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EVA Suit

manny kung edited this page Sep 18, 2022 · 5 revisions

EVA Suit

Revised : 17 Sep 2022


An EVA suit consists of the following 12 part components:

counter pressure suit
eva pads
eva backpack
eva antenna
eva battery
eva boots
eva gloves
eva helmet
eva radio
suit heating unit
helmet visor

Since an EVA suit is treated as an Equipment and is subject to reliability factors.


The following type of malfunctions may happen to an EVA suit :

Air Leak
Water Leak
Heating Unit Failure
Suit Tear
EVA Radio Failure
Electrical Short

Players may choose to speed up the production of these EVA related parts as seen fit during the simulation by elevating the need for EVA related repairs.


Level Pressure in kPa Mass in kg
Full Tank of O2 66.62 1
Target O2 20.7 0.3107
Nominal O2 17 0.2552
Minimum O2 11.94 0.1792

In a 3.9 liter system, 1 kg of O2 can create 66.62 kPa partial pressure.

To supply a partial O2 pressure of 20.7 kPa, one needs at least 0.3107 kg O2

With the minimum required O2 partial pressure of 11.94 kPa (1.732 psi), the minimum mass of O2 is 0.1792 kg.

The interior of the EVA suit's maintains a nominal pressure of O2 at 17 kPa (2.47 psi). This low pressure environment allows for more optimal use of resources and design specifications and corresponds to having just 0.2552 kg of O2 released from the tank to the interior of the EVA suit.

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