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Deflake Kubenet e2e suite #24211



I gathered e2e test results of kubernetes-e2e-gce-kubenet suite for last 100 runs. The following is the list of flaky tests. Some might not be related to kubenet. I will start with the service tests. Any help would be appreciated.

DNS should provide DNS for pods for Hostname and Subdomain Annotation
DNS should provide DNS for services [Conformance]
DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance]
Deployment RecreateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones
Deployment RollingUpdateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones
Dynamic provisioning [] DynamicProvisioner should create and delete persistent volumes
Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [] ReplicationController light Should scale from 1 pod to 2 pods
Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [] ReplicationController light Should scale from 2 pods to 1 pod using HPA version v1
Kubectl client [] Guestbook application should create and stop a working application [Conformance]
Kubectl client [] Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance]
Kubectl client [] Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy
Kubectl client [] Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance]
Kubectl client [] Update Demo should do a rolling update of a replication controller [Conformance]
Kubectl client [] Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance]
Monitoring should verify monitoring pods and all cluster nodes are available on influxdb using heapster.
Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Conformance]
Pods should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [Conformance]
PreStop should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance]
Proxy version v1 should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance]
ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance]
ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance]
Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service
Services should be able to up and down services
Services should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance]

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priority/backlogHigher priority than priority/awaiting-more-evidence.sig/networkCategorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network.


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