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Doing certain high level things in wasm is still pretty hard to get right, even with Rust.

Luckily Rust provides us with enough tools to abstract what we need at the compiler level. Most details are not visible downstream to happ devs and can be achieved via. 'zero cost abstraction'.

That said, there are some limitations by design that we enforce here to allow the whole wasm stack to be simple to maintain and understand.

The Rust compiler makes many things sane for us in wasm but there are a few notable things that are left up to us:

  • Define a clear interface between the "host" and the "guest" within wasm limits
  • Manage a shared memory across the host/guest with different Rust allocators
  • Inject additional runtime context on the host that the guest cannot provide
  • Performance optimisations


This repository consists of 3 main library crates:

  • holochain_wasmer_common: host/guest agnostic and shared functionality
  • holochain_wasmer_guest: essential macros for wasm guests
  • holochain_wasmer_host: infrastructure to manage a wasm guest

There is also a test directory containing analogous crates implementing the above libraries for the purpose of testing and simple working examples.

  • test/common: data structures shared by the host and guest
  • test/src: a wasm host containing test functions
  • test/wasm: a guest wasm containing test functions

The main dependencies are:

  • wasmer: one of the best wasm implementations for Rust
  • holochain_serialization: our crates to normalize serialization at the byte level
  • holonix: specifically the Rust version management and wasm tooling

How to use

There are several places we need to implement things:

  • Holochain core needs to act as a wasm host to build modules and instances to run wasm functions
  • Holochain core needs to provide 'imported functions' as an ImportObject
  • Holochain HDK needs to use the holochain_wasmer_guest functions to wrap externs in something ergonomic for happ developers
  • Happ developers need to be broadly aware of how to send cleanly serializable inputs and work with serde


You can fuzz this repository as:

docker run --rm --env FUZZ_TARGET="<some fuzz target>" -it holochain/fuzzbox:holochain-wasmer

You may need to pull the tag before fuzzing to get the latest code as it is built on CI against main.

For more information on fuzzbox see

Holochain core

Being a good wasm host

It is a multi-step process to get from rust code to running a wasm function.

  1. Rust guest .rs files are compiled to .wasm files
  2. Rust wasmer host compiles the .wasm files to a native 'module'
  3. The module is instantiated to an 'instance' with imported functions, linear memory and whatever else wasmer needs to call functions

The first step needs to be handled by happ developers using relevant tooling.

Holochain core will be passed a .wasm file and needs to build running instances.

Basic performance testing showed that the default wasmer handling of a ~40mb .wasm file takes 1-2 seconds to compile into a module.

Wasmer has a native cache trait and can serialize modules into something that loads much faster.

Loading a serialized module from an NVMe disk and instantiating it still takes about 500ms.

The default file system cache is about 2-4x faster than cold compiling a module but is still too slow to be hitting on every function call.

Pulling a module from a lazy static and instantiating it takes about 50ns which is very reasonable overhead for the host to build a completely fresh instance.

Calling a function with holochain_wasmer_host::guest::call() takes several us for small input/output values and some ms for ~1mb of input/output data.

To see benchmarks on your system run nix-shell --run ./

With low overhead like this, core is relatively free to decide when it wants to re-instantiate an already-in-memory module.

Re-instantiating modules has several potential benefits:

  • Fresh linear memory every time means simpler wasm logic and less memory footprint (because wasm memory pages can never be freed)
  • Core can provide fresh references (e.g. Arc::clone) to its internals and fresh closures on each function call
  • Potentially simpler core code to simply create a new instance each call vs. trying to manage shared/global/long running things

Note though, that cache key generation for modules in memory (e.g. multiple DNAs in memory) has performance implications too.

The default wasmer handling hashes the wasm bytes passed to it to create a key to lookup a module for.

Hashing a 40mb wasm file with the wasmer algorithm takes about 15ms which is not huge but is a bit high to be doing every function call.

Given that we already hash DNAs, it makes sense that we pass in the DNA hash, or something similar, and use this as the cache key per function call, which takes only a few nanoseconds.

To handle all this use host::instantiate::instantiate() which is a wrapper around the default wasmer instantiate.

Always use the instantiate function as it adds a guard against a badly behaved guest wasm forcing the host to leak memory.

It takes an additional argument cache_key_bytes: &[u8] which can either be the raw wasm or something precalculated like the DNA hash.

Internally the module will be compiled once and stored in a lazy static and then every new instance will re-use the module.

The full instantiate signature is:

  • cache_key_bytes: &[u8]: the key for the in-memory module cache
  • wasm: &[u8]: the raw bytes of the wasm to compile into a module (can be the same as the cache key)
  • wasm_imports: &ImportObject: a standard wasmer ImportObject

It is expected that the instantiate function here will evolve alongside the core persistence implementation so that e.g. lmdb could be used as a cache backend.

See test_instance for an example of getting an instance:

fn test_instance() -> Instance {
    let wasm = load_wasm();
    instantiate(&wasm, &wasm, &import_object()).expect("build test instance")

And native_test to show how to call a function with structure input/output:

fn native_test() {
    let some_inner = "foo";
    let some_struct = SomeStruct::new(some_inner.into());

    let result: SomeStruct =
        guest::call(&mut test_instance(), "native_type", some_struct.clone())
            .expect("native type handling");

    assert_eq!(some_struct, result,);

All the magic happens in host::guest:call(), just make sure to tell Rust the return type in the let result: SomeStruct = ... expression.

Building an ImportObject

The wasmer docs generally provide a good overview.

See the PR i opened against the old system for working examples and macros.

Also see the tests in this repository for a minimal example.

However, there are a few 'gotchas' to be aware of.

Don't plan to call back into the same instance

The function signature of an ImportObject function includes a wasmer context &mut Ctx as the first argument but it does not provide access to the current instance.

This means that an imported function can build new instances for the same module if there is an Arc or similar available in the closure, but these new instances would have their own memory and closures.

One potential (untested) workaround for this could be to init some constant inside the wasm guest that is a key for a global registry of active instances on the host but i'd generally avoid something complex like this that would involve global state, mutexes probably, cleanup, etc.

Better to design core such that imported functions are 'self contained' on the host side and don't need to call back into the guest.

For example, we would NOT be able to write validation callbacks in the wasm guest that read from global memory that was previously written to by the guest. The validation callback would be running in a separate wasm instance with isolated memory from the original wasm that called the host function that triggered the callback.

I'd argue that this is A Good Thing for us anyway, as guest callbacks should be pure functions of their arguments, and isolating their memory is an effective way to limit the potential for accidental state creeping into callbacks.

Note this is just about sharing the same wasm guest, it doesn't stop us from keeping a consistent persistence cursor/transaction open across all the related wasm guest calls, it just means they can't share the internal instance state.

Always need fresh references in closures

The functions in an ImportObject MUST be an Fn, e.g. not an FnOnce or FnMut.

I found the easiest way to achieve this without fighting lifetimes or global scope is to do the following:

  • Some struct exists that can be passed around that can access wasm bytes
  • This struct impl some instantiate method
  • The instantiate method builds an ImportObject internally
  • The instantiate method does Arc::clone() to self (the struct that can access wasm bytes)
  • All the functions inside the closures that 'do work' also recieve newly cloned Arcs on each call

As long as we are cloning fresh Arc values on each instantiate and each function call, we get to keep Fn which makes wasmer happy without us worrying about lifetimes.

Having an Arc to self which has access to wasm bytes allows us to create new modules/instances inside imported function closures, which will probably be needed e.g. for nice callback handling.

Use the host crate

It's really easy to make a mistake in the data handling (see below) and end up with memory leaks or serialization mistakes, missing tracing or whatever else.

Use the holochain_wasmer_host crate to do as much heavy lifting as possible.

The test_process_struct shows a good minimal example of an import function:

pub fn test_process_struct(
    env: &Env,
    guest_ptr: usize,
    len: usize,
) -> Result<DoubleUSize, wasmer::RuntimeError> {
    let mut some_struct: SomeStruct = env.consume_bytes_from_guest(guest_ptr, len)?;
    env.move_data_to_guest(Ok::<SomeStruct, WasmError>(some_struct))

It shows how to retrieve the input struct from the guest:

    let mut some_struct: SomeStruct = env.consume_bytes_from_guest(guest_ptr, len)?;

And how to build a return value that wasmer understands and the guest can read:

    env.move_data_to_guest(Ok::<SomeStruct, WasmError>(some_struct))

Being a good wasm guest

Ideally we want the HDK to hide as much of this as possible.

The experience of building a happ should be as close to building a native Rust binary as possible.

That said, there are some details that won't be able to be hidden completely.

Devs will need to learn how to use the HDK macros and make sure their data cleanly serializes and deserializes as messagepack between any external interface. For example it is the happ dev's responsiblity to make sure a number serialized by JavaScript deserializes e.g. to a u32 Rust input to an extern.


  • use the same version of holochain_serialized_bytes as HDK/core
  • define functions that can be exposed to a wasm host (e.g. using HDK macros)
  • implement serde correctly using the same version as core
  • Serialize inputs in a compatible format

Generally we want the HDK/tooling to hide/smooth at least the following details:

  • Keeping a small .wasm file (e.g. optimisation tooling)
  • All memory management
  • Implementing sane wrappers around imported holochain functions to be ergonomic
  • Needing to interact directly with the 'outer' Result
  • Lots of other things...

At a high level there isn't much that a guest needs to do:

  • Define externs that will be provided by the imported host functions
  • Write extern functions that the host will call
  • Use host_args to receive the input arguments from the host
  • Use host_call to call a host function
  • Use return_ptr to return a value to the host
  • Use return_err_ptr to return an error to the host
  • Use try_ptr! to emulate a ? in a function that returns to the host

The tests wasm includes examples for all of these.

There is more documentation for this in the HDK itself.

Define externs that will be overwritten by the imported host functions

There are two sets of externs to define:

  • The 'internal' externs used to make memory work
  • The externs that represent callable functions on the host

The HDK absolutely should handle all of this for the happ developer as the memory externs are mandatory and the callable functions are all set by holochain core.

To do this manually:

  • Use the host_externs!(foo, bar, baz, ...) macro to list all the importable host functions.
  • Use the memory_externs!() macro to define the minimal memory logic needed by core

Write extern functions that the host will call

The HDK makes this mostly invisible to the happ developer.

All functions that the host can call must look like this to be compatible with our setup:

pub extern "C" fn foo(guest_ptr: u32, len: u32) -> u64 {


This tells the rust compiler to make foo available in the final .wasm file as something that can be called by the host as "foo".

As the host is dealing with strings rather than functions, we implemented a 'hook' style callback system into the HDK.

E.g. the guest could implement validate_MY_THING and the host can call "validate_MY_THING" if the function exists in the wasm module or just validate if the less specfic version exists.

This means that structured data for input/output and Result style return values (and therefore also ?) need to be handled through serialization and direct manipulation of bytes.

Use host_args to receive input from the host

This is easy, host_args takes u32 pointer and length and tries to inject it into SomeType:

pub extern "C" fn foo(remote_ptr: usize, len: usize) -> DoubleUSize {
 let bar: SomeType = match host_args(remote_ptr, len) {
  Ok(v) => v,
  Err(guest_ptr) => return guest_ptr,

The host_args function returns an Err(GuestPtrLen) if it errors.

Notably it errors if deserialization fails.

If it errors the guest MUST immediately return the GuestPtrLen to the host.

The guest MUST call host_args before attempting to call any host functions or the guest memory will likely be corrupted and unrecoverable.

The host memory will not be permanently effected if it correctly implements guest handling, so a malicious guest cannot damage the host in this way.

Use host_call to call host functions

This works a bit different to host_args as it returns a native Rust Result.

This allows it to be used anywhere in a wasm (e.g. even outside of an extern).

Pass the extern defined in host_externs along with anything serializable. The types must be provided by the guest.


fn foo() -> Result<SomeStruct, WasmError> {
 let input = String::from("bar");

 // host_call returns the `Result` as per the host function return value
 // it also respects `?` (see test wasm for examples)
 // it knows to pull the return from the host back into a String based on
 // the Ok arm of the Result.
 // Note there is an 'outer' `Result` that needs to propagate back to the host
 // as a `GuestPtr` if there is an `Err`, the guest should unwind in that case.
 let output = host_call::<&String, HostFunctionOutput>(__some_host_function, &input)?;

In a guest extern you will likely want to wrap the host_call in a try_ptr! (see below):


extern "C" fn foo(_: usize, _: usize) -> DoubleUSize {
 let input = String::from("bar");

 // note the try_ptr! wrapper to be compatible with GuestPtr return value
 let output = try_ptr!(
  host_call::<&String, HostFunctionOutput>(__some_host_function, &input),
  "failed to call __some_host_function"

Return any Err(GuestPtr) values immediately

Inside an extern we must return a GuestPtrLen.

The host is expecting a serialized Result (see below) whether we succeed or fail. This is the 'outer' Result that needs to communicate to the host whether or not the guest needed to stop and unwind due to a problem with the host/guest interface itself. For example, if the host passes data that cannot be deserialized by the guest, the guest needs to immediately stop and return these bad bytes back to the host as a pointer to an Err.

This is true regardless of how deeply nested or complicated logic is within an extern.

Any failure to interact with the host must immediately unwind with an Err.

Returning an Ok(_) tells the host that the guest managed to execute the extern completely without any issues with the host.

The contents of the outer result can be anything that serializes, including other results.

Ok(Ok(_)) implies the guest succeeded to complete and whatever called the extern is expecting a Result for whatever domain specific logic was executed.

Background information

I won't attempt a comprehensive guide to wasm here, it's a huge topic.

There are some key things to understand or this crate won't make sense.

WASM data types are very limited

WASM only has 4 data types: i32, i64, f32 and f64.

This represents integers and floats.

Integers are 'sign agnostic' which can be awkward in Rust, that only has explicitly signed/unsigned primitives. This basically means that integers are just chunks of binary data that allow contextual math operations. For example, nothing in wasm prevents us from performing signed and unsigned math operations on the same number. The number itself is not signed, it's just that certain math requires the developer to adopt consistent conventions in order to write correct code. This is a poor fit for the Rust mentality that demands proofs at the compiler level, not mere conventions.

By contrast, Rust doesn't even let us represent i64 and u64 in the same part of our codebase, we must always be completely unambiguous about which type every value is. Moving between i64 and u64 requires explicit error handling every time.

Wasm floats show some non-deterministic behaviour in the case of NaN values. The cranelift compiler can be configured to canonicalize NaN values and it is strongly recommended to enable this. Non-determinism is very bad in the context a p2p network because it means we cannot differentiate clearly between honest and dishonest actors based on individual pieces of data. At best we can apply statistical heuristics across many data points that are costly and can be gamed or avoided by attackers.

Wasm has no strings, sequences, structs or any other collection or complex type.

It is clear that to get from the world of the compile time Rust types to runtime WASM binary data, we will need a clear mapping and abstraction from raw integers to complex data for both arguments to functions and return values, in both directions across the host/guest boundary.

WASM memory/function calls are very limited & Rust supports custom allocators

WASM only supports a single, shared linear memory between host and guest.

WASM itself has no high level memory handling and nothing like garbage collection.

The host can read and write bytes directly to the guest's memory at any time, including while the guest is executing its own code (in a multi-threaded context).

The host has no access to any logic or abstractions inside the guest, other than to call explicitly exposed functions with integer arguments and return values. For example, the host cannot interact directly with the guest's data structures or allocator, or locks around things in shared memory.

The guest has no direct access to the host's memory or functions. The host must 'import' whitelisted functions into the guest at the moment the wasm is instantiated. The guest can call these imported functions with wasm data types (i.e. integers or floats) and receive a single integer/float back from the host.

There is no support for Result style function calls across the host/guest boundary, although the host has limited support for Result return values within the context of wasmer instance closures (i.e. the host can pass an error back to itself and panic the guest).

The only way that the guest can access host memory is if it calls an imported host function that in turn copies bytes directly into the guest's shared memory somewhere, and then this function returns to the guest a pointer to where the data was copied.

When the guest calls the host, it is not possible for the host to call back into the guest (although the host can create a new, separate wasm instance and call that). The host must wait for guest calls to complete before calling again and the guest must wait for the host to complete before it can continue.

WASM has a hard limit in the spec of 4GB total memory, with 64kb pages. Some WASM implementations, notably in some web browsers, limit this further. Pages can be added at initialization or dynamically at runtime, but cannot be removed, so a long-running wasm can be expected to eat a lot of memory if a large amount of data crosses into the guest even momentarily.

Rust helps the situation a lot by providing a strong memory management model enforced by the compiler but also allows for the host and the guest to have different allocation models.

Even 'simple' primitives like String are not safe to round trip through their 'raw parts' (e.g. length, capacity and pointer for String) if the allocator is different at source and destination.

It's not even clear whether a mismatch in Rust compiler versions constitutes a different allocator for the purposes of avoiding memory corruption.

From the Rust docs:

The memory at ptr needs to have been previously allocated by the same allocator the standard library uses, with a required alignment of exactly 1. ... Violating these may cause problems like corrupting the allocator's internal data structures.

There is no ability in wasm to setup separate memories for the guest/host usage. The only way to separate memory as 'ours' and 'yours' in Rust in the wasm guest would be to do something like create a crazy global lazy static vector wrapped in a mutex and fake a new linear memory inside the wasm (which then the host would need some way to safely interact with).

It is clear that we need a byte-level protocol between host and guest, that also respects the limited types (see above), to reliably share data across the host and guest boundary.

How we move data between the host and guest

All the following assumes:

  • We have some canonical serialization for our data, as per encode and decode in holochain_serialized_bytes
  • We have a running host and guest
  • There is some crate containing all shared rust data types common to both the host and the guest

The fundamental constraint in both direction is that the sender of data knows the length of the data and the recipient can allocate and generate a pointer to where the data should be copied to.

As we will be executing untrusted, potentially malicious, wasm code as a guest we also have to require:

  • The guest can never force the host to leak data beyond the lifetime of the guest
  • The guest can never force the host to hand it back data outside the guest's own memory
  • The guest can never force the host to write the guest's data outside the guest's own memory
  • If the guest leaks or corrupts memory the leak/corruption is sandboxed to it's own memory

There are 4 basic scenarios that require data negotiation:

  • Input data from the host to the guest
  • Input data from the guest to the host
  • Output data from the host to the guest
  • Output data from the guest to the host

To handle all of these in each direction without allowing the guest to request data on the host at a specific pointer on the host system, or overcomplicating the protocol, we have a ptr/length u32 input and merged (bit shifted) u64 bit output.

The merged outputs of guest functions as a u64 are to workaround the need for the nightly Rust compiler to use the extern "wasm" syntax. The stable extern "C" doesn't support multi value outputs, even though wasm does, so it's better to return a single 64 bit value and treat it as 2x 32 bit values on the host.

How data round trips the host and the guest (details)

The host moves data into the guest when it is calling a guest function or returning data from an imported function.

Host calling guest

When the host is calling into the guest it first asks the guest to provide a pointer to freshly allocated memory, then copies length prefixed bytes straight to this location. The host then calls the desired function on the guest passing the pointer and length of input data as arguments for the call.

This is handled via. host::guest::call() on the host side and the host_args macro on the guest side.

  • The host moves serialized SomeDataType on the host using the host allocator
  • The host calculates the u32 length of the serialized data
  • The host asks the guest to __hc__allocate_1 the length
  • The guest (inside __hc__allocate_1) allocates length bytes and returns a GuestPtr to the host
  • The host checks that the GuestPtr + len bytes fits in the guest's memory bounds
  • The host writes the data into the guest memory
  • The host calls the function it wants to call in the guest, passing in the GuestPtr and Len
  • The guest receives the GuestPtr and Len and passes both to the host_args! macro
  • The guest deserializes length bytes from guest_ptr into whatever input type it was expecting
  • The deserialization process takes ownership of the bytes inside the guest so rust will handle cleanup from here
Guest returning to host

On the guest this is handled by the return_ptr, return_err_ptr and try_ptr! functions.

All these functions work in broadly the same way, by pushing serialized data across the host/guest boundary, including an error representing problems doing the same.

The host::guest::call() function knows what to do with the outer Result, the host only needs to line up SomeDataType of the guest inner return value with the host::guest::call() return value.

  • The guest calls one of the return_ptr style functions with something Serialize
  • Internal to return_ptr et. al. a Result is built out of serializable data or serializes an error
  • The Result bytes are leaked into the guest
  • The guest returns a GuestPtrLen to the host referencing the bytes
  • The host copies the bytes from GuestPtrLen and deserializes the Result
  • The host calls __hc__deallocate_1 so that the guest can cleanup the leaked data
  • The host deserializes the inner value if it makes sense to
Guest calling host

On the guest side this is the first half of the host_call macro.

The host side uses the host::guest::from_guest_ptr() function that reads bytes straight from the shared memory based on a GuestPtr the guest passes to the host.

  • The guest moves serialized SomeDataType into memory
  • The guest leaks the serialized data to get a GuestPtr and Len
  • The guest calls the host function with the GuestPtr and Len
  • The host reads, deallocates and deserializes SomeDataType from the guest's memory
  • Note: due to a limitation in wasmer it is not possible for the host to call back into the guest during an imported function call, so at this point the input is still leaked on the guest
Host returning data from imported function to guest

On the guest side, this is the second half of the host_call function.

This is handled by each imported function on the host side.

The expectation is that holochain core implements sensible macros to normalize this alongside the HDK and internal workflow implementations.

  • The host function does whatever it does as native rust
  • The host function final value is SomeDataType
  • The host serializes the return value to a Vec<u8>
  • The host requests that the guest allocates byte for the length of the serialized value
  • The host clones the bytes to the pointer returned by the guest
  • The host returns the pointer and length of the serialized data to the guest as a u64 merged value
  • The guest then calls consume_bytes with the split u64 into 2x u32 values which reads and deserializes the value
Mitigating leaked data by the guest

In general guests can allocate and leak as much memory as they want if they are buggy or malicious. This is up to 4GB per instance.

Hosts are strongly recommended NOT to cache instances arbitrarily and set some maximum memory usage on the instance cache.


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  • Rust 92.6%
  • Nix 5.9%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%