Is there more documentation on how to run a Kubernetes cluster using CoreOS on AWS ??
I tried the script for AWS specifying KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION=coreos, it started a master on ubuntu, and then tried to launch my minions but they all crashed.
I first had to modify the cluster/aws/coreos/ script and delete those lines to make the script go this far:
# TODO(bakins): Is this actually used?
That crashed because you dont use a loop anymore to create the minions.
Do you have a solution to use the script to start a cluster automatically, like create credentials and give me access to the cluster directly. I dont want to use the other guide in the multi-node coreos page, because it is basically useless as is. What do i do once the masters and minions are running ? SSH to get the credentials ?
I would love to be able to use the autoscaling group approach from the other script :)
I am on kubernetes version 1.0.1.