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d'Ivoire","Côte d'Ivoire"],CK:["Cook Islands","Cook Islands, Kūki ʻĀirani"],CL:["Chile","Chile"],CM:["Cameroon","Cameroun, Cameroon"],CN:["China","中国"],CO:["Colombia","Colombia"],CR:["Costa Rica","Costa Rica"],CU:["Cuba","Cuba"],CV:["Cabo Verde","Cabo Verde"],CW:["Curaçao","Curaçao"],CX:["Christmas Island","Christmas Island"],CY:["Cyprus","Κύπρος, Kibris"],CZ:["Czech Republic","Česká republika"],DE:["Germany","Deutschland"],DJ:["Djibouti","Djibouti, جيبوتي, Jabuuti, Gabuutih"],DK:["Denmark","Danmark"],DM:["Dominica","Dominica"],DO:["Dominican Republic","República Dominicana"],DZ:["Algeria","الجزائر"],EC:["Ecuador","Ecuador"],EE:["Estonia","Eesti"],EG:["Egypt","مصر"],EH:["Western Sahara","Sahara Occidental"],ER:["Eritrea","ኤርትራ, إرتريا, Eritrea"],ES:["Spain","España"],ET:["Ethiopia","ኢትዮጵያ, Itoophiyaa"],FI:["Finland","Suomi"],FJ:["Fiji","Fiji"],FK:["Falkland Islands","Falkland Islands"],FM:["Micronesia (Federated States of)","Micronesia"],FO:["Faroe Islands","Føroyar, Færøerne"],FR:["France","France"],GA:["Gabon","Gabon"],GB:["United Kingdom","United Kingdom"],GD:["Grenada","Grenada"],GE:["Georgia","საქართველო"],GF:["French Guiana","Guyane française"],GG:["Guernsey","Guernsey"],GH:["Ghana","Ghana"],GI:["Gibraltar","Gibraltar"],GL:["Greenland","Kalaallit Nunaat, Grønland"],GM:["The Gambia","The Gambia"],GN:["Guinea","Guinée"],GP:["Guadeloupe","Guadeloupe"],GQ:["Equatorial Guinea","Guiena ecuatorial, Guinée équatoriale, Guiné Equatorial"],GR:["Greece","Ελλάδα"],GS:["South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands","South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"],GT:["Guatemala","Guatemala"],GU:["Guam","Guam, Guåhån"],GW:["Guinea Bissau","Guiné-Bissau"],GY:["Guyana","Guyana"],HK:["Hong Kong (SAR of China)","香港, Hong Kong"],HM:["Heard Island and McDonald Islands","Heard Island and McDonald Islands"],HN:["Honduras","Honduras"],HR:["Croatia","Hrvatska"],HT:["Haiti","Haïti, Ayiti"],HU:["Hungary","Magyarország"],ID:["Indonesia","Indonesia"],IE:["Ireland","Ireland, Éire"],IL:["Israel","ישראל"],IM:["Isle of Man","Isle of Man"],IN:["India","भारत, India"],IO:["British Indian Ocean Territory","British Indian Ocean Territory"],IQ:["Iraq","العراق, Iraq"],IR:["Iran","ایران"],IS:["Iceland","Ísland"],IT:["Italy","Italia"],JE:["Jersey","Jersey"],JM:["Jamaica","Jamaica"],JO:["Jordan","الأُرْدُن"],JP:["Japan","日本"],KE:["Kenya","Kenya"],KG:["Kyrgyzstan","Кыргызстан, Киргизия"],KH:["Cambodia","កម្ពុជា"],KI:["Kiribati","Kiribati"],KM:["Comores","ﺍﻟﻘﻤﺮي, Comores, Komori"],KN:["Saint Kitts and Nevis","Saint Kitts and Nevis"],KP:["North Korea","북조선"],KR:["South Korea","대한민국"],KW:["Kuwait","الكويت"],KY:["Cayman Islands","Cayman Islands"],KZ:["Kazakhstan","Қазақстан, Казахстан"],LA:["Laos","ປະຊາຊົນລາວ"],LB:["Lebanon","لبنان, Liban"],LC:["Saint Lucia","Saint Lucia"],LI:["Liechtenstein","Liechtenstein"],LK:["Sri Lanka","ශ්‍රී ලංකා, இலங்கை"],LR:["Liberia","Liberia"],LS:["Lesotho","Lesotho"],LT:["Lithuania","Lietuva"],LU:["Luxembourg","Lëtzebuerg, Luxembourg, Luxemburg"],LV:["Latvia","Latvija"],LY:["Libya","ليبيا"],MA:["Morocco","Maroc, ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ, المغرب"],MC:["Monaco","Monaco"],MD:["Moldova","Moldova, Молдавия"],ME:["Montenegro","Crna Gora, Црна Гора"],MF:["Saint Martin (French part)","Saint-Martin"],MG:["Madagascar","Madagasikara, Madagascar"],MH:["Marshall Islands","Marshall Islands"],MK:["North Macedonia","Северна Македонија"],ML:["Mali","Mali"],MM:["Myanmar","မြန်မာ"],MN:["Mongolia","Монгол Улс"],MO:["Macao (SAR of China)","澳門, Macau"],MP:["Northern Mariana Islands","Northern Mariana Islands"],MQ:["Martinique","Martinique"],MR:["Mauritania","موريتانيا, Mauritanie"],MS:["Montserrat","Montserrat"],MT:["Malta","Malta"],MU:["Mauritius","Maurice, Mauritius"],MV:["Maldives",""],MW:["Malawi","Malawi"],MX:["Mexico","México"],MY:["Malaysia",""],MZ:["Mozambique","Mozambique"],NA:["Namibia","Namibia"],NC:["New Caledonia","Nouvelle-Calédonie"],NE:["Niger","Niger"],NF:["Norfolk Island","Norfolk Island"],NG:["Nigeria","Nigeria"],NI:["Nicaragua","Nicaragua"],NL:["The Netherlands","Nederland"],NO:["Norway","Norge, Noreg"],NP:["Nepal",""],NR:["Nauru","Nauru"],NU:["Niue","Niue"],NZ:["New Zealand","New Zealand"],OM:["Oman","سلطنة عُمان"],PA:["Panama","Panama"],PE:["Peru","Perú"],PF:["French Polynesia","Polynésie française"],PG:["Papua New Guinea","Papua New Guinea"],PH:["Philippines","Philippines"],PK:["Pakistan","پاکستان"],PL:["Poland","Polska"],PM:["Saint Pierre and Miquelon","Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"],PN:["Pitcairn","Pitcairn"],PR:["Puerto Rico","Puerto Rico"],PS:["Palestinian Territory","Palestinian Territory"],PT:["Portugal","Portugal"],PW:["Palau","Palau"],PY:["Paraguay","Paraguay"],QA:["Qatar","قطر"],RE:["Reunion","La Réunion"],RO:["Romania","România"],RS:["Serbia","Србија"],RU:["Russia","Россия"],RW:["Rwanda","Rwanda"],SA:["Saudi Arabia","السعودية"],SB:["Solomon Islands","Solomon Islands"],SC:["Seychelles","Seychelles"],SD:["Sudan","السودان"],SE:["Sweden","Sverige"],SG:["Singapore","Singapore"],SH:["Saint Helena","Saint Helena"],SI:["Slovenia","Slovenija"],SJ:["Svalbard and Jan Mayen","Svalbard and Jan Mayen"],SK:["Slovakia","Slovensko"],SL:["Sierra Leone","Sierra Leone"],SM:["San Marino","San Marino"],SN:["Sénégal","Sénégal"],SO:["Somalia","Somalia, الصومال"],SR:["Suriname","Suriname"],ST:["São Tomé and Príncipe","São Tomé e Príncipe"],SS:["South Sudan","South Sudan"],SV:["El Salvador","El Salvador"],SX:["Saint Martin (Dutch part)","Sint Maarten"],SY:["Syria","سوريا, Sūriyya"],SZ:["eSwatini","eSwatini"],TC:["Turks and Caicos Islands","Turks and Caicos Islands"],TD:["Chad","Tchad, تشاد"],TF:["French Southern and Antarctic Lands","Terres australes et antarctiques françaises"],TG:["Togo","Togo"],TH:["Thailand","ประเทศไทย"],TJ:["Tajikistan",","],TK:["Tokelau","Tokelau"],TL:["Timor-Leste","Timor-Leste"],TM:["Turkmenistan","Türkmenistan"],TN:["Tunisia","تونس, Tunisie"],TO:["Tonga","Tonga"],TR:["Turkey","Türkiye"],TT:["Trinidad and Tobago","Trinidad and Tobago"],TV:["Tuvalu","Tuvalu"],TW:["Taiwan","Taiwan"],TZ:["Tanzania","Tanzania"],UA:["Ukraine","Україна"],UG:["Uganda","Uganda"],UM:["United States Minor Outlying Islands","United States Minor Outlying Islands"],US:["United States of America","United States of America"],UY:["Uruguay","Uruguay"],UZ:["Uzbekistan",""],VA:["City of the Vatican","Città del Vaticano"],VC:["Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"],VE:["Venezuela","Venezuela"],VG:["British Virgin Islands","British Virgin Islands"],VI:["United States Virgin Islands","United States Virgin Islands"],VN:["Vietnam","Việt Nam"],VU:["Vanuatu","Vanuatu"],WF:["Wallis and Futuna","Wallis-et-Futuna"],WS:["Samoa","Samoa"],YE:["Yemen","اليَمَن"],YT:["Mayotte","Mayotte"],ZA:["South Africa","South Africa"],ZM:["Zambia","Zambia"],ZW:["Zimbabwe","Zimbabwe"]};let r=null,l=null;const d={};let c="en_GB";function u(){r||(r=o(2).locales);const e=[];for(const t in r)r.hasOwnProperty(t)&&e.push(t);return e}function p(e,t=!0,o=null){if((o=null===o?u():o).indexOf(e)>=0)return e;const a=m(e).toLowerCase();for(let e=0;e1&&t[1]?t[1]:t[0]:""}(o)),"zh"!=t||""!=o&&"TW"!=o||(a="繁體"),a?n+=` (${a})`:o&&(n+=` (${e})`),n}function y(e){const t=p(e);return d[t]||(d[t]=Object.assign({},r[t])),d[t]}function b(e,...t){let o=y(c)[e];""!==o&&void 0!==o||(o=e);try{return a(o,...t)}catch(e){return`${o} ${t.join(", ")} (Translation error: ${e.message})`}}t.defaultLocale=function(){return"en_GB"},t.supportedLocales=u,t.supportedLocalesToLanguages=function(e=null){e||(e={});const t=(l||(l=o(2).stats),l),a=u(),n={};for(let o=0;om(t)===e)},t._=b,t._n=function(e,t,o,...a){return o>1?b(t,...a):b(e,...a)}},function(e,t,o){var a;!function(){"use strict";var n={not_string:/[^s]/,not_bool:/[^t]/,not_type:/[^T]/,not_primitive:/[^v]/,number:/[diefg]/,numeric_arg:/[bcdiefguxX]/,json:/[j]/,not_json:/[^j]/,text:/^[^\x25]+/,modulo:/^\x25{2}/,placeholder:/^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-gijostTuvxX])/,key:/^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,key_access:/^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,index_access:/^\[(\d+)\]/,sign:/^[+-]/};function i(e){return r(d(e),arguments)}function s(e,t){return i.apply(null,[e].concat(t||[]))}function r(e,t){var o,a,s,r,l,d,c,u,p,h=1,m=e.length,g="";for(a=0;a=0),r.type){case"b":o=parseInt(o,10).toString(2);break;case"c":o=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(o,10));break;case"d":case"i":o=parseInt(o,10);break;case"j":o=JSON.stringify(o,null,r.width?parseInt(r.width):0);break;case"e":o=r.precision?parseFloat(o).toExponential(r.precision):parseFloat(o).toExponential();break;case"f":o=r.precision?parseFloat(o).toFixed(r.precision):parseFloat(o);break;case"g":o=r.precision?String(Number(o.toPrecision(r.precision))):parseFloat(o);break;case"o":o=(parseInt(o,10)>>>0).toString(8);break;case"s":o=String(o),o=r.precision?o.substring(0,r.precision):o;break;case"t":o=String(!!o),o=r.precision?o.substring(0,r.precision):o;break;case"T",-1).toLowerCase(),o=r.precision?o.substring(0,r.precision):o;break;case"u":o=parseInt(o,10)>>>0;break;case"v":o=o.valueOf(),o=r.precision?o.substring(0,r.precision):o;break;case"x":o=(parseInt(o,10)>>>0).toString(16);break;case"X":o=(parseInt(o,10)>>>0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}n.json.test(r.type)?g+=o:(!n.number.test(r.type)||u&&!r.sign?p="":(p=u?"+":"-",o=o.toString().replace(n.sign,"")),d=r.pad_char?"0"===r.pad_char?"0":r.pad_char.charAt(1):" ",c=r.width-(p+o).length,l=r.width&&c>0?d.repeat(c):"",g+=r.align?p+o+l:"0"===d?p+l+o:l+p+o)}return g}var l=Object.create(null);function d(e){if(l[e])return l[e];for(var t,o=e,a=[],i=0;o;){if(null!==(t=n.text.exec(o)))a.push(t[0]);else if(null!==(t=n.modulo.exec(o)))a.push("%");else{if(null===(t=n.placeholder.exec(o)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] unexpected placeholder");if(t[2]){i|=1;var s=[],r=t[2],d=[];if(null===(d=n.key.exec(r)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");for(s.push(d[1]);""!==(r=r.substring(d[0].length));)if(null!==(d=n.key_access.exec(r)))s.push(d[1]);else{if(null===(d=n.index_access.exec(r)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");s.push(d[1])}t[2]=s}else i|=2;if(3===i)throw new Error("[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported");a.push({placeholder:t[0],param_no:t[1],keys:t[2],sign:t[3],pad_char:t[4],align:t[5],width:t[6],precision:t[7],type:t[8]})}o=o.substring(t[0].length)}return l[e]=a}t.sprintf=i,t.vsprintf=s,"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.sprintf=i,window.vsprintf=s,void 0===(a=function(){return{sprintf:i,vsprintf:s}}.call(t,o,t,e))||(e.exports=a))}()},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse("{}")},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"يفتقد \\"%s\\" خاصية \\"%s\\" المطلوبة.","%d days":"%d أيام","%d hour":"%d ساعة","%d hours":"%d ساعات","%d minutes":"%d دقائق","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d ملاحظة تطابق هذا النمط. حذف هذه الملاحظات؟","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) لم يتم الإمكان من تحميله: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) يرغب مشاركة دفتر ملاحظات معك.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (ما قبل الإصدار)","%s - Copy":"%s - نسخ","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s : %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d ملاحظات","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&تعديل","&File":"&ملف","&Go":"&اذهب","&Help":"&مساعدة","&Note":"&ملاحظة","&Tools":"&أدوات","&View":"&عرض","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(لاشيء)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- الكاميرا: للسماح بالتقاط صورة و إرفاقها بملاحظة.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- المكان: للسماح بإرفاق معلومات الموقع الجغرافي مع الملاحظات.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- التخزين: للسماح بإرفاق ملفات للملاحظات و لتمكين المزامنة من نظام الملفات."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" (أمر-وسم) يمكن أن يكون \\"add\\" (أضف) ، \\"remove\\" (أزل) أو \\"list\\" (أسرد) ، وذلك لإضافة [وسم] أو إزالته من [ملاحظة] أو لسرد الملاحظات المرتبطة بال [وسم]. الأمر`tag list` يمكن استخدامه لسرد كل الوسوم (استخدم -l لخيار الوسوم الطويلة)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"يمكن أن يكون (أمر قائمة المهام) \\"toggle\\" (تبديل) أو \\"clear\\" (مسح) فقط. استخدم \\"toggle\\" لتبديل حال قائمة المهام المعطاة بين مكتملة و غير مكتملة (إذا كانت الملاحظة المقصودة عادية فسيتم تحويلها إلى قائمة مهام). استخدم \\"clear\\" لتحويل قائمة المهام ثانيةً إلى ملاحظة عادية.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"حول Joplin","accelerator":"مُسَرّع","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"المسرع \\"%s\\" غير صالح.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"يتم استخدام المسرّع \\"%s\\" للأوامر \\"%s\\" و \\"%s\\". قد يؤدي هذا إلى سلوك غير متوقع.","Accept":"قبول","Action":"عمل","Actions":"إجراءات","Active":"نشط","Actual Size":"الحجم الفعلي","Add body":"أضف الجسم","Add or remove tags:":"إضافة أو حذف وسوم:","Add recipient:":"أضِف المستلم:","Add title":"أضف العنوان","Add to dictionary":"أضف إلى القاموس","Advanced options":"خيارات متقدمة","Advanced tools":"أدوات متقدمة","All notes":"جميع الملاحظات","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"كافة المنافذ المحتملة قيد الاستخدام - الرجاء الإبلاغ عن المشكلة على %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"يظهر أيضاً متغيرات الإعداد غير المضبوطة أو تلك المخفية.","Always":"دائمًا","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"يتوفر تحديث ، هل تريد تنزيله الآن؟","Appearance":"المظهر","Application":"التطبيق","Apply":"تطبيق","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد تجديد الرمز المميز للتصريح?","Arguments:":"الحجج:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"إرفاق ملف","Attach photo":"إرفاق صورة","Attach...":"إرفاق...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"يرفق الملف المعطى بالملاحظة.","attachment":"المرفق","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"تعارض في المرفقات: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"سلوك تحميل المرفقات","Attachments":"المرفقات","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"المرفقات التي لا يمكن تنزيلها","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"تنبيه: إذا غيرت هذا المكان ، تأكد من نسخ كافة المحتويات لديك إليه قبل البدء بالمزامنة ، وإلا فسيتم حذف كل الملفات! أنظر الأسئلة المتكررة لتفاصيل أكثر: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"لم تكتمل المصادقة (لم أستلم الرمز المميز للمصادقة).","Authorisation token:":"الرمز المميز للتصريح:","Auto":"تلقائي","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"ادراج النصف الآخر للأقواس و علامات الإقتباس.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"التبديل تلقائيا للتنسيق لمطابقة تنسيق النضام","Automatically update the application":"تحديث التطبيق آلياً","Back":"عودة","Bold":"غامق","Browse all plugins":"تصفح جميع المكونات الإضافية","Browse...":"استعراض...","Bulleted List":"قائمة تعداد نقطي","Cancel":"إلغاء","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"يجري إلغاء مزامنة الخلفية... فضلاً انتظر.","Cancelling...":"الإلغاء جارٍ...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"الإلغاء جارٍ... فضلاً انتظر.","Cannot access %s":"لا يمكن الوصول إلى %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"لا يمكن تغيير العنصر المشفَّر","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"لا يمكن نسخ الملاحظة إلى دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"لا يمكن العثور على \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"لم يتمكن من تمهيد المزامن.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"لا يمكن تحميل الوحدة النمطية \\"%s\\" للتنسيق \\"%s\\" والإخراج \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"لا يمكن تحميل الوحدة النمطية \\"%s\\" للتنسيق \\"%s\\" والهدف \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"لا يمكن نقل الملاحظة إلى دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"لا يمكن نقل دفتر الملاحظات إلى هذا المكان","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"لا يمكن تحديث الرمز المميز: بيانات المصادقة مفقودة. بدء المزامنة مرة ثانية قد يحل المشكلة.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"لا يمكن حفظ %s \\"%s\\" لأن حجمه أكبر من الحد المسموح به (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"لا يمكن حفظ %s \\"%s\\" لأنه قد يتجاوز إجمالي الحجم المسموح به (%s) لهذا الحساب","Change application layout":"تغيير تصميم التطبيق","Change language":"تغيّير اللغة","Characters":"أحرف","Characters excluding spaces":"الأحرف بإستثناء المسافات","Check for updates...":"البحث جارٍ عن تحديثات...","Check synchronisation configuration":"فحص ضبط المزامنة","Checkbox":"خانة اختيار","Checkbox list":"قائمة خانات اختيار","Checking... Please wait.":"التحقق جارٍ... فضلاً انتظر.","Choose an option":"إختر خيار","Chrome Web Store":"متجر كروم الالكتروني","Clear":"مسح","Clear alarm":"مسح المنبّه","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"انقر \\"%s\\" لاستعادة الملاحظة. سيتم نسخه في دفتر الملاحظات المسمى \\"%s\\". لن يتم استبدال أو تعديل الإصدار الحالي من الملاحظة.","Click to add tags...":"اضغط لإدراج سمات...","Client ID: %s":"معرف العميل: %s","Close":"إغلاق","Close Window":"إغلاق النافذة","Code":"رمز","Code Block":"كتلة للغة البرمجة","Code View":"عرض بلغة البرمجة","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"تعاون مع الآخرين على دفاتر الملاحظات","Coming alarms":"المنبّهات القادمة","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"قائمة مفصولة بفواصل ، بالمسارات إلى الأدلة التي سيجري تحميل الشهادات منها ، أو المسار إلى الملفات المستقلة للشهادات. على سبيل المثال : /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. لاحظ أنه يجب أن تحفظ تغييراتك قبل الضغط على \\"فحص ضبط المزامنة\\" ، إن كنت قمت بتغييرات في إعدادات TLS.","command":"أمر","Command":"أمر","Command palette":"لوحة الأوامر","Command palette...":"لوحة الأوامر...","Completed":"مكتملة","Completed decryption.":"اكتمل فك التشفير.","Completed: %s (%s)":"مكتملة: %s (%s)","Configuration":"الضبط","Confirm password cannot be empty":"تأكيد كلمة المرور لا يمكن أن تكون فارغة","Confirm password:":"تأكيد كلمة المرور:","Confirmation":"التأكيد","Conflicted: %d":"المتعارضة: %d","Conflicts":"التعارضات","Conflicts (attachments)":"التعارضات (المرفقات)","Convert to note":"تحويل إلى ملاحظة","Convert to todo":"تحويل إلى قائمة مهام","Copy":"نسخ","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"نسخ أمر وضع المبرمج إلى الحافظة","Copy Link Address":"نسخ عنوان الرابط","Copy Markdown link":"نسخ رابط Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"نسخ المسار إلى الحافظة","Copy Shareable Link":"نسخ رابط قابل للمشاركة","Copy token":"نسخ الرمز المميز","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"لم يتم التصريح للتطبيق:\\n%s\\nفضلاً حاول ثانية.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"لا يمكن الاتصال بخادم Joplin. يرجى التحقق من الإعدادات في شاشة تكوين التزامن. الخطأ الكامل كان:\\n\\n%sس","Could not export notes: %s":"تعذر تصدير الملاحظات: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"تعذّر تثبيت المكوّن الإضافي : %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"تعذرت ترقية المفتاح الرئيسي: %s\\\\","Create a notebook":"إنشاء دفتر ملاحظات","Created":"الإنشاء","created date":"تاريخ الإنشاء","Created local items: %d.":"العناصر المحلية المنشأة: %d.","Created locally":"تم إنشاؤها محليًا","Created remote items: %d.":"العناصر البعيدة المنشأة: %d.","Created: ":"الإنشاء في: ","Created: %d.":"تم إنشاؤها: %d.","Created: %s":"الإنشاء في: %s","Creates a new note.":"ينشئ ملاحظة جديدة.","Creates a new notebook.":"ينشئ دفتر ملاحظات جديد.","Creates a new to-do.":"ينشئ قائمة جديدة للمهام.","Creating new %s...":"إنشاء %s جديد ...","Creating report...":"إنشاء تقرير ...","Current version is up-to-date.":"النسخة الحالية محدَّثة.","custom order":"ترتيب مخصص","Custom order":"ترتيب مخصّص","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"ورقة أنماط مخصصة لأنماط التطبيق على نطاق Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"ورقة أنماط مخصصة لأنماط التطبيق التي تظهر على نطاق Joplin","Custom TLS certificates":"شهادات TLS خاصة","Cut":"قص","Dark":"غامقة","Database v%s":"قاعدة البيانات v%s","Date":"التاريخ","Date format":"تنسيق التاريخ","days":"أيام","Decrypted items: %d":"العناصر التي تم فك تشفيرها: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"العناصر المفكوك تشفيرها: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"فك تشفير العناصر: %d/%d","Default":"تلقائي","Default: %s":"التلقائية: %s","Delete":"حذف","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"هل تريد حذف المرفقات \\"%s\\"؟","Delete line":"حذف الخط","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"حذف البيانات المحليّة وإعادة تنزيل ","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"حذف الملاحظة \\"%s\\" ؟","Delete note?":"حذف الملاحظة؟","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"حذف دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\" ؟\\n\\nسيتم حذف كل الملاحظات و دفاتر الملاحظات الفرعية ضمن هذا الدفتر أيضاً.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"حذف دفتر الملاحظات؟ سيتم حذف كل الملاحظات و دفاتر الملاحظات الفرعية ضمن هذا الدفتر أيضاً.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"حذف المكون الإضافي \\"%s\\"؟","Delete these %d notes?":"حذف ملاحظات %d هذه ؟","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"أحذف هذه الدعوة؟ لن يتمكن المستلم من الوصول إلى دفتر الملاحظات المشترك هذا بعد الآن.","Deleted local items: %d.":"العناصر المحلية المحذوفة: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"العناصر البعيدة المحذوفة: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"يحذف دفتر الملاحظات المعطى.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"يحذف دفتر الملاحظات دون طلب تأكيد.","Deletes the notes matching .":"يحذف الملاحظات المطابقة لـ (نمط-ملاحظة).","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"يحذف الملاحظات دون طلب تأكيد.","Destination format: %s":"التنسيق الوجهة: %s","Directory":"دليل","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"الدليل الذي تتم المزامنة معه (المسار المطلق)","Disable":"تعطيل","Disable encryption":"تعطيل التشفير","Disable safe mode and restart":"تعطيل الوضع الآمن ثم إعادة التشغيل","Disable Web Clipper Service":"تعطيل خدمة Web clipper","Disabled":"معطَّل","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"تعطيل التشفير يعني أن *كل* ملاحظاتك ومرفقاتها ستجري إعادة مزامنتها ثم ترسل دون تشفير إلى وجهة المزامنة. هل ترغب الاستمرار؟","Discard changes":"تجاهل التغييرات","Dismiss":"صرف","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"عرض رابط URL للموقع الجغرافي للملاحظة.","Displays only the first top notes.":"يعرض أول أعلى <رقم> ملاحظات فقط.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"يعرض العناصر من النوع/الأنواع المحددة فقط. يمكن أن يكون `n` للملاحظات ، أو `t` لقوائم المهام أو `nt` للملاحظات و قوائم المهام (مثلاً ، `-tt` ستعرض قوائم المهام فقط ، بينما ستعرض `-tnt` الملاحظات و قوائم المهام.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"يعرض موجزاً عن الملاحظات و دفاتر الملاحظات.","Displays the complete information about note.":"يعرض المعلومات الكاملة عن الملاحظة.","Displays the given note.":"يعرض الملاحظة المعطاة.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"يعرض الملاحظات في الدفتر الحالي. استخدم `ls /` لعرض قائمة دفاتر الملاحظات.","Displays usage information.":"عرض معلومات الاستخدام.","Displays version information":"عرض معلومات النسخة","Do it now":"إفعلها الآن","Do not ask for confirmation.":"لا تطلب التأكيد.","Download":"تحميل","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"قم بتنزيل و تثبيت الإضافة المذكورة في المستعرض لديك:","Downloaded":"تم التنزيل","Downloaded and decrypted":"تم تنزيلها وفك تشفيرها","Downloaded and encrypted":"تم تنزيلها وتشفيرها","Downloading":"جاري التنزيل","Downloading resources...":"يجري تنزيل الموارد...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"قم بإسقاط الملاحظات أو الملفات هنا","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"تسجيل الدخول إلى Dropbox","Duplicate":"تكرار","Duplicate line":"سطر مكرَّر","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"ينشئ نسخة من الملاحظات المطابقة لـ (ملاحظة) في [notebook] (دفتر ملاحظات). إذا لم يحدد دفتر ملاحظات فستنسخ الملاحظة في دفتر الملاحظات الحالي.","Edit":"تحرير","Edit in external editor":"التحرير في محرر خارجي","Edit note.":"تحرير الملاحظة.","Edit notebook":"تحرير دفتر الملاحظات","Editor":"محرر","Editor font":"خط المحرّر","Editor font family":"نوع خط المحرّر","Editor font size":"حجم خط المحرّر","Editor maximum width":"العرض الأقصى للمحرِّر","Editor monospace font family":"نوع خط المحرّر ذَو الأحرُف أحاديَة التفريق","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"إما \\"text\\" أو \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"نص مشدَّد علية","Enable":"تمكين","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"تمكين بناء جملة إدراج","Enable ==mark== syntax":"تمكين بناء الجملة ==علامة==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"تمكين بناء جملة ^مرتفع^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"تمكين بناء جملة الاختصار","Enable audio player":"تفعيل مشغّل الصوت","Enable deflist syntax":"تمكين بناء جملة قوائم التعريفات","Enable encryption":"تفعيل التشفير","Enable footnotes":"تمكين الحواشي السفلية","Enable Fountain syntax support":"تمكين دعم بناء جملة Fountain","Enable Linkify":"تمكين لينكيفاي","Enable markdown emoji":"تمكين بناء جملة ترميز رمز تعبيري","Enable math expressions":"تمكين العبارات الرياضية","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"تفعيل دعم مخططات ميرمايد","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"تمكين إضافة جداول التراميز المتعددة","Enable note history":"تمكين تاريخ الملاحظة","Enable PDF viewer":"تمكين عارض PDF","Enable soft breaks":"تمكين الاستراحات الناعمة","Enable table of contents extension":"تمكين إضافة جدول المحتويات","Enable typographer support":"تمكين دعم صائغ الحروف","Enable video player":"تفعيل مشغّل الفيديو","Enable Web Clipper Service":"تفعيل خدمة Web clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"تمكين بناء جملة ~منخفض~","Enabled":"مفعَّل","Encrypted":"مشفّر","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"لا يمكن تعديل العناصر المشفَّرة","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"دفاتر الملاحظات المشفرة لا يمكن إعادة تسميتها","Encryption":"التشفير","Encryption Config":"ضبط التشفير","Encryption is: %s":"التشفير هو: %s","Enter code here":"أدخل الرمز هنا","Enter master password:":"أدخل كلمة المرور الرئيسة:","Enter notebook title":"أدخل عنوان دفتر الملاحظات","Enum":"سرد","Error":"خطأ","Error opening note in editor: %s":"حدث خطأ أثناء فتح الملاحظة: %s في المحرر","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"خطأ. فضلاً تحقق من صحة عنوان URL ، اسم المستخدم ، كلمة المرور وغيرها وأن جهة المزامنة المستهدفة يمكن الوصول إليها. كان الخطأ المبلّغ عنه:","Error: %s":"خطأ: %s","Errors only":"الأخطاء فقط","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"ملف تصدير Evernote (بتنسيق HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"ملف تصدير Evernote (بتنسيق Markdown)","Exits the application.":"الخروج من التطبيق.","Export":"تصدير","Export all":"تصدير الجميع","Export debug report":"تصدير تقرير إصلاح الأخطاء","Export Debug Report":"تصدير تقرير إصلاح الأخطاء","Export profile":"تصديرملف التعريف","Exporting profile...":"جارٍ تصدير ملف التعريف...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"التصدير إلى \\"%s\\" بتنسيق \\"%s\\". فضلاً انتظر...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"تصدير بيانات Joplin إلى المسار المعطى. سيصدِّر التطبيق تلقائياً كامل قاعدة البيانات بما في ذلك دفاتر الملاحظات ، الملاحظات ، الوسوم والموارد.","Exports only the given note.":"تصدير الملاحظة المعطاة فقط.","Exports only the given notebook.":"تصدير دفتر الملاحظات المعطى فقط.","Fail-safe":"أمان فشل","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"آمن من الفشل: لا تقم بمسح البيانات المحلية عندما يكون هدف المزامنة فارغًا (غالبًا ما يكون نتيجة لحدوث خطأ في التكوين أو خلل برمجي)","Fatal error:":"خطأ فادح:","Feature flags":"علامات الميزة","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"العناصر المجلوبة: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"جلب الموارد: %d/%d","File":"ملف","File system":"نظام الملفات","Firefox Extension":"إضافة Firefox","Fix search index":"إصلاح فهرس البحث","Fixing search index...":"جارٍ إصلاح فهرس البحث ...","Focus":"تركيز","Focus body":"التركيز على المتن","Focus title":"التركيز على العنوان","Folders":"مجلدات","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"التصدير هذا لغرض التصحيح فقط: قم بتصدير ملف التعريف الخاص بك إلى بطاقة SD الخارجية.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"فضلاً زيارة %s لتحصل على معلومات عن كيفية تخصيص الاختصارات","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"لمزيد من المعلومات حول التشفير من طرف إلى طرف (E2EE) ونصيحة حول كيفية تمكينه يرجى مراجعة الوثائق:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"أكتب `help keymap` للحصول على قائمة اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح و خيارات الإعداد","Forward":"إلى الأمام","Found: %d.":"تم العثور عليها: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS مفعَّلة: %d","Full changelog":"سجل التغيير بكامله","General":"عام","Generating link...":"جارٍ إنشاء الرابط...","Get it now:":"احصل عليها الآن:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"جلب نسخ ما قبل الإصدار عند البحث عن تحديثات","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"يستخرج قيمة إعداد أو يضبطها. إذا لم يجر التزويد بـ [value] (قيمة) فسيعرض التطبيق قيمة [name] (اسم). إذا لم يجر التزويد بـ [name] ولا [value] فسيسرد التطبيق الإعداد الحالي.","Go to source URL":"الذهاب إلى عنوان URL المصدر","Goto Anything...":"اذهب إلى أي شيء...","Grant authorisation":"منح ال","Heading":"ترويسة","Help":"مساعدة","Hide %s":"أخف %s","Hide Joplin":"إخفي Joplin","Highlight":"تَمييز النَص","Horizontal Rule":"خط تسطير أفقي","HTML Directory":"دليل HTML","HTML File":"ملف HTML","Hyperlink":"ارتباط تشعبي","ID":"المعرّف","Idle":"خامل","Ignore":"تجاهل","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"تجاهل أخطاء شهادات TLS","Import":"استيراد","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"الاستيراد من \\"%s\\" بتنسيق \\"%s\\". فضلاً انتظر...","Importing notes...":"استيراد الملاحظات جارٍ...","Imports data into Joplin.":"استيراد البيانات إلى Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"في الوضع \\"يدوي\\"، يتم تنزيل المرفقات فقط عند النقر عليها. في \\"تلقائي\\"، يتم تنزيلها عند فتح الملاحظة. في \\"دائمًا\\"، يتم تنزيل جميع المرفقات سواء قمت بفتح الملاحظة أم لا.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"في أي أمر ، يمكن الإشارة إلى ملاحظة أو دفتر ملاحظات بعنوانه أو بمعرّفه ، أو باستخدام الاختصارات `$n` أو `$b` التي تشير ، على الترتيب ، إلى الملاحظة أو دفتر الملاحظات المختار حالياً. يمكن استخدام `$c` للإشارة إلى العنصر المختار حالياً.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"لربط الموقع الجغرافي بالملاحظة ، يحتاج التطبيق إلى إذنك للوصول إلى موقعك.\\n\\nيمكنك إيقاف تشغيل هذا الخيار في أي وقت في شاشة الإعدادات.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"للقيام بذلك، يجب تشفير مجموعة بياناتك بالكامل ومزامنتها، لذا من الأفضل تشغيلها خلال الليل.\\n\\nللبدء، يرجى اتباع هذه التعليمات:\\n\\n1. قم بمزامنة جميع أجهزتك.\\n2. انقر فوق \\"%s\\" \\n3. دعها تعمل حتى الاكتمال. أثناء تشغيله، تجنب تغيير أي ملاحظة على أجهزتك الأخرى، لتجنب التعارضات.\\n4. بمجرد إتمام المزامنة على هذا الجهاز، قم بمزامنة جميع أجهزتك الأخرى واتركها تعمل حتى الاكتمال.\\n\\nهام: ما عليك سوى تشغيل هذا مرة واحدة على جهاز واحد.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"لاستخدام مزامنة نظام الملفات، يجب الحصول على إذن الكتابة إلى وحدة التخزين الخارجية.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"تحتاج لفعل الخطوات التالية للتمكن من استخدام إضافة القصّ Web clipper:","In progress":"قيد التقدم","In: %s":"في: %s","Indent less":"مسافة بادئة أقل","Indent more":"مسافة بادئة أكثر","Information":"معلومات","Inline Code":"نص لغة برمجة في النسق","Insert":"إدخال","Insert Date Time":"إدراج التاريخ والوقت","Insert Hyperlink":"إدراج ارتباط تشعبي","Install":"تثبيت","Install from file":"التثبيت من ملف","Installed":"مثبّت","Installing...":"جارٍ التثبيت...","Invalid":"غير صحيح","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s غير صالح: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"إجابة غير صحيحة: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"أمر غير صالح:\\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"قيمة خيار غير صحيحة: \\"%s\\". القيم الممكنة هي: %s.","Italic":"مائل","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"العنصر \\"%s\\" لم يتم الإمكان من تحميله: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"العناصر التي لا يمكن فك تشفيرها","Items that cannot be synchronised":"العناصر التي لا يمكن مزامنتها","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin يستطيع مزامنة ملاحظاتك باستخدام العديد من المزوّدين. اختر واحداً من القائمة أدناه.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"بريد Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"كلمة مرور Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"دليل تصدير بيانات Joplin","Joplin Export File":"ملف تصدير Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"فشل Joplin في فك تشفير هذه العناصر عدة مرات، ربما لأنها تالفة أو كبيرة جدًا. ستبقى هذه العناصر على الجهاز ولكن Joplin لن تحاول فك تشفيرها.","Joplin Forum":"منتدى Joplin","Joplin Server":"خادم Joplin","Joplin Server email":"بريد خادم Joplin","Joplin Server password":"كلمة مرور خادم Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"عنوان URL لخادم Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"تتيح Joplin Web clipper حفظ صفحات الويب ولقطات الشاشة من مستعرضك إلى Joplin.","Joplin website":"موقع ويب Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"خدمة المزامنة العائدة لـ Joplin. وهي تتيح الوصول أيضاً إلى ميزات تخص Joplin فقط مثل نشر الملاحظات أو التعاون عليها مع الآخرين.","Keep note history for":"الاحتفاظ بتاريخ الملاحظة لـ","Keyboard Mode":"وضع لوحة المفاتيح","Keyboard Shortcut":"اختصار لوحة المفاتيح","Keyboard Shortcuts":"اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح","Keychain Supported: %s":"سلسلة المفاتيح المدعومة: %s","Landscape":"عرضي","Language":"اللغة","Last error: %s":"آخر خطأ: %s","Later":"لاحقا","Layout":"تخطيط","Layout button sequence":"نسق زر التسلسل","Legal":"قانوني","Letter":"رسالة","Light":"فاتحة","Lines":"خطوط","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"تم نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"الروابط مع البروتوكول \\"%s\\" غير مدعومة","List item":"عنصر قائمة","Location":"المكان","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"ملف القفل هو قيد الحجز بالفعل. بإمكانك حذف ملف القفل في \\"%s\\" واستئناف العملية إن كنت تعلم أنه لا توجد مزامنة تجري حالياً.","Log":"السجل","Login":"تسجيل الدخول","Login below.":"تسجيل الدخول أدناه.","Login with Dropbox":"تسجيل الدخول عبر Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"تسجيل الدخول عبر OneDrive","Make a donation":"تبرَّع","Manage your plugins":"إدارة الإضافات الخاصة بك","Manual":"يدوي","Markdown":"تنسيق Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"يعلّم قائمة مهام أنها تمت.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"يعلّم قائمة مهام أنها غير مكتملة.","Markup":"ترميز","Master Key %s":"المفتاح الرئيس %s","Max concurrent connections":"الاتصالات المتزامنة القصوى","Missing Master Keys":"المفاتيح الرئيسة مفقودة","Missing required argument: %s":"المعامل المطلوب %s مفقود","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"بيانات الجوال - تم تعطيل المزامنة التلقائية","More info":"معلومات اكثر","More information":"معلومات اكثر","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"أكثر من عنصر واحد يطابق \\"%s\\". يرجى تضييق الاستعلام الخاص بك.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"نقل %d ملاحظات إلى دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\" ؟","Move to notebook":"النقل إلى دفتر ملاحظات","Move to notebook...":"النقل إلى دفتر ملاحظات...","Move to notebook:":"النقل إلى دفتر ملاحظات:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"ينقل الملاحظات المطابقة لـ إلى [notebook].","n":"لا","N":"لا","New note":"ملاحظة جديدة","New notebook":"دفتر ملاحظات جديد","New Notebook":"دفتر ملاحظات جديد","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"سيتم إنشاء دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\" و استيراد الملف \\"%s\\" إليه","New sub-notebook":"دفتر ملاحظات فرعي جديد","New tags:":"وسوم جديدة:","New to-do":"قائمة جديدة للمهام","New version: %s":"النسخة الجديدة: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"كلمة مرور Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"اسم مستخدم Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"عنوان URL لـ Nextcloud WebDAV","no":"كلّا","No":"لا","No active notebook.":"لا يوجد دفتر ملاحظات نشط.","No item with ID %s":"لا يوجد عنصر بالمعرّف %s","No notebook has been specified.":"لم يتم تحديد دفتر ملاحظات.","No notebook selected.":"لم يتم اختيار دفتر ملاحظات.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"لا توجد ملاحظات هنا. أنشئ واحدةً بالضغط على \\"ملاحظة جديدة\\".","No resources!":"لا توجد موارد!","No results":"لا نتائج","No such command: %s":"أمر غير موجود: %s","No suggestions":"لا يوجد اقتراحات","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"لم يعرَّف محرر نصوص. فضلاً اضبطه باستخدام `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"لا يمكن المصادقة باستخدام %s. يرجى التزويد بأي من بيانات اعتماد الدخول المفقودة.","Not downloaded":"لم تنزّل","note":"ملاحظة","Note":"ملاحظة","Note area growth factor":"عامل نمو منطقة الملاحظة","Note attachments":"مرفقات الملاحظات","Note attachments...":"مرفقات الملاحظات...","Note body":"متن الملاحظة","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"الملاحظة: \\"%s\\" غير موجودة. تريد إنشائها؟","Note has been saved.":"تم حفظ الملاحظة.","Note History":"تاريخ الملاحظة","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"الملاحظة: \\"%s\\" ليست قائمة مهام","Note list":"قائمة الملاحظات","Note list growth factor":"عامل نمو قائمة ااملاحظات","Note properties":"خصائص الملاحظة","Note title":"عنوان الملاحظة","Note&book":"دفتر &ملاحظات","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"ملاحظة: لا تعمل في كل بيئات سطح المكتب.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"ملاحظة: عند مشاركة ملاحظة ، لن يتم تشفيرها على الخادم.","Notebook list growth factor":"عامل نمو قائمة المفكرة","Notebook title:":"عنوان دفتر الملاحظات:","Notebook: %s":"دفتر ملاحظات: \\"%s\\"","Notebooks":"دفاتر ملاحظات","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"لا يمكن تسمية دفتر الملاحظات بـ \\"%s\\" لأنه عنوان محجوز.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"الملاحظات و الإعدادات مخزّنة في: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"يمكن إنشاء الملاحظات فقط ضمن دفتر ملاحظات.","Numbered List":"قائمة مرقّمة","OK":"موافق","OLED Dark":"ظلام لشاشات OLED","On %s: %s":"في %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"يستخدم أحد مفاتيحك الرئيسية طريقة تشفير قديمة.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"عنصر أو أكثر هو مشفّر حالياً وقد تحتاج إلى إدخال كلمة مرور رئيسة. فضلاً أكتب `e2ee decrypt` لفعل هذا. إن كنت قد أدخلت كلمة المرور فعلاً فإن فك تشفير العناصر المشفَّرة جارٍ في الخلفية وستكون متوفرة قريباً.","One or more master keys need a password.":"مفتاح رئيسي واحد أو أكثر يحتاج إلى كلمة مرور.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"تسجيل الدخول إلى OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"يمكن طباعة ملاحظة واحدة فقط في كل مرة.","Open":"فتح","Open %s":"افتح %s","Open profile directory":"فتح مجلّد ملف التعريف","Open Sync Wizard...":"فتح معالج المزامنة...","Open...":"فتح...","Operation cancelled":"ألغيت العملية","Options":"خيارات","Or create an account.":"أو أنشئ حساباً.","Output format: %s":"تنسيق المصدر: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"اتجاه الصفحة لتصدير PDF","Page size for PDF export":"حجم الصفحة لتصدير PDF","Password":"كلمة المرور","Password cannot be empty":"لا يمكن أن تكون كلمة المرور فارغة","Password:":"كلمة المرور:","Passwords do not match!":"كلمات المرور غير متطابقة!","Paste":"لصق","Path:":"المسار:","PDF File":"ملف PDF","Permission needed":"مطلوب الإذن","Permission to use camera":"الإذن باستخدام الكاميرا","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"يرجى تأكيد رغبتك في إعادة تشفير قاعدة البيانات الكاملة الخاصة بك.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور الخاصة بك في قائمة المفاتيح الرئيسية أدناه قبل ترقية المفتاح.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"فضلاً افتح عنوان URL التالي في المستعرض لديك لتمكين التطبيق من المصادقة سينشئ التطبيق دليلاً في \\"Apps/Joplin\\" ثم يقوم فقط بقراءة وكتابة الملفات في هذا الدليل. لن يكون لديه أي وصول لأي ملف خارج هذا الدليل أو لأي بيانات شخصية أخرى. لن نشارك البيانات مع أي طرف ثالث.","Please select a notebook first.":"يرجى اختيار دفتر ملاحظات أولاً.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"يرجى اختيار الملاحظة أو دفتر الملاحظات المراد حذفه أولاً.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"فضلاً اختر أين سيتم تصدير حالة المزامنة","Please specify import format for %s":"فضلاً حدّد تنسيق الاستيراد لـ %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"فضلاً حدّد دفتر الملاحظات الذي ترغب استيراد الملاحظات إليه.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"يرجى تحديث Joplin لإستخدام هذا البرنامج الإضافي","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"يرجى الانتظار حتى يتم تنزيل جميع المرفقات وفك تشفيرها. يمكنك أيضًا التبديل إلى %s لتحرير الملاحظة.","Please wait...":"الرجاء الإنتظار...","Plugin tools":"أدوات الإضافات","Plugins":"المكونات الإضافية","Portrait":"طولي","Possible keys/values:":"المفاتيح/القيم الممكنة:","Possible values: %s.":"القيم الممكنة : %s.","Preferences":"التفضيلات","Preferences...":"تفضيلات...","Preferred dark theme":"التنسيق الفاتح المفضّل","Preferred light theme":"التنسيق الغامق المفضّل","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"اضغط Ctrl+D أو اكتب \\"exit\\" للخروج من التطبيق","Press the shortcut":"اضغط على الاختصار","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"اضغط على الاختصار ثم اضغط على \\"ENTER\\". أو اضغط على \\"BACKSPACE\\" لمسح الاختصار.","Press to set the decryption password.":"إضغط لضبط كلمة مرور فك التشفير.","Previous versions of this note":"الإصدارات السابقة من هذه الملاحظة","Print":"اطبع","Privacy Policy":"سياسة الخصوصية","Profile Version: %s":"نسخة الملف الشخصي: %s","Properties":"الخصائص","Publish note...":"نشر الملاحظة...","Publish Notes":"نشر الملاحظات","Publish notes to the internet":"أنشر الملاحظات على الإنترنت","Quit":"إغلاق","Re-encrypt data":"إعادة تشفير البيانات","Re-encryption":"اعادة التشفير","Re-upload local data to sync target":"إعادة رفع البيانات المحليّة إلى وجهة المزامنة","Read more about it":"إقرأ المزيد عن هذا","Read time: %s min":"وقت القراءة: %s دقيقة","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"قام المستلم بقبول الدعوة","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"لم يقبل المستلم الدعوة بعدُ","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"قام المستلم برفض الدعوة","Recipients:":"المستلمون:","Redo":"إعادة التحميل","Refresh":"تحديث","Reject":"رفض","Remove":"إزالة","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"إزالة الوسم \\"%s\\" من كل الملاحظات؟","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"حذف هذا البحث من الشريط الجانبي؟","Rename":"إعادة تسمية","Rename notebook:":"إعادة تسمية دفتر الملاحظات:","Rename tag:":"إعادة تسمية الوسم:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"يعيد تسمية (عنصر) معطى (ملاحظة أو دفتر ملاحظات) ليصبح (اسم).","Renew token":"تجديد الرمز المميز","Resources: %d.":"الموارد: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"أعد التشغيل ورقّي","Restart now":"إعادة التشغيل الآن","Restore":"استعادة","Restored Notes":"الملاحظات المستعادة","Retry":"إعادة المحاولة","Retry All":"إعادة محاولة الجميع","Reveal file in folder":"اضهار الملف في المجلد","Reverse sort order":"عكس طريقة الترتيب","Reverses the sorting order.":"يعكس طريقة الترتيب.","Revision: %s (%s)":"المراجعة: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"تشغيل الأوامر المضمنة في الملف النصي. يجب أن يكون هناك أمر واحد لكل سطر.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"الوضع الآمن مفعّل حالياً. تم تعطيل عرض الملاحظات وتعطل كل الإضافات مؤقتاً.","Save":"حفظ","Save alarm":"حفظ المنبّه","Save as...":"حفظ باسم...","Save changes":"حفظ التغييرات","Save geo-location with notes":"حفظ الموقع الجغرافي مع الملاحظات","Search":"بحث","Search for plugins...":"البحث عن الإضافات...","Search in all the notes":"البحث في كل الملاحظات","Search in current note":"البحث في الملاحظة الحاليّة","Search...":"بحث...","Search:":"بحث:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"يبحث عن الـ (نمط) المعطى في كل الملاحظات.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"أنظر صفحة نسخ ما قبل الإصدار للمزيد من المعلومات: %s","Select":"اختر","Select all":"اختيار الكل","Server is already running on port %d":"الخادم قيد التشغيل بالفعل على المنفذ %d","Server is not running.":"الخادم لا يعمل.","Server is running on port %d":"الخادم قيد التشغيل على المنفذ %d","Set alarm":"ضبط منبّه","Set alarm:":"ضبط منبّه:","Set the password":"ضبط كلمة المرور","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"يضبط الخاصية للـ المعطاة على [value] معطاة. الخصائص الممكنة هي:\\n%s","Share":"مشاركة","Share Notebook":"مشاركة دفتر الملاحظات","Share notebook...":"مشاركة الملاحظة...","Sharing notebook...":"تجري مشاركة الملاحظة...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"الاختصارات غير متوفرة في وضع واجهة سطر الأوامر.","Show Advanced Settings":"أظهر الاعدادات المتقدمة","Show all":"إظهار الكل","Show completed to-dos":"إظهار قوائم المهام المكتملة","Show note counts":"إظهار عدد الملاحظات","Show tray icon":"إظهار أيقونة لوحة النظام","Sidebar":"الشريط الجانبي","Size":"حجم","Skip this version":"تجاوز هذه النسخة","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"العناصر التي تم تخطيها: %d (استخدم \\"retry-failed-items--\\" لإعادة محاولة فك تشفيرها)","Skipped: %d.":"تم تخطيها: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"لا يمكن فك تشفير بعض العناصر.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"لا يمكن مزامنة بعض العناصر.","Sort notebooks by":"فرز دفاتر الملاحظات حسب","Sort notes by":"ترتيب الملاحظات حسب","Sort selected lines":"فرز الخطوط المحددة","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"يرتب العناصر حسب <حقل> (على سبيل المثال، العنوان ، تاريخ التحديث ، تاريخ الإنشاء).","Source format: %s":"تنسيق المصدر: %s","Source: ":"المصدر: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"حدد المنفذ الذي يجب استخدامه بواسطة خادم API. إذا لم يتم تعيينه، سيتم استخدام تلقائي.","Spell checker":"مدقق املائي","Split View":"عرض منقسم","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"بدء التطبيق مصغراً في لوحة النظام","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"ابدأ، أوقف أو تحقق من خادم API. لتحديد أي منفذ يجب تشغيله، قم بتعيين متغير تكوين api.port. الأوامر هي (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"بدء فك التشفير جارٍ... يرجى الانتظار حيث قد تستغرق العملية عدة دقائق بحسب كمية البيانات المطلوب فك تشفيرها.","Starting synchronisation...":"يجري بدء المزامنة...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"بدء تحرير الملاحظة. أغلق المحرر للعودة إلى المحث.","Statistics":"إحصائيات","Statistics...":"إحصائيات...","Status":"الحالة","Status: %s":"الحالة: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"الحالة: تم البدء على المنفذ %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"الخطوة 1: تفعيل خدمة إضافة القصّ Web clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"الخطوة 1: إفتح عنوان URL هذا في المستعرض للتصريح للتطبيق:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"الخطوة 2: أدخل الرمز المزوّد من Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"الخطوة 2: تثبيت الإضافة","Stop":"قف","Stop external editing":"إيقاف التحرير خارج التطبيق","Strikethrough":"توسيط خط في النص","strong text":"نص مشدَّد","Submit":"إرسال","Subscript":"حرف تحتي","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"نجاح! يبدو أن إعداد المزامنة صحيح.","Superscript":"أحرف فوقية","Swap line down":"اصطف بلمبادلة لأسفل","Swap line up":"اصطف بلمبادلة لأعلى","Switch between note and to-do type":"التبديل بين نوعي الملاحظة و قائمة المهام","Switch to note type":"التبديل إلى النوع ملاحظة","Switch to to-do type":"التبديل إلى النوع قائمة مهام","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"التبديل إلى [notebook] - جميع العمليات التالية ستجري في هذا الدفتر.","Sync Status":"حالة المزامنة","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"حالة المزامنة (العناصر المنجزة / إجمالي العناصر)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"يجب ترقية هدف المزامنة! قم بتشغيل `%s` للمتابعة.","Sync Target Upgrade":"ترقية هدف المزامنة","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"يزامن مع الوجهة المذكورة (قيمة الإعداد التلقائية هي","Sync Version: %s":"النسخة المتزامنة: %s","Sync your notes":"زامِن ملاحظاتك","Synchronisation":"المزامنة","Synchronisation interval":"مهلة المزامنة","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"المزامنة قيد التقدم بالفعل.","Synchronisation Status":"حالة المزامنة","Synchronisation target":"وجهة المزامنة","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"وجهة المزامنة: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"زامِن","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"مزامنة فقط عبر اتصال واي فاي","Synchronises with remote storage.":"يزامن مع المخزن البعيد.","Synchronising...":"مزامنة...","Synchronizing...":"المزامنة جارية...","Tabloid":"صحيفة شعبية","Tagged: %d.":"تم وسمها: %d.","Tags":"وسوم","Take photo":"التقاط صورة","Text editor command":"أمر محرر النصوص","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"شكراً لك! تم إعداد حساب Joplin Cloud الخاص بك وهو جاهز للاستخدام.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"سيتم إغلاق التطبيق الآن. يرجى إعادة تشغيله لإكمال العملية.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"تم التصريح للتطبيق - يمكنك الآن إغلاق تبويب المستعرض هذا.","The application has been authorised!":"تم التصريح للتطبيق!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"جرى التصريح للتطبيق بنجاح.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"يجب إعادة تشغيل التطبيق حتى تصبح هذه التغييرات سارية المفعول.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"لن تتم مشاهدة المرفقات بعد الآن عند التبديل إلى ملاحظة مختلفة.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"الأمر \\"%s\\" متوفر فقط في وضع الواجهة الرسومية","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"كلمة مرور المسؤول الافتراضية غير آمنة ولم يتم تغييرها! [غيرها الآن] (%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"تم تغيير طريقة التشفير الافتراضية إلى طريقة أكثر أمانًا ويوصى بتطبيقها على بياناتك.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"تم تغيير طريقة التشفير الافتراضية، يجب إعادة تشفير بياناتك.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"أمر محرر النصوص (قد يتضمن معامِلات) الذي سيستخدم لفتح ملاحظة. إذا لم يجر التزويد بأي محرر فسيحاول التطبيق اكتشاف المحرِّر التلقائي آلياً.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"تحدد خاصية العامل الرياضي كيف سينمو العنصر أو يتقلص ليلائم المساحة المتوفرة في الحاوية الخاصة به فيما يتعلق بالعناصر الأخرى. وبالتالي، فإن العنصر الذي ينضرب مع العامل 2 سيأخذ ضِعف مساحة العنصر بمعامل 1. أعد تشغيل التطبيق لمشاهدة التغييرات.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"تتم مراقبة المرفقات التالية للتغييرات:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"تطبيق Joplin على الهاتف الجوال لا يدعم حالياً هذا النوع من الربط : %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"تمت ترقية المفتاح الرئيسي بنجاح!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"تم استخدام المفاتيح الرئيسة ذات المعرّفات التالية لتشفير بعض العناصر لديك ، إلا أن التطبيق لم يتمكن من الوصول إليها حالياً. من المحتمل أن يجري تنزيلها فيما بعد عبر المزامنة.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"تمت استعادة الملاحظة \\"%s\\" بنجاح إلى دفتر الملاحظات \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"لم يتم حفظ دفتر الملاحظات: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"جرى استيراد الملاحظات: %s","The possible commands are:":"الأوامر الممكنة هي:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"يجب ترقية هدف المزامنة قبل أن يتمكن Joplin من المزامنة. قد تستغرق العملية بضع دقائق حتى تكتمل ويحتاج التطبيق إلى إعادة التشغيل. للمتابعة الرجاء الضغط على الرابط.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"الوسم \\"%s\\" موجود بالفعل. فضلاً إختر اسماً مختلفاً.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"الوجهة المستهدفة المزامنة إليها. كل وجهة مزامنة مستهدفة قد يكون لها معلمات إضافية تكون مسماة بـ `sync.NUM.NAME` (جميعها موثقة أدناه).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper بحاجة لتصريحك من أجل الوصول لبياناتك.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"خدمة Web Clipper مفعَّلة ومضبوطة على البدء التلقائي.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"خدمة Web clipper غير مفعَّلة.","Theme":"السمة","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"لا توجد ملاحظات حالياً. أنشئ واحدة بالضغط على زر (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"لا يوجد دفتر ملاحظات حالياً. أنشئ واحداً بالضغط على \\"دفتر ملاحظات جديد\\".","There is no data to export.":"لا يوجد بيانات للتصدير.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"كان هناك (%s)[conflict] على المرفق أدناه.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"حدث خطأ أثناء تنزيل هذا المرفق:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"حدث خطأ أثناء إعداد حساب Joplin Cloud الخاص بك. يرجى التأكد من البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور والمحاولة ثانية. الخطأ كان\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"ستبقى هذه العناصر على الجهاز إلا أنها لن يجري رفعها إلى وجهة المزامنة. لكي تجد هذه العناصر ، عليك إما البحث عن العنوان أو المعرِّف (وهو معروض أعلاه بين قوسين).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"تعمل هذه المكونات الإضافية على تحسين عارض Markdown بميّزات إضافية. يرجى ملاحظة أنه على الرغم من أن هذه الميزات قد تكون مفيدة، إلا أنها ليست Markdown قياسية وبالتالي فإن معظمها سيعمل فقط في Joplin. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، بعضها *غير متوافق* مع محرّر WYSIWYG. إذا فتحت ملاحظة تستخدم أحد هذه المكونات الإضافية في ذلك المحرر، فستفقد تنسيق المكون الإضافي. تمت الإشارة أدناه إلى المكونات الإضافية المتوافقة مع محرر WYSIWYG و الغير متوافقة.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"لم يجر تنزيل هذا المرفق أو فك تشفيره حتى الآن","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"لم يجر تنزيل هذا المرفق أو فك تشفيره حتى الآن.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"هذا الرمز المميز للتصريح مطلوب فقط للسماح لتطبيقات طرف ثالث للوصول إلى Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"هذه أداة متقدمة لإظهار المرفقات المرتبطة بملاحظاتك. يرجى توخّي الحذر عند حذف أحدها حيث لا يمكن استعادتها بعد ذلك.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"ليس لدى هذه الملاحظة معلومة موقع جغرافي.","This note has been modified:":"جرى تعديل هذه الملاحظة:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"ليس لهذه الملاحظة أي محتوى. اضغط على \\"%s\\" لتبديل المحرّر وتحرير الملاحظة.","This note has no history":"هذه المذكرة ليس لها تاريخ","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"يحتوي محرر النص المنسق هذا على عدد من القيود ومن المستحسن أن تكون على دراية بها قبل استخدامه.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"تتيح هذه الخدمة تواصل إضافة المستعرض مع Joplin. عندما تفعّلها قد يسألك الجدار الناري أن تعطي الإذن لـ Joplin بالاستماع إلى منفذ محدّد.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"هذا يتيح لـ Joplin العمل في الخلفية. نوصي بتفعيل هذا الإعداد لكي تجري مزامنة ملاحظاتك باستمرار ، مما يقلل عدد حالات التعارض.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"هذا سيفتح شاشة جديدة. حفظ التغييرات الحالية الخاصة بك؟","Time format":"تنسيق الوقت","title":"العنوان","Title":"العنوان","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية للسماح لـ Joplin بالمزامنة مع Dropbox:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"لتحذف الوسم، أزل الوسم عن الملاحظات التي وسمت به.","To delete: %d":"المعدّة للحذف: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"للدخول إلى وضع سطر الأوامر ، اضغط \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"للخروج من وضع سطر الأوامر ، اضغط ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"لفرز الملاحظات يدويًا، يجب تغيير ترتيب الفرز إلى \\"%s\\" في القائمة \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"لتكبير/تصغير وحدة التحكم ، اضغط \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"للتنقل من جزء إلى آخر اضغط Tab أو Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"لإعادة محاولة فك تشفير هذه العناصر. شغّل `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"يحتاج التطبيق للأذونات التالية كي يعمل بشكل صحيح. فضلاً فعّلها في إعدادات هاتفك ، في التطبيقات > Joplin > الأذونات","to-do":"قائمة مهام","Toggle comment":"تبديل قائمة الملاحظات","Toggle development tools":"تبديل أدوات التطوير","Toggle editor layout":"تبديل تخطيط المحرّر","Toggle editors":"تبديل المحرّرات","Toggle external editing":"تبديل وضع التحرير الخارجي","Toggle note list":"تبديل قائمة الملاحظات","Toggle safe mode":"تبديل الوضع الآمن","Toggle sidebar":"تبديل الشريط الجانبي","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"تم نسخ الرمز المميز إلى الحافظة!","Tools":"أدوات","Total: %d/%d":"الإجمالي: %d/%d","Try again":"حاول ثانية","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"أكتب `help [command]` للمزيد من المعلومات عن أمر ما ، أو `help all` لمعلومات الاستخدام الكاملة.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"أكتب `joplin help` لمعلومات الاستخدام.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"اكتب عنوان ملاحظة أو جزء من محتواه للانتقال إليه. أو اكتب # متبوعاً بإسم وسم، أو @ متبوعاً باسم دفتر ملاحظات. أو اكتب : للبحث عن الأوامر.","Type new tags or select from list":"أكتب وسوماً جديدة أو اخترها من القائمة","Type: %s.":"النوع: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"قوائم المهام غير المكتملة في الأعلى","Undo":"الغاء التحميل","Unknown flag: %s":"علامة غير معروفة: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"تم تنزيل نوع عنصر غير معروف - يرجى ترقية Joplin إلى أحدث إصدار","Unpublish note":"إلغاء نشر الملاحظة","Unshare":"إلغاء المشاركة","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"إلغاء مشاركة هذا الدفتر ؟ لن يتمكن المستلمون من الوصول إلى محتوياته بعد الآن.","Unsupported image type: %s":"نوع صورة غير مدعوم: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"رابط أو رسالة غير مدعومان: %s","Untitled":"بدون اسم","Update":"تحديث","Updated":"التحديث","updated date":"تاريخ التحديث","Updated local items: %d.":"العناصر المحلية المحدَّثة: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"العناصر البعيدة المحدَّثة: %d.","Updated: ":"تم تحديثها: ","Updated: %d.":"تم تحديثها: %d.","Updated: %s":"تم تحديثها: %s","Updating...":"جارٍ التحديث...","Upgrade":"ترقية","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"قم بترقية هدف المزامنة إلى أحدث إصدار.","URL":"عنوان URL","Usage: %s":"الاستخدام : %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"استخدام نسق القائمة الطويلة. النسق هو ID (معرِّف) ، NOTE_COUNT (عدد الملاحظات (لدفتر الملاحظات)) ، DATE (التاريخ) ، TODO_CHECKED (تم عنصر المهمة (لقوائم المهام)) ، TITLE (العنوان)","Use spell checker":"إستخدام مفتش التهجأة","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"استخدم أزرار الأسهم و Page Up/Page Down للتمرير في القوائم ومناطق النص (بما فيها وحدة التحكم هذه).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"استخدم الأسهم لتحريك عناصر التخطيط. اضغط على \\"Escape\\" للخروج.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"استخدم هذا لإعادة إنشاء فهرس البحث إذا كانت هناك مشكلة في البحث. قد يستغرق الأمر وقتًا طويلًا اعتمادًا على عدد الملاحظات.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"الخط المستخدم لأغلب النصوص في محرِّر Markdown. سيتم استخدام خط عامّ ذو عرض تناسبي (متغيّر).","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"الخط المستخدم عند الحاجة إلى خط ثابت العرض لوضع النص بصورة مقروءة (في الجداول وخانات الاختيار والشفرة البرمجية مثلاً). عندما لا يُعثر عليه سيتم استخدام خط عامّ أحادي المسافة (ثابت العرض).","Valid":"صحيح","View":"عرض","View on map":"عرض على الخريطة","View them now":"عرضها الآن","Viewer":"عارض","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"تحذير","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"تحذير: لم يتم عرض كافّة الموارد لأسباب تتعلق بالأداء (الحد: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"كلمة مرور WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"عنوان URL لـ WebDAV","WebDAV username":"اسم مستخدم WebDAV","Website and documentation":"موقع الويب و التوثيق","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"مرحباً بك في Joplin!\\n\\nأكتب `:help shortcuts` للحصول على قائمة اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح ، أو `:help` فقط لمعلومات الاستخدام.\\n\\nعلى سبيل المثال ، اضغط `mb` لإنشاء دفتر ملاحظات ، و اضغط `mn` لإنشاء ملاحظة.","When creating a new note:":"عند إنشاء ملاحظة جديدة:","When creating a new to-do:":"عند إنشاء قائمة جديدة للمهام:","Words":"كلمات","y":"نعم","Y":"نعم","yes":"نعم","Yes":"نعم","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"أنت على وشك إرفاق صورة كبيرة (% dx% d بكسل). هل ترغب في تغيّير حجمة إلى %d بكسل قبل إرفاقه؟","You currently have no notebooks.":"ليس لديك حاليا دفاتر ملاحظات.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"ليس لديك أي مكون إضافي مثبت.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"يمكنك أيضًا كتابة \\"الحالة\\" لمزيد من المعلومات.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"يمكنك استخدام الأداة أدناه لإعادة تشفير بياناتك، على سبيل المثال إذا كنت تعلم أن بعض ملاحظاتك مشفرة بطريقة تشفير قديمة.","Your choice: ":"اختيارك هو: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"ستتم إعادة تشفير بياناتك ومزامنتها مرة أخرى.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"إذنك باستخدام كاميرا الجوال مطلوب.","Your version: %s":"النسخة لديك: %s","Zoom In":"تكبير","Zoom Out":"تصغير"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d дни","%d hour":"%d час","%d hours":"%d часа","%d minutes":"%d минути","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d бележки съответстват на този шаблон. Да ги изтрия ли?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) не можа да бъде качен: %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (експериментална)","%s - Copy":"%s - Копие","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d бележки","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Редактиране(&E)","&File":"Файл(&F)","&Help":"Помощ (&H)","&Tools":"Инструменти (&T)","&View":"Изглед(&V)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Камера: за да може директно да бъдат снимани снимки и прикачвани към бележки.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Местоположение: за прикачване на геолокации към бележки.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Място за съхранение: за да могат да се прикачват файлове към бележките и за синхронизация с файловата система."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"<задача-команда> може да е \\"toggle\\" или \\"clear\\". Използвайте \\"toggle\\" за да сменяте състоянието на задачата между изпълнена и неизпълнена (ако целевия обект е обикновена бележка, тя ще бъде конвертирана в задача). Използвайте \\"clear\\" за да конвертирате задача обратно в обикновена бележка.","About Joplin":"Относно Joplin","Active":"Активен","Add or remove tags:":"Добавяне и махане на тагове:","Advanced options":"Настройки за напреднали","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Показва също и конфигурации, които нямат стойност, или са скрити.","Always":"Винаги","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Има обновление, искате ли да го свалите сега?","Appearance":"Външен вид","Application":"Приложение","Apply":"Приложи","Attach file":"Прикачи файл","Attach photo":"Прикачи снимка","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Прикачва зададения файл към бележката.","Attachment download behaviour":"Режим на сваляне на прикачени файлове","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Внимание: Ако смените това местоположение, трябва да копирате цялото съдържание там преди да синхронизирате, иначе всички файлове ще бъдат премахнати! Вижчте ЧЗВ за повече подробности: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Оторизирането не беше завършено (не получих оторизационен жетон).","Authorisation token:":"Оторизационен жетон:","Auto":"Автоматичен","Automatically update the application":"Автоматично обновление на приложението","Back":"Назад","Bold":"Удебелен","Browse...":"Търсене...","Bulleted List":"Неномериран списък","Cancel":"Отмени","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Отменя се синхронизацията течаща на заден план... Моля изчакайте.","Cancelling...":"Отменям...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Отменям... Моля изчакайте.","Cannot access %s":"Няма достъп до %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Криптираният обект не може да бъде променен","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не можах да копира бележката в тетрадка \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Не успях да намеря \\"%s\\".","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не можах да преместя бележката в тетрадка \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Тетрадката не може да бъде преместена на това място","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Неуспешно обновление на жетон: данните за оторизация липсват. Възможно е пускането на синхронизацията наново да оправи проблема.","Check for updates...":"Провери за обновления...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Провери настройките за синхронизация","Checkbox":"Поле за отметка","Checking... Please wait.":"Проверявам... Моля изчакайте.","Clear":"Изчисти","Clear alarm":"Премахни алармата","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Натиснете \\"%s\\" за да възстановите бележката. Тя ще бъде копирана в тетрадка с име \\"%s\\". Настоящата версия на бележката няма да бъде подменена или променена.","Close Window":"Затвори прозорец","Code":"Код","Coming alarms":"Идни аларми","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Разделен със запетайки списък от пътища до директории, откъдето да бъдат заредени сертификати, или пътища до отделни файлове със сертификати. Например: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Имайте предвид, че ако направите промени в настройките за TLS, трябва да запазите промените преди да натиснете \\"Провери настройките за синхронизация\\".","Completed decryption.":"Завърших декриптирането.","Configuration":"Настройки","Conflicted: %d":"Конфликти: %d","Conflicts":"Конфликти","Convert to note":"Конвертиране към бележка","Convert to todo":"Конвертиране към задача","Copy":"Копирай","Copy Link Address":"Копирай адреса на линка","Copy Markdown link":"Копирай Markdown линк","Copy path to clipboard":"Копирай пътя в клипборда","Copy token":"Копирай жетона","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Неуспешно оторизиране на приложението:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nМоля опитайте пак.","Created":"Създаден","created date":"дата на създаване","Created local items: %d.":"Създадени локални обекти: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Създадени отдалечени обекти: %d.","Created: %d.":"Създадени: %d.","Created: %s":"Създаден: %s","Creates a new note.":"Създава нова бележка.","Creates a new notebook.":"Създава нова тетрадка.","Creates a new to-do.":"Създава нова задача.","Creating new %s...":"Създаване на нова %s...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Настоящата версия е най-новата.","Custom TLS certificates":"Допълнителни TLS сертификати","Cut":"Изрежи","Dark":"Тъмна","Database v%s":"Версия на базата данни: %s","Date format":"Формат за дати","days":"дни","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Декриптирани обекти: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Декриптиране на обекти: %d/%d","Default: %s":"Стойност по подразбиране: %s","Delete":"Изтрий","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Да изтрия ли бележка \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Да изтрия ли бележката?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Да изтрия ли тетрадка \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nВсички бележки и под-тетрадки също ще бъдат изтрити.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Да изтрия ли тетрадката? Всички бележки и под-тетрадки в нея също ще бъдат изтрити.","Delete these %d notes?":"Да изтрия ли тези %d бележки?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Изтрити локални обекти: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Изтрити отдалечени обекти: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Изтрива дадената тетрадка.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Изтрива тетрадката без да пита за потвърждение.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Изтрива бележките съответстващи на <шаблон-бележки>.","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Изтрива бележките без да пита за потвърждение.","Destination format: %s":"Целеви формат: %s","Directory":"Директория","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Директория с която да се синхронизира (абсолютен път)","Disable encryption":"Изключване на криптирането","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Спри услугата за уеб-клипера","Disabled":"Изключено","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Изключването на криптирането означава че *всички* бележки и прикачени файлове ще бъдат синхронизирани наново и изпратени некриптирани на целта за синхронизация. Искате ли да продължите?","Discard changes":"Отхвърли промените","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Показва URL на геолокацията на бележката.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Показва първите <брой> бележки.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Показва само обекти от даден тип или типове. Може да е `n` за бележки, `t` за задачи, или `nt` за бележки и задачи (напр. `-tt` би показало само задачи, а `-tnt` би показало бележки и задачи.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Показва обобщение относно бележките и тетрадките.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Показва пълната информация за бележката.","Displays the given note.":"Показва зададената бележка.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Показва бележките в настоящата тетрадка. Използвайте `ls /` за да покажете списъка от тетрадки.","Displays usage information.":"Показва информация за употребата.","Displays version information":"Показва информация за версията","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Не питай за потвърждение.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Свалете и инсталирате разширението за вашия браузър:","Downloading resources...":"Свалям ресурси...","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Вписване в Dropbox","Duplicate":"Дуплицирай","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Дуплицира бележките съответстващи на <бележка> в [тетрадка]. Ако тетрадка не е зададена, бележките ще бъдат дуплицирани в настоящата тетрадка.","Edit":"Редактиране","Edit in external editor":"Редактирай във външен редактор","Edit note.":"Редактиране на бележка.","Edit notebook":"Редактиране на тетрадка","Editor font family":"Шрифт на редактора","Editor font size":"Размер на шрифта на редактора","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Или \\"text\\" или \\"json\\"","Enable":"Включи","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Пусни синтаксис ++вметка++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Пусни синтаксис ==маркиране==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Пусни синтаксис ^високо^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Пусни синтаксис за съкращения","Enable deflist syntax":"Пусни синтаксис за списък от дефиниции","Enable encryption":"Включване на криптирането","Enable footnotes":"Пусни бележки под линията","Enable markdown emoji":"Пусни markdown емоджи","Enable math expressions":"Пусни математическите изрази","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Пусни разширението за multimarkdown таблици","Enable note history":"Пусни история за бележките","Enable soft breaks":"Пусни меките краища (soft breaks)","Enable table of contents extension":"Пусни разширението за генерирано съдържание","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Пусни услугата за уеб-клипера","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Пусни синтаксис ~ниско~","Enabled":"Включено","Encrypted":"Криптирана","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Криптирани обекти не могат да бъдат променяни","Encryption Config":"Настройки за криптиране","Encryption is: %s":"Криптирането е: %s","Enter code here":"Въведете кода тук","Enter master password:":"Въведете главната парола:","Enum":"Изброим","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Грешка при отварянето на бележката в редактор: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Грешка. Моля проверете дали уеб адреса(URL), потребителското име, паролата и т.н. са правили и че целта за синхронизация е достъпна. Получената грешка беше:","Errors only":"Само грешки","Exits the application.":"Напуска приложението.","Export":"Експортиране","Export Debug Report":"Експортиране на доклад за откриване на грешки","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Експортирам към \\"%s\\" във формат \\"%s\\". Моля изчакайте...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Експортира данните от Joplin в зададения път. По подразбиране ще експортира пълната база данни, включително тетрадки, бележки, тагове и ресурси.","Exports only the given note.":"Експортира само зададената бележка.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Експортира само зададената тетрадка.","Fatal error:":"Фатална грешка:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Взети обекти: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Взимане на ресурси: %d/%d","File":"Файл","File system":"Файловата система","Focus":"Фокусирай","Focus body":"Фокусирай съдържанието","Focus title":"Фокусирай заглавието","Folders":"Папки","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"За информация как да промените кратките команди, моля посетете %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"За повече информация относно криптирането от край до край (E2EE) и за съвети относно как да го пуснете, вижте документацията:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"За списък от клавиатурните команди и конфигурации, въведете `help keymap`","Found: %d.":"Намерени: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS пуснат: %d","General":"Общи","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Взимане на експериментални версии при проверка за обновления","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Показва или променя конфигурационна стойност. Ако [стойност] не е дадена, ще покаже стойността на [име]. Ако нито [име] нито [стойност] са дадени, изрежда цялата настояща конфигурация.","Go to source URL":"Иди на уеб адреса (URL)","Goto Anything...":"Отиди на нещо...","Heading":"Заглавие","Hide %s":"Скрий %s","Horizontal Rule":"Хоризонтална черта","Hyperlink":"Линк","ID":"Идентификатор","Idle":"В момента не прави нищо","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Игнорирай грешки в TLS сертификати","Import":"Импортиране","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Импортирам от \\"%s\\" във формат \\"%s\\". Моля изчакайте...","Importing notes...":"Импортирам на бележки...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Импортира данни в Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"В режим \\"Ръчен\\" прикачените файлове се свалят само ако натиснете на тях. В режим \\"Автоматичен\\" се свалят, когато отворите бележката. В режим \\"Винаги\\" се свалят независимо дали отворите бележката или не.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Във всяка команда може да реферирате бележка или тетрадка по заглавие или по идентификатор, или използвайки някоя от кратките команди `$n` и `$b`, представляващи съответно настоящата бележка и настоящата тетрадка. `$c` може да се ползва за рефериране на избрания обект.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"За да използвате уеб-клипера, трябва да направите следното:","In progress":"В момента върви","In: %s":"В: %s","Insert Date Time":"Постави датата и часа","Insert Hyperlink":"Вкарай линк","Invalid answer: %s":"Невалиден отговор: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Невалидна команда: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Невалидна стойност на настройката: \\"%s\\". Възможните стойности са: %s.","Italic":"Курсив","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Обект \\"%s\\" не можа да бъде свален: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Обекти, които не могат да бъдат декриптирани","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Някои обекти не можаха да бъдат синхронизирани","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin експорт директория","Joplin Export File":"Joplin експорт файл","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin не успя да декриптира тези обекти след няколко опита. Възможните причини са че са данните са развалени или че обектите са прекалено големи. Тези обекти ще останат на устройството, но Joplin вече няма да се опитва да ги декриптира.","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Уеб-клиперът на Joplin позволява за да запазвате уеб-страници и снимки на екрана от браузъра директно в Joplin.","Joplin website":"Уебсайта на Joplin","Keep note history for":"Пази историята на бележките","Language":"Език","Last error: %s":"Последна грешка: %s","Layout":"Разположеня","Light":"Светла","List item":"Елемент на списък","Location":"Местоположение","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Файла за заключване е зает. Ако знаете че друга синхронизация не се извършва в момента, може да изтриете файла за заключване намиращ се на \\"%s\\" и да продължите с процеса.","Log":"Лог","Login with Dropbox":"Вписване с Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Вписване в OneDrive","Make a donation":"Искам да направя дарение","Manual":"Ръчен","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Маркира задача като изпълнена.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Маркира задача като неизпълнена.","Master Key %s":"Главен ключ %s","Max concurrent connections":"Максимален брой едновременни връзки","Missing Master Keys":"Липсващи главни ключове","Missing required argument: %s":"Липсващ задължителен параметър: %s","More information":"Още информация","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Повече от едно нещо съответства на \\"%s\\". Моля рафинирайте търсенето си.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Да преместя ли %d бележки в тетрадка \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook...":"Премести в тетрадка...","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Премества бележките съответстващи на <бележка> в [тетрадка].","n":"н","N":"Н","New note":"Нова бележка","New notebook":"Нова тетрадка","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Нова тетрадка \\"%s\\" ще бъде създадена и файл \\"%s\\" ще бъде импортиран в нея","New tags:":"Нови тагове:","New to-do":"Нова задача","New version: %s":"Нова версия: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Парола за Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Потребителско име за Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Уеб адрес (URL) за Nextcloud WebDAV","No":"Не","No active notebook.":"Няма активна тетрадка.","No item with ID %s":"Няма обект с идентификатор %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Няма зададени тетрадки.","No notebook selected.":"Няма избрани тетрадки.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Тук няма бележки. Може да натиснете \\"Нова бележка\\" за да създадете първата.","No such command: %s":"Няма такава команда: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Няма зададен текстови редактор. Моля задайте го с командата: `config editor <път-до-редактора>`","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Не сме оторизирани за %s. Моля въведете липсващите оторизационни данни.","note":"бележка","Note":"Бележки","Note body":"Съдържание на бележката","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Бележката не съществува:\\"%s\\". Да я създам ли?","Note has been saved.":"Бележката бе запазена.","Note History":"История на бележката","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Бележката не е задача: \\"%s\\"","Note properties":"Атрибути на бележката","Note title":"Заглавие на бележката","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Внимание: Не работи с всички десктоп среди.","Notebook title:":"Заглавие на тетрадка:","Notebooks":"Тетрадки","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Тетрадки не могат да имат име \\"%s\\", защото това е запазено заглавие.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Бележките и настройките са запазени в: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Бележки могат да бъдат създавани само в тетрадка.","Numbered List":"Номериран списък","OK":"Добре","On %s: %s":"На %s: %s","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Един или повече обекти са криптирани в момента и може да е необходимо да въведете главната парола. За да го направите, напишете `e2ee decrypt`. Ако вече сте задали паролата, то криптираните обекти вече се декриптират на заден план и скоро ще са на разположение.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Поне един главен ключ се нуждае от парола.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Вписване в OneDrive","Open %s":"Отвори %s","Open...":"Отвори...","Operation cancelled":"Действието бе отменено","Options":"Конфигурация","Password":"Парола","Password cannot be empty":"Паролата не може да е празна","Password:":"Парола:","Paste":"Постави","PDF File":"PDF файл","Permission to use camera":"Разрешение за употреба на камерата","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Моля отворете следния адрес в браузър и оторизирайте приложението. Приложението ще създаде директория \\"Apps/Joplin\\" и ще чете и пише файлове в тази директория. Приложението няма да има достъп до файлове извън тази директория, нито до друга лична информация. Никакви данни няма да бъдат споделени с трети страни.","Please select a notebook first.":"Моля първо изберете тетрадка.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Моля първо изберете бележката или тетрадката, която искате да изтриете.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Моля изберете къде да бъде експортиран статуса на синхронизацията","Please specify import format for %s":"Моля задайте формата за импортиране от %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Моля задайте тетрадка, в която да бъдат импортирани бележките.","Plugins":"Разширения","Possible keys/values:":"Възможни ключове/стойности:","Possible values: %s.":"Възможни стойности: %s.","Preferences...":"Настройки...","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Натиснете Ctrl+D или напишете \\"exit\\" за да напуснете приложението","Press to set the decryption password.":"Натиснете за да зададете паролата за декриптиране.","Previous versions of this note":"Предишни версии на бележката","Print":"Принтиране","Quit":"Изход","Refresh":"Обнови","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Да премахна ли таг \\"%s\\" от всички бележки?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Да премахна ли това търсене от страничния панел?","Rename":"Преименувай","Rename notebook:":"Преименуване на тетрадка:","Rename tag:":"Преименуване на таг:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Преименува дадения <обект> (бележка или тетрадка) на <име>.","Resources: %d.":"Ресурси: %d.","Restore":"Възстанови","Restored Notes":"Възстановени бележки","Retry":"Нов опит","Reverse sort order":"Обратен ред на сортиране","Reverses the sorting order.":"Обръща реда на сортиране.","Save":"Запази","Save alarm":"Запази алармата","Save as...":"Запазаи като...","Save changes":"Запази промените","Save geo-location with notes":"Запазвай геолокация в бележките","Search":"Търсене","Search in all the notes":"Търсене във всички бележки","Search in current note":"Търсене в настоящата бележка","Search...":"Търсене...","Search:":"Търсене:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Търси всред всички бележки за зададения <шаблон>.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Вижте страницата за експерименталните версии за повече подробности: %s","Select all":"Избери всичко","Set alarm":"Задай аларма","Set alarm:":"Задаване на аларма:","Set the password":"Задаване на паролата","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Задава зададената [стойност] за атрибут <име> на дадената <бележка>. Възможните атрибути са:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Сподели","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Кратките команди са приложими само в режим на команден ред.","Show all":"Покажи всички","Show completed to-dos":"Покажи изпълнените задачи","Show tray icon":"Покажи иконка до часовника","Sidebar":"Страничен панел","Skipped: %d.":"Пропуснати: %d.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Някои обекти не можаха да бъдат синхронизирани.","Sort notebooks by":"Сортирай тетрадките по","Sort notes by":"Сортирай бележките по","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Сортира обектите по <поле>. Напр. title (заглавие), updated_time (последна промяна), created_time (създадена).","Source format: %s":"Формат на източника: %s","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Пускай приложението минимизирано до иконката","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Започвам да декриптирам... Моля изчакайте, защото това може да отнеме няколко минути, в зависимост от колко има за декриптиране.","Starting synchronisation...":"Започвам синхронизация...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Започваме редакция на бележката. Затворете редактора за да се върнете към командния ред.","Status":"Статус","Status: %s":"Статус: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Статус: Стартирано на порт %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"1ва стъпка: Пуснете услугата на клипера","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"1ва стъпка: Отворете този адрес в браузър и оторизирайте приложението:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"2ра стъпка: Въведете кода предоставен от Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"2ра стъпка: Инсталирайте браузърско разширение","strong text":"силно наблегнат текст","Submit":"Предай","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Успех! Изглежда че настройките за синхронизация са правили.","Switch between note and to-do type":"Конвертирай между бележка и задача","Switch to note type":"Конвертирай към бележка","Switch to to-do type":"Конвертирай към задача","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Превключва на [тетрадка] - всички нататъчни команди ще се извършват в тази тетрадка.","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Статус на синхронизацията (синхронизирани / всички)","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Синхронизира със зададената цел (по подразбиране със стойността от конфигурационната стойност","Synchronisation":"Синхронизация","Synchronisation interval":"Интервал на синхронизация","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Вече се извършва синхронизация.","Synchronisation Status":"Статус на синхронизацията","Synchronisation target":"Цел за синхронизация","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Цел за синхронизация: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Синхронизация","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Синхронизира с отдалеченото хранилище.","Tagged: %d.":"Тагнати: %d.","Tags":"Тагове","Take photo":"Снимане","Text editor command":"Команда за стартиране на текстов редактор","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Приложението бе оторизирано - може да затворите таба в браузъра.","The application has been authorised!":"Приложението бе оторизирано!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Приложението бе успешно оторизирано.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Командата \\"%s\\" е приложима само в графичен режим","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Команда за стартиране на текстов редактор (може да включва параметри), която ще бъде използвана за отваряне на бележка. Ако е празно, приложението ще се опитва автоматично да засече кой е текстовия редактор по подразбиране на системата ви.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Мобилното приложение на Joplin в момента не поддържа този вид линкове: %s","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Главните ключове с тези идентификатори са били използвани за криптиране на някои от обектите ви, но приложението в момент няма достъп до тях. Вероятно ще бъдат свалени тепърва чрез синхронизация.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Бележка \\"%s\\" бе успешно създадена и сложена в тетрадка \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Тетрадката не може да бъде запазена: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Бележките бяха импортирани: %s","The possible commands are:":"Възможните команди са:","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Тагът \\"%s\\" вече съществува. Моля изберете друго име.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Целта за синхронизация. Всяка цел за синхронизация може да има допълнителни параметри с имена `sync.NUM.NAME` (всички такива са документирани по долу).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Услугата за уеб-клипера бе включена и конфигурирана да се стартира автоматично.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Услугата за уеб-клипера не е пусната.","Theme":"Визуална тема","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"В момента няма бележки. Натиснете бутон (+) за да създадете бележка.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"В момента нямата тетрадки. Може да натиснете \\"Нова тетрадка\\" за да създадете първата.","There is no data to export.":"Няма какво да се експортира.","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Тези обекти ще останат на устройството, но няма да бъдат качени на целта за синхронизация. За да намерите тези обекти, потърсете за заглавията или идентификаторите им (може да ги видите в скобите по горе).","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Прикаченият файл не е свален или все още не е декриптиран.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Оторизационният жетон е необходим само ако искате да дадете достъп до Joplin на приложения от трети страни.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Тази бележка няма информация за геолокация.","This note has been modified:":"Тази бележка беше променена:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Тази бележка няма съдържание. Натиснете \\"%s\\" за да покажете редакторя и да редактирате бележката.","This note has no history":"Тази бележка няма история","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Услугата позволява на браузърски разширения да комуникират с Joplin. Когато я включите, защитната ви стена може да ви попита да дадете разрешение на Joplin да слуша на определен порт.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Това позволява на Joplin да върви на заден план. Препоръчва се да пуснете тази настройка, за да се синхронизират бележките ви постоянно, и така да намалите вероятността да се появят конфликти.","Time format":"Формат за време","title":"заглавие","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"За да позволите на Joplin да синхронизира с Dropbox, моля изпълнете следните стъпки:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"За да изтриете таг, премахнете го от всички бележки.","To delete: %d":"За изтриване: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"За да влезете в режим на команден ред, натиснете \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"За да излезете от режим на команден ред, натисне ESCAPE","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"За да максимизирате или минимизирате конзолата, натиснете \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"За да се преместите от един панел в друг, настинете Tab или Shift+Tab.","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Приложението има нужда от следните разрешения за да работи правилно. Моля дайте ги от настройките на телефона в Приложения > Joplin > Разрешения","to-do":"задача","Toggle development tools":"Инструменти за разработка","Toggle editor layout":"Промени изгледа на редактора","Toggle sidebar":"Страничен панел","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Жетона бе копиран в клипборда!","Total: %d/%d":"Общо: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Въведете `help [команда]` за повече информация относно командата, или въведете `help all` за пълната информация за ползването на командния ред.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Въведете `joplin help` за информация за употребата.","Type new tags or select from list":"Напишете нови тагове или изберете от списъка","Type: %s.":"Тип: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Неизпълнените задачи най-отгоре","Unknown flag: %s":"Неизвестен флаг: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Неизвестен тип на свален обект - моля обновете Joplin до най-новата версия","Unsupported image type: %s":"Този тип изображения не се поддържа: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Неподдържан линк или съобщение: %s","Untitled":"Без заглавие","Updated":"Обновен","updated date":"дата на промяна","Updated local items: %d.":"Обновени локални обекти: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Обновени отдалечени обекти: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Обновени: %d.","URL":"Уеб адрес (URL)","Usage: %s":"Употреба: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Използване на дългия формат на списъци. Форматът е ID, NOTE_COUNT (брой бележки, за тетрадки), DATE (дата), TODO_CHECKED (брой завършени, за задачи), TITLE (заглавие)","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Използвайте стрелките и page up/down to за да прелистите списъци и текстови полета (включително тази конзола).","View on map":"Покажи на карта","View them now":"Покажи ги сега","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Парола за WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"Уеб адрес (URL) за WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Потребителско име за WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Уебсайт и документация","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Добре дошли в Joplin!\\n\\nВъведете `:help shortcuts` за списък от клавиатурни команди, или само `:help` за информация за ползването на приложението.\\n\\nНапример, за да създадете тетрадка, натиснете `mb`; за да създадете бележка, натиснете `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Когато се създава нова бележка:","When creating a new to-do:":"Когато се създава нова задача:","y":"д","Y":"Д","Yes":"Да","Your choice: ":"Вашият избор: ","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Трябва да разрешените употребата на камерата.","Your version: %s":"Вашата версия: %s"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d dana","%d hour":"%d sat","%d hours":"%d sati","%d minutes":"%d minuta","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d bilješki odgovara upitu. Izbrisati ih?","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) nije moguće prenijeti: %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (verzija pred objavljivanje)","%s - Copy":"%s – Kopija","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d bilješki","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Izmjena","&File":"Datoteka","&Help":"Pomoć","&Tools":"Alatke","&View":"Prikaz","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(dosljedan izgled: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: da bi se moglo slikati i slike priložiti u bilješke.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Lokacija: da bi se mogle priložiti informacije o geografskoj lokaciji u bilješke.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Uređaj za pohranjivanje: da bi se mogli koristiti prilozi i vršiti sinhronizacija."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" može biti \\"toggle\\" ili \\"clear\\". Koristite \\"toggle\\" da promijenite status zadatka iz završenog u nezavršen (ako se radi o običnoj bilješci, ona će biti preinačena u zadatak). Koristite \\"clear\\" da zadatak konvertujete u običnu bilješku.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"O Joplinu","Active":"Aktivan","Actual Size":"Početne dimenzije","Add body":"Dodaj tekst","Add or remove tags:":"Dodajte ili uklonite oznake:","Add title":"Dodaj naziv","Advanced options":"Napredne opcije","All notes":"Sve bilješke","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Prikazuje i nepodešene i skrivene konfiguracijske varijable.","Always":"Uvijek","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Nova je verzija dostupna. Želite li je preuzeti?","Appearance":"Izgled","Application":"Aplikacija","Apply":"Primijeni","Aritim Dark":"Aritim tamna","Attach file":"Priloži datoteku","Attach photo":"Priloži sliku","Attach...":"Priloži...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Prilaže datu datoteku bilješci.","Attachment download behaviour":"Način preuzimanja priloga","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Pažnja: ako promijenite ovu lokaciju, vodite računa o tome da prije sinhronizacije kopirate sav sadržaj jer će, u protivnom, sve datoteke biti uklonjene! Za više detalja vidjeti često postavljana pitanja (FAQ): %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Ovjera nije završena (nije primljena potvrda /token/).","Authorisation token:":"Token za ovjeru:","Auto":"Automatski","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automatski piši u paru sve zagrade, navodnike itd.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatski podesi temu prema sistemskoj","Automatically update the application":"Automatski ažuriraj aplikaciju","Back":"Nazad","Bold":"Masna slova","Browse all plugins":"Pogledaj dodatke","Browse...":"Pregledaj...","Bulleted List":"Nabrajanje","Cancel":"Otkaži","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Prekidam sinhronizaciju... Pričekajte.","Cancelling...":"Prekidam...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Prekidam... Pričekajte.","Cannot access %s":"Ne mogu pristupiti %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Nije moguće promijeniti šifriranu stavku","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Bilješka se ne može kopirati u bilježnicu \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ne mogu pronaći \\"%s\\".","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Bilješka se ne može premjestiti u bilježnicu \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Bilježnica se ne može premjestiti na ovu lokaciju","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Ne mogu osvježiti token: nedostaju podaci za ovjeru. Problem će možda biti otklonjen novim pokretanjem sinhronizacije.","Characters":"Znakova","Characters excluding spaces":"Znakova bez razmaka","Check for updates...":"Provjeri ažuriranja...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Provjeri postavke za sinhronizaciju","Checkbox":"Polje za kvačicu","Checking... Please wait.":"Provjeravam... Pričekajte.","Choose an option":"Odaberi opciju","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Počisti","Clear alarm":"Ukloni zvučnu napomenu","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Pritisnite na \\"%s\\" da rekonstruišete bilješku. Rezultat će biti kopiran u bilježnicu \\"%s\\". Trenutna verzija bilješke ostat će netaknuta.","Close":"Zatvori","Close Window":"Zatvori prozor","Code":"Kōd","Code Block":"Kōd (izdvojen)","Coming alarms":"Nastupajuće zvučne napomene","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Popis putanja do direktorija, odvojenih zarezima, iz kojih će se učitati certifikati ili putanja do pojedinačnih datoteka-certifikata. Naprimjer: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Imajte na umu da ćete morati, ukoliko izvršite bilo kakve izmjene u TLS postavkama, načinjene izmjene memorisati prije pritiska na \\"Provjeri konfiguraciju sinhronizovanja\\".","Completed decryption.":"Dešifrovanje završeno.","Configuration":"Konfiguracija","Conflicted: %d":"Sukobi: %d","Conflicts":"Sukobi","Convert to note":"Preinači u bilješku","Convert to todo":"Preinači u zadatak","Copy":"Kopiraj","Copy Link Address":"Kopiraj adresu veze","Copy Markdown link":"Kopiraj Markdown vezu","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopiraj putanju u spremnik","Copy token":"Kopiraj token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Neuspjela ovjera aplikacije:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPokušajte ponovo.","Create a notebook":"Kreiraj bilježnicu","Created":"Kreirano","created date":"datum kreiranja","Created local items: %d.":"Kreirano lokalnih stavki: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Kreirano spoljašnjih stavki: %d.","Created: %d.":"Kreirano: %d.","Created: %s":"Kreirano: %s","Creates a new note.":"Kreira novu bilješku.","Creates a new notebook.":"Kreira novu bilježnicu.","Creates a new to-do.":"Kreira novi zadatak.","Creating new %s...":"Kreiram: %s...","Creating report...":"Kreiram izvještaj...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Trenutna je verzija ažurirana.","custom order":"vlastiti redoslijed","Custom order":"Vlastiti redoslijed","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Glavni korisnički stil za aplikaciju","Custom TLS certificates":"TLS certifikati","Cut":"Izreži","Dark":"Tamna","Database v%s":"Baza podataka v%s","Date format":"Oblik datuma","days":"dana","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dešifrovane stavke: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dešifrujem stavke: %d/%d","Default: %s":"Prekonfigurisano: %s","Delete":"Izbriši","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Izbrisati bilješku \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Izbrisati bilješku?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Izbrisati bilježnicu \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nSve bilješke i bilježnice unutar ove bilježnice također će biti izbrisane.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Izbrisati bilježnicu? Sve bilješke i bilježnice unutar ove bilježnice također će biti izbrisane.","Delete these %d notes?":"Izbrisati ovih %d bilješki?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Izbrisano lokalnih stavki: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Izbrisano spoljašnjih stavki: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Briše datu bilježnicu.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Briše bilježnicu bez traženja potvrde.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Briše bilješke .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Briše bilješke bez traženja potvrde.","Destination format: %s":"Format: %s","Directory":"Direktorij","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Direktorij s kojim se sinhronizuje (apsolutna putanja)","Disable encryption":"Isključi šifriranje","Disable safe mode and restart":" ","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Isključi Web clipper servis","Disabled":"Isključeno","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Po isključivanju šifriranja *sve* Vaše bilješke i prilozi bit će iznova sinhronizovani i poslani nešifrirani na zadatu lokaciju. Želite li nastaviti?","Discard changes":"Odbaci izmjene","Dismiss":"Odbaci","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Prikazuje geografsku lokaciju bilješke.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Prikazuje samo prvih bilješki.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Prikazuje samo stavke određenog tipa. To može biti `n` za bilješke, `t` za zadatke, ili `nt` za bilješke i zadatke (npr. `-tt` prikazuje samo zadatke, dok `-tnt` prikazuje i bilješke i zadatke.)","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Prikazuje sažetak o bilješkama i bilježnicama.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Prikazuje potpune informacije o bilješci.","Displays the given note.":"Prikazuje datu bilješku.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Prikazuje bilješke u trenutnoj bilježnici. Koristite komandu `ls /` da prikažete popis bilježnica.","Displays usage information.":"Prikazuje informacije o korištenju.","Displays version information":"Prikazuje verziju","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ne pitaj za potvrdu.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Preuzmite i instalirajte odgovarajući dodatak za Vaš internet preglednik:","Downloaded":"Preuzeto","Downloaded and decrypted":"Preuzeto i dešifrovano","Downloaded and encrypted":"Preuzeto i šifrirano","Downloading resources...":"Preuzimam resurse...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Ispustite bilješke ili datoteke ovdje","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox prijava","Duplicate":"Dupliciraj","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Kreira duplikat bilješke u [notebook]. Ako bilježnica nije navedena, duplikat će biti pohranjen u trenutno otvorenu bilježnicu.","Edit":"Uredi","Edit in external editor":"Uredi u vanjskom programu","Edit note.":"Uredi bilješku.","Edit notebook":"Uredi bilježnicu","Editor font":"Pismo u uređivaču","Editor font family":"Familija pisama u uređivaču","Editor font size":"Veličina slova u uređivaču","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Ili \\"text\\" ili \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","Enable":"Aktiviraj","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Omogući pisanje ++insert++ sintakse","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Omogući pisanje ==oznaka==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Omogući pisanje ^eksponenta^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Omogući pisanje skraćenica","Enable deflist syntax":"Omogući pisanje deflista","Enable encryption":"Uključi šifriranje","Enable footnotes":"Omogući pisanje fusnota","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Omogući podršku za Fountain format","Enable markdown emoji":"Omogući pisanje emoji sličica","Enable math expressions":"Omogući pisanje matematskih izraza","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Omogući kreiranje tabela (multimarkdown)","Enable note history":"Aktiviraj historiju bilješki","Enable PDF viewer":"Omogući PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Omogući pisanje blagih prijeloma","Enable table of contents extension":"Omogući pisanje sadržaja","Enable video player":"Omogući video","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktiviraj Web clipper servis","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Omogući pisanje ~indeksa~","Enabled":"Uključeno","Encrypted":"Šifrirano","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Šifrirane stavke ne mogu se mijenjati","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Šifrirane bilježnice ne mogu se preimenovati","Encryption":"Šifriranje","Encryption Config":"Podešavanje šifriranja","Encryption is: %s":"Šifriranje je: %s","Enter code here":"Unesite kōd ovdje","Enter master password:":"Unesite glavnu lozinku:","Enter notebook title":"Unesite naziv za bilježnicu","Enum":"Enum","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Greška prilikom otvaranja bilješke: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Greška. Provjerite jesu li URL, korisničko ime, lozinka itd. tačni i da li je odredište za sinhronizaciju dostupno. Izvještaj o greški:","Errors only":"Samo greške","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote datoteka za prenos (kao HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote datoteka za prenos (kao Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Zatvara aplikaciju.","Export":"Iznesi","Export Debug Report":"Kreiraj izvještaj za korekciju grešaka","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Prenosi kopiju Joplin podataka na datu lokaciju. Čitava će baza podataka biti pohranjena, uključujući bilježnice, bilješke, oznake i resurse.","Exports only the given note.":"Prenosi samo kopiju date bilješke.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Prenosi samo kopiju date bilježnice.","Fail-safe":"Sigurnosni mehanizam","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Sigurnosni mehanizam: ne briši lokalne podatke kad je odredište za sinhronizaciju prazno (često usljed pogrešne konfiguracije ili propusta)","Fatal error:":"Kritična greška:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Preuzeto stavki: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Preuzimam resurse: %d/%d","File":"Datoteka","File system":"Datotečni sistem","Firefox Extension":"Dodatak za Firefox","Fix search index":"Popravi indeks za pretragu","Fixing search index...":"Popravljam indeks za pretragu...","Focus":"Fokus","Focus body":"Fokus na tekst","Focus title":"Fokus na naziv","Folders":"Omotnice","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Samo za testiranje: prenesite svoj profil na eksternu SD-karticu.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Da biste saznali kako raditi sa kraticama, posjetite %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Za više informacija o šifriranju s kraja na kraj (E2EE) i načinu aktiviranja pogledajte dokumentaciju:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Za popis kratica i konfiguracijskih opcija kucajte `help keymap`","Forward":"Proslijedi","Found: %d.":"Pronađeno: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS aktivno: %d","General":"Opće","Get it now:":"Preuzmite sada:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Preuzmi i verzije pred objavljivanje prilikom provjere novosti","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Prima ili podešava konfiguracijske vrijednosti. Ako [value] nije navedena, tada će biti prikazana vrijednost [name]. Ako ni [name] ni [value] nisu precizirane, prikazat će se trenutna konfiguracija.","Go to source URL":"Idi do izvornog URL-a","Goto Anything...":"Pronađite bilo šta...","Heading":"Naslov","Hide %s":"Sakrij %s","Highlight":"Oznaci","Horizontal Rule":"Vodoravna linija","Hyperlink":"Poveznica","Icon":"Sličica","ID":"ID","Idle":"Na čekanju","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Zanemari greške u vezi sa TLS certifikatima","Import":"Unesi","Importing notes...":"Unosim bilješke...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Unosi podatke u Joplin","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"\\"Ručno\\" znači da se prilozi preuzimaju samo kad pritisnete na njih. \\"Automatski\\" znači da se prilozi preuzimaju čim se bilješka otvori. \\"Uvijek\\" znači da se prilozi uvijek preuzimaju, bilo da je bilješka otvorena ili ne.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"U svakoj komandi, bilješka ili bilježnica mogu se precizirati pomoću naziva ili identifikacijskog broja, odnosno pomoću kratica za naziv `$n` i broj `$b` trenutno označene bilješke ili bilježnice. `$c` se može koristiti za trenutno označenu stavku.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Da bi dodali geo-lokaciju vasoj biljesci, aplikaciji je potrebna dozvola pristupu vasoj lokacij.\\n\\nOvu opciju je moguce promijeniti bilo kada u podesavanjima.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Da biste to učinili, svi Vaši podaci moraju biti šifrirani i sinhronizovani, pa je najbolje da to učinite preko noći.\\n\\nDa započnete, slijedite sljedeće upute:\\n\\n1. Sinhronizujte sve svoje uređaje.\\n2. Pritisnite \\"%s\\".\\n3. Sačekajte dok se proces ne okonča. Tokom rada, nemojte uređivati bilo koju bilješku na nekom od Vaših uređaja kako biste izbjegli konflikte.\\n4. Kad je sinhronizacija završena na ovom uređaju, sinhronizujte i ostale uređaje.\\n\\nVažno: ovaj proces trebate pokrenuti samo JEDNOM i na samo jednom uređaju.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Potrebno je Vaše dopuštenje za pristup eksternim uređajima za pohranu kako bi se mogla izvršiti sinhronizacija.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Da biste mogli koristiti Web clipper, učinite sljedeće:","In progress":"U toku","In: %s":"U: %s","Inline Code":"Kōd (unutar teksta)","Insert Date Time":"Unesi datum i vrijeme","Insert Hyperlink":"Unesi poveznicu","Install":"Instalirati","Installed":"Instalirano","Invalid answer: %s":"Nevažeći odgovor: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Nevažeća komanda: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Pogrešna vrijednost: \\"%s\\". Moguće su sljedeće vrijednosti: %s","Italic":"Kurziv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Stavka \\"%s\\" nije mogla biti preuzeta: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Stavke koje se ne mogu dešifrovati","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Stavke koje se ne mogu sinhronizovati","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin direktorij za prenos","Joplin Export File":"Joplin datoteka za prenos","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin je nekoliko puta neuspješno pokušao dešifrovati ove stavke. To je vjerovatno zbog toga što su oštećene ili prevelike. Stavke će i dalje ostati na uređaju, ali Joplin više neće pokušavati da ih dešifruje.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin forum","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web clipper omogućava pohranjivanje internet stranica i slika ekrana iz Vašeg internet preglednika u Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin internet stranica","Keep note history for":"Čuvaj historiju bilješki","Keyboard Mode":"Način rada tastature","Keychain Supported: %s":"Podržani privjesak: %s","Landscape":"Vodoravno","Language":"Jezik","Last error: %s":"Zadnja greška: %s","Later":"Poslije","Layout":"Prikaz","Layout button sequence":"Slijed u promjeni prikaza","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Svijetla","Lines":"Redova","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Veze sa protokolom \\"%s\\" nisu podržane","List item":"Stavka nabrajanja","Location":"Lokacija","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Zaključavanje datoteke već je aktivno. Ako ste sigurni da sinhronizovanje nije u toku, možete izbrisati datoteku za zaključavanje u \\"%s\\" i nastaviti s radom.","Log":"Radni dnevnik","Login with Dropbox":"Prijavite se preko Dropboxa","Login with OneDrive":"Prijavite se preko OneDrivea","Make a donation":"Donirajte","Manual":"Ručno","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Označava da je zadatak obavljen.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Označava da je zadatak neobavljen.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Glavni ključ %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimalni broj istovremenih konekcija","Missing Master Keys":"Nedostaju glavni ključevi","Missing required argument: %s":"Nedostaje neophodni argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobilna mreza - auto-sinhronacija iskljucena","More information":"Više informacija","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Više od jednog rezultata odgovara \\"%s\\". Molimo suzite obim pretrage.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Premjestiti %d bilješki u bilježnicu \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook...":"Premjestiti u bilježnicu...","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Premješta bilješke u [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova bilješka","New notebook":"Nova bilježnica","New Notebook":"Nova bilježnica","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Kreirat će se nova bilježnica \\"%s\\" i u nju će biti unesena datoteka \\"%s\\"","New tags:":"Nove oznake:","New to-do":"Novi zadatak","New version: %s":"Nova verzija: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud lozinka","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud korisničko ime","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","No":"Ne","No active notebook.":"Nema aktivne bilježnice.","No item with ID %s":"Nema stavke čiji je ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nije precizirana bilježnica.","No notebook selected.":"Nije odabrana bilježnica.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Nema bilješki. Kreirajte bilješku pritisnuvši na \\"Nova bilješka\\".","No resources!":"Nema resursa!","No such command: %s":"Nepostojeća komanda: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nije određen program za uređivanje teksta. Precizirajte ga pomoću `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nije ovjereno sa %s. Molimo unesite podatke koji nedostaju.","Not downloaded":"Nije preuzeto","note":"bilješka","Note":"Bilješka","Note area growth factor":"Faktor rasta prostora bilješki","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Bilješka ne postoji: \\"%s\\". Želite li je kreirati?","Note History":"Historija bilješke","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Bilješka nije zadatak: \\"%s\\"","Note list growth factor":"Faktor rasta popisa bilješki","Note properties":"Svojstva bilješke","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Napomena: neće raditi na svim sistemima.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Napomena: bilješka koja se podijeli s drugima više neće biti šifrirana na serveru.","Notebook list growth factor":"Faktor rasta popisa bilježnica","Notebook title:":"Naziv bilježnice:","Notebook: %s":"Bilježnica: %s","Notebooks":"Bilježnice","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Bilježnica se ne može nazvati \\"%s\\", jer je to rezervisani naziv.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Bilješke i postavke pohranjene su u: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Bilješke se mogu kreirati samo unutar bilježnice.","Numbered List":"Numerisano nabrajanje","OK":"Uredu","On %s: %s":"U %s: %s","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Jedna ili više stavki trenutno su šifrirane i možda ćete trebati unijeti glavnu lozinku. Da biste to učinili, kucajte `e2ee decrypt`. Ukoliko ste već unijeli lozinku, šifrirane stavke dešifruju se u pozadini i uskoro će biti dostupne.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Jedan ili više glavnih ključeva zahtijevaju lozinku.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive prijava","Open %s":"Otvori %s","Open...":"Otvori...","Operation cancelled":"Radnja je prekinuta","Options":"Opcije","Page orientation for PDF export":"Položaj stranice za pohranjivanje u PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Veličina stranice za pohranjivanje u PDF","Password":"Lozinka","Password cannot be empty":"Lozinka ne može biti prazna","Password:":"Lozinka:","Paste":"Zalijepi","PDF File":"PDF datoteka","Permission to use camera":"Dozvola za korištenje kamere","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Molimo potvrdite da želite ponoviti šifriranje čitave Vaše baze podataka.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Unesite svoju lozinku u popis glavnog ključa naveden ispod prije nego što izvršite nadogradnju ključa.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Otvorite sljedeću adresu u Vašem internet pregledniku da ovjerite aplikaciju. Ona će kreirati direktorij na lokaciji \\"Apps/Joplin\\" i imat će pristup samo datotekama koje se nalaze unutar tog direktorija. Onemogućen je pristup datotekama van navedenog direktorija ili bilo kakvom drugom obliku privatnih podataka. Ništa neće biti proslijeđeno bilo kojem trećem licu.","Please select a notebook first.":"Prvo odaberite bilježnicu.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Prvo odaberite bilješku ili bilježnicu koju želite izbrisati.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Navedite gdje će biti pohranjen status sinhronizacije","Please specify import format for %s":"Precizirajte format za %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Navedite bilježnicu u koju će se bilješke unijeti.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Molimo dogradite Joplin da bi koristili ovaj dodatak","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Pričekajte dok svi prilozi ne budu preuzeti i dešifrovani. Također možete otvoriti %s da uredite bilješku.","Plugins":"Dodaci","Portrait":"Uspravno","Possible keys/values:":"Moguće stavke/vrijednosti:","Possible values: %s.":"Moguće vrijednosti: %s.","Preferences...":"Postavke...","Preferred dark theme":"Preferirana tamna tema","Preferred light theme":"Preferirana svijetla tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Pritisnite Ctrl+D ili kucajte \\"exit\\" da zatvorite aplikaciju","Press to set the decryption password.":"Pritisnite da definišete lozinku za dešifrovanje.","Previous versions of this note":"Ranije verzije ove bilješke","Print":"Štampaj","Properties":"Svojstva","Quit":"Zatvori","Read more about it":"Saznajte vise","Refresh":"Osvježi","Remove":"Ukloni","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Ukloniti oznaku \\"%s\\" iz svih bilješki?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Ukloniti ovu pretragu iz pomoćnog menija?","Rename":"Preimenuj","Rename notebook:":"Preimenujte bilježnicu:","Rename tag:":"Preimenujte oznaku:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Mijenja naziv (bilješka ili bilježnica) u .","Renew token":"Preuzmi token","Resources: %d.":"Resursi: %d.","Restore":"Rekonstruiši","Restored Notes":"Rekonstruisane bilješke","Retry":"Ponovi","Reveal file in folder":"Pokaži datoteku u direktoriju","Reverse sort order":"Inverzni redoslijed sortiranja","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverzni redoslijed sortiranja.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":" ","Save":"Pohrani","Save alarm":"Memoriši zvučnu napomenu","Save as...":"Pohrani kao...","Save changes":"Pohrani izmjene","Save geo-location with notes":"Pohrani geografsku lokaciju u bilješkama","Search":"Traži","Search in all the notes":"Pretraži sve bilješke","Search in current note":"Potraži u trenutnoj bilješci","Search...":"Pretraživanje...","Search:":"Pretraživanje:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Traži u svim bilješkama.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Za više informacija vidjeti stranicu sa verzijama pred objavljivanje: %s","Select all":"Označi sve","Server is already running on port %d":"Server je već pokrenut preko porta %d","Server is not running.":"Server nije pokrenut.","Server is running on port %d":"Server je u funkciji preko porta %d","Set alarm":"Podesi zvučnu napomenu","Set alarm:":"Podesite zvučnu napomenu:","Set the password":"Zadajte lozinku","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Postavlja svojstvo date na vrijednost [value]. Moguća svojstva:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Podijeli","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Kratice nisu dostupne u negrafičkom okruženju.","Show all":"Prikaži sve","Show completed to-dos":"Prikaži obavljene zadatke","Show tray icon":"Prikaži sličicu na sistemskoj traci (tray)","Sidebar":"Bočni meni","Size":"Veličina","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Preskočene stavke: %d (koristite --retry-failed-items da ih ponovo pokušate dešifrovati)","Skipped: %d.":"Preskočeno: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarized tamna","Solarised Light":"Solarised svijetla","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Neke stavke nije moguće sinhronizovati.","Sort notebooks by":"Sortiraj bilježnice","Sort notes by":"Sortiraj bilješke","Sort selected lines":"Poredaj oznacene linije","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sortira stavke prema (npr. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Izvorni format: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Navedite koji će port API server koristiti. Ako port nije preciziran, koristit će se prekonfigurisani.","Split View":"Pola-pola","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Prilikom pokretanja, aplikaciju minimiziraj u sličicu na sistemskoj traci (tray)","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Pokreni, zaustavi ili provjeri API server. Da precizirate koji port treba koristiti, podesite api.port konfiguracijsku varijablu. Komande su (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Počinjem sa dešifrovanjem... Molim Vas da pričekate, jer proces može trajati nekoliko minuta, zavisno od količine podataka koje treba dešifrovati.","Starting synchronisation...":"Započinjem sinhronizovanje...","Statistics...":"Statistika...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: pokrenut preko porta %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Korak 1: aktivirajte clipper servis","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Korak 1: otvorite ovu adresu u Vašem internet pregledniku i ovjerite aplikaciju:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Korak 2: unesite kōd koji Vam je poslao Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Korak 2: instalirajte dodatak","strong text":"podebljani tekst","Submit":"Pošalji","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Uspjelo! Konfiguracija sinhronizacije izgleda ispravna.","Switch between note and to-do type":"Preinači bilješku u zadatak i obratno","Switch to note type":"Preinači u bilješku","Switch to to-do type":"Preinači u zadatak","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Prelazi u [notebook] – sve dalje radnje vršit će se u ovoj bilježnici.","Sync Status":"Status sinhronizacije","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Status sinhronizacije (sinhronizovano / ukupno)","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sinhronizuj sa datim odredištem (prekonfigurisano config value)","Synchronisation":"Sinhronizacija","Synchronisation interval":"Interval za sinhronizaciju","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinhronizovanje je u toku.","Synchronisation Status":"Status sinhronizacije","Synchronisation target":"Odredište za sinhronizaciju","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Odredište sinhronizacije: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sinhronizuj","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sinhronizuje sa vanjskim medijem za pohranu podataka.","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Označeno: %d.","Tags":"Oznake","Take photo":"Uslikaj","Text editor command":"Komanda za uređivača teksta","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikacija ce se zatvoriti. Molimo ponovo otvorite da bi se radnja potpuno zavrsila.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikacija je ovjerena – možete zatvoriti ovaj odjeljak u internet pregledniku.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplikacija je ovjerena!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikacija je uspješno ovjerena.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Potrebno je restartovati aplikaciju da bi promjene bile primjenjene.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Komanda \\"%s\\" dostupna je samo u grafičkom okruženju","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Osnovni metod šifriranja promijenjen je u novi, sigurniji i preporučuje se da ga primijenite na svoje podatke.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Komanda za uređivača teksta (može obuhvatiti argumente) koja će se koristiti za otvaranje bilješke. Ako nije navedena, pokušat će se utvrditi prekonfigurisani uređivač teksta.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Faktor određuje kako će se stavka povećavati ili smanjivati da bi stala u raspoloživi prostor skupa sa drugim stavkama. Tako će stavka čiji je faktor 2 zauzimati dvostruko više prostora od stavke s faktorom 1. Ponovo pokrenite aplikaciju da primijenite izmjene.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Mobilna Joplin aplikacija trenutno ne podržava ovu vrstu veze: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Glavni ključ uspješno je nadograđen!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Glavni ključevi sa ovim identifikacijskim podacima korišteni su za šifriranje nekih stavki, ali su trenutno nedostupni. Vjerovatno će biti preuzeti nakon što se izvrši sinhronizacija.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Bilješka \\"%s\\" uspješno je rekonstruisana i pohranjena u bilježnicu \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Bilježnicu nije bilo moguće pohraniti: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Bilješke su unesene: %s","The possible commands are:":"Moguće komande glase:","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Oznaka \\"%s\\" već postoji. Izaberite drugi naziv.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Odredište za sinhronizaciju. Svako odredište može imati dodatne parametre imenovane kao `sync.NUM.NAME` (koji su dokumentovani ispod).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web clipper servis aktiviran je i pokreće se automatski.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web clipper servis nije aktiviran.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Trenutno nema bilješki. Kreirajte ih pritiskom na (+) dugme.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Nema bilježnica. Kreirajte bilježnicu pritisnuvši na \\"Nova bilježnica\\".","There is no data to export.":"Nema podataka za prenos.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Došlo je do [conflict](%s) u prilogu ispod.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja priloga:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ove će stavke ostati na uređaju, ali neće biti prenesene na odredište sinhronizacije. Da biste te stavke pronašli, vršite pretragu po nazivu ili identifikacijskom broju (koji je prikazan unutar zagrada iznad).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Ovi dodaci unapređuju Markdown prikaz i nude dodatne mogućnosti. Primijetite da te mogućnosti, iako korisne, nisu standardni Markdown i funkcionisat će jedino u Joplinu. Dalje, neke od njih su *nekompatibilne* sa WYSIWYG uređivačem. Ako otvorite bilješku koja koristi neki od ovih dodataka u tom uređivaču, izgubit će se oblikovanje teksta karakteristično za dodatak. Ispod je ukazano na to koji su dodaci kompatibilni sa WYSIWYG uređivačem.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Prilog nije preuzet ili još nije dešifrovan.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Ovaj token za ovjeru potreban je samo kako bi se trećim aplikacijama omogućio pristup Joplinu.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Ovo je napredna alatka za prikazivanje priloga koji se nalaze u Vašim bilješkama. Molimo budite oprezni prilikom brisanja priloga, jer se oni više neće moći rekonstruisati.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ova bilješka ne sadržava informacije o geografskoj lokaciji.","This note has been modified:":"Ova je bilješka izmijenjena:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Bilješka je prazna. Pritisnite na \\"%s\\" da otvorite program za rad s tekstom i uredite bilješku.","This note has no history":"Bilješka nema ranijih verzija","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Ovaj Text editor ima par ogranicenja i preporucujemo da budete upoznati sa njima prije koristenja.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ovaj servis dopušta dodatku za internet preglednik da komunicira sa Joplinom. Kada ga aktivirate, Vaš firewall može od Vas tražiti dopuštenje da bi Joplin mogao slušati specificirani port.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Ovo će omogućiti Joplinu da radi u pozadini. Preporučujemo aktiviranje ove opcije kako bi Vaše bilješke bile konstantno sinhronizovane i tako se broj sukoba sveo na minimum.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Otvorit će se novi prikaz. Želite li memorisati trenutne izmjene?","Time format":"Oblik vremena","title":"naziv","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Slijedite ove korake da dopustite Joplinu sinhronizovanje sa Dropboxom:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Da izbrišete oznaku, prvo je uklonite iz bilješki kojima je dodijeljena.","To delete: %d":"Za brisanje: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Za aktiviranje komandne linije, pritisnite \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Za zatvaranje komandne linije, pritisnite ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Da ručno sortirate bilješke, način sortiranja treba promijeniti u \\"%s\\" kroz meni \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Konzolu maksimizirate/minimizirate pritiskom na \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Da pređete iz jednog okvira u drugi, pritisnite Tab ili Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Da ponovo pokušate dešifrovati ove stavke, pokrenite komandu `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Da bi radila kako treba, aplikaciji su potrebna sljedeća dopuštenja. Podesite ih u postavkama Vašeg telefona, u Aplikacije > Joplin > Dozvole","to-do":"zadatak","Toggle development tools":"Razvojni alati","Toggle editor layout":"Prikaži uređivač","Toggle sidebar":"Bočni meni","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token je kopiran u spremnik!","Tools":"Alati","Total: %d/%d":"Ukupno: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Kucajte `help [command]` za više informacija o komandi; ili kucajte `help all` za detaljne informacije o načinu korištenja.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Kucajte `joplin help` za informacije o korištenju.","Type new tags or select from list":"Unesite nove oznake ili odaberite iz popisa","Type: %s.":"Vrsta: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Neobavljeni zadaci na vrh","Unknown flag: %s":"Nepoznata oznaka: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nepodržana vrsta slike: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nepodržana veza ili poruka: %s","Untitled":"Bez naziva","Updated":"Ažurirano","updated date":"datum ažuriranja","Updated local items: %d.":"Ažurirano lokalnih stavki: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Ažurirano spoljašnjih stavki: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Ažurirano: %d.","Updated: %s":"Ažurirano: %s","Upgrade":"Nadogradi","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Korišteno: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Koristi dugi format. Format je ID, NOTE_COUNT (za bilježnice), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (za zadatke), TITLE","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Pomoću strelica i tipki PageUp/PageDown pomjerajte liste i tekst (uključujući i ovu konzolu).","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Ako se susretnete sa problemima prilikom pretraživanja, koristite ovu opciju da biste iznova kreirali indeks za pretragu. Proces može trajati dugo, zavisno od brojnosti bilješki.","View on map":"Vidi na karti","View them now":"Pregledajte ih sada","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Upozorenje","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Upozorenje: zbog performansi nisu prikazani svi resursi (granica: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV lozinka","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV korisničko ime","Website and documentation":"Internet stranica i dokumentacija","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Dobrodošli u Joplin!\\n\\nKucajte `:help shortcuts` za prikaz kratica, ili samo `:help` za informacije o korištenju.\\n\\nNaprimjer, da kreirate bilježnicu pritisnite `mb`; za kreiranje bilješke koristite `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Prilikom kreiranja nove bilješke:","When creating a new to-do:":"Prilikom kreiranja novog zadatka:","Words":"Riječi","y":"y","Y":"Y","Yes":"Da","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Slika koju ćete priložiti prilično je velika (%dx%d piksela). Želite li je smanjiti na %d piksela prije nego što je priložite?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Trenutno nema nijedna bilježnica.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nemate instaliranih dodataka.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Možete koristiti alatku niže da ponovo šifrirate svoje podatke, npr. ako znate da su neke od Vaših bilješki šifrirane koristeći zastarjeli metod.","Your choice: ":"Vaš izbor: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Vaši podaci iznova će se šifrirati i sinhronizovati.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Potrebno je Vaše dopuštenje za korištenje kamere.","Your version: %s":"Vaša verzija: %s","Zoom In":"Povećaj","Zoom Out":"Smanji"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"A «%s» li manca la propietat «%s».","%d days":"%d dies","%d hour":"%d hora","%d hours":"%d hores","%d minutes":"%d minuts","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notes coincideixen amb aquest patró. Voleu suprimir-les?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) no s\'ha pogut pujar: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) vol compartir un quadern amb tu.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (prellançament)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copia","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notes","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Edita","&File":"&Fitxer","&Go":"Vés","&Help":"&Ajuda","&Note":"&Nota","&Tools":"&Eines","&View":"&Visualitza","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(cap)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Càmera: per a poder fer fotografies i adjuntar-les a les notes.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Geolocalització: per a poder ajuntar la informació de geolocalització a les notes.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Emmagatzematge: per a adjuntar fitxers a les notes i per a activar la sincronització amb el sistema de fitxers."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" pot ser «add», «remove», «list» o «notetags» per a assignar o suprimir l\'[etiqueta] de la [nota], o per a llistar les notes associades amb l\'[etiqueta]. L\'ordre «tag list» es pot usar per a llistar totes les etiquetes (useu -l per l\'opció llarga)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" pot ser «toggle» o «clear». Useu «toggle» per a canviar els llistats de tasques entre l\'estat de finalitzat i no finalitzat (si l\'objectiu és una nota normal, es convertirà a un llistat de tasques pendents). Useu «clear» per a convertir un llistat de tasques pendents a una nota normal.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Quant al Joplin","accelerator":"accelerador","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"L\'accelerador «%s» no és vàlid.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"L\'accelerador «%s» s\'utilitza per a les ordres «%s» i «%s». Això pot conduir a un comportament inesperat.","Accept":"Accepta","Action":"Acció","Actions":"Accions","Active":"Activa","Actual Size":"Mida real","Add body":"Afegeix contingut","Add or remove tags:":"Afegeix o suprimeix etiquetes:","Add recipient:":"Afegeix un destinatari:","Add title":"Afegeix títol","Add to dictionary":"Afegeix al diccionari","Advanced options":"Opcions avançades","Advanced tools":"Opcions avançades","All notes":"Totes les notes","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Tots els ports potencials estan en ús - si us plau, informeu del problema a %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"També mostra variables de configuració ocultes o sense definir.","Always":"Sempre","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Hi ha disponible una actualització. Voleu descarregar-la ara?","Appearance":"Aspecte","Application":"Aplicació","Apply":"Aplica","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Esteu segur que voleu renovar el testimoni d\'autorització?","Arguments:":"Arguments:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim fosc","Attach file":"Adjunta un fitxer","Attach photo":"Adjunta una imatge","Attach...":"Adjunta...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Adjunta el fitxer indicat a la nota.","attachment":"fitxer adjunt","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflicte en un adjunt: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Comportament de descàrrega d\'adjunts","Attachments":"Adjunts","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Adjunts que no s\'han pogut descarregar","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Atenció: si canvieu aquesta ubicació, assegureu-vos de copiar-hi tot el contingut abans de sincronitzar; en cas contrari, se suprimiran tots els fitxers. Consulteu les FAQ per a obtenir més detalls: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"No s\'ha completat l\'autenticació (no ha rebut el testimoni d\'autenticació).","Authorisation token:":"Testimoni d\'autorització:","Auto":"Automàtic","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Aparellament automàtic de claus, parèntesis, cites, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Canvia de tema automàticament per a coincidir amb el tema del sistema","Automatically update the application":"Actualitza automàticament l\'aplicació","Back":"Enrere","Bold":"Negreta","Browse all plugins":"Navega per tots els connectors","Browse...":"Navega...","Bulleted List":"Llista de pics","Cancel":"Cancel·la","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"S\'està cancel·lant la sincronització en segon pla... Espereu.","Cancelling...":"S\'està cancel·lant...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"S\'està cancel·lant... Espereu.","Cannot access %s":"No es pot accedir a %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"No es pot canviar un element xifrat","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"No es pot copiar la nota al bloc de notes «%s»","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"No es pot trobar «%s».","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"No es pot inicialitzar el sincronitzador.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"No puc carregar el mòdul «%s» per al format «%s» i destí \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"No puc carregar el mòdul «%s» per al format «%s» i destí «%s»","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"No es pot moure la nota al bloc de notes «%s»","Cannot move notebook to this location":"No es pot moure el bloc de notes a aquesta ubicació","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"No es pot actualitzar el testimoni: manquen les dades d\'autenticació. Reiniciar la sincronització pot solucionar el problema.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"No es pot desar %s «%s» perquè és més gran que el límit permès (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"No es pot desar %s «%s» perquè se\'n passaria de l\'espai total (%s) d\'aquest compte","Change application layout":"Canvia la disposició de l\'aplicació","Change language":"Canvia la llengua","Characters":"Caràcters","Characters excluding spaces":"Caràcters excloent espais","Check for updates...":"Comprova les actualitzacions...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Comprova la configuració de la sincronització","Checkbox":"Casella de verificació","Checkbox list":"Llista de caselles de verificació","Checking... Please wait.":"Verificant... Espereu.","Choose an option":"Escolliu una opció","Chrome Web Store":"Web store de Chrome","Clear":"Neteja","Clear alarm":"Esborra l\'alarma","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Feu clic «%s» per a restaurar la nota. Aquesta serà copiada al bloc de notes anomenat «%s». La versió actual de la nota no serà substituïda o modificada.","Click to add tags...":"Feu clic per a afegir etiquetes...","Client ID: %s":"ID del client: %s","Close":"Tanca","Close Window":"Tanca la finestra","Code":"Codi","Code Block":"Bloc de codi","Code View":"Vista de codi","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Col·laboreu en blocs de notes amb altres","Coming alarms":"Alarmes programades","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Una llista separada per comes de camins a directoris d\'on carregar els certificats, o el camí a fitxers de certificats concrets. Per exemple, directori/subdirectori_certificats, /altres/personalitzat.pem. Tingueu en compte que si feu canvis en la configuració TLS, cal que els deseu abans de fer clic a «Comprova la configuració de la sincronització».","command":"ordre","Command":"Ordre","Command palette":"Paleta d\'ordres","Command palette...":"Paleta d\'ordres...","Completed":"Finalitzat","Completed decryption.":"El desxifratge ha finalitzat.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Completat: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Configuració","Confirm password cannot be empty":"El camp *Confirma la contrasenya* no pot ser buit","Confirm password:":"Confirmeu la contrasenya:","Confirmation":"Confirmació","Conflicted: %d":"Conflictius: %d","Conflicts":"Conflictes","Conflicts (attachments)":"Conflictes (adjunts)","Convert to note":"Converteix a nota","Convert to todo":"Converteix a llistat de tasques pendents","Copy":"Copia","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copia l\'ordre en mode de desenvolupament al porta-retalls","Copy Link Address":"Copia l\'adreça de l\'enllaç","Copy Markdown link":"Copia l\'enllaç Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copia el camí al porta-retalls","Copy Shareable Link":"Copia l\'enllaç compartible","Copy token":"Copia testimoni","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"No s\'ha pogut autoritzar l\'aplicació:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nTorneu-ho a provar.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"No s\'ha pogut connectar amb el Joplin Server. Comproveu la configuració en la pantalla de Sincronització. L\'error complet és: %s","Could not export notes: %s":"No s\'han pogut exportar les notes: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"No s\'ha pogut instal·lar el complement: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"No s\'ha pogut actualitzar la clau mestra: %s","Create a notebook":"Crea un bloc de notes nou","Created":"Creació","created date":"data de creació","Created local items: %d.":"Elements locals creats: %d.","Created locally":"S\'ha creat localment","Created remote items: %d.":"Elements remots creats: %d.","Created: ":"Data de creació: ","Created: %d.":"Creades: %d.","Created: %s":"Creació: %s","Creates a new note.":"Crea una nota nova.","Creates a new notebook.":"Crea un bloc de notes nou.","Creates a new to-do.":"Crea una llista de tasques pendents.","Creating new %s...":"S\'està creant una %s...","Creating report...":"Creant informe...","Current version is up-to-date.":"La versió actual està actualitzada.","custom order":"ordre personalitzat","Custom order":"Ordenació personalitzada","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Full d\'estil personalitzat per a estils d\'aplicacions de tot Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Full d\'estil personalitzat per als Markdown renderitzats","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificats TLS personalitzats","Cut":"Retalla","Dark":"Fosc","Database v%s":"Base de dades v%s","Date":"Data","Date format":"Format de data","days":"dies","Decrypted items: %d":"Elements desxifrats: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Elements desxifrats: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"S\'estan desxifrant els elements: %d/%d","Default":"Per defecte","Default: %s":"Per defecte: %s","Delete":"Suprimeix","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Voleu suprimir l\'adjunt \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Suprimeix la línia","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Suprimeix les dades locals i torna a baixar de la destinació de sincronització","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Voleu suprimir la nota \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Voleu suprimir la nota?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Voleu suprimir el bloc de notes \\"%s\\"? \\n\\nTambé se suprimiran totes les notes i els subblocs d\'aquest bloc de notes.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Voleu suprimir el bloc de notes? També se suprimiran totes les notes i els subblocs d\'aquest bloc de notes.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Voleu suprimir el complement \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Voleu suprimir aquestes %d notes?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Voleu suprimir aquesta invitació? El destinatari ja no tindrà accés a aquest quadern compartit.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Elements locals suprimits: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Elements remots suprimits: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Suprimeix el bloc de notes indicat.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Suprimeix el bloc de notes sense demanar cap confirmació.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Suprimeix les notes que coincideixen amb .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Suprimeix les notes sense demanar confirmació.","Destination format: %s":"Format destí: %s","Directory":"Directori","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Directori on es farà la sincronització (camí absolut)","Disable":"Desactiva","Disable encryption":"Desactiva el xifratge","Disable safe mode and restart":"Desactiva el mode segur i reinicia","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Desactiva el servei del porta-retalls de webs","Disabled":"Desactivat","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Si desactiveu el xifratge, significa que *totes* les notes i adjunts es tornaran a sincronitzar i enviar sense xifrar a la destinació de sincronització. Voleu continuar?","Discard changes":"Descarta els canvis","Dismiss":"Descarta","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Mostra un URL de geolocalització de la nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Només mostra les primeres notes.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Només mostra els elements dels tipus específics. Pot ser «n» per a les notes, «t» per les tasques pendents, o «nt» per a notes i tasques pendents (p. ex. «-tt» mostrarà només les tasques pendents, mentre que «-tnt» mostrarà notes i tasques pendents).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Mostra un resum sobre les notes i blocs de notes.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Mostra la informació completa sobre la nota.","Displays the given note.":"Mostra la nota indicada.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Mostra les notes en el bloc de notes actual. Useu «ls /» per a mostrar la llista de blocs de notes.","Displays usage information.":"Mostra la informació d\'ús.","Displays version information":"Mostra la informació de versió","Do it now":"Fes-ho ara","Do not ask for confirmation.":"No demanis confirmació.","Download":"Baixa","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Descarregueu i instal·leu l\'extensió adient per al vostre navegador:","Downloaded":"Descarregat","Downloaded and decrypted":"Descarregat i desxifrat","Downloaded and encrypted":"Descarregat i xifrat","Downloading":"Descarregant","Downloading resources...":"Descarregant recursos...","Dracula":"Dràcula","Drop notes or files here":"Arrossega les notes o fitxers aquí","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Inicia sessió al Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplica","Duplicate line":"Duplica la línia","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica les notes que coincideixen amb a [notebook]. Si no indiqueu cap bloc de notes, es dupliquen en el bloc de notes actual.","Edit":"Edita","Edit in external editor":"Edita en un editor extern","Edit note.":"Edita la nota.","Edit notebook":"Edita el bloc de notes","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Tipus de lletra de l\'editor","Editor font family":"Família de lletra de l\'editor","Editor font size":"Mida de lletra de l\'editor","Editor maximum width":"Amplada màxima de l\'editor","Editor monospace font family":"Lletra d\'amplada fixa de l\'editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"«text» o «json»","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"text ressaltat","Enable":"Activa","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Activa la sintaxi ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Activa la sintaxi ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Activa la sintaxi ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Activa la sintaxi d\'abreviatures","Enable audio player":"Habilita el reproductor d\'àudio","Enable deflist syntax":"Activa la sintaxi deflist","Enable encryption":"Activa el xifratge","Enable footnotes":"Activar notes a peu de pàgina","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Activa el suport de sintaxi de Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Habilita Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Activa els emoticons Markdown","Enable math expressions":"Activa les expressions matemàtiques","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Activa el suport de diagrames Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Activa l\'extensió de taules multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Activa l\'historial de notes","Enable PDF viewer":"Habilita el visor de PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Activa els salts de línia","Enable table of contents extension":"Activar l\'extensió de l\'índex","Enable typographer support":"Activa el suport tipogràfic","Enable video player":"Habilita el reproductor de vídeo","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Activa el servei del porta-retalls de webs","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Activa la sintaxi ~sub~","Enabled":"Activat","Encrypted":"Xifrat","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Els elements xifrats no es poden modificar","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"No es pot canviar el nom dels blocs de notes xifrats","Encryption":"Xifratge","Encryption Config":"Configuració del xifratge","Encryption is: %s":"El xifratge és: %s","Enter code here":"Entreu el codi aquí","Enter master password:":"Introduïu una contrasenya mestra:","Enter notebook title":"Entra el títol del bloc de notes","Enum":"Enumeració","Error":"Error","Error opening note in editor: %s":"S\'ha produït un error en l\'obrir la nota amb l\'editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Error. Comproveu que l’URL, el nom d’usuari, la contrasenya, etc. siguin correctes i que el servei a sincronitzar sigui accessible. L\'error reportat ha estat:","Error: %s":"Error: %s","Errors only":"Només els errors","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Exporta com a fitxer de l\'Evernote (com a HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Exporta com a fitxer de l\'Evernote (com a Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Surt de l\'aplicació.","Export":"Exporta","Export all":"Exporta-ho tot","Export debug report":"Exporta l\'informe de depuració","Export Debug Report":"Exporta l\'informe de depuració","Export profile":"Exporta el perfil","Exporting profile...":"Exportant el perfil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"S\'està exportant a «%s» com a format «%s». Espereu...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporta les dades del Joplin al camí indicat. Per defecte, exportarà tota la base de dades, incloent-hi blocs de notes, notes, etiquetes i recursos.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporta només la nota indicada.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporta només el bloc de notes indicat.","Fail-safe":"A prova d\'errors","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"A prova d\'errors: no esborreu les dades locals quan la destinació de sincronització estigui buida (sovint és el resultat d\'una configuració errònia o d\'algun altre error)","Fatal error:":"Error fatal:","Feature flags":"Interruptors de funcions","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Elements obtinguts: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Obtenint recursos: %d/%d","File":"Fitxer","File system":"Sistema de fitxers","Firefox Extension":"Extensió del Firefox","Fix search index":"Corregeix l\'índex de cerca","Fixing search index...":"Corregint l\'índex de cerca...","Focus":"Focus","Focus body":"Vés al cos","Focus title":"Vés al títol","Folders":"Carpetes","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Només en cas depuració: exporta el vostre perfil a una targeta SD externa.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Per a obtenir informació sobre com personalitzar les dreceres de teclat, visiteu %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Per a més informació sobre el xifratge d\'extrem a extrem (E2EE de l\'anglès) i consells sobre com activar-lo, llegiu la documentació:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Per a llistar les dreceres de teclat i opcions de configuració, escriviu «help keymap»","Forward":"Endavant","Found: %d.":"Trobades: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS activat: %d","Full changelog":"Registre complet de canvis","General":"General","Generating link...":"Generant enllaç...","Get it now:":"Obteniu-lo ara:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Obtén prellançaments quan cerqui actualitzacions","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obté o estableix un valor de configuració. Si no s\'indica [valor], mostrarà el valor de [nom]. Si no s\'indica ni [nom] ni [valor], es mostrarà un llistat amb la configuració actual.","Go to source URL":"Anar a URL origen","Goto Anything...":"Anar a qualsevol cosa...","Grant authorisation":"Autoritza","Heading":"Capçalera","Help":"Ajuda","Hide %s":"Amaga %s","Hide Joplin":"Amaga el Joplin","Highlight":"Ressalta","Horizontal Rule":"Línia horitzontal","HTML Directory":"Directori HTML","HTML File":"Fitxer HTML","Hyperlink":"Enllaç","Icon":"Icona","ID":"ID","Idle":"Ociós","Ignore":"Ignora","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignora els errors de certificat TLS","Import":"Importació","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"S\'està important el format de «%s» a «%s». Espereu...","Importing notes...":"S\'estan important notes...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa les dades al Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"En el mode \\"Manual\\", els adjunts només es descarreguen quan hi feu clic. En l\'\\"Automàtic\\", es descarreguen quan obriu la nota. A \\"Sempre\\", es descarreguen tots els adjunts, tant si obriu la nota com si no.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"En qualsevol ordre, podeu referenciar una nota o bloc de notes pel títol o l\'ID, o podeu usar dreceres «$n» o «$b» per a, respectivament, la nota o el bloc de nota seleccionat. Podeu usar «$c» per a fer referència a l\'element seleccionat.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Per tal d\'associar una geolocalització a la nota, l\'aplicació necessita permís per a accedir a la vostra ubicació.\\n\\nPodeu desactivar aquesta opció en qualsevol moment a la pantalla de configuració.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Per a fer-ho, totes les vostres dades hauran de ser encriptades i sincronitzades, per tant és millor executar-ho durant la nit.\\n\\nPer a començar, seguiu aquestes instruccions:\\n\\n1. Sincronitzeu tots els vostres dispositius.\\n2. Feu click en \\"%s\\".\\n3. Deixeu-lo executant-se fins que acabi. Mentre s\'executa, eviteu fer canvis en cap nota des dels altres dispositius per a evitar els conflictes.\\n4. Un cop la sincronització està acabada en aquest dispositiu, sincronitzeu tots els altres dispositius, i deixeu-los executant-se fins que acabin.\\n\\nImportant: només cal executar això UNA SOLA VEGADA en un dispositiu.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Per a utilitzar la sincronització del sistema de fitxers, cal el vostre permís per a escriure a l\'emmagatzematge extern.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Per a poder usar el porta-retalls de webs, cal que feu el següent:","In progress":"En progrés","In: %s":"A: %s","Indent less":"Sagna menys","Indent more":"Sagna més","Information":"Informació","Inline Code":"Codi en línia","Insert":"Insereix","Insert Date Time":"Insereix la data i hora","Insert Hyperlink":"Introdueix un enllaç","Install":"Instal·la","Install from file":"Instal·la des d\'un fitxer","Installed":"Instal·lat","Installing...":"S\'està cancel·lant...","Invalid":"Invàlid","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s invàlid: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"La resposta no és vàlida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ordre no vàlida: «%s»","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"El valor de l\'opció no és vàlid: «%s». Els valors possibles són: %s.","Italic":"Cursiva","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"L\'element \\"%s\\" no s\'ha pogut descarregar: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elements que no s\'han pogut desxifrar","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elements que no s\'han pogut sincronitzar","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin pot sincronitzar les notes utilitzant diversos proveïdors. Seleccioneu-ne un de la llista inferior.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Correu electrònic del Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Contrasenya del Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Directori d\'exportació del Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Fitxer d\'exportació del Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin no ha pogut desxifrar aquests elements diverses vegades, possiblement perquè estan danyats o són massa grans. Aquests elements romandran al dispositiu, però Joplin ja no intentarà desxifrar-los.","Joplin Forum":"Fòrum del Joplin","Joplin Server":"Servidor del Joplin","Joplin Server email":"Correu electrònic del servidor del Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Contrasenya del servidor del Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL del servidor Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"El porta-retalls de webs del Joplin us permet desar pàgines web i captures de pantalla del navegador web al Joplin.","Joplin website":"Lloc web del Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"El servei de sincronització propi de Joplin. També us dona accés a funcionalitats específiques de Joplin, com la publicació de notes o la col·laboració en blocs de notes amb altres.","Keep note history for":"Conserva l\'historial de la nota durant","Keyboard Mode":"Mode de teclat","Keyboard Shortcut":"Drecera de teclat","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Dreceres de teclat","Keychain Supported: %s":"Clauer admès: %s","Landscape":"Paisatge","Language":"Llengua","Last error: %s":"Últim error: %s","Later":"Més tard","Layout":"Disposició","Layout button sequence":"Seqüència del botó de disposició","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Carta","Light":"Clar","Lines":"Línies","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"L\'enllaç s\'ha copiat al porta-retalls!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Els enllaços amb el protocol %s no estan suportats","List item":"Element de llista","Location":"Ubicació","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"El fitxer de bloqueig està ús. Si sabeu que no s\'està executant cap sincronització ara mateix, podeu suprimir el fitxer de bloqueig a «%s» i reprendre l\'operació.","Log":"Registre","Login":"Identifiqueu-vos","Login below.":"Identifiqueu-vos baix.","Login with Dropbox":"Inicia sessió amb Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Inicia sessió amb OneDrive","Make a donation":"Donatius","Manage your plugins":"Gestioneu els connectors","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marca un llistat de tasques pendents com a fet.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marca un llistat de tasques pendents com a no finalitzat.","Markup":"Marcatge","Master Key %s":"Clau mestra %s","Max concurrent connections":"Connexions simultànies màximes","Missing Master Keys":"Manquen les claus mestres","Missing required argument: %s":"Manca un argument requerit: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Dades mòbils - sincronització automàtica desactivada","More info":"Més informació","More information":"Més informació","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Hi ha més d\'un element que coincideix amb «%s». Restringiu la consulta.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Voleu moure %d notes al bloc de notes «%s»?","Move to notebook":"Mou al bloc de notes","Move to notebook...":"Mou al bloc de notes...","Move to notebook:":"Mou al bloc de notes:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Mou les notes que coincideixen amb a [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nota nova","New notebook":"Bloc de notes nou","New Notebook":"Bloc de notes nou","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Es crearà un bloc de notes «%s» i s\'hi importarà el fitxer «%s»","New sub-notebook":"Sub-bloc de notes nou","New tags:":"Etiquetes noves:","New to-do":"Llistat de tasques pendents nou","New version: %s":"Nova versió: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Contrasenya del Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nom d\'usuari del Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL del Nextcloud WebDAV","no":"no","No":"No","No active notebook.":"No hi ha cap bloc de notes actiu.","No item with ID %s":"No hi ha cap element amb la ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"No heu indicat cap bloc de notes.","No notebook selected.":"No heu seleccionat cap bloc de notes.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"No hi ha cap nota aquí. Creeu-ne una fent clic a «Nota nova».","No resources!":"No hi ha recursos!","No results":"No hi ha resultats","No such command: %s":"No existeix l\'ordre: %s","No suggestions":"Sense suggeriments","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"No hi ha definit cap editor de text. Establiu-ne un usant \\"config editor \\"","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"No esteu autenticats amb %s. Proporcioneu les credencials que falten.","Not downloaded":"No descarregat","note":"nota","Note":"Nota","Note area growth factor":"Factor de creixement de l\'àrea de nota","Note attachments":"Adjunts de la nota","Note attachments...":"Adjunts...","Note body":"Cos de la nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"La nota «%s» no existeix. Voleu crear-la?","Note has been saved.":"S\'ha desat la nota.","Note History":"Historial de la nota","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"La nota no és un llistat de tasques pendents: «%s»","Note list":"Llistat de notes","Note list growth factor":"Factor de creixement de la llista de notes","Note properties":"Propietats de la nota","Note title":"Títol de la nota","Note&book":"&Blocs de notes","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Nota: no funciona en tots els entorns d\'escriptori.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Nota: quan es comparteix una nota, deixa d\'estar xifrada al servidor.","Notebook list growth factor":"Factor de creixement de la llista de blocs de notes","Notebook title:":"Títol del bloc de notes:","Notebook: %s":"Blocs de notes: %s","Notebooks":"Blocs de notes","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Els blocs de notes no poden tenir el nom «%s», és un títol reservat.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Les notes i la configuració es desen a: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Només podeu crear notes en un bloc de notes.","Numbered List":"Llista numerada","OK":"D\'acord","OLED Dark":"OLED fosc","On %s: %s":"A les %s.%s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Una de les vostres claus mestres utilitza un mètode de xifratge obsolet.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Un o més elements estan xifrats i cal que proporcioneu una contrasenya mestra. Per a fer-ho, escriviu «e2ee decrypt». Si ja heu indicat una contrasenya, els elements xifrats s\'estan desxifrant en segon pla i seran disponibles aviat.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Una o més claus mestres necessiten una contrasenya.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Inicia sessió al OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Només es pot imprimir una nota alhora.","Open":"Obre","Open %s":"Obre %s","Open profile directory":"Obre carpeta de perfil","Open Sync Wizard...":"Obre l\'assistent de sincronització...","Open...":"Obre...","Operation cancelled":"L\'operació s\'ha cancel·lat","Options":"Opcions","Or create an account.":"O creeu un compte.","Output format: %s":"Format destí: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientació de la pàgina per exportació a PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Mida de la pàgina per exportació a PDF","Password":"Contrasenya","Password cannot be empty":"El camp *Contrasenya* no pot ser buit","Password:":"Contrasenya:","Passwords do not match!":"Les contrasenyes no coincideixen!","Paste":"Enganxa","Path:":"Camí:","PDF File":"Fitxer PDF","Permission needed":"Cal permís","Permission to use camera":"Permís per a utilitzar la càmera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Confirmeu que voleu tornar a xifrar la vostra base de dades completa.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Entreu la vostra contrasenya en la llista de claus mestres d\'aquí a sota abans d\'actualitzar la clau.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Obriu l\'URL següent al navegador per a autenticar l\'aplicació. L\'aplicació crearà un directori a «Aplicacions/Joplin» i només llegirà i escriurà fitxers en aquest directory. No tindrà accés a cap fitxer fora d\'aquest directori ni a cap dada personal. No es compartirà cap dada amb terceres parts.","Please select a notebook first.":"Cal que primer seleccioneu un bloc de notes.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Primer seleccioneu la nota o el bloc de notes que vulgueu suprimir.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Seleccioneu on s\'hauria d\'exportar l\'estat de la sincronització","Please specify import format for %s":"Indiqueu el format d\'importació per a %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Indiqueu el bloc de notes on s\'haurien d\'importar les notes.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Si us plau, actualitzeu Joplin per a utilitzar aquest connector","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Espereu que tots els adjunts hagin estat descarregats i desxifrats. També podeu canviar a %s per a editar la nota.","Please wait...":"Espereu...","Plugin tools":"Eines dels connectors","Plugins":"Connectors","Portrait":"Retrat","Possible keys/values:":"Valors/claus possibles:","Possible values: %s.":"Valors possibles: %s.","Preferences":"Preferències","Preferences...":"Preferències...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema fosc preferit","Preferred light theme":"Tema clar preferit","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Premeu Ctrl+D o escriviu «exit» per a sortir de l\'aplicació","Press the shortcut":"Premeu la drecera","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Premeu la drecera i premeu RETORN. O, premeu RETROCÉS per a esborrar la drecera.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Premeu per a establir la contrasenya de desxifratge.","Previous versions of this note":"Versions prèvies d\'aquesta nota","Print":"Imprimeix","Privacy Policy":"Política de privacitat","Profile Version: %s":"Versió del perfil: %s","Properties":"Propietats","Publish note...":"Publica la nota...","Publish Notes":"Publica notes","Publish notes to the internet":"Publica les notes a internet","Quit":"Surt","Re-encrypt data":"Torna a xifrar les dades","Re-encryption":"Xifratge","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Torna a pujar les dades locals per a sincronitzar la destinació","Read more about it":"Llegiu-ne més sobre ell","Read time: %s min":"Temps de lectura: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"El destinatari ha acceptat la invitació","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"El destinatari encara no ha acceptat la invitació","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"El destinatari ha rebutjat la invitació","Recipients:":"Destinataris:","Redo":"Refés","Refresh":"Actualitza","Reject":"Rebutja","Remove":"Elimina","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Voleu suprimir l\'etiqueta \\"%s\\" de totes les notes?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Voleu suprimir aquesta cerca de la barra lateral?","Rename":"Canvia el nom","Rename notebook:":"Canvia el nom del bloc de notes:","Rename tag:":"Canvia el nom de l\'etiqueta:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Canvia el nom de la nota o bloc de notes indicat de a .","Renew token":"Renova el testimoni","Resources: %d.":"Recursos: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Reinicia i actualitza","Restart now":"Reinicia ara","Restore":"Restaurar","Restored Notes":"Notes restaurades","Retry":"Torna a provar","Retry All":"Torna a provar-los tots","Reveal file in folder":"Mostra el fitxer a la carpeta","Reverse sort order":"Ordre invers","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverteix el criteri d\'ordenació.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisió: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Executa les ordres contingudes al fitxer de text. Hi ha d\'haver una ordre per línia.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"El mode segur està actiu actualment. La renderització de notes i tots els connectors estan temporalment inhabilitats.","Save":"Desa","Save alarm":"Desa l\'alarma","Save as...":"Anomena i desa...","Save changes":"Desa els canvis","Save geo-location with notes":"Desa la geolocalització a les notes","Search":"Cerca","Search for plugins...":"Cerca connectors...","Search in all the notes":"Cerca a totes les notes","Search in current note":"Cerca en la nota actual","Search...":"Cerca...","Search:":"Cerca:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Cerca el patró en totes les notes.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Consulta la pàgina de prellançament per a més detalls: %s","Select":"Selecciona","Select all":"Seleccioneu tot","Server is already running on port %d":"El servidor ja està corrent en el port %d","Server is not running.":"El servidor no està corrent.","Server is running on port %d":"El servidor està corrent en el port %d","Set alarm":"Estableix una alarma","Set alarm:":"Estableix una alarma:","Set the password":"Establiu la contrasenya","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Estableix la propietat de la indicada al [valor] donat. Les propietats possibles són:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Comparteix","Share Notebook":"Comparteix el quadern de notes","Share notebook...":"Comparteix el quadern de notes...","Sharing notebook...":"S\'està compartint el bloc de notes.","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Les dreceres no són disponibles en el mode de línia d\'ordres.","Show Advanced Settings":"Mostra opcions avançades","Show all":"Mostra-ho tot","Show completed to-dos":"Mostra els llistats de tasques pendents finalitzats","Show note counts":"Mostra el nombre de notes","Show tray icon":"Mostra la icona a la safata","Sidebar":"Barra lateral","Size":"Mida","Skip this version":"Omet aquesta versió","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Elements omesos: %d (utilitza --retry-failed-items per a tornar a intentar desxifrar-los)","Skipped: %d.":"Omeses: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solaritzat fosc","Solarised Light":"Solaritzat clar","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Alguns elements no s\'han pogut desxifrar.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Alguns elements no s\'han pogut sincronitzar.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Alguns elements no s\'han pogut sincronitzar. Premeu per a més informació.","Sort notebooks by":"Ordena els blocs de notes per","Sort notes by":"Ordena les notes per","Sort selected lines":"Ordena les línies seleccionades","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ordena l\'element per (p. ex. títol, actualització o creació).","Source format: %s":"Format d\'origen: %s","Source: ":"Font: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Especifiqueu el port que hauria de fer servir el servidor API. Si no s’estableix, s’utilitzarà un valor per defecte.","Spell checker":"Corrector ortogràfic","Split View":"Vista dividida","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Inicieu l\'aplicació minimitzada a la icona de la safata","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Arrenca, atura o verifica el servidor API. Per a especificar a quin port ha de córrer, estableix la variable api.port. Les ordres són (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"S\'està iniciant el desxifratge... Espereu perquè això pot durar alguns minuts, depenent de quanta informació calgui desxifrar.","Starting synchronisation...":"Està començant la sincronització...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"S\'està iniciant l\'edició de la nota. Tanqueu l\'editor per a tornar a l\'indicador.","Statistics":"Estadístiques","Statistics...":"Estadístiques...","Status":"Estat","Status: %s":"Estat: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Estat: iniciat al port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Pas 1: Activeu el servei del porta-retalls de webs","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Pas 1: Obriu aquest URL al navegador per a autoritzar l\'aplicació:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Pas 2: Introduïu el codi proporcionat per Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Pas 2: Instal·leu l\'extensió","Stop":"Atura","Stop external editing":"Atura l\'edició externa","Strikethrough":"Ratllat","strong text":"text destacat","Submit":"Tramet","Subscript":"Subíndex","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Èxit! Sembla que la configuració de sincronització és correcta.","Superscript":"Superíndex","Swap line down":"Intercanvia la línia avall","Swap line up":"Intercanvia la línia cap amunt","Switch between note and to-do type":"Alterna entre el tipus nota i tasques pendents","Switch to note type":"Canvia el tipus a nota","Switch to to-do type":"Canvia el tipos a tasques pendents","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Canvia a [notebook] - totes les operacions posteriors s\'aplicaran en aquest bloc de notes.","Sync Status":"Estat de sincronització","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Estat de la sincronització (element sinc. / elements totals)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Cal actualitzar la destinació de sincronització! Executeu «%s» per a continuar.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Sincronitza l\'actualització de la destinació","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronitza a la destinació indicada (de forma predeterminada al valor de configuració","Sync Version: %s":"Versió de la sincronització: %s","Sync your notes":"Sincronitzeu les notes","Synchronisation":"Sincronització","Synchronisation interval":"Interval de sincronització","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"La sincronització ja és en curs.","Synchronisation Status":"Estat de la sincronització","Synchronisation target":"Objectiu de sincronització","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Destinació de la sincronització: %s(%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronitza","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sincronitza només amb la connexió Wi-Fi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincronitza amb un emmagatzemament remot.","Synchronising...":"Sincronitzant...","Synchronizing...":"S\'està sincronitzant...","Tabloid":"Tabloide","Tagged: %d.":"Etiquetats: %d.","Tags":"Etiquetes","Take photo":"Fes una foto","Text editor command":"Ordre de l\'editor de text","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Gràcies! El vostre compte de Joplin Cloud està preparat per a utilitzar-se.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"L\'aplicació es tancarà ara. Si us plau, torneu-la a executar per a completar el procés.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"L\'aplicació ha estat autoritzada - podeu tancar aquesta pestanya del navegador.","The application has been authorised!":"L\'aplicació s\'ha autoritzat correctament!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"L\'aplicació s\'ha autoritzat correctament.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Cal reiniciar l\'aplicació perquè aquests canvis tinguin efecte.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Els adjunts ja no es veuran quan canvieu a una nota diferent.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"L\'ordre «%s» només és disponible en mode IGU","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"La contrasenya d\'administrador per defecte és insegura i no s\'ha canviat! [Canvia-la ara](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"El mètode de xifratge per defecte s\'ha canviat a un de més segur i és recomanable que l\'apliqueu a les vostres dades.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"El mètode de xifratge per defecte s\'ha canviat, hauríeu de tornar a xifrar les vostres dades.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"L\'ordre de l\'editor (que pot incloure arguments) que s\'usarà per a obrir una nota. Si no se\'n proporciona cap, es detectarà automàticament l\'editor predeterminat.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"La propietat factor defineix com l’element creixerà o es reduirà per a ajustar-se a l’espai disponible al seu contenidor respecte als altres elements. Per tant, un element amb un factor de 2 ocuparà el doble d’espai que un element amb un factor d\'1. Reinicieu l’aplicació per a veure els canvis.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"S\'estan vigilant els següents adjunts per si hi ha canvis:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"L\'aplicació mòbil del Joplin, ara per ara, no admet aquest tipus d\'enllaç: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"La clau mestra s\'ha actualitzat amb èxit!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Les claus mestres amb aquests ID s\'usen per a xifrar alguns dels elements. Tot i això l\'aplicació actualment no hi té accés. Probablement es baixaran via sincronització.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"La nota «%s» s\'ha restaurat amb èxit en el bloc de notes «%s».","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"No s\'ha pogut desar el bloc de notes: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Notes s\'han importat: %s","The possible commands are:":"Les ordres possibles són:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Cal actualitzar l\'objectiu de sincronització abans que Joplin pugui sincronitzar. L\'operació pot trigar uns minuts a completar-se i cal reiniciar l\'aplicació. Per a continuar, feu clic a l\'enllaç.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"L\'etiqueta \\"%s\\" ja existeix. Escolliu un nom diferent.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"L\'objectiu on se sincronitzarà. Cada objectiu pot tenir paràmetres addicionals que s\'anomenen «sync.NUM.NAME» (tots documentats a sota).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"El porta-retalls web necessita autorització per a accedir a les vostres dades.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"El servei de porta-retalls de webs és actiu i configurat per a iniciar-se automàticament.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"El servei del porta-retalls de webs no està activat.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Ara mateix no hi ha cap nota. Creeu-ne una fent clic en el botó (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Ara mateix no hi ha cap bloc de notes. Creeu-ne un fent clic a «Bloc de notes nou».","There is no data to export.":"No hi ha dades per a exportar.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Hi ha hagut un [conflicte](%s) en aquest l\'adjunt.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Hi ha hagut un error en baixar aquest adjunt:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"S\'ha produït un error configurant el vostre compte de Joplin Cloud. Verifiqueu el vostre correu electrònic i la contrasenya, i proveu de nou. L\'error ha sigut:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Aquests elements es mantindran al dispositiu, però no es pujaran a la destinació de sincronització. Per a poder trobar aquests elements, podeu cercar pel títol o la ID (que es mostra entre claudàtors a sobre).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Aquestes extensions milloren el renderitzador de Markdown amb funcions addicionals. Tingueu en compte que, tot i que aquestes funcions poden ser útils, no són Markdown estàndard i, per tant, la majoria només funcionaran dins de Joplin. A més, alguns d’ells són *incompatibles* amb l’editor WYSIWYG. Si obriu una nota que utilitza un d\'aquests connectors en aquest editor, perdreu el format del connector. A continuació s’indica quins connectors són compatibles o no amb l’editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Aquest adjunt no ha estat descarregat o desxifrat encara","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Aquest adjunt no s\'ha descarregat o no s\'ha desxifrat encara.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Aquest testimoni d\'autorització només és necessari per a permetre l\'accés d\'aplicacions de tercers al Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Aquesta és una eina avançada per a mostrar els adjunts que estan enllaçats a les vostres notes. Tingueu precaució en suprimir-ne un, ja que després no es poden restaurar.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Aquesta nota no té informació de geolocalització.","This note has been modified:":"Aquesta nota s\'ha modificat:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Aquesta nota no té contingut. Feu clic a «%s» per a anar a l\'editor i modificar-la.","This note has no history":"Aquesta nota no té historial","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Aquest editor de text enriquit té una sèrie de limitacions i es recomana ser conscient d\'elles abans d\'utilitzar-lo.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Aquest servei permet que l\'extensió del navegador pugui comunicar-se amb el Joplin. En activar-la, el tallafoc us podria demanar de donar permís al Joplin per a escoltar un port determinat.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Això permetrà que Joplin s’executi en segon pla. Es recomana habilitar aquesta configuració perquè les notes se sincronitzin constantment, reduint així el nombre de conflictes.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Això obrirà una nova pantalla. Voleu desar els canvis actuals?","Time format":"Format horari","title":"títol","Title":"Títol","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Per a permetre que el Joplin sincronitzi amb el Dropbox, seguiu les passes següents:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Per a suprimir una etiqueta, traieu l\'etiqueta en les notes associades.","To delete: %d":"Per a suprimir: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Per a anar al mode de línia d\'ordres, premeu «:»","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Per a sortir del mode en línia d\'ordres, premeu la tecla Escapada","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Per a ordenar les notes manualment, l\'ordre de classificació s\'ha de canviar a \\"%s\\" en el menú \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Per a maximitzar o minimitzar la consola, premeu «tc».","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Per a desplaçar-vos d\'un panell a un altre, premeu Tab o Maj+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Per a reintentar el desxifratge d\'aquests elements. Executa \\"e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items\\"","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Per a funcionar correctament, l\'aplicació requereix els permisos següents. Habiliteu-los a la configuració del telèfon a Aplicacions > Joplin > Permisos","to-do":"tasques pendents","Toggle comment":"Mostra o amaga el comentari","Toggle development tools":"Activa/desactiva eines de desenvolupament","Toggle editor layout":"Canvia disposició de l\'editor","Toggle editors":"Canvia disposició de l\'editor","Toggle external editing":"Activa/desactiva l\'edició externa","Toggle note list":"Mostra o amaga llista de notes","Toggle safe mode":"Activa/desactiva el mode segur","Toggle sidebar":"Mostra o amaga barra lateral","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"El testimoni s\'ha copiat al porta-retalls!","Tools":"Eines","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Try again":"Intenta-ho de nou","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Escriviu «help [ordre]» per a més informació sobre l\'ordre; o escriviu «help all» per a la informació d\'ús completa.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Escriviu «joplin help» per a obtenir informació d\'ús.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Escriviu un títol de nota o part del seu contingut per a saltar a la nota. O escriviu # seguit d\'un nom d\'etiqueta, o @ seguit d\'un nom de bloc de notes. O escriviu \\":\\" per a cercar entre les ordres.","Type new tags or select from list":"Escriviu etiquetes noves o seleccioneu-ne de la llista","Type: %s.":"Tipus: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Les tasques pendents sense finalitzar a la part superior","Undo":"Desfés","Unknown flag: %s":"Bandera desconeguda: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"S\'ha baixat un tipus d\'ítem desconegut. Si us plau, actualitzeu Joplin a la darrera versió","Unpublish note":"Deixa de publicar la nota","Unshare":"Deixa de compartir","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Voleu deixar de compartir aquest bloc de notes? Els destinataris ja no tindran accés al seu contingut.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipus d\'imatge no admesa: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Missatge o enllaç no suportat: %s","Untitled":"Sense títol","Update":"Actualització","Updated":"Actualització","updated date":"data d\'actualització","Updated local items: %d.":"Elements locals actualitzats: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Elements remots actualitzats: %d.","Updated: ":"Última actualització: ","Updated: %d.":"Actualitzades: %d.","Updated: %s":"Actualitzat: %s","Updating...":"S\'està actualitzant...","Upgrade":"Actualitza","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Actualitza la destinació de sincronització a la versió més recent.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Ús: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Usa el format de llista llarga. El format és ID, NRE_NOTES (per a blocs de notes), DATA, TASQUES_MARCADES (per a llistats de tasques pendents), TÍTOL","Use spell checker":"Utilitza el corrector ortogràfic","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Useu les fletxes del cursor i les tecles de pàgina amunt i avall per a recórrer les llistes i les àrees de text (incloent-hi aquesta consola).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Utilitzeu les fletxes per a moure els elements de la disposició. Premeu «Escapa» per a sortir.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Utilitzeu això per a reconstruir l\'índex de cerca si hi ha un problema amb la cerca. Pot trigar molt en funció del nombre de notes.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"S\'utilitza per a la majoria de text a l\'editor Markdown. Si no es troba, s\'utilitza un tipus de lletra genèric proporcional (amplada variable).","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"S\'utilitza quan es necessita un tipus de lletra d\'amplada fixa per a mostrar text de manera llegible (p. ex. taules, caselles de selecció, codi). Si no es troba, s\'utilitza un tipus de lletra genèric monoespai (amplada fixa).","Valid":"Vàlid","View":"Vista","View on map":"Mostra-ho al mapa","View them now":"Mostra\'ls ara","Viewer":"Visor","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Avís","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Avís: no es mostren tots els recursos per motius de rendiment (límit:% s).","Web Clipper":"Desa-retalls de webs","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Contrasenya de WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL de WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nom d\'usuari WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Lloc web i documentació","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Us donem la benvinguda al Joplin!\\n\\nEscriviu «:help shortcuts» per a llistar les dreceres de teclat, o simplement «:help» per a informació d\'ús.\\n\\nPer exemple, per a crear un bloc de notes premeu «mb»; per a crear una nota premeu «mn».","When creating a new note:":"En crear una nota:","When creating a new to-do:":"En crear un llistat de tasques pendents:","Words":"Paraules","y":"s","Y":"S","yes":"sí","Yes":"Sí","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Esteu a punt d\'adjuntar una imatge gran (%dx%d pixels). Voleu reduir-la a %d pixels abans d\'adjuntar-la?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Ara mateix no teniu cap bloc de notes.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"No teniu cap connector instal·lat.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"També podeu escriure \\"status\\" per a obtenir més informació.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Podeu utilitzar l\'eina següent per tornar a xifrar les vostres dades, per exemple si sabeu que algunes de les vostres notes estan xifrades amb un mètode de xifratge obsolet.","Your choice: ":"La vostra tria: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Les vostres dades es tornaran a xifrar i sincronitzar.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Es necessita el vostre permís per a utilitzar la càmera.","Your version: %s":"La vostra versió: %s","Zoom In":"Ampliar","Zoom Out":"Allunyar"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" chybí požadovaná vlastnost \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d dní","%d hour":"%d hodina","%d hours":"%d hodin","%d minutes":"%d minut","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d poznámek vyhovuje zadání. Smazat všechny?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) se nepodařilo nahrát: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"Uživatel %s (%s) by s vámi rád sdílel zápisník.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (nefinální vydání)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopírovat","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d poznámek","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Úpr&avy","&File":"&Soubor","&Go":"Př&ejít","&Help":"Nápo&věda","&Note":"&Poznámka","&Tools":"&Nástroje","&View":"&Zobrazit","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Fotoaparát: umožňuje pořízení fotografie a její připojení k poznámce.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Poloha: umožňuje k poznámce připojit informaci o zeměpisné poloze.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Úložiště: umožňuje připojení souborů k poznámkám a umožňuje synchronizaci souborového systému."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" může být \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" nebo \\"notetags\\": přidat (\\"add\\") či odebrat (\\"remove\\") [tag] k [poznámce], vypsat (\\"list\\") seznam poznámek přiřazených k [tagu] nebo vypsat (\\"notetags\\") seznam štítků přiřazených k poznámce. Příkaz `tag list` vypíše všechny štítky (s parametrem -l pro dlouhý výpis)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" může být buď \\"toggle\\" (přepnout) nebo \\"clear\\" (odstranit). Použijte \\"toggle\\" pro přepnutí daného úkolu na dokončený resp. nedokončený (pokud je cílem normální poznámka, bude konvertována na úkol). Použijte \\"clear\\" pro konverzi úkolu na normální poznámku.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"O Joplinu","accelerator":"akcelerátor","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Akcelerátor \\"%s\\" není platný.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Akcelerátor \\"%s\\" se používá pro příkazy \\"%s\\" a \\"%s\\". Toto může vést k neočekávanému chování.","Accept":"Přijmout","Action":"Akce","Active":"Aktivní","Actual Size":"Skutečná velikost","Add body":"Přidat tělo","Add or remove tags:":"Přidat či odebrat štítky:","Add recipient:":"Přidat příjemce:","Add title":"Přidejte nadpis","Add to dictionary":"Přidat do slovníku","Advanced options":"Ukázat pokročilé volby","Advanced tools":"Pokročilé volby","All notes":"Všechny poznámky","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Všechny dostupné porty jsou používané - nahlaste prosím tento problém na %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Zobrazí i nenastavené a schované konfigurační proměnné.","Always":"Vždy","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Je k dispozici aktualizace, chcete ji stáhnout?","Appearance":"Vzhled","Application":"Aplikace","Apply":"Použít","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Opravdu chcete obnovit autorizační token?","Arguments:":"Argumenty:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Přiložit soubor","Attach photo":"Přiložit obrázek","Attach...":"Přiložit...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Přiloží soubor k poznámce.","attachment":"příloha","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt přílohy: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Stahovat přílohy","Attachments":"Přílohy","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Nepodařilo se stáhnout přílohy","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Upozornění: Pokud toto umístění změníte, před synchronizací se ujistěte, že jste do něj zkopírovali veškerý obsah, jinak budou všechny soubory odstraněny! Další podrobnosti naleznete v FAQ: % s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentizace nebyla dokončena (nedostali jsme autentizační token).","Authorisation token:":"Autorizační token:","Auto":"Automaticky","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automaticky zdvojit uvozovky, závorky, apod.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automaticky přepnout téma vzhledu podle nastavení systému","Automatically update the application":"Automaticky aktualizovat aplikaci","Back":"Zpět","Bold":"Tučně","Browse all plugins":"Procházet všechna rozšíření","Browse...":"Procházet...","Bulleted List":"Seznam s odrážkami","Cancel":"Zrušit","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Zastavování synchronizace, počkejte prosím...","Cancelling...":"Zastavování...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Zastavuji, chvíli strpení.","Cannot access %s":"Nelze otevřít %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Nelze editovat zašifrovanou položku","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Poznámku \\"%s\\" nelze zkopírovat do zápisníku","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Výraz \\"%s\\" nebyl nalezen.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Nelze inicializovat synchronizátor.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Nelze načíst modul \\"%s\\" pro formát \\"%s\\" a výstup \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Nelze načíst modul \\"%s\\" pro formát \\"%s\\" a cíl \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Poznámku nelze přesunout do \\"%s\\" zápisníku","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Zápisník nelze přesunout na toto umístění","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Nelze obnovit token: chybí autentizační data. Opětovné spuštění synchronizace může tento problém vyřešit.","Change application layout":"Změnit rozložení aplikace","Change language":"Změnit jazyk","Characters":"Znaky","Characters excluding spaces":"Znaky bez mezer","Check for updates...":"Zkontrolovat aktualizace...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Zkontrolovat nastavení synchronizace","Checkbox":"Zaškrtávací pole","Checkbox list":"Zaškrtávací pole","Checking... Please wait.":"Probíhá kontrola... Počkejte prosím.","Choose an option":"Zvolit možnost","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Vyčistit","Clear alarm":"Zrušit alarm","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Pro obnovení poznámky klepněte na \\"%s\\". Poznámka bude zkopírována do zápisníku \\"%s\\". Současná verze poznámky nebude nahrazena ani změněna.","Click to add tags...":"Klepněte pro přidání štítku...","Client ID: %s":"ID klienta: %s","Close":"Zavřít","Close Window":"Zavřít okno","Code":"Kód","Code Block":"Blok kódu","Code View":"Zobrazit kód","Coming alarms":"Nadcházející alarmy","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Čárkami oddělený seznam adresářů s certifikáty nebo cestami k jednotlivým souborům s certifikáty. Například: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Pamatujte, že pokud provedete změny nastavení TLS, musíte změny před klepnutím na \\"Zkontrolovat konfiguraci synchronizace\\" uložit.","command":"příkaz","Command":"Příkaz","Command palette":"Nabídka příkazů","Completed":"Dokončeno","Completed decryption.":"Dešifrování dokončeno.","Configuration":"Nastavení","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Heslo pro potvrzení nemůže být prázdné","Confirm password:":"Potvrďte heslo:","Conflicted: %d":"Konflikt: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikty","Convert to note":"Konvertovat na poznámku","Convert to todo":"Převést na úkolexpr","Copy":"Kopírovat","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Zkopírovat příkaz režimu pro vývojáře vývojáře do schránky","Copy Link Address":"Kopírovat adresu odkazu","Copy Markdown link":"Vytvořit Markdown odkaz","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopírovat cestu do schránky","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopírovat odkaz ke sdílení","Copy token":"Zkopírovat token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Aplikaci se nepodařilo autorizovat:\\\\n\\n\\\\n\\n%s\\\\n\\n\\\\n\\nProsím, zkuste to znovu.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Nelze se připojit k Joplin serveru. Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení synchronizace na konfigurační obrazovce. Celá chyba:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Nelze exportovat poznámky: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Rozšíření se nepodařilo nainstalovat: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Hlavní klíč nelze upgradovat: %s","Create a notebook":"Vytvořit nový zápisník","Created":"Vytvořeno","created date":"datum vytvoření","Created local items: %d.":"Položky vytvořené lokálně: %d.","Created locally":"Vytvořené lokálně","Created remote items: %d.":"Položky vytvořené na vzdáleném úložišti: %d.","Created: %d.":"Vytvořeno: %d.","Created: %s":"Vytvořeno: %s","Creates a new note.":"Vytvoří novou poznámku.","Creates a new notebook.":"Vytvoří nový zápisník.","Creates a new to-do.":"Vytvoří nový úkol.","Creating new %s...":"%s...","Creating report...":"Vytváření hlášení...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Současná verze je aktuální.","custom order":"vlastní řazení","Custom order":"Vlastní řazení","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Vlastní styly pro aplikaci Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Vlastní styly pro vykreslený Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Vlastní TLS certifikát","Cut":"Vyjmout","Dark":"Tmavý","Database v%s":"Databáze v%s","Date format":"Formát data","days":"dní","Decrypted items: %d":"Dešifrované položky: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dešifrované položky: %s/%s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dešifrování položek: %d/%d","Default":"Výchozí","Default: %s":"Výchozí: %s","Delete":"Smazat","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Smazat přílohu \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Smazat řádek","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Smazat místní data a stáhnout je z cíle synchronizace","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Smazat poznámku \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Smazat poznámku?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Smazat zápisník \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nBudou smazány i všechny poznámky a pod-zápisníky v tomto zápisníku.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Smazat zápisník? Budou smazány i všechny poznámky a pod-zápisníky v něm obsažené.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Smazat rozšíření \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Smazat tyto \\"%d\\" poznámky?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Opravdu chcete smazat tuto pozvánku? Příjemce už nebude mít přístup k tomuto sdílenému zápisníku.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Položky smazané lokálně: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Položky smazané na vzdáleném úložišti: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Smaže vybraný zápisník.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Smaže zápisník bez potvrzení.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Smazat poznámky vyhovující .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Smazat poznámky bez potvrzení.","Destination format: %s":"Cílový formát: %s","Directory":"Adresář","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Složka k synchronizaci (absolutní cesta)","Disable encryption":"Vypnout šifrování","Disable safe mode and restart":"Vypnout nouzový režim a restartovat","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Služba Web clipper vypnuta","Disabled":"Vypnuto","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Vypnutí šifrování znamená, že *všechny* vaše poznámky a přílohy budou synchronizovány na cílové úložiště nešifrované. Přejete si pokračovat?","Discard changes":"Zahodit změny","Dismiss":"Zavřít","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Zobrazí geolokační URL poznámky.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Zobrazí jen prvních poznámek.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Zobrazit pouze položky vybraného typu. Možnosti jsou `n` pro poznámky, `t` pro úkoly, a `nt` pro poznámky a úkoly (tedy `-tt` zobrazí pouze úkoly, zatímco `-tnt` zobrazí poznámky a úkoly).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Zobrazí souhrnné informace o poznámkách a zápisnících.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Zobrazí veškeré informace o poznámce.","Displays the given note.":"Zobrazí vybranou poznámku.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Zobrazí poznámky v používaném zápisníku. Pro seznam zápisníků zadejte `ls /`.","Displays usage information.":"Zobrazí informace o použití.","Displays version information":"Zobrazí informace o verzi","Do it now":"Provést ihned","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Neptat se na potvrzení.","Download":"Stáhnout","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Stáhnout a nainstalovat odpovídající rozšíření pro váš webový prohlížeč:","Downloaded":"Staženo","Downloaded and decrypted":"Staženo a dešifrováno","Downloaded and encrypted":"Staženo a zašifrováno","Downloading":"Stahování","Downloading resources...":"Stahování zdrojů...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Sem přetáhněte poznámky nebo soubory","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox přihlášení","Duplicate":"Duplikovat","Duplicate line":"Duplikovat řádek","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplikuje poznámky vyhovující do [notebook]. Pokud není notebook (zápisník) specifikován, je poznámka duplikována v tom současném.","Edit":"Upravit","Edit in external editor":"Upravit externím editorem","Edit note.":"Upravit poznámku.","Edit notebook":"Upravit zápisník","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Písmo editoru","Editor font family":"Rodina písma v editoru","Editor font size":"Velikost písma v editoru","Editor monospace font family":"Neproporcionální písmo editoru","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Buď \\"text\\" nebo \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"zvýrazněný text","Enable":"Zapnout","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Povolit syntaxi ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Povolit syntaxi ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Povolit syntaxi ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Povolit syntaxi zkratek","Enable audio player":"Povolit přehrávač zvuků","Enable deflist syntax":"Povolit syntaxi deflist","Enable encryption":"Zapnout šifrování","Enable footnotes":"Povolit poznámky pod čarou","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Povolit podporu Fountain syntaxe","Enable Linkify":"Povolit Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Povolit markdown emoji","Enable math expressions":"Povolit matematické výrazy","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Povolit podporu pro Mermaid diagramy","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Povolit rozšíření multimarkdown tabulky","Enable note history":"Povolit historii poznámky","Enable PDF viewer":"Povolit zobrazení PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Povolit měkké zalomení","Enable table of contents extension":"Povolit rozšíření pro generování Obsahu","Enable typographer support":"Povolit podporu pro typographer","Enable video player":"Povolit přehrávač videí","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Povolit službu Web clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Povolit syntaxi ~sub~","Enabled":"Zapnuto","Encrypted":"Zašifrováno","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Nelze editovat zašifrovanou položku","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Nelze přejmenovat zašifrovanou položku","Encryption":"Šifrování","Encryption Config":"Nastavení šifrování","Encryption is: %s":"Šifrování je: %s","Enter code here":"Zde vložte kód","Enter master password:":"Zadejte hlavní heslo:","Enter notebook title":"Vložte název zápisníku","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Chyba","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Chyba při otevírání poznámky v editoru: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Chyba. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou adresa URL, uživatelské jméno, heslo, atd. správné a zda je cíl synchronizace dostupný. Zjištěná chyba byla:","Error: %s":"Chyba: %s","Errors only":"Pouze chyby","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Soubor exportu Evernote (jako HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Soubor exportu Evernote (jako Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Ukončí aplikaci.","Export":"Exportovat","Export all":"Exportovat vše","Export debug report":"Exportovat ladicí hlášení","Export Debug Report":"Exportovat ladicí hlášení","Export profile":"Exportovat profil","Exporting profile...":"Probíhá export profilu...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Probíhá export do \\"%s\\" ve formátu \\"%s\\". Počkejte prosím...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exportuje data Joplinu do zadané cesty. Bez dalších voleb exportuje veškerý obsah databáze včetně zápisníků, poznámek, štítků a příloh.","Exports only the given note.":"Exportuje pouze vybranou poznámku.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exportuje pouze vybraný zápisník.","Fail-safe":"Ochrana proti ztrátě dat","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Zabezpečení proti selhání: Nemazat místní data, pokud je cíl synchronizace prázdný (často v důsledku nesprávné konfigurace nebo chyby)","Fatal error:":"Fatální chyba:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Získané položky: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Stahování zdrojů: %d/%d","File":"Soubor","File system":"Souborový systém","Firefox Extension":"Doplněk pro Firefox","Fix search index":"Opravit vyhledávací index","Fixing search index...":"Probíhá oprava vyhledávacího indexu...","Focus":"Přejít na","Focus body":"Kurzor v obsahu","Focus title":"Kurzor v názvu","Folders":"Složky","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Pouze pro účely ladění: exportovat profil na externí SD kartu.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Pro informace k úpravě klávesových zkratek prosím běžte na %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Více informací o koncovém šifrování (E2EE) a návod, jak ho povolit, najdete v dokumentaci:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Pro seznam klávesových zkratek a konfiguračních voleb zadejte `help keymap`","Forward":"Vpřed","Found: %d.":"Nalezeno: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS povolené: %d","Full changelog":"Úplný seznam změn","General":"Obecná nastavení","Generating link...":"Vytváření odkazu...","Get it now:":"Získat hned:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Při hledání aktualizací zahrnout beta verze","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Získá nebo nastaví konfigurační hodnotu. Pokud není [hodnota] specifikována, zobrazí hodnotu položky [jméno]. Pokud není specifikována [hodnota] ani [jméno], je zobrazena současná konfigurace.","Go to source URL":"Jít na zdrojovou URL","Goto Anything...":"Přejít na...","Heading":"Nadpis","Help":"Nápověda","Hide %s":"Schovat %s","Hide Joplin":"Skrýt Joplin","Highlight":"Zvýraznění","Horizontal Rule":"Horizontální čára","HTML Directory":"HTML adresář","HTML File":"HTML soubor","Hyperlink":"Odkaz","ID":"ID","Idle":"Nečinný","Ignore":"Ignorovat","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorovat chyby TLS","Import":"Importovat","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Probíhá import z \\"%s\\" ve formátu \\"%s\\". Počkejte prosím...","Importing notes...":"Probíhá import poznámky...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importuje data do Joplinu.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"V režimu \\"Ručně\\" se přílohy stahují pouze po klepnutí na ně. V režimu \\"Automaticky\\" se stáhnou při otevření poznámky. V režimu \\"Vždy\\" se stáhnou všechny přílohy, ať už poznámku otevřete nebo ne.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Ve všech příkazech může být poznámka či zápisník referována svým názvem či ID, nebo zkratkami `$n` a `$b` pro nyní vybranou poznámku či zápisník. `$c` odkazuje na současně vybranou položku.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Pro přidání informací o zeměpisné poloze k poznámce potřebujte aplikace oprávnění pro přístupu k vaší poloze.\\n\\nTuto možnost můžete kdykoliv vypnout v Nastavení.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Aby to bylo možné, bude nutné zašifrovat a synchronizovat všechna vaše data, takže je nejlepší celou akci spustit přes noc.\\n\\nPostupujte podle těchto pokynů:\\n\\n1. Proveďte synchronizaci všech svých zařízení.\\n2. Klepněte na \\"%s\\".\\n3. Nechte vše doběhnout do konce. Dokud operace poběži, vyhněte se změnám poznámek na ostatních zařízeních, aby nedocházelo ke konfliktům.\\n4. Až bude synchronizace na tomto zařízení dokončena, synchronizujte všechna ostatní zařízení a nechejte na nich synchronizaci doběhnout do konce.\\n\\nDůležité: toto stačí spustit pouze JEDNOU a na jednom zařízení.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Pro použití synchronizace systému souborů je vyžadováno vaše oprávnění k zápisu do externího úložiště.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Pro použití web clipper musíte udělat následující:","In progress":"Probíhá","In: %s":"V: %s","Indent less":"Zmenšit odsazení","Indent more":"Zvětšit odsazení","Information":"Informace","Inline Code":"Vložený kód","Insert":"Vložit","Insert Date Time":"Vložit datum a čas","Insert Hyperlink":"Vložit odkaz","Install":"Nainstalovat","Install from file":"Nainstalovat ze souboru","Installed":"Nainstalováno","Installing...":"Probíhá instalace...","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid %s: %s.":"Neplatné %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Neplatná odpověď: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Neplatný příkaz: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Neplatná hodnota: \\"%s\\". Přípustné hodnoty jsou: %s.","Italic":"Kurzíva","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Soubor \\"%s\\" se nepodařilo stáhnout: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Položky jež nelze dešifrovat","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Položky jež nelze synchronizovat","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"E-mailová adresa Joplin cloudu","Joplin Cloud password":"Heslo Joplin cloudu","Joplin Export Directory":"Složka pro export","Joplin Export File":"Soubor Joplin Export","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin nedokázal tyto položky dešifrovat, pravděpodobně proto, že jsou poškozené nebo příliš velké. Tyto položky zůstanou v zařízení, ale Joplin se již nebude pokoušet je dešifrovat.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin fórum","Joplin Server":"Joplin server","Joplin Server email":"E-mailová adresa Joplin serveru","Joplin Server password":"Heslo Joplin serveru","Joplin Server URL":"URL Joplin serveru","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper umožňuje ukládat webové stránky a screenshoty z vašeho prohlížeče do Joplin.","Joplin website":"Web Joplinu","Keep note history for":"Uchovat historii poznámky","Keyboard Mode":"Režim klávesnice","Keyboard Shortcut":"Klávesová zkratka","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Klávesové zkratky","Keychain Supported: %s":"Podpora klíčenky: %s","Landscape":"Na šířku","Language":"Jazyk","Last error: %s":"Poslední chyba: %s","Later":"Později","Layout":"Rozložení","Layout button sequence":"Posloupnost pro tlačítko Rozložení","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Dopis","Light":"Světlý","Lines":"Řádky","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Odkaz byl zkopírován do schránky!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Odkazy s protokolem \\"%s\\" nejsou podporovány","List item":"Seznam položek","Location":"Poloha","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Již je držen soubor se zámkem (lock file). Pokud jste si jistí, že nyní neprobíhá synchronizace, smažte zámek v \\"%s\\" a pokračujte v operaci.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Přihlášení Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Přihlásit se pomocí OneDrive","Make a donation":"Přispět","Manage your plugins":"Správa vašich rozšíření","Manual":"Ručně","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Označí úkol jako hotový.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Označí úkol jako nedokončený.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Hlavní klíč %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maximální počet souběžných spojení","Missing Master Keys":"Chybí hlavní klíče","Missing required argument: %s":"Chybí povinný parametr: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobilní data - automatická synchronizace vypnutá","More info":"Více informací","More information":"Více informací","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Výrazu \\"%s\\" odpovídá více než jedna položka, upřesněte prosím hledaný text.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Přesunout poznámky %d do zápisníku \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Přesunout do zápisníku","Move to notebook...":"Přesunout do zápisníku...","Move to notebook:":"Přesunout do zápisníku:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Přesune poznámky vyhovující do [zápisník].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nová poznámka","New notebook":"Nový zápisník","New Notebook":"Nový zápisník","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Bude vytvořen zápisník \\"%s\\" a soubor \\"%s\\" do něj bude importován","New sub-notebook":"Nový pod-zápisník","New tags:":"Nové štítky:","New to-do":"Nový úkol","New version: %s":"Nová verze: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud heslo","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud uživatelské jméno","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"nekompatibilní","No":"Ne","No active notebook.":"Není vybrán žádný zápisník.","No item with ID %s":"Nenalezena položka s ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nebyl vybrán žádný zápisník.","No notebook selected.":"Není vybrán žádný zápisník.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Žádné poznámky. Novou vytvoříte klepnutím na \\"Nová poznámka\\".","No resources!":"Žádné zdroje!","No results":"Žádné výsledky","No such command: %s":"Příkaz neexistuje\\" %s","No suggestions":"Žádné návrhy","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nebyl vybrán textový editor. Prosím nastavte jej pomocí `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nepřihlášeno k %s. Prosím vyplňte chybějící přihlašovací údaje.","Not downloaded":"Nestaženo","note":"Nová poznámka","Note":"Zápisníky","Note area growth factor":"Růstový faktor oblasti s poznámkami","Note attachments":"Přílohy poznámky","Note attachments...":"Přílohy poznámky...","Note body":"Tělo poznámky","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Poznámka \\"%s\\" neexistuje. Chcete ji vytvořit?","Note has been saved.":"Poznámka uložena.","Note History":"Historie poznámek","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Poznámka není úkol: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Seznam poznámek","Note list growth factor":"Růstový faktor seznamu poznámek","Note properties":"Informace o poznámce","Note title":"Název zápisníku","Note&book":"&Zápisník","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Poznámka: Nefunguje v některých desktopových prostředích.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Poznámka: pokud je poznámka sdílena, už nebude na serveru šifrována.","Notebook list growth factor":"Růstový faktor seznamu notebooků","Notebook title:":"Název zápisníku:","Notebook: %s":"Zápisník: %s","Notebooks":"Zápisníky","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Zápisník se nemůže jmenovat \\"%s\\", tento název je rezervován.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Poznámky a nastavení uloženo v: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Poznámky mohou být vytvořeny pouze v zápisnících.","Numbered List":"Číslovaný seznam","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"Na %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Jeden z vašich hlavních klíčů používá zastaralou metodu šifrování.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Jedna či více položek jsou šifrovány a je potřeba zadat hlavní heslo. Učiňte tak zadáním `e2ee decrypt`. Pokud jste heslo již zadali, zašifrované položky se nyní dešifrují na pozadí a budou brzy k dispozici.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Jeden nebo více hlavních klíčů potřebují heslo.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Přihlášení s OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Naráz lze vytisknout pouze jednu poznámku.","Open":"Otevřít","Open %s":"Otevřít %s","Open profile directory":"Otevřít složku s profilem","Open...":"Otevřít...","Operation cancelled":"Operace zrušena","Options":"Nastavení","Output format: %s":"Výstupní formát: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientace stránky pro PDF export","Page size for PDF export":"Velikost stránky pro PDF export","Password":"Heslo","Password cannot be empty":"Heslo nemůže být prázdné","Password:":"Heslo:","Passwords do not match!":"Hesla se neshodují!","Paste":"Vložit","Path:":"Cesta:","PDF File":"PDF soubor","Permission needed":"Vyžadováno oprávnění","Permission to use camera":"Oprávnění použít kameru","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Potvrďte prosím, že chcete znovu zašifrovat celou databázi.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Před upgradem klíče zadejte své heslo do níže uvedeného seznamu hlavních klíčů.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Otevřete prosím následující URL ve vašem prohlížeči pro autentizaci aplikace. Joplin vytvoří a bude používat výhradně složku \\"Apps/Joplin\\" , nebude mít přístup k souborům mimo tuto složku ani k dalším osobním informacím. Žádná data nebudou sdílena s jakoukoliv třetí stranou.","Please select a notebook first.":"Nejprve prosím vyberte zápisník.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Nejprve prosím vyberte poznámku či zápisník ke smazání.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Prosím vyberte, kam má být stav synchronizace exportován","Please specify import format for %s":"Prosím specifikujte formát pro import %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Prosím specifikujte sešit, do kterého mají být poznámky importovány.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Pro použití tohoto rozšíření prosím aktualizujte Joplin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Počkejte prosím na stažení a dešifrování všech příloh. Můžete také přepnout na %s a poznámku upravit.","Please wait...":"Počkejte prosím...","Plugin tools":"Nástroje rozšíření","Plugins":"Rozšíření","Portrait":"Na výšku","Possible keys/values:":"Možné klíče/hodnoty:","Possible values: %s.":"Možné hodnoty: %s.","Preferences":"Nastavení","Preferences...":"Nastavení...","Preferred dark theme":"Preferovaný tmavý vzhled","Preferred light theme":"Preferovaný světlý vzhled","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Stiskněte Ctrl+D nebo napište \\"exit\\" pro ukončení aplikace","Press the shortcut":"Stiskněte klávesovou zkratku","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Stiskněte klávesovou zkratku a poté stiskněte ENTER. Nebo klávesovou zkratku vymažte stisknutím BACKSPACE.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Stiskněte pro zadání hesla k dešifrování.","Previous versions of this note":"Předchozí verze poznámky","Print":"Tisk","Privacy Policy":"Zásady ochrany osobních údajů","Profile Version: %s":"Verze profilu: %s","Properties":"Nastavení","Quit":"Ukončit","Re-encrypt data":"Znovu zašifrovat data","Re-encryption":"Opětovné zašifrování","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Odeslat místní data do cíle synchronizace","Read more about it":"Zjistit více","Read time: %s min":"Doba čtení: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Příjemce přijal vaše pozvání","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Příjemce ještě nepřijal vaše pozvání","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Příjemce odmítl vaše pozvání","Recipients:":"Příjemci:","Redo":"Provést znovu","Refresh":"Obnovit","Reject":"Odmítnout","Remove":"Odstranit","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Odebrat štítek \\"%s\\" ze všech poznámek?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Smazat tento hledaný výraz z panelu?","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Rename notebook:":"Přejmenovat zápisník:","Rename tag:":"Přejmenovat štítek:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Přejmenuje (poznámku či zápisník) na .","Renew token":"Obnovit token","Resources: %d.":"Zdroje: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Restartovat a upgradovat","Restart now":"Restartovat","Restore":"Obnovit","Restored Notes":"Obnovené Poznámky","Retry":"Znovu","Retry All":"Opakovat vše","Reveal file in folder":"Ukázat soubor ve složce","Reverse sort order":"Řadit od konce","Reverses the sorting order.":"Řadit opačně.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revize: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Spustí příkazy z textového souboru. Každý příkaz by měl být na vlastním řádku.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Aplikace je spuštěna v nouzovém režimu. Vykreslování poznámek a všechna rozšíření jsou dočasné vypnutá.","Save":"Uložit","Save alarm":"Nastavit alarm","Save as...":"Uložit jako...","Save changes":"Uložit změny","Save geo-location with notes":"Ukládat k poznámkám informace o zeměpisné poloze","Search":"Hledání","Search for plugins...":"Hledat rozšíření...","Search in all the notes":"Hledat ve všech poznámkách","Search in current note":"Hledat v aktuální poznámce","Search...":"Hledat...","Search:":"Hledat:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Hledá ve všech poznámkách.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Pro náhled beta verzí navštivte stránku: %s","Select all":"Vybrat vše","Server is already running on port %d":"Server je již spuštěný na portu %d","Server is not running.":"Server není spuštěný.","Server is running on port %d":"Server je spuštěný na portu %d","Set alarm":"Nastavit alarm","Set alarm:":"Nastavit alarm:","Set the password":"Nastavit heslo","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Sdílet","Share Notebook":"Sdílet zápisník","Share notebook...":"Sdílet zápisník...","Sharing notebook...":"Sdílení zápisníku...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Klávesové zkratky nejsou v konzoli dostupné.","Show Advanced Settings":"Pokročilá nastavení","Show all":"Zobrazit vše","Show completed to-dos":"Zobrazit dokončené úkoly","Show note counts":"Zobrazit počty poznámek","Show tray icon":"Zobrazovat ikonu v panelu","Sidebar":"Postranní lišta","Size":"Velikost","Skip this version":"Přeskočit tuto verzi","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Přeskočené položky: %d (použijte --retry-failed-items pro nový pokus o dešifrování)","Skipped: %d.":"Přeskočeno: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Některé položky nelze dešifrovat.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Některé položky nelze synchronizovat.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Některé položky nelze synchronizovat. Zmáčkněte pro více informací.","Sort notebooks by":"Řadit zápisníky podle","Sort notes by":"Řadit poznámky podle","Sort selected lines":"Seřadit vybrané řádky","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Řadit položky podle (např. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Zdrojový formát: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Určete port, který by měl server API používat. Pokud není nastavena, použije se výchozí.","Spell checker":"Kontrola pravopisu","Split View":"Přepnout pohled","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Spouštět aplikaci minimalizovanou do lišty ikon","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Spustit, zastavit či zkontrolovat API server. Pro specifikování portu pro server nastavte api.port proměnnou v config. Příkazy jsou (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Probíhá dešifrování... Počkejte prosím na jeho dokončení. Podle množství dat může zabrat i několik minut.","Starting synchronisation...":"Zahajování synchronizace...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Začínám s úpravou poznámky. Pro návrat do příkazové řádky ukončete editor.","Statistics":"Statistiky","Statistics...":"Statistiky...","Status":"Stav","Status: %s":"Stav: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Stav: běží na portu %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Krok 1: Zapnout službu clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Krok 1: Pro ověření aplikace otevřete ve svém prohlížeči tuto URL adresu:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Krok 2: Zadejte kód poskytnutý službou Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Krok 2: Nainstalovat rozšíření","Stop":"Zastavit","Stop external editing":"Ukončit externí úpravy","Strikethrough":"Přeškrtnutí","strong text":"tučný text","Submit":"Odeslat","Subscript":"Dolní index","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Úspěch! Nastavení synchronizace se zdá být v pořádku.","Superscript":"Horní index","Swap line down":"Prohodit s řádkem níže","Swap line up":"Prohodit s řádkem výše","Switch between note and to-do type":"Přepnout mezi poznámkou a úkolem","Switch to note type":"Přepnout na poznámku","Switch to to-do type":"Přepnout na úkol","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Přepne do zápisníku [notebook]. Všechny další operace budou prováděny na tomto zápisníku.","Sync Status":"Stav synchronizace","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Stav synchronizace (synchronizováno / celkem)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Je třeba upgradovat cíl synchronizace. Chcete-li pokračovat, spusťte `%s`.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Upgrade cíle synchronizace","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synchronizovat do vybraného cíle (nebo výchozí hodnota z konfigurace)","Sync Version: %s":"Verze synchronizace: %s","Synchronisation":"Synchronizace","Synchronisation interval":"Interval synchronizace","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronizace již probíhá.","Synchronisation Status":"Stav synchronizace","Synchronisation target":"Cíl synchronizace","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Cíl synchronizace: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchronizovat","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synchronizovat pouze přes WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchronizuje se vzdáleným úložištěm.","Synchronising...":"Probíhá synchronizace...","Synchronizing...":"Probíhá synchronizace...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Označeno pomocí štítků: %d.","Tags":"Štítky","Take photo":"Přiložit foto","Text editor command":"Textový editor","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikace se nyní vypne. Pro dokončení procesu ji znovu spusťte.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikace byla autorizována, tento tab můžete zavřít.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplikace byla úspěšně autorizována!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikace byla úspěšně autorizována.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Pro provedení těchto změn je potřeba aplikaci restartovat.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Když přepnete na jinou poznámku, přílohy již nebudou sledovány.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Příkaz \\"%s\\" je dostupný pouze v grafickém rozhraní","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Výchozí heslo správce není bezpečné a ještě nebylo změněno. [Změňte ho nyní!](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Výchozí metoda šifrování byla změněna na bezpečnější variantu a doporučuje se použít ji na vaše data.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Výchozí metoda šifrování byla změněna, měli byste data znovu zašifrovat.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Příkaz editoru (může obsahovat argumenty) ve kterém budou otevírány poznámky. Pokud není určeno, aplikace se pokusí o automatické rozpoznání výchozího editoru.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Vlastnost faktor určuje, jak se má položka zvětšit nebo zmenšit, aby se vešla na volné místo v kontejneru vzhledem k ostatním položkám. Položka s faktorem 2 tedy zabere dvakrát tolik místa než položka s faktorem 1. Pro zobrazení změn restartujte aplikaci.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Následující přílohy jsou sledovány, zda došlo k jejich změně:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Mobilní aplikace Joplin aktuálně nepodporuje tento typ odkazu: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Hlavní klíč byl úspěšně upgradován!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Hlavní klíče s těmito ID byly použity k zašifrování položek, které momentálně nejsou k dispozici. Je pravděpodobné, že tyto položky budou staženy při synchronizaci.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Poznámka \\"%s\\" byla úspěšně obnovena v zápisníku \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Nebylo možné uložit zápisník: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Poznámky importovány: %s","The possible commands are:":"Dostupné příkazy:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Před synchronizací je třeba upgradovat její cíl. Dokončení operace může trvat několik minut a je třeba aplikaci restartovat. Chcete-li pokračovat, klepněte na odkaz.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Štítek \\"%s\\" už existuje. Zadejte jiný název.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Cíl synchronizace. Každý cíl může mít další parametry ve formátu `sync.NUM.NAME` (dokumentace níže).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Služba Web clipper je povolena a nastavena pro zapnutí při spuštění.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Služba Web clipper není povolena.","Theme":"Vzhled","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Žádné poznámky. Novou vytvořte klepnutím na tlačítko (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Nemáte žádný zápisník. Nový vytvoříte klepnutím na \\"Nový zápisník\\".","There is no data to export.":"Nic k exportování.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"V příloze níže došlo ke [konfliktu] (%s).\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Při stahování této přílohy došlo k chybě:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Tyto položky zůstanou na tomto zařízení, ale nebudou uploadovány na cíl synchronizace. Pro přístup k těmto souborům hledejte jejich název nebo ID (v hranatých závorkách).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Tyto doplňky vylepšují vykreslovací modul Markdown o další funkce. Upozorňujeme, že i když tyto funkce mohou být užitečné, nejedná se o standardní Markdown, a proto většina z nich bude fungovat pouze v Joplinu. Některé z nich jsou navíc *nekompatibilní* s editorem WYSIWYG. Pokud v tomto editoru otevřete poznámku, která používá jeden z těchto pluginů, ztratíte formátování pluginu. Níže je uvedeno, které doplňky jsou nebo nejsou kompatibilní s editorem WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Tato příloha ještě není stažena nebo dešifrována","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Tato příloha není ještě stažena nebo dešifrována.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Tento autorizační token je potřeba pouze pro povolení komunikace Joplin s aplikacemi třetích stran.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Toto je pokročilý nástroj pro zobrazení příloh, které jsou připojeny k vašim poznámkám. Při odstraňování přílohy buďte opatrní, protože odstraněnou přílohu nelze obnovit.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Tato poznámka nemá informace o zeměpisné poloze.","This note has been modified:":"Poznámka byla upravena:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Tato poznámka je prázdná. pro otevření editoru klepněte na \\"%s\\".","This note has no history":"Tato poznámka nemá historii","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Tento editor formátovaného textu má řadu omezení a při jeho používání doporučujeme mít se na pozoru.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Tato služba umožňuje rozšíření prohlížeče o komunikaci s Joplin. Pokud jej povolíte, může vás firewall požádat, abyste Joplin dali svolení naslouchat na určitém portu.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Toto umožní Joplin běžet na pozadí. Doporučujeme toto nastavení povolit tak, aby se vaše poznámky neustále synchronizovaly, čímž se sníží počet konfliktů.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Toto otevře nové okno. Chcete uložit současné změny?","Time format":"Formát času","title":"název","Title":"Název","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Pro povolení synchronizace Joplinu se službou Dropbox postupujte podle následujících kroků:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Před smazáním štítku ho odeberte od přiřazených poznámek.","To delete: %d":"K smazání: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Pro přepnutí do příkazové řádky stiskněte \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Pro opuštění příkazové řádky stiskněte Esc","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Po seřadit ručně, je třeba změnit pořadí řazení na \\"%s\\" v nabídce \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Pro maximalizaci/minimalizaci konzole stiskněte \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Pro přepínání mezi panely stiskněte Tab / Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Pro nový pokus o dešifrování těchto položek spusťte ʻe2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Aby aplikace fungovala správně, potřebuje následující oprávnění. Povolte je v nastavení telefonu v aplikaci Aplikace> Joplin> Oprávnění","to-do":"Nový úkol","Toggle comment":"Přepnout komentář","Toggle development tools":"Zobrazit/skrýt nástroje pro vývojáře","Toggle editor layout":"Změnit rozložení editoru","Toggle editors":"Přepnout editory","Toggle external editing":"Upravit v externím textovém editoru","Toggle note list":"Zobrazit/skrýt seznam poznámek","Toggle safe mode":"Přepnout nouzový režim","Toggle sidebar":"Zobrazit/skrýt postranní lištu","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token byl zkopírován do schránky!","Tools":"Nástroje","Total: %d/%d":"Celkem: %d/%d","Try again":"Zkusit znovu","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Zadejte `help [příkaz]` pro více informací o příkazu; nebo `help all` pro kompletní nápovědu.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Zadejte `joplin help` pro nápovědu.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Zadejte název poznámky, na kterou chcete přeskočit, nebo část jejího obsahu. Nebo zadejte # následovaný názvem štítku, @ následovaný názvem poznámky, nebo : pro vyhledávání příkazů.","Type new tags or select from list":"Zadejte nové štítky, nebo vyberte existující ze seznamu","Type: %s.":"Typ: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Nedokončené úkoly nahoře","Undo":"Zpět","Unknown flag: %s":"Neznámý flag: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Stažena položka zatím neznámého typu - aktualizujte prosím Joplin na nejnovější verzi","Unshare":"Přestat sdílet","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Opravdu chcete přestat sdílet tento zápisník? Příjemci už pak nebudou mít přístup k jeho obsahu.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nepodporovaný formát obrázku: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nepodporovaný odkaz či zpráva: %s","Untitled":"Bez názvu","Update":"Aktualizovat","Updated":"Upraveno","updated date":"datum aktualizace","Updated local items: %d.":"Položky aktualizované lokálně: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Položky aktualizované na vzdáleném úložišti: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Upraveno: %d.","Updated: %s":"Upraveno: %s","Updating...":"Probíhá aktualizace...","Upgrade":"Upgradovat","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Upgradovat cíl synchronizace na nejnovější verzi.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Použití: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Použít formát dlouhého seznamu. Formát je ID, NOTE_COUNT (u zápisníků), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (pro úkoly), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Použít kontrolu pravopisu","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Pro pohyb v seznamech a textových polích (včetně této konzole) používejte šipky a page up/down.","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Pro přesun položek v rozložení použijte šipky. Pro ukončení změn stiskněte klávesu \\"Escape\\".","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Použijte toto k opětovnému vytvoření indexu vyhledávání, pokud dojde k problému s vyhledáváním. Toto může trvat dlouho, v závislosti na počtu poznámek.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Používá se pro většinu textu v editoru Markdownu. Pokud nebude nalezeno, bude použito obecné proporcionální písmo s různou šířkou znaků.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Používá se, kdekoliv je potřeba znaky s jednotnou šířkou pro čitelné rozložení textu (např. tabulky, zaškrtávací tlačítka, ukázky kódu). Pokud nebude nalezeno, bude použito obecné neproporcionální písmo s jednotnou šířkou znaků.","View":"Zobrazit","View on map":"Zobrazit na map+","View them now":"Zobrazit","Viewer":"Prohlížeč","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Upozornění","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Upozornění: nejsou zobrazeny všechny prostředky z důvodů výkonu (limit: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV heslo","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV uživatelské jméno","Website and documentation":"Web a dokumentace","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Vítejte v Joplin!\\n\\nZadejte `:help shortcuts` pro seznam klávesových zkratek, nebo `:help` pro nápovědu k použítí.\\n\\nNapř. pro vytvoření zápisníku zadejte `mb`; pro vytvoření nové poznámky `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Při vytváření nové poznámky:","When creating a new to-do:":"Při vytváření nového úkolu:","Words":"Slova","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"kompatibilní","Yes":"Ano","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Chystáte se připojit velký obrázek (%dx%d pixelů). Chcete jej před připojením zmenšit na %d pixelů?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Momentálně nemáte žádné zápisníky.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nemáte nainstalovaná žádná rozšíření.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Můžete také zadat `status` pro více informací.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Níže uvedený nástroj můžete použít k opětovnému zašifrování dat, například pokud víte, že některé vaše poznámky jsou šifrovány zastaralou metodou šifrování.","Your choice: ":"Vaše volba: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Vaše data budou znovu zašifrována a znovu synchronizována.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Je vyžadováno oprávnění použít vaši kameru.","Your version: %s":"Vaše verze: %s","Zoom In":"Přiblížit","Zoom Out":"Oddálit"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" mangler for den påkrævede \\"%s\\" egenskab.","%d days":"%d dage","%d hour":"%d time","%d hours":"%d timer","%d minutes":"%d minutter","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d noter der matcher dette mønster. Slet dem?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) kunne ikke uploades: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) vil gerne dele en notesbog med dig.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-release)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopier","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d noter","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Redigér","&File":"&Fil","&Go":"&Gå","&Help":"&Hjælp","&Note":"&Note","&Tools":"&Værktøjer","&View":"&Vis","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Ingen)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: Tilladelse til fotografering og vedhæftning af et billede til en note.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Placering: Bruges til at vedhæfte GPS-informationer til en note.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Lager: For at tillade vedhæftning af filer til noter og for at tillade synkronisering af filsystem."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" (etiket-kommando) kan enten være \\"add\\" (tilføj), \\"remove\\" (slet) eller \\"list\\" (liste) for at tilføje eller fjerne [tag] fra [note], eller for at liste de noter der bruger [tag]. Kommandoen `tag-list` kan bruges til at vise alle etiketter (brug -l for at vise den lange udgave)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" (Opgave-kommando) kan enten være \\"toggle\\" eller \\"clear\\". Brug \\"toggle\\" for at skrifte opgavens status mellem udført og ikke udført (Hvis resultatet er en almindelig note, bliver den konverteret til en opgave). Brug \\"clear\\" til at konvertere en opgave til en alm. note.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Om Joplin","accelerator":"accelerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Accelerator \\"%s\\" er ikke gyldig.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Accelerator \\"%s\\" bruges til \\"%s\\" og \\"%s\\" kommandoer. Det kan føre til uventet opførsel.","Accept":"Acceptér","Action":"Handling","Actions":"Handlinger","Active":"Aktiv","Actual Size":"Faktisk størrelse","Add body":"Tilføj brødtekst","Add or remove tags:":"Tilføj eller fjern etiketter:","Add recipient:":"Tilføj modtager:","Add title":"Tilføj titel","Add to dictionary":"Tilføj til ordbog","Advanced options":"Avancerede indstillinger","Advanced tools":"Avancerede værktøjer","All notes":"Alle noter","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alle mulige porte er i brug - rapportér venligst problemet på %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Viser også tomme eller skjulte konfigurations variabler.","Always":"Altid","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Opdatering er tilgængelig, vil du hente den nu?","Appearance":"Udseende","Application":"Program","Apply":"Anvend","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil forny autorisationstoken?","Arguments:":"Argumenter:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Mørk","Attach file":"Vedhæft fil","Attach photo":"Vedhæft foto","Attach...":"Vedhæft...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Vedhæfter valgt fil til noten.","attachment":"vedhæftning","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Vedhæftningskonflikt: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Download af vedhæftninger","Attachments":"Vedhæftninger","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Vedhæftninger kunne ikke downloades","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Bemærk: Hvis du ændre denne placering skal du sikre dig, at du kopierer alt dit indhold til den før du synkroniserer, ellers vil alle filer blive slettet! Læs FAQ\'en for flere detaljer: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Godkendelse blev ikke fuldført (modtog ikke autorisationstoken).","Authorisation token:":"Autoriseringstoken:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Auto-par klammer, parenteser, citater, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Skifter automatisk tema så det matcher systemets tema","Automatically update the application":"Opdater automatisk applikationen","Back":"Tilbage","Bold":"Fed","Browse all plugins":"Gennemse alle udvidelser","Browse...":"Gennemse...","Bulleted List":"Punktliste","Cancel":"Annullér","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Annullerer baggrunds synkronisering... Vent venligst.","Cancelling...":"Annullerer...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Annullerer... Vent venligst.","Cannot access %s":"Kan ikke tilgå %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Kan ikke ændre krypteret emne","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan ikke kopiere note til \\"%s\\" notesbog","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Kan ikke finde \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Kan ikke starte synkroniseringen.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Kan ikke indlæse \\"%s\\" modul til format \\"%s\\" og output \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Kan ikke indlæse \\"%s\\" modul til format \\"%s\\" og mål \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan ikke flytte note til \\"%s\\" notesbog","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Kan ikke flytte notesbogen til denne placering","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Kan ikke genindlæse token: Godkendelsesdata mangler. Prøv at starte synkronisering igen, det kan måske løse problemet.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Kan ikke gemme %s \\"%s\\" da den er større end den tilladte grænse (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Kan ikke gemme %s \\"%s\\" da den vil overskride den tilladte størrelse (%s) for denne konto","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"Kan ikke dele krypteret notebook med modtager %s, fordi de ikke har aktiveret end-to-end-kryptering. De kan gøre det i Indstillinger > Kryptering.","Change application layout":"Skift applikationslayout","Change language":"Skift sprog","Characters":"Tegn","Characters excluding spaces":"Tegn eksklusiv mellemrum","Check for updates...":"Tjek om der er opdateringer..","Check synchronisation configuration":"Tjek synkroniseringskonfiguration","Checkbox":"Afkrydsningsfelt","Checkbox list":"Afkrydsningsliste","Checking... Please wait.":"Tjekker... Vent venligst.","Choose an option":"Vælg en mulighed","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Ryd","Clear alarm":"Nulstil alarm","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klik på \\"%s\\" for at gendanne noten. Den vil blive kopieret til notesbogen \\"%s\\". Den nuværende version af noten vil ikke blive erstattet eller ændret.","Click to add tags...":"Klik for at tilføje etiketter...","Client ID: %s":"Klient-ID: %s","Close":"Luk","Close Window":"Luk vindue","Code":"Kode","Code Block":"Kode blok","Code View":"Kodevisning","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Samarbejd med andre om notesbøger","Coming alarms":"Kommende alarmer","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Komma-adskilt liste med stier til mapper der indlæses certifikater fra, eller stier til individuelle certifikatfiler. For eksempel: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Vær opmærksom på at hvis du ændrer dine TLS indstillinger, så skal du gemme dine ændringer før du klikker på \\"Tjek synkroniseringskonfiguration\\".","command":"kommando","Command":"Kommando","Command palette":"Kommando-udvalg","Command palette...":"Kommando-udvalg...","Completed":"Fuldført","Completed decryption.":"Dekryptering færdig.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Fuldført: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Indstillinger","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Bekræftelsen af adgangskode må ikke være tom","Confirm password:":"Bekræft adgangskode:","Confirmation":"Bekræftelse","Conflicted: %d":"Konflikter: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikter","Conflicts (attachments)":"Konflikter (vedhæftninger)","Content provided by %s":"Indhold leveret af %s","Convert to note":"Konverter til note","Convert to todo":"Konverter til opgave","Copy":"Kopier","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopier udviklertilstand-kommando til udklipsholderen","Copy external link":"Kopiér eksternt link","Copy Link Address":"Kopier linkadresse","Copy Markdown link":"Kopier markdown link","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopier sti til udklipsholder","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopier link til deling","Copy token":"Kopier token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Kunne ikke autorisere applikationen:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPrøv igen.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Kunne ikke forbinde til Joplin server. Tjek synkroniseringsindstillingerne på indstillingssiden. Den fulde fejl var:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Kunne ikke forbinde til plugin-lager.","Could not export notes: %s":"Kunne ikke eksportere noterne: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Kunne ikke installere plugin: %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Kunne ikke svare på invitationen. Prøv venligst igen, eller kontakt ejeren af notesbogen, hvis de stadig deler den\\n\\nFejlen var: \\"%s\\"","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Kunne ikke opgradere hovednøgle: %s","Create a notebook":"Opret en notesbog","Created":"Oprettet","created date":"oprettelsesdato","Created local items: %d.":"Oprettede lokale emner: %d.","Created locally":"Oprettet lokalt","Created remote items: %d.":"Oprettede fjern-emner: %d.","Created: ":"Oprettet: ","Created: %d.":"Oprettet: %d.","Created: %s":"Oprettet: %s","Creates a new note.":"Opretter en ny note.","Creates a new notebook.":"Opretter en ny notesbog.","Creates a new to-do.":"Opretter en ny opgave.","Creating new %s...":"Opretter ny %s...","Creating report...":"Opretter rapport...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Aktuel version er den nyeste.","custom order":"brugerdefineret rækkefølge","Custom order":"Brugerdefineret rækkefølge","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Brugerdefineret stylesheet til Joplin app-stilarter","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Brugerdefineret stylesheet til fortolket Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Brugerdefinerede TLS certifikater","Cut":"Klip","Dark":"Mørkt","Database v%s":"Database v%s","Date":"Dato","Date format":"Datoformat","days":"dage","Decrypted items: %d":"Dekrypterede emner: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dekrypterede emner: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dekrypterede emner: %d/%d","Default":"Standard","Default: %s":"Standard: %s","Delete":"Slet","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Slet venhæftning \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Slet linje","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Slet lokal data og download igen fra synkroniseringsmål","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Slet noten \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Slet note?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Slet notesbogen \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAlle noter og undernotesbøger i denne notesbog bliver også slettet.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Slet notesbog? Alle noter og undernotesbøger i denne notesbog bliver også slettet.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Slet udvidelse \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Slet disse %d noter?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Vil du slette denne invitation? Modtageren vil ikke længere have adgang til denne delte notesbog.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Slettede lokale emner: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Slettede fjern-emner: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Sletter aktuelle notesbog.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Sletter notesbogen uden at bede om bekræftelse.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Sletter alle noter der matcher .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Sletter noterne uden at bede om bekræftelse.","Destination format: %s":"Destinationsformat: %s","Directory":"Indeks","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Mappe der skal synkroniseres med (absolut sti)","Disable":"Deaktiver","Disable encryption":"Deaktiver kryptering","Disable safe mode and restart":"Deaktiver fejlsikret tilstand og genstart","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Deaktiver Web-Clipper tjeneste","Disabled":"Deaktiveret","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Slås kryptering fra vil *alle* dine noter og vedhæftninger blive re-synkroniseret og sendt ukrypteret til synk-modtageren. Vil du fortsætte?","Discard changes":"Kassér ændringer","Dismiss":"Afvis","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Vis geolokations-URL for noten.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Viser kun de første noter.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Vis kun emner af specifik(ke) type(r). Kan være `n` for noter. `t` for opgaver eller `nt` for noter og opgaver (tilsvarende `-tt` vil kun vise opgaver, mens `-tnt` vil vise noter og opgaver).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Viser opsummering om noter og notesbøger.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Viser komplet information om note.","Displays the given note.":"Viser valgt note.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Viser noterne i den aktuelle notesbog. Brug `ls /` for at vise en liste med notesbøger.","Displays usage information.":"Viser brugsinformation.","Displays version information":"Viser versionsinfo","Do it now":"Gør det nu","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Spørg ikke om bekræftelse.","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Glem ikke adgangkoden, da den af sikkerhedshensyn er den *eneste* mulighed for dekryptering af data! For at aktivere kryptering til, skal du indtaste din adgangskode herunder.","Download":"Download","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Download og installer den relevante udvidelse til din browser:","Downloaded":"Downloadet","Downloaded and decrypted":"Downloadet og dekrypteret","Downloaded and encrypted":"Downloadet og krypteret","Downloading":"Downloader","Downloading resources...":"Downloader ressource...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Slip noter eller filer her","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox login","Duplicate":"Dupliker","Duplicate line":"Dupliker linje","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Kopierer alle noter der matcher til [notebook]. Hvis notesbog ikke er udfyldt, kopieres til aktuel notesbog.","Edit":"Redigér","Edit in external editor":"Rediger i ekstern editor","Edit note.":"Rediger note.","Edit notebook":"Rediger notesbog","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Tekstredigeringsskrifttype","Editor font family":"Rediger skrifttypefamilie","Editor font size":"Tekstredigeringsskriftstørrelse","Editor maximum width":"Maksimal bredde på editor","Editor monospace font family":"Editor monospace skrifttypefamilie","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Enten \\"text\\" eller \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"fremhævet tekst","Enable":"Aktivér","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktivér ++insert++ syntaks","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktivér ==mark== syntaks","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktivér ^sup^ syntaks","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktivér forkortelsessyntaks","Enable audio player":"Aktivér lydafspiller","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktivér deflist syntaks","Enable encryption":"Aktivér kryptering","Enable footnotes":"Aktivér fodnoter","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Slå understøttelse af Fountain syntaks til","Enable Linkify":"Aktivér Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktivér markdown emojies","Enable math expressions":"Slå matematiske udtryk til","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Slå understøttelse af Mermaid diagrammer til","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktivér multimarkdown-tabeludvidelsen","Enable note history":"Slå note-historie til","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktivér PDF-viser","Enable soft breaks":"Slå bløde ombrydninger til","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktivér indholdsfortegnelsesudvidelsen","Enable typographer support":"Slå typografunderstøttelse til","Enable video player":"Aktivér videoafspiller","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktiver Web-Clipper tjeneste","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktivér ~sub~ syntaks","Enabled":"Aktiveret","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Slås kryptering fra vil *alle* dine noter og vedhæftninger blive re-synkroniseret og sendt ukrypteret til synk-modtageren.","Encrypted":"Krypteret","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Krypteret emner kan ikke rettes","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Krypterede notesbøger kan ikke omdøbes","Encryption":"Kryptering","Encryption Config":"Krypteringsindstillinger","Encryption is: %s":"Kryptering er: %s","Encryption keys":"Krypteringsnøgler","Encryption:":"Kryptering:","End-to-end encryption":"End-to-end kryptering","Enter code here":"Skriv kode her","Enter master password:":"Indtast hovedadgangskode:","Enter notebook title":"Indtast notesbogstitel","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Fejl","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Fejl ved åbning af note i editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Fejl. Sørg for at URL, brugernavn, adgangskode, osv. er korrekte og at synkroniseringsmålet er tilgængeligt. Den rapporterede fejl var:","Error: %s":"Fejl: %s","Errors only":"Kun fejl","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote eksport fil (i HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote eksport fil (i Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Lukker programmet.","Export":"Eksportér","Export all":"Eksporter alle","Export debug report":"Eksporter fejlrapport","Export Debug Report":"Eksporter fejlrapport","Export profile":"Eksporter profil","Exporting profile...":"Eksporterer profil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Eksporterer til \\"%s\\" som \\"%s\\"-format. Vent venligst...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Eksporterer Joplin data til den valgte sti. Standard er eksport af hele databasen inkl. notesbøger, noter, etiketter og ressourcer.","Exports only the given note.":"Eksporterer kun valgt note.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Eksporterer kun valgt notesbog.","Fail-safe":"Fejlsikring","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Sikring: Fjern ikke lokal data når målet for synkroniseringen er tom (ofte et resultat af fejlkonfigurering eller bugs)","Fatal error:":"Kritisk fejl:","Feature flags":"Feature-markeringer","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Hentede emner: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Henter ressourcer: %d/%d","File":"Fil","File system":"Filsystem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox udvidelse","Fix search index":"Fiks søgeindeks","Fixing search index...":"Fikser søgeindeks...","Focus":"Fokuser","Focus body":"Fokuser på brødtekst","Focus title":"Fokuser på titel","Folders":"Mapper","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Kun til fejlsøgning: Eksporter din profil til et eksternt SD-kort.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"For info om tilpasning af links, besøg %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Se dokumentationen for nærmere oplysninger om End-To-End-kryptering (E2EE) og vejledning om hvordan det skal aktiveres:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"For at få vist listen af tastatur genveje og konfigurationsmuligheder, test `help keymap`","Forward":"Videresend","Found: %d.":"Fundet: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"Fuld-tekst søgning slået til: %d","Full changelog":"Komplet ændringslog","General":"Generelt","Generated":"Oprettet","Generating link...":"Opretter link...","Get it now:":"Få den nu:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Hent for-udgivelser når der tjekkes efter opdateringer","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Henter eller tilføjer konfigurationsværdi. Hvis [value] er tilføjet, vises værdien af [name]. Hvis hverken [name] eller [value] er tilføjet, vises aktuel konfiguration.","Go to source URL":"Gå til kilde-URL","Goto Anything...":"Gå til tilfældig...","Grant authorisation":"Giv tilladelse","Heading":"Overskrift","Hide %s":"Skjul %s","Hide disabled keys":"Skjul deaktiverede nøgler","Hide Joplin":"Skjul Joplin","Highlight":"Fremhæv","Horizontal Rule":"Vandret linje","HTML Directory":"HTML Indeks","HTML File":"HTML fil","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","ID":"ID","Idle":"Ledig","Ignore":"Ignorér","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorer TLS certifikat-fejl","Import":"Importer","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importerer fra \\"%s\\" som \\"%s\\"-format. Vent venligst...","Importing notes...":"Importerer noter...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importerer data til Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"I \\"Manuel\\" tilstand downloades vedhæftninger, når du klikker på dem. I \\"Auto\\" tilstand downloades de, når du åbner noten. I \\"Altid\\" tilstand downloades alle dine noter ligegyldigt om du åbner noten eller ej.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"I enhver kommando kan en note eller notesbog refereres med titel eller ID, eller ved at bruge links `$n` eller `$b` for valgte noter eller notesbøger. `$c` kan bruges som reference til aktuel/valgt emne.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"For at knytte en geo-lokation til noten har app\'en brug for din tilladelse til at tilgå din placering.\\n\\nDu kan slå denne mulighed fra når som helst i Indstillinger.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"For at gøre dette skal hele dit datasæt krypteres og synkroniseres, så det er bedst at lade det køre hen over natten.\\n\\nFølg disse instruktioner for at starte:\\n\\n1. Synkroniser alle dine enheder.\\n2. Klik \\"%s\\".\\n3. Lad det køre færdig. Mens synkroniseringen kører, bør du undgå at ændre nogen noter på dine andre enheder for at undgå konflikter.\\n4. Når synk er færdig på denne enhed, synk\'er du alle dine andre enheder og lader det køre helt færdig.\\n\\nVigtigt: Du behøver kun at gøre dette EN gang på en enhed.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"For at bruge filsystemsynkronisering skal du give tilladelse til at skrive til eksternt lager.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"For at bruge Web-Clipperen skal du gøre følgende:","In progress":"I gang","In: %s":"I: %s","Indent less":"Indryk mindre","Indent more":"Indryk mere","Information":"Information","Inline Code":"Inline-kode","Insert":"Indsæt","Insert Date Time":"Indsæt dato og tid","Insert Hyperlink":"Indsæt hyperlink","Install":"Installer","Install from file":"Installér fra fil","Installed":"Installeret","Installing...":"Installerer...","Invalid":"Ugyldig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Forkert %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Forkert svar: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ulovlig kommando: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ulovlig indstillingsværdi: \\"%s\\". Mulige valg er: %s.","Italic":"Kursiv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Emnet \\"%s\\" kunne ikke downloades: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Emner der ikke kan dekrypteres","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Emner kan ikke synkroniseres","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin kan synkronisere dine noter ved hjælp af forskellige tjenesteudbydere. Vælg en fra listen nedenfor.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud e-mail","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloud-adgangskode","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin eksport mappe","Joplin Export File":"Joplin eksport fil","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin kunne ikke dekryptere disse filer efter flere forsøg. De er måske korrupte eller for store. Disse emner vil forblive på enheden, men Joplin vil ikke længere prøve at dekryptere dem.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin-forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin server","Joplin Server email":"Joplin server e-mail","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server-adgangskode","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web-Clipper gør at du kan gemme hjemmesider og screenshots fra din browser i Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin hjemmeside","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplin\'s egen synkroniseringstjeneste. Giver også adgang til særlige Joplin-funktioner såsom publicering af noter og samarbejde med andre om notesbøger.","Keep note history for":"Behold note-historie i","Keyboard Mode":"Tastaturtilstand","Keyboard Shortcut":"Tastaturgenvej","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Tastaturgenveje","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain-understøttet: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"Nøgler der har brug for opgradering","Landscape":"Landskab","Language":"Sprog","Last error: %s":"Sidste fejl: %s","Later":"Senere","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Indstil knap-rækkefølge","Leave notebook...":"Forlad notesbog...","Legal":"US Legal","Letter":"US Letter","Light":"Lyst","Lines":"Linjer","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Link er kopieret til udklipsholder!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Links med \\"%s\\" protokollen er ikke understøttede","List item":"Listepunkt","Loaded":"Indlæst","Location":"Placering","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Låsefil er allerede i brug. Hvis du ved at ingen synkronisering er i gang kan du slette låsefilen \\"%s\\" og genoptage synkroniseringen.","Log":"Log","Login":"Login","Login below.":"Log ind nedenfor.","Login with Dropbox":"Log på med Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Log på med OneDrive","Make a donation":"Giv en donation","Manage master password":"Administrer hovedadgangskode","Manage master password...":"Administrer hovedadgangskode...","Manage your plugins":"Administrer dine udvidelser","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"Administrer E2EE-konfiguration. Kommandoer er `enable`(aktiver), `disable`(sluk), `decrypt`(dekrypter), `status`, `decrypt-file`(dekrypter fil) og `target-status` (modtager-status).","Manual":"Manuel","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + Front Matter","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markerer en opgave som udført.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markerer en opgave som ikke-udført.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Hovednøgle %s","Master password":"Hovedadgangskode","Master password:":"Hovedadgangskode:","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimale samtidige forbindelser","Missing keys":"Manglende nøgler","Missing Master Keys":"Manglende hovednøgler","Missing required argument: %s":"Mangler krævet argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobildata - auto-synk deaktiveret","More info":"Mere information","More information":"Mere information","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mere end et emne matcher \\"%s\\". Præciser din søgning.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Flyt %d noter til notesbogen \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Flyt til notesbog","Move to notebook...":"Flyt til notesbog...","Move to notebook:":"Flyt til notesbog:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Flytter alle noter der matcher til [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Ny note","New notebook":"Ny notesbog","New Notebook":"Ny notesbog","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Ny notesbog \\"%s\\" bliver oprettet og filen \\"%s\\" importeres til den","New sub-notebook":"Ny under-notesbog","New tags:":"Nye etiketter:","New to-do":"Ny opgave","New version: %s":"Ny version: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-adgangskode","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud brugernavn","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"nej","No":"Nej","No active notebook.":"Ingen aktiv notesbog.","No item with ID %s":"Intet emne med ID\'en %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Ingen notesbog er specificeret.","No notebook selected.":"Ingen notesbog er valgt.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Der er ingen noter her. Opret en ved at klikke på \\"Ny note\\".","No resources!":"Ingen ressourcer!","No results":"Ingen resultater","No such command: %s":"Kommando findes ikke: %s","No suggestions":"Ingen forslag","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Ingen teksteditor er valgt. Vælg en ved at indstille `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ikke godkendt med %s. Angiv venligst eventuelle manglende legitimationsoplysninger.","Not downloaded":"Ikke downloadet","Not generated":"Ikke oprettet","note":"note","Note":"Note","Note area growth factor":"Noteområde-vækstfaktor","Note attachments":"Note vedhæftninger","Note attachments...":"Note-vedhæftninger...","Note body":"Noteindhold","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Note eksisterer ikke: \\"%s\\". Skal den oprettes?","Note has been saved.":"Note gemt.","Note History":"Notehistore","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Noten er ikke en opgave: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Noteliste","Note list growth factor":"Noteliste-vækstfaktor","Note properties":"Noteegenskaber","Note title":"Notes titel","Note&book":"Note&bog","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"OBS: Virker ikke i alle skrivebordsmiljøer.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Bemærk: Når en note bliver delt, vil den ikke længere være krypteret på serveren.","Notebook list growth factor":"Notesbogsliste-vækstfaktor","Notebook title:":"Notesbogstitel:","Notebook: %s":"Notesbog: %s","Notebooks":"Notesbøger","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notesbøger kan ikke navngives \\"%s\\", da det er en reserveret titel.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Noter og indstillinger er gemt i: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Noter kan kun oprettes i en notesbog.","Numbered List":"Nummeret liste","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Mørkt","On %s: %s":"På %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"En af dine hovednøgler bruger en forældet krypteringsmetode.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Et eller flere emner er krypteret og du skal evt. angive en hovedadgangskode. For at gøre dette skal du indtaste `e2ee decrypt`. Har du allerede indtastet adgangskoden, bliver emnerne i øjeblikket dekrypteret i bagrunden og vil snart være klar.","One or more master keys need a password.":"En eller flere hovednøgler mangler en adgangskode.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive login","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Kun én note kan printes ad gangen.","Open":"Åbn","Open %s":"Åbn %s","Open profile directory":"Åbn profilmappe","Open Sync Wizard...":"Open Synk-hjælper...","Open...":"Åbn...","Operation cancelled":"Udførelse annulleret","Options":"Indstillinger","Or create an account.":"Eller opret en konto.","Output format: %s":"Output-format: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Sideretning for PDF eksport","Page size for PDF export":"Sidestørrelse for PDF eksport","Password":"Adgangskode","Password cannot be empty":"Adgangskode må ikke være tom","Password:":"Adgangskode:","Passwords do not match!":"Adgangskoder stemmer ikke overens!","Paste":"Indsæt","Path:":"Sti:","PDF File":"PDF-fil","Permission needed":"Tilladelse nødvendig","Permission to use camera":"Tilladelse til at bruge kameraet","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"Klik på \\"%s\\" for at fortsætte","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Bekræft venligst at du ønsker at genkryptere hele din database.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Indtast din adgangskode i hovednøglelisten nedenfor før opgradering af nøglen.","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"Bemærk, at hvis der er tale om en stor notesbog, kan det tage et par minutter, før alle noter vises på modtagerens enhed.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Åben venligst flg. ULR i en browser for at bekræfte app\'en. App\'en vil oprette en mappe i \\"Apps/Joplin\\" og vil kun skrive/læse filer i denne mappe. Den får ingen adgang til filer udenfor denne mappe, heller ikke til andre persondata. Ingen data deles med nogen tredjepart.","Please select a notebook first.":"Vælg først en notesbog.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Vælg først noten eller notesbogen der skal slettes.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Vælg hvor synk-status skal eksporteres til","Please specify import format for %s":"Specificer import format for %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Angiv hvilken notesbog, noterne skal importeres til.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Opgrader venligst Joplin for at benytte denne udvidelse","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Vent venligst på at alle vedhæftninger downloades og dekrypteres. Du kan også skifte til %s for at redigere noten.","Please wait...":"Vent venligst...","Plugin tools":"Udvidelsesværtøjer","Plugins":"Udvidelser","Portrait":"Portræt","Possible keys/values:":"Mulige nøgler/værdier:","Possible values: %s.":"Mulige værdier: %s.","Preferences":"Præferencer","Preferences...":"Præferencer...","Preferred dark theme":"Foretrukket mørkt tema","Preferred light theme":"Foretrukket lyst tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Tast Ctrl+D eller tast \\"exit\\" for at afslutte app\'en","Press the shortcut":"Tryk på genvejen","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Tryk på genvejen og tryk så på ENTER. Eller, tryk MELLEMRUMSTASTEN for at rydde genvejen.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Klik for at gemme dekrypterings-adgangskodeord.","Previous versions of this note":"Tidligere udgaver af denne note","Print":"Udskriv","Privacy Policy":"Privatlivspolitik","Profile Version: %s":"Profil-version: %s","Properties":"Egenskaber","Public-private key pair:":"Offentligt-privat nøglepar:","Publish note...":"Publicer note...","Publish Notes":"Publicer noter","Publish notes to the internet":"Udgiv noter til internettet","Quit":"Afslut","Re-encrypt data":"Genkryptér data","Re-encryption":"Genkryptering","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Upload lokal data igen til synkroniseringsmål","Read more about it":"Læs mere om det","Read time: %s min":"Læsetid: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Modtageren har accepteret invitationen","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Modtager har endnu ikke accepteret invitationen","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Modtageren har afslået invitationen","Recipients:":"Modtagere:","Redo":"Gentag","Refresh":"Opfrisk","Reject":"Afvis","Remove":"Fjern","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Slet etikette \\"%s\\" fra alle noter?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Slet denne søgning fra sidebjælken?","Rename":"Omdøb","Rename notebook:":"Omdøb notesbog:","Rename tag:":"Omdøb etikette:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Omdøber det aktuelle (note eller notesbog) til .","Renew token":"Forny token","Reset master password":"Nulstil hovedadgangskode","Resources: %d.":"Ressourcer: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Genstart og upgradér","Restart now":"Genstart nu","Restore":"Gendan","Restored Notes":"Gendannede noter","Retry":"Prøv igen","Retry All":"Prøv Alle","Reveal file in folder":"Vis fil i mappe","Reverse sort order":"Omvendt sorteringsorden","Reverses the sorting order.":"Modsat sortering.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revision: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Afvikler kommandoerne i tekstfilen. Der skal være én kommando pr. linje.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Fejlsikret tilstand er aktiv i øjeblikket. Notegengivelse og alle plugins er midlertidigt deaktiveret.","Save":"Gem","Save alarm":"Gem alarm","Save as...":"Gem som...","Save changes":"Gem ændringer","Save geo-location with notes":"Gem geo-lokation i noter","Search":"Søg","Search for plugins...":"Søg efter udvidelser...","Search in all the notes":"Søg i alle noterne","Search in current note":"Søg i denne note","Search...":"Søg...","Search:":"Søg:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Søger efter mønster i alle noter.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Se for-udgivelsessiden for yderligere information: %s","Select":"Vælg","Select all":"Vælg alt","Server is already running on port %d":"Serveren kører allerede på port %d","Server is not running.":"Serveren kører ikke.","Server is running on port %d":"Serveren kører på port %d","Set alarm":"Indstil alarm","Set alarm:":"Indstil alarm:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"Indtil den til 0 for at bruge hele den tilgængelige plads. Anbefalet bredde er 600.","Set the password":"Indstil adgangskoden","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Sætter ejerskab af valgt til aktuel [value]. Mulige ejerskab er:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Del","Share Notebook":"Del notesbog","Share notebook...":"Del notesbog...","Sharing notebook...":"Deler notesbog...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Links er ikke til rådighed i CLI-tilstand.","Show Advanced Settings":"Vis avancerede indstillinger","Show all":"Vis alt","Show completed to-dos":"Vis færdige opgaver","Show disabled keys":"Vis deaktiverede nøgler","Show note counts":"Vis noteantal","Show tray icon":"Vis ikon på bundbjælke","Sidebar":"Sidebjælke","Size":"Størrelse","Skip this version":"Spring denne version over","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Oversprungne emner: %d (brug --retry-failed-items for at prøve at dekryptere dem igen)","Skipped: %d.":"Droppet %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Mørk","Solarised Light":"Solarised Lys","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Nogle emner kan ikke dekrypteres.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Nogle emner kan ikke synkroniseres.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Nogle emner kan ikke synkroniseres. Tryk for mere info.","Sort notebooks by":"Sorter notesbøger efter","Sort notes by":"Sorter noter efter","Sort selected lines":"Sorter valgte linjer","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sorterer emner ud fra (fx titel, opdateret_tid, oprettelses_tid).","Source format: %s":"Kildeformat: %s","Source: ":"Kilde: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Angiv hvilken port API-serveren skal bruge. Ellers bruges standardporten.","Spell checker":"Stavekontrol","Split View":"Opdelt visning","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Start programmet minimeret i systembakkeikonet","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Start, stop eller tjek API serveren. Sæt api.port variablen for at vælge hvilken port den skal køre på. Kommandoerne er (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Dekryptering startet... Vent venligst da kan tage adskillige minutter afhængig af mængden der skal dekrypteres.","Starting synchronisation...":"Starter synkronisering...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Noteredigering startet. Luk redigering for at komme tilbage til kommandoprompten.","Statistics":"Statistikker","Statistics...":"Statistikker...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Startet på port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Trin 1: Aktiver Web-Clipper tjenesten","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Trin 1: Åben denne URL i din browser for at autorisere applikationen:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Trin 2: Indtast koden, som oplyses af Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Trin 2: Installér udvidelsen","Stop":"Stop","Stop external editing":"Stop ekstern redigering","Strikethrough":"Gennemstregning","strong text":"fed (strong) tekst","Submit":"Gem","Subscript":"Sænket skrift","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Succes! Synkroniseringsindstillinger lader til at være korrekte.","Superscript":"Hævet skrift","Swap line down":"Ombyt linje nedad","Swap line up":"Ombyt linje opad","Switch between note and to-do type":"Skift mellem note- og opgave type","Switch to note type":"Skift til note","Switch to to-do type":"Skift til opgave","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Skifter til [notebook] - alle fremtidige handlinger sker i denne notesbog.","Sync Status":"Synkroniseringsstatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synk status (synk\'ede emner / emner i alt)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Synk-mål skal opgraderes! Kør `%s` for at fortsætte.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Synk-mål opgadering","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synk til valgt mål (standard er config.value)","Sync Version: %s":"Synk-version: %s","Sync your notes":"Synk dine noter","Synchronisation":"Synkronisering","Synchronisation interval":"Synkroniseringsinterval","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synkronisering er allerede i gang.","Synchronisation Status":"Synkroniseringsstatus","Synchronisation target":"Synkroniseringsmål","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synkroniseringsmål: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synkroniser","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synkroniser kun over WiFi-forbindelse","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synkroniserer med fjernlager.","Synchronising...":"Synkroniserer...","Synchronizing...":"Synkroniserer...","Tabloid":"US Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Etiketterede: %d.","Tags":"Etiketter","Take photo":"Tag et foto","Text editor command":"Tekstredigeringskomando","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Mange tak! Din Joplin Cloud-konto er nu indstillet og klar til brug.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Appen lukker nu. Genstart den for at fuldføre processen.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"App\'en er blevet godkendt - du kan nu lukke dette faneblad.","The application has been authorised!":"App\'en er succesfuldt godkendt!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Denne app er succesfuldt godkendt.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Applikationen skal genstartes før disse ændringer kan træde i kraft.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Vedhæftningerne vil ikke længere blive overvåget, hvis du skifter til en anden note.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Kommando \\"%s\\" er kun til rådighed i GUI tilstand","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Standard-administratoradgangskoden er svag og er ikke blevet ændret! [Ændr det nu](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Standard krypteringsmetoden er blevet ændret til en mere sikker metode og det anbefales, at du anvender den på dine data.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Standard-krypteringsmetoden er blevet ændret, du bør genkryptere dine data.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Editorkommandoen (kan inkludere argumenter) der bruges til at åbne noter. Hvis der ikke er angivet nogen, vil den prøve at autodetektere standardeditoren.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Faktoren vil bestemme om elementet vil vokse eller skrumpe for at tilpasse den tilgængelig plads i dens beholder med hensyn til andre elementer. Således vil et element med en faktor 2 optage dobbelt så meget plads som et element med en faktor 1. Genstart app\'en for at se ændringer.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Følgende vedhæftninger overvåges for ændringer:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"Følgende nøgler bruger en forældet krypteringsalgoritme, og det anbefales at opgradere dem. Den opgraderet nøgler vil stadig kunne dekryptere og kryptere dine data som normalt.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin mobil-app\'en understøtter på nuværende tidspunkt ikke denne type link: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplin-teamet har kontrolleret dette plugin, og det opfylder vores standarder for sikkerhed og ydeevne.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Nøglerne til disse ID\'er er brugt til at kryptere nogle af dine emner, men applikationen har i øjeblikket ikke adgang til dem. De vil sandsynligvis blive hentet i forbindelse med synkronisering.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Hovednøglen er succesfuldt opgraderet!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Hovednøglerne til disse ID\'er er brugt til at kryptere nogle af dine emner, men app\'en har pt. ikke adgang til dem. Det er sandsynligt at de vil blive hentet via synkronisering.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Noten \\"%s\\" er blevet gendannet til notesbogen \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Notesbogen kan ikke gemmes: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Noterne er importeret: %s","The possible commands are:":"Mulige kommandoer er:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Modtageren kunne ikke fjernes fra listen. Prøv venligst igen.\\n\\nFejlen var: \\"%s\\"","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Synkroniseringsmålet skal opgraderes før Joplin kan synkronisere. Denne operation kan tage nogle minutter at udføre, og appen skal genstartes. Klik på linket for at fortsætte.","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"Synk-mål skal opgraderes! Tryk på denne banner for at fortsætte.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Etiketten \\"%s\\" eksisterer allerede. Vælg venligst et andet navn.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Synkroniseringsmålet. Hver synk. mål kan have ekstra parametre der navngives som `sync.NUM.NAME` (se dokumentation herunder).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper har brug for din tilladelse til at få adgang til dine data.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web-clipper tjenesten er slået til og sat til at starte automatisk.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web-Clipper tjenesten er ikke slået til.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Der er ingen noter. Opret note ved at klikke på (+) knappen.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Der er ingen notesbog. Opret en ved at klikke på \\"Ny Notesbog\\".","There is no data to export.":"Der er ingen data at eksportere.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Der var en [conflict](%s) på vedhæftningen nedenfor.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Der opstod en fejl ved download af denne vedhæftning:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Der opstod en fejl ved opsætning af din Joplin Cloud-konto. Tjek venligst din e-mail og adgangskode og prøv igen. Fejl var:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Disse emner bliver på enheden, og bliver ikke overført til synk-modtager. For at finde disse emner; enten søg efter titel eller ID (som er vist i klammer herover)","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Disse udvidelser forbedrer Markdown-fortolkeren med yderligere funktioner. Vær opmærksom på, at selvom disse funktioner kan være nyttige, er de ikke standard Markdown og derfor vil de fleste kun virke i Joplin. Derudover er nogle af dem ikke kompatible med WYSIWYG editoren. Hvis du åbner en note, som bruger en af disse udvidelser i den editor, vil du miste udvidelsesformatteringen. Det angives nedenfor, hvilke udvidelser der er kompatible eller ikke med WYSIWYG editoren.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Denne vedhæftning er ikke downloadet eller ikke dekrypteret endnu","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Denne vedhæftning er ikke downloadet eller er ikke blevet dekrypteret endnu.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Denne autoriseringstoken er kun nødvendig for at tillade tredjepartsprogrammer at tilgå Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Dette er et avanceret værktøj til at vise de vedhæftninger, som er knyttet til dine noter. Vær forsigtig med at slette dem, da de ikke kan gendannes bagefter.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Denne note har ingen geolokationsoplysninger.","This note has been modified:":"Denne note er blevet ændret:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Denne note er har intet indhold. Klik på \\"%s\\" for at starte editoren og redigere noten.","This note has no history":"Denne note har ingen historie","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Denne Rich Text editor har en række begrænsninger, og det anbefales at være opmærksom på disse, før den bruges.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Denne tjeneste tillader browser udvidelsen at kommunikere med Joplin. Når du slår den til kan det være, at din firewall beder om tilladelse til at lytte på en bestemt port.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Dette tillader Joplin at køre i baggrunden. Det er anbefalet at slå dette til for at holde dine noter synkroniserede og dermed undgå konflikter.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Dette åbner i et nyt vindue. Vil du gemme dine ændringer?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"Dette vil fjerne notesbogen fra din samling, og du vil ikke længere have adgang til dens indhold. Ønsker du at fortsætte?","Time format":"Tidsformat","title":"titel","Title":"Titel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"For at give Joplin tilladelse til at synkronisere med Dropbox, skal du følge nedenstående trin:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"Indtast din hovedadgangskode nedenfor for at fortsætte.","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"For at slette en etikette, fjern etikette fra de tilhørende noter.","To delete: %d":"Til sletning: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"For at skifte til kommandolinje tilstand, tryk \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"For at forlade kommandolinje tilstand, tryk Esc","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"For at sortere noterne manuelt skal sorteringsrækkefølgen ændres til \\"%s\\" i menuen \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"For at maksimere/minimere konsollen, tryk \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"For flytte fra et panel til et andet, tryk Tab eller Skift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"For at prøve at dekryptere dem igen. Kør `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"For at virke korrekt skal app\'en bruge følgende tilladelser. Slå dem til i din telefons indstillinger, i Apps > Joplin > Tilladelser","to-do":"opgave","Toggle comment":"Vis kommentar","Toggle development tools":"Slå udviklingsværktøjer til eller fra","Toggle editor layout":"Skift editor layout","Toggle editors":"Skift editorer","Toggle external editing":"Slå ekstern redigering til eller fra","Toggle note list":"Slå noteliste til eller fra","Toggle safe mode":"Slå fejlsikret tilstand til eller fra","Toggle sidebar":"Slå sidebar til eller fra","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Din token er blevet kopieret til udklipsholderen!","Tools":"Værktøjer","Total: %d/%d":"I alt: %d/%d","Try again":"Prøv igen","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Tast `help [kommando]` for mere info om en kommando; eller tast `help all` for fuld brugsinformation.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Tast `Joplin help` for alm. info.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Skriv titlen på en note eller noget af notens indhold for at hoppe til den. Eller skriv # efterfulgt af et etikettenavn, eller @ efterfulgt af en notesbogs navn. Eller skriv: for at søge efter kommandoer.","Type new tags or select from list":"Indtast nye etiketter eller vælg fra listen","Type: %s.":"Tast: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Ufærdige opgaver øverst","Undo":"Fortryd","Unknown flag: %s":"Ukendt markering: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Ukendt elementtype downloadet - opgrader venligst Joplin til den seneste version","Unpublish note":"Afpublicer note","Unshare":"Del ikke længere","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Del ikke længere denne notesbog? Modtagerne vil ikke længere have adgang til dens indhold.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Ikke-understøttet billedtype: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Ugyldigt link eller besked: %s","Untitled":"Uden titel","Update":"Opdater","Updated":"Opdateret","updated date":"opdateringsdato","Updated local items: %d.":"Opdaterede lokale emner: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Opdaterede fjern-emner: %d.","Updated: ":"Opdateret: ","Updated: %d.":"Opdateret %d.","Updated: %s":"Opdateret: %s","Updating...":"Opdaterer...","Upgrade":"Opgradér","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Opgrader synkmålet til den seneste version.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Forbrug: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Brug langt liste format. Formatet er ID,NOTE_TÆLLER (for notesbøger), DATO, MARKEREDE_OPGAVER (for opgaver), TITEL","Use spell checker":"Brug stavekontrol","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Brug pilene og PageUp/PageDown for at rulle lister og tekst-områder (inkl. denne konsol)","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Brug pilene for at flytte layout-elementerne. Tryk på \\"Escape\\" for at afslutte.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Brug denne funktion til at genopbygge søgeindekset, hvis der er problemer med søgning. Det kan tage lang tid afhængig af antallet af noter.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Bruges til det meste tekst i markdown-editoren. Hvis ikke fundet, bruges en proportional (variabel bredde) font.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Bruges hvor en font med fast bredde er nødvendig for at vise læsbar tekst (f.eks. tabeller, afkrydsningsfelter, kode). Hvis ikke fundet, bruges en generisk monospatieret (fast bredde) font.","Valid":"Gyldig","View":"Vis","View on map":"Vis på kort","View them now":"Se dem nu","Viewer":"Fremviser","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Advarsel","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Advarsel: Ikke alle ressourcer kan vises af ydelsesmæssige årsager (Begrænsning: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web-clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-adgangskode","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV brugernavn","Website and documentation":"Hjemmeside og dokumentation","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Velkommen til Joplin!\\n\\nTast `:help shortcuts` for listen over tastaturgenveje, eller bare `:help` for alm. hjælp.\\n\\nFor eksempel, for at oprette en notesbog; tryk `mb` eller tryk `mn` for at oprette en note.","When creating a new note:":"Ved oprettelse af ny note:","When creating a new to-do:":"Ved oprettelse af ny opgave:","Words":"Ord","y":"j","Y":"J","yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Du er ved at vedhæfte et stort billede (%dx%d pixels). Ønsker du at nedskalere det til %d pixels før vedhæftning?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Du har ingen notesbøger.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Du har ikke installeret nogen udvidelser.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Du kan også indtaste `status` for mere information.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Du kan bruge værktøjet nedenfor til at genkryptere dine data for eksempel hvis du ved at nogle af dine noter er krypteret med en forældet krypteringsmetode.","Your choice: ":"Dit valg: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Dine data bliver genkrypteret og synkroniseret igen.","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"Din hovedadgangskode er nødvendig for at dekryptere nogle af dine data.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Din tilladelse til at bruge kameraet er påkrævet.","Your version: %s":"Din version: %s","Zoom In":"Zoom ind","Zoom Out":"Zoom ud"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"„%s“ fehlt die erforderliche Eigenschaft „%s“.","%d days":"%d Tage","%d hour":"%d Stunde","%d hours":"%d Stunden","%d minutes":"%d Minuten","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d Notizen stimmen mit diesem Muster überein. Sollen sie gelöscht werden?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) konnte nicht hochgeladen werden: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) möchte ein Notizbuch mit dir teilen.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (Vorabversion)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopieren","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d Notizen","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Bearbeiten","&File":"&Datei","&Go":"&Gehe zu","&Help":"&Hilfe","&Note":"&Notiz","&Tools":"&Werkzeuge","&View":"&Ansicht","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Keiner)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(WYSIWYG: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: um ein Bild aufzunehmen und an eine Notiz anzuhängen.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Standort: zum Anhängen von Geolokalisierungsinformationen an eine Notiz.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Speicher: um das Anhängen von Dateien an Notizen und die Synchronisation des Dateisystems zu ermöglichen."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" kann „add“, „remove“, „list“ oder „notetags“ sein, um [tag] zu [note] hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen, um die Notizen aufzulisten, die [tag] zugeordnet sind, oder um die Schlagwörter aufzulisten, die [note] zugeordnet sind. Der Befehl `tag list` kann benutzt werden, um alle Schlagwörter anzuzeigen (nutze -l für die lange Option)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" kann entweder „toggle“ oder „clear“ sein. Benutze „toggle“, um eine Aufgabe auf abgeschlossen oder offen zu setzen .(Wenn das Ziel eine normale Notiz ist, wird diese in eine Aufgabe umgewandelt.) Benutze „clear“, um es zurück in eine Notiz zu verwandeln.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Über Joplin","accelerator":"Beschleuniger","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Der Beschleuniger „%s“ ist nicht gültig.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Der Beschleuniger „%s“ wird für die Befehle „%s“ und „%s“ verwendet. Dies kann zu unerwartetem Verhalten führen.","Accept":"Akzeptieren","Action":"Aktion","Actions":"Aktionen","Active":"Aktiv","Actual Size":"Aktuelle Größe","Add body":"Text hinzufügen","Add or remove tags:":"Schlagwörter hinzufügen oder entfernen:","Add recipient:":"Füge Empfänger hinzu:","Add title":"Titel hinzufügen","Add to dictionary":"Zum Wörterbuch hinzufügen","Advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen","Advanced tools":"Erweiterte Optionen","All notes":"Alle Notizen","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alle potentielle Port-Nummern sind in Verwendung - bitte melde dieses Problem auf %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Zeigt auch nicht gesetzte und versteckte Konfigurationsvariablen an.","Always":"Immer","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Es ist eine Aktualisierung verfügbar. Soll sie jetzt heruntergeladen werden?","Appearance":"Erscheinungsbild","Application":"Anwendung","Apply":"Anwenden","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Bist du sicher, dass du den Berechtigungstoken erneuern möchtest?","Arguments:":"Kommandozeilenargumente:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim dunkel","Attach file":"Datei anhängen","Attach photo":"Foto anhängen","Attach...":"Anhängen ...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Hängt die ausgewählte Datei an die Notiz an.","attachment":"Anhang","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt beim Anhang: „%s“","Attachment download behaviour":"Verhalten für das Herunterladen von Anhängen","Attachments":"Anhänge","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Anhänge, die nicht heruntergeladen werden konnten","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Achtung: Stelle sicher, dass du vor der Synchronisation alle Inhalte an den neuen Ablageort kopiert hast, sonst werden alle Dateien gelöscht! Lies auch die FAQs hierzu: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Authentifizierung wurde nicht abgeschlossen (keinen Authentifizierung-Token erhalten).","Authorisation token:":"Berechtigungstoken:","Auto":"Automatisch","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automatisches Hinzufügen von geschweiften Klammern, runden Klammern, Anführungszeichen usw.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatisch das Design ändern, um es dem System-Design anzupassen","Automatically update the application":"Die Anwendung automatisch aktualisieren","Back":"Zurück","Bold":"Fett","Browse all plugins":"Alle Erweiterungen durchsuchen","Browse...":"Durchsuchen ...","Bulleted List":"Aufzählung","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Hintergrundsynchronisation wird abgebrochen … Bitte warten.","Cancelling...":"Wird abgebrochen ...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Abbrechen... Bitte warten.","Cannot access %s":"Kann nicht auf %s zugreifen","Cannot change encrypted item":"Kann verschlüsseltes Objekt nicht ändern","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kann Notiz nicht in das Notizbuch „%s“ kopieren","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Kann „%s“ nicht finden.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Kann Synchronisierer nicht initialisieren.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Das Modul „%s“ für das Format „%s“ und die Ausgabe „%s“ kann nicht geladen werden","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Das Modul „%s“ für das Format „%s“ und die Ausgabe „%s“ kann nicht geladen werden","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kann Notiz nicht in das Notizbuch „%s“ verschieben","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Kann Notizbuch nicht an diesen Ort verschieben","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Kann Token nicht erneuern: Authentifikationsdaten nicht vorhanden. Ein Neustart der Synchronisation könnte das Problem beheben.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Kann %s \\"%s\\" nicht speichern, da es größer ist als das erlaubte Limit (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Kann %s \\"%s\\" nicht speichern, da es die zulässige Gesamtgröße (%s) für dieses Konto überschreiten würde","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"Das verschlüsselte Notizbuch kann nicht mit %s geteilt werden, da die Person die Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung nicht aktiviert hat. Dies ist unter Optionen > Verschlüsselung möglich.","Change application layout":"Anwendungs-Layout ändern","Change language":"Sprache ändern","Characters":"Zeichen","Characters excluding spaces":"Zeichen ohne Leerzeichen","Check for updates...":"Auf Aktualisierungen prüfen ...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Überprüfen der Synchronisationseinstellungen","Checkbox":"Kontrollkästchen","Checkbox list":"Liste mit Kontrollkästchen","Checking... Please wait.":"Wird überprüft … Bitte warten.","Choose an option":"Wähle eine Option","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome-Webstore","Clear":"Leeren","Clear alarm":"Alarm löschen","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klicke „%s“, um die Notiz wiederherzustellen. Sie wird in das Notizbuch namens „%s“ kopiert. Die aktuelle Version der Notiz wird nicht ersetzt oder verändert.","Click to add tags...":"Zum Hinzufügen von Schlagwörtern klicken ...","Client ID: %s":"Client-ID: %s","Close":"Schließen","Close Window":"Fenster schließen","Code":"Code","Code Block":"Code-Block","Code View":"Code-Ansicht","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Gemeinsam mit anderen an Notizbüchern arbeiten","Coming alarms":"Anstehende Alarme","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Kommagetrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Verzeichnissen, aus denen die Zertifikate geladen werden, oder Pfad zu einzelnen Zertifikatsdateien. Zum Beispiel: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Wenn du Änderungen an den TLS-Einstellungen vornimmst, musst du deine Änderungen speichern, bevor du auf „Synchronisierungskonfiguration prüfen“ klickst.","command":"Befehl","Command":"Befehl","Command palette":"Befehlspalette","Command palette...":"Befehlspalette...","Completed":"Abgeschlossen","Completed decryption.":"Entschlüsselung abgeschlossen.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Abgeschlossen: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfiguration","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Bestätigungs-Passwort darf nicht leer sein","Confirm password:":"Passwort bestätigen:","Confirmation":"Bestätigung","Conflicted: %d":"Im Konflikt: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikte","Conflicts (attachments)":"Konflikte (Anhänge)","Content provided by %s":"Von %s bereitgestellte Inhalte","Convert to note":"In eine Notiz umwandeln","Convert to todo":"In eine Aufgabe umwandeln","Copy":"Kopieren","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Entwicklermodus-Befehl in Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy external link":"Externen Link kopieren","Copy Link Address":"Link-Adresse kopieren","Copy Markdown link":"Markdown-Link kopieren","Copy path to clipboard":"Pfad in Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy Shareable Link":"Teilbaren Link kopieren","Copy token":"Token kopieren","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Konnte die Anwendung nicht autorisieren:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nBitte versuche es erneut.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Es konnte keine Verbindung zum Joplin-Server hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfe die Synchronisationsoptionen in der Konfigurationsmaske. Vollständiger Fehler war:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Konnte keine Verbindung zum Plugin-Repository herstellen.","Could not export notes: %s":"Konnte Notizen nicht exportieren: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Erweiterung konnte nicht installiert werden: %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Die Einladung konnte nicht beantwortet werden. Bitte versuche es erneut, oder prüfe, ob der Notizbuch-Besitzer dieses noch freigibt.\\n\\nDer Fehler war: \\"%s\\"","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Konnte Hauptschlüssel nicht aktualisieren: %s","Create a notebook":"Notizbuch erstellen","Created":"Erstellt","created date":"Erstellungsdatum","Created local items: %d.":"Lokale Elemente erstellt: %d.","Created locally":"Lokal erstellt","Created remote items: %d.":"Remote-Elemente erstellt: %d.","Created: ":"Erstellt: ","Created: %d.":"Erstellt: %d.","Created: %s":"Erstellt: %s","Creates a new note.":"Erstellt eine neue Notiz.","Creates a new notebook.":"Erstellt ein neues Notizbuch.","Creates a new to-do.":"Erstellt eine neue Aufgabe.","Creating new %s...":"Neue(s) %s wird erstellt ...","Creating report...":"Bericht wird erstellt ...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Die aktuelle Version ist auf dem neuesten Stand.","custom order":"Benutzerdefinierte Reihenfolge","Custom order":"Benutzerdefinierte Reihenfolge","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Benutzerdefinierte Formatvorlagen für Joplin-weite Anwendungsstile","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Benutzerdefinierte Formatvorlagen für gerendertes Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Benutzerdefinierte TLS-Zertifikate","Cut":"Ausschneiden","Dark":"Dunkel","Database v%s":"Datenbank v%s","Date":"Datum","Date format":"Datumsformat","days":"Tage","Decrypted items: %d":"Entschlüsselte Objekte: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Entschlüsselte Objekte: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Entschlüsselte Objekte: %d/%d","Default":"Standard","Default: %s":"Standard: %s","Delete":"Löschen","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Anhang „%s“ löschen?","Delete line":"Zeile löschen","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Lösche lokale Daten und lade Daten erneut vom Synchronisierungsziel","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Notiz „%s“ löschen?","Delete note?":"Notiz löschen?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notizbuch „%s“ löschen?\\n\\nAlle Notizen und Unter-Notizbücher in diesem Notizbuch werden ebenfalls gelöscht.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notizbuch löschen? Alle Notizen und Unter-Notizbücher in diesem Notizbuch werden ebenfalls gelöscht.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Erweiterung „%s“ löschen?","Delete these %d notes?":"Sollen diese %d Notizen gelöscht werden?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Einladung löschen? Der Empfänger hat dann keinen Zugriff mehr auf dieses freigegebene Notizbuch.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Lokale Elemente gelöscht: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Remote-Elemente gelöscht: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Löscht das ausgewählte Notizbuch.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Löscht das Notizbuch, ohne nach einer Bestätigung zu fragen.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Löscht die Notizen, die mit übereinstimmen.","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Löscht die Notizen, ohne nach einer Bestätigung zu fragen.","Destination format: %s":"Zielformat: %s","Directory":"Verzeichnis","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Verzeichnis, mit dem synchronisiert werden soll (absoluter Pfad)","Disable":"Deaktivieren","Disable encryption":"Verschlüsselung deaktivieren","Disable safe mode and restart":"Sicheren Modus beenden und neu starten","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Web-Clipper-Dienst deaktivieren","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Durch die Deaktivierung der Verschlüsselung werden *alle* Notizen und Anhänge neu synchronisiert und unverschlüsselt an das Synchronisationsziel gesendet. Möchtest du fortfahren?","Discard changes":"Änderungen verwerfen","Dismiss":"Ausblenden","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Zeigt die Standort-URL der Notiz an.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Zeigt nur die ersten oberen Notizen an.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Zeigt nur die Elemente eines bestimmten Typs oder bestimmter Typen an. Kann `n` für Notizen sein, `t` für Aufgaben, oder `nt` für Notizen und Aufgaben (z. B. zeigt `-tt` nur Aufgaben an, während `-tnt` Notizen und Aufgaben anzeigt).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Zeigt eine Zusammenfassung der Notizen und Notizbücher an.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Zeigt alle Informationen über die Notiz an.","Displays the given note.":"Zeigt die angegebene Notiz an.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Zeigt die Notizen im aktuellen Notizbuch an. Benutze `ls /`, um die Liste der Notizbücher anzuzeigen.","Displays usage information.":"Zeigt die Nutzungsstatistik an.","Displays version information":"Zeigt Informationen zur Version an","Do it now":"Mach es jetzt","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Nicht nach einer Bestätigung fragen.","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Achte darauf, dass du das Passwort nicht verlierst, da dies aus Sicherheitsgründen die *einzige* Möglichkeit ist, deine Daten zu entschlüsseln! Um die Verschlüsselung zu aktivieren, gib bitte unten dein Passwort ein.","Download":"Herunterladen","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Lade die entsprechende Erweiterung für deinen Browser herunter und installiere sie:","Downloaded":"Heruntergeladen","Downloaded and decrypted":"Heruntergeladen und entschlüsselt","Downloaded and encrypted":"Heruntergeladen und verschlüsselt","Downloading":"Wird heruntergeladen","Downloading resources...":"Anhänge werden heruntergeladen ...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Notizen oder Dateien hierher ziehen","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox-Anmeldung","Duplicate":"Duplizieren","Duplicate line":"Dupliziere Zeile","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Dupliziert die Notizen, die mit übereinstimmen, nach [notebook]. Wenn kein Notizbuch angegeben ist, wird die Notiz im aktuellen Notizbuch dupliziert.","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit in external editor":"Im externen Editor bearbeiten","Edit note.":"Notiz bearbeiten.","Edit notebook":"Notizbuch bearbeiten","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Schriftart im Editor","Editor font family":"Schriftfamilie im Editor","Editor font size":"Schriftgröße im Editor","Editor maximum width":"Maximale Breite des Editors","Editor monospace font family":"Nichtproportionale Schriftfamilie im Editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Entweder „text“ oder „json“","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"hervorgehobener Text","Enable":"Aktivieren","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Syntax ++insert++ aktivieren","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Syntax ==mark== aktivieren","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Syntax ^sup^ aktivieren","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Abkürzungssyntax aktivieren","Enable audio player":"Audiospieler aktivieren","Enable deflist syntax":"Syntax deflist aktivieren","Enable encryption":"Verschlüsselung aktivieren","Enable footnotes":"Fußnoten aktivieren","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Fountain-Syntaxunterstützung aktivieren","Enable Linkify":"Linkify aktivieren","Enable markdown emoji":"Markdown Emoji aktivieren","Enable math expressions":"Mathematische Ausdrücke aktivieren","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Mermaid-Diagrammunterstützung aktivieren","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Multimarkdown Tabellenerweiterung aktivieren","Enable note history":"Notizenverlauf aktivieren","Enable PDF viewer":"PDF-Betrachter aktivieren","Enable soft breaks":"Weiche Zeilenumbrüche aktivieren","Enable table of contents extension":"Inhaltsverzeichnis-Erweiterung aktivieren","Enable typographer support":"Typographie-Unterstützung aktivieren","Enable video player":"Videospieler aktivieren","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Web-Clipper-Dienst aktivieren","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Syntax ~sub~ aktivieren","Enabled":"Aktiviert","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Durch die Aktivierung der Verschlüsselung werden *alle* Notizen und Anhänge neu synchronisiert und verschlüsselt an das Synchronisationsziel gesendet.","Encrypted":"Verschlüsselt","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Verschlüsselte Elemente können nicht verändert werden","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Verschlüsselte Notizbücher können nicht umbenannt werden","Encryption":"Verschlüsselung","Encryption Config":"Verschlüsselungskonfiguration","Encryption is: %s":"Verschlüsselung ist: %s","Encryption keys":"Verschlüsselungsschlüssel","Encryption:":"Verschlüsselung:","End-to-end encryption":"Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung","Enter code here":"Hier Code eingeben","Enter master password:":"Master-Passwort eingeben:","Enter notebook title":"Titel des Notizbuchs eingeben","Enum":"Aufzählung","Error":"Fehler","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Fehler beim Öffnen der Notiz im Editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Fehler. Bitte überprüfe, ob die URL, der Benutzername, das Passwort usw. korrekt sind und dass das Synchronisationsziel erreichbar ist. Fehlermeldung:","Error: %s":"Fehler: %s","Errors only":"Nur Fehler","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote Export-Datei (als HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote Export-Datei (als Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Beendet die Anwendung.","Export":"Exportieren","Export all":"Alles exportieren","Export debug report":"Ereignisprotokoll exportieren","Export Debug Report":"Fehlerbericht exportieren","Export profile":"Profil exportieren","Exporting profile...":"Profil wird exportiert ...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Es wird nach „%s“ im Format „%s“ exportiert. Bitte warten ...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exportiert Joplin-Dateien in den angegebenen Pfad. Standardmäßig wird die komplette Datenbank inklusive Notizbüchern, Notizen, Schlagwörtern und Anhängen exportiert.","Exports only the given note.":"Exportiert nur die angegebene Notiz.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exportiert nur das angegebene Notizbuch.","Fail-safe":"Ausfallsicher","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Ausfallsicher: Lösche nicht die lokalen Daten, wenn das Synchronisationsziel leer ist (oft ein Resultat von Fehlkonfiguration oder einem Programmfehler)","Fatal error:":"Schwerwiegender Fehler:","Feature flags":"Feature Flags","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Geladene Elemente: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Anhänge abrufen: %d/%d","File":"Datei","File system":"Dateisystem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox-Erweiterung","Fix search index":"Suchindex reparieren","Fixing search index...":"Suchindex wird repariert ...","Focus":"Fokus","Focus body":"Inhalt fokussieren","Focus title":"Titel fokussieren","Folders":"Ordner","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Nur für Debugging-Zwecke: Exportiere dein Profil auf eine externe SD-Karte.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Für weitere Informationen über die Anpassung von Tastenkürzel besuche bitte %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Weitere Informationen zur Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung (E2EE) und Hinweise zur Aktivierung findest du in der Dokumentation (auf Englisch):","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Um die komplette Liste aller verfügbaren Tastenkürzel und Konfigurationseinstellungen anzuzeigen, tippe `help keymap` ein","Forward":"Weiter","Found: %d.":"Gefunden: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS aktiviert: %d","Full changelog":"Komplettes Änderungsprotokoll","General":"Allgemeines","Generated":"Erzeugt","Generating link...":"Link wird erzeugt ...","Get it now:":"Hole es jetzt:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Bei der Suche nach Aktualisierungen Vorabveröffentlichungen erhalten","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Holt oder legt einen Konfigurationswert fest. Wenn [value] nicht angegeben ist, wird der Wert von [name] angezeigt. Wenn weder [name] noch [value] angegeben sind, wird die aktuelle Konfiguration aufgelistet.","Go to source URL":"Zur Quell-URL gehen","Goto Anything...":"Gehe zu ...","Grant authorisation":"Genehmigung erteilen","Heading":"Überschrift","Help":"Hilfe","Hide %s":"%s ausblenden","Hide disabled keys":"Deaktivierte Schlüssel ausblenden","Hide Joplin":"Joplin ausblenden","Highlight":"Hervorheben","Horizontal Rule":"Horizontale Linie","HTML Directory":"HTML-Verzeichnis","HTML File":"HTML-Datei","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","Icon":"Icon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Wartend","Ignore":"Ignorieren","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS-Zertifikatfehler ignorieren","Import":"Importieren","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Aus „%s“ im Format „%s“ wird importiert. Bitte warten ...","Importing notes...":"Notizen werden importiert ...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importiert Daten in Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"Im Modus „Manuell“ werden die Anhänge nur heruntergeladen, wenn du auf sie klickst. Bei „Automatisch“ werden sie heruntergeladen, sobald du die Notiz öffnest. Bei „Immer“ werden die Anhänge heruntergeladen, egal ob du die Notiz öffnest oder nicht.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Bei jedem Befehl können Notizen oder Notizbücher durch ihren Titel oder ihre ID angegeben werden oder durch die Abkürzungen `$n` oder `$b` für die aktuelle Notiz bzw. das aktuelle Notizbuch. `$c` kann benutzt werden, um auf die momentane Auswahl zu verweisen.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Um den Standort zu der Notiz zuzuordnen, benötigt die Anwendung die Berechtigung zum Zugriff auf die Ortungsdaten.\\n\\nDiese Option kann jederzeit im Konfigurationsbildschirm deaktiviert werden.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Dazu muss dein gesamter Datensatz verschlüsselt und erneut synchronisiert werden. Starte diese Prozedur daher am besten nachts.\\n\\nBeachte dazu folgende Hinweise:\\n\\n1. Synchronisiere alle deine Geräte.\\n2. Klicke auf „%s“.\\n3. Lass es komplett durch laufen. Vermeide während der Ausführung das Ändern von Notizen auf anderen Geräten, um Konflikte zu vermeiden.\\n4. Sobald die Synchronisierung auf diesem Gerät abgeschlossen ist, synchronisiere alle anderen Geräte und lass es komplett durchlaufen.\\n\\nWichtig: Du musst diese Prozedur nur EINMAL auf einem Gerät starten.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Deine Erlaubnis, auf externen Speicher zu schreiben, ist notwendig, um Synchronisation mit dem Dateisystem zu verwenden.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Um den Web-Clipper zu benutzen, musst du Folgendes tun:","In progress":"In Bearbeitung","In: %s":"In: %s","Indent less":"Ausrücken","Indent more":"Einrücken","Information":"Information","Inline Code":"Code im Fließtext","Insert":"Einfügen","Insert Date Time":"Datum / Uhrzeit einfügen","Insert Hyperlink":"Weblink einfügen","Install":"Installieren","Install from file":"Aus Datei installieren","Installed":"Installiert","Installing...":"Wird installiert ...","Invalid":"Ungültig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Ungültig %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Ungültige Antwort: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ungültiger Befehl: „%s“","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ungültiger Optionswert: „%s“. Mögliche Werte sind: %s.","Italic":"Kursiv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Element „%s“ konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elemente, die nicht entschlüsselt werden konnten","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elemente können nicht synchronisiert werden","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin kann deine Notizen mit verschiedenen Anbietern synchronisieren. Wähle einen aus der folgenden Liste aus.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud E-Mail","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Server Passwort","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Export-Verzeichnis","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Export-Datei","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin konnte diese Elemente trotz mehrfacher Versuche nicht entschlüsseln, weil sie wahrscheinlich entweder kaputt oder zu groß sind. Diese Elemente bleiben auf dem Gerat, aber Joplin wird nicht mehr versuchen sie zu entschlüsseln.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Server E-Mail","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server-Passwort","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server-URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web-Clipper ermöglicht das Speichern von Webseiten und Screenshots aus deinem Browser in Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin Webseite","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplins eigener Synchronisationsdienst. Ermöglicht auch den Zugriff auf Joplin-spezifische Funktionen wie das Veröffentlichen von Notizen oder die Zusammenarbeit an Notizbüchern mit anderen.","Keep note history for":"Notizenverlauf speichern für","Keyboard Mode":"Tastatur-Modus","Keyboard Shortcut":"Tastaturkürzel","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Tastaturkürzel","Keychain Supported: %s":"Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"Hauptschlüssel, die aktualisiert werden müssen","Landscape":"Querformat","Language":"Sprache","Last error: %s":"Letzte Fehlermeldung: %s","Later":"Später","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Layout-Reihenfolge","Leave notebook...":"Verlasse Notizbuch...","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Hell","Lines":"Zeilen","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Links mit dem Protokoll „%s“ werden nicht unterstützt","List item":"Listeneintrag","Loaded":"Geladen","Location":"Standort","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Eine Sperrdatei ist vorhanden. Wenn du dir sicher bist, dass keine Synchronisation im Gange ist, kannst du die Sperrdatei „%s“ löschen und den Vorgang fortsetzen.","Log":"Protokoll","Login":"Anmeldung","Login below.":"Melde dich unten an.","Login with Dropbox":"Mit Dropbox anmelden","Login with OneDrive":"Mit OneDrive anmelden","Make a donation":"Spenden","Manage master password":"Master-Passwort verwalten","Manage master password...":"Master-Passwort verwalten...","Manage your plugins":"Erweiterungen verwalten","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"Verwaltet die E2EE-Konfiguration. Die Befehle lauten `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file` und `target-status`.","Manual":"Manuell","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + Front Matter","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markiert eine Aufgabe als erledigt.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markiert eine Aufgabe als nicht abgeschlossen.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Hauptschlüssel %s","Master password":"Master-Passwort","Master password:":"Master-Passwort:","Max concurrent connections":"Maximale Anzahl an gleichzeitigen Verbindungen","Missing keys":"Fehlende Schlüssel","Missing Master Keys":"Fehlende Hauptschlüssel","Missing required argument: %s":"Fehlendes erforderliches Argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobile Daten - Auto-Synchronisierung deaktiviert","More info":"Weitere Information","More information":"Weitere Informationen","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mehr als ein Element stimmt mit „%s“ überein. Bitte schränke deine Suche ein.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"%d Notizen in das Notizbuch „%s“ verschieben?","Move to notebook":"Verschiebe in das Notizbuch","Move to notebook...":"In Notizbuch verschieben ...","Move to notebook:":"Verschiebe in das Notizbuch:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Verschiebt die Notizen, die mit übereinstimmen, zu [notebook]","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Neue Notiz","New notebook":"Neues Notizbuch","New Notebook":"Neues Notizbuch","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Neues Notizbuch „%s“ wird erstellt und die Datei „%s“ wird dort hinein importiert","New sub-notebook":"Neues Unternotizbuch","New tags:":"Neue Schlagwörter:","New to-do":"Neue Aufgabe","New version: %s":"Neue Version: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-Passwort","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-Benutzername","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud-WebDAV-URL","no":"Nein","No":"Nein","No active notebook.":"Kein aktives Notizbuch.","No item with ID %s":"Kein Element mit ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Es wurde kein Notizbuch festgelegt.","No notebook selected.":"Kein Notizbuch ausgewählt.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Keine Notizen vorhanden. Erstelle eine, indem du auf „Neue Notiz“ klickst.","No resources!":"Keine Anhänge!","No results":"Keine Ergebnisse","No such command: %s":"Befehl nicht gefunden: %s","No suggestions":"Keine Vorschläge","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Kein Texteditor definiert. Bitte lege einen mit `config editor ` fest","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Keine Authentifizierung mit %s. Gib bitte alle fehlenden Zugangsdaten an.","Not downloaded":"Nicht heruntergeladen","Not generated":"Nicht erzeugt","note":"Notiz","Note":"Notiz","Note area growth factor":"Notiz-Flächenwachstumsfaktor","Note attachments":"Anhänge","Note attachments...":"Notiz-Anhänge ...","Note body":"Notiz-Text","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notiz „%s“ existiert nicht. Soll sie erstellt werden?","Note has been saved.":"Die Notiz wurde gespeichert.","Note History":"Notizenverlauf","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notiz ist keine Aufgabe: „%s“","Note list":"Notizliste","Note list growth factor":"Notiz-Listenwachstumsfaktor","Note properties":"Notiz-Eigenschaften","Note title":"Notiz-Titel","Note&book":"Notizbücher","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Hinweis: Funktioniert nicht in allen Desktopumgebungen.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Achtung: Wenn eine Notiz geteilt wird, wird sie auf dem Server nicht mehr verschlüsselt sein.","Notebook list growth factor":"Notizbuch-Listenwachstumsfaktor","Notebook title:":"Notizbuch-Titel:","Notebook: %s":"Notizbuch: %s","Notebooks":"Notizbücher","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notizbücher können nicht „%s“ genannt werden, da dies ein reservierter Titel ist.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notizen und Einstellungen werden gespeichert in: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notizen können nur in einem Notizbuch erstellt werden.","Numbered List":"Nummerierte Liste","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED dunkel","On %s: %s":"Auf %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Einer deiner Hauptschlüssel verwendet eine veraltete Verschlüsselungsmethode.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Ein oder mehrere Objekte sind derzeit verschlüsselt und es kann erforderlich sein, ein Master-Passwort zu hinterlegen. Gib dazu bitte `e2ee decrypt` ein. Wenn du das Passwort bereits eingegeben hast, werden die verschlüsselten Objekte im Hintergrund entschlüsselt und stehen in Kürze zur Verfügung.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Mindestens ein Hauptschlüssel benötigt ein Passwort.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive-Anmeldung","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Es kann jeweils nur eine Notiz gedruckt werden.","Open":"Öffnen","Open %s":"Öffne %s","Open profile directory":"Profilverzeichnis öffnen","Open Sync Wizard...":"Sync-Assistent öffnen...","Open...":"Öffnen ...","Operation cancelled":"Vorgang abgebrochen","Options":"Optionen","Or create an account.":"Oder erstelle ein Konto.","Output format: %s":"Ausgabeformat: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Seitenausrichtung für den PDF-Export","Page size for PDF export":"Seitengröße für den PDF-Export","Password":"Passwort","Password cannot be empty":"Passwort darf nicht leer sein","Password:":"Passwort:","Passwords do not match!":"Passwörter sind nicht identisch!","Paste":"Einfügen","Path:":"Pfad:","PDF File":"PDF-Datei","Permission needed":"Berechtigung benötigt","Permission to use camera":"Berechtigung zur Verwendung der Kamera","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"Klicke bitte auf \\"%s\\" um fortzufahren","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Bitte bestätige, dass du deine gesamte Datenbank neu verschlüsseln möchtest.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Bitte gib zuerst dein Passwort in der unten stehenden Liste der Hauptschlüssel ein, bevor du den Schlüssel aktualisierst.","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"Wenn das Notizbuch sehr groß ist, kann es ein paar Minuten dauern, bis alle Notizen auf dem Empfängergerät erscheinen.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Bitte öffne die folgende URL in deinem Browser, um die Anwendung zu authentifizieren. Die Anwendung erstellt ein Verzeichnis in „Apps/Joplin“ und kann nur Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis lesen und schreiben. Sie hat weder Zugriff auf Dateien außerhalb dieses Verzeichnisses noch auf andere persönliche Daten. Es werden keine Daten an Dritte weitergegeben.","Please select a notebook first.":"Bitte wähle erst ein Notizbuch aus.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Bitte wähle zuerst eine Notiz oder ein Notizbuch aus, das gelöscht werden soll.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Bitte wähle aus, wohin der Synchronisations-Status exportiert werden soll","Please specify import format for %s":"Bitte das Importformat für %s angeben","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Bitte wähle das Notizbuch, in das die Notizen importiert werden sollen.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Bitte aktualisiere Joplin, um diese Erweiterung zu nutzen","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Bitte warte, bis alle Anhänge heruntergeladen und entschlüsselt sind. Du kannst auch auf/zu %s wechseln, um die Notiz zu bearbeiten.","Please wait...":"Bitte warten ...","Plugin tools":"Erweiterungswerkzeuge","Plugins":"Erweiterungen","Portrait":"Hochformat","Possible keys/values:":"Mögliche Schlüssel/Werte:","Possible values: %s.":"Mögliche Werte: %s.","Preferences":"Einstellungen","Preferences...":"Einstellungen ...","Preferred dark theme":"Bevorzugtes dunkles Design","Preferred light theme":"Bevorzugtes helles Design","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Drücke Strg+D oder gebe „exit“ ein, um die Anwendung zu beenden","Press the shortcut":"Drücke die Tastenkombination","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Drücke die Tastenkombination und dann EINGABE. Oder drücke die RÜCKTASTE, um die Tastenkombination zu löschen.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Tippe hier, um das Entschlüsselungspasswort festzulegen.","Previous versions of this note":"Vorherige Version dieser Notiz","Print":"Drucken","Privacy Policy":"Datenschutzrichtlinie","Profile Version: %s":"Profil-Version: %s","Properties":"Eigenschaften","Public-private key pair:":"Öffentlich-Privates Schlüsselpaar:","Publish note...":"Notiz veröffentlichen...","Publish Notes":"Notizen veröffentlichen","Publish notes to the internet":"Notizen im Internet veröffentlichen","Quit":"Verlassen","Re-encrypt data":"Daten neu verschlüsseln","Re-encryption":"Neuverschlüsselung","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Lade lokale Daten erneut auf das Synchronisierungsziel hoch","Read more about it":"Mehr erfahren","Read time: %s min":"Lese-Zeit: %s Min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Empfänger hat die Einladung akzeptiert","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Empfänger hat die Einladung noch nicht akzeptiert","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Empfänger hat die Einladung abgewiesen","Recipients:":"Empfänger:","Redo":"Wiederholen","Refresh":"Neu laden","Reject":"Ablehnen","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Schlagwort „%s“ von allen Notizen entfernen?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Diese Suche von der Seitenleiste entfernen?","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename notebook:":"Notizbuch umbenennen:","Rename tag:":"Schlagwort umbenennen:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Benennt das angegebene (Notiz oder Notizbuch) zu um.","Renew token":"Token erneuern","Reset master password":"Master-Passwort zurücksetzen","Resources: %d.":"Anhänge: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Neustarten und aktualisieren","Restart now":"Jetzt neu starten","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restored Notes":"Wiederhergestellte Notizen","Retry":"Erneut versuchen","Retry All":"Erneut alle versuchen","Reveal file in folder":"Datei im Ordner anzeigen","Reverse sort order":"Sortierreihenfolge umkehren","Reverses the sorting order.":"Kehrt die Sortierreihenfolge um.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revision: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Führe Befehle aus der Textdatei aus. Jede Zeile darf nur einen Befehl enthalten.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Sicherer Modus aktiv. Notizdarstellung und alle Plugins werden vorübergehend deaktiviert.","Save":"Speichern","Save alarm":"Alarm speichern","Save as...":"Speichern unter ...","Save changes":"Änderungen speichern","Save geo-location with notes":"Momentanen Standort zusammen mit Notizen speichern","Search":"Suchen","Search for plugins...":"Suche nach Erweiterungen ...","Search in all the notes":"Alle Notizen durchsuchen","Search in current note":"Aktuelle Notiz durchsuchen","Search...":"Suchen ...","Search:":"Suchen:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Sucht in allen Notizen nach dem angegebenen .","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Weitere Informationen findest Du auf der Vorabversionsseite: %s","Select":"Auswählen","Select all":"Alles auswählen","Server is already running on port %d":"Server läuft bereits auf Port %d","Server is not running.":"Server läuft nicht.","Server is running on port %d":"Server läuft auf Port %d","Set alarm":"Alarm erstellen","Set alarm:":"Alarm erstellen:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"Setze sie auf 0, um den gesamten verfügbaren Platz zu verwenden. Die empfohlene Breite ist 600.","Set the password":"Gib das Passwort ein","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Setzt die Eigenschaft der gegebenen auf den gegebenen [Wert]. Mögliche Werte sind:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Teilen","Share Notebook":"Notizbuch teilen","Share notebook...":"Notizbuch teilen...","Sharing notebook...":"Notizbuch wird geteilt ...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Tastenkürzel sind im CLI-Modus nicht verfügbar.","Show Advanced Settings":"Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen","Show all":"Zeige alles","Show completed to-dos":"Abgeschlossene Aufgaben anzeigen","Show disabled keys":"Deaktivierte Schlüssel anzeigen","Show note counts":"Notizanzahl anzeigen","Show tray icon":"Taskleistensymbol anzeigen","Sidebar":"Seitenleiste","Size":"Größe","Skip this version":"Überspringe diese Version","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Übersprungene Objekte: %d (benutze --retry-failed-items um erneut eine Entschlüsselung zu versuchen)","Skipped: %d.":"Übersprungen: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarisiert dunkel","Solarised Light":"Solarisiert hell","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Einige Elemente können nicht entschlüsselt werden.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Einige Elemente können nicht synchronisiert werden.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Manche Einträge können nicht synchronisiert werden. Drücke um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.","Sort notebooks by":"Notizbücher sortieren nach","Sort notes by":"Sortiere Notizen nach","Sort selected lines":"Ausgewählte Zeilen bearbeiten","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sortiert das Element nach (z. B. Titel, Bearbeitungszeitpunkt, Erstellungszeitpunkt)","Source format: %s":"Quellformat: %s","Source: ":"Quelle: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Spezifiziere den Port, der vom API-Server verwendet werden soll. Wenn er nicht gesetzt ist, wird ein Standardwert verwendet.","Spell checker":"Rechtschreibprüfung","Split View":"Geteilte Ansicht","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Anwendung minimiert als Taskleistensymbol starten","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Starte, stoppe oder überprüfe den API-Server. Um anzugeben, auf welchem Port er laufen soll, setze die Konfigurationsvariable api.port. Die Befehle lauten (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Entschlüsselung wird gestartet ... Bitte warten, da dies je nach Umfang der zu entschlüsselnden Daten mehrere Minuten dauern kann.","Starting synchronisation...":"Synchronisation wird gestartet ...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Beginne die Notiz zu bearbeiten. Schließe das Textverarbeitungsprogramm, um zurück zum Terminal zu gelangen.","Statistics":"Statistik","Statistics...":"Statistik ...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Gestartet auf Port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Schritt 1: Clipper-Dienst aktivieren","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Schritt 1: Öffne diese URL im Browser, um die Anwendung zu autorisieren:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Schritt 2: Gib den von Dropbox bereitgestellten Code ein:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Schritt 2: Erweiterung installieren","Stop":"Stopp","Stop external editing":"Externe Bearbeitung stoppen","Strikethrough":"Durchstreichen","strong text":"fetter Text","Submit":"Absenden","Subscript":"Tiefgestellt","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Erfolgreich! Die Konfiguration der Synchronisation scheint korrekt zu sein.","Superscript":"Hochgestellt","Swap line down":"Zeile nach unten verschieben","Swap line up":"Zeile nach oben verschieben","Switch between note and to-do type":"Zwischen Notiz- und Aufgaben-Typ wechseln","Switch to note type":"Zu Notiz-Typ wechseln","Switch to to-do type":"Zu Aufgaben-Typ wechseln","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Wechselt zu [notebook] - alle weiteren Aktionen werden in diesem Notizbuch ausgeführt.","Sync Status":"Synchronisationsstatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synchronisationsstatus (synchronisierte Elemente / Elemente insgesamt)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Das Synchronisationsziel muss aktualisiert werden! Führe `%s` aus, um fortzufahren.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Synchronisationsziel-Aktualisierung","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Mit dem angegebenen Ziel synchronisieren (voreingestellt auf den Konfigurationswert)","Sync Version: %s":"Sync-Version: %s","Sync your notes":"Synchronisiere deine Notizen","Synchronisation":"Synchronisation","Synchronisation interval":"Synchronisationsintervall","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronisation wird bereits ausgeführt.","Synchronisation Status":"Synchronisations-Status","Synchronisation target":"Synchronisationsziel","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synchronisationsziel: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchronisieren","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Nur über WiFi-Verbindung synchronisieren","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchronisiert mit Remotespeicher.","Synchronising...":"Wird synchronisiert ...","Synchronizing...":"Wird synchronisiert ...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Verschlagwortet: %d.","Tags":"Schlagwörter","Take photo":"Foto aufnehmen","Text editor command":"Texteditor-Befehl","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Vielen Dank! Das Joplin Cloud-Konto ist nun eingerichtet und einsatzbereit.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Die App wird nun geschlossen. Bitte starte sie erneut, um den Vorgang abzuschließen.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Die Anwendung wurde autorisiert - du kannst diesen Browsertab nun schließen.","The application has been authorised!":"Die Anwendung wurde erfolgreich autorisiert!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Die Anwendung wurde erfolgreich autorisiert.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Die Anwendung muss neu gestartet werden, damit diese Änderungen wirksam werden.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Die Anhänge werden nicht mehr überwacht, wenn du zu einer anderen Notiz wechseln.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Der Befehl „%s“ ist nur im GUI-Modus verfügbar","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Das Standard-Administratorpasswort ist unsicher und wurde nicht geändert! [Jetzt ändern](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Die Standardverschlüsselungsmethode wurde in eine sicherere geändert und es wird empfohlen, sie auf deine Daten anzuwenden.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Die Standardverschlüsselungsmethode wurde geändert. Du solltest deine Daten erneut verschlüsseln.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Der Editor-Befehl (kann Kommandozeilenargumente enthalten), der zum Öffnen einer Notiz verwendet wird. Wenn keiner angegeben wird, wird versucht, den Standard-Editor automatisch zu erkennen.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Die Faktor-Eigenschaft legt fest, wie der Artikel wächst oder schrumpft, um dem verfügbaren Platz in seinem Container in Bezug auf die anderen Artikel zu entsprechen. Ein Element mit dem Faktor 2 benötigt also doppelt so viel Platz wie ein Element mit dem Faktor 1. Starte die App neu, um Änderungen zu sehen.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Die folgenden Anhänge werden auf Änderungen überwacht:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"Die folgenden Schlüssel verwenden einen veralteten Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus und es wird empfohlen, sie zu aktualisieren. Der aktualisierte Schlüssel wird deine Daten weiterhin wie gewohnt entschlüsseln und verschlüsseln können.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Die Joplin Handy-App unterstützt derzeit diese Art von Link nicht: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Das Joplin-Team hat dieses Plugin auf unsere Standards für Sicherheit und Leistung überprüft.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Die Schlüssel mit diesen IDs werden zur Verschlüsselung einiger deiner Objekte verwendet, die Anwendung hat jedoch derzeit keinen Zugriff darauf. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass sie irgendwann über die Synchronisation heruntergeladen werden.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Der Hauptschlüssel wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Die Hauptschlüssel mit diesen IDs werden zur Verschlüsselung einiger deiner Objekte verwendet, die Anwendung hat jedoch derzeit keinen Zugriff darauf. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass sie irgendwann über die Synchronisation heruntergeladen werden.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Die Notiz „%s“ wurde erfolgreich im Notizbuch „%s“ wiederhergestellt.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Dieses Notizbuch konnte nicht gespeichert werden: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Die Notizen wurden importiert: %s","The possible commands are:":"Die möglichen Befehle sind:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Der Empfänger konnte nicht von der Liste entfernt werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.\\n\\nDer Fehler war: \\"%s\\"","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Das Synchronisationsziel muss aktualisiert werden, bevor Joplin synchronisiert werden kann. Der Vorgang kann einige Minuten dauern, und die App muss neu gestartet werden. Um fortzufahren, klicke bitte auf den Link.","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"Das Synchronisationsziel muss aktualisiert werden! Klicke auf diesen Banner, um fortzufahren.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Das Schlagwort „%s“ existiert bereits. Bitte wähle einen anderen Namen.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Das Ziel, mit dem synchronisiert werden soll. Jedes Synchronisationsziel kann zusätzliche Parameter haben, die als `sync.NUM.NAME` (alle unten dokumentiert) bezeichnet werden.","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Der Web Clipper benötigt deine Genehmigung, um auf die Daten zuzugreifen.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Der Web-Clipper-Dienst ist aktiviert und auf Autostart eingestellt.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Der Web-Clipper-Dienst ist nicht aktiviert.","Theme":"Design","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Momentan existieren noch keine Notizen. Erstelle eine, indem du auf den (+)-Knopf drückst.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Momentan existieren noch keine Notizbücher. Erstelle eines, indem du auf „Neues Notizbuch“ klickst.","There is no data to export.":"Keine Daten für den Export vorhanden.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Es gab einen [Konflikt](%s) beim Anhang unten.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Es gab einen Fehler beim Herunterladen dieses Anhangs:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Beim Einrichten des Joplin Cloud-Kontos ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfe E-Mail und Passwort und versuche es erneut. Der Fehler war:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Diese Elemente verbleiben auf dem Gerät, werden aber nicht zum Synchronisationsziel hochgeladen. Um diese Elemente zu finden, entweder nach dem Titel oder der ID suchen (die oben in Klammern angezeigt wird).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Diese Erweiterungen erweitern den Markdown-Renderer um zusätzliche Funktionen. Bitte beachte, dass diese Funktionen zwar nützlich sein können, es sich dabei jedoch nicht um Standard-Markdown handelt und die meisten von ihnen daher nur in Joplin funktionieren. Außerdem sind einige von ihnen *inkompatibel* mit dem WYSIWYG-Editor. Wenn du eine Notiz, die eine dieser Erweiterungen verwendet, in diesem Editor öffnest, verlierst du die Formatierung der Erweiterung. Es ist unten angegeben, welche Erweiterungen mit dem WYSIWYG-Editor kompatibel sind oder nicht.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Dieser Anhang wurde noch nicht heruntergeladen oder entschlüsselt","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Dieser Anhang wurde nicht heruntergeladen oder noch nicht entschlüsselt.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Dieser Berechtigungstoken wird nur benötigt, um Drittanbieter-Anwendungen Zugriff auf Joplin zu gewähren.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Dies ist ein Werkzeug für Fortgeschrittene, um die Anhänge anzuzeigen, die mit deinen Notizen verknüpft sind. Bitte sei vorsichtig, wenn du einen davon löschst, da sie danach nicht wiederhergestellt werden können.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Diese Notiz hat keine Standort-Informationen.","This note has been modified:":"Diese Notiz wurde verändert:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Diese Notiz hat keinen Inhalt. Klicke auf „%s“, um den Editor zu aktivieren und die Notiz zu bearbeiten.","This note has no history":"Diese Notiz hat keinen Verlauf","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Dieser Rich Text Editor hat eine Reihe von Unzulänglichkeiten, die bei der Nutzung beachtet werden sollten.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Dieser Dienst erlaubt es der Browser-Erweiterung mit Joplin zu kommunizieren. Beim Aktivieren kann deine Firewall dich nach der Erlaubnis bitten, dass Joplin auf einem bestimmten Port mithören darf.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Dadurch kann Joplin im Hintergrund laufen. Es wird empfohlen, diese Einstellung zu aktivieren, damit deine Notizen ständig synchronisiert werden und somit die Anzahl der Konflikte reduziert wird.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Diese Aktion wird ein neues Fenster öffnen. Aktuelle Änderungen speichern?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"Das Notizbuch wird aus deiner Sammlung gelöscht und du wirst keinen Zugriff mehr darauf haben. Möchtest du fortfahren?","Time format":"Zeitformat","title":"Titel","Title":"Titel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Um Joplin die Synchronisation mit Dropbox zu ermöglichen, folge bitte den folgenden Schritten:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"Gib bitte das Master-Passwort unten ein um forzufahren.","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Um ein Schlagwort zu löschen, entferne es bei allen damit verbundenen Notizen.","To delete: %d":"Zu löschen: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Um den Befehlszeilen-Modus aufzurufen, drücke „:“","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Um den Befehlszeilen-Modus zu beenden, drücke ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Um die Notizen manuell zu sortieren, muss die Sortierreihenfolge auf „%s“ geändert werden (im Menü „%s“ > „%s“).","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Um die Konsole zu maximieren/minimieren, drücke „tc“.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Um von einem Bereich zu einem anderen zu wechseln, drücke Tab oder Umschalt+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Um die Entschlüsselung dieser Objekte nochmal zu versuchen, führe `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items` aus","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Um korrekt arbeiten zu können, benötigt die App die folgenden Berechtigungen. Bitte aktiviere diese in deinen Telefoneinstellungen, unter Apps > Joplin > Berechtigungen","to-do":"Aufgabe","Toggle comment":"Kommentar ein-/ausschalten","Toggle development tools":"Entwicklerwerkzeuge ein-/ausschalten","Toggle editor layout":"Editor-Layout umschalten","Toggle editors":"Editoren umschalten","Toggle external editing":"Externe Bearbeitung ein/ausschalten","Toggle note list":"Notiz-Liste ein-/ausschalten","Toggle safe mode":"Sicheren Modus ein-/ausschalten","Toggle sidebar":"Seitenleiste ein-/ausschalten","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert!","Tools":"Werkzeuge","Total: %d/%d":"Insgesamt: %d/%d","Try again":"Versuche es erneut","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Tippe `help [Befehl]`, um weitere Informationen über einen Befehl zu erhalten oder tippe `help all` für die vollständigen Hinweise zur Nutzung des Befehls.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Gib `joplin help` für Informationen zur Benutzung ein.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Gib den Titel einer Notiz oder einen Teil seines Inhalts ein, um dorthin zu springen. Oder gib # gefolgt von einem Schlagwort oder @ gefolgt vom Namen eines Notizbuchs ein. Oder gib : für eine Suche nach Kommandos ein.","Type new tags or select from list":"Neues Schlagwort eingeben oder aus der Liste auswählen","Type: %s.":"Typ: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Unvollständige Aufgaben oben","Undo":"Rückgängig","Unknown flag: %s":"Unbekanntes Argument: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Unbekannter Eintrags-Typ heruntergeladen - bitte aktualisiere Joplin","Unpublish note":"Veröffentlichung der Notiz aufheben","Unshare":"Nicht mehr teilen","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Teilen des Notizbuch beenden? Der Empfänger wird keinen Zugriff mehr auf den Inhalt haben.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nicht unterstütztes Fotoformat: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nicht unterstützter Link oder Nachricht: %s","Untitled":"Unbenannt","Update":"Aktualisieren","Updated":"Aktualisiert","updated date":"Aktualisierungsdatum","Updated local items: %d.":"Lokale Elemente aktualisiert: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Remote-Elemente aktualisiert: %d.","Updated: ":"Aktualisiert: ","Updated: %d.":"Aktualisiert: %d.","Updated: %s":"Aktualisiert: %s","Updating...":"Wird aktualisiert ...","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Aktualisiere das Synchronisationsziel auf die neueste Version.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Nutzung: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Verwende ausführliches Listenformat. Das Format ist ID, NOTIZEN_ANZAHL (für Notizbuch), DATUM, AUFGABE_BEARBEITET (für Aufgaben), TITEL","Use spell checker":"Rechtschreibprüfung verwenden","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Benutze die Pfeiltasten und Bild auf/ab, um durch Listen und Texte zu scrollen (inklusive dieser Konsole).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Verwende die Pfeile, um die Layoutelemente zu verschieben. Drücke zum Beenden „Escape“.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Verwende dies, um den Suchindex neu aufzubauen, wenn es ein Problem mit der Suche gibt. Dies kann je nach Anzahl der Notizen eine lange Zeit dauern.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Hauptsächlich für Text im Markdown-Editor verwendet. Falls nicht vorhanden wird eine generische Proportional-Schriftart (mit variabler Breite) verwendet.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Verwendete Schriftart mit fester Breite, um Text lesbar zu machen (z.B. in Tabellen, Kontrollkästchen, Code). Falls nicht vorhanden wird eine Monotype-Scrhiftart (mit fester Breite) verwendet.","Valid":"Gültig","View":"Ansicht","View on map":"Auf der Karte anzeigen","View them now":"Zeige sie jetzt an","Viewer":"Vorschau","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Warnung","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Warnung: Aus Leistungsgründen werden nicht alle Anhänge angezeigt (Obergrenze: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-Passwort","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-Benutzername","Website and documentation":"Webseite und Dokumentation","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Willkommen bei Joplin!\\n\\nTippe `:help shortcuts` für eine Liste der Shortcuts oder `:help` für Informationen zur Benutzung ein.\\n\\nUm zum Beispiel ein Notizbuch zu erstellen, drücke `mb`; um eine Notiz zu erstellen drücke `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Wenn eine neue Notiz erstellt wird:","When creating a new to-do:":"Wenn eine neue Aufgabe erstellt wird:","Words":"Wörter","y":"j","Y":"J","yes":"Ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Du bist dabei, ein großes Bild (%dx%d Pixel) anzuhängen. Möchtest du es vor dem Anhängen auf %d Pixel verkleinern?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Du hast momentan keine Notizbücher.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Es sind keine Erweiterungen installiert.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Du kannst auch `status` für weitere Informationen eingeben.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Du kannst das folgende Werkzeug verwenden, um deine Daten erneut zu verschlüsseln, falls einige deiner Notizen mit einer veralteten Verschlüsselungsmethode verschlüsselt sein sollten.","Your choice: ":"Deine Auswahl: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Deine Daten werden neu verschlüsselt und erneut synchronisiert.","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"Das Master-Passwort ist nötig um einige deiner Daten zu entschlüsseln.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Deine Zustimmung zur Verwendung deiner Kamera ist erforderlich.","Your version: %s":"Deine Version: %s","Zoom In":"Hineinzoomen","Zoom Out":"Herauszoomen"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"Το \\"%s\\" δεν διαθέτει την απαιτούμενη ιδιότητα \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d ημέρες","%d hour":"%d ώρα","%d hours":"%d ώρες","%d minutes":"%d΄λεπτά","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d σημειώσεις ταιριάζουν. Θέλετε να διαγραφούν;","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) δεν μπορούν να ανέβουν: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-release)","%s - Copy":"%s - Αντίγραφο","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d σημειώσεις","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Επεξεργασία","&File":"&Αρχείο","&Go":"&Μετάβαση","&Help":"&Βοήθεια","&Note":"&Σημείωση","&Tools":"&Εργαλεία","&View":"&Εμφάνιση","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Φωτογραφική μηχανή: για να μπορείτε να τραβήξετε μια φωτογραφία και να την προσαρτήσετε σε μια σημείωση.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Τοποθεσία: να επιτρέπεται η επισύναψη πληροφοριών γεωγραφικής θέσης σε μια σημείωση.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Αποθήκευση: για να επιτρέπεται η προσάρτηση αρχείων στις σημειώσεις και η ενεργοποίηση συγχρονισμού αρχείων συστήματος."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" μπορεί να είναι \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" ή \\"notetags\\" για προσθήκη ή αφαίρεση [ετικέτας] στη [σημείωση], για λίστα σημειώσεων με τη συγκεκριμένη [ετικέτα] ή για λίστα ετικετών της συγκεκριμένης [σημείωσης]. Η εντολή `tag list` μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να πάρετε λίστα με όλες τις ετικέτες (χρησιμοποιήστε το -l για μακρά επιλογή)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" μπορεί να είναι \\"toggle\\" ή \\"clear\\". Χρησιμοποιήστε το \\"toggle\\" για εναλλαγή κατάστασης του συγκεκριμένου to-do μεταξύ ολοκληρωμένου και μη-ολοκληρωμένου (εάν ο χρησιμοποιηθεί σε κανονική σημείωση, θα μετατραπεί σε to-do). Χρησιμοποιήστε το \\"clear\\" για να μετατρέψετε το to-do σε κανονική σημείωση.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Σχετικά με το Joplin","accelerator":"επιταχυντής","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Ο επιταχυντής \\"%s\\" δεν είναι έγκυρος.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Ο επιταχυντής \\"%s\\" χρησιμοποιείται για εντολές \\"%s\\" και \\"%s\\". Αυτό μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε απροσδόκητη συμπεριφορά.","Action":"Ενέργεια","Active":"Ενεργό","Actual Size":"Πραγματικό μέγεθος","Add body":"Προσθήκη σώματος κειμένου","Add or remove tags:":"Προσθήκη ή διαγραφή ετικετών:","Add title":"Προσθήκη τίτλου","Add to dictionary":"Add to dictionary","Advanced options":"Επιλογές για προχωρημένους","Advanced tools":"Προηγμένα εργαλεία","All notes":"Όλες οι σημειώσεις","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Όλες οι πιθανές θύρες χρησιμοποιούνται - αναφέρετε το ζήτημα στο %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Εμφανίζει επίσης μη ορισμένες και κρυφές μεταβλητές.","Always":"Πάντα","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Υπάρχει διαθέσιμη μια ενημέρωση, θέλετε να την κατεβάσετε τώρα;","Appearance":"Εμφάνιση","Application":"Εφαρμογή","Apply":"Εφαρμογή","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να ανανεώσετε το διακριτικό εξουσιοδότησης;","Arguments:":"Παράμετροι:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Επισύναψη αρχείου","Attach photo":"Επισυνάψτε μία φωτογραφία","Attach...":"Επισύναψη...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Προσθέτει το καθορισμένο αρχείο στη σημείωση.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Διένεξη συνημμένου: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Συμπεριφορά λήψης συνημμένων","Attachments":"Επισυναπτόμενα","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Συνημμένα που δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη τους","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Προσοχή: Αν αλλάξετε αυτή τη θέση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι αντιγράφετε όλο το περιεχόμενό σας πριν από το συγχρονισμό, διαφορετικά θα καταργηθούν όλα τα αρχεία! Δείτε τις συνήθεις ερωτήσεις για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Ο έλεγχος ταυτότητας δεν ολοκληρώθηκε (δεν παρελήφθει κανένα authentication token).","Authorisation token:":"Token εξουσιοδότησης:","Auto":"Αυτόματα","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Αυτόματη-σύζευξη αγκίστρων, παρενθέσεων, εισαγωγικών, κ.λπ.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Αυτόματη εναλλαγή θέματος ώστε να ταιριάζει με το θέμα συστήματος","Automatically update the application":"Αυτόματη ενημέρωση της εφαρμογής","Back":"Πίσω","Bold":"Έντονη γραφή","Browse all plugins":"Αναζήτηση όλων των plugin","Browse...":"Αναζήτηση...","Bulleted List":"Λίστα με κουκκίδες","Cancel":"Άκυρο","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Ακύρωση συγχρονισμού ... Παρακαλώ περιμένετε.","Cancelling...":"Ακύρωση...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Ακύρωση... Παρακαλώ περιμένετε.","Cannot access %s":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η αλλαγή κρυπτογραφημένου στοιχείου","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η αντιγραφή της σημείωσης στο σημειωματάριο \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η εύρεση του \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η προετοιμασία του συγχρονιστή.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η φόρτωση του \\"%s\\" module με μορφή \\"%s\\" και έξοδο \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η φόρτωση του module \\"%s\\" για τη μορφοποίηση σε \\"%s\\" και την εξαγωγή σε \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η μετακίνηση της σημείωσης στο σημειωματάριο \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η μετακίνηση του σημειωματάριου σε αυτήν τη θέση","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανανέωση του token: δεν υπάρχουν δεδομένα ελέγχου ταυτότητας. Η επανεκκίνηση του συγχρονισμού, μπορεί να διορθώσει το πρόβλημα.","Change application layout":"Αλλαγή διάταξης εφαρμογής","Change language":"Αλλαγή γλώσσας","Characters":"Χαρακτήρες","Characters excluding spaces":"Χαρακτήρες χωρίς τα κενά","Check for updates...":"Ελεγχος για ενημερώσεις...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Ελέγχος ρυθμίσεων συγχρονισμού","Checkbox":"Πλαίσιο ελέγχου","Checkbox list":"Λίστα πλαισίων ελέγχου","Checking... Please wait.":"Έλεγχος... Παρακαλώ περιμένετε.","Choose an option":"Διαλέξτε μία επιλογή","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Καθαρισμός","Clear alarm":"Διαγραφή ειδοποίησης","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Κάντε κλικ στο \\"%s\\" για να επαναφέρετε τη σημείωση. Θα αντιγραφεί στο σημειωματάριο που ονομάζεται \\"%s\\". Η τρέχουσα έκδοση της σημείωσης δεν αντικαθίσταται ή τροποποιείται.","Click to add tags...":"Κάντε κλικ για να προσθέσετε ετικέτες...","Client ID: %s":"Αναγνωριστικό προγράμματος-πελάτη: %s","Close":"Κλείσιμο","Close Window":"Κλείσιμο παραθύρου","Code":"Κώδικας","Code Block":"Μπλοκ Κώδικα","Code View":"Προβολή κώδικα","Coming alarms":"Προσεχείς ειδοποιήσεις","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Λίστα διαδρομών από φακέλους, διαχωρισμένων με κόμμα, για τη φόρτωση των πιστοποιητικών, ή διαδρομή των μεμονωμένων αρχείων πιστοποιητικών. Για παράδειγμα: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Σημειώστε ότι αν κάνετε αλλαγές στις ρυθμίσεις TLS, πρέπει να αποθηκεύσετε τις αλλαγές σας πριν κάνετε κλικ στο \\"Έλεγχος ρύθμισης παραμέτρων συγχρονισμού\\".","command":"εντολή","Command":"Εντολή","Command palette":"Παλέτα εντολών","Completed":"Ολοκληρώθηκε","Completed decryption.":"Η αποκρυπτογράφηση ολοκληρώθηκε.","Configuration":"Ρυθμίσεις","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Η επιβεβαίωση του κωδικού πρόσβασης δεν μπορεί να είναι κενή","Confirm password:":"Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού πρόσβασης:","Conflicted: %d":"Με διένεξη: %d","Conflicts":"Διενέξεις","Convert to note":"Μετατροπή σε σημείωση","Convert to todo":"Μετατροπή σε to-do","Copy":"Αντιγραφή","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Αντιγραφή dev mode εντολής στο πρόχειρο","Copy Link Address":"Αντιγραφή διεύθυνσης σύνδεσης","Copy Markdown link":"Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Αντιγραφή διαδρομής στο πρόχειρο","Copy Shareable Link":"Αντιγραφή Συνδέσμου Κοινοποίησης","Copy token":"Αντιγραφή token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εξουσιοδότηση της εφαρμογής:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nΠαρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η σύνδεση με το διακομιστή Joplin. Ελέγξτε τις επιλογές συγχρονισμού στην οθόνη ρύθμισης παραμέτρων. Το πλήρες σφάλμα ήταν:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εξαγωγή σημειώσεων: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εγκατάσταση του plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αναβάθμιση του master κλειδιού: %s","Create a notebook":"Δημιουργία σημειωματάριου","Created":"Δημιουργήθηκε","created date":"ημερομηνία δημιουργίας","Created local items: %d.":"Δημιουργημένα τοπικά στοιχεία: %d.","Created locally":"Δημιουργήθηκε τοπικά","Created remote items: %d.":"Δημιουργημένα απομακρυσμένα στοιχεία: %d.","Created: %d.":"Δημιουργήθηκε: %d.","Created: %s":"Δημιουργήθηκε: %s","Creates a new note.":"Δημιουργεί μία νέα σημείωση.","Creates a new notebook.":"Δημιουργεί ένα νέο σημειωματάριο.","Creates a new to-do.":"Δημιουργεί ένα νέο to-do.","Creating new %s...":"Δημιουργία νεου %s...","Creating report...":"Δημιουργία αναφοράς...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Η τρέχουσα έκδοση είναι ενημερωμένη.","custom order":"προσαρμοσμένη σειρά","Custom order":"Προσαρμοσμένη σειρά","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Προσαρμοσμένο stylesheet για όλες τις εφαρμογές Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Προσαρμοσμένο stylesheet για rendered Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Custom πιστοποιητικά TLS","Cut":"Αποκοπή","Dark":"Dark","Database v%s":"Βάση Δεδομένων v%s","Date format":"Μορφή ημερομηνίας","days":"ημέρες","Decrypted items: %d":"Αποκρυπτογραφημένα στοιχεία: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Αποκρυπτογραφημένα στοιχεία: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Αποκρυπτογράφηση αντικειμένων: %d/%d","Default":"Προεπιλογή","Default: %s":"Προεπιλογή: %s","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Διαγραφή συνημμένου \\"%s\\";","Delete line":"Διαγραφή γραμμής","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Διαγραφή τοπικών δεδομένων και εκ νέου λήψη από τον προορισμό","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Διαγραφή σημείωσης \\"%s\\";","Delete note?":"Να διαγραφεί η σημείωση;","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Διαγραφή σημειωματάριου \\"%s\\";\\n\\nΌλες οι σημειώσεις και τα υπο-σημειωματάρια που περιέχει θα διαγραφούν επίσης.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Διαγραφή σημειωματάριου; Όλες οι σημειώσεις και τα υπο-σημειωματάρια θα διαγραφούν επίσης.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Διαγραφή plugin \\"%s\\";","Delete these %d notes?":"Διαγραφή των σημειώσεων %d;","Deleted local items: %d.":"Διαγραμμένα τοπικά στοιχεία: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Διαγραμμένα απομακρυσμένα στοιχεία: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Διαγράφει το καθορισμένο σημειωματάριο.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Διαγράφει το σημειωματάριο χωρίς να ζητηθεί επιβεβαίωση.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Διαγράφει τις σημειώσεις .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Διαγράφει τις σημειώσεις χωρίς να ζητηθεί επιβεβαίωση.","Destination format: %s":"Μορφή προορισμού: %s","Directory":"Φάκελος","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Φάκελος για συγχρονισμό (absolute path)","Disable encryption":"Απενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης","Disable safe mode and restart":"Απενεργοποίηση ασφαλούς λειτουργίας και επανεκκίνηση","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Απενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας Web Clipper","Disabled":"Απενεργοποιημένη","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Αν απενεργοποιήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση *όλες* οι σημειώσεις και τα συνημμένα σας πρόκειται να επανασυγχρονιστούν και να σταλούν χωρίς κρυπτογράφηση στον προορισμό συγχρονισμού. Θέλετε να συνεχίσετε;","Discard changes":"Απόρριψη αλλαγών","Dismiss":"Κλείσιμο","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Εμφανίζει τη διεύθυνση URL της γεωγραφικής θέσης για τη σημείωση.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Εμφανίζει μόνο τις πρώτες σημειώσεις.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Εμφανίζει μόνο τα στοιχεία του συγκεκριμένου τύπου. Μπορεί να είναι `n` για σημειώσεις, `t` για to-dos ή `nt` για σημειώσεις και to-dos (π.χ. `-tt` θα εμφανίζει μόνο τα to-dos, ενώ το `-tnt` και σημειώσεις και to-dos.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Εμφανίζει περίληψη για τις σημειώσεις και τα σημειωματάρια.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Εμφανίζει όλες τις πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη σημείωση.","Displays the given note.":"Εμφανίζει τη καθορισμένη σημείωση.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Εμφανίζει τις σημειώσεις στο τρέχον σημειωματάριο. Χρησιμοποιήστε το `ls /` για να εμφανίσετε τη λίστα των σημειωματάριων.","Displays usage information.":"Εμφανίζει πληροφορίες χρήσης.","Displays version information":"Εμφανίζει πληροφορίες έκδοσης","Do it now":"Κάνε το τώρα","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Χωρίς να ζητείται επιβεβαίωση.","Download":"Λήψη","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Κάντε λήψη και εγκατάσταση της αντίστοιχης επέκτασης για το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας:","Downloaded":"Έχουν ληφθεί","Downloaded and decrypted":"Μεταφορτωμένα και αποκρυπτογραφημένα","Downloaded and encrypted":"Μεταφορτωμένα και κρυπτογραφημένα","Downloading":"Λήψη","Downloading resources...":"Λήψη πόρων..","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Απόθεση σημειώσεων ή αρχείων εδώ","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Σύνδεση Dropbox","Duplicate":"Δημιουργία αντιγράφου","Duplicate line":"Διπλασιασμός γραμμής","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Αντιγράφει τις σημειώσεις που ταιριάζουν με τη στο [σημειωματάριο]. Εάν δεν έχει οριστεί κανένα σημειωματάριο, η σημείωση αντιγράφεται στον τρέχον.","Edit":"Επεξεργασία","Edit in external editor":"Επεξεργασία σε εξωτερικό editor","Edit note.":"Eπεξεργασία σημείωσης.","Edit notebook":"Επεξεργασία σημειωματάριου","Editor":"Επεξεργασία","Editor font":"Γραμματοσειρά editor","Editor font family":"Οικογένεια γραμματοσειράς editor","Editor font size":"Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς editor","Editor monospace font family":"Οικογένεια μονοδιαστημικών γραμματοσειρών επεξεργαστή","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Είτε \\"text\\" ή \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"κείμενο με έμφαση","Enable":"Ενεργό","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση ++insert++ syntax","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση ==mark== syntax","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση ^sup^ syntax","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση abbreviation syntax","Enable audio player":"Ενεργοποίηση προγράμματος αναπαραγωγής ήχου","Enable deflist syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση deflist syntax","Enable encryption":"Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης","Enable footnotes":"Ενεργοποίηση footnotes","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης Fountain syntax","Enable Linkify":"Ενεργοποίηση Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Ενεργοποίηση markdown emoji","Enable math expressions":"Ενεργοποίηση math expressions","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης διαγραμμάτων Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Ενεργοποίηση επέκτασης multimarkdown table","Enable note history":"Ενεργοποίηση ιστορικού σημειώσεων","Enable PDF viewer":"Ενεργοποίηση προβολής PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Ενεργοποίηση soft breaks","Enable table of contents extension":"Ενεργοποίηση επέκτασης table of contents","Enable typographer support":"Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης typographer","Enable video player":"Ενεργοποίηση προγράμματος αναπαραγωγής βίντεο","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Ενεργοποίηση ~sub~ syntax","Enabled":"Ενεργοποιημένη","Encrypted":"Κρυπτογραφημένο","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η τροποποίηση κρυπτογραφημένων στοιχείων","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Τα κρυπτογραφημένα σημειωματάρια δεν μπορούν να μετονομαστούν","Encryption":"Κρυπτογράφηση","Encryption Config":"Ρυθμίσεις κρυπτογράφησης","Encryption is: %s":"Η κρυπτογράφηση είναι: %s","Enter code here":"Βάλτε τον κωδικό εδώ","Enter master password:":"Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης:","Enter notebook title":"Δώστε τον τίτλο του σημειωματάριου","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Σφάλμα","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Σφάλμα κατά το άνοιγμα της σημείωσης στον editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Σφάλμα. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε ότι η διεύθυνση URL, το όνομα, ο κωδικός, κλπ είναι σωστά και ότι το προορισμός συγχρονισμού είναι προσπελάσιμος. Το σφάλμα ήταν:","Error: %s":"Σφάλμα: %s","Errors only":"Μόνο σφάλματα","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Αρχείο εξαγωγής Evernote (σαν HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Αρχείο εξαγωγής Evernote (σαν Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Βγαίνει από την εφαρμογή.","Export":"Εξαγωγή","Export all":"Εξαγωγή όλων","Export debug report":"Εξαγωγή Debug report","Export Debug Report":"Εξαγωγή Aναφοράς Debug","Export profile":"Εξαγωγή προφίλ","Exporting profile...":"Γίνεται εξαγωγή προφίλ...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Γίνεται εξαγωγή στο \\"%s\\" με μορφή \\"%s\\". Παρακαλώ περιμένετε...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Εξάγει τα δεδομένα του Joplin στη καθορισμένη διαδρομή. Από προεπιλογή, θα εξάγει την πλήρη βάση δεδομένων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των σημειωματάριων, των σημειώσεων, των ετικετών και των πόρων.","Exports only the given note.":"Εξάγει μόνο την καθορισμένη σημείωση.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Εξάγει μόνο το καθορισμένο σημειωματάριο.","Fail-safe":"Ασφαλής","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Ασφάλεια: Mην διαγράφετε τα τοπικά δεδομένα όταν ο προορισμός συγχρονισμού είναι κενός (συχνά το αποτέλεσμα μιας εσφαλμένης ρύθμισης παραμέτρων ή ενός σφάλματος)","Fatal error:":"Ανεπανόρθωτο σφάλμα:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Ληφθέντα στοιχεία: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Λήψη πόρων: %d/%d","File":"Αρχείο","File system":"File system","Firefox Extension":"Επέκταση Firefox","Fix search index":"Διόρθωση ευρετηρίων αναζήτησης","Fixing search index...":"Διόρθωση ευρετηρίων αναζήτησης...","Focus":"Εστίαση σε","Focus body":"Eστίαση στο σώμα","Focus title":"Eστίαση στον τίτλο","Folders":"Φάκελοι","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Για τον εντοπισμό σφαλμάτων και μόνο: εξαγάγετε το προφίλ σας σε μια εξωτερική κάρτα SD.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο προσαρμογής των συντομεύσεων, επισκεφτείτε το %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την κρυπτογράφηση End-To-End (E2EE) και συμβουλές σχετικά με τον τρόπο ενεργοποίησής της, ελέγξτε το εγχειρίδιο:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Για τη λίστα των συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου και των ρυθμίσεων, πληκτρολογήστε `help keymap`","Forward":"Μπροστά","Found: %d.":"Βρέθηκε: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS ενεργοποιημένο: %d","Full changelog":"Πλήρες αρχείο αλλαγών","General":"Γενικά","Generating link...":"Δημιουργία συνδέσμου...","Get it now:":"Λήψη τώρα:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Λήψη προεκδόσεων κατά τον έλεγχο για ενημερώσεις","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Αποκτά ή ορίζει την τιμή μιας παραμέτρου. Αν δεν υπάρχει [τιμή], θα εμφανιστεί το [όνομα]. Εάν δεν υπάρχει ούτε [όνομα] ούτε [τιμή], θα εμφανιστεί η τρέχουσα παράμετρος.","Go to source URL":"Μεταβείτε στη διεύθυνση URL προέλευσης","Goto Anything...":"Γρήγορη Μετακίνηση...","Heading":"Επικεφαλίδα","Help":"Βοήθεια","Hide %s":"Απόκρυψη %s","Hide Joplin":"Κρύψε το Joplin","Highlight":"Επισήμανση","Horizontal Rule":"Οριζόντια Διαγράμμιση","HTML Directory":"Φάκελος HTML","HTML File":"Αρχείο HTML","Hyperlink":"Υπερσύνδεση","Icon":"Εικονίδιο","ID":"ID","Idle":"Αδρανής","Ignore":"Παράβλεψη","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Παράβλεψη σφαλμάτων πιστοποιητικού TLS","Import":"Εισαγωγή","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Εισαγωγή από \\"%s\\" σε μορφή \\"%s\\". Παρακαλώ περιμένετε...","Importing notes...":"Εισαγωγή σημειώσεων...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Εισάγει δεδομένα στο Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"Στη \\"Χειροκίνητη\\" λειτουργία, τα συνημμένα λαμβάνονται μόνο όταν κάνετε κλικ σε αυτά. Στην \\"Αυτόματη\\" λειτουργία, λαμβάνονται όταν ανοίγετε τη σημείωση. Στην λειτουργία \\"Πάντα\\", όλα τα συνημμένα λαμβάνονται είτε ανοίγετε τη σημείωση είτε όχι.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Σε οποιαδήποτε εντολή, μπορείτε να αναφέρετε μια σημείωση ή ένα σημειωματάριο με τον τίτλο ή το αναγνωριστικό (ID), ή χρησιμοποιώντας τις συντομεύσεις `$n` ή `$b` αντίστοιχα. Η `$c` μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να το τρέχον επιλεγμένο στοιχείο.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Για να συσχετίσετε μια γεωγραφική τοποθεσία με τη σημείωση, η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται την άδειά σας για να αποκτήσει πρόσβαση στην τοποθεσία σας.\\n\\nΜπορείτε να απενεργοποιήσετε αυτήν την επιλογή ανά πάσα στιγμή στην οθόνη Ρύθμιση παραμέτρων.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Για να το κάνετε αυτό, ολόκληρο το σύνολο δεδομένων σας θα πρέπει να κρυπτογραφηθεί και να συγχρονιστεί, επομένως είναι καλύτερο να το εκτελέσετε κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας.\\n\\nΓια να ξεκινήσετε, ακολουθήστε τις παρακάτω οδηγίες:\\n\\n1. Συγχρονίστε όλες τις συσκευές σας.\\n2. Κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί \\"%s\\".\\n3. Αφήστε το να τρέξει μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί. Κατά την εκτέλεσή του, αποφύγετε να αλλάξετε οποιαδήποτε σημείωση στις άλλες συσκευές σας, για να αποφύγετε διενέξεις.\\n4. Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί ο συγχρονισμός σε αυτήν τη συσκευή, συγχρονίστε όλες τις άλλες συσκευές σας και αφήστε τον συγχρονισμό να ολοκληρωθεί.\\n\\nΣημαντικό: χρειάζεται να τρέξει ΜΟΝΟ μία φορά σε μια συσκευή.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το συγχρονισμό του συστήματος αρχείων απαιτείται η άδειά σας για εγγραφή στον εξωτερικό χώρο αποθήκευσης.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το web clipper, πρέπει να κάνετε τα εξής:","In progress":"Σε εξέλιξη","In: %s":"Στο: %s","Indent less":"Μείωση εσοχής","Indent more":"Αύξηση εσοχής","Information":"Πληροφορίες","Inline Code":"Ενσωματωμένος κώδικας","Insert":"Εισαγωγή","Insert Date Time":"Εισαγωγή Ημερομηνίας Ώρας","Insert Hyperlink":"Εισαγωγή υπερσύνδεσης","Install":"Εγκατάσταση","Install from file":"Εγκατάσταση από αρχείο","Installed":"Εγκαταστάθηκε","Installing...":"Εγκατάσταση...","Invalid":"Μη έγκυρo","Invalid %s: %s.":"Μη έγκυρo %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Μη έγκυρη απάντηση: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ακυρη εντολή: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Άκυρη τιμή: \\" %s\\". Οι πιθανές τιμές είναι: %s.","Italic":"Πλάγια γραφή","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Το στοιχείο \\"%s\\" δεν μπορεί να κατέβει: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Στοιχεία που δεν μπορούν αποκρυπτογραφηθούν","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Στοιχεία που δεν μπορούν να συγχρονιστούν","Joplin Export Directory":"Φάκελος εξαγωγής Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Αρχείο εξαγωγής Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Το Joplin απέτυχε να αποκρυπτογραφήσει αυτά τα στοιχεία πολλές φορές, πιθανώς επειδή είναι αλλοιωμένα ή πολύ μεγάλα. Αυτά τα στοιχεία θα παραμείνουν στη συσκευή, αλλά το Joplin δεν θα προσπαθήσει πλέον να τα αποκρυπτογραφήσει.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin φόρουμ","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server password","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Το Joplin Web Clipper επιτρέπει την αποθήκευση ιστοσελίδων και screenshots από το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης στο Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin website","Keep note history for":"Διατήρηση ιστορικού σημειώσεων για","Keyboard Mode":"Λειτουργία πληκτρολογίου","Keyboard Shortcut":"Συντόμευση πληκτρολογίου","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου","Keychain Supported: %s":"Υποστηριζόμενη κλειδοθήκη: %s","Landscape":"Οριζόντια","Language":"Γλώσσα","Last error: %s":"Τελευταίο σφάλμα: %s","Later":"Αργότερα","Layout":"Διάταξη","Layout button sequence":"Ακολουθία κουμπιών διάταξης","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Light","Lines":"Γραμμές","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Ο σύνδεσμος έχει αντιγραφεί στο πρόχειρο!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Σύνδεσμοι με πρωτόκολλο \\"%s\\" δεν υποστηρίζονται","List item":"Στοιχείο λίστας","Location":"Τοποθεσία","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Το αρχείο κλειδώματος έχει ήδη δημιουργηθεί. Αν γνωρίζετε ότι δεν πραγματοποιείται συγχρονισμός, μπορείτε να διαγράψετε το αρχείο κλειδώματος στο \\"%s\\" και να συνεχίσετε τη λειτουργία.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Είσοδος με Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Είσοδος με Onedrive","Make a donation":"Κάντε μια δωρεά","Manage your plugins":"Διαχείριση των επεκτάσεων","Manual":"Χειροκίνητα","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Επισημαίνει μία σημείωση to-do ως ολοκληρωμένη.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Σήμανση ενός to-do σε μη-ολοκληρωμένο.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Κύριο Κλειδί %s","Max concurrent connections":"Μέγιστος αριθμός ταυτόχρονων συνδέσεων","Missing Master Keys":"Απουσία κυρίως κλειδιών","Missing required argument: %s":"Λείπει το απαιτούμενο όρισμα: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Δεδομένα κινητής τηλεφωνίας - ο αυτόματος συγχρονισμός απενεργοποιήθηκε","More info":"Περισσότερες πληροφορίες","More information":"Περισσότερες πληροφορίες","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Περισσότερα από ένα στοιχεία ταιριάζουν με το \\"%s\\". Παρακαλώ περιορίστε το ερώτημά σας.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Μετακίνηση %d σημειώσεων στο σημειωματάριο \\"%s\\";","Move to notebook":"Μετακίνηση στο σημειωματάριο","Move to notebook...":"Μετακίνηση στο σημειωματάριο...","Move to notebook:":"Μετακίνηση στο σημειωματάριο:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Μετακινεί τις σημειώσεις που περιέχουν στο [σημειωματάριο]","n":"ο","N":"Ο","New note":"Νέα σημείωση","New notebook":"Νέο σημειωματάριο","New Notebook":"Νέο σημειωματάριο","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Θα δημιουργηθεί νέο σημειωματάριο \\"% s\\" και θα εισαχθεί το αρχείο \\"% s\\"","New sub-notebook":"Νέο υπο-σημειωματάριο","New tags:":"Νέες ετικέτες:","New to-do":"Νέο to-do","New version: %s":"Νέα έκδοση: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud password","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud username","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"όχι","No":"Όχι","No active notebook.":"Δεν υπάρχει ενεργό σημειωματάριο.","No item with ID %s":"Δεν υπάρχει στοιχείο με αναγνωριστικό %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Κανένα σημειωματάριο δεν έχει καθοριστεί.","No notebook selected.":"Κανένα σημειωματάριο δεν έχει επιλεχθεί.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Δεν υπάρχουν σημειώσεις εδώ μέσα. Δημιουργήστε μία πατώντας στο \\"Νέα σημείωση\\".","No resources!":"Χωρίς πόρους!","No results":"Χωρίς αποτελέσματα","No such command: %s":"Δεν υπάρχει τέτοια εντολή: %s","No suggestions":"Χωρίς προτάσεις","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Δεν έχει οριστεί πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας κειμένου. Παρακαλώ ορίστε το χρησιμοποιώντας `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Δεν έγινε επαλήθευση με το %s. Παρακαλώ καταχωρίστε τα διαπιστευτήρια που λείπουν.","Not downloaded":"Δεν έγινε λήψη","note":"σημείωση","Note":"Σημείωση","Note area growth factor":"Συντελεστής ανάπτυξης περιοχής σημειώσεων","Note attachments":"Επισυναπτόμενα σημειώσεων","Note attachments...":"Επισυναπτόμενα...","Note body":"Σώμα σημειώσεων","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Δεν υπάρχει η σημείωση : \\"%s\\". Να δημιουργηθεί;","Note has been saved.":"Η σημείωση έχει αποθηκευτεί.","Note History":"Ιστορικό Σημειώσεων","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Η σημείωση δεν είναι to-do: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Λίστα σημειώσεων","Note list growth factor":"Συντελεστής ανάπτυξης λίστας σημειώσεων","Note properties":"Ιδιότητες σημείωσης","Note title":"Τίτλος σημειωματάριου","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Σημείωση: Δεν λειτουργεί σε όλα τα γραφικά περιβάλλοντα.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Σημείωση: Όταν μια σημείωση είναι κοινόχρηστη, δεν θα κρυπτογραφείται πλέον στο διακομιστή.","Notebook list growth factor":"Συντελεστής ανάπτυξης λίστας σημειωματάριων","Notebook title:":"Τίτλος σημειωματάριου:","Notebook: %s":"Σημειωματάριο: %s","Notebooks":"Σημειωματάρια","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Τα σημειωματάρια δεν μπορούν να ονομαστούν \\"%s\\", που είναι δεσμευμένος τίτλος.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Οι σημειώσεις και οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύονται στο: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Σημειώσεις μπορούν να δημιουργηθούν μόνο μέσα σε σημειωματάριο.","Numbered List":"Αριθμημένη λίστα","OK":"Εντάξει","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"Στο %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Ένα από τα κύρια κλειδιά σας χρησιμοποιεί μια παλιά μέθοδο κρυπτογράφησης.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Ένα ή περισσότερα στοιχεία είναι κρυπτογραφημένα και ίσως χρειαστεί να δώσετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης. Για να το κάνετε αυτό, πληκτρολογήστε `e2ee decrypt`. Αν έχετε ήδη δώσει τον κωδικό πρόσβασης, τα κρυπτογραφημένα στοιχεία αποκρυπτογραφούνται στο παρασκήνιο και θα είναι σύντομα διαθέσιμα.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Ένα ή περισσότερα κύρια κλειδιά χρειάζονται έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Σύνδεση OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Μόνο μία σημείωση τη φορά μπορεί να εκτυπωθεί.","Open":"Άνοιγμα","Open %s":"Άνοιγμα %s","Open profile directory":"Άνοιγμα φακέλου προφίλ","Open...":"Άνοιγμα...","Operation cancelled":"Η λειτουργία ακυρώθηκε","Options":"Επιλογές","Output format: %s":"Μορφή εξόδου: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Προσανατολισμός σελίδας για εξαγωγή PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Μέγεθος σελίδας για εξαγωγή PDF","Password":"Κωδικός","Password cannot be empty":"Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης δεν μπορεί να είναι κενός","Password:":"Κωδικός:","Passwords do not match!":"Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης δεν μπορεί να είναι κενός!","Paste":"Επικόλληση","Path:":"Διαδρομή:","PDF File":"Αρχείο PDF","Permission needed":"Απαιτείται άδεια","Permission to use camera":"Άδεια χρήσης κάμερας","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Επιβεβαιώστε ότι θέλετε να ξανακρυπτογραφήσετε την πλήρη βάση δεδομένων σας.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Εισαγάγετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στη λίστα του master κλειδιού πριν αναβαθμίσετε το κλειδί.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Παρακαλώ ανοίξτε την ακόλουθη διεύθυνση URL στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας για να πιστοποιήσετε την εφαρμογή. Η εφαρμογή θα δημιουργήσει έναν φάκελο στο \\"Apps / Joplin\\" και θα διαβάζει και θα γράφει μόνο αρχεία σε αυτόν. Δεν θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αρχεία εκτός αυτού του φακέλου ούτε σε άλλα προσωπικά δεδομένα. Δεν πρόκειται να κοινοποιηθούν δεδομένα σε τρίτους.","Please select a notebook first.":"Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πρώτα σημειωματάριο.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Παρακαλώ πρώτα επιλέξτε τη σημείωση ή το σημειωματάριο που θέλετε να διαγραφτεί.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Επιλέξτε την τοποθεσία στην οποία θα εξαχθεί η κατάσταση του συγχρονισμού","Please specify import format for %s":"Παρακαλώ καθορίστε τη μορφή εισαγωγής για το %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Προσδιορίστε το σημειωματάριο στο οποίο πρέπει να εισαχθούν οι σημειώσεις.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Παρακαλώ αναβαθμίστε το Joplin για να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτό το plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε να γίνει λήψη και αποκρυπτογράφηση όλων των συνημμένων. Μπορείτε επίσης να μεταβείτε στο %s για να επεξεργαστείτε τη σημείωση.","Please wait...":"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε...","Plugin tools":"Πρόσθετα εργαλεία","Plugins":"Πρόσθετα","Portrait":"Κάθετη","Possible keys/values:":"Πιθανά πλήκτρα / τιμές:","Possible values: %s.":"Πιθανές τιμές: %s.","Preferences":"Προτιμήσεις","Preferences...":"Προτιμήσεις...","Preferred dark theme":"Προτιμώμενο σκοτεινό θέμα","Preferred light theme":"Προτιμώμενο φωτεινό θέμα","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Πατήστε Ctrl+D ή πληκτρολογήστε \\"exit\\" για να βγείτε από την εφαρμογή","Press the shortcut":"Πατήστε τη συντόμευση","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Πατήστε τη συντόμευση και, στη συνέχεια, πατήστε το πλήκτρο ENTER. Εναλλακτικά, πατήστε το πλήκτρο BACKSPACE για να καταργήσετε τη συντόμευση.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Πατήστε για να ορίσετε τον κωδικό αποκρυπτογράφησης.","Previous versions of this note":"Προηγούμενες εκδόσεις αυτής της σημείωσης","Print":"Εκτύπωση","Privacy Policy":"Πολιτική Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων","Profile Version: %s":"Έκδοση προφίλ: %s","Properties":"Ιδιότητες","Quit":"Έξοδος","Re-encrypt data":"Επανακρυπτογράφηση δεδομένων","Re-encryption":"Επανα-κρυπτογράφηση","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Εκ νέου αποστολή τοπικών δεδομένων στον προορισμό για συγχρονισμό","Read more about it":"Διαβάστε περισσότερα σχετικά με αυτό","Read time: %s min":"Χρόνος ανάγνωσης: %s min","Redo":"Επανάληψη","Refresh":"Ανανέωση","Remove":"Κατάργηση","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Κατάργηση της ετικέτας \\"%s\\" από όλες τις σημειώσεις;","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Κατάργηση αυτής της αναζήτησης από την πλευρική μπάρα;","Rename":"Μετονομασία","Rename notebook:":"Μετονομασία σημειωματάριου:","Rename tag:":"Μετονομασία ετικέτας:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Μετονομάζει το καθορισμένο (σημείωση ή σημειωματάριο) στο .","Renew token":"Ανανέωση token","Resources: %d.":"Πόροι: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Επανεκκίνηση και αναβάθμιση","Restart now":"Επανεκίνηση τώρα","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Restored Notes":"Ανακτημένες σημειώσεις","Retry":"Δοκιμή ξανά","Retry All":"Δοκιμή ξανά για Όλα","Reveal file in folder":"Αποκάλυψη αρχείου στο φάκελο","Reverse sort order":"Αντίστροφη σειρά ταξινόμησης","Reverses the sorting order.":"Αντιστρέφει τη σειρά ταξινόμησης.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Αναθεώρηση: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Εκτελεί τις εντολές που περιέχονται στο αρχείο κειμένου. Θα πρέπει να υπάρχει μία εντολή ανά γραμμή.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Η ασφαλής λειτουργία είναι ενεργή αυτήν τη στιγμή. Σημειώστε ότι η απόδοση και όλα τα πρόσθετα απενεργοποιούνται προσωρινά.","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Save alarm":"Αποθήκευση ειδοποίησης","Save as...":"Αποθήκευση ως...","Save changes":"Αποθήκευση αλλαγών","Save geo-location with notes":"Αποθήκευση της γεωγραφικής τοποθεσίας μαζί με της σημειώσεις","Search":"Εύρεση","Search for plugins...":"Αναζήτηση για plugins...","Search in all the notes":"Αναζήτηση σε όλες τις σημειώσεις","Search in current note":"Αναζήτηση στην τρέχουσα σημείωση","Search...":"Αναζήτηση...","Search:":"Εύρεση:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Αναζητά το καθορισμένο σε όλες τις σημειώσεις.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Δείτε τη σελίδα προέκδοσης για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες: %s","Select all":"Επιλογή όλων","Server is already running on port %d":"Ο διακομιστής εκτελείται ήδη στη θύρα %d","Server is not running.":"Ο διακομιστής δεν εκτελείται.","Server is running on port %d":"Ο διακομιστής εκτελείται στη θύρα %d","Set alarm":"Ορισμός υπενθύμισης","Set alarm:":"Ορισμός ειδοποίησης:","Set the password":"Ορισμός κωδικού πρόσβασης","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Ορίζει την ιδιότητα του καθορισμένου στην καθορισμένη [τιμή]. Πιθανές ιδιότητες είναι:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Κοινοποίηση","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Οι συντομεύσεις δεν είναι διαθέσιμες στη λειτουργία CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Εμφάνιση επιλογών για προχωρημένους","Show all":"Εμφάνιση όλων","Show completed to-dos":"Εμφάνιση ολοκληρωμένων to-dos","Show note counts":"Εμφάνιση πλήθους σημειώσεων","Show tray icon":"Εμφάνιση εικονιδίου στη γραμμή εργασιών","Sidebar":"Πλευρική μπάρα","Size":"Μέγεθος","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Στοιχεία που έχουν παραλειφθεί: %d (χρήσιμοποίησε --retry-failed-items για επανάληψη της αποκρυπτογράφησης τους)","Skipped: %d.":"Παραλείφθηκε: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση ορισμένων στοιχείων.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Ορισμένα στοιχεία δεν μπορούν να συγχρονιστούν.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Ορισμένα στοιχεία δεν είναι δυνατό να συγχρονιστούν. Πατήστε για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.","Sort notebooks by":"Ταξινόμηση σημειωματάριων κατά","Sort notes by":"Ταξινόμηση σημειώσεων κατά","Sort selected lines":"Ταξινόμηση επιλεγμένων γραμμών","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ταξινόμηση του στοιχείου με (π.χ. τίτλος, ώρα_ενημέρωσης, ώρα_δημιουργίας).","Source format: %s":"Μορφή προέλευσης: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Καθορίστε τη πόρτα που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται από το διακομιστή API. Εάν δεν οριστεί, θα χρησιμοποιηθεί μια προεπιλογή.","Spell checker":"Ορθογράφος","Split View":"Διαίρεση προβολής","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Έναρξη εφαρμογής ελαχιστοποιημένη στη γραμμή εργασιών","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Ξεκινήστε, σταματήστε ή ελέγξτε τον διακομιστή API. Για να καθορίσετε σε ποια θύρα θα πρέπει να εκτελεστεί, ορίστε τη μεταβλητή api.port. Οι εντολές είναι (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Εκκίνηση αποκρυπτογράφησης... Παρακαλώ περιμένετε καθώς μπορεί να διαρκέσει αρκετά λεπτά ανάλογα με το μέγεθος αυτών που πρέπει να αποκρυπτογραφηθούν.","Starting synchronisation...":"Έναρξη συγχρονισμού...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Αρχή επεξεργασίας της σημείωσης. Κλείστε τον επεξεργαστή για να επιστρέψετε στην ερώτηση.","Statistics":"Στατιστικά","Statistics...":"Στατιστικά...","Status":"Κατάσταση","Status: %s":"Κατάσταση: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Κατάσταση: Ξεκίνησε στην πόρτα %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Βήμα 1: Ενεργοποιήστε την υπηρεσία","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Βήμα 1: Ανοίξτε αυτήν τη διεύθυνση URL στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας για να εξουσιοδοτήσετε την εφαρμογή:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Βήμα 2: Εισάγετε τον κωδικό που παρέχεται από το Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Βήμα 2: Εγκαταστήστε την επέκταση","Stop":"Σταμάτημα","Stop external editing":"Διακοπή εξωτερικής επεξεργασίας","Strikethrough":"Διακριτή διαγραφή","strong text":"έντονη γραφή","Submit":"Yποβολή","Subscript":"Δείκτης","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Επιτυχία! Οι ρυθμίσεις συγχρονισμού φαίνονται να είναι σωστές.","Superscript":"Εκθέτης","Swap line down":"Αλλαγή γραμμής με την κάτω","Swap line up":"Αλλαγή γραμμής με την πανω","Switch between note and to-do type":"Εναλλαγή μεταξύ σημείωσης και to-do","Switch to note type":"Αλλαγή σε σημείωση","Switch to to-do type":"Αλλαγή σε to-do","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Αλλάζει σε [σημειωματάριο] - όλες οι περαιτέρω λειτουργίες θα πραγματοποιηθούν μέσα σε αυτό το σημειωματάριο.","Sync Status":"Κατάσταση Συγχρονισμού","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Κατάσταση συγχρονισμού (συγχρονισμένα στοιχεία / σύνολο αρχείων)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Ο προορισμός συγχρονισμού πρέπει να αναβαθμιστεί! Εκτελέστε το `%s` για να συνεχίσετε.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Συγχρονισμός αναβάθμισης προορισμού","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Συγχρονισμός με το ορισμένο προορισμό (προεπιλεγμένη τιμή συγχρονισμού","Sync Version: %s":"Έκδοση συγχρονισμού: %s","Synchronisation":"Συγχρονισμός","Synchronisation interval":"Διάστημα συγχρονισμού","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Ο συγχρονισμός είναι ήδη σε εξέλιξη.","Synchronisation Status":"Κατάσταση Συγχρονισμού","Synchronisation target":"Στόχος συγχρονισμού","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Στόχος συγχρονισμού: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Συγχρονισμός","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Συγχρονισμός μόνο μέσω σύνδεσης WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Συγχρονίζει με απομακρυσμένο αποθηκευτικό χώρο.","Synchronising...":"Συγχρονισμός...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Με ετικέτα: %d.","Tags":"Ετικέτες","Take photo":"Βγάλτε μια φωτογραφία","Text editor command":"Εντολή \\"Επεξεργαστή κειμένου\\"","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Η εφαρμογή θα κλείσει τώρα. Παρακαλώ ανοίξτε την ξανά για να ολοκληρώσετε τη διαδικασία.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Η εφαρμογή έχει εξουσιοδοτηθεί - μπορείτε τώρα να κλείσετε αυτήν την καρτέλα του προγράμματος περιήγησης.","The application has been authorised!":"Η εφαρμογή έχει εγκριθεί!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Η εφαρμογή έχει εξουσιοδοτηθεί με επιτυχία.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Η εφαρμογή πρέπει να επανεκκινηθεί για να τεθούν σε ισχύ αυτές οι αλλαγές.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Τα συνημμένα δεν θα παρακολουθούνται πλέον όταν μεταβαίνετε σε διαφορετική σημείωση.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Η εντολή \\"%s\\" είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο σε λειτουργία γραφικού περιβάλλοντος (GUI)","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Ο προεπιλεγμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης διαχειριστή δεν είναι ασφαλής και δεν έχει αλλάξει! [Αλλάξτε τον τώρα] (%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Η προεπιλεγμένη μέθοδος κρυπτογράφησης έχει αλλάξει μία σε πιο ασφαλή και συνιστάται να την εφαρμόσετε στα δεδομένα σας.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Η προεπιλεγμένη μέθοδος κρυπτογράφησης έχει αλλάξει, θα πρέπει να κρυπτογραφήσετε εκ νέου τα δεδομένα σας.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Η εντολή του editor (που μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει ορίσματα) θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για το άνοιγμα μιας σημείωσης. Εάν δεν δωθεί καμία, θα προσπαθήσει να ανιχνεύσει αυτόματα το προεπιλεγμένο πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Ο συντελεστής ανάπτυξης καθορίζει το πόσο θα αναπτυχθεί ή θα συρρίκνωθεί το αντικειμένο ώστε να χωρά στον διαθέσιμο χώρο σε σχέση με τα άλλα αντικείμενα. Έτσι, ένα στοιχείο με συντελεστή 2 θα πάρει διπλάσιο χώρο από ένα στοιχείο με συντελεστή 1. Επανεκκινήστε την εφαρμογή για να δείτε αλλαγές.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Τα ακόλουθα συνημμένα παρακολουθούνται για αλλαγές:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Η εφαρμογή Joplin για κινητά δεν υποστηρίζει αυτήν τη στιγμή αυτόν τον τύπο συνδέσμου: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Το κλειδί master αναβαθμίστηκε με επιτυχία!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Τα κύρια κλειδιά με αυτά τα αναγνωριστικά (ID) χρησιμοποιούνται για την κρυπτογράφηση ορισμένων αντικειμένων σας, ωστόσο η εφαρμογή δεν έχει αυτή τη στιγμή πρόσβαση σε αυτά. Είναι πιθανό τελικά να ληφθούν μέσω συγχρονισμού.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Η σημείωση \\"%s\\" έχει επαναφερθεί με επιτυχία στο σημειωματάριο \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Αυτό το σημειωματάριο δεν μπορεί να σωθεί: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Οι σημειώσεις έχουν εισαχθεί: %s","The possible commands are:":"Οι πιθανές εντολές είναι:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Ο στόχος συγχρονισμού πρέπει να αναβαθμιστεί πριν από το συγχρονισμό του Joplin. Η λειτουργία μπορεί να διαρκέσει λίγα λεπτά για να ολοκληρωθεί και η εφαρμογή πρέπει να επανεκκινηθεί. Για να προχωρήσετε κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Η ετικέτα \\"%s\\" υπάρχει ήδη. Επιλέξτε ένα διαφορετικό όνομα.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Ο προορισμός συγχρονισμού. Κάθε προορισμός συγχρονισμού μπορεί να έχει πρόσθετες παραμέτρους οι οποίες ονομάζονται ως `sync.NUM.NAME` (οι οποίες αναφέρονται παρακάτω).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Η υπηρεσία web clipper είναι ενεργοποιημένη και έχει ρυθμιστεί για αυτόματη εκκίνηση.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Η υπηρεσία Web Clipper δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη.","Theme":"Θέμα","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Δεν υπάρχουν προς το παρόν σημειώσεις. Δημιουργήστε μία κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Δεν υπάρχει κανένα σημειωματάριο. Δημιουργήστε ένα πατώντας στο \\"Νέο σημειωματάριο\\".","There is no data to export.":"Δεν υπάρχουν δεδομένα για εξαγωγή.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Υπήρξε μια [διένεξη](%s) στο παρακάτω συνημμένο.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη λήψη αυτού του συνημμένου:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Αυτά τα στοιχεία θα παραμείνουν στη συσκευή, αλλά δεν θα μεταφορτωθούν στο στόχο συγχρονισμού. Για να βρείτε αυτά τα στοιχεία, αναζητήστε είτε τον τίτλο είτε το αναγνωριστικό (το οποίο εμφανίζεται στις παραπάνω παρενθέσεις).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Αυτά τα πρόσθετα βελτιώνουν τον Markdown renderer με πρόσθετες δυνατότητες. Λάβετε υπόψη ότι, παρόλο που αυτές οι δυνατότητες μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμες, δεν είναι τυπικές Markdown και επομένως οι περισσότερες από αυτές θα λειτουργούν μόνο στο Joplin. Επιπλέον, ορισμένα από αυτά είναι *ασύμβατα* με το πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας WYSIWYG. Εάν ανοίξετε μια σημείωση που χρησιμοποιεί ένα από αυτά τα πρόσθετα σε αυτόν τον επεξεργαστή, θα χάσετε τη μορφοποίηση της προσθήκης. Υποδεικνύεται παρακάτω ποια πρόσθετα είναι συμβατά ή όχι με τον επεξεργαστή WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Αυτό το συνημμένο δεν έχει ακόμη μεταφορτωθεί ή αποκρυπτογραφηθεί","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Αυτό το συνημμένο δεν έχει ακόμη μεταφορτωθεί ή αποκρυπτογραφηθεί.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Αυτό το token εξουσιοδότησης απαιτείται μόνο για να επιτρέπει σε εφαρμογές τρίτων να έχουν πρόσβαση στην Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Αυτό είναι ένα προηγμένο εργαλείο για την εμφάνιση των συνημμένων που συνδέονται με τις σημειώσεις σας. Να είστε προσεκτικοί όταν διαγράφετε ένα από αυτά, καθώς δεν μπορούν να αποκατασταθούν μετά.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Αυτή η σημείωση δεν διαθέτει πληροφορίες γεωγραφικής θέσης.","This note has been modified:":"Αυτή η σημείωση έχει τροποποιηθεί:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Αυτή η σημείωση δεν περιέχει περιεχόμενο. Κάντε κλικ στο \\"%s\\" για να επεξεργαστείτε τη σημείωση στον editor.","This note has no history":"Αυτή η σημείωση δεν έχει ιστορικό","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Αυτός ο επεξεργαστής εμπλουτισμένου κειμένου έχει ορισμένους περιορισμούς και συνιστάται να τους γνωρίζετε πριν το χρησιμοποιήσετε.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Αυτή η υπηρεσία επιτρέπει στην επέκταση του προγράμματος περιήγησης να επικοινωνεί με το Joplin. Όταν την ενεργοποιήσετε, το τείχος προστασίας μπορεί να σας ζητήσει να δώσετε άδεια στο Joplin να επικοινωνεί μέσω της συγκεκριμένης πόρτας.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Αυτό θα επιτρέψει στο Joplin να τρέξει στο παρασκήνιο. Συνιστάται να ενεργοποιήσετε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση έτσι ώστε οι σημειώσεις σας να συγχρονίζονται συνεχώς, μειώνοντας έτσι τον αριθμό των διενέξεων.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Αυτό θα ανοίξει μια νέα οθόνη. Να αποθηκευθούν οι τρέχουσες αλλαγές;","Time format":"Μορφή ώρας","title":"τίτλος","Title":"Τίτλος","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Για να επιτρέψετε στο Joplin να συγχρονιστεί με το Dropbox, ακολουθήστε τα παρακάτω βήματα:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Για να διαγράψετε μία ετικέτα, αφαιρέστε την πρώτα από τις σχετικές σημειώσεις.","To delete: %d":"Προς διαγραφή: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Για να εισέλθετε στη λειτουργία γραμμής εντολών, πατήστε \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Για έξοδο από τη λειτουργία γραμμής εντολών, πατήστε ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Για να ταξινομήσετε τις σημειώσεις χειροκίνητα, η σειρά ταξινόμησης πρέπει να αλλάξει σε \\"%s\\" στο μενού \\"%s\\" - \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Για μεγιστοποιήση/ελαχιστοποιήση της κονσόλας, πατήστε \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Για να μετακινηθείτε από ένα παράθυρο σε άλλο, πατήστε Tab ή Shift + Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Για να επαναλάβετε την αποκρυπτογράφηση αυτών των στοιχείων. Τρέξτε `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Για να λειτουργήσει σωστά, η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται τα ακόλουθα δικαιώματα. Ενεργοποιήστε τα στις ρυθμίσεις του τηλεφώνου σας, στο Apps> Joplin> Permissions","to-do":"to-do","Toggle comment":"Εναλλαγή σχολίου","Toggle development tools":"Εναλλαγή εργαλείων προγραμματισμού","Toggle editor layout":"Εναλλαγή διάταξης editor","Toggle editors":"Εναλλαγή επεξεργαστών κειμένου","Toggle external editing":"Εναλλαγή εξωτερικής επεξεργασίας","Toggle note list":"Εναλλαγή λίστας σημειώσεων","Toggle safe mode":"Εναλλαγή ασφαλούς λειτουργίας","Toggle sidebar":"Εναλλαγή πλευρικής μπάρας","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Το Token έχει αντιγραφεί στο πρόχειρο!","Tools":"Εργαλεία","Total: %d/%d":"Σύνολο: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Πληκτρολογήστε `help [command]` για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με μια εντολή, ή πληκτρολογήστε `help all` για όλες τις πληροφορίες χρήσης.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Πληκτρολογήστε `joplin help` για πληροφορίες χρήσης.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Πληκτρολογήστε έναν τίτλο σημείωσης ή μέρος του περιεχομένου του για να μεταβείτε σε αυτόν. Ή πληκτρολογήστε # ακολουθούμενο από ένα όνομα ετικέτας ή @ ακολουθούμενο από ένα σημειωματάριο. Ή πληκτρολογίστε : για να ψάξετε για εντολές.","Type new tags or select from list":"Πληκτρολογήστε καινούρια ετικέτα ή επιλέξτε από την λίστα","Type: %s.":"Τύπος: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Μη ολοκληρωμένα to-dos στην κορυφή","Undo":"Αναίρεση","Unknown flag: %s":"Άγνωστο flag: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Λήψη άγνωστου τύπου στοιχείου - αναβαθμίστε το Joplin στην πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση","Unsupported image type: %s":"Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος εικόνας: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Μη υποστηριζόμενος σύνδεσμος ή μήνυμα: %s","Untitled":"Χωρίς τίτλο","Update":"Ενημέρωση","Updated":"Ενημερώθηκε","updated date":"ημερομηνία ενημέρωσης","Updated local items: %d.":"Ενημερωμένα τοπικά στοιχεία: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Ενημερωμένα απομακρυσμένα στοιχεία: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Ενημερώθηκε: %d.","Updated: %s":"Ενημερώθηκε: %s","Updating...":"Ενημέρωση...","Upgrade":"Αναβάθμιση","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Αναβαθμίστε το στόχο συγχρονισμού στην πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Χρήση: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Χρησιμοποιήστε τη μορφή μακράς λίστας. Η μορφή είναι ID, NOTE_COUNT (για σημειωματάριο), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (για to-dos), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Χρήση ορθογραφικού ελέγχου","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Χρησιμοποιήστε τα βελάκια πατώντας πάνω/κάτω για να μετακινηθείτε στις λίστες και τις περιοχές κειμένου (συμπεριλαμβανομένης αυτής της κονσόλας).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Χρησιμοποιήστε τα βέλη για να μετακινήσετε τα στοιχεία διάταξης. Πατήστε \\"Escape\\" για έξοδο.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Χρησιμοποιήστε το για να ξαναφτιάξετε το ευρετήριο αναζήτησης, εάν υπάρχει πρόβλημα με την αναζήτηση. Μπορεί να χρειαστεί πολύς χρόνος ανάλογα με τον αριθμό των σημειώσεων.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Χρησιμοποιείται για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του κειμένου στο πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας σημειώσεων. Εάν δεν βρεθεί, χρησιμοποιείται μια γενική αναλογική γραμματοσειρά (μεταβλητού πλάτους).","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Χρησιμοποιείται όταν απαιτείται γραμματοσειρά σταθερού πλάτους για την ευανάκριβη δημιουργία κειμένου (π.χ. πίνακες, πλαίσια ελέγχου, κωδικός). Εάν δεν βρεθεί, χρησιμοποιείται μια γενική μονοδιάστημα (σταθερού πλάτους).","View":"Προβολή","View on map":"Προβολή στο χάρτη","View them now":"Προβολή τώρα","Viewer":"Εμφάνιση","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Προειδοποίηση","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Προειδοποίηση: δεν εμφανίζονται όλοι οι πόροι για λόγους απόδοσης (όριο:% s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV password","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV username","Website and documentation":"Ιστοσελίδα και εγχειρίδια","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Καλώς ήλθατε στο Joplin!\\n\\nΠληκτρολογίστε `:help shortcuts` για τη λίστα συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου ή απλά `:help` για πληροφορίες χρήσης.\\n\\nΓια παράδειγμα, για να δημιουργήσετε ένα σημειωματάριο πατήστε `mb` ενώ για να δημιουργήσετε μια σημείωση πατήστε `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Κατά τη δημιουργία μιας νέας σημείωσης:","When creating a new to-do:":"Κατά τη δημιουργία ενός νέου to-do:","Words":"Λέξεις","y":"ν","Y":"Ν","yes":"ναι","Yes":"Ναι","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Πρόκειται να επισυνάψετε μια μεγάλη εικόνα (%dx%d pixels). Θα θέλατε να αλλάξετε το μέγεθός της σε %d pixel πριν την επισυνάψετε;","You currently have no notebooks.":"Αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έχετε σημειωματάρια.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Δεν έχετε κανένα plugin εγκατεστημένο.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Μπορείτε επίσης να πληκτρολογήσετε `status` για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το παρακάτω εργαλείο για να κρυπτογραφήσετε εκ νέου τα δεδομένα σας, για παράδειγμα, εάν γνωρίζετε ότι ορισμένες από τις σημειώσεις σας είναι κρυπτογραφημένες με μια παρωχημένη μέθοδο κρυπτογράφησης.","Your choice: ":"Η επιλογή σας: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Τα δεδομένα σας πρόκειται να κρυπτογραφηθούν και να συγχρονιστούν ξανά.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Απαιτείται η άδειά σας για τη χρήση της φωτογραφικής σας μηχανής.","Your version: %s":"Η έκδοσή σου: %s","Zoom In":"Μεγέθυνση","Zoom Out":"Σμίκρινση"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronization.","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Are you sure you want to renew the authorization token?","Attachment download behaviour":"Attachment download behavior","Authorisation token:":"Authorization token:","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Cancelling background synchronization... Please wait.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Cannot initialize synchronizer.","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronization again may fix the problem.","Check synchronisation configuration":"Check synchronization configuration","Coming alarms":"Scheduled alarms","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronization configuration\\".","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Could not authorize application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronization options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Directory to synchronize with (absolute path)","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronized and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.","emphasised text":"emphasized text","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronized and sent encrypted to the sync target.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"For information on how to customize the shortcuts please visit %s","Grant authorisation":"Grant authorization","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronized, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronize all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"In order to use file system synchronization your permission to write to external storage is required.","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Items that cannot be synchronized","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin can synchronize your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Lock file is already being held. If you know that no synchronization is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Not authenticated with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.","Search in all the notes":"Search in all notes","Solarised Dark":"Solarized Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarized Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Some items cannot be synchronized.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Some items cannot be synchronized.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Some items cannot be synchronized. Press for more info.","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Start application minimized in the tray icon","Starting synchronisation...":"Starting synchronization...","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorize the application:","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Success! Synchronization configuration appears to be correct.","Synchronisation":"Synchronization","Synchronisation interval":"Synchronization interval","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronization is already in progress.","Synchronisation Status":"Synchronization Status","Synchronisation target":"Synchronization target","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synchronization target: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchronize","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synchronize only over WiFi connection","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchronizes with remote storage.","Synchronising...":"Synchronizing...","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"The application has been authorized - you may now close this browser tab.","The application has been authorised!":"The application has been authorized!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"The application has been successfully authorized.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronization.","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronization.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"The target to synchronize to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"The Web Clipper needs your authorization to access your data.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"This authorization token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronized, thus reducing the number of conflicts.","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"To allow Joplin to synchronize with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"To maximize/minimize the console, press \\"tc\\"."}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d tagoj","%d hour":"%d horo","%d hours":"%d horoj","%d minutes":"%d minutoj","%s (pre-release)":"%s (antaŭeldono)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopii","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notoj","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Redakti","&File":"&Dosiero","&Help":"&Helpo","&Tools":"&Ilaro","&View":"&Monti","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Pri Joplin","Active":"Aktiva","Add body":"Aldoni korpon","Add or remove tags:":"Aldoni aŭ forigi etikedojn:","Add title":"Aldoni titolon","Advanced options":"Altnivelaj opcioj","All notes":"Ĉiuj notoj","Always":"Ĉiam","Application":"Aplikaĵo","Apply":"Apliki","Attach file":"Aldoni dosieron","Attach photo":"Aldoni foton","Attach...":"Aldoni...","Auto":"Aŭtomata","Back":"Reen","Bold":"Grasa","Browse...":"Esplori...","Cancel":"Nuligi","Cancelling...":"Nuligante...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Nuligante... Atendu.","Cannot access %s":"Ne eblas atingi %s","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ne eblas trovi \\"%s\\".","Check for updates...":"Kontrolu ĝisdatigojn...","Checkbox":"Markobutono","Checking... Please wait.":"Kontrolante... Atendu.","Choose an option":"Elekti opcion","Clear":"Klariĝi","Clear alarm":"Forigi alarmon","Close Window":"Fermi Fenestron","Code":"Kodo","Configuration":"Agordoj","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Konfimi pasvorton ne eblas esti malplena","Confirm password:":"Konfirmi pasvorton:","Conflicted: %d":"Konfliktita: %d","Conflicts":"Konfliktoj","Convert to note":"Konverti al noto","Convert to todo":"Konverti al tasko","Copy":"Kopii","Copy token":"Kopii ĵetonon","Create a notebook":"Krei notlibron","Created":"Kreita","created date":"dato kreita","Created: %d.":"Kreita: %d.","Created: %s":"Kreita: %s","Creates a new note.":"Kreas novan noton.","Creates a new notebook.":"Kreas novan notlibron.","Creates a new to-do.":"Kreas novan taskon.","Creating new %s...":"Kreante novan %s...","Cut":"Eltondi","Dark":"Malhela","Database v%s":"Datumbazo v%s","Date format":"Data formato","days":"tagoj","Default: %s":"Defaŭlto: %s","Delete":"Forigi","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Forigi noton \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Ĉu forigi noton?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Forigi notlibron \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nĈiuj notoj kaj subnotlibroj ene de tiu notlibro estos ankaŭ forigitaj.","Delete these %d notes?":"Forigi tiujn %d notojn?","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Forigi la notlibron sen peti konfirmon.","Directory":"Dosierujo","Disabled":"Malebligita","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ne demandi pri konfirmo.","Downloading resources...":"Elŝutante risurcojn...","Dracula":"Drakula","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox-salutnomo","Duplicate":"Duobligi","Edit":"Redakti","Edit note.":"Redakti noton.","Edit notebook":"Redakti notlibron","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Aŭ \\"teksto\\" aŭ \\"json\\"","Enable":"Ebligi","Enable footnotes":"Ebligi piednotojn","Enable note history":"Ebligi notan historion","Enabled":"Ebligita","Encrypted":"Ĉifrita","Encryption":"Ĉifrado","Enter code here":"Entajpu kodon ĉi tie","Enter master password:":"Entajpu ĉefan pasvorton:","Enter notebook title":"Entajpu notlibron titolon","Errors only":"Nur eraroj","Exits the application.":"Eliri la aplikaĵon.","Export":"Eksporti","Fatal error:":"Neriparebla eraro:","File":"Dosiero","File system":"Dosiera sistemo","Focus":"Fokusi","Focus body":"Fokusi korpon","Focus title":"Fokusi titolon","Folders":"Dosierujo","Found: %d.":"Trovita: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS ebligita: %d","General":"Ĝenerala","Get it now:":"Akiri ĝin nun:","Go to source URL":"Iri al URL-fonto","Hide %s":"Kaŝi %s","Hyperlink":"Hiperligilo","ID":"Identigilo","Idle":"Senokupa","Import":"Importi","Importing notes...":"Importante notojn...","In progress":"Farante","In: %s":"En: %s","Invalid answer: %s":"Malvalida respondo: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Malvalida komando: \\"%s\\"","Italic":"Kursiva","Joplin Forum":"Joplin-forumo","Joplin website":"Joplin-retejo","Landscape":"Horizontala","Language":"Lingvo","Last error: %s":"Lasta eraro: %s","Layout":"Aspektigo","Legal":"Laŭleĝa","Letter":"Letero","Light":"Hela","Location":"Loko","Log":"Protokolo","Login with Dropbox":"Ensaluti per Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Ensaluti per OneDrive","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marki taskon kiel farita.","Markup":"Markado","Master Key %s":"Ĉefa Klavo %s","More information":"Pli da informoj","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Movi %d notojn al notlibro \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook...":"Movi al notlibro...","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova noto","New notebook":"Nova notlibro","New Notebook":"Nova notlibro","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Nova notlibro \\"%s\\" estos kreita kaj dosiero \\"%s\\" estos importita al ĝi","New sub-notebook":"Nova subnotlibro","New tags:":"Novaj etikedoj:","New to-do":"Nova tasko","New version: %s":"Nova versio: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-pasvorton","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-salutnomo","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud-WebDAV-URL","No":"Ne","No active notebook.":"Ne estas aktiva notlibro.","No notebook selected.":"Neniu notlibro elektita.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Neniu noto ĉi tie. Por krei noton, alklaku \\"Nova noto\\".","note":"noto","Note":"Notoj","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Noto ne ekzistas: \\"%s\\". Ĉu krei ĝin?","Note History":"Nota Historio","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Noto ne estas tasko: \\"%s\\"","Note properties":"Notaj atributoj","Notebook title:":"Notlibra titolo:","Notebook: %s":"Notlibro: %s","Notebooks":"Notlibroj","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notoj kaj agordoj estas konservitaj en: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Nur eblas krei notojn ene de notlibro.","OK":"Bone","On %s: %s":"En %s: %s","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive-salutnomo","Open %s":"Malfermi %s","Open...":"Malfermi...","Operation cancelled":"Operacio nuligita","Options":"Opcioj","Password":"Pasvorto","Password cannot be empty":"Pasvorto ne eblas esti malplena","Password:":"Pasvorto:","Passwords do not match!":"Pasvorto ne kongruas!","Paste":"Alglui","PDF File":"PDF-dosiero","Permission to use camera":"Permeso por uzi kameraon","Please select a notebook first.":"Bonvolu elekti noton unue.","Plugins":"Kromprogramoj","Portrait":"Vertikala","Possible keys/values:":"Eblaj valoroj/klavoj:","Possible values: %s.":"Eblaj valoroj: %s.","Preferences...":"Preferoj...","Properties":"Atributoj","Quit":"Eliri","Refresh":"Aktualigi","Remove":"Forigi","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Forigi etikedon \\"%s\\" el ĉiuj notoj?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Forigi tiun sercôn el la flankpanelo?","Rename":"Renomi","Rename notebook:":"Renomi notlibron:","Rename tag:":"Renomi etikedon:","Restore":"Restaŭri","Restored Notes":"Restaŭritaj Notoj","Retry":"Reprovi","Reverse sort order":"Inversa ordiga ordo","Save":"Konservi","Save alarm":"Konservi alarmon","Save as...":"Konservi kiel...","Save changes":"Konservi la ŝanĝojn","Search":"Serĉi","Search in all the notes":"Ŝerci en ĉiuj notoj","Search...":"Serĉi...","Search:":"Serĉi:","Select all":"Elekti ĉiujn","Set the password":"Elekti pasvorton","Share":"Konigi","Show all":"Montri ĉiujn","Sort notebooks by":"Ordigi notlibrojn laŭ","Sort notes by":"Ordigi notojn laŭ","Source format: %s":"Fonta aranĝo: %s","Status":"Stato","Status: %s":"Stato: %s","Submit":"Submeti","Switch between note and to-do type":"Ŝalti inter nota kaj taska tipo","Switch to note type":"Ŝalti al nota tipo","Switch to to-do type":"Ŝalti al taska tipo","Synchronise":"Sinkronigi","Tags":"Etikedoj","Take photo":"Foti","The notes have been imported: %s":"La notoj estis importitaj: %s","The possible commands are:":"Eblaj komandoj estas:","Theme":"Temo","There is no data to export.":"Ne estas datumo por eksporti.","This note has been modified:":"Tiu noto estis ŝanĝita:","This note has no history":"Tiu noto ne havas historion","Time format":"Tempa formato","title":"titolo","To delete: %d":"Forigi: %d","to-do":"tasko","Tools":"Ilaro","Total: %d/%d":"Totalo: %d/%d","Type new tags or select from list":"Tajpu novan etikedon aŭ elektu el la listo","Type: %s.":"Tipo: %s.","Unknown flag: %s":"Nekonata flago: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nesubtenata bilda tipo: %s","Untitled":"Sen titolo","Updated":"Ĝisdatigita","Updated: %d.":"Ĝisdatigita: %d.","Updated: %s":"Ĝisdatigita: %s","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Konsumado: %s","View on map":"Vidi en mapo","View them now":"Vidi ilin nun","Warning":"Averto","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-pasvorton","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-salutnomo","Website and documentation":"Retejo kaj dokumentado","y":"j","Y":"J","Yes":"Jes","Your choice: ":"Via elekto: ","Your version: %s":"Via versio: %s"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"A «%s» le falta la propiedad requerida de «%s».","%d days":"%d días","%d hour":"%d hora","%d hours":"%d horas","%d minutes":"%d minutos","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notas coinciden con el patrón. ¿Eliminarlas?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) no se ha podido subir: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"A %s (%s) le gustaría compartir una libreta contigo.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (prelanzamiento)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copiar","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notas","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Editar","&File":"&Archivo","&Go":"&Ir","&Help":"&Ayuda","&Note":"&Nota","&Tools":"&Herramientas","&View":"&Ver","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Ninguno)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Cámara: Permite tomar fotografías y adjuntarlas a una nota.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Localización: Permite adjuntar información de geolocalización a una nota.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Almacenamiento: Permite adjuntar archivos a las notas y habilitar la sincronización con el sistema de archivos."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" puede ser «add», «remove», «list», o «notetags» para asignar o eliminar [etiqueta] de [nota], o para listar las notas asociadas con [etiqueta], o para listar las etiquetas asociadas con [nota]. El comando `tag list` puede ser usado para listar todas las etiquetas (use -l para la opción larga)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" puede ser «toggle» o «clear». Usa «toggle» para cambiar la tarea dada entre estado completado y sin completar. (Si el objetivo es una nota regular se convertirá en una tarea). Usa «clear» para convertir la tarea a una nota normal.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Acerca de Joplin","accelerator":"acelerador","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"El acelerador «%s» no es válido.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"El acelerador «%s» se usa para los comandos «%s» y «%s». Esto puede llevar a un comportamiento inesperado.","Accept":"Aceptar","Action":"Acción","Actions":"Acciones","Active":"Activa","Actual Size":"Tamaño Original","Add body":"Añadir cuerpo","Add or remove tags:":"Agregar o borrar etiquetas:","Add recipient:":"Agregar destinatario:","Add title":"Añadir título","Add to dictionary":"Agregar al diccionario","Advanced options":"Opciones avanzadas","Advanced tools":"Herramientas avanzadas","All notes":"Todas las notas","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Todos los puertos potenciales están en uso - por favor informe del problema en %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"También muestra variables no configuradas u ocultas.","Always":"Siempre","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Está disponible una actualización. ¿Quiere descargarla ahora?","Appearance":"Apariencia","Application":"Aplicación","Apply":"Aplicar","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"¿Está seguro de que desea renovar el token de autorización?","Arguments:":"Argumentos:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Oscuro","Attach file":"Adjuntar archivo","Attach photo":"Adjuntar foto","Attach...":"Adjuntar...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Adjuntar archivo dado a la nota.","attachment":"adjunto","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflicto de adjuntos: «%s»","Attachment download behaviour":"Comportamiento de descarga de adjuntos","Attachments":"Adjuntos","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Adjuntos que no se han podido descargar","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Atención: Si cambia esta ubicación, asegúrese de copiar todo su contenido a la nueva antes de sincronizar, ¡de lo contrario todos los archivos serán eliminados! Consulte las preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autenticación no completada (no se recibió token de autenticación).","Authorisation token:":"Token de autorización:","Auto":"Automático","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Autoemparejar llaves, paréntesis, comillas, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Cambiar automáticamente el tema para que coincida con el tema del sistema","Automatically update the application":"Actualizar la aplicación automáticamente","Back":"Retroceder","Bold":"Negrita","Browse all plugins":"Explorar todos los plugins","Browse...":"Explorar...","Bulleted List":"Lista con Viñetas","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Cancelando sincronización en segundo plano... Por favor espere.","Cancelling...":"Cancelando...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Cancelando... Por favor espere.","Cannot access %s":"No se ha podido acceder a %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"No se puede cambiar un elemento cifrado","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"No se ha podido copiar la nota a la libreta «%s»","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"No se puede encontrar «%s».","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"No se puede inicializar el sincronizador.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"No se puede cargar el módulo «%s» para el formato «%s» y el destino «%s»","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"No se puede cargar el módulo «%s» para el formato «%s» y el objetivo «%s»","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"No se ha podido mover la nota a la libreta «%s»","Cannot move notebook to this location":"No se puede mover la libreta a esta ubicación","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"No se ha podido actualizar el token: faltan datos de autenticación. Reiniciar la sincronización podría solucionar el problema.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"No se puede guardar %s \\"%s\\" porque es más pesado que el límite permitido (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"No se puede guardar %s \\"%s\\" porque es más pesado que el límite permitido (%s)","Change application layout":"Cambiar el diseño de la aplicación","Change language":"Cambiar idioma","Characters":"Caracteres","Characters excluding spaces":"Caracteres excluyendo espacios","Check for updates...":"Comprobar actualizaciones...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Comprobar configuración de la sincronización","Checkbox":"Casilla","Checkbox list":"Casillas","Checking... Please wait.":"Comprobando... Por favor espere.","Choose an option":"Seleccione una opción","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Borrar","Clear alarm":"Quitar alarma","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Haga clic en «%s» para restaurar la nota. Será copiada en la libreta «%s». La versión actual de la nota no se reemplazará ni se modificará.","Click to add tags...":"Haga clic aquí para agregar etiquetas...","Client ID: %s":"ID del Cliente: %s","Close":"Cerrar","Close Window":"Cerrar Ventana","Code":"Código","Code Block":"Bloque de Código","Code View":"Código","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Colaborar en los cuadernos con otros","Coming alarms":"Alarmas próximas","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Lista de rutas de directorios separados por comas de dónde cargar los certificados, o ruta a certificados individuales. Por ejemplo: /mi/cert_dir, /otro/personalizado.pem. Tenga en cuenta que si realiza cambios en la configuración de los certificados TLS, debe guardar los cambios antes de hacer clic en «Comprobar la configuración de sincronización».","command":"comando","Command":"Comando","Command palette":"Paleta de comandos","Command palette...":"Paleta de comandos...","Completed":"Completada","Completed decryption.":"Descifrado completado.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Completado: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Configuración","Confirm password cannot be empty":"La contraseña de confirmación no puede estar vacía","Confirm password:":"Confirmar contraseña:","Confirmation":"Confirmación","Conflicted: %d":"Conflictos: %d","Conflicts":"Conflictos","Conflicts (attachments)":"Conflictos (adjuntos)","Convert to note":"Convertir en nota","Convert to todo":"Convertir a tarea","Copy":"Copiar","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copiar comando del modo de desarrollador al portapapeles","Copy Link Address":"Copiar Enlace","Copy Markdown link":"Copiar el enlace de Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copiar la ruta al portapapeles","Copy Shareable Link":"Copiar Enlace Compartible","Copy token":"Copiar token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"No se pudo autorizar la aplicación:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPor favor, vuelva a intentarlo.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"No se pudo conectar al servidor Joplin. Compruebe las opciones de sincronización en la pantalla de configuración. El error completo fue:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"No se ha podido conectar con el repositorio de plugins.","Could not export notes: %s":"No se pudo exportar las notas: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"No se pudo instalar el plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"No se pudo actualizar la clave maestra: %s","Create a notebook":"Crea una libreta","Created":"Creada","created date":"fecha de creación","Created local items: %d.":"Elementos locales creados: %d.","Created locally":"Creado(s) localmente","Created remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos creados: %d.","Created: ":"Creado: ","Created: %d.":"Creado: %d.","Created: %s":"Creado: %s","Creates a new note.":"Crea una nueva nota.","Creates a new notebook.":"Crea una nueva libreta.","Creates a new to-do.":"Crea una nueva tarea.","Creating new %s...":"Creando nuevo %s...","Creating report...":"Creando reporte...","Current version is up-to-date.":"La versión actual está actualizada.","custom order":"orden personalizado","Custom order":"Orden personalizado","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Hoja de estilos para personalizar todo Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Hoja de estilos para personalizar el Markdown renderizado","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificados TLS personalizados","Cut":"Cortar","Dark":"Oscuro","Database v%s":"Base de datos v%s","Date":"Fecha","Date format":"Formato de fecha","days":"días","Decrypted items: %d":"Elementos descifrados: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Elementos descifrados: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Descifrando elementos: %d/%d","Default":"Por defecto","Default: %s":"Por defecto: %s","Delete":"Borrar","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"¿Borrar adjunto «%s»?","Delete line":"Borrar línea","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Eliminar datos locales y volver a descargarlos desde el objetivo de sincronización","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"¿Borrar nota «%s»?","Delete note?":"¿Borrar nota?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"¿Borrar libreta «%s»?\\n\\nTodas las notas y sublibretas de esta libreta serán borradas.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"¿Borrar libreta? Todas las notas y sublibretas dentro de esta libreta también serán eliminadas.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"¿Borrar plugin «%s»?","Delete these %d notes?":"¿Borrar estas %d notas?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"¿Eliminar esta invitación? El destinatario ya no tendrá acceso a esta libreta compartida.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Elementos locales borrados: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos borrados: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Elimina la libreta dada.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina una libreta sin pedir confirmación.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Elimina las notas que coincidan con .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina las notas sin pedir confirmación.","Destination format: %s":"Formato de destino: %s","Directory":"Directorio","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Directorio con el que sincronizarse (ruta completa)","Disable":"Deshabilitado","Disable encryption":"Deshabilitar cifrado","Disable safe mode and restart":"Desactivar el modo seguro y reiniciar","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Deshabilitar el Servicio de Web Clipper","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Deshabilitar el cifrado significa que *todas* sus notas y adjuntos van a ser resincronizados y enviados descifrados al objetivo de sincronización. ¿Desea continuar?","Discard changes":"Descartar cambios","Dismiss":"Descartar","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Muestra la URL de geolocalización de la nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Muestra solo las primeras notas.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Muestra únicamente los elementos de los tipos especificados. Puede ser `n` para notas; `t`, para tareas; o `nt`, para notas y tareas (ej. `-tt` mostrará únicamente las tareas, mientras que `-tnt` mostrará notas y tareas).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Muestra un resumen acerca de las notas y las libretas.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Mostrar la información completa acerca de la nota.","Displays the given note.":"Muestra la nota dada.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Muestra las notas en la libreta actual. Use `ls /` para mostrar la lista de libretas.","Displays usage information.":"Muestra información de uso.","Displays version information":"Muestra información de la versión","Do it now":"Hacerlo ahora","Do not ask for confirmation.":"No pedir confirmación.","Download":"Descargar","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Descargue e instale la extensión apropiada para su navegador:","Downloaded":"Descargado","Downloaded and decrypted":"Descargado y descifrado","Downloaded and encrypted":"Descargado y cifrado","Downloading":"Descargando","Downloading resources...":"Descargando recursos...","Dracula":"Drácula","Drop notes or files here":"Suelta notas o archivos aquí","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Inicio de sesión de Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duplicate line":"Duplicar línea","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica las notas que coincidan con a [libreta]. Si no se especifica una libreta la nota se duplica en la libreta actual.","Edit":"Editar","Edit in external editor":"Editar con un editor externo","Edit note.":"Editar nota.","Edit notebook":"Editar libreta","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Fuente del editor","Editor font family":"Familia de fuente del editor","Editor font size":"Tamaño de fuente del editor","Editor monospace font family":"Familia de fuente monoespaciada del editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Puede ser «text» o «json»","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"texto en cursiva","Enable":"Habilitar","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Activar sintaxis ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Activar sintaxis ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Activar sintaxis ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Activar sintaxis de abreviaturas","Enable audio player":"Activar reproductor de audio","Enable deflist syntax":"Activar sintaxis Deflist","Enable encryption":"Habilitar cifrado","Enable footnotes":"Activar notas al pie","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Activar el soporte de sintaxis de Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Activar Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Activar sintaxis de emojis markdown","Enable math expressions":"Activar expresiones matemáticas","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Activar el soporte de diagramas de Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Activar extensión de tablas multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Habilitar historial de notas","Enable PDF viewer":"Activar visor de PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Activar saltos de línea","Enable table of contents extension":"Activar extensión de tabla de contenidos","Enable typographer support":"Activar el soporte de tipógrafo","Enable video player":"Activar reproductor de video","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Habilitar el servicio de Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Activar sintaxis ~sub~","Enabled":"Habilitado","Encrypted":"Cifrado","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Los elementos cifrados no pueden ser modificados","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Las libretas cifradas no pueden ser renombradas","Encryption":"Cifrado","Encryption Config":"Configuración del Cifrado","Encryption is: %s":"El cifrado está: %s","Enter code here":"Introduzca el código aquí","Enter master password:":"Introduzca la contraseña maestra:","Enter notebook title":"Introduzca el título de la libreta","Enum":"Enumeración","Error":"Error","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Error al abrir la nota en el editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Error. Por favor compruebe que la URL, nombre de usuario, contraseña, etc. son correctos y que el objetivo de sincronización este accesible. El error reportado fue:","Error: %s":"Error: %s","Errors only":"Solo errores","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Exportar como Archivo de Evernote (como HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Exportar como Archivo de Evernote (como Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sale de la aplicación.","Export":"Exportar","Export all":"Exportar todo","Export debug report":"Exportar Informe de depuración","Export Debug Report":"Exportar Informe de Depuración","Export profile":"Exportar perfil","Exporting profile...":"Exportando perfil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportando a «%s» como formato «%s». Por favor espere...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporta los datos de Joplin a la ruta dada. Por defecto, se exportará la base de datos completa incluyendo libretas, notas, etiquetas y recursos.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporta únicamente la nota dada.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporta únicamente la libreta dada.","Fail-safe":"A prueba de fallos","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"A prueba de fallos: No borre los datos locales cuando el objetivo de sincronización esté vacío (a menudo como resultado de una configuración errónea o de una falla).","Fatal error:":"Error fatal:","Feature flags":"Feature flags","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Elementos obtenidos: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Obteniendo recursos: %d/%d","File":"Archivo","File system":"Sistema de archivos","Firefox Extension":"Extensión de Firefox","Fix search index":"Reparar índice de búsqueda","Fixing search index...":"Reparando índice de búsqueda...","Focus":"Enfocar","Focus body":"Enfocar cuerpo","Focus title":"Enfocar título","Folders":"Carpetas","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Solo para fines de depuración: exporte su perfil a una tarjeta SD externa.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Para información de cómo personalizar los atajos, por favor visite %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Para más información acerca del Cifrado de Extremo a Extremo (E2EE) y recomendaciones acerca de como habilitarlo por favor revise la documentación:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Para la lista de los atajos de teclado disponibles, escriba `help keymap`","Forward":"Avanzar","Found: %d.":"Encontrado: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS activado: %d","Full changelog":"Registro de cambios completo","General":"General","Generating link...":"Creando enlace...","Get it now:":"Obtenla ahora en:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Obtenga prelanzamientos cuando busque actualizaciones","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obtiene o configura un valor. Si no se provee el [valor], se mostrará el valor de [nombre]. Si no se provee [nombre] ni [valor], se listará la configuración actual.","Go to source URL":"Ir a URL de origen","Goto Anything...":"Ir a...","Grant authorisation":"Conceder la autorización","Heading":"Título","Help":"Ayuda","Hide %s":"Ocultar %s","Hide Joplin":"Ocultar Joplin","Highlight":"Resaltado","Horizontal Rule":"Regla Horizontal","HTML Directory":"Directorio HTML","HTML File":"Archivo HTML","Hyperlink":"Hipervínculo","Icon":"Icono","ID":"ID","Idle":"En reposo","Ignore":"Ignorar","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorar errores en certificados TLS","Import":"Importar","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importando desde «%s» como formato «%s». Por favor espere...","Importing notes...":"Importando notas...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa los datos a Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"En modo «Manual», los archivos adjuntos se descargan solamente al hacer clic en ellos. En modo «Automático», se descargan cuando se abre la nota. En modo «Siempre», se descargan todos los archivos adjuntos aunque la nota no esté abierta.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"En cualquier comando, una nota o libreta puede ser referida por su título o ID, o utilizando los atajos `$n` o `$b`, respectivamente, para la nota o libreta seleccionada. Se puede utilizar `$c` para hacer referencia al elemento seleccionado.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Para asociar una geolocalización con la nota, la aplicación necesita su permiso para acceder a su ubicación.\\n\\nPuede desactivar esta opción en cualquier momento en la pantalla de Configuración.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Para hacerlo, todos sus datos deberán ser cifrados y sincronizados, por lo que es mejor realizarlo durante la noche.\\n\\nPara empezar, siga estas instrucciones:\\n\\n1. Sincronice todos sus dispositivos.\\n2. Haga clic en \\"%s\\".\\n3. Deje que se ejecute hasta su finalización. Mientras se ejecuta, evite modificar cualquier nota en sus otros dispositivos para evitar conflictos.\\n4. Una vez que la sincronización finalice en este dispositivo, sincronice todos sus otros dispositivos y permítale ejecutarse hasta su finalización.\\n\\nImportante: solo necesita realizar este procedimiento UNA ÚNICA VEZ en un dispositivo.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Para utilizar la sincronización con el sistema de archivos se requiere su permiso para escribir en el almacenamiento externo.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Para utilizar el Web Clipper, necesita hacer lo siguiente:","In progress":"En progreso","In: %s":"En: %s","Indent less":"Disminuir sangría","Indent more":"Aumentar sangría","Information":"Información","Inline Code":"Código Integrado","Insert":"Insertar","Insert Date Time":"Insertar Fecha y Hora","Insert Hyperlink":"Insertar Hipervínculo","Install":"Instalar","Install from file":"Instalar desde archivo","Installed":"Instalado","Installing...":"Instalando...","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s inválido: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Respuesta inválida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Comando inválido: «%s»","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Opción inválida: «%s». Los valores posibles son: %s.","Italic":"Cursiva","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"El elemento «%s» no se pudo descargar: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elementos que no se pueden descifrar","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elementos que no pueden ser sincronizados","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin puede sincronizar sus notas utilizando varios proveedores. Seleccione uno de la lista siguiente.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Email de Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Contraseña de Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Directorio de Exportación de Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Archivo de Exportación de Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin ha fallado en descifrar estos elementos varias veces, posiblemente porque están dañados o son demasiado grandes. Estos elementos permanecerán en el dispositivo pero Joplin ya no intentará descifrarlos.","Joplin Forum":"Foro de Joplin","Joplin Server":"Servidor de Joplin","Joplin Server email":"Email del Servidor de Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Contraseña del Servidor de Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL del Servidor de Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"El Web Clipper de Joplin le permite guardar páginas web y capturas de pantalla desde su navegador a la aplicación.","Joplin website":"Sitio web de Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"El servicio de sincronización propio de Joplin. También da acceso a funciones específicas de Joplin, como la publicación de notas o la colaboración en cuadernos con otras personas.","Keep note history for":"Mantener historial de la nota durante","Keyboard Mode":"Modo de Teclado","Keyboard Shortcut":"Atajo de Teclado","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Atajos de Teclado","Keychain Supported: %s":"Llavero Soportado: %s","Landscape":"Apaisado","Language":"Idioma","Last error: %s":"Último error: %s","Later":"Luego","Layout":"Diseño","Layout button sequence":"Secuencia del botón de diseño","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Carta","Light":"Claro","Lines":"Líneas","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"¡El enlace ha sido copiado al portapapeles!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Enlaces con el protocolo «%s» no están soportados","List item":"Listar elemento","Loaded":"Cargado","Location":"Localización","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Ya hay un archivo de bloqueo. Si está seguro de que no hay ninguna sincronización en curso, puede eliminar el archivo de bloqueo en «%s» y reanudar la operación.","Log":"Registro","Login":"Identifiicación","Login below.":"Inicie sesión a continuación.","Login with Dropbox":"Acceder con Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Acceder con OneDrive","Make a donation":"Hacer una donación","Manage your plugins":"Administre sus plugins","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marca una tarea como hecha.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marca una tarea como no completada.","Markup":"Lenguaje de marcado","Master Key %s":"Clave Maestra %s","Master password":"Contraseña maestra","Master password:":"Contraseña maestra:","Max concurrent connections":"Conexiones simultáneas máximas","Missing Master Keys":"Claves Maestras Faltantes","Missing required argument: %s":"Falta un argumento requerido: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Datos móviles - sincronización automática deshabilitada","More info":"Más información","More information":"Más información","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Hay más de un elemento que coincide con «%s». Intente mejorar su consulta.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"¿Desea mover %d notas a libreta «%s»?","Move to notebook":"Mover a la libreta","Move to notebook...":"Mover a la libreta...","Move to notebook:":"Mover a la libreta:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Mueve las notas que coincidan con a [libreta].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nueva nota","New notebook":"Nueva libreta","New Notebook":"Nueva Libreta","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Se creará la libreta nueva «%s» y se importará en ella el archivo «%s»","New sub-notebook":"Nueva sublibreta","New tags:":"Nuevas etiquetas:","New to-do":"Nueva tarea","New version: %s":"Nueva versión: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Contraseña de Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Usuario de Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL de WebDAV de Nextcloud","no":"no","No":"No","No active notebook.":"No hay libreta activa.","No item with ID %s":"No hay elementos con el ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Ninguna libreta ha sido especificada.","No notebook selected.":"Ninguna libreta ha sido seleccionada.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"No hay ninguna nota. Cree una haciendo clic en «Nota nueva».","No resources!":"¡No hay recursos!","No results":"Sin resultados","No such command: %s":"El comando no existe: %s","No suggestions":"No hay sugerencias","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"No hay editor de texto definido. Por favor configure uno usando `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"No autenticado con %s. Por favor provea las credenciales faltantes.","Not downloaded":"No descargado","note":"nota","Note":"Nota","Note area growth factor":"Factor de crecimiento del área de la nota","Note attachments":"Adjuntos de las notas","Note attachments...":"Adjuntos de las notas...","Note body":"Cuerpo de la nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"La nota no existe: «%s». ¿Crearla?","Note has been saved.":"La nota ha sido guardada.","Note History":"Historial","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"La nota no es una tarea: «%s»","Note list":"Lista de notas","Note list growth factor":"Factor de crecimiento de la lista de notas","Note properties":"Propiedades de la nota","Note title":"Titulo de la nota","Note&book":"Libreta","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Nota: No funciona en todos los entornos de escritorio.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Nota: Cuando se comparte una nota, deja de estar cifrada en el servidor.","Notebook list growth factor":"Factor de crecimiento de la lista de libretas","Notebook title:":"Título de libreta:","Notebook: %s":"Libretas: %s","Notebooks":"Libretas","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"No se puede usar el nombre «%s» para una libreta, es un título reservado.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Las notas y los ajustes se guardan en: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Solo se pueden crear notas dentro de una libreta.","Numbered List":"Lista Numerada","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Negro","On %s: %s":"En %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Una de sus claves maestras usa un método de cifrado obsoleto.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Uno o más elementos están cifrados y debe proporcionar la contraseña maestra. Para hacerlo por favor escriba `e2ee decrypt`. Si ya ha proporcionado la contraseña, los elementos están siendo descifrados en segundo plano y estarán disponibles en breve.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Una o más claves maestras necesitan una contraseña.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Inicio de sesión de OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Solo una nota puede ser impresa a la vez.","Open":"Abrir","Open %s":"Abrir %s","Open profile directory":"Abrir directorio de perfiles","Open Sync Wizard...":"Abrir el asistente de sincronización...","Open...":"Abrir...","Operation cancelled":"Operación cancelada","Options":"Opciones","Or create an account.":"Crea una nueva nota.O crea una cuenta.","Output format: %s":"Formato de destino: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientación de la página al exportar como PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Tamaño de página al exportar como PDF","Password":"Contraseña","Password cannot be empty":"La contraseña no puede estar vacía","Password:":"Contraseña:","Passwords do not match!":"¡Las contraseñas no coinciden!","Paste":"Pegar","Path:":"Ruta:","PDF File":"Archivo PDF","Permission needed":"Se necesita permiso","Permission to use camera":"Permiso para usar la cámara","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Por favor, confirme que desea volver a cifrar su base de datos completa.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Por favor, ingrese su contraseña en la lista de claves maestras a continuación antes de actualizar la clave.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Por favor abra la siguiente dirección en su navegador para autenticar la aplicación. La aplicación creará un directorio en «Apps/Joplin» y solo leerá y escribirá archivos en ese directorio. No tendrá acceso a ningún archivo fuera de ese directorio ni a ningún otro tipo de dato personal. No se compartirá información con terceros.","Please select a notebook first.":"Por favor primero seleccione una libreta.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Primero seleccione la nota o libreta que desea eliminar.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Seleccione a dónde se debería exportar el estado de sincronización","Please specify import format for %s":"Por favor especifique el formato de importación para %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Por favor especifique la libreta donde las notas deben ser importadas.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Por favor, actualice Joplin para usar este plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Por favor espere a que todos los adjuntos hayan sido descargados y descifrados. Puede también cambiar a %s para editar la nota.","Please wait...":"Por favor espere...","Plugin tools":"Herramientas de Plugin","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Vertical","Possible keys/values:":"Claves/valores posibles:","Possible values: %s.":"Valores posibles: %s.","Preferences":"Preferencias","Preferences...":"Preferencias...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema oscuro preferido","Preferred light theme":"Tema claro preferido","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Pulse Ctrl+D o escriba «salir» para salir de la aplicación","Press the shortcut":"Pulse el atajo","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Pulse el atajo; y luego, ENTER. O bien, pulse RETROCESO para borrar el atajo.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Presione para establecer la contraseña de descifrado.","Previous versions of this note":"Versiones anteriores de esta nota","Print":"Imprimir","Privacy Policy":"Política de Privacidad","Profile Version: %s":"Versión del Perfil: %s","Properties":"Propiedades","Publish note...":"Publicar nota...","Publish Notes":"Publicar notas","Publish notes to the internet":"Publicar notas en Internet","Quit":"Salir","Re-encrypt data":"Recifrar datos","Re-encryption":"Recifrado","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Volver a cargar datos locales al objetivo de sincronización","Read more about it":"Leer más al respecto","Read time: %s min":"Tiempo de lectura: %s minutos","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"El destinatario ha aceptado la invitación","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"El destinatario aún no ha aceptado la invitación","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"El destinatario ha rechazado la invitación","Recipients:":"Destinatarios:","Redo":"Rehacer","Refresh":"Recargar","Reject":"Rechazar","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"¿Desea eliminar la etiqueta «%s» de todas las notas?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"¿Desea eliminar esta búsqueda de la barra lateral?","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename notebook:":"Renombrar libreta:","Rename tag:":"Renombrar etiqueta:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Renombra el dado (nota o libreta) a .","Renew token":"Renovar token","Resources: %d.":"Recursos: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Reiniciar y actualizar","Restart now":"Reiniciar ahora","Restore":"Restaurar","Restored Notes":"Notas Restauradas","Retry":"Reintentar","Retry All":"Reintentar Todos","Reveal file in folder":"Mostrar archivo en carpeta","Reverse sort order":"Invertir el orden","Reverses the sorting order.":"Invierte el orden.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisión: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Ejecuta los comandos contenidos en el archivo de texto. Debe haber un comando por línea.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"El modo seguro está actualmente activo. El renderizado de notas y todos los plugins están temporalmente deshabilitados.","Save":"Guardar","Save alarm":"Establecer alarma","Save as...":"Guardar como...","Save changes":"Guardar cambios","Save geo-location with notes":"Guardar geolocalización en las notas","Search":"Buscar","Search for plugins...":"Buscar plugins...","Search in all the notes":"Buscar en todas las notas","Search in current note":"Buscar en la nota actual","Search...":"Buscar...","Search:":"Buscar:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Busca el dado en todas las notas.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Ver la página de prelanzamientos para más detalles: %s","Select":"Seleccione","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Server is already running on port %d":"El servidor ya esta ejecutándose en el puerto %d","Server is not running.":"El servidor no se está ejecutando.","Server is running on port %d":"El servidor se está ejecutando en el puerto %d","Set alarm":"Establecer alarma","Set alarm:":"Establecer alarma:","Set the password":"Establecer la contraseña","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Asigna la propiedad de la dada al [valor] dado. Propiedades posibles son:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Compartir","Share Notebook":"Compartir Libreta","Share notebook...":"Compartir libreta...","Sharing notebook...":"Compartiendo libreta...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Los atajos no están disponibles en el modo CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Mostrar Opciones Avanzadas","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show completed to-dos":"Mostrar tareas completadas","Show note counts":"Mostrar número de notas","Show tray icon":"Mostrar icono en la bandeja","Sidebar":"Barra lateral","Size":"Tamaño","Skip this version":"Omitir esta versión","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Elementos omitidos: %d (use --retry-failed-items para intentar descifrarlos nuevamente)","Skipped: %d.":"Omitido: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Oscuro Solarizado","Solarised Light":"Claro Solarizado","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"No se han podido descifrar algunos elementos.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"No se han podido sincronizar algunos de los elementos.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"No se han podido sincronizar algunos de los elementos. Pulsa para más información.","Sort notebooks by":"Ordenar libretas por","Sort notes by":"Ordenar notas por","Sort selected lines":"Ordenar líneas seleccionadas","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ordena los elementos por (ej. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Formato de origen: %s","Source: ":"Origen: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Especifique el puerto que debe utilizar el servidor de la API. Si no está configurado, se utilizará un valor predeterminado.","Spell checker":"Corrector ortográfico","Split View":"Vista Dividida","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Iniciar aplicación minimizada como icono en la bandeja","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Inicie, pare o compruebe el servidor de la API. Para especificar el puerto que debe ejecutarse, establezca la variable de configuración api.port. Los comandos son (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Iniciando descifrado... Por favor espere, pues puede tardar varios minutos dependiendo de cuanto haya que descifrar.","Starting synchronisation...":"Iniciando sincronización...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Iniciando la edición de una nota. Cierre el editor para regresar a la ventana de diálogo.","Statistics":"Estadísticas","Statistics...":"Estadísticas...","Status":"Estado","Status: %s":"Estado: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Estado: Iniciado en el puerto %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Paso 1: Habilite el servicio de Web Clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Paso 1: Abra esta dirección en su navegador para autorizar la aplicación:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Paso 2: Introduzca el código provisto por Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Paso 2: Instale la extensión","Stop":"Detener","Stop external editing":"Detener la edición externa","Strikethrough":"Tachado","strong text":"texto en negrita","Submit":"Enviar","Subscript":"Subíndice","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"¡Éxito! La configuración de sincronización es correcta.","Superscript":"Superindice","Swap line down":"Mover línea hacia abajo","Swap line up":"Mover línea hacia arriba","Switch between note and to-do type":"Alternar entre nota y tarea","Switch to note type":"Cambiar a nota","Switch to to-do type":"Cambiar a tarea","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Cambia a [libreta] - todas las demás operaciones se realizarán en esta libreta.","Sync Status":"Estado de la sincronización","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Estado de la sincronización (elementos sincronizados / elementos totales)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"¡El objetivo de sincronización debe ser actualizado! Ejecute `%s` para proceder.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Actualización del Objetivo de Sincronización","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizar con el objetivo indicado (por defecto al valor de configuración","Sync Version: %s":"Versión de la Sincronización: %s","Sync your notes":"Sincroniza tus notas","Synchronisation":"Sincronización","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalo de sincronización","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"La sincronización ya está en progreso.","Synchronisation Status":"Estado de la Sincronización","Synchronisation target":"Objetivo de sincronización","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Objetivo de sincronización: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizar","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sincronizar solo a través de una conexión WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincroniza con el almacenamiento remoto.","Synchronising...":"Sincronizando...","Synchronizing...":"Sincronizando...","Tabloid":"Tabloide","Tagged: %d.":"Etiquetado: %d.","Tags":"Etiquetas","Take photo":"Tomar una foto","Text editor command":"Comando de editor de texto","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Gracias. Su cuenta de Joplin Cloud ya está configurada y lista para ser utilizada.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"La aplicación se va a cerrar. Por favor, vuelva a iniciarla para completar el proceso.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"La aplicación ha sido autorizada - ahora puede cerrar la pestaña de su navegador.","The application has been authorised!":"¡La aplicación ha sido autorizada!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"La aplicación ha sido autorizada exitosamente.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"La aplicación debe ser reiniciada para que estos cambios tengan efecto.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Los adjuntos ya no serán vigilados cuando cambie a una nota diferente.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"El comando «%s» solamente está disponible en modo GUI","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"La contraseña de administrador por defecto es insegura y no ha sido cambiada! [Cambiarla ahora](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"El método de cifrado predeterminado ha sido cambiado por uno más seguro y se recomienda que lo aplique a sus datos.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"El método de cifrado predeterminado ha sido cambiado, se recomienda recifrar los datos.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"El comando del editor (puede incluir argumentos) que se utilizará para abrir una nota. Si no se provee ninguno se intentará autodetectar el editor por defecto.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"La propiedad factor establece cómo el elemento crecerá o se reducirá para adaptarse al espacio disponible en su contenedor con respecto a los otros elementos. Por lo tanto, un elemento con un factor de 2 ocupará el doble de espacio que un elemento con un factor de 1. Reinicie la aplicación para ver los cambios.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Los adjuntos siguientes están siendo vigilados en busca de cambios:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"La aplicación móvil de Joplin no soporta actualmente este tipo de enlace: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"¡La clave maestra ha sido actualizada exitosamente!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Las claves maestras con estos ID son utilizadas para cifrar algunos de sus elementos, pero la aplicación no tiene acceso a ellas actualmente. Serán descargadas a través de la sincronización.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"La nota «%s» se ha restaurado exitosamente a la libreta «%s».","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"No se ha podido guardar la libreta: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Las notas han sido importadas: %s","The possible commands are:":"Los comandos posibles son:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"El objetivo de sincronización necesita ser actualizado antes de que Joplin pueda sincronizarse. La operación puede tardar unos minutos en completarse y la aplicación necesita ser reiniciada. Para proceder, por favor, haga clic en el enlace.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"La etiqueta «%s» ya existe. Por favor, busque un nuevo nombre.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"El objetivo de la sincronización. Cada objetivo de sincronización puede tener parámetros adicionales los cuales se nombran como `sync.NUM.NAME` (todos documentados a continuación).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper necesita su autorización para acceder a sus datos.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"El servicio de Web Clipper está habilitado e iniciará automáticamente.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"El servicio de Web Clipper no está habilitado.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Actualmente, no hay notas. Cree una pulsando en el botón (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"No hay ninguna libreta. Cree una haciendo clic en «Libreta nueva».","There is no data to export.":"No hay datos para exportar.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Ha habido un [conflicto](%s) en el adjunto siguiente:.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Ha habido un error al descargar este adjunto:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Se ha producido un error al configurar su cuenta de Joplin Cloud. Por favor, verifique su correo electrónico y contraseña e inténtelo de nuevo. El error fue:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Estos elementos se mantendrán en el dispositivo pero no serán subidos al objetivo de sincronización. Para encontrar dichos elementos, busque su título o su ID (el cual se muestra arriba entre corchetes).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Estos plugins mejoran el renderizador de Markdown con características adicionales. Tenga en cuenta que, si bien estas características pueden ser útiles, no son Markdown estándar y, por lo tanto, la mayoría de ellas solo funcionarán en Joplin. Además, algunas de ellas son *incompatibles* con el editor WYSIWYG. Si abre una nota que usa uno de estos complementos en ese editor, perderá el formato del complemento. A continuación se indica qué complementos son compatibles o no con el editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Este adjunto todavía no ha sido descargado o descifrado","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"El adjunto no ha sido descargado o descifrado todavía.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Este token de autorización se necesita solamente para permitirle a aplicaciones de terceros acceder a Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Esta es una herramienta avanzada para mostrar los adjuntos vinculados a sus notas. Por favor, tenga cuidado al eliminar alguno de ellos, ya que no pueden ser recuperados después.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Esta nota no tiene informacion de geolocalización.","This note has been modified:":"Esta nota ha sido modificada:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Esta nota no tiene contenido. Haga clic en «%s» para cambiar al editor y editar la nota.","This note has no history":"Esta nota no tiene historial","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Este editor de Texto Enriquecido tiene ciertas limitaciones y se recomienda estar consciente de estas antes de usarlo.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Este servicio le permite a la extensión de navegador comunicarse con Joplin. Cuando lo habilite, su cortafuegos solicitarle permisos para que Joplin escuche un puerto en particular.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Esto permitirá que Joplin se ejecute en segundo plano. Se recomienda habilitar esta configuración para que sus notas estén sincronizadas constantemente, reduciendo así el número de conflictos.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Esto abrirá una nueva pantalla. ¿Desea guardar los cambios actuales?","Time format":"Formato de hora","title":"título","Title":"Título","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Para permitir que Joplin se sincronice con Dropbox, por favor siga estos pasos:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Para eliminar una etiqueta, desmarque las notas asociadas.","To delete: %d":"Por borrar: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Para entrar al modo línea de comando, pulse «:»","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Para salir del modo línea de comando, pulse ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Para ordenar manualmente las notas, el orden de clasificación debe ser cambiado a «%s» en el menú «%s» > «%s»","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Para maximizar/minimizar la consola, pulse «tc».","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Para trasladarse desde un panel a otro, pulse Tab o Mayús+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Para reintentar el descifrado de estos elementos ejecute \'e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items\'","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Para funcionar correctamente, la aplicación necesita los siguientes permisos. Por favor habilítelos en la configuración de su teléfono, en Aplicaciones > Joplin > Permisos","to-do":"tarea","Toggle comment":"Alternar comentario","Toggle development tools":"Alternar herramientas de desarrollo","Toggle editor layout":"Alternar el diseño del editor","Toggle editors":"Alternar editores","Toggle external editing":"Alternar edición externa","Toggle note list":"Alternar la lista de notas","Toggle safe mode":"Alternar modo seguro","Toggle sidebar":"Alternar la barra lateral","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"¡El token ha sido copiado al portapapeles!","Tools":"Herramientas","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Try again":"Vuelva a intentarlo","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Escriba `help [comando]` para obtener más información sobre el comando o escriba `help all` para obtener toda la información acerca del uso del programa.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Escriba `joplin help` para mostrar información de uso.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Escriba el título de una nota o parte de su contenido para abrirla. O escriba # seguido del nombre de una etiqueta, o @ seguido del nombre de una libreta. O escriba : para buscar comandos.","Type new tags or select from list":"Escriba nuevas etiquetas o selecciónelas de la lista","Type: %s.":"Tipo: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Mostrar tareas incompletas al inicio de las listas","Undo":"Deshacer","Unknown flag: %s":"Flag desconocida: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Se ha descargado un elemento de tipo desconocido - por favor actualice Joplin a la última versión","Unpublish note":"Despublicar nota","Unshare":"Dejar de compartir","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"¿Dejar de compartir esta libreta? Los destinatarios ya no tendrán acceso a su contenido.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipo de imagen no soportado: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Enlace o mensaje no soportado: %s","Untitled":"Sin título","Update":"Actualizar","Updated":"Actualizada","updated date":"fecha de actualización","Updated local items: %d.":"Elementos locales actualizados: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos actualizados: %d.","Updated: ":"Actualizado: ","Updated: %d.":"Actualizado: %d.","Updated: %s":"Actualizado: %s","Updating...":"Actualizando...","Upgrade":"Actualizar","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Actualizar el objetivo de sincronización a la última versión.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Uso: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Usar formato de lista larga. El formato es ID, NOTE_COUNT (para libretas), DATE,TODO_CHECKED (para tareas), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Utilizar el corrector ortográfico","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Utilice las flechas y re/avpág para desplazar las listas y áreas de textos (incluyendo esta consola).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Use las flechas para mover los elementos del diseño. Pulse «Escape» para salir.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Use esto para reparar el índice de búsqueda si hay un problema con la búsqueda. Puede tomar un largo tiempo dependiendo del número de notas.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Se utiliza para la mayor parte del texto en el editor markdown. Si no se encuentra, se utiliza una fuente genérica proporcional (ancho variable).","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Se utiliza donde se necesita una fuente de ancho fijo para presentar el texto de manera legible (por ejemplo, tablas, casillas de verificación, código). Si no se encuentra, se utiliza una fuente genérica monoespaciada (ancho fijo).","Valid":"Válido","View":"Ver","View on map":"Ver en mapa","View them now":"Verlos ahora","Viewer":"Visor","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Advertencia","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Advertencia: no se muestran todos los recursos por razones de rendimiento (límite: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Contraseña de WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL de WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Usuario de WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Sitio web y documentación","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Bienvenido a Joplin.\\n\\nEscriba `:help shortcuts` para obtener la lista de los atajos de teclado; o simplemente, `:help` para información general.\\n\\nPor ejemplo, para crear una libreta pulse `mb`, para crear una nota pulse `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Al crear una nota nueva:","When creating a new to-do:":"Al crear una tarea nueva:","Words":"Palabras","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"sí","Yes":"Sí","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Está a punto de adjuntar una imagen grande (%dx%d píxeles). ¿Desea reducirla a %d píxeles antes de adjuntarla?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Actualmente, no tiene ninguna libreta.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"No tiene ningún plugin instalado.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"También puede escribir `status` para obtener más información.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Puede utilizar la siguiente herramienta para volver a cifrar sus datos, por ejemplo, si sabe que algunas de sus notas están cifradas con un método de cifrado obsoleto.","Your choice: ":"Su elección: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Sus datos van a ser cifrados y sincronizados nuevamente.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Su permiso para usar su cámara es necesario.","Your version: %s":"Su versión: %s","Zoom In":"Acercar","Zoom Out":"Alejar"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d päeva","%d hour":"%d tund","%d hours":"%d tundi","%d minutes":"%d minutit","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d märkmed vastavad sellele mustrile. Kas soovite need kustutada?","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (väljalaske-eelne)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopeeri","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s ( %s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d märkused","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Redigeeri","&File":"&Fail","&Help":"&Spikker","&Tools":"&Tööriistad","&View":"&Vaade","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"-Kaamera: lubada pildistamine ja lisada see märkmele.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"-Asukoht: lubada lisamine geograafilise asukoha teavet märkkele.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Teave kasutaja Joplin kohta","Active":"Aktiivne","Add body":"Lisa keha","Add or remove tags:":"Siltide lisamine või eemaldamine:","Add title":"Pealkirja lisamine","Advanced options":"Täpsemad suvandid","All notes":"Kõik märkmed","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Kuvab ka seatud ja peidetud konfiguratsioonimuutujad.","Always":"Alati","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Saadaval on värskendus, kas soovite selle kohe alla laadida?","Appearance":"Välimus","Application":"Rakendus","Apply":"Rakenda","Attach file":"Manusta fail","Attach photo":"Manusta foto","Attach...":"Lisada...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Manustab antud faili märkmele.","Attachment download behaviour":"Manuse allalaadimise käitumine","Attachments":"Manused","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Manused, mida ei saanud alla laadida","Authorisation token:":"Autoriseerimis token:","Auto":"Automaatne","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automaatne sidumine traksid, sulg, noteeringud jne.","Back":"Tagasi","Bold":"Paks","Browse...":"Sirvi...","Bulleted List":"Täpp-loend","Cancel":"Tühista","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Tausta sünkroniseerimise tühistamine... Oota.","Cancelling...":"Tühistamine...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Tühistamine... Oota.","Cannot change encrypted item":"Krüpteeritud üksust ei saa muuta","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ei leia \\" %s\\".","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Märkmiku ei saa sellesse asukohta teisaldada","Check for updates...":"Otsi värskendusi...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Kontrolli sünkroniseerimise konfiguratsiooni","Checkbox":"Märkekast","Checking... Please wait.":"Kontroll... Oota.","Choose an option":"Valida suvand","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome \' i veebipood","Clear":"Tühjenda","Clear alarm":"Tühjenda alarm","Close":"Sulge","Close Window":"Sule aken","Code":"Kood","Completed":"Lõpetatud","Completed decryption.":"Dekrüpteerimine on lõpetatud.","Configuration":"Seadistamine","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Parooli kinnitamine ei tohi olla tühi","Confirm password:":"Kinnitage parool:","Conflicted: %d":"Konflikteeritud: %d","Conflicts":"Konfliktid","Convert to note":"Teisenda märkeks","Copy":"Kopeeri","Copy Link Address":"Kopeeri lingi aadress","Copy Markdown link":"Kopeeri Markdown link","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopeeri tee lõikelauale","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopeeri jagatav link","Copy token":"Kopeeri token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Taotlust ei saanud lubada:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPalun proovige uuesti.","Create a notebook":"Märkmiku loomine","Created":"Loodud","created date":"loodud kuupäev","Created local items: %d.":"Loodud kohalikud üksused: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Loodud kaugüksused: %d.","Created: %d.":"Loodud: %d.","Created: %s":"Loodud: %s","Creates a new note.":"Loob uue märkme.","Creates a new notebook.":"Loob uue märkmiku.","Creates a new to-do.":"Loob uue tee.","Creating new %s...":"Uue %s loomine...","Creating report...":"Aruande loomine...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Praegune versioon on ajakohane.","Custom TLS certificates":"Kohandatud TLS-i serdid","Cut":"Lõika","Dark":"Tume","Database v%s":"Andmebaas v%s","Date format":"Kuupäeva formaat","days":"päeva","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dekrüpteeritud üksused: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Üksuste dekrüpteerimine: %d/%d","Default":"Vaikimisi","Default: %s":"Default: %s","Delete":"Kustuta","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Kas kustutada märge \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Kas soovite märkme kustutada?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Kas soovite märkmiku \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nKustutatakse ka kõik selle märkmiku märkmed ja alammärkmikud.","Delete these %d notes?":"Kas kustutada %d märkmed?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Kustutatud kohalikud üksused: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Kustutatud kaugüksused: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Kustutab antud märkmiku.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Kustutab märkmete vastendamise .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Kustutab märkmed ilma kinnitust küsimata.","Destination format: %s":"Sihtkoha Formaat: %s","Directory":"Kataloogid","Disable encryption":"Keela krüptimine","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Keela Web Clipper Service","Disabled":"Keelatud","Discard changes":"Hülga muutused","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Kuvatakse märkme geograafilise asukoha URL.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Kuvab ainult esimesed märkmed.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Kuvab ainult konkreetset tüüpi tüübid. Võib olla `n` märkmete jaoks, `t` ülesannete jaoks või `nt` märkmete ja ülesannete jaoks (nt `-tt` kuvaks ainult ülesandeid, `-tnt` aga märkmeid ja ülesanded.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Kuvatakse märkme kohta täielik teave.","Displays the given note.":"Kuvab antud märkme.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Kuvab märkmed praeguses märkmikus. Kasutage märkmike loendi kuvamiseks \' ls /\'.","Displays usage information.":"Kuvab kasutusteabe.","Displays version information":"Kuvab versiooniteabe","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ära küsi kinnitust.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Laadige alla ja installige brauseri vastav laiend:","Downloaded":"Allalaetud","Downloaded and decrypted":"Alla laaditud ja dekrüpteeritud","Downloaded and encrypted":"Alla laaditud ja krüpteeritud","Downloading":"Allalaadimine","Downloading resources...":"Ressursside allalaadimine...","Dracula":"Dracula","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox-i sisselogimine","Duplicate":"Paljunda","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Kopeerib märkmed, mis vastavad märkusele ja [notebook]. Kui ühtegi märkmikku pole täpsustatud, dubleeritakse see praeguses märkmikus.","Edit":"Muuda","Edit in external editor":"Redigeeri välisredaktoris","Edit note.":"Redigeeri märkust.","Edit notebook":"Märkmiku redigeerimine","Editor":"Redigeerija","Editor font":"Redaktori font","Editor font family":"Redaktori font pere","Editor font size":"Redaktori fondi suurus","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Kas \\"tekst\\" või \\"JSON\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","Enable":"Luba","Enable encryption":"Luba krüptimine","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Luba Web Clipper Service","Enabled":"Lubatud","Encrypted":"Krüpteeritud","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Krüpteeritud üksusi ei saa muuta","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Krüptitud märkmikke ei saa ümber nimetada","Encryption":"Krüpteerimine","Encryption Config":"Krüptimise konfiguratsioon","Encryption is: %s":"Krüpteerimine on: %s","Enter code here":"Sisestage kood siia","Enter master password:":"Sisestage põhiparool:","Enter notebook title":"Sisestage märkmiku tiitel","Error":"Viga","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Tõrge märkme avamisel redaktoris: %s","Errors only":"Ainult tõrked","Exits the application.":"Väljub rakendusest.","Export":"Eksport","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Ekspordib Joplini andmed antud teele. Vaikimisi ekspordime täieliku andmebaasi, sealhulgas märkmikud, märkmed, sildid ja ressursid.","Exports only the given note.":"Ekspordib ainult antud märkuse.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Ekspordib ainult antud märkmiku.","Fatal error:":"Parandamatu tõrge:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Tõmmatud üksused: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Ressursside toomine: %d/%d","File":"Fail","File system":"Failisüsteem","Firefox Extension":"Firefoxi laiendus","Fix search index":"Paranda otsinguindeks","Fixing search index...":"Otsinguindeksi parandamine...","Focus":"Fookus","Folders":"Kaustad","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Teavet selle kohta, kuidas kohandada otseteed Palun külastage %s","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"73/5000\\nKlaviatuuri otseteede ja konfiguratsioonivõimaluste loendi jaoks tippige \\"help keymap\\"","Found: %d.":"Leitud: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS lubatud: %d","General":"Üldine","Generating link...":"Lingi loomine...","Get it now:":"Võta nüüd:","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Saab või seab seadistusväärtuse. Kui väärtust [value] ei ole esitatud, näitab see [name] väärtust. Kui ei ole esitatud [name] ega [value], loetatakse praegune konfiguratsioon.","Go to source URL":"Mine Allika URL-ile","Heading":"Pealkiri","Help":"Abi","Hide %s":"Peida %s","HTML Directory":"HTML-kataloog","HTML File":"HTML-fail","Hyperlink":"Hüperlink","ID":"ID","Idle":"Jõude","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignoreeri TLS-i serdi tõrked","Import":"Impordi","Importing notes...":"Märkmete importimine...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Impordib andmed Joplini.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Mis tahes käsu, Märkus või märkmiku saab viidatud pealkirja või ID või kasutades otseteed `$n` või `$b` vastavalt praegu valitud Märkus või märkmiku. `$c` saab kasutada praegu valitud üksusele viitamiseks.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Selleks, et kasutada failisüsteemi sünkroniseerimist, on vajalik teie õigus kirjutada välisele salvestussüsteemile.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Selleks, et kasutada Web Clipper, peate tegema järgmist:","In progress":"Töötlemisel","In: %s":"Asukoht: %s","Information":"Informatsioon","Insert Date Time":"Lisa kuupäev kellaaeg","Insert Hyperlink":"Lisa hüperlink","Invalid answer: %s":"Sobimatu vastus: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Sobimatu käsk: %s","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Sobimatu suvandiväärtus: %s. Võimalikud väärtused on: %s.","Italic":"Kald","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Üksust %s ei saanud alla laadida: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Üksused, mida ei saa dekrüptida","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Üksused, mida ei saa sünkrooniseerida","Joplin Forum":"Joplini Foorum","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper võimaldab salvestada veebilehti ja ekraanipilte brauserist Joplini.","Joplin website":"Joplini veebisait","Keep note history for":"Säilita märkmete ajalugu","Keyboard Mode":"Klaviatuuri režiim","Landscape":"Maastik","Language":"Keel","Last error: %s":"Viimane tõrge: %s","Layout":"Paigutus","Legal":"Õiguslik","Letter":"Kaaskiri","Light":"Hele","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Link on kopeeritud lõikelauale!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Linke protokolliga \\"%s\\" ei toetata","Location":"Asukoht","Log":"Logi","Login with Dropbox":"Logi sisse Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Logi sisse OneDrive \' iga","Make a donation":"Annetuse tegemine","Manual":"Manuaal","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Märgib, et ülesannete loetelu on tehtud .","Master Key %s":"Põhivõti %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimaalsed samaaegsed ühendused","Missing Master Keys":"Puuduvad juhtklahvid","Missing required argument: %s":"Puuduv nõutav argument: %s","More information":"Lisainformatsioon","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"\\"%s\\" vastab rohkem kui ühele üksusele. Palun kitsendage oma päringut.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Kas teisaldada %d märkmed märkmikku \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook...":"Teisalda märkmikku...","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Uus Märkus","New notebook":"Uus märkmik","New Notebook":"Uus märkmik","New sub-notebook":"Uus alammärkmik","New tags:":"Uued sildid:","New version: %s":"Uus versioon: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-i parool","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-i kasutajanimi","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV-i URL","No":"Ei","No active notebook.":"Aktiivset märkmikku pole.","No item with ID %s":"Üksust ID-ga %s ei ole","No notebook has been specified.":"Ühtegi märkmikku pole määratud.","No notebook selected.":"Ühtegi märkmikku pole valitud.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Siin pole märkmeid. Looge üks, klõpsates nupul \\"New note\\".","No such command: %s":"Sellist käsku pole: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Tekstiredaktorit pole määratletud. Seadistage see kasutades konfiguratsiooniredaktorit ","Nord":"Nord","Not downloaded":"Ei laaditud alla","note":"paberraha","Note":"Märge","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Märget pole olemas: \\"%s\\". Kas luua?","Note History":"Märkmete ajalugu","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Märkus ei ole ülesannete loetelu: %s","Note properties":"Märkme atribuudid","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Märkus: ei tööta kõigil töölaua keskkondades.","Notebook title:":"Märkmiku tiitel:","Notebook: %s":"Märkmik: %s","Notebooks":"Sülearvutid","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Märkmikke ei saa nimega \\"%s\\", mis on reserveeritud tiitel.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Märkmed ja sätted talletatakse: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Märkmeid saab luua ainult märkmiku sees.","Numbered List":"Nummerdatud loend","OK":"OK","On %s: %s":"%s: %s","One or more master keys need a password.":"Üks või mitu Põhivõtit vajavad parooli.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive-i sisselogimine","Open %s":"Ava %s","Open...":"Avatud...","Operation cancelled":"Toiming tühistati","Options":"Valikud","Page orientation for PDF export":"Lehekülje suund PDF-i eksportimiseks","Password":"Parool","Password cannot be empty":"Parool ei tohi olla tühi","Password:":"Parool:","Passwords do not match!":"Paroolid ei kattu!","Paste":"Kleebi","PDF File":"PDF-fail","Permission to use camera":"Kaamera kasutamise õigus","Please select a notebook first.":"Palun valige esmalt märkmik.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Valige esmalt kustutatav märkus või märkmik.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Palun valige, kus sünkroonimise olekut tuleks eksportida","Plugins":"Pluginad","Portrait":"Portree","Possible keys/values:":"Võimalikud klahvid/väärtused:","Possible values: %s.":"Võimalikud väärtused: %s.","Preferences...":"Eelistused...","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Rakendusest väljumiseks vajutage Ctrl+D või kirjutage \\"exit\\"","Press to set the decryption password.":"Vajutage, et määrata dekrüptimisparool.","Previous versions of this note":"Selle märkme eelmised versioonid","Properties":"Objektid","Quit":"Lõpeta","Refresh":"Värskenda","Remove":"Eemalda","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Kas eemaldada silt \\"%s\\" kõigist märkmetest?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Kas soovite selle otsingu külgribalt eemaldada?","Rename":"Nimeta ümber","Rename notebook:":"Märkmiku ümbernimetamine:","Rename tag:":"Nimeta silt ümber:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Nimetab antud (Märkus või märkmik) .","Resources: %d.":"Ressursid: %d.","Restore":"Taasta","Restored Notes":"Taastatud märkmed","Retry":"Uuesti","Reverse sort order":"Pööra sortimisjärjestus ümber","Reverses the sorting order.":"Pöörab sorteerimis järjestuse ümber.","Save":"Salvesta","Save as...":"Salvesta kui...","Save changes":"Salvesta muudatused","Save geo-location with notes":"Salvesta geograafilise asukoha märkmed","Search":"Otsi","Search in all the notes":"Otsi kõigist märkmetest","Search in current note":"Otsi praeguses märkuses","Search...":"Otsi...","Search:":"Otsi:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Otsib kõiki märkmeid.","Select all":"Vali kõik","Server is already running on port %d":"Server töötab juba pordis %d","Server is not running.":"Server ei tööta.","Server is running on port %d":"Serveris töötab port %d","Set alarm":"Alarmi seadmine","Set alarm:":"Alarmi seadmine:","Set the password":"Parooli seadmine","Share":"Jaga","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Otseteed pole CLI režiimis saadaval.","Show Advanced Settings":"Kuva täpsemad sätted","Show all":"Näita kõiki","Show completed to-dos":"Näita lõpuleviidud ülesandeid","Show note counts":"Kuva märkmete arv","Show tray icon":"Kuva salve ikoon","Skipped: %d.":"Vahele jäetud: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Mõnda üksust ei saa sünkroonida.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Mõnda üksust ei saa sünkroonida. Lisateabe saamiseks vajutage.","Sort notebooks by":"Sorteeri märkmikud","Sort notes by":"Märkmete sortimine","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sordib üksuse järgi (nt pealkiri, uuendatud_aeg, loodud_aeg).","Source format: %s":"Allika Formaat: %s","Split View":"Tükelda vaade","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Dekrüpteerimise käivitamine... Palun oodake. See võib võtta mitu minutit sõltuvalt sellest, kui palju on dekrüpteerida.","Starting synchronisation...":"Sünkroonimise käivitamine...","Status":"Staatus","Status: %s":"Staatus: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Olek: alustatud porti %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"1. samm: Lubage Clipper service","Step 2: Install the extension":"2. toiming: installige laiend","Stop external editing":"Peata väline redigeerimine","Submit":"Saada","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Edu! Sünkroonimise konfiguratsioon näib olevat õige.","Switch to note type":"Märkme tüübi aktiveerimine","Sync Status":"Sünkroonimise olek","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Sünkroonimise olek (sünkroonitud üksused/kokku üksused)","Synchronisation":"Sünkroonimine","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sünkroniseerimine on juba teoksil.","Synchronisation Status":"Sünkroonimise olek","Synchronise":"Sünkroniseeri","Synchronising...":"Sünkroonimine...","Tagged: %d.":"Sildistatud: %d.","Tags":"Sildid","Take photo":"Pildista","The application has been authorised!":"Taotlus on heaks kiidetud!","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Käsk %s on saadaval ainult graafilises kasutajaliideses","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin mobiilirakendus ei toeta praegu seda tüüpi linki: %s","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Märkus \\"%s\\" on märkmikku \\"%s\\" edukalt taastatud.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Märkmikku ei saanud salvestada: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Märkmed on imporditud: %s","The possible commands are:":"Võimalikud käsud on:","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web Clipper service on lubatud ja seadke automaatselt käivituma.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web clipper service pole lubatud.","Theme":"Teema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Praegu pole märkmeid. Looge üks, klõpsates nupul (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Praegu pole märkmikku. Loo üks klõpsates \\"New notebook\\".","There is no data to export.":"Eksportivaid andmeid pole.","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Selle manuse allalaadimisel ilmnes tõrge:","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Seda manust ei laadita alla või pole veel dekrüpteeritud","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Seda manust ei ole laetud ega dekrüpteeritud veel.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"See luba on vajalik ainult selleks, et lubada kolmanda osapoole rakendustele juurdepääsu Joplini.","This note has been modified:":"Seda märkust on muudetud:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Sellel märkel pole sisu. Klõpsake \\" %s\\" redaktori vahetamiseks ja märkme redigeerimiseks.","This note has no history":"Sellel märkel pole ajalugu","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"See teenus võimaldab brauseri laiendil suhelda Joplini-ga. Kui lubate selle, võib tulemüür paluda teil anda luba Joplini kuulata teatud porti.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"See avab uue ekraani. Kas salvestada praegused muudatused?","Time format":"Kellaaja Formaat","title":"pealkiri","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Sildi kustutamiseks eemaldage märkmed seotud silt.","To delete: %d":"Kustutamiseks: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Käsurea režiimi sisestamiseks vajutage \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Käsurea režiimist väljumiseks vajutage ESCAPE","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Konsooli maksimeerimiseks/minimeerimiseks vajutage \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Ühest paanist teise liikumiseks vajutage Tab või Shift + Tab.","to-do":"ülesande nimekiri","Toggle development tools":"Lülita arendus tööriistad","Toggle editor layout":"Lülita redaktori paigutus sisse/välja","Toggle note list":"Lülita märkuseloend sisse/välja","Toggle sidebar":"Lülita külgriba sisse/välja","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token on kopeeritud lõikelauale!","Tools":"Tööriistad","Total: %d/%d":"Kokku: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Käsu kohta lisateabe saamiseks tippige käsk `help [command]`; või tippige täieliku kasutamise teabe saamiseks `help all`.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Sisestage `joplin help` kasutusteabe jaoks .","Type new tags or select from list":"Tippige uued sildid või valige loendist","Type: %s.":"Tüüp: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Lõpetamata ülesanded üleval","Unknown flag: %s":"Tundmatu lipp: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"Toetuseta pilditüüp: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Toetuseta link või sõnum: %s","Untitled":"Pealkirjata","Updated":"Uuendatud","updated date":"värskendatud kuupäev","Updated remote items: %d.":"Värskendatud kaugüksused: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Värskendatud: %d.","Updated: %s":"Värskendatud: %s","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Kasutus: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Kasutage pikka nimekirja vormingut. ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Loendite ja tekstialade (sh selle konsooli) kerimiseks kasutage nooli ja lehe üles/alla klahve.","View on map":"Vaata kaardilt","View them now":"Vaata neid nüüd","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Hoiatus","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-i parool","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-i URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-i kasutajanimi","Website and documentation":"Veebileht ja dokumentatsioon","When creating a new note:":"Uue märkme loomisel:","y":"y","Y":"Y","Yes":"Jah","You currently have no notebooks.":"Teil pole praegu märkmikke.","Your choice: ":"Sinu valik: ","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Teie luba kaamera kasutamiseks on vajalik.","Your version: %s":"Teie versioon: %s"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d hour":"% ordua","%d hours":"% orduak","%d minutes":"%d minutuak","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d oharrak bat datoz ereduarekin. Ezabatu nahi dituzu?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d oharrak","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s"," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" erabil daiteke \\"txandakatzeko\\" edo \\"garbitzeko\\". Erabili \\"txandakatu\\", emandako zeregina txandakatzeko bete ala ez-betea txandaketzeko (helburua ohar arrunta bada, zeregin bihurtuko da. Erabili \\"garbitu\\" zeregina ohar arrunt bilakatzeko.","About Joplin":"Joplin-i buruz","Active":"Aktibo","Add or remove tags:":"Gehitu edo ezabatu etiketak:","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Ezkutuko edo zehaztu gabeko konfigurazio aldagaiak ere erakusten ditu.","Attach file":"Erantsi fitxategia","Attach photo":"Argazkia erantsi","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Erantsi fitxategia notan","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentifikazioa ez da egin osorik (ez du token-ik hartu).","Automatically update the application":"Automatikoki eguneratu aplikazioa","Back":"Atzera","Cancel":"Utzi","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Atzeko sinkronizazioa uzten... Mesedez itxaron.","Cancelling...":"Bertan behera uzten...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Bertan behera uzten... itxaron, mesedez.","Cannot access %s":"Ezin atzituta %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Ezinezkoa zifratutako itema aldatzea","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Ezin kopia daiteke oharra \\"%s\\" koadernora","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ezin aurkitu \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Ezin eraman daiteke oharra \\"%s\\" koadernora","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Tokena ezin eguneratu daiteke: egiaztatze-datuak desagertuta daude. Agian, berriro sinkronizatzeak arazoa konpon lezake.","Clear":"Garbitu","Coming alarms":"Hurrengo alarmak","Completed decryption.":"Deszifratuta.","Configuration":"Konfigurazioa","Conflicted: %d":"Gatazkatsua: %d","Conflicts":"Gatazkak","Convert to note":"Oharra bihurtu","Convert to todo":"Zeregina bihurtu","Copy":"Kopiatu","Created":"Sortua","Created local items: %d.":"Item lokalak sortuta: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak sortuta: %d.","Created: %d.":"Sortuta: %d.","Created: %s":"Sortuta: %s","Creates a new note.":"Ohar berria sortzen du.","Creates a new notebook.":"Koaderno berria sortzen du.","Creates a new to-do.":"Zeregin berria sortu.","Cut":"Moztu","Dark":"Iluna","Date format":"Data-formatua","Default: %s":"Lehenetsia: %s","Delete":"Ezabatu","Delete note?":"Oharra ezabatu?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Item lokala ezabatuta: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak ezabatuta: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Ezabatu emandako koadernoak.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Ezabatu koadernoak berrespenik gabe.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Ezabatu bat datozen oharrak: .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Ezabatu oharrak berrespenik eskatu gabe.","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Sinkronizatzeko direktorioa (bide-izena osorik)","Disable encryption":"Zifratzea desgaitu","Disabled":"Desgaituta","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Zifratua desgaitzeak esan nahi du zure ohar eta eranskin *guztiak* berriro deszifratuta sinkronizatuko eta bidaliko direla sinkronizazio helburura. Segitu nahi duzu?","Discard changes":"Bertan behera utzi aldaketak","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Erakutsi URL geolokalizazioa oharrean.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Erakusten ditu soilik gorengo oharrak.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Zehaztutako item motak baino ez du erakusten. Izan daiteke `n` oharretarako, `t` zereginetarako, edo `nt` ohar eta zereginetarako (esate batrako, `-tt` zereginak erakutsiko ditu soilik, `-tnt` berriz zereginak eta oharrak.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Oharren eta koadernoen laburpena erakusten du.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Erakutsi oharrari buruzko informazio guztia.","Displays the given note.":"Oharra erakutsi","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Oraingo koadernoko oharrak erakusten ditu. Erabili `ls /` koadernoen zerrenda erakusteko.","Displays usage information.":"Erakutsi erabilera datuak.","Displays version information":"Erakutsi bertsioko informazioa","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ez galdetu berresteko.","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"rekin bat datozen oharrak [koaderno]ra kopiatzen ditu. Koadernorik ez bada zehazten, oharra oraingo koadernoan bikoiztuko da","Edit":"Editatu","Edit note.":"Oharra editatu.","Edit notebook":"Editatu koadernoa","Enable":"Gaituta","Enable encryption":"Zifratua gaitu","Enabled":"Gaituta","Encrypted":"Zifratuta","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Zifratutako itemak ezin aldatu daitezke","Encryption Config":"Zifratze Ezarpenak","Encryption is: %s":"Zifratzea da: %s","Enter master password:":"Sartu pasahitz nagusia:","Enum":"Zenbakitu","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Errorea editorean oharra zabaltzean: %s","Exits the application.":"Irten aplikaziotik.","Export Debug Report":"Esportatu arazketa txostena","Exports only the given note.":"Esportatu emandako oharra soilik.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Esportatu emandako koadernoa soilik.","Fatal error:":"Aio! Agur! :_( ","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Itemak eskuratuta: %d%d.","File":"Fitxategia","File system":"Fitxategi sistema","Folders":"Karpetak","Found: %d.":"Aurkitua: %d","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Konfigurazio balioa hartu edo ezartzen du. Baldin eta [balioa] ez bada ematen, [izena]ren balioa erakutsiko du. Ez bada ematen [izena] ez [balioa], oraingo konfigurazioaren zerrenda erakutsiko da.","ID":"ID","Import":"Inportatu","Importing notes...":"Oharrak inportatzen...","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Edozein komandotan, oharra edo koadernoari erreferentzia egin ahal zaio izenburuz edo ID erabilita, edo `$n` edo `$b` lasterbideak erabilita, aukeratuta dagoen oharra edo koadernoa erabiltzeko. `$c` ere erabil daiteke aukeratutako elementua erabiltzeko.","Invalid answer: %s":"Erantzun baliogabea: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Komando baliogabea: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Balio aukera baliogabea: \\"%s\\". Litezkeen balioak: %s.","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Itemok ezin sinkronizatu","Language":"Hizkuntza","Layout":"Diseinua","Light":"Argia","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Giltzatzeko fitxategia dagoeneko eutsita dagoeneko. Baldin eta badakizu ez dena sinkronizaziorik egiten ari, ken dezakezu giltzatzeko fitxategia \\"%s\\"-n eta berrekin eragiketari.","Log":"Egunkaria","Login with OneDrive":"Login with OneDrive","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markatu zeregina egindakotzat.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markatu zeregina betegabe moduan.","Master Key %s":"Pasahitz Nagusia %s","Missing required argument: %s":"Beharrezko argumentua faltan: %s","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Elementu bat baino gehiago bat dator \\"%s\\" bilaketarekin. Mugatu zure bilaketa, mesedez.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Mugitu %d oharrak \\"%s\\" koadernora?","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Oharrak eramaten ditu bilatuta [notebook]era.","n":"e","N":"E","New note":"Ohar berria","New notebook":"Koaderno berria","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"\\"%s\\" koaderno berria sortuko da eta \\"%s\\" Fitxategia inportatuko da bertara","New to-do":"Zeregin berria","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud pasahitza","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud erabiltzaile-izena","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","No active notebook.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","No notebook has been specified.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","No notebook selected.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Hemen ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat \\"Ohar berria\\" sakatuta.","No such command: %s":"Ez dago komandorik: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Testu editorerik ez dago definituta. Egin hau erabilita, mesedez: `config editor `","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ez da autentifikatu %s -rekin. Eman galdutako kredentzialak.","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Ez dago oharrik: \\"%s\\". Sortu?","Note has been saved.":"Oharra gorde da.","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Oharra ez da zeregina: \\"%s\\"","Notebook title:":"Koadernoaren izenburua: ","Notebooks":"Koadernoak","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Koadernoak ezin izendatu daitezke \\"%s\\", izen hori Joplinek gordeta dauka","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Oharrak eta ezarpenak hemen daude gordeta: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Oharrak soilik sor daitezke koaderno baten barruan.","OK":"OK","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Item bat edo gehiago orain zifratuta daude eta baliteke zuk pasahitz nagusia ordezkatu behar izatea. Horixe egiteko, mesedez, idatz `e2ee decrypt`. Dagoeneko pasahitza ordezkatua baduzu, itemak deszifratzen ari izango dira atzeko planoan eta laster izango dira eskuragarri.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Logeatu OneDriven","Operation cancelled":" Eragiketa utzita","Options":"Aukerak","Password":"Pasahitza","Password cannot be empty":"Pasahitza ezin utz daiteke hutsik","Password:":"Pasahitza:","Paste":"Itsatsi","Please select a notebook first.":"Aurretik aukeratu formatua, mesedez.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Aurretik aukeratu ezabatzeko oharra edo koadernoa, mesedez.","Possible keys/values:":"Litezkeen balioak:","Possible values: %s.":"Litezkeen balioak: %s.","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Sakatu Ktrl+D edo idatzi \\"exit\\" aplikaziotik irteteko","Press to set the decryption password.":"Sakatu deszifratze pasahitza ezartzeko.","Quit":"Irten","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Kendu bilaketa hori ohar guztietatik?","Rename":"Berrizendatu","Rename notebook:":"Berrizendatu koadernoa:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Ber izendatu emandako (oharra edo koadernoa) izen berriaz.","Resources: %d.":"Baliabideak: %d.","Reverses the sorting order.":"Alderantziz antolatzen du.","Save":"Gorde","Save changes":"Gorde aldaketak","Save geo-location with notes":"Gore geokokapena oharrekin","Search":"Bilatu","Search in all the notes":"Bilatu ohar guztietan","Search:":"Bilatu:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Emandako bilatzen du ohar guztietan.","Set alarm":"Ezarri alarma","Set alarm:":"Ezarri alarma:","Set the password":"Ezarri pasahitza","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Emandako ren ezaugarrian emandako [value] balioa ezartzen du. Litezkeen ezaugarriak dira:\\n\\n%s","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"CLI moduan ez dago lasterbiderik erabilgarri.","Skipped: %d.":"Saltatuta: %d.","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Zenbait item ezin dira deszifratu.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Zenbait item ezin dira sinkronizatu.","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Itemak antolatzen ditu arabera (esate baterako, izenburua, eguneratze_unea, sortze_unea).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Deszifratzearen hasiera... Mesedez itxaron, prozesua luzea izan daiteke, zenbat dagoen prozesatzeko.","Starting synchronisation...":"Sinkronizazioa hasten...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Oharra editatzearen hasiera. Itxi editorea prompt-era bueltatzeko.","Status":"Egoera","Switch between note and to-do type":"Aldatu oharra eta zeregin eren artean.","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Aldatu [koaderno]ra - hurrengo eragiketak koaderno horretan jazoko dira.","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Sinkronizazio egoera (sinkronizatutako itemak/itemak guztira)","Synchronisation interval":"Sinkronizazio tartea","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinkronizazio prozesua dagoeneko abian da.","Synchronisation Status":"Sinkronizazioaren egoera","Synchronisation target":"Sinkronizazio helbudua","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Sinkronizazio helburua: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sinkronizatu","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Urruneko biltegiarekin sinkronizatzen du.","Tagged: %d.":"Etiketatuta: %d.","Tags":"Etiketak","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikazioak baimena hartu du - Orain fitxa hau zarratu dezakezu.","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikazioak baimena hartu du.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"\\"%s\\" komandoa soilik eskuragarri GUI moduan","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Koadernoa ezin gorde daiteke: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Oharrak inportatu dira: %s","The possible commands are:":"Litezkeen komandoak hauek dira:","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Sinkronizazio helburua. Sinkronizazio aukera bakoitzak izan ditzake parametro gehigarriak, horrela izendatuta `sync.NUM.NAME` (dena beherago dokumentatuta).","Theme":"Gaia","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat (+) botoian klik eginaz.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Momentuz ez dago koadernorik. Sortu bat \\"Koaderno berria\\" sakatuta.","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Itemok gailuan geratuko dira baina ez dira sinkronizatuko. Horiek aurkitzeko bilaketak egin titulu edo goiko parentesien arteko IDaren arabera.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ohar honek ez du geokokapen informaziorik.","This note has been modified:":"Ohar hau mugitua izan da:","Time format":"Ordu formatua","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Etiketa ezabatzeko, kendu etiketa duten oharrei","To delete: %d":"Ezabatzeko: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Komando lerroa sartzeko, idatzi \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Komando lerrotik irteteko, sakatu ESC, mesedez","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Panel batetik bestera mugitzeko, sakatu Tab edo Shifft + Tab.","Total: %d/%d":"Denera: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Idatzi `help [command]` komandoari buruzko informazio gehiagorako; edo idatzi `help all` erabilerari buruzko informazio osoa lortzeko.","Type: %s.":"Idatz: %s.","Unknown flag: %s":"Marka ezezaguna: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"Irudi formatua ez onartua: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Esteka edo mezu ez dago onartua: %s","Untitled":"Titulu gabekoa","Updated":"Eguneratua","Updated local items: %d.":"Item lokalak eguneratuta: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak eguneratuta: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Eguneratuta: %d.","Usage: %s":"Erabili: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Zerrenda luzearen formatua erabili. Formatua hau da, ID, NOTE_COUNT (libururako), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (zereginetarako), TITLE","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Erabili geziak edo page up/down list eta testu guneen artean aldatzeko (kontsola hau ere kontuan izanda).","View on map":"Ikusi mapan","View them now":"Ikusi hori orain","Website and documentation":"Web orria eta dokumentazioa (en)","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Ongi etorri Joplin-era!\\n\\nIdatz `:help shortcuts` lasterbideak ikusteko, edo soilik `:help`erabilerako informaziorako.\\n\\nEsate baterako, koadernoa sortzeko sakatu `mb`: oharra sortzeko sakatu `mn`","y":"b","Y":"B","Your choice: ":"Zure aukera:"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d روز","%d hour":"%d ساعت","%d hours":"%d ساعت","%d minutes":"%d دقیقه","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d یادداشت مطابق این الگو هستند. حذف شوند؟","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s، %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) نمی‌تواند بارگذاری شود: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s - Copy":"%s - کپی","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d یادداشت","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&ویرایش","&File":"&فایل","&Help":"&کمک","&Note":"&یادداشت","&Tools":"&ابزارها","&View":"&نما","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- دوربین: برای عکس گرفتن به پیوست کردن آن به یک یادداشت.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- موقعیت: برای پیوست کردن اطلاعات ژئولوکیشن به یک یادداشت.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- فضای ذخیره‌سازی: برای پیوست کردن فایل‌ها به یادداشت‌ها و فعال کردن همگام‌سازی filesystem.","About Joplin":"درباره جاپلین","Action":"عمل","Active":"فعال","Actual Size":"اندازه واقعی","Add body":"افزودن بدنه","Add or remove tags:":"اضافه یا حذف کردن برچسب‌ها:","Add title":"افزودن عنوان","Advanced options":"گزینه های پیشرفته","All notes":"همه یادداشت‌ها","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"همچنین متغیر‌های تنظیماتی که تنظیم نشده یا مخفی هستند را نمایش می‌دهد.","Always":"همیشه","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"یک بروزرسانی موجود است، آیا میخواهید هم اکنون بارگیری‌اش کنید؟","Appearance":"ظاهر","Application":"نرم‌افزار","Apply":"اعمال","Attach file":"پیوست فایل","Attach photo":"ضمیمه‌ی تصویر","Attach...":"پیوست...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"فایل مشخص شده را به یادداشت پیوست کن.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"تداخل پیوست: «%s»","Attachment download behaviour":"رفتار بارگیری پیوست","Attachments":"پیوست ها","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"پیوست هایی که بارگیری نشده","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"احراز هویت انجام نشد (توکن احراز هویت دریافت نشد).","Authorisation token:":"توکن مجوز:","Auto":"خودکار","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"به طور خودکار پوسته هماهنگ با پوسته سیستم تغییر کند","Automatically update the application":"به طور خودکار نرم‌افزار را به‌روز کن","Back":"بازگشت","Bold":"پررنگ","Browse...":"مرور...","Bulleted List":"لیست گلوله ای بدون ترتیب","Cancel":"لغو","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"در حال لغو همگام سازی در پس‌زمینه... لطفا صبر کنید.","Cancelling...":"در حال لغو...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"در حال لغو... لطفا منتظر بمانید.","Cannot access %s":"نمی‌توان به %s دسترسی یافت","Cannot change encrypted item":"نمی‌توان مورد رمزگذاری شده را تغییر داد","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"نمیتوان یادداشت را به دفترچه ی «%s» کپی کرد","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"«%s» یافت نشد.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"نمی‌توان همگام‌ساز را شروع کرد.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"ماژول «%s» برای فرمت «%s» و خروجی «%s» بارگزاری نشد.","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"نمیتوان یادداشت را به دفترچه ی «%s» انتقال داد","Cannot move notebook to this location":"دفترچه را نمیتوان به این مکان انتقال داد","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"نمی‌توان توکن را تازه‌سازی کرد: داده های احراز هویت پیدا نشدند. شروع دوباره همگام‌سازی ممکن است این مشکل را حل کند.","Characters":"حروف","Characters excluding spaces":"حروف به غیر از فاصله‌ها","Check for updates...":"بررسی برای ارتقا...","Check synchronisation configuration":"بررسی تنظیمات همگام‌سازی","Checkbox":"چک‌باکس","Checkbox list":"لیست چک‌باکس","Checking... Please wait.":"در حال بررسی... لطفا صبر کنید.","Choose an option":"یک گزینه را انتخاب کنید","Clear":"پاک","Clear alarm":"پاک کردن هشدار","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"برای بازیابی یادداشت بر روی «%s» کلیک کنید. یادداشت در دفترچه‌ای به نام «%s» کپی می‌شود. این نسخه از یادداشت جایگزین یا تغییر داده نمی‌شود.","Client ID: %s":"شناسه کاربر: %s","Close":"بستن","Close Window":"بستن پنجره","Code":"کد","Code Block":"بلوک کد","Code View":"نمای کد","Coming alarms":"هشدار‌های آینده","Command":"فرمان","Completed":"کامل شده","Completed decryption.":"رمزگشایی کامل شد.","Configuration":"تنظیمات","Confirm password cannot be empty":"گذرواژه تایید نمی‌تواند خالی باشد","Confirm password:":"تایید گذرواژه:","Conflicted: %d":"تداخل پیدا کرده: %d","Conflicts":"تداخل ها","Convert to note":"تبدیل به یادداشت","Convert to todo":"تبدیل به فهرست کارها","Copy":"کپی","Copy Link Address":"کپی کردن آدرس پیوند","Copy Markdown link":"کپی کردن پیوند Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"کپی کردن مسیر در کلیپ بورد","Copy Shareable Link":"کپی کردن پیوند قابل به اشتراک گذاری","Copy token":"کپی کردن توکن","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"برنامه احراز هویت نشد:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nلطفا دوباره تلاش کنید.","Could not export notes: %s":"یادداشت‌ها استخراج نشدند: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"کلید اصلی ارتقا نیافت: %s","Create a notebook":"ایجاد یک دفترچه","Created":"ایجاد شده","created date":"تاریخ ایجاد","Created local items: %d.":"موارد محلی ایجاد شده: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"موارد ریموت ایجاد شده: %d.","Created: %d.":"ایجاد شده: %d.","Created: %s":"ایجاد شده: %s","Creates a new note.":"ایجاد یادداشت جدید.","Creates a new notebook.":"ایجاد دفترچه جدید.","Creates a new to-do.":"یک فهرست کار جدید می‌سازد.","Creating new %s...":"ایجاد یک %s جدید...","Creating report...":"در حال ایجاد گزارش...","Current version is up-to-date.":"ورژن فعلی به‌روز است.","custom order":"ترتیب سفارشی","Custom order":"ترتیب سفارشی","Cut":"بریدن","Dark":"تیره","Database v%s":"پایگاه داده ورژن %s","Date format":"فرمت تاریخ","days":"روز","Decrypted items: %d":"موارد رمزگشایی شده: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"موارد رمزگشایی شده: %s از %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"در حال رمزگشایی موارد: %d/%d","Default":"پیش فرض","Default: %s":"پیشفرض: %s","Delete":"حذف","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"پیوست «%s» حذف شود؟","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"یادداشت «%s» حذف شود؟","Delete note?":"یادداشت حذف شود؟","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"دفترچه «%s» حذف شود؟\\n\\nتمامی یادداشت‌ها و زیر-دفترچه‌های درون این دفترچه نیز حذف می‌شوند.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"دفترچه حذف شود؟ تمامی یادداشت‌ها و زیر-دفترچه‌های درون این دفترچه نیز حذف می‌شوند.","Delete these %d notes?":"تعداد %d یادداشت حذف شود؟","Deleted local items: %d.":"موارد محلی حذف شده: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"موارد ریموت حذف شده: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"دفترچه مشخص شده را حذف می‌کند.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"دفترچه را بدون پرسش برای تایید حذف می‌کند.","Deletes the notes matching .":"یادداشت‌هایی که مطابق باشند را حذف می‌کند.","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"یادداشت‌ها را بدون پرسش برای تایید حذف می‌کند.","Destination format: %s":"فرمت مقصد: %s","Directory":"پوشه","Disable encryption":"غیرفعال کردن رمزنگاری","Disabled":"غیر‌فعال","Discard changes":"لغو تغییرات","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"آدرس ژئولوکیشن یادداشت را نمایش بده.","Displays only the first top notes.":"فقط یادداشت اول را نمایش می‌دهد.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"تنها موارد نوع/انواع مشخص شده را نمایش می‌دهد. می‌تواند برای یادداشت‌ها `n`، برای فهرست کار‌ها `t` یا برای یادداشت‌ها و فهرست کار‌ها `nt` باشد. (به عنوان مثال: `-tt` تنها فهرست کار‌ها را نمایش خواهد داد در حالی که `-tnt` یادداشت‌ها و فهرست کار‌ها را نمایش خواهد داد.)","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"خلاصه‌ای درباره یادداشت‌ها و دفترچه‌ها نمایش می‌دهد.","Displays the complete information about note.":"مشخصات کامل یادداشت را نمایش بده.","Displays the given note.":"یادداشت مشخص شده را نمایش بده.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"یادداشت های موجود در دفترچه کنونی را نمایش می‌دهد. برای نمایش لیست دفترچه ها از `ls /` استفاده کنید.","Displays usage information.":"نمایش اطلاعات مربوط به استفاده.","Displays version information":"اطلاعات نسخه را نمایش می‌دهد","Do it now":"هم‌اکنون انجام بده","Do not ask for confirmation.":"برای تایید سوال نکن.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"افزونه های مرتبط را برای مرورگر خود بارگیری و نصب کنید:","Downloaded":"بارگیری شده","Downloaded and decrypted":"بارگیری شده و رمزگشایی شده","Downloaded and encrypted":"بارگیری شده و رمزنگاری شده","Downloading":"در حال بارگیری","Downloading resources...":"در حال بارگیری منابع...","Drop notes or files here":"یادداشت‌ها یا فایل‌ها را اینجا رها کنید","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"ورود به Dropbox","Duplicate":"تکراری","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"یادداشت های مطابق با را در [notebook] کپی می‌کند. اگر هیچ دفترچه‌ای مشخص نشده باشد یادداشت در دفترچه کنونی کپی می‌شود.","Edit":"ویرایش","Edit in external editor":"ویرایش در ویرایشگر خارجی","Edit note.":"ویرایش یادداشت.","Edit notebook":"ویرایش دفترچه","Editor":"ویرایشگر","Editor font":"فونت ویرایشگر","Editor font family":"خانواده فونت ویرایشگر","Editor font size":"سایز فونت ویرایشگر","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"یا «text» و یا «json»","emphasised text":"متن تأکید شده","Enable":"فعال سازی","Enable encryption":"فعال کردن رمزنگاری","Enable footnotes":"فعال سازی پاورقی","Enable markdown emoji":"فعال‌سازی شکلک markdown","Enable math expressions":"فعال‌سازی عبارت‌های ریاضی","Enable note history":"فعال سایز ثبت تاریخچه ی یادداشت","Enable table of contents extension":"فعال کردن افزونه ی لیست مطالب","Enabled":"فعال","Encrypted":"رمزنگاری شده","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"موارد رمزنگاری شده نمی‌توانند تغییر پیدا کنند","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"دفترچه‌های رمزگذاری شده نمی‌توانند تغییر نام داده شوند","Encryption":"رمزنگاری","Encryption Config":"تنظیمات رمزنگاری","Encryption is: %s":"رمزنگاری: %s","Enter code here":"کد را اینجا وارد کنید","Enter master password:":"گذرواژه اصلی را وارد کنید:","Enter notebook title":"عنوان دفترچه را وارد کنید","Error":"خطا","Error opening note in editor: %s":"خطا در بازکردن یادداشت در ویرایشگر: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"خطا. لطفا بررسی کنید که آدرس اینترنتی، نام‌کاربری، گذرواژه و غیره صحیح هستند و هدف همگام‌سازی قابل دسترس است. خطای گزارش شده:","Errors only":"فقط خطا ها","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"فایل استخراجی Evernote (به صورت HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"فایل استخراجی Evernote (به صورت Markdown)","Exits the application.":"خروح از نرم‌افزار.","Export":"استخراج","Export all":"استخراج همه","Export Debug Report":"استخراج گزارش دیباگ","Export profile":"استخراج نمایه","Exporting profile...":"در حال استخراج نمایه...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"در حال استخراج به «%s» با فرمت «%s». لطفا صبر کنید...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"داده Joplin را در محل مورد نظر استخراج می‌کند. به طور پیش‌فرض، تمام پایگاه‌داده شامل دفترچه‌ها، یادداشت‌ها، برچسب‌ها و منابع را استخراج می‌کند.","Exports only the given note.":"تنها یادداشت مشخص شده را استخراج می‌کند.","Exports only the given notebook.":"تنها دفترچه مشخص شده را استخراج می‌کند.","Fatal error:":"خطای مهلک:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"آیتم های دریافت شده: %d از %d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"در حال دریافت منابع: %d/%d","File":"فایل","Firefox Extension":"افزونه Firefox","Fix search index":"فهرست جستجو را درست کنید","Focus":"تمرکز","Folders":"پوشه‌ها","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"تنها برای دیباگ: استخراج نمایه شما به یک حافظه خارجی SD.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"برای اطلاع راجع به اینکه چگونه میانبر‌ها را شخصی سازی کنید لطفا به %s مراجعه کنید","Found: %d.":"پیدا شده: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS فعال شده: %d","General":"کلی","Generating link...":"در حال بوجود آوردن پیوند‌ها...","Get it now:":"هم‌اکنون دریافت کنید:","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"یک مقدار تنظیمات را دریافت یا قرار می‌دهد. اگر [value] (مقدار) داده نشود، مقدار [name] (اسم) نمایش داده خواهد شد. اگر نه [name] (اسم) و نه [value] (مقدار) داده نشده باشند، تنظیمات فعلی لیست می‌شود.","Go to source URL":"رفتن به آدرس منبع","Goto Anything...":"رفنت به هر چیزی...","Heading":"عنوان","Help":"کمک","Hide %s":"پنهان کردن %s","Hide Joplin":"Joplin را مخفی کنید","Horizontal Rule":"خط افقی","HTML Directory":"پوشه HTML","HTML File":"فایل HTML","Hyperlink":"پیوند برجسته","Icon":"آیکون","ID":"شناسه","Idle":"بیکار","Import":"وارد کردن","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"در حال وارد کردن از «%s» با فرمت «%s». لطفا صبر کنید...","Importing notes...":"در حال وارد کردن یادداشت‌ها...","Imports data into Joplin.":"داده را در Joplin وارد می‌کند.","In progress":"درحال انجام","In: %s":"در: %s","Inline Code":"کد درون خطی","Insert Date Time":"درج تاریخ و ساعت","Insert Hyperlink":"درج پیوند برجسته","Invalid answer: %s":"پاسخ نامعتبر: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"دستور نامعتبر: «%s»","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"مقدار گزینه نامعتبر: «%s». مقادیر احتمالی شامل: %s.","Italic":"مورب","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"مورد «%s» بارگیری نشد: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"مواردی که نمی‌توانند رمزگشایی شوند","Items that cannot be synchronised":"مواردی که نمی‌توانند همگام‌سازی شوند","Joplin Export Directory":"پوشه استخراجی Joplin","Joplin Export File":"فایل استخراجی Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin چندین بار نتوانست این موارد را رمزگشایی کند، احتمالا به این خاطر که خراب یا بسیار بزرگ هستند. این موارد بر روی دستگاه باقی می‌مانند اما Joplin دیگر تلاشی برای رمزگشایی آن‌ها نمی‌کند.","Joplin Forum":"انجمن Joplin","Joplin website":"سایت Joplin","Keep note history for":"تاریخچه ی یادداشت را نگه دار به مدت","Keyboard Mode":"حالت صفحه کلید","Keyboard Shortcut":"کلید های میانبر","Keyboard Shortcuts":"کلید های میانبر","Language":"زبان","Last error: %s":"آخرین خطا: %s","Layout":"قالب","Layout button sequence":"توالی دکمه قالب","Light":"روشن","Lines":"خطوط","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"پیوند‌ها در کلیپ بورد کپی شدند!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"پیوند‌های دارای پروتکل «%s» پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند","List item":"لیست مورد","Location":"مکان","Log":"لاگ","Login with Dropbox":"ورود با Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"ورود با OneDrive","Make a donation":"کمک کردن","Manual":"دستی","Marks a to-do as done.":"یک فهرست کار را به عنوان انجام شده علامت می‌زند.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"یک فهرست کار را به عنوان کامل نشده علامت می‌زند.","Markup":"نشانه گذاری","Master Key %s":"کلید اصلی %s","Max concurrent connections":"حداکثر اتصالات همزمان","Missing Master Keys":"کلید‌های اصلی یافت نشدند","Missing required argument: %s":"کمبود آرگمان در دستور: %s","More info":"اطلاعات بیشتر","More information":"اطلاعات بیشتر","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"بیش از یک مورد مطابق «%s» وجود دارد. لطفاعبارت جستجو را محدودتر کنید.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"انتقال %d یادداشت به دفترچه «%s»؟","Move to notebook":"انتقال به دفترچه","Move to notebook...":"انتقال به دفترچه...","Move to notebook:":"انتقال به دفترچه:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"یادداشت‌هایی که مطابق هستند را به [notebook] منتقل می‌کند.","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"یادداشت جدید","New notebook":"دفترچه جدید","New Notebook":"دفترچه جدید","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"دفترچه جدید «%s» ساخته خواهد شد و فایل «%s» به آن وارد خواهد شد","New sub-notebook":"زیر-دفترچه جدید","New tags:":"برچسب جدید:","New to-do":"فهرست کار جدید","New version: %s":"ورژن جدید: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"گذرواژه Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"نام کاربری Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"آدرس Nextcloud WebDAV","no":"خیر","No":"خیر","No active notebook.":"دفترچه‌ی فعالی وجود ندارد.","No item with ID %s":"هیچ موردی با شناسه %s وجود ندارد","No notebook has been specified.":"هیچ دفترچه‌ای مشخص نشده.","No notebook selected.":"هیچ دفترچه‌ای انتخاب نشده.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"یادداشتی وجود ندارد. با کلیک بر روی «یادداشت جدید» یکی ایجاد کنید.","No resources!":"منبعی یافت نشد!","No such command: %s":"این دستور وجود ندارد: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"هیچ ویرایشگر متنی مشخص نشده. لطفا با استفاده از `config editor ` آن را مشخص کنید","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"با %s تایید نشد. لطفا هر گواهی‌نامه‌‌ای که وجود ندارد را ارائه کنید.","Not downloaded":"بارگیری نشده","note":"یادداشت","Note":"یادداشت","Note area growth factor":"فاکتور رشد منطقه یادداشت","Note attachments":"پیوست‌های یادداشت","Note attachments...":"پیوست‌های فایل...","Note body":"بدنه ی یادداشت","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"یادداشت وجود ندارد: «%s». ایجاد شود؟","Note has been saved.":"یادداشت ذخیره شد.","Note History":"تاریخچه ی یادداشت","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"یادداشت یک فهرست کار نیست: «%s»","Note list":"لیست یادداشت","Note list growth factor":"فاکتور رشد لیست یادداشت","Note properties":"جزییات یادداشت","Note title":"عنوان یادداشت","Notebook list growth factor":"فاکتور رشد لیست دفترچه","Notebook title:":"عنوان دفترچه:","Notebook: %s":"دفترچه: %s","Notebooks":"دفترچه ها","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"دفترچه نمی‌تواند «%s» نام داشته باشد، این نام رزرو شده.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"یادداشت‌ها و تنظیمات در این محل ذخیره شده‌اند: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"یادداشت‌ها میتوانند در دفترچه ایجاد شوند.","Numbered List":"لیست شماره گذاری شده","OK":"باشه","OLED Dark":"OLED تیره","On %s: %s":"در %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"یکی از کلید‌های اصلی شما از یک روش رمزنگاری منسوخ استفاده می‌کند.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"در حال حاضر یک یا چند مورد رمزنگاری شده‌اند و ممکن است شما به ارائه یک گذرواژه اصلی نیاز داشته باشید. برای اینکار لطفا «e2ee decrypt» را تایپ کنید. اگر در حال حاضر گذرواژه را ارائه کرده‌اید، موارد رمزنگاری شده در پس‌زمینه در حال رمزگشایی هستند و به زودی در دسترس خواهند بود.","One or more master keys need a password.":"یک یا چند کلید اصلی به یک گذرواژه نیاز دارند.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"ورود به OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"هر دفعه فقط یک یادداشت می‌تواند پرینت گرفته شود.","Open %s":"باز کردن %s","Open...":"باز کردن...","Operation cancelled":"عملیات لغو شد","Options":"گزینه ها","Output format: %s":"فرمت خروجی: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"جهت صفحه برای استخراج PDF","Page size for PDF export":"اندازه صفحه برای استخراج PDF","Password":"رمز","Password cannot be empty":"گذرواژه نمیتواند خالی باشد","Password:":"گذرواژه:","Passwords do not match!":"گذرواژه‌ها با یکدیگر مطابق نیستند!","Paste":"چسباندن","PDF File":"فایل PDF","Permission to use camera":"اجازه برای استفاده از دوربین","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"لطفا تایید کنید که شما می‌خواهید دوباره تمام پایگاه داده خود را رمزگذاری نمایید.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"لطفا قبل از ارتقای کلید گذرواژه خود را در لیست کلید اصلی زیر وارد کنید.","Please select a notebook first.":"لطفا ابتدا یه دفترچه مشخص کنید.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"لطفا ابتدا یادداشت یا دفترچه‌ای که قرار است حذف شود را انتخاب کنید.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"لطفا محلی که وضعیت همگام‌سازی باید استخراج شود را مشخص کنید","Please specify import format for %s":"لطفا فرمت وارد کردن را برای «%s» مشخص کنید","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"لطفا دفترچه‌ای که یادداشت‌ها باید به آن وارد شوند را مشخص کنید.","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"لطفا صبر کنید تا همه پیوست ها بارگیری و رمزگشایی شوند. شما همچنین می‌توانید به %s برای ویرایش یادداشت بروید.","Please wait...":"لطفا صبر کنید...","Plugins":"پلاگین ها","Possible keys/values:":"کلید ها یا مقادیر ممکن:","Possible values: %s.":"مقادیر احتمالی: %s.","Preferences":"تنظیمات","Preferences...":"تنظیمات...","Preferred dark theme":"تم ترجیحی تاریک","Preferred light theme":"تم ترجیحی روشن","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"برای خروج Ctrl+D را فشار دهید یا exit را تایپ کنید","Press the shortcut":"میانبر را فشار دهید","Press to set the decryption password.":"برای تنظیم گذرواژه رمزگشایی بفشارید.","Previous versions of this note":"نسخه‌های قبلی این یادداشت","Print":"پرینت","Profile Version: %s":"نسخه نمایه: %s","Properties":"جزییات","Quit":"بستن","Re-encrypt data":"رمزنگاری دوباره داده","Read time: %s min":"زمان خواندن: %s دقیقه","Refresh":"تازه‌‌سازی","Remove":"برداشتن","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"حذف برچسب «%s» از همه‌ی یادداشت‌ها؟","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"این جستجو از نوار کناری حذف شود؟","Rename":"تغییر نام","Rename notebook:":"تغییر نام دفترچه:","Rename tag:":"تغییر نام برچسب:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"تغییر نام مورد (یادداشت یا دفترچه) به .","Resources: %d.":"منابع: %d.","Restore":"بازگرداندن","Restored Notes":"یادداشت های بازیابی شده","Retry":"تلاش مجدد","Retry All":"تلاش مجدد همه","Reveal file in folder":"نمایش فایل در پوشه","Reverse sort order":"معکوس کردن ترتیب مرتب سازی","Reverses the sorting order.":"معکوس کردن ترتیب مرتب‌سازی.","Save":"ذخیره","Save alarm":"ذخیره هشدار","Save as...":"ذخیره به عنوان...","Save changes":"ذخیره ی تغییرات","Save geo-location with notes":"ذخیره ژئولوکیشن با یادداشت‌ها","Search":"جستجو","Search in all the notes":"جستجو در تمام یادداشت ها","Search in current note":"جستجو در همین یادداشت","Search...":"جستجو...","Search:":"جستجو:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"برای داده شده در همه یادداشت‌ها جستجو می‌کند.","Select all":"انتخاب همه","Server is already running on port %d":"سرور در حال حاضر بر روی پورت %d در حال اجراست","Server is not running.":"سرور در حال اجرا نیست.","Server is running on port %d":"سرور بر روی پورت %d در حال اجراست","Set alarm":"تنظیم هشدار","Set alarm:":"تنظیم هشدار:","Set the password":"گذرواژه را تعیین کنید","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"ویژگی از داده شده را به [value] (مقدار) داده شده تغییر می‌دهد. ویژگی‌های احتمالی شامل:\\n\\n%s","Share":"اشتراک گذاری","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"میانبر‌ها در حالت خط فرمان (CLI) کار نمی‌کنند.","Show Advanced Settings":"نمایش تنظیمات پیشرفته","Show all":"نمایش همه","Show completed to-dos":"نمایش فهرست کار‌های کامل شده","Show note counts":"نمایش تعداد یادداشت","Sidebar":"نوار کناری","Size":"اندازه","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"موارد رد شده: %d (از --retry-failed-items برای تلاش مجدد رمزگشایی آن‌ها استفاده کنید)","Skipped: %d.":"رد شده: %d.","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"بعضی از موارد نمی‌توانند رمزگشایی شوند.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"بعضی از موارد نمی‌توانند همگام‌سازی شوند.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"بعضی از موارد نمی‌توانند همگام‌سازی شوند. برای اطلاعات بیشتر بفشارید.","Sort notebooks by":"مرتب سازی دفترچه ها با","Sort notes by":"مرتب سازی یادداشت ها با","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"مورد را بر‌ اساس مرتب می‌کند (به عنوان مثال: عنوان، زمان به‌روزرسانی، زمان ایجاد).","Source format: %s":"فرمت مبدا: %s","Split View":"تقسیم نما","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"شروع، توقف یا بررسی سرور API. از متغیر تنظیمات api.port برای مشخص کردن پورتی که باید روی آن اجرا شود استفاده کنید. دستورات بصورت (%s) هستند.","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"شروع رمزگشایی... این کار ممکن است چند دقیقه طول بکشد، لطفا صبر کنید.","Starting synchronisation...":"در حال شروع همگام سازی...","Statistics":"آمار","Statistics...":"آمار...","Status":"وضعیت","Status: %s":"وضعیت: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"وضعیت: آغاز شده بر روی پورت %d","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"مرحله ۱: برای اجازه دادن به برنامه این آدرس اینترنتی را در مرورگر خود باز کنید:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"مرحله ۲: کدی که توسط Dropbox داده شده را وارد کنید:","Stop external editing":"توقف ویرایش خارجی","Submit":"ثبت","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"موفقیت! تنظیمات همگام‌سازی به نظر صحیح است.","Switch between note and to-do type":"تغییر نوع میان یادداشت و فهرست کار","Switch to note type":"تغییر نوع به یادداشت","Switch to to-do type":"تغییر نوع به فهرست کار","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"به [notebook] تغییر می‌کند - تمامی فعالیت های آتی در این دفترچه انجام می‌گیرد.","Sync Status":"وضعیت همگام‌سازی","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"وضعیت همگام‌سازی (موارد همگام‌سازی شده / کل موارد)","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"همگام‌سازی با هدف داده شده (به طور پیش فرض مقدار تنظیمات","Sync Version: %s":"نسخه همگام‌سازی: %s","Synchronisation":"همگام‌سازی","Synchronisation interval":"بازه همگام‌سازی","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"همگام سازی در حال حاضر در حال انجام است.","Synchronisation Status":"وضعیت همگام‌سازی","Synchronisation target":"هدف همگام‌سازی","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"همگام‌سازی هدف: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"همگام سازی","Synchronises with remote storage.":"با فضای ذخیره‌سازی ریموت همگام‌سازی می‌کند.","Synchronising...":"در حال همگام سازی...","Tagged: %d.":"برچسب گذاری شده: %d.","Tags":"برچسب‌ها","Take photo":"گرفتن عکس","Text editor command":"دستور ویرایشگر متن","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"برنامه اکنون در حال بسته شدن است. لطفاً برای تکمیل مراحل آن را مجدداً راه اندازی کنید.","The application has been authorised!":"برنامه احراز هویت شد!","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"دستور «%s» فقط در حالت گرافیکی (GUI) کاربرد دارد","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"روش پیش فرض رمزگذاری به یک روش امن‌تر تغییر پیدا کرده و پیشنهاد می‌شود که آن را بر داده خود اعمال کنید.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"روش رمزگذاری پیش فرض تغییر یافته است،‌ شما باید داده خود را دوباره رمزگذاری کنید.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"برنامه موبایل Joplin در حال حاضر از این پیوند پشتیبانی نمی‌کند: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"کلید اصلی با موفقیت ارتقا یافت!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"کلید‌های اصلی با این شناسه‌ها برای رمزنگاری بعضی از موارد شما استفاده شده‌اند، به هر حال برنامه در حال حاضر به آن‌ها دسترسی ندارد. احتمال دارد در نهایت با یک همگام‌سازی بارگیری شوند.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"یادداشت «%s» با موفقیت به دفترچه «%s» بازگردانده شد.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"دفترچه نتوانست ذخیره شود: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"یادداشت‌ها وارد شدند: %s","The possible commands are:":"دستور های ممکن عبارتند از:","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"برچسب «%s» وجود دارد. لطفا نام دیگری انتخاب کنید.","Theme":"پوسته","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"در حال حاضر یادداشتی وجود ندارد. با کلیک بر روی دکمه (+) یکی بسازید.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"در حال حاظر هیچ یادداشتی وجود ندارد. با کلیک بر روی «یادداشت جدید» یک یادداشت جدید ایجاد کنید.","There is no data to export.":"داده‌ای برای استخراج وجود ندارد.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"یک [conflict] (%s) در پیوست زیر وجود داشت.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"یک خطا در بارگیری این پیوست بود:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"این موارد بر روی دستگاه باقی می‌مانند اما به هدف همگام‌سازی بارگذاری نمی‌شوند. این پیدا کردن این موارد، عنوان و یا شناسه (که در براکت‌های بالا نمایش داده شده‌اند) را جستجو کنید.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"این پیوست هنوز بارگیری یا رمزگشایی نشده","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"این پیوست هنوز بارگیری یا رمزگشایی نشده.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"این توکن مجوز تنها برای اجازه دادن به برنامه‌های شخص ثالث برای دسترسی به Joplin نیاز است.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"این یادداشت اطلاعات ژئولوکیشن ندارد.","This note has been modified:":"این یادداشت تغییر یافته است:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"این یادداشت هیچ محتوایی ندارد. برای تغییر وضعیت ویرایشگر و ویرایش یادداشت ، روی \\"%s\\" کلیک کنید.","This note has no history":"این یادداشت هیچ تاریخچه ای ندارد","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"این یک صفحه جدید باز می‌کند. تغییرات فعلی ذخیره شوند؟","Time format":"فرمت ساعت","title":"عنوان","Title":"عنوان","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"برای اینکه به Joplin اجازه همگام‌سازی با Dropbox را بدهید، مراحل زیر را دنبال کنید:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"برای حذف یک برچسب، این برچسب را از یادداشت های مرتبط پاک کنید.","To delete: %d":"برای حذف: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"برای ورود به حالت خط فرمان، : را فشار دهید","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"برای خروج از حالت خط فرمان، دکمه ی Esc را فشار دهید","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"برای مرتب‌سازی دستی یادداشت‌ها، ترتیب مرتب‌سازی باید به «%s» از منوی «%s» > «%s» تغییر پیدا کند","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"برای به حداکثر رساندن / به حداقل رساندن کنسول ، \\"tc\\" را فشار دهید.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"برای انتقال از یک پنجره به پنجره دیگر ، Tab یا Shift Tab را فشار دهید.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"برای تلاش مجدد رمزگشایی این موارد «e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items» را اجرا کنید","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"برای کارکرد صحیح، برنامه به این دسترسی‌ها نیاز دارد. لطفا آن‌ها را در تنظیمات گوشی خود در برنامه‌ها > Joplin > دسترسی‌ها فعال کنید","to-do":"فهرست کار","Toggle development tools":"تغییر وضعیت ابزار توسعه","Toggle editor layout":"تغییر وضعیت قالب ویرایشگر","Toggle note list":"تغییر وضعیت لیست یادداشت","Toggle sidebar":"تغییر وضعیت نوار کناری","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"توکن در کلیپ بورد کپی شد!","Tools":"&ابزار‌ها","Total: %d/%d":"مجموع: %d از %d","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"`joplin help` را برای راهنمای استفاده تایپ کنید.","Type new tags or select from list":"برچسب‌های جدید را تایپ کنید یا از لیست انتخاب کنید","Type: %s.":"نوع: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"فهرست کار‌های کامل نشده در بالا","Unknown flag: %s":"پرچم ناشناخته: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"نوع تصویر پشتیبانی نشده: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"پیوند یا پیام پشتیبانی نشده: %s","Untitled":"بدون عنوان","Updated":"به‌روز شده","updated date":"تاریخ به‌روزرسانی","Updated local items: %d.":"موارد محلی به‌روز شده: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"موارد ریموت به‌روز شده: %d.","Updated: %d.":"به‌روز شده: %d.","Updated: %s":"به‌روز شده: %s","Upgrade":"ارتقا","URL":"آدرس اینترنتی","Usage: %s":"کارکرد: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"استفاده از فرمت لیست طولانی. فرمت به صورت ID (شناسه)، NOTE_COUNT (تعداد یادداشت (برای دفترچه))، DATE (تاریخ)، TODO_CHECKED (فهرست کار بررسی شده (برای فهرست کار‌ها))، TITLE (عنوان) می‌باشد","View":"نما","View on map":"نمایش بر روی نقشه","View them now":"هم‌اکنون ببینید","Viewer":"بیننده","Warning":"اخطار ها","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"گذرواژه WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"آدرس WebDAV","WebDAV username":"نام کاربری WebDAV","Website and documentation":"وب‌سایت و مستندات","When creating a new note:":"در زمان ایجاد یادداشت جدید:","When creating a new to-do:":"زمان ساخت یک فهرست کار جدید:","Words":"کلمات","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"بله","Yes":"بله","You currently have no notebooks.":"شما در حال حاضر دفترچه‌ای ندارید.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"شما همچنین می‌توانید `status` را برای اطلاعات بیشتر تایپ کنید.","Your choice: ":"انتخاب شما: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"داده شما دوباره رمزگذاری و همگام‌سازی خواهد شد.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"اجازه ی شما برای استفاده از دوربین شما نیاز است.","Your version: %s":"ورژن شما: %s","Zoom In":"بزرگنمایی","Zoom Out":"کوچک نمایی"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"Ominaisuudesta %s puuttuu pakollinen ominaisuus %s.","%d days":"%d päivää","%d hour":"%d tunti","%d hours":"%d tuntia","%d minutes":"%d minuuttia","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d muistiinpanot vastaavat tätä mallia. Poistetaanko ne?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) ei voitu ladata: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) haluaa jakaa muistikirjan kanssasi.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (ennakkojulkaisu)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopio","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d muistiinpanoja","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Muokkaa","&File":"&Tiedosto","&Go":"&Mene","&Help":"&Apua","&Note":"&Muistiinpano","&Tools":"&Työkalut","&View":"&Näytä","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Ei mitään)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: sallia kuvan ottamisen ja liittämisen muistiinpanoon.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Sijainti: sallia paikkatietojen liittämisen muistiinpanoon.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Tallennustila: sallia tiedostojen liittäminen muistiinpanoihin ja ottaa tiedostojärjestelmän synkronointi käyttöön."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" voidaan \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", tai \\"notetags\\" määrittää tai poistaa [tag] kohteesta [note], luetteloinnin muistiinpanoista, jotka liittyvät [tag], tai luetteloida tunnisteita, jotka liittyvät [note]. Komento `tag list` voidaan käyttää kaikkien tunnisteiden luetteloinnissa (Käytä -l pitkälle vaihtoehdolle)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" voidaan joko \\"toggle\\" tai \\"clear\\". Käytä \\"toggle\\" vaihtaa annettua tehtävättä valmistuneen ja keskeneräisen tilan välillä (Jos kohde on säännöllinen huomautus, se muunnetaan tehtäväksi). Käytä \\"clear\\" voit muuntaa tehtäväkokeen takaisin tavalliseksi. muistiinpanoksi..","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Joplinista","accelerator":"pikatoiminto","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Pikatoiminto \\"%s\\" ei kelpaa.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Pikatoimintoa %s käytetään komennoissa %s ja %s. Tämä voi johtaa odottamattomaan käytökseen.","Accept":"Hyväksy","Action":"Toiminta","Actions":"Toiminnot","Active":"Aktiivinen","Actual Size":"Todellinen koko","Add body":"Lisää runko","Add or remove tags:":"Lisää tai poista tunnisteita:","Add recipient:":"Lisää vastaanottaja:","Add title":"Lisää otsikko","Add to dictionary":"Lisää sanakirjaan","Advanced options":"Lisäasetukset","Advanced tools":"Lisätyökalut","All notes":"Kaikki muistiinpanot","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Kaikki mahdolliset portit ovat käytössä - ilmoita ongelmasta osoitteessa %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Näyttää myös merkitsemättömät ja piilotetut konfigurointimuuttujat.","Always":"Aina","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Päivitys on saatavilla. Haluatko ladata sen nyt?","Appearance":"Ulkonäkö","Application":"Sovellus","Apply":"Käytä","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Haluatko varmasti uusia valtuutustunnuksen?","Arguments:":"Väitteet:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Liitä tiedosto","Attach photo":"Liitä valokuva","Attach...":"Liittää...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Liittää annetun tiedoston muistiinpanoon.","attachment":"liite","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Liitteen ristiriita: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Liitteen latauskäyttäytyminen","Attachments":"Liitteet","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Liitteet, joita ei voitu ladata","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Huomio: Jos muutat tätä sijaintia, varmista, että kopioit kaiken sisältösi siihen ennen synkronointia, muuten kaikki tiedostot poistetaan! Lisätietoja on usein kysytyissä kysymyksissä: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Todennusta ei suoritettu loppuun (todennustunnusta ei saatu).","Authorisation token:":"Valtuutuksen tunnus:","Auto":"Automaattinen","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Yhdistä sulut, sulkeet, lainaukset jne.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Vaihda teema automaattisesti vastaamaan järjestelmän teemaa","Automatically update the application":"Päivitä sovellus automaattisesti","Back":"Takaisin","Bold":"Lihavoitu","Browse all plugins":"Selaa kaikkia laajennuksia","Browse...":"Selaa...","Bulleted List":"Luettelomerkitty luettelo","Cancel":"Peruuta","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Peruutetaan taustasynkronointi... Odota.","Cancelling...":"Peruutetaan...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Peruutetaan ... Odota hetki.","Cannot access %s":"Ei voi käyttää %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Salattua kohdetta ei voi muuttaa","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Muistiinpanoa ei voi kopioida \\"%s\\" muistikirjaan","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ei löydy \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Synkronoinnin alustaminen ei onnistu.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Ei voi ladata \\"%s\\" moduuli muotoa varten \\"%s\\" ja ulostulo \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Ei voi ladata \\"%s\\" moduuli muotoa varten \\"%s\\" ja kohde \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Muistiinpanoa ei voi siirtää\\"%s\\" muistikirjaan","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Muistikirjaa ei voi siirtää tähän sijaintiin","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Tunnusta ei voi päivittää: todennustiedot puuttuvat. Synkronoinnin aloittaminen uudelleen saattaa korjata ongelman.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Tallennus ei onnistu %s \\"%s\\" koska se on suurempi kuin sallittu raja (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Kohdetta %s \\"%s\\" ei voida tallentaa, koska se ylittäisi tämän tilin sallitun kokonaiskoon (%s)","Change application layout":"Sovelluksen asettelun muuttaminen","Change language":"Vaihda kieltä","Characters":"Merkit","Characters excluding spaces":"Merkit välilyöntejä lukuun ottamatta","Check for updates...":"Tarkista päivitykset...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Tarkista synkronointiasetukset","Checkbox":"Valintaruutu","Checkbox list":"Valintaruutujen luettelo","Checking... Please wait.":"Tarkistetaan... Odota hetki.","Choose an option":"Valitse vaihtoehto","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Tyhjennä","Clear alarm":"Tyhjennä hälytys","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Napsauta \\"%s\\" palauttaaksesi muistiinpanon. Se kopioidaan muistikirjaan nimeltä \\"%s\\". Huomautuksen nykyistä versiota ei korvata tai muuteta.","Click to add tags...":"Klikkaa lisätäksesi tunnisteita...","Client ID: %s":"Asiakkaan tunnus: %s","Close":"Sulkea","Close Window":"Sulje ikkuna","Code":"Koodi","Code Block":"Koodilohko","Code View":"Koodinäkymä","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Muistikirjojen yhteiskäyttö muiden kanssa","Coming alarms":"Tulevat hälytykset","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Pilkuilla erotettu luettelo hakemistoiden poluista, joilta varmenteet ladataan, tai polku yksittäisiin varmennetiedostoihin. Esimerkiksi: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Huomaa, että jos teet muutoksia TLS asetuksiin, sinun on tallennettava muutokset ennen kuin napsautat \\"Tarkista synkronointiasetukset\\".","command":"komento","Command":"Komento","Command palette":"Komentovalikoima","Command palette...":"Komentovalikoima...","Completed":"Valmis","Completed decryption.":"Salaus on valmis.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Valmis: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfigurointi","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Vahvista salasana ei voi olla tyhjä","Confirm password:":"Vahvista salasana:","Confirmation":"Vahvistus","Conflicted: %d":"Ristiriitainen: %d","Conflicts":"Ristiriitoja","Conflicts (attachments)":"Ristiriidat (liitteet)","Convert to note":"Muunna muistiinpanoksi","Convert to todo":"Muunna tehtäväksi","Copy":"Kopioi","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopioi kehitystila komento leikepöydälle","Copy Link Address":"Kopioi linkin osoite","Copy Markdown link":"Kopioi Merkinnän linkki","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopioi polku leikepöydälle","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopioi jaettava linkki","Copy token":"Kopioi tunnus","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Sovelluksen valtuuttaminen epäonnistui:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nYritä uudelleen.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Yhteyden muodostaminen Joplinin palvelimelle epäonnistui. Tarkista synkronoinnin asetukset. Koko virhe oli:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Muistiinpanoja ei voitu viedä: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Laajennuksen asentaminen epäonnistui: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Pääavainta ei voitu päivittää: %s","Create a notebook":"Luo muistikirja","Created":"Luotu","created date":"luotu päivämäärä","Created local items: %d.":"Luodut paikalliset kohteet: %d.","Created locally":"Luotu paikallisesti","Created remote items: %d.":"Luodut etäkohteet: %d.","Created: ":"Luotu: ","Created: %d.":"Luotu: %d.","Created: %s":"Luotu: %s","Creates a new note.":"Luo uuden muistiinpanon.","Creates a new notebook.":"Luo uuden muistikirjan.","Creates a new to-do.":"Luo uuden tehtävän.","Creating new %s...":"Luodaan uusi %s...","Creating report...":"Luodaan raporttia...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Nykyinen versio on ajan tasalla.","custom order":"mukautettu järjestys","Custom order":"Mukautettu järjestys","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Mukautettu tyylitaulukko Joplinin sovellustyyleille","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Mukautettu tyylitaulukko mukautetuille Markdown tyyleille","Custom TLS certificates":"Mukautetut TLS varmenteet","Cut":"Leikkaa","Dark":"Tumma","Database v%s":"Tietokanta v%s","Date":"Päivämäärä","Date format":"Päivämäärän muoto","days":"päivää","Decrypted items: %d":"Purettuja kohteita: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Purettuja kohteita: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Kohteiden salauksen purkaminen: %d/%d","Default":"Oletus","Default: %s":"Oletus: %s","Delete":"Poista","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Poista muistiinpano \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Poista rivi","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Poista paikalliset tiedot ja lataa uudelleen synkronointikohteesta","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Poista muistiinpano \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Poistetaanko merkintä?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Poista muistikirja \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nMyös kaikki tämän muistikirjan muistiinpanot ja alimuistikirjat poistetaan.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Poistetaanko muistikirja? Kaikki tämän muistikirjan muistiinpanot ja alimuistikirjat poistetaan myös.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Poista laajennus \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Poistetaanko nämä %d muistiinpanot?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Poistetaanko tämä kutsu? Vastaanottaja ei voi enää käyttää tätä jaettua muistikirjaa.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Poistetut paikalliset kohteet: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Poistetut etäkohteet: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Poistaa annetun muistikirjan.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Poistaa muistikirjan kysymättä vahvistusta.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Poistaa vastaavat muistiinpanot.","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Poistaa muistiinpanot kysymättä vahvistusta.","Destination format: %s":"Kohteen muoto: %s","Directory":"Hakemisto","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Kansio, jonka kanssa synkronoidaan (absoluuttinen polku)","Disable":"Poista käytöstä","Disable encryption":"Poista salaus käytöstä","Disable safe mode and restart":"Lopeta turvallinen tila ja käynnistä uudelleen","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Poista käytöstä Web Clipper työkalu","Disabled":"Poistettu käytöstä","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Salaus poistetaan käytöstä *kaikista* muistiinpanosi ja liitteesi synkronoidaan uudelleen ja lähetetään salaamattomina synkronointikohteeseen. Haluatko jatkaa?","Discard changes":"Hylkää muutokset","Dismiss":"Hylkää","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Näyttää muistiinpanon paikkatiedon URL:n.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Näyttää vain ensimmäiset muistiinpanot.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Näyttää vain tietyn tyyppisen kohteen (kohteet). Voi olla `n` muistiinpanoja, `t` tehtäviä, tai `nt` muistiinpanoja ja tehtäviä (esim. `-tt` näyttäisi vain tehtävät, kun taas `-tnt` näyttää muistiinpanoja ja tehtäviä.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Näyttää yhteenvedon muistiinpanoista ja muistikirjoista.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Näyttää muistiinpanon täydelliset tiedot.","Displays the given note.":"Näyttää annetun huomautuksen.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Näyttää nykyisen muistikirjan muistiinpanot. Käytä `ls /` näyttääksesi luettelon muistikirjoista.","Displays usage information.":"Näyttää käyttötiedot.","Displays version information":"Näyttää versiotiedot","Do it now":"Hae se nyt","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Älä kysy vahvistusta.","Download":"Lataa","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Lataa ja asenna laajennus selaimeesi:","Downloaded":"Ladattu","Downloaded and decrypted":"Ladattu ja purettu","Downloaded and encrypted":"Ladattu ja salattu","Downloading":"Ladataan","Downloading resources...":"Ladataan resursseja...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Pudota muistiinpanot tai tiedostot tähän","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox kirjautuminen","Duplicate":"Duplikaatti, toinen samanlainen","Duplicate line":"Rivin kaksoiskappale","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Kopioi muistiinpanot, jotka vastaavat arvoon [notebook]. Jos mitään muistikirjaa ei ole määritetty, muistiinpano kopioidaan nykyiseen muistikirjaan.","Edit":"Muokkaa","Edit in external editor":"Muokkaa ulkoisessa editorissa","Edit note.":"Muokkaa muistiinpanoa.","Edit notebook":"Muokkaa muistikirjaa","Editor":"Editoija","Editor font":"Editorin fontti","Editor font family":"Editorin fonttiperhe","Editor font size":"Editorin fonttikoko","Editor maximum width":"Editorin enimmäisleveys","Editor monospace font family":"Editorin monospace fonttiperhe","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Joko \\"text\\" tai \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"korostettu teksti","Enable":"Ota käyttöön","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Ota käyttöön ++insert++ syntax","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Ota käyttöön ==mark== syntax","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Ota käyttöön ^sup^ syntax","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Ota lyhenteen syntaksi käyttöön","Enable audio player":"Ota käyttöön audiosoitin","Enable deflist syntax":"Ota deflist syntaksi käyttöön","Enable encryption":"Ota salaus käyttöön","Enable footnotes":"Ota alaviitteet käyttöön","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Ota Fountain syntaksin tuki käyttöön","Enable Linkify":"Ota käyttöön Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Ota merkinnän hymiö käyttöön","Enable math expressions":"Ota matemaattiset lausekkeet käyttöön","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Ota Mermaid kaavioiden tuki käyttöön","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Ota multimarkdown taulukon laajennus käyttöön","Enable note history":"Muistiinpanohistorian ottaminen käyttöön","Enable PDF viewer":"Ota käyttöön PDF katseluohjelma","Enable soft breaks":"Ota pehmeät tauot käyttöön","Enable table of contents extension":"Ota sisällysluettelon laajennus käyttöön","Enable typographer support":"Ota typografiatuki käyttöön","Enable video player":"Ota käyttöön videosoitin","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Ota käyttöön Web Clipper työkalu","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Ota käyttöön ~sub~ syntax","Enabled":"Käytössä","Encrypted":"Salattu","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Salattuja kohteita ei voi muokata","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Salattuja muistikirjoja ei voi nimetä uudelleen","Encryption":"Salaus","Encryption Config":"Salauksen määritys","Encryption is: %s":"Salaus on: %s","Enter code here":"Syötä koodi tähän","Enter master password:":"Syötä pääsalasana:","Enter notebook title":"Anna muistikirjan otsikko","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Virhe","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Virhe avattaessa muistiinpanoa editorissa: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Virhe. Tarkista URL osoite, käyttäjänimi, salasana jne. ovat oikeita ja synkronointi kohde on käytettävissä. Raportoitu virhe oli:","Error: %s":"Virhe: %s","Errors only":"Vain virheet","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote vie tiedosto (kuten HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote vie tiedosto (kuten Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sulkee sovelluksen.","Export":"Vie","Export all":"Vie kaikki","Export debug report":"Vie virheenkorjausraportti","Export Debug Report":"Vie virheenkorjausraportti","Export profile":"Vie profiili","Exporting profile...":"Viedään profiili...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Viedään tiedostoon \\"%s\\" muodossa \\"%s\\". Odota...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Vie Joplinin tiedot annettuun polkuun. Oletuksena se vie koko tietokannan, joka sisältää muistikirjat, muistiinpanot, tunnisteet ja resurssit.","Exports only the given note.":"Vie vain annetun huomautuksen.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Vie vain annetun muistikirjan.","Fail-safe":"Vikaturvallinen","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Vikaturvallinen: Älä pyyhi paikallisia tietoja, kun synkronointikohde on tyhjä (usein virheellisen määritysvirheen tai virheen seurauksena)","Fatal error:":"Vakava virhe:","Feature flags":"Ominaisuus liput","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Noudetut kohteet: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Haetaan resursseja: %d/%d","File":"Tiedosto","File system":"Tiedostojärjestelmä","Firefox Extension":"Firefox laajennus","Fix search index":"Hakuindeksin korjaaminen","Fixing search index...":"Korjataan hakuindeksiä...","Focus":"Osoita","Focus body":"Tarkennuksen runko","Focus title":"Tarkennuksen otsikko","Folders":"Kansiot","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Vain virheenkorjausta varten: vie profiilisi ulkoiselle SD-kortille.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Lisätietoja pikavalintojen mukauttamisesta on osoitteessa %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Lisätietoja E2EE (End-To-End Encryption) -salauksesta ja sen käyttöönottoon liittyvistä ohjeista saat seuraavista ohjeista:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Saat luettelon pikanäppäimistä ja config vaihtoehtoja, kirjoita `help keymap`","Forward":"Eteenpäin","Found: %d.":"Löytyi: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"Koko tekstin haku (FTS) Käytössä: %d","Full changelog":"Täysi muutosloki","General":"Yleiset","Generating link...":"Luodaan linkki...","Get it now:":"Hae se nyt:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Hanki ennakkojulkaisuja, kun etsit päivityksiä","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Hakee tai määrittää määritysarvon. Jos [value] ei anneta, se näyttää arvon [name]. Jos [name] tai [value] ei ole annettu, se luettelee nykyisen kokoonpanon.","Go to source URL":"Siirry lähteen URL osoitteeseen","Goto Anything...":"Siirry mihin tahansa...","Grant authorisation":"Myönnä lupa","Heading":"Otsikko","Help":"Apua","Hide %s":"Piilota %s","Hide Joplin":"Piilota Joplin","Highlight":"Korosta","Horizontal Rule":"Vaakaviiva","HTML Directory":"HTML hakemisto","HTML File":"HTML tiedosto","Hyperlink":"Hyperlinkki","Icon":"Kuvake","ID":"ID","Idle":"Käyttämättömänä","Ignore":"Ohita","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ohita TLS varmenteen virheet","Import":"Tuo","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Tuodaan kohteesta \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" muodossa. Odota...","Importing notes...":"Muistiinpanojen tuominen...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Tuo tiedot Jopliniin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"Manuaalisessa tilassa liitteet ladataan vain, kun napsautat niitä. \\"Auto\\" valinnassa ne ladataan, kun avaat muistiinpanon. \\"Aina\\" valinnassa kaikki liitteet ladataan riippumatta siitä, avaatko muistiinpanon vai et.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Missä tahansa komennossa muistiinpanoon tai muistikirjaan voidaan viitata otsikon tai tunnuksen avulla tai käyttämällä pikakuvakkeita `$n` tai `$b` vastaavasti valitulle muistilappulle tai muistikirjalle. `$c` voidaan käyttää viittaamaan valittuun kohtaan.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Jotta voit liittää maantieteellisen sijainnin muistiinpanoon, sovellus tarvitsee luvan käyttää sijaintiasi.\\n\\nVoit poistaa tämän asetuksen käytöstä milloin tahansa Määritys näytössä.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Tätä varten koko tietojoukko on salattava ja synkronoitava, joten se on parasta suorittaa yön yli.\\n\\nAloita noudattamalla seuraavia ohjeita:\\n\\n1. Synkronoi kaikki laitteesi.\\n2. Napsauta \\"%s\\".\\n3. Anna sen ajaa loppuun. Kun se suoritetaan, vältä muiden laitteiden muistiinpanojen vaihtamista ristiriitojen välttämiseksi.\\n4. Kun synkronointi on tehty tällä laitteella, synkronoi kaikki muut laitteesi ja anna sen suorittaa loppuun.\\n\\nTärkeää: sinun tarvitsee suorittaa tämä kerran vain yhdellä laitteella.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Tiedostojärjestelmän synkronoinnin käyttäminen edellyttää oikeutta kirjoittaa ulkoiseen tallennustilaan.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Jotta voit käyttää Web Clipperiä, sinun on tehtävä seuraavat toimet:","In progress":"Käynnissä","In: %s":"Sisään: %s","Indent less":"Sisennä vähemmän","Indent more":"Sisennä lisää","Information":"Tiedot","Inline Code":"Inline-koodi","Insert":"Aseta","Insert Date Time":"Lisää Päivämäärä Aika","Insert Hyperlink":"Lisää hyperlinkki","Install":"Asenna","Install from file":"Asenna tiedostosta","Installed":"Asennettu","Installing...":"Asentaa...","Invalid":"Virheellinen","Invalid %s: %s.":"Virheellinen vastaus %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Virheellinen vastaus: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Virheellinen komento: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Virheellinen asetusarvo: \\"%s\\". Mahdolliset arvot ovat: %s.","Italic":"Kursiivi","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Kohdetta \\"%s\\" ei voitu ladata: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Kohteet, joita ei voi purkaa","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Kohteet, joita ei voi synkronoida","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin voi synkronoida muistiinpanosi eri palveluntarjoajien avulla. Valitse yksi alla olevasta luettelosta.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud sähköposti","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloud salasana","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin vie hakemisto","Joplin Export File":"Joplin vie tiedosto","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin ei onnistunut purkamaan näitä kohteita useita kertoja, mahdollisesti siksi, että ne ovat vioittuneet tai liian suuria. Nämä kohteet pysyvät laitteessa, mutta Joplin ei enää yritä purkaa niiden salausta.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Foorumi","Joplin Server":"Joplin Palvelin","Joplin Server email":"Joplin palvelimen sähköposti","Joplin Server password":"Joplin palvelimen salasana","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin palvelimen URL-osoite","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper mahdollistaa verkkosivujen ja kuvakaappausten tallentamisen selaimesta Jopliniin.","Joplin website":"Joplin verkkosivusto","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplinin oma synkronointipalvelu. Voit myös käyttää Joplin erityisominaisuuksia, kuten muistiinpanojen julkaisemista tai muistikirjojen yhteiskäyttöä muiden kanssa.","Keep note history for":"Säilytä muistiinpanohistoria","Keyboard Mode":"Näppäimistötila","Keyboard Shortcut":"Pikanäppäin","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Pikanäppäimet","Keychain Supported: %s":"Avainnippu tuettu: %s","Landscape":"Vaakasuunta","Language":"Kieli","Last error: %s":"Viimeinen virhe: %s","Later":"Myöhemmin","Layout":"Ulkoasu","Layout button sequence":"Aseta painike järjestys","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Vaalea","Lines":"Rivit","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Linkki on kopioitu leikepöydälle!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Linkkejä protokollaan \\"%s\\" ei tueta","List item":"Luettelon kohde","Location":"Sijainti","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Lukitustiedosto on jo pidossa. Jos tiedät, että synkronointia ei tapahdu, voit poistaa lukitustiedoston kohdasta \\"%s\\" ja jatkaa toimintaa.","Log":"Loki","Login":"Kirjaudu","Login below.":"Kirjaudu sisään alla.","Login with Dropbox":"Kirjaudu sisään Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Kirjaudu sisään OneDrive","Make a donation":"Tee lahjoitus","Manage your plugins":"Hallitse laajennuksia","Manual":"Manuaalinen","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Merkitsee tehtävän valmiiksi.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Merkitsee tehtävän keskeneräiseksi.","Markup":"Merkintä","Master Key %s":"Pääavain %s","Max concurrent connections":"Samanaikaiset yhteydet enintään","Missing Master Keys":"Puuttuvat pääavaimet","Missing required argument: %s":"Vaadittu argumentti puuttuu: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobiilidata - automaattinen synkronointi poistettu käytöstä","More info":"Lisätietoja","More information":"Lisätietoja","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Useampi kuin yksi kohta vastaa \\"%s\\". Tarkenna kyselyäsi.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Siirrä %d muistiinpanot muistikirjaan \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Siirry muistikirjaan","Move to notebook...":"Siirry muistikirjaan...","Move to notebook:":"Siirrä muistikirjaan:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Siirtää vastaavat muistiinpanot kohtaan [notebook].","n":"e","N":"E","New note":"Uusi muistiinpano","New notebook":"Uusi muistikirja","New Notebook":"Uusi muistikirja","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Uusi muistikirja \\"%s\\" luodaan ja tiedosto \\"%s\\" tuodaan siihen","New sub-notebook":"Uusi alimuistikirja","New tags:":"Uudet tunnisteet:","New to-do":"Uusi tehtävä","New version: %s":"Uusi versio: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud salasana","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud käyttäjänimi","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV osoite (URL)","no":"ei","No":"Ei","No active notebook.":"Ei aktiivista muistikirjaa.","No item with ID %s":"Ei kohdetta tunnuksella %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Muistikirjaa ei ole luokiteltu.","No notebook selected.":"Muistikirjaa ei ole valittu.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Ei muistiinpanoja. Luo uusi napsauttamalla \\"Uusi muistiinpano\\".","No resources!":"Ei resursseja!","No results":"Ei tuloksia","No such command: %s":"Ei tällaista komentoa: %s","No suggestions":"Ei ehdotuksia","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Tekstieditoria ei ole määritetty. Aseta se käyttäen `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ei todennettu %s. Anna puuttuvat tunnistetiedot.","Not downloaded":"Ei ladattu","note":"merkintä","Note":"Huomautus","Note area growth factor":"Huomautus alueen kasvutekijä","Note attachments":"Muistiinpanon liitteet","Note attachments...":"Muistiinpanon liitteet...","Note body":"Muistiinpanon kappale","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Huomautusta ei ole: \\"%s\\". Luodaanko se?","Note has been saved.":"Huomautus on tallennettu.","Note History":"Muistiinpano historia","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Huomautus ei ole tehtävä: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Muistiinpanot","Note list growth factor":"Huomautus luettelon kasvutekijä","Note properties":"Muistiinpanon ominaisuudet","Note title":"Muistiinpanon otsikko","Note&book":"&Muistikirjat","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Huomautus: Ei toimi kaikissa työpöytäympäristöissä.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Huomautus: Kun muistiinpano on jaettu, sitä ei enää salata palvelimella.","Notebook list growth factor":"Muistikirjaluettelon kasvutekijä","Notebook title:":"Muistikirjan otsikko:","Notebook: %s":"Muistikirja: %s","Notebooks":"Muistikirjat","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Muistikirjoja ei voi nimetä \\"%s\\", joka on varattu otsikko.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Muistiinpanot ja oletusasetukset tallennetaan: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Muistiinpanoja voi luoda vain muistikirjaan.","Numbered List":"Numeroitu luettelo","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"Päällä %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Yksi pääavaimista käyttää vanhentunutta salaustapaa.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Yksi tai useampi kohde on tällä hetkellä salattu, sinun on ehkä annettava pääsalasana. Voit tehdä niin kirjoittamalla `e2ee decrypt`. Jos olet jo antanut salasanan, salatut kohteet puretaan taustalla ja ne ovat pian saatavilla.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Vähintään yksi pääavain tarvitsee salasanan.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive kirjautuminen","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Vain yksi muistiinpano voidaan tulostaa kerrallaan.","Open":"Avaa","Open %s":"Avaa %s","Open profile directory":"Avaa profiilihakemisto","Open Sync Wizard...":"Avaa ohjattu synkronointitoiminto.","Open...":"Avaa...","Operation cancelled":"Toiminto peruutettu","Options":"Asetukset","Or create an account.":"Tai luo tili.","Output format: %s":"Esitysmuoto: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Sivun suunta PDF vientiä varten","Page size for PDF export":"PDF viennin sivukoko","Password":"Salasana","Password cannot be empty":"Salasana ei voi olla tyhjä","Password:":"Salasana:","Passwords do not match!":"Salasana ei täsmää!","Paste":"Liitä","Path:":"Polku:","PDF File":"PDF tiedosto","Permission needed":"Tarvittava lupa","Permission to use camera":"Lupa käyttää kameraa","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Varmista, että haluat salata koko tietokannan uudelleen.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Kirjoita salasana alla olevaan pääavainluetteloon ennen avaimen päivittämistä.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Todenna sovellus avaamalla selaimessasi seuraava URL-osoite. Sovellus luo hakemiston \\"Sovellukset / Joplin\\" ja lukee ja kirjoittaa vain tiedostoja tähän hakemistoon. Sillä ei ole pääsyä tämän hakemiston ulkopuolisiin tiedostoihin eikä muihin henkilötietoihin. Tietoja ei jaeta kolmannen osapuolen kanssa.","Please select a notebook first.":"Valitse ensin muistikirja.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Valitse ensin poistettava muistiinpano tai muistikirja.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Valitse, mihin synkronoinnin tila viedään","Please specify import format for %s":"Määritä tuontimuoto kohteelle %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Määritä muistikirja, johon muistiinpanot tuodaan.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Päivitä Joplin käyttääksesi tätä laajennusta","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Odota, että kaikki liitteet ladataan ja puretaan. Voit myös vaihtaa kohtaan %s muokkaamaan muistiinpanoa.","Please wait...":"Odota...","Plugin tools":"Laajennustyökalut","Plugins":"Laajennukset","Portrait":"Pystysuunta","Possible keys/values:":"Mahdolliset avaimet/arvot:","Possible values: %s.":"Mahdolliset arvot: %s.","Preferences":"Oletusasetukset","Preferences...":"Oletusasetukset...","Preferred dark theme":"Ensisijainen tumma teema","Preferred light theme":"Ensisijainen vaalea teema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Paina Ctrl+D tai kirjoita \\"exit\\" poistuaksesi sovelluksesta","Press the shortcut":"Paina pikakuvaketta","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Paina pikakuvaketta ja paina sitten ENTER-näppäintä. Voit myös tyhjentää pikakuvakkeen painamalla VÄLILYÖNTI-näppäintä.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Aseta salauksen purkuun salasana painamalla tätä.","Previous versions of this note":"Tämän muistiinpanon aiemmat versiot","Print":"Tulosta","Privacy Policy":"Tietosuojakäytäntö","Profile Version: %s":"Profiilin versio: %s","Properties":"Ominaisuudet","Publish note...":"Muistiinpanon julkaiseminen...","Publish Notes":"Julkaise muistiinpanot","Publish notes to the internet":"Julkaise muistiinpanot Internetissä","Quit":"Lopeta","Re-encrypt data":"Salaa tiedot uudelleen","Re-encryption":"Uudelleen salaus","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Lataa paikalliset tiedot uudelleen kohteen synkronointia varten","Read more about it":"Lue lisää siitä","Read time: %s min":"Lukuaika: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Vastaanottaja on hyväksynyt kutsun","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Vastaanottaja ei ole vielä hyväksynyt kutsua","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Vastaanottaja on hylännyt kutsun","Recipients:":"Vastaanottajat:","Redo":"Tee uudelleen","Refresh":"Päivitä","Reject":"Hylkää","Remove":"Poista","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Poistetaanko tunniste \\"%s\\" kaikista muistiinpanoista?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Poistetaanko tämä haku sivupalkista?","Rename":"Nimeä uudelleen","Rename notebook:":"Nimeä muistikirja uudelleen:","Rename tag:":"Nimeä tunniste uudelleen:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Nimeää annetun (muistiinpano tai muistikirja) nimeksi .","Renew token":"Uusi tunnus","Resources: %d.":"Resursseja: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Käynnistä uudelleen ja päivitä","Restart now":"Käynnistä uudelleen nyt","Restore":"Palauttaa","Restored Notes":"Palautetut muistiinpanot","Retry":"Yritä uudelleen","Retry All":"Yritä uudelleen kaikkia","Reveal file in folder":"Osoita kansion tiedosto","Reverse sort order":"Käänteinen lajittelujärjestys","Reverses the sorting order.":"Kääntää lajittelujärjestyksen.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Versio: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Suorittaa tekstitiedoston komennot. Riviä kohden pitäisi olla yksi komento.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Turvallinen tila on tällä hetkellä aktiivinen. Huomautusten renderöinti ja kaikki laajennukset on tilapäisesti poistettu käytöstä.","Save":"Tallenna","Save alarm":"Tallenna hälytys","Save as...":"Tallenna nimellä...","Save changes":"Tallenna muutokset","Save geo-location with notes":"Tallenna maantieteellinen sijainti muistiinpanojen avulla","Search":"Etsi","Search for plugins...":"Etsi laajennuksia...","Search in all the notes":"Etsi kaikista muistiinpanoista","Search in current note":"Etsi nykyisestä muistiinpanosta","Search...":"Etsi...","Search:":"Etsi:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Etsii annettua kaikista muistiinpanoista.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Lisätietoja on ennakkojulkaisusivulla: %s","Select":"Valitse","Select all":"Valitse kaikki","Server is already running on port %d":"Palvelin on jo käynnissä portissa %d","Server is not running.":"Palvelin ei ole käynnissä.","Server is running on port %d":"Palvelin on käynnissä portissa %d","Set alarm":"Aseta hälytys","Set alarm:":"Aseta hälytys:","Set the password":"Aseta salasana","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Asettaa ominaisuuden annetusta annettuun [arvoon]. Mahdolliset ominaisuudet ovat:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Jaa","Share Notebook":"Jaa muistikirja","Share notebook...":"Muistikirjan jakaminen...","Sharing notebook...":"Jaetaan muistikirjaa...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Pikavalinnat eivät ole käytettävissä CLI tilassa.","Show Advanced Settings":"Näytä lisäasetukset","Show all":"Näytä kaikki","Show completed to-dos":"Näytä valmiit tehtävät","Show note counts":"Näytä muistiinpanojen määrä","Show tray icon":"Näytä kuvake tehtäväpalkissa","Sidebar":"Sivupalkki","Size":"Koko","Skip this version":"Ohita tämä versio","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Ohitetut kohteet: %d (käytä --retry-failed-items niiden salauksen purkamiseksi uudelleen)","Skipped: %d.":"Ohitetaan: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Joidenkin kohteiden salausta ei voida purkaa.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Joitakin kohteita ei voida synkronoida.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Joitakin kohteita ei voida synkronoida. Paina saadaksesi lisätietoja.","Sort notebooks by":"Muistikirjojen lajitteleminen","Sort notes by":"Lajittele muistiinpanot","Sort selected lines":"Lajittele valitut rivit","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Lajittelee kohteen mukaan (esim. Otsikko, päivitetty aika, luotu aika).","Source format: %s":"Lähdemuoto: %s","Source: ":"Lähde: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Määritä portti, jota API palvelimen on käytettävä. Jos sitä ei ole määritetty, käytetään oletusarvoa.","Spell checker":"Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus","Split View":"Jaettu näkymä","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Käynnistys sovellus pienennetään tehtäväpalkkiin","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Käynnistä, pysäytä tai tarkista API-palvelin. Määritä api.port-asetusmuuttuja määrittääksesi, missä portissa sen pitäisi toimia. Komennot ovat (% s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Aloitetaan salauksen purkua... Odota, koska se voi kestää useita minuutteja riippuen siitä, kuinka paljon on purettavaa.","Starting synchronisation...":"Aloitetaan synkronointi...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Aloitetaan muokkauksen tekeminen. Palaa kehotteeseen sulkemalla editori.","Statistics":"Tilastot","Statistics...":"Tilastot ...","Status":"Tila","Status: %s":"Tila: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Tila: Aloitettu portissa %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Vaihe 1: Ota Web Clipper työkalu käyttöön","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Vaihe 1: Avaa tämä URL osoite selaimessa valtuuttaaksesi sovelluksen:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Vaihe 2: Kirjoita Dropboxin tarjoama koodi:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Vaihe 2: Asenna laajennus","Stop":"Seis","Stop external editing":"Lopeta ulkoinen muokkaus","Strikethrough":"Yliviivaus","strong text":"vahva teksti","Submit":"Lähetä","Subscript":"Alaindeksi","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Suoritettu! Synkronoinnin määritys näyttää olevan oikea.","Superscript":"Yläindeksi","Swap line down":"Vaihda viiva alas","Swap line up":"Vaihda viiva ylös","Switch between note and to-do type":"Vaihda muistiinpanon ja tehtävätyypin välillä","Switch to note type":"Vaihda muistiinpanotyyppiin","Switch to to-do type":"Vaihda tehtävätyyppiin","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Vaihtaa tilaan [notebook] - kaikki muut toiminnot tapahtuvat tässä muistikirjassa.","Sync Status":"Synkronoinnin tila","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synkronoinnin tila (synkronoidut kohteet / kohteet yhteensä)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Synkronointikohde on päivitettävä! Suorita `%s` jatkaaksesi.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Synkronoi kohteen päivitys","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synkronoi annettuun kohteeseen (oletusarvo on config value)","Sync Version: %s":"Synkronoi versio: %s","Sync your notes":"Synkronoi muistiinpanosi","Synchronisation":"Synkronointi","Synchronisation interval":"Synkronoinnin aikaväli","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synkronointi on jo käynnissä.","Synchronisation Status":"Synkronoinnin tila","Synchronisation target":"Synkronointikohde","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synkronoinnin kohde: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synkronoi","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synkronoi vain WiFi yhteyden kautta","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synkronoi etätallennustilan.","Synchronising...":"Synkronoidaan...","Synchronizing...":"Synkronoidaan...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Merkityt: %d.","Tags":"Tunnisteet","Take photo":"Ota valokuva","Text editor command":"Tekstieditorin komento","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Kiitos! Your Joplin Cloud tilisi on nyt määritetty ja käyttövalmis.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Sovellus suljetaan nyt. Käynnistä se uudelleen prosessin loppuun saamiseksi.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Sovellus on hyväksytty - voit nyt sulkea tämän välilehden.","The application has been authorised!":"Sovellukset on saanut luvan!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Sovelluksen käyttö on hyväksytty onnistuneesti.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta nämä muutokset tulevat voimaan.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Liitteitä ei enää katsota, kun vaihdat toiseen muistiinpanoon.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Komento \\"%s\\" on käytettävissä vain graafisessa tilassa","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Järjestelmänvalvojan oletussalasana on turvaton, eikä sitä ole muutettu [Vaihda se nyt](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Oletussalausmenetelmä on muutettu turvallisemmaksi, ja on suositeltavaa, että käytät sitä tietoihin.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Oletussalausmenetelmää on muutettu, sinun on salattava tiedot uudelleen.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Editorikomento (voi sisältää argumentteja), jota käytetään muistiinpanon avaamiseen. Jos mitään ei ole annettu, se yrittää tunnistaa oletuseditorin automaattisesti.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Kerroin ominaisuus määrittää, miten kohde kasvaa tai kutistuu niin, että se sopii säiliössä olevaan tilaan suhteessa muihin kohteisiin. Näin ollen kohde, jonka kerroin on 2, vie kaksi kertaa enemmän tilaa kuin kohde, jonka kerroin on 1.Restart sovellus muutosten näkemistä varten.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Seuraavia liitteitä tarkkaillaan muutosten vuoksi:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin mobiilisovellus ei tällä hetkellä tue tämän tyyppistä linkkiä: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Pääavain on päivitetty onnistuneesti!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Näillä tunnuksilla varustettuja pääavaimia käytetään joidenkin kohteiden salaamiseen, mutta sovelluksella ei tällä hetkellä ole pääsyä niihin. On todennäköistä, että ne lopulta ladataan synkronoinnin avulla.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Muistiinpano \\"%s\\" on palautettu muistikirjaan \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Muistikirjaa ei voitu tallentaa: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Muistiinpanot on tuotu: %s","The possible commands are:":"Mahdolliset komennot ovat:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Synkronointikohde on päivitettävä, ennen kuin Joplin voidaan synkronoida. Toiminnon suorittamiseen voi mennä muutama minuutti, ja sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen. Jatka napsauttamalla linkkiä.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Tunniste \\"%s\\" on jo olemassa. Valitse toinen nimi.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Kohde, johon synkronoidaan. Jokaisella synkronointikohteella voi olla muita parametreja, jotka on nimetty `sync.NUM.NAME` (kaikki dokumentoitu jäljempänä).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper tarvitsee valtuutuksen tietojen käyttöön.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web Clipper työkalu on käytössä ja asetettu käynnistymään automaattisesti.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web Clipper työkalu ei ole käytössä.","Theme":"Teema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Tällä hetkellä ei ole muistiinpanoja. Luo sellainen napsauttamalla (+) -painiketta.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Tällä hetkellä ei ole muistikirjaa. Luo uusi napsauttamalla \\"Uusi muistikirja\\".","There is no data to export.":"Vietäviä tietoja ei ole.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Alla olevassa liitteessä oli [ristiriita](%s).\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Tämän liitteen lataamisessa tapahtui virhe:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin Cloud tilisi määrittämisessä tapahtui virhe. Vahvista sähköpostiosoitteesi ja salasanasi sekä yritä uudelleen. Virhe oli:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Nämä kohteet pysyvät laitteessa, mutta niitä ei ladata synkronointikohteeseen. Löytääksesi nämä kohteet, etsi joko otsikko tai tunnus (joka näkyy edellä olevissa hakasulkeissa).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Nämä laajennukset parantavat Markdown renderöijää lisäominaisuuksilla. Huomaa, että vaikka nämä ominaisuudet voivat olla hyödyllisiä, ne eivät ole tavallisia markdown ja siksi suurin osa niistä toimii vain Joplinissa. Lisäksi jotkut niistä ovat *yhteensopimattomia* WYSIWYG editorin kanssa. Jos avaat viestin, joka käyttää jotakin näistä laajennuksia editorissa, menetät laajennuksen muotoilun. Alla on ilmoitettu, mitkä laajennukset ovat yhteensopivia tai eivät ole yhteensopivia WYSIWYG editorin kanssa.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Tätä liitettä ei ole vielä ladattu tai sitä ei ole vielä purettu","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Tätä liitettä ei ole vielä ladattu tai sitä ei ole vielä purettu.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Tätä valtuutustunnusta tarvitaan vain, jotta kolmannen osapuolen sovellukset voivat käyttää Joplinia.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Tämä on kehittynyt työkalu muistiinpanoihin linkitettyjen liitteiden näyttämiseen. Ole varovainen, kun poistat yhden niistä, koska niitä ei voi palauttaa jälkeenpäin.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Tässä muistiinpanossa ei ole sijaintitietoja.","This note has been modified:":"Tätä muistiinpanoa on muutettu:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Tällä muistiinpanolla ei ole sisältöä. Napsauta \\"%s\\" vaihtaaksesi editoria ja muokataksesi muistiinpanoa.","This note has no history":"Tällä muistiinpanolla ei ole historiaa","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Tällä Rich Text -editorilla on useita rajoituksia, on suositeltavaa olla tietoinen niistä ennen sen käyttöä.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Tämän palvelun avulla selainlaajennus voi olla yhteydessä Jopliniin. Kun se otetaan käyttöön, palomuuri voi pyytää sinua antamaan Joplinille luvan kuunnella tiettyä porttia.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Antaa Joplinille mahdollisuuden toimia taustalla. On suositeltavaa ottaa tämä asetus käyttöön, jotta muistiinpanoja synkronoidaan jatkuvasti, näin vähennetään ristiriitojen määrää.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Tämä avaa uuden ikkunan. Tallennetaanko nykyiset muutokset?","Time format":"Ajan muoto","title":"otsikko","Title":"Otsikko","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Jos haluat, että Joplin voi synkronoida Dropboxin kanssa, toimi seuraavasti:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Tunnisteen poistaminen, poista merkinnät muistiinpanoista.","To delete: %d":"Poistettu: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Siirry komentorivitilaan painamalla \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Poistu komentorivitilasta painamalla ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Jos haluat lajitella muistiinpanot manuaalisesti, lajittelujärjestys on muutettava \\"%s\\" valikossa \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Maksimoidaksesi / minimoidaksesi konsolin, paina \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Voit siirtyä ruudusta toiseen painamalla Tab tai Shift + Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Yritä uudelleen purkaa nämä kohteet. Suorita `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Toimiakseen oikein sovellus tarvitsee seuraavat käyttöoikeudet. Ota ne käyttöön puhelimesi asetuksissa, valitsemalla Sovellukset> Joplin> Luvat (käyttöoikeudet)","to-do":"tehtävä","Toggle comment":"Vaihda kommentti","Toggle development tools":"Vaihda kehitystyökalut","Toggle editor layout":"Vaihda editorin asettelua","Toggle editors":"Vaihda editoria","Toggle external editing":"Vaihda ulkoiseen muokkaukseen","Toggle note list":"Muistiinpanoluettelon vaihtaminen","Toggle safe mode":"Vaihda turvalliseen tilaan","Toggle sidebar":"Näytä sivupalkki","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Tunnus on kopioitu leikepöydälle!","Tools":"Työkalut","Total: %d/%d":"Yhteensä: %d/%d","Try again":"Yritä uudestaan","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Kirjoita `help [command]` saadaksesi lisätietoja komennosta; tai kirjoita `help all` saadaksesi täydelliset käyttötiedot.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Valitse `joplin help` saadaksesi käytöstä lisätietoja.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Kirjoita muistiinpanon otsikko, jos haluat siirtyä siihen. Voit myös kirjoittaa # ja sen jälkeen tunnisteen nimen tai @ ja sen jälkeen muistikirjan nimen. Voit myös etsiä komentoja kirjoittamalla : .","Type new tags or select from list":"Kirjoita uudet tunnisteet tai valitse luettelosta","Type: %s.":"Tyyppi: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Keskeneräiset tehtävät ylhäällä","Undo":"Kumoa","Unknown flag: %s":"Tuntematon merkintä: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Tuntematon kohdetyyppi ladattu - päivitä Joplin uusimpaan versioon","Unpublish note":"Peruuta muistiinpanon julkaisu","Unshare":"Poista jakaminen","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Poistetaanko tämän muistikirjan jakaminen? Vastaanottajilla ei ole enää pääsyä sen sisältöön.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Kuvan tiedostotyyppiä ei tueta: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Linkkiä tai viestiä ei tueta: %s","Untitled":"Nimetön","Update":"Päivitä","Updated":"Päivitetty","updated date":"päivitetty päivämäärä","Updated local items: %d.":"Päivitetyt paikalliset kohteet: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Päivitetyt etäkohteet: %d.","Updated: ":"Päivitetty: ","Updated: %d.":"Päivitetty: %d.","Updated: %s":"Päivitetty: %s","Updating...":"Päivittää...","Upgrade":"Päivitä","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Päivitä synkronointikohde uusimpaan versioon.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Käyttö: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Käytä pitkää luettelomuotoa. Muoto on ID, NOTE_COUNT (muistikirjalle), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (tehtäville), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Käytä oikolukua","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Käytä nuolia ja page up/down vierittämällä luetteloita ja tekstialueita (mukaan lukien tämä konsoli).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Siirrä asettelukohteita nuolilla. Paina \\"Esc\\" poistuaksesi.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Tämän avulla voit muodostaa hakuindeksin uudelleen, jos haussa on ongelma. Se voi kestää kauan muistiinpanojen määrästä riippuen.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Käytetään useimmissa teksteissä markdown editorissa. Jos sitä ei löydy, käytetään yleistä suhteellista fonttia (vaihtelevaa leveyttä).","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Käytetään, kun tekstiin tarvitaan kiinteäleveyksinen fontti (esim. taulukot, valintaruudut, koodi). Jos sitä ei löydy, käytetään yleistä monospace fonttia (kiinteäleveyksinen).","Valid":"Kelvollinen","View":"Näytä","View on map":"Näytä kartalla","View them now":"Näytä ne nyt","Viewer":"Katselija","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Varoitus","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Varoitus: kaikkia resursseja ei näytetä suorituskyvyn vuoksi (raja: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV salasana","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV osoite (URL)","WebDAV username":"WebDAV käyttäjänimi","Website and documentation":"Verkkosivusto ja asiakirjat","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Tervetuloa Jopliniin!\\n\\nValitse `:help shortcuts` pikanäppäinten luetteloa varten, tai `:help` saadaksesi käytöstä lisätietoja.","When creating a new note:":"Kun luot uutta muistiinpanoa:","When creating a new to-do:":"Kun luot uuden tehtävän:","Words":"Sanat","y":"k","Y":"K","yes":"kyllä","Yes":"Kyllä","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Olet liittämässä suurta kuvaa (%dx%d pikseliä). Haluatko muuttaa sen koon %d pikseliä ennen sen liittämistä?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Sinulla ei ole muistikirjoja.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Sinulla ei ole asennettua laajennusta.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Voit myös kirjoittaa `status` saadaksesi lisätietoja.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Voit käyttää alla olevaa työkalua tietojen salaamiseen uudelleen, esimerkiksi jos tiedät, että osa muistiinpanoistasi on salattu vanhentuneella salausmenetelmällä.","Your choice: ":"Sinun valintasi: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Tietosi salataan ja synkronoidaan uudelleen.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Tarvitset luvan käyttää kameraa.","Your version: %s":"Sinun versiosi: %s","Zoom In":"Lähennä","Zoom Out":"Loitonna"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" requiert la propriété \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d jours","%d hour":"%d heure","%d hours":"%d heures","%d minutes":"%d minutes","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notes correspondent à ce motif. Les supprimer ?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) n\'a pas pu être envoyé : %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) souhaiterais partager un carnet avec vous.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s) : %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pré‑release)","%s - Copy":"%s – Copie","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s : %d","%s: %d notes":"%s : %d notes","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s : %s","&Edit":"&Édition","&File":"&Fichier","&Go":"&Aller","&Help":"&Aide","&Note":"&Note","&Tools":"&Outils","&View":"&Affichage","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Aucun)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg : %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Appareil photo : Pour pouvoir prendre une photo et l\'attacher à une note.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Position : Pour attacher à une note les coordonnées GPS.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Stockage : Pour attacher des fichiers aux notes et pour activer la synchronisation vers le système de fichier."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" peut être \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" ou \\"notetags\\" pour assigner ou enlever l\'étiquette [tag] de la [note], pour lister les notes associées avec l\'étiquette [tag], ou pour lister les étiquettes associées avec [note]. La commande `tag list` peut être utilisée pour lister les étiquettes (utilisez l\'option -l pour les options complètes)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"Gère le statut des tâches. peut être \\"toggle\\" ou \\"clear\\". Utilisez \\"toggle\\" pour basculer la tâche entre le status terminé et non-terminé (Si la cible est une note, elle sera convertie en tâche). Utilisez \\"clear\\" pour convertir la tâche en note.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"À propos de Joplin","accelerator":"raccourci","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Le raccourci \\"%s\\" n\'est pas valide.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Le raccourci \\"%s\\" est utilisé par les commandes \\"%s\\" et \\"%s\\", ce qui peut causer des problèmes.","Accept":"Accepter","Action":"Action","Actions":"Actions","Active":"Actif","Actual Size":"Taille actuelle","Add body":"Ajoutez le contenu","Add or remove tags:":"Modifier les étiquettes :","Add recipient:":"Ajouter destinataire :","Add title":"Ajoutez le titre","Add to dictionary":"Ajouter au dictionnaire","Advanced options":"Options avancées","Advanced tools":"Outils avancés","All notes":"Toutes les notes","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Tous les ports sont en cours d\'utilisation. Veuillez signaler ce problème sur %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Afficher également les variables cachées.","Always":"Toujours","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Une mise à jour est disponible, souhaitez vous la télécharger maintenant ?","Appearance":"Apparence","Application":"Application","Apply":"Appliquer","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Renouveler le code d\'authentification ?","Arguments:":"Arguments :","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Sombre","Attach file":"Attacher un fichier","Attach photo":"Attacher une photo","Attach...":"Joindre…","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Joindre le fichier fourni à la note.","attachment":"fichier joint","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflit de fichier joint : \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Téléchargement des ressources","Attachments":"Fichiers joints","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Fichiers qui n\'ont pas pu être téléchargé","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Attention : si vous changez cet emplacement, copiez‑y tout le contenu avant de synchroniser, sinon tous les fichiers seront supprimés ! Consulter la FAQ pour plus de détails : %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Impossible d\'autoriser le logiciel (jeton d\'identification non‑reçu).","Authorisation token:":"Code d\'authentification :","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Auto‑compléter les paires de parenthèses, guillemets, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Changer le thème automatiquement pour correspondre au thème système","Automatically update the application":"Mettre à jour le logiciel automatiquement","AWS access key":"Clef d\'accès AWS","AWS region":"Région AWS","AWS S3 bucket":"Seau AWS S3","AWS S3 URL":"URL AWS S3","AWS secret key":"Clef secrète AWS","Back":"Retour","Bold":"Gras","Browse all plugins":"Parcourir les plugins","Browse...":"Parcourir…","Bulleted List":"Liste à puces","Cancel":"Annuler","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Annulation de la synchronisation… Veuillez patienter.","Cancelling...":"Annulation…","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Annulation… Veuillez attendre.","Cannot access %s":"Impossible d\'accéder à %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Un objet chiffré ne peut pas être modifié","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Impossible de copier la note vers le carnet \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Impossible de trouver \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Impossible d\'initialiser la synchronisation.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Impossible de charger module \\"%s\\" pour le format d\'entrée \\"%s\\" et de sortie \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Impossible de charger module \\"%s\\" pour le format d\'entrée \\"%s\\" et de sortie \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Impossible de déplacer la note vers le carnet \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Impossible de déplacer le carnet à cet endroit","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Impossible de rafraîchir la connexion à OneDrive. Démarrez la synchronisation à nouveau pour corriger le problème.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Impossible d\'enregistrer l\'élément %s \\"%s\\" car il excède la limite allouée (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Impossible d\'enregistrer l\'élément %s \\"%s\\" car cela excèderait la limite totale allouée (%s) pour ce compte","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"Impossible de partager ce carnet chiffré car le destinataire %s car ils n\'ont pas activé le chiffrement. Ils peuvent le faire à partir de l\'écran Configuration > Chiffrement.","Change application layout":"Changer la disposition de l\'interface","Change language":"Changer de langue","Characters":"Caractères","Characters excluding spaces":"Caractères sans espaces","Check for updates...":"Vérifier les mises à jour…","Check synchronisation configuration":"Vérifier config synchronisation","Checkbox":"Case à cocher","Checkbox list":"Liste de cases à cocher","Checking... Please wait.":"Vérification… Veuillez patienter.","Choose an option":"Choisissez une option","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Supprimer","Clear alarm":"Enlever l\'alarme","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Cliquez sur \\"%s\\" pour restaurer cette note. Elle sera copiée dans le carnet \\"%s\\". La version actuelle de la note ne sera pas replacée ou modifiée.","Click to add tags...":"Cliquer pour ajouter des étiquettes…","Client ID: %s":"ID client : %s","Close":"Fermer","Close Window":"Fermer la fenêtre","Code":"Code","Code Block":"Bloc de code","Code View":"Code","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Collaborer sur des carnets avec d\'autres personnes","Coming alarms":"Alarmes à venir","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Liste séparée par des virgules contenant les chemins des répertoires contenants des certificats, ou les chemins de certificats individuels. Par exemple : /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Remarquez que si vous changez les paramètres TLS, vous devez enregistrer vos changements avant de cliquer sur \\"Vérifier config synchronisation\\".","command":"commande","Command":"Commande","Command palette":"Palette de commandes","Command palette...":"Palette de commandes…","Completed":"Terminé","Completed decryption.":"Déchiffrement complété.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Terminé : %s (%s)","Configuration":"Configuration","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Le mot de passe de confirmation ne peut être vide","Confirm password:":"Confirmer le mot de passe :","Confirmation":"Confirmation","Conflicted: %d":"Conflits : %d","Conflicts":"Conflits","Conflicts (attachments)":"Conflits (fichiers joints)","Content provided by %s":"Contenu fourni par %s","Convert to note":"Convertir en note","Convert to todo":"Convertir en tâche","Copy":"Copier","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copier commande de développement dans presse papier","Copy external link":"Copier le lien externe","Copy Link Address":"Copier l\'adresse du lien","Copy Markdown link":"Copier lien Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copier le chemin","Copy Shareable Link":"Copier lien partageable","Copy token":"Copier le code","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Impossible d\'autoriser le logiciel :\\n\\n%s\\n\\nVeuillez réessayer.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Impossible de se connecter au server Joplin. Veuillez vérifier la configuration. L\'erreur complète était :\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Impossible de télécharger la liste des plugins.","Could not export notes: %s":"Impossible d\'exporter les notes : %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Impossible d\'installer le module : %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Impossible de répondre à l\'invitation. Veuillez réessayer, ou demandez au propriétaire du carnet s\'il le partage toujours.\\n\\nL\'erreur était : \\"%s\\"","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Impossible de mettre la clef à niveau : %s","Could not verify the share status of this notebook - aborting. Please try again when you are connected to the internet.":"Impossible de vérifier l\'état du partage du carnet - annulation. Veuillez réessayer lorsque vous serez connecté à internet.","Create a notebook":"Créer un carnet","Created":"Créé","created date":"date de création","Created local items: %d.":"Objets créés localement : %d.","Created locally":"Créé localement","Created remote items: %d.":"Objets distants créés : %d.","Created: ":"Créé : ","Created: %d.":"Créés : %d.","Created: %s":"Créé : %s","Creates a new note.":"Créer une note.","Creates a new notebook.":"Créer un carnet.","Creates a new to-do.":"Créer une nouvelle tâche.","Creating new %s...":"Création de %s…","Creating report...":"Création du rapport…","Current version is up-to-date.":"La version actuelle est à jour.","custom order":"ordre personnalisé","Custom order":"Ordre personnalisé","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Feuille de style pour l\'application Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Feuille de style pour le rendu Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificats TLS personnalisés","Cut":"Couper","Dark":"Sombre","Database v%s":"Base de données v%s","Date":"Date","Date format":"Format de la date","days":"jours","Decrypted items: %d":"Objets déchiffrés : %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Déchiffrement : %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Déchiffrement des objets : %d/%d","Default":"Défaut","Default: %s":"Défaut : %s","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Supprimer fichier joint \\"%s\\" ?","Delete line":"Supprimer la ligne","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Supprimer les données locales et re‑télécharger depuis la cible de synchronisation","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Supprimer note \\"%s\\" ?","Delete note?":"Supprimer la note ?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Effacer le carnet \\"%s\\" ?\\n\\nToutes les notes et sous‑carnets dans ce carnet seront également effacés.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Effacer le carnet ? Toutes les notes et sous‑carnets dans ce carnet seront également effacés.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Supprimer plugin \\"%s\\" ?","Delete these %d notes?":"Supprimer ces %d notes ?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Supprimer cette invitation ? Le destinataire n\'aura plus accès au carnet partagé.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Objets suppr. localement : %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Objets distants suppr. : %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Supprimer le carnet.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Supprimer le carnet sans demander la confirmation.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Supprimer les notes correspondants à .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Supprimer les notes sans demander la confirmation.","Destination format: %s":"Format de la destination : %s","Directory":"Dossier","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Répertoire avec lequel synchroniser (chemin absolu)","Disable":"Désactiver","Disable encryption":"Désactiver le chiffrement","Disable safe mode and restart":"Désactiver le mode sans échec et redémarrer","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Désactiver le service du Web Clipper","Disabled":"Désactivé","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Désactiver le chiffrement signifie que *toutes* les notes et fichiers vont être re‑synchronisés et envoyés déchiffrés sur la cible de la synchronisation. Souhaitez vous continuer ?","Discard changes":"Ignorer les changements","Dismiss":"Fermer","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Afficher une URL de géolocalisation pour la note.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Affiche uniquement les premières notes.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Affiche uniquement les notes du ou des types spécifiés. Le type peut‑être `n` pour les notes, `t` pour les tâches (par exemple, `-tt` affiche uniquement les tâches, tandis que `-tnt` affiche les notes et les tâches).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Afficher un résumé des notes et carnets.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Affiche tous les détails de la note.","Displays the given note.":"Affiche la note.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Affiche les notes dans le carnet. Utilisez `ls /` pour afficher la liste des carnets.","Displays usage information.":"Affiche les informations d\'utilisation.","Displays version information":"Affiche les informations de version","Do it now":"Le faire maintenant","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ne pas demander de confirmation.","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Ne perdez pas le mot de passe car, par sécurité, ce sera la seule façon de déchiffrer les données. Pour activer le chiffrement, veuillez entrer votre mot de passe ci-dessous.","Download":"Télécharger","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Téléchargez et installez le module complémentaire correspondant à votre navigateur :","Downloaded":"Téléchargé","Downloaded and decrypted":"Téléchargé et déchiffré","Downloaded and encrypted":"Téléchargé et chiffré","Downloading":"Téléchargement en cours","Downloading resources...":"Téléchargement des ressources…","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Déposez des notes ou fichiers ici","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Connection à Dropbox","Duplicate":"Dupliquer","Duplicate line":"Dupliquer la ligne","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Copier les notes correspondant à vers [carnet]. Si aucun carnet n\'est spécifié, la note est dupliquée sur place.","Edit":"Édition","Edit in external editor":"Ouvrir dans un éditeur externe","Edit note.":"Éditer la note.","Edit notebook":"Éditer le carnet","Editor":"Éditeur","Editor font":"Police de l\'éditeur","Editor font family":"Police de l\'éditeur","Editor font size":"Taille police éditeur","Editor maximum width":"Largeur maximale de l\'éditeur","Editor monospace font family":"Police monospace de l\'éditeur","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Soit \\"text\\" soit \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"texte en italique","Enable":"Activer","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Activer la syntaxe ++insertion++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Activer la syntaxe pour ==surligner==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Activer la syntaxe ^exposant^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Activer la syntaxe pour abréviations","Enable audio player":"Activer lecteur audio","Enable deflist syntax":"Activer les listes de définitions","Enable encryption":"Activer le chiffrement","Enable footnotes":"Activer les notes de bas de page","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Activer la syntaxe \\"Fountain\\"","Enable Linkify":"Activer \\"Linkify\\" (conversion des URLs en liens)","Enable markdown emoji":"Activer la syntaxe émoji","Enable math expressions":"Activer les expressions mathématiques","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Activer les diagrammes Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Activer les tables multi‑markdown","Enable note history":"Activer l\'historique des notes","Enable PDF viewer":"Activer visionneuse PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Activer retours à la ligne \\"doux\\"","Enable table of contents extension":"Activer la table des matières","Enable typographer support":"Activer le typographe","Enable video player":"Activer lecteur vidéo","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Activer le service du Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Activer la syntaxe ~indice~","Enabled":"Activé","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Activer le chiffrement signifie que *toutes* les notes et fichiers vont être re‑synchronisés et envoyés chiffrés vers la cible de la synchronisation.","Encrypted":"Chiffré","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Les objets chiffrés ne peuvent être modifiés","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Les carnets chiffrés ne peuvent être renommés","Encryption":"Chiffrement","Encryption Config":"Config chiffrement","Encryption is: %s":"Le chiffrement est : %s","Encryption keys":"Clefs de chiffrement","Encryption:":"Chiffrement :","End-to-end encryption":"Chiffrement de bout en bout","Enter code here":"Entrez le code ici","Enter master password:":"Entrer le mot de passe maître :","Enter notebook title":"Entrez le titre du carnet","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Erreur","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Erreur lors de l\'ouverture de la note dans l\'éditeur de texte : %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Erreur. Veuillez vérifier que l\'URL, le nom, le mot de passe, etc. sont corrects et que la destination est accessible. L\'erreur reportée est :","Error: %s":"Erreur : %s","Errors only":"Erreurs seulement","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Fichiers d\'export Evernote (vers HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Fichiers d\'export Evernote (vers Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Quitter le logiciel.","Export":"Exporter","Export all":"Tout exporter","Export debug report":"Exporter rapport de débogage","Export Debug Report":"Exporter rapport de débogage","Export profile":"Exporter le profil","Exporting profile...":"Exportation du profil…","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportation en cours vers \\"%s\\" au format \\"%s\\". Veuillez patienter…","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporter les données de Joplin. Par défaut, la base de donnée complète sera exportée, y compris les carnets, notes, tags et ressources.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporter uniquement la note spécifiée.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporter uniquement le carnet spécifié.","Fail-safe":"Sécurité","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Sécurité : Ne pas supprimer toutes les données lorsque la cible de synchronisation est vide (souvent à cause d\'un bug ou d\'un problème de config)","Fatal error:":"Erreur fatale :","Feature flags":"Feature flags","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Téléchargés : %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Tél. ressources : %d/%d","File":"Fichier","File system":"Système de fichier","Firefox Extension":"Module Firefox","Fix search index":"Corriger index de recherche","Fixing search index...":"Correction de l\'index…","Focus":"Naviguer","Focus body":"Curseur sur corps du message","Focus title":"Curseur sur le titre","Folders":"Carnets","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Seulement pour du débogage : exporter votre profile vers une carte SD externe.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Pour personnaliser les raccourcis veuillez consulter la documentation à %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Pour plus d\'informations sur le chiffrement de bout en bout, ainsi que des conseils pour l\'activer, veuillez consulter la documentation :","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Pour la liste complète des raccourcis disponibles, tapez `help keymap`","Force path style":"Forcer le style de chemin","Forward":"Vers l\'avant","Found: %d.":"Trouvés : %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS activé : %d","Full changelog":"Changements complets","General":"Général","Generated":"Généré","Generating link...":"Génération des liens…","Get it now:":"L\'obtenir maintenant :","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Recevoir les pré‑release lors de la vérification des mises à jour","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obtient ou modifie une valeur de configuration. Si la [valeur] n\'est pas fournie, la valeur de [nom] sera affichée. Si ni le [nom] ni la [valeur] ne sont fournis, la configuration complète sera affichée.","Go to source URL":"Aller à l\'URL source","Goto Anything...":"Navigation rapide…","Grant authorisation":"Autoriser","Heading":"Titre","Help":"Aide","Hide %s":"Cacher %s","Hide disabled keys":"Cacher les clefs désactivées","Hide Joplin":"Cacher Joplin","Highlight":"Surligner","Home":"Accueil","Horizontal Rule":"Règle horizontale","HTML Directory":"Dossier de fichiers HTML","HTML File":"Fichier HTML","Hyperlink":"Lien","Icon":"Icône","ID":"ID","Idle":"Arrêté","Ignore":"Ignorer","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorer les erreurs de certificats TLS","Import":"Importer","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importer depuis \\"%s\\" au format \\"%s\\". Veuillez patienter…","Importing notes...":"Importation des notes…","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importer des données dans Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"En mode \\"manuel\\", les ressources sont téléchargées uniquement lorsque vous cliquez dessus. En mode \\"auto\\", elles sont téléchargées lorsque vous ouvrez la note. En mode \\"toujours\\", toutes les ressources sont téléchargées, que vous ayez ouvert la note ou pas.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Dans une commande, une note ou carnet peut être référé par titre ou identifiant, ou en utilisant les raccourcis `$n` et `$b` pour, respectivement, la note sélectionnée et le carnet sélectionné. `$c` peut être utilisé pour faire référence à l\'objet sélectionné en cours.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Pour associer la géolocalisation à la note, l\'application a besoin de votre permission pour accéder à votre position.\\n\\nVous pouvez désactiver cette option à tout moment des l\'écran de configuration.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Pour ce faire, toutes vos données seront chiffrées et synchronisées, donc il est préférable de lancer cette opération pendant la nuit.\\n\\nPour commencer, veuillez suivre ces instructions :\\n\\n1. Synchronisez tous vos appareils.\\n2. Cliquez \\"%s\\".\\n3. Laissez finir la synchronisation. Pendant que ça synchronise, évitez de changer vos notes sur vos autres appareils, pour éviter les conflits.\\n4. Lorsque la synchro est terminée sur cet appareil, synchronisez vos autres appareils.\\n\\nImportant : vous n\'avez besoin de cliquer sur le bouton que sur un seul appareil.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Pour utiliser la synchronisation par système de fichiers, votre autorisation pour écrire sur le stockage externe est requise.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Pour utiliser le Web Clipper, veuillez suivre ces instructions :","In progress":"En cours","In: %s":"Dans : %s","Indent less":"Mettre la ligne en retrait inversé","Indent more":"Mettre la ligne en retrait","Information":"Information","Inline Code":"Ligne de code","Insert":"Insérer","Insert Date Time":"Insérer la date et l\'heure","Insert Hyperlink":"Insérer lien","Install":"Installer","Install from file":"Installer à partir d\'un fichier","Installed":"Installé","Installing...":"Installation…","Invalid":"Invalide","Invalid %s: %s.":"Invalide %s : %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Réponse invalide : %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Commande invalide : \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Option invalide: \\"%s\\". Les valeurs possibles sont : %s.","Invalid password":"Mot de passe invalide","Italic":"Italique","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"L\'objet \\"%s\\" n\'a pas pu être téléchargé : %s","Items":"Objets","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Objets qui ne peuvent pas être déchiffrés","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Objets qui ne peuvent pas être synchronisés","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin peut synchroniser vos notes grâce à divers fournisseurs. Sélectionnez‑en un dans la liste ci‑dessous.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud : Email","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloud : Mot de passe","Joplin Export Directory":"Dossier d\'export Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Fichier d\'export Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin n\'a pas pu déchiffrer ces objets à plusieurs reprises, peut‑être parce qu\'ils sont corrompus ou trop larges. Ces objets vont rester sur l\'appareil mais Joplin n\'essayera plus de les déchiffrer.","Joplin Forum":"Forum Joplin","Joplin Server":"Serveur Joplin","Joplin Server email":"Serveur Joplin : Email","Joplin Server password":"Serveur Joplin : Mot de passe","Joplin Server URL":"Serveur Joplin : URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Le Web Clipper permet d\'enregistrer des pages web et des captures d\'écran depuis votre navigateur vers Joplin.","Joplin website":"Site web de Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Le propre service de synchronisation de Joplin. Donne également l\'accès à des fonctionnalités spécifiques à Joplin comme la publication de notes ou la collaboration sur des carnets avec d\'autres personnes.","Keep note history for":"Garder l\'historique des notes pour","Keyboard Mode":"Mode de clavier","Keyboard Shortcut":"Raccourci","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Raccourcis clavier","Keychain Supported: %s":"Trousseau supporté : %s","Keys that need upgrading":"Clefs qui peuvent être mise à niveau","Landscape":"Paysage","Language":"Langue","Last error: %s":"Dernière erreur : %s","Later":"Plus tard","Layout":"Disposition","Layout button sequence":"Ordre des actions du bouton de disposition","Leave notebook...":"Quitter le carnet partagé…","Legal":"Légal","Letter":"Lettre","Light":"Clair","Lines":"Lignes","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Le lien a été copié dans le presse‑papiers !","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Le schéma d\'URI \\"%s\\" n\'est pas supporté","List item":"Élément de liste","Loaded":"Chargé","Location":"Lieu","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"La synchronisation est déjà en cours ou ne s\'est pas interrompue correctement. Si vous savez qu\'aucune autre synchronisation est en cours, vous pouvez supprimer le fichier \\"%s\\" pour reprendre l\'opération.","Log":"Journal","Login":"Se connecter","Login below.":"Connexion ci‑dessous.","Login with Dropbox":"Se connecter à Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Se connecter à OneDrive","Logout":"Se déconnecter","Make a donation":"Faire un don","Manage master password":"Gestion du mot de passe maître","Manage master password...":"Gestion du mot de passe maître...","Manage your plugins":"Gérer vos modules","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"Gérer la configuration E2EE (Chiffrement de bout à bout). Les commandes sont `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt` et `status`, `decrypt-file` et `target-status`.","Manual":"Manuel","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + Front Matter","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marquer la tâche comme complétée.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marquer une tâche comme non‑complétée.","Markup":"Langage de balisage","Master Key %s":"Clef maître %s","Master password":"Mot de passe maître","Master password:":"Mot de passe maître :","Max concurrent connections":"Nombre maxi de connections simultanées","Missing keys":"Clefs manquantes","Missing Master Keys":"Clefs maître manquantes","Missing required argument: %s":"Paramètre requis manquant : %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Données mobiles – sync auto désactivé","More info":"Plus d\'information","More information":"Plus d\'information","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Plus d\'un objet correspond à \\"%s\\". Veuillez préciser votre requête.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Déplacer %d notes vers carnet \\"%s\\" ?","Move to notebook":"Déplacer vers le carnet","Move to notebook...":"Déplacer vers...","Move to notebook:":"Déplacer vers le carnet :","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Déplacer les notes correspondant à vers [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nouvelle note","New notebook":"Nouveau carnet","New Notebook":"Nouveau carnet","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Un nouveau carnet \\"%s\\" va être créé et le fichier \\"%s\\" va être importé dedans","New sub-notebook":"Nouveau sous‑carnet","New tags:":"Nouvelles étiquettes :","New to-do":"Nouvelle tâche","New version: %s":"Nouvelle version : %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud : Mot de passe","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud : Nom utilisateur","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud : URL WebDAV","no":"non","No":"Non","No active notebook.":"Aucun carnet actif.","No item with ID %s":"Aucun objet avec identifiant %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Aucun carnet n\'est spécifié.","No notebook selected.":"Aucun carnet n\'est sélectionné.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Pas de notes ici. Créez‑en une en pressant le bouton \\"Nouvelle note\\".","No resources!":"Pas de fichiers joints !","No results":"Aucun résultats","No such command: %s":"Commande invalide : %s","No suggestions":"Pas de suggestions","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Aucun éditeur de texte n\'est défini. Veuillez le définir en utilisant la commande `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Non‑connecté à %s. Veuillez fournir les identifiants et mots de passe manquants.","Not downloaded":"Non téléchargé","Not generated":"Non-généré","note":"note","Note":"Note","Note area growth factor":"Facteur de croissance de la zone de la note","Note attachments":"Fichiers joints","Note attachments...":"Fichiers joints…","Note body":"Corps de la note","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Cette note n\'existe pas : \\"%s\\". La créer ?","Note has been saved.":"La note a été enregistrée.","Note History":"Historique des notes","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"La note n\'est pas une tâche : \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Liste de notes","Note list growth factor":"Facteur de croissance de la liste de notes","Note properties":"Propriétés de la note","Note title":"Titre de la note","Note&book":"Carnet","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Note : Ne fonctionne pas dans tous les environnements de bureau.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Note : Lorsqu\'une note est partagée, elle ne sera plus chiffrée sur le serveur.","Notebook":"Carnet","Notebook list growth factor":"Facteur de croissance de la liste de carnets","Notebook title:":"Titre du carnet :","Notebook: %s":"Carnet : %s","Notebooks":"Carnets","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Les carnets ne peuvent être nommés \\"%s\\" car c\'est un nom réservé.","Notes":"Notes","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Les notes et paramètres se trouve dans : %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Les notes ne peuvent être créées que dans un carnet.","Numbered List":"Liste numérotée","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Sombre","On %s: %s":"Le %s : %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"L\'une des clefs maîtres utilise une méthode de chiffrement obsolète.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Au moins un objet est actuellement chiffré et il se peut que vous deviez fournir votre mot de passe maître. Pour se faire, veuillez taper `e2ee decrypt`. Si vous avez déjà fourni ce mot de passe, les objets chiffrés vont être déchiffré en tâche de fond et seront disponible prochainement.","One or more master keys need a password.":"L\'une des clefs maîtres requiert un mot de passe.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Connexion OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Une note seulement peut être imprimée à la fois.","Open":"Ouvrir","Open %s":"Ouvrir %s","Open profile directory":"Ouvrir le dossier des paramètres","Open Sync Wizard...":"Ouvrir l\'assistant de synchronisation…","Open...":"Ouvrir…","Operation cancelled":"Opération annulée","Options":"Options","Or create an account.":"Ou créer un compte.","Output format: %s":"Format de la sortie : %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientation de page pour l\'export PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Taille de page pour l\'export PDF","Password":"Mot de passe","Password cannot be empty":"Mot de passe ne peut être vide","Password:":"Mot de passe :","Passwords do not match!":"Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas !","Paste":"Coller","Path:":"Chemin :","PDF File":"Fichier PDF","Permission needed":"Permission requise","Permission to use camera":"Permission d\'utiliser l\'appareil photo","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"Veuillez cliquer sur \\"%s\\" pour continuer","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Veuillez confirmer que vous souhaitez ré‑encrypter la base de données complète.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Veuillez entrer le mot de passe de la clef maître ci‑dessous avant de mettre la clef à niveau.","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"Veuillez noter que les carnets de grande taille peuvent mettre plusieurs minutes pour que toutes les notes apparaissent sur l\'appareil du destinataire.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Veuillez ouvrir le lien ci‑dessous dans votre navigateur pour authentifier le logiciel. Joplin va créer un répertoire \\"Apps/Joplin\\" et lire/écrira des fichiers uniquement dans ce répertoire. Le logiciel n\'aura pas d\'accès à aucun fichier en dehors de ce répertoire, ni à d\'autres données personnelles. Aucune donnée ne sera partagé avec aucun tier.","Please select a notebook first.":"Veuillez d\'abord sélectionner un carnet.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Veuillez d\'abord sélectionner un carnet.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Veuillez sélectionner un répertoire ou exporter l\'état de la synchronisation","Please specify import format for %s":"Veuillez spécifier le format d\'import pour %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Veuillez sélectionner le carnet où les notes doivent être importées.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Veuillez mettre Joplin à jour pour utiliser ce plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Veuillez patienter jusqu\'à ce que tous les fichiers joints soient téléchargés et déchiffrés. Vous pouvez également éditer la note maintenant en passant au mode %s.","Please wait...":"Veuillez patienter…","Plugin tools":"Outils pour modules","Plugins":"Modules","Portrait":"Portrait","Possible keys/values:":"Clefs/Valeurs possibles :","Possible values: %s.":"Valeurs possibles : %s.","Preferences":"Préférences","Preferences...":"Préférences…","Preferred dark theme":"Thème sombre préféré","Preferred light theme":"Thème clair préféré","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Appuyez sur Ctrl+D ou tapez \\"exit\\" pour sortir du logiciel","Press the shortcut":"Taper le raccourci","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Tapez le raccourci et appuyez sur ENTREE. Ou, appuyez sur la touche de retour arrière pour supprimer le raccourci.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Définir mot de passe de synchronisation.","Previous versions of this note":"Versions précédentes de cette note","Print":"Imprimer","Privacy Policy":"Politique de confidentialité","Profile Version: %s":"Version du profil : %s","Properties":"Propriétés","Public-private key pair:":"Paire de clefs publiques privées :","Publish note...":"Publier la note…","Publish Notes":"Publier des notes","Publish notes to the internet":"Publier les notes sur Internet","Quit":"Quitter","Re-encrypt data":"Re‑chiffrer les données","Re-encryption":"Re‑chiffrement","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Envoyer à nouveau les données locales vers la cible de synchronisation","Read more about it":"En savoir plus","Read time: %s min":"Temps de lecture : %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Le destinataire a accepté l\'invitation","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Le destinataire n\'a pas encore accepté l\'invitation","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Le destinataire a rejeté l\'invitation","Recipients:":"Destinataires :","Redo":"Rétablir","Refresh":"Rafraîchir","Reject":"Refuser","Remove":"Supprimer","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Enlever l’étiquette \\"%s\\" de toutes les notes ?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Enlever cette recherche de la barre latérale ?","Rename":"Renommer","Rename notebook:":"Renommer le carnet :","Rename tag:":"Renommer étiquette :","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Renommer l\'objet (note ou carnet) en .","Renew token":"Renouveler le code","Reset master password":"Réinitialiser le mot de passe maître","Resources: %d.":"Ressources : %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Redémarrer et mettre à jour","Restart now":"Redémarrer maintenant","Restore":"Restaurer","Restored Notes":"Notes restaurées","Retry":"Réessayer","Retry All":"Tout réessayer","Reveal file in folder":"Révéler fichier dans dossier","Reverse sort order":"Inverser l\'ordre","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverser l\'ordre.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Révision : %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Exécute les commandes contenues dans le fichier texte. Il doit y avoir une commande par ligne.","S3":"S3","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Le mode sans échec est actif. Le rendu des notes et les modules sont temporairement désactivés.","Save":"Enregistrer","Save alarm":"Enregistrer alarme","Save as...":"Enregistrer sous…","Save changes":"Enregistrer les changements","Save geo-location with notes":"Enregistrer les informations de géolocalisation des notes","Search":"Chercher","Search for plugins...":"Chercher des modules…","Search in all the notes":"Chercher dans toutes les notes","Search in current note":"Chercher dans la note en cours","Search...":"Chercher…","Search:":"Recherche :","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Chercher le motif dans toutes les notes.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Voir la page des pré‑release pour plus de détails : %s","Select":"Sélectionner","Select all":"Sélectionner tout","Server is already running on port %d":"Le serveur tourne déjà sur le port %d","Server is not running.":"Le serveur est arrêté.","Server is running on port %d":"Le serveur tourne sur le port %d","Set alarm":"Régler alarme","Set alarm:":"Régler alarme :","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"Choisissez 0 pour que la totalité de l\'espace disponible soit utilisé. La largeur recommandée est 600.","Set the password":"Définir le mot de passe","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Assigner la valeur [value] à la propriété de la donnée. Les valeurs possibles sont :\\n\\n%s","Share":"Partager","Share Notebook":"Partager le carnet","Share notebook...":"Partager carnet…","Sharing notebook...":"Partage du carnet…","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Les raccourcis ne sont pas disponible en mode de ligne de commande.","Show Advanced Settings":"Montrer options avancées","Show all":"Afficher tous","Show completed to-dos":"Afficher les tâches complétées","Show disabled keys":"Afficher les clefs désactivées","Show note counts":"Afficher le compte des notes","Show sort order buttons":"Afficher les boutons pour trier les notes","Show tray icon":"Afficher l\'icône dans la zone de notifications","Sidebar":"Barre latérale","Size":"Taille","Skip this version":"Ignorer cette version","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Objets ignorés : %d (utilisez --retry-failed-items pour les déchiffrer à nouveau)","Skipped: %d.":"Ignorés : %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarisé sombre","Solarised Light":"Solarisé clair","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Certains objets ne peuvent être déchiffrés.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Certains objets ne peuvent être synchronisés.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Certains objets ne peuvent être synchronisés.","Sort notebooks by":"Trier les carnets par","Sort notes by":"Trier les notes par","Sort selected lines":"Trier les lignes sélectionnées","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Trier les notes par (par exemple, title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Format de la source : %s","Source: ":"Source : ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Détermine quel port sera utilisé par le serveur API. Si aucun n\'est spécifié, un port par défaut sera utilisé.","Spell checker":"Vérification orthographique","Split View":"Vue fractionnée","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Démarrer minimisé dans la zone de notification","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Démarre, stop ou vérifie l\'état du serveur API. Pour spécifier sur quel port il doit tourner, veuillez utiliser la variable de config api.port. Les commandes sont (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Démarrage du déchiffrement… Veuillez patienter car cela pourrait prendre plusieurs minutes selon le nombre d\'objets à déchiffrer.","Starting synchronisation...":"Commencement de la synchronisation…","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Édition de la note en cours. Fermez l\'éditeur de texte pour retourner à l\'invite de commande.","Statistics":"Statistiques","Statistics...":"Statistiques…","Status":"État","Status: %s":"État : %s","Status: Started on port %d":"État : Démarré sur le port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Étape 1 : Activez le service du Web Clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Étape 1 : Veuillez ouvrir cette URL dans votre navigateur internet pour autoriser le logiciel :","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Étape 2 : Entrez le code fourni par Dropbox :","Step 2: Install the extension":"Étape 2 : Installez le module complémentaire","Stop":"Stopper","Stop external editing":"Arrêter l\'édition externe","Strikethrough":"Barrer","strong text":"texte en gras","Submit":"Envoyer","Subscript":"Indice","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"La configuration de la synchronisation semble correcte.","Superscript":"Exposant","Swap line down":"Déplacer la ligne vers le bas","Swap line up":"Déplacer la ligne vers le haut","Switch between note and to-do type":"Alterner entre note et tâche","Switch to note type":"Convertir en note","Switch to to-do type":"Convertir en tâche","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Changer de carnet – toutes les opérations à venir se feront dans ce carnet.","Sync Status":"État synchronisation","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Statut de la synchronisation (objets synchro. / total)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"La cible de synchronisation doit être mise à jour ! Lancez `%s` pour le faire.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Mise à jour de la cible de synchro","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synchroniser avec la cible donnée (par défaut, la valeur de configuration ``).","Sync Version: %s":"Version de Synchro : %s","Sync your notes":"Synchroniser vos notes","Synchronisation":"Synchronisation","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalle de synchronisation","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"La synchronisation est déjà en cours.","Synchronisation Status":"État de la synchronisation","Synchronisation target":"Cible de la synchronisation","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Cible de la synchronisation : %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchroniser","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synchroniser uniquement par WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchroniser les notes et carnets.","Synchronising...":"Synchronisation…","Synchronizing...":"Synchronisation…","Tabloid":"Tabloïde","Tagged: %d.":"Étiquettes : %d.","Tags":"Étiquettes","Take photo":"Prendre une photo","Tasks":"Tâches","Text editor command":"Commande de l\'éditeur de texte","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Merci ! Votre compte Joplin Cloud est maintenant configuré et prêt à être utilisé.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"L\'application va maintenant se fermer. Veuillez la relancer pour terminer l\'opération.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Le logiciel a été autorisé. Vous pouvez maintenant fermer cet onglet.","The application has been authorised!":"Le logiciel a été autorisé !","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Le logiciel a été autorisé.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"L\'application doit être redémarrée pour que ces changements prennent effets.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Les pièces jointes ne seront plus monitorées lorsque vous changerez de note.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"La commande \\"%s\\" est disponible uniquement en mode d\'interface graphique","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Le mot de passe admin par défaut n\'est pas sécurisé et n\'a pas été modifié ! [Changez‑le maintenant](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"La méthode de chiffrage par défaut à été renforcée et il est recommandé de l\'appliquer à vos données.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"La méthode de chiffrage par défaut à été renforcée et il est recommandé de l\'appliquer à vos données.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"La commande de l\'éditeur de texte (peut inclure des options) pour ouvrir et modifier les notes. Si non‑spécifiée, elle sera détectée automatiquement.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Le facteur de croissance détermine la façon dont la taille des composants se réduit ou augmente par rapport aux autres composants. Ainsi un composant avec un facteur de 2 prendra deux fois plus de place qu\'un composant avec un facteur de 1. Veuillez redémarrer l\'application pour appliquer les changements.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Les changements sur les éléments suivants sont monitorés :","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"Les clefs suivantes utilisent un algorithme de chiffrement obsolète, et il est recommandé de les mettre à niveau. Les clefs mise à niveau pourront continuer à chiffrer et à déchiffrer vos données comme d\'habitude.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"L\'application mobile Joplin ne gère pas pour l\'instant ce type de lien : %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"L\'équipe Joplin a approuvé ce plugin qui respecte nos spécifications en matière de sécurité et de performance.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Les clefs avec ces identifiants sont utilisées pour chiffrer certains de vos objets, cependant le logiciel n\'y a pour l\'instant pas accès. Il est probable qu\'elle vont être prochainement disponible via la synchronisation.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"La clef maître a été mise à niveau avec succès !","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Les clefs maître avec ces identifiants sont utilisées pour chiffrer certains de vos objets, cependant le logiciel n\'y a pour l\'instant pas accès. Il est probable qu\'elle vont être prochainement disponible via la synchronisation.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"La note \\"%s\\" a été restaurée dans le carnet \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Ce carnet n\'a pas pu être sauvegardé : %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Les notes ont été importées : %s","The possible commands are:":"Les commandes possibles sont :","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Le destinataire n\'a pas pu être supprimé de la liste. Veuillez réessayer.\\n\\nL\'erreur était : \\"%s\\"","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"La cible de synchronisation doit être mise à jour. L\'opération peut prendre plusieurs minutes et l\'application devra être re‑démarrée. Pour continuer, veuillez cliquer sur le lien.","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"La cible de synchronisation doit être mise à jour. Appuyer sur la bannière pour commencer.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"L\'étiquette \\"%s\\" existe déjà. Veuillez choisir un autre nom.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"La cible avec laquelle synchroniser. Chaque cible de synchronisation peut avoir des paramètres supplémentaires sous le nom `sync.NUM.NOM` (documentés ci‑dessous).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Le Web Clipper requiert votre autorisation pour accéder à vos données.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Le service du Web Clipper est activé et démarrera automatiquement.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Le service du Web Clipper n\'est pas activé.","Theme":"Apparence","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Ce carnet ne contient aucune note. Créez‑en une en appuyant sur le bouton (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Il n\'y a pour l\'instant aucun carnet. Créez‑en un en cliquant sur \\"Nouveau carnet\\".","There is no data to export.":"Il n\'y a pas de données à exporter.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Il y a eu un [conflit](%s) sur la pièce jointe suivante.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Il y a eu une erreur lors du téléchargement de ce fichier :","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Il y a eu une erreur lors de la configuration votre compte Joplin Cloud. Veuillez vérifier votre courriel et votre mot de passe puis réessayez. Erreur :\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ces objets resteront sur l\'appareil mais ne seront pas envoyé sur la cible de la synchronisation. Pour trouver ces objets, faite une recherche sur le titre ou l\'identifiant de l\'objet (affiché ci‑dessus entre parenthèses).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Ces modules ajoutent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires au rendu Markdown. Veuillez noter que ces fonctionnalités ne font pas partie du standard Markdown et qu\'elles ne fonctionneront donc que dans Joplin. En outre, certaines d\'entre elles sont *incompatible* avec l\'éditeur WYSIWYG. Si vous ouvrez une note qui utilise ces modules dans cet éditeur, vous perdrez la mise en forme du module. Il est indiqué ci‑dessous quels modules sont compatible avec l\'éditeur WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Cet fichier n\'est pas téléchargé ou pas encore déchiffré","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Cette pièce jointe n\'est pas téléchargée ou pas encore déchiffrée.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Ce code d\'authentification est nécessaire uniquement pour permettre aux logiciels tiers d\'accéder aux données de Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Ceci est un outil pour lister les fichiers qui sont attachés à vos notes. Veuillez noter que lorsqu\'un fichier est supprimé ici, il ne peut pas être restauré par la suite.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Cette note n\'a pas d\'information de géolocalisation.","This note has been modified:":"Cette note a été modifiée :","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Cette note n\'a pas de contenu. Cliquer sur \\"%s\\" pour basculer vers l\'éditeur et éditer cette note.","This note has no history":"Cette note n\'a pas d\'historique","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Cet éditeur de texte enrichi a certaines limitations, et il est recommandé de les connaître avant de l\'utiliser.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Le service permet au module complémentaire de communiquer avec Joplin. Lorsque vous aller l\'activer, il se pourrait que votre pare feu vous demande d\'autoriser l\'application Joplin.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Cela permettra à Joplin de s\'exécuter en arrière‑plan. Il est recommandé d\'activer ce réglage pour que vos notes soient constamment synchronisées, donc réduire le nombre de conflits.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Sauvegarder vos changements avant de continuer ?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"Cela enlèvera le carnet de votre collection et vous n\'aurez plus accès à son contenu. Souhaitez vous continuer ?","Time format":"Format de l\'heure","title":"titre","Title":"Titre","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Pour permettre à Joplin de synchroniser avec Dropbox, veuillez suivre les étapes ci‑dessous :","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"Pour continuer, entrez le mot de passe maître ci-dessous.","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Pour supprimer une vignette, enlever là des notes associées.","To delete: %d":"À supprimer : %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Pour démarrer le mode ligne de commande, pressez \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Pour sortir du mode ligne de commande, pressez ECHAP","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Pour trier les notes manuellement, l\'ordre des notes doit être changé en \\"%s\\" dans le menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Pour maximiser ou minimiser la console, pressez \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Pour aller d\'un volet à l\'autre, pressez Tab ou Maj+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Exécutez `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items` pour tenter à nouveau le déchiffrage","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Pour fonctionner correctement, l\'appli a besoin des autorisations suivantes. Veuillez les activer dans les paramètres de votre téléphone, dans le menu Applications > Joplin > Autorisations","to-do":"tâche","Toggle comment":"Commenter / Dé‑commenter la ligne","Toggle development tools":"Monter/Cacher les outils de développement","Toggle editor layout":"Basculer la disposition de l\'éditeur","Toggle editors":"Basculer l\'éditeur","Toggle external editing":"Basculer l\'édition externe","Toggle note list":"Basculer liste de notes","Toggle own sort order":"Utiliser le tri personaliser","Toggle safe mode":"Basculer le mode sans échec","Toggle sidebar":"Basculer barre latérale","Toggle sort order field":"Basculer le champ d\'ordre de tri","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Le code d\'authentification a été copié dans le presse‑papiers !","Tools":"Outils","Total: %d/%d":"Total : %d/%d","Try again":"Réessayer","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Tapez `help [command]` pour plus d\'information sur une commande ; ou tapez `help all` pour l\'aide complète.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Tapez `Joplin help` pour afficher l\'aide.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Entrez le titre d’une note, ou entrez # suivi du nom d’une étiquette, ou @ suivi du nom d’un carnet. Ou entrez : pour chercher une commande.","Type new tags or select from list":"Entrez de nouvelles étiquettes ou sélectionnez de la liste","Type: %s.":"Type : %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Tâches non‑terminées en haut","Undo":"Annuler","Unknown flag: %s":"Paramètre inconnu : %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Objet inconnu téléchargé – veuillez mettre Joplin à jour","Unpublish note":"Annuler la publication","Unshare":"Annuler le partage","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Annuler le partage ? Les destinataires n\'auront plus accès au carnet.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Type d\'image non géré : %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Lien ou message non géré : %s","Untitled":"Sans titre","Update":"Mettre à jour","Updated":"Mis à jour","updated date":"date de modification","Updated local items: %d.":"Objets màj localement : %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Objets distants màj : %d.","Updated: ":"Mis à jour : ","Updated: %d.":"Mis à jour : %d.","Updated: %s":"Mis à jour : %s","Updating...":"Mise à jour…","Upgrade":"Mise à jour","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Mettre à jour la cible de synchronisation.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Utilisation : %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Utilise le format de liste longue. Le format est ID, NOMBRE_DE_NOTES (pour les carnets), DATE, TACHE_TERMINE (pour les tâches), TITRE","Use spell checker":"Utiliser le correcteur orthographique","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Utilisez les touches fléchées et page précédente/suivante pour faire défiler les listes et zones de texte (y compris cette console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Utilisez les flèches pour déplacer les éléments de l\'interface. Appuyez sur \\"Echap\\" pour arrêter.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Utilisez ceci pour corriger l\'index du moteur de recherche en cas de problème. Cela peut prendre longtemps selon le nombre de notes.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Utilisée pour la plupart du texte de l\'éditeur Markdown. Par défaut, une police proportionnelle sera utilisée.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Utilisée lorsque une police à taille fixe est nécessaire pour afficher le texte de façon lisible (par ex. pour les tables, code source, etc.).","Users":"Utilisateurs","Valid":"Valide","View":"Affichage","View on map":"Voir sur carte","View them now":"Les voir maintenant","Viewer":"Visionneuse","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Avertissement","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Attention : tous les fichiers ne sont pas affichés pour des raisons de performance (limite : %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV : Mot de passe","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV : URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV : Nom utilisateur","Website and documentation":"Documentation en ligne","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Bienvenue dans Joplin!\\n\\nTapez `:help shortcuts` pour la liste des raccourcis claviers, ou simplement `:help` pour une vue d\'ensemble.\\n\\nPar exemple, pour créer un carnet, pressez `mb` ; pour créer une note pressed `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Lors de la création d\'une note :","When creating a new to-do:":"Lors de la création d\'une tâche :","Words":"Mots","y":"o","Y":"O","yes":"oui","Yes":"Oui","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Vous allez joindre une image de grande taille (%dx%d pixels). Souhaitez‑vous en réduire la taille à %d pixels avant de la joindre ?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Vous n\'avez pour l\'instant pas de carnets.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Vous n\'avez pas de plugins.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Pour plus d\'information, veuillez taper `status`.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Vous pouvez utiliser l\'outil ci‑dessous pour re‑chiffrer vos données, par exemple si vous savez que certaines de vos notes sont chiffrées avec une méthode de chiffrage obsolète.","Your choice: ":"Votre choix : ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Vos données vont être chiffrées et synchronisées à nouveau.","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"Votre mot de passe maître est requis pour déchiffrer une partie de vos données.","Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data. Type `:e2ee decrypt` to set it.":"Votre mot de passe maître est requis pour déchiffrer une partie de vos données. Tapez `:e2ee decrypt` pour entrer le mot de passe.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Votre permission est requise pour utiliser l\'appareil photo.","Your version: %s":"Votre version : %s","Zoom In":"Zoom avant","Zoom Out":"Zoom arrière"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d hour":"%d hora","%d hours":"%d horas","%d minutes":"%d minutos","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notas coinciden co patrón. Desexa eliminalas?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notas","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s"," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" pode ser «toggle» ou «clear». Use «toggle» para alternar a tarefa dada entre o estado de completa e o de incompleta (se o destino é unha nota normal a nota será convertida nunha tarefa). Use «clear» para converter a tarefa de novo nunha nota normal.","About Joplin":"Sobre o Joplin","Active":"Activa","Add or remove tags:":"Engadir ou eliminar etiquetas:","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Mostra tamén variábeis de configuración non estabelecidas e ocultas.","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Hai unha actualización dispoñíbel, desexa descargala agora?","Attach file":"Anexar un ficheiro","Attach photo":"Anexar foto","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Anexa o ficheiro dado á nota.","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"A autenticación non foi completada (non recibiu un token de autenticación).","Automatically update the application":"Actualizar automaticamente o aplicativo","Back":"Anterior","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Cancelando sincronización en segundo plano... Agarde.","Cancelling...":"Cancelando...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Cancelando... Agarde.","Cannot access %s":"Non é posíbel acceder a %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Non é posíbel cambiar un elemento cifrado","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Non é posíbel copiar a nota ao caderno «%s»","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Non é posíbel atopar «%s».","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Non é posíbel mover a nota ao caderno «%s»","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Non é posíbel actualizar o «token»: faltan datos da autenticación. Iniciar a sincronización de novo pode arranxar o problema.","Check for updates...":"Buscar actualizacións…","Check synchronisation configuration":"Comprobar a configuración da sincronización","Clear":"Limpar","Coming alarms":"Alarmas próximas","Completed decryption.":"Descifrado completado.","Configuration":"Configuración","Conflicted: %d":"En conflito: %d","Conflicts":"Conflitos","Convert to note":"Converter para nota","Convert to todo":"Converter para tarefa","Copy":"Copiar","Created":"Creada","Created local items: %d.":"Elementos locais creados: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos creados: %d.","Created: %d.":"Creado: %d.","Created: %s":"Creado: %s","Creates a new note.":"Crea unha nota nova.","Creates a new notebook.":"Crea un caderno novo.","Creates a new to-do.":"Crea unha nova tarefa.","Creating new %s...":"Criando novo %s...","Current version is up-to-date.":"A versión actual está actualizada.","Cut":"Cortar","Dark":"Escuro","Date format":"Formato de data","Default: %s":"Predeterminado: %s","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete note?":"Eliminar nota?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Elementos locais borrados: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos borrados: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Eliminar o carderno indicado.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina o caderno indicado sen solicitar confirmación.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Elimina as notas que coinciden con .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina as notas sen pedir confirmación.","Destination format: %s":"Formato de destino: %s","Directory":"Cartafol","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Cartafol a sincronizar con (ruta absoluta)","Disable encryption":"Desactivar cifrado","Disabled":"Desactivado","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Desactivar o cifrado significa que *todas* as súas notas e anexos serán sincronizados de novo e enviados sen cifrar ao destino. Desexa continuar?","Discard changes":"Desbotar os cambios","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Mostra a URL de xeolocalización da nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Mostra só as primeiras notas.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Motra só os elementos do tipo específicado. Pode ser «n» para notas, «t» para tarefas ou «nt» para notas e tarefas (p.e: «-tt» mostraría só as tarefas mentres «-tnt» mostraría notas e tarefas).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Mostra un resumo das notas e cadernos.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Mostra toda a información da nota.","Displays the given note.":"Mostra a nota dada.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Mostra as notas no caderno actual. Use «ls /» para ver a lista de cadernos.","Displays usage information.":"Mostra a información de uso.","Displays version information":"Mostra a información da versión","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Non pedir confirmación.","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica as notas que corresponden a ao [notebook]. Se non se especifica un, a nota será duplicada no caderno atual.","Edit":"Edtar","Edit note.":"Editar nota.","Edit notebook":"Editar caderno","Editor font family":"Familia de tipos de letra do editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Pode ser «text» ou «json»","Enable":"Activar","Enable encryption":"Activar cifrado","Enabled":"Activado","Encrypted":"Cifrado","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Non é posíbel modificar elementos cifrados","Encryption Config":"Configuración de cifrado","Encryption is: %s":"O cifrado é: %s","Enter master password:":"Introducir contrasinal mestre:","Enum":"Enum.","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Produciuse un erro abrindo a nota no editor: %s","Errors only":"Somente erros","Exits the application.":"Sae do aplicativo.","Export":"Exportar","Export Debug Report":"Exportar informe de depuración","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportando a «%s» como formato «%s». Agarde...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporta os datos do Joplin á ruta dada. De forma predeterminada exportará toda a base de datos incluíndo cadernos, notas, etiquetas e recursos.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporta só a nota indicada.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporta só o caderno indicado.","Fatal error:":"Erro fatal:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Elementos obtidos: %d/%d.","File":"Ficheiro","File system":"Sistema de ficheiros","Focus body":"Focar no corpo","Focus title":"Foco no título","Folders":"Cartafoles","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Para obter máis información sobre como personalizar os atallos, visite %s","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Para ver a lista completa de atallos do teclado dispoñíbeis, escriba «help keymap»","Found: %d.":"Atopado: %d.","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obtén ou estabelece un valor da configuración. Se non se indica [value], mostrará o valor de [name]. Se non se indica [name] nin [value] listará a configuración actual.","Hide %s":"Ocultar %s","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inactivo","Import":"Importar","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importando de «%s» como formato «%s». Agarde...","Importing notes...":"Importando notas...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa os datos en Joplin.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"En calquera orde podemos referirnos a unha nota ou caderno polo título ou identificador usando os atallos «$n» ou «$b» para, respectivamente a nota ou cadernos seleccionados actualmente. «$c» pode usarse para referirse ao elemento seleccionado actualmente.","In progress":"En proceso","Invalid answer: %s":"Resposta non válida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Orde incorrecta: «%s»","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Valor incorrecto de opción: «%s». Os valores posíbeis son: %s.","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elementos que non se poden sincronizar","Joplin Export Directory":"Cartafol de exportación do Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Ficheiro de exportación do Joplin","Joplin website":"Sitio web de Joplin","Language":"Idioma","Last error: %s":"Último erro: %s","Layout":"Disposición","Light":"Claro","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"O ficheiro de bloqueo xa está en espera. Se sabe que a sincronización non se está realizando pode eliminar o ficheiro de bloqueo en «%s» e continuar coa operación.","Log":"Rexistro","Login with OneDrive":"Acceder con OneDrive","Make a donation":"Doar","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marca unha tarefa como feita.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marca unha tarefa como non completada.","Master Key %s":"Chave mestra %s","Missing Master Keys":"Faltan as chaves mestras","Missing required argument: %s":"Falta un argumento requirido: %s","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Hai máis dun elemento que coincide con «%s». Refine a busca.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Mover %d notas para o caderno \\"%s\\"?","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Move as notas que coinciden con a [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova nota","New notebook":"Novo caderno","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Crearase o novo caderno «%s» e o ficheiro «%s» importarse dentro del","New tags:":"Etiquetas novas:","New to-do":"Nova tarefa","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Contrasinal do Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Usuario de Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL de Nextcloud WebDAV","No":"Non","No active notebook.":"Ningún caderno activo.","No notebook has been specified.":"Non se especificou ningún caderno.","No notebook selected.":"Non hai ningún caderno seleccionado.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Aquí non hai notas. Cree unha premendo en «Nova nota».","No such command: %s":"Non hai tal orde: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Non se estabeleceu ningún editor de texto. Estabelézao usando «config editor »","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Non está autenticado en %s. Proporcione as credencias que faltan.","note":"nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"A nota non existe: «%s». Desexa creala?","Note has been saved.":"A nota foi gardada.","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"A nota non é unha tarefa: «%s»","Notebook title:":"Título do caderno:","Notebooks":"Cadernos","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Os cadernos non poden levar o nome «%s» porque é un título reservado.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"As notas e axustes gardáronse en: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"As notas só se poden crear dentro dun caderno.","OK":"Aceptar","On %s: %s":"En %s: %s","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Un ou máis elementos están actualmente cifrados e precisa indicar cal é o contrasinal mestre. Para facelo escriba «e2ee decrypt». Se xa subministrou o contrasinal, os elementos cifrados están sendo descifrados en segundo plano e estarán dispoñíbeis pronto.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Inicio de sesión de OneDrive","Open %s":"Abrir %s","Open...":"Abrir…","Operation cancelled":"Operación cancelada","Options":"Opcións","Password":"Contrasinal","Password cannot be empty":"O contrasinal non pode estar baleiro","Password:":"Contrasinal:","Paste":"Pegar","PDF File":"Ficheiro PDF","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Abra o seguinte URL no navegador para autenticar o aplicativo. O programa creará un cartafol en «Apps/Joplin» e só lerá e escribirá ficheiros neste cartafol. Non terá acceso a ningún ficheiro fóra deste directorio nin a ningún dato persoal. Non se compartirá ningún dato con terceiros.","Please select a notebook first.":"Seleccione un caderno primeiro.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Selecciona a nota ou caderno para eliminar primeiro.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Seleccione onde exportar o estado da sincronización","Please specify import format for %s":"Indique o formato de importación de %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Indique o caderno ao que importar as notas.","Possible keys/values:":"Posíbeis chaves/valores:","Possible values: %s.":"Valores posíbeis: %s.","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Prema Ctrl+D ou escriba «exit» para saír do aplicativo","Press to set the decryption password.":"Prema para estabelecer o contrasinal de descifrado.","Print":"Imprimir","Quit":"Saír","Refresh":"Actualizar","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Desexa eliminar esta busca da barra lateral?","Rename":"Renomear","Rename notebook:":"Renomear caderno:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Renomea o dado (nota ou caderno) a .","Resources: %d.":"Recursos: %d.","Reverse sort order":"Orde inversa","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverte a orde.","Save":"Gardar","Save as...":"Gardar como…","Save changes":"Gardar cambios","Save geo-location with notes":"Gardar xeolocalización coas notas","Search":"Buscar","Search in all the notes":"Buscar en todas as notas","Search...":"Buscar…","Search:":"Buscar:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Busca o patrón en todas as notas.","Set alarm":"Estabelecer alarma","Set alarm:":"Estabelecer alarma:","Set the password":"Estabelecer un contrasinal","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Estabelece a propiedade da a [value]. As propiedades posíbeis son:\\n\\n%s","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Os atallos non están dispoñíbeis no modo CLI.","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show tray icon":"Mostrar a icona na bandexa","Skipped: %d.":"Ignorado: %d.","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Non é posíbel descifrar algúns elementos.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Non é posíbel sincronizar algúns elementos.","Sort notes by":"Ordenar notas por","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ordena os elementos por (p.e.: title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Formato da orixe: %s","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Iniciando o descifrado... Agarde xa que pode tardar varios minutos dependendo de canto haxa que descifrar.","Starting synchronisation...":"Iniciando sincronización...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Comezando a editar a nota. Peche o editor para volver ao diálogo.","Status":"Estado","Switch between note and to-do type":"Cambiar entre notas e tarefas","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Cambia a [notebook] - todas as demais operacións sucederán neste caderno.","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Estado da sincronización (elementos sincronizados / elementos totais)","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizar co destino indicado (predeterminados ao valor da configuración","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalo de sincronización","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"A sincronización xa está en progreso.","Synchronisation Status":"Estado da sincronización","Synchronisation target":"Destino da sincronización","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Destino da sincronización: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizar","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincroniza sen almacenaxe remoto.","Tagged: %d.":"Etiquetado: %d.","Tags":"Etiquetas","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"O aplicativo foi autorizado. Xa pode pechar esta lapela do navegador.","The application has been successfully authorised.":"O aplicativo foi autorizado correctamente.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"A orde «%s» só está dispoñíbel no modo interface gráfico de usuario","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"As chaves mestras con estes ID úsanse para cifrar algúns dos seus elementos, con todo o aplicativo non ten actualmente acceso a eles. Probabelmente serán descargados pola sincronización.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Non foi posíbel gardar o caderno: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"As notas foron importadas: %s","The possible commands are:":"As ordes posíbeis son:","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Destino co que sincronizar. Cada destino da sincronización pode ter parámetros adicionais que se chaman «sync.NUM.NAME» (documentados arriba).","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Non ten notas actualmente. Cree unha premendo no botón (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Este no é un caderno. Cree un, premendo en «Novo caderno».","There is no data to export.":"Non hai datos para exportar.","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Estes elementos permanecerán no dispositivo pero non se enviarán ao destino de sincronización. Co fin de atopar estes elementos pode buscalos polo título ou polo ID (mostrados entre corchetes arriba).","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Esta nota non ten información de xeolocalización.","This note has been modified:":"Esta nota foi modificada:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Esta nota non ten contido. Prema en «%s» para ir ao editor e modificar a nota.","Time format":"Formato de hora","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Para eliminar unha etiqueta, retire a etiqueta ás notas asociadas.","To delete: %d":"Borrar: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Para entrar do modo liña de ordes, prema «:»","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Para saír do modo liña de ordes, prema ESC","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Para mover dun panel ao outro, prema Tab ou Maiús+Tab.","to-do":"tarefas pendentes","Toggle editor layout":"Cambiar a disposición do editor","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Escriba «help [command]» para obter máis información sobre unha orde ou escriba «help all» para ver toda a información de uso.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Escriba «joplin help» para obter información do uso.","Type new tags or select from list":"Escriba etiquetas novas ou seleccione da lista","Type: %s.":"Tipo: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Tarefas sen completar arriba","Unknown flag: %s":"Bandeira descoñecida: %s","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipo de imaxe incompatíbel: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Ligazón ou mensaxe incompatíbeis: %s","Untitled":"Sen título","Updated":"Actualizado","Updated local items: %d.":"Elementos locais actualizados: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Elementos remotos actualizados: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Actualizado: %d.","Usage: %s":"Uso: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Usar o formato de lista longa. O formato -e ID, NOTE_COUNT (para caderno), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (para tarefas), TITLE","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Usar as frechas arriba/abaixo para desprazar as listas e as áreas de texto (incluída esta consola).","View on map":"Ver no mapa","View them now":"Visualizar agora","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Contrasinal do WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL do WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Usuario de WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Sitio web e documentación","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Benvida/o ao Joplin!\\n\\nEscriba «:help shortcuts» para ver a lista de atallos do teclado ou «:help» para ver información de como se usa.\\n\\nPor exemplo, para crear un caderno prema «mb», para crear unha nota prema «mn».","When creating a new note:":"Cando se crea unha nova nota:","When creating a new to-do:":"Cando se crea unha nova tarefa:","y":"s","Y":"S","Yes":"Si","Your choice: ":"A súa elección: "}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"„%s” ne sadrži potrebno svojstvo „%s”.","%d days":"%d dana","%d hour":"%d h","%d hours":"%d h","%d minutes":"%d min","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d bilješke se poklapaju s ovim uzorkom. Želiš li ih izbrisati?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"Nije bilo moguće prenijeti %s (%s): %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) želi s tobom dijeliti bilježnicu.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (predizdanje)","%s - Copy":"%s – Kopija","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d bilješke","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Uredi","&File":"&Datoteka","&Go":"&Idi","&Help":"Po&moć","&Note":"&Bilješka","&Tools":"&Alati","&View":"&Prikaz","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Ništa)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: dozvoli snimanje slike i priloži je bilješci.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Mjesto: dozvoli prilaganje geografskih podataka mjesta bilješci.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Spremište: dozvoli prilaganje datoteka bilješkama i aktiviraj sinkronizaciju datotečnog sustava."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":"Naredba za oznaku može biti „add”, „remove”, „list” ili „notetags” za dodavanje ili uklanjanje oznake [tag] bilješci [note], za popis bilježaka povezanih s oznakom [tag] ili za popis oznaka povezanih s bilješkom [note]. Naredba `tag list` može se koristiti za popis svih oznaka (koristi -l za dugačku opciju)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"Naredba za zadatak može biti „toggle” ili „clear”. Koristi „toggle” za prebacivanje zadanog zadatka između završenog i nezavršenog stanja (ako je cilj uobičajena bilješka, pretvorit će se u zadatak). Koristi „clear” za pretvaranje zadatka u uobičajenu bilješku.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"O Joplinu","accelerator":"pokretač prečaca","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Pokretač prečaca „%s” nije ispravan.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Pokretač prečaca „%s” koristi se za naredbe „%s” i „%s”. Može prouzročiti neočekivano ponašanje.","Accept":"Prihvati","Action":"Radnja","Actions":"Radnje","Active":"Aktivno","Actual Size":"Stvarna veličina","Add body":"Dodaj sadržaj","Add or remove tags:":"Dodaj ili ukloni oznake:","Add recipient:":"Dodaj primaoca:","Add title":"Dodaj naslov","Add to dictionary":"Dodaj u rječnik","Advanced options":"Napredne opcije","Advanced tools":"Napredni alati","All notes":"Sve bilješke","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Svi mogući priključci su zauzeti – prijavi problem na %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Također prikazuje nepostavljene i skrivene varijable konfiguracije.","Always":"Uvijek","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Dostupna je nova verzija. Želiš li je sada preuzeti?","Appearance":"Izgled","Application":"Program","Apply":"Primijeni","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Stvarno želiš obnoviti ključ za autorizaciju?","Arguments:":"Argumenti:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim tamna","Attach file":"Priloži datoteku","Attach photo":"Priloži sliku","Attach...":"Priloži …","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Prilaže zadanu datoteku bilješci.","attachment":"privitak","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt s privitkom: „%s”","Attachment download behaviour":"Način preuzimanja privitaka","Attachments":"Privici","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Privici koji se nisu mogli preuzeti","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Oprez: Ako promijeniš ovo mjesto, pazi da kopiraš sav tvoj sadržaj na to mjesto prije sinkronizacije, jer će se inače ukloniti sve datoteke! Saznaj više na ČPP-stranici: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentifikacija nije završena (nije dobiven ključ za autentifikaciju).","Authorisation token:":"Ključ za autorizaciju:","Auto":"Automatski","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automatski uskladi zagrade, navodnike itd.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatski promijeni temu na temu sustava","Automatically update the application":"Automatski aktualiziraj program","Back":"Natrag","Bold":"Podebljano","Browse all plugins":"Pregledaj sve dodatke","Browse...":"Pregledaj …","Bulleted List":"Popis s predznakom","Cancel":"Odustani","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Prekidanje sinkronizacije u pozadini … Pričekaj.","Cancelling...":"Prekida se …","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Prekida se … Pričekaj.","Cannot access %s":"Nije moguće pristupiti %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Nije moguće promijeniti šifriran element","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nije moguće kopirati bilješku u bilježnicu „%s”","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Nije moguće pronaći „%s”.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Nije moguće pokrenuti sinkronizaciju.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Nije moguće učitati modul „%s” za format „%s” i rezultat „%s”","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Nije moguće učitati modul „%s” za format „%s” i cilj „%s”","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nije moguće premjestiti bilješku u bilježnicu „%s”","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Nije moguće premjestiti bilježnicu na ovo mjesto","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Nije moguće aktualizirati ključ: nedostaju podaci za autentifikaciju. Ponovno pokretanje sinkronizacije može ispraviti problem.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Nije moguće spremiti %s „%s\\\\” jer je veći od dozvoljene granice (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Nije moguće spremiti %s „%s” jer bi se prekoračila ukupna dozvoljena veličina (%s) za ovaj račun","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"Šifriranu bilježnicu nije moguće dijeliti s primateljem %s jer nije omogućio/la obostrano šifriranje. Primatelji to mogu učiniti putem Konfiguracija > Šifriranje.","Change application layout":"Promijeni raspored programa","Change language":"Promijeni jezik","Characters":"Broj znakova","Characters excluding spaces":"Broj znakova bez razmaka","Check for updates...":"Traži nove verzije …","Check synchronisation configuration":"Provjeri konfiguraciju sinkronizacije","Checkbox":"Označivo polje","Checkbox list":"Označiv popis","Checking... Please wait.":"Provjeravanje … Pričekaj.","Choose an option":"Odaberi jednu opciju","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Poništi","Clear alarm":"Poništi upozorenje","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Za obnavljanje bilješke pritisni „%s”. Kopirat će se u bilježnicu „%s”. Trenutačna verzija bilješke neće se zamijeniti niti promijeniti.","Click to add tags...":"Pritisni za dodavanje oznaka …","Client ID: %s":"ID klijenta: %s","Close":"Zatvori","Close Window":"Zatvori prozor","Code":"Kȏd","Code Block":"Blok koda","Code View":"Prikaz koda","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Surađuj s drugima na bilježnicama","Coming alarms":"Nadolazeća upozorenja","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Zarezima odvojen popis putanja do mapa iz kojih se učitavaju certifikati ili putanja do pojedinih datoteka certifikata. Na primjer: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Ako promijeniš TLS postavke, moraš spremiti promjene prije pritiskanja „Provjeri konfiguraciju sinkronizacije”.","command":"naredba","Command":"Naredba","Command palette":"Paleta naredbi","Command palette...":"Paleta naredbi …","Completed":"Završeno","Completed decryption.":"Dešifriranje je završeno.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Završeno: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfiguracija","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Potvrda lozinke ne smije biti prazna","Confirm password:":"Potvrdi lozinku:","Confirmation":"Potvrda","Conflicted: %d":"S konfliktom: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikti","Conflicts (attachments)":"Konflikti (privici)","Content provided by %s":"Sadržaj pruža %s","Convert to note":"Pretvori u bilješku","Convert to todo":"Pretvori u zadatak","Copy":"Kopiraj","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopiraj programersku naredbu u međuspremnik","Copy external link":"Kopiraj vanjsku poveznicu","Copy Link Address":"Kopiraj adresu poveznice","Copy Markdown link":"Kopiraj Markdown poveznicu","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopiraj putanju u međuspremnik","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopiraj dijeljivu poveznicu","Copy token":"Kopiraj ključ","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Neuspjelo autoriziranje programa:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPokušaj ponovo.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Nije bilo moguće povezati se s Joplin Nextcloud programom. Provjeri konfiguraciju u prozoru za konfiguraciju sinkronizacije. Potpuna greška glasi:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Neuspjelo povezivanje s repozitorijem dodataka.","Could not export notes: %s":"Neuspio izvoz bilježaka: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Neuspjelo instaliranje dodatka: %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Nije bilo moguće odgovoriti na poziv. Pokušaj ponovo ili provjeri s vlasnikom prijenosnog računala ako ga još uvijek dijele.\\n\\nGreška je bila: „% s”","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Neuspjela nadogradnja glavnog ključa: %s","Create a notebook":"Stvori bilježnicu","Created":"Stvoreno","created date":"datum stvaranja","Created local items: %d.":"Stvoreni lokalni elementi: %d.","Created locally":"Stvoreno lokalno","Created remote items: %d.":"Stvoreni udaljeni elementi: %d.","Created: ":"Stvoreno: ","Created: %d.":"Stvoreno: %d.","Created: %s":"Stvoreno: %s","Creates a new note.":"Stvara novu bilješku.","Creates a new notebook.":"Stvara novu bilježnicu.","Creates a new to-do.":"Stvara novi zadatak.","Creating new %s...":"Stvara se novi/nova %s …","Creating report...":"Stvaranje izvještaja …","Current version is up-to-date.":"Trenutačna verzija je najnovija verzija.","custom order":"prilagođeni redoslijed","Custom order":"Prilagođeni redoslijed","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Prilagođeni stilovi za Joplinove programske stilove","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Prilagođeni stilovi za prikazani Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Prilagođeni TLS certifikati","Cut":"Izreži","Dark":"Tamna","Database v%s":"Baza podataka v%s","Date":"Datum","Date format":"Format datuma","days":"dani","Decrypted items: %d":"Dešifrirani elementi: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dešifrirani elementi: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dešifrirani elementi: %d/%d","Default":"Standardno","Default: %s":"Standardno: %s","Delete":"Izbriši","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Izbrisati privitak „%s”?","Delete line":"Izbriši redak","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Izbriši lokalne podatke i ponovo preuzmi iz izvora sinronizacije","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Izbrisati bilješku „%s”?","Delete note?":"Izbrisati bilješku?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Izbrisati bilježnicu „%s”?\\n\\nSve bilješke i podbilježnice u ovoj bilježnici će se također izbrisati.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Izbrisati bilježnicu? Sve bilješke i podbilježnice u ovoj bilježnici će se također izbrisati.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Izbrisati dodatak „%s”?","Delete these %d notes?":"Izbrisati ove %d bilješke?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Izbrisati ovu pozivnicu? Primalac više neće imati pristup ovoj dijeljenoj bilježnici.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Izbrisani lokalni elementi: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Izbrisani udaljeni elementi: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Briše zadanu bilježnicu.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Briše bilježnicu bez traženja potvrde.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Briše bilješke koje se poklapaju s uzorkom bilješke .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Briše bilješke bez traženja potvrde.","Destination format: %s":"Format odredišta: %s","Directory":"Mapa","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Mapa za sinkroniziranje (apsolutna putanja)","Disable":"Deaktiviraj","Disable encryption":"Dektiviraj šifriranje","Disable safe mode and restart":"Deaktiviraj sigurni modus i pokreni program ponovo","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Dektiviraj Web Clipper uslugu","Disabled":"Deaktivirano","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Deaktiviranje šifriranja znači, da će se *sve* tvoje bilješke i privici ponovo sinkronizirati i poslati nešifrirano u cilj sinkronizacije. Želiš li nastaviti?","Discard changes":"Odbaci promjene","Dismiss":"Odbaci","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Prikazuje URL geografskih podataka mjesta za bilješku.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Prikazuje samo određen broj bilježaka.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Prikazuje samo elemente određene vrste. Može biti `n` za bilješke,`t` za zadatke ili `nt` za bilješke i zadatke (npr.`-tt` prikazuje samo zadatke, `-ttd` prikazuje bilješke i zadatke.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Prikazuje sažetak o bilješkama i bilježnicama.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Prikazuje potpune podatke o bilješci.","Displays the given note.":"Prikazuje zadanu bilješku.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Prikazuje bilješke u trenutačnoj bilježnici. Upiši `ls/` za prikaz popisa bilježnica.","Displays usage information.":"Prikazuje podatke o korištenju.","Displays version information":"Prikazuje podatke verzije","Do it now":"Odradi sada","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Nemoj zatražiti potvrdu.","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Nemoj izgubiti lozinku, jer će to iz sigurnosnih razloga biti *jedini* način za dešifriranje podataka! Za aktiviranje šifriranja dolje upiši svoju lozinku.","Download":"Preuzmi","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Preuzmi i instaliraj odgovarajuće proširenje za tvoj preglednik:","Downloaded":"Preuzeto","Downloaded and decrypted":"Preuzeto i dešifrirano","Downloaded and encrypted":"Preuzeto i šifrirano","Downloading":"Preuzimanje","Downloading resources...":"Preuzimanje resursa …","Dracula":"Drakula","Drop notes or files here":"Ispusti bilješke ili dokumente ovdje","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox prijava","Duplicate":"Dupliciraj","Duplicate line":"Dupliciraj redak","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplicira bilješke koje se poklapaju s bilješkom u bilježnicu [notebook]. Ako nijedna bilježnica nije zadana, bilješka se duplicira u trenutačnu bilježnicu.","Edit":"Uredi","Edit in external editor":"Uredi u vanjskom uređivaču","Edit note.":"Uredi bilješku.","Edit notebook":"Uredi bilježnicu","Editor":"Uređivač","Editor font":"Font uređivača","Editor font family":"Obitelj fontova uređivača","Editor font size":"Veličina fonta uređivača","Editor maximum width":"Maksimala širina uređivača","Editor monospace font family":"Obitelj fontova fiksne širine uređivača","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"„text” ili „json”","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"istaknuti tekst","Enable":"Aktiviraj","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za umetanje ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za isticanje ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za eksponent ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za kratice","Enable audio player":"Aktiviraj audio-player","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za pojmovni popis deflist","Enable encryption":"Aktiviraj šifriranje","Enable footnotes":"Aktiviraj fusnote","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Aktiviraj podršku za Fountain sintaksu","Enable Linkify":"Aktiviraj Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktiviraj markdown označavanje za emoji","Enable math expressions":"Aktiviraj matematičke izraze","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Aktiviraj podršku za Mermaid dijagrame","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktiviraj multimarkdown proširenje za tablice","Enable note history":"Aktiviraj povijest bilješke","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktiviraj PDF-preglednik","Enable soft breaks":"Aktiviraj prijelom redaka","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktiviraj proširenje za kazalo","Enable typographer support":"Aktiviraj tipografsku podršku","Enable video player":"Aktiviraj video-player","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktiviraj Web Clipper uslugu","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktiviraj sintaksu za indeks ~sub~","Enabled":"Aktivirano","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Aktiviranje šifriranja znači, da će se *sve* tvoje bilješke i privici ponovo sinkronizirati i poslati šifrirano u cilj sinkronizacije.","Encrypted":"Šifrirano","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Šifrirani elementi se ne mogu promijeniti","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Šifrirane bilježnice se ne mogu preimenovati","Encryption":"Šifriranje","Encryption Config":"Konfiguracija šifriranja","Encryption is: %s":"Šifriranje je: %s","Encryption keys":"Ključevi šifriranja","Encryption:":"Šifriranje:","End-to-end encryption":"Obostrano šifriranje","Enter code here":"Ovdje upiši kod","Enter master password:":"Upiši glavnu lozinku:","Enter notebook title":"Upiši naslov bilježnice","Enum":"Prebrojavanje","Error":"Greška","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Greška prilikom otvaranja bilješke u uređivaču: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Greška. Provjeri točnost URL-a, korisničko imena, lozinke itd. kao i dostupnost cilja sinkronizacije. Prijavljena greška bila je:","Error: %s":"Greška: %s","Errors only":"Samo greške","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote datoteka izvoza (kao HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote datoteka izvoza (kao Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Zatvara program.","Export":"Izvezi","Export all":"Izvezi sve","Export debug report":"Izvezi izvještaj o otklanjanju grešaka","Export Debug Report":"Izvezi izvještaj o otklanjanju grešaka","Export profile":"Izvezi profil","Exporting profile...":"Izvoz profila …","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Izvoz u „%s” kao „%s” format. Pričekaj …","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Izvozi Joplin podatke u zadanu putanju. Standardno izvozi cijelu bazu podataka uključujući bilježnice, bilješke, zadatke i resurse.","Exports only the given note.":"Izvozi samo zadanu bilješku.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Izvozi samo zadanu bilježnicu.","Fail-safe":"Sigurnosni mehanizam","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Sigurnosni mehanizam: Ne briši lokalne podatke kad je cilj sinkronizacije prazan (često se radi o krivoj konfiguraciji ili o programskoj grešci)","Fatal error:":"Fatalna greška:","Feature flags":"Oznake funkcija","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Dohvaćeni elementi: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Dohvaćanje resursa: %d/%d","File":"Datoteka","File system":"Datotečni sustav","Firefox Extension":"Firefox proširenje","Fix search index":"Ispravi popis rezultata pretrage","Fixing search index...":"Ispravljanje popisa rezultata pretrage …","Focus":"Fokusiraj","Focus body":"Fokusiraj sadržaj","Focus title":"Fokusiraj naslov","Folders":"Mape","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Samo za otklanjanje grešaka: izvezi tvoj profil na vanjsku SD karticu.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Za informacije o prilagođavanju prečaca pogledaj %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Za daljnje informacije o obostranom šifriranju (E2EE) i savjete o tome kako ga aktivirati, pogledaj dokumentaciju:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Za popis tipkovnih prečaca i opcija konfiguracije, upiši `help keymap`","Forward":"Naprijed","Found: %d.":"Pronađeno: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"Pretraživanje cijelog teksta je aktivirano: %d","Full changelog":"Potpuni dnevnik promjena","General":"Opće","Generated":"Izrađeno","Generating link...":"Generiranje poveznice …","Get it now:":"Nabavi sada:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Preuzmi predizdanja prilikom traženja novih verzija","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Nabavlja ili postavlja vrijednost konfiguracije. Ako vrijednost [value] nije zadana, prikazat će vrijednost imena [name]. Ako [name] niti [value] nisu zadani, ispisat će trenutačnu konfiguraciju.","Go to source URL":"Idi na URL izvora","Goto Anything...":"Idi na …","Grant authorisation":"Odobri autorizaciju","Heading":"Naslov","Hide %s":"Sakrij %s","Hide disabled keys":"Sakrij deaktivirane ključeve","Hide Joplin":"Sakrij Joplin","Highlight":"Istaknuto","Horizontal Rule":"Vodoravna crta","HTML Directory":"HTML mapa","HTML File":"HTML datoteka","Hyperlink":"Poveznica","ID":"ID","Idle":"Bez aktivnosti","Ignore":"Zanemari","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Zanemari greške TLS certifikata","Import":"Uvezi","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Uvoz iz „%s” kao „%s” format. Pričekaj …","Importing notes...":"Uvoz bilježaka …","Imports data into Joplin.":"Uvozi podatake u Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"„Ručno”: privici se preuzimaju samo kad ih pritisneš. „Automatski”: privici se preuzimaju kad otvoriš bilješku. „Uvijek”: preuzimaju se svi privici, bez obzira na to je li bilješku otvoriš ili ne.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"U bilo kojoj naredbi, na bilješku ili bilježnicu može se uputiti pomoću naslova ili ID oznake ili pomoću prečaca `$n` ili `$b` za trenutačno odabranu bilješku ili bilježnicu. `$c` se može koristiti za upućivanje na trenutačno odabrani element.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Za povezivanje geografskih podataka mjesta s bilješkom, programu moraš dozvoliti pristup tvom mjestu.\\n\\nOvu opciju možeš isključiti bilo kada u prozoru konfiguracije.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Da bi se to obavilo, svi tvoji skupovi podataka moraju se šifrirati i sinkronizirati, stoga pokreni postupak preko noći.\\n\\nPokreni na sljedeći način:\\n\\n1. Sinkroniziraj sve tvoje uređaje.\\n2. Pritisni „%s”.\\n3. Pričekaj da postupak završi. Dok radi, nemoj mijenjati bilješke na drugim uređajima kako bi se izbjegli konflikti.\\n4. Kad sinkronizacija završi na ovom uređaju, sinkroniziraj sve ostale uređaje i pričekaj da sinkronizacija tih uređaja završi.\\n\\nVažno: ovo moraš pokrenuti samo JEDNOM na jednom uređaju.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Za korištenje sinkronizacije datotečnog sustava, potrebna je tvoja dozvola za pisanje u vanjsko spremište.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Za korištenje Web Clippera obavi sljedeće korake:","In progress":"U tijeku","In: %s":"U: %s","Indent less":"Uvuci manje","Indent more":"Uvuci više","Information":"Informacije","Inline Code":"Umetnuti kȏd","Insert":"Umetnuto","Insert Date Time":"Umetni datum/vrijeme","Insert Hyperlink":"Umetni poveznicu","Install":"Instaliraj","Install from file":"Instaliraj iz datoteke","Installed":"Instalirano","Installing...":"Instaliranje …","Invalid":"Neispravno","Invalid %s: %s.":"Neispravni %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Neispravan odgovor: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Neispravna naredba: „%s”","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Neispravna vrijednost opcije: „%s”. Moguće vrijednosti su: %s.","Italic":"Kurziv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Nije bilo moguće preuzeti element „%s”: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elementi koji se ne mogu dešifrirati","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elementi koje se ne mogu sinkronizirati","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin može sinkronizirati tvoje bilješke koristeći različite davatelje usluga. Odaberi jednog iz donjeg popisa.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud email","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloud lozinka","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin mapa izvoza","Joplin Export File":"Joplin datoteka izvoza","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin nije uspio višestruko dešifrirati ove elemente jer su vjerojatno oštećeni ili preveliki. Ti će elementi ostati na uređaju, ali ih Joplin više neće pokušati dešifrirati.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin poslužitelj","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Server email","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server lozinka","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper omogućuje spremanje web-stranica i slika ekrana iz tvog preglednika u Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin web-stranica","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplinova vlastita usluga sinkronizacije. Također daje pristup Joplinskim funkcijama kao što su objavljivanje bilježaka ili suradnja na bilježnicama s drugima.","Keep note history for":"Čuvaj povijest bilješke","Keyboard Mode":"Modus tipkovnice","Keyboard Shortcut":"Tipkovni prečaci","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Tipkovni prečaci","Keychain Supported: %s":"Podržani privjesak ključeva: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"Ključevi koji se moraju nadograditi","Landscape":"Ležeći","Language":"Jezik","Last error: %s":"Zadnja greška: %s","Later":"Kasnije","Layout":"Raspored","Layout button sequence":"Slijed gumbova rasporeda","Leave notebook...":"Napusti bilježnicu …","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Svijetla","Lines":"Broj redaka","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Poveznica je kopirana u međuspremnik!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Poveznice s protokolom „%s” se ne podržavaju","List item":"Element popisa","Loaded":"Učitano","Location":"Mjesto","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Datoteka zaključavanja već postoji. Ako znaš da se ne obavlja sinkronizacija, datoteku zaključavanja na „%s” možeš izbrisati i nastaviti s operacijom.","Log":"Dnevnik","Login":"Prijava","Login below.":"Prijavi se ispod.","Login with Dropbox":"Prijavi se s Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Prijavi se s OneDrive","Make a donation":"Doniraj","Manage master password":"Upravjaj glavnom lozinkom","Manage master password...":"Upravjaj glavnom lozinkom …","Manage your plugins":"Upravljaj dodacima","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"Upravlja E2EE konfiguracijom. Naredbe su `enable` (aktiviraj), `disable` (deaktiviraj), `decrypt` (dešifriraj), `status` (stanje), `decrypt-file` (dešifriraj datoteku) i `target-status` (stanje cilja).","Manual":"Ručno","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + Front Matter","Marks a to-do as done.":"Označava zadatak završenim.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Označava zadatak kao nezavršen.","Markup":"Označavanje","Master Key %s":"Glavni ključ %s","Master password":"Glavna lozinka","Master password:":"Glavna lozinka:","Max concurrent connections":"Najviše istovremenih veza","Missing keys":"Nedostajući ključevi","Missing Master Keys":"Nedostaje glavni ključ","Missing required argument: %s":"Nedostaje obavezni argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Podaci mobitela – automatska sinkronizacija je deaktivirana","More info":"Daljnje informacije","More information":"Daljnje informacije","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Više elemenata se poklapaju s „%s”. Ograniči pretragu.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Premjesti %d bilješke u bilježnicu „%s”?","Move to notebook":"Premjesti u bilježnicu","Move to notebook...":"Premjesti u bilježnicu...","Move to notebook:":"Premjesti u bilježnicu:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Premješta bilješke koje se poklapaju s bilješkom u bilježnicu [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova bilješka","New notebook":"Nova bilježnica","New Notebook":"Nova bilježnica","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Stvorit će se nova bilježnica „%s” i u nju će se uvesti datoteka „%s”","New sub-notebook":"Nova podbilježnica","New tags:":"Nove oznake:","New to-do":"Novi zadatak","New version: %s":"Nova verzija: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud lozinka","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud korisničko ime","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"ne","No":"Ne","No active notebook.":"Nema aktivne bilježnice.","No item with ID %s":"Nema elementa s ID oznakom %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nijedna bilježnica nije određena.","No notebook selected.":"Nijedna bilježnica nije odabrana.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Ovdje nema bilježaka. Stvori bilješku pritiskom na „Nova bilješka”.","No resources!":"Nema resursa!","No results":"Nema rezultata","No such command: %s":"Naredba ne postoji: %s","No suggestions":"Nema prijedloga","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Program za uređivanje teksta nije određen. Postavi ga pomoću `config editor ` (gdje je editor-path putanja do programa)","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nije autentificirano s %s. Upiši sve nedostajuće podatke za prijavu.","Not downloaded":"Nepreuzeto","Not generated":"Nije izrađeno","note":"bilješka","Note":"Bilješka","Note area growth factor":"Faktor povećanja područja bilježaka","Note attachments":"Privici bilješke","Note attachments...":"Privici bilješke …","Note body":"Sadržaj bilješke","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Bilješka ne postoji: „%s”. Želiš li je stvoriti?","Note has been saved.":"Bilješka je spremljena.","Note History":"Povijest bilježaka","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Bilješka nije zadatak: „%s”","Note list":"Popis bilježaka","Note list growth factor":"Faktor povećanja popisa bilježaka","Note properties":"Svojstva bilješke","Note title":"Naslov bilješke","Note&book":"Biljež&nica","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Napomena: Ne radi u svim radnim okruženjima.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Napomena: Kad se bilješka dijeli, više neće biti šifrirana na poslužitelju.","Notebook list growth factor":"Faktor povećanja popisa bilježnice","Notebook title:":"Naslov bilježnice:","Notebook: %s":"Bilježnica: %s","Notebooks":"Bilježnice","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Naslov „%s” je rezerviran i ne može se koristiti za bilježnice.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Bilješke i postavke spremaju se u: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Bilješke se mogu stvoriti samo unutar bilježnice.","Numbered List":"Numerirani popis","OK":"U redu","OLED Dark":"OLED tamna","On %s: %s":"Na %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Jedan od tvojih glavnih ključeva koristi zastarjelu metodu šifriranja.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Jedan ili više elemenata trenutačno su šifrirani i možda ćeš morati upisati glavnu lozinku. Upiši `e2ee decrypt` (obostrano dešifriranje). Ako si već upisao/la lozinku, šifrirani se elementi dešifriraju u pozadini i uskoro će biti dostupni.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Jedan ili više javnih ključeva trebaju lozinku.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive prijava","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Ispisati se može samo jedna bilješka najednom.","Open":"Otvori","Open %s":"Otvori %s","Open profile directory":"Otvori mapu profila","Open Sync Wizard...":"Otvori programčić za sinkronizaciju …","Open...":"Otvori …","Operation cancelled":"Operacija je prekinuta","Options":"Opcije","Or create an account.":"Ili stvori novi račun.","Output format: %s":"Format rezultata: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Položaj stranice za izvoz u PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Veličina stranice za izvoz u PDF","Password":"Lozinka","Password cannot be empty":"Lozinka ne smije biti prazna","Password:":"Lozinka:","Passwords do not match!":"Lozinke se ne poklapaju!","Paste":"Umetni","Path:":"Putanja:","PDF File":"PDF datoteka","Permission needed":"Potrebna je dozvola","Permission to use camera":"Dozvola za korištenje kamere","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"Za nastavljanje pritisni „%s”","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Potvrdi da želiš ponovo šifrirati tvoju cijelu bazu podataka.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Upiši lozinku u donji popis glavnih ključeva prije nadograđivanja ključa.","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"Imaj na umu, da ako je velika bilježnica, može potrajati nekoliko minuta dok se sve bilješke pojave na uređaju primatelja.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Otvori sljedeći URL u pregledniku za autentificiranje programa. Program će stvoriti mapu u „Aplikacije/Joplin” i koristit će je samo za čitanje i pisanje. Program neće moći pristupiti datotekama izvan ove mape niti bilo kojim drugim osobnim podacima. Nikoji podaci se neće dijeliti s drugima.","Please select a notebook first.":"Odaberi bilježnicu.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Najprije odaberi bilješku ili bilježnicu za brisanje.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Odaberi mjesto za izvoz stanja sinkronizacije","Please specify import format for %s":"Odredi format uvoza za %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Odaberi bilježnicu u koju se bilješke trebaju uvesti.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Za korištenje ovog dodatka, nadogradi Joplin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Pričekaj da se svi privici preuzmu i dešifriraju. Za uređivanje bilješke možeš prijeći i na %s.","Please wait...":"Pričekaj …","Plugin tools":"Dodaci","Plugins":"Dodaci","Portrait":"Uspravni","Possible keys/values:":"Mogući ključevi/vrijednosti:","Possible values: %s.":"Moguće vrijednosti: %s.","Preferences":"Postavke","Preferences...":"Postavke …","Preferred dark theme":"Preferirana tamna tema","Preferred light theme":"Preferirana svijetla tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Zatvori program pomoću prečaca Ctrl+D ili upiši „exit”","Press the shortcut":"Pritisni prečac","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Pritisni prečac i zatim pritisni ENTER. Ili pritisni BACKSPACE za brisanje prečaca.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Pritisni za postavljanje lozinke za dešifriranje.","Previous versions of this note":"Prethodne verzije ove bilješke","Print":"Ispiši","Privacy Policy":"Politika privatnosti","Profile Version: %s":"Verzija profila: %s","Properties":"Svojstva","Public-private key pair:":"Javno-privatan par ključa:","Publish note...":"Objavi bilješku …","Publish Notes":"Objavi bilješke","Publish notes to the internet":"Objavi blješke na internetu","Quit":"Zatvori program","Re-encrypt data":"Ponovo šifriraj podatke","Re-encryption":"Ponovno šifriranje","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Ponovo učitaj lokalne podatke u izvor sinronizacije","Read more about it":"Saznaj više","Read time: %s min":"Vrijeme čitanja: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Primalac je prihvatio pozivnicu","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Primalac još nije prihvatio pozivnicu","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Primalac je odbio pozivnicu","Recipients:":"Primaoci:","Redo":"Ponovi","Refresh":"Osvježi","Reject":"Odbij","Remove":"Ukloni","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Ukloniti oznaku „%s” iz svih bilježaka?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Ukloniti ovu pretragu iz bočne trake?","Rename":"Preimenuj","Rename notebook:":"Preimenuj bilježnicu:","Rename tag:":"Preimenuj oznaku:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Preimenuje zadani element (bilješka ili bilježnica) u ime .","Renew token":"Obnovi ključ","Reset master password":"Obnovi glavnu lozinku","Resources: %d.":"Resursi: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Pokreni ponovo i nadogradi","Restart now":"Pokreni ponovo","Restore":"Obnovi","Restored Notes":"Obnovljene bilješke","Retry":"Pokušaj ponovo","Retry All":"Pokušaj ponovo sve","Reveal file in folder":"Pokaži datoteku u mapi","Reverse sort order":"Obrni redoslijed","Reverses the sorting order.":"Preokreće redoslijed.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revizija: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Pokreće naredbe koje se nalaze u tekstualnoj datoteci. Naredbe se moraju zapisti pojedinačno u zasebne retke.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Trenutačno je aktivan siguran način. Prikaz bilježaka i svi dodaci privremeno su deaktivirani.","Save":"Spremi","Save alarm":"Spremi upozorenje","Save as...":"Spremi kao …","Save changes":"Spremi promjene","Save geo-location with notes":"Spremi geografske podatke mjesta s bilješkama","Search":"Traži","Search for plugins...":"Traži dodatke …","Search in all the notes":"Traži u svim bilješkama","Search in current note":"Traži u trenutačnoj bilješci","Search...":"Traži …","Search:":"Traži:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Pretražuje zadani uzorak u svim bilješkama.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Pregledaj pojedinosti na stranici predizdanja: %s","Select":"Označi","Select all":"Označi sve","Server is already running on port %d":"Poslužitelj je već pokrenut na priključku %d","Server is not running.":"Poslužitelj ne radi.","Server is running on port %d":"Poslužitelj se pokreće na priključku %d","Set alarm":"Postavi upozorenje","Set alarm:":"Postavi upozorenje:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"Postavi na 0 kako bi zauzeo cijeli raspoloživi prostor. Preporučena širina je 600.","Set the password":"Postavi lozinku","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Postavlja svojstvo imena zadane bilješke na zadanu vrijednost [value]. Moguća svojstva su:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Dijeli","Share Notebook":"Dijeli bilježnicu","Share notebook...":"Dijeli bilježnicu …","Sharing notebook...":"Dijeljenje bilježnice …","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Prečaci nisu podržani u naredbenom retku.","Show Advanced Settings":"Prikaži napredne postavke","Show all":"Prikaži sve","Show completed to-dos":"Prikaži završene zadatke","Show disabled keys":"Prikaži deaktivirane ključeve","Show note counts":"Prikaži broj bilježaka","Show tray icon":"Prikaži ikonu u programskoj traci","Sidebar":"Bočna traka","Size":"Veličina","Skip this version":"Preskoči ovu verziju","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Preskočeni elementi: %d (koristi --retry-failed-items za ponovno dešifriranje)","Skipped: %d.":"Preskočeno: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarno tamna","Solarised Light":"Solarno svijetla","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Neki se elementi ne mogu dešifrirati.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Neki se elementi ne mogu sinkronizirati.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Neki elementi se ne mogu sinkronizirati. Pritisni za daljnje inormacije.","Sort notebooks by":"Razvrstaj bilježnice po","Sort notes by":"Razvrstaj bilješke po","Sort selected lines":"Razvrstaj odabrane retke","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Razrstava element po polju , npr. naslov (title), vrijeme aktualiziranja (updated_time), vrijeme stvaranja (created_time).","Source format: %s":"Format izvora: %s","Source: ":"Izvor: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Odredi priključak za API poslužitelja. Ako nije postavljeno, koristit će se standardna vrijednost.","Spell checker":"Provjera pravopisa","Split View":"Podijeljen prikaz","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Pokreni program u sklopljenom stanju u programskoj traci","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Pokreni, prekini ili provjeri API poslužitelj. Za određivanje priključka na kojem se pokreće, postavi konfiguracijsku varijablu api.port. Naredbe su (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Pokretanje dešifriranja … Pričekaj, jer može potrajati nekoliko minuta, ovisno o količini dešifriranja.","Starting synchronisation...":"Pokretanje sinkronizacije …","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Početak uređivanja bilješke. Zatvori uređivač za vraćanje na terminal.","Statistics":"Statistika","Statistics...":"Statistika …","Status":"Stanje","Status: %s":"Stanje: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Stanje: Započeto na priključku %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Prvi korak: Aktiviraj Clipper uslugu","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Prvi korak: Autoriziraj program otvaranjem ovog URL-a u pregledniku:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Drugi korak: Upiši Dropboxov kȏd:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Drugi korak: Instaliraj proširenje","Stop":"Prekini","Stop external editing":"Prekini vanjsko uređivanje","Strikethrough":"Precrtano","strong text":"podebljani tekst","Submit":"Pošalji","Subscript":"Indeks","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Uspjeh! Čini se, da je konfiguracija sinkronizacije ispravna.","Superscript":"Eksponent","Swap line down":"Zamijeni s retkom ispod","Swap line up":"Zamijeni s retkom iznad","Switch between note and to-do type":"Mijenjaj između bilješke i zadatka","Switch to note type":"Promijeni u bilješku","Switch to to-do type":"Promijeni u zadatak","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Prebacuje na bilježnicu [notebook] – sve daljnje operacije izvode se u toj bilježnici.","Sync Status":"Stanje sinkronizacije","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Stanje sinkronizacije (sinkronizirani elementi/ukupni broj elemenata)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Cilj sinkronizacije se mora nadograditi! Nastavi, pokretanjem `%s`.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Nadogradnja cilja sinkronizacije","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sinkroniziraj sa zadanim ciljem (koristi standardnu vrijednost konfiguracije)","Sync Version: %s":"Verzija sinkronizacije: %s","Sync your notes":"Sinkroniziraj svoje bilješke","Synchronisation":"Sinkronizacija","Synchronisation interval":"Interval sinkronizacije","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinkronizacija je već u tijeku.","Synchronisation Status":"Stanje sinkronizacije","Synchronisation target":"Cilj sinkronizacije","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Cilj sinkronizacije: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sinkroniziraj","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sinkroniziraj samo putem WiFi veze","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sinkronizira s udaljenim spremištem podataka.","Synchronising...":"Sinkroniziranje …","Synchronizing...":"Sinkroniziranje …","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Označeno: %d.","Tags":"Oznake","Take photo":"Snimi sliku","Text editor command":"Naredba za uređivača teksta","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Hvala! Tvoj Joplin Cloud račun je sada postavljen i spreman za korištenje.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Program će se sada zatvoriti. Za završavanje postupka ponovo pokreni program.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Program je autoriziran – sada možeš zatvoriti karticu preglednika.","The application has been authorised!":"Program je autoriziran!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Program je uspješno autoriziran.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Za primjenu promjena, program se mora ponovo pokrenuti.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Privici se više neće pratiti kad se prebaciš na jednu drugu bilješku.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Naredba „%s” dostupna je samo u modusu grafičkog sučelja","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Standardna administratorska lozinka nije sigurna i nije promijenjena! [Promijeni je sada](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Standardna metoda šifriranja promijenjena je u sigurniju metodu. Preporučujemo da je primijeniš na tvoje podatke.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Standardna metoda šifriranja je promijenjena. Preporučujemo da ponovo šifriraš tvoje podatke.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Naredba za uređivača teksta (može sadržati argumente) koji će se koristiti za otvaranje bilješke. Ako se ne zada, program će pokušati automatski otkriti standardni uređivač.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Faktorom se određuje povećanje ili smanjenje elementa, kako bi se smjestio u raspoloživ prostor kontejnera u odnosu na ostale elemente. To znači, da će element s faktorom 2 zauzeti dvostruko više prostora od elementa s faktorom 1. Za prikaz promjena ponovo pokreni program.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Promjene se prate za sljedeće privitke:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"Sljedeći glavni ključevi koriste zastarjeli algoritam šifriranja i preporučujemo da ih nadogradiš. Nadograđeni ključ će i nadalje moći dešifrirati i šifrirati tvoje podatke.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin program za mobilne uređaje trenutačno ne podržava ovu vrstu poveznice: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplin tim je provjerio ovaj dodatak i on zadovoljava naše standarde za sigurnost i performansu.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Ključevi s ovim ID-ovima koriste se za šifriranje nekih tvojih elemenata, ali program im trenutačno ne može pristupiti. Vjerojatno će se na kraju preuzeti putem sinkronizacije.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Glavni ključ je uspješno nadograđen!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Glavni ključevi s tim ID-ovima koriste se za šifriranje nekih tvojih elemenata, ali program im trenutačno ne može pristupiti. Vjerojatno će se na kraju preuzeti putem sinkronizacije.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Bilješka „%s” je uspješno obnovljena u bilježnicu „%s”.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Bilježnica se ne može spremiti: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Bilješke su uvezene: %s","The possible commands are:":"Moguće naredbe su:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Primatelj/ica se ne može ukloniti s popisa. Pokušaj ponovo.\\n\\nGreška je bila: „% s”","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Da bi Joplin mogao sinkronizirati, najprije se mora nadograditi cilj sinkronizacije. Postupak može potrajati nekoliko minuta, a nakon toga se program mora ponovo pokrenuti. Za nastavak pritisni poveznicu.","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"Cilj sinkronizacije se mora nadograditi. Za nastavljanje, pritisni ovaj naslov.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Oznaka „%s” već postoji. Odaberi jedno drugo ime.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Cilj za sinkronizaciju. Svaki cilj sinkronizacije može imati dodatne parametre koji se zovu `sync.NUM.NAME` (niže dolje dokumentirani).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper treba tvoju autorizaciju za pristup podacima.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web Clipper usluga je aktivirana i postavljena na automatsko pokretanje.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web Clipper usluga nije aktivirana.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Trenutačno nema bilježaka. Stvori bilješku pritiskom na gumb (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Trenutačno nema bilježnice. Stvori novu pritiskom na „Nova bilježnica”.","There is no data to export.":"Nema podataka za izvoz.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Došlo je do [konflikta](%s) s dolje navedenim privitkom.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja ovog privitka:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Dogodila se greška prilikom postavljanja tvog Joplin Cloud računa. Potvrdi svoju e-mail adresu i lozinku te pokušaj ponovo. Greška je bila:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ovi će elementi ostati na uređaju, ali se neće prenijeti na cilj sinkronizacije. Za pronalaženje ovih elemenata, traži naslov ili ID (gore prikazan u zagradama).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Ovi dodaci proširuju mogućnosti Markdown označavanja s dodatnim funkcijama. Imaj na umu da, iako ove funkcije mogu biti korisne, one nisu dio standardnog Markdown označavanja i stoga će većina njih raditi samo u Joplinu. Uz to, neki od njih su *nekompatibilni* s WYSIWYG uređivačem. Ako u tom uređivaču otvoriš bilješku koja koristi jedan od ovih dodataka, izgubit ćeš formatiranje dodatka. Kompatibilnost dodataka s WYSIWYG uređivačem je naznačena dolje.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Ovaj privitak još nije preuzet ili dešifriran","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Ovaj privitak još nije preuzet ili dešifriran.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Ovaj ključ za autorizaciju potreban je samo za dozvoljavanje drugim programima pristupiti Joplinu.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Ovo je napredni alat za prikaz privitaka koji su povezani s tvojim bilješkama. Pazi što brišeš, jer se nakon brisanja ne mogu obnoviti.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ova bilješka nema geografske podatke mjesta.","This note has been modified:":"Ova je blješka promijenjena:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ova bilješka nema sadržaj. Pritisni „%s” za prebacivanje na uređivač i uredi bilješku.","This note has no history":"Ova bilješka nema povijest","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Ovaj uređivač formatiranog teksta ima poneka ograničenja i bilo bi dobro poznati ih prije upotrebe.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ova usluga omogućuje komunikaciju proširenja preglednika s Joplinom. Kad je aktiviraš, možda ćeš u vatrozidu morati dozvoliti Joplinu pristup određenom priključku.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Ovo će omogućiti Joplinu da radi u pozadini. Preporučujemo aktivirati ovu postavku. Time se bilješke neprestano sinkroniziraju, što smanjuje broj konflikata.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Ovo će otvoriti novi prozor. Želiš li spremiti tvoje trenutačne promjene?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"Ovime će se ukloniti bilježnica iz tvoje zbirke i više nećeš imati pristup sadržaju bilježnice. Želiš li nastaviti?","Time format":"Format vremena","title":"naslov","Title":"Naslov","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Za sinkronizaciju Joplina s Dropboxom slijedi sljedeće korake:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"Za nastavljanje, dolje upiši glavnu lozinku.","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Za brisanje oznake, ukloni oznaku s povezanih bilježaka.","To delete: %d":"Za brisanje: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Za otvaranje naredbenog retka, pritisni „:”","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Zatvori naredbeni redak pomoću tipke „Escape”","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Za ručno razvrstavanje bilježaka, redoslijed se mora promijeniti u „%s” u izborniku „%s” > „%s”","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Za rasklapljanje/sklapljanje konzole, pritisni „tc”.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Za prijelaz iz jednog prozora u drugi, pritisni Tab ili Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Za ponovno dešifriranje ovih elemenata, pokreni `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Za ispravno pokretanje, program treba sljedeće dozvole. Aktiviraj ih u postavkama mobitela, u Aplikacije > Joplin > Dozvole","to-do":"zadatak","Toggle comment":"Uključi/Isključi komentar","Toggle development tools":"Uključi/isključi alate za programere","Toggle editor layout":"Uključi/Isključi raspored uređivača","Toggle editors":"Uključi/Isključi uređivače","Toggle external editing":"Uključi/Isključi vanjsko uređivanje","Toggle note list":"Uključi/Isključi popis bilježaka","Toggle safe mode":"Uključi/Isključi sigurni modus","Toggle sidebar":"Uključi/Isključi bočnu traku","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Ključ je kopiran u međuspremnik!","Tools":"Alati","Total: %d/%d":"Ukupno: %d/%d","Try again":"Pokušaj ponovo","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Upiši `help [naredba]` za daljnje informacije o naredbi ili `help all` za sve informacije o korištenju naredbi.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Za informacije o korištenju upiši `joplin help`.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Prijeđi na bilješku upisom naslova bilješke ili dijela sadržaja bilješke. Alternativno koristi znak „#” s imenom oznake ili „@” s imenom bilježnice. Traži naredbe pomoću „:”.","Type new tags or select from list":"Upiši nove oznake ili odaberi iz popisa","Type: %s.":"Vrsta: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Najprije nezavršeni zadaci","Undo":"Poništi","Unknown flag: %s":"Nepoznata zastavica: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Preuzeta je nepoznata vrsta elementa – nadogradi Joplin na najnoviju verziju","Unpublish note":"Poništi objavljivanje bilješke","Unshare":"Prestani dijeliti","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Prestati dijeliti ovu bilježnicu? Primalac više neće imati pristup sadržaju bilježnice.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nepodržana vrsta slike: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nepodržana poveznica ili poruka: %s","Untitled":"Bez naslova","Update":"Aktualiziraj","Updated":"Aktualizirano","updated date":"datum aktualiziranja","Updated local items: %d.":"Aktualizirani lokalni elementi: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Aktualizirani udaljeni elementi: %d.","Updated: ":"Aktualizirano: ","Updated: %d.":"Aktualizirano: %d.","Updated: %s":"Aktualizirano: %s","Updating...":"Aktualiziranje …","Upgrade":"Nadogradi","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Nadogradi cilj sinkronizacije na najnoviju verziju.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Korištenje: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Koristi format proširenog popisa. Format je ID, NOTE_COUNT (broj bilježaka, za bilježnicu), DATE (datum), TODO_CHECKED (provjereni zadaci, za zadatke), TITLE (naslov)","Use spell checker":"Koristi provjeru pravopisa","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Prelistaj popis i tekstna područja (uključujući ovu konzolu) pomoću strelica i tipki za micanje stranice prema gore/dolje.","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Promijeni raspored pomoću strelica. Zatvori pomoću tipke „Escape”.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Koristi ovo za ponovnu izgradnju popisa rezultata pretrage, ako postoji problem s pretragom. Ovisno o broju bilježaka, može potrajati.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Koristi se za većinu teksta u markdown uređivaču. Ako se ne pronađe, koristi se generički font proporcijalne širine.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Koristi se za tekst fiksne širine (npr. tablice, potvrdni okivi, programski kod). Ako se ne pronađe, koristi se generički font fiksne širine.","Valid":"Ispravno","View":"Prikaz","View on map":"Pogledaj na karti","View them now":"Pogledaj ih sada","Viewer":"Preglednik","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Upozorenje","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Upozorenje: za brže izvođenje, ne prikazuju se svi resursi (ograničenje: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV lozinka","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV korisničko ime","Website and documentation":"Web-stranica i dokumentacija","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Dobro došao, dobro došla u Joplin!\\n\\nUpiši `:help shortcuts` za popis tipkovnih prečaca ili samo`:help` za informacije o korištenju.\\n\\nNa primjer, za stvaranje bilježnice pritisni `mb`; za stvaranje bilješke pritisni `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Prilikom stvaranja nove bilješke:","When creating a new to-do:":"Prilikom stvaranja novog zadatka:","Words":"Broj riječi","y":"d","Y":"D","yes":"da","Yes":"Da","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Priložit ćeš veliku sliku (%d × %d piksela). Želiš li je smanjiti na %d piksela?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Trenutačno nemaš bilježnica.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nemaš nijedan instalirani dodatak.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Za daljnje informacije upiši `status`.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Za ponovno šifriranje tvojih podataka koristi dolje navedeni alat, na primjer kad znaš da su neke tvoje bilješke šifrirane zastarjelom metodom šifriranja.","Your choice: ":"Tvoj izbor: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Tvoji će se podaci ponovo šifrirati i sinkronizirati.","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"Tvoja glavna lozinka je potrebna za dešifriranje nekih tvojih podataka.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Za korištenje kamere potrebna je tvoja dozvola.","Your version: %s":"Tvoja verzija: %s","Zoom In":"Uvećaj","Zoom Out":"Umanji"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" hiányzik a szükséges \\"%s\\" tulajdonság.","%d days":"%d nap","%d hour":"%d óra","%d hours":"%d óranként","%d minutes":"%d percenként","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d jegyzetek egyeznek ezen mintával. Töröljem őket?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) nem tölthető fel: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-release)","%s - Copy":"%s - Másolás","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d jegyzetek","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Sz&erkesztés","&File":"&Fájl","&Go":"&Ugrás","&Help":"&Segítség","&Note":"&Jegyzet","&Tools":"&Eszközök","&View":"&Nézet","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: engedélyezze kép készítéséhez és csatolja azt a jegyzethez.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Hely: engedélyezze, a geo-location hozzáadását a jegyzethez.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Tároló: engedélyezi a fájlok csatolását a jegyzetekhez és engedélyezi a fájlrendszer szinkronizációt.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Joplin névjegy","accelerator":"gyorsbillentyű","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Gyorsbillentyű \\"%s\\" nem érvényes.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Gyorsbillentyű \\"%s\\" használva van a \\"%s\\" és \\"%s\\" parancsoknál. Ez váratlan viselkedéshez vezethet.","Active":"Aktív","Actual Size":"Aktív Méret","Add body":"Törzsszöveg hozzáadása","Add or remove tags:":"Tagek hozzáadása vagy törlése:","Add title":"Cím hozzáadása","Add to dictionary":"Hozzáadás szótárhoz","Advanced options":"Haladó beállítások","Advanced tools":"Haladó beállítások","All notes":"Minden jegyzet","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Minden potenciális port használva van - kérem jelentse a hibát itt: %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Megjeleníti a beállítatlan és rejtett config változókat.","Always":"Mindig","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Egy frissítés elérhető, le szeretné tölteni most?","Appearance":"Megjelenés","Application":"Alkalmazás","Apply":"Alkalmaz","Arguments:":"Paraméterek:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim sötét","Attach file":"Fájl csatolása","Attach photo":"Fotó csatolása","Attach...":"Csatol...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Csatolja az adott fájlt a jegyzethez.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Csatolmány ütközés: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Csatolmányok letöltésének működése","Attachments":"Csatolmányok","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Csatolmányokat nem lehet letölteni","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Figyelem: ha megváltoztatja ezt a helyet, bizonyosodjon meg abban hogy átmásolta az új helyre az összes tartalmat mielőtt szinkronizál, különben minden fájlja el lesz távolítva! A részleteket elolvashatja a GYIK-ben: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Hitelesítés nem fejeződött be (nem érkezett hitelesítő token)","Authorisation token:":"Hitelesítő token:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Auto-párosítása az idézőjeleknek, zárójeleknek, stb.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatikusan kapcsoljon olyan témára, ami egyezik a rendszer témával","Automatically update the application":"Automatikusan frissítse az alkalmazást","Back":"Vissza","Bold":"Félkövér","Browse all plugins":"Plugin-ok tallózása","Browse...":"Tallózás...","Bulleted List":"Felsorolás","Cancel":"Mégse","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Háttér szinkronizáció megszakítása... Kérem várjon.","Cancelling...":"Megszakítás...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Megszakítás... Kérem várjon.","Cannot access %s":"Hozzáférés sikertelen %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Titkosított elem nem módosítható","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Jegyzet nem másolható a \\"%s\\" jegyzetfüzetbe","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Nem található \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Szinkronizáló inicializálása sikertelen.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Nem tölthető be a \\"%s\\" modul, a \\"%s\\" formátumhoz és a \\"%s\\" kimenethez.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Nem tölthető be a \\"%s\\" modul a \\"%s\\" formátumhoz és \\"%s\\" célhoz.","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Jegyzet nem mozgatható a \\"%s\\" jegyzetfüzetbe","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Jegyzetfüzet nem mozgatható ide","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Token nem frissíthető: hitelesítési adat hiányzik. A szinkronizáció ismételt indítása megoldhatja a problémát.","Change application layout":"Alkalmazás kinézet megváltoztatása","Change language":"Nyelv váltása","Characters":"Karakterek","Characters excluding spaces":"Karaktere szóköz kivételével","Check for updates...":"Frissítés keresése...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Szinkronizációs beállítások ellenőrzése","Checkbox":"Jelölőnégyzet","Checkbox list":"Jelölőnégyzet lista","Checking... Please wait.":"Ellenőrzés... Kérem várjon.","Choose an option":"Válasszon egy opciót","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Törlés","Clear alarm":"Riasztás törlése","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Kattintson \\"%s\\" a jegyzet visszaállításához. Be fog másolodni a \\"%s\\" nevű jegyzetfüzetbe. A jegyzet aktuális verziója nem lesz kicserélve vagy módosítva.","Click to add tags...":"Kattintson tag hozzáadáshoz...","Client ID: %s":"Kliens ID: %s","Close":"Bezár","Close Window":"Ablak bezárása","Code":"Kód","Code Block":"Code Blokk","Code View":"Kód nézet","Coming alarms":"Riasztás beállítása","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Vesszóvel elválasztott listája azoknak a mappáknak ahonnan betölthetjük a bizonyítványokat vagy egyedi elérési útvonal cert fájlok betöltéséhez. Például: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Figyelem, amennyiben megváltoztatja a TLS beállításokat, el kell mentenie a változásokat mielőtt kattint a \\"Szinkronizációs beállítások ellenőrzése\\"-re. \\nNote that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".","command":"parancs","Command":"Parancs","Command palette":"Parancs paletta","Completed":"Befejeződött","Completed decryption.":"Visszafejtés befejeződött.","Configuration":"Beállítások","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Jelszó ismétlése nem lehet üres","Confirm password:":"Jelszó ismétlése:","Conflicted: %d":"Ütközik: %d","Conflicts":"Ütközés","Convert to note":"Átalakítás jegyzetté","Convert to todo":"Átalakítás todo-ra","Copy":"Másolás","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Dev mód parancs másolása vágólapra","Copy Link Address":"Link címének másolása","Copy Markdown link":"Markdown hivatkozás másolása","Copy path to clipboard":"Útvonal másolása vágólapra","Copy Shareable Link":"Megosztható hivatkozás másolása","Copy token":"Token másolása","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Alkalmazás nem hitelesíthető:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nKérem próbálja újra.","Could not export notes: %s":"Jegyzetek nem exportálhatóak: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Bővítmény nem telepíthető: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Mesterkulcs nem frissíthető: %s","Create a notebook":"Jegyzetfüzet létrehozása","Created":"Létrehozva","created date":"létrehozás dátuma","Created local items: %d.":"Created local items: %d.","Created locally":"Helyben létrehozva","Created remote items: %d.":"Helyben létrehozott elemek: %d.","Created: %d.":"Létrehozva: %d.","Created: %s":"Létrehozva: %s","Creates a new note.":"Új jegyzet létrehozása.","Creates a new notebook.":"Új jegyzetfüzet létrehozása.","Creates a new to-do.":"Új to-do létrehozása.","Creating new %s...":"Új %s létrehozása...","Creating report...":"Jelentés készítése...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Aktuális verzió a legfrissebb.","custom order":"egyedi sorrend","Custom order":"Egyedi sorrend","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Egyedi stíluslap Joplin-széles app stílushoz","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Egyedi stíluslap Markdown megjelenítéshez","Custom TLS certificates":"Egyedi TLS bizonyítvány","Cut":"Kivágás","Dark":"Sötét","Date format":"Dátumforma","days":"napok","Decrypted items: %d":"Dekódolt elemek: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dekódolt elemek: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Elemek titkosítása: %d/%d","Default":"Alapérték","Default: %s":"Alapérték: %s","Delete":"Törlés","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" csatolmány törlése ?","Delete line":"Sor törlése","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" jegyzet törlése?","Delete note?":"Jegyzet törlése?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"\\"%s\\" jegyzetfüzet törlése?\\n\\nA füzetben található minden jegyzet és aljegyzetfüzet is törlődni fog.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Jegyzetfüzet törlése? A füzetben található minden jegyzet és aljegyzetfüzet is törlődni fog.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" bővítmény törlése?","Delete these %d notes?":"%d jegyzetek törlése?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Törölt helyi elemek: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Törölt távoli elemek: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Adott jegyzetfüzet törlése.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Adott jegyzetfüzet törlése, megerősítés kérése nélkül.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Adott jegyzetek törlése .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Adott jegyzetek törlése, megerősítés kérése nélkül.","Destination format: %s":"Cél formátum: %s","Directory":"Könyvtár","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Könyvtár amivel szinkronizálunk (abszolút útvonal)","Disable encryption":"Titkosítás letiltása","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Web Vágó szolgáltatás letiltása","Disabled":"Letiltva","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Titkosítás letiltása azt jelenti, az *összes* jegyzete és csatolmányai együtt, újra lesznek szinkronizálva és titkosítás nélkül utaznak a cél eszközre. Akarja folytatni?","Discard changes":"Változások elvetése","Dismiss":"Elvetés","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Mutassa a geolokációs URL-t a jegyzethez.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Mutassa csak az első jegyzetet.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Csak bizonyos típusú elemeket mutasson. Az `n` a jegyetekhez, a `t` a to-do-khoz vagy `nt` mindkettőhöz (pl. `-tt` mutatja a to-do-kat, míg a `-tnt` mutatja a jegyzeteket és to-do-kat).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Mutasson összegzést a jegyzetekről és jegyzetfüzetekről.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Minden információt mutasson meg a jegyzetről.","Displays the given note.":"Megjelenít egy adott jegyzetet.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Mutasson minden jegyzetet az aktuális jegyzetfüzetben. Használja az `ls /`-t a jegyzetfüzetek listájának megjelenítéséhez.","Displays usage information.":"Megjeleníti a használati információkat.","Displays version information":"Megjeleníti a verzió információit","Do it now":"Csináld meg most","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ne kérjen jóváhagyást.","Download":"Letöltés","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Töltse le és telepítse a releváns böngésző bővítményt:","Downloaded":"Letöltve","Downloaded and decrypted":"Letöltve és visszafejtve","Downloaded and encrypted":"Letöltve és titkosítva","Downloading":"Letöltés","Downloading resources...":"Erőforrások letöltése...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Dobja ide a jegyzeteket vagy fájlokat","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox Login","Duplicate":"Duplikált","Edit":"Szerkesztés","Edit in external editor":"Szerkesztés külső szerkesztőben","Edit note.":"Jegyzet szerkesztése.","Edit notebook":"Jegyzetfüzet szerkesztése","Editor":"Szerkesztő","Editor font":"Szerkesztő betűkészlet","Editor font family":"Szerkesztő betű család","Editor font size":"Szerkesztő betű méret","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"szöveg\\" vagy \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"kiemelt szöveg","Enable":"Engedélyez","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"++insert++ szintaxis engedélyezése","Enable ==mark== syntax":"==mark== szintaxis engedélyezése","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"^sup^ szintakszis engedélyezése","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Rövidítés szintakszis engedélyezése","Enable audio player":"Audio lejátszó engedélyezése","Enable deflist syntax":"Deflist szintakszis engedélyezése","Enable encryption":"Titkosítás engedélyezése","Enable footnotes":"Lábjegyzetek engedélyezése","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Fountain szintakszis engedélyezése","Enable Linkify":"Linkify engedélyezése","Enable markdown emoji":"Markdown emoji engedélyezése","Enable math expressions":"Képletek engedélyezése","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Mermaid diagram támogatás engedélyezése","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Multimarkdown táblázat bővítmény engedélyezése","Enable note history":"Jegyzet előélet engedélyezése","Enable PDF viewer":"PDF megjelenítő engedélyezése","Enable soft breaks":"Lágy törések engedélyezése","Enable table of contents extension":"Tartalomjegyzék bővítmény engedélyezése","Enable typographer support":"Tipográfiai támogatás engedélyezése","Enable video player":"Video lejátszó engedélyezése","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Web Vágó Szolgáltatás engedélyezése","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"~sub~ szintaxis engedélyezése","Enabled":"Engedélyezve","Encrypted":"Titkosítva","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Titkosított elemek nem módosíthatóak","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Titkosított jegyzetfüzetek nem nevezhetőek át","Encryption":"Titkosítás","Encryption Config":"Titkosítás beállítás","Encryption is: %s":"Titkosítás: %s","Enter code here":"A kódot írja ide","Enter master password:":"Adja meg a mester jelszót:","Enter notebook title":"Adja meg a jegyzetfüzet címét","Enum":"Felsorolás","Error":"Hiba","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Hiba szerkesztőben a jegyzet megnyitáskor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Hiba. Kérem ellenőrizze az URL-t, a felhasználónevet, jelszót, stb. hogy megfelelőek-e és a szinkronizációs cél elérhető. A hiba a következő:","Error: %s":"Hibák: %s","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote fájl export (HTML-ként)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote fájl export (Markdown-ként)","Exits the application.":"Kilép a programból.","Export":"Exportálás","Export all":"Mindent exportál","Export debug report":"Debug jelentés exportálása","Export Debug Report":"Debug jelentés exportálása","Export profile":"Profil exportálása","Exporting profile...":"Profil exportálása...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportálás \\"%s\\"-ként, \\"%s\\" formátumban. Kérem várjon...","Exports only the given note.":"Adott jegyzet exportálása.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Adott jegyzetfüzet exportálása.","Fail-safe":"Hibatűrő","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Hibatűrő: Ne törölje a helyi adatot, ha a távoli adat üres (gyakran rossz beállítás vagy hiba eredménye)","Fatal error:":"Végzetes hiba:","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Erőforrások lekérése: %d/%d.","File":"Fájl","File system":"Fájl-rendszer","Firefox Extension":"Firefox Bővítmény","Fix search index":"Keresési index javítása","Fixing search index...":"Keresési index javítása...","Focus":"Fókusz","Focus body":"Szövegtörzs legyen a fókusz","Focus title":"Cím legyen a fókusz","Folders":"Mappák","Forward":"Tovább","Found: %d.":"Találtam: %d.","General":"Általános","Generating link...":"Link létrehozása...","Get it now:":"Szerezze be most:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Előzetes kiadások beszerzése amikor frissítéseket keresek","Go to source URL":"Ugrás forrás URL-re","Goto Anything...":"Ugrás bárhova...","Heading":"Címsor","Help":"Segítség","Hide %s":"%s elrejtése","Hide Joplin":"Joplin elrejtése","Horizontal Rule":"Vízszintes vonal","HTML Directory":"HTML Könyvtár","HTML File":"HTML fájl","Hyperlink":"Hiperlink","ID":"ID","Idle":"Tétlen","Ignore":"Mellőz","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS bizonyítvány hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása","Import":"Importálás","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\" importálása,\\"%s\\" formátumban. Kérem várjon...","Importing notes...":"Jegyzetek importálása...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Adat importálása Joplin-ba.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Ahhoz hogy megcsinálja, a teljes adat készletét titkosítani és szinkronizálni kell, emiatt a legjobb ha ez éjszaka történik.\\n\\nAz indításhoz kövesse a következő utasításokat:\\n\\n1. Szinkronizálja az összes eszközét.\\n2. Kattintson a \\"%s\\"-ra.\\n3. Futtassa befejezésig. Amíg fut, kerülje bármelyik jegyzete módosítását a többi eszközén, a konfliktusok elkerüléséhez.\\n4. Amint a szinkronizálás kész ezen az eszközön, szinkronizálja az összes többi eszközét és futtassa befejezésig.\\n\\nFontos: ezt egy eszközön csak EGYSZER kell futtatnia.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Ahhoz, hogy a Web Vágó működjön csinálja a következőt:","In progress":"Folyamatban","Indent less":"Behúzása csökkentése","Indent more":"Behúzás növelése","Information":"Információ","Inline Code":"Beágyazott kód","Insert Date Time":"Dátum-idő beszúrása","Insert Hyperlink":"Hiperhivatkozás beszúrása","Install":"Telepítés","Install from file":"Telepítés fájlból","Installed":"Telepítve","Installing...":"Telepítés...","Invalid":"Érvénytelen","Invalid %s: %s.":"Érvénytelen %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Érvénytelen válasz: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Érvénytelen parancs: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Érvénytelen opció érték: \\"%s\\". Lehetséges értékek: %s.","Italic":"Dőlt","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Elem \\"%s\\" nem tölthető le: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elemeket nem lehet dekódolni","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elemeket nem lehet szinkronizálni","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Export Könyvtár","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Export fájl","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Szerver","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Szerver jelszó","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Szerver URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Vágó segítségével lementhetünk web oldalakat és képernyőképeket a böngészőből Joplin-ba.","Joplin website":"Joplin weboldal","Keep note history for":"Jegyzet előélet megtartása","Keyboard Mode":"Billentyűzet mód","Keyboard Shortcut":"Gyorsbillentyű","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Gyorsbillentyűk","Landscape":"Fekvő","Language":"Nyelv","Last error: %s":"Utolsó hiba: %s","Later":"Később","Layout":"Elrendezés","Layout button sequence":"Elrendezés gomb sorrend","Legal":"US Legal","Letter":"US Levél","Light":"Világos","Lines":"Sorok","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Hivatkozás a vágólapra másolva!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Hivatkozások a \\"%s\\" protokollal nem támogatottak","List item":"Felsorolás elem","Location":"Hely","Log":"Napló","Login with Dropbox":"Belép Dropbox-al","Login with OneDrive":"Belép OneDrive-al","Make a donation":"Adakozzon","Manage your plugins":"Pluginok kezelése","Manual":"Kézi","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Egy to-do készként jelölése.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Egy to-do befejezetlenkén jelölése.","Markup":"Formátum","Master Key %s":"Mester Kulcs %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maximális konkurrens kapcsolat","Missing Master Keys":"Hiányzó Mester Kulcsok","Missing required argument: %s":"Szükséges paraméter hiányzik: %s","More info":"Több info","More information":"Több információ","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Több mint egy elem egyezik ezzel \\"%s\\". Kérem szűkítse a lekérdezést.","Move to notebook":"Jegyzetfüzetbe mozgatás","Move to notebook:":"Jegyzetfüzetbe mozgatás:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Egyező jegyzetek mozgása [notebook]-ba.","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Új jegyzet","New notebook":"Új jegyzetfüzet","New Notebook":"Új Jegyzetfüzet","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Új jegyzetfüzet \\"%s\\" létrehozása és a fájl \\"%s\\" bele lesz importálva","New sub-notebook":"Új al-jegyzetfüzet","New tags:":"Új tag-ek:","New to-do":"Új to-do","New version: %s":"Új verzió: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud jelszó","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud felhasználó","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"nem","No":"Nem","No active notebook.":"Nincs aktív jegyzetfüzet.","No item with ID %s":"Nincs ID %s azonosítójú elem","No notebook has been specified.":"Nincs jegyzetfüzet megadva.","No notebook selected.":"Nincs kiválasztva jegyzetfüzet.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Itt nincs jegyzet. Hozzon létre újat az \\"Új jegyzet\\"-re kattintva.","No resources!":"Nincs erőforrás!","No results":"Nincs eredmény","No such command: %s":"Nincs ilyen parancs: %s","No suggestions":"Nincs javaslat","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nincs szövegszerkesztő megadva. Kérem állítson be egyet a `config editor `-al","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nincs hitelesítve a %s-val. Kérem adja meg a hiányzó hitelesítő adatokat.","Not downloaded":"Nincs letöltve","note":"megjegyzés","Note":"Megjegyzés","Note area growth factor":"Jegyzet terület növekedési faktor","Note attachments":"Jegyzet csatolmányok","Note attachments...":"Jegyzet csatolmányok...","Note body":"Jegyzet szövege","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Jegyzet nem létezik: \\"%s\\". Létrehozzam?","Note has been saved.":"Jegyzet mentve.","Note History":"Jegyzet előélete","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"A jegyzet nem to-do: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Jegyzet lista","Note list growth factor":"Jegyzet lista növekedési faktor","Note properties":"Jegyzet tulajdonságai","Note title":"Jegyzet címe","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Megjegyzés: Nem működik minden asztali környezetben.","Notebook list growth factor":"Jegyzetfüzet lista növekedési faktor","Notebook title:":"Jegyzetfüzet címe:","Notebook: %s":"Jegyzetfüzet: %s","Notebooks":"Jegyzetfüzetek","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Jegyzetfüzet nem nevezhető \\"%s\\"-nak, az egy fenntartott cím.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Jegyzetek és beállítások tárolása itt: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Jegyzetek csak jegyezetfüzetben hozhatóak létre.","Numbered List":"Számozott lista","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Sötét","On %s: %s":"%s-on: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Az egyik mester kulcsa egy elavult titkosítási módot használ.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Egy vagy több mester kulcs igényel jelszót.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive Login","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Csak egy jegyzet nyomtatható ki egyidőben.","Open":"Megnyitás","Open %s":"Megnyitás %s","Open profile directory":"Adatmappa megnyitása","Open...":"Megnyitás...","Operation cancelled":"Művelet megszakítva","Options":"Beállítások","Output format: %s":"Kimeneti formátum: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Oldal tájolás PDF export-hoz","Page size for PDF export":"Oldal méret PDF export-hoz","Password":"Jelszó","Password cannot be empty":"Jelszó nem lehet üres","Password:":"Jelszó:","Passwords do not match!":"Jelszavak nem egyeznek!","Paste":"Beillesztés","Path:":"Útvonal:","PDF File":"PDF Fájl","Permission needed":"Hozzáférés szükséges","Permission to use camera":"Engedély a kamera használatához","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Kérem erősítse meg, hogy szeretné újra titkosítani a teljes adatbázisát.","Please select a notebook first.":"Kérem, először válasszon egy jegyzetfüzetet.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"A törléshez, először kérem válasszon egy jegyzetet vagy jegyzetfüzetet.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Kérem válassza ki, hova exportáljam a szinkronizációs státuszt","Please specify import format for %s":"Kérem adja meg az importálási formátumot %s-hoz","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Kérem adja meg a jegyzetfüzet nevét, ahova a jegyzetek kell importálni.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Kérem frissítse a Joplin-t ezen bővítmény használatához","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Kérem várjon minden csatolmány letöltésére és dekódolására. Átválthat %s-re a jegyzet szerkesztéséhez.","Please wait...":"Kérem várjon...","Plugin tools":"Bővítmény eszközök","Plugins":"Bővítmények","Portrait":"Álló","Possible keys/values:":"Lehetséges kulcsok/értékek:","Possible values: %s.":"Lehetséges értékek: %s.","Preferences":"Beállítások","Preferences...":"Beállítások...","Preferred dark theme":"Javasolt sötét téma","Preferred light theme":"Javasolt világos téma","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Nyomja le Ctrl+D vagy írja be \\"exit\\" a programból való kilépéshez","Press the shortcut":"Nyomja le a gyorsbillentyűt","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Nyomja le a gyorsbillentyűt, majd az ENTER-t. Vagy nyomja le a BACKSPACE-t a gyorsbillentyű törléséhez.","Previous versions of this note":"Jegyzet előző verziói","Print":"Nyomtatás","Privacy Policy":"Adatvédelmi Irányelvek","Profile Version: %s":"Profil verzió: %s","Properties":"Tulajdonságok","Quit":"Kilépés","Re-encrypt data":"Adat újratitkosítása","Re-encryption":"Újratitkosítás","Read more about it":"Olvasson erről többet","Read time: %s min":"Olvasási idő: %s perc","Redo":"Mégis","Refresh":"Frissítés","Remove":"Eltávolítás","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Tag \\"%s\\" eltávolítása minden jegyzetből?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Eltávolítsam ezt a keresést az oldalsávról?","Rename":"Átnevezés","Rename notebook:":"Jegyzetfüzet átnevezéses:","Rename tag:":"Tag átnevezése:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Átnevezi az adott (jegyzet vagy jegyzetfüzet) erre .","Resources: %d.":"Erőforrások: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Újraindítás és frissítés","Restart now":"Újraindítás most","Restore":"Visszaállítás","Restored Notes":"Visszaállított jegyzetek","Retry":"Ismét","Retry All":"Próbálja mindet újra","Reveal file in folder":"Mutassa a fájlt a mappában","Reverse sort order":"Fordított sorrend","Reverses the sorting order.":"Rendezés sorrendjének megfordítása.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revízió: %s (%s)","Save":"Mentés","Save alarm":"Riasztás mentése","Save as...":"Mentés másként...","Save changes":"Változások mentése","Save geo-location with notes":"Geo-lokáció mentése jegyzetekkel","Search":"Keresés","Search for plugins...":"Bővítmények keresése...","Search in all the notes":"Keresés összes jegyzetben","Search in current note":"Keresés aktuális jegyzetben","Search...":"Keresés...","Search:":"Keresés:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Keres egy adott minden jegyetben.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Nézze meg a előzetes kiadás oldalát a részletekért: %s","Select all":"Minden kiválasztása","Server is already running on port %d":"Szerver már fut a %d porton","Server is not running.":"Szerver nem működik.","Server is running on port %d":"Szerver fut a %d porton","Set alarm":"Riasztás beállítása","Set alarm:":"Riasztás beállítása:","Set the password":"Jelszó beállítása","Share":"Megosztás","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Gyorsbillentyűk nem érhetőek el CLI módban.","Show Advanced Settings":"Speciális beállítások megjelenítése","Show completed to-dos":"Mutassa a befejezett to-do-kat","Show note counts":"Mutassa a jegyzet számot","Show tray icon":"Mutassa a tálca ikon-t","Sidebar":"Oldalsáv","Size":"Méret","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Kihagyott elemek: %d (használja a --retry-failed-items hogy megismételje a dekódolást)","Skipped: %d.":"Kihagyva: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Néhány elemet nem lehet visszafejteni.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Néhány elemet nem lehet szinkronizálnii.","Sort notebooks by":"Jegyzetfüzetek rendezése","Sort notes by":"Jegyzetek rendezése","Sort selected lines":"Kiválasztott sorok rendezése","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Elem rendezése szerint (pl. title, updated_time, created_time)","Source format: %s":"Forrás formátum: %s","Spell checker":"Helyesírás-ellenőrző","Split View":"Nézet megosztása","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Alkalmazás indításakor kicsinyítse azt a tálcára","Starting synchronisation...":"Szinkronizáció elkezdése...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Jegyzet szerkesztés elkezdése. Zárja be a szerkesztőt, hogy visszakapja a prompt-ot.","Statistics":"Statisztika","Statistics...":"Statisztikák...","Status":"Státusz","Status: %s":"Státusz: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Státusz: Elindítva a %d porton","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"1. lépés: Engedélyezze a Web Vágó szolgáltatást","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"1. lépés: Nyissa meg ezt az URL-t a böngészőben, hogy hitelesítse az alkalmazást:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"2. lépés: Írja be a Dropbox által adott kódot:","Step 2: Install the extension":"2. lépés: telepítse a bővítményt","Stop":"Stop","Stop external editing":"Külső szerkesztés leállítása","strong text":"félkövér szöveg","Submit":"Elküld","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Siker! Szinkronizációs beállítás jónak tűnik.","Swap line down":"Sor csere le","Swap line up":"Sor csere fel","Switch between note and to-do type":"Váltás jegyzet és todo típus között","Switch to note type":"Váltás jegyzet típusra","Switch to to-do type":"Váltás to-do típusra","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Átváltás a [notebook]-ra - minden további művelet, ezen jegyzetfüzetben fog megtörténni.","Sync Status":"Szinkronizációs státusz","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Szinkronizációs státusz (mozgatott elemek / minden elem)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Szinkronizációs eszközt frissíteni kell! Futtassa a `%s`-t a folytatáshoz.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Szinkronizációs Eszköz Frissítése","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Szinkronizáció a megadott helyre (alapérték a beállítás értéke)","Sync Version: %s":"Szinkronizáció verzió: %s","Synchronisation":"Szinkronizáció","Synchronisation interval":"Szinkronizációs időköz","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Szinkronizáció már folyamatban van.","Synchronisation Status":"Szinkronizációs státusz","Synchronisation target":"Szinkronizációs cél","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Szinkronizációs cél: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Szinkronizálás","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Szinkronizáció távoli tárolóra.","Synchronising...":"Szinkronizálás...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Taggelve: %d.","Tags":"Tagek","Take photo":"Fotó készítése","Text editor command":"Szövegszerkesztő parancs","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Az alkalmazás bezárul. kérem indítsa újra a folyamat befejezéséhez.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Az alkalmazás hitelesítve - már becsukhatja a böngésző ablakot.","The application has been authorised!":"Az alkalmazás hitelesítve!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Az alkalmazás sikeresen hitelesítve.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Az alkalmazást újra kell indítani a változások érvényesítéséhez.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"A csatolmányok figyelése megszűnik, ha átvált egy másik jegyzetre.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"A \\"%s\\" parancs csak a GUI verzióban érhető el","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Az alapértelmezett titkosítási mód megváltozott egy sokkal biztonságosabbra és javasolt hogy alkalmazza azt adataira.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Az alapértelmezett titkosítási mód megváltozott, újra kell titkosítani az adatokat.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"A következő csatolmányok változása figyelve van:","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"A mester kulcs frissítése sikeresen megtörtént!","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"A \\"%s\\" jegyzet sikeresen visszaállítva a \\"%s\\" jegyzetfüzetbe.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"A jegyzetfüzet nem menthető el: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"A jegyeztek importálva: %s","The possible commands are:":"Az elérhető parancsok:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"A szinkronizációs célt frissíteni kell a Joplin szinkronizációhoz. Ez a művelet, igénybe vehet pár percet és az alkalmazást újra kell indítani. A folytatáshoz kattintson a lenti linkre.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"A Web Vágó szolgáltatás engedélyezve van és automatikusan indul.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"A Web Vágó szolgáltatás nincs engedélyezve.","Theme":"Téma","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Jelenleg nincs jegyzetfüzete. Hozzon létre egyet kattintva az \\"Új jegyzetfüzet\\"-re.","There is no data to export.":"Nincs exportálható adat.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Van egy [conflict](%s) a lenti csatolmányon.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Hiba történt ezen csatolmány letöltése közben:","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Ez a csatolmány még nincs letöltve és dekódolva","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Ez a csatolmány nincs letöltve vagy nincs dekódolva még.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Ez a hitelesítő token csak ahhoz kell, hogy 3. fél alkalmazásai hozzáférjenek Joplin-hoz.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ennek a jegyzetnek nincs geolokációs információja.","This note has been modified:":"Jegyzet módosult:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ez a jegyzet üres. Kattintson a \\"%s\\"-on váltani a szerkesztőt és szerkeszteni a jegyzetet.","This note has no history":"Jegyzetnek nincs előélete","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Ennek a Rich Text szerkesztőnek számos korlátja van és javasolt ezekkel tisztában lenni a használata előtt.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ez a szolgáltatás lehetővé teszi, hogy a böngésző kommunikájon Joplin-nal. Amikor engedélyezi ezt, a tűzfal kérheti, hogy adjon jogot a port használatához.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Ez új képernyőt nyit. Mentsem az aktuális változásokat?","Time format":"Idő formátum","title":"cím","Title":"Cím","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Hogy a Joplin tudjon szinkronizálni Dropbox-al, kérem kövesse a következő lépéseket:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Tag törléséhez, törölje a taget a hivatkozott jegyzetekből.","To delete: %d":"Törölni: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Parancssor módba lépéshez nyomja meg a \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Parancssor módból kilépéshez, nyomja le az ESCAPE gombot","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"A jegyzetek kézi rendezéséhez, a rendezési sorrendet át kell állítani \\"%s\\"-ra, \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\" a menüben","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"A konzol teljes méret, kis méret váltáshoz, nyomja le a \\"tc\\"-t.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Egyik panelről a másikra mozgatáshoz, nyomja le a Shift+Tab-ot.","to-do":"to-do","Toggle comment":"Megjegyzés váltása","Toggle development tools":"Fejlesztőeszközök váltása","Toggle editor layout":"Szerkesztő elrendezés váltása","Toggle editors":"Szerkesztő váltása","Toggle external editing":"Külső szerkesztés váltása","Toggle note list":"Jegyzetlista váltása","Toggle sidebar":"Oldalsáv váltása","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token vágólapra másolva!","Tools":"Eszközök","Total: %d/%d":"Összes: %d/%d","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Írja be `joplin help` a használati információkért.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Írja be a jegyzet címét vagy a tartalmának egy részletét, ahova ugrani szeretne. Esetleg írja be a #-et a tag nevével, vagy @ a jegyzetfüzet nevével. Beírhatja :-ot parancsok kereséséhez.","Type new tags or select from list":"Írjon be egy új tag-et vagy válasszon a listáról","Type: %s.":"Típus: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Befejezetlen to-do-k felül","Undo":"Visszavonás","Unknown flag: %s":"Ismeretlen jelző %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Ismeretlen elem típus lett letöltve - kérem frissítse a Joplin-t a legfrissebb verzióra","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nem támogatott kép típus: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nem támogatott hivatkozás vagy üzenet: %s","Untitled":"Névtelen","Update":"Frissítés","Updated":"Frissítve","updated date":"frissítési dátum","Updated local items: %d.":"Frissített helyi elemek: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Frissített távoli elemek: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Frissített: %d.","Updated: %s":"Frissített: %s","Updating...":"Frissítés...","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Frissítse a szinkronizációs célt a legfrissebb verzióra.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Használat: %s","Use spell checker":"Használja a helyesírás-ellenőrzőt","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Használja a nyilakat az elrendezés elemek mozgatásához. Majd nyomja le az \\"Escape\\"-et a kilépéshez.","View":"Nézet","View on map":"Mutasd a térképen","View them now":"Mutasd ezeket most","Viewer":"Megjelenítő","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Figyelmeztetés","Web Clipper":"Web Vágó","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV jelszó","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV felhasználónév","Website and documentation":"Web oldal és dokumentáció","When creating a new note:":"Amikor egy új jegyzetet hoz létre:","When creating a new to-do:":"Amikor egy új to-do-t hoz létre:","Words":"Szavak","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"igen","Yes":"Igen","You currently have no notebooks.":"Önnek nincs egyetlen jegyzetfüzete sem.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nincs telepített bővítmény.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"További információért beírhatja `status`.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Használhatja a lenti eszközt, hogy újra titkosítsa az adatait, ha például tudja, hogy néhány jegyzete elavult titkosítási módot használ.","Your choice: ":"Ön választása: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Az adatai újra lesznek titkosítva és utána szinkronizálva.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"A kamera használatához engedélyre van szükség.","Your version: %s":"Verziója: %s","Zoom In":"Nagyítás","Zoom Out":"Kicsinyítés"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" tidak menemukan properti \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d hari","%d hour":"%d jam","%d hours":"%d jam","%d minutes":"%d menit","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d catatan cocok dengan pola ini. Hapus?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) tidak dapat diunggah: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) ingin berbagi buku catatan dengan Anda.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (prarilis)","%s - Copy":"%s - Salin","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d catatan","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Ubah","&File":"&Berkas","&Go":"&Pergi","&Help":"&Bantuan","&Note":"&Catatan","&Tools":"&Alat","&View":"&Lihat","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: untuk memungkinkan pengambilan gambar dan melampirkannya ke catatan.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Lokasi: untuk memungkinkan melampirkan informasi geolokasi ke catatan.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Penyimpanan: untuk memungkinkan melampirkan berkas ke catatan dan mengaktifkan sinkronisasi sistem berkas."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" (perintah-label) dapat berupa \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", atau \\"notetags\\" untuk menetapkan atau menghapus [tag] (label) dari [note] (catatan), untuk menampilkan daftar catatan yang terkait dengan [tag], atau untuk menampilkan daftar label yang terkait dengan [note]. Perintah `tag list` dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan daftar semua label (gunakan -l untuk opsi panjang)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" (perintah-tugas) dapat berupa \\"toggle\\" atau \\"clear\\". Gunakan \\"toggle\\" untuk beralih dari dan ke status selesai dan belum selesai pada tugas yang dipilih (jika target adalah catatan biasa, maka ia akan dikonversi menjadi tugas). Gunakan \\"clear\\" untuk mengubah tugas kembali menjadi catatan biasa.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Tentang Joplin","accelerator":"akselerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Akselerator \\"%s\\" tidak valid.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Akselerator \\"%s\\" digunakan untuk perintah \\"%s\\" dan \\"%s\\". Ini bisa memberikan dampak tidak terduga.","Accept":"Terima","Action":"Aksi","Active":"Aktif","Actual Size":"Ukuran sebenarnya","Add body":"Tambahkan isi","Add or remove tags:":"Tambah atau hapus label:","Add recipient:":"Tambah penerima:","Add title":"Tambahkan judul","Add to dictionary":"Tambahkan ke kamus","Advanced options":"Opsi lanjutan","Advanced tools":"Opsi lanjutan","All notes":"Semua catatan","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Semua port potensial sedang digunakan - silakan laporkan isu di %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Juga menampilkan variabel konfigurasi yang belum disetel dan yang tersembunyi.","Always":"Selalu","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Pembaruan tersedia, apakah Anda mau mengunduhnya sekarang?","Appearance":"Tampilan","Application":"Aplikasi","Apply":"Terapkan","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Yakin ingin memperpanjang token otorisasi?","Arguments:":"Argumen:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Lampirkan berkas","Attach photo":"Lampirkan foto","Attach...":"Lampirkan...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Melampirkan berkas yang dipilih ke catatan.","attachment":"lampiran","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflik lampiran: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Perilaku mengunduh lampiran","Attachments":"Lampiran","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Lampiran yang tidak dapat diunduh","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Perhatian: Jika mengubah lokasi ini, pastikan Anda menyalin semua konten Anda ke sana sebelum menyinkronkan, jika tidak semua berkas akan terhapus! Lihat Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ) untuk detail lebih lanjut: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Otentikasi tidak selesai (tidak menerima token otentikasi).","Authorisation token:":"Token otorisasi:","Auto":"Otomatis","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Pasangkan secara otomatis kurung kurawal, tanda kurung, kutipan, dll.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Beralih tema secara otomatis untuk menyesuaikannya dengan tema sistem","Automatically update the application":"Perbarui aplikasi secara otomatis","Back":"Kembali","Bold":"Tebal","Browse all plugins":"Lihat semua plugin","Browse...":"Telusuri...","Bulleted List":"Daftar berpoin","Cancel":"Batal","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Membatalkan proses sinkronisasi latar belakang... Mohon tunggu.","Cancelling...":"Membatalkan...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Membatalkan… Mohon tunggu.","Cannot access %s":"Tidak dapat mengakses %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Tidak dapat mengubah item yang terenkripsi","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Tidak dapat menyalin catatan ke buku catatan \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Tidak dapat menemukan \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Tidak dapat menginisiasi penyinkron.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Tidak dapat memuat modul \\"%s\\" untuk format \\"%s\\" dan output \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Tidak dapat memuat modul \\"%s\\" untuk format \\"%s\\" dan target \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"TIdak dapat memindah catatan ke buku catatan \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Tidak dapat memindah buku catatan ke lokasi ini","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Tidak dapat menyegarkan token: data otentikasi tidak ada. Memulai sinkronisasi lagi mungkin dapat memperbaiki masalah.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Tidak dapat menyimpan %s “%s” karena akan melebihi ukuran total yang diizinkan (%s) untuk akun ini","Change application layout":"Ubah tata letak aplikasi","Change language":"Ubah bahasa","Characters":"Karakter","Characters excluding spaces":"Karakter tidak termasuk spasi","Check for updates...":"Periksa pembaruan...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Periksa konfigurasi sinkronisasi","Checkbox":"Kotak centang","Checkbox list":"Kotak centang","Checking... Please wait.":"Sedang memeriksa… Mohon tunggu.","Choose an option":"Pilih satu opsi","Chrome Web Store":"Toko Web Chrome","Clear":"Bersihkan","Clear alarm":"Bersihkan alarm","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klik \\"%s\\" untuk memulihkan catatan. Catatan akan disalin dalam buku catatan bernama \\"%s\\". Versi catatan saat ini tidak akan diganti atau dimodifikasi.","Click to add tags...":"Klik untuk menambahkan label...","Client ID: %s":"ID klien: %s","Close":"Tutup","Close Window":"Tutup jendela","Code":"Kode","Code Block":"Block Kode","Code View":"Tampilan Kode","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Collaborasi buku catatan dengan orang lain","Coming alarms":"Alarm yang akan datang","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Daftar \\"jalur ke direktori tempat asal sertifikat dimuat\\" atau \\"jalur ke berkas sertifikat\\" yang dipisahkan koma. Contoh: /jalur/ke/dir_sert, /lainnya/custom.pem. Perhatikan bahwa jika membuat perubahan pada pengaturan TLS, Anda harus menyimpan perubahan Anda sebelum mengeklik \\"Periksa konfigurasi sinkronisasi\\".","command":"perintah","Command":"Perintah","Command palette":"Palette perintah","Command palette...":"Palette perintah...","Completed":"Selesai","Completed decryption.":"Proses dekripsi selesai.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Telah Selesai: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfigurasi","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Konfirmasi kata sandi tidak boleh kosong","Confirm password:":"Konfirmasi kata sandi:","Confirmation":"Konfirmasi","Conflicted: %d":"Bertentangan: %d","Conflicts":"Konflik","Conflicts (attachments)":"Konflik catatan","Convert to note":"Konversi ke catatan","Convert to todo":"Konversi ke tugas","Copy":"Salin","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Salin perintah dev mode ke papan klip","Copy Link Address":"Salin Alamat Tautan","Copy Markdown link":"Salin tautan Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Salin jalur ke papan klip","Copy Shareable Link":"Salin Tautan yang Dapat Dibagikan","Copy token":"Salin token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Tidak dapat mengotorisasi aplikasi:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nTolong coba lagi.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Joplin. Silakan periksa konfigurasinya di layar konfigurasi Sinkronisasi. Eror lengkapnya adalah:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Tidak dapat terhubung ke repositori plugin.","Could not export notes: %s":"Tidak dapat mengekspor catatan: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Tidak dapat memasang plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Tidak dapat mengupgrade kunci master: %s","Create a notebook":"Buat buku catatan","Created":"Dibuat","created date":"tanggal dibuat","Created local items: %d.":"Item lokal yang dibuat: %d.","Created locally":"Item lokal yang dibuat","Created remote items: %d.":"Item jarak jauh yang dibuat: %d.","Created: %d.":"Dibuat: %d.","Created: %s":"Dibuat: %s","Creates a new note.":"Membuat catatan baru.","Creates a new notebook.":"Membuat buku catatan baru.","Creates a new to-do.":"Membuat tugas baru.","Creating new %s...":"Membuat %s baru...","Creating report...":"Membuat laporan...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Versi saat ini adalah versi terbaru.","custom order":"urutan khusus","Custom order":"Urutan khusus","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Lembar gaya khusus untuk gaya keseluruhan aplikasi Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Lembar gaya untuk rendering Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Sertifikat TLS khusus","Cut":"Potong","Dark":"Gelap","Database v%s":"Basis data v%s","Date":"Tanggal","Date format":"Format tanggal","days":"hari","Decrypted items: %d":"Item terdekripsi: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Item yang didekripsi: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Mendekripsi item: %d/%d","Default":"Default","Default: %s":"Default: %s","Delete":"Hapus","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Hapus lampiran \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Hapus baris","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Hapus data lokal dan unduh ulang dari target sinkronisasi","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Hapus catatan \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Hapus catatan?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Hapus buku catatan \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nSemua catatan dan sub-buku catatan dalam buku catatan ini juga akan dihapus.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Hapus buku catatan? Semua catatan dan sub-buku catatan dalam buku catatan ini juga akan dihapus.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Hapus plugin \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Hapus %d catatan ini?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Hapus undangan ini? Penerima tidak akan lagi memiliki akses ke buku catatan bersama ini.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Item lokal yang dihapus: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Item jarak jauh yang dihapus: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Menghapus buku catatan yang diberikan.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Menghapus buku catatan tanpa meminta konfirmasi.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Menghapus catatan yang cocok dengan (pola-catatan).","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Menghapus catatan tanpa meminta konfirmasi.","Destination format: %s":"Format tujuan: %s","Directory":"Direktori","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Direktori untuk disinkronkan (jalur absolut)","Disable encryption":"Nonaktifkan enkripsi","Disable safe mode and restart":"Nonaktifkan mode aman dan mulai ulang","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Nonaktifkan Layanan Web Clipper","Disabled":"Dinonaktifkan","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Menonaktifkan enkripsi berarti *semua* catatan dan lampiran Anda akan disinkronkan ulang dan dikirim dalam keadaan tidak terenkripsi ke target sinkronisasi. Apa Anda mau lanjut?","Discard changes":"Buang perubahan","Dismiss":"Abaikan","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Menampilkan URL geolokasi untuk catatan.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Menampilkan hanya (bilangan) catatan teratas.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Menampilkan hanya item dengan tipe-tipe tertentu. Dapat berupa `n` untuk catatan, `t` untuk tugas, atau `nt` untuk catatan dan tugas (contoh: `-tt` hanya akan menampilkan tugas, sedangkan `-tnt` akan menampilkan catatan dan tugas).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Menampilkan ringkasan tentang catatan dan buku catatan.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Menampilkan informasi lengkap tentang catatan.","Displays the given note.":"Menampilkan catatan yang dipilih.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Menampilkan catatan pada buku catatan saat ini. Gunakan `ls /` untuk menampilkan daftar buku catatan.","Displays usage information.":"Menampilkan informasi penggunaan.","Displays version information":"Menampilkan informasi versi","Do it now":"Lakukan sekarang","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Jangan meminta konfirmasi.","Download":"Unduh","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Unduh dan pasang ekstensi yang relevan dengan peramban web Anda:","Downloaded":"Terunduh","Downloaded and decrypted":"Terunduh dan terdekripsi","Downloaded and encrypted":"Terunduh dan terenkripsi","Downloading":"Mengunduh","Downloading resources...":"Mengunduh sumber daya...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Taruh catatan atau file di sini","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Masuk Dropbox","Duplicate":"Buat duplikat","Duplicate line":"Baris duplikat","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Menduplikasi catatan yang sesuai dengan (catatan) ke [notebook] (buku catatan). Jika tidak ada buku catatan yang ditentukan maka catatan akan diduplikasi ke buku catatan saat ini.","Edit":"Ubah","Edit in external editor":"Ubah di editor eksternal","Edit note.":"Ubah catatan.","Edit notebook":"Ubah buku catatan","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Font pada editor","Editor font family":"Keluarga font pada editor","Editor font size":"Ukuran font pada editor","Editor monospace font family":"Keluarga font editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Antara \\"text\\" atau \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"teks yang ditekankan (emphasized text)","Enable":"Aktifkan","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis singkatan (abbreviation)","Enable audio player":"Aktifkan pemutar audio","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis daftar definisi","Enable encryption":"Aktifkan enkripsi","Enable footnotes":"Aktifkan catatan kaki","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Aktifkan dukungan sintaksis Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Aktifkan Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktifkan emoji markdown","Enable math expressions":"Aktifkan ekspresi matematika","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Aktifkan dukungan diagram Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktifkan ekstensi tabel multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Aktifkan riwayat catatan","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktifkan penampil PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Aktifkan soft break","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktifkan ekstensi daftar isi","Enable typographer support":"Aktifkan dukungan typographer","Enable video player":"Aktifkan pemutar video","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktifkan Layanan Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktifkan sintaksis ~sub~","Enabled":"Diaktifkan","Encrypted":"Terenkripsi","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Item yang terenkripsi tidak bisa diubah","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Buku catatan terenkripsi tidak bisa diganti nama","Encryption":"Enkripsi","Encryption Config":"Konfigurasi Enkripsi","Encryption is: %s":"Enkripsi adalah: %s","Enter code here":"Masukkan kode disini","Enter master password:":"Masukkan kata sandi master:","Enter notebook title":"Masukkan judul buku catatan","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Kesalahan","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Terjadi kesalahan saat membuka catatan di editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Kesalahan. Tolong periksa bahwa URL, nama pengguna, kata sandi, dll. sudah benar dan target sinkronisasi dapat diakses. Kesalahan yang dilaporkan adalah:","Error: %s":"Terjadi kesalahan: %s","Errors only":"Hanya kesalahan","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Berkas Ekspor Evernote (sbg. HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Berkas Ekspor Evernote (sbg. Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Keluar dari aplikasi.","Export":"Ekspor","Export all":"Ekspor semuanya","Export debug report":"Ekspor Laporan Debug","Export Debug Report":"Ekspor Laporan Debug","Export profile":"Ekspor profil","Exporting profile...":"Mengekspor profil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Mengekspor ke \\"%s\\" sebagai format \\"%s\\". Mohon tunggu...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Mengekspor data Joplin ke alamat direktori yang diberikan. Secara otomatis, ini akan mengekspor basis data lengkap termasuk buku catatan, catatan, label dan sumber daya.","Exports only the given note.":"Mengekspor hanya catatan yang diberikan.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Mengekspor hanya buku catatan yang diberikan.","Fail-safe":"Gagal-aman","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Gagal-aman: Jangan menghapus data lokal saat target sinkronisasi kosong (seringkali akibat kesalahan konfigurasi atau bug)","Fatal error:":"Kesalahan fatal:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Item yang diambil: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Mengambil sumber daya: %d/%d","File":"Berkas","File system":"Sistem berkas","Firefox Extension":"Ekstensi Firefox","Fix search index":"Perbaiki indeks pencarian","Fixing search index...":"Memperbaiki indeks pencarian...","Focus":"Fokus","Focus body":"Fokus pada isi","Focus title":"Fokus pada judul","Folders":"Folder","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Hanya untuk keperluan debugging: ekspor profil Anda ke kartu SD eksternal.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Untuk informasi tentang bagaimana cara personalisasi pintasan silakan kunjungi %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang enkripsi End-To-End (E2EE) dan tentang bagaimana cara mengaktifkannya silakan cek dokumentasi:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Untuk melihat daftar pintasan keyboard dan opsi konfigurasi, ketik `help keymap`","Forward":"Maju","Found: %d.":"Ditemukan: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS diaktifkan: %d","Full changelog":"Full Changelog","General":"Umum","Generating link...":"Menghasilkan tautan...","Get it now:":"Dapatkan sekarang:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Dapatkan prarilis saat memeriksa pembaruan","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Mendapatkan atau menyetel nilai konfigurasi. Jika [value] (nilai) tidak tersedia, maka akan menampilkan nilai dari [name] (nama). Jika [name] maupun [value] tidak tersedia juga, maka akan menampilkan daftar konfigurasi saat ini.","Go to source URL":"Pergi ke URL sumber","Goto Anything...":"Pergi ke apa saja...","Grant authorisation":"Berikan otorisasi","Heading":"Tajuk","Help":"Bantuan","Hide %s":"Sembunyikan %s","Hide Joplin":"Sembunyikan Joplin","Highlight":"Sorotan","Horizontal Rule":"Garis Horisontal","HTML Directory":"Direktori HTML","HTML File":"Berkas HTML","Hyperlink":"Tautan","Icon":"Ikon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Diam","Ignore":"Abaikan","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Abaikan kesalahan sertifikat TLS","Import":"Impor","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Mengimpor dari \\"%s\\" sebagai format \\"%s\\". Mohon tunggu...","Importing notes...":"Mengimpor catatan...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Mengimpor data ke Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"Dalam mode \\"Manual\\", lampiran diunduh hanya saat Anda mengekliknya. Dalam mode \\"Otomatis\\", lampiran diunduh saat Anda membuka catatan. Dalam mode \\"Selalu\\", semua lampiran diunduh baik Anda membuka catatan atau pun tidak.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Dalam perintah apa pun, catatan atau buku catatan dapat dirujuk dengan judul atau ID, atau bisa juga dengan pintasan seperti `$n` atau `$b` untuk catatan atau buku catatan yang saat ini terpilih. `$c` dapat digunakan untuk merujuk pada item yang saat ini terpilih.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Untuk menghubungkan geolokasi dengan catatan, aplikasi perlu izin Anda untuk mengakses lokasi Anda.\\n\\nAnda dapat mematikan fungsi ini kapan saja di layar Konfigurasi.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Untuk melakukannya, seluruh data Anda harus dienkripsi and disinkronkan, jadi cara terbaik yang disarankan adalah menjalankannya semalaman.\\n\\nUntuk memulai, silakan ikuti instruksi berikut ini:\\n\\n1. Sinkronkan semua perangkat Anda.\\n2. Klik \\"%s\\".\\n3. Biarkan proses berjalan sampai selesai. Saat proses berjalan, hindari mengubah catatan apa pun di perangkat Anda yang lain, untuk menghindari konflik.\\n4. Ketika sinkronisasi selesai pada perangkat ini, sinkronkan semua perangkat Anda dan biarkan proses berjalan sampai selesai.\\n\\nPenting: Anda hanya perlu menjalankan ini SEKALI pada satu perangkat.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Agar dapat menggunakan sinkronisasi sistem berkas, dibutuhkan perizinan untuk menulis pada penyimpanan eksternal.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Untuk menggunakan web clipper, Anda perlu melakukan hal berikut:","In progress":"Sedang berlangsung","In: %s":"Di: %s","Indent less":"Kurangi indentasi","Indent more":"Tambah indentasi","Information":"Informasi","Inline Code":"Baris Kode","Insert":"Menyisipkan","Insert Date Time":"Masukkan Waktu dan Tanggal","Insert Hyperlink":"Masukkan Tautan","Install":"Pasang","Install from file":"Pasang dari file","Installed":"Dipasang","Installing...":"Memasang...","Invalid":"Jawaban tidak valid","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s tidak valid: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Jawaban tidak valid: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Perintah tidak valid: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Nilai opsi tidak valid: \\"%s\\". Nilai yang mungkin adalah: %s.","Italic":"Miring","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Item \\"%s\\" tidak dapat diunduh: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Item yang tidak dapat didekripsi","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Item yang tidak dapat disinkronkan","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin dapat mensinkronkan catatan Anda melalui berbagai penyedia. Pilih salah satu di bawah.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Email Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Kata sandi Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Direktori Ekspor Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Berkas Ekspor Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin berkali-kali gagal mendekripsi item ini, mungkin karena mereka rusak atau terlalu besar. Item ini akan tetap berada di perangkat tetapi Joplin tidak akan mencoba mendekripsinya lagi.","Joplin Forum":"Forum Joplin","Joplin Server":"Server Joplin","Joplin Server email":"Email Server Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Kata sandi Server Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL Server Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Web Clipper Joplin memungkinkan penyimpanan halaman web dan tangkapan layar dari peramban web Anda ke Joplin.","Joplin website":"Situs web Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Layanan sinkronisasi Joplin. Juga memberika akses kepada fitur spesifik Joplin seperti publikasi catatan atau kollaborasi buku catatan dengan orang lain.","Keep note history for":"Simpan riwayat catatan untuk","Keyboard Mode":"Mode Papan Ketik","Keyboard Shortcut":"Pintasan Papan Ketik","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Pintasan Papan Ketik","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain Didukung: %s","Landscape":"Lanskap","Language":"Bahasa","Last error: %s":"Kesalahan terakhir: %s","Later":"Nanti","Layout":"Tata letak","Layout button sequence":"Urutan tombol tata letak","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Terang","Lines":"Garis","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Tautan telah tersalin ke papan klip!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Tautan dengan protokol \\"%s\\" tidak didukung","List item":"Item daftar","Location":"Lokasi","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Berkas kunci (lock file) sedang ditahan. Jika Anda tahu bahwa tidak ada proses sinkronisasi yang terjadi, Anda dapat menghapus berkas kunci di \\"%s\\" dan melanjutkan operasi.","Log":"Log","Login":"Masuk","Login with Dropbox":"Masuk dengan Dropboox","Login with OneDrive":"Masuk dengan OneDrive","Make a donation":"Beri donasi","Manage your plugins":"Kelola plugin Anda","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Tandai tugas telah selesai.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Menandai tugas belum selesai.","Markup":"Markah","Master Key %s":"Kunci Master %s","Max concurrent connections":"Koneksi bersamaan maksimum","Missing Master Keys":"Kunci Master yang Hilang","Missing required argument: %s":"Argumen yang dibutuhkan tidak ada: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Data seluler - sinkronisasi otomatis dinonaktifkan","More info":"Info lain","More information":"Informasi lebih lanjut","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Lebih dari satu item cocok dengan \\"%s\\". Silakan persempit kueri Anda.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Pindahkan %d catatan ke buku catatan \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Pindah ke buku catatan","Move to notebook...":"Pindahkan ke buku catatan...","Move to notebook:":"Pindah ke buku catatan:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Memindahkan catatan yang cocok dengan (catatan) ke [notebook] (buku catatan).","n":"t","N":"T","New note":"Catatan baru","New notebook":"Buku catatan baru","New Notebook":"Buku Catatan Baru","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Buku catatan baru \\"%s\\" akan dibuat dan berkas \\"%s\\" akan diimpor ke dalamnya","New sub-notebook":"Sub-buku catatan baru","New tags:":"Label baru:","New to-do":"Tugas baru","New version: %s":"Versi baru: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Kata sandi Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nama pengguna Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL WebDav Nextcloud","no":"tidak","No":"Tidak","No active notebook.":"Tidak ada buku catatan yang aktif.","No item with ID %s":"Tidak ada item dengan ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Belum ada buku catatan yang ditentukan.","No notebook selected.":"Tidak ada buku catatan yang terpilih.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Tidak ada catatan di sini. Buat catatan dengan mengeklik \\"Catatan baru\\".","No resources!":"Tidak ada sumber daya!","No results":"Tidak ada hasil","No such command: %s":"Tidak ada perintah semacam ini: %s","No suggestions":"Tidak ada saran","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Tidak ada editor teks yang diatur. Silakan setel menggunakan `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Tidak dapat dilakukan otentikasi dengan %s. Harap sediakan semua kredensial yang hilang.","Not downloaded":"Tidak terunduh","note":"catatan","Note":"Catatan","Note area growth factor":"Faktor pertumbuhan area catatan","Note attachments":"Lampiran catatan","Note attachments...":"Lampiran catatan...","Note body":"Isi catatan","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Catatan tidak ada: \\"%s\\". Buat?","Note has been saved.":"Catatan sudah disimpan.","Note History":"Riwayat catatan","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Catatan bukan sebuah tugas: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Daftar catatan","Note list growth factor":"Faktor pertumbuhan daftar catatan","Note properties":"Properti catatan","Note title":"Judul catatan","Note&book":"Catatan & Buku","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Catatan: Tidak berfungsi di semua lingkungan desktop.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Catatan: Ketika sebuah catatan dibagikan, ia tidak akan dienkripsi lagi di server.","Notebook list growth factor":"Faktor pertumbuhan daftar buku catatan","Notebook title:":"Judul buku catatan:","Notebook: %s":"Buku catatan: %s","Notebooks":"Buku catatan","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Buku catatan tidak dapat dinamai \\"%s\\", yang merupakan judul yang telah dipesan.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Catatan dan pengaturan disimpan di: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Catatan hanya dapat dibuat di dalam buku catatan.","Numbered List":"Daftar nomor","OK":"Baik","OLED Dark":"OLED Gelap","On %s: %s":"Di %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Salah satu kunci utama Anda menggunakan metode enkripsi yang usang.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Satu item atau lebih saat ini terenkripsi dan Anda mungkin perlu memberikan kata sandi master. Untuk melakukannya, silakan ketik `e2ee decrypt`. Jika Anda telah memberikan kata sandi, maka item yang terenkripsi sedang didekripsi di latar belakang dan akan segera tersedia.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Satu atau lebih kunci utama membutuhkan sandi.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Masuk OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Hanya satu catatan yang dapat dicetak dalam satu waktu.","Open":"Buka","Open %s":"Buka %s","Open profile directory":"Buka direktori profil","Open Sync Wizard...":"Buka Sync Wizard...","Open...":"Buka...","Operation cancelled":"Operasi dibatalkan","Options":"Pilihan","Or create an account.":"Atau buat akun baru.","Output format: %s":"Format output: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientasi halaman untuk ekspor PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Ukuran halaman untuk ekspor PDF","Password":"Kata sandi","Password cannot be empty":"Kata sandi tidak boleh kosong","Password:":"Kata sandi:","Passwords do not match!":"Kata sandi tidak cocok!","Paste":"Tempel","Path:":"Lokasi:","PDF File":"Berkas PDF","Permission needed":"Izin diperlukan","Permission to use camera":"Izin penggunaan kamera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Silakan konfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin mengenkripsi ulang seluruh basis data Anda.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Silakan masukkan kata sandi Anda di daftar kunci master di bawah ini sebelum mengupgrade kunci.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Silakan buka URL berikut di peramban web Anda untuk mengotentikasi aplikasi. Aplikasi akan membuat direktori di \\"Apps/Joplin\\" dan hanya akan membaca dan menulis berkas di direktori ini. Ia tidak akan memiliki akses ke berkas apa pun di luar direktori ini atau ke data pribadi lainnya. Tidak ada data yang akan dibagikan dengan pihak ketiga mana pun.","Please select a notebook first.":"Silakan pilih buku catatan terlebih dahulu.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Silakan pilih catatan atau buku catatan yang akan dihapus terlebih dahulu.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Silakan pilih di mana status sinkronisasi seharusnya diekspor","Please specify import format for %s":"Silakan tentukan format impor untuk %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Silakan tentukan buku catatan tempat catatan harus diimpor.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Silakan upgrade Joplin untuk menggunakan plugin ini","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Silakan tunggu sampai semua lampiran sudah diunduh dan didekripsi. Anda juga bisa beralih ke %s untuk mengedit catatan.","Please wait...":"Mohon tunggu...","Plugin tools":"Setelan plugin","Plugins":"Plugin","Portrait":"Potret","Possible keys/values:":"Kunci/nilai yang mungkin:","Possible values: %s.":"Nilai yang mungkin: %s.","Preferences":"Preferensi","Preferences...":"Preferensi...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema gelap yang dipilih","Preferred light theme":"Tema terang yang dipilih","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Tekan Ctrl+D atau ketik \\"exit\\" untuk keluar dari aplikasi","Press the shortcut":"Klik pintasan","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Klik pintasan kemudian tekan ENTER atau tekan BACKSPACE untuk menghapus pintasan.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Tekan untuk mengatur kata sandi dekripsi.","Previous versions of this note":"Versi sebelumnya dari catatan ini","Print":"Cetak","Privacy Policy":"Kebijakan privasi","Profile Version: %s":"Versi Profil: %s","Properties":"Properti","Publish note...":"Publikasikan catatan…","Publish Notes":"Publikasikan Catatan","Publish notes to the internet":"Publikasikan catatan ke internet","Quit":"Keluar","Re-encrypt data":"Enkripsi ulang data","Re-encryption":"Enkripsi ulang","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Unggah ulang data lokal untuk menyinkronkan target","Read more about it":"Baca lebih lanjut","Read time: %s min":"Waktu baca: %s menit","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Penerima telah menerima undangan","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Penerima belum menerima undangan","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Penerima telah menolak undangan","Recipients:":"Penerima:","Redo":"Ulangi","Refresh":"Segarkan","Reject":"Tolak","Remove":"Hapus","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Hapus label \\"%s\\" dari semua catatan?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Hapus pencarian ini dari bilah samping?","Rename":"Ganti nama","Rename notebook:":"Ganti nama buku catatan:","Rename tag:":"Ganti nama label:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Mengganti nama yang diberikan (catatan atau buku catatan) menjadi (nama).","Renew token":"Perbaharui Token","Resources: %d.":"Sumber daya: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Mulai ulang dan upgrade","Restart now":"Mulai ulang sekarang","Restore":"Pulihkan","Restored Notes":"Catatan yang Dipulihkan","Retry":"Coba lagi","Retry All":"Coba lagi semua","Reveal file in folder":"Buka file di berkas","Reverse sort order":"Balikkan urutan","Reverses the sorting order.":"Membalikkan urutan.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisi: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Menjalankan perintah yang terkandung dalam file teks. Harus ada satu perintah per baris.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Mode aman sedang aktif. Catatan render dan semua plugin dinonaktifkan untuk sementara.","Save":"Simpan","Save alarm":"Simpan alarm","Save as...":"Simpan sebagai...","Save changes":"Simpan perubahan","Save geo-location with notes":"Simpan geolokasi dengan catatan","Search":"Pencarian","Search for plugins...":"Cari plugin...","Search in all the notes":"Pencarian di semua catatan","Search in current note":"Pencarian di catatan sekarang","Search...":"Pencarian….","Search:":"Pencarian:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Pencarian untuk (pola) yang diberikan di semua catatan.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Lihat halaman prarilis untuk detail lebih lanjut: %s","Select":"Pilih","Select all":"Pilih semua","Server is already running on port %d":"Server sudah berjalan pada port %d","Server is not running.":"Server tidak berjalan.","Server is running on port %d":"Server berjalan pada port %d","Set alarm":"Setel alarm","Set alarm:":"Setel alarm:","Set the password":"Atur kata sandi","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Menyetel properti (nama) dari (catatan) yang diberikan menjadi [value] (nilai) yang diberikan. Properti yang mungkin adalah:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Bagikan","Share Notebook":"Bagikan Buku Catatan","Share notebook...":"Bagikan buku catatan…","Sharing notebook...":"Berbagi buku catatan…","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Pintasan tidak tersedia dalam mode CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Perlihatkan pengaturan lanjutan","Show all":"Tampilkan semua","Show completed to-dos":"Tampilkan tugas yang sudah selesai","Show note counts":"Tampilkan jumlah catatan","Show tray icon":"Tampilkan ikon tray","Sidebar":"Bilah samping","Size":"Ukuran","Skip this version":"Lewatkan versi ini","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Item yang dilewati: %d (gunakan --retry-failed-items untuk mencoba mendekripsinya lagi)","Skipped: %d.":"Dilewati: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarized Gelap","Solarised Light":"Solarized Terang","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Beberapa item tidak dapat di dekripsi.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Beberapa item tidak dapat di sinkronisasi.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Beberapa item tidak dapat disinkronkan. Tekan untuk info lebih lanjut.","Sort notebooks by":"Urutkan buku catatan menurut","Sort notes by":"Urutkan catatan berdasarkan","Sort selected lines":"Sortir baris terpilih","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Mengurutkan item berdasarkan (bidang) (contoh: title (judul), updated_time (waktu diperbarui), created_time (waktu dibuat)).","Source format: %s":"Format sumber: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Tentukan port yang harus digunakan oleh server API. Jika tidak disetel, maka pengaturan default akan digunakan.","Spell checker":"Pemeriksa ejaan","Split View":"Tampilan Terpisah","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Mulai aplikasi dalam keadaan disembunyikan dalam ikon tray","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Memulai, menghentikan atau memeriksa server API. Untuk menentukan pada port mana server seharusnya berjalan, setel variabel konfigurasi api.port. Perintahnya adalah (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Memulai dekripsi… Mohon tunggu beberapa saat, kemungkinan proses akan memakan waktu beberapa menit tergantung seberapa besar yang akan didekripsi.","Starting synchronisation...":"Memulai sinkronisasi...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Mulai mengedit catatan. Tutup editor untuk kembali ke prompt.","Statistics":"Statistik","Statistics...":"Statistik...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Dimulai pada port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Langkah 1: Aktifkan layanan clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Langkah 1: Buka URL ini di peramban web Anda untuk memberi otorisasi pada aplikasi:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Langkah 2: Masukkan kode yang diberikan oleh Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Langkah 2: Pasang ekstensi","Stop":"Berhenti","Stop external editing":"Hentikan pengeditan eksternal","Strikethrough":"Dicoret","strong text":"teks yang ditekankan lebih kuat (strong text)","Submit":"Kirim","Subscript":"Tulisan kecil di bawah garis","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Berhasil! Konfigurasi sinkronisasi sepertinya benar.","Superscript":"Tulisan kecil di atas garis","Swap line down":"Tukar baris ke bawah","Swap line up":"Tukar baris ke atas","Switch between note and to-do type":"Beralih antara tipe catatan dan tugas","Switch to note type":"Beralih ke tipe catatan","Switch to to-do type":"Beralih ke tipe tugas","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Beralih ke [notebook] (buku catatan) - semua operasi selanjutnya akan terjadi dalam buku catatan ini.","Sync Status":"Status sinkronisasi","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Status sinkronisasi (item tersinkron / total item)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Target sinkronisasi harus diperbarui. Jalankan `%s` untuk melanjutkan.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Sinkronisasi Target Upgrade","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sinkronkan ke target yang disediakan (secara default ke nilai konfigurasi","Sync Version: %s":"Versi Sinkronisasi: %s","Sync your notes":"Sinkronisasi catatan Anda","Synchronisation":"Sinkronisasi","Synchronisation interval":"Interval sinkronisasi","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinkronisasi sedang berlangsung.","Synchronisation Status":"Status Sinkronisasi","Synchronisation target":"Target sinkronisasi","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Target sinkronisasi: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sinkronisasi %s","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sinkronkan hanya melalui koneksi WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Menyinkronkan dengan penyimpanan jarak jauh.","Synchronising...":"Menyinkronkan...","Synchronizing...":"Menyinkronkan…","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Diberi label: %d.","Tags":"Label","Take photo":"Ambil foto","Text editor command":"Perintah editor teks","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Terima kasih! Akun Joplin Cloud Anda sekarang siap digunakan.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikasi akan ditutup. Silakan luncurkan ulang untuk menyelesaikan prosesnya.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikasi telah diotorisasi - Anda sekarang dapat menutup tab peramban web ini.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplikasi sudah terotorisasi!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikasi telah berhasil diotorisasi.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Aplikasi harus dimulai ulang agar perubahan ini diterapkan.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Lampiran tidak akan diawasi ketika Anda berganti ke catatan lain.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Perintah \\"%s\\" hanya tersedia dalam mode GUI","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Kata sandi default admin tidak aman dan belum diubah. [Ubah sekarang](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Metode enkripsi default telah diubah menjadi yang lebih aman dan Anda disarankan untuk menerapkannya pada data Anda.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Metode enkripsi default telah diubah, Kamu harus mengenkripsi ulang datamu.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Perintah editor (dapat mengandung argumen) yang akan digunakan untuk membuka catatan. Jika tidak ada yang disediakan, ia akan mencoba mendeteksi editor default secara otomatis.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Properti faktor menentukan bagaimana item akan tumbuh atau menyusut agar sesuai dengan ruang yang tersedia dalam wadahnya sehubungan dengan item lainnya. Jadi item dengan faktor 2 akan memakan ruang dua kali lebih banyak dari item dengan faktor 1. Mulai ulang aplikasi untuk melihat perubahan.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Lampiran ini sedang diawasi untuk perubahan:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Aplikasi mobile Joplin saat ini belum mendukung tipe tautan ini: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Tim Joplin telah memeriksa plugin ini dan ia memenuhi standar kami untuk keamanan dan performa.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Kunci master telah berhasil diupgrade!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Kunci master dengan ID ini digunakan mengenkripsi beberapa item Anda, namun saat ini aplikasi tidak dapat mengakses mereka. Sepertinya, mereka pada akhirnya akan diunduh via sinkronisasi.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Catatan \\"%s\\" telah berhasil dipulihkan ke buku catatan \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Buku catatan tidak bisa disimpan: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Catatan telah berhasil diimpor: %s","The possible commands are:":"Perintah yang mungkin adalah:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Target sinkronisasi harus diperbarui sebelum Joplin dapat sinkronisasi. Operasinya akan berjalan beberapa menit dan aplikasi perlu dimulai ulang. Untuk melanjutkan, silakan klik linknya.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Label \\"%s\\" sudah ada. Silakan pilih nama yang berbeda.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Target untuk disinkronkan. Setiap target sinkronisasi dapat memiliki parameter tambahan yang dinamai `sync.NUM.NAME` (semua didokumentasikan di bawah).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper membutuhkan otorisasi Anda untuk mengakses data Anda.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Layanan Web Clipper diaktifkan dan disetel menjadi mulai otomatis.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Layanan web clipper tidak diaktifkan.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Saat ini belum ada catatan. Buat catatan dengan mengeklik tombol (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Tidak ada buku catatan saat ini. Buat buku catatan dengan mengeklik \\"Buku catatan baru\\".","There is no data to export.":"Tidak ada data untuk di ekspor.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Terjadi konflik (%s) saat mengunduh lampiran ini:\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunduh lampiran ini:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Terdapat kendala dalam menyiapkan akun Joplin Cloud Anda. Tolong verifikasi email dan kata sandi anda dan coba lagi. Kendala tersebut:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Item ini akan tetap berada di perangkat tetapi tidak akan diunggah ke target sinkronisasi. Untuk menemukan item ini, lakukan pencarian untuk judul atau ID (yang ditampilkan dalam tanda kurung di atas).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Plugin ini meningkatkan penyaji Markdown dengan fitur tambahan. Harap dicatat bahwa, sementara fitur-fitur ini mungkin berguna, mereka bukan Markdown standar dan dengan demikian sebagian besar dari mereka hanya akan berfungsi di Joplin. Selain itu, beberapa *tidak kompatibel* dengan editor WYSIWYG. Jika Anda membuka catatan yang menggunakan salah satu plugin ini di editor itu, Anda akan kehilangan format plugin. Di bawah ini ditunjukkan plugin mana yang kompatibel atau tidak dengan editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Lampiran ini belum diunduh atau belum didekripsi","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Lampiran ini belum diunduh atau belum didekripsi.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Token otorisasi ini hanya diperlukan untuk memungkinkan aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk mengakses Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Ini adalah alat lanjutan untuk menampilkan lampiran yang terhubung dengan catatan Anda. Harap berhati-hati saat menghapus salah satunya karena mereka tidak dapat dipulihkan setelahnya.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Catatan ini tidak memiliki informasi gelokasi.","This note has been modified:":"Catatan ini telah diubah:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Catatan ini tidak memiliki konten. Klik \\"%s\\" untuk beralih ke editor dan mengedit catatan.","This note has no history":"Catatan ini tidak memiliki riwayat","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Editor Rich Text ini punya beberapa keterbatasan dan Anda dianjurkan untuk tahu keterbatasannya sebelum menggunakan editor ini.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Layanan ini memungkinkan ekstensi peramban web untuk berkomunikasi dengan Joplin. Saat mengaktifkannya, mungkin firewall Anda akan meminta Anda untuk memberi izin kepada Joplin untuk mendengarkan port tertentu.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Ini akan memungkinkan Joplin berjalan di latar belakang. Disarankan untuk mengaktifkan pengaturan ini agar catatan Anda terus disinkronkan, sehingga mengurangi jumlah konflik.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Ini akan membuka layar baru. Simpan perubahan Anda saat ini?","Time format":"Format waktu","title":"judul","Title":"Judul","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Untuk memungkinkan Joplin menyinkronkan dengan Dropbox, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Untuk menghapus sebuah label, hapus label dari catatan terkait.","To delete: %d":"Untuk dihapus: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Untuk masuk mode CLI, tekan \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Untuk keluar dari mode CLI, tekan ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Untuk mengurutkan catatan secara manual, tata pengurutan harus diganti menjadi \\"%s\\" dalam menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Untuk memperbesar/memperkecil layar konsol, tekan \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Untuk berpindah dari suatu panel ke panel lainnya, tekan Tab atau Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Untuk mencoba kembali dekripsi item ini, jalankan perintah `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Agar dapat bekerja dengan benar, aplikasi ini membutuhkan perizinan berikut. Silakan aktifkan mereka di pengaturan ponsel Anda, di Aplikasi > Joplin > Perizinan","to-do":"tugas","Toggle comment":"Lihat/sembunyikan komentar","Toggle development tools":"Alihkan alat pengembang","Toggle editor layout":"Alihkan tata letak editor","Toggle editors":"Alihkan editor","Toggle external editing":"Ubah pengeditan eksternal","Toggle note list":"Alihkan daftar catatan","Toggle safe mode":"Alihkan ke mode aman","Toggle sidebar":"Alihkan bilah samping","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token telah disalin ke papan klip!","Tools":"Alat","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Try again":"Coba lagi","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Ketik `help [command]` untuk informasi lanjutan tentang sebuah perintah (command); atau ketik `help all` untuk informasi penggunaan secara lengkap.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Ketik `joplin help` untuk informasi penggunaan.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Ketik judul catatan atau bagian di isinya untuk temukan catatan yang dicari. Atau ketik # diikuti dengan nama label, atau @ diikuti dengan nama buku catatan. Atau ketik : untuk mencari perintah.","Type new tags or select from list":"Ketik label baru atau pilih dari daftar","Type: %s.":"Tipe: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Tugas belum selesai diatas","Undo":"Urungkan","Unknown flag: %s":"Tanda tidak diketahui: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Tipe item tidak dikenal diunduh - silakan perbarui Joplin ke versi terbaru","Unpublish note":"Batalkan publikasi catatan","Unshare":"Berhenti berbagi","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Batalkan berbagi buku catatan ini? Penerima tidak akan lagi memiliki akses ke kontennya.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipe gambar tidak didukung: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Tautan atau pesan yang tidak didukung: %s","Untitled":"Tanpa Judul","Update":"Perbarui","Updated":"Diubah","updated date":"tanggal diperbarui","Updated local items: %d.":"Item lokal yang diperbarui: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Item jarak jauh yang diperbarui: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Diubah: %d.","Updated: %s":"Diperbarui: %s","Updating...":"Memperbarui...","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Perbarui target sinkronisasi ke versi terakhir.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Penggunaan: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Gunakan format daftar yang panjang. Formatnya adalah ID, NOTE_COUNT (jumlah catatan) (untuk buku catatan), DATE (tanggal), TODO_CHECKED (tugas selesai) (untuk tugas), TITLE (judul)","Use spell checker":"Gunakan pemeriksa ejaan","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Gunakan tombol tanda panah dan tombol page up/down pada keyboard untuk menggulir daftar dan area teks (termasuk konsol ini).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Gunakan tanda panah untuk memindahkan item tata letak. Tekan \\"Escape\\" untuk keluar.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Gunakan ini untuk membangun kembali indeks pencarian jika ada masalah dengan pencarian. Ini mungkin butuh waktu lama tergantung pada jumlah catatan.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Digunakan untuk sebagian besar teks di editor penurunan harga. Jika tidak ditemukan, font proporsional (lebar variabel) generik digunakan.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Digunakan di mana font lebar tetap diperlukan untuk meletakkan teks dengan jelas (misalnya tabel, kotak centang, kode). Jika tidak ditemukan, font monospace generik (lebar tetap) digunakan.","View":"Lihat","View on map":"Lihat di peta","View them now":"Lihat sekarang","Viewer":"Viewer","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Peringatan","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Peringatan: tidak semua sumber daya ditampilkan karena alasan performa (batas: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Kata sandi WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nama pengguna WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Situs web dan dokumentasi","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Selamat datang di Joplin!\\n\\nKetik `:help shortcuts` untuk menampilkan pintasan keyboard, atau hanya `:help` untuk menampilkan informasi penggunaan.\\n\\nContoh, untuk membuat buku catatan tekan `mb`; untuk membuat catatan tekan `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Ketika membuat catatan baru:","When creating a new to-do:":"Ketika membuat tugas baru:","Words":"Kata","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"ya","Yes":"Ya","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Anda akan melampirkan gambar besar (%dx%d piksel). Apakah Anda ingin mengubah ukurannya hingga %d piksel sebelum melampirkannya?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Saat ini tidak ada buku catatan.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Anda tidak punya plugin yang dipasang.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Anda juga dapat mengetik `status` untuk informasi lebih lanjut.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Anda dapat menggunakan alat di bawah ini untuk mengenkripsi ulang data, misalnya jika Anda tahu bahwa beberapa catatan Anda dienkripsi dengan metode enkripsi yang telah usang.","Your choice: ":"Pilihan Anda: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Data Anda akan dienkripsi ulang dan disinkronkan lagi.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Membutuhkan perizinan untuk penggunaan kamera.","Your version: %s":"Versi Anda: %s","Zoom In":"Perbesar","Zoom Out":"Perkecil"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"A \\"% s\\" manca la proprietà \\"% s\\" richiesta.","%d days":"%d giorni","%d hour":"%d ora","%d hours":"%d ore","%d minutes":"%d minuti","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d note corrispondono. Eliminarle?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) non può essere caricato: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) vuole condividere un taccuino con te.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-rilascio)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copia","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d note","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Modifica","&File":"&File","&Go":"&Vai","&Help":"&Aiuto","&Note":"&Note","&Tools":"&Strumenti","&View":"&Vista","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Fotocamera: per consentire di scattare una foto e allegarla a una nota.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Posizione: per consentire il collegamento di informazioni sulla posizione geografica ad una nota.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Archiviazione: per consentire il collegamento di file alle note e per abilitare la sincronizzazione del filesystem."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" può essere \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" per assegnare o rimuovere [tag] da [note], per mostrare le note associate a [tag], oppure mostrare i tag associati a [note]. Il comando `tag list` può essere usato per mostrare tutte le etichette (usa -l per l\'opzione lunga)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" può essere \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Usa \\"toggle\\" per modificare lo stato di un\'attività in completato/non completato (se viene utilizzato su una nota la nota verrà convertita in un\'attività). Usa \\"clear\\" convertire le attività in normali note.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Informazione su Joplin","accelerator":"accelerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"L\'accelerator \\"%s\\" non è valido.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Accelerator \\"%s\\" è utilizzato per i comandi \\"%s\\" e \\"%s\\". Questo potrebbe portare a comportamenti inaspettati.","Accept":"Accetta","Action":"Azione","Active":"Attivo","Actual Size":"Dimensione attuale","Add body":"Aggiungi corpo","Add or remove tags:":"Aggiungi o rimuovi etichetta:","Add recipient:":"Aggiungi destinatario:","Add title":"Aggiungi titolo","Add to dictionary":"Aggiungi al dizionario","Advanced options":"Opzioni avanzate","Advanced tools":"Strumenti avanzati","All notes":"Tutte le note","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Tutte le potenziali porte sono in uso - per favore riportare il problema a %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Mostra anche le variabili di configurazione non impostate o nascoste.","Always":"Sempre","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"È disponibile un aggiornamento, vuoi scaricarlo ora?","Appearance":"Aspetto","Application":"Applicazione","Apply":"Applica","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Sei sicuro di voler rinnovare il token di autorizzazione?","Arguments:":"Argomenti:","Aritim Dark":"Scuro Aritim","Attach file":"Allega file","Attach photo":"Allega foto","Attach...":"Allega...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Allega il seguente file alla nota.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflitto tra gli allegati: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Comportamento scaricamento allegati","Attachments":"Allegati","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Allegati che non possono essere scaricati","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Attenzione: se si cambia questa posizione, accertarsi di copiare tutto il contenuto prima di sincronizzare, altrimenti tutti i file saranno rimossi! Vedi le FAQ per maggiori dettagli: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autenticazione non completata (non è stato ricevuto alcun token di autenticazione).","Authorisation token:":"Token autorizzativo:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Auto- accoppia parentesi graffe, parentesi, citazione, ecc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Usa il tema di sistema","Automatically update the application":"Aggiorna automaticamente l\'applicazione","Back":"Indietro","Bold":"Grassetto","Browse all plugins":"Sfoglia tutti i plugins","Browse...":"Naviga...","Bulleted List":"Elenco puntato","Cancel":"Annulla","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Annullamento della sincronizzazione in background... Attendere per favore.","Cancelling...":"Annullamento...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Annullamento... Attendere per favore.","Cannot access %s":"Non è possibile accedere a %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Impossibile modificare l\'elemento criptato","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Non posso copiare la nota nel Taccuino \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Impossibile trovare \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Non è possibile inizializzare la sincronizzazione.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Impossibile caricare il modulo \\"%s\\" per il formato \\"%s\\" e per l\'output \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Impossibile caricare il modulo \\"%s\\" per il formato \\"%s\\" e per il target \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Non posso spostare la nota nel Taccuino \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Impossibile spostare il Taccuino in questa posizione","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Non è possibile aggiornare il token. mancano i dati di autenticazione. Ricominciare la sincronizzazione da capo potrebbe risolvere il problema.","Change application layout":"Modifica il layout dell\'applicazione","Change language":"Cambia lingua","Characters":"Caratteri","Characters excluding spaces":"Caratteri esclusi spazi","Check for updates...":"Controlla aggiornamenti...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Controlla la configurazione della sincronizzazione","Checkbox":"Casella di controllo","Checkbox list":"Lista di caselle di spunta","Checking... Please wait.":"Controllo... Attendere per favore.","Choose an option":"Scegli un\'opzione","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Pulisci","Clear alarm":"Rimuovi avviso","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Clicca \\"%s\\" per ripristinare la nota. Verrà copiata nel taccuino denominato \\"%s\\". La versione corrente della nota non verrà sostituita o modificata.","Click to add tags...":"Clicca per aggiungere etichetta...","Client ID: %s":"ID del Client: %s","Close":"Chiudi","Close Window":"Chiudi finestra","Code":"Codice","Code Block":"Blocco di codice","Code View":"Codice","Coming alarms":"Prossimi avvisi","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Elenco separato da virgole di percorsi alle cartelle per caricare i certificati o percorso dei singoli file cert. Ad esempio: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Notare che se si apportano modifiche alle impostazioni TLS, è necessario salvare le modifiche prima di fare clic su \\"Verifica configurazione sincronizzazione\\".","command":"comando","Command":"Comando","Command palette":"Comandi","Completed":"Completato","Completed decryption.":"Decrittografia completata.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Completato: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Configurazione","Confirm password cannot be empty":"La password di conferma non può essere vuota","Confirm password:":"Conferma password:","Confirmation":"Conferma","Conflicted: %d":"Conflitti: %d","Conflicts":"Conflitti","Convert to note":"Converti in nota","Convert to todo":"Converti in Todo","Copy":"Copia","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copia il comando della modalità sviluppatore negli appunti","Copy Link Address":"Copia l\'indirizzo del link","Copy Markdown link":"Copia il link Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copia il percorso negli appunti","Copy Shareable Link":"Copia link condivisibile","Copy token":"Copia token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Non è stato possibile autorizzare l\'applicazione:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nRiprovare per favore.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Non è stato possibile connettersi al Joplin Server. Per favore controllare le opzioni di sincronizzazione nella relativa schermata di configurazione. Errore completo era:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Impossibile esportare le note: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Non è possibile installare il plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Non è possibile aggiornare la chiave master: %s","Create a notebook":"Crea un Taccuino","Created":"Creato","created date":"data di creazione","Created local items: %d.":"Elementi locali creati: %d.","Created locally":"Creato localmente","Created remote items: %d.":"Elementi remoti creati: %d.","Created: %d.":"Creato: %d.","Created: %s":"Creato: %s","Creates a new note.":"Crea una nuova nota.","Creates a new notebook.":"Crea un nuovo Taccuino.","Creates a new to-do.":"Crea una nuovo \\"Cose-da-fare\\".","Creating new %s...":"Creare nuovo %s...","Creating report...":"Creazione report...","Current version is up-to-date.":"La versione attuale è aggiornata.","custom order":"ordine personalizzato","Custom order":"Ordine personalizzato","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"CSS per gli stili Joplin-wide app","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Foglio di stile personalizzato per visualizzare il markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificati TLS personalizzati","Cut":"Taglia","Dark":"Scuro","Database v%s":"Database v%s","Date format":"Formato della data","days":"giorni","Decrypted items: %d":"Elementi decriptati: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Elementi decriptati: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Decrittografia elementi: %d/%d","Default":"Predefinito","Default: %s":"Predefinito: %s","Delete":"Elimina","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminare allegato \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Elimina riga","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Elimina i dati locali e riscaricali dalla destinazione di sincronizzazione","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminare la nota \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Eliminare la nota?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Eliminare taccuino \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAnche tutte le note e cartelle di questo taccuino saranno eliminati.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Eliminare taccuino? Anche tutte le note e cartelle di questo taccuino saranno eliminate.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminare il plugin \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Eliminare queste %d note?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Cancellare questo invito? Il destinatario non avrà più accesso a questo taccuino condiviso.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Elementi locali eliminati: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Elementi remoti eliminati: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Elimina il seguente Taccuino.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina il Taccuino senza richiedere una conferma.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Elimina le note che corrispondono a .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina le note senza chiedere conferma.","Destination format: %s":"Formato di destinazione: %s","Directory":"Cartella","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Cartella da sincronizzare con (percorso assoluto)","Disable encryption":"Disattiva Crittografia","Disable safe mode and restart":"Disabilita modalità sicura e riavvia","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Disattiva servizio Web Clipper","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Disabilitare la crittografia significa *tutti* i tuoi appunti e gli allegati saranno risincronizzati e inviati in chiaro alla destinazione di sincronizzazione. Vuoi continuare?","Discard changes":"Ignora modifiche","Dismiss":"Non visualizzare più","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Mostra l\'URL di geolocalizzazione per la nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Mostra solo le prima note.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Mostra solo gli elementi del tipo specificato. Possono essere `n` per le note, `t` per le \\"Cose-da-fare\\" o `nt` per note e \\"Cose-da-fare\\". (es. `-tt` mostrerà solo le \\"Cose-da-fare\\", mentre `-tnt` mostrerà sia note che \\"Cose-da-fare\\".","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Mostra un sommario delle note e dei taccuini.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Mostra le informazioni complete sulla nota.","Displays the given note.":"Mostra la seguente nota.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Mostra le Note nel seguente Taccuino. Usa `ls /` per mostrare la lista dei Taccuini.","Displays usage information.":"Mostra le informazioni di utilizzo.","Displays version information":"Mostra le informazioni sulla versione","Do it now":"Fallo subito","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Non chiedere conferma.","Download":"Scarica","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Scarica e installa l\'estensione adatta per il tuo browser:","Downloaded":"Scaricato","Downloaded and decrypted":"Scaricato e decrittato","Downloaded and encrypted":"Scaricato e criptato","Downloading":"Scaricamento","Downloading resources...":"Scaricamento risorse...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Trascina qui note o file","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Login Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplicare","Duplicate line":"Duplica riga","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica le note che corrispondono a nel [notebook]. Se nessun Taccuino è specificato, la nota viene duplicata nel Taccuino corrente.","Edit":"Modifica","Edit in external editor":"Modifica in un editor esterno","Edit note.":"Modifica nota.","Edit notebook":"Modifica Taccuino","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Editor caratteri","Editor font family":"Editor famiglia caratteri","Editor font size":"Editor dimensione caratteri","Editor monospace font family":"Editor con carattere a larghezza fissa","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Sia \\"testo\\" che \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"testo sottolineato","Enable":"Abilitato","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Attiva sintassi ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Attiva sintassi ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Attiva sintassi ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Abilita abbreviazioni","Enable audio player":"Abilita riproduttore audio","Enable deflist syntax":"Abilita sintassi deflist","Enable encryption":"Attiva Crittografia","Enable footnotes":"Attiva note a piè pagina","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Attiva supporto sintassi Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Abilita Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Abilita emoji markdown","Enable math expressions":"Attiva espressioni matematiche","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Attiva supporto diagrammi Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Abilita estensione tavola dei contenuti","Enable note history":"Attiva cronologia della nota","Enable PDF viewer":"Abilita visualizzatore PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Abilita interruzioni soft","Enable table of contents extension":"Abilita l\'estensione indice","Enable typographer support":"Attiva supporto tipografico","Enable video player":"Abilita riproduttore video","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Abilita servizio Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Attiva sintassi ~sub~","Enabled":"Attivato","Encrypted":"Crittografato","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Gli elementi crittografati non possono essere modificati","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"I Taccuini crittografati non possono essere rinominati","Encryption":"Crittografia","Encryption Config":"Configurazione Crittografia","Encryption is: %s":"La crittografia è: %s","Enter code here":"Inserisci qui il codice","Enter master password:":"Inserisci password principale:","Enter notebook title":"Inserisci titolo del Taccuino","Enum":"Enumerare","Error":"Errore","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Errore durante l\'apertura della nota nell\'editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Errore. Per favore controllare che URL, nome utente, password, etc. siano corretti e che la destinazione di sincronizzazione sia accessibile. L\'errore riportato era:","Error: %s":"Errore %s","Errors only":"Solo gli errori","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Esporta files di Evernote (come HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Esporta files di Evernote (come Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Esci dall\'applicazione.","Export":"Esporta","Export all":"Esporta tutto","Export debug report":"Esporta il report di debug","Export Debug Report":"Esporta il Report di Debug","Export profile":"Esporta profilo","Exporting profile...":"Esportazione profilo...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Esportazione da \\"%s\\" in formato \\"%s\\". Per favore attendere...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Esporta i dati da Joplin nella cartella selezionata. Come impostazione predefinita verrà esportato il database completo, inclusi i taccuini, note, etichette e risorse.","Exports only the given note.":"Esporta solo la seguente nota.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Esporta solo il seguente Taccuino.","Fail-safe":"Fail-safe","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Fail-safe: Non rimuovere i dati locale quando la destinazione di sinc è vuota (spesso il risultato di una mal configurazione o di un bug)","Fatal error:":"Errore fatale:","Feature flags":"Flag di funzionalità","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Elementi recuperati: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Recupero risorse: %d/%d","File":"File","File system":"File system","Firefox Extension":"Estensione Firefox","Fix search index":"Correggi indice di ricerca","Fixing search index...":"Correzione indice di ricerca...","Focus":"Focus","Focus body":"Focus sul testo","Focus title":"Focus sul titolo","Folders":"Cartelle","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Solo per scopo di debugging: esporta il tuo profilo su una scheda SD esterna.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Per informazioni su come personalizzare le scorciatoie si prega di visitare %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Per ulteriori informazioni sulla crittografia end-to-end (E2EE) e consigli su come abilitarlo, consultare la documentazione:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Per l\'elenco delle scorciatoie da tastiera e delle opzioni di configurazione, digita `help keymap`","Forward":"Invia","Found: %d.":"Trovato: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS attivato: %d","Full changelog":"Changelog completo","General":"Generale","Generating link...":"Generazione link...","Get it now:":"Scaricalo subito:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Ottieni pre-rilasci durante controllo aggiornamenti","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Ricevi o imposta un valore di configurazione. se [value] non è impostato, verrà mostrato il valore del [name]. Se sia [name] che [valore] sono impostati, verrà mostrata la configurazione corrente.","Go to source URL":"Vai all\'URL","Goto Anything...":"Cerca ovunque...","Grant authorisation":"Concedi autorizzazione","Heading":"Intestazione","Help":"Aiuto","Hide %s":"Nascondi %s","Hide Joplin":"Nascondi Joplin","Highlight":"Evidenzia","Horizontal Rule":"Riga orizzontale","HTML Directory":"Cartella HTML","HTML File":"File HTML","Hyperlink":"Collegamento ipertestuale","Icon":"Icona","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inattivo","Ignore":"Ignora","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignora gli errori del certificato TLS","Import":"Importa","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importazione da \\"%s\\" come formato \\"%s\\". Si prega di attendere...","Importing notes...":"Importazione delle note...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa i dati in Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"In modalità \\"Manuale\\", gli allegati sono scaricati solo quando si clicca su di essi. In \\"Auto\\" sono scaricati quando si apre la nota. In \\"Sempre\\" tutti gli allegati sono scaricati sia che si apra o no la nota.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"In ciascun comando, si deve necessariamente definire una Nota o un Taccuino usando un titolo, un ID o usando le scorciatoie `$n` or `$b` per , rispettivamente, la nota o il Taccuino selezionato `$c` può essere usato per fare riferimento all\'elemento selezionato.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Per associare una geolocalizzazione alla nota, l\'applicazione ha bisogno del permesso per accedere alla posizione.\\n\\nPuoi cambiare questa impostazione nel menu Configurazione.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Per farlo, il tuo intero data set deve essere criptato e sincronizzato, quindi è consigliabile lasciarlo fare di notte.\\n\\nPer iniziare, segui queste indicazioni:\\n\\n1. Sincronizza tutti i tuoi dispositivi.\\n2. Clicca \\"%s\\".\\n3. Aspetta che l\'operazione venga completata. Per evitare conflitti, evita di modificare le note durante questo lasso di tempo.\\n4. Una volta che questo dispositivo è stato sincronizzato, sincronizza tutti i dispositivi rimanenti e aspetta che finisca.\\n\\nImportante: questa operazione va eseguita SOLO UNA VOLTA in UN dispositivo.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Per usare la sincronizzazione del file system è necessario il tuo permesso di scrittura sulla memoria esterna.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Per utilizzare il web clipper, devi fare quanto segue:","In progress":"In corso","In: %s":"In: %s","Indent less":"Meno rientro","Indent more":"Più rientro","Information":"Informazioni","Inline Code":"Codice inline","Insert":"Inserisci","Insert Date Time":"Inserisci data e ora","Insert Hyperlink":"Inserire collegamento ipertestuale","Install":"Installa","Install from file":"Installa da file","Installed":"Installato","Installing...":"Installazione...","Invalid":"Non valido","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s non valido: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Risposta non valida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Comando non valido: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Opzione non valida: \\"%s\\". I valori possibili sono: %s.","Italic":"Corsivo","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Elemento \\"%s\\" non può essere scaricato: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elementi che non possono essere decriptati","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elementi che non possono essere sincronizzati","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"E-mail Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Password Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Cartella di esportazione di Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Esporta file di Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin ha fallito la decriptazione di questi elementi più volte, forse perché sono corrotti o troppo grandi. Questi elementi rimarranno sul dispositivo, ma Joplin non proverà più a decriptarli.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server email":"Email Server Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Password Joplin Server","Joplin Server URL":"URL Joplin Server","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper consente di salvare pagine Web e schermate dal tuo browser in a Joplin.","Joplin website":"Sito web Joplin","Keep note history for":"Mantieni la cronologia note per","Keyboard Mode":"Modalità Tastiera","Keyboard Shortcut":"Scorciatoie da tastiera","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Scorciatoie da tastiera","Keychain Supported: %s":"Portachiavi supportato: %s","Landscape":"Orizzontale","Language":"Lingua","Last error: %s":"Ultimo errore: %s","Later":"Dopo","Layout":"Disposizione","Layout button sequence":"Layout della sequenza tasti","Legal":"Legale","Letter":"Lettera","Light":"Chiaro","Lines":"Linee","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Il link è stato copiato negli appunti!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Collegamenti con protocollo \\"%s\\" non sono supportati","List item":"Elemento della lista","Location":"Posizione","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Trovato un file di blocco. Se si è certi che non è in corso alcuna sincronizzazione, è possibile eliminare il file di blocco in \\"%s\\" e riprendere l\'operazione.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Login Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Accedi a OneDrive","Make a donation":"Fai una donazione","Manage your plugins":"Gestisci plugins","Manual":"Manuale","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Segna un \\"Cose-da-fare\\" come completato.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marca un \\"Cose-da-fare\\" come non completata.","Markup":"Marcatura","Master Key %s":"Chiave Master %s","Max concurrent connections":"Massimo numero di connessioni concorrenti","Missing Master Keys":"Chiave master mancante","Missing required argument: %s":"Argomento richiesto mancante: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Sincronizzazione automatica con dati mobili disattivata","More info":"Maggiori informazioni","More information":"Maggiori informazioni","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Più di un elemento corrisponde a \\"%s\\". Per favore restringi la ricerca.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Spostare le note %d sul Taccuino \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Sposta sul taccuino","Move to notebook...":"Sposta sul Taccuino...","Move to notebook:":"Sposta sul taccuino:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Sposta le note che corrispondono a in [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nuova nota","New notebook":"Nuovo taccuino","New Notebook":"Nuovo taccuino","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Il nuovo Taccuino \\"%s\\" verrà creato e \\"%s\\" verrà importato","New sub-notebook":"Nuovo sotto-taccuino","New tags:":"Nuovi tag:","New to-do":"Nuovo \\"Cose-da-fare\\"","New version: %s":"Nuova versione: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Password Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nome Utente Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL Nextcloud WebDAV","no":"no","No":"No","No active notebook.":"Nessun Taccuino attivo.","No item with ID %s":"Nessun elemento con ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nessun taccuino è stato specificato.","No notebook selected.":"Nessun taccuino selezionato.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Non è presente nessuna nota. Creane una cliccando \\"Nuova nota\\".","No resources!":"Nessuna risorsa!","No results":"Nessun risultato","No such command: %s":"Nessun comando: %s","No suggestions":"Nessun suggerimento","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Non è definito nessun editor di testo. Per favore impostalo usando `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Non autenticato con %s. Si prega di fornire le credenziali mancanti.","Not downloaded":"Non scaricato","note":"nota","Note":"Nota","Note area growth factor":"Fattore di crescita dell\'area note","Note attachments":"Allegati","Note attachments...":"Allegati...","Note body":"Corpo della nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Non esiste la nota: \\"%s\\". Desideri crearla?","Note has been saved.":"La nota è stata salvata.","Note History":"Cronologia nota","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"La nota non è un \\"Cose-da-fare\\": \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Lista della nota","Note list growth factor":"Fattore di crescita della lista note","Note properties":"Proprietà della nota","Note title":"Titolo della nota","Note&book":"Taccuino","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Nota: non funziona in tutti gli ambienti desktop.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Nota: Quando una nota è condivisa, non sarà più criptata nel server.","Notebook list growth factor":"Fattore di crescita del taccuino","Notebook title:":"Titolo del taccuino:","Notebook: %s":"Taccuini: %s","Notebooks":"Taccuini","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"I blocchi non possono essere chiamati \\"%s\\". È un titolo riservato.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Le note e le impostazioni sono memorizzate in: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Le note possono essere create all\'interno del Taccuino.","Numbered List":"Elenco numerato","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"Scuro OLED","On %s: %s":"Su %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Una delle tue chiavi master usano un metodo di crittografia obsoleto.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Uno o più elementi sono attualmente crittografati e potrebbe essere necessario fornire una password principale. Per fare ciò, digitare `e2ee decrypt`. Se hai già fornito la password, gli elementi crittografati vengono decifrati in background e saranno presto disponibile.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Una o più chiavi master necessitano di una password.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Login OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Solo una nota alla volta può essere stampata.","Open":"Apri","Open %s":"Aprire %s","Open profile directory":"Apri cartella modelli","Open...":"Apri...","Operation cancelled":"Operazione annullata","Options":"Opzioni","Output format: %s":"Formato di esportazione: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientamento pagina per l\'esportazione in PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Dimensione pagina per l\'esportazione in PDF","Password":"Password","Password cannot be empty":"La password non può essere vuota","Password:":"Password:","Passwords do not match!":"Le password non combaciano!","Paste":"Incolla","Path:":"Percorso:","PDF File":"PDF File","Permission needed":"Permesso richiesto","Permission to use camera":"Permesso per usare la fotocamera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Per favore conferma di voler criptare nuovamente il tuo database per intero.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Per favore inserisci la tua password nella chiave master qui sotto prima di aggiornare la chiave.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Per favore apri il seguente URL nel tuo browser per autenticare l\'applicazione. L\'applicazione creerà una cartella in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" e leggerà/scriverà file solo in questa cartella. Non avrà accesso a nessun file all\'esterno di questa cartella o ad alcun dato personale. Nessun dato verrà condiviso con terze parti.","Please select a notebook first.":"Per favore prima seleziona un Taccuino.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Per favore seleziona la nota o il taccuino da eliminare.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Per favore selezionare dove lo stato della sincronizzazione deve essere esportato","Please specify import format for %s":"Si prega di specificare il formato di importazione per %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Si prega di specificare il Taccuino in cui importare le note.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Aggiorna Joplin per utilizzare questo plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Attendi che tutti gli allegati vengano scaricati e decrittografati. Puoi anche passare a %s per modificare la nota.","Please wait...":"Attendere per favore....","Plugin tools":"Strumenti plugin","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Verticale","Possible keys/values:":"Chiave/valore possibili:","Possible values: %s.":"Valori possibili: %s.","Preferences":"Preferenze","Preferences...":"Preferenze...","Preferred dark theme":"Preferisci il tema scuro","Preferred light theme":"Preferisci il tema chiaro","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Premi Ctrl+D o digita \\"exit\\" per uscire dall\'applicazione","Press the shortcut":"Premi il tasto da associare alla scorciatoia","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Premi il collegamento e poi premi INVIO oppure premi BACKSPACE per eliminare il collegamento.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Premi qui per impostare la password di decrittografia.","Previous versions of this note":"Versione precedente di questa nota","Print":"Stampa","Privacy Policy":"Politica sulla Privacy","Profile Version: %s":"Profilo versione: %s","Properties":"Proprietà","Quit":"Esci","Re-encrypt data":"Cripta nuovamente i dati","Re-encryption":"Cripta nuovamente","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Ricarica i dati locali sulla destinazione di sincronizzazione","Read more about it":"Per saperne di più","Read time: %s min":"Tempo di lettura: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Il destinatario ha accettato l\'invito","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Il destinatario non ha ancora accettato l\'invito","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Il destinatario ha rifiutato l\'invito","Recipients:":"Destinatari:","Redo":"Ripristina","Refresh":"Aggiorna","Reject":"Rifiuta","Remove":"Rimuovi","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Rimuovere l\'etichetta \\"%s\\" da tutte le note?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Rimuovere questa ricerca dalla barra laterale?","Rename":"Rinomina","Rename notebook:":"Rinomina il taccuino:","Rename tag:":"Rinomina etichetta:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Rinomina (Nota o Taccuino) in .","Renew token":"Rinnova token","Resources: %d.":"Risorse: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Aggiorna e riavvia","Restart now":"Riavvia ora","Restore":"Ripristina","Restored Notes":"Ripristina note","Retry":"Riprova","Retry All":"Riprova tutti","Reveal file in folder":"Visualizza file nella cartella","Reverse sort order":"Inverti l\'ordine","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverti l\'ordine.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisione: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Esegue comandi contenuti in un file di testo. Un comando per riga.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"La modalità sicura è attiva. La renderizzazione delle note e tutti i plugin sono temporaneamente disattivati.","Save":"Salva","Save alarm":"Salva avviso","Save as...":"Salva come...","Save changes":"Salva i cambiamenti","Save geo-location with notes":"Salva geolocalizzazione con le note","Search":"Cerca","Search for plugins...":"Cerca plugins...","Search in all the notes":"Cerca in tutte le note","Search in current note":"Cerca nella nota corrente","Search...":"Cerca...","Search:":"Cerca:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Cerca in tutte le note.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Vedi la pagina di pre-rilascio per maggiori dettagli: %s","Select all":"Seleziona tutto","Server is already running on port %d":"Il server è già in esecuzione sulla porta %d","Server is not running.":"Il server non è in esecuzione.","Server is running on port %d":"Il server è in esecuzione sulla porta %d","Set alarm":"Imposta avviso","Set alarm:":"Imposta avviso:","Set the password":"Imposta la password","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Imposta la proprietà della data al [value] specificato. Le possibili proprietà sono:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Condividi","Share Notebook":"Condividi Taccuino","Share notebook...":"Condividi taccuino...","Sharing notebook...":"Condividendo taccuino...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Le scorciatoie non sono disponibili nella modalità CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Mostra opzioni avanzate","Show all":"Mostra tutto","Show completed to-dos":"Mostra le \\"Cose-da-fare\\" completate","Show note counts":"Visualizza conteggio note","Show tray icon":"Visualizza nella barra delle applicazioni","Sidebar":"Barra laterale","Size":"Dimensione","Skip this version":"Salta questa versione","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Elementi saltati: %d (utilizza --retry-failed-items per riprovare a decrittografarli)","Skipped: %d.":"Saltato: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Scuro Solarizzato","Solarised Light":"Chiaro solarizzato","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Alcuni elementi non possono essere decodificati.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Alcuni elementi non possono essere sincronizzati.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Alcuni elementi non possono essere sincronizzati. Premi per maggiori informazioni.","Sort notebooks by":"Ordina i taccuini per","Sort notes by":"Ordina le note per","Sort selected lines":"Ordina alfabeticamente le righe selezionate","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ordina per (es. titolo, ultimo aggiornamento, creazione).","Source format: %s":"Formato sorgente: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Specifica la porta che deve essere usata dal server API. Se non viene settato, viene usato un valore di default.","Spell checker":"Controllo ortografico","Split View":"Split View","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Avvia applicazione minimizzata nella barra delle applicazioni","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Avvia, ferma o controlla il server API. Per specificare su quale porta deve essere eseguito, setta la variabile api.config. I comandi sono (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Avvio decrittazione... Attendere per favore, ci potrebbero volere diversi minuti per la decriptazione.","Starting synchronisation...":"Inizio sincronizzazione...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Comincia a modificare la nota. Chiudi l\'editor per tornare al prompt.","Statistics":"Statistiche","Statistics...":"Statistiche...","Status":"Stato","Status: %s":"Stato: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Stato: avviato sulla porta %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Passaggio 1: abilitare il servizio clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Passaggio 1: apri questa URL nel tuo browser per autorizzare l\'applicazione:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Passaggio 2: inserisci il codice fornito da Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Passaggio 2: installare l\'estensione","Stop":"Stop","Stop external editing":"Interrompi modifiche esterne","Strikethrough":"Barrato","strong text":"testo in grassetto","Submit":"Invio","Subscript":"Pedice","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Successo! La configurazione della sincronizzazione sembra essere corretta.","Superscript":"Apice","Swap line down":"Sposta la riga sotto","Swap line up":"Sposta la riga sopra","Switch between note and to-do type":"Converti nota in \\"Cose-da-fare\\" e viceversa","Switch to note type":"Converti in nota","Switch to to-do type":"Converti in \\"Cose-da-fare\\"","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Passa tra [notebook] - tutte le ulteriori operazioni interesseranno il seguente Taccuino.","Sync Status":"Stato sincronizzazione","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Stato di sincronizzazione (elementi sincronizzati / elementi totali)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"La destinazione di sincronizzazione deve essere aggiornata! Avvia `%s` per procedere.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Aggiorna la destinazione di sincronizzazione","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizza con l\'obiettivo fornito (come predefinito il valore di configurazione","Sync Version: %s":"Sinc. versione: %s","Synchronisation":"Sincronizzazione","Synchronisation interval":"Intervallo di sincronizzazione","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"La sincronizzazione è già in corso.","Synchronisation Status":"Stato della sincronizzazione","Synchronisation target":"Destinazione di sincronizzazione","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Posizione di sincronizzazione: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizza","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sincronizza solo con la connessione WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincronizza con l\'archivio remoto.","Synchronising...":"Sincronizzazione...","Synchronizing...":"Sincronizzazione...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Etichettato: %d.","Tags":"Etichette","Take photo":"Scatta foto","Text editor command":"Comando editor di testo","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Ora l\'applicazione si chiuderà. Per favore riavviala per completare il processo.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"L\'applicazione è stata autorizzata - puoi chiudere questo tab del tuo browser.","The application has been authorised!":"L\'applicazione è stata autorizzata con successo!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"L\'applicazione è stata autorizzata con successo.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"L\'applicazione deve essere riavviata affinché le modifiche siano attive.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Gli allegati non verranno più monitorati quando passerai ad una nota differente.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Il comando \\"%s\\" è disponibile solo nella modalità grafica","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"La password d\'amministratore predefinita non è sicura e non è stata modificata! [Modificala ora](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Il metodo standard di criptazione è stato cambiato con uno più sicuro ed è consigliabile che tu lo applichi ai tuoi dati.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Il metodo di criptazione predefinito è stato cambiato, dovresti criptare nuovamente i tuoi dati.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Il comando editor (può includere argomenti) che verrà utilizzato per aprire una nota. Se non ne viene fornita alcuna, cercherà di rilevare automaticamente l\'editor predefinito.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Il fattore di crescita indica la crescita o il restringersi di un oggetto rispetto agli altri oggetti per adattarsi allo spazio disponibile nel contenitore. Un oggetto con un fattore 2 occuperà il doppio dello spazio rispetto ad un elemento con un fattore di 1. Riavvia il programma per vedere le modifiche.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"I seguenti allegati sono monitorati per eventuali modifiche:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"L\'app mobile Joplin attualmente non supporta questo tipo di collegamento: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"La chiave master è stata aggiornata con successo!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Le chiavi principali con questi ID vengono utilizzate per crittografare alcuni dei tuoi articoli, tuttavia l\'applicazione al momento non ha accesso ad essi. È probabile che verranno scaricati tramite la sincronizzazione.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"La nota \\"%s\\" è stata ripristinata con successo nel taccuino \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Il Taccuino non può essere salvato: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Le note sono state importate: %s","The possible commands are:":"I possibili comandi sono:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"La destinazione di sincronizzazione deve essere aggiornata prima che Joplin possa eseguire la sincronizzazione. L\'operazione può richiedere alcuni minuti ed è necessario riavviare l\'app. Per procedere clicca sul link.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Il tag \\"%s\\" esiste già. Scegliere un nome differente.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Ogni target di sincronizzazione può avere parametri aggiuntivi denominati come `sync.NUM.NAME` (tutti documentati di seguito).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Il Web Clipper ha bisogno della tua autorizzazione per accedere ai tuoi dati.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Il servizio Web clipper è abilitato e impostato per l\'avvio automatico.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Il servizio web clipper non è abilitato.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Al momento non ci sono note. Creane una cliccando sul bottone (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Al momento non ci sono Taccuini. Creane uno facendo clic su \\"Nuovo Taccuino\\".","There is no data to export.":"Non ci sono dati da esportare.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Si è verificato un [conflitto](%s) nel seguente allegato.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Errore nello scaricamento di questo allegato:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Questi elementi rimarranno sul dispositivo ma non verranno caricati nella destinazione di sincronizzazione. Per trovare questi elementi, cercare il titolo o l\'ID (che viene visualizzato tra parentesi qui sopra).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Questi plugin migliorano il render Markdown aggiungendo funzionalità. Per favore nota che anche se sono utili non seguono lo standard Markdown e quindi la maggior parte di loro funzionerà solo con Joplin. Inoltre alcuni di essi sono *incompatibili* con l\'editor WYSIWYG. Se apri una nota che utilizza questi plugin nell\'editor WYSIWYG, perderai la formattazione dei plugin. Qui sotto trovi indicato quali plugin sono compatibili o meno con l\'editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Questo allegato non è ancora stato scaricato o decriptato","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Questo allegato non è ancora stato scaricato o decriptato.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Il token autorizzativo è necessario solo per permettere ad applicazioni di terze parti di accedere a Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Questo è uno strumento avanzato che mostra gli allegati delle tue note. Presta attenzione quando ne cancelli uno perché non possono essere recuperati.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Questa nota non ha informazione sulla geolocalizzazione.","This note has been modified:":"Questa note è stata modificata:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Questa nota non ha contenuto. Fai clic su \\"%s\\" per attivare l\'editor e modificare la nota.","This note has no history":"Questa nota non ha cronologia","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Questo editor di testo RTF ha un certo numero di limitazioni e si raccomanda di conoscerle prima di utilizzarlo.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Questo servizio consente all\'estensione del browser di comunicare con Joplin. Quando lo abiliti, il tuo firewall potrebbe chiederti di dare il permesso a Joplin di ascoltare una particolare porta.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Questo consentirà a Joplin di essere in esecuzione in background. È raccomandata l\'attivazione di questa impostazione per sincronizzare costantemente le tue note e quindi ridurre il numero di conflitti.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Questo aprirà una nuova schermata. Salvare le tue modifiche correnti?","Time format":"Formato dell\'orario","title":"titolo","Title":"Titolo","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Per consentire a Joplin di sincronizzarsi con Dropbox, procedi come indicato di seguito:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Per eliminare un\'etichetta, togli l\'etichetta dalle note a cui è associata.","To delete: %d":"Da eliminare: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Per entrare nella modalità command line, premi \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Per uscire dalla modalità command line, premi ESC","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Per ordinare le note con un ordine personalizzato il criterio di ordinamento deve essere impostato in \\"%s\\" nel menù \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Per massimizzare/minimizzare la console, premi \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Per passare da un pannello all\'altro, premi Tab o Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Per riprovare a decriptare questi elementi, esegui `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Per funzionare correttamente, l\'app necessita delle seguenti autorizzazioni. Si prega di abilitarli nelle impostazioni del telefono, in App > Joplin > Autorizzazioni","to-do":"attività","Toggle comment":"Attiva / disattiva commento","Toggle development tools":"Attiva / disattiva strumenti di sviluppo","Toggle editor layout":"Cambia il layout dell\'editor","Toggle editors":"Attiva / disattiva editor","Toggle external editing":"Disattiva l\'editing esterno","Toggle note list":"Attiva lista delle note","Toggle safe mode":"Attiva / disattiva modalità sicura","Toggle sidebar":"Attiva / disattiva barra laterale","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Il token è stato copiato negli appunti!","Tools":"Strumenti","Total: %d/%d":"Totale: %d %d","Try again":"Riprova","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Digita `help [command]` per ottenere maggiori informazioni su un comando; o scrivi `help all` per le informazioni di utilizzo complete.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Scrivi `joplin help` per informazioni sull\'uso.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Scrivi il titolo di una nota o parte del suo contenuto per aprirla. Oppure digita # seguito dal nome di un\'etichetta, oppure @ seguito dal nome di un taccuino. O scrivi : per cercare un comando.","Type new tags or select from list":"Digita nuovi tag o seleziona dalla lista","Type: %s.":"Tipo: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"\\"Cose-da-fare\\" incomplete in cima alla lista","Undo":"Annulla","Unknown flag: %s":"Etichetta sconosciuta: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Elemento scaricato sconosciuto - cortesemente aggiornare Joplin all\'ultima versione","Unpublish note":"Annulla pubblicazione nota","Unshare":"Disattiva condivisione","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Rimuovere la condivisione di questo taccuino? I destinatari non avranno più accesso a questo contenuto.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipo di immagine non supportata: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Link o messaggio non supportato: %s","Untitled":"Senza titolo","Update":"Aggiorna","Updated":"Aggiornato","updated date":"data di aggiornamento","Updated local items: %d.":"Elementi locali aggiornati: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Elementi remoti aggiornati: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Aggiornato: %d.","Updated: %s":"Aggiornato: %s","Updating...":"Aggiornamento...","Upgrade":"Aggiorna","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Aggiorna la destinazione di sincronizzazione all\'ultima versione.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Uso: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Usa un formato lungo di lista. Il formato è ID, NOTE_COUNT (per i blocchi note), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (per le \\"Cose-da-fare\\"), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Usa controllo ortografico","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Usa le frecce e pagina su/giù per scorrere le liste e le aree di testo (compresa questa console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Utilizza le frecce per muovere gli elementi del layout. Premi \\"Esc\\" per uscire.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Usa questo per ricostruire l\'indice di ricerca se c\'è un problema con la ricerca. Potrebbe richiedere molto tempo, dipende dal numero di note.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Utilizzato per la maggior parte del testo degli editor di markdown. Se non trovato, sarà utilizzato un carattere proporzionale (larghezza variabile) generico.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Utilizzato dove un carattere a larghezza fissa è necessario per mostrare il testo in maniera leggibile (ad es. tabelle, caselle di controllo, codice). Se non trovato, sarà utilizzato un carattere monospace (larghezza fissa) generico.","View":"Vedi","View on map":"Guarda sulla mappa","View them now":"Mostrali ora","Viewer":"Visualizzatore","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Attenzione","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Attenzione: non tutte le risorse sono state mostrate per motivi di prestazioni (limite: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Password WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nome Utente WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Sito web e documentazione","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Benvenuto in Joplin!\\n\\nDigita `:help shortcuts` per la lista delle scorciatoie da tastiera, oppure solo `:help` per le informazioni di utilizzo.\\n\\nPer esempio, per creare un taccuino digita `mb`; per creare una nota digita `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Quando si crea una nuova nota:","When creating a new to-do:":"Quando crei un nuovo \\"Cose-da-fare\\":","Words":"Parole","y":"s","Y":"S","yes":"sì","Yes":"Sì","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Stai per allegare un\'immagine di grandi dimensioni (%dx%d pixel). Vuoi scalare l\'immagine a %d pixel prima di allegarla?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Al momento non hai taccuini.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Non hai installato nessun plugin.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Puoi anche scrivere `status` per ulteriori informazioni.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Puoi usare lo strumento qui sotto per criptare nuovamente i tuoi dati, per esempio se sai che qualcuna delle tue note è criptata con un metodo obsoleto.","Your choice: ":"La tua scelta: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"I tuoi dati verranno criptati nuovamente e sincronizzati.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"È richiesto il permesso per usare la fotocamera.","Your version: %s":"La tua versione: %s","Zoom In":"Aumenta zoom","Zoom Out":"Diminuisci zoom"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" は必須の \\"%s\\" プロパティを持っていません。","%d days":"%d 日","%d hour":"%d 時間","%d hours":"%d 時間","%d minutes":"%d 分","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d 個のノートが一致しました。削除しますか?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s)はアップロードできませんでした:%s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) があなたとノートブックを共有したがっています。","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (プレリリース)","%s - Copy":"%s - コピー","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d ノート","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"編集(&E)","&File":"ファイル(&F)","&Go":"移動(&G)","&Help":"ヘルプ(&H)","&Note":"ノート(&N)","&Tools":"ツール(&T)","&View":"表示(&V)","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(なし)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(WYSIWYG対応: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- カメラ: 撮った写真をノートに添付するのに必要です。","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- 位置情報: ノートに位置情報を添付するのに必要です。","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- ストレージ: ノートにファイルを添付するのとファイルシステムの同期に必要です。"," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" は\\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", \\"notetags\\"のいずれかで、それぞれ、[note]に[tag]を追加、[note]から[tag]を削除、[tag]のついたノートを一覧表示 (-lオプションでより多くの情報を表示)、[note]についているタグを一覧表示します。単に`tag list`とした場合はすべてのタグを一覧表示します。"," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"は、\\"toggle\\"または\\"clear\\"を指定できます。\\"toggle\\"を指定すると、指定したToDoの完了済み/未完を反転できます。指定したノートが通常のノートであれば、ToDoに変換されます。\\"clear\\"を指定すると、ToDoを通常のノートに変換できます。","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Joplinについて","accelerator":"ショートカットキー","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"ショートカットキー \\"%s\\" は無効です。","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"ショートカットキー \\"%s\\" は \\"%s\\" コマンドと \\"%s\\" コマンドで使われています。これにより予想外の動作が起こる可能性があります。","Accept":"承諾","Action":"操作","Actions":"操作","Active":"アクティブ","Actual Size":"100%%表示","Add body":"本文を追加","Add or remove tags:":"タグの追加・削除:","Add recipient:":"受信者を追加:","Add title":"題名を追加","Add to dictionary":"辞書に追加","Advanced options":"詳細な設定","Advanced tools":"高度なツール","All notes":"すべてのノート","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"使用候補のポートはすべて利用中です - 問題を %s に報告してください","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"未設定または非表示の設定項目も表示します。","Always":"いつも","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"アップデートがあります。すぐにダウンロードしますか?","Appearance":"スタイル","Application":"アプリケーション","Apply":"適用","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"認証トークンを更新してもよろしいですか?","Arguments:":"引数:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"ファイルを添付する","Attach photo":"写真を添付","Attach...":"添付...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"選択したファイルをノートに添付します。","attachment":"添付ファイル","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"添付ファイルの衝突: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"添付ファイルのダウンロードの動作","Attachments":"添付ファイル","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"ダウンロードできなかった添付ファイル","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"注意: この場所を変更する際は、同期する前に新しい場所にすべての内容をコピーしておきましょう。そうしないとすべてのファイルが削除されていまいます! 詳しくは次のFAQをご覧ください: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"認証は完了していません(認証トークンが得られませんでした)","Authorisation token:":"認証トークン:","Auto":"自動","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"始めの括弧や引用符入力時に終わりの括弧や引用符を自動入力する。","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"システムのテーマにあわせて自動設定","Automatically update the application":"アプリケーションを自動的にアップデート","Back":"戻る","Bold":"太字","Browse all plugins":"プラグイン一覧を参照","Browse...":"参照...","Bulleted List":"箇条書きリスト","Cancel":"キャンセル","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"バックグラウンド同期を中止中… しばらくお待ちください。","Cancelling...":"中止中...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"中止中...お待ちください。","Cannot access %s":"%sにアクセスできません","Cannot change encrypted item":"暗号化したアイテムは変更できません","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"ノートをノートブック \\"%s\\" にコピーできません","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"\\"%s\\"は見つかりませんでした。","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"同期プロセスを初期化できませんでした。","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" モジュール (\\"%s / %s\\" フォーマット用) を読み込めません","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" モジュール (\\"%s / %s\\" フォーマット用) を読み込めません","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"ノートをノートブック \\"%s\\" に移動できません","Cannot move notebook to this location":"ノートをノートブック \\"%s\\" に移動できません","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"トークンの更新ができませんでした。認証データがありません。同期を再度行うことで解決することがあります。","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"%s \\"%s\\" を保存できません。サイズが上限 (%s) を超えるためです","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"%s \\"%s\\" を保存できません。このアカウントに許可された合計サイズの上限 (%s) を超えるためです","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"暗号化されたノートブックはエンドツーエンド暗号化を有効にしていない受信者 %s とは共有できません。エンドツーエンド暗号化は設定画面から有効にできます。","Change application layout":"画面レイアウトをカスタマイズ","Change language":"言語の切り替え","Characters":"文字数","Characters excluding spaces":"文字数(空白を除く)","Check for updates...":"アップデートのチェック...","Check synchronisation configuration":"同期の設定を確認する","Checkbox":"チェックボックス","Checkbox list":"チェックボックスリスト","Checking... Please wait.":"確認中...お待ちください。","Choose an option":"オプションを選択","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome ウェブストア","Clear":"クリア","Clear alarm":"アラームをクリア","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"\\"%s\\"をクリックすると復元を行います。復元されるノートは\\"%s\\"というノートブックにコピーされます。現在のバージョンのノートの置換や変更は行われません。","Click to add tags...":"クリックしてタグを追加...","Client ID: %s":"クライアントID: %s","Close":"閉じる","Close Window":"ウィンドウを閉じる","Code":"コード","Code Block":"コードブロック","Code View":"コードビュー","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"ノートブック上で共同作業を行う","Coming alarms":"直近のアラーム","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"証明書を読み込むディレクトリ、または個々の証明書ファイルのパスのリストをコンマで区切って記述します。例は次のとおりです: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem 注意点として、TLSの設定を変更する場合は\\"同期の設定を確認\\"をクリックする前に保存する必要があります。","command":"コマンド","Command":"コマンド","Command palette":"コマンドパレット","Command palette...":"コマンドパレット...","Completed":"完了","Completed decryption.":"復号が完了しました。","Completed: %s (%s)":"完了: %s (%s)","Configuration":"設定","Confirm password cannot be empty":"パスワード(確認用)は空にできません","Confirm password:":"パスワード(確認用):","Confirmation":"確認","Conflicted: %d":"衝突: %d","Conflicts":"衝突","Conflicts (attachments)":"衝突 (添付ファイル)","Content provided by %s":"%s によって提供されたコンテンツ","Convert to note":"ノートに変換","Convert to todo":"ToDoに変換","Copy":"コピー","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"開発モードコマンドをクリップボードにコピー","Copy external link":"外部リンクをコピー","Copy Link Address":"リンクアドレスをコピー","Copy Markdown link":"Markdownのリンクをコピー","Copy path to clipboard":"クリップボードにパスを保存","Copy Shareable Link":"共有可能なリンクをコピー","Copy token":"トークンのコピー","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"アプリケーションが認証できません:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nやり直してください。","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin Serverに接続できませんでした。同期設定を確認してください。発生したエラーの内容は次のとおりです:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"プラグインレポジトリに接続できませんでした。","Could not export notes: %s":"ノートをエクスポートできませんでした: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"プラグインをインストールできませんでした: %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"招待に応じることができませんでした。もう一度お試しいただくか、ノートブックの所有者に今でも共有を続けているかご確認ください。\\n\\nエラーの内容: \\"%s\\"","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"マスターキーをアップグレードできませんでした: %s","Could not verify the share status of this notebook - aborting. Please try again when you are connected to the internet.":"このノートブックの共有状態を確認できなかったため処理を中断します。インターネット接続を確認してから再度お試しください。","Create a notebook":"ノートブックを作成します","Created":"作成日時","created date":"作成日","Created local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの作成: %d.","Created locally":"ローカルに作成","Created remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの作成: %d.","Created: ":"作成: ","Created: %d.":"新規作成: %d.","Created: %s":"作成しました:%s","Creates a new note.":"あたらしいノートを作成します。","Creates a new notebook.":"あたらしいノートブックを作成します。","Creates a new to-do.":"新しいToDoを作成します。","Creating new %s...":"新しい %s を作成中...","Creating report...":"レポート を作成中...","Current version is up-to-date.":"現在のバージョンは最新版です。","custom order":"任意順","Custom order":"任意順","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"カスタムスタイルシート (アプリ全般の外観調整用)","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"カスタムスタイルシート (Markdownビューアー)","Custom TLS certificates":"TLS証明書のカスタマイズ","Cut":"切り取り","Dark":"暗い","Database v%s":"データベース v%s","Date":"日時","Date format":"日付の形式","days":"日","Decrypted items: %d":"復号済み(非暗号化)アイテム: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"復号済み(非暗号化)アイテム: %s/%s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"復号中のアイテム: %d/%d","Default":"標準","Default: %s":"既定値: %s","Delete":"削除","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"添付ファイル \\"%s\\" を削除しますか?","Delete line":"行を削除","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"ローカルデータを削除して同期先から再ダウンロードする","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"ノート \\"%s\\" を削除しますか?","Delete note?":"ノートを削除しますか?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"ノートブック \\"%s\\" を削除しますか?\\n\\nこのノートブックにあるノートとサブノートはすべて消えてしまいます。","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"ノートブックを削除しますか? このノートブックにあるノートとサブノートはすべて消えてしまいます。","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"プラグイン \\"%s\\" を削除しますか?","Delete these %d notes?":"ノート \\"%d\\" を削除しますか?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"この招待を削除しますか? 削除後は招待の受信者がこの共有ノートブックにアクセスできなくなります。","Deleted local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの削除: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの削除: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"指定されたノートブックを削除します。","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"ノートブックを確認なしで削除します。","Deletes the notes matching .":"に一致するノートを削除する。","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"ノートを確認なしで削除します。","Destination format: %s":"場所の形式: %s","Directory":"ディレクトリ","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"同期先のディレクトリ(絶対パス)","Disable":"無効化","Disable encryption":"暗号化を無効にする","Disable safe mode and restart":"セーフモードを終了して再起動","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Webクリッパーサービスを無効にする","Disabled":"無効","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"暗号化を無効にするとは、*すべて*のノートや添付ファイルを再同期し、同期ターゲットに暗号化を解除した状態で送ることを意味します。本当に継続しますか?","Discard changes":"変更を破棄","Dismiss":"閉じる","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"ノートの位置情報URLを表示する。","Displays only the first top notes.":"上位 件のノートを表示します。","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"選択した種類の項目のみ表示します。`n`でノートを、`t`でToDoを、`nt`でその両方を指定できます。 (例: `-tt` ではToDoのみを表示し、`-tnt`ではノートとToDoを表示します。)","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"ノートとノートブックのサマリを表示します。","Displays the complete information about note.":"ノートに関するすべての情報を表示します。","Displays the given note.":"選択したノートを表示します。","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"現在のノートブック中のノートを表示します。ノートブックのリストを表示するには、`ls /`と入力してください。","Displays usage information.":"使い方を表示する。","Displays version information":"バージョン情報の表示","Do it now":"今すぐ実行","Do not ask for confirmation.":"確認を行ないません。","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"パスワードはなくさないようにしてください。セキュリティ上、このパスワードがデータを復号する*唯一*の方法になるためです! 暗号化を有効にするには、下にパスワードを入力してください。","Download":"ダウンロード","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"ご使用のブラウザーに対応する拡張機能をインストールします:","Downloaded":"ダウンロード済み","Downloaded and decrypted":"ダウンロード済み(復号済み)","Downloaded and encrypted":"ダウンロード済み(未復号)","Downloading":"ダウンロード中","Downloading resources...":"リソースをダウンロード中...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"ノートやファイルをここにドロップします","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropboxログイン","Duplicate":"複製","Duplicate line":"行を複製","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"に一致するノートを[notebook]に複製します。[notebook]が指定されていない場合は、現在のノートブックに複製を行います。","Edit":"編集","Edit in external editor":"外部エディターで編集","Edit note.":"ノートを編集する。","Edit notebook":"ノートブックの編集","Editor":"エディター","Editor font":"エディターのフォント","Editor font family":"エディターのフォントファミリー","Editor font size":"エディターのフォントサイズ","Editor maximum width":"エディター内での最大表示幅","Editor monospace font family":"エディターの等幅フォントファミリー","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"text\\"または\\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"強調したいテキスト","Enable":"有効","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"++追加++構文を有効にする","Enable ==mark== syntax":"==ハイライト==構文を有効にする","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"^上付きテキスト^構文を有効にする","Enable abbreviation syntax":"略語構文を有効にする","Enable audio player":"オーディオプレーヤーを有効にする","Enable deflist syntax":"定義リスト構文を有効にする","Enable encryption":"暗号化を有効にする","Enable footnotes":"脚注を有効にする","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Fountain構文を有効にする","Enable Linkify":"Linkifyを有効にする","Enable markdown emoji":"マークダウン絵文字を有効にする","Enable math expressions":"数式表現を有効にする","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Mermaid(作図機能)を有効にする","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"MultiMarkdownのテーブル拡張を有効にする","Enable note history":"ノートの履歴を有効にする","Enable PDF viewer":"PDFビューアーを有効にする","Enable soft breaks":"ソフトブレークを有効にする","Enable table of contents extension":"目次拡張を有効にする","Enable typographer support":"Typographer(記号文字)を有効にする","Enable video player":"動画プレーヤーを有効にする","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Webクリッパーサービスを有効にする","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"~下付きテキスト~構文を有効にする","Enabled":"有効","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"暗号化を有効にするとは、*すべて*のノートや添付ファイルを再同期し、同期先に暗号化した状態で送ることを意味します。","Encrypted":"暗号化済","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"暗号化したアイテムは修正できません","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"暗号化したアイテムはリネームできません","Encryption":"暗号化","Encryption Config":"暗号化の設定","Encryption is: %s":"暗号化: %s","Encryption keys":"暗号キー","Encryption:":"暗号化:","End-to-end encryption":"エンドツーエンド暗号化","Enter code here":"コードをここに入力","Enter master password:":"マスターパスワードを入力してください:","Enter notebook title":"ノートブックの題名を入力","Enum":"列挙","Error":"エラー","Error opening note in editor: %s":"次のエディターで開く際にエラー: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"エラーです。URL、ユーザー名、パスワードなどを修正し、同期先にアクセスできるかを確認してください。次が報告されたエラーです:","Error: %s":"エラー: %s","Errors only":"エラーのみ","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote エクスポートファイル (HTMLとしてインポート)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote エクスポートファイル (Markdownとしてインポート)","Exits the application.":"アプリケーションの終了。","Export":"エクスポート","Export all":"すべてをエクスポート","Export debug report":"デバッグレポートの出力","Export Debug Report":"デバッグレポートの出力","Export profile":"プロファイルをエクスポート","Exporting profile...":"プロファイルのエクスポート中...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\" を \\"%s\\" フォーマットにエクスポート中。しばらくお待ちください...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Joplinのデータを選択されたパスにエクスポートします。既定ではノートブック・ノート・タグ・添付データを含むすべてのデータベースを出力します。","Exports only the given note.":"選択されたノートのみを出力する。","Exports only the given notebook.":"選択されたノートブックのみを出力する。","Fail-safe":"フェイルセーフ","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"フェイルセーフ: 同期先が空の場合、設定ミスやバグによる可能性を考慮して、ローカルデータを消去しないようにする","Fatal error:":"致命的なエラー:","Feature flags":"フィーチャーフラグ","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"取得したアイテム: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"取得中のリソース: %d/%d","File":"ファイル","File system":"ファイルシステム","Firefox Extension":"Firefox 拡張機能","Fix search index":"検索インデックスの修正","Fixing search index...":"検索インデックスの修正中...","Focus":"フォーカス","Focus body":"本文にフォーカス","Focus title":"題名にフォーカス","Folders":"フォルダー","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"デバッグ専用: プロファイルを外部SDカードにエクスポートします。","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"ショートカットのカスタマイズ方法は %s をご覧ください","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"エンドツーエンド暗号化(E2EE)に関する詳細な情報と有効化の手順については、次のドキュメントをご覧ください:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"キーボードショートカットと設定オプションを表示するには、`help shortcuts`と入力してください","Forward":"進む","Found: %d.":"総数: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS有効: %d","Full changelog":"全変更点一覧","General":"全般","Generated":"生成済み","Generating link...":"リンクを生成中...","Get it now:":"今すぐ取得:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"更新をチェックする時、開発版を取得する","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"設定を行います。[value]がない場合は、[name]で示された設定項目の値を表示します。両方とも指定されていない場合は、現在の設定のリストを表示します。","Go to source URL":"ソースURLに行く","Goto Anything...":"Goto Anything...","Grant authorisation":"許可する","Heading":"見出し","Help":"ヘルプ","Hide %s":"%s を隠す","Hide disabled keys":"無効化したキーを表示しない","Hide Joplin":"Joplinを隠す","Highlight":"ハイライト","Horizontal Rule":"横線","HTML Directory":"HTMLディレクトリ","HTML File":"HTMLファイル","Hyperlink":"ハイパーリンク","Icon":"アイコン","ID":"ID","Idle":"待機中","Ignore":"無視","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS証明書のエラーを無視","Import":"インポート","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\" を \\"%s\\" フォーマットとしてインポート中。しばらくお待ちください...","Importing notes...":"ノートのインポート中...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Joplinにデータをインポートします。","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"\\"手動\\"モードは添付ファイルをクリックしたときのみダウンロードをします。\\"自動\\"はノートを開いたときにダウンロードをします。\\"いつも\\"はノートを開いているか閉じているかにかかわらずダウンロードをします。","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"すべてのコマンドで、ノートまたはノートブックは、題名またはID、または選択中の物はそれぞれショートカット`$n`または`$b`で指定できます。`$c`で選択中のアイテムを参照できます。","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"ノートに位置情報を保存するには、ユーザーの許可が必要です。\\n\\n位置情報を保存するかどうかは、設定画面でいつでも変更できます。","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"この処理では、既存データをすべて再暗号化し、同期しなおす必要がありますので、夜間等の実行をおすすめします。\\n\\nデータを再暗号化するには以下の手順にしたがってください。\\n\\n1. すべてのデバイスで同期を取ります。\\n2. \\"%s\\" をクリックします。\\n3. 再暗号化処理が完了するまでお待ちください。不整合を避けるため、処理中に他のデバイスでノートを変更しないように気をつけてください。\\n4. 本デバイスの同期が完了したら、他のデバイスをすべて同期してください。\\n\\n重要: 再暗号化はどれか一つのデバイスで一回だけ実行してください。","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"ファイルシステムの同期を使うには、外部ストレージへの書き込み権限が必要です。","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Webクリッパーを使用するためには、次のことを行う必要があります:","In progress":"実行中","In: %s":"内: %s","Indent less":"インデントを減らす","Indent more":"インデントを増やす","Information":"情報","Inline Code":"インラインコード","Insert":"挿入線","Insert Date Time":"日付の入力","Insert Hyperlink":"ハイパーリンクの挿入","Install":"インストール","Install from file":"ファイルからインストール","Installed":"インストール済み","Installing...":"インストール中...","Invalid":"無効","Invalid %s: %s.":"無効な %s: %s。","Invalid answer: %s":"無効な入力:%s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"無効な命令: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"無効な設定値: \\"%s\\"。有効な値は: %sです。","Invalid password":"無効なパスワード","Italic":"斜体","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"アイテム \\"%s\\" はダウンロードできませんでした:%s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"復号ができなかったアイテム","Items that cannot be synchronised":"同期ができなかったアイテム","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplinではノートの同期先としてさまざまなクラウドプロバイダーを利用できます。下の一覧から1つお選びください。","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloudメールアドレス","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloudパスワード","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin エクスポートディレクトリ","Joplin Export File":"Joplin エクスポートファイル","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplinはアイテムが破損もしくは大きすぎるため、これらのアイテムの復号化に複数回失敗しました。これらのアイテムはデバイス上に残りますが、Joplinはこれらの復号化は行いません。","Joplin Forum":"Joplinフォーラム","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Serverメールアドレス","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Serverパスワード","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin WebクリッパーはブラウザーからWebページとスクリーンショットをJoplinへ保存します。","Joplin website":"JoplinのWebサイト","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplin独自の同期サービスです。特定ノートの公開や共有ノートブック上での共同作業などJoplin固有の機能も利用可能です。","Keep note history for":"ノート履歴の保存期間","Keyboard Mode":"キーバインド","Keyboard Shortcut":"ショートカットキー","Keyboard Shortcuts":"キーボードショートカット","Keychain Supported: %s":"キーチェーンのサポート: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"アップグレードが必要なキー","Landscape":"横","Language":"言語","Last error: %s":"最新のエラー: %s","Later":"あとで","Layout":"レイアウト","Layout button sequence":"レイアウトボタンによる切り替え順","Leave notebook...":"ノートブックを離れる...","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"明るい","Lines":"行数","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"リンクをクリップボードにコピーしました!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"プロトコル \\"%s\\" でのリンクはサポートされていません","List item":"リストアイテム","Loaded":"読み込み済み","Location":"場所","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"ロックファイルがすでに保持されています。同期作業が行われていない場合は、\\"%s\\"にあるロックファイルを削除して、作業を再度行ってください。","Log":"ログ","Login":"ログイン","Login below.":"以下からログイン。","Login with Dropbox":"Dropboxでログイン","Login with OneDrive":"OneDriveログイン","Make a donation":"寄付する","Manage master password":"マスターパスワードの管理","Manage master password...":"マスターパスワードの管理...","Manage your plugins":"プラグインを管理","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"エンドツーエンド暗号化(E2EE)の設定コマンドです。`enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, `target-status` があります。","Manual":"手動","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + Front Matter","Marks a to-do as done.":"ToDoを完了としてマークします。","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"ToDoを未完としてマークします。","Markup":"マークアップ","Master Key %s":"マスターキー %s","Master password":"マスターパスワード","Master password:":"マスターパスワード:","Max concurrent connections":"最大同時接続数","Missing keys":"キーがありません","Missing Master Keys":"マスターキーがありません","Missing required argument: %s":"引数が足りません:%s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"モバイルデータ通信 - 自動同期無効","More info":"詳細情報","More information":"詳細情報","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"一つ以上のアイテムが\\"%s\\"に一致しました。クエリを絞るようにしてください。","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"%d個のノートを\\"%s\\"に移動しますか?","Move to notebook":"ノートブックへ移動","Move to notebook...":"ノートブックへ移動...","Move to notebook:":"ノートブックへ移動:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"に一致するアイテムを、[notebook]に移動します。","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"新しいノート","New notebook":"新しいノートブック","New Notebook":"新しいノートブック","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"\\"%s\\" という名前の新しいノートブックが作成され、ファイル \\"%s\\" がインポートされます","New sub-notebook":"新しいサブノートブック","New tags:":"新しいタグ:","New to-do":"新しいToDo","New version: %s":"新バージョン: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud パスワード","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud ユーザー名","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"いいえ","No":"No","No active notebook.":"有効なノートブックがありません。","No item with ID %s":"ID %s のアイテムはありません","No notebook has been specified.":"ノートブックが選択されていません。","No notebook selected.":"ノートブックが選択されていません。","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"ノートがありません。新しいノートを作成して下さい。","No resources!":"リソースがありません!","No results":"該当なし","No such command: %s":"コマンドが違います:%s","No suggestions":"修正候補なし","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"テキストエディターが定義されていません。`config editor `で設定を行ってください","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"%s では認証できません。他の資格証明書を使用してください。","Not downloaded":"未ダウンロード","Not generated":"生成されていません","note":"ノート","Note":"ノート","Note area growth factor":"ノートエリアのストレッチ係数","Note attachments":"添付ファイル一覧","Note attachments...":"添付ファイル一覧...","Note body":"ノートの本文","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"\\"%s\\"というノートはありません。作成しますか?","Note has been saved.":"ノートは保存されました。","Note History":"ノートの履歴","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"ノートはToDoリストではありません:\\"%s\\"","Note list":"ノート一覧","Note list growth factor":"ノート一覧のストレッチ係数","Note properties":"ノートのプロパティ","Note title":"ノートの題名","Note&book":"ノートブック(&B)","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"注意: すべてのデスクトップ環境で動作するわけではありません。","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"注意: ノートを共有すると、該当ノートはサーバー上で暗号化されなくなります。","Notebook":"ノートブック","Notebook list growth factor":"ノートブック一覧のストレッチ係数","Notebook title:":"ノートブックの題名:","Notebook: %s":"ノートブック: %s","Notebooks":"ノートブック","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"\\"%s\\" というノートブックの名称はシステムで使用するために予約済みです。名称の変更はできません。","Notes":"ノート","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"ノートと設定は次の場所に保存されます: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"ノートは、ノートブック内のみに作ることができます。","Numbered List":"番号つきリスト","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"ダークモード","On %s: %s":"日時 %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"古い暗号化方式を使っているマスターキーがあります。","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"現在一つ以上のアイテムが暗号化されており、マスターパスワードを提供する必要があります。その場合は`e2ee decrypt`を入力してください。もしパスワードを提供してある場合は、暗号化したアイテムは復号中で、間もなく使用できるようになるでしょう。","One or more master keys need a password.":"パスワード入力の必要なマスターキーがあります。","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDriveログイン","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"一度に印刷できるノートは1つだけです。","Open":"開く","Open %s":"%s を開く","Open profile directory":"プロファイルディレクトリを開く","Open Sync Wizard...":"同期ウィザードを開く...","Open...":"開く...","Operation cancelled":"操作をキャンセルしました","Options":"オプション","Or create an account.":"またはアカウントを作成。","Output format: %s":"出力フォーマット: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"PDFページの向き","Page size for PDF export":"エクスポートするPDFのページサイズ","Password":"パスワード","Password cannot be empty":"パスワードは空にできません","Password:":"パスワード:","Passwords do not match!":"パスワードが一致しません!","Paste":"貼り付け","Path:":"パス:","PDF File":"PDF ファイル","Permission needed":"許可が必要","Permission to use camera":"カメラ使用の許可","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"続行するには \\"%s\\" をクリックしてください","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"データベース全体を暗号化しなおしてもよろしいですか。","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"下記マスターキーをアップグレードするには、マスターキーのパスワードを入力してください。","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"ノートブックに大量のノートが含まれる場合、受信者側にすべてのノートが見えるようになるまで数分かかることがあります。","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"このアプリケーションを認証するためには下記のURLをブラウザで開いてください。アプリケーションは\\"Apps/Joplin\\"フォルダを作成し、その中のファイルのみを読み書きします。あなたの個人的なファイルや、ディレクトリ外のファイルにはアクセスしません。第三者にデータが共有されることもありません。","Please select a notebook first.":"まずはノートブックを選択して下さい。","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"まず削除するノートかノートブックを選択してください。","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"同期状況の出力先を選択してください","Please specify import format for %s":"%s 用のインポートフォーマットを指定してくださあい","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"ノートをどのノートブックにインポートするのか指定してください。","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"このプラグインを使うにはJoplinをアップグレードしてください","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"すべての添付ファイルのダウンロードと復号が終わるまでお待ちください。%sに切り替えてノートを編集することはできます。","Please wait...":"お待ちください...","Plugin tools":"プラグインツール","Plugins":"プラグイン","Portrait":"縦","Possible keys/values:":"取り得るキー/値:","Possible values: %s.":"取り得る値: %s.","Preferences":"環境設定","Preferences...":"環境設定...","Preferred dark theme":"優先ダークテーマ","Preferred light theme":"優先ライトテーマ","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"アプリケーションを終了するには、Ctrl+Dまたは\\"exit\\"と入力してください","Press the shortcut":"ショートカットキーを押してください","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"ショートカットキーに続けてENTERを押すことで設定します。ショートカットを削除するにはBACKSPACEを押してください。","Press to set the decryption password.":"復号するパスワードを入力してください。","Previous versions of this note":"このノートの以前のバージョン","Print":"印刷","Privacy Policy":"プライバシーポリシー","Profile Version: %s":"プロファイルバージョン: %s","Properties":"プロパティ","Public-private key pair:":"公開鍵・秘密鍵ペア:","Publish note...":"ノートを公開...","Publish Notes":"ノートを公開","Publish notes to the internet":"ノートをインターネットに公開する","Quit":"終了","Re-encrypt data":"データを再暗号化する","Re-encryption":"再暗号化","Re-upload local data to sync target":"ローカルデータを同期先に再アップロードする","Read more about it":"もっと知りたい","Read time: %s min":"読むのに必要な時間: %s 分","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"受信者がこの招待を承諾しました","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"受信者がまだこの招待を承諾していません","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"受信者がこの招待を拒否しました","Recipients:":"受信者:","Redo":"やり直す","Refresh":"更新","Reject":"拒否","Remove":"削除","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"すべてのノートからタグ \\"%s\\" を削除しますか?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"サイドバーからこの検索を削除しますか?","Rename":"名前の変更","Rename notebook:":"ノートブックの名前を変更:","Rename tag:":"タグの変更:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":" (ノートまたはノートブック)の名前を、に変更します。","Renew token":"トークンを更新する","Reset master password":"マスターパスワードをリセット","Resources: %d.":"リソース: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"再起動してアップグレード","Restart now":"今すぐ再起動","Restore":"復元","Restored Notes":"復元されたノート","Retry":"再実行","Retry All":"すべて再試行","Reveal file in folder":"ファイルのあるフォルダーを開く","Reverse sort order":"逆順に並び替え","Reverses the sorting order.":"逆順に並び替えます。","Revision: %s (%s)":"リビジョン: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"テキストファイルに含まれるコマンドを実行します。テキストファイルには1行1コマンドで記述する必要があります。","S3":"S3","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"セーフモードで実行中。ノートのレンダリングとすべてのプラグインを一時的に無効化しています。","Save":"保存","Save alarm":"アラームの保存","Save as...":"名前を付けて保存...","Save changes":"変更を保存","Save geo-location with notes":"ノートに位置情報を保存","Search":"検索","Search for plugins...":"プラグインを検索...","Search in all the notes":"すべてのノートを検索","Search in current note":"現在のノートを検索","Search...":"検索...","Search:":"検索:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"指定されたをすべてのノートから検索する。","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"詳細についてはプレリリースページを参照してください: %s","Select":"選択","Select all":"すべて選択","Server is already running on port %d":"サーバーはすでにポート %d で実行中です","Server is not running.":"サーバーは実行されていません。","Server is running on port %d":"サーバーはポート %d で実行中です","Set alarm":"アラームをセット","Set alarm:":"アラームをセット:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"幅いっぱいに表示させたいときは 0 に設定してください。推奨設定は 600 です。","Set the password":"パスワードの設定","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"のプロパティ を、指示された[value]に設定します。有効なプロパティは:\\n\\n%s","Share":"共有","Share Notebook":"ノートブックを共有","Share notebook...":"ノートブックを共有...","Sharing notebook...":"ノートブックを共有中...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"CLIモードではショートカットは使用できません。","Show Advanced Settings":"詳細設定を表示","Show all":"すべて表示","Show completed to-dos":"完了したToDoを表示","Show disabled keys":"無効化したキーを表示する","Show note counts":"ノートの数を表示","Show sort order buttons":"ソート方法切り替えボタンを表示","Show tray icon":"トレイアイコンの表示","Sidebar":"サイドバー","Size":"サイズ","Skip this version":"このバージョンをスキップ","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"スキップされたアイテム: %d (再度復号化を試みるには--retry-failed-itemsオプションを使用してください)","Skipped: %d.":"スキップ: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised (暗)","Solarised Light":"Solarised (明)","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"いくつかの項目は復号されませんでした。","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"いくつかの項目は同期されませんでした。","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"いくつかの項目は同期されませんでした。詳細はクリック。","Sort notebooks by":"ノートブックのソート方法","Sort notes by":"ノートのソート方法","Sort selected lines":"選択行の並び替え","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"アイテムをで並び替え (例: title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"ソースフォーマット: %s","Source: ":"ソース: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"APIサーバーが使用するポートを指定してください。未設定時はデフォルトのポートが使用されます。","Spell checker":"スペルチェッカー","Split View":"分割ビュー","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"アプリケーションをトレイアイコンで最小化して起動","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"APIサーバーの起動、停止、状況確認を行います。APIサーバーが使用するポートは api.port で変更できます。コマンドは (%s)。","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"復号を開始しました... どのぐらいの数を復号するかによりますが、数分かかりますのでお待ちください。","Starting synchronisation...":"同期を開始中...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"ノートの編集を開始します。エディターを閉じると元の画面に戻ることができます。","Statistics":"統計","Statistics...":"統計...","Status":"状態","Status: %s":"状態: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"状態: ポート %d で起動中","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"ステップ1: クリッパーサービスを有効にする","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"ステップ1: アプリケーションを認証するためにこのURLをブラウザーで開く:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"ステップ2: Dropboxによって提供されたコードを入力する:","Step 2: Install the extension":"ステップ2: 拡張機能のインストール","Stop":"終了","Stop external editing":"外部エディターでの編集を終了","Strikethrough":"取消線","strong text":"文字を太字に","Submit":"入力","Subscript":"下付き文字","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"成功です! 同期の設定は正しいようです。","Superscript":"上付き文字","Swap line down":"次の行と入れ替え","Swap line up":"前の行と入れ替え","Switch between note and to-do type":"ノートとToDoを切り替え","Switch to note type":"ノートに切り替え","Switch to to-do type":"ToDoに切り替え","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"ノートブック [notebook]に切り替え - これ以降の作業は、指定のノートブック内で行われます。","Sync Status":"同期の状態","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"同期状況 (同期済/総数)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"同期先のアップグレードが必要です。続行するには `%s` を実行してください。","Sync Target Upgrade":"同期先のアップグレード","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"指定のターゲットと同期します。(標準: sync.targetの設定値)","Sync Version: %s":"同期バージョン: %s","Sync your notes":"ノートを同期する","Synchronisation":"同期","Synchronisation interval":"同期間隔","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"同期はすでに実行中です。","Synchronisation Status":"同期状況","Synchronisation target":"同期先","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"同期先: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"同期","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"WiFi経由でのみ同期する","Synchronises with remote storage.":"リモート保存領域と同期します。","Synchronising...":"同期中...","Synchronizing...":"同期中...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"タグ付き: %d.","Tags":"タグ","Take photo":"写真を撮影する","Text editor command":"テキストエディターのコマンド","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"ありがとうございます! Joplin Cloudアカウントのセットアップが完了し、利用できる状態になりました。","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"まもなくアプリケーションは終了します。もう一度起動して処理を完了させてください。","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"アプリケーションは認証されました - ブラウザを閉じてもかまいません。","The application has been authorised!":"アプリケーションは問題なく認証されました!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"アプリケーションは問題なく認証されました。","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"変更を反映するにはアプリケーションを再起動する必要があります。","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"添付ファイルの監視は他のノートに移動すると終了します。","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"コマンド \\"%s\\"は、GUIのみで有効です","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"デフォルトの管理者パスワードが変更されておらず危険な状態です! [今すぐ変更](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"デフォルトの暗号化方式がより安全なものに変更されました。既存データにも新方式を適用することをおすすめします。","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"デフォルトの暗号化方式が変更されています。既存データを暗号化しなおすことをおすすめします。","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"このエディターコマンド(と引数)はノートを開く際に使用されます。空欄の場合は既定のエディターを自動的に検出します。","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"ストレッチ係数プロパティは表示項目間のサイズ比を指定するために使います。たとえば、係数が2の表示項目は、係数が1の項目の2倍の大きさで表示されます。係数の変更はアプリケーションの再起動後に反映されます。","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"下記の添付ファイルが変更されたかどうかを監視中です:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"以下のキーは旧式の暗号化アルゴリズムを使用しているため、アップグレードをおすすめします。キーをアップグレードしても既存データはこれまでどおり復号化/暗号化が可能です。","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplinモバイルアプリは次のタイプのリンクをまだサポートしていません: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplinチームによる審査済み。このプラグインはJoplinのセキュリティーおよび性能基準を満たしています。","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"これらのIDを持つキーはアイテムを暗号化するのに使われていますが、現在このキーで暗号化されたアイテムにはアクセスできません。おそらくこれらのアイテムはまだ同期(ダウンロード)されていないものと考えられます。","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"マスターキーのアップグレードに成功しました!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"これらのIDを持つマスターキーはアイテムを暗号化するのに使われていますが、現在このキーで暗号化されたアイテムにはアクセスできません。おそらくこれらのアイテムはまだ同期(ダウンロード)されていないものと考えられます。","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"ノート \\"%s\\" のノートブック \\"%s\\"への復元は成功しました。","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"ノートブックは保存できませんでした:%s","The notes have been imported: %s":"ノートはインポートされました:%s","The possible commands are:":"有効なコマンドは:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"リストから受信者を削除できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。\\n\\nエラーの内容: \\"%s\\"","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"同期するには同期先をアップグレードする必要があります。アップグレードには数分かかるかもしれません。またアプリケーションの再起動が必要です。アップグレードするにはリンクをクリックしてください。","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"同期先のアップグレードが必要です。続行するにはこのバナーをクリックしてください。","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"タグ \\"%s\\" はすでにあります。ほかの名前を選択してください。","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"同期する先です。いずれの同期先も `sync.NUM.NAME` のように追加のパラメーターを持つことができるでしょう(すべてのドキュメントは下にあります)。","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Webクリッパーがデータにアクセスすることについてあなたの許可が必要です。","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Webクリッパーサービスは有効で、自動起動します。","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Webクリッパーサービスは有効になっていません。","Theme":"テーマ","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"ノートがありません。(+)ボタンを押して新しいノートを作成してください。","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"ノートブックがありません。新しいノートブックを作成してください。","There is no data to export.":"エクスポートするデータがありません。","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"下記の添付ファイルで[衝突](%s)が発生しました。\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"この添付ファイルをダウンロードするときにエラーが発生しました:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin Cloudアカウントのセットアップ中にエラーが発生しました。メールアドレスとパスワードを確認してもう一度お試しください。エラーの内容は次のとおりです:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"これらのアイテムはデバイスに残りましたが、同期先にアップロードされません。そのようなアイテムを探すには、題名またはID(上記の括弧内に表示されている)で検索してください。","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Markdownレンダラーの機能を拡張する拡張書式プラグインの一覧です。これらの拡張書式は有用ですが、Markdown標準ではないため、Joplin上でしか動作しないことにご注意ください。また、一部の拡張書式はWYSIWYGエディターと互換性がありません。非互換の拡張書式を使用しているノートをWYSIWYGエディターで開いた場合、該当書式は失われてしまいます。どのプラグインがWYSIWYGに対応しているかは下記の一覧でご確認ください。","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"この添付ファイルはダウンロードされていないか、まだ復号されていません","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"この添付ファイルはダウンロードされていないか、まだ復号されていません。","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"この認証トークンはサードパーティのアプリケーションにJoplinへのアクセスを許可するときにだけ使用します。","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"ここではノートに添付されているファイルの一覧を見ることができます。添付ファイルの削除も可能ですが、削除後の復元はできませんのでご注意ください。","This note does not have geolocation information.":"このノートには位置情報がありません。","This note has been modified:":"ノートは変更されています:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"このノートには中身がありません。 \\"%s\\" をクリックしてエディターを表示し、ノートを編集してください。","This note has no history":"このノートに履歴はありません","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"リッチテキストエディターには多くの制限がありますので、それらをご承知の上でご使用ください。","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"このサービスはブラウザー拡張機能からJoplinへのアクセスを可能にします。本サービスを有効化する際には、Joplinが特定のポートで接続を待ち受けることについて、お使いのファイアーウォールから許可を求められる場合があります。","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"有効にすると、Joplinがバックグラウンドで動作するようになります。ノートを定期的に同期し、衝突を減らすために強くおすすめする設定です。","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"新しい画面を開きます。変更を保存しますか?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"ノートブックをあなたのコレクションから削除しようとしています。今後そのコンテンツにアクセスできなくなりますが、続行しますか?","Time format":"時刻の形式","title":"題名","Title":"題名","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"DropboxでJoplinを同期する場合は、次のステップを実行してください:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"続行するには、マスターパスワードを入力してください","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"タグを削除するには、関連するノートからタグを外してください。","To delete: %d":"削除予定: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"コマンドラインモードに入るには、\\":\\"を入力してください","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"コマンドラインモードを終了するには、ESCキーを押してください","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"ドラッグ&ドロップでノートを任意の順に並び替えるには、ソート順を \\"%s\\" に切り替えてください (メニューバーの \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\" から選択)。","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"コンソールの最大化・最小化には\\"tc\\"と入力してください。","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"ペイン間を移動するには、TabかShift+Tabを押してください。","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"これらのアイテムの復号化を再試行するには、`e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`を実行してください","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"正しく動作するには、次の権限が必要です。スマートフォンのアプリ情報 > Joplin > 権限 で有効にしてください","to-do":"to-do","Toggle comment":"コメントの切り替え","Toggle development tools":"開発者ツールのオンオフを切り替える","Toggle editor layout":"エディターレイアウトの表示切り替え","Toggle editors":"エディターの切り替え","Toggle external editing":"外部エディターでの編集を開始・終了","Toggle note list":"ノート一覧の表示切り替え","Toggle own sort order":"ノートブック固有のソート設定をオンオフする","Toggle safe mode":"セーフモードのオンオフを切り替える","Toggle sidebar":"サイドバーの表示切り替え","Toggle sort order field":"ソート対象フィールドを切り替える","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"トークンをクリップボードにコピーしました!","Tools":"ツール","Total: %d/%d":"総数: %d/%d","Try again":"再試行","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"コマンドのさらなる情報は、`help [command]`で見ることができます;または、`help all`ですべての使用方法の情報を表示できます。","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"`joplin help`を実行して使い方を表示します。","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"題名や本文の一部を入力してノートを検索し、そのノートに移動できます。また、「#タグ名」で該当タグ付きノートの一覧に、「@ノートブック名」で該当ノートブックに移動できます。あるいは「:」でコマンドを検索して実行できます。","Type new tags or select from list":"新しいタグを入力するか、リストから選択してください","Type: %s.":"種類: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"未完のToDoをリストの上部に表示","Undo":"元に戻す","Unknown flag: %s":"不明なフラグ: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"不明なアイテムタイプをダウンロードしました - 最新のJoplinにアップデートしてください","Unpublish note":"ノートの公開を停止","Unshare":"共有を解除","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"このノートブックの共有を解除しますか? 解除後は招待の受信者がノートブックにアクセスできなくなります。","Unsupported image type: %s":"サポートされていない画像の形式: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"次のリンクまたはメッセージはサポートしていません: %s","Untitled":"名称未設定","Update":"アップデート","Updated":"アップデート日時","updated date":"アップデート日","Updated local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの更新: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの更新: %d.","Updated: ":"更新: ","Updated: %d.":"アップデート: %d.","Updated: %s":"アップデート: %s","Updating...":"アップデート中...","Upgrade":"アップグレード","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"同期先を最新バージョンにアップグレード。","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"使用方法: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"長い形式のリストフォーマットを使用します。フォーマットは:ID, NOTE_COUNT (ノートブックのみ), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (ToDoのみ), TITLE","Use spell checker":"スペルチェッカーを使う","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"リストや入力エリアの移動には矢印キーまたはPage Up/Downを使用します。","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"矢印を使ってレイアウトアイテムを移動してください。\\"Esc\\" で終了します。","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"検索に問題がある場合は、これを利用して検索インデックスの再構築を行います。ノートの数に依存して、時間がかかる場合があります。","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Markdownエディター上の大部分のテキストに使用。指定フォントが見つからない場合は一般的なプロポーショナル(可変幅)フォントを使用します。","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"表、チェックボックス、コードなど、等幅フォントのほうが読みやすい場所に使用。指定フォントが見つからない場合は一般的な等幅フォントを使用します。","Valid":"正当性","View":"表示","View on map":"地図上に表示","View them now":"今すぐ表示","Viewer":"ビューアー","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"警告","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"注意: 性能上の理由により、リソースは最大 %s 件までしか表示されません。","Web Clipper":"Webクリッパー","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WevDAV パスワード","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV ユーザー名","Website and documentation":"Webサイトとドキュメント","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Joplinへようこそ!\\n\\n`:help shortcuts`と入力することで、キーボードショートカットのリストを見ることができます。また、`:help`で使い方を確認できます。\\n\\n例えば、ノートブックの作成は`mb`で、ノートの作成は`mn`で行うことができます。","When creating a new note:":"新しいノートを作成した際:","When creating a new to-do:":"新しいToDoを作成した場合:","Words":"単語数","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"はい","Yes":"Yes","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"大きな画像を添付しようとしています (%dx%d ピクセル)。長辺を %d ピクセルに縮小してから添付しますか?","You currently have no notebooks.":"ノートブックがありません。","You do not have any installed plugin.":"インストールされているプラグインはありません。","You may also type `status` for more information.":"`status`でさらに情報を確認できます。","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"ここでは既存データの再暗号化を行えます。たとえば、旧式のアルゴリズムで暗号化されたノートがあるとわかっているような場合に新しいアルゴリズムで暗号化しなおすことが可能です。","Your choice: ":"選択: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"既存データを暗号化しなおし、再同期します。","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"一部のデータを復号化するためにあなたのマスターパスワードが必要です。","Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data. Type `:e2ee decrypt` to set it.":"一部のデータを復号化するためにあなたのパスワードが必要です。`:e2ee decrypt`と入力し設定してください。","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"カメラを使用するには権限が必要です。","Your version: %s":"あなたのバージョン: %s","Zoom In":"ズームイン","Zoom Out":"ズームアウト"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\"에 \\"%s\\" 필수 속성이 없습니다.","%d days":"%d 일","%d hour":"%d 시간","%d hours":"%d 시간","%d minutes":"%d 분","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d개의 노트가 이 패턴과 일치합니다. 이를 삭제할까요?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) 는 업로드 할 수 없습니다: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) 님이 당신과 노트북을 공유하길 원합니다.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (사전 출시)","%s - Copy":"%s - 복사","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d 노트","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"편집(&E)","&File":"파일(&F)","&Go":"이동(&G)","&Help":"도움말(&H)","&Note":"노트(&N)","&Tools":"도구(&T)","&View":"보기(&V)","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(위지윅: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- 카메라: 사진을 찍고 노트에 첨부하기 위해 필요합니다.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- 위치: 지리적 위치 정보를 노트에 첨부하기 위해 필요합니다.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- 저장소: 노트에 파일을 첨부하고 파일 시스템 동기화를 활성화하기 위해 필요합니다."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":"[노트]로부터 [태그]를 지우거나 지정할 때, 아니면 [태그]와 관련된 노트의 목록을 확인할 때 로 \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" 또는 \\"notetags\\" 를 사용하실 수 있습니다. 또한 `tag list` 명령어로 모든 태그의 목록을 확인할 수 있습니다 (긴 태그인 옵션 -l 을 사용하실수 있습니다)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"로 \\"toggle\\" 이나 \\"clear\\"를 사용하실 수 있습니다. \\"toggle\\"은 주어진 \'할 일\'의 상태를 \'완료됨\' 또는 \'완료되지 않음\'으로 바꾸는 데 사용됩니다 (만약 대상이 일반적인 노트일 경우에는 \'할 일\'로 전환됩니다). \\"clear\\"는 \'할 일\'을 일반적인 노트로 변환하는 데 사용됩니다.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Joplin에 대해서","accelerator":"단축키","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"단축키 \\"%s\\"는 유효하지 않습니다.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"단축키 \\"%s\\"는 \\"%s\\"와 \\"%s\\" 명령으로 사용 중입니다. 이러한 설정은 예기치 못한 동작을 할 수도 있습니다.","Accept":"확인","Action":"동작","Active":"활성","Actual Size":"실제 크기","Add body":"내용 추가","Add or remove tags:":"태그 추가 및 제거:","Add recipient:":"받는 사람 추가:","Add title":"제목 추가","Add to dictionary":"사전에 추가","Advanced options":"고급 옵션","Advanced tools":"고급 도구","All notes":"모든 노트","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"모든 포트들이 사용 중입니다 - %s에 문제를 공유해주시면 감사하겠습니다","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"또한 설정하지 않았거나 숨겨진 설정 변수를 표시합니다.","Always":"항상","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"업데이트가 있습니다. 지금 내려 받을까요?","Appearance":"보기","Application":"애플리케이션","Apply":"적용","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"정말로 인증 토큰을 새로 고치시겠습니까?","Arguments:":"전달할 인수:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"파일 첨부","Attach photo":"사진 첨부","Attach...":"첨부...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"주어진 파일을 노트에 첨부합니다.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"첨부 충돌: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"첨부파일 다운로드 방식","Attachments":"첨부","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"첨부 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다: %s","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"주의: 이 위치를 변경하시려면, 동기화 전에 모든 내용들을 복사하였는지 확인해주세요. 변경 중에 모든 파일이 삭제 됩니다! 자세한 정보는 FAQ를 참조해주세요: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"인증이 완료되지 않았습니다 (인증 토큰을 받을 수 없음).","Authorisation token:":"인증 토큰:","Auto":"자동","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"괄호, 중괄호, 인용 부호 등의 자동 완성.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"시스템 테마에 적합한 테마로 자동으로 변경","Automatically update the application":"자동으로 업데이트하기","Back":"뒤로 가기","Bold":"굵게","Browse all plugins":"모든 플러그인 보기","Browse...":"찾아보기...","Bulleted List":"글머리 기호 목록","Cancel":"취소","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"백그라운드 동기화를 취소하는 중입니다... 잠시만 기다려주세요.","Cancelling...":"취소하는 중...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"취소하는 중입니다... 잠시만 기다리세요.","Cannot access %s":"%s에 접근할 수 없음","Cannot change encrypted item":"암호화된 항목을 변경할 수 없습니다","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"노트를 \\"%s\\" 노트북으로 복사할 수 없습니다","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"\\"%s\\"를 찾을 수 없습니다.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"동기화를 시작할 수 없습니다.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" 모듈(\\"%s\\" 포맷과 \\"%s\\" 출력을 위한)을 불러올 수 없습니다","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" 모듈(\\"%s\\" 포맷과 \\"%s\\" 대상을 위한)을 불러올 수 없습니다","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"노트를 \\"%s\\" 노트북으로 옮길 수 없습니다","Cannot move notebook to this location":"노트북을 이 위치로 옮길 수 없습니다","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"인증 데이터를 찾을 수 없어서 토큰을 새로고침 할 수 없습니다. 동기화를 다시 시도하면 문제가 해결될 수 있습니다.","Change application layout":"애플리케이션 레이아웃 변경","Change language":"언어 전환","Characters":"문자","Characters excluding spaces":"공백을 제외한 문자","Check for updates...":"업데이트 확인...","Check synchronisation configuration":"동기화 설정 확인","Checkbox":"확인 상자","Checkbox list":"선택상자 목록","Checking... Please wait.":"확인 중입니다... 잠시만 기다리세요.","Choose an option":"옵션 선택","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome 웹 스토어","Clear":"지우기","Clear alarm":"알람 취소","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"\\"%s\\"를 클릭해서 노트를 복구하세요. 노트는 \\"%s\\" 이름을 가진 노트북에 복사됩니다. 노트의 현재 버전이 이동 혹은 수정되지는 않습니다.","Click to add tags...":"태그를 추가하려면 클릭하세요...","Client ID: %s":"클라이언트 식별자: %s","Close":"닫기","Close Window":"창 닫기","Code":"코드","Code Block":"코드 블록","Code View":"코드 보기","Coming alarms":"예정된 알람","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"인증서를 불러올 (쉼표로 구분되어 있는) 경로들의 목록, 또는 개별적인 인증서 파일들의 경로입니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같은 형식입니다: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. 참고사항: 만약 TLS 설정을 변경했다면 \\"동기화 설정 확인\\"을 진행하기 전에 반드시 변경 사항을 저장해야 합니다.","command":"명령","Command":"명령","Command palette":"명령 팔레트","Completed":"완료됨","Completed decryption.":"복호화가 완료되었습니다.","Completed: %s (%s)":"완료됨: %s (%s)","Configuration":"설정","Confirm password cannot be empty":"비밀번호 확인칸은 비어져 있으면 안됩니다","Confirm password:":"비밀번호 확인:","Conflicted: %d":"충돌됨: %d","Conflicts":"충돌","Convert to note":"노트로 변환","Convert to todo":"\'할 일\'로 변환","Copy":"복사","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"개발자 모드 명령을 클립보드에 복사","Copy Link Address":"링크 주소 복사","Copy Markdown link":"마크다운 링크 복사","Copy path to clipboard":"경로를 클립보드에 복사","Copy Shareable Link":"공유 링크 복사","Copy token":"토큰 복사","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"애플리케이션이 허가되지 않았습니다:\\n\\n%s\\n\\n다시 시도해 주세요.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다. 동기화 설정 화면에서 설정을 확인해주세요. 전체 오류 메시지:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"노트를 내보낼 수 없습니다: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"플러그인을 설치할 수 없습니다: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"마스터 키를 업그레이드할 수 없습니다: %s","Create a notebook":"새 노트북을 만듭니다","Created":"생성됨","created date":"만든 날짜","Created local items: %d.":"로컬 항목 생성됨: %d.","Created locally":"로컬에서 생성됨","Created remote items: %d.":"원격 항목 생성됨: %d.","Created: %d.":"생성됨: %d.","Created: %s":"생성됨: %s","Creates a new note.":"새 노트를 만듭니다.","Creates a new notebook.":"새 노트북을 만듭니다.","Creates a new to-do.":"새 \'할 일\'을 만듭니다.","Creating new %s...":"%s 새로 만들기...","Creating report...":"보고서 생성하기...","Current version is up-to-date.":"현재 최신 버전을 사용 중입니다.","custom order":"사용자 정의","Custom order":"사용자 정의","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Joplin 앱에 전역적으로 적용되는 사용자 정의 스타일시트","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"렌더링된 마크다운에 적용할 사용자 정의 스타일시트","Custom TLS certificates":"사용자 TLS 인증서","Cut":"잘라내기","Dark":"Dark","Database v%s":"데이터베이스 v%s","Date format":"날짜 형식","days":"일","Decrypted items: %d":"복호화된 항목: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"복호화된 항목: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"복호화 항목: %d/%d","Default":"기본값","Default: %s":"기본값: %s","Delete":"삭제","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"첨부된 \\"%s\\"를 삭제할까요?","Delete line":"줄 삭제","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"로컬 데이터를 지우고 동기화 서버의 데이터를 받아오기","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" 노트를 삭제할까요?","Delete note?":"이 노트를 삭제할까요?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"\\"%s\\" 노트북을 삭제할까요?\\n\\n이 노트북 안에 있는 모든 노트와 더불어 하위 노트북들도 함께 삭제됩니다.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"이 노트북을 삭제할까요? 이 노트북 안에 있는 모든 노트와 더불어 하위 노트북들도 함께 삭제됩니다.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" 플러그인을 삭제할까요?","Delete these %d notes?":"%d 개의 노트들을 삭제할까요?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"초대하신 분을 제거하시겠습니까? 제거하게 된다면 더 이상 공유 노트북에 접근할수 없게 됩니다.","Deleted local items: %d.":"로컬 항목 삭제됨: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"원격 항목 삭제됨: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"해당 노트북을 삭제합니다.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"확인을 거치지 않고 노트북을 삭제합니다.","Deletes the notes matching .":"에 일치하는 노트를 삭제합니다.","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"확인을 거치지 않고 노트를 삭제합니다.","Destination format: %s":"목표 포맷: %s","Directory":"폴더","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"동기화를 할 폴더 (절대 경로)","Disable encryption":"암호화 해제","Disable safe mode and restart":"안전 모드를 끄고 다시 시작","Disable Web Clipper Service":"웹 수집기 서비스 사용 안함","Disabled":"사용하지 않음","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"암호화를 해제하게 되면 모든 노트와 첨부 파일이 다시 동기화되며, 암호화 되지 않은 상태로 동기화 대상에게 전달됩니다. 계속 진행할까요?","Discard changes":"변경 사항 버리기","Dismiss":"취소","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"노트 위치 URL을 표시합니다.","Displays only the first top notes.":"맨 처음 노트만 표시합니다.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"특정 형식의 항목만 표시합니다. 노트의 경우 `n`, 할 일의 경우 `t`, 노트와 할 일 모두는 `nt` 입니다. (예시: 할 일은 `-tt`, 노트와 할 일은 `-tnt`).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"노트와 노트북에 관한 요약 정보를 표시합니다.","Displays the complete information about note.":"노트와 관련된 모든 정보를 표시합니다.","Displays the given note.":"주어진 노트를 표시합니다.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"현재 노트북에 있는 노트를 표시합니다. `ls /`로 노트북의 목록을 확인하실 수 있습니다.","Displays usage information.":"사용량 정보를 보여줍니다.","Displays version information":"버전 정보 표시","Do it now":"지금하기","Do not ask for confirmation.":"더 이상 확인을 묻지 않습니다.","Download":"다운로드","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"브라우저에 맞는 확장 기능을 다운로드 및 설치하세요:","Downloaded":"다운로드됨","Downloaded and decrypted":"다운로드 및 복호화됨","Downloaded and encrypted":"다운로드 및 암호화됨","Downloading":"다운로드 중","Downloading resources...":"리소스 다운로드 중...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"노트나 파일을 여기에 끌어놓습니다","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox 로그인","Duplicate":"복제","Duplicate line":"줄 복제","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"와 일치하는 노트를 [노트북]에 복제합니다. 노트북이 특정되지 않았다면 노트는 현재의 노트북에 복제됩니다.","Edit":"편집","Edit in external editor":"외부 편집기에서 편집하기","Edit note.":"노트를 편집합니다.","Edit notebook":"노트북 편집","Editor":"편집","Editor font":"편집기 글꼴","Editor font family":"편집기 글꼴 모음","Editor font size":"편집기 글꼴 크기","Editor monospace font family":"편집기 모노스페이스 글꼴 모음","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"text\\" 또는 \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"강조","Enable":"활성화","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"++insert++ 확장 활성화","Enable ==mark== syntax":"==mark== 구문 활성화","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"^sup^ 구문 활성화","Enable abbreviation syntax":"약어 구문 활성화","Enable audio player":"음성 재생 활성화","Enable deflist syntax":"정의 목록 구문 활성화","Enable encryption":"암호화 사용","Enable footnotes":"각주 활성화","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Fountain 구문 지원 활성화","Enable Linkify":"링크 자동 감지 활성화","Enable markdown emoji":"마크다운 이모지 활성화","Enable math expressions":"수식 표현 활성화","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Mermaid 다이어그램 지원 활성화","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"MultiMarkdown 테이블 확장 활성화","Enable note history":"노트 변경 이력 활성화","Enable PDF viewer":"PDF 보기 활성화","Enable soft breaks":"소프트 브레이크 활성화","Enable table of contents extension":"목차 확장 활성화","Enable typographer support":"조판 부호 지원 활성화","Enable video player":"비디오 재생 활성화","Enable Web Clipper Service":"웹 수집기 서비스 사용","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"~sub~ 구문 활성화","Enabled":"사용함","Encrypted":"암호화됨","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"암호화된 항목은 변경될 수 없습니다","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"암호화된 노트북은 이름을 변경할 수 없습니다","Encryption":"암호화","Encryption Config":"암호화 설정","Encryption is: %s":"암호화: %s","Enter code here":"코드를 입력하세요","Enter master password:":"마스터 키를 넣어주세요:","Enter notebook title":"노트북 제목을 입력해주세요","Enum":"열거","Error":"오류","Error opening note in editor: %s":"편집기에서 노트를 열 수 없는 오류가 발생하였습니다: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"오류. URL, 사용자 이름, 비밀번호를 확인해주세요. 또한 동기화 장소가 접근 가능한지 확인해주세요. 보고된 오류는 다음과 같습니다:","Error: %s":"오류: %s","Errors only":"오류 보기","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote 내보내기 파일 (HTML로)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote 내보내기 파일 (마크다운으로)","Exits the application.":"애플리케이션을 종료합니다.","Export":"내보내기","Export all":"모두 내보내기","Export debug report":"디버깅 보고서 내보내기","Export Debug Report":"디버그 보고서 내보내기","Export profile":"프로파일 내보내기","Exporting profile...":"프로파일을 내보내는 중...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\"에 \\"%s\\" 포맷으로 내보내는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Joplin의 데이터를 주어진 경로로 내보냅니다. 기본적으로 노트북, 노트, 태그, 기타 자원을 포함한 완전한 데이터베이스를 내보내게 됩니다.","Exports only the given note.":"특정 노트를 내보냅니다.","Exports only the given notebook.":"특정 노트북을 내보냅니다.","Fail-safe":"안전 장치","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"안전 장치: 동기화할 대상이 비어 있다면, 로컬 데이터를 지우지 않습니다. (종종 잘못된 설정이나 버그로 인해 발생됩니다)","Fatal error:":"치명적인 오류:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"가져온 항목: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"리소스 가져오는 중: %d/%d","File":"파일","File system":"파일 시스템","Firefox Extension":"Firefox 확장","Fix search index":"검색 색인 수정","Fixing search index...":"검색 색인을 수정하는 중...","Focus":"강조","Focus body":"내용에 포커스","Focus title":"제목에 포커스","Folders":"폴더","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"디버깅 목적으로만 사용: 프로파일을 외장 SD 카드에 내보냅니다.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"바로가기를 편집하는 것은 여기서 찾아보실 수 있습니다: %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"종단간 암호화(E2EE)에 관한 정보, 사용법 및 조언은 다음 문서에서 확인해주세요:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"키보드 단축키 및 설정 옵션을 변경하려면 `help keymap`을 입력해주세요","Forward":"앞으로 가기","Found: %d.":"발견됨: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS 활성됨: %d","Full changelog":"바뀐 내용을 모두 보기","General":"일반","Generating link...":"링크를 만드는 중...","Get it now:":"설치하기:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"사전-출시 버전일 경우에도 업데이트","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"설정값을 가져오거나 지정합니다. 만약 [value] 가 제공되지 않았다면, [name]의 값을 표시할 것입니다. [name] 과 [value] 모두 제공되지 않았다면, 현재 설정을 표시할 것입니다.","Go to source URL":"소스 URL로 이동","Goto Anything...":"가고자 하는 곳으로 이동...","Heading":"표제","Help":"도움말","Hide %s":"%s 숨기기","Hide Joplin":"Joplin 숨기기","Highlight":"하이라이트","Horizontal Rule":"수평줄","HTML Directory":"HTML 디렉터리","HTML File":"HTML 파일","Hyperlink":"하이퍼링크","Icon":"Icon","ID":"식별자","Idle":"대기","Ignore":"무시하기","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS 인증서 오류 무시","Import":"가져오기","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\"에서 \\"%s\\" 포맷으로 가져오는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요...","Importing notes...":"노트를 가져오는 중...","Imports data into Joplin.":"데이터를 Joplin으로 가져옵니다.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"\\"수동\\" 모드에서, 첨부 파일은 클릭 시에만 다운로드되며, \\"자동\\" 모드에서는 노트를 열 때만 다운로드됩니다. \\"항상\\" 모드에서는 노트를 열지 않아도 첨부 파일이 다운로드됩니다.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"어느 명령어에서든, 노트 또는 노트북에서 제목이나 ID를 통해 참조할 수 있습니다. 현재 선택된 노트 또는 노트북의 경우 `$n` 이나 `$b`같은 바로가기로, 현재 선택된 항목의 경우 `$c`로 참조할 수 있습니다.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"노트에 지리적 위치 정보를 포함하기 위해서는 위치 정보에 접근이 필요하고, 이를 위해선 권한이 요구됩니다.\\n\\n설정 화면에서 언제든지 이 설정을 끌 수 있습니다.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"전체 데이터가 암호 및 동기화되므로, 충분한 시간을 가지고 실행하는게 좋습니다.\\n시작하기 위해 아래 방법으로 할 수 있습니다.\\n\\n1. 모든 디바이스를 동기화.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. 충돌을 방지하기 위해, 암호화가 진행되는 동안 다른 장치에서 노트를 변경하지 말아주세요.\\n4. 하나의 디바이스에서 동기화가 완료되면, 다른 모든 디바이스에서 동기화하세요.\\n\\n중요: 암호화는 하나의 디바이스에서만 실행하면 됩니다.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"파일 시스템 동기화는 외부 저장소 쓰기 권한을 필요로 합니다.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"웹 수집기를 사용하려면 다음 절차를 따라주세요:","In progress":"진행 중","In: %s":"내부: %s","Indent less":"들여쓰기 제거","Indent more":"들여쓰기 추가","Information":"정보","Inline Code":"인라인 코드","Insert":"삽입","Insert Date Time":"날짜와 시간 입력","Insert Hyperlink":"하이퍼링크 삽입","Install":"설치","Install from file":"플러그인 파일로 설치","Installed":"설치됨","Installing...":"설치 중...","Invalid":"유효하지 않음","Invalid %s: %s.":"유효하지 않은 %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"잘못된 응답: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"올바르지 않은 명령어: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"올바르지 않은 옵션 값: \\"%s\\". 가능한 값은 다음과 같습니다: %s.","Italic":"기울임","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"\\"%s\\"를 다운로드 할 수 없습니다: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"항목을 복호화 할 수 없습니다","Items that cannot be synchronised":"동기화 할 수 없는 항목","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin 클라우드","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin 클라우드 email","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin 클라우드 암호","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin 내보내기 폴더","Joplin Export File":"Joplin 내보내기 파일","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin이 여러 항목에 대해서 복호화를 실패했습니다. 아마도 너무 크거나 혹은 손상되었기 때문일 것입니다. 이 파일들은 기기에 남지만, Joplin은 더이상 이 항목들을 복호화 할 수 없습니다.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin 포럼","Joplin Server":"Joplin 서버","Joplin Server email":"Joplin 서버 email","Joplin Server password":"Joplin 서버 암호","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin 서버 URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin 웹 수집기는 브라우저에서 웹 페이지 및 스크린샷을 Joplin에 저장할 수 있게 해줍니다.","Joplin website":"Joplin 웹사이트","Keep note history for":"다음과 같이 노트 변경 이력을 유지","Keyboard Mode":"키보드 모드","Keyboard Shortcut":"키보드 바로가기","Keyboard Shortcuts":"키보드 바로가기","Keychain Supported: %s":"키체인 지원: %s","Landscape":"가로 방향","Language":"언어","Last error: %s":"최근 오류: %s","Later":"나중에","Layout":"배치","Layout button sequence":"레이아웃 버튼 순서","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Light","Lines":"줄","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"링크가 클립보드로 복사되었습니다!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"링크를 위한 프로토콜 “%s”는 지원하지 않습니다","List item":"목록 추가","Location":"위치","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"잠금 파일이 잠겨있습니다. 동기화가 시작되지 않는다면 \\"%s\\"에서 잠금 파일을 삭제하고 작업을 재개하실 수 있습니다.","Log":"로그","Login with Dropbox":"Dropbox로 로그인","Login with OneDrive":"OneDrive 로그인","Make a donation":"기부하기","Manage your plugins":"플러그인 관리","Manual":"수동","Markdown":"마크다운","Marks a to-do as done.":"\'할 일\' 항목을 완료로 표시합니다.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"할 일을 \'완료되지 않음\'으로 표시합니다.","Markup":"마크업","Master Key %s":"마스터 키 %s","Max concurrent connections":"최대 동시 연결수","Missing Master Keys":"마스터 키를 찾을 수 없음","Missing required argument: %s":"필요한 인자가 없습니다: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"모바일 데이터 - 자동 동기화 비활성화","More info":"더 많은 정보","More information":"더 많은 정보","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"\\"%s\\"에 대한 하나 이상의 항목이 일치합니다. 검색 범위를 한번 좁혀보세요.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"%d개의 노트를 \\"%s\\" 노트북으로 옮길까요?","Move to notebook":"노트북으로 옮기기","Move to notebook...":"노트북으로 옮기기...","Move to notebook:":"노트북으로 옮기기:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"와 일치하는 노트를 [notebook]으로 옮깁니다.","n":"아니오","N":"아니오","New note":"새 노트","New notebook":"새 노트북","New Notebook":"새 노트북","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"새 \\"%s\\" 노트북이 생성되고 \\"%s\\" 파일을 여기에 가져옵니다","New sub-notebook":"새 노트북","New tags:":"새 태그:","New to-do":"새 \'할 일\'","New version: %s":"새 버전: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud 암호","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud 사용자 이름","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"아니오","No":"아니오","No active notebook.":"활성화된 노트북이 없습니다.","No item with ID %s":"식별자 %s에 해당하는 항목이 없습니다","No notebook has been specified.":"특정된 노트북이 없습니다.","No notebook selected.":"선택된 노트북이 없습니다.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"노트가 없습니다. \\"새 노트\\"를 선택해서 노트를 새로 만드세요.","No resources!":"없는 리소스입니다!","No results":"결과 없음","No such command: %s":"다음 명령어가 없습니다: %s","No suggestions":"제안 없음","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"텍스트 편집기가 지정되지 않았습니다. `config editor ` 명령어로 지정해주세요","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"%s과 인증되지 않았습니다. 증명서를 제공해주세요.","Not downloaded":"다운로드 안됨","note":"노트","Note":"노트","Note area growth factor":"노트 영역 증가 인수","Note attachments":"노트 첨부","Note attachments...":"첨부파일...","Note body":"노트 본문","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"\\"%s\\" 노트가 존재하지 않습니다. 새로 만들까요?","Note has been saved.":"노트가 저장되었습니다.","Note History":"노트 역사","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"노트는 \'할 일\' 항목이 아닙니다: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"노트 목록","Note list growth factor":"노트 목록 증가 인수","Note properties":"노트 속성","Note title":"노트 제목","Note&book":"노트북(&B)","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"참고: 모든 데스크탑 환경에서 작동하는 것은 아닙니다.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"참고: 공유된 노트는 서버에서 암호화될 수 없습니다.","Notebook list growth factor":"노트북 목록 증가 인수","Notebook title:":"노트북 제목:","Notebook: %s":"노트북: %s","Notebooks":"노트북","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"노트북 제목을 \\"%s\\" 으로 정할 수 없습니다. 이미 예약 중입니다.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"노트와 설정값이 다음에 저장되었습니다: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"노트는 노트북 내에서만 만들 수 있습니다.","Numbered List":"번호 매기기 목록","OK":"확인","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"%s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"마스터 키 중 하나가 오래된 암호화 방식을 사용합니다.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"현재 하나 또는 여러개의 항목이 암호화되어 있으며, 해당 마스터 키의 비밀번호를 입력하셔야 합니다. `e2ee decrypt`를 입력하셔서 암호화를 해제해주세요. 비밀번호를 입력하셨다면 백그라운드에서 복호화가 될 것입니다.","One or more master keys need a password.":"하나 혹은 그 이상의 마스터 키 비밀번호가 필요합니다.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive 로그인","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"한 번에 하나의 노트만 출력할 수 있습니다.","Open":"열기","Open %s":"%s 열기","Open profile directory":"프로필 디렉터리 열기","Open...":"열기...","Operation cancelled":"작업이 중지되었습니다","Options":"옵션","Output format: %s":"출력 포맷: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"PDF를 내보낼 때의 페이지 방향","Page size for PDF export":"PDF로 내보낼때 페이지 크기","Password":"비밀번호","Password cannot be empty":"암호가 비어져 있으면 안됩니다","Password:":"암호:","Passwords do not match!":"비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다!","Paste":"붙여넣기","Path:":"경로:","PDF File":"PDF 파일","Permission needed":"권한 요구","Permission to use camera":"카메라 사용 허가","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"전체 데이터베이스를 다시 암호화 할것입니다.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"키를 업그레이드하기 전에 마스터 키 목록에 있는 비밀번호를 입력하십시오.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"다음의 URL을 브라우저에서 열어 애플리케이션을 허가해주세요. 애플리케이션은 \\"Apps/Joplin\\" 경로에 폴더를 만들게 되며 이 폴더 안에 있는 파일만 읽고 쓸 것입니다. 다른 경로에 있는 파일 및 다른 개인 정보에는 접근할 권한이 없으며, 이 데이터는 제3자와 공유되지 않습니다.","Please select a notebook first.":"노트북을 먼저 선택해주세요.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"삭제할 노트나 노트북을 먼저 선택해주세요.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"동기화 상태를 내보낼 대상을 선택하세요","Please specify import format for %s":"%s 항목에 사용할 가져오기 형식을 지정하세요","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"노트를 가져와서 저장할 노트북을 지정해주세요.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"이 플러그인을 사용하기 위해서는 Joplin을 업그레이드해야 합니다","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"모든 첨부 파일들이 다운로드 및 복호화될 때까지 기다려주세요. %s를 통해 이 노트를 편집하도록 전환할 수 있습니다.","Please wait...":"잠시만 기다려주세요...","Plugin tools":"플러그인 도구","Plugins":"플러그인","Portrait":"세로 방향","Possible keys/values:":"가능한 키/값:","Possible values: %s.":"가능한 값: %s.","Preferences":"설정","Preferences...":"설정...","Preferred dark theme":"선호하는 어두운 테마","Preferred light theme":"선호하는 밝은 테마","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Ctrl+D 키를 누르거나 혹은 \\"exit\\"를 입력해서 종료해주세요","Press the shortcut":"바로가기를 입력하세요","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"바로가기를 입력한 후 엔터 키를 누르세요. 바로가기를 지우려면 백스페이스 키를 누릅니다.","Press to set the decryption password.":"복호화 암호를 설정하려면 누르세요.","Previous versions of this note":"노트의 이전 버전들","Print":"인쇄","Privacy Policy":"개인 정보 보호 정책","Profile Version: %s":"프로파일 버전: %s","Properties":"속성","Quit":"종료","Re-encrypt data":"데이터를 다시 암호화","Re-encryption":"다시 암호화","Re-upload local data to sync target":"동기화 서버에 로컬 데이터 재 업로드","Read more about it":"더 자세히 알아보기","Read time: %s min":"읽기 시간: %s 분","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"공유 수신자가 초대를 승락하였습니다","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"공유 수신자가 아직 초대를 수락하지 않았습니다","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"공유 수신자가 초대를 거부했습니다","Recipients:":"공유 수신자:","Redo":"다시 실행","Refresh":"새로고침","Reject":"거절","Remove":"삭제","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"모든 노트에서 “%s” 태그를 제거할까요?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"사이드바에서 이 검색 항목을 제거할까요?","Rename":"이름 바꾸기","Rename notebook:":"노트북 이름 바꾸기:","Rename tag:":"태그 이름 바꾸기:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"해당 (노트 또는 노트북)의 이름을 로 바꿉니다.","Renew token":"인증 토큰 새로 고침","Resources: %d.":"리소스: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"재시작 및 업그레이드","Restart now":"지금 재시작","Restore":"복구","Restored Notes":"복구된 노트들","Retry":"재시도","Retry All":"전부 재시도","Reveal file in folder":"폴더에 있는 파일 표시","Reverse sort order":"정렬 순서 반전","Reverses the sorting order.":"정렬 순서를 바꿉니다.","Revision: %s (%s)":"개정판: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"텍스트 파일에 포함된 명령들을 실행합니다. 한 줄에 하나씩 명령이 실행됩니다.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"안전 모드가 현재 활성화되어 있습니다. 노트 렌더링과 더불어 모든 플러그인이 일시적으로 비활성화됩니다.","Save":"저장","Save alarm":"알람 저장","Save as...":"다른 이름으로 저장...","Save changes":"변경 사항 저장","Save geo-location with notes":"노트에 지리적 위치 정보 포함시키기","Search":"검색","Search for plugins...":"플러그인 찾기...","Search in all the notes":"모든 노트에서 검색","Search in current note":"현재 노트에서 검색","Search...":"찾기...","Search:":"검색:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"주어진 을 모든 노트에서 검색합니다.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"자세한 내용은 사전-출시 페이지를 참조해주세요: %s","Select all":"모두 선택","Server is already running on port %d":"서버가 이미 %d 포트에서 동작하고 있습니다","Server is not running.":"서버가 동작하지 않습니다.","Server is running on port %d":"서버가 %d 포트에서 동작하고 있습니다","Set alarm":"알람 설정","Set alarm:":"알람 설정:","Set the password":"암호 설정","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"주어진 속성을 주어진 [value]로 설정합니다. 가능한 속성은 다음과 같습니다:\\n\\n%s","Share":"공유","Share Notebook":"노트북 공유","Share notebook...":"노트북 공유...","Sharing notebook...":"노트북을 공유하는 중...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"바로가기는 명령줄 인터페이스 모드에서는 사용할 수 없습니다.","Show Advanced Settings":"고급 옵션","Show all":"모두 표시","Show completed to-dos":"완료된 \'할 일\'을 표시","Show note counts":"노트 수 보이기","Show tray icon":"트레이 아이콘 표시","Sidebar":"사이드바","Size":"크기","Skip this version":"이 버전 넘기기","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"건너뛴 항목: %d (복호화를 다시 시도하려면 --retry-failed-items를 사용)","Skipped: %d.":"넘겨짐: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarized Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarized Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"일부 항목들은 암호화할 수 없습니다.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"일부 항목들은 동기화할 수 없습니다.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"일부 항목들을 동기화할 수 없습니다. 자세한 정보를 보려면 누르세요.","Sort notebooks by":"노트북을 다음 기준으로 정렬","Sort notes by":"노트를 다음 기준으로 정렬","Sort selected lines":"선택된 줄들을 정렬","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"항목을 별로 정렬합니다 (예시: title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"원본 포맷: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"API 서버가 사용할 포트를 선택해주세요. 선택되지 않으면, 기본 포트를 선택합니다.","Spell checker":"맞춤법 검사기","Split View":"화면 나누기","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Joplin을 최소화된 상태로 트레이 아이콘에서 시작","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"API 서버를 시작, 중지 혹은 확인할수 있습니다. 실행할 포트를 지정하실려면, api.port 변수 설정을 변경해주세요. 명령어는 (%s) 입니다.","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"복호화를 시작합니다... 복호화 양에 따라서 몇 분 정도 걸릴수 있으니 잠시 기다러주세요.","Starting synchronisation...":"동기화를 시작합니다...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"노트 편집을 시작합니다. 돌아가시려면 편집기를 종료해주세요.","Statistics":"통계","Statistics...":"통계...","Status":"상태","Status: %s":"상태: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"상태: %d 포트 열림","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"1단계: 웹 수집기 서비스 활성화","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"1단계: 브라우저에서 이 URL에 접근하여 애플리케이션을 허가합니다:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"2단계: Dropbox에서 제공하는 코드를 입력합니다:","Step 2: Install the extension":"2단계: 확장 기능 설치","Stop":"중지","Stop external editing":"외부 편집을 그만 두시려면 클릭하세요","Strikethrough":"취소선","strong text":"굵게","Submit":"제출","Subscript":"아랫 첨자","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"성공! 동기화 설정이 올바릅니다.","Superscript":"윗첨자","Swap line down":"아랫줄과 위치 바꾸기","Swap line up":"윗줄과 위치 바꾸기","Switch between note and to-do type":"\'노트\' 또는 \'할 일\' 형식으로 전환합니다","Switch to note type":"\'노트\' 형식으로 전환합니다","Switch to to-do type":"\'할 일\' 형식으로 전환합니다","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"[notebook]으로 전환 - 앞으로의 모든 작업은 이 노트북 안에서만 해당됩니다.","Sync Status":"동기화 상태","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"동기화 상태 (동기화 완료 항목 / 전체 항목)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"동기화 대상의 업그레이드가 필요합니다! 처리를 위해 `%s` 누르세요.","Sync Target Upgrade":"동기화 대상 업그레이드","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"지정된 대상으로 동기화 합니다 (기본값은 config value)","Sync Version: %s":"동기화 버전: %s","Synchronisation":"동기화","Synchronisation interval":"동기화 간격","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"이미 동기화가 진행중입니다.","Synchronisation Status":"동기화 상태","Synchronisation target":"동기화 대상","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"동기화 대상: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"동기화","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"WiFi 상에서만 동기화","Synchronises with remote storage.":"원격 저장소와 동기화 합니다.","Synchronising...":"동기화 중...","Synchronizing...":"동기화 중...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"태그됨: %d.","Tags":"태그","Take photo":"사진 찍기","Text editor command":"텍스트 편집기 명령어","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"애플리케이션이 곧 종료됩니다. 프로세스를 완료하려면 다시 실행해주세요.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"애플리케이션이 허가되었습니다 - 브라우저 탭을 닫으셔도 됩니다.","The application has been authorised!":"애플리케이션이 성공적으로 허가되었습니다!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"애플리케이션이 성공적으로 허가되었습니다.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"변경 사항이 적용되려면 애플리케이션이 반드시 재시작되어야 합니다.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"다른 노트로 전환하면 첨부 파일이 더 이상 감시되지 않습니다.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"\\"%s\\" 명령어는 그래픽 인터페이스 모드에서만 사용 가능합니다","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"기본 관리자 암호가 변경되지 않았으며, 이는 보안상 안전하지 않습니다! [지금 바꾸기](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"기본 암호화 방법이 변경 되었습니다. 데이터에 적용하는 것을 권장합니다.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"기본 암호 방법이 변경되었습니다. 데이터를 다시 암호화해야 합니다.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"노트를 여는데 사용할 텍스트 편집기 명령어(인자를 포함할 수 있습니다)를 지정합니다. 주어진 명령어가 없을 시 기본 편집기를 자동으로 찾을 것입니다.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"이 인수는 각 항목들이 컨테이너 상에서 가용 공간에 적합하게 증가 혹은 감소되는 방식을 설정합니다. 따라서 인수가 2인 항목은 인수가 1인 항목보다 약 2배 더 많은 공간을 차지하게 될 것입니다. 변경은 애플리케이션을 재시작한 후에 적용됩니다.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"다음 첨부 파일들이 변경되었는지 감시하고 있습니다:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin 모바일 앱에서는 현재 해당 형식의 링크를 지원하지 않습니다: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"마스터 키가 성공적으로 업그레이드되었습니다!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"이 ID와 연관된 마스터 키는 일부 항목을 암호화하는데에 사용되었으나, 현재 애플리케이션이 해당 키에 접근할 수 없습니다. 이는 추후에 동기화를 통해 다운로드될 가능성이 있습니다.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"노트 \\"%s\\"가 노트북 \\"%s\\"에 성공적으로 복구되었습니다.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"노트북을 저장할 수 없습니다: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"노트를 가져왔습니다: %s","The possible commands are:":"가능한 명령어는 다음과 같습니다:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Joplin이 동기화를 하기에 앞서 동기화 대상의 업그레이드가 필요합니다. 작업이 완료되기 위해서 몇 분 정도 걸릴 수 있으며, 앱을 다시 시작해야 합니다. 계속하려면 링크를 눌러주세요.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"태그 \\"%s\\"(이)가 이미 존재합니다. 다른 이름을 선택해 주세요.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"동기화를 할 대상을 선택합니다. 각각의 동기화 대상은 `sync.NUM.NAME` 형식으로 된 추가적인 매개 변수를 포함할 수 있습니다. (아래에 문서화되어 있습니다).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"웹 수집기 서비스가 활성화되었고 자동으로 시작하도록 설정되었습니다.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"웹 수집기 서비스가 비활성화 되었습니다.","Theme":"테마","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"노트가 없습니다. (+) 버튼을 클릭하여 새로 만드세요.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"노트북이 없습니다. \\"새 노트북\\"을 선택해서 노트북을 새로 만드세요.","There is no data to export.":"내보낼 데이터가 없습니다.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"아래의 첨부에서 [충돌](%s)이 발생했습니다.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"첨부 파일을 내려 받는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"해당 항목들은 기기에 남아 있지만 동기화 대상에 업로드되지는 않을 것입니다. 이런 항목을 찾길 원하신다면 제목 또는 ID로 검색하세요. (상단 괄호 안에 표시되어 있습니다)","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"이 플러그인들은 마크다운 렌더러에 부가적인 기능들을 추가합니다. 일부 기능들은 표준 마크다운에서 지원하지 않기 때문에 Jpolin에서만 동작할 수도 있음을 참고하세요. 추가로, 일부 기능들은 위지윅 편집기에 *호환되지 않습니다*. 편집기에서 이 플러그인을 사용하는 노트를 열게 된다면, 플러그인의 편집 내용이 유실될 수도 있습니다. 아래에 어떤 플러그인들이 위지윅 편집기와의 호환되는지 표시됩니다.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"이 첨부 파일은 아직 다운로드 또는 복호화되지 않았습니다","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"이 첨부는 아직 다운로드 또는 복호화되지 않았습니다.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"이 인증 토큰은 서드파티 애플리케이션에서 Joplin에 접근할 때만 필요합니다.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"노트에 링크된 첨부 파일을 보여주는 고급 도구입니다. 여기에서 보여지는 항목을 삭제할 경우, 나중에 복원할 수 없으므로 주의하시기 바랍니다.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"이 노트는 위치 정보를 포함하고 있지 않습니다.","This note has been modified:":"노트가 변경되었습니다:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"비어있는 노트입니다. \\"%s\\" 항목을 선택해서 편집기를 전환하고 노트를 편집하세요.","This note has no history":"이 노트의 변경 내역이 없습니다","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"서식 있는 텍스트 편집기에는 몇가지의 제약 사항들이 있으며, 사용하기 전에 이러한 제약 사항들을 미리 알고 있는 것이 좋습니다.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"이 서비스는 브라우저 확장 기능이 Joplin과 연결하도록 해줍니다. 서비스를 활성화시 방화벽에서 Joplin에게 특정 포트 접근을 허가할 것인지 물어볼 수 있습니다.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Joplin을 백그라운드에서 구동합니다. 노트가 정기적으로 동기화되어 충돌 횟수를 줄일 수 있기 때문에 이 옵션을 활성화하는 것을 추천합니다.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"새로운 화면으로 전환됩니다. 현재 화면의 변경 사항들을 저장하시겠습니까?","Time format":"시간 형식","title":"제목","Title":"제목","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Joplin을 Dropbox와 동기화하려면 다음 절차를 따라주세요:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"태그를 삭제하려면 먼저 연결된 노트의 태그를 해제해주세요.","To delete: %d":"삭제됨 : %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"명령줄 모드로 진입하시려면 \\":\\"를 눌러주세요.","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"명령줄 모드를 종료하시려면 ESC를 눌러주세요","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"노트들을 수동으로 정렬하려면 정렬 옵션이 \\"%s\\"로 변경되어야만 합니다.(\\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\" 메뉴)","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"콘솔을 최대화/최소화 하려면 \\"tc\\"를 눌러주세요.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"한 패널에서 다른 패널로 옮기려면 Tab키 또는 Shift+Tab 키를 누르세요.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"항목들을 다시 복호화하라면 `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`를 실행합니다","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"앱이 정상적으로 작동하기 위해서는 다음 권한이 있어야 합니다. \'설정 > 애플리케이션 > Joplin > 권한\'에서 허가해주세요","to-do":"할 일","Toggle comment":"주석 전환","Toggle development tools":"개발자 도구 띄우기","Toggle editor layout":"편집기 배치 형태 전환","Toggle editors":"편집기 전환","Toggle external editing":"외부 편집 전환","Toggle note list":"노트 목록 전환","Toggle safe mode":"안전 모드 전환","Toggle sidebar":"사이드바 표시 전환","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"토큰이 클립보드로 복사되었습니다!","Tools":"도구","Total: %d/%d":"합계: %d/%d","Try again":"다시 시도","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"명령어에 관한 정보는 `help [command]`를 입력하시면 찾으실 수 있습니다. \'help all\'을 입력하시면 완전한 명령어 용법에 대한 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"사용법에 대한 정보를 알고 싶으시다면 `joplin help`를 입력해주세요.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"노트 제목이나 내용의 일부를 입력하여 바로 이동하세요. 혹은 #으로 시작하는 태그 이름이나 @로 시작하는 노트북 이름을 입력하거나, :을 입력하여 명령을 검색하세요.","Type new tags or select from list":"새 태그를 입력하거나 목록에서 선택하세요","Type: %s.":"형태: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"완료되지 않은 \'할 일\'을 맨 위에","Undo":"실행 취소","Unknown flag: %s":"알 수 없는 플래그: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"알려지지 않은 타입이 다운로드되었습니다 - Joplin을 최신 버전으로 업데이트 해주세요","Unshare":"공유하지 않기","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"현재 노트북을 공유하지 많으시겠습니까? 공유자는 더 이상 해당 노트북에 접근이 불가능합니다.","Unsupported image type: %s":"지원하지 않는 이미지 형식: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"지원하지 않는 링크 또는 메시지: %s","Untitled":"제목 없음","Update":"업데이트","Updated":"갱신됨","updated date":"수정 날짜","Updated local items: %d.":"로컬 항목 업데이트됨: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"원격 항목 업데이트됨: %d.","Updated: %d.":"갱신됨: %d.","Updated: %s":"업데이트됨: %s","Updating...":"업데이트 중...","Upgrade":"업그레이드","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"동기화 대상을 최신 버전으로 업그레이드합니다.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"사용량: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"긴 목록 포맷을 사용합니다. 포맷은 ID, NOTE_COUNT (노트북에 해당), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (할 일에 해당), TITLE 입니다","Use spell checker":"맞춤법 검사기 사용","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"화살표 키와 Page Up/Down 키를 눌러 목록이나 텍스트 영역을 스크롤 하세요 (현재 콘솔 포함).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"레이아웃 항목을 옮기려면 화살표를 사용하세요. \\"ESC\\"키를 눌러 종료합니다.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"검색에 오류가 있는 경우, 이를 이용하여 검색 색인을 다시 만들 수 있습니다. 이는 노트의 수에 따라 시간이 오래 걸릴수 있습니다.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"마크다운 편집기에서 대부분의 텍스트에 사용할 글꼴입니다. 찾지 못한 경우 일반적으로 균형잡힌 (가변폭) 글꼴이 사용됩니다.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"텍스트를 읽기 쉽게 폭이 변경될 글꼴을 선택합니다 (표, 체크박스, 코드 등). 글꼴을 찾지 못할 경우, 기본 모노스페이스 (폭이 변경된) 글꼴이 사용됩니다.","View":"보기","View on map":"지도에 표시","View them now":"지금 나타내기","Viewer":"뷰어","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"경고","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"경고: 성능상의 문제로 모든 리소스를 표시하지 않습니다 (제한: %s).","Web Clipper":"웹 수집기","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV 암호","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV 사용자 이름","Website and documentation":"웹사이트 및 참고 문서","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Joplin에 오신 것을 환영합니다!\\n\\n`:help shortcuts`를 입력하면 키보드 단축키 목록을 확인할 수 있습니다. `:help`를 입력하시면 사용 방법을 확인하실 수 있습니다.\\n\\n예를 들어 새 노트북을 만들려면 `mb`를, 새 노트를 만들려면 `mn`을 입력해보세요.","When creating a new note:":"새 노트를 만들 때:","When creating a new to-do:":"새로운 \'할 일\'을 만들 때:","Words":"단어","y":"예","Y":"예","yes":"예","Yes":"예","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"크기가 큰 이미지(%dx%d 픽셀)를 첨부하려고 합니다. 첨부하기 전에 크기를 %d 픽셀로 줄이시겠습니까?","You currently have no notebooks.":"현재 노트북이 없습니다.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"설치된 플러그인이 없습니다.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"자세한 내용을 확인하기 위해 status를 입력할 수도 있습니다.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"아래 도구를 사용하여 데이터를 다시 암호화할 수 있습니다. 일부 노트가 오래된 암호화 방법으로 암호화된 것을 알고 있는 경우가 이에 해당합니다.","Your choice: ":"선택한 항목: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"데이터가 재 암호화 되고, 다시 동기화 될 것입니다.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"카메라 사용 허가가 필요합니다.","Your version: %s":"현재 버전: %s","Zoom In":"확대","Zoom Out":"축소"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" mangler den nødvendige \\"%s\\" verdien.","%d days":"%d dager","%d hour":"%d time","%d hours":"%d timer","%d minutes":"%d minutter","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notater passer dette mønsteret. Vil du slette de?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) ble ikke opplasted: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) ønsker å dele en notatbok med deg.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (førutgivelse)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopier","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notater","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Rediger","&File":"&Fil","&Go":"&Gå","&Help":"&Hjelp","&Note":"&Notat","&Tools":"&Verktøy","&View":"&Vis","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: for å ta bilde og legge det ved et notat.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Sted: for å legge ved stedsinformation til notatet.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"-Lagring: for å tillate å legge ved filer til notater og aktivere filsynkronisering."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" kan være \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" eller \\"notetags\\" forå sette eller fjerne [tag] fra [note], eller å liste notater forbundet med [tag]. Kommandoen `tag list` kan brukes til å vise alle merkelappene. (bruk -l for full visning."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" kan enten være \\"bytt\\" eller \\"fjern\\". Bruk \\"bytt\\" for å veksle et gitt gjøremål mellom fullført og ikke fullført status (hvis målet er et vanlig notat det vil bli konvertert til et gjøremål). Bruk \\"Clear\\" for å konvertere gjøremålet tilbake til et vanlig notat.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Om Joplin","accelerator":"akselerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Akselerator \\" %s\\" er ikke gyldig.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Akselerator \\"%s\\" er i bruk for \\"%s\\" og \\"%s\\" kommandoer. Dette kan føre til uforutsett oppførsel.","Accept":"Aksepter","Action":"Handling","Active":"Aktiv","Actual Size":"Faktisk størrelse","Add body":"Legg til brødtekst","Add or remove tags:":"Legge til eller fjern merkelapper:","Add recipient:":"Legg til mottaker:","Add title":"Legg til tittel","Add to dictionary":"Legg til ordbok","Advanced options":"Avanserte innstillinger","Advanced tools":"Avanserte verktøy","All notes":"Alle notater","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alle potensielle porter er i bruk - vennligst rapporter saken ved %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Viser også ikke-satte og skjulte konfigurasjonsvariabler.","Always":"Alltid","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"En oppdatering er tilgjengelig, vil du laste den ned nå?","Appearance":"Utseende","Application":"Applikasjon","Apply":"Bruk","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Er du sikker på at du vil fornye autorisasjons tokenet?","Arguments:":"Argumenter:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim mørk","Attach file":"Legg ved fil","Attach photo":"Legg ved et bilde","Attach...":"Legg ved...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Legger ved den valgte filen til notatet.","attachment":"vedlegg","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt mellom vedlegg: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Nedlastningsoppførsel for vedlegg","Attachments":"Vedlegg","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Vedlegg som ikke kunne lastes ned","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Viktig: Dersom du endrer denne lokasjonen, sørg for at du kopierer alt innhold dit før du synkroniserer. Hvis ikke blir alle filer fjernet! Se FAQ for flere detaljer: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Godkjenning ble ikke fullført (mottok ikke et autoriseringsbevis).","Authorisation token:":"Autoriseringsbevis:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Automatisk lukk klammer, paranteser, fnutter, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Bytt tema automatisk for å matche systemtema","Automatically update the application":"Oppdater applikasjonen automatisk","Back":"Tilbake","Bold":"Fet","Browse all plugins":"Bla igjennom alle utvidelser","Browse...":"Utforsk...","Bulleted List":"Kulepunktliste","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Avbryter bakgrunnssynkronisering… Vennligst vent.","Cancelling...":"Avbryter…","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Avbryter… Vennligst vent.","Cannot access %s":"Får ikke tilgang til %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Kan ikke endre kryptert element","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan ikke kopiere notat til notatenboken \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Finner ikke \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Kan ikke starte synkronisering.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Kan ikke laste modulen \\"%s\\" for formatet \\"%s\\" og utgang \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Kan ikke laste modulen \\"%s\\" for formatet \\"%s\\" og målet \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan ikke flytte notatet til notatboken \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Kan ikke flytte notatboken til denne plasseringen","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Kan ikke oppdatere token: autentiseringsdata mangler. Hvis du starter synkroniseringen på nytt kan dette løse problemet.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Kan ikke lagre %s \\"%s\\" fordi det vil gå over total tillat grense (%s) for denne kontoen","Change application layout":"Endre applikasjonsoppsett","Change language":"Endre språk","Characters":"Tegn","Characters excluding spaces":"Tegn uten mellomrom","Check for updates...":"Se etter oppdatering...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Sjekk synkroniseringskonfigurasjon","Checkbox":"Avmerkingsboks","Checkbox list":"Avmerkingsliste","Checking... Please wait.":"Sjekker… Vennligst vent.","Choose an option":"Velg et alternativ","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Nullstill","Clear alarm":"Fjern alarm","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Velg \\"%s\\" for å gjenopprette notatet. Det vil bli kopiert til notatboken\\"%s\\". Den nåværende versjonen av notatet vil ikke bli erstattet eller modifisert.","Click to add tags...":"Klikk for å legge til merkelapper...","Client ID: %s":"Klient-ID: %s","Close":"Lukk","Close Window":"Lukk vindu","Code":"Kode","Code Block":"Kodeblokk","Code View":"Kode visning","Coming alarms":"Kommende alarmer","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Kommaseparert liste over stier til mapper å laste sertifikater fra, eller sti til individuelle sertifikatfiler. For eksempel: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.perm. Merk at dersom du gjør endringer til TLS-innstillingene må du lagre endringer før du velger \\"Sjekk synkroniseringskonfigurasjon\\".","command":"kommando","Command":"Kommando","Command palette":"Kommandomeny","Completed":"Fullført","Completed decryption.":"Dekryptering fullført.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Fullført: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfigurasjon","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Bekreftet passord kan ikke være tomt","Confirm password:":"Bekreft passord:","Confirmation":"Bekreftelse","Conflicted: %d":"Konflikter: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikter","Convert to note":"Konverter til notat","Convert to todo":"Konverter til gjøremål","Copy":"Kopier","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopier utvikler modus kommando til utklippstavlen","Copy Link Address":"Kopier linkadresse","Copy Markdown link":"Kopier Markdown-link","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopier sti til utklippstavlen","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopier delbar link","Copy token":"Kopier bevis","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Kunne ikke autorisere applikasjon:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nVennligst prøv igjen.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Kunne ikke koble til Joplin Server. Vennligst sjekk Synkroniseringsvalget i konfigurasjonssknermen. Hele feilmeldingen var:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Kunne ikke eksponere notater: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Kunne ikke installere utvidelse: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Kunne ikke oppgradere mesternøkler: %s","Create a notebook":"Opprett en notatbok","Created":"Opprettet","created date":"dato opprettet","Created local items: %d.":"Opprettet lokale elementer: %d.","Created locally":"Opprettet lokalt","Created remote items: %d.":"Opprettede eksterne elementer: %d.","Created: %d.":"Opprettet: %d.","Created: %s":"Opprettet: %s","Creates a new note.":"Oppretter et nytt notat.","Creates a new notebook.":"Oppretter en ny notatbok.","Creates a new to-do.":"Oppretter et nytt gjøremål.","Creating new %s...":"Oppretter nytt %s...","Creating report...":"Oppretter rapport...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Nåværende versjon er den siste tilgjengelige.","custom order":"tilpasset rekkefølgee","Custom order":"Tilpasset rekkefølge","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Eget stilark for Joplin sin appstil","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Eget stilark for rendret Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Egendefinerte TLS-sertifikater","Cut":"Klipp ut","Dark":"Mørk","Database v%s":"Database v%s","Date format":"Datoformat","days":"dager","Decrypted items: %d":"Dekrypterte elementer: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dekrypterte elementer: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dekrypterer elementer: %d/%d","Default":"Standard","Default: %s":"Standard: %s","Delete":"Slett","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Slett vedlegg \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Slett linje","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Slett lokale date og last ned på nytt fra synkroniseringsmålet","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Slette notat \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Slett notat?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Slette notatbok \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAlle notater og underliggende notatbøker i denne notatboken vil også bli slettet.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Slette notatbok? Alle notater og underliggende notatbøker i denne notatboken vil også bli slettet.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Slett utvidelse \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Slett disse %d notatene?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Slett invitasjonen? Mottaker vil ikke lenger ha tilgang til denne delte notatboken.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Slett lokale elementer: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Slettet eksterne elementer: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Sletter den valgte notatboken.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Sletter notatboken uten å spørre om bekreftelse.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Sletter notatene som samsvarer med .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Sletter notatene uten bekreftelse.","Destination format: %s":"Målformat: %s","Directory":"Katalog","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Katalog å synkronisere med (absolutt sti)","Disable encryption":"Deaktiver kryptering","Disable safe mode and restart":"Deaktiver sikker modus og restart","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Deaktiver Web Clipper-tjeneste","Disabled":"Deaktivitert","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Deaktivering av kryptering betyr at *alle* notatene og vedleggene synkroniseres på nytt og sendes ukryptert til synkroniseringsmålet. Vil du fortsette?","Discard changes":"Forkast endringer","Dismiss":"Ignorer","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Viser den komplette stedsinformasjonen for notatet.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Viser kun de første notatene.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Viser kun elementene av den spesifikke typen. Kan være `n` for notater, `t` for gjøremål eller `nt` for notater og gjøremål (f.eks.` -tt` vile kun vise gjøremål, mens `-tnt` vil vise notater og gjøremål.)","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Viser sammendrag om notatene og notatbøkene.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Viser den komplette informasjonen om notatet.","Displays the given note.":"Viser det valgte notatet.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Viser notatene i gjeldende notatbok. Bruk `ls /` for å vise listen over notatbøker.","Displays usage information.":"Vis brukerinformasjon.","Displays version information":"Vis versjonsinformasjon","Do it now":"Gjør det nå","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ikke spør om bekreftelse.","Download":"Nedlasting","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Last ned og installer den relevante utvidelsen for din nettleser:","Downloaded":"Nedlastet","Downloaded and decrypted":"Nedlastet og dekryptert","Downloaded and encrypted":"Nedlastet og kryptert","Downloading":"Laster ned","Downloading resources...":"Laster ned ressurser...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Slipp notater eller filer her","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Innlogging med Dropbox","Duplicate":"Dupliser","Duplicate line":"Dupliser linje","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Dupliserer notatene som samsvarer med til [notebook]. Hvis ingen notatbok er spesifisert blir notatet duplisert til gjeldende notatbok.","Edit":"Rediger","Edit in external editor":"Rediger i ekstern editor","Edit note.":"Rediger notat.","Edit notebook":"Rediger notatbok","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Editorskrift","Editor font family":"Editorskriftfamilie","Editor font size":"Editorskriftstørrelse","Editor monospace font family":"Editor monospace font famile","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Enten \\"text\\" eller \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"framhevet tekst","Enable":"Aktiver","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktiver ++insert++-syntaks","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktiver ==mark==-syntaks","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktiver ^sup^-syntaks","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktiver forkortelsesyntaks","Enable audio player":"Aktiver lydavspiller","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktiver deflist-syntaks","Enable encryption":"Aktiver kryptering","Enable footnotes":"Aktiver fotnoter","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Aktiver Fountain syntaksstøtte","Enable Linkify":"Aktiver Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktiver markdown-emoji","Enable math expressions":"Aktiver matteuttrykk","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Aktiver Mermaid-diagramsupport","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktiver multimarkdown-tabellutvidelse","Enable note history":"Aktiver notathistorikk","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktiver PDF visning","Enable soft breaks":"Aktiver myke linjeskift","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktiver liste over innhold-utvidelse","Enable typographer support":"Aktiver typografsupport","Enable video player":"Aktiver videoavspiller","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktiver Web Clipper-tjeneste","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktiver ~sub~-syntaks","Enabled":"Aktivert","Encrypted":"Kryptert","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Krypterte elementer kan ikke modifiseres","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Krypterte elementer kan ikke få endret navn","Encryption":"Kryptering","Encryption Config":"Krypteringsinnstillinger","Encryption is: %s":"Kryptering er: %s","Enter code here":"Skriv inn kode her","Enter master password:":"Skriv inn masterpassordet:","Enter notebook title":"Angi tittel på notatbok","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Feil","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Feil ved åpning av notat i editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Feil. Vennligst sjekk at URL, brukernavn, passord, etc. er korrekt og at synkroniseringsmålet er tilgjengelig. Feilmeldingen var:","Error: %s":"Feil: %s","Errors only":"Kun feilmeldinger","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote-eksportert fil (HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote-eksportert fil (Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Avslutter programmet.","Export":"Eksporter","Export all":"Eksporter alt","Export debug report":"Eksporter feilsøkingsrapport","Export Debug Report":"Eksporter feilsøkingsrapport","Export profile":"Eksporter profil","Exporting profile...":"Eksporterer profil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Eksporterer til \\"%s\\" i \\"%s\\" format. Vennligst vent...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Eksporterer Joplin-data til angitt sti. Standard er eksport av den komplette database inkludert notatbøker, notater, merkelapper og ressurser.","Exports only the given note.":"Eksporterer kun valgt notat.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Eksporterer kun valgt notatbok.","Fail-safe":"Feilsikker","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Feilhåndtering: Ikke slett lokal data når synkroniseringsmålet er tomt (ofte resultatet av en miskonfigurering eller bug)","Fatal error:":"Kritisk feil:","Feature flags":"Funksjonsflagg","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Hentet elementer: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Henter ressurser: %d/%d","File":"Fil","File system":"Filsystem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox-utvidelse","Fix search index":"Fiks søkeindeks","Fixing search index...":"Fikser søkeindeks...","Focus":"Fokuser","Focus body":"Fokuser på brødtekst","Focus title":"Fokuser på tittel","Folders":"Kataloger","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"For debugginghensyn: eksporter din profil til et eksternt SD-kort.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"For informasjon om hvordan tilpasse snarveier, vennligst besøk %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"For mer informasjon om ende-til-ende-kryptering (E2EE) og råd om hvordan du aktiverer det kan du sjekke dokumentasjonen:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"For listen over hurtigtaster og konfigurasjonsalternativer skriver `help keymap`","Forward":"Fremover","Found: %d.":"Funnet: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"Fulltekstsøk aktivert: %d","Full changelog":"Komplett endringslogg","General":"Generelle innstillinger","Generating link...":"Genererer link...","Get it now:":"Få den nå:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Få førutgivelse når du sjekker etter oppdateringer","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Skaffer eller setter en konfigurasjonsverdi. Hvis [value] ikke er angitt vil den vise verdien av [name]. Hvis hverken [name] eller [value] ikke er angitt, vil den vise den gjeldende konfigurasjonen.","Go to source URL":"Gå til kilde-URL","Goto Anything...":"Hopp til...","Grant authorisation":"Tillat autorisasjon","Heading":"Overskrift","Help":"Hjelp","Hide %s":"Skjul %s","Hide Joplin":"Skjul Joplin","Highlight":"Fremheve","Horizontal Rule":"Horisontal strek","HTML Directory":"HTML-katalog","HTML File":"HTML-fil","Hyperlink":"Hyperlenke","Icon":"Ikon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inaktiv","Ignore":"Ignorer","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorer TLS-sertifikatfeil","Import":"Importer","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importerer fra \\"%s\\" i \\"%s\\"-format. Vennligst vent...","Importing notes...":"Importer notater...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importer data til Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"I \\"Manuell\\" modus blir vedlegg kun lastet ned når du klikker på de. I \\"Auto\\" blir de lastet ned når du åpner notatet. I \\"Alltid\\" blir vedleggene lastet ned uansett om du åpner notatet eller ikke.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"I alle kommandoer kan et notat eller en notatbok kun refereres til etter tittel eller ID, eller ved hjelp av snarveiene `$n` (notat) eller `$b` (notatbok). `$c` kan brukes til å referere til nåværende merket element.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"For å knytte geolokasjon til dette notatet, trenger applikasjonen din tillatelse for å få tilgang til din lokasjon.\\n\\nDu kan slå av dette valget når som hels i Konfigurasjonsskjermen.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"For å gjøre dette, må hele ditt datasett krypteres og synkroniseres, derfor er det best å gjøre dette over natten.\\n\\nFor å starte, vennligst følg instruksjonene:\\n\\n1. Synkroniser alle dine enheter.\\n2. Klikk \\"%s\\".\\n3. La prosessen fullføre. Mens den kjører, unngå endringer på notatene dine på andre enheter, for å unngå konflikt.\\n4. Når synkroniseringen er fullført på denne enheten, synkroniser dine andre enheter og la dem fullføre prosessen.\\n\\nViktig: Du trenger kun å gjøre dette EN gang per enhet.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"For å kunne bruke filsystemsynkronisering behøves din tillatelse til å kunne skrive til ekstern lagrging.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"For å kunne bruke Web Clipper må du gjøre følgende:","In progress":"Pågår","In: %s":"I: %s","Indent less":"Innrykk mindre","Indent more":"Innrykk mer","Information":"Informasjon","Inline Code":"Innebygd kode","Insert":"Sett inn","Insert Date Time":"Sett inn dato/tid","Insert Hyperlink":"Sett inn hyperlenke","Install":"Installer","Install from file":"Installer fra fil","Installed":"Installert","Installing...":"Installerer...","Invalid":"Ugyldig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Ugyldig %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Ugyldig svar: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ugyldig kommando: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ugyldig verdi: \\"%s\\". Mulige verdier er: %s.","Italic":"Kursiv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Element \\"%s\\" ble ikke nedlastet: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Elementer som ikke kan dekrypteres","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Elementer som ikke vil synkronisere","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Sky","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplins Sky e-post","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Sky passord","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin-eksportert katalog","Joplin Export File":"Joplin-eksportert fil","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin feilet i å dekryptere disse elementene flere ganger, muligens fordi de er korrupte eller for store. Disse elementene vil forbli på enheten men Joplin vil ikke lenger forsøke å dekryptere de.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplins Server","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Server e-post","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server passord","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper gjør det mulig å lagre nettsteder og skjermbilder fra din nettleser til Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplins nettsted","Keep note history for":"Behold notathistorikk i","Keyboard Mode":"Tastaturmodus","Keyboard Shortcut":"Hurtigtaster","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Hurtigtaster","Keychain Supported: %s":"Nøkkelkjede støttet: %s","Landscape":"Landskap","Language":"Språk","Last error: %s":"Siste feil: %s","Later":"Senere","Layout":"Visning","Layout button sequence":"Visning knapperekkefølge","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Lys","Lines":"Linjer","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Linken har blitt kopiert til utklippstavlen!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Linker med protokoll \\"%s\\" er ikke støttet","List item":"Listeelement","Location":"Lokasjon","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Den låste filen er allerede sperret. Hvis du vet at det ikke pågår noen synkronisering kan du slette den låste filen på \\"%s\\" og fortsette operasjonen.","Log":"Logg","Login with Dropbox":"Innlogging med Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Innlogging med OneDrive","Make a donation":"Gi et bidrag","Manage your plugins":"Administrer dine utvidelser","Manual":"Manuell","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markerer et gjøremål som ferdig.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Merker et gjøremål som ikke fullført.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Masternøkkel: %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimalt samtidige tilkoblinger","Missing Master Keys":"Mangler masternøkler","Missing required argument: %s":"Mangler nødvendig argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobildata - autosynkronisering deaktivert","More info":"Mer informasjon","More information":"Mer informasjon","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mer enn ett treff for \\"%s\\". Vennligst gjør søket mer spesifikt.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Flytt %d notater til notatbok \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Flytt til notatbok","Move to notebook...":"Flytt til notatbok...","Move to notebook:":"Flytt til notatbok:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Flytter notatene som samsvarer med til [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nytt notat","New notebook":"Ny notatbok","New Notebook":"Ny notatbok","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Ny notatbok \\"%s\\" vil bli opprettet og filen \\"%s\\" vil bli importert til den","New sub-notebook":"Ny undernotatbok","New tags:":"Nye merkelapper:","New to-do":"Nytt gjøremål","New version: %s":"Ny versjon: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-passord","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-brukernavn","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV-URL","no":"nei","No":"Nei","No active notebook.":"Ingen aktiv notatbok.","No item with ID %s":"Ingen elementer med ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Ingen notatbok har blitt spesifisert.","No notebook selected.":"Ingen notatbok valgt.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Ingen notater her enda. Opprett et ved å klikke på \\"Nytt notat\\".","No resources!":"Ingen ressurser!","No results":"Ingen resultater","No such command: %s":"Ingen kommando: %s","No suggestions":"Ingen forslag","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Ingen teksteditor er valgt. Velg en ved å bruke `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ikke autentisert med %s. Vennligst fyll inn manglende detaljer.","Not downloaded":"Ikke nedlastet","note":"notat","Note":"Notat","Note area growth factor":"Notatområde vekstverdi","Note attachments":"Notatvedlegg","Note attachments...":"Notatvedlegg...","Note body":"Notatbrødtekst","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notat eksisterer ikke: \\"%s\\". Vil du opprette det?","Note has been saved.":"Notat har blitt lagret.","Note History":"Notathistorikk","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notat er ikke et gjøremål: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Notatlist","Note list growth factor":"Notatliste vekstverdi","Note properties":"Notategenskaper","Note title":"Tittel på notat","Note&book":"Notat&bok","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Merk: fungerer ikke i alle skrivebordsmiljøer.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Merk: Når et notat blir delt vil det ikke lenger være kryptert på serveren.","Notebook list growth factor":"Notatbok liste vekst verdi","Notebook title:":"Tittel på notatbok:","Notebook: %s":"Notatbok: %s","Notebooks":"Notatbøker","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notatbøker kan ikke hete %s, som er en reservert tittel.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notater og innstillinger er lagret i: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notater kan kun lages inne i en notatbok.","Numbered List":"Nummerert liste","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED mørk","On %s: %s":"På %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"En eller flere masternøkler bruker en utdatert krypteringsmetode.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Ett eller flere elementer er kryptert, og du må mulig oppgi hovedpassord. For å gjøre dette, vennligst skriv `e2ee decrypt`. Hvis du allerede har oppgitt passordet dekrypteres de krypterte elementene i bakgrunnen og vil snart være tilgjengelige.","One or more master keys need a password.":"En eller flere masternøkler trenger et passord.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Innlogging med OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Kun ett notat kan bli printet om gangen.","Open":"Åpne","Open %s":"Åpne %s","Open profile directory":"Åpne profil mappen","Open...":"Åpne...","Operation cancelled":"Operasjon avbrutt","Options":"Generelle innstillinger","Output format: %s":"Utformat: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Sideorientering for PDF-eksport","Page size for PDF export":"Sidestørrelse for PDF-eksport","Password":"Passord","Password cannot be empty":"Passordet kan ikke være tomt","Password:":"Passord:","Passwords do not match!":"Passordene er ikke like!","Paste":"Lim inn","Path:":"Sti:","PDF File":"PDF-fil","Permission needed":"Tillatelse kreves","Permission to use camera":"Tillatelse til å bruke kamera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Vennligst bekreft at du vil forsøke å rekryptere hele din database.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Vennligst skriv inn ditt passor i mesternøkkellisten under før du opppgraderer nøkkelen.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Vennligst åpne URL-en i din nettleser for autorisasjon. Programmet vil opprette en mappe i \\"Apps/Joplin\\" og vil kun lese og skrive filer i denne mappen. Den ikke ha tilgang til filer utenfor denne katalogen eller annen personlig data. Ingen data vil bli delt med noen tredjepart.","Please select a notebook first.":"Vennligst velg en notatbok først.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Vennligst velg notatet eller notatboken som skal slettes først.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Velg hvor synkroniseringsstatusen skal eksporteres til","Please specify import format for %s":"Vennligst velg importformat for %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Velg notatbok som notatene skal importeres til.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Vennligst oppgrader Joplin for å bruke denne utvidelsen","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Vennligst vent til at alle vedleggene er lastet ned og dekryptert. Du kan også bytte til %s for å redigere notatet.","Please wait...":"Vennligst vent...","Plugin tools":"Utvidelsesverktøy","Plugins":"Utvidelser","Portrait":"Portrett","Possible keys/values:":"Mulige nøkler/verdier:","Possible values: %s.":"Mulige verdier: %s.","Preferences":"Innstillinger","Preferences...":"Innstillinger...","Preferred dark theme":"Foretrukket mørkt tema","Preferred light theme":"Foretrukket lyst tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Trykk Ctrl+D eller skriv \\"exit\\" for å avslutte programmet","Press the shortcut":"Trykk for hurtigtast","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Trykk for hurtigtast og trykk så ENTER. Eller, trykk BACKSPACE for å slette hurtigtasten.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Trykk for å sette dekrypteringspassordet.","Previous versions of this note":"Forrige versjon av dette notatet","Print":"Skriv ut","Privacy Policy":"Personvernerklæring","Profile Version: %s":"Profilversjon: %s","Properties":"Egenskaper","Publish note...":"Publiser notat...","Publish Notes":"Publiser notat","Quit":"Avslutt","Re-encrypt data":"Rekrypter data","Re-encryption":"Omkryptering","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Last opp på nytt lokale data til synkroniseringsmål","Read more about it":"Les mer om det","Read time: %s min":"Lesetid: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Mottaker har akseptert invitasjonen","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Mottaker har ikke akseptert invitasjonen enda","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Mottaker har avvist invitasjonen","Recipients:":"Mottakere:","Redo":"Omgjør","Refresh":"Oppdater","Reject":"Avvis","Remove":"Fjern","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Fjern denne merkelappen \\"%s\\" fra alle notater?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Fjerne dette søket fra sidepanelet?","Rename":"Gi nytt navn","Rename notebook:":"Gi nytt navn til notatbok:","Rename tag:":"Gi nytt navn til merkelapp:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Gir nytt navn til (notat eller notatbok) til .","Renew token":"Forny tokenet","Resources: %d.":"Ressurser: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Omstart og oppgrader","Restart now":"Omstart nå","Restore":"Gjenopprett","Restored Notes":"Gjenopprettede notater","Retry":"Prøv igjen","Retry All":"Forsøk alle igjen","Reveal file in folder":"Vis fil i mappe","Reverse sort order":"Reverser sorteringsrekkefølge","Reverses the sorting order.":"Reverserer sorteringsrekkefølgen.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisjon: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Kjør kommandoene som finnes i denne tekstfilen. En kommando per linje.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Sikker mode er aktiv. Notatrendring og alle utvidelser er midlertidig deaktivert.","Save":"Lagre","Save alarm":"Angi alarm","Save as...":"Lagre som...","Save changes":"Lagre endringer","Save geo-location with notes":"Lagre stedsinformasjon med notater","Search":"Søk","Search for plugins...":"Søk etter utvidelser....","Search in all the notes":"Søk i alle notater","Search in current note":"Søk i nåværende notat","Search...":"Søk...","Search:":"Søk:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Søker etter angitt i alle notatene.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Se førutgivelsessiden for flere detaljer: %s","Select all":"Marker alt","Server is already running on port %d":"Serveren kjører allerede på port %d","Server is not running.":"Serveren kjører ikke.","Server is running on port %d":"Serveren kjører på port %d","Set alarm":"Angi alarm","Set alarm:":"Angi alarm:","Set the password":"Sett passord","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Setter egenskapen for angitt til angitt [verdi]. Mulige valg er: \\n\\n%s","Share":"Del","Share Notebook":"Del Notatbok","Share notebook...":"Del notatbok...","Sharing notebook...":"Deler notatbok...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Snarveier er ikke tilgjengelig i CLI-modus.","Show Advanced Settings":"Vis avanserte innstillinger","Show all":"Vis alle","Show completed to-dos":"Vis fullførte gjøremål","Show note counts":"Vis antall notater","Show tray icon":"Vis systemmenyikon","Sidebar":"Sidepanel","Size":"Størrelse","Skip this version":"Hopp over denne versjonen","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Hoppet over elementer: %d (bruk --retry-failed-items for å forsøke å dekryptere på nytt)","Skipped: %d.":"Hoppet over: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarisert mørk","Solarised Light":"Solarisert lys","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Noen elementer kan ikke dekrypteres.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Noen elementer kan ikke synkroniseres.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Noen elementer kan ikke synkroniseres. Press for mer info.","Sort notebooks by":"Sorter notater etter","Sort notes by":"Sorter notater etter","Sort selected lines":"Sorter valgte linjer","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sorter etter (f.eks. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Kildeformat: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Spesifiser porten som skal brukes av API-serveren. Hvis ikke satt vil en standardport brukes.","Spell checker":"Stavekontroll","Split View":"Splitvisning","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Start applikasjonen minimert som systemmenyikon","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Start, stopp eller sjekk API-serveren. For å angi på hvilken port den skal kjøre,sett api.port konfigurasjonsvariablen. Kommandoer er (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Starter dekryptering... Vennligst vent da det kan ta flere minutter avhengig av mengden som skal dekrypteres.","Starting synchronisation...":"Starter synkronisering...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Notatredigering startet. Lukk editoren for å komme tilbake til kommandolinjen.","Statistics":"Statistikk","Statistics...":"Statistikk...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Startet på port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Steg 1: Aktiver Web Clipper-tjenesten","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Steg 1: Åpne denne URL i din nettleser for å autorisere applikasjonen:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Steg 2: Sett inn koden du fikk av Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Steg 2: Installer utvidelsen","Stop":"Stopp","Stop external editing":"Stopp ekstern redigering","Strikethrough":"Gjennomstreket","strong text":"fet tekst","Submit":"Send","Subscript":"Underskrift","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Suksess! Synkroniseringskonfigurasjonen ser ut til å være korrekt.","Superscript":"Overskrift","Swap line down":"Bytt linje ned","Swap line up":"Bytt linje opp","Switch between note and to-do type":"Bytt mellom notat og gjøremål","Switch to note type":"Bytt til notatmodus","Switch to to-do type":"Bytt til gjøremålmodus","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Bytter til [notebook] - alle videre operasjoner vil skje i denne notatboken.","Sync Status":"Synkroniseringsstatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synkroniseringsstatus (synkroniserte elementer / totale elementer)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Synkroniseringsmålet må oppgraderes! Kjør \'%s\' for å fortsette.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Oppgrader synkroniseringsmål","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sync å forsynt mål (uteblivelsene å sync. target config-verdi)","Sync Version: %s":"Synkroniser versjon: %s","Synchronisation":"Synkronisering","Synchronisation interval":"Synkroniserinsintervall","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synkronisering er allerede i gang.","Synchronisation Status":"Synkroniseringsstatus","Synchronisation target":"Synkroniseringsmål","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synkroniseringsmål: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synkroniser","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synkroniser kun over WIFI tilkobling","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synkroniser med fjernlagring.","Synchronising...":"Synkroniserer...","Synchronizing...":"Synkroniserer...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Merket: %d.","Tags":"Merkelapper","Take photo":"Ta bilde","Text editor command":"Teksteditor","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Programmet vil lukkes nå. Vennligst restarte det for å fullføre prosessen.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Applikasjonen er autorisert - du kan nå lukke denne nettleserenfanen.","The application has been authorised!":"Applikasjonen har blitt godkjent!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Applikasjonen har blitt godkjent.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Applikasjonen må restarte for at endringer skal tre i kraft.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Følgende vedlegg vil ikke lenger overvåkes når du bytter til et annet notat.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Kommandoen \\"%s\\" er kun tilgjengelig i GUI-modus","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Standard admin passord er usikkert og har ikke blitt endret! [Bytt det nå](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Standard krypteringsmetode har blitt endret til en mer sikker en og det er anbefalt at du velger den for ditt innhold.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Standard krypteringsmetode har blitt endret. Du bør rekryptere ditt innhold.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Teksteditor som skal brukes til å åpne et notat. Hvis det ikke er satt vil den prøve å automatisk velge standardprogram.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Verdi egenskapen setter hvordan et element vil vokse eller krympe for å passe inn i det tilgjengelige rommet i sin kontainer med tanke på andre elementer. Derfor vil et element med verdien 2 oppta dobbelt så mye plass enn et element med verdien 1. Omstart applikasjonen for å se endringer.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Følgende vedlegg overvåkes for endringer:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplins mobilapp støtter for tiden ikke denne type linker: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Mesternøkkelen har blitt oppgradert!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Masternøklene med disse ID-ene brukes til å kryptere noen av elementene, men programmet har for øyeblikket ikke tilgang til dem. Det er sannsynlig at de vil siden bli lastet ned via synkronisering.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Notatet \\"%s\\" has blitt vellykket gjenopprettet i notatboken \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Denne notatboken kunne ikke lagres: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Notatene som har blitt importert: %s","The possible commands are:":"De mulige kommandoene er:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Synkroniseringsmålet må være oppgradert før Joplin kan synkronisere. Denne operasjonen kan ta noen minutter for å fullføre og applikasjonen trenger å restarte. For å fortsette trykk på linken.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Merkelappen \\"%s\\" eksiterer allerede. Vennligst velg et annet navn.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Målet å synkronisere til. Hvert synkroniseringsmål kan ha tilleggsparametere som er navngitt som `sync.NUM.NAME` (dokumentert nedenfor).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Webklipperen trenger din autorisasjon for å få tilgang til dine data.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web Clipper-tjenesten er aktivert og satt til å starte opp automatisk.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web Clipper-tjenesten er ikke aktivert.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Det finnes enda ingen notater. Lag en ved å klikke på (+)-knappen.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Det er for tiden ingen notatbok. Lag en ved å klikke på \\"Ny notatbok\\".","There is no data to export.":"Det er ingen data for eksportering.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Det var en [konflikt](%s) i vedlegget under.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Det oppstod en feil ved nedlastingen av dette vedlegget:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Disse elementene blir værende på enheten, men vil ikke bli lastet opp til synkroniseringsmålet. For å finne disse elementene, enten søk etter tittel eller ID (som vises i parentes over).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Disse utvidelsene forbedrer Markdown senderen med utvidet funksjonalitet. Vær oppmerksom på at, selv om funksjonaliteten kan være nyttig, så er det ikke standard Markdown og vil dermed kun virke i Joplin. Videre, noen av dem er *inkompatible* med WYIWYG editoren. Hvis du åpner et notat og benytter et av disse utvidelsene, vil du miste utvidelsesformatering. Det er angitt under hvilke utvidelser som er kompatible eller ikke med WYSIWYG editoren.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Dette vedlegget er ikke lastet ned eller dekryptert enda","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Dette vedlegget er enda ikke lastet ned eller dekryptert.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Denne autoriseringsbeviset er det eneste nødvendige for å gi tredjepartsapplikasjoner tilgang til Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Dette er et avansert verktøy for å vise vedlegg som er linket til dine notater. Vennligst vær forsiktig når du sletter et av dem da de ikke kan gjenopprettes etterpå.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Dette notatet har ingen stedsinformasjon.","This note has been modified:":"Dette notatet har blitt endret:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Dette notatet har ikke noe innhold. Klikk på \\"%s\\" for å redigere notatet.","This note has no history":"Dette notatet har ingen historikk","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Denne riktekst editoren har en rekke begrensinger og det er anbefalt at man er oppmerksom på dette før man benytter den.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Denne tjenesten tillater nettleserutvidelser å kommunisere med Joplin. Når du aktiverer den kan brannmuren spørre om du vil gi Joplin tillatelse til å lytte på en bestemt port.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Dette vil tillatte Joplin å kjøre i bakgrunnen. Det er anbefalt å aktivere denne innstillingen så notatene dine blir synkronisert konstant, slik at du reduserer mulige konflikter.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Dette vil åpne et nytt vindu. Vil du lagre nåværende endringer?","Time format":"Tidsformat","title":"tittel","Title":"Tittel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"For å få Joplin til å synkronisere med Dropbox, vennligst følg trinnene under her:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"For å slette en merkelapp, fjern merkelappen fra merkede notater.","To delete: %d":"Slettes: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"For å gå inn i kommandolinjemodus, trykk \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"For å gå ut av kommandolinjemodus, trykk ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"For manuelt å sortere notatene, må sorteringsrekkefølgen endres til \\"%s\\" i meny \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"For å maksimere/minimere konsollet, trykk \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Hvis du vil flytte fra en fane til en annen, trykk Tab eller Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"For å prøve dekryptering på nytt på disse elementene. Kjør \'e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items\'","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"For å fungere riktig behøver applikasjonen følgende tillatelser. Vennligst aktiver de i telefoninnstillingene, i Apps > Joplin > Tillatelser","to-do":"gjøremål","Toggle comment":"Vis/skjul kommentar","Toggle development tools":"Skru på/av utviklingsverktøy","Toggle editor layout":"Bytt editorvisning","Toggle editors":"Bytt editorer","Toggle external editing":"Vis/skjul ekstern redigering","Toggle note list":"Skru på/av notatliste","Toggle safe mode":"Vis/skjul sikker modus","Toggle sidebar":"Vis/skjul sidepanel","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Bevis har blitt kopiert til utklippstavlen!","Tools":"Verktøy","Total: %d/%d":"Totalt: %d/%d","Try again":"Forsøk igjen","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Skriv inn `help [kommando]` for å få mer informasjon om en kommando. eller skriv inn `help all` for fullstendig brukerinformasjon.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Skriv `joplin help` for brukerinformasjon.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Skriv en notattittel eller deler av innholdet for å hoppe til det. Eller skriv # etterfulgt av et merkelappnavn. Eller skriv : for å søke i kommandoer.","Type new tags or select from list":"Skriv inn nye merkelapper eller velg fra listen","Type: %s.":"Type: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Uferdige gjøremål på topp","Undo":"Angre","Unknown flag: %s":"Ukjent flagg: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Ukjent elementtype lastet ned - vennligst oppgrader Joplin til siste versjon","Unpublish note":"Opphev delt notat","Unshare":"Opphev deling","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Slutt å dele notatbok? Mottakerne vil ikke lenger har tilgang til innholdet.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Bildetypen er ikke støttet: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Usupportert lenke eller melding: %s","Untitled":"Uten navn","Update":"Oppdater","Updated":"Oppdatert","updated date":"sist oppdatert","Updated local items: %d.":"Oppdaterte lokale elementer: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Oppdaterte eksterne elementer: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Oppdatert: %d.","Updated: %s":"Oppdatert: %s","Updating...":"Oppdaterer...","Upgrade":"Oppgrader","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Oppgrader synkroniseringsmålet til siste versjon.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Bruk: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Bruk langt listeformat. Format er ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notatbok), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for gjøremål), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Bruk stavekontroll","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Bruk pilene på tastaturet og Page up/down for å navigere i lister og tekstområder (inkludert dette konsollet).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Bruk piltastene for å flytte oppsettselementene. Trykk \\"Escape\\" for å lukke.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Velg dette for å gjenoppbygge søkeindeksen dersom du har problemer med søk. Det kan ta lang tid avhengig av antall notater.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Brukt for mesteparten av tekst i markdown editoren. Hvis ikke funnet, vil en generell proposjonal (variabel bredde) font benyttes.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Brukt hvor en fastbredde font er behøvd for å ordne tekst(i.e tabeller, sjekkbokser, kode). Hvis ikke funnet, vil en generell monospace (fast bredde) font benyttes.","View":"Visning","View on map":"Vis på kart","View them now":"Vis nå","Viewer":"Visning","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Advarsel","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Advarsel: ikke alle ressurser vist av ytelseshensyn (grense: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-passord","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-brukernavn","Website and documentation":"Nettsted og dokumentasjon","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Velkommen til Joplin!\\n\\nSkriv `:help shortcuts` for listen over hurtigtaster eller kun `:help` for brukerinformasjon.\\n\\nHvis du for eksempel vil opprette en notatbok trykker du `mb`; for å opprette et notat, trykk `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Når du oppretter et nytt notat:","When creating a new to-do:":"Når nytt gjøremål opprettes:","Words":"Ord","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Du er i ferd med å knytte et stort bilde (%dx%d piksler). Ønsker du å skalere dette ned til %d piksler før til knytter det til?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Du har ingen notatbøker.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Du har ikke installert noen utvidelser.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Du kan også skrive \'status\' for mer informasjon.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Du kan bruke verktøyet under for å rekryptere ditt innhold, for eksempel hvis du vet at noen av dine notater er kryptert med en utdatert krypteringsmetode.","Your choice: ":"Ditt valg: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Ditt innhold vil bli rekryptert og synkronisert igjen.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Tillatelse til å bruke kamera er nødvendig.","Your version: %s":"Din versjon: %s","Zoom In":"Zoom inn","Zoom Out":"Zoom ut"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" ontbreekt de vereiste \\"%s\\" eigenschap.","%d days":"%d dagen","%d hour":"%d uur","%d hours":"%d uren","%d minutes":"%d minuten","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notities voldoen aan het patroon. Deze verwijderen?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) kon niet opgeladen worden: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-release)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopieer","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notities","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Bijwerken","&File":"&Bestand","&Go":"&Ga","&Help":"&Help","&Note":"&Notitie","&Tools":"&Hulpmiddelen","&View":"&Weergave","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Camera: om toe te laten een foto te maken en deze als bijlage te voegen bij een notitie.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Locatie: om toe te laten geo-locatie toe te voegen aan een notitie.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Opslag: om toe te laten bestanden als bijlage te voegen bij notities en om filesystem-synchronisatie mogelijk te maken."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" kan \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" of \\"notetags\\" zijn om een [tag] toe te voegen aan of te verwijderen van een [note], om alle notities geassocieerd met de [tag] op te lijsten of om alle tags van de [note] op te lijsten. Het commando `tag list` kan gebruikt worden om alle tags op te lijsten (gebruik -l voor lange optie)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" kan of \\"toggle\\" of \\"clear\\" zijn. Gebruik \\"toggle\\" om de to-do te om te schakelen tussen voltooid en onvoltooid (Als het doel een gewone notitie is, zal ze geconverteerd worden naar een to-do). Gebruik \\"clear\\" om terug te wisselen naar een standaard notitie.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Over Joplin","Action":"Actie","Active":"Actief","Actual Size":"Huidige grootte","Add or remove tags:":"Tags toevoegen of verwijderen:","Add title":"Titel toevoegen","Add to dictionary":"Toevoegen aan woordenboek","Advanced options":"Geavanceerde opties","All notes":"Alle notities","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alle potentiële poorten zijn in gebruik - gelieve dit te rapporteren aan %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Toont ook niet-ingestelde en verborgen configuratie-opties.","Always":"Altijd","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Er is een update beschikbaar; wilt u die nu ophalen?","Appearance":"Weergave","Application":"Applicatie","Apply":"Toepassen","Arguments:":"Argumenten:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim donker","Attach file":"Voeg bestand toe","Attach photo":"Voeg foto toe","Attach...":"Bijvoegen ...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Voegt het bestand toe aan de notitie.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Bijlageconflict: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Modus voor ophalen van bijlages","Attachments":"Bijlagen","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Bijlagen die niet opgehaald konden worden","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Opgelet: als u deze locatie wijzigt, zorg er dan voor dat u al uw inhoud naar deze locatie kopieert voordat u synchroniseert, anders worden alle bestanden verwijderd! Zie de FAQ voor meer details: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Verificatie was niet voltooid (geen verificatietoken ontvangen).","Authorisation token:":"Autorisatietoken:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Haakjes, aanhalingstekens, etc. automatisch aanvullen","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Thema automatisch wisselen overeenkomstig het systeem-thema","Automatically update the application":"Update de applicatie automatisch","Back":"Terug","Bold":"Vetjes","Browse all plugins":"Door alle plugins bladeren","Browse...":"Bladeren ...","Bulleted List":"Opsommingstekens","Cancel":"Annuleer","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Achtergrond synchronisatie wordt geannuleerd... Even geduld.","Cancelling...":"Annuleren...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Annuleren.. Even geduld.","Cannot access %s":"Geen toegang tot %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Kan het versleutelde item niet wijzigen","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan notitie niet naar notitieboek \\"%s\\" kopiëren","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Kan \\"%s\\" niet vinden.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Kan de synchronisatie niet starten.","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan notitie niet naar notitieboek \\"%s\\" verplaatsen","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Kan notitieboek niet naar deze locatie verplaatsen","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Kan token niet vernieuwen: verificatiegegevens ontbreken. De synchronisatie opnieuw starten, zou het probleem kunnen oplossen.","Change application layout":"Verander de layout","Change language":"Taal wijzigen","Characters":"Tekens","Characters excluding spaces":"Tekens zonder spaties","Check for updates...":"Kijken of er updates zijn ...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Verifieer de configuratie van de synchronisatie","Checkbox":"Selectievakje","Checkbox list":"Selectievakjeslijst","Checking... Please wait.":"Verifiëren ... Even geduld.","Choose an option":"Kies een optie","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Webwinkel","Clear":"Vrijmaken","Clear alarm":"Wis melding","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klik op \\"%s\\" om de notitie te herstellen. De notitie wordt gekopieerd naar het notitieboek met de naam \\"%s\\". De huidige versie van de notitie zal niet worden vervangen of gewijzigd.","Click to add tags...":"Klik om tags toe te voegen ...","Client ID: %s":"Client ID: %s","Close":"Sluit","Close Window":"Venster sluiten","Code":"Code","Code Block":"Blok code","Code View":"Code-weergave","Coming alarms":"Komende meldingen","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Komma-gescheiden lijst van paden naar mappen om de certificaten van te laden, of pad naar individuele cert-bestanden. Bijvoorbeeld: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Merk op dat als u wijzigingen aanbrengt in de TLS-instellingen, u uw wijzigingen moet opslaan voordat u klikt op \\"Verifieer de configuratie van de synchronisatie\\".","command":"commando","Command":"Commando","Command palette":"Commandopalet","Completed":"Voltooid","Completed decryption.":"Decryptie voltooid.","Configuration":"Configuratie","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Bevestiging wachtwoord kan niet leeg zijn","Confirm password:":"Bevestig paswoord:","Conflicted: %d":"Conflict: %d","Conflicts":"Conflicten","Convert to note":"Converteer naar notitie","Convert to todo":"Converteer naar to-do","Copy":"Kopieer","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopieer dev mode commando naar klembord","Copy Link Address":"Kopieer koppelingslocatie","Copy Markdown link":"Kopieer Markdown koppeling","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopieer pad","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopieer deelbare koppeling","Copy token":"Kopieer token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Kon applicatie niet autoriseren:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nGelieve nogmaals te proberen.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Kon geen verbinding maken met de Joplin Server. Controleer de Synchronisatie opties in het configuratie scherm. Volledige fout was:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Kon notities niet exporteren: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Kon plugin niet installeren: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Kon hoofdsleutel niet upgraden: %s","Create a notebook":"Maak nieuw notitieboek aan","Created":"Aangemaakt","created date":"datum aanmaak","Created local items: %d.":"Aangemaakte lokale items: %d.","Created locally":"Lokaal toegevoegd","Created remote items: %d.":"Aangemaakte remote items: %d.","Created: %d.":"Aangemaakt: %d.","Created: %s":"Aangemaakt: %s","Creates a new note.":"Maakt een nieuwe notitie aan.","Creates a new notebook.":"Maakt een nieuw notitieboek aan.","Creates a new to-do.":"Maakt nieuwe to-do aan.","Creating new %s...":"Nieuwe %s aanmaken ...","Creating report...":"Rapport aanmaken ...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Actuele versie is up-to-date.","custom order":"aangepaste rangschikking","Custom order":"Aangepaste rangschikking","Custom TLS certificates":"Aangepaste TLS-certificaten","Cut":"Knip","Dark":"Donker","Date format":"Datumnotatie","days":"dagen","Decrypted items: %d":"Gedecrypteerde items: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Gedecrypteerde items: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Items decrypteren: %d/%d","Default":"Standaard","Default: %s":"Standaard: %s","Delete":"Verwijderen","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Bijlage \\"%s\\" verwijderen?","Delete line":"Lijn verwijderen","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Notities \\"%s\\" verwijderen?","Delete note?":"Notitie verwijderen?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notitieboek \\"%s\\" verwijderen?\\n\\nAlle notities en sub-notitieboeken in dit notitieboek zullen ook verwijderd worden.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notitieboek verwijderen? Alle notities en sub-notitieboeken in dit notitieboek zullen ook verwijderd worden.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Plugin \\"%s\\" verwijderen?","Delete these %d notes?":"Deze notities %d verwijderen?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Verwijderde lokale items: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Verwijderde remote items: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Verwijdert het opgegeven notitieboek.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Verwijdert het notitieboek zonder te vragen om bevestiging.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Verwijder alle notities die voldoen aan .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Verwijdert de notities zonder om bevestiging te vragen.","Destination format: %s":"Doelformaat: %s","Directory":"Map","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Folder om mee te synchroniseren (absolute pad)","Disable encryption":"Schakel encryptie uit","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Web Clipper Service uitschakelen","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Encryptie uitschakelen betekent dat *al* uw notities en toevoegingen opnieuw gesynchroniseerd zullen worden en ontsleuteld naar het synchronisatiedoel zullen gestuurd worden. Wil u verder gaan?","Discard changes":"Verwerp wijzigingen","Dismiss":"Verwerpen","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Toont een geo-locatie-URL voor de notitie.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Toont enkel de top notities.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Toont enkel de items van de specifieke type(s). Kan `n` zijn voor notities, `t` voor to-do\'s, of `nt` voor notities en to-do\'s (bv. `-tt` zou alleen to-do\'s tonen, terwijl `-tnt` notities en to-do\'s zou tonen).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Toont een overzicht van alle notities en notitieboeken.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Toont de volledige informatie van een notitie.","Displays the given note.":"Toont de opgegeven notitie.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Toont de notities in het huidige notitieboek. Gebruik `ls /` om een lijst van notitieboeken te tonen.","Displays usage information.":"Toont gebruiksinformatie.","Displays version information":"Toont versie informatie","Do it now":"Nu doen","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Vraag niet om bevestiging.","Download":"Ophalen","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Ophalen en installeren van de overeenkomstige extensie voor je browser:","Downloaded":"Opgehaald","Downloaded and decrypted":"Opgehaald en gedecrypteerd","Downloaded and encrypted":"Opgehaald en geëncrypteerd","Downloading":"Ophalen ...","Downloading resources...":"Bijlagen ophalen ...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Sleep notities of bestanden hier naartoe","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox Login","Duplicate":"Dupliceer","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Dupliceert de notities die voldoen aan in [notitieboek]. Als er geen notitieboek is gespecifeerd, zal de notitie gedupliceerd worden in het huidige notitieboek.","Edit":"Bewerk","Edit in external editor":"Bewerken in externe editor","Edit note.":"Bewerk notitie.","Edit notebook":"Bewerk notitieboek","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Lettertype editor","Editor font family":"Lettertype editor","Editor font size":"Lettergrootte editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Of \\"text\\" of \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","Enable":"Activeer","Enable audio player":"Audiospeler inschakelen","Enable encryption":"Schakel encryptie in","Enable footnotes":"Voetnoten inschakelen","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Ondersteuning van Fountain syntax inschakelen","Enable Linkify":"Schakel Linkify in","Enable markdown emoji":"Markdown emoji inschakelen","Enable math expressions":"Schakel wiskundige formules in","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Ondersteuning van Mermaid diagrammen inschakelen","Enable note history":"Schakel notitiehistoriek in","Enable PDF viewer":"Schakel PDF weergave in","Enable table of contents extension":"Extensie voor inhoudstafel inschakelen","Enable video player":"Schakel videospeler in","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Web Clipper Service inschakelen","Enabled":"Ingeschakeld","Encrypted":"Versleuteld","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Versleutelde items kunnen niet aangepast worden","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Versleutelde notitieboeken kunnen niet hernoemd worden","Encryption":"Encryptie","Encryption Config":"Encryptie configuratie","Encryption is: %s":"Encryptie is: %s","Enter code here":"Code hier ingeven","Enter master password:":"Geef hoofdpaswoord in:","Enter notebook title":"Geef titel van notitieboek in","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Fout","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Fout bij het openen van de notitie in de editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Fout. Gelieve te verifiëren of URL, gebruikersnaam, paswoord, etc. correct zijn en of het synchronisatiedoel bereikbaar is. De error was:","Error: %s":"Fout: %s","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote Exportbestand (als HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote Exportbestand (als Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sluit de applicatie.","Export":"Exporteren","Export all":"Exporteer alle","Export Debug Report":"Exporteer debug rapport","Export profile":"Exporteer profiel","Exporting profile...":"Profiel exporteren ...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exporteren naar \\"%s\\" in \\"%s\\" formaat. Even geduld ...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporteert Joplin-gegevens naar de opgegeven map. Standaard zal dit de volledige database exporteren, inclusief notitieboeken, notities, tags en bijlagen.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporteert alleen de opgegeven notitie.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporteert alleen het opgegeven notitieboek.","Fail-safe":"Beveiligd tegen falen","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Beveiligd tegen falen: Wis de lokale data niet wanneer de synchronisatiebestemming leeg is (vaak het resultaat van een misconfiguratie of bug)","Fatal error:":"Fatale fout:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Opgehaalde items: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Bijlages ophalen: %d/%d","File":"Bestand","File system":"Bestandssysteem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox extensie","Fix search index":"Zoekindex herstellen","Fixing search index...":"Zoekindex herstellen ...","Focus":"Focus","Focus body":"Focus tekst","Focus title":"Focus titel","Folders":"Mappen","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Enkel met het oog op debugging: exporteer je profiel naar een externe SD card.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Voor informatie over hoe de snelkoppeling aan te passen, bezoek %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Voor meer informatie over End-To-End Encryptie (E2EE) en advies over hoe u dit kunt inschakelen, gelieve de documentatie te raadplegen:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Voor de lijst van snelkoppelingen en configuratieopties, typ `help keymap`","Forward":"Verder","Found: %d.":"Gevonden: %d.","General":"Algemeen","Generating link...":"Generatie koppeling ...","Get it now:":"Nu ophalen:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Ontvang pre-releases bij het controleren op updates","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Haalt een configuratie waarde op of stelt een waarde in. Als [value] niet opgegeven is, zal de waarde van [name] getoond worden. Als noch de [name] of [waarde] opgegeven zijn, zal de huidige configuratie opgelijst worden.","Go to source URL":"Ga naar bron-URL","Goto Anything...":"Ga naar om het even wat ...","Heading":"Hoofding","Hide %s":"Verberg %s","Hide Joplin":"Verberg Joplin","Horizontal Rule":"Horizontale lijn","HTML Directory":"HTML Map","HTML File":"HTML Bestand","Hyperlink":"Koppeling","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inactief","Ignore":"Negeer","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Negeer TLS-certificaatfouten","Import":"Importeer","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importeren van \\"%s\\" in \\"%s\\" formaat. Even geduld ...","Importing notes...":"Notities importeren ...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importeert gegevens in Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"In modus \\"Handmatig\\" wordt een bijlage pas opgehaald als je ze aanklikt. In modus \\"Auto\\" worden de bijlagen opgehaald wanneer je de notitie opent. In modus \\"Altijd\\" worden alle bijlagen opgehaald, of je de notitie nu opent of niet.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Bij ieder commando kan er naar een notitie of een notitieboek verwezen worden door de titel, het ID of de snelkoppelingen `$n` of `$b` te gebruiken, respectievelijk, het huidig geselecteerde notitieboek of de huidige geselecteerde notitie. `$c` kan gebruikt worden om te refereren naar het huidige geselecteerde item.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Om een geo-locatie aan de notitie te koppelen, heeft de app uw toestemming nodig om toegang te krijgen tot uw locatie.\\n\\nU kunt deze optie op elk moment uitschakelen in de instellingen.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Om dit te doen, moet uw volledige dataset worden versleuteld en gesynchroniseerd, dus het is het beste om het \'s nachts uit te voeren.\\n\\nOm te beginnen, gelieve deze instructies te volgen:\\n\\n1. Synchroniseer al uw apparaten.\\n2. Klik op \\"%s\\".\\n3. Laat het tot het einde lopen. Terwijl het loopt, vermijd het veranderen van enige notitie op uw andere apparaten, om conflicten te vermijden.\\n4. Zodra de synchronisatie op dit apparaat is voltooid, synchroniseert u alle andere apparaten en laat u de synchronisatie tot het einde uitvoeren.\\n\\nBelangrijk: u hoeft dit maar EEN keer op één apparaat te doen.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Om bestandssysteemsynchronisatie te kunnen gebruiken, is uw toestemming vereist om naar externe opslag te schrijven.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Om de web clipper te gebruiken, moet u het volgende doen:","In progress":"In uitvoering","In: %s":"In: %s","Indent less":"Insprong verkleinen","Indent more":"Insprong vergroten","Information":"Informatie","Inline Code":"Inline-code","Insert Date Time":"Datum en tijd inlassen","Insert Hyperlink":"Koppeling inlassen","Install":"Installeren","Install from file":"Installeren vanaf bestand","Installed":"Geïnstalleerd","Installing...":"Installeren ...","Invalid":"Ongeldig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Ongeldig %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Ongeldig antwoord: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ongeldig commando: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ongeldige optie: \\"%s\\". Geldige waarden zijn: %s.","Italic":"Cursief","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Item \\"%s\\" kon niet opgehaald worden: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Items die niet gedecrypteerd kunnen worden","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Items die niet gesynchroniseerd kunnen worden","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Exportmap","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Exportbestand","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin is er meerdere malen niet in geslaagd deze items te decrypteren, mogelijk omdat ze corrupt of te groot zijn. Deze items blijven op het apparaat staan, maar Joplin zal niet langer proberen ze te decrypteren.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server paswoord","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper laat toe webpagina\'s en schermafbeeldingen van je browser op te slaan in Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin website","Keep note history for":"Bewaar notitiehistoriek gedurende","Keyboard Mode":"Toetsenbordmodus","Keyboard Shortcut":"Sneltoets","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Sneltoetsen","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain ondersteund: %s","Landscape":"Landschap","Language":"Taal","Last error: %s":"Laatste fout: %s","Later":"Later","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Volgorde layout-knop","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Licht","Lines":"Regels","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Koppeling is gekopieerd naar klembord!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Koppelingen met protocol \\"%s\\" worden niet ondersteund","Location":"Locatie","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Vergrendelingsbestand is al bezet. Als u zeker bent dat er geen synchronisatie bezig is, mag u het vergrendelingsbestand verwijderen op \\"%s\\" en de synchronisatie hervatten.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Login with Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Log in met OneDrive","Make a donation":"Doe een gift","Manage your plugins":"Beheer uw plugins","Manual":"Handmatig","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markeert een to-do als voltooid.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markeert een to-do als onvoltooid.","Markup":"Opmaak","Master Key %s":"Hoofdsleutel: %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maximum aantal gelijktijdige connecties","Missing Master Keys":"Ontbrekende Hoofdsleutels","Missing required argument: %s":"Benodigde argumenten niet voorzien: %s","More info":"Meer informatie","More information":"Meer informatie","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Meer dan één item voldoet aan de zoekterm \\"%s\\". Verfijn uw zoekterm a.u.b.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Verplaats %d notities naar notitieboek \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Verplaats naar notitieboek","Move to notebook...":"Verplaats naar notitieboek...","Move to notebook:":"Verplaats naar notitieboek:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Verplaatst de notities die voldoen aan naar [notitieboek].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nieuwe notitie","New notebook":"Nieuw notitieboek","New Notebook":"Nieuw Notitieboek","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Nieuw notitieboek \\"%s\\" zal aangemaakt worden en bestand \\"%s\\" wordt eraan toegevoegd","New sub-notebook":"Nieuw sub-notitieboek","New tags:":"Nieuwe tags:","New to-do":"Nieuwe to-do","New version: %s":"Nieuwe versie: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud paswoord","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud username","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"neen","No":"Neen","No active notebook.":"Geen actief notitieboek.","No item with ID %s":"Geen item met ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Geen notitieboek is gespecifieerd.","No notebook selected.":"Geen notitieboek geselecteerd.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Geen notities. Maak een notitie door op \\"Nieuwe notitie\\" te klikken.","No resources!":"Geen bijlages!","No results":"Geen resultaten","No such command: %s":"Geen commando gevonden: %s","No suggestions":"Geen suggesties","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Geen editor gedefinieerd. Stel in met `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Niet geverifieerd voor %s. Gelieve ontbrekende referenties in te vullen.","Not downloaded":"Niet opgehaald","note":"notitie","Note":"Notitie","Note area growth factor":"Groeifactor notitiegrootte","Note attachments":"Notitiebijlagen","Note attachments...":"Notitiebijlagen ...","Note body":"Notitietekst","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notitie bestaat niet: \\"%s\\". Aanmaken?","Note has been saved.":"Notitie is opgeslagen.","Note History":"Notitiehistoriek","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notitie is geen to-do: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Notitielijst","Note list growth factor":"Groeifactor notitielijst","Note properties":"Eigenschappen","Note title":"Notitietitel","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Opmerking: werkt niet in alle desktop-omgevingen.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Opmerking: wanneer een notitie gedeeld wordt, is ze niet langer geëncrypteerd op de server.","Notebook list growth factor":"Groeifactor notitieboeklijst","Notebook title:":"Notitieboek titel:","Notebook: %s":"Notitieboek: %s","Notebooks":"Notitieboeken","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notitieboeken kunnen niet \\"%s\\" genoemd worden, dit is een gereserveerd woord.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notities en instellingen zijn opgeslagen in %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notities kunnen enkel in een notitieboek aangemaakt worden.","Numbered List":"Nummering","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Donker","On %s: %s":"Op %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Eén van uw hoofdsleutels gebruikt een verouderde encryptiemethode.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Eén of meerdere items zijn momenteel versleuteld en de hoofdsleutel kan gevraagd worden. Om te ontsleutelen, typ `e2ee decrypt`. Als je de hoofdsleutel al ingegeven hebt, worden de versleutelde items ontsleuteld in de achtergrond. Ze zijn binnenkort beschikbaar.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Eén of meer hoofdsleutels moeten een paswoord hebben.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive Login","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Er kan slechts één notitie tegelijk afgedrukt worden.","Open":"Open","Open %s":"Open %s","Open profile directory":"Open profielmap","Open...":"Openen ...","Operation cancelled":"Actie geannuleerd","Options":"Opties","Output format: %s":"Doelformaat: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Paginaoriëntatie voor export naar PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Paginaformaat voor export naar PDF","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password cannot be empty":"Wachtwoord kan niet leeg zijn","Password:":"Wachtwoord:","Passwords do not match!":"Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen!","Paste":"Plak","Path:":"Pad:","PDF File":"PDF Bestand","Permission needed":"Toestemming vereist","Permission to use camera":"Toestemming camera te gebruiken","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Gelieve te bevestigen dat u uw hele databank opnieuw wil encrypteren.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Gelieve uw paswoord in te geven in de lijst hoofdsleutels hieronder, alvorens de sleutel te upgraden.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Open de volgende URL in uw browser om de toepassing te verifiëren. De toepassing zal een map aanmaken in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" en zal enkel in déze map bestanden lezen en schrijven. Het zal geen toegang hebben tot bestanden buiten deze map, noch tot andere persoonlijke gegevens. Er worden geen gegevens gedeeld met derden.","Please select a notebook first.":"Selecteer eerst een notitieboek.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Selecteer eerst het notitieboek of de notitie om te verwijderen.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Selecteer waar de synchronisatie status naar geëxporteerd moet worden","Please specify import format for %s":"Gelieve importformaat voor %s te specifiëren","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Specifieer het notitieboek waarin de notities moeten geïmporteerd worden.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Gelieve Joplin te upgraden om deze plugin te gebruiken","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Gelieve te wachten tot alle bijlagen opgehaald en gedecrypteerd zijn. U kan ook overschakelen naar %s om de notitie te bewerken.","Please wait...":"Even geduld ...","Plugin tools":"Plugin-hulpmiddelen","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Portret","Possible keys/values:":"Mogelijke sleutels/waarden:","Possible values: %s.":"Mogelijke waarden: %s.","Preferences":"Voorkeuren","Preferences...":"Voorkeuren ...","Preferred dark theme":"Voorkeurthema donker","Preferred light theme":"Voorkeurthema licht","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Typ Ctrl+D of \\"exit\\" om de applicatie te sluiten","Press the shortcut":"Sla de sneltoets aan","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Sla de sneltoets aan en druk dan op ENTER. Of druk op BACKSPACE om de sneltoets te wissen.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Klik om het decryptie wachtwoord in te stellen","Previous versions of this note":"Vorige versies van deze notitie","Print":"Afdrukken","Privacy Policy":"Privacybeleid","Profile Version: %s":"Profielversie: %s.","Properties":"Eigenschappen","Quit":"Stop","Re-encrypt data":"Herencrypteer de gegevens","Re-encryption":"Her-encryptie","Read more about it":"Meer hierover","Redo":"Opnieuw","Refresh":"Vernieuwen","Remove":"Verwijderen","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"De tag \\"%s\\" verwijderen van alle notities?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Dit item verwijderen van de zijbalk?","Rename":"Hernoem","Rename notebook:":"Hernoem notitieboek:","Rename tag:":"Hernoem tag:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Hernoemt het gegeven (notitie of notitieboek) naar .","Resources: %d.":"Bijlagen: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Herstarten en upgraden","Restart now":"Nu herstarten","Restore":"Terugzetten","Restored Notes":"Teruggezette Notities","Retry":"Opnieuw proberen","Retry All":"Alle opnieuw proberen","Reveal file in folder":"Toon bestand in map","Reverse sort order":"Draai rangschikking om","Reverses the sorting order.":"Draait de rangschikking om.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisie: %s (%s)","Save":"Opslaan","Save alarm":"Melding opslaan","Save as...":"Opslaan als ...","Save changes":"Wijzigingen opslaan","Save geo-location with notes":"Sla geo-locatie op bij notities","Search":"Zoeken","Search for plugins...":"Plugins zoeken ...","Search in all the notes":"Zoek in alle notities","Search in current note":"Zoeken in actuele notitie","Search...":"Zoeken ...","Search:":"Zoek:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Zoektermen voor het opgegeven in alle notities.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Zie de pre-release pagina voor meer details: %s","Select all":"Selecteer alles","Server is already running on port %d":"Server is reeds actief op poort %d","Server is not running.":"Server is niet actief.","Server is running on port %d":"Server is actief op poort %d","Set alarm":"Stel melding in","Set alarm:":"Stel melding in:","Set the password":"Stel het wachtwoord in","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Zet de eigenschap van de opgegeven naar de opgegeven [value]. Mogelijke eigenschappen zijn:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Delen","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Snelkoppelingen zijn niet beschikbaar in command line modus.","Show Advanced Settings":"Toon geavanceerde opties","Show completed to-dos":"Toon voltooide to-do\'s","Show note counts":"Toon aantal notities","Show tray icon":"Toon tray icon","Sidebar":"Zijbalk","Size":"Grootte","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Overgeslagen items: %d (gebruik --retry-failed-items om opnieuw te proberen)","Skipped: %d.":"Overgeslagen: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Gesolariseerd Donker","Solarised Light":"Gesolariseerd Licht","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Sommige items kunnen niet gedecrypteerd worden.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Sommige items kunnen niet gesynchroniseerd worden.","Sort notebooks by":"Rangschik notitieboeken volgens","Sort notes by":"Rangschik notities volgens","Sort selected lines":"Rangschik geselecteerde regels","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Rangschik de items volgens (bv. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Bronformaat: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Specifieer de poort te gebruiken door de API-server. Indien niet ingesteld wordt een default gebruikt.","Spell checker":"Spellingscontrole","Split View":"Naast elkaar","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Start application minimised in the tray","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Start, stop of controleer de API-server. Om aan te geven op welke poort hij actief moet zijn, stel je de api.port config variabele in. Commando\'s zijn (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Decryptie gestart… Even geduld; dit kan enkele minuten duren, afhankelijk van hoeveel er te decrypteren valt.","Starting synchronisation...":"Synchronisatie starten...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Bewerken notitie gestart. Sluit de editor om terug naar de prompt te gaan.","Statistics":"Statistiek","Statistics...":"Statistiek ...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: gestart op poort %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Step 1: de clipper service inschakelen","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Stap 1: Open deze koppeling in je browser om de applicatie te autoriseren:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Step 2: voer de door Dropbox verstrekte code in:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Step 2: installeer de extensie","Stop":"Stop","Stop external editing":"Beëindig externe bijwerking","Submit":"Verzenden","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Succes! De configuratie van de synchronisatie is blijkbaar correct.","Swap line down":"Een regel omlaag","Swap line up":"Een regel omhoog","Switch between note and to-do type":"Wissel tussen notitie en to-do","Switch to note type":"Wissel naar notitie","Switch to to-do type":"Wissel naar to-do","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Wisselt naar [notitieboek] - Alle verdere acties zullen op dit notitieboek toegepast worden.","Sync Status":"Synchronisatiestatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synchronisatiestatus (gesynchroniseerde items / totaal aantal items)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Synchronisatiedoel moet upgraded krijgen! Voer `%s` uit om verder te gaan.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Synchronisatiedoel Upgrade","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synchroniseer naar opgegeven doel (standaard configuratie optie)","Sync Version: %s":"Synchronisatieversie: %s","Synchronisation":"Synchronisatie","Synchronisation interval":"Synchronisatie interval","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronisatie reeds bezig.","Synchronisation Status":"Synchronisatiestatus","Synchronisation target":"Synchronisatiedoel","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synchronisatiedoel: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchroniseren","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchroniseert met externe opslag.","Synchronising...":"Synchroniseren ...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Getagd: %d.","Tags":"Tags","Take photo":"Maak en foto","Text editor command":"Teksteditorcommando","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"De app gaat nu sluiten. Gelieve ze te herstarten om het proces te voltooien.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"De applicatie werd geautoriseerd - U kan deze tab sluiten.","The application has been authorised!":"De applicatie is succesvol geautoriseerd!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"De applicatie is succesvol geautoriseerd.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"De applicatie moet herstart worden om deze wijzigingen van kracht te laten worden.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"De bijlagen worden niet langer opgevolgd als u naar een andere notitie wisselt.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Het opgegeven commando \\"%s\\" is alleen beschikbaar in de GUI versie","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Het standaard admin paswoord is onveilig en is nog niet gewijzigd! [Wijzig het nu](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"De standaard encryptiemethode is veranderd naar een veiliger methode en het wordt aanbevolen dat u deze toepast op uw gegevens.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"De standaard encryptiemethode is veranderd, u moet uw data opnieuw encrypteren.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Het commando (mogelijk met parameters) dat zal gebruikt worden om de notitie te openen in de externe editor. Als er geen opgegeven wordt, zal het programma de standaard editor proberen te detecteren.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"De factor-eigenschap bepaalt hoe het item zal groeien of krimpen om de beschikbare ruimte in zijn container te passen ten opzichte van de andere items. Zo zal een item met factor 2 twee keer zoveel ruimte innemen als een item met factor 1. Herstart de app om de veranderingen te zien.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Van volgende bijlagen wordt het wijzigen opgevolgd:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"De mobiele Joplin app ondersteunt momenteel dit type koppeling niet: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"De hoofdsleutel is met succes geüpgrade!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"De hoofdsleutels met deze ID\'s worden gebruikt om sommige van uw items te versleutelen, maar de toepassing heeft daar momenteel geen toegang toe. Het is waarschijnlijk dat ze uiteindelijk via synchronisatie zullen worden opgehaald.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"De notitie \\"%s\\" werd met succes teruggezet naar het notitieboek \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Het notitieboek kon niet opgeslagen worden: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"De notities zijn geïmporteerd: %s","The possible commands are:":"Mogelijke commando\'s zijn:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Het synchronisatiedoel moet worden geüpgraded voordat Joplin kan synchroniseren. Het kan een paar minuten duren voordat deze operatie voltooid is en de app moet dan opnieuw worden opgestart. Klik op de koppeling om verder te gaan.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"De tag \\"%s\\" bestaat al. Kies een andere naam.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Het doel waarnaartoe gesynchroniseerd wordt. Elk synchronisatiedoel kan bijkomende parameters hebben die benoemd worden als \'sync.NUM.NAME\' (hieronder gedocumenteerd).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"De web clipper service is ingeschakeld en ingesteld als auto-start.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"De web clipper service is niet ingeschakeld.","Theme":"Thema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Er zijn momenteel geen notities. Maak een notitie door op (+) te klikken.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"U heeft momenteel geen notitieboek. Maak een notitieboek door op \\"Nieuw notitieboek\\" te klikken.","There is no data to export.":"Er zijn geen gegevens om te exporteren.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Er was een [conflict] (%s) voor onderstaande bijlage.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Er was een fout bij het ophalen van deze bijlage:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Deze items zullen op het apparaat beschikbaar blijven, maar zullen niet geüpload worden naar het synchronistatiedoel. Om deze items te vinden, zoek naar de titel of het ID (afgebeeld bovenaan tussen haakjes).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Deze plugins verbeteren de Markdown renderer met extra mogelijkheden. Merk op dat, hoewel deze functies nuttig kunnen zijn, ze geen standaard Markdown zijn en dat de meeste dus alleen in Joplin zullen werken. Bovendien zijn sommige *incompatibel* met de WYSIWYG editor. Als je een nota opent die een van deze plugins gebruikt in die editor, zal je de opmaak van de plugins verliezen. Hieronder wordt aangegeven welke plugins al dan niet compatibel zijn met de WYSIWYG editor.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Deze bijlage is nog niet opgehaald of nog niet gedecrypteerd","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Deze bijlage is nog niet opgehaald of nog niet gedecrypteerd.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Dit autorisatietoken is enkel vereist om applicaties van derden toegang tot Joplin te verlenen.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Dit is een geavanceerd hulpmiddel om de bijlagen te tonen die aan uw notities zijn gekoppeld. Wees voorzichtig als u er een verwijdert, want ze kunnen nadien niet meer worden hersteld.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Deze notitie bevat geen geo-locatie informatie.","This note has been modified:":"Deze notitie werd aangepast:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Deze notitie heeft geen inhoud. Klik op \\"%s\\" om ze te bewerken.","This note has no history":"Deze notitie heeft geen historiek","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Deze Rich Text editor heeft een aantal beperkingen en het is aanbevolen om u daarvan bewust te zijn vooraleer hem te gebruiken.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Deze dienst laat de browserextensie toe om te communiceren met Joplin. Wanneer u deze inschakelt, kan uw firewall u vragen om Joplin toestemming te geven om op een bepaalde poort te luisteren.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Dit laat Joplin toe in de achtergrond actief te blijven. Dit is aanbevolen omdat zo uw notities voortdurend gesynchroniseerd worden en het aantal conflicten verminderd wordt.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Dit opent een nieuw venster. Lopende wijzigingen opslaan?","Time format":"Tijdsnotatie","title":"titel","Title":"Titel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Om Joplin toe te staan with Dropbox te synchroniseren, gelieve de onderstaande stappen te volgen:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Om een tag te verwijderen, wis hem eerst bij alle notities die hem hebben.","To delete: %d":"Verwijderen: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Om de command line modus te gebruiken, gebruik \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Om de command line modus te verlaten, gebruik ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Om de notities manueel te rangschikken, moet de rangschikking veranderd worden in \\"%s\\" in het menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Om de console te maximaliseren/minimaliseren, gebruik \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Om van het ene paneel naar het andere te gaan, gebruik Tab of Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Om decryptie van deze items opnieuw te proberen. Voer `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items` uit","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Om correct te werken, heeft de app de volgende permissies nodig. Schakel ze in uw telefooninstellingen in, in Apps > Joplin > Machtigingen","to-do":"to-do","Toggle comment":"In commentaar zetten","Toggle development tools":"Toon / Verberg ontwikkelingshulpmiddelen","Toggle editor layout":"Wissel editor layout","Toggle editors":"Verwissel van editor","Toggle external editing":"Aan- of uitschakelen externe editor","Toggle note list":"Toon / Verberg notitielijst","Toggle sidebar":"Toon / Verberg zijbalk","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token is gekopieerd naar het klembord!","Tools":"Hulpmiddelen","Total: %d/%d":"Totaal: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Typ `help [commando]` voor meer informatie over een commando; of typ `help all` voor de volledige gebruiksaanwijzing.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Typ `joplin help` voor gebruiksinformatie.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Typ de titel van een notitie of een deel van de inhoud om er naartoe te springen. Of typ # gevolgd door de naam van een tag, of @ gevolgd door de naam van een notitieboek. Of typ : om naar commando\'s te zoeken.","Type new tags or select from list":"Typ nieuwe tags of selecteer uit lijst","Type: %s.":"Type: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Toon onvoltooide to-do\'s bovenaan","Undo":"Ongedaan maken","Unknown flag: %s":"Onbekende optie: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Onbekend item type opgehaald - gelieve Joplin te upgraden naar de recentste versie","Unsupported image type: %s":"Afbeeldingstype %s wordt niet ondersteund","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Niet-ondersteunde koppeling of bericht: %s","Untitled":"Untitled","Update":"Bijwerken","Updated":"Bijgewerkt","updated date":"datum bijwerking","Updated local items: %d.":"Bijgewerkte lokale items: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Bijgewerkte remote items: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Bijgewerkt: %d.","Updated: %s":"Bijgewerkt: %s","Updating...":"Updaten ...","Upgrade":"Upgraden","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Upgrade het synchronisatiedoel naar de laatste versie.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Gebruik: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Gebruik lange lijstopmaak. Opmaak is ID, NOTE_COUNT (voor notitieboek), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (voor to-do\'s), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Spellingscontrole inschakelen","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Gebruik de pijltjes en page up/down om door de lijsten en de tekstvelden te scrollen (ook in deze console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Gebruik de pijlen om de schermonderdelen te verplaatsen. Druk op \\"escape\\" om te eindigen.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Gebruik dit om de zoekindex opnieuw op te bouwen als er een probleem is met het zoeken. Dit kan lang duren, afhankelijk van het aantal notities.","View":"Weergave","View on map":"Toon op de kaart","View them now":"Bekijk ze nu","Viewer":"Weergave","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Waarschuwing","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Waarschuwing: om redenen van performantie worden niet alle bijlagen getoond (beperking: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV wachtwoord","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV gebruikersnaam","Website and documentation":"Website en documentatie","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Welkom bij Joplin!\\n\\nTyp `:help shortcuts` voor een lijst van shortcuts, of `:help` voor gebruiksinformatie.\\n\\nOm bijvoorbeeld een notitieboek aan te maken, typ `mb`; om een notitie te maken, typ `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Wanneer u een nieuwe notitie aanmaakt:","When creating a new to-do:":"Wanneer u een nieuwe to-do aanmaakt:","Words":"Woorden","y":"j","Y":"J","yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"U staat op het punt een grote afbeelding (%dx%d pixels) bij te voegen. Wil u ze verkleinen tot %d pixels vooraleer ze bij te voegen?","You currently have no notebooks.":"U heeft momenteel geen notitieboeken.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"U heeft geen enkele geïnstalleerde plugin.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"U kan ook `status` typen voor meer informatie.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"U kunt het onderstaande hulpmiddel gebruiken om uw gegevens opnieuw te encrypteren, bijvoorbeeld als u weet dat sommige van uw notities geëncrypteerd zijn met een verouderde encryptiemethode.","Your choice: ":"Uw keuze: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Uw data zullen opnieuw geëncrypteerd en gesynchroniseerd worden.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Uw toestemming om de camera te gebruiken is vereist.","Your version: %s":"Uw versie: %s","Zoom In":"Inzoomen","Zoom Out":"Uitzoomen"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" mist de vereiste \\"%s\\" eigenschap.","%d days":"%d dagen","%d hour":"%d uur","%d hours":"%d uur","%d minutes":"%d minuten","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"Er komen %d notities overeen met dit patroon. Wilt u ze verwijderen?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) kon niet worden geupload: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-release)","%s - Copy":"%s - kopiëren","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notities","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Be&werken","&File":"&Bestand","&Go":"&Gaan","&Help":"&Help","&Note":"&Notitie","&Tools":"E&xtra","&View":"Beel&d","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wuziwuk: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Camera: zodat u een foto kunt maken en deze bij een notitie kunt voegen.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Locatie: zodat u locatie-informatie kunt toevoegen aan een notitie.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Opslag: om bestanden bij notities te mogen voegen en synchronisatie in te schakelen."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" kan \\"add\\", \\"remove\\" of \\"list\\" zijn om [tag] toe te wijzen aan of te verwijderen van [note] of om notities met [tag] als tag weer te geven. De opdracht `tag list` kan worden gebruikt om alle labels weer te geven (gebruik “-l” voor “long” optie)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" kan \\"toggle\\" of \\"clear\\" zijn. Gebruik \\"toggle\\" om de status van de opgegeven taak te wijzigen in afgerond of niet-afgerond (als het doel een reguliere notitie is, dan wordt deze omgezet in een taak). Gebruik \\"clear\\" om de taak weer om te zetten naar een reguliere notitie.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Over Joplin","accelerator":"versneller","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Versneller \\"%s\\" is niet geldig.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Versneller \\"%s\\" wordt gebruikt voor \\"%s\\" en \\"%s\\" commando\'s. Dit kan tot onverwacht gedrag leiden.","Action":"Actie","Active":"Actief","Actual Size":"Ware Grootte","Add body":"Inhoud toevoegen","Add or remove tags:":"Labels toevoegen of verwijderen:","Add title":"Toevoegen titel","Add to dictionary":"Toevoegen aan woordenboek","Advanced options":"Geavanceerde opties","All notes":"Alle notities","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alle potentiële poorten zijn in gebruik - Meld het probleem op %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Toont ook niet-ingestelde en verborgen configuratiewaarden.","Always":"Altijd","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Er is een update beschikbaar. Wilt u deze nu downloaden?","Appearance":"Weergave","Application":"Applicatie","Apply":"Toepassen","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Weet u zeker dat u het autorisatietoken wilt vernieuwen?","Arguments:":"Argumenten:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Bestand bijvoegen","Attach photo":"Foto bijvoegen","Attach...":"Bijvoegen...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Voegt het opgegeven bestand bij de notitie.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflict in bijlage: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Bijlage downloadgedrag","Attachments":"Bijlagen","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Bijlagen die niet konden worden gedownload","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Let op: Als u deze locatie wijzigt, zorg dan dat u eerst alle inhoud hier naartoe kopieert voor synchronisatie. Anders worden alle bestanden verwijderd! Zie de FAQ voor meer details: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Authenticatie is niet voltooid (geen authenticatiesleutel ontvangen).","Authorisation token:":"Autorisatie-token:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Auto-paar accolades, haakjes, citaten, enz.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatisch omschakelen thema op basis van systeemthema","Automatically update the application":"Applicatie automatisch bijwerken","Back":"Terug","Bold":"Vetgedrukt","Browse all plugins":"Blader door alle plugins","Browse...":"Bladeren...","Bulleted List":"Opsommingslijst","Cancel":"Annuleren","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Bezig met annuleren van achtergrondsynchronisatie... even geduld.","Cancelling...":"Bezig met annuleren...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Bezig met annuleren... Een ogenblik geduld.","Cannot access %s":"Geen toegang tot %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Kan versleuteld item niet wijzigen","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan notitie niet kopiëren naar notitieboek \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Kan \\"%s\\" niet vinden.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Synchronisatie kan niet worden geïnitaliseerd.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Kan module \\"%s\\" niet laden voor formaat \\"%s\\" en uitvoer \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Kan module \\"%s\\" niet laden voor formaat \\"%s\\" en uitvoer \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Kan notitie niet verplaatsen naar notitieboek \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Kan notitieboek niet verplaatsen naar deze locatie","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Kan toegangssleutel niet verversen: de authenticatiegegevens ontbreken. Probeer de synchronisatie opnieuw te starten.","Change application layout":"Wijzig de layout van de applicatie","Change language":"Taal veranderen","Characters":"Karakters","Characters excluding spaces":"Karakters zonder spaties","Check for updates...":"Controleren op updates...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Synchronisatieconfiguratie controleren","Checkbox":"Checkbox","Checkbox list":"Checkboxlijst","Checking... Please wait.":"Controleren... Even geduld.","Choose an option":"Kies een optie","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Wissen","Clear alarm":"Alarm wissen","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klik “%s” om de notitie te herstellen. Het wordt gekopieerd naar het notitieboek genaamd “%s”. De huidige versie van de notitie wordt niet vervangen of aangepast.","Click to add tags...":"Klik om labels toe te voegen…","Client ID: %s":"Client ID: %s","Close":"Sluiten","Close Window":"Venster afsluiten","Code":"Code","Code Block":"Code Blok","Code View":"Codeweergave","Coming alarms":"Aankomende alarmen","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Kommagescheiden lijst van paden naar mappen waaruit de certificaten moeten worden geladen, of paden naar individuele bestanden. Bijvoorbeeld: /mijn/cert_map, /overig/aangepast.pem. Let op: als u wijzigingen aanbrengt, dan moet u ze opslaan voordat u klik op \\"Synchronisatie-configuratie controleren.","command":"commando","Command":"Commando","Command palette":"Opdrachtpalet","Completed":"Voltooid","Completed decryption.":"Decryptie voltooid.","Configuration":"Configuratie","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Wachtwoord bevestigen mag niet blanco zijn","Confirm password:":"Bevestig wachtwoord:","Conflicted: %d":"Conflicten: %d","Conflicts":"Conflicten","Convert to note":"Omzetten naar notitie","Convert to todo":"Omzetten naar taak","Copy":"Kopiëren","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Ontwikkelaarsmodus commando kopiëren naar klembord","Copy Link Address":"Linkadres kopiëren","Copy Markdown link":"Markdownlink kopiëren","Copy path to clipboard":"Pad kopiëren naar klembord","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopieer Deelbare Link","Copy token":"Kopieer token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Kon applicatie niet autoriseren:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nProbeer opnieuw.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Kon niet verbinden met de Joplin Server. Controleer uw instellingen in het Synchronisatie configuratiescherm. Volledige foutmelding was:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Kon geen notities exporteren: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Kon plugin niet installeren: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Kon hoofdsleutel niet bijwerken: %s","Create a notebook":"Creëer een notitieboek","Created":"Gecreëerd","created date":"gecreëerd op","Created local items: %d.":"Lokale items gecreëerd: %d.","Created locally":"Lokale items gecreëerd","Created remote items: %d.":"Externe items gecreëerd: %d.","Created: %d.":"Gecreëerd: %d.","Created: %s":"Gecreëerd op: %s","Creates a new note.":"Creëert een nieuwe notitie.","Creates a new notebook.":"Creëert een nieuw notitieboek.","Creates a new to-do.":"Creëert een nieuwe taak.","Creating new %s...":"Bezig met creëren van nieuw(e) %s...","Creating report...":"Rapport maken...","Current version is up-to-date.":"De huidige versie is up-to-date.","custom order":"aangepaste volgorde","Custom order":"Aangepaste volgorde","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Aangepaste stylesheet voor Joplin-brede app-stijlen","Custom TLS certificates":"Aangepaste TLS-certificaten","Cut":"Knippen","Dark":"Donker","Database v%s":"Database v%s","Date format":"Datumopmaak","days":"dagen","Decrypted items: %d":"Ontsleutelde items: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Ontsleutelde items: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Bezig met ontsleutelen van items: %d/%d","Default":"Standaard","Default: %s":"Standaard: %s","Delete":"Verwijderen","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Bijlage “%s” verwijderen?","Delete line":"Regel verwijderen","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Notitie “%s” verwijderen?","Delete note?":"Notitie verwijderen?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notitieboek “%s” verwijderen?\\n\\nAlle notities en sub-notitieboeken in dit notitieboek worden eveneens verwijderd.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Notitieboek verwijderen? Alle notities en sub-notitieboeken worden eveneens verwijderd.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Plugin “%s” verwijderen?","Delete these %d notes?":"Deze %d notities verwijderen?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Lokale items verwijderd: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Externe items verwijderd: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Verwijdert het opgegeven notitieboek.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Verwijdert het notitieboek zonder te vragen om bevestiging.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Verwijdert de notities die overeenkomen met .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Verwijdert de notities zonder te vragen om bevestiging.","Destination format: %s":"Bestemmingsformaat: %s","Directory":"Map","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Map waarnaar gesynchroniseerd moet worden (absoluut pad)","Disable encryption":"Encryptie uitschakelen","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Webclipper-dienst uitschakelen","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Door encryptie uit te schakelen worden *alle* notities en bijlagen opnieuw gesynchroniseerd, maar dan onversleuteld. Wilt u doorgaan?","Discard changes":"Wijzigingen verwerpen","Dismiss":"Afwijzen","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Toont een locatie-URL voor de notitie.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Toont alleen de eerste notities.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Toont alleen items van specifieke type(s). Dit kan zijn: `n` voor notities, `t` voor taken of `nt` voor notities en taken (`-tt` toont alleen de taken, `-tnt` toont notities en taken).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Toont een samenvatting over de notities en notitieboeken.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Toont volledige informatie over de notitie.","Displays the given note.":"Toont de opgegeven notitie.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Toont de notities van het huidige notitieboek. Gebruik `ls /` om de lijst met notitieboeken te tonen.","Displays usage information.":"Toont gebruiksinformatie.","Displays version information":"Toont versie-informatie","Do it now":"Doe het nu","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Niet vragen om bevestiging.","Download":"Downloaden","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Download en installeer de bijbehorende extensie in uw browser:","Downloaded":"Gedownload","Downloaded and decrypted":"Gedownload en ontsleuteld","Downloaded and encrypted":"Gedownload en versleuteld","Downloading":"Bezig met downloaden","Downloading resources...":"Bronnen downloaden...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Notities bestanden hier neerzetten","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Inloggen op Dropbox","Duplicate":"Dupliceren","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Dupliceert de notities die overeenkomen met tot [notebook]. Als geen notitieboek wordt opgegeven, dan wordt de notitie gedupliceerd in het huidige notitieboek.","Edit":"Bewerken","Edit in external editor":"Bewerken in externe editor","Edit note.":"Notitie bewerken.","Edit notebook":"Notitieboek bewerken","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Lettertype van editor","Editor font family":"Lettertype van editor","Editor font size":"Lettergrootte van editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"text\\" of \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"benadrukte tekst","Enable":"Inschakelen","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"++insert++ syntaxis inschakelen","Enable ==mark== syntax":"==mark== syntaxis inschakelen","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"^sup^ syntaxis inschakelen","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Afkortingen syntaxis inschakelen","Enable audio player":"Ondersteuning voor muziekspeler inschakelen","Enable deflist syntax":"Deflist syntaxis inschakelen","Enable encryption":"Encryptie inschakelen","Enable footnotes":"Voetnoten inschakelen","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Ondersteuning voor Fountain syntaxis inschakelen","Enable Linkify":"Ondersteuning voor Linkify inschakelen","Enable markdown emoji":"Markdown emoji inschakelen","Enable math expressions":"Ondersteuning voor wiskundige expressies inschakelen","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Ondersteuning voor Mermaid diagrammen Inschakelen","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Multimarkdown tabel extensie inschakelen","Enable note history":"Inschakelen geschiedenis van notities","Enable PDF viewer":"Ondersteuning voor PDF weergave inschakelen","Enable soft breaks":"Inschakelen zacht afbreken","Enable table of contents extension":"Inhoudsopgave inschakelen","Enable typographer support":"Ondersteuning voor typografie inschakelen","Enable video player":"Ondersteuning voor videospeler inschakelen","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Webclipper-dienst inschakelen","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"~sub~ syntaxis inschakelen","Enabled":"Ingeschakeld","Encrypted":"Versleuteld","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Versleutelde items kunnen niet worden bewerkt","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Versleutelde notitieboeken kunnen niet worden hernoemd","Encryption":"Encryptie","Encryption Config":"Encryptie-configuratie","Encryption is: %s":"Gebruikte encryptie: %s","Enter code here":"Code hier invoeren","Enter master password:":"Voer het hoofdwachtwoord in:","Enter notebook title":"Invoeren titel notitieboek","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Fout","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Fout bij openen van notitie in editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Fout. Controleer of de URL, gebruikersnaam, wachtwoord, etc. kloppen en dat het synchronisatiedoel toegankelijk is. De gemelde fout :","Error: %s":"Fout: %s","Errors only":"Alleen fouten","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote-exportbestand (als HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote-exportbestand (als Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sluit de applicatie af.","Export":"Exporteren","Export all":"Alles exporteren","Export Debug Report":"Foutopsporingsrapportage exporteren","Export profile":"Exporteer profiel","Exporting profile...":"Profiel exporteren...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Bezig met exporteren van \\"%s\\" in het formaat \\"%s\\". Even geduld...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporteert Joplin-gegevens naar het opgegeven pad. Standaard exporteert het de volledige databank, inclusief notitieboeken, notities, labels en bronnen.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporteert alleen de opgegeven notitie.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporteert alleen het opgegeven notitieboek.","Fail-safe":"Faalveilig","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Fail-safe: Wis lokale gegevens niet wanneer synchronisatiedoel leeg is (vaak het gevolg van een misconfiguratie of softwarefout)","Fatal error:":"Fatale fout:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Items opgehaald: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Bronnen ophalen: %d/%d","File":"Bestand","File system":"Bestandssysteem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox-extensie","Fix search index":"Zoekindex repareren","Fixing search index...":"Zoekindex repareren...","Focus":"Focus","Focus body":"Inhoud focussen","Focus title":"Titel focussen","Folders":"Mappen","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Alleen voor debugging: exporteer uw profiel naar een externe SD-kaart.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Ga voor meer informatie over het aanpassen van sneltoetsen naar %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Bekijk, voor meer informatie over End-To-End Encryptie (E2EE) en hulp bij het inschakelen hiervan, onze documentatie:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Typ `help keymap` om de lijst met sneltoetsen en configuratie-opties te bekijken","Forward":"Vooruit","Found: %d.":"Gevonden: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS ingeschakeld: %d","General":"Algemeen","Generating link...":"Nieuwe link genereren...","Get it now:":"Download nu:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Verkrijg pre-releases bij controleren op updates","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Verkrijgt of stelt een configuratiewaarde in. Als [value] niet is opgegeven, dan wordt de waarde van [name] getoond. Als zowel [name] als [value] niet zijn opgegeven, dan wordt de huidige configuratie getoond.","Go to source URL":"Ga naar bron-URL","Goto Anything...":"Ga naar Alles...","Heading":"Kop","Help":"Help","Hide %s":"%s verbergen","Hide Joplin":"Joplin verbergen","Highlight":"Arceren","Horizontal Rule":"Horizontale regel","HTML Directory":"HTML-map","HTML File":"HTML-bestand","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","Icon":"Icoon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inactief","Ignore":"Negeren","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS-certificaatfouten negeren","Import":"Importeren","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Bezig met importeren van \\"%s\\" in het formaat \\"%s\\". Een ogenblik geduld...","Importing notes...":"Notities importeren...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importeert gegeven naar Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"In de mode “Handmatig” worden bijlagen alleen gedownload als u hen aanklikt. In “Auto” worden ze gedownload zodra u de notitie opent. In “Altijd” worden bijlagen altijd gedownload, of u de notitie nu opent of niet.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"In elke opdracht kan middels een titel of ID worden verwezen naar een notitie of notitieboek. Dit kan ook met de sneltoetsen `$n` of `$b` voor respectievelijk de huidige geselecteerde notitie of het notitieboek. `$c` kan worden gebruikt om te verwijzen naar het huidige geselecteerde item.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Om een geolocatie aan de notitie te koppelen, heeft de app uw toestemming nodig om toegang te krijgen tot uw locatie.\\n\\nU kunt deze optie op elk moment uitschakelen in het \'Configuratie\'-scherm.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Om dit te kunnen doen moet uw volledige dataset opnieuw worden versleuteld en gesynchroniseerd, daarom kan dit het best \'s nachts uit te voeren.\\n\\nVolg deze instructies om te starten:\\n\\n1. Synchroniseer al uw apparaten\\n2. Klik \\"%s\\".\\n3. Laat dit volledig afronden. Zolang dit loopt, vermijdt u het wijzigen van enige notitie op uw andere apparaten om conflicten te voorkomen.\\n4. Zodra synchronisatie op dit apparaat is afgerond, synchroniseert u al uw andere apparaten en laat dit volledig afronden.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Om synchronisatie via het bestandssysteem te gebruiken is uw toestemming nodig om naar externe opslag te schrijven.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Als u de webclipper wilt gebruiken, dan moet u de volgende stappen volgen:","In progress":"Bezig","In: %s":"In: %s","Indent less":"Minder inspringen","Indent more":"Meer inspringen","Information":"Informatie","Inline Code":"Inline-code","Insert":"Invoegen","Insert Date Time":"Datum en tijd invoegen","Insert Hyperlink":"Hyperlink invoegen","Install":"Installeren","Install from file":"Installeren van bestand","Installed":"Geinstalleerd","Installing...":"Installeren…","Invalid":"Ongeldig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Ongeldig %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Ongeldig antwoord: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ongeldige opdracht: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ongeldige optie: \\"%s\\". Geldige waarden zijn: %s.","Italic":"Cursief","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Item “%s” kan niet worden gedownload: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Items die niet kunnen worden ontsleuteld","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Items die niet kunnen worden gesynchroniseerd","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin-exportmap","Joplin Export File":"Joplin-exportbestand","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin kon deze items meermaals niet ontsleutelen, mogelijk omdat ze beschadigd of te groot zijn. Deze items blijven op het apparaat, maar Joplin zal niet langer proberen ze te ontsleutelen.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin-forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server Wachtwoord","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Webclipper stelt u in staat om webpagina\'s en schermafbeeldingen van uw browser op te slaan in Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin-website","Keep note history for":"Bewaar geschiedenis van notities voor","Keyboard Mode":"Toetsenbordmodus","Keyboard Shortcut":"Sneltoets","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Sneltoetsen","Keychain Supported: %s":"Ondersteunde Sleutelhanger: %s","Landscape":"Landschap","Language":"Taal","Last error: %s":"Laatst gemelde fout: %s","Later":"Later","Layout":"Indeling","Layout button sequence":"Knopindelingreeks","Legal":"Wettelijk","Letter":"Brief","Light":"Licht","Lines":"Regels","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"De link is naar het klembord gekopieerd!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Links met protocol “%s” worden niet ondersteund","List item":"Lijstitem","Location":"Locatie","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Het vergrendelbestand wordt al vastgehouden. Als u zeker weet dat er geen synchronisatie plaatsvindt, kunt u uw bestand verwijderen in \\"%s\\" en de actie hervatten.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Inloggen met Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Inloggen met OneDrive","Make a donation":"Doneren","Manage your plugins":"Beheer plugins","Manual":"Handmatig","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markeert een taak als afgerond.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markeert een taak als niet-afgerond.","Markup":"Opmaak","Master Key %s":"Hoofdsleutel %s","Max concurrent connections":"Max gelijktijdige verbindingen","Missing Master Keys":"Ontbrekende hoofdsleutels","Missing required argument: %s":"Vereist argument ontbreekt: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobiele data - automatische synchronisatie uitgeschakeld","More info":"Meer informatie","More information":"Meer informatie","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Meer dan één overeenkomst voor \\"%s\\". Verfijn uw zoekopdracht.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"%d notities verplaatsen naar notitieboek \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Verplaatsen naar notitieboek","Move to notebook...":"Verplaatsen naar notitieboek...","Move to notebook:":"Verplaatsen naar notitieboek:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Verplaatst de notities die overeenkomen met naar [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nieuwe notitie","New notebook":"Nieuw notitieboek","New Notebook":"Nieuw notitieboek","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Het nieuwe notitieboek \\"%s\\" wordt gecreëerd en het bestand \\"%s\\" wordt ernaar geïmporteerd","New sub-notebook":"Nieuw sub-notitieboek","New tags:":"Nieuwe labels:","New to-do":"Nieuwe taak","New version: %s":"Nieuwe versie: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-wachtwoord","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-gebruikersnaam","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV-URL","no":"nee","No":"Nee","No active notebook.":"Geen actief notitieboek.","No item with ID %s":"Geen item met ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Geen notitieboek opgegeven.","No notebook selected.":"Geen notitieboek geselecteerd.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Er zijn hier geen notities. Creëer een notitie door de klikken op \\"Nieuwe notitie\\".","No resources!":"Geen resources!","No results":"Geen resultaten","No such command: %s":"Opdracht bestaat niet: %s","No suggestions":"Geen suggesties","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Geen teksteditor opgegeven. Stel deze in via `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Niet geauthenticeerd met %s. Voer ontbrekende inloggegevens in.","Not downloaded":"Niet gedownload","note":"notitie","Note":"Notitie","Note area growth factor":"Notitiegebied groeifactor","Note attachments":"Notitiebijlagen","Note attachments...":"Bijlagen bij notitie...","Note body":"Inhoud van notitie","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notitie bestaat niet: \\"%s\\". Wilt u deze creëren?","Note has been saved.":"Notitie is opgeslagen.","Note History":"Notitiegeschiedenis","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notitie is geen taak: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Notitielijst","Note list growth factor":"Notitielijst groeifactor","Note properties":"Eigenschappen van notitie","Note title":"Titel van notitie","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Let op: dit werkt niet in alle desktop-omgevingen.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Let op: wanneer een notitie wordt gedeeld, zal deze niet langer versleuteld zijn.","Notebook list growth factor":"Notitieboeklijst groeifactor","Notebook title:":"Titel van notitieboek:","Notebook: %s":"Notitieboek: %s","Notebooks":"Notitieboeken","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notitieboeken mogen niet \\"%s\\" heten; dit is een gereserveerde titel.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notities en instellingen worden opgeslagen in: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notities kunnen alleen worden gecreëerd in een notitieboek.","Numbered List":"Genummerde lijst","OK":"Oké","OLED Dark":"OLED Donker","On %s: %s":"Op %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Een of meer hoofdsleutels gebruikt een verouderde verslehtelmethode.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Eén of meerdere items zijn momenteel versleuteld. Hiervoor moet u mogelijk een hoofdwachtwoord opgeven. Dit kunt u doen door `e2ee decrypt` te typen. Als u het wachtwoord al hebt opgegeven, worden de versleutelde items op de achtergrond ontsleuteld en zijn ze binnenkort beschikbaar.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Een of meer hoofdsleutels vereist een wachtwoord.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Inloggen op OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Slechts één notitie kan gelijktijdig worden afgedrukt.","Open":"Openen","Open %s":"Open %s","Open profile directory":"Open profiel map","Open...":"Openen...","Operation cancelled":"Actie geannuleerd","Options":"Opties","Output format: %s":"Uitvoerformaat: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Pagina-oriëntatie voor PDF-export","Page size for PDF export":"Paginaformaat voor PDF-export","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password cannot be empty":"Wachtwoord mag niet blanco zijn","Password:":"Wachtwoord:","Passwords do not match!":"Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen!","Paste":"Plakken","Path:":"Pad:","PDF File":"PDF-bestand","Permission needed":"Toestemming vereist","Permission to use camera":"Toestemming om de camera te gebruiken","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Bevestig dat u uw complete database opnieuw wilt versleutelen.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Voer uw wachtwoord in onderstaande hoofdsleutellijst voorafgaand aan bijwerken van de sleutel.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Open de volgende URL in uw browser om de applicatie te verifiëren. De applicatie creëert een map in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" en zal alleen bestanden lezen uit en wegschrijven naar deze map. Er is geen toegang tot bestanden buiten deze map, noch tot persoonlijke gegevens. Er worden geen gegevens gedeeld met een derde partij.","Please select a notebook first.":"Kies eerst een notitieboek.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Kies eerst een te verwijderen notitie of notitieboek.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Kies waar de synchronisatiestatus naar moet worden geëxporteerd","Please specify import format for %s":"Geef een importformaat op voor %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Geef het notitieboek op waar de notities naar moeten worden geïmporteerd.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Upgrade Joplin om deze plug-in te gebruiken","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Wacht tot alle bijlagen zijn gedownload en versleuteld. Je mag ook overschakelen naar %s om de notitie te wijzigen.","Please wait...":"Even geduld...","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Portret","Possible keys/values:":"Mogelijke sleutels/waarden:","Possible values: %s.":"Mogelijk waarden: %s.","Preferences":"Voorkeuren","Preferences...":"Voorkeuren...","Preferred dark theme":"Voorkeur donker thema","Preferred light theme":"Voorkeur licht thema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Druk op Ctrl+D of typ \\"exit\\" om de applicatie af te sluiten","Press the shortcut":"Druk op de sneltoetsen","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Druk op de sneltoetsen en dan op ENTER. Of, druk op backspace om de sneltoets te wissen.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Druk om het decryptie-wachtwoord in te stellen.","Previous versions of this note":"Vorige versies van deze notitie","Print":"Afdrukken","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Profile Version: %s":"Profiel versie: %s","Properties":"Eigenschappen","Quit":"Afsluiten","Re-encrypt data":"Data opnieuw versleutelen","Read more about it":"Lees meer","Read time: %s min":"Leestijd: %s min","Redo":"Herhalen","Refresh":"Verversen","Remove":"Verwijderen","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Label “%s” verwijderen van alle notities?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Deze zoekopdracht verwijderen uit de zijbalk?","Rename":"Naam wijzigen","Rename notebook:":"Notitieboeknaam wijzigen:","Rename tag:":"Labelnaam wijzigen:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Wijzigt de naam van het opgegeven (notitie of notitieboek) in .","Renew token":"Vernieuw token","Resources: %d.":"Bronnen: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Opnieuw opstarten en bijwerken","Restart now":"Nu opnieuw opstarten","Restore":"Herstel","Restored Notes":"Herstelde notities","Retry":"Opnieuw proberen","Retry All":"Alles opnieuw proberen","Reveal file in folder":"Bestand in map onthullen","Reverse sort order":"Sorteervolgorde omdraaien","Reverses the sorting order.":"Keert de sorteervolgorde om.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisie: %s (%s)","Save":"Opslaan","Save alarm":"Alarm opslaan","Save as...":"Opslaan als...","Save changes":"Wijzigingen opslaan","Save geo-location with notes":"Locatie opslaan in notities","Search":"Zoeken","Search for plugins...":"Zoek naar plugins…","Search in all the notes":"Alle notities doorzoeken","Search in current note":"Huidige notitie doorzoeken","Search...":"Zoeken...","Search:":"Zoeken:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Doorzoekt alle notities op het opgegeven .","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Zie de pre-release pagina voor meer details: %s","Select all":"Alles selecteren","Server is already running on port %d":"Server wordt al uitgevoerd op poort %d","Server is not running.":"Server is niet actief.","Server is running on port %d":"Server wordt uitgevoerd op poort %d","Set alarm":"Alarm instellen","Set alarm:":"Alarm instellen:","Set the password":"Wachtwoord instellen","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Stelt de in van de opgegeven notitie op de opgegeven [value]. Mogelijkheden zijn:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Delen","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Sneltoetsen zijn niet beschikbaar in CLI-modus.","Show Advanced Settings":"Geavanceerde opties","Show all":"Alles tonen","Show completed to-dos":"Afgeronde taken tonen","Show note counts":"Toon notitietellingen","Show tray icon":"Systeemvakpictogram tonen","Sidebar":"Zijbalk","Size":"Grootte","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Overgeslagen items: %d (gebruik --retry-failed-items om ze opnieuw te decoderen)","Skipped: %d.":"Overgeslagen: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Sommige items kunnen niet worden ontsleuteled.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Sommige items kunnen niet worden gesynchroniseerd.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Sommige items kunnen niet worden gesynchroniseerd. Klik voor meer informatie.","Sort notebooks by":"Notitieboeken sorteren op","Sort notes by":"Notities sorteren op","Sort selected lines":"Sorteer geselecteerde regels","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sorteert de items op (bijv. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Bronformaat: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Specificeer de door de API-server te gebruiken poort. Indien niet ingesteld, wordt een standaardwaarde gebruikt.","Spell checker":"Spellingscontrole","Split View":"Gesplitste Weergave","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Start applicatie geminimaliseerd in het systeemvak","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Start, stop of controleer de API-server. Stel de api.port configuratievariabele in om te specificeren op welke poort deze draait. Commando\'s zijn (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Decryptie starten... Een ogenblik geduld, het kan enkele minuten duren, afhankelijk van hoeveel er gedecodeerd moet worden.","Starting synchronisation...":"Synchronisatie starten...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Bezig met starten van notitiebewerking. Sluit de bewerker om terug te keren.","Statistics":"Statistieken","Statistics...":"Statistieken...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: gestart op poort %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Stap 1: Schakel de webclipper-dienst in","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Stap 1: Open deze URL in uw browser om de applicatie te autoriseren:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Stap 2: Voer de code in die u krijgt van Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Stap 2: Installeer de extensie","Stop":"Stop","Stop external editing":"Klik om extern bewerken te stoppen","Strikethrough":"Doorstrepen","strong text":"vetgedrukte tekst","Submit":"Versturen","Subscript":"Onderschrift","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Succes! Configuratie van synchronisatie lijkt correct te zijn.","Superscript":"Superscript","Swap line down":"Verplaats omlaag","Swap line up":"Verplaats omhoog","Switch between note and to-do type":"Schakel tussen notitie en taak","Switch to note type":"Overschakelen naar notitie-type","Switch to to-do type":"Overschakelen naar todo-type","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Schakelt over naar [notebook] - alle toekomstige handelingen worden gedaan in dit notitieboek.","Sync Status":"Synchronisatiestatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synchronisatiestatus (aantal gesynchroniseerde items / totaal aantal items)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Het synchronisatiedoel moet worden geüpgraded! Voer `% s` uit om door te gaan.","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synchroniseren naar opgegeven doel (standaard is dit","Sync Version: %s":"Synchronisatieversie: %s","Synchronisation":"Synchronisatie","Synchronisation interval":"Synchronisatie-interval","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronisatie is al bezig.","Synchronisation Status":"Synchronisatiestatus","Synchronisation target":"Synchronisatiedoel","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synchronisatiedoel: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchroniseren","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synchroniseer alleen via wifi-verbinding","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchroniseert met cloudopslag.","Synchronising...":"Synchroniseren...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Gelabeld: %d.","Tags":"Labels","Take photo":"Foto maken","Text editor command":"Tekst editor commando","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"De applicatie zal nu afsluiten. Gelieve het weer op te starten om het proces te voltooien.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"De applicatie is geautoriseerd - u kunt dit browsertabblad nu sluiten.","The application has been authorised!":"De applicatie is geautoriseerd!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"De applicatie is geautoriseerd.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"De applicatie moet opnieuw worden gestart om deze wijzigingen door te voeren.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"De bijlagen worden niet meer gecontroleerd wanneer je naar een andere notitie schakelt.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"De opdracht \\"%s\\" is alleen beschikbaar in GUI-modus","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Het standaard admin-wachtwoord is onveilig en is niet gewijzigd! [Nu wijzigen] (% s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"De standaard versleutelmethode is gewijzigd in een veiligere en het wordt aanbevolen dat u dit toepast op uw data.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"De standaard versleutelmethode is gewijzigd, je moet je data opnieuw versleutelen.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Het commando van de editor (kan argumenten bevatten) die wordt gebruikt bij het openen van notities. Als er geen wordt opgegeven, dan wordt getracht de standaard editor te achterhalen.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"De eigenschap factor bepaalt hoe het item zal groeien of krimpen om te passen in de beschikbare ruimte in de container in verhouding met andere items. Zo zal een item met een factor 2 dus twee maal zoveel ruimte innemen als een item met een factor 1. Herstart de applicatie om wijzigingen te zien.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"De volgende bijlagen worden gecontroleerd op wijzigingen:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"De mobiele Joplin-app ondersteunt momenteel niet dit soort links: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"The hoofdsleutel is succesvol bijgewerkt!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"De hoofdsleutels met deze ID\'s worden gebruikt om sommige items te versleutelen, maar de applicatie heeft momenteel geen toegang tot deze items. Waarschijnlijk worden ze uiteindelijk gedownload via synchronisatie.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"De notitie “%s” is succesvol hersteld naar notitieboek “%s”.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Het notitieboek kan niet worden opgeslagen: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"De notities zijn geïmporteerd: %s","The possible commands are:":"De beschikbare opdrachten zijn:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"De sync target moet worden geüpdatet voordat Joplin kan synchroniseren. Het kan een paar minuten duren en de app moet opnieuw opgestart worden. Om door te gaan, klik op de link.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Het label “%s” bestaat al. Kies een andere naam.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Het doel waarnaar gesynchroniseerd moet worden. Elk doel mag extra argumenten bevatten, welke `sync.NUM.NAME` worden genoemd (wordt hieronder uitgelegd).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"De webclipper-dienst is ingeschakeld en wordt automatisch opgestart.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"De webclipper-dienst is niet ingeschakeld.","Theme":"Thema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Er zijn momenteel geen notities. Creëer een notitie door te drukken op de knop (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Er is momenteel geen notitieboek. Creëer een notitieboek door de klikken op \\"Nieuw notitieboek\\".","There is no data to export.":"Er zijn geen te exporteren gegevens.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Er was een [conflict](%s) in onderstaande bijlage.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Er is iets misgegaan tijdens het downloaden van deze bijlage:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Deze items blijven op het apparaat, maar worden niet geüpload naar het synchronisatiedoel. Als u deze items wilt vinden, moet u zoeken naar de titel of ID ervan (welke hierboven tussen haakjes wordt getoond).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Deze plugins verbeteren de Markdown verwerker met aanvullende mogelijkheden. Merk op dat deze mogelijkheden nuttig kunnen zijn, maar geen standaard Markdown zijn en de meeste ervan alleen in Joplin zullen werken. Bovendien zijn sommige *incompatibel* met de WUZIWUK editor. Als u een notitie opent die van een van deze plugins in die editor gebruikt, verliest u de opmaak van de plugin. Hieronder wordt aangegeven welke plugins als dan niet compatibel zijn met de WUZIWUK editor.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Deze bijlage is niet gedownload of nog niet ontsleuteld","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Deze bijlage is niet gedownload of nog niet ontsleuteld.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Dit autorisatie-token is alleen nodig om applicaties van derden toegang te geven tot Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Dit is een geavanceerd hulpmiddel om de bijlagen te tonen die zijn gekoppeld aan uw notities. Wees voorzichtig deze te verwijderen, omdat ze naderhand niet kunnen worden hersteld.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Deze notitie bevat geen geolocatie-informatie.","This note has been modified:":"Deze notitie is bewerkt:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Deze notitie bevat geen inhoud. Klik op \\"%s\\" om de editor te openen en de notitie te bewerken.","This note has no history":"Deze notitie heeft geen geschiedenis","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Deze Rich Text-editor heeft een aantal beperkingen en het wordt aanbevolen om hiervan op de hoogte te zijn voordat u deze gebruikt.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Deze dienst stelt de browserextensie in staat om te communiceren met Joplin. Na het inschakelen kan uw firewall om toestemming vragen voor het uitvoeren van Joplin op een specifieke poort.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Dit zal Joplin toestaan in de achtergrond te werken. Het is aanbevolen deze instelling in te schakelen, zodat uw notities constant worden gesynchroniseerd, waardoor het aantal conflicten wordt beperkt.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Dit opent een nieuw scherm. Wijzigingen opslaan?","Time format":"Tijdopmaak","title":"titel","Title":"Titel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Volg de onderstaande stappen om Joplin te synchroniseren met Dropbox:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Om een label te verwijderen, verwijder alle associaties naar dat label.","To delete: %d":"Te verwijderen: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Druk op \\":\\" om de opdrachtregelmodus te starten.","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Druk op Esc om de opdrachtregelmodus af te sluiten","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Om de notities handmatig te sorteren moet de sorteervolgorde worden gewijzigd naar \\"%s\\" in het menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Gebruik \\"tc\\" om de console te maximaliseren/minimaliseren.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Gebruik Tab of Shift+Tab om over te schakelen van het ene naar het andere paneel.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Om deze items opnieuw te decrypten. Voer \'e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items\' uit","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"De app heeft de volgende machtigingen nodig om goed te kunnen werken. Schakel ze in bij uw telefooninstellingen via Apps > Joplin > Machtigingen","to-do":"taak","Toggle comment":"Notitielijst tonen/verbergen","Toggle development tools":"Wissel ontwikkelhulpmiddelen","Toggle editor layout":"Bewerkindeling tonen/verbergen","Toggle editors":"Schakel tussen editors","Toggle external editing":"Extern bewerken in- of uitschakelen","Toggle note list":"Notitielijst tonen/verbergen","Toggle sidebar":"Zijbalk tonen/verbergen","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token is naar het klembord gekopieerd!","Tools":"Hulpmiddelen","Total: %d/%d":"Totaal: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Typ `help [opdracht]` voor meer informatie over een opdracht of typ `help all` voor volledige gebruiksinformatie.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Typ `joplin help` voor meer informatie over het gebruik.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Typ de titel van een notitie of een deel van de inhoud om er naartoe te springen. Typ # gevolgd door de naam van een label, @ gevolgd door de naam van een notitieboek, of : om te zoeken op commando\'s.","Type new tags or select from list":"Typ nieuwe labels of kies ze uit de lijst","Type: %s.":"Type: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Niet-afgeronde taken bovenaan","Undo":"Ongedaan maken","Unknown flag: %s":"Onbekend argument: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Onbekend type item gedownload - graag Joplin upgraden naar de laatste versie","Unsupported image type: %s":"Niet-ondersteunde afbeeldingssoort: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Niet-ondersteunde link of bericht: %s","Untitled":"Naamloos","Update":"Bijgewerkt","Updated":"Bijgewerkt","updated date":"bijgewerkt op","Updated local items: %d.":"Lokale items bijgewerkt: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Externe items bijgewerkt: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Bijgewerkt: %d.","Updated: %s":"Bijgewerkt: %s","Updating...":"Bezig met updaten…","Upgrade":"Bijwerken","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Upgrade het synchronisatiedoel naar de nieuwste versie.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Gebruik: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Gebruik de langelijstopmaak. De opmaak is ID, NOTE_COUNT (voor het notitieboek), DATA, TODO_CHECKED (voor taken), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Gebruik spellingscontrole","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen en page up/down of door lijsten en tekstvelden te scrollen (inclusief deze console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Gebruik de pijlen om de layout-items te verplaatsen. Druk op \\"Escape\\" om af te sluiten.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Gebruik dit om de zoekindex opnieuw op te bouwen als er een probleem is met zoeken: Het kan lang duren afhankelijk van het aantal notities.","View":"Beeld","View on map":"Tonen op kaart","View them now":"Items tonen","Viewer":"Viewer","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Waarschuwing","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Waarschuwing: niet alle resources getoond om redenen van performance (limiet: %s).","Web Clipper":"Webclipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-wachtwoord","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-gebruikersnaam","Website and documentation":"Website en documentatie","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Welkom bij Joplin!\\n\\nTyp `:help shortcuts` voor een lijst met sneltoetsen of `:help` voor informatie omtrent het gebruik.\\n\\nVoorbeeld: om een notitieboek te creëren, drukt u op `mb`; om een notitie te creëren, drukt u op `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Bij het creëren van een nieuwe notitie:","When creating a new to-do:":"Bij het creëren van een nieuwe taak:","Words":"Woorden","y":"j","Y":"J","yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"U staat op het punt een grote afbeelding (%dx%d pixels) bij te voegen. Wilt u dit verkleinen tot %d pixels voordat het wordt toegevoegd?","You currently have no notebooks.":"U heeft nog geen notitieboeken.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"U heeft geen geïnstalleerde plugins.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"U kunt ook `status` typen voor meer informatie.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"U kunt onderstaande tool gebruiken om uw data opnieuw te versleutelen, bijvoorbeeld als u weet dat enkele van uw notities zijn versleuteld met een verouderde versleutelmethode.","Your choice: ":"Jouw keuze: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Uw data wordt opnieuw versleuteld en gesynchroniseerd.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Uw toestemming om de camera te gebruiken is vereist.","Your version: %s":"Uw versie: %s","Zoom In":"Inzoemen","Zoom Out":"Uitzoemen"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" nie posiada wymaganej właściwości \\"%s\\"","%d days":"%d dni","%d hour":"%d godzina","%d hours":"%d godzin","%d minutes":"%d minut","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notatki spełniają wzór. Usunąć je?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) nie może być wysłany: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (przedpremiera)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopiuj","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notatek","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Edytuj","&File":"&Plik","&Go":"&Go","&Help":"&Pomoc","&Note":"&Notatka","&Tools":"N&arzędzia","&View":"&Wyświetl","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: aby pozwolić na wykonywanie zdjęć i załączanie ich do notatek.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Lokacja: aby pozwolić załączać informację o lokacji geograficznej do notatki.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Pamięć: aby pozwolić na załączanie plików do notatek i aktywowania synchronizacji systemu plików."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" może być \\"add\\", \\"remove\\" lub \\"list\\" aby przypisać lub usunąć [tag] z [note], wyświetlić listę notatek połączonych z [tag], lub wyświetlić znaczniki powiązane z [note]. Komenda `tag list` może zostać użyta do wyświetlenia wszystkich znaczników (użyj -l dla długiego wypisania)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" może zarówno być \\"toggle\\" lub \\"clear\\". Użyj \\"toggle\\" aby przełączyć wskazane zadanie pomiędzy stanem ukończonym a nieukończonym (Jeżeli celem jest regularna notatka, zostanie ona przekonwertowana na zadanie. Użyj \\"clear\\" aby przekonwertować zadanie z powrotem do regularnej notatki.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"O aplikacji Joplin","accelerator":"akcelerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Skrót klawiszowy \\"%s\\" nie jest prawidłowy.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Skrót klawiszowy \\"%s\\" jest już używany w komendach \\"%s\\" i \\"%s\\". Może to powodować nieoczekiwane zachowanie.","Action":"Akcja","Active":"Aktywne","Actual Size":"Rozmiar rzeczywisty","Add body":"Dodaj tekst","Add or remove tags:":"Dodaj lub usuń znaczniki:","Add title":"Dodaj tytuł","Add to dictionary":"Dodaj do słownika","Advanced options":"Opcje zaawansowane","All notes":"Wszystkie notatki","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Wszystkie możliwe porty są w użyciu - proszę zgłosić błąd na %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Wyświetla także nieustawione i ukryte zmienne konfiguracyjne.","Always":"Zawsze","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Aktualizacja jest dostępna, czy chcesz ją pobrać?","Appearance":"Wygląd","Application":"Aplikacja","Apply":"Zastosuj","Arguments:":"Argumenty:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim ciemny","Attach file":"Załącz plik","Attach photo":"Załącz zdjęcie","Attach...":"Załącz...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Dołącza wskazany plik do notatki.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt załącznika: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Zachowanie przy pobieraniu załączników","Attachments":"Załączniki","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Załączniki nie mogą zostać pobrane","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Uwaga: Jeżeli lokalizacja zostanie zmieniona, proszę się upewnić, że wszystkie dane zostaną skopiowane do jej lokacji przed synchronizacją, w innym wypadku wszystkie pliki będą usunięte! Sprawdź FAQ w celu uzyskania informacji: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Uwierzytelnianie nie zostało ukończone (nie otrzymano tokena uwierzytalniającego).","Authorisation token:":"Token uwierzytelniający:","Auto":"Automatyczny","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Zamykaj klamry, nawiasy, cudzysłowy itd.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automatycznie dopasuj motyw do motywu systemowego","Automatically update the application":"Automatycznie aktualizuj aplikację","Back":"Cofnij","Bold":"Pogrubienie","Browse all plugins":"Przeglądaj wszystkie wtyczki","Browse...":"Przeglądaj...","Bulleted List":"Lista punktowa","Cancel":"Anuluj","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Anulowanie synchronizacji w tle... Proszę czekać.","Cancelling...":"Anulowanie...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Anulowanie... Proszę czekać.","Cannot access %s":"Brak dostępu %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Nie można zmienić zaszyfrowanego obiektu","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nie można skopiować notatki do notatnika \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Nie można znaleźć \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Nie można zainicjalizować synchronizatora.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Nie można załadować modułu \\"%s\\" dla formatu \\"%s\\" i wyjścia \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Nie można załadować modułu \\"%s\\" dla formatu \\"%s\\" i celu \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nie można przenieść notatki do notatnika \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Nie można przenieść notatnika do tej lokacji","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Nie można odświeżyć tokena: brak danych uwierzytelniających. Uruchomienie synchronizacji ponownie powinno rozwiązać ten problem.","Change application layout":"Zmień układ aplikacji","Change language":"Zmień język","Characters":"Znaki","Characters excluding spaces":"Znaki bez spacji","Check for updates...":"Sprawdź dostępność aktualizacji...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Sprawdź konfigurację synchronizacji","Checkbox":"Pole wyboru","Checkbox list":"Lista checkboxów","Checking... Please wait.":"Sprawdzanie... Proszę czekać.","Choose an option":"Wybierz opcję","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Wyczyść","Clear alarm":"Wyczyść powiadomienie","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Naciśnij \\"%s\\" aby przywrócić notatkę. Zostanie ona skopiowana do notatnika o nazwie \\"%s\\". Obecna wersja notatki nie zostanie nadpisana lub zmodyfikowana.","Click to add tags...":"Kliknij aby dodać tagi...","Client ID: %s":"ID klienta: %s","Close":"Zamknij","Close Window":"Zamknij okno","Code":"Kod","Code Block":"Blok kodu","Code View":"Widok kodu","Coming alarms":"Przychodzące powiadomienia","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Wykaz ścieżek katalogów podzielony przecinkami z których będą ładowane certyfikaty, lub ścieżka do odrębnych plików certyfikatów. Na przykład: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Jeżeli zostaną zmienione ustawienia TLS, będzie wymagane zapisanie zmian przez naciśnięciem na \\"Sprawdź konfigurację synchronizacji\\".","command":"komenda","Command":"Komenda","Command palette":"Paleta komend","Completed":"Ukończono","Completed decryption.":"Deszyfrowywanie zakończone.","Configuration":"Konfiguracja","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Hasło potwierdzające nie może być puste","Confirm password:":"Powtórz hasło:","Conflicted: %d":"Skonfliktowane: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikty","Convert to note":"Przekonwertuj do notatki","Convert to todo":"Przekonwertuj do zadania","Copy":"Kopiuj","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Skopiuj tryb dewelopera do schowka","Copy Link Address":"Skopiuj adres odnośnika","Copy Markdown link":"Skopiuj odnośnik Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Skopiuj ścieżkę do schowka","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopiuj udostępniony link","Copy token":"Skopiuj token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Nie można uwierzytelnić aplikacji:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nProszę spróbować ponownie.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Nie udało się połączyć z serwerem Joplin. Proszę sprawdzić ustawienia na ekranie Synchronizacji. Pełny błąd to:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Nie udało się wyeksportować notatek: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Nie udało się zainstalować wtyczki: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Nie udało się zaktualizować klucza głównego: %s","Create a notebook":"Tworzy nowy notatnik","Created":"Utworzono","created date":"data utworzenia","Created local items: %d.":"Utworzono lokalne obiekty: %d.","Created locally":"Utworzono lokalnie","Created remote items: %d.":"Utworzono zdalne obiekty: %d.","Created: %d.":"Utworzono: %d.","Created: %s":"Utworzono: %s","Creates a new note.":"Tworzy nową notatkę.","Creates a new notebook.":"Tworzy nowy notatnik.","Creates a new to-do.":"Tworzy nowe zadanie.","Creating new %s...":"Tworzenie nowego %s...","Creating report...":"Tworzenie raportu...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Obecna wersja jest aktualna.","custom order":"własny kierunek sortowania","Custom order":"Własny kierunek sortowania","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Własny arkusz stylów dla całej aplikacji Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Własny arkusz stylów dla wyrenderowanego markdownu","Custom TLS certificates":"Niestandardowe certyfikaty TLS","Cut":"Wytnij","Dark":"Ciemny","Database v%s":"Baza danych v%s","Date format":"Format daty","days":"dni","Decrypted items: %d":"Deszyfrowane obiekty: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Deszyfrowane obiekty: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Deszyfrowanie obiektów %d/%d","Default":"Domyślne","Default: %s":"Domyślne: %s","Delete":"Usuń","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Usunąć załącznik \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Usuń wiersz","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Usunąć notatkę \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Usunąć notatkę?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Usunąć notatnik \\"%s:?\\n\\nWszystkie notatki i notatniki podrzędne zawarte w tym notatniku także zostaną usunięte.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Usunąć notatnik? Wszystkie notatki i notatniki podrzędne zawarte w notatniku zostaną także usunięte.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Usunąć wtyczkę \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Usunąć %d notatki?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Usunięto lokalne obiekty: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Usunięto zdalne obiekty: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Usuwa wybrany notatnik.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Usuwa notatnik bez pytania o potwierdzenie.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Usuwa notatki spełniające .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Usuwa notatki bez pytania o potwierdzenie.","Destination format: %s":"Format docelowy: %s","Directory":"Katalog","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Katalog z którym nastąpi synchronizacja (ścieżka absolutna)","Disable encryption":"Dezaktywuj szyfrowanie","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Deaktywuj usługę Web Clipper","Disabled":"Deaktywowano","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Deaktywowanie szyfrowania oznacza, że *wszystkie* Twoje notatki i załączniki będą resynchronizowane i wysłane niezabezpieczone do serwisu synchonizacji. Czy chcesz kontynuować?","Discard changes":"Odrzuć zmiany","Dismiss":"Anuluj","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Wyświetla odnośnik z lokacją geograficzną dla notatki.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Wyświetla jedynie pierwsze notatek.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Wyświetla jedynie obiekty określonego typu(ów). Mogą być to `n` dla notatek, `t` dla zadań, `nt` dla notatek i zadań (np. `-tt` wyświetli jedynie zadania, podczas gdy `-tnt` wyświetli zarówno notatki, jak i zadania.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Wyświetla podsumowanie o notatkach i notatnikach.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Wyświetla wszystkie informacje o notatce.","Displays the given note.":"Wyświetla wskazaną notatkę.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Wyświetla notatki w obecnym notatniku. Użyj `ls /` aby wyświetlić listę notatników.","Displays usage information.":"Wyświetla informacje na temat funkcji.","Displays version information":"Wyświetla informacje o wersji","Do it now":"Zrób to teraz","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Nie pytaj o potwierdzenie.","Download":"Pobierz","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Pobierz i zainstaluj odpowiednie rozszerzenie dla Twojej przeglądarki:","Downloaded":"Pobrano","Downloaded and decrypted":"Pobrane i odszyfrowane","Downloaded and encrypted":"Pobrane i zaszyfrowane","Downloading":"Pobieranie","Downloading resources...":"Pobieranie zasobów...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Upuść notatki lub pliki tutaj","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Nazwa użytkownika Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplikuj","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplikuje notatki określone do [notatnik]. Jeżeli notatnik nie zostanie określony, notatki zostaną zduplikowane w obecnym notatniku.","Edit":"Edytuj","Edit in external editor":"Edytuj w edytorze zewnętrznym","Edit note.":"Edytuj notatkę.","Edit notebook":"Edytuj notatnik","Editor":"Edytor","Editor font":"Rodzaj czcionki edytora","Editor font family":"Rodzina czcionek edytora","Editor font size":"Wielkość czcionki edytora","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Zarówno \\"text\\" jak i \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"wyszczególnienie","Enable":"Aktywuj","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktywuj składnię ++instert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktywuj składnię ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktywuj składnię ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktywuj składnię skrótów","Enable audio player":"Aktywuj odtwarzacz muzyki","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktywuj składnię składnię deflist","Enable encryption":"Aktywuj szyfrowanie","Enable footnotes":"Aktywuj stopki","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Aktywuj składnię Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Aktywuj Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktywuj emotikony markdown","Enable math expressions":"Aktywuj wyrażenia matematyczne","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Aktywuj składnię Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktywuj rozszerzenie dla tabeli multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Aktywuj historię notatek","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktywuj wyświetlacz PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Aktywuj miękkie łamanie linii","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktywuj rozszerzenie dla tabeli zawartości","Enable typographer support":"Aktywuj składnię typografu","Enable video player":"Aktywuj odtwarzacz wideo","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktywuj usługę Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktywuj składnię ~sub~","Enabled":"Aktywowano","Encrypted":"Zaszyfrowane","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Zaszyfrowanie obiekty nie mogą być modyfikowane","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Nie można zmienić nazwy zaszyfrowanym notatnikom","Encryption":"Szyfrowanie","Encryption Config":"Konfiguracja szyfrowania","Encryption is: %s":"Szyfrowanie jest: %s","Enter code here":"Wprowadź kod tutaj","Enter master password:":"Wprowadź hasło główne:","Enter notebook title":"Podaj tytuł notatnika","Enum":"Wyliczanie","Error":"Błąd","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Błąd przy otwieraniu notatki w edytorze: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Błąd. Proszę sprawdzić czy odnośnik, nazwę użytkownika, hasło i inne są poprawne oraz serwis synchronizacji dostępny. Raportowany błąd to:","Error: %s":"Błąd: %s","Errors only":"Tylko błędy","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Plik eksportu Evernote (jako HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Plik eksportu Evernote (jako Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Wychodzi z aplikacji.","Export":"Eksportuj","Export all":"Eksportuj wszystko","Export Debug Report":"Raport odpluskwiania eksportu","Export profile":"Eksportuj profil","Exporting profile...":"Eksportowanie profilu...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Eksportowanie do \\"%s\\" jako \\"%s\\". Proszę czekać...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Eksportuje dane Joplin do wskazanej ścieżki. W trybie domyślnym eksportowana zostanie pełna baza danych zawierająca notatniki, notatki, znaczniki i zasoby.","Exports only the given note.":"Eksportuje jedynie wybraną notatkę.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Eksportuje jedynie wybrany notatnik.","Fail-safe":"Bezpieczny","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Bezpieczny: nie usuwaj lokalnych danych kiedy cel synchronizacji jest pusty (często w wyniku nieprawidłowej konfiguracji lub błędu)","Fatal error:":"Błąd krytyczny:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Pobieranie obiektów %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Pobieranie zasobów: %d/%d","File":"Plik","File system":"System plików","Firefox Extension":"Rozszerzenie Firefoxa","Fix search index":"Napraw indeks wyszukiwania","Fixing search index...":"Naprawa indeksu wyszukiwania...","Focus":"Wyszczególnienie","Focus body":"Przejdź do zawartości","Focus title":"Przejdź do tytułu","Folders":"Foldery","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Tylko w celu debugowania: eksportuj profil na zewnętrzną kartę SD.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Aby uzyskać informację o dopasowaniu skrótów klawiszowych, proszę odwiedzić %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Aby uzyskać więcej informacje o szyfrowaniu po stronie klienta (E2EE) i wskazówki ułatwiające jego uruchomienie, proszę sprawdź dokumentację:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Aby zobaczyć listę ze skrótami klawiaturowymi i opcjami konfiguracji, wpisz `help keymap`","Forward":"Ponów","Found: %d.":"Znaleziono: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS aktywowano: %d","General":"Ogólne","Generating link...":"Generowanie linku...","Get it now:":"Pobierz teraz:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Uwzględniaj wersje przedpremierowe podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Pobiera lub ustawia wartość pliku konfiguracyjnego. Jeżeli [wartość] nie jest podana, zostanie wyświetlona wartość [nazwa]. Jeżeli zarówno [nazwa], jak i [wartość] nie zostanie podana, wyświetlona zostanie lista z obecną konfiguracją.","Go to source URL":"Idź do adresu źródłowego odnośnika","Goto Anything...":"Idź do...","Heading":"Nagłówek","Help":"Pomoc","Hide %s":"Schowaj %s","Hide Joplin":"Ukryj okno aplikacji","Horizontal Rule":"Linia horyzontalna","HTML Directory":"Katalog HTML","HTML File":"Plik HTML","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","Icon":"Ikona","ID":"ID","Idle":"Spoczynek","Ignore":"Ignoruj","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignoruj błędy certyfikatu TLS","Import":"Zaimportuj","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importowanie z \\"%s\\" jako \\"%s\\". Proszę czekać...","Importing notes...":"Importowanie notatek...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importuje dane do Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"W trybie \\"Ręczny\\", załączniki zostaną pobrane po naciśnięciu.W trybie \\"Automatyczny\\", załączniki zostaną pobrane przy otwieraniu notatki. W trybie \\"Zawsze\\", wszystkie załączniki zostaną pobrane bez względu na otwarcie notatki.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"W każdej komendzie do notatki lub notatnika można odnieść się poprzez tytuł lub identyfikator (ID), lub używając skrótów `$n` lub `$b`, odpowiednio, dla obecnie wybranej notatki lub notatnika. `$c` może zostać użyty jako odnośnik do obecnie wybranego obiektu.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Aby powiązać lokalizację geograficzną z notatką, aplikacja potrzebuje Twojego pozwolenia na dostęp do lokalizacji.\\n\\nMożesz wyłączyć tę opcję w dowolnym momencie na ekranie konfiguracji.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Aby to zrobić należy zaszyfrować i zsynchronizować wszystkie twoje dane, więc najlepiej będzie zrobić to przez noc.\\n\\nAby rozpocząć postępuj zgodnie z instrukcją:\\n\\n1. Zsynchronizuj wszystkie swoje urządzenia.\\n2. Naciśnij \\"%s\\".\\n3. Poczekaj na zakończenie. W trakcie tego procesu postaraj się nie zmieniać żadnych notatek na swoich urządzeniach, aby uniknąć błędów.\\n4. Kiedy synchronizacja się zakończy na tym urządzeniu, zsynchronizuj inne urządzenia.\\n\\nWażne: musisz wykonać powyższe kroki tylko RAZ na jednym urządzeniu.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Aby użyć synchronizacji z systemem plików, musisz wyrazić zgodę na zapis na zewnętrznym urządzeniu.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Aby używać Web Clipper, należy wykonać następujące czynności:","In progress":"W trakcie","In: %s":"W: %s","Indent less":"Usuń akapit","Indent more":"Wstaw akapit","Information":"Informacja","Inline Code":"Kod w linii","Insert Date Time":"Wstaw stempel czasowy","Insert Hyperlink":"Wstaw Hyperlink","Install":"Zainstaluj","Install from file":"Zainstaluj z pliku","Installed":"Zainstwalony","Installing...":"Instalowanie.","Invalid":"Nieprawidłowy","Invalid %s: %s.":"Nieprawidłowy %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Nieprawidłowa komenda: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Nieznana wartość opcji: \\"%s\\". Możliwa wartość opcji: %s.","Italic":"Kursywa","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Obiekt \\"%s\\" nie może być pobrany: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Obiekty nie mogą być odszyfrowane","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Obiekty nie mogą być zsynchronizowane","Joplin Export Directory":"Katalog Joplin Export","Joplin Export File":"Plik Joplin Export","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin nie udało się odszyfrować wielu obiektów ponieważ są uszkodzone albo za duże. Pozostaną na urządzeniu ale Joplin nie będzie już próbować ich odszyfrować.","Joplin Forum":"Forum Joplin","Joplin Server":"Serwer Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Hasło serwera Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL serwera Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper umożliwia zapisywanie stron internetowych i zrzutów ekranu z Twojej przeglądarki do Joplin.","Joplin website":"Strona internetowa Joplin","Keep note history for":"Zachowuj historię przez","Keyboard Mode":"Tryb klawiatury","Keyboard Shortcut":"Skrót klawiszowy","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Skróty klawiaturowe","Keychain Supported: %s":"Wspierany menadżer kluczy: %s","Landscape":"Poziomo","Language":"Język","Last error: %s":"Ostatni błąd: %s","Later":"Później","Layout":"Układ","Layout button sequence":"Układ przycisków","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"List","Light":"Jasny","Lines":"Wiersze","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Link został skopiowany do schowka!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Odnośniki protokołu \\"%s\\" nie są wspierane","List item":"Obiekt listy","Location":"Lokacja","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Plik blokady jest aktualnie w użyciu. Jeżeli wiesz, że synchronizacja nie odbywa się, możesz usunąć plik blokady w \\"%s\\" i wznowić operację.","Log":"Dziennik","Login with Dropbox":"Zaloguj się z Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Zaloguj się z OneDrive","Make a donation":"Przekaż datek","Manage your plugins":"Zarządzaj wtyczkami","Manual":"Ręczny","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Oznacz zadanie jako wykonane.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Oznacza zadanie jako nieukończone.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Klucz główny %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maksymalne połączenia jednoczesne","Missing Master Keys":"Brakujące Klucze Główne","Missing required argument: %s":"Brakujący wymagany argument: %s","More info":"Więcej informacji","More information":"Więcej informacji","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Więcej niż jeden wynik spełnia zapytanie \\"%s\\". Proszę zawęzić wyszukiwanie.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Przenieść %d notatek do notatnika \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Przenieś do notatnika","Move to notebook...":"Przenieś do notatnika...","Move to notebook:":"Przenieś do notatnika:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Przenosi notatki określone do [notatnik].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nowa notatka","New notebook":"Nowy notatnik","New Notebook":"Nowy Notatnik","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Nowy notatnik \\"%s\\" zostanie utworzony i plik \\"%s\\" zostanie do niego zaimportowany","New sub-notebook":"Nowy podnotatnik","New tags:":"Nowe znaczniki:","New to-do":"Nowe zadanie","New version: %s":"Nowa wersja: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Hasło użytkownika Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nazwa użytkownika Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Odnośnik WebDAV Nextcloud","no":"nie","No":"Nie","No active notebook.":"Brak aktywnego notatnika.","No item with ID %s":"Brak przedmiotu z ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Notatnik nie został określony.","No notebook selected.":"Nie wybrano notatnika.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Brak notatek. Utwórz nową, naciskając na \\"Nowa notatka\\".","No resources!":"Brak zasobów!","No results":"Brak rezultatów","No such command: %s":"Nie znaleziono komedy: %s","No suggestions":"Brak sugestii","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nie wybrano edytora tekstu. Proszę ustawić go za pomocą komendy `confg editor <ścieżka-do-programu>`","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nie uwierzytelniono z %s. Proszę uzupełnij brakujące dane.","Not downloaded":"Nie pobrano","note":"notatka","Note":"Notatka","Note area growth factor":"Czynnik rośnięcia pola notatek","Note attachments":"Załączniki notatki","Note attachments...":"Załączniki notatek...","Note body":"Zawartość notatki","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notatka nie istnieje: \\"%s\\". Utworzyć?","Note has been saved.":"Notatka została zapisana.","Note History":"Historia notatek","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notatka nie jest zadaniem: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Historia notatek","Note list growth factor":"Czynnik rośnięcia listy notatek","Note properties":"Właściwośći notatki","Note title":"Tytuł notatki","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Informacja: Nie działa na wszystkich środowiskach sprzętowych.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Uwaga: Po udostępnieniu notatka nie będzie już szyfrowana na serwerze.","Notebook list growth factor":"Czynnik rośnięcia listy notatników","Notebook title:":"Tytuł notatnika:","Notebook: %s":"Notatnik: %s","Notebooks":"Notatniki","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notatniki nie mogą być nazwane \\"%s\\", ponieważ jest to nazwa zastrzeżona.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notatki i ustawienia są przechowywane w: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notatki mogą być tworzone jedynie w notatniku.","Numbered List":"Lista numerowana","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED ciemny","On %s: %s":"Na %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Jedno z twoich master kluczy ma przestarzałą metode szyfrowanie.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Jeden lub więcej obiektów jest aktualnie zaszyfrowane, w związku z czym zachodzi potrzeba podania hasła głównego. Aby to wykonać, proszę wpisać `e2ee decrypt`. Jeżeli hasło zostało już podane, zaszyfrowane obiekty są deszyfrowane w tle i będą dostępne wkrótce.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Jeden lub więcej master kluczy potrzebuję hasła.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Nazwa użytkownika OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Tylko jedna notatka może być wydrukowana w tym samym czasie.","Open":"Otwórz","Open %s":"Otwórz %s","Open profile directory":"Otwórz katalog profili","Open...":"Otwórz...","Operation cancelled":"Operacja anulowana","Options":"Opcje","Output format: %s":"Format docelowy: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientacja strony do eksportu PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Wielkość strony do eksportu PDF","Password":"Hasło","Password cannot be empty":"Hasło nie może być puste","Password:":"Hasło:","Passwords do not match!":"Hasła się nie zgadzają!","Paste":"Wklej","Path:":"Ścieżka:","PDF File":"Plik PDF","Permission needed":"Wymagane permisje","Permission to use camera":"Uprawienie do użytkowania kamery","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Potwierdź, że chcesz ponownie zaszyfrować całą bazę danych.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Podaj hasło w liście kluczy głównych poniżej przed aktualizacją klucza.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Proszę otworzyć następujący odnośnik w swojej przeglądarce, aby uwierzytelnić aplikację. Aplikacja utworzy katalog w lokalizacji \\"Apps/Joplin\\" i będzie jedynie odczytywać i zapisywać pliki w tej lokalizacji. Nie będzie ona miała dostępu do plików spoza tej lokalizacji, jak i innych danych osobowych. Dane nie zostaną udostępnione jakiejkolwiek firmie/organizacji.","Please select a notebook first.":"Na początku wybierz notatnik.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Proszę wybrać notatkę lub notatnik który ma zostać usunięty jako pierwszy.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Proszę wybrać gdzie powinen zostać eksportowany status synchronizacji","Please specify import format for %s":"Proszę określić format importu dla %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Proszę określić notatnik do którego będą zaimportowane notatki.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Zaaktualizuj Joplin, aby używać tej wtyczki","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Poczekaj na pobranie I odszyfrowanie wszystkich załączników. Możesz też przenieść się do %s żeby edytować notatkę.","Please wait...":"Proszę czekać...","Plugin tools":"Narzędzia wtyczek","Plugins":"Wtyczki","Portrait":"Pionowo","Possible keys/values:":"Dostępne klucze/wartości:","Possible values: %s.":"Możliwe wartośći: %s.","Preferences":"Ustawienia","Preferences...":"Preferencje...","Preferred dark theme":"Preferuj ciemny motyw","Preferred light theme":"Preferuj jasny motyw","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Naciśnij Ctrl+D lub wpisz \\"exit\\" aby wyjść z aplikacji","Press the shortcut":"Naciśnij skrót klawiszowy","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Naciśnij skrót klawiszowy, a następnie ENTER aby potwierdzić. Naciśnij BACKSPACE aby wyczyścić skrót.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Naciśnij, aby ustawić hasło szyfrowania.","Previous versions of this note":"Poprzednie wersje notatki","Print":"Drukuj","Privacy Policy":"Polityka Prywatności","Profile Version: %s":"Wersja profilu: %s","Properties":"Właściwości","Quit":"Wyjdź","Re-encrypt data":"Ponownie zaszyfruj dane","Re-encryption":"Ponowne szyfrowanie","Read more about it":"Czytaj więcej","Read time: %s min":"Czas czytania: %s min","Redo":"Przywróć","Refresh":"Odśwież","Remove":"Usuń","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Usunąć znacznik \\"%s\\" ze wszystkich notatek?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Usunąć wyszukiwanie z nawigatora?","Rename":"Zmień nazwę","Rename notebook:":"Zmień nazwę notatnika:","Rename tag:":"Zmień nazwę znacznika:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Zmienia nazwę dla wskazanego (notatka lub notatnik) na .","Resources: %d.":"Zasoby: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Uruchom ponownie i aktualizuj","Restart now":"Zrestartuj teraz","Restore":"Przywróć","Restored Notes":"Przywrócone notatki","Retry":"Ponów","Retry All":"Ponów wszystko","Reveal file in folder":"Odkryj plik w folderze","Reverse sort order":"Odwróć kierunek sortowania","Reverses the sorting order.":"Odwraca kierunek sortowania.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Rewizja: %s (%s)","Save":"Zapisz","Save alarm":"Zapisz powiadomienie","Save as...":"Zapisz jako...","Save changes":"Zapisz zmiany","Save geo-location with notes":"Zapisz lokalizację geograficzną z notatkami","Search":"Wyszukaj","Search for plugins...":"Szukaj wtyczek...","Search in all the notes":"Wyszukaj we wszystkich notatkach","Search in current note":"Wyszukaj w obecnej notatce","Search...":"Wyszukaj...","Search:":"Wyszukaj:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Wyszukuje wskazany we wszystkich notatkach.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Sprawdź stronę wydań przedpremierowych w celu uzyskania większości informacji: %s","Select all":"Wybierz wszystko","Server is already running on port %d":"Serwer jest już uruchomiony na porcie %d","Server is not running.":"Serwer nie został uruchomiony.","Server is running on port %d":"Serwer działa na porcie %d","Set alarm":"Ustaw powiadomienie","Set alarm:":"Ustaw powiadomienie:","Set the password":"Ustaw hasło","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Ustawia własność z wskazanej do wskazanej [wartość]. Możliwe własności: \\n\\n%s","Share":"Udostępnij","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Skróty nie dostępne w wierszu poleceń (tryb CLI).","Show Advanced Settings":"Pokaż opcje zaawansowane","Show all":"Pokaż wszystko","Show completed to-dos":"Wyświetl ukończone zadania","Show note counts":"Pokaż liczbę notatek","Show tray icon":"Pokaż ikonę w zasobniku systemowym","Sidebar":"Nawigator","Size":"Rozmiar","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Pominięte obiekty: %d (użyj --retry-failed-items żeby ponownie spróbować je odszyfrować)","Skipped: %d.":"Pominięto: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solaryzacja - ciemny","Solarised Light":"Solaryzacja - jasny","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Niektóre obiekty nie mogą być odszyfrowane.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Niektóre przedmioty nie mogą być zsynchornizowane.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Niektóre przedmioty nie mogą zostać zsynchronizowane.","Sort notebooks by":"Sortuj notatniki po","Sort notes by":"Sortuj notatki po","Sort selected lines":"Sortuj zaznaczone linie","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sortuje obiekty po (np. tytuł, data_aktualizacji, data_utworzenia).","Source format: %s":"Format źródłowy: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Jeśli nie określisz portu używany przez serwer API, użyty zostanie domyślny.","Spell checker":"Sprawdzanie pisowni","Split View":"Podzielony podgląd","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Uruchom aplikację zminimalizowaną w zasobniku systemowym","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Uruchom, zatrzymaj lub sprawdź serwer API. Aby określić port, na którym powinien działać ustaw zmienną api.port w konfiguracji. Polecenia to (%s)","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Rozpoczynanie deszyfrowania...Proszę czekać, może to zająć kilkanaście minut w zależności od ilości danych.","Starting synchronisation...":"Rozpoczynanie synchronizacji...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Rozpoczynanie edycji notatki. Zamknij edytor, aby powrócić do wiersza poleceń.","Statistics":"Statystyki","Statistics...":"Statystyki…","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Uruchomiono w porcie %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Krok 1: Aktywuj usługę Clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Krok 1: Otwórz odnośnik w swojej przeglądarce aby autoryzować aplikację:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Krok 2: Wpisz kod podany przez Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Krok 2: Zainstaluj rozszerzenie","Stop":"Zatrzymaj","Stop external editing":"Zakończ edytowanie w programie zewnętrznym","strong text":"pogrubienie","Submit":"Wyślij","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Sukces! Konfiguracja synchronizacji wydaje się być prawidłowa.","Swap line down":"Zamień z linią poniżej","Swap line up":"Zamień z linią powyżej","Switch between note and to-do type":"Przełącz pomiędzy notatką a zadaniem","Switch to note type":"Przełącz na notatkę","Switch to to-do type":"Przełącz na zadanie","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Przełącza na [Notatnik] - wszystkie przyszłe operacje zostaną wykonane w tym notatniku.","Sync Status":"Status synchronizacji","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Status synchronizacji (obiekty zsynchronizowane / obiekty ogółem)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Cel synchronizacji wymaga aktualizacji. Uruchom \'%s\' aby kontynuować.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Aktualizacja celu synchronizacji","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synchronizuje z określonym serwisem (domyślnie z wartością konfiguracji","Sync Version: %s":"Wersja synchronizacji: %s","Synchronisation":"Synchronizacja","Synchronisation interval":"Interwał synchronizacji","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synchronizacja w toku.","Synchronisation Status":"Status synchronizacji","Synchronisation target":"Serwis synchronizacji","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Serwis synchronizacji: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synchronizuj","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synchronizuje z dyskiem zdalnym.","Synchronising...":"Synchronizacja...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Oznaczone: %d.","Tags":"Znaczniki","Take photo":"Wykonaj zdjęcie","Text editor command":"Ścieżka edytora tekstu","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikacja zostanie teraz zamknięta. Uruchom ją ponownie, aby ukończyć proces.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikacja została uwierzytelniona - możesz zamknąć kartę przeglądarki.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplikacja została uwierzytelniona!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikacja została uwierzytelniona pomyślnie.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Ta aplikacja musi być zrestartowana, aby zastosować zmiany.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Załączniki nie będą obserwowane gdy przejdziesz do innej notatki.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Komenda \\"%s\\" jest dostępna tylko i wyłącznie w trybie graficznym (GUI)","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Domyślne hasło administratora jest niebezpiecznie i nie zostało zmienione! [Zmień je teraz](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Domyślna metoda szyfrowania została zmieniona na bezpieczniejszą i zaleca się zastosowanie jej do twoich danych.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Zmieniono domyślną metodę szyfrowania, należy ponownie zaszyfrować dane.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Ścieżka edytora tekstu (może zawierać wiele argumentów) która zostanie użyta aby otwierać notatkę. Jeżeli nie zostanie podana, program spróbuje wykryć domyślny edytor.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Wartość czynnika ustala jak element będzie rósł, bądź zmniejszał się w odniesieniu do sąsiadujących elementów w kontenerze. Przykładowo, element z czynnikiem 2 będzie zajmował 2 razy więcej, niż ten z czynnikiem 1,. Zrestartuj aplikację, aby zobaczyć zmiany.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Następujące załączniki są obserwowane pod kątem zmian:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Aplikacja mobilna Joplin nie wspiera aktualnie odnośników tego typu: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Klucz główny został pomyślnie zaktualizowany!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Klucze główne z tymi ID zostaną użyte do szyfrowania niektórych obiektów, jednakże aplikacja aktualnie nie ma do nich dostępu. Prawdopodobnie zostaną pobrane przy synchronizacji.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Notatka \\"%s\\" została pomyślnie przywrócona do notatnika \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Notatnik nie może zostać zapisany: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Notatki zostały zaimportowane: %s","The possible commands are:":"Dostępne komendy:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Cel synchronizacji wymaga aktualizacji zanim Joplin może się zsynchronizować. Ta operacja może zająć kilka minut po czym aplikacja będzie wymagać ponownego uruchomienia. Kliknij w link aby kontynuować.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Znacznik \\"%s\\" istnieje. Proszę wybrać inną nazwę.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Serwis z którym nastąpi synchronizacja. Każdy serwis może zawierać dodatkowe parametry, które są nazwane jako `sync.NUM.NAME` (udokumentowane poniżej).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Usługa Web Clipper musi być aktywna i ustawiona na autouruchamianie.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Usługa Web Clipper nie jest aktywowana.","Theme":"Motyw","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Brak notatek. Aby utworzyć, naciśnij przycisk (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Brak notatników. Utwórz nowy, naciskając na \\"Nowy notatnik\\".","There is no data to export.":"Brak danych do eksportu.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Wystąpił [konflikt](%s) w załączniku poniżej.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Wystąpił błąd pobierania załącznika:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Obiekty pozostaną na urządzeniu, jednakże nie zostaną wysłane na serwis synchronizacji. W celu wyszukania tych obiektów, proszę szukać po tytule lub po ID (które jest wyświetlane w klamrach poniżej).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Te wtyczki usprawniają wyświetlanie Markdownu. Miej na uwadze, że mimo, że te znaczniki mogą być przydatne, to nie są one częścią standardowego Markdownu i z uwagi na to większość z nich będzie działała wyłącznie w Joplinie. Dodatkowo, część z nich jest *niekompatybilna* z edytorem WYSIWYG. Jeśli otworzysz notatkę używającą tego formatowania w tym edytorze, utracisz to formatowanie. Poniżej jest widoczne które pluginy są kompatybilne z edytorem WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Załącznik nie został jeszcze pobrany lub deszyfrowany","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Załącznik nie został jeszcze pobrany lub odszyfrowany.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Token uwierzytelniający jest potrzebny jedynie w celu pozwolenia aplikacjom firm trzecich na dostęp do Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"To zaawansowane narzędzie do wyświetlania załączników, które są powiązane z twoimi notatkami. Bądź ostrożny przy usuwaniu jednego z nich, ponieważ nie będzie on mógł zostać przywrócony.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Notatka nie zawiera informacji o lokalizacji geograficznej.","This note has been modified:":"Notatka została zmodyfikowana:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Notatka nie posiada zawartości. Naciśnik na \\"%s\\" aby przełączyć edytor i edytować notatkę.","This note has no history":"Notatka nie posiada historii","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Ten edytor tekstu sformatowanego ma wiele ograniczeń i zaleca się, abyś był ich świadomy przed jego użyciem.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ta usługa umożliwia rozszerzeniu do przeglądarki komunikować się z Joplin. Kiedy zostanie aktywowana, zapora systemowa może zapytać o uprawnienia dla Joplin w celu nasłuchiwania na określonym porcie.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Pozwala Joplin pracować w tle. Rekomendowanym jest, aby aktywować to ustawienie, przez co notatki będę stale synchronizowane, redukując liczbę błędów.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Otworzy się nowy ekran. Zapisać zmiany?","Time format":"Format czasu","title":"tytuł","Title":"Tytuł","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Aby pozwolić Joplin na synchronizację z Dropbox, proszę kieruj się krokami poniżej:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Aby usunąć znacznik, należy usunąć powiązane znaczniki z notatek.","To delete: %d":"Do usunięcia: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Aby wejść do wiersza poleceń, naciśnij \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Aby wyjść z wiersza poleceń, naciśnij ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Żeby posortować notatki ręcznie, kierunek sortowania musi zostać zmieniony na \\"%s\\" w menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Aby zmaksymalizować/zminimalizować konsolę, naciśnij \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Aby przenieść z jednej zakładki do innej, naciśnij Tab lub Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Żeby spróbować ponownie odszyfrować te obiekty, uruchom `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Aby pracować prawidłowo, aplikacja potrzebuje następujących uprawnień. Proszę je aktywować w ustawieniach telefonu, w Aplikacje > Joplin > Uprawnienia","to-do":"zadanie","Toggle comment":"Wstaw komentarz","Toggle development tools":"Włącz/wyłącz narzędzia programistyczne","Toggle editor layout":"Przełącz układ edytora","Toggle editors":"Włącz edytor","Toggle external editing":"Edytuj w programie zewnętrznym","Toggle note list":"Przełącz listę notatek","Toggle sidebar":"Przełącz nawigator","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token został skopiowany do schowka!","Tools":"Narzędzia","Total: %d/%d":"Ogółem: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Wpisz `help [komenda]` aby uzyskać więcej informacji o komendzie; lub wpisz `help all` aby uzyskać wszystkie informacje na temat funkcji programu.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Wpisz `joplin help` dla informacji o użytkowaniu.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Wpisz tytuł notatki lub jej fragment, aby do niej przejść. Możesz także wpisać #, a po nim nazwę tagu lub @, a następnie nazwę notatnika. Lub wpisz : aby wyszukać polecenia.","Type new tags or select from list":"Wprowadź nowe znaczniki lub wybierz z listy","Type: %s.":"Typ: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Nieukończone zadania na górze","Undo":"Cofnij","Unknown flag: %s":"Nieznana flaga: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Pobrano nieznany typ pliku - proszę zaaktualizować Joplin do najnowszej wersji","Unsupported image type: %s":"Niewspierany typ obrazu: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Niewspierany odnośnik lub wiadomość: %s","Untitled":"Bez nazwy","Update":"Zaaktualizuj","Updated":"Zaaktualizowano","updated date":"data aktualizacji","Updated local items: %d.":"Zaktualizowano lokalne obiekty: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Zaktualizowano zdalne obiekty: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Zaaktualizowano: %d.","Updated: %s":"Zaktualizowano: %s","Updating...":"Aktualizowanie...","Upgrade":"Aktualizacja","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Aktualizuj cel synchronizacji do najnowszej wersji.","URL":"Odnośnik","Usage: %s":"Przykłady: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Użyj długiego formatu listy. Format to ID, LICZNIK_NOTATEK (dla notatników), DATA, ZADANIA_WYKONANE (dla zadań), TYTUŁ","Use spell checker":"Sprawdzaj pisownię","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Użyj klawiszy kierunkowych i klawiszy page up/down aby przesunąć listę i obszary tekstowe (włącznie z konsolą).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Używaj strzałek aby poruszać elementami układu. Wciśnij \\"Escape\\" aby wyjść.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Skorzystaj aby przebudować indeks wyszukiwania jeśli występują problemy. Może to zająć trochę czasu jeśli masz dużo notatek.","View":"Widok","View on map":"Pokaż na mapie","View them now":"Wyświetl je teraz","Viewer":"Wyświetlacz","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Uwaga","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Uwaga, aby zachować dobrą wydajność, nie wszystkie zasoby zostały wyświetlone (limit: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Hasło użytkownika WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"Odnośnik WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nazwa użytkownika WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Strona internetowa i dokumentacja","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Witaj w Joplin!\\n\\nWpisz: `:help shortcuts` aby uzyskać listę skrótów klawiaturowych lub `help` aby uzyskać informacje o użytkowaniu.\\n\\nNa przykład, aby utworzyć notatnik, naciśnij `mb`; aby utworzyć notatkę, naciśnij `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Podczas tworzenia nowej notatki:","When creating a new to-do:":"Podczas tworzenia nowego zadania:","Words":"Słowa","y":"t","Y":"T","yes":"tak","Yes":"Tak","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Jesteś w trakcie załączenia dużego zdjęcia (%dx%d pikseli). Chciałbyś zmniejszyć rozmiar do %d pikseli przed załączeniem?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Brak aktywnych notatników.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nie masz zainstalowanej żadnej wtyczki.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Możesz też wpisać `status` po więcej informacji.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Możesz skorzystać z narzędzia poniżej żeby ponownie zaszyfrować swoje dane, na przykład jeśli wiesz że część twoich notatek jest szyfrowana przestarzałą metodą.","Your choice: ":"Twój wybór: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Twoje dane zostaną ponownie zaszyfrowane i zsynchronizowane.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Wymagane uprawnienie do użytkowania kamery.","Your version: %s":"Twoja wersja: %s","Zoom In":"Powiększ","Zoom Out":"Pomniejsz"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" está faltando a propriedade \\"%s\\" necessária.","%d days":"%d dias","%d hour":"%d hora","%d hours":"%d horas","%d minutes":"%d minutos","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notas correspondem a este padrão. Apagar todos?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) não pôde ser enviado: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) gostaria de compartilhar um caderno com você.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pré-lançamento)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copiar","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notas","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Editar","&File":"&Arquivo","&Go":"&Ir","&Help":"&Ajuda","&Note":"&Nota","&Tools":"&Ferramentas","&View":"&Visualizar","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Nenhum)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Câmera: para permitir tirar fotos e anexar a uma nota.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Localização: para permitir anexar informações de geolocalização à uma nota.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Armazenamento: para permitir anexar arquivos à notas e para permitir a sincronização do sistema de arquivos."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" pode ser \\"add\\" para adicionar, \\"remove\\" para remover, \\"list\\" para listar ou \\"notetags\\" para atribuir ou remover [tag] da [nota], ou para listar as notas associadas a [nota]. O comando `tag list` pode ser usado para listar todas as tags (use -l para opção longa)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" pode ser \\"toggle\\" ou \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" para alternar entre as tarefas entre o estado completo e incompleto (se o alvo for uma nota comum, ele será convertido em uma tarefa a fazer). Use \\"clear\\" para converter a tarefa em uma nota normal.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Sobre o Joplin","accelerator":"acelerador","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"O acelerador \\"%s\\" não é válido.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"O acelerador \\"%s\\" é usado para os comandos \\"%s\\" e \\"%s\\". Isso pode levar a comportamento inesperado.","Accept":"Aceitar","Action":"Ação","Actions":"Ações","Active":"Ativar","Actual Size":"Tamanho Atual","Add body":"Adicionar corpo","Add or remove tags:":"Adicionar ou remover tags:","Add recipient:":"Adicionar destinatário:","Add title":"Adicionar título","Add to dictionary":"Adicionar ao dicionário","Advanced options":"Mostrar opções avançadas","Advanced tools":"Ferramentas avançadas","All notes":"Todas as notas","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Todas as portas potenciais estão em uso - por favor, reportar essa situação em %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Também exibe variáveis de configuração não definidas e ocultas.","Always":"Sempre","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Uma atualização está disponível, você quer baixar agora?","Appearance":"Aparência","Application":"Aplicação","Apply":"Aplicar","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Você tem certeza que deseja renovar o token de autorização?","Arguments:":"Argumentos:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Escuro","Attach file":"Anexar arquivo","Attach photo":"Anexar foto","Attach...":"Anexar...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Anexa o arquivo dado à nota.","attachment":"anexo","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Conflito de anexo: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Comportamento de download de anexos","Attachments":"Anexos","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Anexos que não puderam ser baixados","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Atenção: Se você modificar esse local, tenha certeza de copiar todo o seu conteúdo para lá antes de sincronizar, do contrário todos os seus arquivos serão removidos! Veja o FAQ para mais detalhes: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"A autenticação não foi concluída (não recebeu um token de autenticação).","Authorisation token:":"Token de autorização:","Auto":"Automático","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Parear automaticamente chaves, parênteses, aspas etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Automaticamente alterar o tema para o tema do sistema","Automatically update the application":"Atualizar automaticamente o aplicativo","Back":"Voltar","Bold":"Negrito","Browse all plugins":"Procurar todos os plugins","Browse...":"Navegar...","Bulleted List":"Lista com bullets","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Cancelando sincronização em segundo plano... Por favor, aguarde.","Cancelling...":"Cancelando...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Cancelando... Por favor aguarde.","Cannot access %s":"Não é possível acessar %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Não é possível mudar um item criptografado","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Não é possível copiar a nota para o caderno \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Não posso encontrar \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Não é possível inicializar o sincronizador.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Não é possível carregar o módulo \\"%s\\" para o formato \\"%s\\" e saída \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Não é possível carregar o módulo \\"%s\\" para o formato \\"%s\\" e alvo \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Não é possível mover a nota para o caderno \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Não é possível mover a nota para este local","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Não é possível atualizar token: faltam dados de autenticação. Iniciar a sincronização novamente pode corrigir o problema.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Não foi possível salvar %s \\"%s\\" porque é maior do que o limite permitido (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Não pôde salvar %s \\"%s\\" porque ultrapassaria o tamanho total permitido (%s) para esta conta","Change application layout":"Alterar layout da aplicação","Change language":"Alterar idioma","Characters":"Caracteres","Characters excluding spaces":"Caracteres exceto espaços","Check for updates...":"Verificar atualizações...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Verificar a configuração da sincronização","Checkbox":"Caixa de seleção","Checkbox list":"Lista de opções","Checking... Please wait.":"Verificando... Por favor aguarde.","Choose an option":"Escolha uma opção","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Limpar","Clear alarm":"Limpar alarme","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Pressione \\"%s\\" para restaurar a nota. Ela será copiada no caderno com nome \\"%s\\". A versão atual da nota não será substituída ou modificada.","Click to add tags...":"Pressione para adicionar tags...","Client ID: %s":"ID do cliente: %s","Close":"Fechar","Close Window":"Fechar Janela","Code":"Código","Code Block":"Bloco de Código","Code View":"Visualizar Código","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Edite cadernos de forma colaborativa","Coming alarms":"Próximos alarmes","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Lista de caminhos para diretórios, separados por vírgula, de onde carregar os certificados, ou caminhos para arquivos cert. Por exemplo, /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note que se você fizer mudanças nas configurações de TLS, você tem que salvar as mudanças antes de clicar em \\"Verificar a configuração da sincronização\\".","command":"comando","Command":"Comando","Command palette":"Paleta de comandos","Command palette...":"Guia de comandos...","Completed":"Completado","Completed decryption.":"Descriptografação completada.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Completado: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Configuração","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Confirmação de senha não pode estar vazia","Confirm password:":"Confirme a senha:","Confirmation":"Confirmação","Conflicted: %d":"Em conflito: %d","Conflicts":"Conflitos","Conflicts (attachments)":"Conflitos (anexos)","Convert to note":"Converter para nota","Convert to todo":"Converter para tarefa","Copy":"Copiar","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copiar o comando em modo de desenvolvimento para a área de transferência","Copy Link Address":"Copiar endereço do link","Copy Markdown link":"Copiar link de Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copiar caminho para a área de transferência","Copy Shareable Link":"Copiar Link Compartilhável","Copy token":"Copiar token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Não foi possível autorizar o aplicativo:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPor favor tente novamente.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Não pôde conectar ao Servidor Joplin. Por favor, verifique a configuração na tela de Sincronização. O erro completo foi:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Não foi possível conectar-se ao repositório do plugin.","Could not export notes: %s":"Não foi possível exportar notas: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Não foi possível instalar o plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Não foi possível atualizar a chave mestra: %s","Create a notebook":"Criar um caderno","Created":"Criado","created date":"data de criação","Created local items: %d.":"Itens locais criados: %d.","Created locally":"Criado localmente","Created remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos criados: %d.","Created: ":"Criado:","Created: %d.":"Criado: %d.","Created: %s":"Criado: %s","Creates a new note.":"Cria uma nova nota.","Creates a new notebook.":"Cria um novo caderno.","Creates a new to-do.":"Cria uma nova tarefa.","Creating new %s...":"Criando novo %s...","Creating report...":"Criando relatório...","Current version is up-to-date.":"A versão atual está atualizada.","custom order":"ordem customizada","Custom order":"Ordem customizada","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Folha de estilos customizada para estilos do app Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Folha de estilos customizada para Markdown renderizado","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificados TLS customizados","Cut":"Cortar","Dark":"Escuro","Database v%s":"Banco de dados v%s","Date":"Data","Date format":"Formato de data","days":"dias","Decrypted items: %d":"Itens descriptografados: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Itens descriptografados: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Descriptografando itens: %d/%d","Default":"Padrão","Default: %s":"Padrão: %s","Delete":"Excluir","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Excluir o anexo \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Excluir linha","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Deletar dados locais e reenviar do alvo de sincronização","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Excluir a nota \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Excluir nota?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Excluir o caderno\\"%s\\"?\\n\\nTodas as notas e sub-cadernos dentro deste também serão excluídos.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Excluir o caderno? Todas as notas e sub-cadernos dentro deste também serão excluídas.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Excluir o plugin \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Excluir estas %d notas?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Deletar este convite? O destinatário não terá mais acesso a este caderno compartilhado.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Itens locais excluídos: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos excluídos: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Exclui o caderno informado.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Exclui o caderno sem pedir confirmação.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Exclui as notas correspondentes ao padrão .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Exclui as notas sem pedir confirmação.","Destination format: %s":"Formato do destino: %s","Directory":"Diretório","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Diretório para sincronizar (caminho absoluto)","Disable":"Desabilitar","Disable encryption":"Desabilitar criptografia","Disable safe mode and restart":"Desativar modo seguro e reiniciar","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Desabilitar serviço Web Clipper","Disabled":"Desabilitado","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Desabilitar a criptografia significa que *todas* as suas notas e anexos serão ressincronizados e enviados sem criptografia. Você quer continuar?","Discard changes":"Descartar alterações","Dismiss":"Dispensar","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Exibe uma URL de geolocalização para a nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Exibe apenas as primeiras notas.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Exibe apenas os itens do(s) tipo(s) específico(s). Pode ser `n` para notas,` t` para tarefas, ou `nt` para notas e tarefas (por exemplo.` -tt` exibiria apenas os itens pendentes, enquanto `-tnt` exibiria notas e tarefas .","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Exibe sumário sobre as notas e cadernos.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Exibe a informação completa sobre a nota.","Displays the given note.":"Exibe a nota informada.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Exibe as notas no caderno atual. Use `ls /` para exibir a lista de cadernos.","Displays usage information.":"Exibe informações de uso.","Displays version information":"Exibe informações da versão","Do it now":"Fazer agora","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Não pedir confirmação.","Download":"Download","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Baixe e instale a extensão relevante para seu browser:","Downloaded":"Baixado","Downloaded and decrypted":"Baixado e descriptografado","Downloaded and encrypted":"Baixado e criptografado","Downloading":"Baixando","Downloading resources...":"Baixando os recursos...","Dracula":"Drácula","Drop notes or files here":"Solte notas e arquivos aqui","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Login no Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duplicate line":"Duplicar linha","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica as notas que correspondem a para o [caderno]. Se nenhum caderno for especificado, a nota será duplicada no caderno atual.","Edit":"Editar","Edit in external editor":"Editar com editor externo","Edit note.":"Editar nota.","Edit notebook":"Editar caderno","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Fonte do editor","Editor font family":"Família de fontes do editor","Editor font size":"Tamanho da fonte do editor","Editor maximum width":"Largura máxima do editor","Editor monospace font family":"Família de fontes monoespaçadas do editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Ou \\"text\\" ou \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"texto enfatizado","Enable":"Habilitar","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe ++inserir++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe ==marcador==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe de abreviações","Enable audio player":"Habilitar áudio player","Enable deflist syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe de deflist","Enable encryption":"Habilitar criptografia","Enable footnotes":"Habilitar notas de rodapé","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Habilitar suporte à sintaxe Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Habilitar Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Habilitar emojis em markdown","Enable math expressions":"Habilitar expressões matemáticas","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Habilitar suporte para diagramas Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Habilitar extensão de tabela de multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Habilitar histórico de notas","Enable PDF viewer":"Habilitar visualizador de PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Habilitar soft breaks","Enable table of contents extension":"Habilitar extensão de tabela de conteúdo","Enable typographer support":"Habilitar suporte para tipógrafos","Enable video player":"Habilitar video player","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Habilitar serviço Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Habilitar sintaxe ~sub~","Enabled":"Habilitado","Encrypted":"Criptografado","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Itens encriptados não podem ser modificados","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Cadernos criptografados não podem ser renomeados","Encryption":"Criptografia","Encryption Config":"Configuração de Criptografia","Encryption is: %s":"Criptografia está: %s","Enter code here":"Digite o código aqui","Enter master password:":"Digite a senha mestra:","Enter notebook title":"Digite o título do caderno","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Erro","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Erro ao abir a nota no editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Erro. Verifique se a URL, nome de usuário, senha, etc., estão corretos e tenha certeza que o alvo da sincronização está acessível. O erro reportado foi:","Error: %s":"Erro: %s","Errors only":"Somente erros","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Arquivo de Exportação do Evernote (HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Arquivo de Exportação do Evernote (Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sai da aplicação.","Export":"Exportar","Export all":"Exportar tudo","Export debug report":"Exportar relatório de depuração","Export Debug Report":"Exportar Relatório de Debug","Export profile":"Exportar perfil","Exporting profile...":"Exportando perfil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportando para \\"%s\\" com o formato \\"%s\\". Por favor, aguarde...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporta os dados do Joplin para o diretório informado. Por padrão, ele exportará o banco de dados completo, incluindo cadernos, notas, tags e recursos.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporta apenas a nota fornecida.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporta apenas o caderno fornecido.","Fail-safe":"À prova de falhas","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"À prova de falhas: não limpe os dados locais quando o alvo da sincronização estiver vazio (geralmente o resultado de uma configuração incorreta ou bug)","Fatal error:":"Erro fatal:","Feature flags":"Feature flags","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Itens pesquisados: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Buscando recursos: %d/%d","File":"Arquivo","File system":"Sistema de arquivos","Firefox Extension":"Extensão Firefox","Fix search index":"Corrigir índice de pesquisa","Fixing search index...":"Corrigindo índice de pesquisa...","Focus":"Focar","Focus body":"Focar no corpo","Focus title":"Focar no título","Folders":"Pastas","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Somente para fins de debugging: exporte seu perfil para um cartão SD externo.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Para informações sobre como customizar os atalhos, por favor visite %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Para mais informações sobre Criptografia de ponta-a-ponta (E2EE) e recomendações sobre como habilitar, favor verificar a documentação:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Para a lista completa de atalhos de teclado disponíveis, digite `help keymap`","Forward":"Encaminhar","Found: %d.":"Encontrado: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS habilitado: %d","Full changelog":"Changelog completo","General":"Geral","Generating link...":"Gerando link...","Get it now:":"Tenha agora:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Obter pré-lançamentos quando checar por atualizações","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obtém ou define um valor de configuração. Se [valor] não for fornecido, ele mostrará o valor de [nome]. Se nem [nome] nem [valor] forem fornecidos, ele listará a configuração atual.","Go to source URL":"Ir para a URL de origem","Goto Anything...":"Ir para qualquer coisa...","Grant authorisation":"Conceder autorização","Heading":"Cabeçalho","Help":"Ajuda","Hide %s":"Ocultar %s","Hide Joplin":"Esconder o Joplin","Highlight":"Realçar","Horizontal Rule":"Régua horizontal","HTML Directory":"Pasta HTML","HTML File":"Arquivo HTML","Hyperlink":"Hiperlink","Icon":"Ícone","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inativo","Ignore":"Ignorar","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorar erros de certificados TLS","Import":"Importar","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importando de \\"%s\\" com o formato \\"%s\\". Por favor, aguarde...","Importing notes...":"Importando notas ...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa dados para o Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"No modo \\"Manual\\", os anexos são baixados apenas quando você os clica. Em \\"Automático\\", eles são baixados quando você abre a nota. Em \\"Sempre\\", todos os anexos são baixados independentemente de você abrir a nota ou não.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Em qualquer comando, uma nota ou caderno pode ser referenciado por título ou ID, ou usando os atalhos `$n` ou` $b` para, respectivamente, a nota ou caderno selecionado. `$c` pode ser usado para se referenciar ao item atualmente selecionado.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Para associar uma geo-localização com a nota, o aplicativo precisa de sua permissão para acessar sua localização.\\n\\nVocê pode desligar essa opção a qualquer momento na tema de Configuração.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Para fazer isso, seu conjunto de dados inteiro terá que ser criptografado e sincronizado, então é melhor deixá-lo executando à noite.\\n\\nPara começar, por favor siga estas instruções:\\n\\n1. Sincronize todos os seus dispositivos.\\n2. Clique \\"%s\\".\\n3. Deixe executar até completar. Enquanto estiver executando, evite mudar qualquer nota em outros dispositivos, para evitar conflitos.\\n4. Uma vez que a sincronia tenha sido feita, sincronize todos os outros dispositivos, e deixe-o executar até o fim.\\n\\nImportante: você só precisa executar isto UMA VEZ, em um dispositivo.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Para usar a sincronização do sistema de arquivos, é necessário sua permissão para gravar no armazenamento externo.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Para usar o web clipper, você precisa fazer o seguinte:","In progress":"Em andamento","In: %s":"Em: %s","Indent less":"Diminuir indentação","Indent more":"Aumentar indentação","Information":"Informação","Inline Code":"Código","Insert":"Inserir","Insert Date Time":"Inserir Data e Hora","Insert Hyperlink":"Inserir Hiperlink","Install":"Instalar","Install from file":"Instale pelo arquivo","Installed":"Instalado","Installing...":"Instalando...","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid %s: %s.":"%s inválido: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Resposta inválida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Comando inválido: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Valor da opção inválido: \\"%s\\". Os valores possíveis são: %s.","Italic":"Itálico","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"O item \\"%s\\" não pôde ser baixado: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Os itens não podem ser descriptografados","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Os itens não podem ser sincronizados","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"O Joplin é capaz de sincronizar suas notas utilizando vários provedores. Selecione um na lista abaixo.","Joplin Cloud":"Nuvem Joplin","Joplin Cloud email":"Nuvem Servidor Joplin","Joplin Cloud password":"Senha da Nuvem do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Export Directory":"Diretório de Exportação do Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Arquivo de Exportação do Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"O Joplin falhou ao tentar descriptografados estes múltiplos itens, possivelmente porque eles estão corrompidos ou são grandes demais. Esses itens permanecerão no dispositivo, porém o Joplin não vai mais tentar descriptografá-los.","Joplin Forum":"Fórum Joplin","Joplin Server":"Servidor Joplin","Joplin Server email":"E-mail do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Senha do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"O serviço de Web Clipper do Joplin permite salvar páginas da web e screenshots do seu browser, no Joplin.","Joplin website":"Site do Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Serviço de sincronização próprio do Joplin. Fornece acesso a fucionalidades específicas como publicação de notas e colaboração de cadernos de notas com outras pessoas.","Keep note history for":"Manter histórico de nota por","Keyboard Mode":"Modo do Teclado","Keyboard Shortcut":"Atalho de Teclado","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Atalhos de Teclado","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain Suportada: %s","Landscape":"Paisagem","Language":"Idioma","Last error: %s":"Último erro: %s","Later":"Mais tarde","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Sequência de botão de leiaute","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Carta","Light":"Claro","Lines":"Linhas","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Link foi copiado para a área de transferência!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Links com o protocolo \\"%s\\" não são suportados","List item":"Listar item","Loaded":"Ativada","Location":"Localização","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"O arquivo de bloqueio já está ativo. Se você sabe que nenhuma sincronização está ocorrendo, você pode excluir o arquivo de bloqueio em \\"%s\\" e retomar a operação.","Log":"Log","Login":"Login","Login below.":"Login abaixo.","Login with Dropbox":"Login com Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Login com OneDrive","Make a donation":"Fazer uma doação","Manage your plugins":"Gerencie seus plugins","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marca uma tarefa como feita.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marca uma tarefa como não completada.","Markup":"Marcação","Master Key %s":"Chave Mestra %s","Master password":"Senha mestra","Master password:":"Senha mestra:","Max concurrent connections":"Máximo de conexões simultâneas","Missing Master Keys":"Chaves-Mestras Faltando","Missing required argument: %s":"Argumento necessário faltando: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Dados móveis - sincronização automática desativada","More info":"Mais informações","More information":"Mais informações","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mais que um item combinam com \\"%s\\". Por favor, refine sua pesquisa.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Mover %d notas para o caderno \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Mover para o caderno","Move to notebook...":"Mover para o caderno...","Move to notebook:":"Mover para o caderno:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Move as notas correspondentes para [caderno].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova nota","New notebook":"Novo caderno","New Notebook":"Novo Caderno","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"O novo caderno \\"%s\\" será criado e o arquivo \\"%s\\" será importado para ele","New sub-notebook":"Novo sub-caderno","New tags:":"Novas tags:","New to-do":"Nova tarefa","New version: %s":"Nova versão: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Senha da Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Usuário da Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"não","No":"Não","No active notebook.":"Nenhum caderno ativo.","No item with ID %s":"Nenhum item com ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nenhum caderno foi especificado.","No notebook selected.":"Nenhum caderno selecionado.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Não há notas aqui. Crie uma clicando em \\"Nova nota\\".","No resources!":"Sem recursos!","No results":"Sem resultados","No such command: %s":"Não existe o comando: \\"%s\\"","No suggestions":"Sem sugestões","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nenhum editor de texto está definido. Defina-o usando o comando `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Não autenticado com %s. Por favor, complete as credenciais que estiverem faltando.","Not downloaded":"Não baixado","note":"nota","Note":"Nota","Note area growth factor":"Fator de crescimento da area de notas","Note attachments":"Anexos da nota","Note attachments...":"Anexos da nota...","Note body":"Corpo da nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"A nota não existe: \\"%s\\". Criar?","Note has been saved.":"Nota gravada.","Note History":"Histórico da Nota","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Nota não é uma tarefa: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Lista de notas","Note list growth factor":"Fator de crescimento da lista de notas","Note properties":"Propriedades da nota","Note title":"Título da nota","Note&book":"Nota&Caderno","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Nota: não funciona em todos os ambientes de desktop.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Nota: Quando uma nota é compartilhada, não é mais criptografada no servidor.","Notebook list growth factor":"Fator de crescimento do bloco de notas","Notebook title:":"Título do caderno:","Notebook: %s":"Caderno: %s","Notebooks":"Cadernos","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Os cadernos não podem ser nomeados como\\"%s\\", que é um título reservado.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notas e configurações estão armazenadas em: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"As notas só podem ser criadas dentro de um caderno.","Numbered List":"Lista Numerada","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"Em %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Uma ou mais chaves-mestras usam um método de criptografia obsoleto.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Um ou mais itens estão criptografados, e você pode precisar fornecer uma senha mestra. Para fazer isso, por favor digite `e2ee decrypt`. Se você já forneceu a senha, os itens criptografados estão sendo descriptografados em segundo plano e logo estarão disponíveis.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Uma ou mais chaves mestras precisam de uma senha.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Login no OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Só uma nota pode ser impressa de cada vez.","Open":"Abrir","Open %s":"Abrir %s","Open profile directory":"Abrir diretório de perfis","Open Sync Wizard...":"Abrir o assistente de sincronização","Open...":"Abrir...","Operation cancelled":"Operação cancelada","Options":"Opções","Or create an account.":"Ou crie uma nova nota.","Output format: %s":"Formato da saída: \\"%s\\"","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientação da página para exportação de PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Tamanho da página para exportação de PDF","Password":"Senha","Password cannot be empty":"Senha não pode ser vazia","Password:":"Senha:","Passwords do not match!":"As senhas não coincidem!","Paste":"Colar","Path:":"Caminho:","PDF File":"Arquivo PDF","Permission needed":"Permissão necessária","Permission to use camera":"Permissão para utilizar a câmera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Por favor, confirme que gostaria de recriptografar a base de dados completa.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Por favor, entre sua senha na lista de chaves mestras abaixo antes de atualizar a chave.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Abra a seguinte URL no seu navegador para autenticar o aplicativo. O aplicativo criará um diretório em \\"Apps/Joplin\\" e somente lerá e gravará arquivos neste diretório. Não terá acesso a nenhum arquivo fora deste diretório nem a nenhum outro dado pessoal. Nenhum dado será compartilhado com terceiros.","Please select a notebook first.":"Por favor, selecione um caderno primeiro.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Por favor, primeiro, selecione a nota ou caderno a excluir.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Favor selecionar o local para onde o status de sincronia deveria ser exportado","Please specify import format for %s":"Favor especificar o formato de importação para %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Por favor, especifique o caderno para onde as notas deveriam ser importadas.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Por favor atualize o Joplin para usar este plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Por favor, aguarde que todos os anexos sejam baixados e descriptografados. Você também pode mudar para %s para editar a nota.","Please wait...":"Por favor aguarde...","Plugin tools":"Ferramentas de plugins","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Retrato","Possible keys/values:":"Possíveis chaves/valores:","Possible values: %s.":"Valores possíveis: %s.","Preferences":"Preferências","Preferences...":"Preferências...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema escuro preferido","Preferred light theme":"Tema claro preferido","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Digite Ctrl+D ou \\"exit\\" para sair da aplicação","Press the shortcut":"Pressione o atalho","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Pressione o atalho e então aperte ENTER. Ou, pressione BACKSPACE para limpar o atalho.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Pressione para configurar a senha de decriptação.","Previous versions of this note":"Versões anteriores desta nota","Print":"Imprimir","Privacy Policy":"Política de Privacidade","Profile Version: %s":"Versão do Perfil: %s","Properties":"Propriedades","Publish note...":"Publicar nota...","Publish Notes":"Publicar Notas","Publish notes to the internet":"Publica as notas na internet","Quit":"Sair","Re-encrypt data":"Recriptografar dados","Re-encryption":"Recriptografar","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Reenviar os dados locais para sincronizar o alvo","Read more about it":"Leia mais sobre isso","Read time: %s min":"Tempo de leitura: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Destinatário aceitou o convite","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Destinatário ainda não aceitou o convite","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Destinatário rejeitou o convite","Recipients:":"Destinatários:","Redo":"Refazer","Refresh":"Recarregar","Reject":"Rejeitar","Remove":"Remover","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Remover a tag \\"%s\\" de todas as notas?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Remover essa pesquisa da barra lateral?","Rename":"Renomear","Rename notebook:":"Renomear caderno:","Rename tag:":"Renomear tag:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Renomeia o dado (nota ou caderno) para .","Renew token":"Renovar token","Resources: %d.":"Recursos: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Reiniciar e fazer upgrade","Restart now":"Reiniciar agora","Restore":"Restaurar","Restored Notes":"Notas restauradas","Retry":"Tentar novamente","Retry All":"Tentar Todos de novo","Reveal file in folder":"Mostrar aquivo na pasta","Reverse sort order":"Inverter ordem de classificação","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverte a ordem de classificação.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisão: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Executa os comandos contidos no arquivo de texto. Deve haver um comando por linha.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Modo seguro está ativo. Renderização de notas e todos os puglins estão temporariamente desativados.","Save":"Salvar","Save alarm":"Salvar alarme","Save as...":"Salvar como...","Save changes":"Salvar alterações","Save geo-location with notes":"Salvar geolocalização com notas","Search":"Pesquisar","Search for plugins...":"Pesquisar por plugins...","Search in all the notes":"Pesquisar em todas as notas","Search in current note":"Pesquisar na nota atual","Search...":"Pesquisar...","Search:":"Procurar:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Pesquisa o padrão em todas as notas.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Ver página de pré-lançamentos para mais detalhes: %s","Select":"Selecionar","Select all":"Selecionar tudo","Server is already running on port %d":"O servidor já está rodando na porta %d","Server is not running.":"O servidor não está executando.","Server is running on port %d":"O servidor está rodando na porta %d","Set alarm":"Definir alarme","Set alarm:":"Definir alarme:","Set the password":"Definir a senha","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Define a propriedade da para o valor [value]. As propriedades possíveis são:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Compartilhar","Share Notebook":"Compartilhar Caderno","Share notebook...":"Compartilhar caderno...","Sharing notebook...":"Compartilhar caderno...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Os atalhos não estão disponíveis no modo CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Mostrar Configurações Avançadas","Show all":"Exibir tudo","Show completed to-dos":"Mostrar tarefas completas","Show note counts":"Exibir contagem de notas","Show tray icon":"Exibir ícone na área de notificação","Sidebar":"Barra lateral","Size":"Tamanho","Skip this version":"Pule esta versão","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Items ignorados: %d (use --retry-failed-items para tentar novamente)","Skipped: %d.":"Ignorado: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarizado Escuro","Solarised Light":"Solarizado Claro","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Alguns itens não podem ser descriptografados.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Alguns itens não podem ser sincronizados.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Alguns itens não podem ser sincronizados. Clique para mais informações.","Sort notebooks by":"Classificar cadernos por","Sort notes by":"Classificar notas por","Sort selected lines":"Classificar linhas selecionadas","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Classificar o item por (ex.: título, horário_de_atualização, horário_de_criação).","Source format: %s":"Formato da origem: \\"%s\\"","Source: ":"Origem:","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Especifique a porta que deve ser usada pelo servidor da API. Se não definido, um padrão será usado.","Spell checker":"Corretor ortográfico","Split View":"Visão Dividida","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Iniciar aplicativo minimizado na área de notificação","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Inicie, pare ou verifique o servidor da API. Para especificar em qual porta deve ser executada, defina a variável de configuração api.port. Os comandos são (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Iniciando descriptografação... Por favor aguarde, pois isso pode demorar vários minutos, dependendo de quanto há para descriptografar.","Starting synchronisation...":"Iniciando sincronização...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Começando a editar a nota. Feche o editor para voltar ao prompt.","Statistics":"Estatísticas","Statistics...":"Estatísticas...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Status: Iniciado, na porta %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Passo 1: Habilitar o serviço do clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Passo 1: Abra essa URL em seu navegador para autorizar:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Passo 2: Entre o código fornecido pelo Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Passo 2: Instalar a extensão","Stop":"Parar","Stop external editing":"Encerrar edição externa","Strikethrough":"Tachado","strong text":"texto forte","Submit":"Enviar","Subscript":"Subscrito","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Sucesso! A configuração da sincronização parece estar correta.","Superscript":"Sobrescrito","Swap line down":"Trocar a linha abaixo","Swap line up":"Trocar a linha acima","Switch between note and to-do type":"Alternar entre os tipos nota e tarefa","Switch to note type":"Alternar para o tipo nota","Switch to to-do type":"Alternar para o tipo tarefa","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Alterna para [caderno] - todas as operações adicionais acontecerão dentro deste caderno.","Sync Status":"Status de sincronização","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Status de sincronização (itens sincronizados / total de itens)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"O alvo de sincronização deve passar por upgrade! Rode `%s` para proceder.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Upgrade de alvo de sincronização","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizar para destino fornecido (p padrão é o valor de configuração","Sync Version: %s":"Versão Sync: %s","Sync your notes":"Sincronizar suas notas","Synchronisation":"Sincronização","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalo de sincronização","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"A sincronização já está em andamento.","Synchronisation Status":"Status de Sincronização","Synchronisation target":"Alvo de sincronização","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Alvo de sincronização: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizar","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sincronizar somente com conexão Wi-fi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincroniza com o armazenamento remoto.","Synchronising...":"Sincronizando...","Synchronizing...":"Sincronizando...","Tabloid":"Tabloide","Tagged: %d.":"Tag adicionada: %d.","Tags":"Tags","Take photo":"Tirar foto","Text editor command":"Comando do editor de texto","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Obrigado! Sua conta Joplin Cloud está configurada e pronta para uso.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"O app irá fechar agora. Por favor, reinicie-o para completar o processo.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"O aplicativo foi autorizado - agora você pode fechar esta guia do navegador.","The application has been authorised!":"O aplicativo foi autorizado!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"O aplicativo foi autorizado com sucesso.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"A aplicação deve ser reiniciada para essas alterações tomarem efeito.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Os anexos não serão mais observados quando você mudar para uma notadiferente.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"O comando \\"%s\\" está disponível somente em modo gráfico","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"A senha padrão do administrador é insegura e não foi alterada! [Alterar agora](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"O método padrão de criptografia foi substituído por um mais seguro e é recomendável que você o aplique em seus dados.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"O método padrão de criptografia foi alterado. Você deve recriptografar seus dados.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"O comando do editor (pode incluir argumentos) que será usado para abrir uma nota. Se nenhum for indicado, ele tentará detectar automaticamente o editor padrão.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"A propriedade fator define como o item irá aumentar ou encolher para ocupar o espaço em relação a outros itens. Um item com fator 2 ocupará o dobro do espaço do que um item com fator 1. Reinicialize a aplicação para aplicar a mudança.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Os seguintes anexos estão sendo observados para alterações:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"O app mobile do Joplin não suporta, atualmente, esse tipo de link: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"A equipe do Joplin aprovou este plugin e ele atende aos requisitos de segurança e performance","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"A chave mestra foi atualizada com sucesso!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"As chaves-mestras com essas IDs são usadas para criptografar alguns de seus itens, contudo a aplicação atualmente não tem acesso à elas. Provavelmente, elas serão baixadas via sincronização.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"A nota \\"%s\\" foi restaurada com sucesso no caderno \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"O caderno não pôde ser salvo: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"As notas foram importadas: %s","The possible commands are:":"Os comandos possíveis são:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"O alvo da sincronização precisa ser atualizado antes que o Joplin possa sincronizar. A operação pode levar alguns minutos para completar e o app terá que ser reiniciado. Para proceder, por favor, clique neste link.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"A tag \\"%s\\" já existe. Escolha um nome diferente.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"O alvo para onde sincronizar. Cada alvo pode ter parâmetros adicionais que são nomeados como `sync.NUM.NAME` (todos documentados abaixo).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"O Web Clipper precisa de autorização para acessar seus dados.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"O serviço de web clipper está habilitado e configurado para auto-iniciar.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"O serviço de web clipper não está habilitado.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Atualmente, não há notas. Crie uma clicando no botão (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Atualmente, não há cadernos. Crie um clicando em \\"Novo caderno\\".","There is no data to export.":"Não há dados a exportar.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Houve [conflito](%s) no anexo abaixo.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Houve um erro ao baixar este anexo:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Ocorreu uma falha na configuração de sua conta Joplin Cloud. Verifique seu e-mail e sua senha e tente novamente.\\nErro:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Estes itens continuarão no dispositivo mas não serão enviados ao alvo de sincronização. Para encontrar esses itens, pesquise pelo título ou pelo ID (que é exibido nos colchetes acima)","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Esses plug-ins melhoram o renderizador de Markdown com funções adicionais. Por favor note que, enquanto essas funções possam ser úteis, elas não fazem parte do padrão Markdown e assim sua maioria funcionará apenas no Joplin. Adicionalmente, algumas delas são *incompatíveis* com o editor WYSIWYG. Se você abrir a nota que usa um desses plug-ins no editor, você perderá a formatação do plugin. É indicado abaixo quais plug-ins são compatíveis ou não com o editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"O anexo ainda não foi baixado ou descriptografado","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"O anexo ainda não foi baixado ou descriptografado.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Esse token de autorização só é necessário para permitir que aplicativos de terceiros acessem o Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Esta é uma ferramenta avançada para exibir os anexos vinculados à sua nota. Por favor tenha cuidado ao apagá-los pois não poderão ser recuperados depois.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Esta nota não possui informações de geolocalização.","This note has been modified:":"Esta nota foi modificada:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Esta nota não possui conteúdo. Clique em \\"%s\\" para alternar para o editor, e edite a nota.","This note has no history":"Esta nota não tem histórico","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"O editor de Rich Text tem um número de limitações e é recomendado ter cuidado com elas, antes de usar.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Este serviço permite a extensão do browser se comunicat com o Joplin. Quando habilitar, talvez seu firewall peça que você conceda permissão ao Joplin para escutar determinada porta.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Isso irá permitir que o Joplin continue sendo executado em segundo plano. É recomendado que você habilite essa configuração para que suas notas sejam constantemente sincronizadas, de modo a reduzir as chances de conflitos.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Isso abrirá uma nova tela. Salvar seu progresso atual?","Time format":"Formato de hora","title":"título","Title":"Título","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Para permitir o Joplin sincronizar com o Dropbox, por favor, execute os seguintes passos:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Para eliminar uma tag, remova a tag das notas associadas a ela.","To delete: %d":"Para excluir: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Para entrar no modo de linha de comando, pressione \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Para sair do modo de linha de comando, pressione o ESC","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Para ordenar as notas manualmente selecione a classificação \\"%s\\" no menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Para maximizar / minimizar o console, pressione \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Para mover de um painel para outro, pressione Tab ou Shift + Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Para tentar novamente descriptografar estes itens, execute `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Para funcionar corretamente, o app precisa das seguintes permissões. Por favor, habilite-as nas configurações do seu telefone, em Apps > Joplin > Permissões","to-do":"tarefa","Toggle comment":"Alternar comentário","Toggle development tools":"Habilitar/Desabilitar ferramentas de desenvolvimento","Toggle editor layout":"Alternar layout do editor","Toggle editors":"Alternar editores","Toggle external editing":"Alternar edição externa","Toggle note list":"Alternar lista de notas","Toggle safe mode":"Alternar modo seguro","Toggle sidebar":"Alternar barra lateral","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token foi copiado para a área de transferência!","Tools":"Ferramentas","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Try again":"Tente novamente","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Digite `help [comando]` para obter mais informações sobre um comando; ou digite `help all` para informações completas de uso.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Digite \'joplin help\' para informações de uso.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Digite um título de nota ou parte de seu conteúdo para ir direto para ela. Ou digite # seguido de um nome de tag, ou @ seguido de um nome de caderno. Ou digite : para procurar comandos.","Type new tags or select from list":"Digite novas tags ou selecione da lista","Type: %s.":"Tipo: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Mostrar tarefas incompletas no topo","Undo":"Desfazer","Unknown flag: %s":"Flag desconhecida: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Tipo de item desconhecido baixado - por favor, atualize o Joplin para a última versão","Unpublish note":"Cancelar a publicação da nota","Unshare":"Descompartilhar","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Descompartilhar este caderno? Os destinatários não terão mais acesso ao seu conteúdo.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipo de imagem não suportada: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Link ou mensagem não suportada: %s","Untitled":"Sem título","Update":"Atualizar","Updated":"Atualizado","updated date":"data de atualização","Updated local items: %d.":"Itens locais atualizados: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos atualizados: %d.","Updated: ":"Atualizado:","Updated: %d.":"Atualizado: %d.","Updated: %s":"Atualizado: %s","Updating...":"Atualizando...","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Atualizar o alvo de sincronização para a última versão.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Uso: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Use o formato da lista longa. O formato é ID, NOTE_COUNT (para caderno), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (para tarefas), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Usar corretor ortográfico","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Use as setas e a Page Up/Page Down para rolar as listas e áreas de texto (incluindo este console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Use as setas para mover os itens de layout. Tecle \\"Escape\\" para sair.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Use isso para recriar o índice de pesquisa se houver um problema com a pesquisa. Pode demorar muito, dependendo do número de notas.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Usado para a maioria dos textos no editor de markdown. Se não for encontrada, uma fonte genérica proporcional (largura variável) é usada.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Usado onde uma fonte de largura fixa é necessária para dispor o texto de forma legível (e.g. tabelas, caixas de seleção, código). Se não for encontrada, uma fonte monoespaçada genérica (largura fixa) é usada.","Valid":"Válido","View":"Visualizar","View on map":"Ver no mapa","View them now":"Visualizar agora","Viewer":"Visualizador","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Atenção","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Atenção: nem todos os recursos exibidos, devido a razões de performance (limite: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Senha do WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"Usuário do WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Website e documentação","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Bem-vindo ao Joplin!\\n\\nDigite `:help shortcuts` para obter a lista de atalhos de teclado, ou apenas `:help` para informações de utilização.\\n\\nPor exemplo, para criar um caderno digite `mb`; para criar uma nota, digite `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Quando criar uma nova nota:","When creating a new to-do:":"Quando criar uma nova tarefa:","Words":"Palavras","y":"s","Y":"S","yes":"sim","Yes":"Sim","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Você está prestes a anexar uma imagem grande (%dx%d pixels). Você gostaria de diminuir o tamanho para %d pixels antes de anexar?","You currently have no notebooks.":"No momento, você não possui cadernos.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Você não tem nenhum plugin instalado.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Você também pode digitar `status` para mais informações.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Você pode utilizar a ferramenta abaixo para recriptografar seus dados, por exemplo, se você sabe que suas notas foram criptografadas utilizando um método de criptografia obsoleto.","Your choice: ":"Sua escolha: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Seus dados serão recriptografados e sincronizados novamente.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"É necessária a sua permissão para utilizar sua câmera.","Your version: %s":"Sua versão: %s","Zoom In":"Mais zoom","Zoom Out":"Menos zoom"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"Está em falta a propriedade \\"%s\\" de \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d dias","%d hour":"%d hora","%d hours":"%d hora","%d minutes":"%d minutos","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d notas correspondem a este padrão. Eliminar todas?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) não foi possível o carregamento: %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pré-lançamento)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copiar","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notas","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Editar","&File":"&Ficheiro","&Go":"&Ir","&Help":"&Ajuda","&Note":"&Nota","&Tools":"&Ferramentas","&View":"&Ver","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Câmara: para permitir tirar uma fotografia e anexá-la a uma nota.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Localização: para permitir anexar informações de geolocalização a uma nota.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Armazenamento: para permitir anexar ficheiros às notas e para permitir a sincronização do sistema de ficheiros."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" pode ser \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", ou \\"notetags\\" para atribuir ou remover [tag] de [note], para listar notas associadas com [tag], ou para listar etiquetas associadas com [note]. O comando `tag list` pode ser utilizado para listar todas as etiquetas (utilize -l para a opção longa)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" tanto pode ser \\"toggle\\" ou \\"clear\\". Utilize \\"toggle\\" para alternar uma dada tarefa entre o estado de concluída ou de não concluída (Se o alvo é uma nota normal, a mesma será convertida para uma tarefa). Utilize \\"clear\\" para converter a tarefa de volta para uma nota normal.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Sobre o Joplin","accelerator":"acelerador","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"O acelerador \\"%s\\" não é válido.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"O acelerador \\"%s\\" é usado para comandos \\"%s\\" e \\"%s\\". Isto poderá provocar comportamentos imprevistos.","Action":"Ação","Active":"Ativo","Actual Size":"Dimensão Atual","Add body":"Adicionar corpo","Add or remove tags:":"Adicionar ou remover etiquetas:","Add title":"Adicionar título","Add to dictionary":"Adicionar ao dicionário","Advanced options":"Opções avançadas","All notes":"Todas as notas","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Todas as potenciais portas estão a ser utilizadas - por favor, comunique a ocorrência em %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Também apresenta variáveis de configuração não definidas ou ocultas.","Always":"Sempre","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Uma atualização está disponível, pretende transferi-la agora?","Appearance":"Aparência","Application":"Aplicação","Apply":"Aplicar","Arguments:":"Argumentos:","Aritim Dark":"Escuro Aritim","Attach file":"Anexar ficheiro","Attach photo":"Anexar fotografia","Attach...":"Anexar...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Anexa o ficheiro especificado à nota.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Anexos em conflito: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Comportamento de transferência de anexos","Attachments":"Anexos","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Anexos que não foi possível descarregar","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Atenção: Se mudar esta localização, assegure-se que copia todo o seu conteúdo antes de sincronizar. Caso contrário, todos os ficheiros serão removidos! Ver FAQ para mais detalhes: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"A autenticação não foi concluída (não foi recebido o token de autenticação).","Authorisation token:":"Token de autorização:","Auto":"Automático","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Emparelhar automaticamente parênteses curvos, parênteses, citações, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Mudar automaticamente o tema para combinar com o tema do sistema","Automatically update the application":"Atualizar a aplicação automaticamente","Back":"Atrás","Bold":"Negrito","Browse all plugins":"Procurar todos os plugins","Browse...":"Explorar...","Bulleted List":"Lista com Marcadores","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"A cancelar a sincronização em segundo plano… Por favor, aguarde.","Cancelling...":"A cancelar...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"A cancelar… Por favor, aguarde.","Cannot access %s":"Não é possível aceder %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Não é possível alterar item encriptado","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Não é possível copiar a nota para o caderno \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Não foi possível encontrar \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Não é possível inicializar o sincronizador.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Não é possível carregar o módulo \\"%s\\" para o formato \\"%s\\" e saída \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Não é possível carregar o módulo \\"%s\\" para o formato \\"%s\\" e o alvo \\"%s\\".","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Não é possível mover a nota para o caderno \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Não é possível mover caderno para esta localização","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Não é possível atualizar o token: dados de autenticação em falta. Iniciar a sincronização de novo poderá resolver o problema.","Change application layout":"Mudar esquema da página","Change language":"Mudar idioma","Characters":"Caracteres","Characters excluding spaces":"Caracteres sem os espaços","Check for updates...":"Procurar atualizações...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Verificar configuração da sincronização","Checkbox":"Campo de seleção","Checkbox list":"Lista de caixas de seleção","Checking... Please wait.":"A verificar… Por favor, aguarde.","Choose an option":"Escolher a opção","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Limpar","Clear alarm":"Eliminar alarme","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Carregue \\"%s\\" para restaurar a nota. A mesma será copiada para um caderno intitulado \\"%s\\". A versão atual da nota não será substituída ou modificada.","Click to add tags...":"Procurar atualizações...","Client ID: %s":"ID do cliente: %s","Close":"Fechar","Close Window":"Fechar Janela","Code":"Código","Code Block":"Bloco de Código","Code View":"Vista de Código","Coming alarms":"Próximos alarmes","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Lista de caminhos separados por vírgulas para diretórios para carregar os certificados de, ou caminho para ficheiros cert individuais. Por exemplo: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note que se fizer alterações nas configurações TLS, você deve guardar suas alterações antes de carregar em \\"Verificar configuração de sincronização\\".","command":"comando","Command":"Comando","Command palette":"Painel de comandos","Completed":"Concluído","Completed decryption.":"Desencriptação completa.","Configuration":"Configuração","Confirm password cannot be empty":"A confirmação da palavra-passe não pode estar em branco","Confirm password:":"Confirmar palavra-passe:","Conflicted: %d":"Conflitos: %d","Conflicts":"Conflitos","Convert to note":"Converter para nota","Convert to todo":"Converter para tarefa","Copy":"Copiar","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Copiar comando de modo dev para a área de transferências","Copy Link Address":"Copiar Endereço da Ligação","Copy Markdown link":"Copiar ligação Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copiar caminho para a área de transferência","Copy Shareable Link":"Copiar Hiperligação Partilhável","Copy token":"Copiar token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Não foi possível autorizar aplicação:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPor favor, tente de novo.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Não foi possível estabelecer ligação ao Servidor Joplin. Por favor, verifique as opções de Sincronização no ecrã de configuração. Erro completo foi:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Não foi possível exportar as notas: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Não foi possível instalar plugin: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Não foi possível atualizar a chave mestra: %s","Create a notebook":"Criar um caderno","Created":"Criado","created date":"data criada","Created local items: %d.":"Itens locais criados: %d.","Created locally":"Criado localmente","Created remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos criados: %d.","Created: %d.":"Criado: %d.","Created: %s":"Criado: %s","Creates a new note.":"Cria uma nova nota.","Creates a new notebook.":"Cria um novo caderno.","Creates a new to-do.":"Cria uma nova tarefa.","Creating new %s...":"A criar novo/a %s...","Creating report...":"A criar relatório...","Current version is up-to-date.":"A versão atual está atualizada.","custom order":"ordem personalizada","Custom order":"Ordem personalizada","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Folha de estilos personalizada para estilos de aplicação na totalidade do Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Folha de estilo personalizada para Markdown renderizado","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificados TLS personalizados","Cut":"Cortar","Dark":"Escuro","Database v%s":"Base de dados v%s","Date format":"Formato de data","days":"dias","Decrypted items: %d":"Itens desencriptados: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Itens desencriptados: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"A desencriptar itens: %d/%d","Default":"Pré-definição","Default: %s":"Pré-definido: %s","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminar anexo \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Eliminar linha","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminar nota \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Eliminar nota?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Remover caderno \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nTodas as notas e sub-cadernos no interior deste caderno também serão eliminados.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Eliminar caderno? Todas as notas e sub-cadernos dentro deste caderno serão também eliminados.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Eliminar plugin \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Eliminar estas %d notas?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Itens locais eliminados: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos eliminados: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Elimina o caderno especificado.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina o caderno sem pedir confirmação.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Elimina as notas correspondentes a .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Elimina as notas sem pedir confirmação.","Destination format: %s":"Formato do destino: %s","Directory":"Diretório","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Diretório para sincronizar (caminho absoluto)","Disable encryption":"Desativar encriptação","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Desativar Serviço de Recorte Web","Disabled":"Desativada","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Desativar a encriptação significa que *todas* as suas notas e anexos serão ressincronizados e enviados não encriptados para o destino de sincronização. Deseja continuar?","Discard changes":"Rejeitar alterações","Dismiss":"Dispensar","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Apresenta um endereço de geolocalização para a nota.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Apresenta apenas as primeiras notas.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Apresenta apenas os itens do(s) tipo(s) específico(s). Pode ser `n` para notas, `t` para tarefas, ou `nt` para notas e tarefas (ex: `-tt` apresentaria apenas as tarefas, enquanto `-tnt` apresentaria as notas e tarefas).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Exibe um resumo sobre as notas e os cadernos.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Apresenta a informação completa relativamente à nota.","Displays the given note.":"Apresenta a nota especificada.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Apresenta as notas neste caderno. Utilize `ls /` para apresentar a lista de cadernos.","Displays usage information.":"Apresenta informação de utilização.","Displays version information":"Apresenta informação relativamente à versão","Do it now":"Fazer agora","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Não peça confirmação.","Download":"Transferido","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Transfira e instale a extensão adequada para o seu navegador:","Downloaded":"Transferido","Downloaded and decrypted":"Transferido e desencriptado","Downloaded and encrypted":"Transferido e encriptado","Downloading":"A transferir","Downloading resources...":"A transferir os recursos...","Dracula":"Drácula","Drop notes or files here":"Insira notas ou ficheiros aqui","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Acesso Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplica as notas que correspondam com [notebook]. Se nenhum caderno for especificado, a Nota será duplicada no caderno atual.","Edit":"Editar","Edit in external editor":"Editar com um editor externo","Edit note.":"Editar nota.","Edit notebook":"Editar caderno","Editor":"Editor","Editor font":"Tipo de letra do editor","Editor font family":"Família da letra do editor","Editor font size":"Tamanho do tipo de letra do editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Ou \\"texto\\" ou \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"texto realçado","Enable":"Ativar","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Ativar sintaxe ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Ativar sintaxe ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Ativar sintaxe ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Ativar sintaxe de abreviação","Enable audio player":"Ativar reprodutor de audio","Enable deflist syntax":"Ativar sintaxe deflist","Enable encryption":"Ativar encriptação","Enable footnotes":"Ativar notas de rodapé","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Ativar suporte a sintaxe Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Ativar histórico de notas","Enable markdown emoji":"Ativar emoji em markdown","Enable math expressions":"Ativar expressões matemáticas","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Habilitar suporte para diagramas Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Ativar extensão de índice multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Ativar histórico de notas","Enable PDF viewer":"Ativar visualizador de PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Ativar quebras suaves","Enable table of contents extension":"Ativar extensão do índice de conteúdo","Enable typographer support":"Ativar suporte a tipógrafos","Enable video player":"Ativar reprodutor de vídeo","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Ativar Serviço de Recorte Web","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Ativar sintaxe ~sub~","Enabled":"Ativada","Encrypted":"Encriptado","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Não é possível modificar itens encriptados","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Não é possível mudar o nome de cadernos encriptados","Encryption":"Encriptação","Encryption Config":"Configuração de encriptação","Encryption is: %s":"Encriptação é: %s","Enter code here":"Introduzir código aqui","Enter master password:":"Digite a palavra-passe mestra:","Enter notebook title":"Introduzir título do caderno","Enum":"Enumeração","Error":"Erro","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Erro a abrir a nota no editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Erro. Por favor verifique se o endereço, nome de utilizador, palavra-passe, etc. estão corretos e se o alvo de sincronização está acessível. O erro reportado foi:","Error: %s":"Erro: %s","Errors only":"Erros apenas","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Ficheiro de Exportação do Evernote (como HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Ficheiro de Exportação do Evernote (como Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Sai da aplicação.","Export":"Exportar","Export all":"Exportar todos","Export Debug Report":"Exportar Relatório de Depuração","Export profile":"Exportar perfil","Exporting profile...":"A exportar perfil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"A exportar para \\"%s\\" com o formato \\"%s\\". Por favor, aguarde...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporta os dados do Joplin para o caminho especificado. Por padrão, será exportado o banco de dados completo, incluindo cadernos, notas, etiquetas e recursos.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporta apenas a nota especificada.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporta apenas o caderno especificado.","Fail-safe":"Segurança contra falhas","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Segurança contra falhas: Não elimine os dados locais quando o alvo de sincronização está em branco (muitas vezes o resultado de uma má configuração ou erro)","Fatal error:":"Erro fatal:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Itens obtidos: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"A obter recursos: %d/%d","File":"Ficheiro","File system":"Sistema de ficheiros","Firefox Extension":"Extensão Firefox","Fix search index":"Corrigir índice de pesquisa","Fixing search index...":"A corrigir índice de pesquisa...","Focus":"Foco","Focus body":"Focar corpo","Focus title":"Focar título","Folders":"Pastas","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Somente para fins de depuração: exporte o seu perfil para um cartão SD externo.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Para obter informações sobre como personalizar os atalhos, por favor, visite %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Para mais informações relativamente à Encriptação Ponta-a-Ponta (E2EE) e conselhos relativamente à sua ativação, por favor, consulte a documentação:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Para obter a lista de atalhos de teclado e opções de configuração, digite `help keymap`","Forward":"Avançar","Found: %d.":"Encontrado: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS ativado: %d","General":"Geral","Generating link...":"A gerar hiperligação...","Get it now:":"Obter agora:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Obtenha versões de pré-lançamento ao verificar se há atualizações","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obtém ou define um valor de configuração. Se o [value] não for fornecido, será apresentado o valor de [name]. Se tanto [name] como [value] não forem fornecidos, será apresentada a configuração atual.","Go to source URL":"Ir para o endereço de origem","Goto Anything...":"Saltar para...","Heading":"Cabeçalho","Help":"Ajuda","Hide %s":"Ocultar %s","Hide Joplin":"Esconder o Joplin","Horizontal Rule":"Régua Horizontal","HTML Directory":"Diretório HTML","HTML File":"Ficheiro HTML","Hyperlink":"Hiperligação","Icon":"Ícones","ID":"ID","Idle":"Ocioso","Ignore":"Ignorar","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorar erros de certificados TLS","Import":"Importar","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"A importar de \\"%s\\" com o formato \\"%s\\". Por favor, aguarde...","Importing notes...":"A importar notas...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importa dados para o Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"No modo \\"Manual\\", os anexos são transferidos apenas quando são clicados. Em \\"Automático\\", eles são transferidos quando a nota é aberta. Em \\"Sempre\\", todos os anexos são transferidos, quer a nota seja aberta ou não.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Em qualquer comando, uma nota ou caderno pode ser indicada pelo título ou ID, ou através dos atalhos `$n` ou `$b` para, respetivamente, a nota ou caderno atualmente selecionado. O `$c` pode ser usado para indicar o item atualmente selecionado.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"De modo de associar uma geolocalização com a nota, a aplicação requer a sua permissão para aceder à sua localização.\\n\\nPoderá desligar esta opção a qualquer momento no ecrã de Configuração.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Para o efeito, todo o seu conjunto de dados terá de ser encriptado e sincronizado, pelo que o melhor será executá-lo de um dia para o outro.\\n\\nPara começar, por favor siga as seguintes instruções:\\n\\n1. Sincronize todos os seus dispositivos.\\n2. Clique em \\"%s\\".\\n3. Deixe executar até completar. Enquanto está a executar, evite alterar qualquer nota nos seus outros dispositivos, de modo a evitar conflitos.\\n4. Uma vez terminada a sincronização neste dispositivo, sincronize todos os seus outros dispositivos e deixe-o executar até à sua conclusão.\\n\\nImportante: só precisa de executar isto UMA VEZ num único dispositivo.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Para utilizar a sincronização do sistema de ficheiros, é necessária a sua permissão para escrita no armazenamento externo.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Para utilizar o recorte web, necessita de efetuar o seguinte:","In progress":"Em execução","In: %s":"Em: %s","Indent less":"Reduzir parágrafo","Indent more":"Aumentar parágrafo","Information":"Informação","Inline Code":"Código em Linha","Insert Date Time":"Inserir Data e Hora","Insert Hyperlink":"Inserir Hiperligação","Install":"Instalar","Install from file":"Instalar do ficheiro","Installed":"Instalado","Installing...":"A instalar...","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid %s: %s.":"Inválido %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Resposta inválida: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Comando inválido: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Valor de opção inválido: \\"%s\\". Os valores possíveis são: %s.","Italic":"Itálico","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Item \\"%s\\" não foi possível a transferência: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Itens que não é possível a desencriptação","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Itens que não podem ser sincronizados","Joplin Export Directory":"Diretório de Exportação do Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Ficheiro de Exportação do Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin foi incapaz de desencriptar estes itens várias vezes, possivelmente porque estão danificados ou muito grandes. Estes itens permanecerão no dispositivo, mas o Joplin não tentará mais desencriptá-los.","Joplin Forum":"Fórum do Joplin","Joplin Server":"Página do Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Palavra-passe do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL do Servidor Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"O Recorte Web do Joplin permite guardar páginas web e capturas de ecrã do seu navegador no Joplin.","Joplin website":"Página do Joplin","Keep note history for":"Manter histórico de notas por","Keyboard Mode":"Modo de Teclado","Keyboard Shortcut":"Atalhos de Teclado","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Atalhos do Teclado","Keychain Supported: %s":"Porta-Chaves Suportado: %s","Landscape":"Paisagem","Language":"Idioma","Last error: %s":"Último erro: %s","Later":"Mais tarde","Layout":"Estrutura","Layout button sequence":"Sequência de botões na estrutura","Legal":"Jurídico","Letter":"Carta","Light":"Claro","Lines":"Linhas","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Hiperligação foi copiada para a área de transferência!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Ligações com o protocolo \\"%s\\" não são suportadas","List item":"Listar item","Location":"Localização","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"O ficheiro de bloqueio já está em espera. Se tiver conhecido de que não está a ocorrer qualquer sincronização, pode eliminar o ficheiro de bloqueio em \\"%s\\" e prosseguir a operação.","Log":"Registo","Login with Dropbox":"Entrar com o Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Entrar com o OneDrive","Make a donation":"Faça um donativo","Manage your plugins":"Gerir os seus plugins","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Sinaliza uma tarefa como terminada.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Define uma tarefa como não concluída.","Markup":"Sinalização","Master Key %s":"Chave Mestra %s","Max concurrent connections":"Limite de ligações em simultâneo","Missing Master Keys":"Chaves Mestra em falta","Missing required argument: %s":"Argumento necessário em falta: %s","More info":"Mais informação","More information":"Mais informação","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mais do que um item corresponde a \\"%s\\". Por favor, especifique melhor a sua consulta.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Mover %d notas para caderno \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Mudar para o caderno","Move to notebook...":"Mover para caderno...","Move to notebook:":"Mudar para o caderno:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Move as notas correspondentes a para [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova nota","New notebook":"Novo caderno","New Notebook":"Novo Caderno","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Novo caderno \\"%s\\" será criado e o ficheiro \\"%s\\" será importado para o mesmo","New sub-notebook":"Novo sub-caderno","New tags:":"Novas etiquetas:","New to-do":"Nova tarefa","New version: %s":"A nova versão %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Palavra-passe Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nome de utilizador Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Endereço WebDAV do Nextcloud","no":"não","No":"Não","No active notebook.":"Nenhum caderno ativo.","No item with ID %s":"Sem itens com o ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Nenhum caderno foi especificado.","No notebook selected.":"Nenhum caderno selecionado.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Não há nenhuma nota. Crie uma ao carregar em \\"Nova nota\\".","No resources!":"Sem recursos!","No results":"Sem resultados","No such command: %s":"Não existe tal comando: %s","No suggestions":"Sem sugestões","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nenhum editor de texto está definido. Por favor, defina-o utilizando `config editor `","Nord":"Nórdico","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Não autenticado com %s. Por favor, introduza os dados em falta.","Not downloaded":"Não transferido","note":"nota","Note":"Nota","Note area growth factor":"Fator de crescimento da área de notas","Note attachments":"Anexos das notas","Note attachments...":"Anexos das notas...","Note body":"Corpo da nota","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Nota não existe: \\"%s\\". Criar?","Note has been saved.":"Nota foi guardada.","Note History":"Histórico de notas","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Nota não é uma tarefa: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Lista de notas","Note list growth factor":"Fator de crescimento da lista de notas","Note properties":"Propriedades da nota","Note title":"Título da nota","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Nota: Não funciona em todos os ambientes de trabalho.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Nota: Quando uma nota é partilhada, a mesma deixará de estar encriptada no servidor.","Notebook list growth factor":"Fator de crescimento do caderno","Notebook title:":"Título do caderno:","Notebook: %s":"Caderno: %s","Notebooks":"Cadernos","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Cadernos não podem ser nomeados \\"%s\\", dado que é um título reservado.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"As notas e definições são guardadas em: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notas apenas poderão ser criadas dentro de um caderno.","Numbered List":"Lista Enumerada","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"Escuro OLED","On %s: %s":"Em %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Uma das suas chaves-mestras utiliza um método de encriptação obsoleto.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Um ou mais itens estão atualmente encriptados e poderá precisar de fornecer uma palavra-passe mestra. Para isso, digite `e2ee decrypt`. Se a palavra-passe já tiver sido fornecida, os artigos encriptados estão a ser desencriptados em segundo plano e estarão disponíveis brevemente.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Uma ou mais chaves mestra requerem uma palavra-passe.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Acesso OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Só poderá ser impressa uma nota de cada vez.","Open":"Abrir","Open %s":"Abrir %s","Open profile directory":"Abrir o diretório do perfil","Open...":"Abrir...","Operation cancelled":"Operação cancelada","Options":"Opções","Output format: %s":"Formato da saída: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Orientação da página para exportação de PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Tamanho da página para exportação PDF","Password":"Palavra-passe","Password cannot be empty":"A palavra-passe não pode estar em branco","Password:":"Palavra-passe:","Passwords do not match!":"As palavras-chave não correspondem!","Paste":"Colar","Path:":"Caminho:","PDF File":"Ficheiro PDF","Permission needed":"Permissão necessária","Permission to use camera":"Permissão para utilizar câmara","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Por favor, confirme que gostaria de voltar a encriptar a sua base de dados completamente.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Por favor, introduza a sua palavra-passe na lista de chaves-mestras abaixo antes de atualizar a chave.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Por favor, abra o seguinte endereço no seu navegador para autenticar a aplicação. A aplicação criará um diretório em \\"Apps/Joplin\\" e apenas lerá e escreverá arquivos neste diretório. Não terá acesso a quaisquer ficheiros fora deste diretório nem a quaisquer outros dados pessoais. Nenhum dado será partilhado com terceiros.","Please select a notebook first.":"Por favor, selecione o caderno primeiro.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Por favor, selecione a Nota ou o caderno a ser eliminado primeiro.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Por favor, selecione para onde deverá o estado de sincronização ser exportado","Please specify import format for %s":"Por favor especifique o formato de importação para %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Por favor, especifique o caderno para onde as notas devem ser importadas.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Por favor, atualize o Joplin para poder utilizar este plugin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Por favor espere que todos os anexados sejam transferidos e desencriptados. Também pode mudar para %s para editar a nota.","Please wait...":"Por favor, aguarde...","Plugin tools":"Ferramentas de plugins","Plugins":"Plugins","Portrait":"Retrato","Possible keys/values:":"Chaves/valores possíveis:","Possible values: %s.":"Valores possíveis: %s.","Preferences":"Preferências","Preferences...":"Preferências...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema escuro preferido","Preferred light theme":"Tema claro preferido","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Prima Ctrl+D ou digite \\"exit\\" para sair da aplicação","Press the shortcut":"Prima o atalho","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Prima o atalho e de seguida prima ENTER. Ou então, prima BACKSPACE para apagar o atalho.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Carregue para definir a palavra-passe de desencriptação.","Previous versions of this note":"Versões prévias desta nota","Print":"Imprimir","Privacy Policy":"Política de Privacidade","Profile Version: %s":"Versão do Perfil: %s","Properties":"Propriedades","Quit":"Sair","Re-encrypt data":"Reencriptar dados","Re-encryption":"Reencriptação","Read more about it":"Ler mais sobre isso","Read time: %s min":"Tempo de leitura: %s min","Redo":"Refazer","Refresh":"Atualizar","Remove":"Remover","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Remover a etiqueta \\"%s\\" de todas as notas?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Remover esta pesquisa da barra lateral?","Rename":"Mudar o nome","Rename notebook:":"Mudar o nome do caderno:","Rename tag:":"Mudar o nome da etiqueta:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Muda o nome do/a especificado/a (nota ou caderno) para .","Resources: %d.":"Recursos: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Reiniciar e atualizar","Restart now":"Reiniciar agora","Restore":"Restaurar","Restored Notes":"Notas Recuperadas","Retry":"Repetir","Retry All":"Voltar a tentar tudo","Reveal file in folder":"Revelar arquivo na pasta","Reverse sort order":"Inverter ordem de ordenação","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inverte a ordem de ordenação.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revisão: %s (%s)","Save":"Guardar","Save alarm":"Guardar alarme","Save as...":"Guardar como...","Save changes":"Guardar alterações","Save geo-location with notes":"Guardar geolocalização com as notas","Search":"Procurar","Search for plugins...":"Procurar plugins...","Search in all the notes":"Procurar em todas as notas","Search in current note":"Procurar nesta nota","Search...":"Procurar...","Search:":"Procurar:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Procura o padrão em todas as notas.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Consulte a página de pré-lançamento para obter mais detalhes: %s","Select all":"Selecionar tudo","Server is already running on port %d":"O servidor já está em execução na porta %d","Server is not running.":"O servidor não está em execução.","Server is running on port %d":"O servidor está em execução na porta %d","Set alarm":"Definir alarme","Set alarm:":"Definir alarme:","Set the password":"Definir a palavra-passe","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Define a propriedade da especificada para o [value] dado. As propriedade possíveis são: \\n\\n%s","Share":"Partilhar","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Os atalhos não estão disponíveis no modo ILC.","Show Advanced Settings":"Mostrar Configurações Avançadas","Show all":"Mostrar tudo","Show completed to-dos":"Mostrar tarefas concluídas","Show note counts":"Mostrar contagem de notas","Show tray icon":"Mostrar ícone da barra de tarefas","Sidebar":"Barra lateral","Size":"Tamanho","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Itens ignorados: %d (use --retry-failed-items para tentar desencriptá-los novamente)","Skipped: %d.":"Ignorado: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Escuro Solarizado","Solarised Light":"Claro Solarizado","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Alguns itens não podem ser desencriptados.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Não foi possível sincronizar alguns itens.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Alguns itens não puderam ser sincronizados. Prima para mais informações.","Sort notebooks by":"Ordenar cadernos por","Sort notes by":"Ordenar as notas por","Sort selected lines":"Ordenar linhas selecionadas","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Ordena o item por (ex.: title, update_time, created_time)","Source format: %s":"Formato da origem: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Especifique a porta que deve ser utilizada pelo servidor de API. Caso não esteja definida, será utilizada a pré-definição.","Spell checker":"Verificador ortográfico","Split View":"Vista Dividida","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Iniciar aplicação minimizada no ícone da barra de tarefas","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Iniciar, parar ou verificar o servidor da API. Para especificar em qual porta o mesmo deve ser executado, defina a variável api.port config. Os comandos são (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"A começar a desencriptação... Por favor, aguarde, dado que pode demorar vários minutos, dependendo de quanto há para desencriptar.","Starting synchronisation...":"A iniciar sincronização...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"A iniciar a edição da nota. Encerre o editor para voltar ao aviso.","Statistics":"Estatísticas","Statistics...":"Estatísticas...","Status":"Estado","Status: %s":"Estado: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Estado: Iniciado na porta %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Passo 1: Ativar o serviço de recorte","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Passo 1: Abra este endereço no seu navegador para autorizar a aplicação:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Passo 2: Digite o código fornecido pelo Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Passo 2: Instalar a extensão","Stop":"Parar","Stop external editing":"Parar a edição externa","strong text":"texto destacado","Submit":"Enviar","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Sucesso! A configuração da sincronização parece estar correta.","Swap line down":"Permutar linha para baixo","Swap line up":"Permutar linha para cima","Switch between note and to-do type":"Alternar entre nota e tarefa","Switch to note type":"Alternar para nota","Switch to to-do type":"Alternar para tarefa","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Alterna para [notebook] - todas as outras operações acontecerão dentro deste caderno.","Sync Status":"Estado de Sincronização","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Estado de sincronização (itens sincronizados / itens totais)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"O alvo de sincronização requer atualização! Execute `%s` para prosseguir.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Atualização do Alvo de Sincronização","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizar para o destino indicado (pré-definido para o valor de configuração","Sync Version: %s":"Versão de Sincronização: %s","Synchronisation":"Sincronização","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalo de sincronização","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"A sincronização já está em curso.","Synchronisation Status":"Estado de sincronização","Synchronisation target":"Destino de sincronização","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Destino de sincronização: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizar","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincroniza com o armazenamento remoto.","Synchronising...":"A sincronizar...","Tabloid":"Tablóide","Tagged: %d.":"Etiquetado: %d.","Tags":"Etiquetas","Take photo":"Tirar fotografia","Text editor command":"Comando de editor de texto","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"A aplicação vai fechar. Por favor volte a executá-la para completar o processo.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"A aplicação foi autorizada - pode agora fechar este separador do navegador.","The application has been authorised!":"A aplicação foi autorizada!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"A aplicação foi autorizada com sucesso.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"A aplicação deve ser reiniciada para que estas alterações entrem em funcionamento.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Os anexos deixarão de ser monitorizados quando mudar para uma nota diferente.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"O comando \\"%s\\" apenas está disponível em modo de interface gráfica","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"A palavra-passe padrão de administrador é insegura e não foi mudada! [Mudá-la agora](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"O método de encriptação padrão foi alterado para um método mais seguro e é recomendado que o aplique aos seus dados.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"O método de encriptação padrão foi alterado, deverá voltar a encriptar os seus dados.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"O comando do editor (pode incluir argumentos) que será utilizado para abrir uma nota. Se nenhum for configurado, ele tentará detetar automaticamente o editor pré-definido.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"A propriedade fator define como um item aumentará ou diminuirá para ocupar o espaço disponível no seu contentor com respeito aos outros itens. Como tal, um item com um fator de 2 ocupará o dobro do espaço de um item com um fator de 1. Reinicie a aplicação para ver as alterações.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Os anexos seguintes estão a ser monitorizados quanto a alterações:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"A aplicação móvel do Joplin atualmente não suporta este tipo de ligação: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"A chave mestra foi atualizada com sucesso!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"As chaves mestras com esses IDs são usadas para encriptar alguns de seus itens, porém a aplicação não tem acesso a eles neste momento. É provável que eles sejam transferidos via sincronização.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"A nota \\"%s\\" foi recuperada com sucesso para o caderno \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Não foi possível guardar o caderno: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"As notas foram importadas: %s","The possible commands are:":"Os comandos possíveis são:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"O alvo de sincronização deve ser atualizado antes que o Joplin possa sincronizar. A operação pode demorar alguns minutos a ser completa e a aplicação precisará de ser reiniciada. Para proceder, por favor clique na ligação.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"A etiqueta \\"%s\\" já existe. Por favor escolha um nome diferente.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"O destino para a sincronização. Cada alvo de sincronização pode ter parâmetros adicionais que são designados como `sync.NUM.NAME` (todos documentados abaixo).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"O serviço de recorte web está ativado e definido para iniciar automaticamente.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"O serviço de recorte web não está ativado.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Neste momento não existem notas. Crie uma ao carregar no botão (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Não há nenhum caderno. Crie um ao carregar em \\"Novo caderno\\".","There is no data to export.":"Não há dados para exportar.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Ocorreu um [conflito](%s) no anexo em baixo.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Ocorreu um erro ao transferir este anexo:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Esses itens permanecerão no dispositivo, mas não serão enviados para o alvo de sincronização. Para encontrar estes itens, procure o título ou o ID (que é apresentado entre parênteses acima).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Estes plugins modificam o renderizador de Markdown com recursos adicionais. Note que, enquanto estes recursos podem ser úteis, não são Markdown padrão e, como tal, a maioria deles só funcionará no Joplin. Adicionalmente, alguns deles são *incompatíveis* com o editor WYSIWYG. Se abrir uma nota que use um destes plugins nesse editor, perderá a formatação do plugin. Está indicado abaixo quais os plugins que são ou não compatíveis com o editor WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Este anexo ainda não foi descarregado ou ainda não foi desencriptado","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Este anexo não foi transferido ou desencriptado ainda.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Este token de autorização só é necessário para permitir o acesso de aplicações de terceiros ao Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Esta é uma ferramenta avançada para ver os anexos que estão ligados às suas notas. Por favor tenha cuidado ao apagar um deles já que não poderão ser repostos de seguida.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Esta nota não tem informação de geolocalização.","This note has been modified:":"Esta nota foi alterada:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Esta nota não tem conteúdo. Carregue em \\"%s\\" para abrir o editor e editar a nota.","This note has no history":"Esta nota não tem histórico","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Este editor Rich Text possui múltiplas limitações, daí que seja aconselhável que tenha conhecimento das mesmas antes de utilizá-lo.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Este serviço permite que a extensão do navegador comunique com o Joplin. Ao ativá-lo, o seu firewall poderá pedir-lhe para conceder permissão ao Joplin para escutar uma determinada porta.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Isto permitirá que o Joplin seja executado em segundo plano. É recomendável ativar esta configuração para que as suas notas sejam constantemente sincronizadas, reduzindo assim o número de conflitos.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Isto abrirá uma nova janela. Guardar as alterações atuais?","Time format":"Formato de tempo","title":"título","Title":"Título","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Para permitir que o Joplin sincronize com o Dropbox, por favor siga os passos abaixo:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Para eliminar uma etiqueta, remova as etiquetas das Notas associadas.","To delete: %d":"Para eliminar: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Para entrar no modo de linha de comandos, prima \\".\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Para sair do modo de linha de comandos, prima ESC","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Para ordenar as notas manualmente, a ordem deve ser alterada para \\"%s\\" no menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Para maximizar/minimizar a consolta, prima \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Para mover de um painel para o outro, prima Tab ou Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Para tentar desencriptar estes itens novamente. Execute `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Para funcionar corretamente, a aplicação requer as seguintes permissões. Ative-as nas configurações do seu telefone, em Aplicações > Joplin > Permissões","to-do":"tarefa","Toggle comment":"Alternar comentário","Toggle development tools":"Ativar/desativar ferramentas de desenvolvimento","Toggle editor layout":"Alternar a estrutura do editor","Toggle editors":"Alternar editores","Toggle external editing":"Alternar edição externa","Toggle note list":"Alternar a lista de notas","Toggle sidebar":"Alternar a barra lateral","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"O token foi copiado para a área de transferência!","Tools":"Ferramentas","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Digite `help [command]` para mais informação relativamente ao comando; ou digite `help all` para informações completas de utilização.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Digite `joplin help` para mostrar informações de utilização.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Escreva um título de uma nota ou parte do seu conteúdo para saltar para o mesmo. Ou digite # seguido de um nome de etiqueta, ou @ seguido de um nome de um caderno.","Type new tags or select from list":"Escreva novas etiquetas ou selecione da lista","Type: %s.":"Digite: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Tarefas não concluídas no topo","Undo":"Anular","Unknown flag: %s":"Etiqueta desconhecida: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Tipo de item descarregado desconhecido - por favor, atualize o Joplin para a última versão","Unsupported image type: %s":"Tipo de imagem não suportado: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Ligação ou mensagem não suportados: %s","Untitled":"Sem título","Update":"Atualizar","Updated":"Atualizado","updated date":"data atualizada","Updated local items: %d.":"Itens locais atualizados: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Itens remotos atualizados: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Atualizado: %d.","Updated: %s":"Atualizado: %s","Updating...":"A atualizar...","Upgrade":"Atualização","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Atualize o alvo de sincronização para a última versão.","URL":"Endereço","Usage: %s":"Utilização: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Utilize o formato de lista longa. O formato é ID, NOTE_COUNT (para cadernos), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (para tarefas), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Utilizar verificador ortográfico","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Utilize as teclas direcionais ou Page Up/Page Down para percorrer as listas ou as áreas de texto (incluindo esta consola).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Utilize as setas para mover os itens do esquema. Prima \'Esc\' para sair.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Utilize isto para reconstruir o índice de pesquisa caso haja um problema com a pesquisa. Pode demorar muito tempo, dependendo do número de notas.","View":"Ver","View on map":"Ver no mapa","View them now":"Vê-los agora","Viewer":"Visualizador","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Aviso","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Aviso: nem todos os recursos apresentadas por razões de desempenho (limite: %s).","Web Clipper":"Recorte Web","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Palavra-passe WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"Endereço do WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nome de utilizador WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Página da internet e documentação","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Bem-vindo ao Joplin!\\n\\nDigite `:help shortcuts` para obter uma lista de atalhos de teclado, ou apenas `:help` para informação de utilização.\\n\\nPor exemplo, para criar um caderno pressione `mb`; para criar uma nota pressione `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Quando criar uma nova nota:","When creating a new to-do:":"Quando criar uma nova tarefa:","Words":"Palavras","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"sim","Yes":"Sim","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Está prestes a anexar uma imagem grande (%dx%d pixels). Gostaria de redimensioná-la para %d pixels antes de a anexar?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Atualmente não tem cadernos.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Não tem qualquer plugin instalado.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Pode também escrever `status` para mais informação.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Poderá utilizar a ferramenta abaixo para voltar a encriptar os seus dados, caso saiba, por exemplo, que algumas das suas notas são encriptadas com um método de encriptação obsoleto.","Your choice: ":"A sua escolha: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Os seus dados serão encriptados e sincronizados novamente.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"A sua permissão para utilizar a câmara é necessária.","Your version: %s":"A sua versão: %s","Zoom In":"Ampliar","Zoom Out":"Reduzir"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d zile","%d hour":"%d oră","%d hours":"%d ore","%d minutes":"%d minute","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"Notițile: %d se potrivesc acestui model. Doriți sa le ștergeți?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pre-lansare)","%s - Copy":"%s - Copiați","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d notițe","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"Editați","&Help":"&Ajutor","&Note":"&Caiete de notițe","&Tools":"&Unelte","&View":"Vizualizați"," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" poate fi be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", sau \\"notetags\\" pentru a aloca sau a elimina [tag] dela [note], pentru a afișa lista de notițe asociate cu [tag], sau pentru a afișa lista de etichete asociate cu [note]. Comanda `tag list` poate fi utilizată pentru a afișa toată lista de etichete (utilizați -l pentru opțiunea long)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" poate fi \\"toggle\\" sau \\"clear\\". Utilizați \\"toggle\\" pentru a comuta între starea finalizată și cea nefinalizată (dacă ținta este o notă obișnuită, aceasta va fi transformată în to-do). Utilizați „clear\\" pentru a converti to-do înapoi la o notă obișnuită.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Despre Joplin","Action":"Acțiune","Active":"Activ","Actual Size":"Dimensiunea actuală","Add or remove tags:":"Adăugați ori eliminați etichete:","Advanced options":"Afișați opțiunile avansate","All notes":"Toate notițele","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Afișează, de asemenea, variabile de configurare nesetate și ascunse.","Always":"Mereu","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Este disponibilă o nouă actualizare, doriți să o descărcați acum?","Appearance":"Aspect","Application":"Aplicație","Apply":"Aplicați","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Atașați fișier","Attach photo":"Atașează imagine","Attach...":"Atașati...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Atașează fișierul în notiță.","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Atenție: dacă modificați această locație, asigurați-vă că copiați tot conținutul pe ea înainte de sincronizare, altfel toate fișierele vor fi eliminate! Consultați FAQ pentru mai multe detalii: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentificarea nu a fost finalizată (nu a primit un token de autentificare).","Authorisation token:":"Token autorizare:","Auto":"Auto","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Comutați automat tema pentru a se potrivi cu tema sistemului","Automatically update the application":"Actualizați automat aplicația","Back":"Înapoi","Bold":"Bold","Browse...":"Căutare...","Bulleted List":"Listă cu puncte","Cancel":"Anulați","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Se anulează sincronizarea... Vă rugăm să așteptați.","Cancelling...":"Se amână...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Se anulează... Vă rugăm să așteptați.","Cannot access %s":"Nu se poate accesa %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Nu se poate schimba itemul criptat","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nu se poate copia notița în caietul de notițe \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Nu poate fi găsit \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Nu se poate inițializa sincronizatorul.","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Nu se poate muta notița în caietul de notițe \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Nu se poate muta caietul de notițe în această locație","Characters":"Caractere","Characters excluding spaces":"Caractere cu excepția spațiilor libere","Check for updates...":"Verificați actualizările...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Verificați configurația de sincronizare","Checkbox":"Căsuță","Checkbox list":"Lista casetelor de selectare","Checking... Please wait.":"Se verifică... Vă rugăm să așteptați.","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Golire","Clear alarm":"Ștergeți alarma","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Faceți clic pe \\"%s\\" pentru a restabili nota. Va fi copiat în agenda numită \\"% s\\". Versiunea actuală a notei nu va fi înlocuită sau modificată.","Client ID: %s":"Client ID: %s","Close":"Închide","Close Window":"Închide fereastra","Code":"Cod","Code Block":"Bloc de cod","Code View":"Vizualizare code","Coming alarms":"Alarmele următoare","Completed":"Completat","Completed decryption.":"Decriptare completă.","Configuration":"Configurare","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Parola confirmată nu poate fi un câmp gol","Confirm password:":"Confirmare parolă:","Conflicted: %d":"În conflict: %d","Conflicts":"Conflicte","Copy":"Copiați","Copy Link Address":"Copați adresa link-ului","Copy Markdown link":"Copiați link-ul Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Copiați locația în clipboard","Copy Shareable Link":"Copiați linkul care se poate partaja","Copy token":"Copie token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Nu s-a putut autoriza aplicația:\\n\\n% s\\n\\nVă rugăm să încercați din nou.","Could not export notes: %s":"Nu s-au putut exporta notițele:% s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Nu s-a putut actualiza cheia master:% s","Create a notebook":"Creați agendă","Created":"Creat","created date":"data creării","Created local items: %d.":"Creare itemi locali: %d.","Created: %d.":"Creat: %d.","Created: %s":"Creat: %s","Creates a new note.":"Creați o nouă notiță.","Creates a new notebook.":"Creați caiet de notițe.","Creates a new to-do.":"Creează un nou to-do.","Creating new %s...":"Se crează un %s...","Creating report...":"Se creează raport...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Versiunea curentă este actualizată.","Custom order":"Comandă personalizată","Custom TLS certificates":"Certificate TLS cusomizate","Cut":"Tăiați","Dark":"Dark","Database v%s":"Baza de date v%s","Date format":"Format dată","days":"zile","Decrypted items: %d":"Elemente decriptate: %d","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Se decriptează itemi: %d/%d","Default: %s":"Modul implicit: %s","Delete":"Ștergeți","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Ștergeți notițele \\"%s\\"?","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Ștergeți notițele \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Ștergeți notița?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Ștergeți agenda \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nToate notițele și sub-notițele în această agendă vor fi șterse.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Ștergeți agenda? Toate notițele și sub-notițele din această agendă vor fi șterse.","Delete these %d notes?":"Ștergeți aceste %d notițe?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Itemi locali șterși: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Șterge agenda.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Șterge caietele de notițe fără a mai cere confirmarea.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Ștergeți notițele care se potrivesc cu .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Ștergeți notițele fără a cere confirmare.","Destination format: %s":"Format la destinație: %s","Directory":"Directoriu","Disable encryption":"Dezactivați criptarea","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Dezactivați Web Clipper Service","Disabled":"Dezactivat","Discard changes":"Renunțați la schimbări","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Afișează o adresă URL de geolocație pentru notiță.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Afișează numai primele notițe.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Afișează numai elementele de tipul (tipurile) specific(e). Tipuri acceptate: \\"n\\" pentru notițe, \\"t\\" pentru to-dos, sau \\"nt\\" pentru notițe și to-dos (de exemplu, `-tt` afișează numai to-dos, în timp ce `-tnt` afișează notițe și to-dos.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Afișează rezumatul despre notițe și agende.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Afișează informațiile complete despre notiță.","Displays the given note.":"Afișează notițele specificate.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Afișează notele în agenda curentă. Utilizați \'ls /\' pentru a afișa lista de notițe.","Displays usage information.":"Afișați informațiile de utilizare.","Displays version information":"Afișează informații despre versiune","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Nu cere confirmarea.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Descărcați și instalați extensia relevantă pentru browser-ul dumnevoastră.:","Downloaded and decrypted":"Descărcat și decriptat","Downloaded and encrypted":"Descărcat și criptat","Downloading resources...":"Se descarcă resursele...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Plasați notițe sau fișiere aici","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Autentificare Dropbox","Duplicate":"Duplicați","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Dublează notele care se potrivesc in [agendă]. Dacă nu este specificat nici o agendă, nota este dublată în agenda curentă.","Edit":"Editați","Edit in external editor":"Editați într-un editor extern","Edit note.":"Editează notiță.","Edit notebook":"Editați caietul de notițe","Editor":"Editor","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Sau \\"text\\", sau \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"text accentuat","Enable":"Activați","Enable encryption":"Activați criptarea","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Activați Web Clipper Service","Enabled":"Activat","Encrypted":"Criptat","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Itemii criptați nu pot fi editați","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Itemii criptați nu pot fi editați","Encryption":"Criptare","Encryption is: %s":"Criptarea este: %s","Enter code here":"Introdu codul aici","Enter master password:":"Introduceți parola master:","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Eroare","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Eroare deschidere notiță în editor: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Eroare. Vă rugăm să verificați dacă adresa URL, numele de utilizator, parola etc. sunt corecte și că ținta de sincronizare este accesibilă. Eroarea raportată a fost:","Errors only":"Doar erori","Exits the application.":"Ieșire din aplicație.","Export":"Exportați","Export profile":"Exportați profilul","Exporting profile...":"Se exportă profilul...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Se exportă către \\"%s\\" în format \\"%s\\". Vă rugăm să așteptați...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exportă date Joplin pe calea dată. În mod implicit, va exporta baza de date completă, inclusiv agendele, notițele, etichete și resurse.","Exports only the given note.":"Exportă numai notița specificată.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exportă doar agenda specificată.","Fatal error:":"Eroare fatală:","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Încărcarea resurselor: %d/%d","File":"Fișier","Firefox Extension":"Extensie Firefox","Focus":"Focus","Folders":"Fișiere","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Pentru informații despre cum să personalizați comenzile rapide, vizitați %s","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Pentru lista de comenzi rapide de la tastatură și opțiuni de configurare, tastați `help keymap`","Found: %d.":"Găsit: %d.","General":"General","Generating link...":"Se creează link...","Get it now:":"Obține acum:","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Obține sau setează o valoare de configurare. Dacă [valoare] nu este furnizată, va afișa valoarea [nume]. Dacă nu este furnizat nici [nume], nici [valoare], va afișa configurația curentă.","Goto Anything...":"Mergeți la...","Heading":"Titlu","Help":"Ajutor","Hide %s":"Ascundeți %s","Horizontal Rule":"Linie orizontală","HTML Directory":"Directoriu HTML","HTML File":"Fișier HTML","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","Icon":"Icon","ID":"ID","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignoră erorile de certificat TLS","Import":"Importați","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Se exportă către \\"%s\\" în format \\"%s\\". Vă rugăm să așteptați...","Importing notes...":"Se importă notițe...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importați date în Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"În modul \\"Manual\\", atașamentele sunt descărcate numai atunci când faceți clic pe ele. În modul \\"Auto\\", acestea sunt descărcate când deschideți nota. În modul „Mereu”, toate atașamentele sunt descărcate indiferent dacă deschideți nota sau nu.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Pentru a utiliza sincronizarea sistemului de fișiere este necesară permisiunea dumneavoastră de a scrie pe un spațiu de stocare extern.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Pentru a utiliza web clipper, trebuie să faceți următoarele:","In progress":"În progres","In: %s":"În: %s","Inline Code":"Inline Cod","Insert Date Time":"Introduceți data și ora","Insert Hyperlink":"Introduceți hyperlink","Invalid answer: %s":"Răspuns invalid: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Comandă invalidă: \\"%s\\"","Italic":"Italic","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Itemii nu pot fi sincronizați","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper permite salvarea paginilor web și a capturilor de ecran din browser-ul dumnevoastră în Joplin.","Joplin website":"Website Joplin","Keep note history for":"Păstrați istoricul notițelor pentru","Keyboard Mode":"Keyboard Mode","Landscape":"Landscape","Language":"Limbă","Last error: %s":"Ultima eroare: %s","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Secvența butoanelor de aspect","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Light","Lines":"Linii","List item":"Listați item","Location":"Locație","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Fișierul de blocare este deja în așteptare. Dacă știți că nu are loc nici o sincronizare, puteți șterge fișierul de blocare la „% s\\" și puteți relua operația.","Log":"Log","Login with Dropbox":"Autentificați-vă cu Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Autentificare prin OneDrive","Make a donation":"Faceți o donație","Manual":"Manual","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Marcați o sarcină ca fiind terminată.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Marcați o sarcină ca fiind necompletă.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Cheia master %s","Max concurrent connections":"Conexiuni maxime simultane","Missing Master Keys":"Cheile master lipsă","Missing required argument: %s":"Lipsește argumentul necesar: %s","More info":"Informații suplimentare","More information":"Informații suplimentare","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mai multe elemente se potrivesc cu „%s\\". Vă rugăm să restrângeți interogarea.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Mutați %d notițe în caietul de notițe \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Mutați în agendă","Move to notebook...":"Mutați în caietul de notițe...","Move to notebook:":"Mutați în agendă:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Mutați notițele care se potrivesc cu la [agendă].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Adăugați o nouă notiță","New notebook":"Adăugați o agendă nouă","New Notebook":"Adăugați un nou caiet de notițe","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Noua agendă \\"%s\\" va fi creată și fișierul \\"%s\\" va fi importat in ea","New sub-notebook":"Nou sub-notiță","New tags:":"Etichete noi:","New to-do":"Adăugați o nouă sarcină","New version: %s":"Versiune nouă:% s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Parolă Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Nume utilizator Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL NextCloud WebDAV","no":"nu","No":"Nu","No active notebook.":"Niciun caiet de notițe activ.","No item with ID %s":"Niciun item cu ID-ul %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Niciun caiet de notițe nu a fost specificat.","No notebook selected.":"Niciun caiet de notițe nu a fost selectat.","No resources!":"Fără resurse!","No such command: %s":"Nu există o asemenea comandă: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Nu este specificat niciun editor de text. Vă rugăm să setați folosind `editorul de configurare `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Nu este autentificat cu% s. Vă rugăm să furnizați toate credențialele omise.","note":"notiță","Note attachments":"Atașați fișierele","Note attachments...":"Atașați fișier...","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Notița nu există: \\"%s\\". Doriți să o creați?","Note has been saved.":"Notița a fost salvată.","Note History":"Istoric notiță","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Notița nu este o sarcină: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Lista de notițe","Note properties":"Titlul caietului de notițe","Note title":"Titlul caietului de notițe","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Notă: Când o notă este partajată, aceasta nu va mai fi criptată pe server.","Notebook title:":"Titlul agendei:","Notebooks":"Caiete de notițe","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Agendele nu pot fi denumite \\"%s\\", care au un titlu rezervat.","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notițele pot fi create numai în cadrul unui caiet de notițe.","Numbered List":"Listă numerotată","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"Pe %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Una dintre cheile dvs. master utilizează o metodă de criptare învechită.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Unul sau mai multe elemente sunt criptate în prezent și este posibil să fie necesar să furnizați o parolă master. Pentru a face acest lucru, vă rugăm să tastați `e2ee decriptare`. Dacă ați furnizat deja parola, elementele criptate sunt decriptate în fundal și vor fi disponibile în curând.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Una sau mai multe chei master au nevoie de o parolă.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Autentificare OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Doar o singură notiță se poate imprima.","Open %s":"Deschideți %s","Open...":"Deschideți...","Operation cancelled":"Operațiunea a fost amânată","Options":"Opțiuni","Output format: %s":"Formatul sursei: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Page orientation for PDF export","Password":"Parolă","Password cannot be empty":"Parolă nu poate fi un câmp gol","Password:":"Parolă:","Passwords do not match!":"Parolele nu se potrivesc!","Paste":"Lipește","PDF File":"Fișier PDF","Permission to use camera":"Permisiunea de a utliza camera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Vă rugăm să confirmați că doriți să criptați din nou baza de date completă.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Vă rugăm să introduceți parola în lista de chei master de mai jos înainte de a actualiza cheia.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Deschideți următoarea adresă URL în browser pentru a autentifica aplicația. Aplicația va crea un director în \\"Apps/Joplin\\" și va citi și scrie doar fișiere în acest director. Nu va avea acces la nici un fișier din afara acestui director și nici la alte date personale. Nu se vor partaja date cu nicio terță parte.","Please select a notebook first.":"Selectați prima dată un caiet de notițe.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Selectați mai întâi notița sau agenda care trebuie șters.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Vă rugăm să selectați unde trebuie exportată starea de sincronizare","Please specify import format for %s":"Specificați formatul de import pentru% s","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Vă rugăm să așteptați descărcarea și decriptarea tuturor atașamentelor. De asemenea, puteți comuta la %s pentru a edita notița.","Please wait...":"Vă rugăm să așteptați...","Plugins":"Plugin","Portrait":"Portrait","Possible keys/values:":"Posibile chei/valori:","Possible values: %s.":"Valori posibile: %s.","Preferences...":"Preferințe...","Preferred dark theme":"Tema dark preferată","Preferred light theme":"Tema light preferată","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Apăsați Ctrl+D ori scrieți \\"exit\\" pentru a ieși din aplicație","Press to set the decryption password.":"Apăsați pentru a seta parola de decriptare.","Previous versions of this note":"Versiunile anterioare ale acestei notițe","Print":"Printați","Profile Version: %s":"Versiunea profil: %s","Quit":"Ieșiți","Re-encrypt data":"Re-criptați datele","Read time: %s min":"Durata lecturii: %s min","Refresh":"Reîncărcați","Remove":"Ștergeți","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Eliminați eticheta \\"% s\\" din toate notițele?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Eliminați această căutare din bara laterală?","Rename":"Redenumiți","Rename notebook:":"Redenumiți caietul de notițe:","Rename tag:":"Redenumiți eticheta:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Redenumește dat (notiță sau agendă) în .","Resources: %d.":"Resurse: %d.","Restore":"Restabilire","Retry":"Încercați din nou","Retry All":"Încercați din nou toate","Reveal file in folder":"Afișează fișierul în folder","Reverse sort order":"Inversați ordinea sortării","Reverses the sorting order.":"Inversează ordinea sortării.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revizuire:% s (% s)","Save":"Salvați","Save alarm":"Salvați alarma","Save as...":"Salvați ca...","Save changes":"Salvați schimbările","Save geo-location with notes":"Salvați geo-locația în notițe","Search":"Caută","Search in all the notes":"Căutați în toate notițele","Search in current note":"Căutați în notița curentă","Search...":"Caută...","Search:":"Căutați:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Caută dat în toate notițele.","Select all":"Selectează tot","Server is already running on port %d":"Serverul rulează deja pe portul% d","Server is not running.":"Serverul nu rulează.","Server is running on port %d":"Serverul rulează pe portul %d","Set alarm":"Setați alarma","Set alarm:":"Setați alarma:","Set the password":"Setați parola","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Setează proprietatea a date la [valoarea] dată. Proprietățile posibile sunt: % s","Share":"Distribuie","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Scurtăturile nu sunt disponibile în modul CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Afișați opțiunile avansate","Show all":"Afișați tot","Show completed to-dos":"Arătați sarcinile terminate","Show note counts":"Afișează numărul de notițe","Show tray icon":"Afișați iconița coșul de gunoi","Sidebar":"Bara laterală","Size":"Mărime","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Elemente omise:% d (utilizați --retry-failed-items pentru a încerca din nou decriptarea acestora)","Skipped: %d.":"Omise: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Câțiva itemi nu pot fi descriptați.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Câțiva itemi nu pot fi sincronizați.","Sort notes by":"Sortați notițele după","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sortează elementul după (de exemplu, titlu, data_actualizării, data_creării).","Source format: %s":"Formatul sursei: %s","Split View":"Divizare vizualizare","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Porniți, opriți sau verificați serverul API. Pentru a specifica pe ce port trebuie să ruleze, setați variabila de configurare api.port. Comenzile sunt (% s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Se începe decriptarea... Vă rugăm să așteptați, deoarece poate dura câteva minute, în funcție de cât este de decriptat.","Starting synchronisation...":"Se începe sincronizarea...","Statistics":"Statistică","Statistics...":"Statistică...","Status":"Status","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Stare: Portul %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Pasul 1: Activați clipper service","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Pasul 1: Deschideți adresa URL în navigatorul dumneavoastră web pentru a autoriza aplicația:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Pasul 2: Introduceți codul oferit de Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Pasul 2: Instalați extensia","Stop external editing":"Faceți click pentru a opri editarea în aplicația externă","strong text":"text strong","Submit":"Trimite","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Succes! Configurația de sincronizare pare a fi corectă.","Switch between note and to-do type":"Schimbați între notiță și sarcină","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Trece la [agendă] - toate operațiunile ulterioare vor avea loc în această agendă.","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sincronizarea cu o ținta specificată (presetat la valoare de configurare","Sync Version: %s":"Versiunea de sincronizare: %s","Synchronisation interval":"Intervalul de sincronizare","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sincronizarea este deja în progres.","Synchronisation Status":"Statutul sincronizării","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Țintă de sincronizare:% s (% s)","Synchronise":"Sincronizați","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sincronizarea cu stocarea de la distanță.","Synchronising...":"Sincronizează....","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Etichetate: %d.","Tags":"Etichete","Text editor command":"Comandă editor de text","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplicația a fost autorizată - acum puteți închide această fereastră browserului.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplicația a fost autorizată!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplicația a fost autorizată cu succes.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Comanda \\"%s\\" este disponibilă doar în modul GUI","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Metoda implicită de criptare a fost schimbată într-una mai sigură și se recomandă să o aplicați datelor dumnevoastră.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Metoda implicită de criptare a fost modificată, ar trebui să vă criptați din nou datele.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Cheia master a fost actualizată cu succes!","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Nota \\"%s\\" a fost restabilită cu succes în agenda \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Caietul de notițe nu a puut fi salvat: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Notițele au fost importante: %s","The possible commands are:":"Comenzile posibile sunt:","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Serviciul web clipper este activat și setat la pornire automată.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Serviciul web clipper nu este activat.","Theme":"Temă","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Momentan nu există notițe. Creați făcând clic pe butonul (+).","There is no data to export.":"Nu există date de exportat.","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"A apărut o eroare la descărcarea acestui atașament:","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Acest atașament nu este descărcat sau nu este încă decriptat","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Acest token de autorizare este necesar doar pentru a permite aplicațiilor terțe părți să acceseze Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Acesta este un instrument avansat pentru a afișa atașamentele care sunt legate de notele dumnevoastră. Vă rugăm să fiți atenți la ștergerea uneia dintre ele, deoarece acestea nu pot fi restaurate ulterior.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Această notă nu conține informații despre geolocalizare.","This note has been modified:":"Această notiță a fost modificată:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Această notiță nu are conținut. Faceți clic pe \\"% s\\" pentru a comuta editorul și a edita nota.","This note has no history":"Această notă nu are istoric","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Acest serviciu permite extensia browserul-ui pentru a comunica cu Joplin. Atunci când se permite firewall poate cere să dea permisiunea Joplin pentru a asculta un anumit port.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Se va deschide un nou ecran. Doriți să salvați modificările dumnevoastră actuale?","Time format":"Format timp","title":"titlu","Title":"Titlu","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Pentru a permite Joplin să se sincronizeze cu Dropbox, urmați pașii de mai jos:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Pentru a șterge o eticheta, ștergeți eticheta respectivă din cadrul notițelor aferente.","To delete: %d":"De șters: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Pentru a intra în linia de comandă, apăsați \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Pentru a ieși din modul linie de comandă, apăsați ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Pentru a sorta notițele manual, ordinea trebuie sa fie schimbată în \\"%s\\" în meniu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Pentru a maximiza/minimiza consola, apăsați \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Pentru a vă muta dintr-un panou în altul, apăsați Tab ori Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Pentru a reîncerca decriptarea acestor elemente. Rulați `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","to-do":"to-do","Toggle development tools":"Comutați instrumentele de dezvoltare","Toggle editor layout":"Comutați editorul","Toggle note list":"Comutați lista de notă","Toggle sidebar":"Comutați bara laterală","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token-ul a fost copiat în clipboard!","Total: %d/%d":"Total: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Tastați `help [command]` pentru mai multe informații despre o comandă; sau tastați „help all\\" pentru informații complete de utilizare.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Tastați `joplin help` pentru informații de utilizare.","Type: %s.":"Tip: %s.","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Link sau mesaj neacceptat:% s","Untitled":"Fără denumire","Updated":"Actualizat","updated date":"data actualizării","Updated local items: %d.":"Itemi locali actualizați: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Actualizat: %d.","Updated: %s":"Actualizat: %s","Upgrade":"Actualizare","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Utilizare: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Utilizați formatul listei lungi. Formatul este ID, NOTE_COUNT (pentru agendă), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (pentru todos), TITLE","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Utilizați săgețile și pagina sus / jos pentru a derula listele și zonele de text (inclusiv această consolă).","View":"Vizualizați","View on map":"Vizualizați pe hartă","View them now":"Vizualizați-le acum","Viewer":"Vizualizator","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Avertizare","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Avertizare: nu toate resursele sunt afișate din motive de performanță (limită:% s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Parolă WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL-ul WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Nume utilizator WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Website și documentație","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Bine ați venit în Joplin!\\n\\nTastați `:help shortcuts` pentru afișarea listei scurtăturilor for ori doar `:help` pentru informații de utilizare.\\n\\nDe exemplu, creați un caiet de notițe apăsând \'mb\'; pentru a crea o notă apăsați \'mn\'.","When creating a new note:":"Când este creată o nouă notiță:","When creating a new to-do:":"Când este creată o nouă sarcină:","Words":"Cuvinte","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"da","Yes":"Da","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Ești pe cale să atașezi o imagine mare (%dx%d pixeli). Doriți să îl redimensionați până la %d pixeli înainte de a-l atașa?","You may also type `status` for more information.":"De asemenea, puteți introduce `status` pentru mai multe informații.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Puteți utiliza instrumentul de mai jos pentru a vă cripta din nou datele, de exemplu, dacă știți că unele note sunt criptate cu o metodă de criptare învechită.","Your choice: ":"Alegerea dumneavoastră: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Datele dumneavoastre vor fi re-criptate și sincronizate din nou.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Este necesară permisiunea dumnevoastră de a utiliza camera.","Your version: %s":"Versiunea dvs.:% s","Zoom In":"Măriți","Zoom Out":"Micșorați"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"В \\"%s\\" отсутствует необходимое свойство \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d дней","%d hour":"%d час","%d hours":"%d часов","%d minutes":"%d минут","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d заметок соответствуют указанному выражению. Удалить их?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"Не удается выгрузить файл %s (%s): %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) желает поделиться блокнотом с вами.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (предварительный выпуск)","%s - Copy":"%s - Копия","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d заметок","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Правка","&File":"&Файл","&Go":"Переход","&Help":"&Помощь","&Note":"&Заметки","&Tools":"&Сервис","&View":"&Вид","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Нет)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Камера: позволяет сделать снимок и прикрепить его к заметке.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Местоположение: позволяет прикрепить информацию о геолокации к заметке.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Хранилище: чтобы разрешить прикрепление файлов к заметкам и включить синхронизацию файловой системы."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" может принимать значения \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" или \\"notetags\\", позволяющие, соответственно: добавить или убрать метку [tag] с заметки [note]; вывести список заметок, ассоциированных с меткой [tag]; вывести список меток, ассоциированных с заметкой [note]. Команда `tag list` выводит список всех меток."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" может принимать значения \\"toggle\\" или \\"clear\\". \\"toggle\\" переключает статус выбранной задачи (с завершенной на незавершенную и наоборот). При применении к обычной заметке она преобразуется в задачу. \\"clear\\" преобразует выбранную задачу в обычную заметку.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"О Joplin","accelerator":"сочетание клавиш","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Сочетание клавиш \\"%s\\" недопустимо.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Сочетание клавиш \\"%s\\" используется для команд \\"%s\\" и \\"%s\\". Это может привести к неожиданному поведению.","Accept":"Принять","Action":"Действие","Actions":"Действия","Active":"Активен","Actual Size":"Фактический размер","Add body":"Добавить текст заметки","Add or remove tags:":"Добавить или удалить метки:","Add recipient:":"Добавить получателя:","Add title":"Добавить заголовок","Add to dictionary":"Добавить в словарь","Advanced options":"Расширенные настройки","Advanced tools":"Расширенные инструменты","All notes":"Все заметки","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Все возможные порты заняты - пожалуйста, сообщите о проблеме в %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Также выводит неустановленные и скрытые параметры конфигурации.","Always":"Всегда","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Доступно обновление, хотите загрузить его сейчас?","Appearance":"Внешний вид","Application":"Приложение","Apply":"Применить","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Вы точно хотите обновить токен авторизации?","Arguments:":"Аргументы:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim тёмная","Attach file":"Прикрепить файл","Attach photo":"Прикрепить фото","Attach...":"Прикрепить…","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Прикрепляет заданный файл к заметке.","attachment":"вложение","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Конфликт вложения: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Режим загрузки вложений","Attachments":"Вложения","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Не удается загрузить следующие вложения","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Внимание: если вы измените это местоположение, обязательно скопируйте в новое местоположение все свои данные перед синхронизацией, в противном случае все файлы будут удалены! Смотрите FAQ для получения подробной информации: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Аутентификация не была завершена (не получен токен аутентификации).","Authorisation token:":"Токен авторизации:","Auto":"Автоматически","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Автоматическое закрытие скобок, кавычек и т. д.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Автоматическая смена темы в соответствии с настройками системы","Automatically update the application":"Автоматически обновлять приложение","Back":"Назад","Bold":"Полужирный","Browse all plugins":"Просмотр всех плагинов","Browse...":"Обзор...","Bulleted List":"Маркированный список","Cancel":"Отмена","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Отмена фоновой синхронизации... Пожалуйста, подождите.","Cancelling...":"Отмена...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Отмена... Пожалуйста, подождите.","Cannot access %s":"Не удалось получить доступ к %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Невозможно изменить зашифрованный элемент","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не удалось скопировать заметку в блокнот \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Не удалось найти \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Не удалось инициализировать модуль синхронизации.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Не удалось загрузить модуль \\"%s\\" для форматирования \\"%s\\" и вывода \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Не удалось загрузить модуль \\"%s\\" для формата \\"%s\\" и цели \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не удалось переместить заметку в блокнот \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Не удается переместить блокнот в указанное расположение","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Невозможно обновить токен: отсутствуют данные аутентификации. Повторный запуск синхронизации может решить эту проблему.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Невозможно сохранить %s \\"%s\\" из-за превышения допустимого лимита (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Невозможно сохранить %s \\"%s\\" из-за превышения допустимого размера (%s) для этой учетной записи","Change application layout":"Изменить расположение элементов","Change language":"Изменить язык","Characters":"Символы","Characters excluding spaces":"Символы за исключением пробелов","Check for updates...":"Проверить обновления...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Проверить настройки синхронизации","Checkbox":"Флажок","Checkbox list":"Список флажков","Checking... Please wait.":"Проверка... Пожалуйста, подождите.","Choose an option":"Выберите","Chrome Web Store":"Интернет-магазин Chrome","Clear":"Очистить","Clear alarm":"Очистить напоминание","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Нажмите “%s”, чтобы восстановить заметку. Она будет скопирована в блокнот “%s”. Текущая версия заметки не будет заменена или изменена.","Click to add tags...":"Щелкните для добавления тегов...","Client ID: %s":"Идентификатор клиента: %s","Close":"Закрыть","Close Window":"Закрыть окно","Code":"Код","Code Block":"Блок кода","Code View":"Просмотр кода","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Делитесь блокнотами с другими","Coming alarms":"Ближайшие напоминания","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Разделенный запятыми список путей к файлам сертификатов (поддерживаются как каталоги, так и абсолютные пути к отдельным файлам). Например: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Обратите внимание, что если вы вносите изменения в настройки TLS, вы должны сохранить внесенные изменения перед нажатием на \\"Проверить настройки синхронизации\\".","command":"команда","Command":"Команда","Command palette":"Палитра команд","Command palette...":"Палитра команд...","Completed":"Завершено","Completed decryption.":"Расшифровка завершена.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Завершено: %s","Configuration":"Конфигурация","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Подтверждение пароля не может быть пустым","Confirm password:":"Подтвердите пароль:","Confirmation":"Подтверждение","Conflicted: %d":"Конфликтов: %d","Conflicts":"Конфликты","Conflicts (attachments)":"Конфликты (вложения)","Convert to note":"Преобразовать в заметку","Convert to todo":"Преобразовать в задачу","Copy":"Копировать","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Скопировать команду режима разработчика в буфер обмена","Copy Link Address":"Скопировать ссылку","Copy Markdown link":"Копировать ссылку Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"Скопировать путь в буфер обмена","Copy Shareable Link":"Скопировать общедоступную ссылку","Copy token":"Скопировать токен","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Не удалось авторизовать приложение:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nПопробуйте еще раз.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Не удалось установить соединение с сервером Joplin. Пожалуйста проверьте настройки синхронизации. Полный текст ошибки:\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Не удалось соединиться с репозиторием плагинов.","Could not export notes: %s":"Не удалось экспортировать заметки: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Не удалось установить плагин: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Не удалось обновить мастер-ключ: %s","Create a notebook":"Создать новый блокнот","Created":"Создан","created date":"дата создания","Created local items: %d.":"Создано локальных элементов: %d.","Created locally":"Создано локально","Created remote items: %d.":"Создано элементов в хранилище: %d.","Created: ":"Создано: %s","Created: %d.":"Создано: %d.","Created: %s":"Создано: %s","Creates a new note.":"Создает новую заметку.","Creates a new notebook.":"Создает новый блокнот.","Creates a new to-do.":"Создает новую задачу.","Creating new %s...":"Создание новой %s...","Creating report...":"Создание отчета…","Current version is up-to-date.":"Установлена последняя версия.","custom order":"пользовательский порядок","Custom order":"Пользовательский порядок","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Пользовательская таблица стилей для приложения","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Пользовательская таблица стилей для отображаемых заметок","Custom TLS certificates":"Пользовательские сертификаты TLS","Cut":"Вырезать","Dark":"Тёмная","Database v%s":"База данных v%s","Date":"Дата","Date format":"Формат даты","days":"дни","Decrypted items: %d":"Расшифровано элементов: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Расшифровано элементов: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Расшифровка элементов: %d/%d","Default":"По умолчанию: %s","Default: %s":"По умолчанию: %s","Delete":"Удалить","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Удалить вложение \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Удалить строку","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Удалить локальные данные и перегрузить данные с цели синхронизации","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Удалить заметку \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Удалить заметку?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Удалить блокнот “%s”?\\n\\nВсе заметки и вложенные блокноты также будут удалены.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Удалить блокнот? Все содержимое блокнота, включая заметки и вложенные блокноты, будет удалено.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Удалить плагин \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Удалить эти %d заметки?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Удалить приглашение? Получатель больше не сможет получить доступ к этому общему блокноту.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Удалено локальных элементов: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Удалено удаленных элементов: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Удаляет заданный блокнот.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Удаляет блокнот без запроса подтверждения.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Удаляет заметки, соответствующие выражению .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Удаляет заметки без запроса подтверждения.","Destination format: %s":"Целевой формат: %s","Directory":"Каталог","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Каталог синхронизации (абсолютный путь)","Disable":"Отключить","Disable encryption":"Отключить шифрование","Disable safe mode and restart":"Отключить безопасный режим и перезапустить","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Отключить службу веб-клиппера","Disabled":"Отключено","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Отключение шифрования означает, что *все* ваши заметки и вложения будут расшифрованы и отправлены в незашифрованном виде к цели синхронизации. Вы хотите продолжить?","Discard changes":"Отменить изменения","Dismiss":"Отклонить","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Отображает URL-адрес географического местоположения для заметки.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Выводит только первые заметок.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Отображает только элементы заданного типа(ов). Поддерживаемые типы: `n` для заметок, `t` для задач или `nt` для заметок и задач (напр. `-tt` выведет только задачи, в то время как `-tnt` выведет и заметки, и задачи).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Выводит общую информацию о заметках и блокнотах.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Отображает полную информацию о заметке.","Displays the given note.":"Отображает заданную заметку.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Выводит заметки текущего блокнота. Для вывода списка блокнотов используйте `ls /`.","Displays usage information.":"Отображает справочную информацию.","Displays version information":"Отображает информацию о версии","Do it now":"Загрузить сейчас","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Не запрашивать подтверждение.","Download":"Загрузить","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Скачайте и установите расширение для вашего браузера:","Downloaded":"Загружено","Downloaded and decrypted":"Загружено и расшифровано","Downloaded and encrypted":"Загружено и зашифровано","Downloading":"Загрузка","Downloading resources...":"Загрузка ресурсов...","Dracula":"Дракула","Drop notes or files here":"Перетащите сюда заметки или файлы","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Вход в Dropbox","Duplicate":"Создать дубликат","Duplicate line":"Дубликат строки","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Дублирует заметки, соответствующие выражению , в блокнот [notebook]. Если блокнот не указан, заметки дублируются в текущем блокноте.","Edit":"Правка","Edit in external editor":"Редактировать во внешнем редакторе","Edit note.":"Редактировать заметку.","Edit notebook":"Редактировать блокнот","Editor":"Редактор","Editor font":"Шрифт редактора","Editor font family":"Семейство шрифтов редактора","Editor font size":"Размер шрифта редактора","Editor maximum width":"Максимальная ширина редктора","Editor monospace font family":"Семейство моноширинных шрифтов редактора","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Или \\"text\\" или \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"курсивный текст","Enable":"Включить","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Включить синтаксис ++insert++","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Включить синтаксис ==mark==","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Включить синтаксис ^sup^","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Включить синтаксис аббревиатур","Enable audio player":"Включить аудиоплеер","Enable deflist syntax":"Включить синтаксис deflist","Enable encryption":"Включить шифрование","Enable footnotes":"Включить постраничные сноски","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Включить поддержку синтаксиса Fountain","Enable Linkify":"Включить Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Включить эмодзи markdown","Enable math expressions":"Включить математические выражения","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Включить поддержку диаграмм Mermaid","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Включить расширение таблиц multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Включить историю заметок","Enable PDF viewer":"Включить программу для просмотра PDF файлов","Enable soft breaks":"Включить мягкие отступы","Enable table of contents extension":"Включить расширение поддержки оглавления","Enable typographer support":"Включить поддержку typographer","Enable video player":"Включить видеоплеер","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Включить службу веб-клиппера","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Включить синтаксис ~sub~","Enabled":"Включено","Encrypted":"Зашифровано","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Зашифрованные элементы не могут быть изменены","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Зашифрованные блокноты не могут быть переименованы","Encryption":"Шифрование","Encryption Config":"Конфигурация шифрования","Encryption is: %s":"Шифрование: %s","Enter code here":"Введите код здесь","Enter master password:":"Введите мастер-пароль:","Enter notebook title":"Введите название блокнота","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Ошибка","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Ошибка при открытии заметки в редакторе: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Ошибка. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что URL-адрес, имя пользователя, пароль и т.д. верны и что цель синхронизации доступна. Сообщение об ошибке:","Error: %s":"Ошибка: %s","Errors only":"Только ошибки","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Файл экспорта Evernote (HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Файл экспорта Evernote (Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Выйти из приложения.","Export":"Экспорт","Export all":"Экспорт","Export debug report":"Экспортировать отладочный отчет","Export Debug Report":"Экспортировать отладочный отчет","Export profile":"Экспорт профиля","Exporting profile...":"Экспортирование профиля...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Экспорт в \\"%s\\" в формате \\"%s\\". Пожалуйста, подождите...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Экспортирует данные Joplin в указанный каталог. По умолчанию экспортируется полная база данных, включая блокноты, заметки, метки и ресурсы.","Exports only the given note.":"Экспортирует только заданную заметку.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Экспортирует только заданный блокнот.","Fail-safe":"Режим защиты от сбоев","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Защита от сбоев: Не очищать локальные данные, когда цель синхронизации пустая (обычно случается из-за ошибки приложения или настроек)","Fatal error:":"Фатальная ошибка:","Feature flags":"Флаги функций","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Получено элементов: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Загрузка ресурсов: %d/%d","File":"Файл","File system":"Файловая система","Firefox Extension":"Расширение Firefox","Fix search index":"Исправить индекс поиска","Fixing search index...":"Исправление индекса поиска...","Focus":"Фокус","Focus body":"Фокус на содержимом","Focus title":"Фокус на названии","Folders":"Каталоги","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Только для отладки: экспорт вашего профиля на внешнюю SD карту.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Информацию по настройке сочетаний клавиш можно получить на странице %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Для получения дополнительной информации о сквозном шифровании (E2EE) и советов о том, как его включить, пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Чтобы получить список сочетаний клавиш и настроек конфигурации, введите `help keymap`","Forward":"Вперёд","Found: %d.":"Найдено: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS включен: %d","Full changelog":"Полный список изменений","General":"Основные","Generating link...":"Создание ссылки...","Get it now:":"Загрузить сейчас:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Получать предварительные выпуски при проверке обновлений","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Выводит или задает значение параметра конфигурации. Если значение [value] не указано, выведет текущее значение параметра [name]. Если не указаны ни имя [name], ни значение [value], выведет всю текущую конфигурацию.","Go to source URL":"Перейти к исходному URL","Goto Anything...":"Перейти к чему-либо…","Grant authorisation":"Одобрить авторизацию","Heading":"Заголовок","Help":"Помощь","Hide %s":"Скрыть %s","Hide Joplin":"Скрыть Joplin","Highlight":"Выделение","Horizontal Rule":"Горизонтальный разделитель","HTML Directory":"HTML каталог","HTML File":"HTML файл","Hyperlink":"Гиперссылка","Icon":"Иконка","ID":"ID","Idle":"Простой","Ignore":"Игнорировать","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Игнорировать ошибки сертификата TLS","Import":"Импорт","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Импорт из \\"%s\\" в формате \\"%s\\". Пожалуйста, подождите...","Importing notes...":"Импорт заметок...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Импортирует данные в Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"В режиме “Ручной” вложения загружаются, только если на них кликнуть. В режиме “Автоматически” вложения загружаются при открытии заметки. В режиме “Всегда” вложения загружаются вне зависимости от того, была заметка открыта или нет.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"В любой команде можно ссылаться на заметку или блокнот по названию или ID, либо используя ярлыки `$n` или `$b`, указывающие на текущую заметку или блокнот, соответственно. С помощью `$c` можно ссылаться на текущий выбранный элемент.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Для возможности сохранения информации в заметке о географическом местоположении приложению необходим доступ к вашему местоположению.\\n\\nВы можете выключить эту опцию в любое время в Конфигурации.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Для этого весь ваш набор данных должен быть зашифрован и синхронизирован, поэтому лучше всего запускать процесс на ночь.\\n\\nДля начала, пожалуйста, следуйте этим инструкциям:\\n\\n1. Синхронизируйте все ваши устройства.\\n2. Нажмите “%s”.\\n3. Ждите завершения. Во время работы не изменяйте заметки на других устройствах, чтобы избежать конфликтов.\\n4. После завершения синхронизации на этом устройстве синхронизируйте все остальные устройства и ждите завершения.\\n\\nВажно: вам нужно запустить процесс ОДИН РАЗ на одном устройстве.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Для использование синхронизации файловой системы необходимо дать разрешение на запись во внешнее хранилище.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Для использования веб-клиппера сделайте следующее:","In progress":"Выполнение","In: %s":"В: %s","Indent less":"Уменьшить отступ","Indent more":"Увеличить отступ","Information":"Информация","Inline Code":"Инлайн код","Insert Date Time":"Вставить дату и время","Insert Hyperlink":"Вставить гиперссылку","Install":"Установить","Install from file":"Установить из файла","Installed":"Установлено","Installing...":"Установка...","Invalid":"Недопустимо","Invalid %s: %s.":"Недопустимое \\"%s\\": %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Неверный ответ: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Неверная команда: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Неверное значение параметра: \\"%s\\". Доступные значения: %s.","Italic":"Курсивный","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Не удается загрузить файл “%s”: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Элементы, которые не могут быть расшифрованы","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Элементы, которые не могут быть синхронизированы","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin может синхронизировать ваши заметки используя разных поставщиков. Выберите одного из них в списке ниже.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"E-mail для Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Пароль для Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Каталог экспорта Joplin","Joplin Export File":"Файл экспорта Joplin","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin не удалось расшифровать данные элементы после нескольких попыток. Возможно они повреждены или слишком большие. Данные элементы останутся на устройстве без дальнейших попыток расшифровать их.","Joplin Forum":"Форум Joplin","Joplin Server":"Сервер Joplin","Joplin Server email":"E-mail сервера Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Пароль сервера Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"URL сервера Joplin","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Веб-клиппер Joplin позволяет сохранять веб-страницы и скриншоты из вашего браузера в Joplin.","Joplin website":"Сайт Joplin","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Собственный сервис от Joplin. Кроме того, позволяет поучить доступ к специфичным функциям Joplin, как публикация заметок и общай работа с блокнотами.","Keep note history for":"Хранить историю заметки","Keyboard Mode":"Режим работы клавиатуры","Keyboard Shortcut":"Сочетание клавиш","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Сочетания клавиш","Keychain Supported: %s":"Поддерживаемая связка ключей: %s","Landscape":"Горизонтально","Language":"Язык","Last error: %s":"Последняя ошибка: %s","Later":"Позже","Layout":"Вид редактора","Layout button sequence":"Порядок переключения вида","Legal":"Юр. сведения","Letter":"Письмо","Light":"Светлая","Lines":"Строки","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Ссылки с протоколом “%s” не поддерживаются","List item":"Элемент списка","Loaded":"Загружено","Location":"Местоположение","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Файл блокировки уже существует. Если вы уверены, что синхронизация не выполняется, вы можете вручную удалить файл блокировки \\"%s\\" и возобновить операцию.","Log":"Журнал","Login":"Вход","Login below.":"Войдите","Login with Dropbox":"Войти с Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Войти с OneDrive","Make a donation":"Пожертвовать","Manage your plugins":"Управлять плагинами","Manual":"Ручной","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Отмечает задачу как выполненную.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Помечает задачу как незавершенную.","Markup":"Разметка","Master Key %s":"Мастер-ключ %s","Master password":"Мастер-пароль:","Master password:":"Главный пароль:","Max concurrent connections":"Максимальное число одновременных соединений","Missing Master Keys":"Недостающие мастер-ключи","Missing required argument: %s":"Отсутствует обязательный аргумент: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Мобильная сеть - авто-синхронизация отключена","More info":"Дополнительная информация","More information":"Подробнее","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Более одного элемента соответствуют выражению \\"%s\\". Пожалуйста, уточните ваш запрос.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Переместить %d заметок в блокнот \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Переместить в блокнот","Move to notebook...":"Переместить в блокнот...","Move to notebook:":"Переместить в блокнот:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Перемещает заметки, соответствующие выражению , в блокнот [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Новая заметка","New notebook":"Новый блокнот","New Notebook":"Новый блокнот","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Будет создан новый блокнот \\"%s\\" и файл \\"%s\\" будет импортирован в него","New sub-notebook":"Новый вложенный блокнот","New tags:":"Новые метки:","New to-do":"Новая задача","New version: %s":"Новая версия: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Пароль Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Имя пользователя Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"URL-адрес WebDAV-сервера Nextcloud","no":"нет","No":"Нет","No active notebook.":"Нет активного блокнота.","No item with ID %s":"Нет элементов с ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Блокнот не указан.","No notebook selected.":"Блокнот не выбран.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Заметки отсутствуют. Создайте новую, нажав на \\"Новая заметка\\".","No resources!":"Нет данных!","No results":"Нет данных","No such command: %s":"Нет такой команды: %s","No suggestions":"Нет вариантов","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Текстовый редактор не задан. Задайте его командой `config editor `","Nord":"Север","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Не удалось аутентифицироваться с %s. Пожалуйста, предоставьте недостающие данные.","Not downloaded":"Не загружено","note":"заметка","Note":"Заметки","Note area growth factor":"Фактор роста поля заметки","Note attachments":"Вложения заметки","Note attachments...":"Вложения...","Note body":"Тело заметки","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Не существует заметки: \\"%s\\". Создать?","Note has been saved.":"Заметка сохранена.","Note History":"История заметок","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Заметка не является задачей: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Список заметок","Note list growth factor":"Фактор роста списка заметки","Note properties":"Свойства заметки","Note title":"Название заметки","Note&book":"Блок&ноты","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Примечание: работает не во всех окружениях рабочего стола.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Примечание: если вы поделились заметкой - она будет храниться на сервере в незашифрованном виде.","Notebook list growth factor":"Фактор роста списка блокнотов","Notebook title:":"Название блокнота:","Notebook: %s":"Блокнот: %s","Notebooks":"Блокноты","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Блокнот не может быть назван \\"%s\\", так как это зарезервированное название.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Заметки и настройки сохранены в: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Заметки могут быть созданы только в блокноте.","Numbered List":"Нумерованный список","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Тёмная","On %s: %s":"В %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Один из ваших мастер-ключей использует устаревший метод шифрования.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Один или несколько элементов зашифрованы. Для расшифровки может потребоваться мастер-пароль. Для начала расшифровки введите `e2ee decrypt`. Если мастер-пароль уже был введен, зашифрованные элементы уже расшифровываются в фоновом режиме и вскоре будут доступны.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Для одного или нескольких мастер-ключей требуется пароль.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Вход в OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Только одна заметка может быть напечатана за раз.","Open":"Открыть","Open %s":"Открыть %s","Open profile directory":"Открыть директорию с настройками","Open...":"Открыть...","Operation cancelled":"Операция отменена","Options":"Настройки","Or create an account.":"Или создайте новую учетную запись.","Output format: %s":"Выходной формат: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Ориентация страницы при экспорте в PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Размер страницы при экспорте в PDF","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be empty":"Пароль не может быть пустым","Password:":"Пароль:","Passwords do not match!":"Пароли не совпадают!","Paste":"Вставить","Path:":"Путь:","PDF File":"Файл PDF","Permission needed":"Необходимы разрешения","Permission to use camera":"Разрешение на использование камеры","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Пожалуйста, подтвердите, что вы хотели бы повторно зашифровать вашу полную базу данных.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль в список мастер-ключей ниже перед обновлением ключа.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Откройте следующую ссылку в вашем браузере для аутентификации приложения. Приложением будет создан отдельный каталог \\"Apps/Joplin\\", в котором будет происходить работа с файлами. У приложения не будет доступа ни к каким-либо файлам за пределами этого каталога, ни к каким-либо другим личным данным. Никакая информация не будет передана третьим лицам.","Please select a notebook first.":"Сначала выберите блокнот.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Пожалуйста, сначала выберите заметку или блокнот для удаления.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Пожалуйста, выберите, куда должен быть экспортирован статус синхронизации","Please specify import format for %s":"Пожалуйста, укажите формат импорта для %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Пожалуйста, укажите блокнот, в который должны быть импортированы заметки.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Обновите Joplin для использования этого плагина","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Пожалуйста, дождитесь окончания загрузки и расшифровки всех вложений. Вы можете переключиться на %s для редактирования заметки.","Please wait...":"Пожалуйста, подождите…","Plugin tools":"Утилиты для плагинов","Plugins":"Плагины","Portrait":"Вертикально","Possible keys/values:":"Возможные ключи/значения:","Possible values: %s.":"Возможные значения: %s.","Preferences":"Настройки","Preferences...":"Настройки…","Preferred dark theme":"Предпочитаемая тёмная тема","Preferred light theme":"Предпочитаемая светлая тема","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Нажмите Ctrl+D или введите \\"exit\\" для выхода из приложения","Press the shortcut":"Нажмите нужное сочетание клавиш","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Нажмите нужное сочетание клавиш и затем нажмите Enter. Для очистки сочетания клавиш нажмите Backspace.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Нажмите, чтобы установить пароль для расшифровки.","Previous versions of this note":"Предыдущая версия заметки","Print":"Печать","Privacy Policy":"Политика конфиденциальности","Profile Version: %s":"Версия профиля: %s","Properties":"Свойства","Publish note...":"Опубликовать заметку...","Publish Notes":"Публиковать заметку","Publish notes to the internet":"Опубликовать заметки в Интернет","Quit":"Выход","Re-encrypt data":"Повторно зашифровать данные","Re-encryption":"Зашифровать заново","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Перегрузка локальных данных в цель синхронизации","Read more about it":"Узнать подробнее","Read time: %s min":"Продолжительность чтения: %s мин","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Получатель принял приглашение","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Получатель еще не принял приглашение","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Получатель отказал в приглашении","Recipients:":"Получатели:","Redo":"Повторить","Refresh":"Обновить","Reject":"Отказаться","Remove":"Удалить","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Удалить метку “%s” из всех заметок?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Удалить этот поиск из боковой панели?","Rename":"Переименовать","Rename notebook:":"Переименовать блокнот:","Rename tag:":"Переименовать метку:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Переименовывает элемент (заметку или блокнот) в .","Renew token":"Обновить токен","Resources: %d.":"Ресурсов: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Перезапустить и обновить","Restart now":"Перезагрузить сейчас","Restore":"Восстановить","Restored Notes":"Восстановленные заметки","Retry":"Повторить попытку","Retry All":"Повторить попытку для всех","Reveal file in folder":"Показать файл в папке","Reverse sort order":"Обратный порядок сортировки","Reverses the sorting order.":"Меняет порядок сортировки.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Изменения: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Запуск команд из текстового файла. Необходимо указать по команде на строку.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Активен безопасный режим. Отображение заметок и все плагины временно отключены.","Save":"Сохранить","Save alarm":"Сохранить напоминание","Save as...":"Сохранить как...","Save changes":"Сохранить изменения","Save geo-location with notes":"Сохранять информацию о географическом местоположении в заметках","Search":"Поиск","Search for plugins...":"Поиск плагинов...","Search in all the notes":"Поиск во всех заметках","Search in current note":"Поиск в текущей заметке","Search...":"Поиск...","Search:":"Поиск:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Осуществляет поиск по шаблону во всех заметках.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"См. страницу предварительных выпусков для получения более подробной информации: %s","Select":"Выбрать","Select all":"Выбрать все","Server is already running on port %d":"Сервер уже запущен. Порт: %d","Server is not running.":"Сервер не запущен.","Server is running on port %d":"Сервер запущен. Порт: %d","Set alarm":"Установить напоминание","Set alarm:":"Установить напоминание:","Set the password":"Установить пароль","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Устанавливает значение [value] для свойства заметки . Доступные свойства:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Поделиться","Share Notebook":"Поделиться блокнотом","Share notebook...":"Поделиться блокнотом...","Sharing notebook...":"Поделиться блокнотом...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Сочетания клавиш недоступны в режиме командной строки.","Show Advanced Settings":"Показать расширенные настройки","Show all":"Показать все","Show completed to-dos":"Показать завершенные задачи","Show note counts":"Показывать число заметок","Show tray icon":"Показывать иконку в трее","Sidebar":"Боковая панель","Size":"Размер","Skip this version":"Пропустить эту версию","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Пропущено элементов: %d (используйте команду --retry-failed-items, чтобы повторить попытку расшифровки)","Skipped: %d.":"Пропущено: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Солнечная тёмная","Solarised Light":"Солнечная светлая","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Некоторые элементы не могут быть расшифрованы.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Некоторые элементы не могут быть синхронизированы.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Некоторые элементы не могут быть синхронизированы. Нажмите для получения дополнительной информации.","Sort notebooks by":"Сортировать блокноты по","Sort notes by":"Сортировать заметки по","Sort selected lines":"Отсортировать выбранные строки","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Сортирует элементы по полю (напр. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Исходный формат: %s","Source: ":"Источник","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Укажите порт для использования сервером API. Если порт не указан - будет использовано значение по умолчанию.","Spell checker":"Проверка орфографии","Split View":"Раздельный вид","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Запускать приложение свернутым в трее","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Запустить, остановить или проверить сервер API. Порт сервера настраивается с помощью параметра конфигурации api.port. Доступные команды: (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Запуск расшифровки... Пожалуйста, подождите. Расшифровка может занять несколько минут в зависимости от объема данных.","Starting synchronisation...":"Начало синхронизации...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Запуск редактирования заметки. Закройте редактор, чтобы вернуться к приглашению.","Statistics":"Статистика","Statistics...":"Статистика...","Status":"Статус","Status: %s":"Статус: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Статус: запущен. Порт: %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Шаг 1: Включите службу веб-клиппера","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Шаг 1: Для авторизации приложения откройте следующую ссылку в вашем браузере:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Шаг 2: Введите код, предоставленный Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Шаг 2: Установите расширение","Stop":"Остановить","Stop external editing":"Выйти из внешнего редактора","Strikethrough":"Зачеркнутый","strong text":"полужирный текст","Submit":"Отправить","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Успешно! Синхронизация настроена правильно.","Swap line down":"Поменять со строкой снизу","Swap line up":"Поменять со строкой сверху","Switch between note and to-do type":"Переключить между заметкой и задачей","Switch to note type":"Конвертировать в заметку","Switch to to-do type":"Конвертировать в задачу","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Совершает переход в блокнот [notebook]. Все дальнейшие операции будут совершены в этом блокноте.","Sync Status":"Статус синхронизации","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Статус синхронизации элементов (синхронизировано / всего)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Цель синхронизации необходимо обновить! Выполните \\"%s\\" чтобы продолжить.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Обновление цели синхронизации","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Синхронизация с заданной целью (по умолчанию используется значение конфигурации","Sync Version: %s":"Синхронизированная версия: %s","Sync your notes":"Сортировать ваши заметки","Synchronisation":"Синхронизация","Synchronisation interval":"Период синхронизации","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Синхронизация уже выполняется.","Synchronisation Status":"Статус синхронизации","Synchronisation target":"Цель синхронизации","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Цель синхронизации: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Синхронизировать","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Синхронизировать только через Wi-Fi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Синхронизирует с удаленным хранилищем.","Synchronising...":"Синхронизация...","Synchronizing...":"Синхронизация...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"С метками: %d.","Tags":"Метки","Take photo":"Сделать фото","Text editor command":"Команда текстового редактора","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Спасибо! Ваша учетная запись Joplin Cloud настроена и готова к использованию.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Приложение будет закрыто. Пожалуйста, перезапустите его чтобы завершить установку.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Приложение авторизовано - можно закрыть вкладку браузера.","The application has been authorised!":"Приложение успешно авторизовано!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Приложение успешно авторизовано.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы применились изменения.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Изменения не будут отслеживаться при переключении на другую заметку.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Команда \\"%s\\" доступна только в режиме GUI","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Пароль администратора по умолчанию небезопасен и не был изменен! [Поменять пароль](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Метод шифрования по умолчанию был изменен на более безопасный, рекомендуется применять его к своим данным.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Метод шифрования по умолчанию был изменен, вы должны повторно зашифровать свои данные.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Команда запуска внешнего текстового редактора (может включать аргументы командной строки). Если команда не задана, будет произведена попытка автоматического определения редактора по умолчанию.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Параметр \\"фактор\\" отвечает за то, как элемент будет расти или уменьшаться, чтобы поместиться в свободное пространство контейнера. Элемент с фактором 2 займёт в 2 раза больше места, чем элемент с фактором 1. Перезапустите приложение, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Отслеживаются изменения следующих вложений:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Мобильное приложение Joplin в настоящее время не поддерживает данный тип ссылки: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Команда Joplin проверила данный плагин и он соответствует нашим стандартам безопасности и производительности.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Мастер-ключ был успешно обновлен!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Мастер-ключи с такими ID используются для шифрования некоторых из ваших элементов, однако у приложения сейчас нет к ним доступа. Скорее всего, они загрузятся при синхронизации.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Заметка “%s” была успешно восстановлена в блокнот “%s”.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Блокнот не может быть сохранен: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Импортировано заметок: %s","The possible commands are:":"Доступные команды:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Нужно обновить версию базы данных перед синхронизацией. Эта операция может потребовать несколько минут для завершения и приложение нужно будет перезапустить. Чтобы продолжить нажмите на ссылку.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Метка \\"%s\\" уже существует. Пожалуйста, выберите другое имя.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Цель синхронизации. Каждая цель синхронизации может иметь дополнительные параметры, именованные как `sync.NUM.NAME` (все документировано ниже).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Служба веб-клиппера включена и настроена на автоматический запуск.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Служба веб-клиппера не включена.","Theme":"Тема","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Заметки отсутствуют. Создайте новую, нажав кнопку (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Блокноты отсутствуют. Создайте новый, нажав на \\"Новый блокнот\\".","There is no data to export.":"Нет данных для экспорта.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"[Конфликт](%s) При загрузке вложения.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Произошла ошибка при загрузке вложения:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"При настройке Joplin Cloud возникла ошибка. Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш e-mail и пароль и попробуйте заново. Ошибка: \\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Данные элементы останутся на устройстве, но не будут выгружены в цель синхронизации. Чтобы найти эти элементы, воспользуйтесь поиском по названию или ID (указан в квадратных скобках выше).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Данные плагины расширяют отрисовщик Markdown доп. функциями. Учтите, что эти функции не являются стандартными для Markdown и большинство из них будет работать только в Joplin. Кроме того, некоторые из них *несовместимы* с редактором WYSIWYG. При открытии заметки с такими плагинами в WYSIWYG форматирование будет утеряно. Ниже отмечены плагины, совместимые с редактором WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Это вложение еще не загружено или еще не расшифровано","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Это вложение еще не загружено или еще не расшифровано.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Данный токен используется только для авторизации доступа сторонних приложений к Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Это продвинутый инструмент для отображения вложений, прикреплённых к вашим заметкам. Удаляйте вложения с осторожностью - они не могут быть восстановлены.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Эта заметка не содержит информации о географическом местоположении.","This note has been modified:":"Эта заметка была изменена:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Эта пустая заметка. Нажмите на \\"%s\\", чтобы переключиться в редактор и отредактировать ее.","This note has no history":"Эта заметка не имеет предыдущих версий","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Рекомендуется принять во внимание ряд ограничений, которые имеются у данного текстового редактора, перед его использованием.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Эта служба позволяет расширению браузера взаимодействовать с Joplin. После ее включения брандмауэр ОС может запросить разрешение на использование Joplin определенного порта.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Это позволит Joplin работать в фоновом режиме. Рекомендуется включить этот параметр, чтобы ваши заметки синхронизировались постоянно, что уменьшит количество возможных конфликтов.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Будет открыто новое окно. Сохранить текущие изменения?","Time format":"Формат времени","title":"заголовок","Title":"Заглавие","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Чтобы разрешить Joplin синхронизироваться с Dropbox, выполните следующие действия:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Для удаления метки открепите ее от всех связанных с ней заметок.","To delete: %d":"К удалению: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Для входа в режим командной строки нажмите \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Для выхода из режима командной строки нажмите ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Для сортировки заметок вручную порядок должен быть изменён на \\"%s\\" в меню \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Чтобы развернуть/свернуть консоль, используйте комбинацию \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Для переключения между панелями используйте Tab или Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Повторить попытку расшифровки элементов: `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Для корректной работы приложению необходимы следующие разрешения. Пожалуйста, включите их в настройках телефона в разделе Приложения > Joplin > Разрешения","to-do":"задача","Toggle comment":"Переключить комментарий","Toggle development tools":"Включить инструменты разработки","Toggle editor layout":"Переключить вид редактора","Toggle editors":"Переключить редактор","Toggle external editing":"Открыть / Закрыть внешний редактор","Toggle note list":"Переключить список заметок","Toggle safe mode":"Включить безопасный режим","Toggle sidebar":"Переключить боковую панель","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Токен скопирован в буфер обмена!","Tools":"Инструменты","Total: %d/%d":"Всего: %d/%d","Try again":"Еще раз","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Введите `help [command]` для получения справочной информации о команде [command] или `help all` для получения полной справочной информации.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Введите `joplin help` для получения справочной информации.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Введите название заметки, чтобы перейти к ней, либо введите #имя_метки или @имя_блокнота, либо введите : для поиска команд.","Type new tags or select from list":"Введите новые метки или выберите из списка","Type: %s.":"Тип: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Незавершенные задачи сверху","Undo":"Отменить","Unknown flag: %s":"Неизвестный флаг: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Обнаружен неизвестный тип файла - пожалуйста, обновите Joplin до последней версии","Unpublish note":"Снять публикацию","Unshare":"Отмена доступа","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Снять общий доступ? Получатели больше не смогут получить доступ к этому содержимому.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Неподдерживаемый формат изображения: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Неподдерживаемая ссылка или сообщение: %s","Untitled":"Без имени","Update":"Обновить","Updated":"Обновлен","updated date":"дата обновления","Updated local items: %d.":"Обновлено локальных элементов: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Обновлено элементов в хранилище: %d.","Updated: ":"Обновлено: %s","Updated: %d.":"Обновлено: %d.","Updated: %s":"Обновлено: %s","Updating...":"Обновление...","Upgrade":"Обновить","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Обновить цель синхронизации до последней версии.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Использовано: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Использовать расширенный формат списка. Поля формата: ID, NOTE_COUNT (для блокнотов), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (для задач), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Использовать проверку орфографии","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Используйте стрелки и клавиши page up/down для прокрутки списков и текстовых областей (включая эту консоль).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Используйте стрелки чтобы переместить элементы программы. Нажмите Esc для выхода.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Используйте эту опцию для перестроения индекса поиска, если с поиском возникли проблемы. Процесс перестроения индекса может занять много времени в зависимости от количества заметок.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Используется для большинства текста в редакторе Mardown. Если не найден - используется подменный пропорциональный шрифт.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Применяется там, где нужен шрифт фиксированной ширины для лучшего отображения текста (таблицы, отметки, код). Если не найден - используется подменный моноширинный шрифт.","Valid":"Проверено","View":"Вид","View on map":"Посмотреть на карте","View them now":"Просмотреть сейчас","Viewer":"Просмотрщик","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Предупреждение","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Предупреждение: не все данные показаны по соображениям производительности (ограничение:%s).","Web Clipper":"Настройки веб-клиппера","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Пароль WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"URL-адрес WebDAV","WebDAV username":"Имя пользователя WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Сайт и документация","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Добро пожаловать в Joplin!\\n\\nВведите `:help shortcuts` для просмотра списка клавиатурных сочетаний или просто `:help` для просмотра справочной информации.\\n\\nНапример, для создания блокнота введите `mb`, для создания заметки - `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"При создании новой заметки:","When creating a new to-do:":"При создании новой задачи:","Words":"Cлова","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"да","Yes":"Да","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Вы собираетесь прикрепить крупное изображение (%dx%d пикселей). Вы хотите сжать его до %d пикселей перед прикреплением?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Блокноты отсутствуют.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"У вас нет установленных плагинов.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Наберите `status` для получения дополнительной информации.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Вы можете использовать инструмент ниже для повторного шифрования ваших данных, например, если вы знаете, что некоторые из ваших заметок зашифрованы с использованием устаревшего метода шифрования.","Your choice: ":"Ваш выбор: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Ваши данные будут повторно зашифрованы и синхронизированы снова.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Необходимо ваше разрешение на использование камеры.","Your version: %s":"Ваша версия: %s","Zoom In":"Приблизить","Zoom Out":"Отдалить"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" manjka za potrebno \\"%s\\" lastnost.","%d days":"%d dnevi","%d hour":"%d ur","%d hours":"%d ur","%d minutes":"%d minut","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d beležk ustreza temu iskalnemu nizu. Jih želite zbrisati?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) ni možno prenesti: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) bi želel deliti zvezek z vami.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (pred-verzija)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopiraj","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d beležke","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Uredi","&File":"&Datoteka","&Go":"&Pojdi","&Help":"&Pomoč","&Note":"&Beležke","&Tools":"&Orodja","&View":"&Pogled","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Brez)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: za dovoljenje slikanja in pripenjanje slik v beležke.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Lokacija: za dovoljenje pripenjanja informacije o geo-lokaciji beležki.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Datoteke: za dovoljenje pripenjanja datotek v beležke in omogočanje sinhronizacije datotečnega sistema."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" je lahko \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" ali \\"notetags\\", da dodeliš ali odstraniš [tag] from [note] ali našteje beležke povezane z oznako [tag]. Ukaz `tag list` je lahko uporabljen da prikaže vse oznake."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" je lahko le \\"spremeni\\" ali \\"počisti\\". Uporabite \\"spremeni\\" da spremenite dani seznam opravil iz opravljeno v neopravljeno ali obratno. (Če je cilj navadna beležka, bo ta pretvorjena v seznam opravil). Uporabite \\"počisti\\" da povrnete seznam opravil nazaj v običajno beležko.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"O Joplinu","accelerator":"pospeševalnik","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Pospeševalnik \\"%s\\" ni veljaven.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Pospeševalnik \\"%s\\" je uporabljen za \\"%s\\" in \\"%s\\" ukaze. To lahko povzroči nepričakovano obnašanje.","Accept":"Sprejmi","Action":"Akcija","Actions":"Akcije","Active":"Aktiven","Actual Size":"Dejanska velikost","Add body":"Dodaj telo","Add or remove tags:":"Dodaj ali odstrani oznako:","Add recipient:":"Dodaj prejemnika:","Add title":"Dodaj naslov","Add to dictionary":"Dodaj v slovar","Advanced options":"Napredne možnosti","Advanced tools":"Napredne možnosti","All notes":"Vse beležke","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Vsa potencialna vrata so trenutno v uporabi - prosimo poročajte napako na %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Prikaže tudi nenastavljene in skrite spremenljivke konfiguracije.","Always":"Vedno","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Posodobitev je na voljo, jo želite prenesti sedaj?","Appearance":"Izgled","Application":"Aplikacija","Apply":"Shrani","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite obnoviti avtorizacijski žeton?","Arguments:":"Argumenti:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim temno","Attach file":"Pripni datoteko","Attach photo":"Pripni fotografijo","Attach...":"Pripni...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Pripni dano datoteko k beležki.","attachment":"priponka","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Konflikt priponke: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Obnašanje nameščanja priponke","Attachments":"Priponke","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Priponke ne morejo biti naložene","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Opozorilo: Če boste zamenjali to lokacijo, poskrbite da kopirate vso vsebino preden sinhronizirate, drugače bodo vse vaše datoteke odstranjene! Oglejte si FAQ za več podrobnosti: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Avtentikacija ni bila uspešna (avtentikacijski žeton ni bil prejet).","Authorisation token:":"Avtorizacijski žeton:","Auto":"Avtomatsko","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Avtomatsko zapri oglate oklepaje, oklepaje, narekovaje, itd.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Avtomatsko zamenjaj teme glede na sistemski način teme","Automatically update the application":"Samodejno posodobi aplikacijo","Back":"Nazaj","Bold":"Krepko","Browse all plugins":"Brskaj med vsemi dodatki","Browse...":"Brskaj...","Bulleted List":"Vrstičen seznam","Cancel":"Prekliči","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Sinhronizacija v ozadju se preklicuje... Prosimo počakajte.","Cancelling...":"V preklicu...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"V preklicu... Prosim počakajte.","Cannot access %s":"Ne morem dostopati %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Ni mogoče spremeniti šifriranega predmeta","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Ni možno kopirati beležke v \\"%s\\" zvezek","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Ni možno najti \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Ni mogoče zagnati sinhronizatorja.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Ni možno naložiti \\"%s\\" modula za format \\"%s\\" in izhod \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Ni možno naložiti \\"%s\\" modula za format \\"%s\\" in cilj \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Ni možno premakniti beležke v \\"%s\\" zvezek","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Ni mogoče premakniti zvezka v to lokacijo","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Ni možno osvežiti žetona: manjkajo podatki o avtentikaciji. Ponovno zaženite sinhronizacijo, da morda popravite težavo.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Ni mogoče shraniti %s \\"%s\\", ker je večje kot dovoljen limit (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Ni mogoče shraniti %s \\"%s\\", ker bi presegalo čez celotno dovoljeno velikost (%s) za ta račun","Change application layout":"Spremeni razporeditev aplikacije","Change language":"Spremeni jezik","Characters":"Znaki","Characters excluding spaces":"Znaki brez presledkov","Check for updates...":"Preverjanje za posodobitvami...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Preveri nastavitve sinhronizacije","Checkbox":"Seznam okenc","Checkbox list":"Seznam okenc","Checking... Please wait.":"Pregledovanje... Prosimo počakajte.","Choose an option":"Izberi možnost","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web trgovina","Clear":"Počisti","Clear alarm":"Odstrani opomnik","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Pritisni \\"%s\\" za obnovitev beležke. Beležka bo kopirana v zvezek imenovan \\"%s\\". Trenutna verzija beležke ne bo zamenjana ali spremenjena.","Click to add tags...":"Klikni za dodajanje oznak...","Client ID: %s":"Odjemalec ID: %s","Close":"Zapri","Close Window":"Zapri okno","Code":"Koda","Code Block":"Blok kode","Code View":"Pogled kode","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Sodelujte v zvezkih z drugimi","Coming alarms":"Prihajajoči opomniki","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Z vejico ločeni seznami s potmi do map za nalaganje certifikatov, ali pot do posameznih certifikatnih datotek. Na primer: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Pozor! Če naredite spremembo v vaših TLS nastavitvah, morate shraniti vse spremembe preden kliknite na \\"Preveri nastavitve sinhronizacije\\".","command":"ukaz","Command":"Ukaz","Command palette":"Paleta ukazov","Command palette...":"Nabor ukazov...","Completed":"Dokončano","Completed decryption.":"Dešifriranje je končano.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Dokončano: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Nastavitve","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Ponovno geslo ne more biti prazno","Confirm password:":"Potrdi geslo:","Confirmation":"Potrditev","Conflicted: %d":"V konfliktu: %d","Conflicts":"Konfikti","Conflicts (attachments)":"Spori (priponke)","Convert to note":"Pretvori v beležko","Convert to todo":"Pretvori v list z opravili","Copy":"Kopiraj","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopiraj ukaz za razvijalski način v odložišče","Copy Link Address":"Kopiraj naslov povezave","Copy Markdown link":"Kopiraj Markdown povezavo","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopiraj pot v odložišče","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopiraj povezavo za delitev","Copy token":"Kopiraj žeton","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Avtorizacija aplikacije ni bila uspešna:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nProsimo poskusite ponovno.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Ni bilo možno se povezati na Joplin strežnik. Prosimo preverite nastavitve sinhronizacije v nastavitvah. Celotna napaka je bila:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Ni uspelo se povezat na repozitorij dodatka.","Could not export notes: %s":"Izvoz beležk ni uspel: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Ni uspelo namestiti dodatka: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Nadgradnja ključa ni uspela: %s","Create a notebook":"Ustvari nov zvezek","Created":"Ustvarjeno","created date":"ustvarjeno datuma","Created local items: %d.":"Ustvarjeni lokalni predmeti: %d.","Created locally":"Ustvarjeno lokalno","Created remote items: %d.":"Ustvarjeni oddaljeni predmeti: %d.","Created: ":"Ustvarjeno: ","Created: %d.":"Ustvarjeno: %d.","Created: %s":"Ustvarjeno: %s","Creates a new note.":"Ustvari novo beležko.","Creates a new notebook.":"Ustvari nov zvezek.","Creates a new to-do.":"Ustvari nov seznam opravil.","Creating new %s...":"Ustvarjanje nove %s...","Creating report...":"Ustvarjanje novega poročila %s...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Sedanja verzija je najnovejša.","custom order":"poljuben vrstni red","Custom order":"Poljuben vrstni red","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Poljubna slogovna predloga za stil Joplin aplikacije","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Poljubna slogovna predloga za interpretiran Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Poljubni TLS certifikati","Cut":"Izreži","Dark":"Temno","Database v%s":"Podatkovna baza v%s","Date":"Datum","Date format":"Način zapisa datuma","days":"dnevi","Decrypted items: %d":"Dešifrirani predmeti: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Dešifrirani predmeti: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dešifrirani predmeti: %d/%d","Default":"Privzeto","Default: %s":"Privzeto: %s","Delete":"Izbriši","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Izbriši priponko \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Izbriši vrstico","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Izbriši lokalne podatke in jih ponovno prenesi iz sinhronizacijskega cilja","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Izbriši beležko \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Želite izbrisati beležko?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Želite izbrisati zvezek \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nVsi zvezki in pod-zvezki znotraj beležke bodo hkrati izbrisani.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Želite izbrisati zvezek? Vse beležke znotraj zvezka bodo hkrati izbrisane.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Izbriši dodatek \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Izbriši te %d beležke?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Izbrišem to povabilo? Prejemnik več ne bo imel dostopa do tega skupnega zvezka.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Izbrisani lokalni predmeti: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Izbrisani oddaljeni predmeti: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Izbriše dan zvezek.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Izbriše zvezek brez potrebne potrditve.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Izbriše beležke, ki se ujemajo z .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Izbriše beležke brez potrebne predhodne potrditve.","Destination format: %s":"Format destinacije: %s","Directory":"Mapa","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Mesto ciljne sinhronizacije (absolutna pot)","Disable":"Onemogoči","Disable encryption":"Onemogoči šifriranje","Disable safe mode and restart":"Onemogoči varni način in ponovno zaženi","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Onemogoči Web Clipper storitev","Disabled":"Onemogočeno","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Onemogočanje šifriranja pomeni, da bodo *vse* vaše beležke in priponke ponovno sinhronizirane in poslane nešifrirane do ciljne sinhronizacijske naprave. Ali želite nadaljevati?","Discard changes":"Opusti spremembe","Dismiss":"Prezri","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Prikaže geolokacijski URL za beležko.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Prikaže samo prvih beležk.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Prikaže samo predmete specifičnega tipa (tipov). Lahko je `n` za beležke, `t` za seznam opravil ali `nt` za beležke in za seznam opravil (npr. `-tt` bi prikazal samo za seznam opravil, medtem ko `-tnt` bi prikazal beležke in seznam opravil.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Prikaži povzetek o beležkah in zvezkih.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Prikaže vse informacije o beležki.","Displays the given note.":"Prikaže dano beležko.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Prikaže beležke v trenutnem zvezku. Uporabite `ls /` za prikaz seznama zvezkov.","Displays usage information.":"Prikaže informacijo uporabe.","Displays version information":"Prikaži informacije o verziji","Do it now":"Stori sedaj","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ne sprašuj za potrditev.","Download":"Naloži","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Naložite in namestite si primerno razširitev za vaš brskalnik:","Downloaded":"Naloženo","Downloaded and decrypted":"Naloženo in dešifrirano","Downloaded and encrypted":"Naloženo in šifrirano","Downloading":"Nalaganje","Downloading resources...":"Nalaganje virov...","Dracula":"Drakula","Drop notes or files here":"Spusti beležke ali datoteke tukaj","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Prijava Dropbox","Duplicate":"Podvoji","Duplicate line":"Podvoji vrstico","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Podvoji beležke ustrezajoče v [notebook]. Če noben zvezek ni določen bo beležka podvojena v trenutnem zvezku.","Edit":"Uredi","Edit in external editor":"Uredi v zunanjem urejevalniku","Edit note.":"Uredi beležko.","Edit notebook":"Uredi zvezek","Editor":"Urejevalnik","Editor font":"Urejevalnik pisava","Editor font family":"Urejevalnik družina pisave","Editor font size":"Urejevalnik velikost pisave","Editor maximum width":"Največja širina urejevalnika","Editor monospace font family":"Urejevalnik monospace družina pisave","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Ali \\"text\\" ali \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"poudarjen tekst","Enable":"Omogoči","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Omogoči ++insert++ sintakso","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Omogoči ==mark== sintakso","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Omogoči ^sup^ sintakso","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Omogoči abbreviation sintakso","Enable audio player":"Omogoči audio predvajalnik","Enable deflist syntax":"Omogoči deflist sintakso","Enable encryption":"Omogoči šifriranje","Enable footnotes":"Omogoči nogo beležk","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Omogoči Fountain syntax podporo","Enable Linkify":"Omogoči Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Omogoči markdown emoji","Enable math expressions":"Omogoči matematične izraze","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Omogoči Mermaid diagrams podporo","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Omogoči multimarkdown table razširitev","Enable note history":"Omogoči zgodovino beležke","Enable PDF viewer":"Omogoči PDF pregledovalnik","Enable soft breaks":"Omogoči mehke prelome","Enable table of contents extension":"Omogoči table of contents (kazalo) razširitev","Enable typographer support":"Omogoči podporo tiskarja","Enable video player":"Omogoči video predvajalnik","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Omogoči Web Clipper storitev","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Omogoči ~sub~ sintakso","Enabled":"Omogočeno","Encrypted":"Šifrirano","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Šifrirane predmeti ni možno spreminjati","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Šifrirane zvezke ni možno preimenovati","Encryption":"Šifriranje","Encryption Config":"Nastavitve enkripcije","Encryption is: %s":"Šifriranje je: %s","Enter code here":"Vnesi kodo tukaj","Enter master password:":"Vnesite glavno geslo:","Enter notebook title":"Vnesi naslov zvezka","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Napaka","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Napaka v odpiranju beležke v urejevalniku: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Napaka. Prosimo preverite ta URL, uporabniško ime, geslo, itd., če so pravilni in da je sinhronizacijski cilj dostopen. Poročana napaka je bila:","Error: %s":"Napaka: %s","Errors only":"Samo napake","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote izvozna datoteka (kot HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote izvozna datoteka (kot Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Izhod iz aplikacije.","Export":"Izvozi","Export all":"Izvozi vse","Export debug report":"Izvozi poročilo o napakah","Export Debug Report":"Izvozi poročilo o napakah","Export profile":"Izvozi profil","Exporting profile...":"Uvažanje profila...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Izvažam v \\"%s\\" kot \\"%s\\" format. Prosim počakajte...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Izvozi Joplin datoteke glede na dano pot. Privzeto bo izvozilo celotno bazo podatkov vključujoče zvezke, beležke, oznake in vire.","Exports only the given note.":"Izvozi samo dano beležko.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Izvozi samo dan zvezek.","Fail-safe":"Varovalka","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Varovalka: Ne izbrišite lokalne podatke ko je sinhronizacijski cilj prazen (velikokrat je rezultat tega napačna nastavitev ali napaka)","Fatal error:":"Usodna napaka:","Feature flags":"Zastavice opcij","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Preneseni predmeti: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Prenašanje virov: %d/%d","File":"Datoteka","File system":"Sistem datotek","Firefox Extension":"Firefox razširitve","Fix search index":"Popravi iskalni indeks","Fixing search index...":"Popravljanje iskalnega indeksa...","Focus":"Fokusiraj","Focus body":"Fokusiraj vsebino","Focus title":"Fokusiraj naslov","Folders":"Mape","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Samo za razhroščevalne namene: izvozi profil na zunanjo SD kartico.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Za več informacij na kako prilagoditi bližnjice prosim obiščite %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Za več informacij o End-To-End šifriranju (E2EE) in nasvet o tem kako omogočite, prosimo preglejte dokumentacijo:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Za seznam bližnjic na tipkovnici in možnosti konfiguracije vtipkajte `help keymap`","Forward":"Naprej","Found: %d.":"Najdeno: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS omogočen. %d","Full changelog":"Vse spremembe","General":"Splošno","Generating link...":"Ustvarjanje povezave %s...","Get it now:":"Pridobi sedaj:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Pridobi pred-verzije ko se pregleduje za posodobitve","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Dobi ali nastavi nastavitveno vrednost. Če [value] ni dodeljena, bo prikazana vrednost od [name]. Če niti [name] ali [value] nista dodeljena, bo prikazana sedanja konfiguracija.","Go to source URL":"Pojdi na izvorni URL","Goto Anything...":"Pojdi kamorkoli...","Grant authorisation":"Sprejmi odobritev","Heading":"Naslov","Hide %s":"Skrij %s","Hide Joplin":"Skrij Joplin","Highlight":"Poudari","Horizontal Rule":"Vodoravna črta","HTML Directory":"HTML mapa","HTML File":"HTML datoteka","Hyperlink":"Hiperpovezava","ID":"ID","Idle":"V mirovanju","Ignore":"Ignoriraj","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignoriraj napake za TLS certifikate","Import":"Uvozi","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Uvažam v \\"%s\\" kot \\"%s\\" format. Prosimo počakajte...","Importing notes...":"Uvažanje beležk...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Uvozi podatke v Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"V načinu \\"Ročno\\" načinu so priponke naložene samo, ko kliknete na njih. \\"Avtomatsko\\" so naložene ko jih odprete v beležki. \\"Vedno\\" so vse priponke naložene ne glede na to ali odprete beležko ali ne.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"V kateremkoli ukazu se lahko na beležko ali zvezek nanašate ali z naslovom ali ID ali uporabo bližnjic `$n` ali `$b`, v tem vrstnem redu, za trenutno izbrano beležko ali zvezek. `$c` lahko uporabite, da se nanašate na trenutno izbran predmet.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Za povezovanje geo-lokacije z beležko, aplikacija potrebuje vaše dovoljenje za dostop do lokacije.\\n\\nTo nastavitev lahko kadarkoli izključite v nastavitvah.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Če želite to storiti, vaši celotni podatki bodo morali biti šifrirani in sinhronizirani, zato da je najboljše, da pustite teči čez noč.\\n\\nZa začetek, prosim sledite naslednjim korakom:\\n\\n1. Sinhronizirajte vse vaše naprave.\\n2. Kliknite \\"%s\\"\\n3. Pustite da teče do konca. Medtem ko teče se izogibajte spreminjanju katerekoli beležke na vaših napravah, da se izognete konfliktom.\\n4. Ko se sinhronizacija konča na tej napravi, sinhronizirajte še vse ostale vaše naprave in pustite da teče do konca.\\n\\nPomembno: to zaženete samo ENKRAT na eni napravi.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Če želite uporabljati sinhronizacijo datotečnega sistema je vaše dovoljenje potrebno za zapisovanje na zunanji prostor.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Za uporabo web clipper, morate storiti slednje:","In progress":"V postopku","In: %s":"V: %s","Indent less":"Zamakni manj","Indent more":"Zamakni več","Information":"Informacije","Inline Code":"Koda v vrstici","Insert":"Vstavi","Insert Date Time":"Vstavi datum in čas","Insert Hyperlink":"Vstavi hiperpovezavo","Install":"Namesti","Install from file":"Namesti iz datoteke","Installed":"Nameščeno","Installing...":"Nameščanje...","Invalid":"Neveljavno","Invalid %s: %s.":"Neveljaven %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Neveljaven odgovor: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Neveljaven ukaz: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Neveljavna vrednost: \\"%s\\". Možne vrednosti so: %s.","Italic":"Ležeče","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Predmeta \\"%s\\" ni bilo možno naložiti: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Predmeti ne morejo biti dešifrirani","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Predmeti ne morejo biti sinhronizirani","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin lahko sinhronizira vaše beležke z uporabo različnih ponudnikov. Izberite enega iz seznama spodaj.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud e-pošta","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Cloud geslo","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin izvozno mesto","Joplin Export File":"Joplin izvozna datoteka","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin ni uspel dekodirati teh predmetov večkrat, možno zaradi tega ker so uničeni ali preveliki. Te predmeti bodo ostali na napravi ampak Joplin jih več ne bo poskušal dekodirati.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin strežnik","Joplin Server email":"Joplin strežnik e-pošta","Joplin Server password":"Joplin strežnik geslo","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin strežnik URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper omogoča shranjevanje spletnih strani in posnetke zaslona vašega brskalnika v Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin spletna stran","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplin lastna storitev sinhronizacije. Omogoči tudi dostop do Joplin specifičnih funkcij, kot so objava beležk ali skupna uporaba zvezkov z drugimi.","Keep note history for":"Hrani zgodovino beležke za","Keyboard Mode":"Način tipkovnice","Keyboard Shortcut":"Bližnjica na tipkovnici","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Bližnjice na tipkovnici","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain podprt: %s","Landscape":"Ležeče","Language":"Jezik","Last error: %s":"Zadnja napaka: %s","Later":"Kasneje","Layout":"Izgled","Layout button sequence":"Razporeditev vrstnega reda gumbov","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Pismo","Light":"Svetlo","Lines":"Vrstice","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Povezava je bila kopirana v odložišče!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Povezave s protokolom \\"%s\\" niso podprte","List item":"Element seznama","Loaded":"Naloženo","Location":"Lokacija","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Zaklenjena datoteka je že v postopku. Če veste, da trenutno ne poteka sinhronizacija, lahko izbrišete zaklenjeno datoteko na \\"%s\\" in nadaljujete z operacijo.","Log":"Dnevnik","Login":"Prijava","Login below.":"Prijavite se spodaj.","Login with Dropbox":"Prijav z Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Prijava z OneDrive","Make a donation":"Doniraj","Manage your plugins":"Upravljaj svoje dodatke","Manual":"Ročno","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Označi seznam opravil kot končan.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Označi seznam opravil kot neopravljen.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Glavno geslo %s","Master password":"Glavno geslo","Master password:":"Glavno geslo:","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimalno število sočasnih povezav","Missing Master Keys":"Manjkajoča glavna gesla","Missing required argument: %s":"Manjka zahtevani argument %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobilni podatki - avtomatsko sinhroniziranje onemogočeno","More info":"Več informacij","More information":"Več informacij","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Več kot en predmet se ujema z \\"%s\\". Prosim zožite iskani niz besed.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Premakni %d zabeležk v beležnico \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Premakni v zvezek","Move to notebook...":"Premakni v beležnico...","Move to notebook:":"Premakni v zvezek:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Premakne ustrezno beležko, ki ustreza v [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Nova beležka","New notebook":"Nov zvezek","New Notebook":"Nov zvezek","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Nov zvezek \\"%s\\" bo ustvarjen in datoteka \\"%s\\" bo uvožena v njo","New sub-notebook":"Novi pod-zvezek","New tags:":"Nove oznake:","New to-do":"Novi seznam opravil","New version: %s":"Nova verzija: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud geslo","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud uporabniško ime","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"ne","No":"Ne","No active notebook.":"Ni aktivnih zvezkov.","No item with ID %s":"Ni predmeta z ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Noben zvezek ni bil naveden.","No notebook selected.":"Noben zvezek ni bil izbran.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Trenutno ni tukaj nobene beležke. Ustvarite jo s klikom na \\"Nova beležka\\".","No resources!":"Ni virov!","No results":"Ni rezultatov","No such command: %s":"Noben tak ukaz ni bil najden: %s","No suggestions":"Ni predlog","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Noben urejevalnik besedila ni izbran. Prosimo, nastavite ga z uporabo `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ni avtenticirano z %s. Prosim podajte manjkajoče podatke.","Not downloaded":"Ni naloženo","note":"beležka","Note":"Beležka","Note area growth factor":"Rastoči faktor območja beležk","Note attachments":"Priponke beležke","Note attachments...":"Priponke beležke...","Note body":"Besedilo beležke","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Beležka ne obstaja: \\"%s\\". Jo ustvarim?","Note has been saved.":"Beležka je bila shranjena.","Note History":"Zgodovina beležke","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Beležka ni oblike seznam opravil: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Seznam beležk","Note list growth factor":"Rastoči faktor seznamov beležk","Note properties":"Lastnosti beležke","Note title":"Naslov beležke","Note&book":"&Zvezek","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Beležka: Ne deluje v vseh namiznih okoljih.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Beležka: Ko je bila beležka deljena, ne bo več kodirana na strežniku.","Notebook list growth factor":"Rastoči faktor seznamov zvezkov","Notebook title:":"Naslov zvezka:","Notebook: %s":"Zvezki: %s","Notebooks":"Zvezki","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Zvezek ne more biti imenovan \\"%s\\", ker je to rezervirano ime.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Beležke in nastavitve so shranjene v: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Beležke so lahko ustvarjene samo znotraj zvezka.","Numbered List":"Oštevilčen seznam","OK":"Vredu","OLED Dark":"OLED temno","On %s: %s":"Vključeno %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Eden od vaših glavnih ključev uporablja zastarelo enkripcijsko metodo.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"En ali več predmetov je trenutno šifriranih in boste morda morali vnesti glavno geslo. Če želite to narediti, vtipkajte `e2ee decrypt`. Če ste že vnesli geslo, so šifrirani predmeti v stanju dešifriranja v ozadju in bodo kmalu na voljo.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Eden ali več glavnih ključev potrebuje geslo.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Prijava OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Samo ena beležka se lahko natisne hkrati.","Open":"Odpri","Open %s":"Odpri %s","Open profile directory":"Odpri mapo profila","Open Sync Wizard...":"Odpri čarovnik sinhronizacije....","Open...":"Odpri...","Operation cancelled":"Operacija je preklicana","Options":"Možnosti","Or create an account.":"Ali ustvarite račun.","Output format: %s":"Format izhoda: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Usmerjenost strani za PDF izvoz","Page size for PDF export":"Velikost strani za PDF izvoz","Password":"Geslo","Password cannot be empty":"Geslo ne more biti prazno","Password:":"Geslo:","Passwords do not match!":"Gesli se ne ujemata!","Paste":"Prilepi","Path:":"Pot:","PDF File":"PDF datoteka","Permission needed":"Dovoljenje potrebno","Permission to use camera":"Dovoljenje za uporabo kamere","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Prosimo potrdite da želite ponovno šifrirati vašo celotno podatkovno bazo.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Prosim vnesite vaše geslo v seznamu glavnih ključev preden nadgradite ključ.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Prosim, odprite sledeči URL v vašem brskalniku za avtentikacijo aplikacije. Aplikacija bo ustvarila mapo v \\"Aplikacije/Joplin\\" in bo samo bralo in pisalo datoteke v to mapo. Aplikacija ne bo imela dostopa do katerekoli datoteke zunaj mape niti nobene druge osebne mape. Noben podatek ne bo deljen s katerokoli tretjo osebo.","Please select a notebook first.":"Prosim najprej izberite zvezek.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Prosim izberite beležko ali zvezek, ki jo želite izbrisati.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Prosim izberite, kam želite izvoziti sinhronizacijski status","Please specify import format for %s":"Prosim navedite format uvoza za %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Prosim navedite zvezek, kamor želite uvoziti beležke.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Prosimo nadgradite Joplin za uporabo tega dodatka","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Prosimo počakajte, da se vse priponke naložijo in dekodirajo. Lahko zamenjate na %s za urejanje beležke.","Please wait...":"Prosimo počakajte...","Plugin tools":"Orodja dodatkov","Plugins":"Dodatki","Portrait":"Pokončno","Possible keys/values:":"Možne ključi/vrednosti:","Possible values: %s.":"Možne vrednosti: %s.","Preferences":"Preference","Preferences...":"Preference...","Preferred dark theme":"Preferirana temna tema","Preferred light theme":"Preferirana svetla tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Pritisnite Ctrl+D ali napišite \\"exit\\" za izhod iz aplikacije","Press the shortcut":"Pritisni bližnjico","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Pritisni bližnjico in zatem ENTER. Ali, pritisni BACKSPACE za odstranitev bližnjice.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Klikni za nastavitev dekripcijskega gesla.","Previous versions of this note":"Prejšnje verzije te beležke","Print":"Natisni","Privacy Policy":"Pravilnik o zasebnosti","Profile Version: %s":"Verzija profila: %s","Properties":"Lastnosti","Publish note...":"Objavi beležko...","Publish Notes":"Objavi Beležko","Publish notes to the internet":"Objavi beležko na internetu","Quit":"Izhod","Re-encrypt data":"Ponovno kodiraj podatke","Re-encryption":"Ponovno šifriranje","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Ponovno naloži lokalne datoteke na sinhronizacijski cilj","Read more about it":"Preberi si več o tem","Read time: %s min":"Čas branja: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Sprejemnik je sprejel vabilo","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Prejemnik še ni sprejel vabila","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Sprejemnik je zavrnil zabilo","Recipients:":"Prejemniki:","Redo":"Ponovi","Refresh":"Osveži","Reject":"Zavrni","Remove":"Odstrani","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Odstranite oznako \\"%s\\" iz vseh zvezkov?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Želite odstraniti ta iskalni niz iz stranske vrstice?","Rename":"Preimenuj","Rename notebook:":"Preimenuj zvezek:","Rename tag:":"Preimenuj oznako:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Preimenuje dano (beležko ali zvezek) v .","Renew token":"Obnovi žeton","Resources: %d.":"Viri: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Ponovno zaženi in nadgradi","Restart now":"Ponovno zaženi","Restore":"Obnovi","Restored Notes":"Obnovljene beležke","Retry":"Poskusi ponovno","Retry All":"Poskusi ponovno vse","Reveal file in folder":"Pokaži datoteko v mapi","Reverse sort order":"Obrni vrstni red","Reverses the sorting order.":"Obrne vrstni red.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revizija: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Zažene ukaze ki se nahajajo v tekstovni datoteki. Datoteka naj vsebuje en ukaz na vrstico.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Varni način je trenutno aktiven. Izris beležk ter vsi vtičniki so začasno onemogočeni.","Save":"Shrani","Save alarm":"Shrani opomnik","Save as...":"Shrani kot...","Save changes":"Shrani spremembe","Save geo-location with notes":"Shrani geo-lokacijo z beležkami","Search":"Išči","Search for plugins...":"Išči med dodatki...","Search in all the notes":"Išči znotraj vseh beležk","Search in current note":"Išči znotraj vseh beležk","Search...":"Išči...","Search:":"Išči:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Išči dani v vseh beležkah.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Oglej si stran pred-verzije za več podrobnosti: %s","Select":"Izberi","Select all":"Izberi vse","Server is already running on port %d":"Strežnik že teče na vratih %d","Server is not running.":"Strežnik ne teče.","Server is running on port %d":"Strežnik teče na vratih %d","Set alarm":"Nastavi opomnik","Set alarm:":"Nastavi opomnik:","Set the password":"Nastavi geslo","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Nastavi lastnost dane v dano [value]. Možne lastnosti so:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Deli","Share Notebook":"Deli zvezek","Share notebook...":"Deli zvezek...","Sharing notebook...":"Delim zvezek...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Bližnjice niso na voljo v CLI načinu.","Show Advanced Settings":"Pokaži napredne možnosti","Show all":"Prikaži vse","Show completed to-dos":"Pokaži dokončane sezname opravil","Show note counts":"Pokaži število beležk","Show tray icon":"Pokaži ikono v območju za obvestila (opravilna vrstica)","Sidebar":"Stranska vrstica","Size":"Velikost","Skip this version":"Preskoči to verzijo","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Preskočeni predmeti: %d (uporabi --retry-failed-items za ponovno dekodiranje teh)","Skipped: %d.":"Preskočeno: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarizirano temno","Solarised Light":"Solarizirano svetlo","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Nekatere predmete ni možno dešifrirani.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Nekateri premeti ne morejo biti sinhronizirani.","Sort notebooks by":"Razporedi zvezke po","Sort notes by":"Razporedi beležke po","Sort selected lines":"Razvrsti izbrane vrstice","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Razvrsti predmete glede na (title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Format vira: %s","Source: ":"Vir: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Navedi vrata, ki bodo uporabljena za API server. Če ni nastavljeno, bo privzeta vrednost uporabljena.","Spell checker":"Preveri črkovanje","Split View":"Razdeljen pogled","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Začni aplikacijo v zmanjšanem načinu v opravilni vrstici","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Začni, ustavi ali preglej API strežnik. To navaja na katerih vratih naj teče, nastavi api.port nastavitveno spremenljivko. Ukazi so (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Dešifriranje se začenja... Prosim počakajte. Vse skupaj lahko vzame nekaj minut, glede na količino materiala, ki jo je potrebno dešifrirati.","Starting synchronisation...":"Sinhronizacija se začenja...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Urejanje beležke se začenja. Zaprite urejevalnik, da se vrnete na ukazni poziv.","Statistics":"Statistika","Statistics...":"Statistika...","Status":"Stanje","Status: %s":"Stanje: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Stanje: Začetek na vratih %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Korak 1: Omogoči clipper storitev","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Korak 1: Odprite ta URL v vašem brskalniku, da avtorizirate aplikacijo:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Korak 2: Vnesite kodo, ki vam jo je izdal Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Korak 2: Naložite si razširitev","Stop":"Ustavi","Stop external editing":"Ustavi zunanje urejanje","Strikethrough":"Prečrtaj","strong text":"krepek tekst","Submit":"Oddaj","Subscript":"Podpis","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Uspešno! Nastavitve sinhronizacijske so pravilne.","Superscript":"Nadpis","Swap line down":"Zamenjaj vrstico spodaj","Swap line up":"Zamenjaj vrstico zgoraj","Switch between note and to-do type":"Menjaj med beležko in seznamom opravil","Switch to note type":"Spremeni v seznam opravil","Switch to to-do type":"Menjaj na seznam opravil","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Se premakne v [notebook] - vse nadaljnje operacije se bodo zgodile znotraj tega zvezka.","Sync Status":"Sinhronizacijsko stanje","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Stanje sinhronizacije (sinhronizirani predmeti / vse datoteke)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Sinhronizacijski cilj mora biti nadgrajen! Poženite `%s` za nadaljevanje.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Nadgradnja sinhronizacijskega cilja","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sinhroniziraj z danim ciljem (nastavi privzeto vrednost na konfiguracijsko vrednost)","Sync Version: %s":"Verzija sinhronizacije: %s","Sync your notes":"Sinhronizirajte vaše beležke","Synchronisation":"Sinhronizacija","Synchronisation interval":"Časovni interval sinhronizacije","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinhronizacija je že v postopku.","Synchronisation Status":"Sinhronizacijski status","Synchronisation target":"Sinhronizacijski cilj","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Mesto sinhronizacije: %s(%s)","Synchronise":"Sinhroniziraj","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sinhroniziraj samo preko WiFi povezave","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Sinhronizira z oddaljenim dostopom.","Synchronising...":"Sinhroniziranje...","Synchronizing...":"Sinhroniziram...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Označeno: %d.","Tags":"Oznake","Take photo":"Ustvari fotografijo","Text editor command":"Ukaz za urejevalnik besedila","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Hvala! Vaš Joplin račun je sedaj nastavljen in pripravljen za uporabo.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikacija se bo sedaj zaprla. Ponovno zaženite, da dokončate postopek.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikacija je bila avtorizirana - lahko zaprete zavihek v brskalniku.","The application has been authorised!":"Aplikacija je bila uspešno avtorizirana!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikacija je bila uspešno avtorizirana.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Aplikacija mora biti ponovno zagnana, da se spremembe uveljavijo.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Priponke ne bodo več gledane, ko se premaknete na drugo beležko.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Ukaz \\"%s\\" je na voljo samo v GUI načinu","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Privzeto administracijsko geslo je nezavarovano in ni bilo spremenjeno! [Spremeni sedaj](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Privzeta metoda za šifriranje je bila spremenjena na bolj zavarovanega in je priporočljivo da se uveljavi na vaših podatkih.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Privzeta šifrirna metoda je bila spremenjena, ponovno šifrirajte vaše podatke.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Ukaz za urejevalnik (lahko vsebuje argumente), ki bo uporabljen za odpiranje beležk. Če noben ni izbran, bo avtomatsko zaznan privzeti urejevalnik.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Ta faktor lastnost nastavi kako bodo predmeti naraščali ali se manjšali, da zapolnejo razpoložljiv prostor v kontejnerju, pravično do drugih predmetov. Tako bodo predmeti s faktorjem 2 dvakrat bolj zasedli prostor kot predmeti s faktorjem 1. Ponovno zaženite aplikacijo za ogled sprememb.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Naslednje priponke se gledajo za spremembe:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin mobilna aplikacija trenutno ne podpira ta tip povezave: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplin ekipa je temeljito preverila ta vtičnik in potrdila, da sklada našim standardom za varnost in zanesljivost.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Vaš glavni ključ je bil nadgrajen uspešno!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Glavna gesla s sledečimi ID so uporabljena za šifriranje nekaterih vaših predmetov. Kakorkoli, aplikacija trenutno nima dostopa do njih. Verjetno je, da bodo sčasoma preneseni s sinhronizacijo.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Beležka \\"%s\\" je bila uspešno obnovljena v zvezku \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Zvezka ni bilo mogoče shraniti: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Beležke so bile uvožene: %s","The possible commands are:":"Možni ukazi si:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Sinhronizacijski cilj mora biti nadgrajen preden lahko Joplin sinhronizira. Operacija bo trajala nekaj minut da se dokonča in aplikacija bo morala biti ponovno zagnana. Za nadaljevanje pritisnite na povezavo.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Oznaka \\"%s\\" že obstaja. Prosim izberite drugačno ime.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Ciljno sinhronizacijsko mesto. Vsak sinhronizacijski cilj ima lahko dodatne parametre imenovano kot `sync.NUM.NAME` (vse je dokumentirano spodaj).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper rabi vašo odobritev za dostop do vaših podatkov.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web clipper storitev je omogočena in nastavljena na avtomatski začetek.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web clipper storitev ni omogočena.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Trenutno ni beležk. Ustvarite jo s klikom na (+) gumb.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Trenutno ni tukaj nobenega zvezka. Ustvarite ga s klikom na \\"Nov zvezek\\".","There is no data to export.":"Ni datotek za izvoz.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Zgodil se je [konflikt](%s) na priponki spodaj.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Prišlo je do napake pri nalaganju te priponke:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Prišlo je do napake pri nastavitvi vašega Joplin računa. Prosimo preverite vaš e-mail naslov ter geslo in poizkusite znova. Napaka je bila:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ti predmeti bodo ostali na napravi, ampak ne bodo naloženi na sinhronizacijski cilj. Če želite najti te predmete, iščite po ali naslovu ali ID (je prikazan zgoraj v oklepajih)","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Ti dodatki izboljšajo Markdown interpretiranje z dodatnimi funkcijami. Prosim pomnite, da medtem ko so te posebnosti uporabne, niso standard Markdown in bodo zato delovale samo znotraj Joplin. Dodatno, nekatere izmed njih so *nekompatibilne* z WYSIWYG urejevalnikom. Če odprete beležko, ki uporablja te dodatke v tem urejevalniku, boste izgubili formatiranje dodatka. Spodaj je zapisano kateri dodatki so kompatibilni in kateri ne z WYSIWYG urejevalnikom.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Ta priponka se ni naložila ali pa še ni dekodirana","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Ta priponka ni bila naložena ali še ni dekodirana.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Avtorizacijski žeton je potreben samo za dovoljenje tujim aplikacijam, da dostopajo do Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"To je napredno orodje za prikaz priponk, ki so povezane z vašimi beležkami. Prosim bodite previdni pri brisanju teh, saj ne morejo biti obnovljene kasneje.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ta beležka nima geografske lokacije.","This note has been modified:":"Ta beležka je bila spremenjena:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ta beležka nima vsebine. Kliknite na \\"%s\\" da menjate med urejevalnikom in urejanje beležke.","This note has no history":"Ta beležka nima nobene zgodovine","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Ta Bogat urejevalnik ima število omejitev in je priporočljivo, da se z njimi seznanite predno začnete uporabljati.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ta storitev omogoča razširitve v brskalniku, da komunicira z Joplin. Pri omogočanju vas bo mogoče vaš požarni zid vprašal za dovoljenje Joplinu, da posluša na določenih vratih.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"To bo omogočilo Joplinu da teče v ozadju. Priporočljivo je da omogočite to nastavitev saj so tako vaše beležke konstantno sinhronizirane in s tem zmanjšajo število konfliktov.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"To bo odprlo novo okno. Želite shranite trenutne spremembe?","Time format":"Način zapisa ure","title":"naslov","Title":"Naslov","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Da omogočite Joplinu sinhronizacijo z Dropbox, prosimo sledite tem korakom spodaj:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Za izbris dane oznake, odznačite beležke s to oznako.","To delete: %d":"Za izbris: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Za vstop v način ukaznega poziva pritisnite \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Za izhod iz načina Ukazni poziv pritisnite ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Za ročno sortiranje beležk mora biti vrstni red spremenjen na \\"%s\\" v meniju \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Če želite povečati/pomanjšati konzolo, pritisnite \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Če se želite premakniti iz enega sklopa v drugega, pritisnite Tab ali Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Za ponovno dekodiranje teh predmetov. Zaženite `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Za pravilno delovanje, aplikacija potrebuje naslednja dovoljenja. Prosimo omogočite jih v vaših nastavitvah v telefonu, v Apps > Joplin > Permissions","to-do":"seznam opravil","Toggle comment":"Preklopi komentar","Toggle development tools":"Omogoči razvijalska orodja","Toggle editor layout":"Spremeni izgled urejevalnika","Toggle editors":"Spremeni urejevalnika","Toggle external editing":"Omogoči zunanje urejanje","Toggle note list":"Preklopi seznam beležk","Toggle safe mode":"Preklopi varni način","Toggle sidebar":"Preklopi stransko vrstice","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Žeton je bil kopiran v odložišče!","Tools":"Orodja","Total: %d/%d":"Skupno: %d/%d","Try again":"Poizkusi znova","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Vtipkajte `help [command]` za več informacij o ukazu; ali vtipkajte `help all` za popoln prikaz informacij o uporabi.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Vtipkajte `joplin help` za informacije o uporabi.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Vnesite naslov beležke ali samo del vsebine, da se premaknete do nje. Vnesite # in nato ime oznake, ali @ in nato ime zvezka. Ali vesite : da poiščite po ukazih.","Type new tags or select from list":"Vnesi nove oznake ali izberi iz seznama","Type: %s.":"Vrsta: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Premakni nedokončane sezname opravil na vrh","Undo":"Razveljavi","Unknown flag: %s":"Nepoznana oznaka: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Neznan predmet naložen - prosimo nadgradite Joplin na najnovejšo verzijo","Unpublish note":"Umakni objavo beležke","Unshare":"Prekini deljenje","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Onemogoči skupno rabo zvezka? Prejemniki več ne bodo imeli dostopa do vsebine.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Nepodprt tip slike: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Nepodprta povezava ali sporočilo: %s","Untitled":"Neimenovano","Update":"Posodobi","Updated":"Posodobljeno","updated date":"posodobljen datum","Updated local items: %d.":"Posodobljeni lokalni predmeti: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Posodobljeni oddaljeni predmeti: %d.","Updated: ":"Posodobljeno: ","Updated: %d.":"Posodobljeno: %d.","Updated: %s":"Posodobljeno: %s","Updating...":"Posodabljanje...","Upgrade":"Nadgradi","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Nadgradi sinhronizacijski cilj na najnovejšo verzijo.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Uporaba: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"V uporabi je format dolgi seznam in je formata ID, NOTE_COUNT (za zvezke), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (seznam opravil), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Uporabi pregledovalnik pravopisa","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Uporabite puščice in page up/down tipke za listanje strani in besedila (vključno s to konzolo).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Uporabite puščice za razporeditev elementov. Pritisnite \\"Escape\\" za izhod.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Uporabite to za ponovno grajenje iskalnega indeksa, če je problem z iskanjem. Mogoče bo vzelo nekaj časa, odvisno od števila beležk.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Uporabljen za večino besedila v markdown urejevalniku. Če ni najden se uporabi generična proporcionalna (spremenljiva širina) pisava.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Uporabljen kjer je za izpis potrebna pisava s fiksno širino. (npr: tabele, koda, potrditveno polje). Če ni najden, se uporabi generična monospace(fiksna širina) pisava.","Valid":"Veljavno","View":"Pogled","View on map":"Prikaži na zemljevidu","View them now":"Prikaži jih sedaj","Viewer":"Pregledovalnik","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Opozorilo","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Opozorilo: vsi viri niso prikazani zaradi učinkovitosti (omejitev: %s)","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV geslo","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV uporabniško ime","Website and documentation":"Spletna stran in dokumentacija","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Dobrodošli v Joplin!\\n\\nVtipkajte `:help shortcuts` za seznam bližnjic na tipkovnici ali vtipkajte samo`:help` za informacije o uporabi.\\n\\nNa primer, če želite ustvariti zvezek pritisnite `mb`; če želite ustvariti beležko pritisnite`mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Ob ustvarjanju nove beležke:","When creating a new to-do:":"Ob ustvarjanju novega seznama opravil:","Words":"Besede","y":"d","Y":"D","yes":"da","Yes":"Da","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Vstavili boste veliko sliko (%dx %d pikslov). Želite rajši spremeniti velikost na %d pikslov pred vstavitvijo?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Trenutno nimate nobenih zvezkov.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Nimate nameščenih nobenih dodatkov.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Lahko vtipkate `status` za več informacij.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Lahko uporabite orodje spodaj za ponovno šifriranje vaših podatkov, na primer če veste da je nekaj vaših beležk šifriranih z zastarelo šifrirano metodo.","Your choice: ":"Vaša izbira: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Vaši podatki bodo ponovni šifrirani in sinhronizirani.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Potrebno je vaše dovoljenje za uporabo kamere.","Your version: %s":"Vaša verzija: %s","Zoom In":"Povečaj","Zoom Out":"Zmanjšaj"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d дана","%d hour":"%d сат","%d hours":"%d сати","%d minutes":"%d минути","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d белешке се подударају са овим шаблоном. Обрисати их?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) не може бити аплоудован: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) жели да подели бележницу са Вама.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (верзија пре главне)","%s - Copy":"%s - Копирај","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d белешке","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Уреди","&File":"&Фајл","&Go":"&Иди","&Help":"&Помоћ","&Tools":"&Алати","&View":"&Приказ","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Камера: да би дозволите сликање са камере и уметање исте у белешку.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Локација: да дозволите додавање информације гео-локације у белешку.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Складиште: да дозволите додавање фајлова у белешке и да омогућите синхронизацију фајл система."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" може бити \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" или \\"notetags\\" за додељивање или уклањање [ознаке] из [белешке], или да излистате белешке повезане са [ознаком]. Команда `tag list` може се користити да излиста све ознаке (користите -l за дугачки избор)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" може или бити \\"toggle\\" или \\"clear. Користите \\"toggle\\" да пребаците ставку задужења у завршено или незавршено стање (уколико је одредиште обична белешка онда ће бити претворена у ставку задужења. Користите \\"clear\\" вратите белешку у претходно стање.","A3":"А3","A4":"А4","A5":"А5","About Joplin":"О Џоплину","Accept":"Прихвати","Active":"Активан","Actual Size":"Стварна велиичина","Add body":"Додај тело","Add or remove tags:":"Додај или уклони ознаке:","Add recipient:":"Додај примаоца:","Add title":"Додај наслов","Advanced options":"Напредне опције","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Сви потенцијални портови се користе - молимо пријавите проблем на %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Такође приказује неподешене или скривене конфигурацијске промењљиве.","Always":"Увек","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Доступно је ажурирање програма, да ли желите да га преузмете сада?","Appearance":"Изглед","Application":"Апликација","Apply":"Примени","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Да ли сте сигурни да желите обновити токен за ауторизацију?","Arguments:":"Аргументи:","Aritim Dark":"Аритим Tamna","Attach file":"Приложи фајл","Attach photo":"Приложи фотографију","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Додаје изабрани фајл у белешку.","attachment":"приложи фајл","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Конфликт прилога: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Понашање при преузимању прилога","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Прилози који нису могли да се преузму","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Пажња: Уколико промените ову локацију, уверите се да сте копирали сав садржај у њу пре синхронизације, иначе ће сви фајлови бити обрисани! \\n\\nВидите одељак \\"Често постављeна питања\\" за више детаља: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Потврда идентитета није извршена (нисте добили токен за потврду идентитета).","Authorisation token:":"Токен за ауторизацију:","Auto":"Аутоматски","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Ауто-упари заграде, цитате, итд.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Аутоматски пребаци тему на подударање са системском темом","Automatically update the application":"Аутоматски ажурирај апликацију","Back":"Назад","Bold":"Подебљај","Browse all plugins":"Прегледајте све додатке","Browse...":"Пронађи...","Bulleted List":"Листа са знаковима за набрајање","Cancel":"Откажи","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Обустављање синхонизације у позадини... Молим сачекајте.","Cancelling...":"Отказивање...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Обустављам... Молимо сачекајте.","Cannot access %s":"Не могу да приступим %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Не могу променити енкриптовану ставку","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не могу да копирам белешку у \\"%s\\" бележницу","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Не могу пронаћи \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Не могу да покренем синхронизатор.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Не могу да учитам \\"%s\\" модул за формат \\"%s\\" и излазну вредност \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Не могу да учитам \\"%s\\" модул за формат \\"%s\\" и циљ \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не могу да преместим бележницу у \\"%s\\" бележницу","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Не могу преместити бележницу на ову локацију","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Не могу да освежим токе: подаци за аутентификацију недостају. Поново покретање синхронизације могу поправити проблем.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Није могуће сачувати %s \\"%s\\" зато што је веће од укупне дозвољене величине (%s) за овај налог","Change application layout":"Промените изглед апликације","Change language":"Промени језик","Characters":"Карактери","Characters excluding spaces":"Карактери не рачунајући размаке","Check for updates...":"Провери да ли су доступна ажурирања.","Check synchronisation configuration":"Проверите поставке синхронизације","Checkbox":"Поље за потврду","Checking... Please wait.":"Проверавам... Молимо сачекајте.","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web продавница","Clear":"Очисти","Clear alarm":"Очисти аларм","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Кликните \\"%s\\" за повраћај белешке. Биће копирана у бележницу под називом \\"%s\\". Тренутна верзија белешке неће бити замењена или измењена.","Click to add tags...":"Кликни да додаш ознаку...","Close":"Затвори","Close Window":"Затвори прозор","Code":"Кôд","Code Block":"Кôд блок","Coming alarms":"Надолазећи аларми","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Зарезом одвојена листа путања до директоријума из којих ће се учитавати сертификати, или путања до индивидуелних фајлова сертификата На пример: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Имајте на уму да уколико направите промене у ТЛС подешавањима неопходно је да сачувате ваше промене пре него што кликнете на \\"Провери поставке синхронизације\\".","command":"команда","Command":"Наредба","Command palette":"Командна палета","Completed decryption.":"Дешифровање је завршено.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Завршено: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Поставке","Conflicted: %d":"У конфликту: %d","Conflicts":"Неслагања","Convert to note":"Претвори у белешку","Convert to todo":"Претвори у листу задужења","Copy":"Копирај","Copy Link Address":"Копирај адресу везе","Copy Markdown link":"Копирај маркдаун везу","Copy path to clipboard":"Копирај путању у клипборд","Copy token":"Копирај токен","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Не могу ауторизовати апликацију:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nМолимо покушајте поново.","Could not export notes: %s":"Извоз белешки није успео: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Није могуће надоградити главни кључ: %s","Created":"Креирано","created date":"датума креирања","Created local items: %d.":"Направљено локалних ставки: %d.","Created locally":"Креирано локално","Created remote items: %d.":"Креирано удаљених ставки %d.","Created: %d.":"Креирано: %d.","Created: %s":"Креирано: %s","Creates a new note.":"Креира нову белешку.","Creates a new notebook.":"Креира нову бележницу.","Creates a new to-do.":"Креира нову ставку задужења.","Creating new %s...":"Креирам нову %s...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Тренутна верзија је ажурна.","custom order":"прилагођени редослед","Custom order":"Прилагођени редослед","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Прилагођена таблица стилова за стилове Џоплин програма","Custom TLS certificates":"Прилагођени ТЛС сертификати","Cut":"Исеци","Dark":"Тамна","Database v%s":"База података v%s","Date format":"Формат времена","days":"дана","Decrypted items: %d":"Дешифроване ставке: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Дешифроване ставке: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Дешифрујем ставке: %d/%d","Default: %s":"Подразумевано: %s","Delete":"Обриши","Delete line":"Обриши ред","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Избришите локалне податке и поново их скините са одредишта за синхронизацију","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Обриши белешку \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Обриши белешку?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Обриши бележницу \\"%s\\"\\n\\nСве белешке и под-белешке унутар ове бележнице ће такође бити обрисане.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Обриши бележницу? Све белешке и под-бележнице унутар ове бележнице ће такође бити обрисане.","Delete these %d notes?":"Обриши ове %d белешке?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Обрисано локалних ставки %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Обрисано удаљених ставки: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Брише задату бележницу.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Брише бележницу без упита за потврду.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Обрисати белешке које се подударају са .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Брише белешке без упита за потврду.","Destination format: %s":"Формат одредишта: %s","Directory":"Директоријум","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Директоријум са којим ће се синхронизовати (апсолутна путања)","Disable encryption":"Онемогући шифровање","Disable safe mode and restart":"Деактивирај сигурни режим и поново покрени програм","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Онемогући услугу веб клипера","Disabled":"Онемогућено","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Онемогућавање шифровања значи да ће *све* ваше белешке и прилози да буду поново синхронизовани и послати нешифровани у одредиште за синхронизацију. Да ли желите да наставите?","Discard changes":"Одбаци измене","Dismiss":"Одбаци","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Приказује геолокацију УРЛ-а за белешку.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Приказује само прве у врху белешке.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Приказује само ставке специфичног типа. Може бити `n` за белешке, `t` за листу обавити, или `nt` за белешке и обавити листу (нпр. `-tt` би приказало само ставке задужења док `-tnt` би приказало белешке и листу задужења.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Приказује резиме о белешкама и бележницама.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Приказује потпунe информацијe о белешци.","Displays the given note.":"Приказује дату белешку.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Приказује белешке у tренутној бележници. Користите \'ls /\' да прикажете листу бележница.","Displays usage information.":"Приказује информацију о коришћењу.","Displays version information":"Приказује информације о верзији","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Не питај за потврду.","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Преузмите и инсталирајте релевантни додатак за ваш интернет претраживач:","Downloaded":"Преузето","Downloaded and decrypted":"Преузето и дешифровано","Downloaded and encrypted":"Преузето и шифровано","Downloading resources...":"Преузимам ресурсе...","Dracula":"Дракула","Drop notes or files here":"Превуците белешке или датотеке овде","Dropbox":"\\"Dropbox\\"","Dropbox Login":"Пријава у \\"Dropbox\\"","Duplicate":"Дуплирај","Duplicate line":"Дуплирај линију","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Дуплира белешке које се поклапају u [Бележницу] . Уколико бележница није наведена белешка ће се дуплирати у тренутној бележници.","Edit":"Уреди","Edit in external editor":"Уреди у спољном уређивачу","Edit note.":"Уреди белешку.","Edit notebook":"Уреди бележницу","Editor font family":"Породица фонтова у уређивачу","Editor font size":"Величина слова у уређивачу","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Или \\"текст\\" или \\"џејсон\\" - (json)","Emacs":"Емакс","Enable":"Омогући","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Омогући ++insert++ синтаксу","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Омогући ==mark== синтаксу","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Омогући ^sup^ синтаксу","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Омогући синтаксу за скраћенице","Enable deflist syntax":"Омогући \\"deflist\\" синтаксу","Enable encryption":"Омогући шифровање","Enable footnotes":"Омогући фусноте","Enable markdown emoji":"Омогући маркдаун емоџије","Enable math expressions":"Омогући математичке изразе","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Омогући проширење мултимаркдаун табеле","Enable note history":"Омогући историју бележнице","Enable PDF viewer":"Омогући ПДФ прегледач","Enable soft breaks":"Омогући меке преломе","Enable table of contents extension":"Омогући додатак за табелу садржаја","Enable video player":"Омогући видео плејер","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Омогући услугу веб клипера","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Омогућу ~sub~ синтаксу","Enabled":"Омогућено","Encrypted":"Шифровано","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Шифроване ставке се не могу мењати","Encryption Config":"Поставке шифровања","Encryption is: %s":"Шифровање је: %s","Enter code here":"Унесите код овде","Enter master password:":"Унесите главну лозинку:","Enum":"Енумериација","Error":"Грешка","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Грешка при отварању белешке у уређивачу: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Грешка. Молимо вас да проверите да су УРЛ, корисничко име, лозинка, итд. тачни и да се одредишту за синхронизацију може приступити. Грешка која је пријављена је:","Errors only":"Само грешке","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Еверноут фајл за извоз (као HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Еверноут фајл за извоз (као Маркдаун)","Exits the application.":"Излаз из апликације.","Export":"Извоз","Export Debug Report":"Извези извештај о отклањању грешака","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Извозим у \\"%s као \\"%s\\" формат. Молимо вас да сачекате...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Извоз података из Џоплина у задату путању. По потразумеваним вредностима, извешће се потпуна база података укључујући бележнице, белешке, ознаке и ресурси.","Exports only the given note.":"Извоз само задате белешке.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Извоз само задате бележнице.","Fail-safe":"Сигурни услови","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Сигурни услови: Не бришите локалне податке када је одредиште за синхронизацију празно (често буде резултат погрешне конфигурације или грешке)","Fatal error:":"Фатална грешка:","Feature flags":"Заставице додатних функција","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Преузете ставке: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Преузимање ресурса: %d/%d","File":"Фајл","File system":"Фајл систем","Firefox Extension":"Firefox екстензија","Fix search index":"Поправи индекс претраживања","Fixing search index...":"Поправљање индекса претраживања ...","Focus":"Фокусирај","Focus body":"Фокусирај тело","Focus title":"Фокусирај назив","Folders":"Фасцикле","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Само за отклањање грешака: извези свој профил на спољну СД картицу.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"За информацију о томе како да прилаготите пречице молимо ва да посетите %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"За више информација о \\"End-To-End\\" Шифровању (Е2ЕЕ) и саветима о томе како да га омогућите, молимо вас да проверите документацију:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"За листе пречица тастатуре и опције конфигурације, укуцајте \'help keymap\'","Forward":"Напред","Found: %d.":"Пронађено: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS омогућен: %d","Full changelog":"Потпуни списак промена","General":"Опште","Get it now:":"Набави сада:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Добиј бета верзије приликом проверавања за доступна ажурирања","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Добија или поставља конфигурацијску вредност. Уколико (вредност) није дата, приказаће вредност (имена). Уколико ни (име) ни вредност нису одбрани излистаће се тренутна конфигурација.","Go to source URL":"Иди до изворног УРЛ-а","Goto Anything...":"Иди на било шта...","Grant authorisation":"Токен за ауторизацију","Heading":"Заглавље","Hide %s":"Сакриј %s","Highlight":"Истакнуто","Horizontal Rule":"Хоризонтална линија","HTML Directory":"HTML Директоријум","HTML File":"HTML Фајл","Hyperlink":"Хипер-веза","Icon":"Икона","ID":"ИД","Idle":"Неактивно","Ignore":"Занемари","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Занемари грешке са ТЛС сертификатима","Import":"Увоз","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Увозим из \\"%s\\" као \\"%s\\" формат. Молимо вас да сачекате...","Importing notes...":"Увозим белешке...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Увоз података у Џоплин.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"У \\"Ручном\\" моду, прилози се преузимају само када кликнете на њих. У \\"Аутоматском\\", преузимају се аутоматски када отворите белешку. У \\"Увек\\", сви прилози се преузимају било да отварате белешку или не.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"У свакој команди, белешка или бележница се реферира по називу или ИД-у, или коришћењем пречица `$n` or `$b` за, респективно, тренутно одабрану белешку или бележницу. `$c` се може користити за реферирање тренутно одабране ставке.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"За повезивање гео-локације са овом белешком, апликацији је потребна ваша дозвола да приступи вашој локацији.\\n\\nМожете искључити ову опцију било када у прозору за конфигурацију.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Да бисте то урадили, сви ваши подаци ће морати да се шифрују и синхронизују, стога било би добро да ово урадите преко ноћи.\\n\\nДа започнете, молимо пратите следеће инструкције:\\n\\n1. Синхронизујте све ваше уређаје.\\n2. Кликните \\"%s\\".\\n3. Сачекајте да процес заврши. Док ради, немојте мењати белешке на другим уређајима како би се избегли конфликти.\\n4. Кад синхронизација заврши на овом уређају, синхронизујте све остале уређаје и сачекајте да заврши.\\n\\nВажно: ово требате урадити само једном на једном уређају.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Да бисте користили фајл систем за синхронизацију, потребна је ваша дозвола за писање на спољну меморију.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Да би сте користили веб клипер, непходно је да урадите следеће:","In progress":"У току","In: %s":"У: %s","Indent less":"Увуци манје","Indent more":"Увуци више","Inline Code":"Кôд у линији","Insert":"Подвучено","Insert Date Time":"Уметни време и датум","Insert Hyperlink":"Уметни хипер-везу","Install":"Инсталирај","Install from file":"Инсталирај из датотеке","Installed":"Инсталирано","Invalid":"Неважећи","Invalid %s: %s.":"Неважећи %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Невалидан одговор %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Невалидна команда: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Неважећа вредност за опцију: \\"%s\\". Могуће вредности су: %s.","Italic":"Искошено","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Ставка \\"%s\\" не може бити преузета: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Ставке не могу бити дешифроване","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Ставке не могу бити синхронизоване","Joplin Cloud":"Џоплин у облаку","Joplin Cloud email":"Џоплин у облаку емаил","Joplin Cloud password":"Џоплин з облаку лозинка","Joplin Export Directory":"Џоплин директоријум за извоз","Joplin Export File":"Џоплин фајл за извоз","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Џоплин није успео да дешифрује ове ставке у више наврата, вероватно зато што су оштећене или превелике. Ове ставке ће остати на уређају али Џоплин више неће покушавати да их дешифрује.","Joplin Forum":"Џоплин Форум","Joplin Server":"Џоплин Сервер","Joplin Server email":"Џоплин Сервер емаил","Joplin Server password":"Џоплин Сервер лозинка","Joplin Server URL":"Џоплин Сервер УРЛ","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Џоплин веб клипер вам омогућава да сачувате веб странице и снимке екрана из вашег интернет претраживача у Џоплин.","Joplin website":"Џоплин вебсајт","Keep note history for":"Чувај историју белешке","Keyboard Mode":"Режим тастатуре","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Пречице на тастатури","Landscape":"Положено","Language":"Језик","Last error: %s":"Последња грешка: %s","Later":"Касније","Layout":"Распоред","Layout button sequence":"Распоред дугмади","Legal":"Правно","Letter":"Писмо","Light":"Светла","Lines":"Линије","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Везе са протоколом \\"%s\\" нису подржане","List item":"Lиста ставки","Location":"Локација","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Фајл закључавања је већ задржан. Уколико знате да се тренутно не извршава синхронизација, можете обрисати фајл закључавања у \\"%s\\" и да наставите са радом.","Log":"Извештај","Login with Dropbox":"Пријави се са \\"Dropbox\\"","Login with OneDrive":"Пријави се са \\"OneDrive\\"","Make a donation":"Донација","Manage your plugins":"Управљајте својим додацима","Manual":"Ручно","Markdown":"Маркдаун","Marks a to-do as done.":"Обележава ставку као одрађену.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Обележава ставку као недовршену.","Markup":"Означавање","Master Key %s":"Главни кључ %s","Max concurrent connections":"Максимални број инстовремених конекција","Missing Master Keys":"Недостају главни кључеви","Missing required argument: %s":"Недостаје неопходан аргумент: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Мобилни подаци - аутоматско синхронизовање исклњучено","More information":"Више информација","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"\\"Више од једне ставке се поклапа са \\"%s\\". Молим вас да сузите вашу претрагу\\".","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Премести %d белешке у бележницу \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Премести у бележницу;","Move to notebook...":"Премести у бележницу...","Move to notebook:":"Премести у бележницу;","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Премешта белешке које се подударају са у [белешку].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Нова белешка","New notebook":"Нова бележница","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Нова бележница \\"%s\\" ће бити креирана и фајл \\"%s\\" ће бити увезен у њу","New tags:":"Нове ознаке:","New to-do":"Нова ставка задужења","New version: %s":"Нова верзија: %s","Nextcloud":"\\"Nextcloud\\"","Nextcloud password":"\\"Nextcloud\\" лозинка","Nextcloud username":"\\"Nextcloud\\" корисничко име","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"\\"Nextcloud WebDAV\\" УРЛ","No":"Не","No active notebook.":"Нема активне бележнице.","No item with ID %s":"Нема ставке са ИД %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Ниједна бележница није наведена.","No notebook selected.":"Нисте одабрали бележницу.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Нема белешки овде. Креирајте једну кликнувши на \\"Нова белешка\\".","No resources!":"Нема ресурса!","No such command: %s":"Не постоји таква наредба: %s","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Није дефинисан уредник текста. Молимо вас да га подесите користећи `config editor `","Nord":"Норд","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Нисте потрвдили идентитет са %s. Молимо вас да унесете податке који недостају.","Not downloaded":"Није преузето","note":"белешка","Note":"Белешка","Note area growth factor":"Фактор раста простора белешки","Note body":"Тело белешке","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Белешка не постоји: \\"%s. Направити је?","Note has been saved.":"Белешка је сачувана.","Note History":"Историја о белешци","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Белешка није ставка задужења: \\"%s\\"","Note list growth factor":"Фактор раста листе белешки","Note properties":"Својства белешке","Note title":"Наслов белешке","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Напомена: Ово не ради добро у свим десктоп окружењима.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Напомена: Када се белешка дели, она више неће бити шифрована на серверу.","Notebook list growth factor":"Фактор раста бележнице","Notebook title:":"Назив бележнице:","Notebooks":"Бележнице","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Бележнице не могу бити именоване \\"%s\\",јер је то име резервисано.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Белешке и подешавања су складиштени у: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Белешке могу само бити креиране унутар бележнице.","Numbered List":"Нумерисана листа","OK":"ОК","On %s: %s":"У %s: %s","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Једна или више ставки су тренутно енкриптоване и можда ће бити неохподно да унесете главну лозинку. Да би сте то урадили молимо вас да укуцате \'e2eee decrypt\'. Уколико сте већ унели лозинку, енкриптоване ставке се декриптују у позадини и биће ускоро доступне.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Једном или више главних кључева је потребна лозинка.","OneDrive":"\\"OneDrive\\"","OneDrive Login":"Пријава у \\"OneDrive\\"","Open":"Отвори","Open %s":"Отвори %s","Open...":"Отвори...","Operation cancelled":"Операција је обустављена","Options":"Опције","Output format: %s":"Излазни формат: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Орјентација странице за извоз у ПДФ","Page size for PDF export":"Величина странице за извоз у ПДФ формат","Password":"Лозинка","Password cannot be empty":"Лозинка не може бити празна","Password:":"Лозинка:","Paste":"Налепи","Path:":"Путања:","PDF File":"ПДФ Фајл","Permission to use camera":"Дозвола за употребу камере","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Молимо вас отворите следећи УРЛ у вашем претраживачу да бисте дали потребна овлашћења апликацији. Апликација ће креирати свој директоријум у \\"Apps/Joplin\\" и само ће писати и читати фајлове унутар овог директоријума. Неће имати присту спољашњим директоријумима нити било којим другим личним подацима. Ни један део података се не дели са трећим странама.","Please select a notebook first.":"Молимо вас да прво одаберете бележницу.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Молим бас да прво одаберите белешку или бележницу коју желите да обришете.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Молимо вас да одаберете где ће се извести статус синхронизације","Please specify import format for %s":"Молимо вас наведите увозни формат за %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Молимо вас одаберите бележницу у коју ће белешке бити увезене.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Молимо вас надоградите Јоплин да бисте користили овај додатак","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Молимо сачекајте док сви прилози буду скинути и дешифровани. За уређивање белешке можете прећи на %s.","Plugins":"Додаци","Portrait":"Усправно","Possible keys/values:":"Могуће вредности:","Possible values: %s.":"Могуће вредности: %s.","Preferences":"Поставке","Preferences...":"Поставке...","Preferred dark theme":"Преферирана тамна тема","Preferred light theme":"Преферирана светла тема","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Притисните Цтрл+Д или укуцајте \\"exit\\" да напустите апликацију","Press the shortcut":"Притисните пречицу","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Притисните пречицу и затим притисните ENTER. Или притисните BACKSPACE да избришете пречицу.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Притисните да би сте поставили лозинку за шифровање.","Previous versions of this note":"Претхнодне верзије ове белешке","Print":"Штампај","Privacy Policy":"Правила о приватности","Quit":"Излаз","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Поново отпремите локалне податке на одредиште за синхронизацију","Read more about it":"Прочитајте више о томе","Read time: %s min":"Време читања: %s мин","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Прималац је прихватио позивницу","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Прималац још није прихватио позивницу","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Прималац је одбио позивницу","Recipients:":"Примаоци:","Redo":"Корак напред","Refresh":"Освежи","Reject":"Одбиј","Remove":"Уклони","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Уклонити ознаку \\"%s\\" из свих белешки?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Уклони ову претрагу из бочне траке?","Rename":"Преименуј","Rename notebook:":"Преименуј бележницу:","Rename tag:":"Преименуј ознаку:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Преименује задату (белешку или бележницу) у .","Renew token":"Обнови токен","Resources: %d.":"Ресурси: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Поново покрени и надогради","Restore":"Поврати","Restored Notes":"Повраћене белешке","Retry":"Покушај поново","Reveal file in folder":"Прикажи датотеку у фолдеру","Reverse sort order":"Сортирај по обрнутом редоследу","Reverses the sorting order.":"Преокреће редослед сортирања.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Ревизија: %s (%s)","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Тренутно је активан сигурни режим. Приказ белешке и сви додаци су привремено деактивирани.","Save":"Сачувај","Save alarm":"Сачувај аларм","Save as...":"Сачувај као...","Save changes":"Сачувај измене","Save geo-location with notes":"Сачувај гео-локацију са белешкама","Search":"Претрага","Search in current note":"Птретрага у тренутној белешци","Search...":"Претрага...","Search:":"Претрага:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Претражује задати у свим белешкама.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Видите \\"pre-release\\" страницу за више детаља: %s","Select all":"Одабери све","Set alarm":"Подеси аларм","Set alarm:":"Подеси аларм:","Set the password":"Постави лозинку","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Поставља својство задате у задату [вредност]. Могућа својства су:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Подели","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Пречице нису доступне у режиму командног интерфејса.","Show all":"Прикажи све","Show completed to-dos":"Прикажи одрађене ставке задужења","Show tray icon":"Прикажи иконицу апликације на траци","Sidebar":"Бочна трака","Size":"Величина","Skip this version":"Прескочи ову верзију","Skipped: %d.":"Прескочено: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Соларизовано тамно","Solarised Light":"Соларизовано светло","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Неке ставке се не могу синхронизовати.","Sort notebooks by":"Сортирај бележнице по","Sort notes by":"Сортирај белешке по","Sort selected lines":"Посложи изабране редове","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Сортира ставке по (нпр. назив, време_ажурирања, време_креирања).","Source format: %s":"Избворни формат: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Одредите порт који треба да се користи за \\"API\\" сервер. Ако није подешен, подразумевани ће се користити.","Spell checker":"Провера правописа","Split View":"Раздвојени преглед","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Покрени апликацију умањену у траци","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Започињем декрипцију... Молим вас сачекајте јер може потрајати пар минута у зависности од количине садржаја која се декриптује.","Starting synchronisation...":"Започињем синхронизацију.","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Започињете са изменом белешке. Затворите уредника да се вратите назад.","Statistics...":"Статистика...","Status":"Статус","Status: %s":"Статус: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Статус: Покренуто на порту %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Корак 1: Омогућите услугу веб клипера","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Корак 1: Отворите овај УРЛ у вашем интернет претраживачу да бисте ауторизовали апликацију:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Корак 2: Унесите кôд који сте добили од \\"Dropbox\\":","Step 2: Install the extension":"Корак 2: Инсталирај додатак за интернет претраживач","Stop":"Заустави","Strikethrough":"Прецртано","strong text":"подебљан текст","Submit":"Потврди","Subscript":"Индекс","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Успешно! Излгеда да су поставке конфигурације синхронизације тачне.","Superscript":"Експонент","Swap line down":"Помери ред доле","Swap line up":"Помери ред горе","Switch between note and to-do type":"Пребацуј између белешке и ставке задужења","Switch to note type":"Пребаци се на тип белешке","Switch to to-do type":"Пребаци се на тип ставке задужења","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Пребацује се на [notebook] - све даље операције ће се одвијати унутар ове бележнице.","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Статус синхронизације (синхронизоване ставке / укупно ставки)","Sync Target Upgrade":"Надоградите одредиште за синхронизацију","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Синхронизује у одабрану локацију.","Synchronisation":"Синхронизација","Synchronisation interval":"Интервал синхронизације","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Синхронизација је већ у току.","Synchronisation Status":"Статус синхронизације","Synchronisation target":"Одредиште синхронизације","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Одредиште за синхронизацију: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Синхронизуј","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Синхронизуј само путем WiFi конекције","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Синхонизује се за удаљеним складиштем.","Tabloid":"Таблоид","Tagged: %d.":"Означено: %d.","Tags":"Ознаке","Take photo":"Сликај","Text editor command":"Команда уређивачa текста","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Програм ће се сада затворити. Молимо вас да га покренете поново, да заврши процес.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Апликација је ауторизована - сада можете затворити ову картицу у претраживачу.","The application has been authorised!":"Апликација је ауторизована!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Апликација је успешно ауторизована.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Апликација се мора поново покренути да би ове промене ступиле на снагу.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Прилози се више неће пратити када се пребаците на другу белешку.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Комадна \\"%s\\" је доступна само у режиму графичког окружења","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Подразумевана лозинка је несигурна и мора бити промењена! [Промени је сада] (%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Подразумевани метод за шифровање је промењен у сифурнији метод. Препоручујемо да га примените на ваше податке.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Подразумевани метод шифровања је промењен. Предлажемо да поново шифрујете ваше податке.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Команда уређивача текста (може имати аргументе) који ће се користити приликом отварања белешке. Уколико нису унети аргументи\\nпрограм ће аутоматски покушати да открије подразумеваног уређивача.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Следећи прилози се прате ради промена:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Џоплин мобилна апликација тренутно не подржава овај тип везе %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Главни кључ је успешно надограђен!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Главни кључеви са овим ИД-јевима се користе да шифрују неке од ваших ставки, ипак апликација им тренутно нема приступ. Вероватно је да ће бити евентуално преузети путем синхронизације.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Ова белешка \\"%s\\" је успешно враћена у бележницу \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Бележница није могла бити сачувана: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Белешке су увезене: %s","The possible commands are:":"Могуће команде су:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Да би се Џоплин синхронизовао, прво се мора надоградити одредиште. Овај процес може потрајати неколико минута, а након тога програм се мора поново покренути. Да наставите, молимо кликните на линк.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Ознака \\"%s\\" већ постоји. Молимо вас да одаберете други назив.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Одредиште са којим ћете синхронизовати. Свако одредиште за синхронизацију може имати додатне параметре који се називају као `sync.NUM.NAME` (као што је документовано испод).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Услуга веб клипера је омогућена и подешена на аутоматско покретање.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Услуга веб клипера није омогућена.","Theme":"Тема изгледа","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Тренутно нема белешки. Направите једну тако што ћете кликнути на (+) дугме.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Тренутно нема бележнице. Креирајте једну кликнувши на \\"Нова бележница\\".","There is no data to export.":"Нема података за извоз.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Дошло је до [неусаглашености](%s) на прилогу испод.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Дошло је до грешке приликом преузимања овог прилога:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ове ставке ће остати на уређају али неће бити синхронизоване на задато одредиште. Да би сте пронашли ове ставке, или их потражите по називи или ИД-у (који је приказан у загради изнад).","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Овај прилог још увек није преузет или дешифрован","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Овај прилог још увек није преузет или дешифрован.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Овај токен за ауторизацију је само потребан када се дозвољава апликацијама трећих страна да приступе Џоплину.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Ово је напредни алат за приказивање прилога који су повезани са вашом бележницом. Молимо будите пажљиви приликом брисања, јер се након брисања не могу вратити.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ова белешка нема податке о геолокацији.","This note has been modified:":"Ова белешка је измењена:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ова белешка нема садржаја. Кликните на \\"%s\\" да активирате едитор и уредите белешку.","This note has no history":"Ова белешка нема историју","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ова услуга дозвољава додатку за интернет претраживач да комуницира са Џоплином. Када је активирате можете добити упит од вашег заштитног зида да дате дозволу да Џоплин апликација слуша на одређеном порту.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Ово ће дозволити Џоплину да ради у позадини. Препоручује се да омогућите ово подешавање тако да се ваше белешке константно синхронизују, и да се тако умањи број конфликта.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Ово ће отворити нови екран. Сачувај своје промене?","Time format":"Формат датума","title":"назив","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Да обришете ознаку, уклоните је са повезаних белешки.","To delete: %d":"За брисанје: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Да уђете у режим командног режима, притисните \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Да напустите командни режим, притисните \\":\\"","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"За ручно сортирање белешки, редослед мора бити промењен у \\"%s\\" из менија \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Да увећате/умањите конзолу, притисните \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Да се преместите из једног окна у друго, Притисните таб или Шифт+Таб.","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Да би радила исправно, апликација захтева следеће дозволе. Молимо да их дозволите у подешавањима вашег телефона, у Апликације > Joplin > Дозволе","to-do":"ставка задужења","Toggle development tools":"Алатке за програмере","Toggle editor layout":"Прикажи/сакриј едитор","Toggle sidebar":"Прикажи/сакриј бочну траку","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Токен је копиран у клипборд!","Tools":"Алати","Total: %d/%d":"Укупно: %d/%d","Try again":"Покушајте поново","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Укуцајте `help [команду]` за више информација о команди; или укуцајте `help all` за потпуну информацију о коришћењу.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Укуцајте \'joplin help\' за информацију о коришћењу.","Type new tags or select from list":"Унесите нове ознаке или одаберите са листе","Type: %s.":"Тип:%s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Недовршене ставке задужења на врх","Undo":"Корак назад","Unknown flag: %s":"Непозната заставица: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Непознати тип ставке је преузет - молимо вас да надоградите Џоплин на последњу верзију","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Престани да делиш ову бележницу? Овај прималац више неће имати приступ садржају ове бележнице.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Неподржан тип слике: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Неподржана веза или порука: %s","Untitled":"Неименовано","Updated":"Ажурирано","updated date":"ажурирано","Updated local items: %d.":"Ажурирано локалних ставки: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Ажурирано удаљених ставки: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Ажурирано: %d.","Updated: %s":"Ажурирано: %s","Upgrade":"Надогради","URL":"УРЛ","Usage: %s":"Употреба %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Користите дугачки формат листе. Формат је ID, NOTE_COUNT (за бележницу), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (за листу ставки задужења)","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Користите стрелице и Page Up/Down да скролујете листе и текст подручија (укључујући ову конзолу).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Помоћу стрелица промените распоред ставки. Притисните \\"Esc\\" да бисте изашли.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Користи ово за поновну изградњу индекса претраге ако постоји проблем са претрагом. Ово може потрајати, у зависности од броја белешки.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Користи се за већину текстова у маркдаун уређивачу. Ако није пронађено, користи се генерички фонт пропорционалне ширине.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Користи се за текст фиксне ширине (нпр. табеле, поља за потврду, код). Ако није пронађено, генерички моноспејс фонт фиксне ширине се користи.","View on map":"Прикажи на мапи","View them now":"Прикажи их сада","Vim":"Вим","Warning":"Упозорење","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Упозорење: нису сви ресурси приказани због перформанси (лимит: %s).","WebDAV":"\\"WebDAV\\"","WebDAV password":"\\"WebDAV\\" лозинка","WebDAV URL":"\\"WebDAV\\" УРЛ","WebDAV username":"\\"WebDAV\\" корисничко име","Website and documentation":"Вебсајт и документација","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Добро дошли у Џоплин!\\n\\nУкуцајте \':help shortcuts\' за листу пречица на тастатури, или само \'help\' за информацију о коришћењу.\\n\\nНа орунерм да бу сте креирали бележницу притисните \'mb\'; да би сте направили белешку притисните \'mn\'.","When creating a new note:":"Приликом креирања нове белешке:","When creating a new to-do:":"Приликом креирања нове ставке задужења:","Words":"Речи","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"да","Yes":"Да","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Приложићете слику величине (%dx%d пиксела). Да ли желите да је смањите на %d пиксела пре него што је приложите?","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Немате ниједан инсталиран додатак.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Можете и да укуцате `статус` за више информација.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Можете користити доле наведену алатку за поновно шифровање података, на пример кад знате да су ваши подаци шифровани застарелом методом шифровања.","Your choice: ":"Ваш избор ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Ваши подаци ће се поново шифровати и поново синхронизовати.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Ваша дозвола за употребу камере је неопходна.","Your version: %s":"Ваша верзија: %s","Zoom In":"Увећај","Zoom Out":"Умањи"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"\\"%s\\" saknar den nödvändiga egenskapen \\"%s\\".","%d days":"%d dagar","%d hour":"%d timme","%d hours":"%d timmar","%d minutes":"%d minuter","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d anteckningar matchar det här mönstret. Ta bort dem?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) kunde inte laddas upp: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) vill dela en anteckningsbok med dig.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (förhandsversion)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopiera","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d anteckningar","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Redigera","&File":"&Arkiv","&Go":"&Gå","&Help":"&Hjälp","&Note":"&Anteckning","&Tools":"&Verktyg","&View":"&Visa","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Ingen)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Kamera: för att tillåta att du tar en bild och bifogar den till en anteckning.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Plats: för att tillåta att information om geografisk plats läggs till i en anteckning.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Lagring: för att tillåta att du bifoga filer till anteckningar och för att aktivera filsystemsynkronisering."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" kan vara \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\" eller \\"notetags\\" för att tilldela eller ta bort [tag] från [note], eller för att lista anteckningarna som är associerade med [tag]. Kommandot `tag list` kan användas för att lista alla taggar (använd -l för långt alternativ)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" kan antingen vara \\"toggle\\" eller \\"clear\\". Använd \\"toggle\\" för att växla mellan givna uppgifter mellan slutförda och inte slutförda tillstånd (Om målet är en vanlig anteckning kommer den att konverteras till en att-göra). Använd \\"clear\\" för att konvertera uppgiften att-göra tillbaka till en vanlig anteckning.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Om Joplin","accelerator":"accelerator","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Acceleratorn \\"%s\\" är inte giltig.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Acceleratorn \\"%s\\" används för \\"%s\\" och \\"%s\\" kommandon. Detta kan leda till oväntat beteende.","Accept":"Acceptera","Action":"Åtgärd","Actions":"Åtgärder","Active":"Aktiv","Actual Size":"Faktiskt storlek","Add body":"Lägg till brödtext","Add or remove tags:":"Lägg till eller ta bort taggar:","Add recipient:":"Lägg till mottagare:","Add title":"Lägg till titel","Add to dictionary":"Lägg till i ordlistan","Advanced options":"Avancerade alternativ","Advanced tools":"Avancerade verktyg","All notes":"Alla anteckningar","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Alla potentiella portar används - rapportera problemet på %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Visar även inte inställda och dolda konfigurationsvariabler.","Always":"Alltid","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"En uppdatering är tillgänglig, vill du hämta den nu?","Appearance":"Utseende","Application":"Avslutar programmet","Apply":"Tillämpa","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Är du säker på att du vill förnya auktoriseringstoken?","Arguments:":"Argument:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim mörkt","Attach file":"Bifoga fil","Attach photo":"Bifoga foto","Attach...":"Bifoga...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Bifogar den angivna filen till anteckningen.","attachment":"bilaga","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Bilagskonflikt: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Beteende för hämtning av bilagor","Attachments":"Bilagor","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Bilagor som inte kunde hämtas","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"OBS! Om du ändrar denna plats så se till att du har en kopia på allt innehåll innan du synkroniserar. Annars kommer samtliga filer att raderas. Läs FAQ för mer information: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentisering slutfördes inte (mottog inte en autentiseringstoken).","Authorisation token:":"Auktoriserings token:","Auto":"Automatiskt","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Para automatiskt hakparenteser, paranteser, situationstecken, etc.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Växla automatiskt tema för att matcha systemtema","Automatically update the application":"Uppdatera programmet automatiskt","Back":"Tillbaka","Bold":"Fet","Browse all plugins":"Bläddra bland alla insticksmoduler","Browse...":"Bläddra...","Bulleted List":"Punktlista","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Avbryter bakgrundssynkronisering... vänta.","Cancelling...":"Avbryter...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Avbryter... vänta.","Cannot access %s":"Det går inte att komma åt %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Det går inte att ändra krypterat objekt","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Det går inte att kopiera anteckningen till \\"%s\\" anteckningsbok","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Det går inte att hitta \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Det går inte att initiera synkroniseraren.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Det går inte att läsa in \\"%s\\"-modulen för formatet \\"%s\\" och utmatningen \\"%s\\"","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Det går inte att läsa in \\"%s\\"-modulen för formatet \\"%s\\" och målet \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Det går inte att flytta anteckningen till \\"%s\\" anteckningsbok","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Det går inte att flytta anteckningsboken till den här platsen","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Det går inte att uppdatera token: autentiseringsdata saknas. Om du startar synkroniseringen igen kan det lösa problemet.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"Det går inte att spara %s \\"%s\\" eftersom den är större än den tillåtna gränsen (%s)","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Det går inte att spara%s \\"%s\\" eftersom det skulle gå över den totala tillåtna storleken (%s) för det här kontot","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"Det går inte att dela krypterad anteckningsbok med mottagaren %s eftersom de inte har aktiverat ände-till-ände-kryptering. De kan göra det från skärmen Inställningar > Kryptering.","Change application layout":"Ändra applikationslayout","Change language":"Ändra språk","Characters":"Tecken","Characters excluding spaces":"Tecken exklusive mellanslag","Check for updates...":"Sök efter uppdateringar...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Kontrollera synkroniseringskonfigurationen","Checkbox":"Kryssruta","Checkbox list":"Kryssrutalista","Checking... Please wait.":"Kontrollerar... vänta.","Choose an option":"Välj ett alternativ","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome-webbutik","Clear":"Rensa","Clear alarm":"Ta bort alarm","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klicka på \\"%s\\" för att återställa anteckningen. Den kommer kopieras till anteckningsboken som heter \\"%s\\". Den nuvarande versionen kommer inte att ersättas eller modifieras.","Click to add tags...":"Klicka för att lägga till taggar...","Client ID: %s":"Klient-ID: %s","Close":"Stäng","Close Window":"Stäng fönster","Code":"Kod","Code Block":"Kodblockering","Code View":"Kodvy","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Samarbeta på anteckningsböcker tillsammans med andra","Coming alarms":"Kommande larm","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Kommaseparerad lista över sökvägar till kataloger för att läsa certifikaten från eller sökvägen till enskilda cert-filer. Till exempel: /my/cert_dir,/other/custom.pem. Observera att om du ändrar TLS-inställningarna måste du spara dina ändringar innan du klickar på \\"Kontrollera synkroniseringskonfiguration\\".","command":"kommando","Command":"Kommando","Command palette":"Kommandopalett","Command palette...":"Kommandopalett...","Completed":"Slutförd","Completed decryption.":"Dekryptering färdig.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Slutfört: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Konfiguration","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Bekräfta lösenordet inte kan vara tomt","Confirm password:":"Bekräfta lösenord:","Confirmation":"Bekräftelse","Conflicted: %d":"Konflikt: %d","Conflicts":"Konflikter","Conflicts (attachments)":"Konflikter (bilagor)","Content provided by %s":"Innehåll tillhandahålls av %s","Convert to note":"Konvertera till anteckning","Convert to todo":"Konvertera till att-göra","Copy":"Kopiera","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Kopiera kommandot för dev-läget till urklipp","Copy external link":"Kopiera extern länk","Copy Link Address":"Kopiera länkadress","Copy Markdown link":"Kopiera Markdown-länk","Copy path to clipboard":"Kopiera sökväg till urklipp","Copy Shareable Link":"Kopiera delbar länk","Copy token":"Kopiera token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Kunde inte auktorisera programmet:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nFörsök igen.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Kunde inte ansluta till Joplin Server. Vänligen kontrollera konfigurationen i synkroniseringsinställningarna. Fullständigt fel var:\\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"Det gick inte att ansluta till insticksmodulsförrådet.","Could not export notes: %s":"Det gick inte att exportera anteckningar: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Det gick inte att installera insticksmodul: %s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Det gick inte att svara på inbjudan. Vänligen försök igen, eller kontrollera med den anteckningsboksägaren om de fortfarande delar den.\\n\\nFelet var: \\"%s\\"","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Lyckades inte uppgradera huvudnyckel: %s","Create a notebook":"Skapar en anteckningsbok","Created":"Skapad","created date":"skapat datum","Created local items: %d.":"Skapade lokala objekt: %d.","Created locally":"Skapad lokalt","Created remote items: %d.":"Skapade fjärrobjekt: %d.","Created: ":"Skapad: ","Created: %d.":"Skapad: %d.","Created: %s":"Skapad: %s","Creates a new note.":"Skapar en ny anteckning.","Creates a new notebook.":"Skapar en ny anteckningsbok.","Creates a new to-do.":"Skapar en ny att-göra.","Creating new %s...":"Skapar ny %s...","Creating report...":"Skapar rapport...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Nuvarande version är uppdaterad.","custom order":"anpassad ordning","Custom order":"Anpassad ordning","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Anpassat formatmall för appformat för hela Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Anpassat formatmall för renderad Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Anpassade TLS-certifikat","Cut":"Klipp ut","Dark":"Mörkt","Database v%s":"Databas v%s","Date":"Datum","Date format":"Datumformat","days":"dagar","Decrypted items: %d":"Dekrypterade objekt: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Antal dekrypterade objekt: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Dekrypterar objekt: %d/%d","Default":"Standard","Default: %s":"Standard: %s","Delete":"Ta bort","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Ta bort bilagan \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Ta bort rad","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Ta bort lokal data och hämta igen från synkroniseringsmålet","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Ta bort anteckningen \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Ta bort anteckning?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Ta bort anteckningsboken\\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAlla anteckningar och delanteckningsböcker i den här anteckningsboken tas också bort.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Ta bort anteckningsboken? Alla anteckningar och delanteckningsböcker i den här anteckningsboken tas bort också.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Ta bort insticksmodulen \\"%s\\"?","Delete these %d notes?":"Ta bort dessa %d anteckningar?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Ta bort denna inbjudan? Mottagaren har inte längre tillgång till den delade anteckningsboken.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Borttagna lokala objekt: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Borttagna fjärrobjekt: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Tar bort den angivna anteckningsboken.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Tar bort anteckningsboken utan att be om bekräftelse.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Tar bort noterna som matchar .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Tar bort anteckningarna utan att be om bekräftelse.","Destination format: %s":"Destinationsformat: %s","Directory":"Katalog","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Katalog för att synkronisera med (absolut sökväg)","Disable":"Inaktivera","Disable encryption":"Inaktivera kryptering","Disable safe mode and restart":"Inaktivera säkert läge och starta om","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Inaktivera Web Clipper-tjänsten","Disabled":"Inaktiverad","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Inaktivera kryptering innebär att *alla* dina anteckningar och bilagor kommer att synkroniseras och skickas okrypterade till synkroniseringsmålet. Vill du fortsätta?","Discard changes":"Kassera ändringar","Dismiss":"Avfärda","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Visar en geolokaliserings-webbadress för anteckningen.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Visar endast de första övre anteckningarna.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Visar endast objekt av den specifika typen/typerna. Kan vara `n` för anteckningar, `t` för att-göra eller `nt` för anteckningar och att-göra (t.ex. `-tt` skulle bara visa att-göra, medan `-tnt` skulle visa anteckningar och att-göra.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Visar sammanfattning om anteckningarna och anteckningsböckerna.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Visar fullständig information om anteckning.","Displays the given note.":"Visar den angivna anteckningen.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Visar anteckningarna i den nuvarande anteckningsboken. Använd `ls /` för att visa listan över anteckningsböcker.","Displays usage information.":"Visar användningsinformation.","Displays version information":"Visar versionsinformation","Do it now":"Gör det nu","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Fråga inte om bekräftelse.","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Förlora inte lösenordet som för säkerhetsändamål kommer det att vara det *enda* sättet att dekryptera data! För att aktivera kryptering, vänligen ange ditt lösenord nedan.","Download":"Hämta","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Hämta och installera det relevanta tillägget för din webbläsare:","Downloaded":"Hämtad","Downloaded and decrypted":"Hämtade och dekrypterade","Downloaded and encrypted":"Hämtade och krypterade","Downloading":"Hämtar","Downloading resources...":"Hämtar resurser...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Släpp anteckningar eller filer här","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox-inloggning","Duplicate":"Duplicera","Duplicate line":"Duplicera rad","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Duplicerar anteckningarna som matchar till [notebook]. Om ingen anteckningsbok är angiven kopieras anteckningen i den aktuella anteckningsboken.","Edit":"Redigera","Edit in external editor":"Redigera i extern redigerare","Edit note.":"Redigera anteckning.","Edit notebook":"Redigera anteckningsbok","Editor":"Redigerare","Editor font":"Redigerarens teckensnitt","Editor font family":"Redigerarens typsnittsfamilj","Editor font size":"Redigerarens teckenstorlek","Editor maximum width":"Redigerarens maximala bredd","Editor monospace font family":"Redigerarens monospace teckensnittsfamilj","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Antingen \\"text\\" eller \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"betonad text","Enable":"Aktivera","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Aktivera ++ insert ++ syntax","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Aktivera ==mark== syntax","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Aktivera ^sup^ syntax","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Aktivera förkortningssyntax","Enable audio player":"Aktivera ljudspelare","Enable deflist syntax":"Aktivera deflist-syntax","Enable encryption":"Aktivera kryptering","Enable footnotes":"Aktivera fotnoter","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Aktivera stöd för Fountain-syntax","Enable Linkify":"Aktivera Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Aktivera markdown-emoji","Enable math expressions":"Aktivera matematiska uttryck","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Aktivera stöd för Mermaid-diagram","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Aktivera tabellförlängning för multimarkdown","Enable note history":"Aktivera anteckningshistorik","Enable PDF viewer":"Aktivera PDF-visare","Enable soft breaks":"Aktivera mjuk radbrytning","Enable table of contents extension":"Aktivera innehållsförteckningen","Enable typographer support":"Aktivera fast radbrytning","Enable video player":"Aktivera videospelare","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Aktivera Web Clipper-tjänsten","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Aktivera ~sub~ syntax","Enabled":"Aktiverad","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"Aktivera kryptering betyder att *alla* dina anteckningar och bilagor kommer att synkroniseras och skickas krypterade till synkroniseringsmålet.","Encrypted":"Krypterad","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Krypterade objekt kan inte ändras","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Krypterade anteckningsböcker kan inte byta namn","Encryption":"Kryptering","Encryption Config":"Kryptering-konfiguration","Encryption is: %s":"Kryptering är: %s","Encryption keys":"Krypteringsnycklar","Encryption:":"Kryptering:","End-to-end encryption":"Ände-till-ände-kryptering","Enter code here":"Ange koden här","Enter master password:":"Ange huvudlösenord:","Enter notebook title":"Ange anteckningsbokens titel","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Fel","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Fel vid öppning av anteckning i redigeraren: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Fel. Verifiera att URL, användarnamn, lösenord etc. är korrekta och att destinationen är tillgänglig. Rapporterat fel var:","Error: %s":"Fel: %s","Errors only":"Endast fel","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote-exporteringsfil (som HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote-exporteringsfil (som Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Avslutar programmet.","Export":"Exportera","Export all":"Exportera alla","Export debug report":"Exportera felsökningsrapport","Export Debug Report":"Exportera felsökningsrapport","Export profile":"Exportera profilen","Exporting profile...":"Exporterar profil...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Exportera till \\"%s\\" som \\"%s\\" format. Vänta...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exporterar Joplin-data till den angivna sökvägen. Som standard exporterar den hela databasen inklusive anteckningsböcker, anteckningar, taggar och resurser.","Exports only the given note.":"Exporterar endast den angivna anteckningen.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Exporterar endast den angivna anteckningsboken.","Fail-safe":"Felsäker","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Felsäkert: Rensa inte lokal data när synkroniseringsmålet är tomt (beror oftast på felkonfigurering eller en bugg)","Fatal error:":"Allvarligt fel:","Feature flags":"Funktionsflaggor","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Hämtade objekt: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Hämtar resurser: %d/%d","File":"Fil","File system":"Filsystem","Firefox Extension":"Firefox-tillägg","Fix search index":"Åtgärda sökindex","Fixing search index...":"Åtgärdar sökindex...","Focus":"Fokus","Focus body":"Fokus på huvuddel","Focus title":"Fokus på titel","Folders":"Mappar","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Endast för felsökning: exportera din profil till ett externt SD-kort.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"För information om hur du anpassar snabbkommandon, besök %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"För mer information om End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) och råd om hur du aktiverar det finns i dokumentationen:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"För listan över snabbkommandon och konfigurationsinställningar, skriv `help keymap`","Forward":"Framåt","Found: %d.":"Hittad: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS aktiverat: %d","Full changelog":"Fullständig ändringslogg","General":"Allmänt","Generated":"Skapad","Generating link...":"Skapar länk...","Get it now:":"Hämta den nu:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Inkludera även förhandsversionen vid uppdateringar","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Hämtar eller ställer in ett konfigureringsvärde. Om [value] inte anges kommer det att visa värdet på [name]. Om varken [name] eller [value] anges, kommer det att lista den nuvarande konfigurationen.","Go to source URL":"Gå till källans URL","Goto Anything...":"Gå till något...","Grant authorisation":"Bevilja auktorisation","Heading":"Rubrik","Hide %s":"Dölj %s","Hide disabled keys":"Dölj inaktiverade nycklar","Hide Joplin":"Dölj Joplin","Highlight":"Markera","Horizontal Rule":"Horisontell regel","HTML Directory":"HTML-mapp","HTML File":"HTML-fil","Hyperlink":"Hyperlänk","Icon":"Icon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Inaktiv","Ignore":"Ignorera","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ignorera TLS-certifikatfel","Import":"Importera","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Importerar från \\"%s\\" som \\"%s\\" format. Vänta...","Importing notes...":"Importerar anteckningar...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Importerar data till Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"I läget \\"Manuellt\\" hämtas bilagorna bara när du klickar på dem. I \\"Automatiskt\\" hämtas de när du öppnar anteckningen. I \\"Alltid\\" hämtas alla bilagor oavsett om du öppnar anteckningen eller inte.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"I ett kommando kan en anteckning eller anteckningsbok hänvisas till med titeln eller ID eller med snabbkommandona `$n` eller `$b` för respektive den för närvarande valda anteckningen eller anteckningsboken. `$c` kan användas för att referera till det för närvarande valda objektet.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"För att associera en geografisk plats med anteckningen behöver appen ditt tillstånd för att komma åt din plats.\\n\\nDu kan stänga av det här alternativet när som helst från konfigurationsskärmen.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"För att göra detta måste all din datauppsättning vara krypterad och synkroniserad, det är bäst köra processen över natten.\\n\\nFör att starta processen, följ dessa instruktioner:\\n\\n1. Synkronisera alla dina enheter.\\\\n\\n2. Klicka \\\\\\"%s\\\\\\"\\n3. Låt den köra färdigt. Medan den kör, undvik att göra ändringar i några anteckningar på dina andra enheter för att undvika konflikter.\\n4. När synkroniseringen är färdig på denna enhet, synkronisera alla dina andra enheter och låt processen köra färdigt.\\n\\nViktigt: du behöver bara köra denna process EN gång på en enhet.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"För att kunna använda filsystemssynkronisering krävs ditt tillstånd att skriva till extern lagring.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"För att kunna använda web Clipper måste du göra följande:","In progress":"Pågår","In: %s":"I: %s","Indent less":"Mindre indrag","Indent more":"Mer indrag","Information":"Information","Inline Code":"Infoga kod","Insert":"Infoga","Insert Date Time":"Infoga datumtid","Insert Hyperlink":"Infoga hyperlänk","Install":"Installera","Install from file":"Installera från fil","Installed":"Installerad","Installing...":"Installerar...","Invalid":"Ogiltig","Invalid %s: %s.":"Ogiltig: %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Ogiltigt svar: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Ogiltigt kommando: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Ogiltigt inställningsvärde: \\"%s\\". Möjliga värden är: %s.","Italic":"Kursiv","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Objektet \\"%s\\" kunde inte hämtas: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Objekt som inte kan dekrypteras","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Objekt som inte kan synkroniseras","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin kan synkronisera dina anteckningar med olika leverantörer. Välj en från listan nedan.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud-e-post","Joplin Cloud password":"Ange Cloud-lösenord","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin-exporteringskatalog","Joplin Export File":"Joplin-exporteringsfil","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin misslyckades att dekryptera objekt flera gånger, möjligen på grund av att de är korrupta eller för stora. Dessa objekt kommer finnas kvar på enheten men Joplin kommer inte längre försöka dekryptera dem.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin-forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin-server","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Server-e-post","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server-lösenord","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin-serverwebbadress","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper gör det möjligt att spara webbsidor och skärmdumpar från din webbläsare till Joplin.","Joplin website":"Joplin-webbplats","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplins egen synkroniseringstjänst. Ger också åtkomst till Joplin-specifika funktioner som att publicera anteckningar eller samarbeta med anteckningsböcker.","Keep note history for":"Spara anteckningshistorik i","Keyboard Mode":"Tangentbordsläge","Keyboard Shortcut":"Tangentbordsgenväg","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Tangentbordsgenvägar","Keychain Supported: %s":"Nyckelring som stöds: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"Nycklar som behöver uppgradering","Landscape":"Vågrätt(Landskap)","Language":"Språk","Last error: %s":"Senaste fel: %s","Later":"Senare","Layout":"Layout","Layout button sequence":"Knappordning","Leave notebook...":"Lämna anteckningsbok...","Legal":"Juridisk","Letter":"Brev","Light":"Ljust","Lines":"Rader","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Länken har kopierats till urklipp!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Länkar med protokoll \\"%s\\" stöds ej","List item":"Listobjekt","Loaded":"Inläst","Location":"Plats","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Låsfilen hålls redan. Om du vet att ingen synkronisering sker, kan du ta bort låsfilen vid \\"%s\\" och återuppta operationen.","Log":"Logg","Login":"Logga in","Login below.":"Logga in nedan.","Login with Dropbox":"Logga in med Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Logga in med OneDrive","Make a donation":"Gör en donation","Manage master password":"Hantera huvudlösenord","Manage master password...":"Hantera huvudlösenord...","Manage your plugins":"Hantera dina insticksmoduler","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"Hanterar E2EE-konfigurationen. Kommandona är `enable`,` disable`, `decrypt`,` status`, `decrypt-file` och `target-status`.","Manual":"Manuellt","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Märker en att-göra som gjord.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Märker en att-göra som inte fullständig.","Markup":"Markering","Master Key %s":"Huvudnyckel %s","Master password":"Huvudlösenord","Master password:":"Huvudlösenord:","Max concurrent connections":"Max antal samtida anslutningar","Missing keys":"Saknade nycklar","Missing Master Keys":"Saknade huvudnycklar","Missing required argument: %s":"Saknade obligatoriskt argument: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobildata - automatisk synkronisering inaktiverad","More info":"Mer info","More information":"Mer information","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Mer än ett objekt matchar \\"%s\\". Begränsa din förfråga.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Flytta %d anteckningar till anteckningsboken \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Flytta till anteckningsboken","Move to notebook...":"Flytta till anteckningsbok...","Move to notebook:":"Flytta till anteckningsboken:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Flyttar anteckningarna som matchar till [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Ny anteckning","New notebook":"Ny anteckningsbok","New Notebook":"Ny anteckningsbok","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Ny anteckningsbok \\"%s\\" kommer att skapas och filen \\"%s\\" kommer att importeras till den","New sub-notebook":"Ny delanteckningsbok","New tags:":"Nya taggar:","New to-do":"Ny att-göra","New version: %s":"Ny version: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud-lösenord","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud-användarnamn","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud-WebDAV-webbadress","no":"nej","No":"Nej","No active notebook.":"Ingen aktiv anteckningsbok.","No item with ID %s":"Inget objekt med ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Ingen anteckningsbok har angivits.","No notebook selected.":"Ingen anteckningsbok vald.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Inga anteckningar här. Skapa en genom att klicka på \\"Ny anteckning\\".","No resources!":"Inga resurser!","No results":"Inga resultat","No such command: %s":"Inget sådant kommando: %s","No suggestions":"Inga förslag","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Ingen textredigerare är definierad. Ange det med `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ej autentiserad med %s. Ange eventuella saknade uppgifter.","Not downloaded":"Inte hämtad","Not generated":"Inte skapad","note":"anteckning","Note":"Anteckning","Note area growth factor":"Anteckningsområdets tillväxtfaktor","Note attachments":"Anteckningsbilagor","Note attachments...":"Anteckningsbilagor...","Note body":"Texten","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Anteckning finns inte: \\"%s\\". Skapa den?","Note has been saved.":"Anteckning har sparats.","Note History":"Anteckningshistorik","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Anteckning är inte en att-göra: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Anteckningslista","Note list growth factor":"Anteckningslistans tillväxtfaktor","Note properties":"Anteckningens egenskaper","Note title":"Rubriken","Note&book":"Antecknings&bok","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Obs: Fungerar inte i alla skrivbordsmiljöer.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Notera: När en anteckning delas kan den inte längre krypteras på servern.","Notebook list growth factor":"Anteckningsbokens tillväxtfaktor","Notebook title:":"Titel på anteckningsbok:","Notebook: %s":"Anteckningsbok: %s","Notebooks":"Anteckningsböcker","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Anteckningsböcker kan inte namnges \\"%s\\", vilket är en reserverad titel.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Anteckningar och inställningar lagras i: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Anteckningar kan bara skapas i en anteckningsbok.","Numbered List":"Numrerad lista","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED mörkt","On %s: %s":"På %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"En av dina huvudnycklar använder en föråldrad krypteringsmetod.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Ett eller flera objekt är för närvarande krypterade och du kan behöva ange ett huvudlösenord. För att göra så skriv `e2ee decrypt`. Om du redan har angett lösenordet dekrypteras de krypterade objekten i bakgrunden och kommer snart att vara tillgängliga.","One or more master keys need a password.":"En eller flera huvudnycklar behöver ett lösenord.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive-inloggning","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Endast en anteckning kan skrivas ut åt gången.","Open":"Öppna","Open %s":"Öppna %s","Open profile directory":"Öppna profilmappen","Open Sync Wizard...":"Öppna synkroniseringsguiden...","Open...":"Öppna...","Operation cancelled":"Operation avbruten","Options":"Inställningar","Or create an account.":"Eller skapa ett konto.","Output format: %s":"Utmatningsformat: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Sidorientering för export till PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Sidstorlek för export till PDF","Password":"Lösenord","Password cannot be empty":"Lösenordet kan inte vara tomt","Password:":"Lösenord:","Passwords do not match!":"Lösenorden matchar inte!","Paste":"Klistra in","Path:":"Sökväg:","PDF File":"PDF-fil","Permission needed":"Tillstånd behövs","Permission to use camera":"Tillåtelse att använda kameran","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"Vänligen klicka på \\"%s\\" för att fortsätta","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Bekräfta att du vill omkryptera hela din databas.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Uppge lösenordet i huvudnyckellistan nedan innan du uppgraderar nyckeln.","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"Vänligen observera att om det är en stor anteckningsbok kan det ta några minuter för alla anteckningar att dyka upp på mottagarens enhet.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Öppna följande webbadress i webbläsaren för att verifiera programmet. Programmet skapar en katalog i \\"Apps/Joplin\\" och kommer endast att läsa och skriva filer i den här katalogen. Det kommer inte att ha tillgång till några filer utanför den här katalogen eller till någon annan personlig information. Ingen data kommer att delas med någon tredjepart.","Please select a notebook first.":"Välj en anteckningsbok först.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Välj anteckningen eller anteckningsboken som ska tas bort först.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Välj vart synkroniseringstillståndet ska exporteras till","Please specify import format for %s":"Ange importeringsformat för %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Ange anteckningsboken som anteckningarna ska importeras till.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Vänligen uppgradera Joplin för att använda denna insticksmodul","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Vänligen vänta tills alla bilagor hämtas och dekrypteras. Du kan också växla till %s för att redigera anteckningen.","Please wait...":"Vänligen vänta...","Plugin tools":"Insticksmodulsverktyg","Plugins":"Insticksmoduler","Portrait":"Lodrätt(Porträtt)","Possible keys/values:":"Möjliga nycklar/värden:","Possible values: %s.":"Möjliga värden: %s.","Preferences":"Inställningar","Preferences...":"Inställningar...","Preferred dark theme":"Föredraget mörkt tema","Preferred light theme":"Föredraget ljust tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Tryck Ctrl+D eller skriv \\"exit\\" för att avsluta programmet","Press the shortcut":"Tryck på genvägen","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Tryck på genvägen och tryck sedan på ENTER. Eller tryck på BACKSPACE för att rensa genvägen.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Tryck för att ställa in dekrypteringslösenordet.","Previous versions of this note":"Tidigare versioner av denna anteckning","Print":"Skriv ut","Privacy Policy":"Integritetspolicy","Profile Version: %s":"Profilversion: %s","Properties":"Egenskaper","Public-private key pair:":"Offentlig-privat nyckelpar:","Publish note...":"Publisera anteckning...","Publish Notes":"Publicera anteckningar","Publish notes to the internet":"Publicera anteckningar till internet","Quit":"Avsluta","Re-encrypt data":"Kryptera data igen","Re-encryption":"Omkryptering","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Ladda upp lokal data igen för synkroniseringsmålet","Read more about it":"Läs mer om det","Read time: %s min":"Lästid: %s min","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Mottagaren har accepterat inbjudan","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Mottagaren har ännu inte accepterat inbjudan","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Mottagaren har avvisat inbjudan","Recipients:":"Mottagare:","Redo":"Gör om","Refresh":"Uppdatera","Reject":"Avvisa","Remove":"Ta bort","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Ta bort taggen \\"%s\\" från alla anteckningar?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Ta bort den här sökningen från sidofältet?","Rename":"Byt namn","Rename notebook:":"Byt namn på anteckningsbok:","Rename tag:":"Byt namn på tagg:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Byter namn på den angivna (anteckning eller anteckningsbok) till .","Renew token":"Förnya token","Reset master password":"Återställ huvudlösenord","Resources: %d.":"Resurser: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Starta om och uppgradera","Restart now":"Starta om nu","Restore":"Återställ","Restored Notes":"Återställda anteckningar","Retry":"Försök igen","Retry All":"Försök igen alla","Reveal file in folder":"Avslöja filen i mappen","Reverse sort order":"Omvänd sorteringsordning","Reverses the sorting order.":"Omvänder sorteringsordningen.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Revision: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Kör kommandona i textfilen. Det ska finnas ett kommando per rad.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Säkert läge är för närvarande aktivt. Anteckningsrendering och alla insticksmoduler är tillfälligt inaktiverade.","Save":"Spara","Save alarm":"Spara alarm","Save as...":"Spara som...","Save changes":"Spara ändringar","Save geo-location with notes":"Spara geolokalisering med anteckningar","Search":"Sök","Search for plugins...":"Sök efter insticksmoduler...","Search in all the notes":"Sök i alla anteckningarna","Search in current note":"Sök i aktuell anteckning","Search...":"Sök...","Search:":"Sök:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Söker efter det givna i alla anteckningarna.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Se sidan för förhandsversioner för mer information: %s","Select":"Välj","Select all":"Välj alla","Server is already running on port %d":"Servern körs redan på port %d","Server is not running.":"Servern körs inte.","Server is running on port %d":"Servern körs på port %d","Set alarm":"Ställ in alarm","Set alarm:":"Ställ in alarm:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"Ställ in det till 0 för att få det att ta det kompletta lediga utrymmet. Rekommenderad bredd är 600.","Set the password":"Ställ in lösenord","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Ställer in egenskapen av den givna till det angivna [value]. Möjliga egenskaper är:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Dela","Share Notebook":"Dela anteckningsbok","Share notebook...":"Dela anteckningsbok...","Sharing notebook...":"Delar anteckningsboken...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Snabbkommandon är inte tillgängliga i läge för kommandotolk.","Show Advanced Settings":"Visa avancerade inställningar","Show all":"Visa alla","Show completed to-dos":"Visa slutförda att-göra","Show disabled keys":"Visa inaktiverade nycklar","Show note counts":"Visa anteckningsantal","Show tray icon":"Visa fältikon","Sidebar":"Sidofält","Size":"Storlek","Skip this version":"Hoppa över denna versionen","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Överhoppade objekt: %d (använd --retry-failed-items för att försöka dekryptera dem igen)","Skipped: %d.":"Överhoppad: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solariset mörkt","Solarised Light":"Solariset ljust","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Några objekt kan inte dekrypteras.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Några objekt kan inte synkroniseras.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Några objekt kan inte synkroniseras. Tryck för mer info.","Sort notebooks by":"Sortera anteckningsböcker efter","Sort notes by":"Sortera anteckningar efter","Sort selected lines":"Sortera valda rader","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sorterar objektet efter (t.ex. title, updated_time, created_time).","Source format: %s":"Källformat: %s","Source: ":"Källa: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Specificera porten som ska användas av API-servern. Om det inte skrivs kommer standardport att användas.","Spell checker":"Stavningskontroll","Split View":"Dela vy","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Starta programmet minimerat","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Starta, stoppa eller kontrollera API-server. För att ange vilken port den ska köra på, välj api.port konfiguration. Kommandon är (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Startar dekryptering... Vänta eftersom det kan ta flera minuter beroende på hur mycket som ska dekrypteras.","Starting synchronisation...":"Startar synkronisering...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Börjar redigera anteckning. Stäng redigeraren för att komma tillbaka till prompten.","Statistics":"Statistik","Statistics...":"Statistik...","Status":"Tillstånd","Status: %s":"Tillstånd: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Tillstånd: Startad på port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Steg 1: Aktivera Clipper-tjänsten","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Steg 1: Öppna den här webbadressen i din webbläsare för att godkänna programmet:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Steg 2: Ange koden som tillhandahålls av Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Steg 2: Installera tillägget","Stop":"Sluta","Stop external editing":"Stoppa extern redigering","Strikethrough":"Genomstryk","strong text":"stark text","Submit":"Skicka","Subscript":"Nedsänkt","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Lyckades! Synkroniseringsinställningarna verkar vara korrekta.","Superscript":"Upphöjd","Swap line down":"Växla rad ner","Swap line up":"Växla rad upp","Switch between note and to-do type":"Växla mellan antecknings- och att-göra-typ","Switch to note type":"Byt till anteckningstyp","Switch to to-do type":"Byt till att-göra-typ","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Växlar till [notebook] - alla ytterligare åtgärder kommer att hända inom denna anteckningsbok.","Sync Status":"Synkroniseringsstatus","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Synkroniseringstillstånd (synkroniserade objekt / totalt antal objekt)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Synkroniseringsmålet måste uppgraderas! Kör `%s` för att fortsätta.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Synkronisera måluppgradering","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Synkronisera till det angivna målet (standardvärde tillärde)","Sync Version: %s":"Synkroniseringsversion: %s","Sync your notes":"Synkronisera dina anteckningar","Synchronisation":"Synkronisering","Synchronisation interval":"Synkroniseringsintervall","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Synkronisering pågår redan.","Synchronisation Status":"Synkroniseringstillstånd","Synchronisation target":"Synkroniseringsmål","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Synkroniseringsmål: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Synkronisera","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Synkronisera endast via Wi-Fi-anslutning","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Synkroniserar med fjärrlagring.","Synchronising...":"Synkroniserar...","Synchronizing...":"Synkroniserar...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Taggad: %d.","Tags":"Taggar","Take photo":"Ta ett foto","Text editor command":"Textredigeringskommando","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Tack! Ditt Joplin Cloud-konto är nu konfigurerat och klart att använda.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Appen kommer nu att stängas. Starta om den för att slutföra processen.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Programmet har godkänts - du kan nu stänga den här webbläsarfliken.","The application has been authorised!":"Programmet har blivit godkänt!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Programmet har godkänts.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Applikationen måste startas om för att dessa ändringar ska träda i kraft.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Bilagorna kommer inte längre att visas när du byter till en annan anteckning.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Kommandot \\"%s\\" är endast tillgängligt i läge för grafiskt gränssnitt","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Standardadministratörslösenordet är osäkert och har inte ändrats! [Ändra det nu](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Standard krypteringsmetod har ändrats till en säkrare och det är rekommenderat att du tillämpar den på din data.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Standardkrypteringsmetoden har ändrats, du bör omkryptera din data.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Redigeringskommandot (kan inkludera argument) som används för att öppna en anteckning. Om inget tillhandahålls försöker det automatiskt identifiera standardredigeraren.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Faktoregenskapen anger hur objektet kommer att växa eller krympa för att passa det tillgängliga utrymmet i sin behållare i förhållande till de andra artiklarna. Således tar ett objekt med faktorn 2 dubbelt så mycket utrymme som ett objekt med faktorn 1. Starta om appen för att se förändringar.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Följande bilagor övervakas för ändringar:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"Följande nycklar använder en föråldrad krypteringsalgoritm och det rekommenderas att uppgradera dem. Den uppgraderade nyckeln kommer fortfarande att kunna dekryptera och kryptera dina data som vanligt.","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Den mobila appen Joplin stöder för närvarande inte denna typ av länk: %s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplin-teamet har granskat denna insticksmodul och den uppfyller våra standarder för säkerhet och prestanda.","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Nycklarna med dessa ID används för att kryptera några av dina objekt, men programmet har för närvarande inte tillgång till dem. Det är troligt att de så småningom kommer att hämtas via synkronisering.","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Huvudnyckeln har framgångsrikt uppgraderats!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Huvudnycklarna med dessa ID används för att kryptera några av dina objekt, men programmet har inte tillgång till dem. Det är troligt att de så småningom kommer att hämtas via synkronisering.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Den här anteckningen \\"%s\\" har framgångsrikt återställts till anteckningsboken \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Anteckningsboken kunde inte sparas: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Anteckningarna har importerats: %s","The possible commands are:":"De möjliga kommandona är:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"Det gick inte att ta bort mottagaren från listan. Vänligen försök igen.\\n\\nFelet var: \\"%s\\"","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Synkroniseringsmålet måste uppgraderas innan Joplin kan synkronisera. Åtgärden kan ta några minuter att slutföra och appen måste startas om. Klicka på länken för att fortsätta.","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"Synkroniseringsmålet måste uppgraderas. Tryck på den här bannern för att fortsätta.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Taggen \\"%s\\" finns redan. Välj ett annat namn.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Målet att synkronisera till. Varje synkroniseringsmål kan ha ytterligare parametrar som heter `sync.NUM.NAME` (alla dokumenterade nedan).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper behöver din behörighet för att få åtkomst till dina data.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web clipper-tjänsten är aktiverad och inställd för automatisk start.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web clipper-tjänsten är inte aktiverad.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Det finns för närvarande inga anteckningar. Skapa en genom att klicka på (+)-knappen.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Det finns för närvarande ingen anteckningsbok. Skapa en genom att klicka på \\"Ny anteckningsbok\\".","There is no data to export.":"Det finns ingen data att exportera.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Det fanns en [conflict](%s) i bilagan nedan.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Ett fel uppstod vid hämtningen av denna bilaga:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Det uppstod ett fel när du konfigurerade ditt Joplin Cloud-konto. Verifiera din e-postadress och ditt lösenord och försök igen. Fel var:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Dessa objekt kommer att vara kvar på enheten men kommer inte att skickas till synkroniseringsmålet. För att hitta dessa objekt, sök antingen efter titel eller ID (som visas i parentes ovan).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Dessa insticksmoduler förbättrar Markdown-renderaren med ytterligare funktioner. Observera att även om dessa funktioner kan vara användbara är de inte standard Markdown och de flesta av dem fungerar därför bara i Joplin. Dessutom är några av dem *inkompatibla* med WYSIWYG-redigeraren. Om du öppnar en anteckning som använder en av dessa insticksmoduler i den redigeraren förlorar du insticksmodulsformateringen. Det anges nedan vilka insticksmoduler som är kompatibla eller inte med WYSIWYG-redigeraren.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Denna bilaga är inte hämtad eller inte dekrypterad ännu","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Denna bilaga är inte hämtad eller inte dekrypterad ännu.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Denna auktorisering behövs endast för att tillåta tredjepartsprogram att integrera med Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Detta är ett avancerat verktyg för att visa bilagorna som är länkade till dina anteckningar. Var försiktig när du tar bort en av dem eftersom de inte kan återställas efteråt.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Denna anteckning har inte geolokaliseringsinformation.","This note has been modified:":"Denna anteckning har ändrats:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Den här anteckningen har inget innehåll. Klicka på \\"%s\\" för att växla redigeraren och redigera anteckningen.","This note has no history":"Denna anteckning har ingen historik","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Denna Rich Text-redigerare har ett antal begränsningar och det rekommenderas att vara medveten om dem innan du använder den.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Denna tjänst tillåter webbläsarens tillägg att kommunicera med Joplin. När du aktiverar den kan din brandvägg be dig ge tillstånd till Joplin att lyssna på en viss port.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Detta tillåter Joplin att köra i bakgrunden. Det är rekommenderat att tillåta detta så att anteckningarna synkroniseras löpande. På det sättet minskas risken för konflikter.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Det här kommer öppna ett nytt fönster. Vill du spara nurvarande förändringar?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"Detta tar bort anteckningsboken från din samling och du kommer inte längre ha tillgång till innehållet. Vill du fortsätta?","Time format":"Tidsformat","title":"titel","Title":"Titel","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"För att tillåta Joplin att synkronisera med Dropbox, följ stegen nedan:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"För att fortsätta, vänligen ange ditt huvudlösenord nedan.","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"För att ta bort en tagg, ta bort de associerade anteckningarna.","To delete: %d":"För att ta bort: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"För att komma in i kommandoradsläget, tryck på \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"För att avsluta kommandoradsläge, tryck på ESC","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"För att manuellt sortera anteckningarna måste sorteringsordningen ändras till \\"%s\\" i menyn \\"%s\\"> \\"%s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"För att maximera/minimera konsolen trycker du på \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"För att flytta från en ruta till en annan, tryck på Tab eller Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"För att försöka dekryptera dessa objekt igen. Kör `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"För att fungera korrekt behöver appen följande tillstånd. Aktivera dem i dina telefoninställningar, i Appar > Joplin > Behörigheter","to-do":"att-göra","Toggle comment":"Växla kommentar","Toggle development tools":"Växla utvecklingsverktyg","Toggle editor layout":"Växla redigeringslayout","Toggle editors":"Växla redigerare","Toggle external editing":"Växla extern redigering","Toggle note list":"Växla anteckningslista","Toggle safe mode":"Växla säkert läge","Toggle sidebar":"Växla sidofältet","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token har kopierats till urklipp!","Tools":"Verktyg","Total: %d/%d":"Totalt: %d/%d","Try again":"Försök igen","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Skriv `help [command]` för mer information om ett kommando; eller skriv `help all` för fullständig användningsinformation.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Skriv `joplin help` för användningsinformation.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Skriv titeln på en anteckning för att hoppa till den. Eller skriv # följt av namnet på en tagg eller@ följt av namnet på en anteckningsbok. Eller skriv : för att söka efter kommandon.","Type new tags or select from list":"Skriv nya taggar eller välj från listan","Type: %s.":"Typ: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Inte slutförda att-göra högst upp","Undo":"Ångra","Unknown flag: %s":"Okänd flagga: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Okänd objekttyp hämtad - uppgradera Joplin till den senaste versionen","Unpublish note":"Sluta publisera anteckningen","Unshare":"Sluta dela","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Dela inte den här anteckningsboken? Mottagarna har inte längre tillgång till dess innehåll.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Bildstorlek som inte stöds: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Länk eller meddelande stöds inte: %s","Untitled":"Utan titel","Update":"Uppdatera","Updated":"Uppdaterad","updated date":"uppdaterat datum","Updated local items: %d.":"Uppdaterade lokala objekt: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Uppdaterade fjärrobjekt: %d.","Updated: ":"Uppdaterad: ","Updated: %d.":"Uppdaterad: %d.","Updated: %s":"Uppdaterad: %s","Updating...":"Uppdaterar...","Upgrade":"Uppgradera","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Uppgradera synkroniseringsmålet till den senaste versionen.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Användning: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Använd långt listformat. Format är ID, NOTE_COUNT (för anteckningsbok), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (för att-göra), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Använd stavningskontroll","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Använd pilarna och sid upp/ner för att bläddra i listorna och textområdena (inklusive den här konsolen).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Använd pilarna för att flytta layoutobjekten. Tryck på \\"Escape\\" för att avsluta.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Använd detta för att återuppbygga sökindex om det finns sökproblem. Det kan ta lång tid beroende på antal anteckningar.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Används för mest text i markdown-redigeraren. Om det inte hittas används ett generiskt proportionellt (variabelt bredd) teckensnitt.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Används där ett teckensnitt med fast bredd behövs för att lägga ut texten läsbart (t.ex. tabeller, kryssrutor, kod). Om det inte hittas används ett generiskt teckensnitt med monospace (fast bredd).","Valid":"Giltig","View":"Visa","View on map":"Visa på karta","View them now":"Visa dem nu","Viewer":"Visare","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Varning","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Varning: alla resurser visas inte för förbättrad prestanda (limit: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV-lösenord","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-webbadress","WebDAV username":"WebDAV-användarnamn","Website and documentation":"Webbplats och dokumentation","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Välkommen till Joplin!\\n\\nSkriv `:help shortcuts` för listan över snabbkommandon eller bara`:help` för användningsinformation.\\n\\nTill exempel, för att skapa en anteckningsbok, tryck på `mb`; För att skapa en anteckning, tryck på `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"När du skapar en ny anteckning:","When creating a new to-do:":"När du skapar en ny att-göra:","Words":"Ord","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Du håller på att bifoga en stor bild (%dx%d pixlar). Vill du ändra storleken till %d pixlar innan du bifogar den?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Du har för närvarande inga anteckningsböcker.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Du har ingen installerad insticksmodul.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Du kan också skriva `status` för mer information.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Du kan använda verktyget nedan för att omkryptera din data, exempelvis om du vill veta om vissa av dina anteckningar är krypterade med en gammal krypteringsmetod.","Your choice: ":"Ditt val: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Din data kommer att omkrypteras och synkroniseras igen.","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"Ditt huvudlösenord behövs för att dekryptera några av dina data.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Du måste ge tillåtelse att använda kameran.","Your version: %s":"Din version: %s","Zoom In":"Zooma in","Zoom Out":"Zooma ut"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"%d days":"%d วัน","%d hour":"%d ชั่วโมง","%d hours":"%d ชั่วโมง","%d minutes":"%d นาที","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d บันทึก","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&แก้ไข","&File":"&ไฟล์","&Help":"&ช่วยเหลือ","&Tools":"&เครื่องมือ","&View":"&มุมมอง","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- กล้อง: สำหรับถ่ายภาพและแนบไว้กับบันทึก","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- สถานที่ตั้ง: สำหรับแนบข้อมูลที่ตั้งทางภูมิศาสตร์ไว้กับบันทึก","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- แหล่งเก็บข้อมูล: สำหรับการแนบไฟล์กับบันทึกและการเปิดใช้งานการซิงโครไนซ์กับไฟล์ระบบ","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"เกี่ยวกับ Joplin","Accept":"ยอมรับ","Add body":"เพิ่มเนื้อความ","Add or remove tags:":"เพิ่มหรือลบแท็ก:","Add title":"เพิ่มชื่อเรื่อง","Advanced options":"ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง","All notes":"บันทึกทั้งหมด","Application":"แอปพลิเคชัน","Apply":"ใช้","Attach file":"แนบไฟล์","Attach photo":"แนบรูปภาพ","Attach...":"แนบ...","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"ไฟล์แนบไม่สามารถดาวน์โหลดได้","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"การขออนุมัติไม่สมบูรณ์ (ไม่ได้รับ Token เพื่อขออนุมัติ)","Authorisation token:":"Token สำหรับการขออนุมัติ:","Auto":"อัตโนมัติ","Automatically update the application":"อัพเดทแอปพลิเคชั่นอัตโนมัติ","Bold":"ตัวหนา","Cancel":"ยกเลิก","Cancelling...":"กำลังยกเลิก...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"กำลังยกเลิก... โปรดรอสักครู่...","Cannot access %s":"ไม่สามารถเข้าถึง %s","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"มันสามารถคัดลอกบันทึกไปที่สมุดบันทึก \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"ไม่พบ \\"%s\\"","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"ไม่สามารถย้ายบันทึกไปที่สมุดบันทึก \\"%s\\"","Characters":"ตัวอักษร","Characters excluding spaces":"ตัวอักษรไม่รวมวรรค","Check for updates...":"ตรวจสอบการอัพเดท...","Check synchronisation configuration":"ตรวจสอบการตั้งค่าซิงโครไนซ์","Checkbox":"ช่องทำเครื่องหมาย","Checking... Please wait.":"กำลังตรวจสอบ... โปรดรอสักครู่...","Choose an option":"เลือก","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear alarm":"ยกเลิกแจ้งเตือน","Client ID: %s":"Client ID: %s","Close":"ปิด","Close Window":"ปิดหน้าต่าง","Code":"Code","Completed decryption.":"ถอดรหัสเรียบร้อยแล้ว","Configuration":"การตั้งค่า","Confirm password cannot be empty":"รหัสผ่านยืนยันไม่สามารถเว้นว่างได้","Confirm password:":"ยืนยันรหัสผ่าน:","Conflicts":"ขัดแย้ง","Convert to note":"แปลงเป็นบันทึก","Convert to todo":"แปลงเป็น to-do","Copy":"คัดลอก","Copy Link Address":"คัดลอกที่อยู่ลิงก์","Copy Markdown link":"คัดลอกลิงก์ Markdown","Copy path to clipboard":"คัดลอกที่อยู่ (path) ไปที่คลิปบอร์ด","Copy Shareable Link":"คัดลอกลิงก์ที่สามารถแบ่งปันได้","Copy token":"คัดลอก Token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"ไม่สามารถอนุมัติแอปพลิเคชั่น:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nโปรดลองอีกครั้ง","Create a notebook":"สร้างสมุดบันทึก","Created":"สร้างเมื่อ","Created: %d.":"สร้างเมื่อ: %d","Created: %s":"สร้างเมื่อ: %s","Creates a new note.":"สร้างบันทึกใหม่","Creates a new notebook.":"สร้างสมุดบันทึกใหม่","Creates a new to-do.":"สร้าง to-do ใหม่","Creating new %s...":"สร้าง %s...","Creating report...":"กำลังสร้างรายงาน...","Custom TLS certificates":"TLS certificate แบบกำหนดเอง","Cut":"ตัด","Date format":"รูปแบบวันที่","days":"วัน","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"รายการที่ถูกถอดรหัส: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"กำลังถอดรหัสรายการ: %d/%d","Default":"ค่าเริ่มต้น","Delete":"ลบ","Delete note?":"ลบบันทึก?","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"ลบสมุดบันทึกหรือไม่ บันทึกและสมุดบันทึกย่อยทั้งหมดในสมุดบันทึกนี้จะถูกลบ","Deletes the given notebook.":"ลบสมุดบันทึกที่เลือก","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"ลบสมุดบันทึกโดยไม่ต้องถามการยืนยัน","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"ลบสมุดบันทึกโดยไม่ถามยืนยัน","Directory":"ไดเรกทอรี่","Disable Web Clipper Service":"ปิดบริการ Web Clipper","Disabled":"ปิด","Discard changes":"ยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลง","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"แสดง URL ตำแหน่งภูมิศาสตร์สำหรับบันทึก","Displays only the first top notes.":"แสดงเฉพาะบันทึก อันดับแรก","Displays the complete information about note.":"แสดงข้อมูลทั้งหมดของบันทึก","Displays the given note.":"แสดงบันทึกที่เลือก","Displays usage information.":"แสดงข้อมูลการใช้งาน","Displays version information":"แสดงข้อมูลเวอร์ชั่น","Do it now":"ทำตอนนี้","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"ดาวน์โหลดและติดตั้งส่วนเสริมที่เกี่ยวข้องสำหรับเว็บเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณ:","Downloaded":"ดาวน์โหลดแล้ว","Downloaded and decrypted":"ดาวน์โหลดและถอดรหัสแล้ว","Downloaded and encrypted":"ดาวน์โหลดและเข้ารหัสแล้ว","Downloading":"กำลังดาวน์โหลด","Downloading resources...":"กำลังดาวน์โหลดทรัพยากร...","Dracula":"Dracula","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"เข้าสู่ระบบ Dropbox","Edit":"แก้ไข","Edit note.":"แก้ไขบันทึก","Edit notebook":"แก้ไขสมุดบันทึก","Editor":"ตัวแก้ไข","Editor font":"แบบตัวอักษรของตัวแก้ไข","Editor font family":"ตระกูลของแบบตัวอักษรของตัวแก้ไข","Editor font size":"ขนาดตัวอักษรของตัวแก้ไข","Emacs":"Emacs","Enable":"เปิด","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน ++insert++syntax","Enable ==mark== syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน ==mark== syntax","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน ^sup^ syntax","Enable abbreviation syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน abbreviation syntax","Enable deflist syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน deflist syntax","Enable footnotes":"เปิดใช้งาน Footnotes","Enable Fountain syntax support":"เปิดใช้งานการรองรับ Fountain syntax","Enable markdown emoji":"เปิดใช้งาน Markdown Emoji","Enable math expressions":"เปิดใช้งาน Math Expressions","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"เปิดใช้งานการรองรับ Mermaid diagram","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"เปิดใช้งานส่วนเสริมตาราง Multimarkdown","Enable note history":"เปิดใช้ประวัติบันทึกย้อนหลัง","Enable soft breaks":"เปิดใช้งาน Soft Break","Enable table of contents extension":"เปิดใช้งานส่วนเสริมสารบัญ","Enable Web Clipper Service":"เปิดใช้บริการ Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"เปิดใช้งาน ~sub~ syntax","Enabled":"เปิด","Encrypted":"เข้ารหัสแล้ว","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"สมุดบันทึกที่ถูกเข้ารหัสจะไม่สามารถแก้ไขชื่อได้","Encryption":"การเข้ารหัส","Encryption Config":"ตั้งค่าการเข้ารหัส","Enter code here":"กรอกรหัสที่นี่","Enter notebook title":"กรอกชื่อของสมุดบันทึก","Enum":"Enum","Error":"ผิดพลาด","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"ไฟล์ส่งออก Evernote (เป็น HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"ไฟล์ส่งออก Evernote (เป็น Markdown)","Exits the application.":"ออกจากแอปพลิเคชั่น","Export":"ส่งออก","Exports only the given notebook.":"ส่งออกเฉพาะสมุดบันทึกที่เลือก","Fatal error:":"ผิดพลาดร้ายแรง:","File":"ไฟล์","Firefox Extension":"ส่วนเสริมของ Firefox","Fix search index":"ซ่อมดัชนีย์ค้นหา","Fixing search index...":"กำลังซ่อมดัชนีค้นหา...","Folders":"โฟลเดอร์","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการเข้ารหัสแบบ End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) และคำแนะนำในการเปิดใช้งาน โปรดอ่านคู่มือการใช้งาน:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"สำหรับรายการคีย์ลัดและตัวเลือกการตั้งค่า พิมพ์ `help keymap`","Found: %d.":"พบ: %d","General":"ทั่วไป","Generating link...":"กำลังสร้างลิงก์...","Go to source URL":"ไปที่ URL แหล่งที่มา","Heading":"หัวข้อ","Help":"ช่วยเหลือ","Hide %s":"ซ่อน %s","HTML Directory":"ไดเรกทอรี่ HTML","HTML File":"ไฟล์ HTML","Hyperlink":"ไฮเปอร์ลิงก์","Icon":"ไอคอน","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"เพิกเฉยข้อผิดพลาด TLS certificate","Import":"นำเข้า","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. 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If not set, a default will be used.":"ระบุพอร์ตที่จะใช้โดยเซิร์ฟเวอร์ API ถ้าไม่ระบุ จะใช้ค่าเริ่มต้น","Split View":"มุมมองแบบแบ่งครึ่ง","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"เริ่มต้นแอปพลิเคชั่นโดยย่อไว้ที่ไอคอน System tray","Starting synchronisation...":"เริ่มต้นการซิงโครไนซ์...","Status":"สถานะ","Status: %s":"สถานะ: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"สถานะ: เริ่มทำงาน ที่พอร์ต %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"ขั้นตอนที่ 1: เปิดใช้บริการ clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"ขั้นตอนที่ 1: เปิด URL นี้ในเว็บเบราว์เซอร์ เพื่อขออนุมัติแอปพลิเคชั่น","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"ขั้นตอนที่ 2: กรอกรหัสที่ได้มาจาก Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"ขั้นตอนที่ 2: ติดตั้งส่วนเสริม","Sync Status":"สถานะการซิงค์","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"สถานะซิงค์ (รายการที่ซิงค์ไปแล้ว / รายการทั้งหมด)","Sync Version: %s":"ซิงค์เวอร์ชั่น: %s","Synchronisation":"การซิงโครไนซ์","Synchronisation interval":"ความถี่ในการซิงโครไนซ์","Synchronisation Status":"สถานะการซิงโครไนซ์","Synchronisation target":"จุดหมายการซิงโครไนซ์","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"จุดหมายการซิงโครไนซ์: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"ซิงโครไนซ์","Synchronises with remote storage.":"ซิงโครไนซ์กับแหล่งเก็บข้อมูลระยะไกล","Synchronising...":"กำลังซิงโครไนซ์...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"แท็ก: %d","Tags":"แท็ก","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"ขอบคุณ Joplin Cloud account ของคุณพร้อมใช้งานแล้ว","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"แอปพลิเคชั่นนี้ได้รับการอนุมัติแล้ว - คุณสามารถปิดแท็ปเว็บเบราว์เซอร์นี้ได้","The application has been authorised!":"แอปพลิเคชั่นได้รับการอนุมัติแล้ว!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"แอปพลิเคชั่นนี้ได้รับการอนุมัติเป็นที่เรียบร้อยแล้ว","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"คำสั่ง “%s” มีเฉพาะในโหมด GUI เท่านั้น","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"แอป Joplin mobile ยังไม่รองรับชนิดของลิงก์นี้: %s","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"ไม่สามารถบันทึกสมุดบันทึก: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"บันทึกได้ถูกนำเข้าแล้ว: %s","The possible commands are:":"คำสั่งที่เป็นไปได้คือ:","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"แท็ก “%s” มีอยู่แล้ว โปรดใช้ชื่ออื่น","Theme":"ธีม","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"ไม่มีบันทึกอยู่เลย สามารถสร้างบันทึกใหม่ได้โดยคลิกที่ปุ่ม (+)","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"ไฟล์แนบนี้ยังไม่ได้ดาวน์โหลดหรือยังไม่ได้ถอดรหัส","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Token สำหรับการขออนุมัตินี้ ใช้เพื่ออนุญาตแอปพลิเคชั่น third-party เพื่อเข้าถึง Joplin","This note does not have geolocation information.":"บันทึกนี้ไม่มีตำแหน่งภูมิศาสตร์","This note has no history":"บันทึกนี้ไม่มีประวัติย้อนหลัง","Time format":"รูปแบบเวลา","to-do":"to-do","Toggle sidebar":"สลับแถบด้านข้าง","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token ได้ถูกคัดลอกไปที่คลิปบอร์ดแล้ว!","Tools":"เครื่องมือ","Total: %d/%d":"ทั้งหมด: %d/%d","Try again":"ลองอีกครั้ง","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"พิมพ์ `help [คำสั่ง]` สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมของคำสั่งนั้นๆ หรือพิมพ์ `help all` สำหรับข้อมูลการใช้งานทั้งหมด","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"พิมพ์ `joplin help` สำหรับข้อมูลการใช้งาน","Untitled":"ไม่มีชื่อ","Updated":"แก้ไขเมื่อ","Updated: %d.":"แก้ไขเมื่อ: %d","URL":"URL","View on map":"แสดงในแผนที่","Vim":"Vim","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"รหัสผ่าน WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"ชื่อผู้ใช้ WebDAV","Website and documentation":"เว็บไซต์และเอกสารต่างๆ","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Joplin!\\n\\nพิมพ์ `:help shortcuts` สำหรับรายการคีย์ลัด หรือพิมพ์ `:help` สำหรับข้อมูลการใช้งาน\\n\\nตัวอย่างเช่น สร้างสมุดบันทึกใหม่พิมพ์ `mb`; สร้างบันทึกใหม่พิมพ์ `mn`.","When creating a new to-do:":"เมื่อสร้าง to-do ใหม่:","Words":"คำ","y":"y","Y":"Y","Yes":"ใช่","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"จำเป็นต้องมีสิทธ์การเข้าถึงกล้อง","Your version: %s":"เวอร์ชั่นของคุณ: %s"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"“%s”, işlemler için gerekli olan “%s” özelliğini barındırmıyor.","%d days":"%d gün","%d hour":"%d saat","%d hours":"%d saat","%d minutes":"%d dakika","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d not eşleşti. Silinsin mi?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) yüklenemedi: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) sizinle bir not defteri paylaşmak istiyor.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (ön-sürüm)","%s - Copy":"%s - Kopyala","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d not","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Düzenle","&File":"&Dosya","&Go":"&Git","&Help":"&Yardım","&Note":"&Not","&Tools":"&Araçlar","&View":"&Görüntüle","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(Hiçbiri)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(ne görürsen onu alırsın: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"-Kamera: fotoğraf çekimi ve fotoğrafın nota eklenebilmesi için.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Konum: coğrafi konum bilgilerinin bir nota eklenmesine izin vermek için.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Depolama: notlara dosya eklenmesine ve dosya sistemi senkronizasyonunun etkinleştirilmesine izin vermek için."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" [note] öğesine [tag] koymak yada silmek için “add”, “remove”, “list”, veya “notetags” kullanabilirsiniz, [tag] ile iliştirilmiş notları listeler veya [note] ile iliştirilmiş etiketleri listeler. `tag list` komutu ile tüm kullanılabilinir etiketleri listeleyebilirsiniz. (-l kullanarak uzun versiyona ulaşabilirsiniz)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" “toggle” veya “clear” olabilir. “toggle” kullanarak yapılacak listesinin tamamlanma değerini değiştirebilirsiniz. (Eğer hedef öğe not ise yapılacaklar listesine dönüştürülür). “clear” kullanarak yapılacaklar listesini normal nota dönüştürebilirsiniz.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Joplin hakkında","accelerator":"hızlandırıcı","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Kısayol \\"%s\\" geçersiz.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Kısayol \\"%s\\", \\"%s\\" ve \\"%s\\" komutları için kullanılıyor. Bu beklenmeyen sonuçlara sebep verebilir.","Accept":"Kabul Et","Action":"İşlem","Actions":"İşlem","Active":"Aktif","Actual Size":"Asıl Boyut","Add body":"Gövde Ekle","Add or remove tags:":"Etiket ekle veya kaldır:","Add recipient:":"Alıcı ekle:","Add title":"Başlık ekle","Add to dictionary":"Sözlüğe ekle","Advanced options":"Gelişmiş seçenekler","Advanced tools":"Gelişmiş araçlar","All notes":"Tüm notlar","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Tüm potensiyel portlar kullanımdadır - lütfen %s hata bildirimi yapınız","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Ayrıca ayarlanmamış ve gizlenmiş yapılandırma değişkenlerini de görüntüler.","Always":"Her zaman","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Güncelleme mevcut, şimdi indirmek ister misiniz?","Appearance":"Görünüm","Application":"Uygulama","Apply":"Uygula","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Kimlik doğrulama jetonunu yenilemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Arguments:":"Argümanlar:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Dosya ekle","Attach photo":"Fotoğraf ekle","Attach...":"Ekle...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Verilen dosyayı nota iliştirir.","attachment":"ek dosya","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Ek dosyalarında çakışma: \\"%s\\"","Attachment download behaviour":"Ek indirme davranışı","Attachments":"Ek Dosyalar","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Eklenti dosyası indirilemedi","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Dikkat: Bu konumu değiştirirseniz, senkronize etmeden önce tüm içeriğinizi kopyaladığınızdan emin olun, aksi takdirde tüm dosyalar kaldırılır! Daha fazla bilgi için SSS bölümüne bakın: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Yetkilendirme tamamlanmadı (yetkilendirme anahtarı karşılanmadı)","Authorisation token:":"Yetkilendirme anahtarı:","Auto":"Otomatik","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Parantez, çift tırnak gibi değerlerin çiftlerini otomatik ekle.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Temayı system temasına göre otomatik olarak değiştir","Automatically update the application":"Uygulamayı otomatik olarak güncelle","Back":"Geri","Bold":"Kalın","Browse all plugins":"Tüm eklentilere göz at","Browse...":"Gözat...","Bulleted List":"Maddeli liste","Cancel":"İptal et","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Arka plan senkronizasyonu iptal ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin.","Cancelling...":"İptal ediliyor...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"İptal ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin.","Cannot access %s":"%s erişilemiyor","Cannot change encrypted item":"Şifrelenmiş öğe değiştirilemiyor","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Not, \\"%s\\" not defterine kopyalanamadı","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"\\"%s\\" bulunamıyor.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Senkronizasyon başlatılamadı.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" modülü \\"%s\\" formatı ve \\"%s\\" çıktısı için yüklenemedi","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"\\"%s\\" modülü \\"%s\\" formatı ve \\"%s\\" hedefi için yüklenemedi","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Not, \\"%s\\" not defterine taşınamadı","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Not defteri bu konuma taşınamıyor","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Anahtar yenilenemiyor: kimlik doğrulama verileri eksik. Senkronizasyonu tekrar başlatmak sorunu çözebilir.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"%s \\"%s\\" kaydedilemedi, çünkü bu hesap için izin verilen limitten (%s) daha büyük","Change application layout":"Ugulama görünümünü değiştir","Change language":"Dil değiştir","Characters":"Karakter","Characters excluding spaces":"Karakter (boşluklar hariç)","Check for updates...":"Güncellemeleri kontrol et...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Senkronizasyon yapılandırmasını kontrol et","Checkbox":"Onay Kutusu","Checkbox list":"Onay Kutusu listesi","Checking... Please wait.":"Kontrol ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin.","Choose an option":"Bir seçim yap","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Mağazası","Clear":"Temizle","Clear alarm":"Alarmı silin","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Notu geri yükleme için şuna tıklayın: \\"%s\\". %s isimli not defterine kopyalanacak. Notun güncel versiyonunun yeri değiştirilmeyecek ya da üzerinde değişiklik yapılmayacak.","Click to add tags...":"Etiket eklemek için tıklayın...","Client ID: %s":"İstemci ID: %s","Close":"Kapat","Close Window":"Pencereyi Kapat","Code":"Kod","Code Block":"Kod Bloğu","Code View":"Kod Görünümü","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"Başkalarıyla işbirliği halinde not defterlerini ortak yönetin","Coming alarms":"Yaklaşan alarmlar","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Sertifikaları yüklemek için dizinlere veya bireysel sertifika dosyalarına giden yolların virgülle ayrılmış listesi. Örneğin: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. TLS ayarlarında değişiklik yaparsanız, \\"Senkronizasyon yapılandırmasını kontrol et\\" seçeneğini tıklamadan önce değişikliklerinizi kaydetmeniz gerektiğini unutmayın.","command":"komut","Command":"Komut","Command palette":"Komut paleti","Command palette...":"Komut paleti…","Completed":"Tamamlandı","Completed decryption.":"Şifre çözümü tamamlandı.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Tamamlandı: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Yapılandırma","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Şifre boş olamaz","Confirm password:":"Parolayı doğrula:","Confirmation":"Doğrulama","Conflicted: %d":"Çakışan: %d","Conflicts":"Çakışmalar","Conflicts (attachments)":"Çakışmalar (ek dosyalar)","Convert to note":"Nota çevir","Convert to todo":"Yapılacak listesi olarak çevir","Copy":"Kopyala","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Geliştirici modu komutunu panoya kopyala","Copy Link Address":"Bağlantı Adresini Kopyala","Copy Markdown link":"Markdown bağlantısını kopyala","Copy path to clipboard":"Yolu panoya kopyala","Copy Shareable Link":"Paylaşılabilir Bağlantıyı Kopyala","Copy token":"Anahtarı kopyala","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Uygulama yetkilendirilemedi:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nLütfen tekrar deneyin.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı. Lütfen senkronizasyon yapılandırması ekranını kontrol edin. Hatanın tamamı:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Notlar dışarı aktarılamadı: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Eklenti yüklenemedi: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Ana şifreleme anahtarı güncellenemedi: %s","Create a notebook":"Yeni bir not defteri oluşturur","Created":"Oluşturuldu","created date":"oluşturma zamanı","Created local items: %d.":"Oluşturulan yerel öğeler: %d.","Created locally":"Yerel olarak oluşturuldu","Created remote items: %d.":"Oluşturulan uzak öğeler: %d.","Created: ":"Oluşturulma: ","Created: %d.":"Oluşturuldu: %d.","Created: %s":"Oluşturulma: %s","Creates a new note.":"Yeni bir not oluşturur.","Creates a new notebook.":"Yeni bir not defteri oluşturur.","Creates a new to-do.":"Yeni bir yapılacak öğe (to-do) oluşturur.","Creating new %s...":"Yeni %s oluşturuluyor...","Creating report...":"Rapor oluşturuluyor...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Sürümünüz güncel.","custom order":"özel sıralama","Custom order":"Özel sıralama","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Joplin-geneli uygulama stili için özel stil sayfası","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Derlenmiş Markdown notları için özel stil dosyası","Custom TLS certificates":"Özel TLS sertifikaları","Cut":"Kes","Dark":"Karanlık","Database v%s":"Veritabanı v%s","Date":"Tarih","Date format":"Tarih biçimi","days":"gün","Decrypted items: %d":"Şifresi çözülen öğeler: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Şifresi çözülen öğeler: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Şifresi çözülenler: %d/%d","Default":"Varsayılan","Default: %s":"Varsayılan: %s","Delete":"Sil","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" eki silinsin mi?","Delete line":"Satırı sil","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Yerel veriyi silip senkronizasyon sunucusundan yeniden indir","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" notu silinsin mi?","Delete note?":"Notu sil?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"“%s” not defteri silinsin mi ?\\n\\nNot defteri içersindeki tüm not ve alt not defterleri de silinecektir.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Not defteri silinsin mi? Silinecek defterdeki tüm notlar ve alt defterler de silinecek.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"\\"%s\\" eklentisi silinsin mi?","Delete these %d notes?":"Bu %d not silinsin mi?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Bu davetiye kaldırılsın mi? Alıcı paylaşılan nota artık erişemeyecek.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Silinen yerel öğeler: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Silinen uzaktaki öğeler: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Verilen not defterini siler.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Onay istemeden not defterini siler.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Eşleşen notları siler .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Onay istemeden notları siler.","Destination format: %s":"Hedef biçimi: %s","Directory":"Dizin","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Eşitlenecek dizin (tam yol)","Disable":"Pasif","Disable encryption":"Şifrelemeyi devre dışı bırak","Disable safe mode and restart":"Güvenli modu kapatıp yeniden başlat","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Web Alıntılama Servisini Kapat","Disabled":"Pasif","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Şifrelemeyi devre dışı bırakmak *tüm* notlarınızın ve eklerinizin yeniden senkronize edileceği ve senkronizasyon hedefine şifrelenmemiş olarak gönderileceği anlamına gelir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?","Discard changes":"Değişiklikleri iptal et","Dismiss":"Vazgeç","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Not için bir coğrafi konum URL\'i görüntüler.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Yalnızca ilk notu görüntüler.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Sadece belirli tip öğeleri gösterir. Notlar için `n`, yapılacaklar listeleri için `t` veya not ve yapılacaklar listesi için `nt` (örnek: `-tt` sadece yapılacaklar listesini gösterirken, `-tnt` not ve yapılacaklar listesini gösterir)","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Notlar ve not defterleri hakkında özet görüntüler.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Notla ilgili tüm bilgileri görüntüler.","Displays the given note.":"Verilen notu görüntüler.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Geçerli not defterindeki notları görüntüler. Not defteri listesini görüntülemek için `ls /` kullanın.","Displays usage information.":"Kullanım bilgilerini görüntüler.","Displays version information":"Sürüm bilgisini görüntüler","Do it now":"Hemen yap","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Onay için sorma.","Download":"İndirme","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Tarayıcınız için uygun uzantıyı indirin ve yükleyin:","Downloaded":"İndirildi","Downloaded and decrypted":"İndirildi ve şifresi çözüldü","Downloaded and encrypted":"İndirildi ve şifrelendi","Downloading":"İndiriliyor","Downloading resources...":"Kaynaklar indiriliyor...","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Not veya dosyaları buraya sürükleyin","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox Girişi","Duplicate":"Çoğalt","Duplicate line":"Satırı Kopyala","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":" ile eşleşen notları [notebook] not defterine çoğaltır. Not belirtilmemişse, not geçerli not defterinde çoğaltılır.","Edit":"Düzenle","Edit in external editor":"Harici editörde düzenle","Edit note.":"Notu düzenle.","Edit notebook":"Not defterini düzenle","Editor":"Düzenleyici","Editor font":"Editör fontu","Editor font family":"Editör yazı tipi","Editor font size":"Editör yazı boyutu","Editor maximum width":"Düzenleyici azami genişlik","Editor monospace font family":"Metin düzenleyici monospace (sabit genişlikteki) yazı tipi","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"metin\\" ya da \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"vurgulanan metin","Enable":"Etkinleştir","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"++insert++ söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enable ==mark== syntax":"==mark== söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"^sup^ söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Kısaltma söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enable audio player":"Ses / Müzik oynatıcıyı aktifleştir","Enable deflist syntax":"Deflist söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enable encryption":"Şifrelemeyi etkinleştir","Enable footnotes":"Dip notları etkinleştir","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Fountain söz dizimi desteğini etkinleştir","Enable Linkify":"Linkify’ı aktifleştir","Enable markdown emoji":"Markdown emoji desteğini etkinleştir","Enable math expressions":"Matematik ifadelerini etkinleştir","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Mermaid flowchart tipi diagram desteğini etkinleştir","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Çoklu markdown tablo eklentisini etkinleştir","Enable note history":"Not tarihçesini etkinleştir","Enable PDF viewer":"PDF görüntüleyiciyi aktifleştir","Enable soft breaks":"Kelime kaydırmasını etkinleştir","Enable table of contents extension":"Tablo içerik eklentisini etkinleştir","Enable typographer support":"Dizgi desteğini etkinleştir","Enable video player":"Video oynatıcıyı aktifleştir","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Web Alıntılama Servisini Aç","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"~sub~ söz dizimini etkinleştir","Enabled":"Etkin","Encrypted":"Şifrelenmiş","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Şifrelenmiş öğeler değiştirilemez","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Şifrelenmiş not defterleri yeniden adlandırılamaz","Encryption":"Şifreleme","Encryption Config":"Yapılandırmayı şifrele","Encryption is: %s":"Şifreleme: %s","Enter code here":"Kodu buraya girin","Enter master password:":"Ana parolayı girin:","Enter notebook title":"Not defteri başlığını girin","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Hata","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Editörde not açılırken hata oluştu: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Hata. Lütfen URL, kullanıcı adı, şifre vb .\'nin doğru olduğunu ve senkronizasyon hedefinin erişilebilir olduğunu kontrol edin. Raporlanan hata:","Error: %s":"Hata: %s","Errors only":"Sadece hatalar","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (HTML olarak)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (Markdown olarak)","Exits the application.":"Uygulamadan çıkar.","Export":"Dışa aktar","Export all":"Tümünü dışa aktar","Export debug report":"Hata Ayıklama Raporunu Dışa Aktar","Export Debug Report":"Hata Ayıklama Raporunu Dışa Aktar","Export profile":"Profili dışarı aktar","Exporting profile...":"Profil dışa aktarılıyor...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\" den \\"%s\\" biçiminde dışa aktarılıyor. Lütfen bekleyin...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Joplin verilerini belirtilen yere aktarır. Varsayılan olarak, not defterleri, notlar, etiketler ve kaynaklar dahil olmak üzere tüm veritabanını dışa aktarır.","Exports only the given note.":"Yalnızca seçilen notu dışa aktarır.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Yalnızca seçilen not defterini dışa aktarır.","Fail-safe":"Tedbir Modu","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Tedbir Modu: Senkronize hedefi boş olduğunda yerel verileri silme (bazen yanlış ayar ve hata sonucu olur)","Fatal error:":"Büyük hata:","Feature flags":"Özellik bilgileri","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Alınan öğeler: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Kaynaklar alınıyor: %d/%d","File":"Dosya","File system":"Dosya sistemi","Firefox Extension":"Firefox Eklentisi","Fix search index":"Arama indeksini düzelt","Fixing search index...":"Arama indeksi düzeltiliyor...","Focus":"Odaklan","Focus body":"Gövde kısmına odaklan","Focus title":"Başlığa odaklan","Folders":"Klasörler","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Sadece hata ayıklama amacıyla için: Profilinizi harici SD kart\'a çıktı alın.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Kısayolları nasıl özelleştirebileceğiniz hakkında bilgi için lütfen %s adresini ziyaret edin","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Uçtan Uca Şifreleme (E2EE) hakkında bilgi ve nasıl aktif edilebileceğine dair ipuçları için lütfen belgeleri inceleyin:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Klavye kısayolları ve yapılandırma seçenekleri listesi için `help keymap` yazın","Forward":"İleri","Found: %d.":"Bulundu: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS aktif edildi: %d","Full changelog":"Tüm sürüm geçmişi","General":"Genel","Generating link...":"Bağlantı oluşturuluyor...","Get it now:":"Hemen al:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Güncellemeleri kontrol ederken ön sürümleri alın","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Ayar değeri alınır veya ayarlanır. Eğer [değer] sağlanmamışsa, [isim] kısmı gözükecektir. Eğer [isim] ve [değer] bilgilerinin ikisi de mevcut değilse, mevcut olan yapılandırmayı listeleyecek.","Go to source URL":"URL kaynağına git","Goto Anything...":"Şuraya Git...","Grant authorisation":"Yetkilendirme ver","Heading":"Başlık","Help":"Yardım","Hide %s":"Şunu Gizle: %s","Hide Joplin":"Joplin\'i Gizle","Highlight":"Vurgula","Horizontal Rule":"Yatay kural","HTML Directory":"HTML Dizini","HTML File":"HTML Dosyası","Hyperlink":"Köprü link","Icon":"İkon","ID":"Kimlik","Idle":"Boşta","Ignore":"Vazgeç","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"TLS sertifikası hatalarını yoksay","Import":"İçe aktar","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"\\"%s\\" kaynağından \\"%s\\" biçiminde içe aktarılıyor. Lütfen bekleyin...","Importing notes...":"Notlar içe aktarılıyor...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Joplin\'e veri aktarır.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"“Manuel” modda, ek dosyalar sadece tıklanıldığında indirilir. “Otomatik” modda, notlar açıldığında indirilir. “Her zaman” modunda, tüm ek dosyalar notu açsanız da açmasanız da indirilir.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Herhangi bir komutta, bir not veya note defteri başlık veya ID ile, veya `$n` `$b` kestirmelerini kullanılarak atfedilebilinir. Sırasıyla, güncel seçili not veya not defteri. `$c` kullanarak güncel seçili öğeye atıf yapılabilinir.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Notlarla konum bilgisi (geo-location) eşleştirebilmek için uygulamaya konum izni verilmesi gerekmekte.\\n\\nDaha sonra, Ayarlar ekranından bu izni istediğiniz zaman geri alabilirsiniz.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Bu işlemi yapmak için tüm veriniz yeniden şifrelenip senkron edilecek. Bu işlemi bu sebeple gece yapmanız önerilir.\\n\\nBaşlamak için lütfen aşağıdaki aşamaları takip edin:\\n\\n1. Tüm cihazlarınızla notlarınızı senkron edin.\\n2. \\"%s\\"\' imgesine tıklayın.\\n3. İşlemin tamamlanmasını bekleyin. İşlem çalışırken notlarınızda çakışmayı önlemek için notlarınızda değişiklik yapmayın.\\n4. Senkronizasyon işlemi cihazınızda bitince diğer tüm cihazlarınızla da senkron ederek işlemi tammalayın.\\n\\nÖnemli: Bu işlemi cihaz başına SADECE BİR KERE yapmanız yeterlidir.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Dosya sistemi senkronizasyonu için, hedef depolamada sizin yazma yetkiniz gereklidir.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Web alıntı aracını kullanmak için aşağıdakileri yapmanız gerekir:","In progress":"Devam etmekte","In: %s":"İçinde: %s","Indent less":"Daha az girintile","Indent more":"Daha çok girintile","Information":"Bilgi","Inline Code":"İç Kod","Insert":"Gir","Insert Date Time":"Tarih Ekle","Insert Hyperlink":"Köprü Link ekle","Install":"Yükle","Install from file":"Dosyadan yükle","Installed":"Yüklendi","Installing...":"Yükleniyor...","Invalid":"Geçersiz","Invalid %s: %s.":"Hatalı %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Yanlış cevap: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Geçersiz komut: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Geçersiz seçenek değeri: \\"%s\\". Mümkün değerler: %s.","Italic":"İtalik","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"\\"%s\\" öğesi indirilemedi: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Şifresi çözülemeyen öğeler","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Senkronize edilemeyen öğeler","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin notlarınızı pek çok sağlayıcıyı kullanarak senkron edebilir. Lütfen aşağıdan bunlardan birini seçin.","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin Cloud e-posta","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin Sunucusu parola","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Dışa Aktarım Dizini","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Dışa Aktarım Dosyası","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Muhtemelen bozuk ya da çok büyük oldukları için Joplin bu öğelerin şifresini çözmekte birden fazla kere başarısız oldu. Bu öğeler cihazda kalacak ama Joplin artık şifrelerini çözmeye çalışmayacak.","Joplin Forum":"Joplin Forum","Joplin Server":"Joplin Sunucusu","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Sunucusu e-posta adresi","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Sunucusu ğarola","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Sunucusu URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Alıntılama, tarayıcınızdaki web sayfalarını ve ekran görüntülerini Joplin\'e kaydetmenizi sağlar.","Joplin website":"Joplin Web Sitesi","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplin’in kendi senkronizasyon servisi. Bu servis ayrıca Joplin’e özel, notları paylaşma veya başkalarıyla işbirliği yaparak ortak yönetmenizi sağlar.","Keep note history for":"Not tarihçesini şu kadar süre tut","Keyboard Mode":"Klavye modu","Keyboard Shortcut":"Klavye Kısayolu","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Klavye Kısayolları","Keychain Supported: %s":"Keychain Desteği: %s","Landscape":"Yatay","Language":"Dil","Last error: %s":"Son hata: %s","Later":"Daha sonra","Layout":"Düzen","Layout button sequence":"Düzen butonu sıralaması","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Kağıt","Light":"Aydınlık","Lines":"Satır","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Bağlantı panoya kopyalandı!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"“%s” formatlı linkler desteklenmiyor","List item":"Öğeyi listele","Location":"Konum","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Kilit dosyası zaten tutuluyor. Senkronizasyon yapılmadığını biliyorsanız, kilit dosyasını \\"%s\\" konumunda silebilir ve işleme devam edebilirsiniz.","Log":"Log","Login":"Giriş","Login below.":"Aşağıdan giriş yapabilirsiniz.","Login with Dropbox":"Dropbox ile giriş yap","Login with OneDrive":"OneDrive ile giriş yapın","Make a donation":"Bağış yapın","Manage your plugins":"Eklentileri yönet","Manual":"Manuel","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Yapılacakları yapıldı olarak işaretler.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Yapılacaklar listesindeki öğeyi tamamlanmamış olarak işaretler.","Markup":"Düzenleme","Master Key %s":"Ana Anahtar %s","Max concurrent connections":"Maksimum aynı anda bağlantı","Missing Master Keys":"Eksik Ana Anahtar","Missing required argument: %s":"Gerekli parametre eksik gözüküyor: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Mobil veri - otomatik senkronizasyon devre dışı","More info":"Daha fazla bilgi","More information":"Daha fazla bilgi","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Birden fazla öğe \\"%s\\" ile eşleşiyor. Lütfen sorgunuzu daraltınız.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"%d notlarını not defterine taşı \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Not defterine taşı","Move to notebook...":"Not defterine taşı...","Move to notebook:":"Not defterine taşı:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":" ile eşleşen tüm notları [notebook] defterine taşı.","n":"h","N":"H","New note":"Yeni not","New notebook":"Yeni not defteri","New Notebook":"Yeni Not Defteri","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Yeni not defteri \\"%s\\" oluşturulacak ve \\"%s\\" dosyası onun içine aktarılacak","New sub-notebook":"Yeni alt not defteri","New tags:":"Yeni etiketler:","New to-do":"Yeni yapılacak","New version: %s":"Yeni sürüm: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud parolası","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud kullanıcı adı","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"hayır","No":"Hayır","No active notebook.":"Aktif not defteri yok.","No item with ID %s":"Bu kimlikte öğe yok : %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Hiçbir not defteri belirtilmedi.","No notebook selected.":"Seçili defter yok.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Burada not yok. \\"Yeni not\\" üzerine tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun.","No resources!":"Kaynak yok!","No results":"Sonuç yok","No such command: %s":"Böyle bir komut yok: %s","No suggestions":"Öneri yok","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Hiçbir metin editörü tanımlanmadı. Lütfen `config editor ` komutunu kullanarak editörü ayarlayınız","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"%s ile doğrulama sağlanamadı. Lütfen eksik olan tüm bilgileri girin.","Not downloaded":"İndirilmeyen","note":"not","Note":"Not","Note area growth factor":"Not alanı büyüme faktörü","Note attachments":"Ek Dosyalar","Note attachments...":"Ek Dosyalar...","Note body":"Not gövdesi","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"\\"%s\\" notu mevcut değil. Oluşturulsun mu?","Note has been saved.":"Not kaydedildi.","Note History":"Not Geçmişi","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Bu not yapılacaklar listesi değildir: “%s”","Note list":"Not listesi","Note list growth factor":"Not listesi büyüme faktörü","Note properties":"Not özellikleri","Note title":"Not başlığı","Note&book":"Not&defteri","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Not: Tüm masaüstü ortamlarında çalışmaz.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Not: Bir not paylaşıldığında artık sunucuda şifreli olmayacak.","Notebook list growth factor":"Not defteri listesi büyüme faktörü","Notebook title:":"Not defteri başlığı:","Notebook: %s":"Not defteri: %s","Notebooks":"Not defterleri","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Not defterine ayrılmış bir başlık adı olan \\"%s\\" adı verilemez.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notlar ve ayarlar şu konumda saklanır: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notlar yalnızca bir not defterinde oluşturulabilir.","Numbered List":"Numaralı liste","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Karanlık","On %s: %s":"%s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Ana şifreleme anahtarlarınızdan biri eski bir şifreleme yolunu kullanıyor.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Bir veya daha fazla öğe şu anda şifreli ve bir ana parola girmeniz gerekebilir. Bunu yapmak için lütfen `e2ee decrypt` yazınız. Parolayı daha önce vermişseniz, şifreli öğelerin arka planda şifresi çözülür ve yakında kullanımınıza hazır olur.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Bir veya birden fazla ana anahtar parola istiyor.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive Girişi","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Bir seferde yalnızca bir not yazdırılabilir.","Open":"Aç","Open %s":"Aç %s","Open profile directory":"Profil dizinini aç","Open Sync Wizard...":"Senkronizasyon Sihirbazını Aç…","Open...":"Aç...","Operation cancelled":"İşlem iptal edildi","Options":"Seçenekler","Or create an account.":"Ya da yeni bir hesap oluştur.","Output format: %s":"Çıktı biçimi: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"PDF dışa aktarımı için sayfa yönü","Page size for PDF export":"PDF dışa aktarımı için sayfa boyutu","Password":"Şifre","Password cannot be empty":"Parola boş olamaz","Password:":"Parola:","Passwords do not match!":"Parolalar eşleşmiyor!","Paste":"Yapıştır","Path:":"Yol:","PDF File":"PDF Dosyası","Permission needed":"İzin gerekmekte","Permission to use camera":"Kamera kullanımı için izin","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Lütfen tüm veritabanınızı yeniden şifrelemek istediğinizi doğrulayın.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Anahtarı güncellemek için lütfen ana şifreleme anahtarının parolasını girin.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Lütfen uygulamayı doğrulamak için tarayıcınızda aşağıdaki URL\'yi açın. Uygulama \\"Uygulamalar/Joplin\\" de bir dizin oluşturacak ve sadece bu dizindeki dosyaları okuyacak ve yazacaktır. Bu dizin dışındaki hiçbir dosyaya veya diğer kişisel verilere erişemeyecektir. Hiçbir veri üçüncü şahıslarla paylaşılmayacaktır.","Please select a notebook first.":"Lütfen önce bir not defteri seçin.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Lütfen önce silinecek notu veya not defterini seçin.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Lütfen senkronizasyon durumunun nereye aktarılacağını seçin","Please specify import format for %s":"Lütfen %s için içe aktarma biçimini belirtin","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Lütfen notların alınacağı not defterini belirtin.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Bu özelliği kullanmak için lütfen Joplin’i güncelleyin","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Tüm ek dosyaların indirilip şifrelerinin çözülmesi için lütfen bekleyin. Ayrıca %s ile notu düzenleyebilirsiniz.","Please wait...":"Lütfen bekleyin...","Plugin tools":"Eklenti araçları","Plugins":"Eklentiler","Portrait":"Dikey","Possible keys/values:":"Mümkün ayarlar/değerler:","Possible values: %s.":"Olası değerler: %s.","Preferences":"Tercihler","Preferences...":"Tercihler...","Preferred dark theme":"Tercih edilen koyu renk tema","Preferred light theme":"Tercih edilen açık renk tema","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Uygulamadan çıkmak için Ctrl + D tuşlarına basın veya \\"exit\\" yazın","Press the shortcut":"Kısayolu girin","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Kısayolu girin ve ardından ENTER tuşuna basın. Veya BACKSPACE tuşuna basarak kısayolu temizleyin.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Şifre çözücü parolayı belirlemek için basın.","Previous versions of this note":"Bu notun önceki sürümleri","Print":"Yazdır","Privacy Policy":"Gizlilik Politikası","Profile Version: %s":"Profil sürümü: %s","Properties":"Özellikler","Publish note...":"Notu yayımla…","Publish Notes":"Notları Yayımla","Publish notes to the internet":"Notları İnternet’e yayımla","Quit":"Çıkış","Re-encrypt data":"Verini yeniden şifrele","Re-encryption":"Yeniden şifreleme","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Yerel veriyi senkronizasyon sunucusuna yeniden yükle","Read more about it":"Hakkında daha fazlasını oku","Read time: %s min":"Okuma süresü: %s dk","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Alıcı davetiyeyi Kabul etti","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Alıcı henüz davetiyeyi Kabul etmedi","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Alıcı davetiyeyi reddetti","Recipients:":"Alıcılar:","Redo":"Yenile","Refresh":"Yenile","Reject":"Reddet","Remove":"Sil","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"“%s” etiketi tüm notlardan kaldırılsın mı?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Bu aramayı kenar çubuğundan kaldır?","Rename":"Yeniden adlandır","Rename notebook:":"Not defterini yeniden adlandır:","Rename tag:":"Etiketi yeniden adlandır:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":" öğesini ile yeniden adlandırır (not veya not defteri).","Renew token":"Jetonu yenile","Resources: %d.":"Kaynaklar: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Yeniden başlat ve güncelle","Restart now":"Şimdi yeniden başlat","Restore":"Geri yükle","Restored Notes":"Geri Yüklenen Notlar","Retry":"Yeniden dene","Retry All":"Tümünü yeniden dene","Reveal file in folder":"Dosyayı klasörde görüntüle","Reverse sort order":"Sıralamayı değiştir","Reverses the sorting order.":"Sıralama düzenini tersine çevirir.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Sürüm: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Metin dosyasındaki komutları çalıştırır. Her bir komut ayrı satırda olmalıdır.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Güvenli mod şu an aktif. Not görselleştirme ve tüm ekelntiler geçici olarak devre dışı.","Save":"Kaydet","Save alarm":"Alarm kurun","Save as...":"Farklı kaydet...","Save changes":"Değişiklikleri kaydet","Save geo-location with notes":"Coğrafi konumu notlarla kaydedin","Search":"Arama","Search for plugins...":"Eklentileri ara...","Search in all the notes":"Tüm notlarda ara","Search in current note":"Mevcut notta ara","Search...":"Ara...","Search:":"Ara:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Tüm notlarda girilen i arar.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Daha fazla ayrıntı için sürüm öncesi sayfasına bakın: %s","Select":"Seç","Select all":"Tümünü seç","Server is already running on port %d":"Sunucu zaten %d portunda çalışıyor","Server is not running.":"Sunucu çalışmıyor.","Server is running on port %d":"Sunucu %d portunda çalışıyor","Set alarm":"Alarm kur","Set alarm:":"Alarm kur:","Set the password":"Parola belirle","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":" özelliğini verilen içinde verilen [value] ile değiştirir. Olası özellikler şunlardır:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Paylaş","Share Notebook":"Not Defterini Paylaş","Share notebook...":"No deferini paylaş...","Sharing notebook...":"Not paylaşılıyor...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"CLI modunda kısayollar mevcut değil.","Show Advanced Settings":"Gelişmiş Seçenekleri Göster","Show all":"Tümünü göster","Show completed to-dos":"Tamamlanan yapılacaklar listesini göster","Show note counts":"Not sayacını göster","Show tray icon":"Tepsi simgesini göster","Sidebar":"Kenar çubuğu","Size":"Boyut","Skip this version":"Bu sürümü pas geç","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Atlanan öğeler: %d (--retry-failed parametresi ile şifrelemelerini çözmeyi yeniden deneyebilirsiniz)","Skipped: %d.":"Atlandı: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Koyu Solarize","Solarised Light":"Açık Solarize","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Bazı öğelerin şifresi çözülemiyor.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Bazı öğeler senkronize edilemiyor.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Bazı öğeler senkronize edilemiyor. Detayları için tıklayın.","Sort notebooks by":"Notları şuna göre sırala","Sort notes by":"Notları sırala","Sort selected lines":"Seçili satırları sırala","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Öğeyi olarak sıralar (örneğin başlık, güncellenme_zamanı, oluşturulma_zamanı).","Source format: %s":"Kaynak biçimi: %s","Source: ":"Kaynak: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"API sunucu tarafından kullanılacak portu belirleyiniz. Belirlenmez ise varsayılan bir değer kullanılır.","Spell checker":"Metin doğrulama","Split View":"Görünümü böl","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Uygulamayı tepsi simgesinde küçültülmüş olarak başlat","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"API sunucu kontrolünü başlat, durdur veya kontrol et. Hangi port üzerinden çalışacağını api.port ayar değişkeni ile ayarlayınız. Komutlar (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Şifre çözme başlatılıyor... Çözülecek dosya sayısına bağlı olarak biraz zaman alabilir, lütfen bekleyiniz.","Starting synchronisation...":"Senkronizasyon başlatılıyor...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Notu düzenlemeye başlıyorsunuz. Doğrulamaya dönmek için editörü kapamanız gerekmekte.","Statistics":"İstatistik","Statistics...":"İstatistikler...","Status":"Durum","Status: %s":"Durum: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Durum: %d portunda başlatıldı","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Adım 1: Alıntılama servisini aktif et","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"1. Adım: Uygulamayı yetkilendirmek için bu URL\'i tarayıcınızda açın:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Adım 2: Dropbox tarafından sağlanan kodu girin:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Adım 2: Uzantıyı yükleyin","Stop":"Dur","Stop external editing":"Dış düzenlemeyi durdur","Strikethrough":"Ortadan çizgili","strong text":"kuvvetli metin","Submit":"Gönder","Subscript":"Alt Simge","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Başarılı! Senkronizasyon yapılandırması doğru görünüyor.","Superscript":"Üst Simge","Swap line down":"Satırı aşağıdaki ile değiştir","Swap line up":"Satırı yukarıdaki ile değiştir","Switch between note and to-do type":"Not ve yapılacaklar tipi arasında değişim yap","Switch to note type":"Not tipine dönüştür","Switch to to-do type":"Yapılacaklar tipine dönüştür","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"[notebook] not defterine geçer - daha sonraki tüm işlemler bu not defterinde gerçekleşecektir.","Sync Status":"Senkronizasyon Durumu","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Senkronizasyon durumu (senkronize öğeler / toplam öğeler)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Senkronizasyon hedefinin güncellenmesi gerekmekte. Devam etmek için `%s` çalıştırın.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Senkronizasyon Hedefi Güncellemesi","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Sağlanan hedefe senkronize et (varsayılan olarak değeri kullanılır)","Sync Version: %s":"Yeni sürüm: %s","Sync your notes":"Notları senkron et","Synchronisation":"Senkronizasyon","Synchronisation interval":"Senkronizasyon aralığı","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Senkronizasyon zaten devam ediyor.","Synchronisation Status":"Senkronizasyon Durumu","Synchronisation target":"Senkronizasyon hedefi","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Senkronizasyon hedefi: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Senkroniza Et","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Sadece WiFi bağlantısı varken senkronize et","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Uzak depolama ile senkronize eder.","Synchronising...":"Senkronize Ediliyor...","Synchronizing...":"Senkronize Ediliyor...","Tabloid":"Tablo","Tagged: %d.":"Etiket: %d.","Tags":"Etiketler","Take photo":"Fotoğraf çek","Text editor command":"Metin editörü komutu","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"Teşekkürler! Joplin Cloud hesabınız başarıyla oluşuruldu ve artık kullanıma hazır.","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Uygulama şimdi kapanacak. İşlemi tamamlamak için lütfen uygulamayı kapandıktan sonar yeniden çalıştırın.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Uygulama yetkilendirildi - şimdi bu tarayıcı sekmesini kapatabilirsiniz.","The application has been authorised!":"Uygulamaya yetki verildi!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Uygulama başarıyla yetkilendirildi.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Değişikliklerin uygulanabilmesi için uygulama yeniden başlatılmalıdır.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Eğer başka bir not\'a geçerseniz ek dosyalar artık izlenmeyecek.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"\\"%s\\" komutu sadece grafik arayüzünde kullanılabilir","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Varsayılan admin parolası güvenli değil ve de henüz güncellenmedi! [Şimdi güncelle](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Varsayılan şifreleme yolu daha güvenli bir yola güncellendi, bu sebeple tüm verinizi yeniden şifrelemenizi öneriyoruz.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Varsayılan şifreleme yolu daha güvenli bir yola güncellendi, bu sebeple tüm verinizi yeniden şifrelemelisiniz.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Editör komutu (argüman içerebilir) not açmak için kullanılacaktır. Eğer sağlanmadıysa, varsayılan düzenleyiciyi otomatik olarak algılamaya çalışır.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Faktör özelliği, dosyanın diğer dosyaların da ebatına sadık kalarak yeterli alan olduğu sürece hangi değerle büyüyüp ufalacağını tanımlar. Faktör değeri 2 olan bir bileşen, faktör değeri 1 olana nazaran 2 kat fazla alan kaplar. Değişiklikleri görmek için uygulamayı yeniden başlatın.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Şu ek dosyaları değişiklikler için izlenmekte:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin mobil uygulaması şu anda bu tür bir bağlantıyı desteklemiyor: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Ana anahtar başarıyla güncellendi!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Bu kimlikleri olan ana anahtarlar öğelerinizden bazılarını şifrelemek için kullanılır, ancak uygulama şu anda bunlara erişemez. Büyük olasılıkla senkronizasyon yoluyla indirilmeleri sağlanacaktır.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"“%s” notu başarılı bir şekilde “%s” not defterine geri yüklendi.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Not defteri kaydedilemedi: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Notlar içe aktarıldı: %s","The possible commands are:":"Kullanılabilir komutlar:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Senkronizasyon hedefi\'nin Joplin senkronizasyona yeniden başlamadan once güncellenmesi gerekir. Bu işlem notlarınızıın yoğunluğuna göre birkaç dakika sürebilir, ve de bu işlem ardından uygulama yeniden başlatılacaktır. Bu işlemi başlatmak için lütfen linke tıklayın.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"\\"%s\\" etiketi mevcut. Lütfen başka isim seçin.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Senkronize edilecek hedef. Her senkronizasyon hedefi, `sync.NUM.NAME` olarak adlandırılan ek parametrelere sahip olabilir (tümü aşağıda belgelenmiştir).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Alıntılayıcısı’nın verinize erişebilmesi için izninize ihtiyacı var.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Web alıntılama servisi aktif edildi ve otomatik başlatılması için ayarlandı.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Web alıntılama servisi aktif edilmedi.","Theme":"Tema","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Şu anda not yok. (+) butonuna tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Şu anda defter yok. \\"Yeni not defteri\\" üzerine tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun.","There is no data to export.":"Çıkartılacak veri bulunmuyor.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Aşağıdaki ek dosya(lar)da (%s) çakışma meydana geldi.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Bu eki indirirken bir hata oluştu:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"Joplin iCloud hesabınız oluşturulurken bir sorunla karşılaşıldı. Lütfen e-posta adresinizi ve parolanızı kontrol ederek yeniden deneyin: Hata Mesajı:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Bu öğeler cihazda kalacak, ancak senkronize edilmeyecekler. Bu öğeleri bulmak için, başlığı veya kimliği aratın (yukarıdaki parantez içerisinde görüntülenir).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Bu eklentiler Markdown tipi gösterimi ek özelliklerle iyileştirir. Bu özellikleri kullanırken unutulmamalıdır ki bu özellikler standart Markdown söz dizimine dahil değildir, ve de bunların çoğu sadece Joplin içerisinde çalışacaktır. Buna ek olarak, bu eklentilerin bazıları zengin metin editörü ile *uyumlu değildir*. Eğer zengin metin editörünüzde bu eklentiyi kullanan bir notu açmaya çalışırsanız eklentinin biçimlendirmesini kaybedersiniz. Zengin metin editörünün hangi eklentileri desteklediği altta belirtilmiştir.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Bu ek henüz indirilmedi veya şifresi çözülmedi","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Bu ek henüz indirilmedi veya şifrelenmedi.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Bu yetkilendirme yalnızca üçüncü taraf uygulamaların Joplin\'e erişmesine izin vermek için gereklidir.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Bu gelişmiş araç notlarınıza iliştirdiğiniz ek dosyaları görmenizi sağlar. Lütfen bu aracı kullanırken dikkatli olun, çünkü bu dosyalar silinirse sonrasında geri döndürülemez.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Bu not coğrafi konum bilgisine sahip değil.","This note has been modified:":"Bu not değiştirildi:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Bu nota içerik girilmemiş. Editöre geçiş yapıp notu düzenlemek için \\"%s\\" butonuna tıklayın.","This note has no history":"Bu notun hiç değişiklik geçmişi yok","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Zengin metin editöründe bazı kısıtlamalar mevcuttur, ve de kullanmadan önce bunun bilincinde olmanızı öneririz.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Bu hizmet, tarayıcı uzantısının Joplin ile iletişim kurmasını sağlar. Etkinleştirme anında güvenlik duvarınız Joplin’e belirli bir bağlantı portunu dinlemek için izin vermenizi isteyebilir.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Bu Joplin\'in arka planda çalışmasına izin verecektir. Bu ayarı etkinleştirmeniz önerilir; böylece notlarınız sürekli olarak eşitlenir, çakışma sayısı azalır.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Yeni bir pencere açılacak. Değişiklikler kaydedilsin mi?","Time format":"Zaman biçimi","title":"başlık","Title":"Başlık","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Joplin\'in Dropbox ile senkronize edilmesine izin vermek için lütfen aşağıdaki adımları izleyin:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Bir etiketi silmek için ilişkilendirilmiş notların etiketini kaldırın.","To delete: %d":"Sil: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Komut satırı moduna girmek için \\":\\" e basın","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Komut satırı modundan çıkmak için ESCAPE tuşuna basın","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Notları manuel olarak sıralamak istiyorsanız menüdeki sıoralama ayarı \\"%s\\" olarak, \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\" yerinden değiştirilmelidir","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Konsolu büyütmek/küçültmek için, \\"tc\\" ye basınız.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Bir bölmeden diğerine geçmek için Tab veya Shift+Tab tuşlarına basın.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Bu notların şifesini çözmeyi yeniden denemek için şu kodu çalıştırın: `e2ee decrypt —retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Düzgün çalışması için uygulamanın aşağıdaki izinlere ihtiyacı var. Lütfen bunları telefon ayarlarınızda, Uygulamalar> Joplin> İzinler’de etkinleştirin","to-do":"yapılacak","Toggle comment":"Yorumu aç/kapat","Toggle development tools":"Geliştirici araçlarını aç/kapat","Toggle editor layout":"Editör düzenini aç / kapat","Toggle editors":"Editörleri aç / kapat","Toggle external editing":"Dış düzenlemeyi aç/kapat","Toggle note list":"Not listesini aç/kapat","Toggle safe mode":"Güvenli modu aç / kapat","Toggle sidebar":"Kenar çubuğunu aç / kapat","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Anahtar panoya kopyalandı!","Tools":"Araçlar","Total: %d/%d":"Toplam: %d/%d","Try again":"Yeniden dene","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"`help [command]` yazarak komutlar hakkında daha fazla bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz; yada `help all` yazarak tam kullanım bilgisine ulaşabilirsiniz.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Kullanım bilgisi için `joplin help` yazın.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Geçiş yapmak için not başlığını veya içeriğin bir kısmın yazın. Alternatif olarak # ile etiket ismi ya da @ ile not defteri ismi yazın. Ayrıca : yazarak komutlar içinde arama yapabilirsiniz.","Type new tags or select from list":"Yeni etiketler yazın veya listeden seçin","Type: %s.":"Tip: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Tamamlanmamış yap-list yukarıda","Undo":"Geri al","Unknown flag: %s":"Bilinmeyen etiket: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Bilinmeyen tipte bir dosya indirildi - Lütfen Joplin’i en yeni sürüme güncelleyin","Unpublish note":"Notu paylaşmayı bırak","Unshare":"Paylaşmayı bırak","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Not paylaşımı kaldırılsın mı? Alıcı artık not içeriğine erişemeyecek.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Desteklenmeyen resim türü: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Desteklenmeyen bağlantı veya mesaj: %s","Untitled":"Başlıksız","Update":"Güncelle","Updated":"Güncellendi","updated date":"güncelleme zamanı","Updated local items: %d.":"Güncellenen yerel öğeler: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Güncellenen uzak öğeler: %d.","Updated: ":"Güncelleme: ","Updated: %d.":"Güncellenme: %d.","Updated: %s":"Güncellendi: %s","Updating...":"Güncelleniyor...","Upgrade":"Güncelle","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Senkronizasyon hedefini en son sürüme yükseltin.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Kullanım: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Uzun liste formatını kullan. Format: ID, NOTE_COUNT (not defterleri için), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (yapılacak listesi için), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Metin doğrulamayı aktifleştir","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Liste ve metin alanlarında kaydırma için ok tuşları ve page up/down tuşlarını kullanınız (bu konsol da dahil).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Yön oklarını kullanarak görünüm elemanlarını dizebilirsiniz. Çıkmak için “Escape” tuşuna basabilirsiniz.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Arama ile ilgili bir sorun olduğunda bunu kullanın. Not sayısına göre bu işlem uzun sürebilir.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Markdown metin düzenleyicilerde pek çok metinde kullanılır. Bu değer bulunamazsa, genişliği karakterlerce değişebilen jenerik bir font kullanılacak.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Sabit bir metin uzunluğu gerektiren yerlerde (örn: tablolar, doğrulama kutucukları, kod vs.) kullanılır. Eğer bulunamazsa jenerik ve monospace olan bir font kullanılacak.","Valid":"Geçerli","View":"Görüntüle","View on map":"Haritada gör","View them now":"Şimdi görüntüle","Viewer":"Görünteleyici","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Uyarı","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Uyarı: performans sebebi ile tüm kaynaklar görüntülenmedi (limit: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Alıntılayıcısı","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV şifresi","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV kullanıcı adı","Website and documentation":"Web sitesi ve dökümanlar","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Joplin\'e Hoş Geldiniz!\\n\\nKlavye kısayollarının listesi için `:help shortcuts` yazın veya kullanım bilgileri için sadece `:help` yazın.\\n\\nÖrneğin, bir not defteri oluşturmak için `mb`; Bir not oluşturmak için `mn` tuşuna basın.","When creating a new note:":"Yeni bir not oluştururken:","When creating a new to-do:":"Yeni bir yapılacak oluşturulurken:","Words":"Kelime","y":"h","Y":"E","yes":"evet","Yes":"Evet","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Büyük (%dx%d piksel) bir resim iliştirmek üzeresiniz. Bu resmi iliştirmeden önce %d piksel ebatına yeniden boyutlandırmak ister misiniz?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Şuan bir note defteriniz yok.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Herhangi bir yüklü eklentiniz bulunmamakta.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Daha fazla bilgi için `durum` yazabilirsiniz.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Bu aracı kullanarak verinizi yeniden şifreleyebilirsiniz. Bu metodu örneğin bazı notlarınızın eski bir şifreleme metoduyla şifrelendiği zamanlarda kullanabilirsiniz.","Your choice: ":"Seçiminiz: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Veriniz yeniden şifrelenecek ve senkron edilecek.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Kamera kullanımı için izniniz gerekmektedir.","Your version: %s":"Sürümünüz: %s","Zoom In":"Yakınlaştır","Zoom Out":"Uzaklaştır"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"У “%s” відсутня необхідна властивість “%s”.","%d days":"%d днів","%d hour":"%d година","%d hours":"%d годин","%d minutes":"%d хвилин","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d нотаток відповідають цьому шаблону. Видалити їх?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"Не вдалося завантажити %s (%s): %s","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (попередній випуск)","%s - Copy":"%s - Копіювати","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d нотаток","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Редактувати","&File":"&Файл","&Go":"&Перейти","&Help":"&Допомога","&Note":"&Нотатка","&Tools":"&Інструменти","&View":"&Перегляд","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Камера: щоб дозволити фотографувати та додавати його до нотатки.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- Розташування: щоб дозволити додавати інформацію до геолокації до нотатки.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Зберігання: для дозволу приєднання файлів до нотаток та для синхронізації файлової системи."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" може бути “add”, “remove”, “list” або “notetags”, щоб призначити або видалити [тег] з [нотатки], перелічити нотатки, пов’язані з [тегом], або перелічити теги, пов’язані з [нотаткою]. Команда `tag list` може використовуватися для переліку всіх тегів (використовуйте -l для довгої опції)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" може бути “toggle” або “clear”. Використовуйте “toggle”, щоб переключити дане завдання між завершеним та незавершеним станом (якщо ціль - звичайна нотатка, вона буде перетворена на завдання). Використовуйте “clear”, щоб перетворити завдання назад на звичайну нотатку.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Про Joplin","accelerator":"прискорювач","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Прискорювач “%s” хибний.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Прискорювач “%s” використовується для команд “%s” та “%s”. Це може призвести до несподіваної поведінки.","Action":"Дія","Active":"Активний","Actual Size":"Фактичний розмір","Add body":"Додати тіло","Add or remove tags:":"Додати або видалити теги:","Add title":"Додати заголовок","Add to dictionary":"Додати до словника","Advanced options":"Розширені опції","All notes":"Всі нотатки","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Усі потенційні порти використовуються - повідомте про проблему на %s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Також відображає невстановлені та приховані змінні конфігурації.","Always":"Завжди","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Доступне оновлення, ви хочете завантажити його зараз?","Appearance":"Зовнішній вигляд","Application":"Застосунок","Apply":"Застосувати","Arguments:":"Параметри:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Прикріпити файл","Attach photo":"Прикріпити фото","Attach...":"Прикріпити…","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Додає даний файл до нотатки.","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Конфлікт вкладення: “%s”","Attachment download behaviour":"Поведінка завантаження вкладення","Attachments":"Вкладення","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Вкладення, що не можуть бути завантадені","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Увага: Якщо ви змінили це розташування, перед синхронізацією скопіюйте до нього весь вміст, інакше всі файли буде видалено! Докладнішу інформацію див. У розділі поширених запитань: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Автентифікація не була завершена (не отримано токен автентифікації).","Authorisation token:":"Токен авторизації:","Auto":"Авто","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Автоматичне закриття дужок, лапок тощо.","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Автоматично перемикати тему на відповідність системній темі","Automatically update the application":"Автоматично оновлювати програму","Back":"Назад","Bold":"Жирний","Browse all plugins":"Переглянути всі розширення","Browse...":"Переглянути…","Bulleted List":"Маркований список","Cancel":"Скасувати","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Скасування фонової синхронізації … Зачекайте.","Cancelling...":"Скасування…","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Скасування… Будь ласка, почекайте.","Cannot access %s":"Помилка доступу %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Не вдається змінити зашифрований елемент","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не можливо скопіювати нотатку до “%s” блокнота","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Не вдається знайти “%s”.","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Не вдається ініціалізувати синхронізатор.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Не вдається завантажити модуль “%s” для формату “%s” і вивести “%s”","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Не вдається завантажити модуль “%s” для формату “%s” і цілі “%s”","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Не можливо перемістити нотатку до “%s” блокнота","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Не можливо перемістити блокнот в дану локацію","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Не вдається оновити токен: дані автентифікації відсутні. Повторний запуск синхронізації може вирішити проблему.","Change application layout":"Змінити макет програми","Change language":"Змінити мову","Characters":"Символи","Characters excluding spaces":"Символи виключаючи пробіли","Check for updates...":"Перевірити наявність оновлень…","Check synchronisation configuration":"Перевірте конфігурацію синхронізації","Checkbox":"Маркування","Checkbox list":"Маркований список","Checking... Please wait.":"Перевірка… Будь ласка, зачекайте.","Choose an option":"Виберіть варіант","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Очистити","Clear alarm":"Очистити будильник","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Натисніть “%s”, щоб відновити нотатку. Вона буде скопійована у блокнот із назвою “%s”. Поточна версія примітки не буде замінена або змінена.","Click to add tags...":"Клацніть, щоб додати теги...","Client ID: %s":"ID клієнта: %s","Close":"Закрити","Close Window":"Закрити вікно","Code":"Код","Code Block":"Блок коду","Code View":"Вбудований код","Coming alarms":"Найближчі будильники","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Розділений комами список шляхів до каталогів, з яких завантажуються сертифікати, або шлях до окремих файлів сертифіката. Наприклад: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Зверніть увагу, що якщо ви вносите зміни до налаштувань TLS, потрібно зберегти зміни, перш ніж натискати “Перевірити конфігурацію синхронізації”.","command":"команда","Command":"Команда","Command palette":"Командна палітра","Completed":"Закінчено","Completed decryption.":"Завершено розшифрування.","Configuration":"Налаштування","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Підтвердження паролю не може бути порожнім","Confirm password:":"Підтвердіть пароль:","Conflicted: %d":"Конфліктів: %d","Conflicts":"Конфлікти","Convert to note":"Перетворити на нотатку","Convert to todo":"Перетворити на список справ","Copy":"Копіювати","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Скопіюйте команду режиму розробника в буфер обміну","Copy Link Address":"Копіювати адресу посилання","Copy Markdown link":"Скопіювати Markdown посилання","Copy path to clipboard":"Копіювати шлях до буфера обміну","Copy Shareable Link":"Скопіювати спільне посилання","Copy token":"Скопіювати токен","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Не вдалося авторизувати додаток:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nБудь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Не вдалося підключитися до сервера Joplin. Будь ласка, перевірте параметри синхронізації на екрані налаштування. Повна помилка:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Не вдалося експортувати примітки: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Не можливо встановити розширення: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Не вдалося оновити головний ключ: %s","Create a notebook":"Створити блокнот","Created":"Створено","created date":"дата створення","Created local items: %d.":"Створено локальних елементів: %d.","Created locally":"Створено локально","Created remote items: %d.":"Створено віддалених елементів: %d.","Created: %d.":"Створено: %d.","Created: %s":"Створено: %s","Creates a new note.":"Створює нову нотатку.","Creates a new notebook.":"Створює новий блокнот.","Creates a new to-do.":"Створює нове завдання.","Creating new %s...":"Створення нового %s…","Creating report...":"Створення звіту…","Current version is up-to-date.":"Поточна версія є оновленою.","custom order":"індивідуальний порядок","Custom order":"Особливий порядок","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Спеціальна таблиця стилів для стилів додатків у всьому Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Спеціальна таблиця стилів для Markdown","Custom TLS certificates":"Спеціальні сертифікати TLS","Cut":"Вирізати","Dark":"Dark","Date format":"Формат дати","days":"днів","Decrypted items: %d":"Розшифровано елементів: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Розшифровано елементів: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Дешифрування елементів: %d/%d","Default":"За замовчуванням","Default: %s":"За замовчуванням: %s","Delete":"Видалити","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Видалити вкладення “%s”?","Delete line":"Видалити лінію","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Видалити нотатку “%s”?","Delete note?":"Видалити нотатку?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Видалити блокнот “%s”?\\n\\nУсі нотатки та блокноти в цьому блокноті також будуть видалені.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Видалити блокнот? Усі нотатки та блокноти в цьому блокноті також будуть видалені.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Видалити розширення “%s”?","Delete these %d notes?":"Видалити ці %d нотаток?","Deleted local items: %d.":"Видалено локальних елементів: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Видалено віддалених елементів: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Видаляє даний блокнот.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Видаляє блокнот, не запитуючи підтвердження.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Видаляє нотатки, що відповідають .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Видаляє нотатки, не вимагаючи підтвердження.","Destination format: %s":"Формат призначення: %s","Directory":"Каталог","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Каталог для синхронізації (абсолютний шлях)","Disable encryption":"Вимкнути шифрування","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Відключити сервіс Web Clipper","Disabled":"Відключено","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Вимкнення шифрування означає, що *всі* ваші нотатки та вкладення будуть повторно синхронізовані та відправлені незашифрованими до цілі синхронізації. Ви хочете продовжити?","Discard changes":"Скасувати зміни","Dismiss":"Відхилити","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Відображає URL-адресу геолокації для примітки.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Відображає лише перші нотаток.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Відображає лише елементи певного типу. Може бути `n` для нотаток,`t` для завдань або `nt` для приміток і завдань (наприклад,`-tt` відображатиме лише завдання, тоді як `-tnt` відображатиме нотатки та завдання.","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Відображає зведення про нотатки та блокноти.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Відображає повну інформацію про нотатку.","Displays the given note.":"Відображає дану нотатку.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Відображає нотатки в поточному блокноті. Використовуйте `ls /`, щоб відобразити список блокнотів.","Displays usage information.":"Відображає інформацію про використання.","Displays version information":"Відображає інформацію про версію","Do it now":"Зробити зараз","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Не питати підтвердження.","Download":"Завантажити","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Завантажте та встановіть відповідне розширення для вашого браузера:","Downloaded":"Завантажено","Downloaded and decrypted":"Завантажено і розшифровано","Downloaded and encrypted":"Завантадено і зашифровано","Downloading":"Завантаження","Downloading resources...":"Завантаження ресурсів…","Dracula":"Dracula","Drop notes or files here":"Перетягніть сюди нотатки або файли","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox логін","Duplicate":"Дублікат","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Дублює нотатки, що відповідають на [notebook]. Якщо блокнот не вказаний, нотатка дублюється в поточному блокноті.","Edit":"Редагувати","Edit in external editor":"Радктувати в зовнішньому редакторі","Edit note.":"Редагувати примітку.","Edit notebook":"Редагувати блокнот","Editor":"Редактор","Editor font":"Шрифт редактора","Editor font family":"Сімейство шрифтів редактора","Editor font size":"Розмір шрифту редактора","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"Або “текст”, або “json”","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"підкреслення","Enable":"Ввімкнути","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Увімкнути ++insert++ синтаксис","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Увімкнути ==mark== синтаксис","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Увімкнути ^sup^ синтаксис","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Уімвнути синтаксис абревіатур","Enable audio player":"Увімкнути аудіо-плеєр","Enable deflist syntax":"Увімкнути синтаксис “визначень”","Enable encryption":"Ввімкнути шифрування","Enable footnotes":"Увімкнути виноски","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Увімкнути підтримку Fountain синтаксису","Enable Linkify":"Увімкнути Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Увімкнути підтримку емодзі","Enable math expressions":"Увімкнути математичні вирази","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Увімкнути підтримку Mermaid діаграм","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Увімкнути розширені таблиці","Enable note history":"Увімкнути історію нотаток","Enable PDF viewer":"Увімкнути переглядач PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Увімкнути м’які переходи","Enable table of contents extension":"Увімкнути розширення змісту","Enable typographer support":"Увімкнути підтримку типографічних символів","Enable video player":"Увімкнути відео-плеєр","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Ввімкнути Web Clipper сервіс","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Увімкнути ~sub~ синтаксис","Enabled":"Включено","Encrypted":"Зашифровано","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Зашифровані елементи не можуть бути змінені","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Зашифровані блокноти не модуть бути переіменовані","Encryption":"Шифрування","Encryption Config":"Налаштування шифрування","Encryption is: %s":"Шифрування: %s","Enter code here":"Введіть код тут","Enter master password:":"Введіть головний пароль:","Enter notebook title":"Редагувати заголовок блокнота","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Помилка","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Помилка відкриття нотатки в редакторі: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Помилка. Переконайтесь, що URL-адреса, ім’я користувача, пароль тощо є правильними та ціль синхронізації доступна. Повідомлення про помилку:","Error: %s":"Помилка: %s","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote Export File (as HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote Export File (as Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Вийти із програми.","Export":"Експорт","Export all":"Експортувати все","Export Debug Report":"Експортувати розширений звіт","Export profile":"Експорт профілю","Exporting profile...":"Експортування профілю…","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Експортування до \\"%s\\" у форматі \\"%s\\". Будь ласка, зачекайте…","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Експортує дані Joplin за вказаним шляхом. За замовчуванням експортує всю базу даних, включаючи блокноти, нотатки, теги та ресурси.","Exports only the given note.":"Експортує лише дану примітку.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Експортує лише даний блокнот.","Fail-safe":"Безаварійність","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Безаварійність: не видаляйти локальні дані, коли ціль синхронізації порожня (часто результат неправильної конфігурації або помилки)","Fatal error:":"Критична помилка:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Отримано елементів: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Завантаження ресурсів: %d/%d","File":"Файл","File system":"Файлова система","Firefox Extension":"Рощширення Firefox","Fix search index":"Виправлення індексу пошуку","Fixing search index...":"Виправлення індексу пошуку…","Focus":"Фокус","Focus body":"Фокус на тілі","Focus title":"Фокус на залоговку","Folders":"Каталоги","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Тільки для налагодження: експортуйте свій профіль на зовнішню SD-карту.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Щоб отримати інформацію про те, як налаштувати скорочення клавіатури, відвідайте %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Щоб отримати додаткову інформацію про наскрізне шифрування (E2EE) та поради щодо його ввімкнення, перегляньте документацію:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Для списку комбінацій клавіш та параметрів конфігурації введіть `help keymap`","Forward":"Вперед","Found: %d.":"Знайдено: %d.","General":"Загальні","Generating link...":"Генерування посиланя…","Get it now:":"Отримати зараз:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Отримуйте ntcnjdb випуски, перевіряючи наявність оновлень","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Отримує або встановлює значення конфігурації. Якщо значення [value] не вказано, воно буде відображати значення [name]. Якщо не вказано ні [ім’я], ні [значення], у ньому буде вказано поточну конфігурацію.","Go to source URL":"Перейти до посилання","Goto Anything...":"Перейти будь-куди…","Heading":"Заголовок","Hide %s":"Сховати %s","Hide Joplin":"Сховати Joplin","Horizontal Rule":"Горизонтальна лінія","HTML Directory":"HTML Directory","HTML File":"HTML File","Hyperlink":"Посилання","ID":"ID","Idle":"Бездіяльність","Ignore":"Ігнорувати","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Ігнорувати помилки сертифіката TLS","Import":"Імпорт","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Імпортування з “%s” в форматі “%s”. Будь ласка, зачекайте…","Importing notes...":"Імпортування нотаток…","Imports data into Joplin.":"Імпортує дані в Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"У режимі “Вручну” вкладення завантажуються лише при натисканні на них. У розділі “Авто” вони завантажуються, коли ви відкриваєте примітку. У розділі “Завжди” всі вкладення завантажуються незалежно від того, відкриваєте ви примітку чи ні.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"У будь-якій команді, нотатці або блокноті можна посилатись за назвою чи ідентифікатором або за допомогою комбінацій клавіш `$n` або`$b` для відповідно обраної в даний час нотатки чи блокнота. `$c` може використовуватися для посилання на поточно вибраний елемент.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Для того, щоб пов’язати геолокацію з приміткою, додатку потрібен ваш дозвіл на доступ до вашого місцезнаходження.\\n\\nВи можете будь-коли вимкнути цю опцію на екрані конфігурації.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Для цього весь ваш набір даних доведеться зашифрувати та синхронізувати, тому найкраще запустити його на ніч.\\n\\nДля початку виконайте такі вказівки:\\n\\n1. Синхронізуйте всі свої пристрої.\\n2. Клацніть “% s”.\\n3. Нехай він працює до кінця. Поки він працює, уникайте зміни будь-якої нотатки на інших пристроях, щоб уникнути конфліктів.\\n4. Після завершення синхронізації на цьому пристрої синхронізуйте всі інші пристрої та дайте йому завершитися.\\n\\nВажливо: вам потрібно запустити ЦЕ ОДНАЗ на одному пристрої.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Для використання синхронізації файлової системи потрібен ваш дозвіл на запис у зовнішню пам’ять.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Для того, щоб використовувати web clipper, вам потрібно виконати наступне:","In progress":"В процесі","In: %s":"У: %s","Indent less":"Зменшити відступ","Indent more":"Збільшити відступ","Information":"Інформація","Inline Code":"Вбудований код","Insert Date Time":"Вставити дату","Insert Hyperlink":"Вставити Посилання","Install":"Встановити","Install from file":"Встановити з файла","Installed":"Встановлено","Installing...":"Встановлення…","Invalid":"Хибний","Invalid %s: %s.":"Хибний %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Хибна відповідь: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Хибна команда: “%s”","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Недійсне значення параметра: “%s”. Можливі значення: %s.","Italic":"Курсив","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Не вдалося завантажити елемент “%s”: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Елементи, які неможливо розшифрувати","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Елементи, які неможливо синхронізувати","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Export Directory","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Export File","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin не зміг розшифрувати ці елементи кілька разів, можливо, тому, що вони пошкоджені або занадто великі. Ці елементи залишаться на пристрої, але Joplin більше не намагатиметься їх розшифрувати.","Joplin Forum":"Форум Joplin","Joplin Server":"Joplin Server","Joplin Server password":"Joplin Server пароль","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server посилання","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper дозволяє зберігати веб-сторінки та знімки екрана з вашого браузера в Joplin.","Joplin website":"Веб-сайт Joplin","Keep note history for":"Зберігайте історію нотаток протягом","Keyboard Mode":"Режим клавіатури","Keyboard Shortcut":"Комбінація клавіш","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Скорочення клавіатури","Keychain Supported: %s":"Підтримка Keychain: %s","Landscape":"Горизонтально","Language":"Мова","Last error: %s":"Остання помилка: %s","Later":"Пізніше","Layout":"Макет","Layout button sequence":"Послідовність кнопок макета","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Light","Lines":"Стрічки","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Посилання скопійовано в буфер обміну!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Посилання з протоколом “%s” не підтримуються","List item":"Елемент списку","Location":"Розташування","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Файл блокування вже утримується. Якщо ви знаєте, що синхронізація не відбувається, ви можете видалити файл блокування “%s” і продовжити роботу.","Log":"Логи","Login with Dropbox":"Ввійти з Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Ввійти з OneDrive","Make a donation":"Зробити пожертву","Manage your plugins":"Керування розширеннями","Manual":"Вручну","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Позначити завдання як виконане.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Позначає завдання як невиконане.","Markup":"Markup","Master Key %s":"Мастер ключ %s","Max concurrent connections":"Максимальна кількість одночасних з’єднань","Missing Master Keys":"Не знайдено мастер ключ","Missing required argument: %s":"Відсутній обов’язковий аргумент: %s","More info":"Більше інформації","More information":"Більше інформації","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Більше одного елемента відповідає “%s”. Будь ласка, звузьте свій запит.","Move to notebook":"Перемістити в блокнот","Move to notebook:":"Перемістити в блокнот:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Переміщує нотатки, що відповідають , у [блокнот].","n":"ні","N":"Ні","New note":"Нова нотатка","New notebook":"Новий блокнот","New Notebook":"Новий блокнот","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Новий блокнот “%s” буде створено і файл “%s” буде імпортовано в нього","New sub-notebook":"Повий вкладений блокнот","New tags:":"Нові теги:","New to-do":"Нове завдання","New version: %s":"Нова версія: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud пароль","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud користувач","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV посилання","no":"ні","No":"Ні","No active notebook.":"Немає активного блокнота.","No item with ID %s":"Не знайдено елемент з ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Жоден блокнот не вказано.","No notebook selected.":"Не вибрано жодного блокнота.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Тут немає нотаток. Створіть його, натиснувши “Нова нотатка”.","No resources!":"Немає ресурсів!","No results":"Немає результатів","No such command: %s":"Немає такої команди: %s","No suggestions":"Немає пропозицій","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Не визначено жодного текстового редактора. Будь ласка, встановіть його за допомогою `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Не аутентифіковано за допомогою %s. Надайте будь-які відсутні облікові дані.","Not downloaded":"Не завантажено","note":"нотатка","Note":"Нотатка","Note area growth factor":"Фатор зростання зони нотаток","Note attachments":"Вкладення нотатки","Note attachments...":"Вкладення нотаток…","Note body":"Тіло нотатки","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Нотатка не існує: “%s”. Створити?","Note has been saved.":"Примітку збережено.","Note History":"Історія нотатки","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Нотатка не є завданням: “%s”","Note list":"Список нотаток","Note list growth factor":"Фатор зростання списку нотаток","Note properties":"Властивості нотатки","Note title":"Заголовок нотатки","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Примітка: Не працює у всіх робочих середовищах.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Примітка. Коли нотатка надається спільно, вона більше не буде зашифрована на сервері.","Notebook list growth factor":"Фактор зростання списку блокнотів","Notebook title:":"Заголовок блокнота:","Notebook: %s":"Блокнот: %s","Notebooks":"Блокноти","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Блокноти не можна назвати “%s”, що є зарезервованою назвою.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Нотатки та налаштування зберігаються у: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Нотатки можна створювати лише в блокноті.","Numbered List":"Нумерований список","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"%s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Один з ваших мастер-ключів використовує застарілий метод шифрування.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"На даний момент один або кілька елементів зашифровані, і вам може знадобитися надати головний пароль. Для цього введіть `e2ee decrypt`. Якщо ви вже надали пароль, зашифровані елементи розшифровуються у фоновому режимі і незабаром будуть доступні.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Один або більше мастер-ключів потребують пароль.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive логін","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Лише однв нотатка може бути роздрукована за раз.","Open":"Відкрити","Open %s":"Відкрити %s","Open profile directory":"Відкрити каталог профілю","Open...":"Відкрити...","Operation cancelled":"Операцію скасовано","Options":"Властивості","Output format: %s":"Вихідний формат: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Орієнтація сторінки для експорту PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Розмір сторінки для експорту в PDF","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be empty":"Пароль не може бути порожнім","Password:":"Пароль:","Passwords do not match!":"Паролі не співпадають!","Paste":"Вставити","Path:":"Шлях:","PDF File":"PDF файл","Permission needed":"Потрібен дозвіл","Permission to use camera":"Дозвіл на використання камери","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Підтвердьте, що хочете повторно зашифрувати повну базу даних.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Будь ласка, введіть свій пароль у списку мастер ключів нижче перед оновленням ключа.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Будь ласка, відкрийте наступну URL-адресу у своєму браузері, щоб автентифікувати програму. Додаток створить каталог у “Apps/Joplin” і буде лише читати та записувати файли в цьому каталозі. Він не матиме доступу до будь-яких файлів поза цим каталогом, а також до будь-яких інших особистих даних. Ніякі дані не передаватимуться третім особам.","Please select a notebook first.":"Спочатку виберіть блокнот.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Будь ласка, виберіть примітку або блокнот, який потрібно спершу видалити.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Виберіть, куди слід експортувати статус синхронізації","Please specify import format for %s":"Вкажіть формат імпорту для %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Будь ласка, вкажіть блокнот, куди слід імпортувати нотатки.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Будь ласка, оновіть Joplin для використання даного рощширення","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Зачекайте, доки всі вкладення буде завантажено та розшифровено. Ви також можете перейти до %s, щоб відредагувати примітку.","Please wait...":"Будь ласка, зачекайте…","Plugin tools":"Інструменти розширень","Plugins":"Розширення","Portrait":"Вертикально","Possible keys/values:":"Можливі ключі/значення:","Possible values: %s.":"Можливі значення: %s.","Preferences":"Налаштування","Preferences...":"Налаштування…","Preferred dark theme":"Улюблена темна тема","Preferred light theme":"Улюблена світла тема","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Натисніть Ctrl + D або введіть “exit”, щоб вийти з програми","Press the shortcut":"Натисніть комбінацію клавіш","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Натисніть комбінацію клавіш і потім ENTER. Або натисніть BACKSPACE щоб очистити комбінацію.","Previous versions of this note":"Попередні версії даної нотатки","Print":"Друкувати","Privacy Policy":"Політика конфіденційності","Profile Version: %s":"Версія профайлу: %s","Properties":"Властивості","Quit":"Вихід","Re-encrypt data":"Перезашифрувати дані","Re-encryption":"Перешифрування","Read more about it":"Дізнайтеся більше про це","Read time: %s min":"Час читання: %s хв","Redo":"Відмінити","Refresh":"Оновити","Remove":"Видалити","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Видалити тег “%s” з усіх нотаток?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Видалити цей пошук із бічної панелі?","Rename":"Переіменувати","Rename notebook:":"Переіменувати блокнот:","Rename tag:":"Переіменувати тег:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Перейменовує даний (нотатку або блокнот) на .","Resources: %d.":"Ресурси: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Перезапустити і оновити","Restart now":"Перезапустити зараз","Restore":"Відновити","Restored Notes":"Відновлені нотатки","Retry":"Повторити","Retry All":"Повторити всі","Reveal file in folder":"Показати файл у папці","Reverse sort order":"Зворотній порядок сортування","Reverses the sorting order.":"Зворотній порядок сортування.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Ревізія: %s (%s)","Save":"Зберегти","Save alarm":"Зберегти будильник","Save as...":"Зберегти як...","Save changes":"Зберегти зміни","Save geo-location with notes":"Збережіть геолокацію з нотатками","Search":"Пошук","Search for plugins...":"Пошук рощширень…","Search in all the notes":"Пошук по всіх нотатках","Search in current note":"Пошук в поточній нотатці","Search...":"Пошук…","Search:":"Пошук:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Шукає заданий у всіх примітках.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Докладніше про тестову версію: %s","Select all":"Вибрати все","Server is already running on port %d":"Сервер вже працює на порту %d","Server is not running.":"Сервер не працює.","Server is running on port %d":"Сервер працює на порту %d","Set alarm":"Налаштувати будильник","Set alarm:":"Налаштувати будильник:","Set the password":"Встановити пароль","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Встановлює властивість даного до заданого [значення]. Можливі властивості:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Поділитися","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Скорочення клавіатури недоступні в режимі CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Показати розширені налаштування","Show completed to-dos":"Показувати завершені списки справ","Show note counts":"Показати лічильники нотатки","Show tray icon":"Показувати значок в меню","Sidebar":"Бічна панель","Size":"Розмір","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Пропущені елементи: %d (використовуйте —retry-failed-items, щоб спробувати їх дешифрувати)","Skipped: %d.":"Пропущено: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Деякі елементи не можуть бути дешифровані.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Деякі елементи не можуть бути синхронізовані.","Sort notebooks by":"Сортувати блокноти за","Sort notes by":"Сортувати нотатки по","Sort selected lines":"Відсортувати вибрані рядки","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Сортувати елементи за (заголовок, час оновлення, час створення, тощо).","Source format: %s":"Формат джерела: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Вкажіть порт, який повинен використовувати сервер API. Якщо не встановлено, використовуватиметься за замовчуванням.","Spell checker":"Перевірка правопису","Split View":"Розділений показ","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Запускати додаток мінімізований у значок","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Запустіть, зупиніть або перевірте сервер API. Щоб вказати, на якому порту він повинен працювати, встановіть конфігураційну змінну api.port. Команди (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Початок дешифрування … Зачекайте, оскільки це може зайняти кілька хвилин, залежно від того, скільки потрібно розшифрувати.","Starting synchronisation...":"Запуск синхронізації …","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Починається редагування примітки. Закрийте редактор, щоб повернутися до запиту.","Statistics":"Статистика","Statistics...":"Статистика…","Status":"Статус","Status: %s":"Статус: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Статус: Запущено з порту %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Крок 1: Увімкніть clipper сервіс","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Крок 1: Відкрийте цю URL-адресу у своєму браузері, щоб авторизувати програму:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Крок 2: Введіть код, наданий Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Крок 2: Встановіть розширення","Stop":"Зупинити","Stop external editing":"Зупинити зовнішнє редагування","strong text":"жирний текст","Submit":"Підтвердити","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Успіх! Конфігурація синхронізації видається правильною.","Swap line down":"Замінити місцями до низу","Swap line up":"Замінити місцями вгору","Switch between note and to-do type":"Переключення між нотаткою і списком справ","Switch to note type":"Переключити до нотатки","Switch to to-do type":"Переключити до списку справ","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Перемикається на [блокнот] - усі подальші операції відбуватимуться в цьому блокноті.","Sync Status":"Статус синхронізації","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Статус синзронізації (синзронізовані елементи / всього елементів)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Потрібно оновити ціль синхронізації! Запустіть `%s`, щоб продовжити.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Оновлення цілі синхронизації","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Синхронізуватись із вказаною ціллю (за замовчуванням значення конфігурації","Sync Version: %s":"Версія синхронізації: %s","Synchronisation":"Синхронізація","Synchronisation interval":"Інтервал синхронізації","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Синхронізація вже триває.","Synchronisation Status":"Статус синхронізації","Synchronisation target":"Ціль синхронізації","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Ціль синхронізації: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Синхронізувати","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Синхронізується з віддаленим сховищем.","Synchronising...":"Синхронізація…","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"З тегами: %d.","Tags":"Теги","Take photo":"Зробити фото","Text editor command":"Команда текстового редактора","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Додаток зараз буде закрито. Будь ласка, перезапустіть його, щоб завершити процес.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Додаток авторизовано - тепер ви можете закрити цю вкладку браузера.","The application has been authorised!":"Додаток авторизовано!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Додаток успішно авторизовано.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Потрібно перезапустити програму, щоб ці зміни набрали чинності.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Вкладення більше не будуть переглядатись, коли ви перейдете на іншу нотатку.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Команда “%s” доступна лише в режимі графічного інтерфейсу","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Пароль адміністратора за замовчуванням небезпечний і його не змінювали! [Змінити зараз](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Метод шифрування за замовчуванням змінено на більш безпечний, і рекомендується застосовувати його до своїх даних.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Метод шифрування за замовчуванням змінено, вам слід повторно зашифрувати дані.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Команда редактора (може містити аргументи), яка буде використана для відкриття нотатки. Якщо нічого не вказано, він спробує автоматично визначити редактор за замовчуванням.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Властивість фактору встановлює, як елемент буде рости або зменшуватися, щоб розмістити вільний простір у своєму контейнері щодо інших предметів. Таким чином, предмет із коефіцієнтом 2 займе вдвічі більше місця, ніж предмет із коефіцієнтом 1. Перезапустіть програму, щоб побачити зміни.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Наступні вкладення переглядаються для змін:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Мобільний додаток Joplin наразі не підтримує такий тип посилань: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Головний ключ успішно оновлений!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Мастер ключ з цими ідентифікаторами використовуються для шифрування деяких ваших елементів, однак програма наразі не має до них доступу. Цілком ймовірно, що вони з часом будуть завантажені за допомогою синхронізації.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Примітку “%s” успішно відновлено до блокнота “%s”.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Блокнот не може бути збережено: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Імпортовано нотаток: %s","The possible commands are:":"Можливі команди:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Цілі синхронізації потрібно оновити, перш ніж Joplin зможе синхронізувати. Завершення операції може зайняти кілька хвилин і програму потрібно перезапустити. Щоб продовжити, натисніть на посилання.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Тег “%s” уже існує. Будь ласка, виберіть інше ім’я.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Ціль синхронізації. Кожна ціль може мати додаткові параметри іменовані `sync.NUM.NAME` (задокументовані нижче).","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Сервіс web clipper увімкнено та встановлено на автоматичний запуск.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Сервіс web clipper не ввімкнено.","Theme":"Тема","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"На даний момент немає нотаток. Створіть, натиснувши кнопку (+).","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"В даний час немає блокнота. Створіть його, натиснувши “Новий блокнот”.","There is no data to export.":"Немає даних для експорту.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"[конфлікт](%s) oу вкладеннях нижче.\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Під час завантаження цього вкладення сталася помилка:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Ці елементи залишаться на пристрої, але не будуть завантажені до цілі синхронізації. Для того, щоб знайти ці елементи, знайдіть заголовок або ідентифікатор (який відображається в дужках вище).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Ці плагіни покращують візуалізатор Markdown додатковими функціями. Зверніть увагу, що, хоча ці функції можуть бути корисними, вони не є стандартними Markdown, тому більшість із них працюватимуть лише в Joplin. Крім того, деякі з них *несумісні* з редактором WYSIWYG. Якщо ви відкриєте нотатку, яка використовує один із цих плагінів у цьому редакторі, ви втратите форматування плагіна. Внизу вказано, які плагіни сумісні чи ні з редактором WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Це вкладення ще не завантажено або ще не розшифроване","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Це вкладення ще не завантажено або ще не розшифровано.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Цей токен авторизації потрібен лише для того, щоб сторонні програми могли отримувати доступ до Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Це вдосконалений інструмент для показу вкладених файлів, пов’язаних із вашими нотатками. Будьте обережні, видаляючи один із них, оскільки згодом їх неможливо відновити.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ця нотатка не містить інформації про геолокацію.","This note has been modified:":"Ця нотатка була модифікована:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ця примітка не має вмісту. Клацніть на “%s”, щоб переключити редактор та редагувати нотатку.","This note has no history":"Ця примітка не має історії","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Цей редактор форматованого тексту має ряд обмежень, і рекомендується знати про них, перш ніж використовувати його.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Ця послуга дозволяє розширенню браузера спілкуватися з Joplin. Увімкнувши його, ваш брандмауер може попросити вас надати дозвіл Joplin прослуховувати певний порт.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Це дозволить Joplin працювати у фоновому режимі. Рекомендується ввімкнути цей параметр, щоб ваші нотатки постійно синхронізувались, таким чином зменшуючи кількість конфліктів.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Це відкриє новий екран. Зберегти поточні зміни?","Time format":"Формат часу","title":"заголовок","Title":"Заголовок","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Щоб дозволити Joplin синхронізуватися з Dropbox, виконайте наведені нижче дії:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Щоб видалити тег, зніміть позначки з відповідних нотаток.","To delete: %d":"До видалення: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Щоб увійти в режим командного рядка, натисніть “:”","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Щоб вийти з режиму командного рядка, натисніть ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Щоб вручну сортувати нотатки, порядок сортування потрібно змінити на “%s” в меню “%s”> “%s”","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Щоб розгорнути / згорнути консоль, натисніть “tc”.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Щоб перейти з однієї панелі на іншу, натисніть Tab або Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Повторити спробу дешифрування цих елементів. Запустіть `e2ee decrypt —retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Для коректної роботи додатку потрібні такі дозволи. Будь-ласка, увімкніть їх у налаштуваннях телефону, у Додатки> Joplin> Дозволи","to-do":"справи","Toggle comment":"Переключити коментар","Toggle development tools":"Перемикач інструментів розробника","Toggle editor layout":"Переключити макет редактора","Toggle editors":"Переключити редактори","Toggle external editing":"Переключити зовнішнє редагування","Toggle note list":"Переключити список нотаток","Toggle sidebar":"Переключити бокову панель","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Токен скопійовано в буфер обміну!","Tools":"Інструменти","Total: %d/%d":"Всього: %d/%d","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Введіть `help [command]` для отримання додаткової інформації про команду; або введіть `help all` для отримання повної інформації про використання.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Введіть `joplin help` для отримання інформації про використання.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Введіть заголовок нотатки або частину її вмісту, щоб перейти до неї. Або введіть # а потім ім\'я тега, або @, а потім ім\'я блокнота. Або введіть : для пошуку команд.","Type new tags or select from list":"Введіть нові теги або виберіть зі списку","Type: %s.":"Тип: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Незавершені списки справ на горі","Undo":"Сказувати","Unknown flag: %s":"Невідомий прапорець: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Завантажено невідомий тип елементу - оновіть Joplin до останньої версії","Unsupported image type: %s":"Непідтримуваний тип зображення: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Непідтримуване посилання або повідомлення: %s","Untitled":"Без назви","Update":"Оновити","Updated":"Оновлено","updated date":"оновлена дата","Updated local items: %d.":"Оновлено локальних елементів: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Оновлено віддалених елементів: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Оновлено: %d.","Updated: %s":"Оновлено: %s","Updating...":"Оновлення…","Upgrade":"Оновлення","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Оновіть ціль синхронізації до останньої версії.","URL":"Посилання","Usage: %s":"Використання: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Використовуйте формат довгого списку. Формат - ID, NOTE_COUNT (для блокнота), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (для завдань), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Використовуйте перевірку правопису","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"За допомогою стрілок та page up/down прокручуйте списки та текстові області (включаючи цю консоль).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Використовуйте стрілки для переміщення елементів макета. Натисніть “Escape”, щоб вийти.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Використовуйте це, щоб відновити індекс пошуку, якщо проблема з пошуком. Це може зайняти багато часу, залежно від кількості нотаток.","View":"Переглянути","View on map":"Показати на карті","View them now":"Показати елемент зараз","Viewer":"Переглядач","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Попередження","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Попередження: не всі ресурси відображаються з міркувань продуктивності (ліміт: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV пароль","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV посилання","WebDAV username":"WebDAV користувач","Website and documentation":"Вебсайт та документація","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Ласкаво просимо до Ощздшт!\\n\\nВведіть `:help shortcuts` для списку комбінацій клавіш або просто `:help` для інформації про використання.\\n\\nНаприклад, для створення блокнота натисніть `mb`; щоб створити нотатку, натисніть “mn”.","When creating a new note:":"Коли створюжться нова нотатка:","When creating a new to-do:":"Коли створюжться новий список справ:","Words":"Слова","y":"так","Y":"Так","yes":"так","Yes":"Так","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Ви збираєтеся вкласти велике зображення (%dx%d пікселів). Хочете зменшити розмір до %d пікселів, перш ніж приєднувати?","You currently have no notebooks.":"У вас зараз немає блокнотів.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"У вас немає встановлених розширень.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Ви також можете ввести `status` для отримання додаткової інформації.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Ви можете скористатися наведеним нижче інструментом для повторного шифрування даних, наприклад, якщо ви знаєте, що деякі ваші нотатки зашифровані застарілим методом шифрування.","Your choice: ":"Ваш вибір: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Ваші дані будуть повторно зашифровані та знову синхронізовані.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Ваш дозвіл на використання камери є обов’язковим.","Your version: %s":"Ваша версія: %s","Zoom In":"Збільшити","Zoom Out":"Зменшити"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"“%s” đang thiếu thuộc tính bắt buộc “%s”.","%d days":"%d ngày","%d hour":"%d giờ","%d hours":"%d giờ","%d minutes":"%d phút","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"Có %d notes trùng với chuỗi này. Xóa chúng?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) không thể tỉa lên: %s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) muốn chia sẻ một sổ ghi chú với bạn.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (chưa xuất bản)","%s - Copy":"%s - Sao chép","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d ghi chú","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"&Chỉnh sửa","&File":"&Tập tin","&Go":"&Đi","&Help":"&Trợ giúp","&Note":"&Ghi chú","&Tools":"&Công cụ","&View":"&Giao diện","(%s)":"(%s)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(wysiwyg: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- Camera: cho phép chụp ảnh và đính kèm vào note.","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- VỊ trí: cho phép đính thông tin vị trí vào note.","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- Lưu trữ: để cho phép đính kèm files tới notes và cho phép đồng bộ hóa tệp tin hệ thống."," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" có thể là \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", hoặc \\"notetags\\" để gắn hoặc gõ bỏ [tag] khỏi [note], để liệt kê note được gắn với [tag], hoặc để liệt kê tag gắn với [note]. Câu lệnh `tag list` có thể sử dụng để liệt kê tất cả tags (sử dụng -l để liệt kê chi tiết)."," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" có thể là \\"toggle\\" hoặc là \\"clear\\". Sử dụng \\"toggle\\" để lưu chuyển giữa các to-do đã hoàn thành và chưa hoàn thành (nếu mục tiêu là một note bình thường, note sẽ được chuyển đổi thành to-do). Sử dụng \\"clear\\" dể chuyển đổi to-do trở lại một note bình thường.","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"Về Joplin","accelerator":"điều chỉnh","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"Bộ điều chỉnh “%s” không hợp lệ.","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"Bộ điều chỉnh “%s” được sử dụng cho các lệnh “%s” và “%s”. Điều này có thể dẫn đến hành vi không mong muốn.","Accept":"Chấp nhận","Action":"Hành động","Active":"Đang hoạt động","Actual Size":"Kích thước chuẩn","Add body":"Điền phần thân","Add or remove tags:":"Gắn hoặc gỡ nhãn:","Add recipient:":"Thêm người nhận:","Add title":"Điền tiêu đề","Add to dictionary":"Thêm vào từ điển","Advanced options":"Chức năng nâng cao","Advanced tools":"Chức năng nâng cao","All notes":"Tất cả các notes","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"Tất cả các cổng tiềm năng đang được sử dụng - vui lòng báo cáo sự cố tại% s","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Biến chưa được đặt và biến ẩn của cấu hình cũng sẽ được hiển thị.","Always":"Luôn luôn","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Có bản cập nhật mới, bạn có muốn cập nhật không?","Appearance":"Bề ngoài","Application":"Ứng dụng","Apply":"Áp dụng","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"Bạn có chắc là muốn làm mới mã uỷ quyền?","Arguments:":"Tham số:","Aritim Dark":"Aritim Dark","Attach file":"Đính kèm","Attach photo":"Đính kèmanhr","Attach...":"Đính kèm.","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Đính kèm tập tin được lựa chọn vào ghi chú.","attachment":"đính kèm","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"Đính kèm bị xung đột: “%s”","Attachment download behaviour":"Hành vi tải về đính kèm","Attachments":"Đính kèm","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"Không thể tải về được những đính kèm","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"Lưu ý: Nếu bạn thay đổi vị trí này, hay chắc chắn rang bạn đã sao chép tất cả nội dung của mình trước khi đồng bộ, nếu không tất cả các files sẽ bị xóa! Xem chi tiết tại FAQ: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Quy trình xác nhận chưa hoàn thành (chưa nhận được mã xác nhận).","Authorisation token:":"Mã ủy quyền:","Auto":"Auto","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"Tự động đóng ngoặc nhọn, ngoặc đơn, ngoặc kép, v.v...","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"Tự động đổi giao diện khớp với giao diện hệ thống","Automatically update the application":"Tự động cập nhật ứng dụng","Back":"Quay lại","Bold":"In đậm","Browse all plugins":"Duyệt tất cả phần mở rộng","Browse...":"Truy xuất…","Bulleted List":"Danh sách","Cancel":"Hủy","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Hủy đồng bộ hóa đang chạy dưới nền… Vui lòng chờ.","Cancelling...":"Hủy...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Đang hủy… Vui lòng chờ.","Cannot access %s":"Không thể truy cập %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"Không thể thay đổi những mục đã được mã hóa","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Không thể sao chép note tới notebook \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"Không tìm thấy \\"%s\\".","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"Không thể khởi động đồng bộ hóa.","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"Không thể tải mô-đun “%s” cho định dạng “%s” và đầu ra “%s”","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"Không thể tải mô-đun “%s” cho định dạng “%s” và mục tiêu “%s”","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"Không thể di chuyển note tới notebook \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Không thể di chuyển notebook tới vị trí này","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Không thể tạo mới token: dữ liệu ủy quyền đã mất. Bắt đầu lại quá trình đồng bộ hóa có thể giải quyết vấn đề này.","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"Không thể lưu %s “%s” vì nó sẽ vượt quá tổng kích thước cho phép (%s) cho tài khoản này","Change application layout":"Thay đổi giao diện ứng dụng","Change language":"Thay đổi ngôn ngữ","Characters":"Số chữ","Characters excluding spaces":"Số chữ ngoại trừ dấu cách","Check for updates...":"Đang kiểm tra cập nhật...","Check synchronisation configuration":"Kiểm tra cài đặt đồng bộ hóa","Checkbox":"Ô dấu check","Checkbox list":"Danh sách checkbox","Checking... Please wait.":"Đang kiểm tra… Vui lòng chờ.","Choose an option":"Chọn một lựa chọn","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome Web Store","Clear":"Xóa","Clear alarm":"Bỏ báo động","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Ấn \\"%s\\" để hồi phục note. Thao tác này sẽ sao chép notebook có tên \\"%s\\". Phiên bản hiện tại của note sẽ không bị mất đi hay thay đổi.","Click to add tags...":"Nhấn để thêm nhãn…","Client ID: %s":"Client ID: %s","Close":"Đóng","Close Window":"Đóng cửa sổ","Code":"Mã","Code Block":"Khối code","Code View":"Xem Code","Coming alarms":"Báo động sắp gần","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"Sử dụng list đường dẫn định dạng phân cách bằng dấu phẩy để tải các certificates, đường đường dẫn tới các certificates. Ví dụ: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Lưu ý, nếu bnaj thay đổi cấu hình TLS, bnaj phải lưu những thay đổi đó trước khi ấn \\"Kiểm tra cấu hình đồng bộ hóa\\".","command":"command","Command":"Lệnh","Command palette":"Mẫu lệnh","Completed":"Hoàn thành","Completed decryption.":"Giải mã hoàn tất.","Completed: %s (%s)":"Đã hoàn thành: %s (%s)","Configuration":"Cấu hình","Confirm password cannot be empty":"Xác nhận không thể để trống mật khẩu","Confirm password:":"Xác nhận mật khẩu:","Confirmation":"Xác nhận","Conflicted: %d":"Xung đột; %d","Conflicts":"Xung đột","Convert to note":"Chuyển thành note","Convert to todo":"Chuyển thành todo","Copy":"Sao chép","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"Sao chép lệnh dev mode","Copy Link Address":"Sao chép địa chỉ đường dẫn","Copy Markdown link":"Sao chép markdown link","Copy path to clipboard":"Sao chép đường dẫn","Copy Shareable Link":"Sao chép link chia sẻ","Copy token":"Sao chép mã","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"Không thể ủy quyền ứng dụng:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nVui lòng thử lại.","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"Không thể kết nối tới máy chủ Joplin. Vui lòng kiểm tra cài đặt Đồng bộ hóa. Lỗi được phát hiện:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"Không thể xuất ghi chú: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"Không thể cài đặt phần mở rộng: %s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"Không thể nâng cấp khoá chính: %s","Create a notebook":"Tạo một notebook","Created":"Đã được tạo","created date":"ngày tạo","Created local items: %d.":"Số mục được tạo trên máy: %d.","Created locally":"Số mục được tạo trên máy","Created remote items: %d.":"Số mục không được tạo ở trên máy: %d.","Created: %d.":"Đã tạo: %d.","Created: %s":"Đã tạo lúc: %s","Creates a new note.":"Tạo một note mới.","Creates a new notebook.":"Tạo một notebook mới.","Creates a new to-do.":"Tạo một to-do mới.","Creating new %s...":"Đang tạo mới %s...","Creating report...":"Tạo báo cáo...","Current version is up-to-date.":"Phiên bản hiện tại đã được cập nhật mới nhất.","custom order":"thứ tự tuỳ chỉnh","Custom order":"Thứ tự tuỳ chỉnh","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"Stylesheet tùy chỉnh cho các kiểu ứng dụng Joplin","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"Stylesheet tùy chỉnh cho Markdown được hiển thị","Custom TLS certificates":"Tùy chỉnh TLS certicates","Cut":"Cắt","Dark":"Dark","Database v%s":"Database v%s","Date format":"Định dạng ngày","days":"ngày","Decrypted items: %d":"Những mục đã được giải mã: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"Những mục đã được giải mã: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Số mục được giải mã: %d/%d","Default":"Mặc định","Default: %s":"Mặc định: %s","Delete":"Xóa","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"Xoá tệp đính kèm \\"%s\\"?","Delete line":"Xoá dòng","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"Xóa dữ liệu cục bộ và tải xuống lại từ mục tiêu đồng bộ hóa","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"Xóa note \\"%s\\"?","Delete note?":"Xóa note?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Có xóa notebook \\"%s\\" không?\\n\\nTất cả notes và sub-notebooks trong notebook này sẽ bị xóa.","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Xóa notebook? Tất cả notes và sub-notebooks bên trong notebook này sẽ bị xóa.","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"Xoá phần mở rộng “%s”?","Delete these %d notes?":"Xóa số note này %d?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"Bạn muốn xoá lời mời này? Người nhận liên quan sẽ không thể truy cập sổ ghi chú này nữa.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Số mục đã xóa ở trên máy: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Số mục đã xóa không ở trên máy: %d.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Xóa notebook được lựa chọn.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Xóa notebook mà không cần xác nhận.","Deletes the notes matching .":"Xóa những notes trùng với .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Xóa notes mà không cần xác nhận.","Destination format: %s":"Định dạng của điểm đến: %s","Directory":"Directory","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Đường dẫn để đồng bộ tới (absolute path)","Disable encryption":"Tắt chức năng mã hóa","Disable safe mode and restart":"Tắt chế độ an toàn và khởi động lại","Disable Web Clipper Service":"Vô hiệu hóa dịch vụ Web Clipper","Disabled":"Đã tắt","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Tắt chức năng mã hóa có nghĩa là tất cả các notes và đính kèm của bạn sẽ được đồng bộ hóa lại và được đồng bộ với điểm đến trong trạng thái không mã hóa. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục không?","Discard changes":"Bỏ thay đổi","Dismiss":"Bỏ qua","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Hiển thị đường dẫn định vị địa lý của note.","Displays only the first top notes.":"Hiển thị duy nhất notes đầu tiên.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"Chỉ hiển thị những mục theo phân loại đã được xác định. Có thể sử dụng `n` cho notes, `t` cho to-do, hoặc `nt` cho notes và to-dos (ví dụ `-tt` sẽ chỉ hiển thị to-dos, trong khi đó `-tnt` sẽ chỉ hiển thị notes và to-dos).","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Hiển thị thông tin sơ lược của notes và notebooks.","Displays the complete information about note.":"Hiển thị toàn bộ thông tin của ghi chú.","Displays the given note.":"Hiển thị ghi chú được lựa chọn.","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Hiển thị notes trong notebook hiện tại. Sử dụng `ls /` để hiển thị danh mục các notebook.","Displays usage information.":"HIển thị thông tin sử dụng.","Displays version information":"Hiện thị thông tin phiên bản","Do it now":"Thực hiện ngay","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Không cần xác nhận.","Download":"Tải xuống","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"Tải về và cài đặt tiện ích liên quan tới trình duyệt web của bạn:","Downloaded":"Đã tải","Downloaded and decrypted":"Đã tải về và giải mã","Downloaded and encrypted":"Đã tải về và đã mã hóa","Downloading":"Đang tải","Downloading resources...":"Đang tải về tài nguyên...","Dracula":"Dracul","Drop notes or files here":"Thả ghi chú hoặc tập tin ở đây","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Đăng nhập Dropbox","Duplicate":"Sao chép","Duplicate line":"Nhân đôi dòng","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"Sao chép những note trùng với tới [notebook]. Nếu không có notebook nào được chỉ định, note sẽ được sao chép tới notebook hiện tại.","Edit":"Chỉnh sửa","Edit in external editor":"Chỉnh sửa trên trình chỉnh sửa văn bản khác","Edit note.":"Sửa ghi chú.","Edit notebook":"Chỉnh sửa notebook","Editor":"Trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Editor font":"Font của trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Editor font family":"Font family của trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Editor font size":"Kích thước font của trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Editor monospace font family":"Họ phông chữ monospace","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"text\\" hoặc \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"chữ nhấn mạnh","Enable":"Bật","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"Bật ++insert++ syntax","Enable ==mark== syntax":"Bật ==mark== syntax","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"Bật ^sup^ syntax","Enable abbreviation syntax":"Bật abbreviation syntax","Enable audio player":"Bật audio player","Enable deflist syntax":"Bật deflist syntax","Enable encryption":"Bật chức năng mã hóa","Enable footnotes":"Bật footnotes","Enable Fountain syntax support":"Bật hỗ trợ Fountain syntax","Enable Linkify":"Bật Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"Bật markdown emoji","Enable math expressions":"Bật hỗ trợ toán học","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"Bật Mermaid diagrams support","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"Bật multimarkdown table extension","Enable note history":"Bật lịch sử note","Enable PDF viewer":"Bật trình xem PDF","Enable soft breaks":"Bật tự động xuống trang","Enable table of contents extension":"Bật ứng dụng mở rộng mục lục","Enable typographer support":"Bật hỗ trợ cá nhân làm thuật in máy","Enable video player":"Bật video player","Enable Web Clipper Service":"Bật dịch vụ Web Clipper","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"Bật ~sub~ syntax","Enabled":"Đã bật","Encrypted":"Đã mã hóa","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Các mục đã mã hóa không thể chỉnh sửa","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"Notebooks đã được mã hóa không thể đổi tên","Encryption":"Mã hóa","Encryption Config":"Cấu hình mã hóa","Encryption is: %s":"Mã hóa là: %s","Enter code here":"Ấn mã vào đây","Enter master password:":"Điền mật khẩu master:","Enter notebook title":"Điền tiêu đề notebook","Enum":"Enum","Error":"Lỗi","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Lỗi khi mở note trong trình chỉnh sửa: %s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"Lỗi. Vui lòng kiểm tra URL, tên sử dụng, mật khẩu, v.v... đã đúng và điểm đồng bộ hóa có thể truy cập được. Lỗi là:","Error: %s":"Lỗi: %s","Errors only":"Chỉ hiển thị lỗi","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote Export File (dạng HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote Export File (dạng Markdown)","Exits the application.":"Thoát ứng dụng.","Export":"Nhập","Export all":"Xuất tất cả","Export debug report":"Xuất báo cáo lỗi","Export Debug Report":"Export báo cáo debug","Export profile":"Export hồ sơ","Exporting profile...":"Đang xuất hồ sơ...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Xuất ra “%s” dưới định dạng “%s”. Vui lòng chờ…","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Xuất dữ liệu từ Joplin tới đường dẫn được chỉ định. Mặc định, ứng dụng sẽ xuất toàn bộ dữ liệu bao gồm sổ ghi chú, ghi chú, nhãn, và tài nguyên.","Exports only the given note.":"Chỉ xuất ghi chú được chọn.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Chỉ xuất số ghi chú được chọn.","Fail-safe":"Fail-safe","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"Thiết kế an toàn: Không xóa dữ liệu cục bộ khi điểm đến đồng bộ hóa trống (thường là kết quả của bug hoặc cấu hình sai)","Fatal error:":"Lỗi nghiêm trọng:","Feature flags":"Cờ nổi bật","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Số mục đã được lấy: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Đang lấy tài nguyên: %d/%d","File":"File","File system":"Tập tin hệ thống","Firefox Extension":"Firefox Extension","Fix search index":"Sửa index tìm kiếm","Fixing search index...":"Sửa index tìm kiếm...","Focus":"Đặt con trỏ tới","Focus body":"Đặt dấu trỏ tại phần thân","Focus title":"Đặt dấu trỏ tại tiêu đề","Folders":"Thư mục","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"Dành riêng cho mục đích debugging: export hồ sơ của bạn tới thẻ SD.","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"Để có được thông tin về hướng dẫn tùy chỉnh phím tắt vui lòng truy cập %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"Để tìm hiểu thêm về End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) và những gợi ý về việc sử dụng E2EE vui lòng xem documentation:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"Để truy cập danh sách phím tắt và cấu hình, ấn `help keymap`","Forward":"Tiến tới","Found: %d.":"Tìm thấy: %d.","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS đã bật: %d","Full changelog":"Toàn bộ thay đổi","General":"Chung","Generating link...":"Đang tạo đường dẫn...","Get it now:":"Đặt mua ngay bây giờ:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"Cập nhật bản trước phát hành khi kiểm tra cập nhật","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Lấy hoặc cài đặt cấu hình. Nếu [cấu hình] không được cung cấp, cấu hình của [tên] sẽ được hiển thị. Nếu cả [tên] và [cấu hình] đều không được cung cấp, danh cách các cấu hình hiện tại sẽ được hiển thị.","Go to source URL":"Đi tới URL nguồn","Goto Anything...":"Đi tới bất kỳ điểm nào...","Grant authorisation":"Cung cấp uỷ quyền","Heading":"Tiêu đề","Help":"Trợ giúp","Hide %s":"Ẩn %s","Hide Joplin":"Ẩn Joplin","Highlight":"Nổi bật","Horizontal Rule":"Kẻ ngang","HTML Directory":"HTML Directory","HTML File":"HTML File","Hyperlink":"Hyperlink","Icon":"Icon","ID":"ID","Idle":"Không hoạt động","Ignore":"Bỏ qua","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"Bỏ qua các lỗi TLS certificate","Import":"Xuất","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"Đang nhập từ \\"%s\\" dưới định dạng \\"%s\\". Vui lòng chờ...","Importing notes...":"Đang import notes...","Imports data into Joplin.":"Nhập dữ liệu vào Joplin.","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"Trong chế độ “Thủ công“, đính kèm được tải về chỉ khi bạn nhấn vào chúng. Trong chế độ “Tự động”, chúng có thể được tải về khi bạn mở note. Trong chế độ “Luôn luôn“, tất cả đính kèm luôn được tải về bất kể bạn có mở ghi chú hay không.","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Với bất kỳ câu lệnh, một note hoặc notebook có thể được dẫn tới bằng cách sử dụng tiêu đề hoặc ID, hoặc sử dụng cụm `$n` hoặc `$b`, theo thứ tự, dành cho note hoặc notebook đã được lựa chọn. `$c` có thể sử dụng để dẫn tới mục đang được lựa chọn.","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"Để gắn một địa điểm vào ghi chú, ứng dụng cần được cấp quyền truy cập vị trí của bạn.\\n\\nBạn có thể tắt tuỳ chọn này bất cứ lúc nào tại giao diện Cài đặt.","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"Để làm được điều đó, toàn bộ dữ liệu sẽ phải được mã hoá và đồng bộ, tốt nhất là để nó chạy quay đêm.\\n\\nĐể bắt đầu, hãy làm theo hướng dẫn dưới đây:\\n\\n1. Đồng bộ hoá tất cả thiết bị của bạn.\\n2. Ấn vào “%s”.\\n3. Đợi đến khi chạy xong. Trong khi chạy, không thay đổi bất kỳ ghi chú nào trên các thiết bị để tránh xung đột.\\n4. Khi đồng bộ đã hoàn tất trên thiết bị này, đồng tất cả thiết bị còn lại và đợi đến khi hoàn tất.\\n\\nQuan trọng: bạn chỉ cần thực hiện quá trình này một lần trên một thiết bị.","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"Để sử dụng đồng bộ hóa tệp tin hệ thống, bạn cần cho phép ghi vào hệ thống lưu trữ bên ngoài.","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"Để có thể sử dụng web clipper, bạn cần làm theo các bước sau:","In progress":"Đang hoạt động","In: %s":"Trong: %s","Indent less":"Thêm thụt dòng","Indent more":"Bớt thụt dòng","Information":"Thông tin","Inline Code":"Code cùng hàng","Insert":"Thêm","Insert Date Time":"Chèn ngày tháng","Insert Hyperlink":"Chèn Liên kết","Install":"Cài đặt","Install from file":"Cài đặt từ tập tin","Installed":"Đã cài đặt","Installing...":"Đang cài đặt…","Invalid":"Không hợp lệ","Invalid %s: %s.":"Không hợp lệ %s: %s.","Invalid answer: %s":"Câu trả lời không hợp lệ: %s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"Câu lệnh sai: \\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"Giá trị lựa chọn lỗi: \\"%s\\". Các giá trị có thể sử dụng là: %s.","Italic":"In nghiêng","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"Mục \\"%s\\" không thể tải về: %s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"Những mục không thể giả mã","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Những mục không thể đồng bộ","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud email":"Email Joplin Cloud","Joplin Cloud password":"Mật khẩu Joplin Cloud","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin Export Directory","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Export File","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin đã nhiều lần giải mã thất bại những mục này, có thể bởi vì chúng bị hỏng hoặc quá nặng. Những mục này sẽ được duy trì ở trên thiết bị nhưng Joplin sẽ không giải mã chúng nữa.","Joplin Forum":"Diễn đàn Joplin","Joplin Server":"Máy chủ của Joplin","Joplin Server email":"Máy chủ email của Joplin","Joplin Server password":"Mật khẩu máy chủ Joplin","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin Server URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin Web Clipper cho phép lưu lại các trang web và screenshots trên trình duyệt web tới Joplin.","Joplin website":"Website của Joplin","Keep note history for":"Lưu giữ lịch sử note để","Keyboard Mode":"Ché độ bàn phím","Keyboard Shortcut":"Phím tắt","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Phím tắt bàn phím","Keychain Supported: %s":"Chuỗi khóa được hỗ trợ: %s","Landscape":"Landscape","Language":"Ngôn ngữ","Last error: %s":"Lỗi gần nhất; %s","Later":"Sau đó","Layout":"Dàn trang","Layout button sequence":"Thứ tự của nút hệ thống nút nhấn","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"Light","Lines":"Số dòng","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"Đường dẫn đã được sao chép!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"Links sử dụng protocol \\"%s\\" không được hỗ trợ","List item":"Danh mục","Location":"Vị trí","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"Tập tin bị khóa hiện đang dừng hoạt động. Nếu không có quy trình đồng bộ nào đang hoạt đông, bạn có thể xóa file bị khóa tại \\"%s\\" và tiếp tục sử dung.","Log":"Nhật ký","Login with Dropbox":"Đăng nhập với Dropbox","Login with OneDrive":"Đăng nhập với OneDrive","Make a donation":"Quyên góp","Manage your plugins":"Quản lý các phần mở rộng","Manual":"Thủ công","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"Đánh dấu một to-do đã hoàn thành.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Đánh dấu to-do chưa hoàn thành.","Markup":"Đánh dấu","Master Key %s":"Master Key %s","Max concurrent connections":"Số lượng kết nối tối đa","Missing Master Keys":"Không tìm thấy Master Keys","Missing required argument: %s":"Thiếu đối số cho hàm: %s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"Dữ liệu di động - tự động đồng bộ đã tắt","More info":"Thêm thông tin","More information":"Các thông tin khác","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"Nhiều hơn một mục được tìm thấy với \\"%s\\". Hãy truy vấn cụ thể hơn nữa.","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"Di chuyển %d notes tới notebook \\"%s\\"?","Move to notebook":"Chuyển tới sổ ghi chú","Move to notebook...":"Chuyển tới sổ ghi chú…","Move to notebook:":"Chuyển tới sổ ghi chú:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"Di chuyển những notes trùng với tới [notebook].","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"Ghi chú mới","New notebook":"Sổ ghi chú mới","New Notebook":"Notebook mới","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"Notebook \\"%s\\" sẽ được tạo mới và tập tin \\"%s\\" sẽ được import vào notebook đó","New sub-notebook":"Số ghi chú con mới","New tags:":"Tags mới:","New to-do":"To-do mới","New version: %s":"Phiên bản mới: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Mật khẩu Nextcloud","Nextcloud username":"Tên sử dụng Nextcloud","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"không","No":"Không","No active notebook.":"Không có ghi chú nào đang được sử dụng.","No item with ID %s":"Không có mục nào có ID %s","No notebook has been specified.":"Chưa có sổ ghi chú nào được chỉ định.","No notebook selected.":"Chưa có sổ ghi chú nào được chọn.","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"Không có ghi chú nào ở đây. Tạo một ghi chú bằng cách ấn “Ghi chú mới\\".","No resources!":"Không có tài nguyên!","No results":"Không có kết quả","No such command: %s":"Không có lệnh: %s","No suggestions":"Không có ý kiến nào","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"Chưa có trình biên tập văn bản nào được lựa chon. Vui lòng lựa chọn trình biên tập văn bản sử dụng `config editor `","Nord":"Nord","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Chưa được ủy quyền với %s. Vui lòng cung cấp thông tin chưa được cung cấp.","Not downloaded":"Không thể tải","note":"ghi chú","Note":"Note","Note area growth factor":"Yếu tố tăng trưởng khu vực ghi chú","Note attachments":"Đính kèm ghi chú","Note attachments...":"Đính kèm ghi chú…","Note body":"Thân ghi chú","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"Không có note: \\"%s\\". Tạo lập nó?","Note has been saved.":"Ghi chú chưa được lưu.","Note History":"Lịch sử của note","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"Ghi chú này không phải là to-do: \\"%s\\"","Note list":"Danh sách ghi chú","Note list growth factor":"Yếu tố tăng trưởng danh sách ghi chú","Note properties":"Đặc tính của ghi chú","Note title":"Tiêu đề ghi chú","Note&book":"Sổ&ghi chú","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"Lưu ý: Không hoạt động trong tất cả môi trường desktop.","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"Lưu ý: Khi note được chia sẻ, nó sẽ không còn được mã hóa trên server nữa.","Notebook list growth factor":"Yếu tố tăng trưởng danh sách sổ ghi chú","Notebook title:":"Tiêu đề sổ ghi chú:","Notebook: %s":"Notebook: %s","Notebooks":"Notebooks","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"Notesbook không thể đặt tên \\"%s\\", tên này đã được dành riêng.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Notes và cài đặt sẽ được lưu lại tại: %s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Notes chỉ có thể được tạo ra bên trong một notebook.","Numbered List":"Danh sách theo thứ tự","OK":"OK","OLED Dark":"OLED Dark","On %s: %s":"On %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"Một trong số các khoá chính của bạn đang sử dụng phương thức mã hoá bị lỗi thời.","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Một hoặc nhiều mục đã được mã hóa và bạn có thể cần cung cấp mật khẩu master. Để mở vui lòng ấn `e2ee decrypt`. Nếu bạn đã cung cấp mật khẩu, nhưng mục đã bị mã hóa đang được giải mã trong nền và sẽ có thể sử dụng sớm.","One or more master keys need a password.":"Một hoặc nhiều khoá chính cần được đặt mật khẩu.","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"Đăng nhập OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"Chỉ một ghi chú có thể được tải về tại một thời điểm.","Open":"Mở","Open %s":"Mở %s","Open profile directory":"Mở thư mục cá nhân","Open...":"Mở...","Operation cancelled":"Thi hành đã được hủy","Options":"Lựa chọn","Output format: %s":"Định dạng đầu ra: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"Định hướng trang để export PDF","Page size for PDF export":"Kích thước của trang để export dạng PDF","Password":"Mật khẩu","Password cannot be empty":"Không thể để trống mật khẩu","Password:":"Mật khẩu:","Passwords do not match!":"Mật khẩu không trùng!","Paste":"Dán","Path:":"Đường dẫn:","PDF File":"Tập tin PDF","Permission needed":"Cần được cấp quyền","Permission to use camera":"Quyền sử dụng camera","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"Vui lòng xác nhận rằng bạn muốn tái mã hoá toàn bộ dữ liệu.","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu trong danh sách khoá chính dưới đây trước khi nâng cấp khoá.","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"Vui lòng mở URL này trong trình duyệt web của bạn để ủy quyền cho ứng dụng. Ứng dụng sẽ tạo một đường dẫn \\"Apps/Joplin\\" và sẽ chỉ đọc và ghi tập tin tại đường dẫn này. Ứng dụng sẽ không thể truy cập bất kỳ file nào ngoài đường dẫn này cũng như các dữ liệu cá nhân. Không có dữ liệu nào sẽ được chia sẻ với bên thứ ba.","Please select a notebook first.":"Hãy chọn một notebook trước.","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Vui lòng chọn ghi chú hoặc sổ ghi chú cần được xóa.","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Vui lòng chọn điểm đến mà trạng thái đồng bộ sẽ được export tới","Please specify import format for %s":"Vui lòng chỉ định định dạng import cho %s","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Vui lòng chỉ định notebook mà các notes sẽ được import tới.","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"Hãy nâng cấp Joplin để sử dụng phần mở rộng này","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Vui lòng chờ cho tất cả tệp đính kèm được tải về và giải mã. Bạn cũng có thể chuyển qua %s để chỉnh sửa ghi chú.","Please wait...":"Vui lòng chờ...","Plugin tools":"Công cụ mở rộng","Plugins":"Phần mềm mở rộng","Portrait":"Portrait","Possible keys/values:":"Từ khóa/giá trị có thể sử dụng:","Possible values: %s.":"Những giá trị có thể sử dụng là: %s.","Preferences":"Tuỳ chỉnh","Preferences...":"Thông tin…","Preferred dark theme":"Ưu tiên giao diện tối","Preferred light theme":"Ưu tiên giao diện sáng","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"Vui lòng nhấn Ctrl+D hoặc gõ \\"exit\\" để thoát khỏi ứng dụng","Press the shortcut":"Nhấn phím tắt","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"Nhấn phím tắt sau đó nhấn ENTER. Hoặc nhấn BACKSPACE để xoá phím tắt.","Press to set the decryption password.":"Ấn để đặt mật khẩu giải mã.","Previous versions of this note":"Phiên bản trước của note này","Print":"In","Privacy Policy":"Điều khoản riêng tư","Profile Version: %s":"Phiên bản thông tin: %s","Properties":"Tính chất","Publish note...":"Công khai ghi chú…","Publish Notes":"Công khai các Ghi chú","Quit":"Thoát","Re-encrypt data":"Mã hoá lại dữ liệu","Re-encryption":"Tái mã hóa","Re-upload local data to sync target":"Tải lên lại dữ liệu cục bộ để đồng bộ hóa mục tiêu","Read more about it":"Xem thêm","Read time: %s min":"Thời gian đọc: %s phút","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"Người nhận đã chấp nhận lời mời","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"Người nhận chưa chấp nhận lời mời","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"Người nhận đã từ chối lời mời","Recipients:":"Người nhận:","Redo":"Redo","Refresh":"Tải lại","Reject":"Từ chối","Remove":"Xóa","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"Gỡ bỏ tag \\"%s\\" khỏi tất cả các notes?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Bỏ kết quả tìm kiếm từ thanh bên?","Rename":"Đổi tên","Rename notebook:":"Đổi tên sổ ghi chú:","Rename tag:":"Đổi tên nhãn:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"Đổi tên (note hoặc notebook) được lựa chọn thành .","Renew token":"Làm mới mã","Resources: %d.":"Tài nguyên: %d.","Restart and upgrade":"Khởi động lại và nâng cấp","Restart now":"Khởi động lại ngay bây giờ","Restore":"Khôi phục","Restored Notes":"Hồi phục Notes","Retry":"Thử lại","Retry All":"Thử lại tất cả","Reveal file in folder":"Hiển thị tập tin trong thư mục","Reverse sort order":"Đảo ngược thứ tự sắp xếp","Reverses the sorting order.":"Đảo ngược thứ tự sắp xếp.","Revision: %s (%s)":"Duyệt lại: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"Thực thi các lệnh trong tập tin văn bản. Mỗi dòng chỉ nên chứa một lệnh.","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"Chế độ an toàn đang được bật. Ghi chú và tất cả phần mở rộng tạm thời ngưng hoạt động.","Save":"Lưu lại","Save alarm":"Lưu báo động","Save as...":"Lưu lại thành...","Save changes":"Lưu thay đổi","Save geo-location with notes":"Lưu dữ liệu định vị của notes này","Search":"Tìm kiếm","Search for plugins...":"Tìm kiếm phần mở rộng…","Search in all the notes":"Tìm kiếm trong tất cả các notes","Search in current note":"Tìm kiếm trong ghi chú hiện tại","Search...":"Tìm kiếm...","Search:":"Tìm kiếm:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"Tìm trong tất cả các notes.","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"Xem trang phát hành trước để có thêm thông tin chi tiết: %s","Select all":"Chọn tất cả","Server is already running on port %d":"Server đang hoạt động trên port %d","Server is not running.":"Server chưa chạy.","Server is running on port %d":"Server đang khởi động trên port %d","Set alarm":"Đặt nhắc hẹn","Set alarm:":"Đặt nhắc hẹn:","Set the password":"Đặt mật khẩu","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"Thay đổi đặc tính của note hiện tại thành giá trị [value]. Những đặc tính có thể thay đổi là:\\n\\n%s","Share":"Chia sẻ","Share Notebook":"Chia sẻ Sổ ghi chú","Share notebook...":"Chia sẻ sổ ghi chú…","Sharing notebook...":"Chia sẻ sổ ghi chú…","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"Phím tắt không thể sử dụng trong chế độ CLI.","Show Advanced Settings":"Hiển thị cài đặt nâng cao","Show all":"Hiển thị tất cả","Show completed to-dos":"Hiển thị to-dos đã hoàn thành","Show note counts":"Hiển thị số lượng note","Show tray icon":"Hiển thị biểu tượng ở tray","Sidebar":"Thanh bên","Size":"Kích thước","Skip this version":"Bỏ qua phiên bản này","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"Bỏ qua các mục: %d (sử dụng —retry-failed-items để thử giải mã lại)","Skipped: %d.":"Đã bỏ qua: %d.","Solarised Dark":"Solarised Dark","Solarised Light":"Solarised Light","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Một số mục không thể được giải mã.","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Một số mục không thể đồng bộ hóa.","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"Một số mục không thể đồng bộ hóa. Ấn để xem them chi tiết.","Sort notebooks by":"Sắp xếp notebooks theo","Sort notes by":"Sắp xếp notes theo","Sort selected lines":"Sắp xếp những dòng được chọn","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Sắp xếp những mục theo (ví dụ, tiêu đề, thời điểm cập nhật, thời điểm tạo).","Source format: %s":"Định dạng từ nguồn: %s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"Chỉ định port nên được sử dụng bởi server API. Nếu không được chỉ định, cấu hình mặc định sẽ được sử dụng.","Spell checker":"Kiểm tra chính tả","Split View":"Chia đôi màn hình","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"Chạy chương trình trong nền, hiển thị icon trong tray khi máy khởi động","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"Bắt đầu, dừng, hoặc kiểm tra server API. Để chỉ định port mà ứng dụng sẽ chạy, đặt giá trị cho biến cấu hình api.port. Những câu lệnh bao gồm (%s).","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Bắt đầu giải mã… Vui lòng chờ, quá trình có thể mất vài phút tùy vào số lượng cần giải mã.","Starting synchronisation...":"Bắt đầu đồng bộ hóa...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Bắt đầu chỉnh sửa ghi chú. Tắt trình soạn thảo để quay lại lời nhắc.","Statistics":"Số liệu","Statistics...":"Số liệu…","Status":"Trạng thái","Status: %s":"Trạng thái: %s","Status: Started on port %d":"Trạng thái: bắt đầu trên port %d","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"Bước 1: Bật dịch vụ clipper","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"Bước 1: Mở đường dẫn URL này trong trình duyệt web để ủy quyền ứng dụng:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"Bước 2: Điền mã được cung cấp bởi Dropbox:","Step 2: Install the extension":"Bước 2: Cài đặt tiện ích mở rộng","Stop":"Dừng lại","Stop external editing":"Dừng sử dụng trình chỉnh sửa văn bản khác","Strikethrough":"Gạch bỏ","strong text":"chữ in đậm","Submit":"Gửi","Subscript":"Chỉ số dưới","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"Thành công! Cấu hình mã hóa đã đúng.","Superscript":"Chỉ số trên","Swap line down":"Tráo dòng xuống","Swap line up":"Tráo dòng lên","Switch between note and to-do type":"Chuyển đổi giữa dạng note và to-do","Switch to note type":"Chuyển tới dạng note","Switch to to-do type":"Chuyển tới dạng to-do","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Chuyển tới [notebook] - tất cả những hoạt động tiếp theo sẽ được hoàn thành ở trên notebook này.","Sync Status":"Trạng thái đồng bộ","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Trạng thái đồng bộ (số mục đã được đồng bộ/ tổng số mục)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"Mục tiêu đồng bộ hóa phải được nâng cấp! Chạy `%s` để tiếp tục.","Sync Target Upgrade":"Nâng cấp Mục tiêu Đồng bộ","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"Đồng bộ với mục tiêu được cung cấp (mặc định thoe giá trị của","Sync Version: %s":"Phiên bản đồng bộ hóa: %s","Synchronisation":"Đồng bộ hóa","Synchronisation interval":"Tần suất đồng bộ hóa","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Quy trình đồng bộ đang diễn ra.","Synchronisation Status":"Trạng thái đồng bộ hóa","Synchronisation target":"Điểm đến của quá trình đồng bộ","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Mục tiêu đồng bộ hóa: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"Đồng bộ hóa","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"Chỉ đồng bộ hóa qua kết nối WiFi","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Đồng bộ hóa với hệ thống lưu trữ từ xa.","Synchronising...":"Đang đồng bộ hóa...","Synchronizing...":"Đang đồng bộ hóa...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"Đã gắn: %d.","Tags":"Nhãn","Take photo":"Chụp ảnh","Text editor command":"Câu lệnh trình duyệt chỉnh sửa văn bản","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Ứng dụng này đang chuẩn bị đóng. Xin hãy mở lại ứng dụng để hoàn tất quá trình.","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Ứng dụng đã được ủy quyền - bây giờ bạn có thể đóng tab của trình duyệt.","The application has been authorised!":"Ứng dụng đã được cho phép!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Ứng dụng đã được ủy quyền thành công.","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"Khởi động lại ứng dụng để các thay đổi có hiệu lực.","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"Các đính kèm sẽ không được theo dõi nữa khi bạn chuyển qua một ghi chú khác.","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"Lệnh \\"%s\\" chỉ có thể sử dụng trong chế độ GUI","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"Mật khẩu quản trị mặc định không an toàn và chưa được thay đổi! [Thay đổi ngay bây giờ] (%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"Phương thức mã hoá mặc định đã được thay đổi sang một phương thức bảo mật hơn, và nên được áp dụng cho dữ liệu của bạn.","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"Phương thức mã hoá mặc định đã được thay đổi, dữ liệu của bạn nên được tái mã hoá.","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"Câu lệnh trình duyệt văn bản (có thể bao gồm đối số) được sử dụng để mở note. Nếu không được cung cấp, câu lệnh trình duyệt văn bản sẽ tự động tìm trình duyệt chỉnh sửa văn bản mặc định.","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"Thuộc tính factor thiết lập cách mặt hàng sẽ phát triển hoặc thu nhỏ để phù hợp với không gian có sẵn trong thùng chứa của nó so với các mặt hàng khác. Do đó, một mục có hệ số 2 sẽ chiếm dung lượng gấp đôi so với một mục có hệ số 1. Khởi động lại ứng dụng để xem các thay đổi.","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"Những đính kèm sau đây đang được theo dõi thay đổi:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Ứng dụng di động Joplin hiện tại không hỗ trỡ link này: %s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"Khoá chính đã được nâng cấp thành công!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"Master keys của những IDs được sử dụng để mã hóa một số mục của bạn, nhưng ứng dụng hiện tại không thể truy cập được chúng. Những master keys này có thể sẽ được tải về trong quá trình đồng bộ hóa.","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"Note \\"%s\\" đã được hồi phục tại notebook \\"%s\\".","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Không thể lưu lại notebook: %s","The notes have been imported: %s":"Những notes đã được import: %s","The possible commands are:":"Những câu lệnh phụ hợp có thể là:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"Mục tiêu đồng bộ cần được nâng cấp trước khi Joplin có thể thực hiện đồng bộ. Quá trình có thể mất vài phút để hoàn tất và ứng dụng cần được khởi động lại. Để tiếp tục, hãy nhấn vào đường dẫn.","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"Tag \\"%s\\" đã được sử dụng. Vui lòng chọn tên khác.","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Điểm đến của quá trình đông bộ. Mỗi điểm đến có thể có tham số tên `sync.NUM.NAME` (xem bên dưới).","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper cần sự uỷ quyền của bạn để truy cập dữ liệu.","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"Dịch vụ web clipper đã được bật và tự động khởi động.","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"Dịch vụ web clipper chưa được bật.","Theme":"Giao diện","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Hiện tại chưa có notes. Tạo một note bằng cách nút (+)","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"Hiện tại chưa có sổ ghi chú nào. Tạo một cái bằng cách ấn “Sổ ghi chú mới\\".","There is no data to export.":"Không có dữ liệu để export.","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"Có xung đột [conflict](%s) xảy ra đối với đính kèm dưới đây \\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Có lỗi xảy ra khi tải tệp đính kèm này:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Những mục này sẽ được duy trì trên thiết bị những sẽ không được tải lên điểm đồng bộ. Để tìm những mục này, tìm tiêu đề hoặc ID (được hiển thị trong ngoặc kép ở trên).","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"Các plugin này nâng cao trình kết xuất Markdown với các tính năng bổ sung. Xin lưu ý rằng, mặc dù các tính năng này có thể hữu ích, nhưng chúng không phải là Markdown tiêu chuẩn và do đó hầu hết chúng sẽ chỉ hoạt động trong Joplin. Ngoài ra, một số trong số chúng * không tương thích * với trình chỉnh sửa WYSIWYG. Nếu bạn mở ghi chú sử dụng một trong những plugin này trong trình chỉnh sửa đó, bạn sẽ mất định dạng plugin. Dưới đây chỉ ra những plugin nào tương thích hoặc không với trình chỉnh sửa WYSIWYG.","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Tệp đính kèm này chưa được tải xuống hoặc chưa được mã hoá","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"Đính kèm này chưa được tải về và giải mã.","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"Mã ủy quyền này chỉ cần sử dụng để cho phép ứng dụng bên thứ ba truy cập Joplin.","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"Đây là một công cụ nâng cao để hiển thị các tệp đính kèm được liên kết đến ghi chú của bạn. Hãy cẩn thận khi xoá một trong số chúng vì hành động này không thể khôi phục sau khi thực hiện.","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Note này không có thông tin vị trí.","This note has been modified:":"Note này đã được chỉnh sửa:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Ghi chú này không có nội dung. Nhấn vào “%s” để bật trình soạn thảo và chỉnh sửa ghi chú.","This note has no history":"Note này không có lịch sử","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Trình soạn thảo văn bản Rich Text này có nhiều giới hạn, bạn nên cân nhắc trước khi sử dụng nó.","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"Dịch vụ này cho phép tiện ích mở rộng của trình duyệt web trao đổi với Joplin. Khi bật nó, tường lửa của bạn có thể hỏi bạn cho phép Joplin sử dụng một port nào đó.","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"Điều này cho phép Joplin chạy trong nền. Khuyến cáo sử dụng chức năng này để notes có thể liên tục đồng bộ hóa, giảm thiểu số lần xung đột.","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"Cửa sổ mới sẽ được mở. Lưu lại những thay đổi gần nhất?","Time format":"Định dạng thời gian","title":"tiêu đề","Title":"Tiêu đề","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"Để cho phép Joplin đồng bộ với Dropbox, vui lòng làm theo những bước dưới đây:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Để xóa nhãn, hãy gỡ nhãn khỏi các ghi chú đã được gắn.","To delete: %d":"Xóa: %d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"Để truy cập chế độ giao điện dòng lệnh, ấn \\":\\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Để thoát khỏi giao diện dòng lệnh, ấn phím ESCAPE","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"Để sắp xếp ghi chú một cách thủ công, thứ tự sắp xếp phải được đổi thành “%s” trong menu “%s” > “%s”","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"Để phóng to/thu nhỏ console, ấn \\"tc\\".","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Để chuyển từ trang này sang trang khác, ấn Tab hoặc Shift+Tab.","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"Để thử giải mã lại các mục này. Chạy `e2ee decrypt —retry-failed-items`","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"Để hoạt động hoàn hảo, ứng dụng cần những quyền sau. Thay đổi tịa Apps > Joplin > Permisisons để trao quyền","to-do":"to-do","Toggle comment":"Ẩn/hiện bình luận","Toggle development tools":"Ẩn/hiện công cụ phát triển","Toggle editor layout":"Ẩn/hiện trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Toggle editors":"Ẩn/hiện trình chỉnh sửa văn bản","Toggle external editing":"Bật/tắt trình soạn thảo bên ngoài","Toggle note list":"Ẩn/hiện danh sách ghi chú","Toggle safe mode":"Bật/tắt chế độ an toàn","Toggle sidebar":"Ẩn/hiện thanh bên","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Dữ liệu đã được sao chép!","Tools":"Công cụ","Total: %d/%d":"Tổng cộng: %d/%d","Try again":"Thử lại","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Gõ `help [command]` để tìm hiểu thông tin về lệnh đó; hoặc gõ `help all` để tìm hiểu thông tin hướng dẫn sử dụng.","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Ấn `Joplin help` để hiển thị thông tin sử dụng.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Nhập một tiêu đề hoặc một phần của tiêu đề để nhảy tới nó. Bạn cũng có thể gõ #tên-nhãn, hoặc @tên-sổ-ghi-chú. Hoặc gõ : để tìm dòng lệnh.","Type new tags or select from list":"Điền tags mới hoặc chọn từ danh mục","Type: %s.":"Dạng: %s.","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"HIển thị to-dos chưa hoàn thành lên đầu","Undo":"Undo","Unknown flag: %s":"Không tìm thấy flag này: %s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"Không xác định phân loại mục đã tải - vui lòng nâng cấp Joplin lên bản mới nhất","Unpublish note":"Ngưng công khai ghi chú","Unshare":"Ngưng chia sẻ","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"Ngưng chia sẻ sổ ghi chú này? Người nhận sẽ không còn quyền truy cập vào nội dung của ghi chú nữa.","Unsupported image type: %s":"Không hỗ trợ định dạng ảnh này: %s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Đường dẫn hoặc tin nhắn không được hỗ trợ: %s","Untitled":"Chưa có tên","Update":"Cập nhật","Updated":"Đã cập nhật","updated date":"ngày cập nhật","Updated local items: %d.":"Số mục được cập nhật trên máy: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Số mục được cặp nhật không ở trên máy: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Đã cập nhật: %d.","Updated: %s":"Đã cập nhật lúc: %s","Updating...":"Đang cập nhật…","Upgrade":"Nâng cấp","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"Nâng cấp mục tiêu đồng bộ hóa lên phiên bản mới nhất.","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"Sử dụng: %s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Sử dụng định dạng danh mục dài. Định dạng là ID, NOTE_COUNT (cho notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (cho to-dos), TITLE","Use spell checker":"Sử dụng trình kiểm tra chính tả","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Sử dụng phím mũi tên và page up/down để di chuyển lên xuống trong một danh sách hoặc trang chữ (bao gồm cả console).","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"Sử dụng mũi tên để di chuyển các giao diện. Nhấn “Escape” để thoát.","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"Sử dụng cái này để dựng lại index tìm kiếm nếu bạn gập vấn đề với công cụ tìm kiếm. Việc này có thể mất thời gian tùy thuộc vào số lượng notes.","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"Được sử dụng cho hầu hết văn bản trong trình soạn thảo Markdown. Nếu không tìm thấy, phông chữ tỷ lệ chung (chiều rộng thay đổi) được sử dụng.","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"Được sử dụng khi cần phông chữ có độ rộng cố định để bố cục văn bản dễ đọc (ví dụ: bảng, hộp kiểm, mã). Nếu không tìm thấy, phông chữ monospace (chiều rộng cố định) chung sẽ được sử dụng.","View":"Xem","View on map":"Xem trên bản đồ","View them now":"Xem ngay","Viewer":"Trình xem","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"Cảnh báo","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"Lưu ý: không phải tất cả tài nguyên đều được hiển thị vì lí do hiệu suất (giới hạn: %s).","Web Clipper":"Web Clipper","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"Mật khẩu WebDAV","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"Tên sử dụng WebDAV","Website and documentation":"Trang web và tài liệu","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Xin chào tới Joplin!\\n\\nẤn `:help shortcuts` để xem danh mục bàn phím tắt, hoặc `:help` để xem thông tin sử dụng.\\n\\nVí dụ, để tạo một notebook ấn `mb`; để tạo một note ấn `mn`.","When creating a new note:":"Khi tạo note mới:","When creating a new to-do:":"Khi tạo một to-do mới:","Words":"Số từ","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"có","Yes":"Có","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"Bạn sắp đính kèm một hình ảnh lớn (%dx%d pixel). Bạn có muốn giảm kích cỡ xuống %d pixel trước khi đính kèm nó?","You currently have no notebooks.":"Bạn hiện tai không có notebook nào.","You do not have any installed plugin.":"Bạn chưa cài đặt phần mở rộng nào.","You may also type `status` for more information.":"Bạn cũng có thể gõ `status` để xem thêm thông tin.","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"Bạn có thể sử dụng công cụ dưới đây để tái mã hoá dữ liệu, ví dụ như trong trường hợp bạn thấy một số ghi chú được mã hoá bằng một phương thức đã lỗi thời.","Your choice: ":"Lựa chọn của bạn ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"Dữ liệu của bạn sẽ được tái mã hoá và đồng bộ lại.","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"Bạn cần phải có phép sử dụng camera.","Your version: %s":"Phiên bản hiện tại: %s","Zoom In":"Phóng to","Zoom Out":"Thu nhỏ"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"“%s”缺少必须的属性“%s”。","%d days":"%d 天","%d hour":"%d 小时","%d hours":"%d 小时","%d minutes":"%d 分钟","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"有 %d 条笔记匹配。是否删除?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) 无法上传:%s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s (%s) 想要分享笔记本给你。","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s(预发行版)","%s - Copy":"%s - 副本","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d 条笔记","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d 条","%s: %s":"%s:%s","&Edit":"编辑 (&E)","&File":"文件 (&F)","&Go":"跳转 (&G)","&Help":"帮助 (&H)","&Note":"笔记 (&N)","&Tools":"工具 (&T)","&View":"视图 (&V)","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(无)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(兼容所见即所得编辑器: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- 相机:允许拍照并将照片添加到一条笔记中。","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- 定位:允许将地理位置信息附加到一条笔记中。","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- 存储:允许将文件附加到笔记中和启用文件系统同步。"," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" 可以是 \\"add\\" 、 \\"remove\\" 、 \\"list\\" 或者 \\"notetags\\" ,用于从 [note] 中赋值或删除 [tag],或者列出与 [tag] 相关的笔记。`tag list` 命令可以用于列出所有的标签 (对于过长选项请使用 -l 参数) 。"," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" 可以是 \\"toggle\\" 或者 \\"clear\\" 。使用 \\"toggle\\" 命令来切换待办事项的完成状态 (若目标为普通笔记则将会转换成待办事项) 。使用 \\"clear\\" 命令来把待办事项转换到普通笔记。","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"关于 Joplin","accelerator":"加速键","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"加速键“%s”无效。","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"加速键“%s”被用于“%s”和“%s”命令。这可能导致未期待的行为。","Accept":"接受","Action":"动作","Actions":"动作","Active":"正在使用","Actual Size":"实际大小","Add body":"添加内容","Add or remove tags:":"添加或删除标签:","Add recipient:":"添加接受者:","Add title":"添加标题","Add to dictionary":"添加到字典","Advanced options":"高级选项","Advanced tools":"高级工具","All notes":"全部笔记","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"所有默认端口都已经被使用中-请在%s反馈这个问题","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"同时显示未设置的与隐藏的配置变量。","Always":"总是","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"有更新可用,是否现在进行下载?","Appearance":"外观","Application":"应用程序","Apply":"应用","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"确定要更新授权令牌吗?","Arguments:":"参数:","Aritim Dark":"暗黑 (Aritim)","Attach file":"附加文件","Attach photo":"附加照片","Attach...":"附加...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"将选定文件添加到笔记中。","attachment":"附件","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"附件冲突:“%s”","Attachment download behaviour":"附件下载行为","Attachments":"附件","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"无法下载的附件","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"注意: 如果您更改该位置,请确保在同步之前将所有内容复制到该位置,否则将删除所有文件! 更多详细信息请参阅常见问题解答 (FAQ) : %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"认证未完成 (未收到认证令牌) 。","Authorisation token:":"授权令牌:","Auto":"自动","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"自动配对花括号、圆括号、引号等。","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"根据系统主题自动切换","Automatically update the application":"自动更新应用","Back":"返回","Bold":"加粗","Browse all plugins":"浏览所有插件","Browse...":"浏览...","Bulleted List":"项目符号列表","Cancel":"取消","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"正在取消后台同步... 请稍候。","Cancelling...":"正在取消...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"正在取消... 请稍候。","Cannot access %s":"无法访问 %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"无法更改已加密条目","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"无法复制笔记到笔记本 \\"%s\\"","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"无法找到“%s”。","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"无法初始化同步。","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"无法为格式“%2$s”和输出“%3$s”加载“%1$s”模块","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"无法加载为格式“%2$s”和目标“%3$s”加载“%1$s”模块","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"无法移动笔记到笔记本 \\"%s\\"","Cannot move notebook to this location":"无法移动笔记本到该位置","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"无法刷新令牌:缺少认证数据。重新同步可能会修正此错误。","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)":"无法保存 %s “%s”,因为超过了允许的限制大小(%s)。","Cannot save %s \\"%s\\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account":"无法保存 %s “%s”,因为超过了允许的限制大小(%s)","Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.":"无法与收件人%s共享加密的笔记本,因为他们没有启用端到端加密。他们可以通过“配置”>“加密”界面来启用。","Change application layout":"更改应用布局","Change language":"更改语言","Characters":"字符数","Characters excluding spaces":"字符数 (不计空格)","Check for updates...":"检查更新...","Check synchronisation configuration":"检查同步配置","Checkbox":"复选框","Checkbox list":"复选框列表","Checking... Please wait.":"正在检查... 请稍候。","Choose an option":"选择一个选项","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome 网上商店","Clear":"清除","Clear alarm":"清除提醒","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"单击“%s”以恢复笔记。它将会被复制到名为“%s”的笔记本中。笔记的当前版本不会被替换或修改。","Click to add tags...":"单击以添加标签...","Client ID: %s":"客户端 ID: %s","Close":"关闭","Close Window":"关闭窗口","Code":"代码","Code Block":"代码块","Code View":"代码视图","Collaborate on notebooks with others":"与他人共同协作笔记本","Coming alarms":"临近提醒","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"以逗号分隔的路径列表,可以是包含证书的目录,也可以直接指向单独的证书路径。 例如: /my/cert_dir,/other/custom.pem 。 请注意,如果更改 TLS 设置,则必须先保存更改,之后再点击 \\"检查同步配置\\" 。","command":"命令","Command":"命令","Command palette":"命令面板","Command palette...":"命令面板...","Completed":"已完成","Completed decryption.":"已完成解密。","Completed: %s (%s)":"已完成: %s(%s)","Configuration":"配置","Confirm password cannot be empty":"确保密码不可为空","Confirm password:":"确认密码:","Confirmation":"确认","Conflicted: %d":"有冲突: %d 条","Conflicts":"冲突","Conflicts (attachments)":"冲突(附件)","Content provided by %s":"内容由%s提供","Convert to note":"转换为笔记","Convert to todo":"转换为待办事项","Copy":"复制","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"复制开发者模式命令到剪贴板","Copy external link":"拷贝外部访问地址","Copy Link Address":"复制链接地址","Copy Markdown link":"复制 Markdown 链接","Copy path to clipboard":"复制路径到剪贴板","Copy Shareable Link":"复制分享链接","Copy token":"复制令牌","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"无法授权应用:\\n\\n%s\\n\\n请重试。","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"无法连接到 Joplin 服务器。请在配置页面中检查同步选项。 完整的错误信息是: \\n\\n%s","Could not connect to plugin repository.":"无法连接到插件库。","Could not export notes: %s":"无法导出笔记:%s","Could not install plugin: %s":"无法安装插件:%s","Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"无法对邀请作出回应。请再试一次,或向笔记本所有者核实他们是否仍在共享它。\\n\\n错误是:“%s”","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"无法升级主密钥:%s","Create a notebook":"新建笔记本","Created":"创建日期","created date":"创建日期","Created local items: %d.":"已新建本地项目: %d。","Created locally":"已新建本地项目","Created remote items: %d.":"已新建远程项目: %d。","Created: ":"创建于: ","Created: %d.":"已创建: %d条。","Created: %s":"创建于:%s","Creates a new note.":"新建笔记。","Creates a new notebook.":"新建笔记本。","Creates a new to-do.":"新建待办事项。","Creating new %s...":"新建 %s...","Creating report...":"新建报告...","Current version is up-to-date.":"当前版本为最新版。","custom order":"自定义顺序","Custom order":"自定义顺序","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"适用于 Joplin 全域应用样式的自定义样式表","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"适用于已渲染 Markdown 的自定义样式表","Custom TLS certificates":"自定义 TLS 证书","Cut":"剪切","Dark":"暗黑","Database v%s":"数据库 v%s","Date":"日期","Date format":"日期格式","days":"天","Decrypted items: %d":"解密条目: %d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"已解密条目: %s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"正在解密条目:%d/%d","Default":"默认","Default: %s":"默认值: %s","Delete":"删除","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"是否删除附件“%s”?","Delete line":"删除行","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"删除本地数据并从同步目标导入数据","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"是否删除笔记“%s”?","Delete note?":"是否删除笔记?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"是否删除笔记本“%s”?\\n\\n所有在该笔记本内的笔记和子笔记本也将同时被删除。","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"是否删除笔记本?所有在该笔记本内的笔记也将同时被删除。","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"删除插件“%s”吗?","Delete these %d notes?":"是否删除这 %d 条笔记?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"删除这个邀请?接受者将无法再访问到这个共享的笔记本。","Deleted local items: %d.":"已删除本地项目: %d。","Deleted remote items: %d.":"已删除远程项目: %d。","Deletes the given notebook.":"删除选定的笔记本。","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"删除笔记本 (不要求确认) 。","Deletes the notes matching .":"删除符合 的笔记。","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"删除笔记 (不要求确认) 。","Destination format: %s":"目标格式:%s","Directory":"文件目录","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"同步目录 (绝对路径)","Disable":"禁用","Disable encryption":"禁用加密","Disable safe mode and restart":"禁用安全模式并重启","Disable Web Clipper Service":"禁用网页剪辑服务","Disabled":"已禁用","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"禁用加密会导致 *所有笔记与附件* 重新同步,并以非加密的数据形式发送到同步目标。确定继续吗?","Discard changes":"放弃更改","Dismiss":"忽略","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"显示该笔记的地理位置 URL。","Displays only the first top notes.":"只显示最上方的 条笔记。","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"仅显示指定类型的项目。可以把 `n` 用于笔记,`t` 用于待办事项,或者 `nt` 用于笔记和待办事项 (示例: `-tt` 只会显示待办事项,当使用 `-tnt` 时将会显示笔记和待办事项。","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"显示关于笔记与笔记本的概况。","Displays the complete information about note.":"显示有关笔记的完整信息。","Displays the given note.":"显示选定笔记。","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"在当前笔记本中显示笔记。使用 `ls /` 显示笔记本列表。","Displays usage information.":"显示用法提示。","Displays version information":"显示版本信息","Do it now":"现在完成","Do not ask for confirmation.":"不再要求确认。","Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"不要丢失密码,因为出于安全考虑,这将是解密数据的*唯一*方式!要启用加密功能,请在下面输入密码。","Download":"下载","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"为您的浏览器下载并安装相关的扩展:","Downloaded":"已下载","Downloaded and decrypted":"已下载并解密","Downloaded and encrypted":"已下载并加密","Downloading":"下载中","Downloading resources...":"下载资源中...","Dracula":"德古拉紫 (Dracula)","Drop notes or files here":"将笔记或文件拖到此处","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"登录 Dropbox","Duplicate":"复制","Duplicate line":"复制行","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"复制符合 的笔记至 [notebook]。若无指定的笔记本,该笔记将被复制至当前笔记本。","Edit":"编辑","Edit in external editor":"在外部编辑器中编辑","Edit note.":"编辑笔记。","Edit notebook":"编辑笔记本","Editor":"编辑器","Editor font":"编辑器字体","Editor font family":"编辑器字体族","Editor font size":"编辑器字体大小","Editor maximum width":"编辑器最大宽度","Editor monospace font family":"编辑器等宽字体族","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"\\"text\\" 或 \\"json\\"","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"强调文本","Enable":"启用","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"启用 ++insert++ 语法","Enable ==mark== syntax":"启用 ==mark== 语法","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"启用 ^sup^ 语法","Enable abbreviation syntax":"启用缩写语法","Enable audio player":"启用音频播放器","Enable deflist syntax":"启用清单语法","Enable encryption":"启用加密","Enable footnotes":"启用脚注","Enable Fountain syntax support":"启用 Fountain 语法支持","Enable Linkify":"启用自动链接","Enable markdown emoji":"启用 Markdown Emoji","Enable math expressions":"启用数学表达式","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"启用 Mermaid 流程图支持","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"启用 MultiMarkdown 表格扩展","Enable note history":"启用笔记历史","Enable PDF viewer":"启用 PDF 查看器","Enable soft breaks":"启动软换行","Enable table of contents extension":"启用目录扩展","Enable typographer support":"启用 Typographer 支持","Enable video player":"启用视频播放器","Enable Web Clipper Service":"启用网页剪辑服务","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"启用 ~sub~ 语法","Enabled":"已启用","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.":"启用加密意味着您的*所有*笔记与附件都将被重新同步,并被加密发送到同步目标。","Encrypted":"已加密","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"无法修改已加密的条目","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"无法重命名已加密的笔记本","Encryption":"加密","Encryption Config":"加密配置","Encryption is: %s":"加密状态: %s","Encryption keys":"加密密钥","Encryption:":"加密:","End-to-end encryption":"端到端加密","Enter code here":"在此输入代码","Enter master password:":"输入主密码:","Enter notebook title":"输入笔记本标题","Enum":"枚举","Error":"错误","Error opening note in editor: %s":"在编辑器中打开笔记出错:%s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"发生错误。请检查 URL 、用户名、密码等是否正确以及同步目标是否可访问。报告的错误为:","Error: %s":"错误:%s","Errors only":"仅显示错误","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote 导出文件 (HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote 导出文件 (Markdown)","Exits the application.":"退出应用。","Export":"导出","Export all":"导出全部","Export debug report":"导出调试报告","Export Debug Report":"导出调试报告","Export profile":"导出配置文件","Exporting profile...":"正在导出配置文件...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"导出到“%s”,格式为“%s”。请稍等...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"导出 Joplin 数据到选定路径。默认将导出包含笔记本、笔记、标签与资源等完整的数据库。","Exports only the given note.":"仅导出选定笔记。","Exports only the given notebook.":"仅导出选定笔记本。","Fail-safe":"故障保护","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"故障保护 (Fail-safe) :当同步目标为空时 (通常是配置错误或 Bug ) ,不要删除本地数据","Fatal error:":"严重错误:","Feature flags":"特性标志","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"已获取项目: %d/%d.","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"正在获取资源:%d/%d","File":"文件","File system":"文件系统","Firefox Extension":"Firefox 扩展","Fix search index":"修复搜索索引","Fixing search index...":"正在修复搜索索引...","Focus":"聚焦于","Focus body":"聚焦正文","Focus title":"聚焦标题","Folders":"文件夹","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"仅用于调试目的:将您的配置文件导出到外部 SD 卡。","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"有关如何自定义快捷键,请访问 %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"若想了解有关端到端加密 (E2EE) 的更多信息,以及如何启用它的建议,请查阅文档:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"输入 `help keymap` 来获取完整的键盘快捷键列表","Forward":"前进","Found: %d.":"已找到: %d条。","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS 已开启: %d","Full changelog":"完整更新记录","General":"通用选项","Generated":"已生成","Generating link...":"生成链接...","Get it now:":"立即获取:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"检查更新时获取预发行版本","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"读取或设置配置数值。如果 [value] 值没有提供,它将显示 [name] 值。如果没有提供 [name] 或 [value] 值,它将列出当前配置。","Go to source URL":"转到源 URL","Goto Anything...":"跳转到任意内容...","Grant authorisation":"授权令牌","Heading":"标题","Help":"帮助","Hide %s":"隐藏 %s","Hide disabled keys":"隐藏禁用的密钥","Hide Joplin":"隐藏 Joplin","Highlight":"突出显示","Horizontal Rule":"水平线","HTML Directory":"HTML 目录","HTML File":"HTML 文件","Hyperlink":"超链接","Icon":"图标","ID":"ID","Idle":"空闲","Ignore":"忽略","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"忽略 TLS 证书错误","Import":"导入","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"从“%s” 导入为“%s”格式 。请稍等...","Importing notes...":"正在导入笔记...","Imports data into Joplin.":"导入数据到 Jolin。","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"在“手动”模式下,只有单击附件时才会下载它们。在“自动”中,当你打开笔记时,它们就会被下载下来。在 “总是”中,无论你是否打开笔记,所有的附件都会被下载。","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"在任何命令中,某个笔记或笔记本可通过它的名称或 ID 引用,也可使用代表当前所选笔记和笔记本的快捷变量 ‘$n\' 和 \'$b\'。`$c` 可用于引用当前所选的项目。","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"为了将地理位置与笔记关联,本应用需要您的授权以访问您的位置。\\n\\n您可以在“配置”页面中随时关闭此选项。","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"为此,必须对整个数据集进行加密和同步,因此最好在夜间休息时分彻夜运行。\\n\\n首先,请按照以下说明进行操作: \\n\\n1.同步您的所有设备。\\n2.单击“%s”。\\n3.让它运行完成。 在运行时,请避免在其他设备上更改任何笔记,以免发生冲突。\\n4.在此设备上完成同步后,同步其他所有设备,并使其同步完成。\\n\\n重要提醒: 在一台设备上只需要运行一次。","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"要使用文件系统同步,您需要写入外部存储的权限。","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"要使用网页剪辑器,你需要执行以下步骤:","In progress":"正在进行","In: %s":"位于:%s","Indent less":"减少缩进","Indent more":"增加缩进","Information":"说明","Inline Code":"内联代码","Insert":"插入","Insert Date Time":"插入时间","Insert Hyperlink":"插入超链接","Install":"安装","Install from file":"从文件安装","Installed":"已安装","Installing...":"正在安装…","Invalid":"无效","Invalid %s: %s.":"无效的%s:%s。","Invalid answer: %s":"答案无效:%s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"无效命令:“%s”","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"无效的选项值: \\"%s\\" 。可用值有: %s。","Italic":"斜体","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"条目 \\"%s\\" 无法下载:%s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"无法解密的条目","Items that cannot be synchronised":"无法同步的条目","Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.":"Joplin 可以使用多种途径来同步你的笔记。可以从下列选项中选择一种方式。","Joplin Cloud":"Joplin 论坛","Joplin Cloud email":"Joplin 论坛邮箱","Joplin Cloud password":"Joplin 论坛密码","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin 导出目录","Joplin Export File":"Joplin 导出文件","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin 多次解密这些条目失败,可能由于它们太大或已经损坏。这些条目会保留在设备上,但 Joplin 不会再尝试解密它们。","Joplin Forum":"Joplin 论坛","Joplin Server":"Joplin 服务器","Joplin Server email":"Joplin Server 邮箱","Joplin Server password":"Joplin 服务器密码","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin 服务器 URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin 网页剪辑器可以让你将浏览器中的网页和屏幕截图保存到 Joplin。","Joplin website":"Joplin 官网","Joplin\'s own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.":"Joplin 自己的同步服务。同时也提供 Joplin 的一些特性,比如发布笔记或者与他人协作笔记本。","Keep note history for":"保留笔记历史","Keyboard Mode":"键盘模式","Keyboard Shortcut":"键盘快捷键","Keyboard Shortcuts":"键盘快捷键","Keychain Supported: %s":"支持的密钥链: %s","Keys that need upgrading":"需要升级的密钥","Landscape":"横板","Language":"语言","Last error: %s":"最后错误: %s","Later":"稍后","Layout":"布局","Layout button sequence":"布局按钮序列","Leave notebook...":"离开笔记本...","Legal":"法律专用纸 (Legal)","Letter":"信函 (Letter)","Light":"明亮","Lines":"行","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"链接已复制到剪贴板!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"不支持“%s”协议的链接","List item":"列表项","Loaded":"已加载","Location":"位置","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"锁定文件已被保存。如果您确认当前未在进行任何同步,可删除锁定文件 \\"%s\\" 后继续上一部操作。","Log":"日志","Login":"登录","Login below.":"在下方登录。","Login with Dropbox":"通过 Dropbox 登录","Login with OneDrive":"通过 OneDrive 登录","Make a donation":"捐助","Manage master password":"管理主密码","Manage master password...":"管理主密码……","Manage your plugins":"管理您的插件","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.":"管理 E2EE 配置。命令为: `enable`、`disable`、`decrypt`、`status`、`decrypt-file` 和 `target-status`。","Manual":"手动","Markdown":"Markdown","Markdown + Front Matter":"Markdown + 文章前言","Marks a to-do as done.":"标记待办事项为完成。","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"标记待办事项为未完成。","Markup":"标记语言","Master Key %s":"主密钥 %s","Master password":"主密码","Master password:":"主密码:","Max concurrent connections":"最大并发连接数","Missing keys":"缺少密钥","Missing Master Keys":"缺少主密钥","Missing required argument: %s":"缺失必选参数:%s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"手机数据自动同步被禁用","More info":"更多信息","More information":"更多信息","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"有多条项目符合“%s”。请缩小您的检索范围。","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"是否移动 %d 条笔记到笔记本“%s”?","Move to notebook":"移动到笔记本","Move to notebook...":"移动到笔记本...","Move to notebook:":"移动到笔记本:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"移动符合 的笔记到 [notebook]。","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"新建笔记","New notebook":"新建笔记本","New Notebook":"新建笔记本","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"将新建笔记本“%s”,并将文件“%s”导入其中","New sub-notebook":"新建子笔记本","New tags:":"新建标签:","New to-do":"新建待办事项","New version: %s":"最新版本:%s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud 密码","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud 用户名","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","no":"否","No":"否","No active notebook.":"无活动笔记本。","No item with ID %s":"没有 ID 为 %s 的项","No notebook has been specified.":"未指定笔记本。","No notebook selected.":"未选择笔记本。","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"此处没有笔记。点击 \\"新建笔记\\" 创建。","No resources!":"没有资源!","No results":"无结果","No such command: %s":"不存在该命令:%s","No suggestions":"没有建议","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"未设置指定的文本编辑器。请通过 `config editor ` 设置","Nord":"北欧 (Nord)","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"未授予 %s 的权限。请提供缺少的凭据。","Not downloaded":"未下载","Not generated":"未生成","note":"笔记","Note":"笔记","Note area growth factor":"笔记区域增长因子","Note attachments":"笔记附件","Note attachments...":"笔记附件...","Note body":"笔记正文","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"笔记不存在: \\"%s\\" 。是否创建?","Note has been saved.":"笔记已被保存。","Note History":"笔记历史","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"笔记并非待办事项:“%s”","Note list":"笔记列表","Note list growth factor":"笔记列表增长因子","Note properties":"笔记属性","Note title":"笔记标题","Note&book":"笔记本 (&B)","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"注意: 在部分桌面环境下无法工作。","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"注意: 笔记分享后,便不再在服务器上加密。","Notebook list growth factor":"笔记本列表增长因子","Notebook title:":"笔记本标题:","Notebook: %s":"笔记本:%s","Notebooks":"笔记本","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"笔记本无法被命名为 \\"%s\\" ,该标题已被留作他用。","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"笔记与设置储存于:%s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"笔记只能在笔记本内创建。","Numbered List":"编号列表","OK":"确认","OLED Dark":"纯黑 (OLED)","On %s: %s":"位于 %s: %s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"您的主密钥之一使用了过时的加密方法。","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"一个或多个项目当前已加密,您可能需要提供主密码。若需进行此操作请输入 `e2ee decrypt` 。若您已提供密码,此时加密文件正在后台解密,解锁之后即可使用。","One or more master keys need a password.":"一个或多个主密钥需要密码。","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"登录 OneDrive","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"一次只能打印一个笔记。","Open":"打开","Open %s":"打开 %s","Open profile directory":"打开配置文件目录","Open Sync Wizard...":"打开同步向导...","Open...":"打开...","Operation cancelled":"操作已取消","Options":"选项","Or create an account.":"创建帐号。","Output format: %s":"导出格式: %s","Page orientation for PDF export":"PDF 导出的页面方向","Page size for PDF export":"PDF 导出时的页面规格","Password":"密码","Password cannot be empty":"密码不可为空","Password:":"密码:","Passwords do not match!":"密码不匹配!","Paste":"粘贴","Path:":"路径:","PDF File":"PDF 文件","Permission needed":"需要的权限","Permission to use camera":"使用相机的权限","Please click on \\"%s\\" to proceed":"请点击“%s”继续","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"请确认您要重新加密整个数据库。","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"在升级密钥之前,请在下面的主密钥列表中输入您的密码。","Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient\'s device.":"请注意,如果是大型笔记本,可能需要几分钟时间才能在收件人的设备上显示出所有的笔记。","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"请在浏览器中打开以下链接以验证本应用程序。本应用会建立 \\"Apps/Joplin\\" 文件目录,并只会读写该目录中的文件。本应用没有任何权限访问此目录以外的任何文件或个人信息,也不会与第三方分享任何数据。","Please select a notebook first.":"请先选择笔记本。","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"请先选择需要删除的笔记或笔记本。","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"请选择同步状态的导出位置","Please specify import format for %s":"请指定 %s 的导入格式","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"请指定导入笔记的目标笔记本。","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"请升级 Joplin 以使用此插件","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"请等待所有附件均被下载并解密。您可以切换到 %s 编辑笔记。","Please wait...":"请稍候...","Plugin tools":"插件工具","Plugins":"插件","Portrait":"竖版","Possible keys/values:":"可用键/值:","Possible values: %s.":"可用值: %s。","Preferences":"首选项","Preferences...":"首选项...","Preferred dark theme":"首选暗色主题","Preferred light theme":"首选亮色主题","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"按 Ctrl+D 或输入 \\"exit\\" 退出程序","Press the shortcut":"按下快捷键","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"按下快捷键然后按下回车。或者:按下退格键以清除快捷键。","Press to set the decryption password.":"点按设置解密密码。","Previous versions of this note":"此笔记的早期版本","Print":"打印","Privacy Policy":"隐私政策","Profile Version: %s":"配置文件版本: %s","Properties":"笔记属性","Public-private key pair:":"公、私密钥对:","Publish note...":"分享笔记...","Publish Notes":"分享笔记","Publish notes to the internet":"把笔记发布到互联网","Quit":"退出","Re-encrypt data":"重新加密数据","Re-encryption":"重新加密","Re-upload local data to sync target":"重新上传本地数据到同步目标","Read more about it":"进一步了解","Read time: %s min":"阅读时间:%s 分钟","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"接受者接受了邀请","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"接受者还没有接受邀请","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"接受者拒绝了邀请","Recipients:":"接受者:","Redo":"恢复","Refresh":"刷新","Reject":"拒绝","Remove":"移除","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"从所有笔记中删除标签“%s”?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"从边栏中删除该项搜索?","Rename":"重命名","Rename notebook:":"重命名笔记本:","Rename tag:":"重命名标签:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"重命名选定的 (笔记或笔记本) 到 。","Renew token":"更新令牌","Reset master password":"重置主密码","Resources: %d.":"资源: %d。","Restart and upgrade":"重启后升级","Restart now":"立即重启","Restore":"恢复","Restored Notes":"已恢复的笔记","Retry":"重试","Retry All":"全部重试","Reveal file in folder":"在文件夹中展示文件","Reverse sort order":"倒序","Reverses the sorting order.":"反转排序顺序。","Revision: %s (%s)":"修订: %s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"执行文本文件中包含的命令。每个命令占一行。","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"安全模式当前已被激活。笔记渲染和所有的插件被临时禁用。","Save":"保存","Save alarm":"保存提醒","Save as...":"另存为...","Save changes":"保存更改","Save geo-location with notes":"保存地理位置信息到笔记中","Search":"搜索","Search for plugins...":"搜索插件...","Search in all the notes":"在所有笔记内搜索","Search in current note":"在当前笔记内搜索","Search...":"搜索...","Search:":"搜索:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"在所有笔记内搜索给定的 。","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"参阅预发行页面以获得更多信息:%s","Select":"选择","Select all":"全选","Server is already running on port %d":"服务已在端口 %d 上运行","Server is not running.":"服务没有运行。","Server is running on port %d":"服务正在端口 %d 上运行","Set alarm":"设置提醒","Set alarm:":"设置提醒:","Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.":"设置为 0 则占用全部可用空间。建议宽度为600。","Set the password":"设置密码","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"将给定的 的属性 设置为 [value]。可用属性有: \\n\\n%s","Share":"分享","Share Notebook":"分享笔记本","Share notebook...":"分享笔记本...","Sharing notebook...":"分享笔记本...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"快捷键在 CLI 模式下不可用。","Show Advanced Settings":"显示高级选项","Show all":"显示全部","Show completed to-dos":"显示已完成待办事项","Show disabled keys":"显示禁用的密钥","Show note counts":"显示笔记数","Show tray icon":"显示托盘图标","Sidebar":"边栏","Size":"大小","Skip this version":"跳过该版本","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"跳过条目: %d (使用 —retry-failed-items 来尝试重新解密)","Skipped: %d.":"已跳过: %d条。","Solarised Dark":"日光暗 (Solarised)","Solarised Light":"日光亮 (Solarised)","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"一些项目无法被解密。","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"一些条目无法被同步。","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"某些条目无法同步。点按以获取更多信息。","Sort notebooks by":"笔记本排序方式","Sort notes by":"笔记排序方式","Sort selected lines":"排序所选行","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"通过 排序项目 (示例: title, updated_time, created_time) 。","Source format: %s":"原数据格式: %s","Source: ":"来源: ","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"请指定 API 服务器应使用的端口。 如果未设置,将使用默认值。","Spell checker":"拼写检查器","Split View":"分栏视图","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"应用程序启动时最小化到托盘","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"启动,停止或检查 API 服务。可以通过设置 ‘api.port’ 变量指定 API 服务运行在哪个端口上。执行命令 (%s) 。","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"开始解密,请稍候... 取决于需解密的文件数量,解密环节可能需要等待几分钟。","Starting synchronisation...":"开始同步...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"开始编辑笔记。关闭编辑器将回到提示符。","Statistics":"统计数据","Statistics...":"统计数据...","Status":"状态","Status: %s":"状态:%s","Status: Started on port %d":"状态:在 %d 端口运行","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"步骤一: 启用网页剪辑服务","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"步骤一:在浏览器中打开此 URL 来授权应用程序:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"步骤二:输入 Dropbox 提供的代码:","Step 2: Install the extension":"步骤二: 安装扩展","Stop":"停止","Stop external editing":"停止外部编辑","Strikethrough":"删除线","strong text":"加粗文本","Submit":"提交","Subscript":"订阅","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"成功!同步配置看起来没问题。","Superscript":"上标","Swap line down":"向下交换行","Swap line up":"向上交换行","Switch between note and to-do type":"在笔记和待办事项类型之间切换","Switch to note type":"切换为笔记","Switch to to-do type":"切换为待办事项","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"切换到 [notebook] - 所有进一步操作将在该笔记本中进行。","Sync Status":"同步状态","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"同步状态 (已同步条目/条目总数)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"需要升级同步目标!运行 `%s` 以继续。","Sync Target Upgrade":"同步目标升级","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"同步到所提供的目标 (默认为同步目标配置值)","Sync Version: %s":"同步版本: %s","Sync your notes":"同步笔记","Synchronisation":"同步","Synchronisation interval":"同步间隔","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"同步已在进行。","Synchronisation Status":"同步状态","Synchronisation target":"同步目标","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"同步目标: %s (%s)","Synchronise":"同步","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"只通过 WiFi 网络同步数据","Synchronises with remote storage.":"与远程储存同步。","Synchronising...":"正在同步...","Synchronizing...":"正在同步...","Tabloid":"文摘 (Tabloid)","Tagged: %d.":"已加标签: %d条。","Tags":"标签","Take photo":"拍照","Text editor command":"文本编辑器命令","Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.":"感谢!你的 Joplin Cloud 帐号已经设置完毕。","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"应用将要关闭。请重新启动它以完成此过程。","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"授权成功 - 您可以关闭此页面了。","The application has been authorised!":"应用已成功授权!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"已成功授予本应用程序权限。","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"必须重新启动应用程序才能使这些更改生效。","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"当您切换到其他笔记时,这些附件将不再被监控。","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"命令“%s”仅在 GUI 模式下可用","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"默认管理员密码不安全且尚未更改![现在更改](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"默认的加密方法已更改为一种更安全的方法,建议您将其应用于您的数据。","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"默认的加密方法已更改,您应当重新加密数据。","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"该文本编辑器命令 (可包括参数) 将会被用于打开笔记。若未提供将尝试自动检测默认编辑器。","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"因子属性决定了列表上的一项如何增长或缩小,以适应其容器中相对于其他项目的可用空间。因此因子为 2 的项是因数为 1 的项占用空间的两倍。重启软件以查看变化。","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"下列附件将被监控变化:","The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.":"以下密钥使用了过时的加密算法,建议对其进行升级。 升级后的密钥仍将能够照常解密和加密您的数据。","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin 移动应用目前不支持这种类型的链接:%s","The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.":"Joplin 团队已经通过了该插件的审查,它符合我们对于安全和性能的要求。","The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"具有这些 ID 的密钥用于加密你的部分项目,但应用程序目前无法访问它们。它们很可能最终会通过同步下载。","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"主密钥已成功升级!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"具有这些 ID 的主密钥用于加密某些项,但应用程序目前无法访问它们。最终它们很可能通过同步下载。","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"笔记“%s”已成功恢复到笔记本“%s”中。","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"无法保存笔记本:%s","The notes have been imported: %s":"以下笔记已被导入: %s","The possible commands are:":"可用的命令有:","The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\\n\\nThe error was: \\"%s\\"":"收件人无法从列表中删除。请再试一次。\\n\\n错误:“%s”","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"需要更新同步目标以启用 Joplin 同步。该操作可能需要数分钟时间完成,应用也需要重启。单击链接以继续。","The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.":"同步目标需要升级。按这个横幅继续。","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"标签 \\"%s\\" 已存在。请选择一个不同的名称。","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"所要同步的目标。每个同步目标都可能有名为 `sync.NUM.NAME` 的附加参数 (见下文) 。","The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.":"Web Clipper 需要你的授权才能访问你的数据。","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"网页剪辑服务已启用且将自动启动。","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"网页剪辑未启用。","Theme":"主题","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"当前没有任何笔记。点击 (+) 按钮创建。","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"当前没有笔记本。点击 \\"新建笔记本\\" 创建。","There is no data to export.":"没有可导出的数据。","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"以下附件存在一个[冲突](%s) \\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"下载此附件时出错:","There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\\n\\n%s":"设置你的 Joplin Cloud 帐号时发生了一个错误。请确认你的邮箱和密码是否正确,然后再试一次。错误是:\\n\\n%s","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"这些条目将只保留在本设备上,不会上传到同步目标。若需查找这些项,请搜索标题或 ID (显示在上方括号中) 。","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"这些插件为 Markdown 渲染器提供额外特性。请注意,尽管这些额外特性可能是可用的,但它们并非标准 Markdown 语法,因此许多功能只能在 Joplin 内运行。此外,其中的一些功能与所见即所得 (WYSIWYG) 编辑器 *不兼容*。如果您在上述编辑器中打开使用了这些插件的笔记,就将会丢失插件的格式。下面已表明插件与所见即所得 (WYSIWYG) 编辑器兼容与否。","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"该附件没有下载或者尚未解密","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"该附件没有下载或者尚未解密。","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"该授权令牌仅用于允许第三方应用程序访问 Joplin。","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"这是用于展示与笔记相关联的附件的高级工具。需要小心,删除后无法恢复。","This note does not have geolocation information.":"该笔记不含地理位置信息。","This note has been modified:":"该笔记已被修改:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"该笔记没有任何内容。点击 \\"%s\\" 切换到编辑器并编辑笔记。","This note has no history":"此笔记没有历史记录","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"此富文本编辑器有许多限制,建议在使用它之前注意它们。","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"该服务允许浏览器扩展与 Joplin 通信。当启用它时,你的防火墙可能会要求你允许 Joplin 监听一个特定的端口。","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"这将允许 Joplin 在后台运行,如果你经常修改和同步笔记,推荐启用该设置来减少可能的冲突。","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"这将打开一个新页面。是否保存当前更改?","This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?":"这将从您的收藏中删除该笔记本,您将不再有机会访问其内容。您希望继续吗?","Time format":"时间格式","title":"标题","Title":"标题","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"要让 Joplin 与 Dropbox 同步,请按下列步骤操作:","To continue, please enter your master password below.":"若要继续,请在下面输入您的主密码。","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"移除相关笔记的标签后才可删除此标签。","To delete: %d":"将删除: %d 条","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"按 \\":\\" 键进入命令行模式","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"按 ESC 键退出命令行模式","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"欲手动排序笔记,应在菜单 “%2$s” > “%3$s\\" 中将排序方式调整为 “%1$s\\"","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"按 “tc” 最大化/最小化控制台。","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"按 Tab 键或 Shift+Tab 组合键切换面板。","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"运行 `e2ee decrypt —retry-failed-items` 来尝试再次解密这些项目","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"本应用程序需要下列权限才能正常运作。请在您的手机设置 (应用 > Joplin > 权限) 中启用它们","to-do":"待办事项","Toggle comment":"添加/删除注释","Toggle development tools":"打开/关闭开发者工具","Toggle editor layout":"切换编辑器布局","Toggle editors":"切换编辑器","Toggle external editing":"切换外部编辑","Toggle note list":"切换笔记列表","Toggle safe mode":"切换安全模式","Toggle sidebar":"切换边栏","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"令牌已复制到剪贴板!","Tools":"工具","Total: %d/%d":"总数: %d/%d 条","Try again":"重试","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"输入 `help [command]` 来获取有关该命令的更多信息;或输入 `help all` 获取完整的用法提示。","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"输入 `joplin help` 获取用法信息。","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"输入笔记标题或部分内容以转跳到它。或者输入 # 跟着一个标签名,或者输入 @ 跟着一个笔记本名字,或者输入 : 以搜索命令。","Type new tags or select from list":"输入新的标签或从列表中选择","Type: %s.":"类型:%s。","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"置顶未完成待办事项","Undo":"撤销","Unknown flag: %s":"未知标记:%s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"已下载项目为未知类型,请将 Joplin 升级至最新版本","Unpublish note":"取消分享笔记","Unshare":"取消分享","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"取消分享这个笔记本?接受者将无法再访问到它的内容。","Unsupported image type: %s":"不支持的图片类型:%s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"不被支持的链接或信息:%s","Untitled":"无标题","Update":"更新","Updated":"更新日期","updated date":"更新日期","Updated local items: %d.":"已更新本地项目: %d。","Updated remote items: %d.":"已更新远程项目: %d。","Updated: ":"更新于: ","Updated: %d.":"已更新: %d条。","Updated: %s":"已更新:%s","Updating...":"正在更新…","Upgrade":"升级","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"升级同步目标到最新版本。","URL":"URL","Usage: %s":"使用情况:%s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"使用长列表格式。格式为: ID, NOTE_COUNT (仅笔记本) , DATE, TODO_CHECKED (仅待办事项) , TITLE","Use spell checker":"使用拼写检查器","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"通过方向键与 Page Up / Down 键来滚动列表与文本区域 (包含此控制台) 。","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"使用箭头移动布局项。按“Escape”退出。","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"如果搜索功能遇到问题,可以使用这个重建索引。花费的时间取决于笔记的数量。","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"用于 markdown 编辑器中的大多数文本。如果没找到,会使用默认(非等宽)字体。","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"用于那些需要使用固定宽度的字体来清晰地布局文本的场景(例如:表格、多选框和代码块)。如果没有找到,会使用默认(等宽)字体。","Valid":"有效","View":"视图","View on map":"在地图上查看","View them now":"立刻查看","Viewer":"查看器","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"警告","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"警告: 由于性能原因无法显示所有资源 (最多:%s)。","Web Clipper":"网页剪辑器","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV 密码","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL","WebDAV username":"WebDAV 用户名","Website and documentation":"网站与文档","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"欢迎使用 Joplin!\\n\\n输入 `:help shortcuts` 获取键盘快捷键列表,或输入 `:help` 获取用法信息。\\n\\n例: 输入 `mb` 新建笔记本;输入 `mn`新建笔记。","When creating a new note:":"当新建笔记时:","When creating a new to-do:":"当新建待办事项时:","Words":"单词数","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"是","Yes":"是","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"您将要附加一个大图片 (%dx%d 像素) 。您是否要将其调整为 %d 像素后附加吗?","You currently have no notebooks.":"您当前没有笔记本。","You do not have any installed plugin.":"您尚未安装任何插件。","You may also type `status` for more information.":"输入 `status` 可获取更多信息。","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"您可以使用下面的工具重新加密您的数据。例如,在当您知道某些笔记使用了过时的加密方法时。","Your choice: ":"您的选择: ","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"您的数据将被重新加密并再次同步。","Your master password is needed to decrypt some of your data.":"要解密您的某些数据,必须使用您的主密码。","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"您需要授予相机权限。","Your version: %s":"您的版本:%s","Zoom In":"放大","Zoom Out":"缩小"}')},function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"\\"%s\\" is missing the required \\"%s\\" property.":"%s 缺少必須的屬性 %s。","%d days":"%d 天","%d hour":"%d 小時","%d hours":"%d 小時","%d minutes":"%d 分鐘","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"相符的記事共有 %d 則,要刪除嗎?","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s":"%s (%s) 無法上傳:%s","%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.":"%s(%s)想與您分享記事本。","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","%s (pre-release)":"%s (發行前測試版)","%s - Copy":"%s - 複本","%s / %s":"%s / %s","%s / %s / %s":"%s / %s / %s","%s = %s":"%s = %s","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s: %d":"%s: %d","%s: %d notes":"%s:%d 則記事","%s: %d/%d":"%s:%d/%d","%s: %s":"%s: %s","&Edit":"編輯 (&E)","&File":"檔案 (&F)","&Go":"跳轉 (&N)","&Help":"說明 (&H)","&Note":"記事 (&N)","&Tools":"工具 (&T)","&View":"檢視 (&V)","(%s)":"(%s)","(None)":"(無)","(wysiwyg: %s)":"(支援所見即所得: %s)","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"- 相機:允許拍照並附加相片到記事。","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"- 位置:允許將地理位置資訊附加到記事。","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"- 儲存:允許將檔案附加到記事並啟用檔案系統同步。"," can be \\"add\\", \\"remove\\", \\"list\\", or \\"notetags\\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).":" 可以是 \\"add\\" (新增標籤),\\"remove\\" (刪除標籤) 或 \\"notetags\\" (列出此標籤的相關記事)。`tag list` 命令可列出所有標籤 (加上 -l 可列出完整資訊)。"," can either be \\"toggle\\" or \\"clear\\". Use \\"toggle\\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \\"clear\\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":" 可以是 \\"toggle\\" (切換完成與否,或將記事轉換為待辦事項)或 \\"clear\\" (將待辦事項轉換為記事)。","A3":"A3","A4":"A4","A5":"A5","About Joplin":"關於 Joplin","accelerator":"快速鍵","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is not valid.":"快速鍵 %s 無效。","Accelerator \\"%s\\" is used for \\"%s\\" and \\"%s\\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.":"快速鍵 %s 同時用在 %s 和 %s 命令上,這可能導致意外狀況。","Accept":"接受","Action":"動作","Active":"使用中","Actual Size":"實際大小","Add body":"新增內文","Add or remove tags:":"新增或移除標籤:","Add recipient:":"新增共享對象:","Add title":"新增標題","Add to dictionary":"添加到字典","Advanced options":"顯示進階選項","Advanced tools":"進階工具","All notes":"全部記事","All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s":"所有預設埠號都在使用中 - 請到 %s 回報此問題","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"亦顯示未設定和隱藏的設定變數。","Always":"一律下載","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"已有更新,您想立即下載嗎?","Appearance":"外觀","Application":"應用程式","Apply":"套用","Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?":"您確定要更新授權 token 嗎?","Arguments:":"參數:","Aritim Dark":"暗黑 (Aritim)","Attach file":"附加檔案","Attach photo":"附加相片","Attach...":"附加...","Attaches the given file to the note.":"將特定的檔案附加到記事。","Attachment conflict: \\"%s\\"":"附加檔案衝突:「%s」","Attachment download behaviour":"附件下載動作","Attachments":"附加檔案","Attachments that could not be downloaded":"附件無法被下載","Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s":"注意:如果更改此位置,請確保在同步之前將所有內容複製到該位置,否則將刪除所有文件!有關更多詳細資訊,請閱讀 FAQ: %s","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"尚未完成驗證 (未收到身份驗證的 token)。","Authorisation token:":"授權 Token:","Auto":"自動","Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.":"自動配對大括號、括號、引號等。","Automatically switch theme to match system theme":"自動切換以配合系統主題","Automatically update the application":"自動更新應用程式","Back":"返回","Bold":"粗體","Browse all plugins":"瀏覽所有延伸模組","Browse...":"瀏覽...","Bulleted List":"項目清單","Cancel":"取消","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"正在取消同步...請稍等。","Cancelling...":"正在取消...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"正在取消中...請稍候。","Cannot access %s":"無法存取 %s","Cannot change encrypted item":"無法更改已加密項目","Cannot copy note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"無法將此記事複製到「%s」記事本","Cannot find \\"%s\\".":"找不到「%s」。","Cannot initialise synchroniser.":"無法初始化同步器。","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and output \\"%s\\"":"無法載入「%s」模組以讀取 %s 格式並匯出 %s","Cannot load \\"%s\\" module for format \\"%s\\" and target \\"%s\\"":"無法載入「%s」模組以讀取 %s 格式並匯出 %s","Cannot move note to \\"%s\\" notebook":"無法將此記事移動到「%s」記事本","Cannot move notebook to this location":"無法移動記事本到此位置","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"缺少身份驗證資料,無法更新 Token。再次啟動同步可能會解決此問題。","Change application layout":"調整介面佈局","Change language":"更換語言","Characters":"字元數","Characters excluding spaces":"不含空格的字元","Check for updates...":"檢查更新...","Check synchronisation configuration":"檢查同步設定","Checkbox":"核取方塊","Checkbox list":"核取方塊清單","Checking... Please wait.":"檢查中...請稍候。","Choose an option":"選擇一個選項","Chrome Web Store":"Chrome 線上應用程式商店","Clear":"清除","Clear alarm":"清除提醒","Click \\"%s\\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \\"%s\\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"點選「%s」將記事還原後複製到名為「%s」的記事本中。此記事當前的版本將保留,不會被取代或修改。","Click to add tags...":"新增標籤...","Client ID: %s":"用戶端 ID:%s","Close":"關閉","Close Window":"關閉視窗","Code":"程式碼","Code Block":"程式碼區塊","Code View":"程式碼檢視","Coming alarms":"未來提醒","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \\"Check synchronisation configuration\\".":"要載入證書,可用逗號分隔的目錄路徑清單,或指明特定證書的路徑。例如: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem。請注意,如果修改了 TLS 的設置,您必須先儲存變更,然後再按一下「檢測同步設置」。","command":"命令","Command":"命令","Command palette":"命令模式","Command palette...":"命令選擇區...","Completed":"完成","Completed decryption.":"解密完成。","Configuration":"設置","Confirm password cannot be empty":"確認密碼不能空白","Confirm password:":"確認密碼:","Conflicted: %d":"衝突:%d","Conflicts":"衝突","Convert to note":"轉換為記事","Convert to todo":"轉換為待辦事項","Copy":"複製","Copy dev mode command to clipboard":"複製開發模式命令到剪貼簿","Copy Link Address":"複製鏈結位址","Copy Markdown link":"複製 Markdown 連結","Copy path to clipboard":"複製路徑到剪貼簿","Copy Shareable Link":"複製分享連結","Copy token":"複製 Token","Could not authorise application:\\n\\n%s\\n\\nPlease try again.":"無法授權:\\n\\n%s\\n\\n請再次重試。","Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\\n\\n%s":"無法連接到 Joplin 主機,請檢查同步設定。完整錯誤訊息為:\\n\\n%s","Could not export notes: %s":"無法匯出記事: %s","Could not install plugin: %s":"無法安裝延伸模組:%s","Could not upgrade master key: %s":"無法升級主密鑰:%s","Create a notebook":"新增一份記事本","Created":"建立時間","created date":"建立日期","Created local items: %d.":"已建立的本地項目: %d 項。","Created locally":"已建立的本地項目","Created remote items: %d.":"已建立的遠端項目: %d 項。","Created: %d.":"建立:%d。","Created: %s":"已建立: %s","Creates a new note.":"新增記事。","Creates a new notebook.":"新增記事本。","Creates a new to-do.":"新增待辦事項。","Creating new %s...":"建立新 %s...","Creating report...":"正在建立新報告 %s...","Current version is up-to-date.":"目前是最新版。","custom order":"自訂順序","Custom order":"自訂順序","Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles":"自訂 Joplin 全域樣式表","Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown":"自訂 Markdown 展示樣式表","Custom TLS certificates":"自訂 TLS 證書","Cut":"剪下","Dark":"暗黑","Database v%s":"資料庫 V%s","Date":"日期","Date format":"日期格式","days":"天數","Decrypted items: %d":"解密項目:%d","Decrypted items: %s / %s":"解密項目:%s / %s","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"解密項目:%d/%d 項","Default":"預設","Default: %s":"預設:%s","Delete":"刪除","Delete attachment \\"%s\\"?":"刪除此附件「%s」?","Delete line":"刪除整行","Delete local data and re-download from sync target":"刪除本地資料,自同步目標重新下載所有檔案","Delete note \\"%s\\"?":"刪除此記事「%s」?","Delete note?":"刪除記事?","Delete notebook \\"%s\\"?\\n\\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"確定刪除「%s」?\\n\\n此記事本中的所有記事和子記事本也將刪除。","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"刪除記事本時,其中的所有記事和子記事本也將被刪除。確定要刪除記事本?","Delete plugin \\"%s\\"?":"刪除延伸模組「%s」?","Delete these %d notes?":"刪除這些記事 %d ?","Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.":"刪除邀請後,共享對象將無法再存取這份共享記事本。確定要刪除這份邀請嗎?","Deleted local items: %d.":"已刪除的本地項目: %d 項。","Deleted remote items: %d.":"已刪除的遠端項目: %d 項。","Deletes the given notebook.":"刪除特定的記事本。","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"刪除記事本時不要求確認。","Deletes the notes matching .":"刪除符合 的記事。","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"刪除記事時不要求確認。","Destination format: %s":"目標格式:%s","Directory":"目錄","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"要同步的目錄(絕對路徑)","Disable":"停用","Disable encryption":"停用加密","Disable safe mode and restart":"停用安全模式並重新啟動","Disable Web Clipper Service":"停用網頁剪輯服務","Disabled":"已停用","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"停用加密代表您 *所有* 的記事和附件都會重新重新同步,並且發送未加密的資料到同步目標。您要繼續嗎?","Discard changes":"放棄變更","Dismiss":"忽略","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"顯示記事的地理位置定位網址。","Displays only the first top notes.":"僅顯示頭 則記事。","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.":"僅顯示特定類型的項目。您可用 `n` 來顯示記事,`t` 來顯示待辦事項,或者 `nt` 一併顯示記事及待辦事項。又例如,用 `-tt` 僅顯示待辦事項,而 `-tnt` 則一併顯示記事及待辦事項。","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"顯示有關記事和記事本的摘要。","Displays the complete information about note.":"顯示有關記事的完整資訊。","Displays the given note.":"顯示特定的記事。","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"顯示當前記事本中的記事。使用「ls /」顯示記事本清單。","Displays usage information.":"顯示使用資訊。","Displays version information":"顯示版本資訊","Do it now":"現在進行","Do not ask for confirmation.":"不要求確認。","Download":"下載","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"下載並安裝瀏覽器外掛:","Downloaded":"已下載","Downloaded and decrypted":"已下載並解密","Downloaded and encrypted":"已下載並加密","Downloading":"正在下載資源檔案","Downloading resources...":"正在下載資源檔案...","Dracula":"德古拉紫","Drop notes or files here":"將記事或檔案拖曳至此處","Dropbox":"Dropbox","Dropbox Login":"Dropbox 登入","Duplicate":"新增複本","Duplicate line":"複製本行","Duplicates the notes matching to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"將符合 的記事複製到 [notebook]。如果未指定記事本,則預設複製到當前記事本中。","Edit":"編輯","Edit in external editor":"使用外部編輯器編輯","Edit note.":"編輯記事。","Edit notebook":"編輯記事本","Editor":"編輯器","Editor font":"編輯器字型","Editor font family":"編輯器字型系列","Editor font size":"編輯器文字大小","Editor maximum width":"編輯器最大寬度","Editor monospace font family":"編輯器字型系列","Either \\"text\\" or \\"json\\"":"「text」或「json」二選一","Emacs":"Emacs","emphasised text":"強調文字","Enable":"啟用","Enable ++insert++ syntax":"啟用 ++insert++ 語法","Enable ==mark== syntax":"啟用 ==mark== 語法","Enable ^sup^ syntax":"啟用 ^sup^ 語法","Enable abbreviation syntax":"啟用縮寫語法","Enable audio player":"啟用音效播放器","Enable deflist syntax":"啟用 deflist 語法","Enable encryption":"啟用加密","Enable footnotes":"啟用註腳","Enable Fountain syntax support":"啟用 Fountain 語法支援","Enable Linkify":"啟用 Linkify","Enable markdown emoji":"啟用 Markdown 表情符號","Enable math expressions":"啟用數學表達式","Enable Mermaid diagrams support":"啟用 Mermaid 流程圖支援","Enable multimarkdown table extension":"啟用 MultiMarkdown 表格延伸模組","Enable note history":"啟用記事歷史紀錄","Enable PDF viewer":"啟用 PDF 查看器","Enable soft breaks":"啟用軟中斷","Enable table of contents extension":"啟用表格內容延伸模組","Enable typographer support":"啟用 Typographer 支援","Enable video player":"啟用影片播放器","Enable Web Clipper Service":"啟用網頁剪輯服務","Enable ~sub~ syntax":"啟用 ~sub~ 語法","Enabled":"已啟用","Encrypted":"已加密","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"無法修改已加密項目","Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed":"無法重新命名已加密項目","Encryption":"加密","Encryption Config":"加密設定","Encryption is: %s":"加密: %s","Enter code here":"請在此輸入驗證碼","Enter master password:":"輸入主密碼:","Enter notebook title":"輸入記事本標題","Enum":"列舉 (Enum)","Error":"錯誤","Error opening note in editor: %s":"在編輯器中開啟記事時出錯:%s","Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:":"錯誤。請檢查網址、使用者名稱、密碼等是否正確,以及同步目標是否可以存取。錯誤回報訊息為:","Error: %s":"錯誤:%s","Errors only":"僅顯示錯誤","Evernote Export File (as HTML)":"Evernote 匯出檔案 (HTML)","Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":"Evernote 匯出檔案 (Markdown)","Exits the application.":"離開本程式。","Export":"匯出","Export all":"全部匯出","Export debug report":"匯出除錯報告","Export Debug Report":"匯出除錯報告","Export profile":"匯出設定檔","Exporting profile...":"正在匯出記事...","Exporting to \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"匯出到「%s」(格式:%s)。請稍候...","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"將 Joplin 資料匯出到特定路徑。程式將預設匯出完整的資料庫,包括記事本、記事、標籤以及資源。","Exports only the given note.":"僅匯出特定的記事。","Exports only the given notebook.":"僅匯出指定的記事本。","Fail-safe":"故障保護","Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)":"故障保護 (Fail-safe):當同步目標為空時 (通常發生在設定錯誤或 Bug),不要清除本機資料","Fatal error:":"嚴重錯誤:","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"已擷取的本地項目: %d/%d 項。","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"擷取資源檔案:%d/%d","File":"檔案","File system":"檔案系統","Firefox Extension":"Firefox 附加元件","Fix search index":"修正搜尋索引","Fixing search index...":"正在修正搜尋索引...","Focus":"焦點","Focus body":"游標置於內文","Focus title":"游標置於標題","Folders":"資料夾","For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.":"僅用於除錯:將您的設定檔匯出至外部 SD 卡。","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"有關如何自訂快速鍵,請前往 %s","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"有關端到端加密 (E2EE) 的詳細資訊以及該如何啟用,請參考文件:","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"請輸入`help keymap` 查看鍵盤快速鍵與設定選項","Forward":"向前","Found: %d.":"找到: %d。","FTS enabled: %d":"FTS 已啟用:%d","Full changelog":"完整更新內容","General":"一般選項","Generating link...":"建立連結...","Get it now:":"立即取得:","Get pre-releases when checking for updates":"檢查更新時,也更新到發行前測試版","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"取得或設定一個設定值。如果沒有指明 [value],則會顯示 [name] 的值。如果 [name] 和 [vallue] 兩者均沒有指明,則會列出當前設定。","Go to source URL":"前往來源網址","Goto Anything...":"前往任意內容...","Heading":"標題","Help":"說明","Hide %s":"隱藏 %s","Hide Joplin":"隱藏 Joplin","Highlight":"強調標記","Horizontal Rule":"水平線","HTML Directory":"HTML 目錄","HTML File":"HTML 檔案","Hyperlink":"超連結","Icon":"圖示","ID":"ID","Idle":"閒置","Ignore":"忽略","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"忽略 TLS 證書錯誤","Import":"匯入","Importing from \\"%s\\" as \\"%s\\" format. Please wait...":"從「%s」匯入(格式為 %s),請稍候...","Importing notes...":"正在匯入記事...","Imports data into Joplin.":"匯入資料至 Joplin。","In \\"Manual\\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \\"Auto\\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \\"Always\\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.":"在「手動」模式下,僅在您點選附件時才下載附件;「自動」模式會在打開記事時開始下載;「一律下載」模式則無論是否打開記事,都會下載所有附件。","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"在任何一個命令中,可以通過標題或 ID 來指定記事或記事本,或使用快捷鍵 `$n`(選定記事)or `$b`(選定記事本)。您亦可以用 `$c` 代表當前選擇的項目。","In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\\n\\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.":"為了將地理位置資訊加入此筆記,您必須允許程式存取位置資料。\\n\\n您隨時可以到設定畫面關閉此選項。","In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\\n\\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\\n\\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\\n2. Click \\"%s\\".\\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\\n\\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.":"由於必須對整個資料集進行加密和同步,所以最好在夜間睡覺的時候進行。\\n\\n首先,請依照以下說明進行操作:\\n\\n1. 同步您的所有設備。\\n2. 點選「%s」。\\n3. 等待執行完成。在執行過程中,請避免在其他設備上更改任何記事,以免發生衝突。\\n4. 待此設備完成重新加密與同步後,同步所有其他設備,並等待其執行完成。\\n\\n重要提示:您只需要在一台設備上執行此操作一次。","In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.":"為了使用檔案系統同步,您需要具有寫入外部儲存裝置的權限。","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"要使用網頁剪輯,您需要執行以下動作:","In progress":"進行中","In: %s":"在: %s","Indent less":"減少縮排","Indent more":"增加縮排","Information":"資訊","Inline Code":"內嵌程式碼","Insert":"底線","Insert Date Time":"插入日期時間","Insert Hyperlink":"插入超連結","Install":"安裝","Install from file":"以檔案安裝","Installed":"已安裝","Installing...":"安裝中...","Invalid":"無效","Invalid %s: %s.":"無效的 %s:%s。","Invalid answer: %s":"無效的答案:%s","Invalid command: \\"%s\\"":"無效的命令:\\"%s\\"","Invalid option value: \\"%s\\". Possible values are: %s.":"不正確選項值: \\"%s\\"。可能的值為: %s。","Italic":"斜體","Item \\"%s\\" could not be downloaded: %s":"項目「%s」無法下載:%s","Items that cannot be decrypted":"項目無法解密","Items that cannot be synchronised":"無法同步的項目","Joplin Export Directory":"Joplin 匯出目錄","Joplin Export File":"Joplin 匯出檔","Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.":"Joplin 多次未能解密這些項目,可能是因為它們已損壞或太大。這些項目將保留在設備上,但 Joplin 將不再嘗試解密。","Joplin Forum":"Joplin 討論區","Joplin Server":"Joplin 主機","Joplin Server email":"Joplin 主機 email","Joplin Server password":"Joplin 主機密碼","Joplin Server URL":"Joplin 主機 URL","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"Joplin 網頁剪輯可以讓您從瀏覽器保存網頁和螢幕截圖到 Joplin。","Joplin website":"Joplin 官方網站","Keep note history for":"保留記事歷史記錄","Keyboard Mode":"鍵盤模式","Keyboard Shortcut":"快速鍵","Keyboard Shortcuts":"快速鍵","Keychain Supported: %s":"鑰匙圈支援:%s","Landscape":"橫向","Language":"語言","Last error: %s":"上次錯誤: %s","Later":"稍後","Layout":"頁面佈局","Layout button sequence":"頁面佈局","Legal":"Legal","Letter":"Letter","Light":"光亮","Lines":"行數","Link has been copied to clipboard!":"連結已複製到剪貼簿!","Links with protocol \\"%s\\" are not supported":"不支援「%s」協定的鏈結","List item":"清單項目","Location":"地理位置","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \\"%s\\" and resume the operation.":"鎖定中。如果您確知目前並非正在同步,可刪除「%s」上的鎖定檔並繼續操作。","Log":"日誌","Login":"登入","Login below.":"於下方登入。","Login with Dropbox":"以 Dropbox 登入","Login with OneDrive":"以 OneDrive 登入","Make a donation":"捐助","Manage your plugins":"管理您的延伸模組","Manual":"手動","Markdown":"Markdown","Marks a to-do as done.":"標記待辦事項為完成。","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"標記待辦事項為未完成。","Markup":"標記方式","Master Key %s":"密鑰 %s","Max concurrent connections":"最大同時連接數","Missing Master Keys":"缺少主密鑰","Missing required argument: %s":"缺少必需參數:%s","Mobile data - auto-sync disabled":"行動網路 - 停用自動同步","More info":"更多資訊","More information":"更多資訊","More than one item match \\"%s\\". Please narrow down your query.":"與 \\"%s\\" 相符的項目超過一個,請縮小查詢範圍。","Move %d notes to notebook \\"%s\\"?":"要將 %d 移動到「%s」記事本嗎?","Move to notebook":"移動至記事本","Move to notebook...":"移動至記事本...","Move to notebook:":"移動至記事本:","Moves the notes matching to [notebook].":"將符合 的記事移動到 [notebook]。","n":"n","N":"N","New note":"新增記事","New notebook":"新增記事本","New Notebook":"新增記事本","New notebook \\"%s\\" will be created and file \\"%s\\" will be imported into it":"將建立新的記事本「%s」以匯入檔案「%s」","New sub-notebook":"新增子記事本","New tags:":"新增標籤:","New to-do":"新增待辦事項","New version: %s":"最新版本: %s","Nextcloud":"Nextcloud","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud 密碼","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud 用戶名稱","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV 網址","no":"否","No":"否","No active notebook.":"無使用中的記事本。","No item with ID %s":"沒有 ID 為 %s 的項目","No notebook has been specified.":"未指定記事本。","No notebook selected.":"未選擇記事本。","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \\"New note\\".":"目前沒有任何記事,請點選「新增記事」即可建立。","No resources!":"沒有任何附件!","No results":"查無資料","No such command: %s":"沒有該命令:%s","No suggestions":"沒有建議","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor `":"未設定文字編輯器。請用 `config editor ` 來設定","Nord":"北歐藍","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"與 %s 認證失敗,請提供完整的身份驗證資訊。","Not downloaded":"尚未下載","note":"記事","Note":"記事本","Note area growth factor":"記事區域增長因數","Note attachments":"記事附件","Note attachments...":"記事附加檔案...","Note body":"內容主體","Note does not exist: \\"%s\\". Create it?":"沒有「%s」記事,要建立嗎?","Note has been saved.":"記事已儲存完畢。","Note History":"記事本歷史紀錄","Note is not a to-do: \\"%s\\"":"記事不等於待辨事項:\\"%s\\"","Note list":"記事清單","Note list growth factor":"記事清單增長因數","Note properties":"記事本屬性","Note title":"記事標題","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"注意:此功能並非所有桌面環境都有用。","Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.":"注意:分享記事後,該記事將不會在伺服器上加密。","Notebook list growth factor":"記事本清單增長因數","Notebook title:":"記事本標題:","Notebook: %s":"記事本: %s","Notebooks":"記事本","Notebooks cannot be named \\"%s\\", which is a reserved title.":"此標題「%s」已被程式保留,無法使用。","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"所有記事和設定均儲存於:%s","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"記事只能在記事本中建立。","Numbered List":"編號清單","OK":"確定","OLED Dark":"纯黑 (OLED)","On %s: %s":"在 %s:%s","One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.":"您其中一組主密鑰使用了過時的加密方法。","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"有些資料已經過加密,您可能需要提供主密碼來解密。請鍵入 \\"e2ee decrypt\\" 進行解密。如果您已經提供了密碼,那加密的項目將會在後臺解密,請耐心等候。","One or more master keys need a password.":"一個或多個主密鑰需要密碼。","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Login":"OneDrive 登入","Only one note can be printed at a time.":"一次只能列印一個記事。","Open":"開啟","Open %s":"開啟 %s","Open profile directory":"開啟個人資料目錄","Open Sync Wizard...":"開啟同步精靈...","Open...":"開啟舊檔...","Operation cancelled":"操作已取消","Options":"選項","Or create an account.":"或是建立帳號。","Output format: %s":"匯出格式:%s","Page orientation for PDF export":"匯出至 PDF 的頁面方向","Page size for PDF export":"匯出 PDF 的頁面大小","Password":"密碼","Password cannot be empty":"密碼不能空白","Password:":"密碼:","Passwords do not match!":"密碼不相符!","Paste":"貼上","Path:":"路徑:","PDF File":"PDF 檔案","Permission needed":"需要權限","Permission to use camera":"允許使用相機","Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.":"請確認您要重新加密完整資料庫。","Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.":"在升級密鑰前,請在下面的主密鑰清單中輸入您的密碼。","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \\"Apps/Joplin\\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"請在瀏覽器開啟以下 URL 驗證應用程式。應用程式將在「Apps/Joplin」中建立一個目錄,並只會在該目錄中進行讀取和寫入。應用程式將無法訪問此目錄之外的任何檔案,同時也無法使用任何其他個人資料。我們不會與任何第三方廠商共用任何資料。","Please select a notebook first.":"請先選擇記事本。","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"請先選擇要刪除的記事或記事本。","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"請選擇同步狀態的匯出位置","Please specify import format for %s":"請為 %s 指定匯入格式","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"請指定要匯入的記事本。","Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin":"請升級 Joplin 以使用此延伸模組","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"請等待所有附件下載並解密。您也可以切換到 %s 以編輯記事。","Please wait...":"請稍候...","Plugin tools":"延伸模組","Plugins":"延伸模組","Portrait":"直向","Possible keys/values:":"可能的鍵/值:","Possible values: %s.":"可能的值:%s。","Preferences":"偏好設定","Preferences...":"偏好設定...","Preferred dark theme":"偏好的暗色主題","Preferred light theme":"偏好的亮色主題","Press Ctrl+D or type \\"exit\\" to exit the application":"按 Ctrl+D 或輸入「exit」以退出應用程式","Press the shortcut":"點擊快速鍵","Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.":"按下快速鍵後按下 ENTER,或點擊 BACKSPACE 清除快速鍵。","Press to set the decryption password.":"點擊設定解密密碼。","Previous versions of this note":"此記事的先前版本","Print":"列印","Privacy Policy":"隱私政策","Profile Version: %s":"設定檔版本:%s","Properties":"屬性","Publish Notes":"發布記事","Publish notes to the internet":"將記事發布至網路上","Quit":"結束","Re-encrypt data":"重新加密資料","Re-encryption":"重新加密","Re-upload local data to sync target":"重新上傳本地資料到同步目標上","Read more about it":"進一步了解","Read time: %s min":"閱讀時間:%s 分鐘","Recipient has accepted the invitation":"共享對象已接受邀請","Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation":"共享對象尚未接受邀請","Recipient has rejected the invitation":"共享對象已拒絕邀請","Recipients:":"共享對象:","Redo":"恢復","Refresh":"重新整理","Reject":"拒絕","Remove":"移除","Remove tag \\"%s\\" from all notes?":"是否從所有記事中移除「%s」標籤?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"是否從側邊欄中刪除此搜索?","Rename":"重新命名","Rename notebook:":"重新命名記事本:","Rename tag:":"重新命名標籤:","Renames the given (note or notebook) to .":"將特定的 (記事或記事本) 重新命名為 。","Renew token":"換一組 token","Resources: %d.":"資源:%d。","Restart and upgrade":"重新啟動並升級","Restart now":"重新啟動","Restore":"還原","Restored Notes":"恢復的記事","Retry":"重試","Retry All":"全部重試","Reveal file in folder":"在資料夾中顯示檔案","Reverse sort order":"顛倒排列順序","Reverses the sorting order.":"顛倒排序。","Revision: %s (%s)":"修訂版:%s (%s)","Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.":"執行文字檔中的命令,每條命令各佔一行。","Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.":"安全模式啟用中,將暫時停用格式編排及所有延伸模組。","Save":"儲存","Save alarm":"儲存提醒事項","Save as...":"另存新檔...","Save changes":"儲存變更","Save geo-location with notes":"在記事中保存地理位置資訊","Search":"搜尋","Search for plugins...":"搜尋延伸模組...","Search in all the notes":"在所有記事中搜尋","Search in current note":"在目前記事中搜尋","Search...":"搜尋...","Search:":"搜尋:","Searches for the given in all the notes.":"在所有記事中搜索特定的 。","See the pre-release page for more details: %s":"詳細訊息請參考發行前測試版頁面: %s","Select all":"選擇全部","Server is already running on port %d":"伺服器已經在 %d 連接埠執行","Server is not running.":"伺服器尚未運作。","Server is running on port %d":"伺服器在 %d 連接埠執行","Set alarm":"設定提醒","Set alarm:":"設定提醒:","Set the password":"設置密碼","Sets the property of the given to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\\n\\n%s":"將特定 的屬性 設置為特定的 [值]。可能的屬性有:\\n\\n%s","Share":"分享","Share Notebook":"分享記事本","Share notebook...":"分享記事...","Sharing notebook...":"分享記事本...","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"在 CLI 模式下無法使用快速鍵。","Show Advanced Settings":"顯示進階選項","Show all":"顯示全部","Show completed to-dos":"顯示已完成的待辦事項","Show note counts":"顯示記事數量","Show tray icon":"顯示系統匣圖示","Sidebar":"側邊欄","Size":"大小","Skip this version":"跳過此版本","Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)":"跳過項目:%d (使用 --retry-failed-items 來嘗試重新解密)","Skipped: %d.":"略過:%d。","Solarised Dark":"黃昏黑","Solarised Light":"日光白","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"有些項目無法解密。","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"有些項目無法同步。","Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.":"有些項目不能同步。請按此查看更多資訊。","Sort notebooks by":"記事本排序方式","Sort notes by":"記事排序依據","Sort selected lines":"排序所選各行","Sorts the item by (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"按 對項目進行排序 (例如: 標題、更新時間、建立時間等等)。","Source format: %s":"來源格式:%s","Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.":"指定 API 伺服器使用的連接埠。如果未設定,將使用預設值。","Spell checker":"拼字檢查","Split View":"分割顯示","Start application minimised in the tray icon":"啟動應用程式時最小化到系統匣","Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).":"開始、停止或檢查 API 伺服器。若要指定在哪個連接埠上執行,請設定 api.port 設定變數。指令為 (%s)","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"正在開始解密... 視需要解密的資料多寡,可能會花幾分鐘時間,請稍候。","Starting synchronisation...":"正在啟動同步...","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"開始編輯記事。如需返回命令行,請關閉編輯器。","Statistics":"統計","Statistics...":"統計...","Status":"狀態","Status: %s":"狀態:%s","Status: Started on port %d":"狀態:已在 %d 埠上啟動","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"步驟 1:啟用剪輯服務","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"步驟 1: 在瀏覽器中打開此網址以授權應用程式:","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"步驟 2: 輸入 Dropbox 提供給您的代碼:","Step 2: Install the extension":"步驟 2: 安裝外掛","Stop":"停止","Stop external editing":"停止外部編輯","Strikethrough":"刪除線","strong text":"粗體文字","Submit":"送出","Subscript":"下標","Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.":"成功!同步設定看起來正確。","Superscript":"上標","Swap line down":"本行下移","Swap line up":"本行上移","Switch between note and to-do type":"切換記事 / 待辦事項","Switch to note type":"切換為記事","Switch to to-do type":"切換為待辦事項","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"切換到 [notebook] - 所有進一步的操作將在此記事本中發生。","Sync Status":"同步狀態","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"同步狀態 (已同步項目 / 項目總數)","Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.":"需要升級同步目標!執行 `%s` 以升級。","Sync Target Upgrade":"同步目標升級","Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)":"同步到已指明的目標 (預設是 的設定值)","Sync Version: %s":"同步版本:%s","Sync your notes":"同步您的筆記","Synchronisation":"顯示同步狀態","Synchronisation interval":"同步時間間隔","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"同步已在進行中。","Synchronisation Status":"同步狀態","Synchronisation target":"同步目標","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"同步目標:%s (%s)","Synchronise":"進行同步","Synchronise only over WiFi connection":"僅在 WiFi 環境下同步資料","Synchronises with remote storage.":"與遠端儲存設備同步。","Synchronising...":"同步中...","Synchronizing...":"同步中...","Tabloid":"Tabloid","Tagged: %d.":"已標籤:%d。","Tags":"標籤","Take photo":"拍攝相片","Text editor command":"文字編輯器命令","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"程式即將關閉,請重新啟動以完成此過程。","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"程式已取得權限 - 您現在可以關閉此瀏覽器分頁。","The application has been authorised!":"此程式已被授權!","The application has been successfully authorised.":"程式已成功取得權限。","The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.":"程式必須重新啟動以便套用這些變動。","The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.":"切換到其他記事後,將不再監控這些附件的變動。","The command \\"%s\\" is only available in GUI mode":"命令 \\"%s\\" 僅在 GUI 模式下可用","The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)":"預設的管理員密碼不安全並且尚未更改![現在更改](%s)","The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.":"已更換一種更安全的預設加密方案,建議您將資料以此方式加密。","The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.":"預設的加密方法已更改,您應該重新加密資料。","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"用於開啟記事的外部編輯器命令 (可能包括參數)。如果不在此提供,程式將嘗試自動呼叫預設的編輯器。","The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.":"因數屬性決定了清單上的一項如何增長或縮小,以適應其容器中相對於其他項目的可用空間。因此因數為 2 的的一項是因數為 1 的一項的佔用空間的兩倍。重啟程式以查看變化。","The following attachments are being watched for changes:":"已監控下列附件的變動:","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"Joplin 行動 App 暫不支援此類型的鏈結:%s","The master key has been upgraded successfully!":"主密鑰已成功升級!","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"某些項目以下列 ID 的密鑰加密過,但目前程式無法存取密鑰來解密。也許很快就會透過同步下載完畢。","The note \\"%s\\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \\"%s\\".":"已成功將「%s」還原至「%s」筆記本中。","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"無法儲存記事本:%s","The notes have been imported: %s":"已匯入記事:%s","The possible commands are:":"可能的命令是:","The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.":"在 Joplin 同步前需先升級同步目標。更新時間大約耗時數分鐘,且程式也需要重新啟動。如願繼續,請點擊連結。","The tag \\"%s\\" already exists. Please choose a different name.":"標籤「%s」已存在,請選擇其他名稱。","The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"要同步的目標。每個同步目標可能有額外參數命名為 `sync.NUM.NAME`(參考下方描述)。","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"網頁剪輯服務已啟用,並設置為自動啟動。","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"網頁剪輯服務已停用。","Theme":"界面主題","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"您當前沒有任何記事。點擊 (+) 鈕即可新增。","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \\"New notebook\\".":"目前沒有任何記事本,請點選「新增記事本」即可建立。","There is no data to export.":"沒有資料可匯出。","There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\\n\\n%s":"下載此附加檔案時出現[衝突] (%s):\\n\\n%s","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"下載此附件時出現錯誤:","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"這些頊目將保留在設備上,但不會上傳到同步目標。要尋找這些項目,請以標題或 ID (在上面的括弧中顯示)搜尋。","These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.":"這些延伸模組提供額外的 Markdown 顯示功能。請注意:雖然這些額外功能個有用途,但並非標準 Markdown 語法,因此通常只能在 Joplin 內運行;另外,其中一些功能與所見即所得 (WYSIWYG) 編輯器 *不相容*,用此編輯器編輯記事時無法顯示使用。延伸模組後皆列出與所見即所得編輯器的相容狀況。","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"此附件尚未完成下載或解密","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.":"此附件尚未下載或解密完成。","This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.":"此授權 Token 僅在需要允許第三方程式存取 Joplin 資料時才用得上。","This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.":"此為顯示記事相關附件的進階工具,刪除後將無法復原,請謹慎使用。","This note does not have geolocation information.":"此記事沒有地理位置定位資訊。","This note has been modified:":"此記事已被修改:","This note has no content. Click on \\"%s\\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"此記事沒有內容。點擊「%s」切換到編輯模式並編輯記事。","This note has no history":"此記事沒有歷史紀錄","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"這個編輯模式尚有許多限制,建議使用前先深入了解。","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"此服務允許瀏覽器外掛與 Joplin 溝通。當啟用它時,您的防火牆可能要求您授予 Joplin 偵聽特定埠的許可權。","This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.":"這將會允許 Joplin 在背景執行。建議啟用此設定,以便不斷同步您的記事,從而減少衝突次數。","This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?":"這將會開啟新視窗。儲存您目前的變更嗎?","Time format":"時間格式","title":"標題","Title":"標題","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"請按照以下步驟,設定 Joplin 與 Dropbox 同步所需的選項:","To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"要刪除標籤,請清除相關記事的這個標籤。","To delete: %d":"標示刪除:%d","To enter command line mode, press \\":\\"":"要進入命令列模式,請輸入「:」","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"要退出命令列模式,請按 ESC 鍵","To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \\"%s\\" in the menu \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\"":"欲手動調整順序,應在選單「%s > %s」中將排序方式調整為「%s」","To maximise/minimise the console, press \\"tc\\".":"要最大化/最小化主控台,請輸入 \\"tc\\"。","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"要從一個窗格移動到另一個窗格,請按 Tab 或 Shift+Tab。","To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`":"執行 `e2ee decrypt —retry-failed-items` 來嘗試再次解密這些項目","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"為了正常運作,請在您的手機設定 (應用程式 > Joplin > 權限) 中啟用下列權限","to-do":"待辦事項","Toggle comment":"切換注釋","Toggle development tools":"切換開發工具","Toggle editor layout":"切換編輯器佈局","Toggle editors":"切換編輯器","Toggle external editing":"切換外部編輯模式","Toggle note list":"切換記事清單","Toggle safe mode":"切換安全模式","Toggle sidebar":"顯示 / 隱藏側邊欄","Token has been copied to the clipboard!":"Token 已經被複製到剪貼簿!","Tools":"工具","Total: %d/%d":"總數:%d/%d","Try again":"再試一次","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"輸入 `help [command]` 查看關於命令的更多資訊; 或者輸入 `help all` 獲取完整的使用說明。","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"鍵入 `joplin help` 檢視使用說明。","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"輸入記事標題、部分記事內容、# 後輸入標籤名稱、@ 後輸入筆記本名稱等方式,可前往相應搜尋結果。或者可輸入 : 以搜尋其他指令。","Type new tags or select from list":"輸入新標籤,或在清單中選擇","Type: %s.":"類型:%s。","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"最上方顯示未完成的待辦事項","Undo":"復原","Unknown flag: %s":"未知的標誌:%s","Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version":"已下載項目為未知類型,請將 Joplin 升級至最新版本","Unshare":"停止分享","Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.":"停止共享後,共享對象將無法再存取這份共享記事本。確定要停止共享嗎?","Unsupported image type: %s":"不支援的圖像類型:%s","Unsupported link or message: %s":"未支援的鏈接或訊息: %s","Untitled":"未命名","Update":"更新","Updated":"已更新","updated date":"更新日期","Updated local items: %d.":"已更新的本地項目: %d 項。","Updated remote items: %d.":"已更新的遠端項目: %d 項。","Updated: %d.":"更新:%d。","Updated: %s":"已更新:%s","Updating...":"更新中...","Upgrade":"升級","Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.":"升級同步目標到最新版本。","URL":"網址","Usage: %s":"使用資訊:%s","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"使用長清單格式。格式為 ID, NOTE_COUNT (用於記事本), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (用於待辦事項), TITLE","Use spell checker":"使用拼字檢查","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"使用方向鍵和上/下頁鍵以捲動清單和文件區域 (包括此主控台)。","Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \\"Escape\\" to exit.":"使用方向鍵移動佈局項,點擊「Esc」退出。","Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.":"如果搜尋出現問題,請使用此功能重新建立搜尋索引。所需時間依記事數量而定,也可能會花費很長的時間。","Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.":"用在編輯器中大部分的文字上。如果尋無此字型,將顯示為通用的變動寬度字型。","Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.":"用在需要固定字寬的狀況(表格、待辦事項、程式碼等)。如果尋無此字型,將顯示為通用的固定寬度字型。","View":"檢視 (&V)","View on map":"在地圖上顯示","View them now":"立即檢視","Viewer":"閱讀器","Vim":"Vim","Warning":"警告","Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).":"警告:為確保效能,將不會顯示所有資源(限制:%s)。","Web Clipper":"網頁剪輯","WebDAV":"WebDAV","WebDAV password":"WebDAV 密碼","WebDAV URL":"WebDAV 網址","WebDAV username":"WebDAV 用戶名稱","Website and documentation":"官方網站及線上說明","Welcome to Joplin!\\n\\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\\n\\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Joplin 歡迎您!\\n\\n鍵入: `:help shortcuts` 檢視鍵盤快速鍵清單,或輸入 `:help` 檢視使用說明。\\n\\n例如,您可輸入: `mb` 新增一本記事本; 輸入 `mn` 新增記事。","When creating a new note:":"當新增記事時:","When creating a new to-do:":"當新增待辦事項時:","Words":"單字數","y":"y","Y":"Y","yes":"是","Yes":"是","You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?":"您將附加大型圖片 (%dx%d pixels),附加之前是否要把尺寸縮小為 %d pixels?","You currently have no notebooks.":"您目前尚未擁有記事本。","You do not have any installed plugin.":"您尚未安裝任何延伸模組。","You may also type `status` for more information.":"鍵入 `status` 可獲取更多訊息。","You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.":"若您需要重新加密資料(例如:發現某些記事使用了過時的加密方式),可使用下面的工具。","Your choice: ":"您的選擇:","Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.":"您的資料將被重新加密並再次同步。","Your permission to use your camera is required.":"您必須允許程式使用相機。","Your version: %s":"您目前的版本: %s","Zoom In":"放大","Zoom Out":"縮小"}')},function(e,t,o){const a=o(54),n=[{base:"A",letters:/[\u0041\u24B6\uFF21\u00C0\u00C1\u00C2\u1EA6\u1EA4\u1EAA\u1EA8\u00C3\u0100\u0102\u1EB0\u1EAE\u1EB4\u1EB2\u0226\u01E0\u00C4\u01DE\u1EA2\u00C5\u01FA\u01CD\u0200\u0202\u1EA0\u1EAC\u1EB6\u1E00\u0104\u023A\u2C6F]/g},{base:"AA",letters:/[\uA732]/g},{base:"AE",letters:/[\u00C6\u01FC\u01E2]/g},{base:"AO",letters:/[\uA734]/g},{base:"AU",letters:/[\uA736]/g},{base:"AV",letters:/[\uA738\uA73A]/g},{base:"AY",letters:/[\uA73C]/g},{base:"B",letters:/[\u0042\u24B7\uFF22\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u0243\u0182\u0181]/g},{base:"C",letters:/[\u0043\u24B8\uFF23\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u00C7\u1E08\u0187\u023B\uA73E]/g},{base:"D",letters:/[\u0044\u24B9\uFF24\u1E0A\u010E\u1E0C\u1E10\u1E12\u1E0E\u0110\u018B\u018A\u0189\uA779]/g},{base:"DZ",letters:/[\u01F1\u01C4]/g},{base:"Dz",letters:/[\u01F2\u01C5]/g},{base:"E",letters:/[\u0045\u24BA\uFF25\u00C8\u00C9\u00CA\u1EC0\u1EBE\u1EC4\u1EC2\u1EBC\u0112\u1E14\u1E16\u0114\u0116\u00CB\u1EBA\u011A\u0204\u0206\u1EB8\u1EC6\u0228\u1E1C\u0118\u1E18\u1E1A\u0190\u018E]/g},{base:"F",letters:/[\u0046\u24BB\uFF26\u1E1E\u0191\uA77B]/g},{base:"G",letters:/[\u0047\u24BC\uFF27\u01F4\u011C\u1E20\u011E\u0120\u01E6\u0122\u01E4\u0193\uA7A0\uA77D\uA77E]/g},{base:"H",letters:/[\u0048\u24BD\uFF28\u0124\u1E22\u1E26\u021E\u1E24\u1E28\u1E2A\u0126\u2C67\u2C75\uA78D]/g},{base:"I",letters:/[\u0049\u24BE\uFF29\u00CC\u00CD\u00CE\u0128\u012A\u012C\u0130\u00CF\u1E2E\u1EC8\u01CF\u0208\u020A\u1ECA\u012E\u1E2C\u0197]/g},{base:"J",letters:/[\u004A\u24BF\uFF2A\u0134\u0248]/g},{base:"K",letters:/[\u004B\u24C0\uFF2B\u1E30\u01E8\u1E32\u0136\u1E34\u0198\u2C69\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA7A2]/g},{base:"L",letters:/[\u004C\u24C1\uFF2C\u013F\u0139\u013D\u1E36\u1E38\u013B\u1E3C\u1E3A\u0141\u023D\u2C62\u2C60\uA748\uA746\uA780]/g},{base:"LJ",letters:/[\u01C7]/g},{base:"Lj",letters:/[\u01C8]/g},{base:"M",letters:/[\u004D\u24C2\uFF2D\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u2C6E\u019C]/g},{base:"N",letters:/[\u004E\u24C3\uFF2E\u01F8\u0143\u00D1\u1E44\u0147\u1E46\u0145\u1E4A\u1E48\u0220\u019D\uA790\uA7A4]/g},{base:"NJ",letters:/[\u01CA]/g},{base:"Nj",letters:/[\u01CB]/g},{base:"O",letters:/[\u004F\u24C4\uFF2F\u00D2\u00D3\u00D4\u1ED2\u1ED0\u1ED6\u1ED4\u00D5\u1E4C\u022C\u1E4E\u014C\u1E50\u1E52\u014E\u022E\u0230\u00D6\u022A\u1ECE\u0150\u01D1\u020C\u020E\u01A0\u1EDC\u1EDA\u1EE0\u1EDE\u1EE2\u1ECC\u1ED8\u01EA\u01EC\u00D8\u01FE\u0186\u019F\uA74A\uA74C]/g},{base:"OI",letters:/[\u01A2]/g},{base:"OO",letters:/[\uA74E]/g},{base:"OU",letters:/[\u0222]/g},{base:"P",letters:/[\u0050\u24C5\uFF30\u1E54\u1E56\u01A4\u2C63\uA750\uA752\uA754]/g},{base:"Q",letters:/[\u0051\u24C6\uFF31\uA756\uA758\u024A]/g},{base:"R",letters:/[\u0052\u24C7\uFF32\u0154\u1E58\u0158\u0210\u0212\u1E5A\u1E5C\u0156\u1E5E\u024C\u2C64\uA75A\uA7A6\uA782]/g},{base:"S",letters:/[\u0053\u24C8\uFF33\u1E9E\u015A\u1E64\u015C\u1E60\u0160\u1E66\u1E62\u1E68\u0218\u015E\u2C7E\uA7A8\uA784]/g},{base:"T",letters:/[\u0054\u24C9\uFF34\u1E6A\u0164\u1E6C\u021A\u0162\u1E70\u1E6E\u0166\u01AC\u01AE\u023E\uA786]/g},{base:"TZ",letters:/[\uA728]/g},{base:"U",letters:/[\u0055\u24CA\uFF35\u00D9\u00DA\u00DB\u0168\u1E78\u016A\u1E7A\u016C\u00DC\u01DB\u01D7\u01D5\u01D9\u1EE6\u016E\u0170\u01D3\u0214\u0216\u01AF\u1EEA\u1EE8\u1EEE\u1EEC\u1EF0\u1EE4\u1E72\u0172\u1E76\u1E74\u0244]/g},{base:"V",letters:/[\u0056\u24CB\uFF36\u1E7C\u1E7E\u01B2\uA75E\u0245]/g},{base:"VY",letters:/[\uA760]/g},{base:"W",letters:/[\u0057\u24CC\uFF37\u1E80\u1E82\u0174\u1E86\u1E84\u1E88\u2C72]/g},{base:"X",letters:/[\u0058\u24CD\uFF38\u1E8A\u1E8C]/g},{base:"Y",letters:/[\u0059\u24CE\uFF39\u1EF2\u00DD\u0176\u1EF8\u0232\u1E8E\u0178\u1EF6\u1EF4\u01B3\u024E\u1EFE]/g},{base:"Z",letters:/[\u005A\u24CF\uFF3A\u0179\u1E90\u017B\u017D\u1E92\u1E94\u01B5\u0224\u2C7F\u2C6B\uA762]/g},{base:"a",letters:/[\u0061\u24D0\uFF41\u1E9A\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u1EA7\u1EA5\u1EAB\u1EA9\u00E3\u0101\u0103\u1EB1\u1EAF\u1EB5\u1EB3\u0227\u01E1\u00E4\u01DF\u1EA3\u00E5\u01FB\u01CE\u0201\u0203\u1EA1\u1EAD\u1EB7\u1E01\u0105\u2C65\u0250]/g},{base:"aa",letters:/[\uA733]/g},{base:"ae",letters:/[\u00E6\u01FD\u01E3]/g},{base:"ao",letters:/[\uA735]/g},{base:"au",letters:/[\uA737]/g},{base:"av",letters:/[\uA739\uA73B]/g},{base:"ay",letters:/[\uA73D]/g},{base:"b",letters:/[\u0062\u24D1\uFF42\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u0180\u0183\u0253]/g},{base:"c",letters:/[\u0063\u24D2\uFF43\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u00E7\u1E09\u0188\u023C\uA73F\u2184]/g},{base:"d",letters:/[\u0064\u24D3\uFF44\u1E0B\u010F\u1E0D\u1E11\u1E13\u1E0F\u0111\u018C\u0256\u0257\uA77A]/g},{base:"dz",letters:/[\u01F3\u01C6]/g},{base:"e",letters:/[\u0065\u24D4\uFF45\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u1EC1\u1EBF\u1EC5\u1EC3\u1EBD\u0113\u1E15\u1E17\u0115\u0117\u00EB\u1EBB\u011B\u0205\u0207\u1EB9\u1EC7\u0229\u1E1D\u0119\u1E19\u1E1B\u0247\u025B\u01DD]/g},{base:"f",letters:/[\u0066\u24D5\uFF46\u1E1F\u0192\uA77C]/g},{base:"g",letters:/[\u0067\u24D6\uFF47\u01F5\u011D\u1E21\u011F\u0121\u01E7\u0123\u01E5\u0260\uA7A1\u1D79\uA77F]/g},{base:"h",letters:/[\u0068\u24D7\uFF48\u0125\u1E23\u1E27\u021F\u1E25\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E96\u0127\u2C68\u2C76\u0265]/g},{base:"hv",letters:/[\u0195]/g},{ba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