A command line tool to query CouchDB views, focused on easing queries with complex JSON keys (which are a pain to do with curl
npm install -g couchdb-view-by-keys
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" '["a", "complex", "key"]' '["another", "complex", "key"]'
# Or from a file with one key per line
cat keys | xargs couchdb-view-by-keys "$url"
Or to fetch many documents
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" docIdA docIdB docIdC
# Or from a file with one doc id per line
cat ids | xargs couchdb-view-by-keys "$url"
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url"
couchdb-view-by-keys --docs "$url"
couchdb-view-by-keys --keys "$url"
couchdb-view-by-keys --values "$url"
By default, view rows are returned with their document, but this can be disabled by setting include_docs=false
couchdb-view-by-keys "${url}?include_docs=false"
NB: reduce=false
is also set by default, as reduce=true
is incompatible with include_docs=true
couchdb-view-by-keys "${url}?limit=10"
couchdb-view-by-keys "${url}?skip=10"
Newline-delimited JSON (a.k.a NDJSON) is the the default output format
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC
set the indentation to 0 to drop newlines
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC --json 0
# Get all the rows as an array of object
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC --json
# Same, but with an indentation of 2
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC --json 2
# Same, but with an indentation of 4
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" keyA keyB keyC --json 4
Some times you might need to use variable interpolation, which, in bash, requires to use double quotes. Unfortunately, JSON keys being expected to be valid JSON, they also require doubles quotes. You would thus normally endup with some horrible escaping of the kind:
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" "[\"$1\",\"a\"]" "[\"$2\",\"b\"]" "[\"$3\",\"c\"]"
Horrified by so much anticipated pain, you might just stop there, give up on computing and start drinking. But fear no more! You can just use single quotes instead:
# works with simple arrays
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" "['$1','a']" "['$2','b']" "['$3','c']"
# and simple objects
couchdb-view-by-keys "$url" "{ 'a': '$1'}"
# TODO: make it work for nested objects/arrays if you have the need