Different tools processing and analsysis of TAG based TTS data generated from Spatial Transcriptomics datasets.
The package is compatible with the output format of the data generated with the ST Pipeline (https://github.com/SpatialTranscriptomicsResearch/st_pipeline).
MIT License, see LICENSE file.
See AUTHORS file.
For bugs, feedback or help you can contact Jose Fernandez Navarro jose.fernandez.navarro@scilifelab.se
To install the ST TS packate just clone or download the repository, cd into the cloned folder and type:
python setup.py install
A bunch of scripts will then be available in your system. Note that you can always type script_name.py --help to get more information about how the script works.
The ST TS package depends on paraclu (link) which you can find in ext/paraclu (link) with instructions on how to install it but basically you need to:
cd ext/paraclu
sudo cp paraclu /usr/local/bin
sudo cp paraclu-cut.sh /usr/local/bin
compute_st_ts.py --min-data-value 20 --max-cluster-size 200 --output peaks.txt st_data.bed
tag_clusters_to_matrix.py peaks.txt st_data.bed