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Code for our ICML 2024 paper "Aligning Transformers with Weisfeiler-Leman"


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Aligning Transformers with Weisfeiler-Leman

pytorch pyg hydra black license

Code to reproduce the results in our ICML 2024 paper.


We recommend to use the package manager conda. Once installed run

conda create -n wl-transformers python=3.10
conda activate wl-transformers

Install the repository with all dependencies via

pip install -e .


We use hydra for configuring experiments. See here for a tutorial on the hydra override syntax.

NOTE: By default, logging with wandb is disabled. To enable it set wandb_project in the command line. Optionally, set wandb_entity and wandb_name to configure your entity and run name, respectively.

Data and Checkpoints

We store all experiment-related data under a root directory root, which is the working directory by default and will be created if it does not already exist. There, if not already present, we create two additional folders: data and ckpt for the datasets and checkpoints, respectively. You may configure root via the command line or by changing the corresponding experiment config.


For the pre-training on PCQM4Mv2, run

python pre-training/ pe_type=[LPE|SPE] checkpoint=name

where pe_type specifies the PE to use and name specifies the name of a model checkpoint that will be created under {root}/ckpt/{name}.pt. If the checkpoint already exists, training will continue from that checkpoint. If checkpoint is not specified, checkpointing is disabled.

To pre-train on multiple GPUs, run

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=num_gpus pre-training/ pe_type=[LPE|SPE] checkpoint=name

where num_gpus is the number of GPUs. The per-device batch size will be automatically set to batch_size / {num_gpus}.

Node classification

For training on node classification datasets, run

python pre-training/ pe_type=[LPE|SPE] dataset_name=CS


python pre-training/ pe_type=[LPE|SPE] dataset_name=Photo degree_dim=16

for training on CS and Photo, respectively.

Molecular regression

To run fine-tuning on the Alchemy dataset, run

python fine-tuning/ pe_type=[LPE|SPE] checkpoint=name

where name specifies the name of a model checkpoint that exists under {root}/ckpt/{name}.pt. If checkpoint is not specified, the model will be trained from scratch. Set order=3 for order transfer to ( 3 , 1 ) - WL .

Molecular classification

To run the fine-tuning on one of the molecular classification datasets, run

python fine-tuning/ backbone=backbone dataset_name=dataset_name pe_type=[LPE|SPE] checkpoint=name

where backbone specifies whether to use a transformer or a gnn, name specifies the name of a model checkpoint that exists under {root}/ckpt/{name}.pt and dataset_name is one of ogbg-molbbbp, ogbg-molbace, ogbg-molclintox, ogbg-moltox21, ogbg-moltoxcast.

Expressivity benchmark

To run the experiments on the BREC dataset, run

python expressivity/ backbone=backbone pe_type=[LPE|SPE]

Documentation of config parameters

The following table documents the most common config parameters and explains their use.

Parameter Description
root Path to the root directory. Data will be downloaded, pre-processed and permanently stored there. By default Checkpoints are written to root/ckpts if checkpoint is set (see below).
checkpoint Set to enable checkpointing. Checkpoints are created if a new best validation score is reached. Validation performance is measured after val_after batches (see below).
seed Random seed used for the pre-training.
lr Maximum learning rate after warm-up.
min_lr Minimum learning rate after learning rate decay.
weight_decay Weight decay used with AdamW.
gradient_norm Maximum norm for gradient clipping.
batch_size Batch size. When trained with multiple GPUs this value is divided by the number of GPUs before being passed to the data loader (leave this unchanged if you use more GPUs).
num_steps Total number of batches seen during training (depending on the dataset we may use num_epochs instead, see below).
num_warmup_steps Number of batches seen before reaching lr.
num_epochs Total number of epochs during training (depending on the dataset we may use num_steps instead, see above).
num_workers Number of parallel workers in the data loader. Hint: Start this with 0 and increase until training becomes slower.
log_after Number of batches before logging a windowed average of training performance. Only used if wandb_project is enabled (see below).
val_after Number of batches before evaluating validation performance, possibly checkpointing and logging validation performance. Regardless of whether wandb_project is enabled, validation performance is always logged to the command line.
large_graph If set to True, uses smallest and largest eigenvalues in equal parts instead of smallest eigenvalues, as proposed for large graphs by Kim et al. 2022.
cosine_lr_schedule Whether to use the cosine learning rate scheduler. If set to False uses constant learning rate.
wandb_project W&B project. If set, wandb logging is enabled. Otherwise performance is logged to the command line.
wandb_entity W&B entity (optional)
wandb_name W&B name (optional)

The following table documents all model-specific parameters and explains their use. For an example see pre-training/configs/model/pcqm4m.yaml. You can copy pre-training/configs/model/pcqm4m.yaml and e.g., change to pre-training/configs/model/my-model.yaml. Then invoke your model-specific parameters by running

python pre-training/ model=my-model ...

NOTE: Yes, it actually works that easily 🙌 Anyway, here are the most important parameters:

Parameter Description
order Order k of the ( k , 1 ) -GT implemented in this repository.
pe_type Whether to use LPE or SPE as node-level PEs.
num_vecs Number of eigenvalues/-vectors used for LPE/SPE.
normalized_laplacian Whether to compute the eigenvalues/-vectors from the normalized graph Laplacian.
normalize_vecs Whether to normalize the eigenvectors to unit-norm.
max_degree The maximum degree to consider (needs to be fixed as we embed the degree with torch.nn.Embedding).
embed_dim General embedding dimension of the transformer.
eigen_dim Embedding dimension of LPE/SPE.
inner_dim Inner dimension of LPE/SPE. For LPE this refers to the number of eigenvectors used, for SPE this can be set arbitrarily.
degree_dim Embedding dimension of degree encodings.
num_layers Number of transformer layers.
num_heads Number of transformer heads.
attention_dropout Dropout during attention computation.
dropout Dropout after attention computation.
linear_attention When set to True uses Performer attention instead of self-attention.
bias Enable biases in all torch.nn.Linear modules.
stochastic_depth Enable stochastic depth as described in Kim et al. 2022.
token_ln Apply layer-norm to the input tokens.

Here, we additionally detail parameters exclusive to SPE (see Huang et al., 2023 for details on the definition of SPE):

Parameter Description
num_phi_layers Number of ϕ MLP layers.
num_rho_layers Number of ρ GNN layers.
phi_dim Hidden dimension of ϕ MLPs.
spe_lower_rank SPE low-rank m according to Equation (6) in our paper.


Code for our ICML 2024 paper "Aligning Transformers with Weisfeiler-Leman"







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