I spun up a libvirt coreos+k8s cluster that used rkt for its runtime, and kubectl exec
would error out with a segfault every time it was used, regardless of if the requested binary existed or not.
derek@rokot ~/git/kubernetes> kubectl exec frontend-gbecy ls
error: error executing remote command: error executing command in container: signal: segmentation fault (core dumped)
The changes that I made to the cloud configs such that it would be a rktnetes cluster are here.
cc @yifan-gu
euank commentedon May 10, 2016
I can't trivially reproduce this. Can you verify that you're using a kubectl binary that is compiled from the same commit? I'm using
./cluster/ -it exec my-single-container-pod echo hi
and seeing a perfectly happy response. Any more information about how to repro would be helpful.euank commentedon May 11, 2016
Per above xref I was able to reproduce it and tracked it down (with @dgonyeo's help) to a bug in rkt. I think we can leave this issue open to track setting a version of rkt without said bug as the recommended version.
yifan-gu commentedon May 16, 2016
@euank Are you able to test if the rkt 1.6 fixed this?
Merge pull request #25656 from tmrts/godep-update/rkt-1.6.0