First aid for disabling the TCP-32764 backdoor in some routers
First router: ./
_____ _ _ _ _ _
| ___(_)_ __ ___| |_ / \ (_) __| |
| |_ | | '__/ __| __| / _ \ | |/ _` |
| _| | | | \__ \ |_ / ___ \| | (_| |
|_| |_|_| |___/\__| /_/ \_\_|\__,_|
This is TCP-32764-First-Aid (WAG120N)
It tries to run 'killall server_daemon'
on your router, disabling the backdoor.
Everything happens in RAM and this isn't
a permanent solution. [-h] [-i IP -u user -p password] -- small script to disable the 32764 backdoor in Linksys WAG120N (and maybe other too)
-h show this help text
-i router IP address / host
-u admin user for the web management
-p admin password for the web management
Please contribute more routers / fixes!