'MessageReplyStoryHeader' object has no attribute 'forum_topic' #22
- I am sure the error is coming from Hydrogram's code and not elsewhere
- I have searched in the issue tracker for similar bug reports, including closed ones
- I ran
pip3 install -U https://github.com/hydrogram/hydrogram/archive/dev.zip
and reproduced the issue using the latest development version
When I trying to get messages history, if message contain reply_to field with reference to MessageReplyStoryHeader, it cause an error 'MessageReplyStoryHeader' object has no attribute 'forum_topic'
Steps to reproduce
- Init hydrogram Client
- Try to load chat messages history
- If message object have reply_to field with reference to MessageReplyStoryHeader, you catch has no attribute 'forum_topic' error
Code example
from hydrogram import Client
async with Client('login', session_string=session_string, in_memory=True) as app:
async for message in app.get_chat_history(dialog.chat.id):
AttributeError: 'MessageReplyStoryHeader' object has no attribute 'forum_topic'
File "telegram/tasks.py", line 683, in get_dialogs
async for message in app.get_chat_history(dialog.chat.id, limit=0):
File "hydrogram/methods/messages/get_chat_history.py", line 103, in get_chat_history
messages = await get_chunk(
File "hydrogram/methods/messages/get_chat_history.py", line 51, in get_chunk
return await utils.parse_messages(client, messages, replies=0)
File "hydrogram/utils.py", line 107, in parse_messages
parsed_messages = [
File "hydrogram/utils.py", line 108, in <listcomp>
await types.Message._parse(
File "hydrogram/types/messages_and_media/message.py", line 990, in _parse
if message.reply_to.forum_topic:
"message":"hydrogram.raw.types.Message(id=339206, peer_id=hydrogram.raw.types.PeerUser(user_id=5973756389), date=1695579441, message='Text message sample with reply to stories', out=False, mentioned=False, media_unread=False, silent=False, post=False, from_scheduled=False, legacy=False, edit_hide=False, pinned=False, noforwards=False, invert_media=False, reply_to=hydrogram.raw.types.MessageReplyStoryHeader(peer=hydrogram.raw.types.PeerUser(user_id=5204243573), story_id=105), entities=[], restriction_reason=[])"