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Regression: 0.45.0 breaks with "." in source ID #6660



Beginning with 0.45.0, having a "." in a layer's ID crashes the web workers. I originally thought this was the same as #6648, but it isn't:

From this comment:

I'm experiencing this too. On upgrading to 0.45.0 from 0.45.2 I get several errors in the console in Chrome (I suspect one for each worker):

this.parent.getWorkerSource(...)[a[2]] is not a function
    at Ma.receive (blob:http://localhost:3000/c3408085-1173-4234-bfef-47ecdda464e3:1)


Mapbox is imported with import mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl"; and pulls in the minified /dist/mapbox-gl.js. I've also tried importing mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl-dev.js, which has the same effect. The problem line appears to be this line.

From this comment:

Ah, ok, so the problem is the const keys = data.type.split('.'); As of 0.45.0 it has become illegal to use a period character in your source/layer names. This is definitely a bug, as this is a pattern we use pretty extensively.

Mapbox should probably escape periods (and any other special characters) before serializing, and then unescape them when deserializing.

EDIT: looking at the git blame, it appears that this has been in place for a while... perhaps something else has caused it to become problematic just now?

EDIT2: Ok, so it looks like the bug was likely introduced in 373f5c4

mapbox-gl-js version: 0.45.0

browser: Chrome 66.0.3359.170

Steps to Trigger Behavior

  1. upgrade to 0.45.0
  2. add layers with a period in the name (ex: "mygroup.mylayer")
  3. run it

Expected Behavior

Expected (v0.44.0)

Actual Behavior

Actual (v0.45.0)

Uncaught TypeError: this.parent.getWorkerSource(...)[a[2]] is not a function

EDIT: I had switched the "Actual" and "Expected" links above. 🤦🏻‍♂️





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