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DAGLIB is a modern Fortran module for creating and manipulating directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It includes a toposort feature, and also the ability to generate files in the GraphViz "dot" notation.


A Fortran Package Manager manifest file is included, so that the library and tests cases can be compiled with FPM. For example:

fpm build --profile release
fpm test --profile release

By default, the library is built with single precision (int32) integer values. Explicitly specifying the integer kind can be done using the following processor flag:

Preprocessor flag Kind Number of bytes
INT8 integer(kind=int8) 1
INT16 integer(kind=int16) 2
INT32 integer(kind=int32) 4
INT64 integer(kind=int64) 8

For example, to build a long integer version of the library:

fpm build --profile release --flag "-DINT64"


A simple example is shown below:

program dag_example

    use dag_module

    implicit none

    type(dag) :: d
    integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: order
    integer :: istat
    integer :: i

    integer,parameter :: n_nodes = 6
    character(len=*),parameter :: filetype = 'pdf'

    ! create a dag:

    call d%set_vertices(n_nodes)
    call d%set_edges(2,[1])     ! 2 depends on 1
    call d%set_edges(3,[5,1])   ! 3 depends on 5 and 1
    call d%set_edges(4,[5])     ! 4 depends on 5
    call d%set_edges(5,[2])     ! 5 depends on 2
    call d%set_edges(6,[2,4])   ! 6 depends on 2 and 4

    ! toposort:

    call d%toposort(order,istat)

    ! define some styles for the GraphViz output:

    do i = 1, n_nodes
        if (i==3 .or. i==6) then
            call d%set_vertex_info(i,attributes='shape=square,fillcolor="SlateGray1",style=filled')
            call d%set_vertex_info(i,attributes='shape=circle,fillcolor="cornsilk",style=filled')
        end if
    end do

    ! generate the GraphViz output:

    call d%save_digraph('','RL',300)
    call d%destroy()
    call execute_command_line('dot -Tpdf -o test.pdf')

end program dag_example

This program produces the toposort order:

 order = [1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6]

and the image file:



  • The API documentation for the current master branch can be found here. This is generated by processing the source files with FORD.


This library is released under a BSD-3 license.

See also

  • dag (a fork of this project)