require 'rubygems' HEADER = /((^\s*\/\/.*\n)+)/ desc "rebuild the backbone-min.js files for distribution" task :build do begin require 'closure-compiler' rescue LoadError puts "closure-compiler not found.\nInstall it by running 'gem install closure-compiler'" exit end source = 'backbone.js' header = source.match(HEADER)'backbone-min.js', 'w+') do |file| file.write header[1].squeeze(' ') + end end desc "build the docco documentation" task :doc do check 'docco', 'docco', '' system 'docco backbone.js && docco examples/todos/todos.js examples/backbone-localstorage.js' end desc "run JavaScriptLint on the source" task :lint do check 'jsl', 'JavaScript Lint', '' system "jsl -nofilelisting -nologo -conf docs/jsl.conf -process backbone.js" end desc "test the CoffeeScript integration" task :test do check 'coffee', 'CoffeeScript', '' system "coffee test/*.coffee" end # Check for the existence of an executable. def check(exec, name, url) return unless `which #{exec}`.empty? puts "#{name} not found.\nInstall it from #{url}" exit end