# Read the glsl xhtml files and spit out some python code with all of the supported functions in a big list.
# make sure find_glsl.py has created the glsl doc directories
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import shared_glsl
import ntpath
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sl_extensions =[
'1', '2', '3', '4', 'Coarse', 'Fine', 'Snorm2x16', 'Snorm4x8', '2x16', '4x8', 'Offset', '2x16', '4x8',
#versions displayed in tables
version_check = ['','sl1.10' , 'sl1.20' , 'sl1.30' , 'sl1.40' , 'sl1.50' , 'sl3.30' , 'sl4.00' , 'sl4.10' ,'sl4.20' ,'sl4.30' ,'sl4.40' ,'sl4.50' ]
version_check_el = ['','el1.10' , 'el3.00' , 'el3.10' ]
#Get versions for GLSL
def get_versions( path_file ):
xtree = ET.parse(path_file)
element = xtree.find('.//div[@id="versions"]')
table = element[1][0][2]
test = '\u2714'; #this is the check symbol
versions = []
for x in range(1, 13):
text = table[0][x].text
if text == test:
return versions
#Get version for GLSL ES
def get_el_versions( path_file ):
xtree = ET.parse(path_file)
element = xtree.find('.//div[@id="versions"]')
table = element[1][0][2]
test = '\u2714'; #this is the check symbol
versions = []
for x in range(1, 4):
text = table[0][x].text
if text == test:
#print "got it in version " + version_check[x]
return versions
def test_extensions(gldir, command):
# See if removing an extension gives us a real entry
for extension in sl_extensions:
if command[-len(extension):] == extension:
command_file = shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command[0:-len(extension)])
if not command_file == False:
return command[0:-len(extension)]
return ""
def test_replacements(gldir, command):
command_docs = test_extensions(gldir, command)
if (len(command_docs)):
return command_docs
#GLSL ES tests
command_test = command.replace("", "x")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
#GLSL tests
command_test = command.replace("y", "x")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
for ext in sl_extensions:
command_test = command.replace("y", "x")
command_test = command_test.replace(ext, "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("U", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("u", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("imul", "umul")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
for ext in sl_extensions:
command_test = command.replace("S", "U")
command_test = command_test.replace(ext, "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
#I don't think we need anything under this part for GLSL
# Some commands need just a single letter removed
command_test = command.replace("I", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("L", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("Getn", "Get")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
if command_test != command:
test = test_extensions(gldir, command_test)
if len(test):
return test
command_test = command.replace("Readn", "Read")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
# Named commands are stored under their non-named equivalents
command_test = command.replace("NamedFramebuffer", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("NamedFramebuffer", "Buffer")
if command_test != command:
test = test_extensions(gldir, command_test)
if len(test):
return test
command_test = command.replace("Named", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
if command_test != command:
test = test_extensions(gldir, command_test)
if len(test):
return test
command_test = command.replace("Named", "").replace("Data", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("Named", "").replace("SubData", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("Texture", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("ArrayAttrib", "AttribArray")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("VertexArray", "Bind")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("Array", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("ArrayAttribI", "Attrib")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
command_test = command.replace("ArrayAttribL", "Attrib")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
# For glTextureBuffer -> glTexBuffer and glTextureBufferRange -> glTexBufferRange
command_test = command.replace("ture", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
if command_test != command:
return test_extensions(gldir, command_test)
command_test = command.replace("ByRegion", "")
if not shared_glsl.find_command_file(gldir, command_test) == False:
return command_test
return command
#glsl.xml contains only the list of commands
gltree = ET.parse('specs/glsl.xml')
glroot = gltree.getroot()
current_command_list = []
commads = glroot[1];
stored_version_commands = { '' : [ {'':''} ,] }
#load version keys
for x in version_check:
stored_version_commands[x] = [ {'':''} ,];
for x in version_check_el:
stored_version_commands[x] = [ {'':''} ,];
for command in commads:
if command.tag != 'command':
support_API = {'el3' , 'sl4' }
# go over all supported API
for api in support_API:
for command_name in current_command_list:
path_file = path+"/"+api+"/"+command_name+".xhtml"
versions = []
if api[0:2] == 'sl':
versions = get_versions(path_file)
if api[0:2] == 'el':
versions = get_el_versions(path_file)
for x in range(len(versions)):
stored_version_commands[versions[x]].append({command_name : command_name})
if os.path.exists(api):
test_extensions(api , command_name )
command_file = shared_glsl.find_command_file(api, command_name)
if command_file == False:
command_docs = test_replacements(api, command_name)
command_file = shared_glsl.find_command_file(api, command_docs)
if command_file == False:
print("No command docs file found for " + command_name + " (" + api + ")")
print(command_name + " does not exist")
#Todo: Skip ES errors for now
if api[0:2] != 'el':
versions = []
if api[0:2] == 'sl':
versions = get_versions(path+"/"+api+"/"+command_docs+".xhtml")
if api[0:2] == 'el':
versions = get_el_versions(path+"/"+api+"/"+command_docs+".xhtml")
for x in range(len(versions)):
stored_version_commands[versions[x]].append({command_name : command_docs})
output = open("glsl_spec.py", "w")
output.write("version_commands = {\n")
for version in stored_version_commands:
if version == "":
#print version
output.write(" '" + version[0:5] + "': {\n")
for x in stored_version_commands[version]:
mstring = str(x)
mstring = mstring.replace("{" , "")
mstring = mstring.replace("}" , "")
if mstring == "'': ''":
output.write(" " +mstring+ ",\n")
output.write(" },\n")