The project for the first half of the semester is due on October 24th as a pull request to this repository. The emphasis for this projet is on data analysis using tools of reproducible research including version tracking, knitr, and R markdown. You are free to answer any question you want, but you must provide a quantitative report that utilizes the material we have covered durign the first half of the semester.
Ground rules...
- Your document should layout your question in the introduction, provide a brief synopsis for why it is important, describe how you obtained the data, your general approach to analyzing the data, a summary of your results, a discussion, and mention of what your future directions would be.
- You should post your project as a pull request to this repository as
, and.html
files. Prior to submitting the files, you should setecho=FALSE
for all of the code chunks. This will hide the R code in the final document. - The final document should be approximately 5 pages when the code chunks are hidden and you use a normal sized font.
- I don't care what your question is or what subject domain it covers. The key is that it needs to be data driven. Microbiology, video game statisitics, immunology, whatever. Do something where it will be easy for you to come up with an interesting question and fun analysis.