Present slideshows from plaintext files. Illuscribe is a simple program written in C using the Xlib and stb_image libraries. It parses plaintext files and renders them as presentations.
For an example of what a slideshow may look like, view the example/
(credit to for the Van Gogh painting scans)
- Go to previous slide
Arrow Left
Right Mouse Button
Scroll Down
- Go to next slide
Arrow Right
Left Mouse Button
Scroll Up
- Toggle fullscreen
Key F
- Resize back to original window size
Key E
- Quit
Key Q
Here are the basic commands/functions:
slide: name
- Declares a slide. Slides contain boxes.- name: string
box: name, <stack-direction>, <text-alignment>
- Declares a box. Boxes can contain text and images.- name: string
- stack-direction:
- text-alignment:
define: name
- Add text or images inside of a define block,name
specifies which box to add to.- name: string
text: <size>, content
- Add text to a box.- size:
- content: string
- size:
image: filename
- Add an image with the specified filename.- filename: string
- End a slide or define block.template: name
- Exact same as defining a slide, except it will not be rendered.- name: string
uses: name
- Include a slide or template in another slide. You can then define boxes that are in those slides/templates.- name: string
Example of all the above commands in use:
template: "my-template"
box: "title-box", stack-vertical, align-center
box: "content-box", stack-horizontal, align-left
slide: "slide1"
uses: "my-template"
define: "title-box"
text: title, "Hello World!"
define: "content-box"
text: normal, "This is some text."
image: "yourimage.png"
Note: you don't need to use templates, the above code will render the same as this code below:
slide: "slide1"
box: "title-box", stack-vertical, align-center
box: "content-box", stack-horizontal, align-left
define: "title-box"
text: title, "Hello World!"
define: "content-box"
text: normal, "This is some text."
image: "yourimage.png"
You can also use uses:
on slides, not just templates, for including full slides inside other slides.
illuscribe <path-to-your-slideshow-file>
By default Illuscribe runs at the same aspect ratio as the monitor it is launched on. If you want a different aspect ratio, you can specify the initial window dimensions like so:
illuscribe <path-to-you-slideshow-file> <window-width> <window-height>
Install the required dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libxrender-dev libx11-dev libxft-dev
Clone the repository and compile:
git clone
cd illuscribe
sudo make install
Now you can run illuscribe
on any slideshow file.