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ChatGptNet assembly

ChatGptNet namespace

public type description
class ChatGptBuilder Represents the default builder for configuring ChatGPT.
static class ChatGptFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions Provides extension methods for adding ChatGPT Client Factory support in NET applications.
class ChatGptOptions Options class that provides settings for configuring ChatGPT.
class ChatGptOptionsBuilder Builder class to define settings for configuring ChatGPT.
static class ChatGptOptionsBuilderExtensions Provides extensions to configure settings for accessing ChatGPT service.
static class ChatGptServiceCollectionExtensions Provides extension methods for adding ChatGPT support in .NET applications.
interface IChatGptBuilder Represents a builder for configuring ChatGPT.
static class IChatGptBuilderExtensions Provides extension methods for configuring ChatGPT after service creation.
interface IChatGptCache Represents the interface used to define the caching behavior for ChatGPT messages.
interface IChatGptClient Provides methods to interact with ChatGPT.
interface IChatGptClientFactory Provides methods to create new instances of IChatGptClient at runtime

ChatGptNet.Exceptions namespace

public type description
class ChatGptException Represents errors that occur during ChatGPT API invocation.
class EmbeddingException Represents errors that occur during Embeddings API invocation.

ChatGptNet.Extensions namespace

public type description
static class ChatGptChoiceExtensions Contains extension methods for the ChatGptChoice class.
static class ChatGptFunctionExtensions Provides extension methods for working with ChatGptFunction instances.
static class ChatGptResponseExtensions Provides extension methods for the ChatGptResponse class.
static class EmbeddingResponseExtensions Provides extension methods for the EmbeddingResponse class.
static class EmbeddingUtility Provides utility methods to work with embeddings.

ChatGptNet.Models namespace

public type description
class ChatGptChoice Represent a chat completion choice.
class ChatGptContentFilterError Contains information about the error occurred in the content filtering system.
class ChatGptContentFilterResult Contains detail about a particular content filter result.
class ChatGptContentFilterResults Contains details about conteng filtering results.
static class ChatGptContentFilterSeverityLevels Contains all the content filter severity levels defined by Azure OpenAI Service.
class ChatGptError Contains information about the error occurred while invoking the service.
static class ChatGptFinishReasons Contains constants for all the possible chat completion finish reasons.
class ChatGptFunction Represents the description of a function available for ChatGPT.
class ChatGptFunctionCall Represents a response function call.
class ChatGptInnerError Contains further details about the error.
class ChatGptLogProbability Represents the log probability information of a completion choice.
class ChatGptLogProbabilityContent Represents a message content token with log probability information.
class ChatGptMessage Represents a single chat message.
class ChatGptParameters Represents chat completion parameters.
class ChatGptPromptFilterResults Contains information about content filtering for input prompts.
class ChatGptResponse Represents a chat completion response.
class ChatGptResponseFormat An object specifying the format that the model must output. Used to enable JSON mode.
static class ChatGptResponseFormatTypes Contains constants for all the possible chat completion response formats.
static class ChatGptRoles Contains constants for all the possible roles.
class ChatGptTool Represents a tool that the model may call.
class ChatGptToolCall A tool call generated by the model, such as a function call.
static class ChatGptToolChoices Contains constants for ChatGPT function call types.
class ChatGptToolParameters Contains parameters about the tool calls that are available for ChatGPT.
static class ChatGptToolTypes Contains constants for ChatGPT tool types.
class ChatGptUsage Contains information about the API usage.
static class OpenAIChatGptModels Contains all the chat completion models that are currently supported by OpenAI.

ChatGptNet.Models.Common namespace

public type description
abstract class Response Contains common properties for all response types.

ChatGptNet.Models.Embeddings namespace

public type description
class EmbeddingData Represents an embedding.
class EmbeddingParameters Represents embeddings parameters.
class EmbeddingResponse Represents an embedding response.
static class OpenAIEmbeddingModels Contains all the embedding models that are currently supported by OpenAI.

ChatGptNet.ServiceConfigurations namespace

public type description
enum AzureAuthenticationType Enumerates the available Azure authentication types for OpenAI service.