that's okay! 💚🔕6 remaining items