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Type safety with TemplateStringsArray and tag functions #33304



Search Terms

TemplateStringsArray, type, safety, generic, tag, function


Hello, I'd like to know how could I achieve type safety with TemplateStringsArray and tag functions or make such scenarios possible.

Use Cases

I would use TemplateStringsArray together with the


Currently, there's no way to do this, since

  1. the definition of TemplateStringsArray is not generic
// source code:
// TypeScript/src/lib/es5.d.ts
// TypeScript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts

// local install:
// /usr/lib/code/extensions/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts

interface TemplateStringsArray extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
    readonly raw: ReadonlyArray<string>;


  1. the usage of

gives the following error, completely preventing the type-safe usage:

Argument of type '{}' is not assignable to parameter of type keyof TypeAndValueObject | TemplateStringsArray<keyof TypeAndValueObject>'.
  Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'TemplateStringsArray<keyof TypeAndValueObject>': raw, length, concat, join, and 19 more. ts(2345)


The working case

I have some type-safe i18n translations:

// Dictionary.ts
export interface Dictionary {
	"Hello": string;
	"Click to see more": string;
	"Today is": (day: string) => string;

// en.ts
import { Dictionary } from "./Dictionary";

export const en: Dictionary = {
	"Hello": "Hello",
	"Click to see more": "Click to see more",
	"Today is": (day: string) => `Today is ${day}`,

// lt.ts
import { Dictionary } from "./Dictionary";

export const lt: Dictionary = {
	"Hello": "Sveiki",
	"Click to see more": "Paspauskite, kad pamatytumėte daugiau",
	"Today is": (day: string) => `Šiandien yra ${day}`,
// i18n.ts
import { Dictionary } from "./Dictionary";
import { en } from "./en";
import { lt } from "./lt";

export interface ITranslations {
	en: Dictionary;
	lt: Dictionary;

export const translations: ITranslations = {
	en: en,
	lt: lt,

// "en" | "lt"
export type ILang = keyof ITranslations;

I have a function to get the translations:

import { ILang, translations } from "./i18n";
import { Dictionary } from "./Dictionary";

const currentLang: ILang = "en";

const dictionary: Dictionary = translations[currentLang];

export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K): Dictionary[K] => {
	const translationText: Dictionary[K] = dictionary[key];
	return translationText;

And I can safely use it with type-safe translations in the following fashion:

// someFile.ts
import { selectTranslation } from "../selectTranslation.ts";

 * Type-checks, auto-completes etc. the strings from the `Dictionary`
const someText: string = selectTranslation("Hello");

The problem

However, now I'd like to use the template string (template literal) syntax, paired with the tag function to achieve the same functionality, so I improve the selectTranslation function:

// selectTranslation.ts
import { ILang, translations } from "./i18n";
import { Dictionary } from "./Dictionary";

const currentLang: ILang = "en";

const dictionary: Dictionary = translations[currentLang];

export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | TemplateStringArray): Dictionary[K] => {
	let realKey: K;

	if (Array.isArray(key)) {
		realKey = key[0];
	} else {
		realKey = key; // error:
		 * Type 'K | TemplateStringsArray<string>' is not assignable to type 'K'.
  		 * Type 'TemplateStringsArray<string>' is not assignable to type 'K'. ts(2322)

	const translationText: Dictionary[K] = dictionary[realKey];
	return translationText;
// anotherFile.ts
import { selectTranslation } from "../selectTranslation.ts";

 * Does NOT type-check and gives the previously mentioned error:
 * Argument of type '{}' is not assignable to parameter of type K | TemplateStringsArray<K>'.
 * Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'TemplateStringsArray<K>': raw, length, concat, join, and 19 more. ts(2345)
const someText: string = selectTranslation`Hello`; // error

Possible solutions

I've tried 3 different solutions, neither of them giving me the results that I want:

a) Change the TemplateStringsArray to be a generic like so

// source code:
// TypeScript/src/lib/es5.d.ts
// TypeScript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts

// local install:
// /usr/lib/code/extensions/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts

interface TemplateStringsArray<T = string> extends ReadonlyArray<T> {
    readonly raw: ReadonlyArray<T>;

and used it like so

// selectTranslation.ts
-export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | TemplateStringsArray): Dictionary[K] => {
+export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | TemplateStringsArray<K>): Dictionary[K] => {

however, the same problems persisted - the casting from key to realKey failed
AND the tagged function usage still failed

// selectTranslation.ts

if (Array.isArray(key)) {
	realKey = key[0];
} else {
	realKey = key; // still errors

// anotherFile.ts
const someText: string = selectTranslation`Hello`; // still errors

b) Instead of using TemplateStringsArray, just use Array<K>

// selectTranslation.ts
-export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | TemplateStringsArray): Dictionary[K] => {
+export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | Array<K>): Dictionary[K] => {

the first problem of casting from key to realKey disappeared,
BUT the second one still remained

// selectTranslation.ts

if (Array.isArray(key)) {
	realKey = key[0];
} else {
	realKey = key; // all cool now

// anotherFile.ts
const someText: string = selectTranslation`Hello`; // still errors!

c) Just use any

// selectTranslation.ts
-export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | TemplateStringsArray): Dictionary[K] => {
+export const selectTranslation = <K extends keyof Dictionary>(key: K | any): Dictionary[K] => {

which then allows me to use the tag function, BUT there's NO type-safety, autocompletions etc., making it practically useless.


Neither of the solutions helped - I'm still unable to use the selectTranslation function as a tag function with type safety.

Is there any way to make it possible?

Reminder - we have 2 problems here:

  1. (less important since it can be avoided by using Array<K>) TemplateStringsArray does not work like it should (or I'm using it wrong), even when used as a generic
  2. (more important) tag functions cannot have type-safe parameters?


My suggestion meets these guidelines:

  • This wouldn't be a breaking change in existing TypeScript/JavaScript code
  • This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code
  • This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions
  • This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, etc.)
  • This feature would agree with the rest of TypeScript's Design Goals.

I'm happy to help if you have any further questions.


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