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Persistent Disk mount tests start failing a few hours after a cluster is created #7972



After running the standard e2e tests repeatedly against a long-living standard e2e test cluster, the following tests started to fail consistently. Before starting to fail, they succeeded 4 times. I'm busy gathering the cluster logs and debugging. I assume that one or both of the nodes in the test cluster got into a state where they were unable to schedule pods, or perhaps mount the required persistent disk.

Identified problems

PD should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc2090e8de0>: {
        s: "gave up waiting for pod pd-test-767f4220-f599-11e4-929a-42010af01555 to be running after 300.00 seconds",
    gave up waiting for pod pd-test-767f4220-f599-11e4-929a-42010af01555 to be running after 300.00 seconds
not to have occurred

PD should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc209066720>: {
        s: "gave up waiting for pod pd-test-3dcc937e-f59a-11e4-929a-42010af01555 to be running after 300.00 seconds",
    gave up waiting for pod pd-test-3dcc937e-f59a-11e4-929a-42010af01555 to be running after 300.00 seconds
not to have occurred




priority/critical-urgentHighest priority. Must be actively worked on as someone's top priority right now.sig/nodeCategorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node.


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