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Daisuke Aritomo edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 4 revisions


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'itamae'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install itamae

Getting Started

Create a recipe file as recipe.rb:

package 'nginx' do
  action :install

service 'nginx' do
  action [:enable, :start]

And then execute itamae command to apply a recipe to a local machine.

$ itamae local recipe.rb
 INFO : Starting Itamae...
 INFO : Recipe: /home/user/recipe.rb
 INFO :    package[nginx]
 INFO :       action: install
 INFO :          installed will change from 'false' to 'true'
 INFO :    service[nginx]
 INFO :       action: enable
 INFO :       action: start

Or, you can apply a recipe to a remote machine by itamae ssh. Itamae can ask you for your sudo credentials if needed.

$ itamae ssh --host recipe.rb

You can also apply a recipe to Vagrant VM by itamae ssh --vagrant.

$ itamae ssh --vagrant --host vm_name recipe.rb

Built-in Help

You can see the help by executing itamae help.

$ itamae help
  itamae help [COMMAND]            # Describe available commands or one specific command
  itamae local RECIPE [RECIPE...]  # Run Itamae locally
  itamae ssh RECIPE [RECIPE...]    # Run Itamae via ssh
  itamae version                   # Print version

  -l, [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]
                               # Default: info
      [--color], [--no-color]
                               # Default: true

You can get available options of itamae local by executing itamae help local.

$ itamae help local
  itamae local RECIPE [RECIPE...]

      [--dot=PATH]                 # Only write dependency graph in DOT
  -j, [--node-json=NODE_JSON]
  -y, [--node-yaml=NODE_YAML]
  -n, [--dry-run], [--no-dry-run]
      [--ohai], [--no-ohai]
  -l, [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]
                                   # Default: info
      [--color], [--no-color]
                                   # Default: true

Run Itamae locally

You can get available options of itamae ssh by executing itamae help ssh.

$ itamae help ssh
  itamae ssh RECIPE [RECIPE...]

      [--dot=PATH]                           # Only write dependency graph in DOT
  -j, [--node-json=NODE_JSON]
  -y, [--node-yaml=NODE_YAML]
  -n, [--dry-run], [--no-dry-run]
  -h, [--host=HOST]
  -u, [--user=USER]
  -i, [--key=KEY]
  -p, [--port=N]
      [--ohai], [--no-ohai]
      [--vagrant], [--no-vagrant]
      [--ask-password], [--no-ask-password]
      [--sudo], [--no-sudo]
                                             # Default: true
  -l, [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]
                                             # Default: info
      [--color], [--no-color]
                                             # Default: true

Run Itamae via ssh

Further Information

You can find further information to use Itamae on Itamae Wiki.
