# Official list of OpenEBS Maintainers.
# Names added to this file should be in the following format:
# Individual's name,@githubhandle, Company Name
# Each of the OpenEBS sub project may have one or more of the
# following maintainers and list of reviewers who are
# in the process of becoming maintainers.
# Please keep the below list sorted in ascending order.
"Amit Kumar Das",@AmitKumarDas,MayaData
"Jeffry Molanus",@gila,MayaData
"Karthik Satchitanand",@ksatchit,MayaData
"Kiran Mova",@kmova,MayaData
"Murat Karslioglu",@muratkars,MayaData
"Richard Elling",@richardelling,Viking Enterprise Solutions a division of Sanmina Corporation
"Vishnu Itta",@vishnuitta,MayaData
"Evan Powell",@epowell101,MayaData
"Prateek Pandey",@prateekpandey14,MayaData
"Uma Mukkara",@umamukkara,MayaData
"Utkarsh Mani Tripathi",@utkarshmani1997,MayaData