Simple Blog example with Next Js as Front-end, and Kontenbase as Back-end
Make sure you already installed latest node js on your pc
- Create Account/Login to your Kontenbase app at
- Create service named "blogs" as private service
- title => Single Line Text
- content => Long Text
- slug => Single Line Text
- date => Created At
- coverImage => Url
- author => Created By
- excerpt => Long Text
Run the Front-end development server:
- Install the dependencies with:
npm install
- Create a file .env copy from .env.example
- Change the NEXT_PUBLIC_KONTENBASE_API_KEY you get in the Kontenbase
- Start developing and watch for code changes:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Deploy the example using Vercel: