A typical block saves its HTML markup directly into the database. But there are some use case when that's not possible, like Latest Posts block.
This is where Dynamic block comes in. It only saves the attribute into database and when the page loads, it renders the content via PHP.
A block is considered dynamic if the save()
function returns null like this:
edit() {
return 'something';
save() {
return null;
Now we need to specify how to render it in PHP:
register_block_type('my/block', [
'render_callback' => 'render_my_block',
function render_my_block($atts) {
// do something
return 'the HTML markup';
That's it. You can try var_dump($atts)
to see what's inside the attributes.
IMPORTANT: Default attributes won't appear in $atts
. This means you need to reassign default value like this:
function render_my_block($atts) {
$atts = wp_parse_args($atts, [
'att1' => 'default value 1',
'att2' => 'default value 2'
return 'the HTML markup';
If we have InnerBlocks, then our save function should return it's content like this:
// ES5
save: (props) => {
return el(InnerBlocks.Content);
// ESNext
save: (props) => {
return <InnerBlocks.Content />
Then it will be available as 2nd param of the render callback:
function render_my_block($atts, $inner_blocks) {
// do something
return 'the HTML markup';
Learn how to make a block where the HTML markup is dynamic like Latest Posts.
Learn how to do API Call
Create a block to show latest X posts of selected category. Use <select>
and <input type="number">
To make it dynamic, make save()
returns null.
Read the README in this repo's root folder.