import type { HydrogenComponentProps, InspectorGroup, } from "@weaverse/hydrogen"; import type { VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority"; import { cva } from "class-variance-authority"; import type React from "react"; import type { HTMLAttributes } from "react"; import { forwardRef } from "react"; import { cn } from "~/lib/cn"; import type { BackgroundImageProps } from "./background-image"; import { backgroundInputs } from "./background-image"; import type { OverlayProps } from "./overlay"; import { overlayInputs } from "./overlay"; import { OverlayAndBackground } from "./overlay-and-background"; export type BackgroundProps = BackgroundImageProps & { backgroundFor: "section" | "content"; backgroundColor: string; }; export interface SectionProps extends Omit, "padding">, Omit, "children">, Omit, "children">, Partial, OverlayProps { as: React.ElementType; borderRadius: number; containerClassName: string; children: React.ReactNode; } let variants = cva("relative", { variants: { width: { full: "w-full h-full", stretch: "w-full h-full", fixed: "w-full h-full max-w-page mx-auto", }, padding: { full: "", stretch: "px-3 md:px-10 lg:px-16", fixed: "px-3 md:px-4 lg:px-6 mx-auto", }, verticalPadding: { none: "", small: "py-4 md:py-6 lg:py-8", medium: "py-8 md:py-12 lg:py-16", large: "py-12 md:py-24 lg:py-32", }, gap: { 0: "", 4: "space-y-1", 8: "space-y-2", 12: "space-y-3", 16: "space-y-4", 20: "space-y-5", 24: "space-y-3 lg:space-y-6", 28: "space-y-3.5 lg:space-y-7", 32: "space-y-4 lg:space-y-8", 36: "space-y-4 lg:space-y-9", 40: "space-y-5 lg:space-y-10", 44: "space-y-5 lg:space-y-11", 48: "space-y-6 lg:space-y-12", 52: "space-y-6 lg:space-y-[52px]", 56: "space-y-7 lg:space-y-14", 60: "space-y-7 lg:space-y-[60px]", }, overflow: { unset: "", hidden: "overflow-hidden", }, }, defaultVariants: { overflow: "hidden", }, }); export let Section = forwardRef((props, ref) => { let { as: Component = "section", width, gap, overflow, verticalPadding, borderRadius, backgroundColor, backgroundFor, backgroundImage, backgroundFit, backgroundPosition, enableOverlay, overlayColor, overlayColorHover, overlayOpacity, className, children, containerClassName, style = {}, } = props; style = {, "--section-background-color": backgroundColor, "--section-border-radius": `${borderRadius || 0}px`, } as React.CSSProperties; let isBgForContent = backgroundFor === "content"; let hasBackground = backgroundColor || backgroundImage || borderRadius > 0; return ( {!isBgForContent && }
{isBgForContent && } {children}
); }); export let layoutInputs: InspectorGroup["inputs"] = [ { type: "select", name: "width", label: "Content width", configs: { options: [ { value: "full", label: "Full page" }, { value: "stretch", label: "Stretch" }, { value: "fixed", label: "Fixed" }, ], }, defaultValue: "fixed", }, { type: "range", name: "gap", label: "Items spacing", configs: { min: 0, max: 60, step: 4, unit: "px", }, defaultValue: 20, }, { type: "select", name: "verticalPadding", label: "Vertical padding", configs: { options: [ { value: "none", label: "None" }, { value: "small", label: "Small" }, { value: "medium", label: "Medium" }, { value: "large", label: "Large" }, ], }, defaultValue: "medium", }, { type: "range", name: "borderRadius", label: "Border radius", configs: { min: 0, max: 40, step: 2, unit: "px", }, defaultValue: 0, helpText: "Should be used in combination with background image or color", }, ]; export let sectionInspector: InspectorGroup[] = [ { group: "Layout", inputs: layoutInputs }, { group: "Background", inputs: backgroundInputs }, { group: "Overlay", inputs: overlayInputs }, ];