Environment data
- Language Server version: 2023.1.10
- OS and version: linux x64
- Python version (and distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): Python 3.10.8 (Anaconda)
- python.analysis.indexing: true
- python.analysis.typeCheckingMode: basic
Code Snippet
import numpy as np
def foo(x):
if not isinstance(x, np.uint64):
x = np.uint64(x)
return x
Repro Steps
Type-check the given snippet.Expected behavior
No errors found.
Actual behavior
The following error is given regarding the expression `isinstance(x, np.uint64)`:Second argument to "isinstance" must be a class or tuple of classes
TypeVar or generic type with type arguments not allowed
Additional context
There is a similar fixed issue #2128. I am not sure that it is actually a bug, as np.uint64 is a type alias, but I believe there should be a way to run this `isinstance` without having type error. `mypy` finds no issues in this snippet.Metadata
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