v0.6.0 ====== Allow intercepting (and logging) errors in callback instead of letting listener crash. v0.5.0 ====== Allow accessing sender's ip/port from outside of answer() Fix get_sender() error on IOS/Android. Fix encoding issue in OSCThreadServer.unbind(). v0.4.0 ====== Unicode support, servers and clients can declare an encoding for strings. Fix timeout bug after 15mn without any activity. Allow answering to a specific port. Allow callbacks to get the addresses they were called with. Add default_handler option for a server, to get all messages that didn't match any known address. Allow using default socket implicitly in OSCThreadServer.stop() Add statistics collections (messages/bytes sent/received) Add default routes to probe the server about existing routes and usage statistics. Improve reliability of stopping server. Add support for Midi messages Add support for True/False/Nil/Infinitum messages Add support for Symbol messages (treated as strings) Test/Coverage of more python versions and OSs in CI Improve documentation (README, CHANGELOG, and CONTRIBUTING) v0.3.0 ====== increase test coverage remove notice about WIP status add test/fix for refusing to send unicode strings use bytearray for blobs, since object catch wrong types fix client code example in readme allow binding methods with the @address_method decorator add test for @address decorator clarify that @address decorator won't work for methods add test and warnings about AF_UNIX not working on windows fix negative letter matching check exception is raised when no default socket add test and implementation for advanced_matching v0.2.0 ====== ignore build and dist dirs fix inet/unix comparison in performance test cleanup & documentation & performance test first minor version v0.1.3, v0.1.2, v0.1.1 ====================== fix setup.py classifiers v0.1.0 Initial release ====================== OSCThreadServer implementation and basic tests OSCClient implementation