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Next14 CMP for iOS


The Next14 CMP SDK requires a deployment target of iOS 11.0 or higher. following architectures are supported: arm64 for devices, i386 and x86_64 for the iOS Simulator. Bitcode is also supported.


  1. Add the following to your Podfile:
  pod 'Next14CMP', '~> 2.0.0'
  1. Install pod by running the following command in the directory with the Podfile:
$ pod install

More on CocoaPods here.

How to use


The Next14 CMP SDK need to retrieves configurations at startup which contains all the data needed to present the consent screen to the user.

The initialization is done via the start method.

  CMP.shared.start(apiKey: "<YOUR API KEY>", settings: customSettings) { result in 
    if case .success(_) = result {
      print("Configurations downloaded successfully")


Parameter Description Required
apiKey The application unique identifier on the CMP platform Yes
settings Additional settings to customize the SDK behaviour No


Parameter Description Default
consentPreferenceValidityDays the number of days since the last time the user has given consent, after which the request for consent is presented again to the user 180

Display Consent Screen

After the SDK has been initialized, the application should call the shouldPresentCMP method to check if the consent screen need to be displayed to the user, and if so it should call the present method.

The present method takes an optional onComplete: callback that will be invoked when the user has expressed his consent and the consent UI has been fully dismissed.

  if (CMP.shared.shouldPresentCMP()) {
      CMP.shared.present(from: self) {
          // The user has expressed his consent

CMPSdk.present Parameters

Parameter Description Required
from The presenting UIVieController Yes
gdprApplies whether the GDPR applies to the current user or not No
onComplete an optional callback to be notified when the consent screen is closed No