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Thomas Francart edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

What is the purpose of OnAGUI ?

OnAGUI is a software to help align vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies. "Aligning" means creating a mapping between the items of the 2 vocabularies.

How does OnAGUI work ?

OnAGUI can :

  • read both vocabularies and display them in trees (one on the left, one the right)
  • run automated algorithms to match vocabulary items based on their label proximity
  • display the proposed alignment in a table in the center, so that we can review, adjust, delete or create more correspondances

How do I install OnAGUI ?

To install OnAGUI :

  1. you first need to install Java
  2. download the latest OnAGUI release
  3. unzip it
  4. run either "run.bat" on Windows or "" on Linux

How do I get started ?

To get started :

  1. You need a vocabulary in SKOS. Many tools can generate this format; if you start from plain CSV or Excel files, you can use the SKOS-Play Excel converter to generate SKOS files;
  2. You need another vocabulary in SKOS, obviously the one with which you need to get aligned; you could start by looking at the UNESCO Thesaurus or the Eurovoc thesaurus, both available in SKOS, if you want to play with something;
  3. Download, install and run OnAGUI;
  4. Load your vocabulary from the menu "File > Load vocabulary 1 > Load in SKOS"; you can browse it in the left tree;
  5. Load the vocabulary you need to align to with the menu "File > Load vocabulary 2 > Load in SKOS"; you can browse it in the right tree;
  6. Now run a linguistic alignment from the menu "Alignement > I-Sub distance", and here select :
    • the part of the vocabularies you want to align (whole vocabulary or only a sub-branch);
    • the language you want to use for automatic alignment;
    • a threshold score for the alignement; 0.9 is proposed by default, you can lower this a bit to 0.8; the lower the value, the more mappings you will get, but also the more noise !
  7. Mappings are shown in the table in the center of the screen; you can edit the table by :
    • editing the types of mappings (exactMatch are produced by default);
    • deleting a mapping line in the table;
    • adding a new mapping line in the table (select concept on both trees, select mapping type, and click on "Add" button)
  8. Export your mapping from the menu "File > Export Alignement > Export in SKOS" to generate SKOS mapping properties, or "Export in RDF" to generate an RDF EDOAL file, more expressive;

What are the included alignment algorithms ?

  • I-Sub distance works best. The algorithm is in this java class, from this paper
  • Levensthein distance is a classic
  • Exact match on the labels

The algorithms do not take into account upper/lower case or accented characters ("Sémantique" will be matched exactly to "SEMANTIQUE").

In which languages is OnAGUI available ?

OnAGUI is available in French and English. You can contribute new translations by translating these message files.

Which vocabularies/ontologies can OnAGUI align ?

  • SKOS thesauri/vocabularies
  • OWL ontologies
  • arbitrary RDF with common labelling properties; the supported label properties are :
    • rdfs:label
    • skos:prefLabel
    • dcterms:title
    • dc:title
    • schema:name
    • foaf:name
    • and as alternative label properties :
      • schema:alternateName
      • skos:altLabel
      • foaf:nick
      • dcterms:alternative
    • for more details see the class RDFModelContainer

In which formats can the alignment be exported ?

  • EDOAL is the most comprehensive model
  • SKOS alignment
  • CSV

Who created OnAGUI ?

Laurent Mazuel and Jean Charlet at INSERM, in France.

I need help !

File an issue here !