[[installing-the-jboss-developer-studio]] Installing the JBoss Developer Studio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :data-uri: In this exercise we will learn how to install JBDS and configure to access the OpenShift instance. *Step 1: Download and install JBoss Studio* * Download the latest JBoss Developer studio from: http://www.jboss.org/products/devstudio/download image::jboss_install_1.png[image] image::jboss_install_2.png[image] *Step 2: Install OpenShift Plugin* * Open JBoss Studio. * Navigate to JBoss Central and select "Software/Update" tab * Look for the OpenShift v3 tools * Select it and install. Accept license agreement. It may warn you about unsigned content. Ignore it. image::jboss_install_3.png[image] image::jboss_install_4.png[image] *Step 3: Configure OpenShift v3 Plugin* * At the bottom of your IDE, expand the OpenShift explorer panel. * Add a new connection. * From the “Server type” dropdown box, select OpenShift 3. * For the Server URL, ensure you add port 8443 if you are not using the default server FQDN. * Select the authentication mechanism. * Provide the username and password. * Click Finish image::jboss_install_5.png[image] image::jboss_install_6.jpg[image] image::jboss_install_6a.jpg[image] *Step 4: Verify your connection* * At this point, you will be able to see any existing projects for which the provider username and password have access to. * You can also see a number of types, such as deployment configurations, services routes, etc under OpenShift Explorer image::jboss_install_7.jpg[image] *Step 5: Create a OpenShift Application* * Go to JBoss Studio, right click on the OpenShift connection --> select New --> select project * Enter javatest as the new of the project. * From the JBoss Studio menu, Select File --> New --> OpenShift Application * Make sure the information is correct and enter username and password * Click next. image::jboss_install8.jpg[image] * Select the newly created project from the project dropdown list * Select the eap64-basic-s2i template from the list * Click Next image::jboss_install_9.jpg[image] * Select Parameters listed below and enter the values ** APPLICATION_DOMAIN:mytestapp-javatest-userxx.{{APPS_ADDRESS}} ** APPLICATION_NAME:mytestapp ** CONTEXT_DIR: ** SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF: ** SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL: https://github.com/RedHatWorkshops/kitchensink * Then, click edit to update the values of the parameters. * Click ok after update each parameter. * Click Next after updating all the parameters * Click Finish. image::jboss_install_10.jpg[image] * Click OK image::jboss_install_11.jpg[image] * Click Finish image::jboss_install_12.jpg[image] * Review the status under OpenShift Explorer image::jboss_install_13.jpg[image]