public type | description |
class ChatGptBuilder | Represents the default builder for configuring ChatGPT. |
static class ChatGptFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions | Provides extension methods for adding ChatGPT Client Factory support in NET applications. |
class ChatGptOptions | Options class that provides settings for configuring ChatGPT. |
class ChatGptOptionsBuilder | Builder class to define settings for configuring ChatGPT. |
static class ChatGptOptionsBuilderExtensions | Provides extensions to configure settings for accessing ChatGPT service. |
static class ChatGptServiceCollectionExtensions | Provides extension methods for adding ChatGPT support in .NET applications. |
interface IChatGptBuilder | Represents a builder for configuring ChatGPT. |
static class IChatGptBuilderExtensions | Provides extension methods for configuring ChatGPT after service creation. |
interface IChatGptCache | Represents the interface used to define the caching behavior for ChatGPT messages. |
interface IChatGptClient | Provides methods to interact with ChatGPT. |
interface IChatGptClientFactory | Provides methods to create new instances of IChatGptClient at runtime |
public type | description |
class ChatGptException | Represents errors that occur during ChatGPT API invocation. |
class EmbeddingException | Represents errors that occur during Embeddings API invocation. |
public type | description |
static class ChatGptChoiceExtensions | Contains extension methods for the ChatGptChoice class. |
static class ChatGptFunctionExtensions | Provides extension methods for working with ChatGptFunction instances. |
static class ChatGptResponseExtensions | Provides extension methods for the ChatGptResponse class. |
static class EmbeddingResponseExtensions | Provides extension methods for the EmbeddingResponse class. |
static class EmbeddingUtility | Provides utility methods to work with embeddings. |
public type | description |
class ChatGptChoice | Represent a chat completion choice. |
class ChatGptContentFilterError | Contains information about the error occurred in the content filtering system. |
class ChatGptContentFilterResult | Contains detail about a particular content filter result. |
class ChatGptContentFilterResults | Contains details about conteng filtering results. |
static class ChatGptContentFilterSeverityLevels | Contains all the content filter severity levels defined by Azure OpenAI Service. |
class ChatGptError | Contains information about the error occurred while invoking the service. |
static class ChatGptFinishReasons | Contains constants for all the possible chat completion finish reasons. |
class ChatGptFunction | Represents the description of a function available for ChatGPT. |
class ChatGptFunctionCall | Represents a response function call. |
class ChatGptInnerError | Contains further details about the error. |
class ChatGptLogProbability | Represents the log probability information of a completion choice . |
class ChatGptLogProbabilityContent | Represents a message content token with log probability information. |
class ChatGptMessage | Represents a single chat message. |
class ChatGptParameters | Represents chat completion parameters. |
class ChatGptPromptFilterResults | Contains information about content filtering for input prompts. |
class ChatGptResponse | Represents a chat completion response. |
class ChatGptResponseFormat | An object specifying the format that the model must output. Used to enable JSON mode. |
static class ChatGptResponseFormatTypes | Contains constants for all the possible chat completion response formats. |
static class ChatGptRoles | Contains constants for all the possible roles. |
class ChatGptTool | Represents a tool that the model may call. |
class ChatGptToolCall | A tool call generated by the model, such as a function call. |
static class ChatGptToolChoices | Contains constants for ChatGPT function call types. |
class ChatGptToolParameters | Contains parameters about the tool calls that are available for ChatGPT. |
static class ChatGptToolTypes | Contains constants for ChatGPT tool types. |
class ChatGptUsage | Contains information about the API usage. |
static class OpenAIChatGptModels | Contains all the chat completion models that are currently supported by OpenAI. |
public type | description |
abstract class Response | Contains common properties for all response types. |
public type | description |
class EmbeddingData | Represents an embedding. |
class EmbeddingParameters | Represents embeddings parameters. |
class EmbeddingResponse | Represents an embedding response. |
static class OpenAIEmbeddingModels | Contains all the embedding models that are currently supported by OpenAI. |
public type | description |
enum AzureAuthenticationType | Enumerates the available Azure authentication types for OpenAI service. |