This tool permit you to export from a Sketch document a list of Design Tokens compatible with Amazon Style Dictionary
A design-tokens.json
file compatible with Amazon Style Dictionary will be created on your Desktop.
The code extracts from your defined Sketch document all your Color Variable, Layer Styles and Text Styles.
It also add some extra layer of Design Tokens, such as:
- Shadows
- Font Families
- Font Sizes
- Font Weights
- Text Alignments
- Border Positions
Each Design Token Layer is then used when requested in your Text and Layer styles.
All the references to an existent token is defined with a $
For example:
"layer-styles": {
"icons": {
"dark": {
"background-color": {
"value": ""
refers to a previously generated Color Token defined into the colors
section like:
"colors": {
"black": {
"value": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
The script load by default the testKit.sketch
It is possible to analyze any Sketch document via parameter (npm start path_to_file
) or by placing a document named Tokens.sketch
in your Desktop folder.
Thanks to Ale Munoz and Francesco Bertocci for all their support 🙏
Optional, if you use nvm
(highly recommended):
nvm install 17.8.0
nvm use # if you're using Codespaces, you'll need to run `nvm use --delete-prefix`
Install all the dependencies:
npm install
and run the project:
npm start