UCSC Genome browser hub for the T2T genomes and resources
Stable Release version (Recommended)
Developmental version
Latest tracks made publicly available for the following genomes:
- T2T-CHM13v2.0
- mGorGor1_v2.0
- mPanPan1_v2.0
- mPanTro3_v2.0
- mPonAbe1_v2.0
- mPonPyg2_v2.0
- mSymSyn1_v2.0
- HG002v1.0.1.MAT
- HG002v1.0.1.PAT
- HG002v1.1.MAT
- HG002v1.1.PAT
For convenience, the non-human primate genome browsers are available for its primary assembly versions as well in addition to the diploid version.
- Genome Archive GenArk: Automatically built by UCSC Genome Browser for each NCBI genomes
- Legacy T2T-CHM13 browsers: v1.0 | v1.1
- GenArk version of T2T-CHM13v2.0