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This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing.


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When it comes to rendering 3-dimensional computer-generated images there are 2 possible approaches: “Rasterization”, which is used by almost all graphic engines because of its efficiency and “Ray Tracing.”

The “Ray Tracing” method, developed for the first time in 1968 (but improved upon since) is even today more expensive in computation than the “Rasterization” method.
As a result, it is not yet fully adapted to real time use-cases but it produce a much higher degree of visual realism.

Before you can even begin to produce such high-quality graphics, you must master the basics: the miniRT is your first ray tracer coded in C, normed and humble but functionnal.

The main goal of miniRT is to prove to yourself that you can implement any mathematics or physics formulas without being a mathematician, we will only implement the most basics ray tracing features here so just keep calm, take a deep breath and don’t panic!
After this project you’ll be able to show off nice-looking pictures to justify the number of hours you’re spending at school...

subject v.7.2

Project Structure 📂
├── Dockerfile
├── project
   ├── Makefile
   ├── include
      ├── minirt.h
      ├── parser.h
      └── render.h
   ├── lib
      ├── libft
         ├── Makefile
         ├── include
            └── libft.h
         └── src
             ├── algo
                ├── ft_lds.c
                └── ft_lis.c
             ├── fd
                ├── ft_exit.c
                ├── ft_putchar_fd.c
                ├── ft_putendl_fd.c
                ├── ft_putnbr_fd.c
                └── ft_putstr_fd.c
             ├── _get_next_line
                └── ft_get_next_line.c
             ├── hex
                ├── ft_hexlen.c
                ├── ft_ultoa_hex.c
                └── ft_utoa_hex.c
             ├── is
                ├── ft_isalnum.c
                ├── ft_isalpha.c
                ├── ft_isascii.c
                ├── ft_isdigit.c
                └── ft_isprint.c
             ├── mem
                ├── ft_bzero.c
                ├── ft_calloc.c
                ├── ft_free.c
                ├── ft_memchr.c
                ├── ft_memcmp.c
                ├── ft_memcpy.c
                ├── ft_memmove.c
                └── ft_memset.c
             ├── _printf
                ├── ft_printf_assembly_line.c
                ├── ft_printf.c
                ├── ft_printf_format.c
                └── lst
                    ├── t_print_add_back.c
                    ├── t_print_add_front.c
                    ├── t_print_add_inside.c
                    ├── t_print_del_last.c
                    ├── t_print_last.c
                    ├── t_print_new.c
                    ├── t_print_size.c
                    └── t_print_split_str.c
             └── str
                 ├── ft_atof.c
                 ├── ft_atoi.c
                 ├── ft_char_append.c
                 ├── ft_itoa.c
                 ├── ft_n_is_in_arr.c
                 ├── ft_split.c
                 ├── ft_split_substr.c
                 ├── ft_strappend.c
                 ├── ft_strchr.c
                 ├── ft_strdup.c
                 ├── ft_stridx.c
                 ├── ft_striteri.c
                 ├── ft_strjoin.c
                 ├── ft_strlcat.c
                 ├── ft_strlcpy.c
                 ├── ft_strlen.c
                 ├── ft_strmapi.c
                 ├── ft_strmatrixfree.c
                 ├── ft_strmatrixjoin.c
                 ├── ft_strmatrixlen.c
                 ├── ft_strncmp.c
                 ├── ft_strnstr.c
                 ├── ft_strrchr.c
                 ├── ft_strrev.c
                 ├── ft_strtrim.c
                 ├── ft_substr.c
                 ├── ft_tolower.c
                 ├── ft_toupper.c
                 └── ft_utoa.c
      ├── libmlx
         ├── Makefile
         ├── include
            ├── mlx.h
            └── mlx_int.h
         └── src
             ├── mlx_clear_window.c
             ├── mlx_destroy_display.c
             ├── mlx_destroy_image.c
             ├── mlx_destroy_window.c
             ├── mlx_expose_hook.c
             ├── mlx_ext_randr.c
             ├── mlx_flush_event.c
             ├── mlx_get_color_value.c
             ├── mlx_get_data_addr.c
             ├── mlx_hook.c
             ├── mlx_init.c
             ├── mlx_int_anti_resize_win.c
             ├── mlx_int_deal_shm.c
             ├── mlx_int_do_nothing.c
             ├── mlx_int_get_visual.c
             ├── mlx_int_param_event.c
             ├── mlx_int_rgb_conversion.c
             ├── mlx_int_set_win_event_mask.c
             ├── mlx_int_str_to_wordtab.c
             ├── mlx_int_wait_first_expose.c
             ├── mlx_key_hook.c
             ├── mlx_lib_xpm.c
             ├── mlx_loop.c
             ├── mlx_loop_hook.c
             ├── mlx_mouse.c
             ├── mlx_mouse_hook.c
             ├── mlx_new_image.c
             ├── mlx_new_window.c
             ├── mlx_pixel_put.c
             ├── mlx_put_image_to_window.c
             ├── mlx_rgb.c
             ├── mlx_screen_size.c
             ├── mlx_set_font.c
             ├── mlx_string_put.c
             └── mlx_xpm.c
      └── libvec3
          ├── Makefile
          ├── include
             └── vec3.h
          └── src
              ├── vec3_adv.c
              ├── vec3_basic2.c
              ├── vec3_basic.c
              ├── vec3_normalize.c
              ├── vec3_pointer.c
              ├── vec3_rot.c
              └── vec3_trig.c
   ├── scenes
      ├── cylinders.rt
      ├── e_ambient_range.rt
      ├── e_capitalize.rt
      ├── e_direction.rt
      ├── e_invalid_identifier.rt
      ├── e_missing_args.rt
      ├── e_rgb.rt
      ├── e_too_many_args.rt
      ├── let_there_be_light.rt
      ├── mickey.rt
      ├── multi_obj_shadow.rt
      └── test.rt
   └── src
       ├── log
          ├── log_hooks.c
          └── log_obj.c
       ├── _lst
          ├── t_scene_add_back.c
          ├── t_scene_check_unique.c
          ├── t_scene_free.c
          ├── t_scene_get_obj.c
          ├── t_scene_new.c
          └── t_scene_set_to_head.c
       ├── main
          ├── errors_handler.c
          ├── initializer.c
          ├── main.c
          ├── terminator.c
          └── validator.c
       ├── parsing
          ├── camera.c
          ├── geometric_obj.c
          ├── get_value.c
          ├── lighting_obj.c
          └── parser.c
       ├── rendering
          ├── color2.c
          ├── color.c
          ├── intersec_cylinder.c
          ├── intersections.c
          ├── lighting.c
          ├── raycaster.c
          └── render.c
       ├── transform
          ├── rotate.c
          ├── scale.c
          └── traslate.c
       └── visualization
           ├── hooks.c
           ├── visualizator.c
           └── window_labels.c
└── _subject
    ├── en.subject.pdf
    ├── minilibx-linux.tgz
    ├── minilibx_mms_20200219_beta.tgz
    └── minilibx_opengl.tgz

📌 - Key Topics

Ray Tracing

Ray tracing is the primary rendering technique in this project, involving the simulation of light paths to generate realistic images. The project requires implementing basic ray-object intersection algorithms for geometric shapes like spheres, planes, and cylinders, as well as handling ambient lighting, shadows, and reflections.

🛠️ - Usage

git clone
cd miniRT/


⚖️ - License



This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing.




