from talkingface.utils import * import os import pickle import copy def Tensor2img(tensor_, channel_index): frame = tensor_[channel_index:channel_index + 3, :, :].detach().squeeze(0).cpu().float().numpy() frame = np.transpose(frame, (1, 2, 0)) * 255.0 frame = frame.clip(0, 255) return frame.astype(np.uint8) def correct_rotation_matrix(R): # Perform SVD on the 3x3 part of the matrix U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(R, full_matrices=True) # Ensure the determinant is 1 to avoid reflection det = np.linalg.det(U @ VT) if det < 0: VT[-1, :] *= -1 # or U[:, -1] *= -1 scale_matrix = np.diag(S) # Combine scaling and rotation scaled_rotation_matrix = U @ scale_matrix @ VT # print("sssssssssssss", det) return scaled_rotation_matrix def mat_A(pts): A = np.zeros([len(pts) * 3, 12]) for i in range(len(pts)): A[3 * i + 0, 0:3] = pts[i] A[3 * i + 0, 3] = 1 A[3 * i + 1, 4:7] = pts[i] A[3 * i + 1, 7] = 1 A[3 * i + 2, 8:11] = pts[i] A[3 * i + 2, 11] = 1 return A from sklearn import decomposition def calc_face_mat(pts_array_origin, face_pts_mean): ''' :param pts_array_origin: mediapipe检测出的人脸关键点 :return: ''' A = mat_A(face_pts_mean) A_inverse = np.linalg.pinv(A) pts_normalized_list = [] mat_list = [] for i in pts_array_origin: B = i.flatten() x = rotationMatrix = np.zeros([4, 4]) rotationMatrix[:3, :] = x.reshape(3, 4) rotationMatrix[3, 3] = 1 R = rotationMatrix[:3, :3] # Correct the rotation part corrected_R = correct_rotation_matrix(R) centroid_src = np.mean(face_pts_mean, axis=0) centroid_tgt = np.mean(i, axis=0) # Step 4: Compute translation vector T = centroid_tgt - corrected_R @ centroid_src rotationMatrix[:3, :3] = corrected_R rotationMatrix[:3, 3] = T mat_list.append(rotationMatrix) for index_, i in enumerate(pts_array_origin): rotationMatrix = mat_list[index_] keypoints = np.ones([4, len(i)]) keypoints[:3, :] = i.T keypoints_normalized = np.linalg.inv(rotationMatrix).dot(keypoints).T pts_normalized_list.append(keypoints_normalized[:, :3]) x = np.array(pts_normalized_list).reshape(len(pts_normalized_list), -1) # print(x.shape) n_components = min(25, len(pts_array_origin)//20) pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_components) y = pca.transform(x) x_new = pca.inverse_transform(y) x_new = x_new.reshape(len(x_new), -1, 3) pts_normalized_list = [] mat_list = [] for index, x in enumerate(x_new): A = mat_A(x) A_inverse = np.linalg.pinv(A) B = pts_array_origin[index].flatten() x = rotationMatrix = np.zeros([4, 4]) rotationMatrix[:3, :] = x.reshape(3, 4) rotationMatrix[3, 3] = 1 R = rotationMatrix[:3, :3] # Correct the rotation part corrected_R = correct_rotation_matrix(R) centroid_src = np.mean(x_new[index], axis=0) centroid_tgt = np.mean(pts_array_origin[index], axis=0) # Step 4: Compute translation vector T = centroid_tgt - corrected_R @ centroid_src rotationMatrix[:3, :3] = corrected_R rotationMatrix[:3, 3] = T mat_list.append(rotationMatrix) mat_list = np.array(mat_list) # mat_list必须要平滑,注意是针对每个视频分别平滑 sub_mat_list = mat_list smooth_array_ = sub_mat_list.reshape(-1, 16) import pandas as pd smooth_array_ = smooth_array(smooth_array_, weight = [0.04,0.08,0.13,0.5,0.13,0.08,0.04]) # pd.DataFrame(smooth_array_[200:400]).to_csv("sad.csv") # exit(-1) # print(smooth_array_, smooth_array_.shape) smooth_array_ = smooth_array_.reshape(-1, 4, 4) mat_list = smooth_array_ mat_list = [hh for hh in mat_list] for index_,i in enumerate(pts_array_origin): rotationMatrix = mat_list[index_] keypoints = np.ones([4, len(i)]) keypoints[:3, :] = i.T keypoints_normalized = np.linalg.inv(rotationMatrix).dot(keypoints).T pts_normalized_list.append(keypoints_normalized[:,:3]) face_pts_mean_personal = pca.mean_.reshape(-1, 3) return mat_list,pts_normalized_list,face_pts_mean_personal face_pts_mean = None def video_pts_process(pts_array_origin): global face_pts_mean if face_pts_mean is None: current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) face_pts_mean = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(current_dir, "../data/face_pts_mean_mainKps.txt")) # 先根据pts_array_origin计算出旋转矩阵、去除旋转后的人脸关键点、面部mask、 mat_list, pts_normalized_list, face_pts_mean_personal = calc_face_mat(pts_array_origin, face_pts_mean) pts_normalized_list = np.array(pts_normalized_list) face_mask_pts_normalized = face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL].copy() face_mask_pts_normalized[:10, 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 1], axis=0) + np.arange(5, 25, 2) face_mask_pts_normalized[:10, 0] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 0], axis=0) - (9 - np.arange(0, 10)) face_mask_pts_normalized[-10:, 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 1], axis=0) - np.arange(5, 25, 2) + 28 face_mask_pts_normalized[-10:, 0] = np.min(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 0], axis=0) + np.arange(0, 10) face_mask_pts_normalized[10, 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[10], 1], axis=0) + 25 face_mask_pts = np.zeros([len(mat_list), len(face_mask_pts_normalized), 2]) for index_ in range(len(mat_list)): rotationMatrix = mat_list[index_] keypoints = np.ones([4, len(face_mask_pts_normalized)]) keypoints[:3, :] = face_mask_pts_normalized.T driving_mask = face_mask_pts[index_] = driving_mask[:,:2] return mat_list, pts_normalized_list, face_pts_mean_personal, face_mask_pts def mouth_replace(pts_array_origin, frames_num): ''' :param pts_array_origin: mediapipe检测出的人脸关键点 :return: ''' if os.path.isfile("face_pts_mean_mainKps.txt"): face_pts_mean = np.loadtxt("face_pts_mean_mainKps.txt") else: face_pts_mean = np.loadtxt("data/face_pts_mean_mainKps.txt") mat_list,pts_normalized_list,face_pts_mean_personal = calc_face_mat(pts_array_origin, face_pts_mean) face_personal = face_pts_mean_personal.copy() pts_normalized_list = np.array(pts_normalized_list) # face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:,INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 1], axis = 0) + 20 # face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 0] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 0], axis=0) + 10 # face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 1], axis=0) + 20 # face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 0] = np.min(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 0], axis=0) - 10 # face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[10], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[10], 1], axis=0) + 20 face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:,INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 1], axis = 0) + np.arange(5,25,2) face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 0] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[:10], 0], axis=0) - (9 - np.arange(0,10)) face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 1], axis=0) - np.arange(5,25,2) + 28 face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 0] = np.min(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[-10:], 0], axis=0) + np.arange(0,10) face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL[10], 1] = np.max(pts_normalized_list[:, INDEX_FACE_OVAL[10], 1], axis=0) + 25 face_pts_mean_personal = face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL] face_mask_pts = np.zeros([len(mat_list), len(face_pts_mean_personal), 2]) for index_ in range(len(mat_list)): rotationMatrix = mat_list[index_] keypoints = np.ones([4, len(face_pts_mean_personal)]) keypoints[:3, :] = face_pts_mean_personal.T driving_mask = face_mask_pts[index_] = driving_mask[:,:2] iteration = frames_num // len(pts_array_origin) + 1 if iteration == 1: pass else: pts_array_origin2 = copy.deepcopy(pts_array_origin) mat_list2 = copy.deepcopy(mat_list) face_mask_pts2 = copy.deepcopy(face_mask_pts) for i in range(iteration - 1): if i % 2 == 0: pts_array_origin2 = np.concatenate( [pts_array_origin2, pts_array_origin[::-1]], axis=0) mat_list2 += mat_list[::-1] face_mask_pts2 = np.concatenate( [face_mask_pts2, face_mask_pts[::-1]], axis=0) else: pts_array_origin2 = np.concatenate( [pts_array_origin2, pts_array_origin], axis=0) mat_list2 += mat_list face_mask_pts2 = np.concatenate( [face_mask_pts2, face_mask_pts], axis=0) pts_array_origin = pts_array_origin2 mat_list = mat_list2 face_mask_pts = face_mask_pts2 pts_array_origin, mat_list, face_mask_pts = pts_array_origin[:frames_num], mat_list[:frames_num], face_mask_pts[:frames_num] return pts_array_origin, mat_list, face_mask_pts, face_personal, pts_normalized_list def concat_output_2binfile(mat_list, pts_3d, face_pts_mean_personal, face_mask_pts_normalized): face_stable_pts_2d = np.zeros([len(mat_list), len(INDEX_FACE_OVAL + INDEX_MUSCLE), 2]) # 法令纹和脸部外轮廓关键点 face_mask_pts_2d = np.zeros([len(mat_list), face_mask_pts_normalized.shape[0], 2]) for index_, i in enumerate(mat_list): rotationMatrix = i # 法令纹和脸部外轮廓关键点 driving_mouth_pts = face_pts_mean_personal[INDEX_FACE_OVAL + INDEX_MUSCLE] keypoints = np.ones([4, len(driving_mouth_pts)]) keypoints[:3, :] = driving_mouth_pts.T driving_mouth_pts = face_stable_pts_2d[index_] = driving_mouth_pts[:, :2] # 脸部mask关键点 driving_mouth_pts = face_mask_pts_normalized keypoints = np.ones([4, len(driving_mouth_pts)]) keypoints[:3, :] = driving_mouth_pts.T driving_mouth_pts = face_mask_pts_2d[index_] = driving_mouth_pts[:, :2] pts_2d_main = pts_3d[:, main_keypoints_index, :2].reshape(len(pts_3d), -1) smooth_array_ = np.array(mat_list).reshape(-1, 16) * 100 face_mask_pts_2d = face_mask_pts_2d.reshape(len(face_mask_pts_2d), -1) face_stable_pts_2d = face_stable_pts_2d.reshape(len(face_stable_pts_2d), -1) output = np.concatenate([smooth_array_, pts_2d_main, face_mask_pts_2d, face_stable_pts_2d], axis=1).astype(np.float32) return output from import select_ref_index,get_ref_images_fromVideo def prepare_video_data(video_path, Path_pkl, ref_img_index_list, ref_img = None,save_ref = None): with open(Path_pkl, "rb") as f: images_info = pickle.load(f)[:, main_keypoints_index, :] pts_driven = images_info.reshape(len(images_info), -1) pts_driven = smooth_array(pts_driven).reshape(len(pts_driven), -1, 3) cap_input = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if ref_img is not None: ref_img = cv2.imread(ref_img).reshape(256, -1, 256, 3).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(256, 256, -1) else: if ref_img_index_list is None: ref_img_index_list = select_ref_index(pts_driven, n_ref=5, ratio=1 / 2.) ref_img = get_ref_images_fromVideo(cap_input, ref_img_index_list, pts_driven[:, :, :2]) mat_list, pts_normalized_list, face_pts_mean_personal, face_mask_pts = video_pts_process(pts_driven) if save_ref is not None: h, w, c = ref_img.shape ref_img_ = ref_img.reshape(h, w, -1, 3).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(h, -1, 3) # ref_path = "ref2.png" cv2.imwrite(save_ref, ref_img_) #"参考图片已存至{}.".format(ref_path)) return pts_driven, mat_list, pts_normalized_list, face_mask_pts, ref_img, cap_input