create a little MockGitHub class for tests mocking out the github REST API #382
there's a few projects I'd really like a simple mock implementation of GitHub
for easier testing.
I'm fine with it being pretty basic (and defaulting to just not finding stuff ;) but if it was able to find users/orgs/repos/PRs and whatnot from in memory objects it'd be super handy.
I started a little spike using a real JAXRS server side and tried reusing the DTOs from this excellent library; but the way the DTOs work they are kinda hard wired into the Requestor; so figure it was maybe simplest to just add a little MockGitHub derived class. By barely changing the code I was able to get something basic going without breaking the GitHub
API or implementation.
I can submit a little PR to show you the kinda thing am thinking. Its kinda an extension of the offline
mode but just with a custom API that lets you populate some resources etc