## Make docs less bad. perl/docs/* javascript/docs/* ## Don't generally want Selenium log files. selenium/*/*.log ghostdriver.log screenshots* ## Ignore the npm stuff that we now have. node_modules ## Ignore generated data in sub-modules. javascript/npm/amigo2-instance-data/lib/data javascript/npm/amigo2-instance-data/doc javascript/npm/bbop-widget-set/doc ## Ignore generated data. perl/bin/amigo-base-statistics-cache.json ## Don't want the virtualenv stuff for python leaking in. test-app/behave/'pwd' test-app/behave/screenshots* test-app/behave/pymote_env test-app/behave/Scripts test-app/behave/virtualenv.exe test-app/behave/bin test-app/behave/include test-app/behave/lib test-app/behave/local ## Do not want to commit staging files. staging/*.js javascript/staging/*.js staging/*.dat javascript/staging/*.dat ## Do not commit our TAGS TAGS ## My my_rhino workaround should never be committed. my_rhino ## NaturalDocs data files change too much and shouldn't be modified. perl/docs/.naturaldocs_project/Data javascript/docs/.naturaldocs_project/Data ## Local conf files should be ignored. conf/amigo.yaml* conf/config.pl ## Files as part of the data conversion rollout to be ignored. perl/bin/config.pl perl/bin/xrefs.json ## Emacs things (from ## https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/Emacs.gitignore). *~ \#*\# /.emacs.desktop /.emacs.desktop.lock .elc auto-save-list tramp .\#* # Org-mode .org-id-locations *_archive ## Would rather not have the minimal java stuff pollute. *.class