Hi 👋 , I am a Software Developer currently developing products for Optical Automation, LLC. Specifically I use Next.js and Tailwindcss, and MongoDB to make our products. Generally I started with industry MERN React.JS full stack information technology by MongoDB, Express.JS, React.JS, and Node.JS technology. Today I only use Next.js for exciting people oriented website networks. This technology is performant, the fastest responding website technology available. I deploy websites using Microsoft Visual Code, Github, Netlify, and Vercel technologies.
Here are places to look at regarding me and my information:
- 🔭 , I’m currently working on a five website network for consumers and people information by Next.JS.
- 🌱 , I’m currently learn and master Next.JS, Tailwindcss, and MongoDB database
- 👯 , I’m looking to collaborate on Next.JS project
- 🤔 , I’m looking for Next.JS efficient design and deployment solutions.
- 💬 , Ask me about creating a website for your and your business.
- 📫 , How to reach me: email, Facebook, Twitter, and more . . .
- 😄 , Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ , My Fun facts: I am a people watcher. I enjoy people and conversation, looking at people at the beach. I enjoy using my computer,
- ⚡ digital camera, photography and writing software. I create product videos, watch movies, listen to music, and dine at fine places.
🏡 website | 🐦 twitter | 📺 youtube | 📷 instagram | 👔 linkedin | 🏡 Patreon |