Quick Start · Example · Command Help · npm · License
TSBB is a CLI tool that enables the development, testing, and publishing of modern TypeScript Node.js projects with zero configuration needed.
TypeScript + Babel
- 🔥 Single dependency zero-configuration
- ⏱ Quick initialization of example projects and entering development mode
- ♻️ Automatic recompilation of code when files are added, modified, or removed
- 📚 Readable source code that encourages learning and contribution
- 🚀 Faster compilation speeds
- ⚛️ Support for React and Vue 3 component compilation
- ⛑ Jest test runner setup with defaults of
tsbb test
You will need Node.js
installed on your system.
$ yarn create tsbb [appName]
# or npm
$ npm create tsbb@latest my-app -- -e express
# --- Example name ------┴ˇˇˇˇˇ
# or npx
$ npx create-tsbb@latest my-app -e koa
# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
$ npm init tsbb my-app -- --example typenexus
# npm 6.x
$ npm init tsbb my-app --example typenexus
$ cd my-project
$ npm run watch # Listen compile .ts files.
$ npm run build # compile .ts files.
$ npm start
create-tsbb initialize the project from one of the examples:
$ npx create-tsbb my-app -e <Example Name>
# --- E.g: ----------------┴ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ
# npx create-tsbb my-app -e Basic
You can download the following examples directly. Download page.
- The Node.js base application example.Express
- The Express base application example.TypeNexus
- The Express & TypeORM base application example.Koa
- The Koa base application example.Hapi
- The Hapi base application example.react-component
- The react component base application example.react-component-tsx
- The react component and website base application example.transform-typescript
- Reconfigure the babel configuration example.umd
- umd bundle example.vue 3
- To add Vue JSX support.
To configure the tsconfig.json
properly, you must first define either the include
or files
field(s) to specify which files need to be compiled. Once you've done that, you can then specify the outDir
for the output directory in the configuration.
"$schema": "http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "esnext",
"outDir": "./lib",
"strict": true,
"skipLibCheck": true
"include": ["src/**/*"],
"exclude": [
After completing tsconfig.jso
configuration, you can configure scripts in package.json
"scripts": {
"watch": "tsbb watch",
"build": "tsbb build"
"devDependencies": {
"tsbb": "*"
Adding the parameter --use-babel
to your project enables babel to compile and output cjs
files simultaneously, while ts
is only needed for type output.
$ tsbb build "src/*ts" --use-babel
You can change the built-in settings of Babel by adding a .babelrc
configuration file. Additionally, you can modify the Babel configurations for esm
and cjs
separately through environment variables. Please refer to the example below:
"env": {
"cjs": {
"presets": ["@babel/preset-typescript"]
"esm": {
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env", {
"modules": false,
"loose": true,
"targets": {
"esmodules": true,
At compile time, specify the environment variable --envName='xxx'
to enable reading of relevant configurations from the settings. This environment variable can also be customized.
"env": {
"xxx": { ... }
Below is a help of commands you might find useful.
▶ tsbb --help
Usage: tsbb <command>
tsbb build [source…] [options] Build your project once and exit.
tsbb watch [source…] [options] Recompile files on changes.
tsbb test [options] Run jest test runner in watch mode.
--use-babel Use Babel.(works in babel)
--source-maps Enables the generation of sourcemap files.(works in babel)
--env-name The current active environment used during configuration loading.(works in babel)
--esm Output "esm" directory.(works in babel)
--cjs Output "cjs" directory.(works in babel)
--version, -v Show version number
--help, -h Show help
$ tsbb build src/*.ts Build your project.
$ tsbb build src/main.ts src/good.ts Specify the entry directory.
$ tsbb build src/*.ts --use-babel --no-source-maps No ".js.map" file is generated. (works in babel)
$ tsbb watch src/*.ts --use-babel --cjs ./cjs Watch Output directory.
$ tsbb build src/*.ts --use-babel --esm ./es Output directory.
$ tsbb build src/*.ts --use-babel --use-vue To add Vue JSX support.
$ tsbb test Run test suites related
$ tsbb test --coverage --bail Test coverage information should be collected
Copyright 2023
Please use create-tsbb to create an example.
Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode.
$ tsbb test Run test suites related
$ tsbb test --coverage --no-color Test coverage information should be collected
export declare type Argv = Arguments<Partial<{
all: boolean;
automock: boolean;
bail: boolean | number;
cache: boolean;
cacheDirectory: string;
changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
changedSince: string;
ci: boolean;
clearCache: boolean;
clearMocks: boolean;
collectCoverage: boolean;
collectCoverageFrom: string;
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: Array<string>;
color: boolean;
colors: boolean;
config: string;
coverage: boolean;
coverageDirectory: string;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
coverageReporters: Array<string>;
coverageThreshold: string;
debug: boolean;
env: string;
expand: boolean;
findRelatedTests: boolean;
forceExit: boolean;
globals: string;
globalSetup: string | null | undefined;
globalTeardown: string | null | undefined;
haste: string;
init: boolean;
injectGlobals: boolean;
json: boolean;
lastCommit: boolean;
logHeapUsage: boolean;
maxWorkers: number | string;
moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
moduleNameMapper: string;
modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
modulePaths: Array<string>;
noStackTrace: boolean;
notify: boolean;
notifyMode: string;
onlyChanged: boolean;
onlyFailures: boolean;
outputFile: string;
preset: string | null | undefined;
projects: Array<string>;
prettierPath: string | null | undefined;
resetMocks: boolean;
resetModules: boolean;
resolver: string | null | undefined;
restoreMocks: boolean;
rootDir: string;
roots: Array<string>;
runInBand: boolean;
selectProjects: Array<string>;
setupFiles: Array<string>;
setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<string>;
showConfig: boolean;
silent: boolean;
snapshotSerializers: Array<string>;
testEnvironment: string;
testFailureExitCode: string | null | undefined;
testMatch: Array<string>;
testNamePattern: string;
testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
testPathPattern: Array<string>;
testRegex: string | Array<string>;
testResultsProcessor: string;
testRunner: string;
testSequencer: string;
testURL: string;
testTimeout: number | null | undefined;
timers: string;
transform: string;
transformIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
unmockedModulePathPatterns: Array<string> | null | undefined;
updateSnapshot: boolean;
useStderr: boolean;
verbose: boolean;
version: boolean;
watch: boolean;
watchAll: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
$ npm i
$ npm run build
As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!
Made with github-action-contributors.
MIT © Kenny Wong