Author: Jim Hester Created: 2013 Apr 02 03:17:40 PM Last Modified: 2013 May 30 02:47:06 PM
A skeleton R analysis framework for use with knitr and git.
I like to abide by these guidelines to keep things organized.
- try to commit changes regularly!
- make a tag of the state if you send a plot/analysis to someone!
- all input data does in data/
- all intermediate files go in tmp/
- all tabulated,count,stat files go in output/
- any complied source code is put in src/, R code in R/ scripts in exec/
- each major task is split into a separate Rmd file and placed in the base directory
- every Rmd file is added as a child document to the full_report.Rmd
- I generally cache all my Rmd chunks, but to be safe set eval=F for very long running jobs after they have been run in case the cache is invalidated accidentally.
- For nice styled reports that work well with this framework see knitr_bootstrap.