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Erlang style reviewer core library.

This library includes the mechanism to apply rules to your code and their implementation.

Contact Us

For questions or general comments regarding the use of this library, please use our public hipchat room.

If you find any bugs or have a problem while using this library, please open an issue in this repo (or a pull request :)).

And you can check all of our open-source projects at

Contributing & Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug or want to contribute to this project please create an issue through the elvis repository. This is where all elvis related work is coordinated.


As a library

This library implements all the core functionality for the elvis command-line tool. For an example on how to use it please check that project.

Erlang Shell

After adding elvis_core as a dependency to your project and setting up its configuration, you can run it from an Erlang shell in the following two ways.

%%+ # src/elvis_core.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_result.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_style.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_utils.erl [OK]
%%= ok

This will try to load the configuration for elvis_core specified in an elvis.config located in the current directory. If no configuration is found invalid_config will be thrown.

To start the application in the shell enter the following command:

%%= ok

Another option for using elvis_core from the shell is explicitly providing a configuration as an argument to rock/1:

Config = [#{dirs => ["src"], filter => "*.erl", rules => []}],
%%+ # src/elvis_core.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_result.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_style.erl [OK]
%%+ # src/elvis_utils.erl [OK]
%%= ok

IMPORTANT: Config should have a valid format, but since this is a project under development the definition for valid format is still a work in progress. If the configuration format changes though, the example configuration files and the documentation in this README will be updated.

We have only presented results where all files were well-behaved (respect all the rules), so here's an example of how it looks when files break some of the rules:

# ../../test/examples/fail_line_length.erl [FAIL]
  - line_length
    - Line 14 is too long: "    io:format(\"This line is 81 characters long and should be detected, yeah!!!\").".
    - Line 20 is too long: "    io:format(\"This line is 90 characters long and should be detected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\").".
# ../../test/examples/fail_no_tabs.erl [FAIL]
  - no_tabs
    - Line 6 has a tab at column 0.
    - Line 15 has a tab at column 0.
# ../../test/examples/small.erl [OK]


To provide a default configuration you should create an elvis.config file located in the root directory:

     [#{dirs => ["src", "test"],
        filter => "*.erl",
        rules => [{elvis_style, line_length, #{limit => 80}},
                  {elvis_style, no_tabs},
                  {elvis_style, no_trailing_whitespace},
                  {elvis_style, macro_names},
                  {elvis_style, macro_module_names},
                  {elvis_style, operator_spaces, #{rules => [{right, ","},
                                                             {right, "++"},
                                                             {left, "++"}]}
      #{dirs => ["."],
        filter => "Makefile",
        rules => [{elvis_project, no_deps_master_erlang_mk, #{ignore => []}},
                  {elvis_project, protocol_for_deps_erlang_mk, #{ignore => []}}]
      #{dirs => ["."],
        filter => "rebar.config",
        rules => [{elvis_project, no_deps_master_rebar, #{ignore => []}},
                  {elvis_project, protocol_for_deps_rebar, #{ignore => []}}]
    %% Optional to select the output format, the default is colors
    {output_format, plain},
    %% Only necessary for the 'webhook' functionality
    {github_user, "user"},
    {github_password, "password"}

The dirs key is a list that indicates where elvis should look for the files that match filter, which will be run through each of the rules specified by the rules entry, which is a list of items with the following structure {Module, Function, RuleConfig} or {Module, Function} if the rule takes no configuration values.

The implementation of a rule is just a function that takes 3 arguments: elvis's config entry from its configuration; the file to be analyzed; and a configuration map specified for the rule. This means you can define rules of your own as long as the functions that implement them respect this arity.

There's currently no default configuration for elvis, but in the meantime you can take the one in config/elvis.config as a starting point.

The GitHub configuration parameters github_user and github_password are required only when elvis is used as a webhook.

Implemented Rules

A reference of all rules implemented in Elvis can be found in this wiki page: Rules.


Inspired by HoundCI