from __future__ import annotations from importlib import resources from graphviz import Digraph from jinja2 import PackageLoader, Environment from fluentm.entities import ( Boundary, DataFlow ) SPACES = " " def renderDfd(graph: Digraph, title: str, outputDir: str): graph.render(f"{outputDir}/{title}-dfd", format="png", view=False) # print(graph) return f"{title}-dfd.png" def dfd(scenes: dict, title: str, dfdLabels=True, render=False, simplified=False): graph = Digraph(title) graph.attr(rankdir="LR", color="blue", fontname="Arial") graph.attr( "node", fontname="Arial", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="rounded", ) graph.attr("edge", fontname="Arial", fontsize="11") # This will break tests! clusterAttr = { "fontname": "Arial", "fontsize": "11", "color": "red", "style": "dashed", } boundaryClusters = {} # Track which nodes should be placed in which clusters but place neither until we've built the subgraph structure. placements = {} # Gather the boundaries and understand how they're nested (but don't nest the graphviz objects ,yet) # Graphviz subgraphs can't have nodes added, so you need to populate a graph with nodes first, then subgraph it under another graph for flow in scenes[title]: for e in (flow.pitcher, flow.catcher): if not in placements.keys(): if hasattr(e, "boundary"): ptr = e while hasattr(ptr, "boundary"): if not in boundaryClusters: boundaryClusters[] = Digraph( name=f"cluster_{}", graph_attr=clusterAttr | {"label":}, ) ptr = ptr.boundary placements[] = boundaryClusters[] else: placements[] = graph # Place nodes in Graphs, ready for subgraphing for n in placements: placements[n].node(n) # Subgraph the nodes for c in boundaryClusters: b = Boundary(c) # The boundary name if hasattr(b, "boundary"): boundaryClusters[].subgraph(boundaryClusters[c]) else: graph.subgraph(boundaryClusters[c]) # Add the edges if simplified is True: edges = ( {} ) # Map the edges and figure out if we need to be double or single ended for flow in scenes[title]: # This edge is -> # If we don't have this edge, first check to see if we have it the other way if (, not in edges and (,, ) not in edges: edges[(,] = "forward" elif (, not in edges and (,, ) in edges: edges[(,] = "both" for edge in edges: graph.edge(edge[0], edge[1], dir=edges[edge]) else: # simplified is False flowCounter = 1 for flow in scenes[title]: if dfdLabels is True: graph.edge(,, f"({flowCounter}) {}" ) else: graph.edge(,, f"({flowCounter})") flowCounter += 1 return graph def dataFlowTable(scenes: dict, key: str, images=False, outputDir=""): table = [] flowCounter = 1 for f in scenes[key]: row = { "Flow ID": flowCounter, "Pitcher":, "Catcher":, "Transport Chain": f.wrappedData.getTransportChain(), "Data": f.wrappedData.getNestedData(), } if images == True: # print(f.wrappedData.flatDotRecordString()) dfGraph = Digraph( filename=f"flow-{_safeFilename(key)}-{flowCounter}", directory=outputDir, graph_attr={ "fontsize": "11", "fontstyle": "Arial", "bgcolor": "transparent", }, node_attr={ "fontsize": "11", "fontstyle": "Arial", "shape": "plaintext", }, ) dfGraph.node( name="struct", shape="record", label=f.wrappedData.flatDotRecordString(), ) dfGraph.render(format="png") row["Image Source"] = f"flow-{_safeFilename(key)}-{flowCounter}.png" table.append(row) flowCounter += 1 return table def _mixinResponses(scenes, key): newFlows = [] for f in scenes[key]: newFlows.append(f) if hasattr( f, "response" ): # If there's a response, insert it as a new DataFlow object newFlows.append(DataFlow(f.catcher, f.pitcher, f.response)) scenes[key][:] = newFlows def _safeFilename(filename): return "".join( [c for c in filename if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c == " "] ).rstrip() def report(scenes: dict, outputDir: str, select=None, dfdLabels=True): if select is None: select = scenes.keys() for key in scenes.keys(): _mixinResponses(scenes, key) sceneReports = {} for key in select: graph = dfd(scenes, key, dfdLabels=dfdLabels) sceneReports[key] = { "graph": graph, "dfdImage": renderDfd(graph, key, outputDir=outputDir), "dataFlowTable": dataFlowTable( scenes, key, images=True, outputDir=outputDir ), } compoundFlows = [] for flow in scenes.values(): compoundFlows = compoundFlows + flow agg = dfd({"all": compoundFlows}, "all", simplified=True) aggDfd = { "graph": agg, "dfdImage": renderDfd(agg, "AggregatedDfd", outputDir=outputDir), } loader = PackageLoader("fluentm", "templates") env = Environment(loader=loader) template = env.get_template("report.html") with open(f"{outputDir}/ThreatModel.html", "w") as f: f.write( template.render( { "title": "Threat Models", "sceneReports": sceneReports, "aggregatedDfd": aggDfd, } ) )