"Check out Accessibility Insights! - Identify accessibility bugs before check-in and make bug fixing faster and easier.”
GitHubTags:#A11y_AzureDataStudioJuly2020;#A11y_July27_2020_TestPass;#A11yMAS;#A11yTCS;#SQL Azure Data Studio;#Benchmark;#MAC;#Screenreader;#VoiceOver;#A11ySev2;#Benchmark;#WCAG1.3.1;#WCAG4.1.2;#FTP;
Environment Details:
Application Name: Azure Data Studio
Application Version: 1.21.0-insider
Commit: eccf3cf
Date: 2020-07-24T09:28:31.172Z
VS Code: 1.48.0
Electron: 9.1.0
Chrome: 83.0.4103.122
Node.js: 12.14.1
OS: Darwin x64 19.6.0
Operating system: macOS Catalina (Version 10.15.6 (19G73)
Screen Reader: VoiceOver
Repro Steps:
- Launch Azure Data Studio Insiders application.
- If Welcome screen is not shown on application launch, then navigate to Help --> Welcome.
- Navigate till Resources section on Welcome screen.
- Start screen reader, navigate to the "History" control and listen if it is announced as 'group' or 'text'.
When screen reader users navigate to the "History" control it is announced as group and text which is incorrect as per the visual appearance of the control.
The "History" control should be announced with role as 'Tab' for screen reader users.
User Impact:
If proper role of the interactive element is not announced to the screen reader users then they will not know how to interact with that element.
adsbot commentedon Jul 28, 2020
Thanks for submitting this issue. Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like:
Harika1702 commentedon Feb 14, 2023

Verified the issue Now it is Fixed. GitHubTags:#Closed;