% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tag_smartly.R \name{check_model} \alias{check_model} \title{Check model performance} \usage{ check_model(mod, indices, tags, modfam, xdat, cutoff) } \arguments{ \item{mod}{a glmnet model} \item{indices}{a numeric vector of documents belonging to a subset used to fit the model} \item{tags}{a character vector of document classifications or tags for documents at indices} \item{modfam}{a string of length 1; options are "binomial" or "multinomial"} \item{xdat}{a sparse document-feature matrix of class ngCMatrix} \item{cutoff}{What probability should be used as a cutoff for topic classification? Options are proportions between 0-1, or NULL to find an optimal cutoff based on model accuracy.} } \value{ a vector containing the cutoff used and model accuracy at that cutoff } \description{ Given model inputs, checks model performance based on optimal or specified cutoff in classification probability }