% The code is provided for educational/researrch purpose only. % If you find the software useful, please consider cite our paper. % % Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Visual Tracking % Chao Ma, Jia-Bin Huang, Xiaokang Yang, and Ming-Hsuan Yang % IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2015 % % Contact: % Chao Ma (chaoma99@gmail.com), or % Jia-Bin Huang (jbhuang1@illinois.edu). addpath('utility','model','cf_scale','external/matconvnet/matlab'); vl_setupnn(); % Note that the default setting does not enable GPU % TO ENABLE GPU, recompile the MatConvNet toolbox vl_compilenn(); run_tracker('MotorRolling', 1, 1);