import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import static java.lang.Math.min buildscript { dependencies { classpath libs.jsoup } } plugins { id 'jvm-toolchains' alias libs.plugins.osdetector apply false alias libs.plugins.scalafmt apply false alias alias libs.plugins.kotlin apply false alias libs.plugins.ktlint apply false alias libs.plugins.errorprone apply false alias libs.plugins.nullaway apply false } allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() } } ext { // Set the artifactId of 'armeria-core' to 'armeria'. artifactIdOverrides = [':core':] } apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts/build-flags.gradle" // Fail the build if the console contains 'LEAK:'. def hasLeak = new AtomicBoolean() gradle.buildFinished({ result -> if (hasLeak.get()) { throw new TestExecutionException('Found a leak while testing. ' + "Specify '-Pleak' option to record the detail and " + 'find it using the following command: \n\n' + " find . -type f -name 'TEST-*.xml' -exec grep -Fl 'LEAK: ' {} ';'\n") } }) def isCi = System.getenv("CI") != null allprojects { // Add common JVM options such as max memory and leak detection. tasks.withType(JavaForkOptions) { maxHeapSize = '768m' if (project.ext.testJavaVersion >= 9 || == 'nativeImageTrace') { jvmArgs '--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED' } // Enable leak detection when '-Pleak' option is specified. if (rootProject.hasProperty('leak')) { systemProperties 'io.netty.leakDetectionLevel': 'paranoid' systemProperties 'io.netty.leakDetection.targetRecords': '256' } } tasks.withType(Test) { jvmArgumentProviders.add(new TestBuildDirArgumentsProvider(project.buildDir)) useJUnitPlatform() // Do not omit stack frames for easier tracking. jvmArgs '-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' // Drop heap dump and exit on OOME. jvmArgs '-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' jvmArgs '-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' // `` was added in Java 17 and the default value was changed to // `disallow` in Java 18. // - // - if (project.ext.testJavaVersion >= 17 || == 'nativeImageTrace') { systemProperty "", "allow" } // required by blockhound for jvm 13+. See if (rootProject.hasProperty('blockhound') && project.ext.testJavaVersion >= 13) { jvmArgs "-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods" } // Use verbose exception/response reporting for easier debugging. systemProperty 'com.linecorp.armeria.verboseExceptions', 'true' systemProperty 'com.linecorp.armeria.verboseResponses', 'true' // Allow choosing the transport type by specifying `-PtransportType=`. if (rootProject.hasProperty('transportType')) { systemProperty('com.linecorp.armeria.transportType', "${rootProject.findProperty("transportType")}") } // Pass special system property to tell our tests that we are measuring coverage. if (project.hasFlags('coverage')) { systemProperty 'com.linecorp.armeria.testing.coverage', 'true' } // Parallelize if --parallel is on. if (gradle.startParameter.parallelProjectExecutionEnabled) { maxParallelForks = gradle.startParameter.maxWorkerCount } // Fail the build at the end if there was any leak. // We do not fail immediately so that we collect as many leaks as possible. doFirst { addTestOutputListener({ descriptor, event -> if (event.message.contains('LEAK: ')) { if (isCi) { logger.warn("Leak is detected in ${descriptor.className}.${descriptor.displayName}\n" + "${event.message}") } hasLeak.set(true) } }) } develocity { testRetry { if (rootProject.findProperty('retry') == 'true') { maxRetries = 3 failOnPassedAfterRetry = rootProject.findProperty('failOnPassedAfterRetry') != 'false' } } predictiveTestSelection { enabled.set(!isCi) } } } } /** * An argument provider which avoids task input inconsistency when builds are run * from different locations. By handling this, we can take advantage of build caches * when run from different locations. (i.e. remote build caches) */ class TestBuildDirArgumentsProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { TestBuildDirArgumentsProvider(File buildDir) { this.heapDumpPath = buildDir.toPath().resolve("dump") this.blockhoundReportPath = buildDir.toPath().resolve("blockhound.log") // create the heap dump path in advance heapDumpPath.toFile().mkdirs() } @LocalState def heapDumpPath @LocalState def blockhoundReportPath @Override Iterable asArguments() { [ "-Dcom.linecorp.armeria.blockhound.reportFile=${blockhoundReportPath}", "-XX:HeapDumpPath=${heapDumpPath}", ] } } // Configure all Java projects configure(projectsWithFlags('java')) { // Error Prone compiler if (!rootProject.hasProperty('noLint')) { apply plugin: 'net.ltgt.errorprone' apply plugin: 'net.ltgt.nullaway' dependencies { errorprone libs.errorprone.core errorprone libs.nullaway } nullaway { annotatedPackages.add("com.linecorp.armeria") } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { options.errorprone.excludedPaths = '.*/gen-src/.*' options.errorprone.nullaway { if (name.contains("Test") || name.contains("Jmh")) { // Disable NullAway for tests and benchmarks for now. disable() } else if (name.matches(/compileJava[0-9]+.*/)) { // Disable MR-JAR classes which seem to confuse NullAway and break the build. disable() } else { error() assertsEnabled = true } } } } // Common dependencies dependencies { // All projects currently require ':core' (except itself) if (project != project(':core')) { api project(':core') } // Testing utilities testImplementation project(':testing-internal') // completable-futures implementation libs.futures.completable // Errorprone compileOnly libs.errorprone.annotations testImplementation libs.errorprone.annotations // FastUtil implementation libs.fastutil // Guava implementation libs.guava // J2ObjC annotations compileOnly libs.j2objc // JSR305 implementation libs.findbugs // JCTools implementation libs.jctools // Jetty ALPN support compileOnly libs.jetty.alpn.api // Logging implementation libs.slf4j.api testImplementation testImplementation libs.logback12 testRuntimeOnly libs.slf4j.jcl.over.slf4j testRuntimeOnly libs.slf4j.log4j.over.slf4j // Reflections implementation libs.reflections // Blockhound optionalImplementation libs.blockhound // Test-time dependencies testImplementation libs.guava.testlib testImplementation libs.junit4 testImplementation libs.junit5.jupiter.api testImplementation libs.junit5.jupiter.params testRuntimeOnly libs.junit5.platform.commons testRuntimeOnly libs.junit5.platform.launcher testRuntimeOnly libs.junit5.jupiter.engine testRuntimeOnly libs.junit5.vintage.engine testImplementation libs.json.unit testImplementation libs.json.unit.fluent testImplementation libs.awaitility testRuntimeOnly libs.checkerframework // Required by guava-testlib testImplementation libs.assertj testImplementation libs.mockito testImplementation libs.apache.httpclient5 testImplementation libs.hamcrest testImplementation libs.hamcrest.library testRuntimeOnly libs.kotlin.coroutines.debug if (rootProject.hasProperty('blockhound')) { testRuntimeOnly libs.blockhound.junit.platform } } // Configure the default DuplicatesStrategy for such as: // - // - thrift/cassandra.json // - and so on tasks.sourcesJar.duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE tasks.withType(Copy) { duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE } } allprojects { // Configure the Javadoc tasks of all projects. tasks.withType(Javadoc) { options { // Groups group 'Server', 'com.linecorp.armeria.server*' group 'Client', 'com.linecorp.armeria.client*' group 'Common', 'com.linecorp.armeria.common*' // Exclude the machine-generated or internal-only classes exclude '**/Tomcat*' exclude '**/internal/**' exclude '**/thrift/v1/**' exclude '**/reactor/core/scheduler/**' } } } // Require to use JDK 19 when releasing. tasks.closeAndReleaseStagingRepositories.doFirst { if (JavaVersion.current() != JavaVersion.VERSION_21) { throw new IllegalStateException("You must release using JDK 21."); } } tasks.register("reportFailedTests", TestsReportTask) /** * Summarizes the failed tests and reports as a file with the Markdown syntax. */ class TestsReportTask extends DefaultTask { @OutputFile final def reportFile = project.file("${project.buildDir}/failed-tests-result.txt") @TaskAction def run() { // Collect up to 20 error results int maxErrorSize = 20 List failedTests = [] Set handledFiles = [] project.allprojects { tasks.withType(Test) { testTask -> def xmlFiles = testTask.reports.junitXml.outputLocation.asFileTree.files if (xmlFiles.isEmpty()) { return } xmlFiles.each { file -> if (!handledFiles.add( { return } Elements failures = Jsoup.parse(file, 'UTF-8').select("testsuite failure") if (failures.isEmpty() || failedTests.size() > maxErrorSize) { return } failures.each { failure -> Element parent = failure.parent() String fullMethodName = "${parent.attr("classname")}.${parent.attr("name")}" String detail = failure.wholeText() failedTests += [method: fullMethodName, detail: detail] } } } } if (failedTests.isEmpty()) { return } reportFile.withPrintWriter('UTF-8') { writer -> failedTests.each { it -> String method = it.method String detail = it.detail // Create an link to directly create an issue from the error message String ghIssueTitle = URLEncoder.encode("Test failure: `$method`", "UTF-8") // 8k is the maximum allowed URL length for GitHub String ghIssueBody = URLEncoder.encode( "```\n${detail.substring(0, min(6000, detail.length()))}\n```\n", "UTF-8") String ghIssueLink = "$ghIssueTitle&body=$ghIssueBody" String ghSearchQuery = URLEncoder.encode("is:issue $method", "UTF-8") String ghSearchLink = "$ghSearchQuery" writer.print("- $it.method - [Search similar issues]($ghSearchLink) | ") writer.println("[Create an issue?]($ghIssueLink)") writer.println(" ```") List lines = detail.split("\n") as List def summary = lines.take(8) summary.each { line -> writer.println(" $line") } writer.println(" ```") if (lines.size() > 8) { writer.println("
Full error messages") writer.println("
                    lines.each { line -> writer.println("  $line") }
\n") } } } } } def graalLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor { languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)) vendor.set(JvmVendorSpec.GRAAL_VM) }.get() rootProject.ext.graalLauncher = graalLauncher def graalHome = graalLauncher.executablePath.asFile.toPath().parent.parent rootProject.ext.graalHome = graalHome tasks.register("installGraalNativeImage", Exec) { onlyIf { !Files.exists(graalHome.resolve("lib/svm/bin/native-image")) || !Files.exists(graalHome.resolve("lib/svm/bin/native-image-configure")) || !Files.exists(graalHome.resolve("lib/svm/bin/rebuild-images")) } commandLine(graalHome.resolve("lib/installer/bin/gu"), "install", "native-image") } def relocatedProjects = projectsWithFlags('java', 'relocate') def projectsWithNativeImageSupport = projectsWithFlags('java', 'relocate', 'native') def numConfiguredRelocatedProjects = new AtomicInteger() configure(relocatedProjects) { if (projectsWithNativeImageSupport.contains(project)) { def shadedTestTask = tasks.getByName('shadedTest') as Test def copyShadedTestClassesTask = tasks.getByName('copyShadedTestClasses') as Copy def nativeImageTraceFile = "$rootDir/native-image-config/gen-src/traces/${project.path.replace(':', '-').substring(1)}.json" project.ext.nativeImageTraceFile = Paths.get(nativeImageTraceFile) tasks.register("nativeImageTrace", Test).configure { group = "Build" description = "Generates native-image trace for ${} by running shaded tests." dependsOn(rootProject.tasks.named('installGraalNativeImage')) dependsOn(copyShadedTestClassesTask) outputs.file(nativeImageTraceFile) useJUnitPlatform { includeTags('NATIVE_IMAGE_TRACE') } javaLauncher.set(graalLauncher) maxParallelForks = 1 // Remove 'jetty-alpn-agent' and add 'native-image-agent'. jvmArgs = { !(it.startsWith('-javaagent:') && it.endsWith('jetty-alpn-agent.jar')) }.collect() + [ "-agentlib:native-image-agent=trace-output=$nativeImageTraceFile" ] testClassesDirs = files(copyShadedTestClassesTask.destinationDir) classpath = testClassesDirs setExcludes(shadedTestTask.excludes) exclude("META-INF/versions/**") // Seems unsupported by GraalVM } } afterEvaluate { if (numConfiguredRelocatedProjects.incrementAndGet() == relocatedProjects.size()) { relocatedProjects.each { p -> if (projectsWithNativeImageSupport.contains(p)) { p.tasks.getByName('nativeImageTrace').configure { classpath += p.files(p.configurations.getByName('shadedJarTestRuntime').resolve()) } } } } } } // additional configuration that can't be done at settings.gradle develocity { buildScan { // maintain a allowList so that sensitive information (credentials) aren't accidentally published. Set allowList = ['coverage', 'leak', 'blockhound', 'noLint', 'flakyTests', 'buildJdkVersion', 'testJavaVersion', 'minimumJavaVersion', 'retry', 'noWeb'] def self = owner allowList.each { property -> def provider = rootProject.providers.gradleProperty(property) if (provider.isPresent()) { self.value(property, provider.getOrElse("")) } } } } allprojects { normalization { runtimeClasspath { metaInf { ignoreAttribute("Ant-Version") ignoreAttribute("Created-By") } } } } configure(projectsWithFlags('java', 'publish')) { failOnVersionConflict( }