git clone
cd laarc
mkdir arc
echo "myname" > arc/admins
NOISY=1 DEV=1 rlwrap bin/arc # rlwrap is optional
at the arc prompt:
((load "news.arc"))
go to http://localhost:8080
click on login, and create an account called myname
you should now be logged in as an admin
change the variables at the top of news.arc
(= static-max-age* 7200) ; browsers can cache static files for 7200 sec
(declare 'direct-calls t) ; you promise not to redefine fns as tables
(declare 'explicit-flush t) ; you take responsibility for flushing output
; (all existing news code already does)
# some prereqs
sudo pkg install racket shuf rlwrap
# prereqs for plotting traffic graphs
sudo pkg install moreutils # sponge
sudo pkg install gnuplot
# for email
sudo pkg install python # then install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client
# PULL=10 means `git pull` every 10 seconds
PULL=10 FLUSH=nil bin/laarc