-r mypy-requirements.txt -r build-requirements.txt attrs>=18.0 black==23.3.0 # must match version in .pre-commit-config.yaml filelock>=3.3.0 lxml>=4.9.1; (python_version<'3.11' or sys_platform!='win32') and python_version<'3.12' pre-commit pre-commit-hooks==4.4.0 psutil>=4.0 # pytest 6.2.3 does not support Python 3.10 # TODO: fix use of removed private APIs so we can use the latest pytest pytest>=6.2.4,<7.4.0 pytest-xdist>=1.34.0 pytest-cov>=2.10.0 ruff==0.0.272 # must match version in .pre-commit-config.yaml setuptools>=65.5.1 tomli>=1.1.0 # needed even on py311+ so the self check passes with --python-version 3.7