A dark Neovim theme with support for LSP and treesitter.
- Made for readability
- Support for treesitter
- Support for Neovim builtin LSP
- Supports for a lot of plugins
To learn more, see examples.
- Neovim 0.8.0 or later
- truecolor terminal support
Download with your favorite package manager.
use "kihachi2000/yash.nvim"
To enable the colorscheme:
" Vim script
set termguicolors
colorscheme yash
-- lua
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.cmd("colorscheme yash")
- LSP Diagnostics
- LSP Semantic Highlight
- defx.nvim
- hop.nvim
- lightline.vim
- lualine.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-treesitter
- telescope.nvim
- terminal colors
To enable yash theme for lightline.vim:
" Vim script
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'yash' }
-- lua
vim.g.lightline = { colorscheme: "yash" }
To enable yash theme for lualine.nvim:
-- lua
require("lualine").setup {
options = {
theme = "yash"
- set unspecified colors.
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